WWE News

WWE Is Looking To Open More Forbidden Doors

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Below are a couple of top WWE news stories of the day.

• WWE is set to broaden its global footprint by exploring new partnerships in Puerto Rico and Mexico, according to Lucha Libre Online. The company, known for its strategic alliances with top wrestling organizations in Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States, is now looking to establish similar relationships in these two Latin American countries.

WWE has recently approached several companies in Puerto Rico and Mexico with the intention of forming alliances akin to its existing partnerships with TNA, Pro Wrestling NOAH, and Marigold. If these negotiations are successful, it would be a significant boost for the chosen companies in both regions, providing them with increased visibility and resources.

Such partnerships would not only enhance WWE’s presence in these key markets but also offer local wrestling promotions a platform to showcase their talent on a global stage. The collaboration could lead to talent exchanges, co-branded events, and increased cross-promotion, benefitting both WWE and its new partners.

This move aligns with WWE’s strategy of fostering strong international relationships to expand its audience and influence in the professional wrestling industry. As WWE continues to build its global network, the potential partnerships in Puerto Rico and Mexico represent an exciting development for fans and wrestlers alike.

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• Chris Van Vliet appeared on The Undertaker’s Six Feet Under podcast and they talked about SmackDown Superstar Randy Orton.

Here’s what Chris said about The Viper:

“I’ve always loved Randy Orton. There’s something about the way that he works, the intensity that he brings. He makes it look so effortless. He’s my guy.”

The Phenom then said the following about his WrestleMania 21 opponent:

“He doesn’t have bad matches. He’s so much smarter now. He knows he needs to take care of himself so he doesn’t do anything that’s unnecessary, but it doesn’t affect the quality of his matches. A lot of people are getting the rub from Randy.”

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