2012/03/02: IWA Mid-South Have a Rotten Day
Bellevue Plaza in Bellevue, Illinois (United States of America)
1. Big Pappa vs. Jamie Eternal
2. 4-Way Elimination Match: Brandon Espinosa vs. Johnny Wisdom vs. Jonathan Napier vs.
Oliver Cain
3. Markus Crane vs. Necro Butcher
4. Hardcore Match: Ian Rotten vs. Joey Grunge
5. Adam Bueller vs. Jack Thriller
6. Corporal Robinson vs. Kongo Kong
7. 3-Way Match – IWA Mid-South Light Heavyweight Title Match: Bucky Collins (c) vs. Oliver
Cain vs. Scotty Vortekz
2012/04/13: IWA Mid-South/IWA Midwest Indymania
Bellevue Plaza in Bellevue, Illinois (United States of America)
1. Reverse Battle Royal: Big Pappa vs. ???
2. Justin Reno vs. Sea-Man
3. Eric Styles vs. Hollywood Prime
4. 10.000 Thumbtacks Match: Markus Crane vs. Neil Diamond Cutter
5. Joey Grunge and Axl Rotten vs. Ian Rotten and Serenity
6. Brandon Espinosa vs. Chase King
7. Kongo Kong vs. Stumpy
8. Christin Able vs. Ryan Phoenix
9. Jack Thriller vs. Jimmy Jacobs
10. IWA Mid-South Light Heavyweight Title Match: Bucky Collins vs. Oliver Cain (c)
11. Devin Cutter and Mason Cutter vs. MASADA and Drake Younger
2012/05/19: IWA Midsouth/IWA Midwest Misery in May
Bellevue Plaza in Bellevue, Illinois (United States of America)
1. Adam Bueller vs. Johnny Wisdom
2. Mason Cutter and Devin Cutter vs. Trevor Court and Kurt Styles
3. 3 on 1 Handicap Match: Sea-Man, Chase Matthews and Jeffery Dark vs. Kongo Kong
4. Joey Grunge and Bucky Collins vs. Ian Rotten and Oliver Cain
5. Drake Younger vs. Jack Thriller
6. No Ropes Barbed Wire Match: Ian Rotten vs. Matt Tremont