WWE News

Maryse Shares An Empowering Message With Her Latest Bikini Photo

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In February, former 2-time WWE Divas Champion Maryse revealed that she was diagnosed with a very rare pre-cancer of the ovaries.

She underwent surgery and is thankfully tumor free now. Below is what she posted after her surgery:

“As you know, 2 weeks ago I went in to surgery to have my ovaries/uterus/tubes/cervix/omentum removed. I also had staging (removal) of the lymph nodes in my abdomen to see if the disease had spread.

Pathology confirmed that it had not which is amazing news! More amazing news is that I am tumor free!

The diagnosis did confirm that I had Primary Peritoneal Serous Borderline Tumors with involvement of ovaries/uterus/tubes!

Just to give you an idea of the rarity – 7 cases per million of women in the US per year! The fact that we not only found this but found this at this manageable stage is unbelievable and literally saved my life as this would have most likely been lethal.

Next, I will continue to rest following my surgery and then will follow up with specialists at MD Anderson in Houston.

I can never say thank you enough to my doctor @drthaisaliabadi and her team! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!

I’m overwhelmed by the amount of support I’m getting from family, friends and fans all over the world! To all my women, please keep being your own advocate and trust yourself always!”

She also shared the following photo:

Maryse pre-cancer of the ovaries surgery March 2024

Fast forward a few months later, Maryse is now posing in bikinis again and has no problem in showing off her scars:

She shared the following message with the above photo:

“Show off your scars!

They show how resilient you are!

Every single one of them hold a powerful story!

They are a representation of things you have overcome!

Be proud

#warrior #women #health #strength”

MUST SEE: Maryse Suffers A Nip-Slip On RAW:

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