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WWE News: WrestleMania 33 Main Event Being Saved With Brand Split? Bret Hart Blames WWE Officials For Cody Rhodes’ Departure, Official Cover of “ATTITUDE ERA Vol. 3 – Unreleased” Revealed

Roman Reigns vs. John Cena being planned for WrestleMania 33, Bret Hart blames WWE creative for Cody Rhodes' departure from WWE

1. Why John Cena & Roman Reigns Will Most Likely Be On Different Brands After WWE’s Brand Split

We reported yesterday that current plans are for the WWE World Heavyweight Champion Roman Reigns to be the top star of Raw and John Cena be the top star of SmackDown after the WWE Draft, which is rumored to take place on July 11th edition of WWE Raw.

WWE officials want Reigns and Cena to be on different rosters because they don’t want them to cross each other and get involved in a feud so soon. Officials are planning to save that match for next year’s WrestleMania 33.

Will this WrestleMania 33 plan is not fully set in place, as there is another match with Cena that Vince wants to book, and that would be against The Undertaker.

However, if Cena vs. Undertaker is not possible, then Cena vs. Reigns looks to be the backup plan for WrestleMania 33.

Would you like to see Roman Reigns defend the WWE World Heavyweight Championship against John Cena in the main event of WrestleMania 33? Comment below!



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