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“I will forever be grateful to Vince McMahon” – WWE Hall Of Famer No Longer Thinks Vince Is A “Piece Of Sh*t”

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WWE Hall of Famer Goldberg has shared the heartfelt reason behind his eternal gratitude to Vince McMahon. Despite the ups and downs in their longstanding relationship, Goldberg’s appreciation stems from a deeply personal experience during his final WWE run.

The former World Heavyweight Champion’s last match took place in 2022 at the WWE Elimination Chamber premium live event in Saudi Arabia, where he faced Roman Reigns and suffered a defeat. Throughout this period, Goldberg’s son, Gage, became actively involved in some of his storylines, adding a poignant dimension to his career’s concluding chapter.

Speaking on Busted Open Radio, Goldberg reflected on the significance of ending his career in WWE with his son by his side. He emphasized how crucial it was for him to perform in front of his son and expressed his profound gratitude to Vince McMahon for making it possible.

Here’s what the WCW Legend said:

“It was integral in the cap of my career. I could talk on it for hours, but I never wanted to get my family involved, ever. That just wasn’t part of the Goldberg schtick.

I was an invincible, uncaring monster in the ring. But I never wanted to have that crutch. I never wanted to have it as a storyline until I retired for 15 years, and I wasn’t 300 pounds anymore, and I had to come back with some type of a crutch, some type of a bullseye that I hadn’t had before to overcompensate for something else.

So as a father, it was awesome. It was unbelievable. It’s like having your kid out after you won the Super Bowl hoisting the trophy with you. To have your family be part of it in such a special time, it’s something I will forever be grateful to Vince McMahon for.”

While Goldberg is grateful to McMahon in this interview, he called Vince a “piece of sh*t” in December 2023.

During an interview on the Steven & Captain Evil podcast, Goldberg called out McMahon for not delivering what he was promised – a proper retirement match:

“Vince is like Dana White. He’s the big boss and he makes everything happen, and in all honesty, he gave me the opportunity to put my wife and son on the front row and gave me the ability to perform again in front of them.

So, I owe him everything, until we went to Saudi Arabia and he asked me to put Roman Reigns over, and I had COVID.

I remember calling him from my house and said, ‘Listen, here is the deal. I’ll do it if you give me a retirement match’. I did what he asked.

As a performer, I was 56 years old. As a human being, you’re conscientious about how you look in a bathing suit, especially two months prior to being in that bathing suit, you couldn’t work out because you had COVID.

I put myself in a horribly sh*tty situation to get what I wanted to, but to satiate him and give him what he wanted. Problem is, he never held up his bargain. Vince is a piece of sh*t as far as I’m concerned.”

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