4-15-05 (DEBUT)
• 6-10-05
1 – Rick Steiner vs. Dr. Tom Prichard
2 – Wendell Cooley (Music Video)
3 – Classic Match: Adrian Street vs. Wendell Cooley
•June 11, 2005 – NWA Wrestle Birmingham TV Taping in Irondale, Albama before 600 fans: Brickhouse Brown vs. McNasty, Mike Jackson vs. [INSERT], Adrian Street vs. Jester McKain, Ricky Morton and Brad
Armstrong vs. Elix Skipper and River D’Angelo, Danny Fuller vs. Lash Leroux, Lee Thomas vs. Dennis Condrey in a lumberjack strap match, Tom Prichard and Assassin vs. Rowas Warrior Animal and Mike Jackson,
Robert Fuller and Jimmy Golden vs. Bullet and Scott Armstrong to win tag titles.
• 6-24-05
1 – Highlights from Last Week’s Tag Team Match
2 – McNasty vs. Brickhouse Brown
3 – Danny Fuller vs. Lash LeReaux
• 7-8-05
1 – Ricky Morton & Brad Armstrong vs. Elix Skipper & River D’Angelo (Continued)
2 – Road Warrior “Animal vs. Tom Prichard
3 – Classic Match: Wendell Cooley vs. Jo La Duc
•October 8, 2005 – NWA Birmingham before 400 fans: Sonny Siaki vs. The Wrestler, Mike Jackson and Tony LeDeaux vs. Alan Martin and Jimmy Powell by DQ, River D’Angelo vs Bill Franklin ended in a No Contest,
Sonny Siaki vs. Ranger Ross, Jimmy Powell vs. Brad Armstrong, McNasty vs. Bill Dundee, Steve Armstrong vs Elix Skipper ended in a draw, Roy Lee Welch vs. Dennis Condrey. They did a Birmingham Hall of Fame
ceremony for the Armstrong family, Tom Prichard, Robert Fuller, Jimmy Golden, Brickhouse Brown, Dr. Johnny Peeples, Roy Lee Welch, Great Kaiser, Wendell Cooley, Dennis Condrey, Mike Jackson, Tony LaDeaux,
Adrian Street, Miss Linda, Jimmy Powell, Michael St. John and Bill Dundee (who thought so highly of it that he already left and went home before the ceremony), Wendell Cooley vs Adrian Street ended in a No Contest,
Road Dogg vs. Tom Prichard to win the Alabama title, Bob Armstrong vs. Jimmy Golden in a Loser Leaves Town match with Jerry Stubbs as referee.
•December 29, 2005 – NWA Wrestle Birmingham in Birmingham, Alabama before 450 fans: The Wrestler (Ted Allen) vs. Chick Donovan (Junior Title Elimination Match), Mike Jackson vs. Kid Money (Junior Title
Elimination Match), David Young vs. Air Paris, Jimmy Powell w/Butcher vs. Scott Armstrong, Brickhouse Brown vs McNasty ended in a Double DQ, “Bullet” Bob Armstrong vs. Dennis Condrey (or was it a Double DQ
[INSERT]), Sonny Siaki and Elix Skipper w/Robert Fuller vs. The Naturals (Andy Douglas and Chase Stevens) to retain the NWA Wrestle Birmingham Tag Team titles, Jeff Jarrett vs. B.G. James by DQ to retain the NWA
World Heavyweight title.
•February 3, 2006 – NWA Wrestle Birmingham in Birmingham, Alabama: Mike Jackson vs. The Wrestler (Ted Allen) to become the first NWA Wrestle Birmingham Junior Heavyweight Champion, Adrian Street (65 years
old) w/Miss Linda vs. Chic Donovan (deep into his 50s), Scott Armstrong vs. The Butcher (Bobby Hayes), Bob Armstrong (66 years old) vs “Mr. Motivation” Jimmy Powell ended in a Double DQ, Jimmy Golden (as
Bunkhouse Buck) vs. McNasty by DQ, BG James vs. Dennis Condrey to retain the Alabama title, The Diamonds in the Rough (Elix Skipper and David Young) vs. The Naturals (Chase Stevens and Andy Douglas) to retain
the to retain the NWA Wrestle Birmingham Tag Team titles, Samoa Joe vs. A.J. Styles by Submission to retain the TNA X-Division title in a match that stole the show and had everyone going nuts from start to finish.
•March 11, 2006 – NWA Wrestle-Birmingham in Attalla, Alabama before 125 fans: Scott White vs. Johnny Slaughter, Bill Franklin vs. River D’Angelo, Bob and Scott Armstrong vs. Jimmy Powell and Butcher Hayes, Mike
Jackson vs. Chris Lee, McNasty (Robert Fuller and Daffney) vs. Lash Leroux.
•April 7, 2006 – NWA Wrestle-Birmingham in Birmingham, Alabama before 400 fans: Bubba Cagle and Bill Franklin vs. River D’Angelo and Will Owens, Scott Armstrong d Lash Leroux, Brad Armstrong vs. Butcher
Hayes, Jimmy Powell and McNasty vs. Bullet Bob Armstrong and Jimmy Golden, Dennis Condrey NC Lee Thomas (Condrey is a babyface here and the most over wrestler on the show and Thomas took a 15 foot drop
off a balcony), El Mexicano vs. Mike Jackson to win the jr. title with help from Daffney and Robert Fuller, New Age Outlaws vs. David Young and Elix Skipper-DQ, Samoa Joe vs. Christopher Daniels via choke.
•June 2, 2006 – NWA Wrestle Birmingham in Irondale, Alabama at the Zamora Temple before 350 fans: Mike Jackson vs. Patrick Bentley, Doug Gilbert vs. Adam Roberts, Adrian Street w/Miss Linda vs. “Wildthing” Will
Owens, Daffney w/Robert Fuller vs. El Mexicano to win the NWA-WB Junior title, Butcher Hayes vs. Loverboy, Ricky Morton vs. “Mr. Motivation” Jimmy Powell by DQ, McNasty w/Robert Fuller vs. Tommy Rich,
Dennis Condrey vs. Lash Leroux, Elix Skipper and David Young w/Robert Fuller vs. A.J. Steele and Cassidy Riley to retain the NWA Alabama Tag Team titles, B.G. James vs. Samoa Joe by DQ to retain the NWA
Alabama title.
•June 9, 2006 – NWA Wrestle Birmingham in Sheffield, Alabama: Mike Jackson vs. El Mexicano, Doug Gilbert vs. Will Owens, Ricky Morton vs. Jimmy Powell, Tommy Rich vs. McNasty-DQ, A.J. Steele and Inferno vs.
David Young and Powell, River D’Angelo vs Bill Franklin ended in a No Contest, “Lover Boy” Dennis Condrey vs. Jerry “The King” Lawler. Dennis Condrey is over huge as a middle-aged loner Steve Austin type.
•July 14, 2006 – NWA Wrestle Birmingham in Birmingham, Alabama before 400 fans: Bill Franklin vs. Rivers D’Angelo in a Street Fight, The Bullet (Bob Armstrong, replacing no-show Ricky Morton) vs. Jimmy Powell,
David Young and Elix Skipper vs. Brad Armstrong and Scott Armstrong by DQ, Daffney Unger w/Robert Fuller vs. Joe Hogan to retain the Junior title, Big Bully Douglas vs. Lash LeRoux, McNasty vs. B.G. James to win
the Alabama Heavyweight title, Dennis Condrey vs. Lee Thomas in a Loser Leaves Town match.
•July 21, 2006 – NWA Wrestle Birmingham in Graysville, Alabama: A.J. Steele and Scott White vs. Jay and John Slaughter, Jimmy Powell vs. River D’Angelo, Daffney w/Robert Fuller vs. Mike Jackson and Ultimate
Dragon in a 3-WAY, McNasty vs. Lash LeRoux, Daffney won Royal Rumble. Daffney is doing a Million Dollar Baby gimmick with Robert Fuller as Clint Eastwood constantly interfering.
•September 22, 2006 – NWA Wrestle Birmingham – A Night of Star Spangled Banners in Irondale, Alabama at the Zamora Temple before 300 fans: 10-Bell Salute to Ricky Gibson… River D’Angelo vs. El Mexicano,
“The Natural” Chase Stevens vs. “Tennessee Cowboy” James Storm, David Young and Elix Skipper vs. Scott White and Johnny Slaughter to retain the NWA Alabama Tag Team titles, Daffney w/Robert Fuller vs. Mike
Jackson by Countout to retain the NWA Alabama Junior title, Brad Armstrong w/Bob Armstrong vs. McNasty w/Robert Fuller by DQ (McNasty retains the NWA Alabama title), Dennis Condrey w/Jim Cornette vs. Jeff
Jarrett w/Ronnie P. Gossett by DQ (Jarrett retains NWA World title).
•February 9, 2007 – NWA Wrestle Birmingham in Birmingham, Alabama at the Zamora Shrine Temple before 450 fans: El Mexicano w/Gina vs. Joe Hogan, “Exotic” Adrian Street w/Miss Linda vs. Aeon Flexx (w/Marcel
Pringle and Ricky Roberts) to retain the European title, “Mad Dog” Dan Sawyer vs. Henry Hoss, Elix Skipper and David Young (w/Robert Fuller and Gina) vs. The Fire and The Flame w/Jimmy Powell to retain the NWA
Wrestle Birmingham Tag Team titles, “Wildfire” Tommy Rich vs. The Bullet (Bob Armstrong) in a “Loser Leaves Town” match, Dennis Condrey vs Brad Armstrong ended in a No Contest, Mike Jackson vs. Daffney
w/Robert Fuller by DQ (Daffney retains the NWA Wrestle Birmingham Junior title), “Cowboy” James Storm vs. Jake “The Snake” Roberts, B.G. James w/Eddie G. vs. McNasty w/Robert Fuller in an Alabama Street Fight
to win the NWA Alabama Heavyweight title.
•April 14, 2007 – NWA Wrestle Birmingham in Graysville, Alabama before at the Graysville Community Center 275 fans: Anton Leveigh vs. Brandon Barbwire after the Border Destroyer (version of Petey Williams’
Canadian Destroyer), “Mad Dog” Dan Sawyer vs. Jason Phoenix, Bambi vs. NWA Wrestle Birmingham Junior Champion Daffney in a Non-title match, Bill Franklin vs. River D’Angelo, The Bloodline (Michael Rayne and
Billy Blade) vs. Dog River Boys (Will Owens and Rick Roberts w/Marcel Pringle), Mike Jackson vs. Ultimate Dragon vs. El Mexicano ended in a No Contest, Dennis Condrey w/Jimmy Powell vs. Brad Armstrong to win
the NWA Wrestle-Birmingham Television title, McNasty vs. Bull Buchanan ended in a No Contest for the NWA Wrestle-Birmingham Heavyweight title.
•June 9, 2007 – NWA Wrestle Birmingham in Graysville, Alabama: Anton LaVeigh and Joe Hogan vs. Will Owens and Brandon Barbwrie Dan Sawer vs. Muddbone, Mike Jackson vs. Royal Canadian, Dog River Boys vs.
Bloodline, Dennis Condrey vs. Bob Armstrong, Bull Buchanan vs. McNasty ended in a No Contest in a Bullrope match.
•July 6, 2007 – NWA Wrestle Birmingham in Irondale, Alabama at the Zamora Shrine Temple before 300 fans: 10-bell Salute to Sherri Martel and Nancy Daus and her son Daniel – TNA’s Big Fat Oily Guy (Chase Dee)
worked as the ring announcer – “Mad Dog” Dan Sawyer vs. Brian Murdoch, “Exotic” Adrian Street w/Miss Linda vs. Ricky Roberts w/Marcel Pringle, Anton Leveigh vs. Brandon Barbwire, Dennis Condrey vs. Inhuman
Fly w/Eddie G., McNasty w/Robert Fuller vs. Bull Buchanan in a Lumberjack Strap match, Mike Jackson w/Bambi vs. Daffney Unger w/Robert Fuller to win the NWA Wrestle-Birmingham Junior title, Sonjay Dutt vs.
Scotty Blaze, Diamond’s in the Rough (David Young and Elix Skipper w/Robert Fuller and Gina) vs. Bloodline (Michael Rayne and Billy Blade) to retain the NWA Wrestle-Birmingham Tag Team titles, Samoa Joe vs. Rhino
by Submission in a #1 Contenders match for the Alabama title.
•March 1, 2008 – NWA Wrestle Birmingham – Unfinished Business in Graysville, Alabama at the Community Center: Dennis Condrey vs. Lee Thomas by DQ, Will Owens vs. [INSERT], Brickhouse Brown vs. McNasty,
Danny Fuller vs. [INSERT], Adrian Street vs. Ricky Roberts, Elix Skipper vs. Scotty Blaze, Mike Jackson vs. El Mexicano to win the NWA Wrestle-Birmingham Junior Heavyweight title but the referee reversed the
decision due to Marcel Pringle hitting Mexicano in the back without the referee or Mike jackson seeing it, The Thing vs. [INSERT].
•December 13, 2008 – Wrestle Birmingham in Graysville, Alabama at the Community Center: Joe Hogan and “Lil’ Mr. Kennedy” Bill Franklin beat “Iceman” J.J. Slash. The Dog River Boys beat The Heartbreak Express.
WB Junior Champion El Mexicano vs. Mike Jackson ended as a time limit draw. Dennis Condrey pinned Elix Skipper (with Robert Fuller) to win the vacated WB Heavyweight Title (The pin occurred after the referee got
bumped allowing Larry Lloyd to cram a hot dog into Skipper’s mouth). Buff Bagwell beat Sonny Siaki (with Robert Fuller) in a Jingle Bells match (Each man was seconded by a midget sitting on top of the turnbuckles with
jingle bells. When the midget thought his man could take no more, he would “throw in the towel” as it were, by ringing the jingle bells. Siaki turned on Lil’ Poppa Pump. Skipper attacked Bagwell. Condrey made the save to
set up Condrey and Bagwell vs. Stud’s Stable (Skipper and Siaki with Fuller).
•March 7, 2009 – Wrestle Birmingham in Graysville, Alabama at the Comm