January 2, 1982
Host: Gordon Solie & Roddy Piper
Leroy Brown vs. Marvin Turner
Buzz Sawyer vs. Rick Thor
Paul Jones vs. Jim Vertaroso
Ron Bass vs. Vinnie Valentino
Jimmy Garvin vs. Ed Timbs
The Masked Superstar & the Super Destroyer vs. Mike Jackson & Josh Stroud
Dick Slater vs. Tony Valentino
Buzz Sawyer vs. Mike Jackson
Stan Hansen vs. Marvin Turner
Terry Funk & Dory Funk, Jr. vs. Tommy Rogers & El Gran Apollo
Ron Bass vs. Jim Vertaroso
Leroy Brown & Big Red vs. Ed Timbs & Rick Harris(Black Bart)
January 9, 1982
Host: Gordon Solie & Roddy Piper
Tommy Rich vs. Marvin Turner
Jimmy Garvin vs. Buck Brannigan
Masked Superstar vs. Vinne Valentino
Interview – Ric Flair
Mr. Wrestling ll vs Ed Timbs
Ron Bass vs. Tony Anthony
Buzz Sawyer & Ole Anderson vs. Archie William & El Gran Apollo
Bob & Brad Armstrong vs. Ricky Harris(Black Bart) & Buck Brannigan
Austin Idol vs. Archie Williams
Jimmy Garvin vs. Snake Brown
Video: The Great Kabuki
Kevin Sullivan vs. Tommy Rogers
Terry Taylor vs. Marvin Turner
The Masked Superstar & the Super Destroyer vs. Tony Anthony & El Gran Apollo
January 30, 1982
Host: Gordon Solie & Roddy Piper
Ron Fuller vs. Rick Harris(Black Bart)
Video : Ron Fuller working out
The Masked Superstar & the Super Destroyer vs. Don Gilbert & Jim Carlisle
From Florida : Jack & Jerry Brisco vs. John & Rick Davidson
Ron Bass vs. Jim Gallagher
Brad Armstrong & Jimmy Garvin vs. Kevin Sullivan & the French Angel
Roddy Piper/Bob Armstrong brawl
Ric Flair interview
Tommy Rich vs. Joe Powell
Les Thornton vs. Mike Jackson
Tape: Harley Race vs. Reggie Parks
Ric Flair vs. Rick Benefield
Jimmy Garvin vs. Chick Donovan
The Masker Superstar & Super Destroyer vs. Buck Brannigan & Rick Star
February 6, 1982
Jimmy Garvin vs. Bill White
Jim Crockett addresses Piper/Armstrong brawl from last week
Kevin Sullivan vs. Ken Hall
Ron Fuller vs. Steve Cybert
Blackjack Mulligan vs. Ed Timbs
Brad Armstrong vs. Ken Timbs
The Masked Superstar & The Super Destroyer vs. Tommy Rogers & Rick Connors
Ric Flair interview
Tommy Rich vs. Buzz Saywer
Tommy Rogers vs. Rick Starr
Ron Bass vs. Ken Hall
Les Thornton vs. Don Gilbert
Ron Fuller & Leroy Brown vs. Ed Timbs & Buck Brannigan
February 13, 1982
Kevin Sullivan vs. Tommy Rogers
Tommy Rich vs. Buck Brannigan
Gino Hernandez vs. Brad Armstrong
Tape: Jack & Jerry Brisco vs. Len Denton & Butch Bronson
Jimmy Garvin vs. Deke Rivers
The Masked Superstar & the Super Destroyer vs. Gerald Finley & Bruce Gallagher
Buzz Sawyer vs. Rusty Roberts
Brad Armstrong vs. Chick Donovan
Ron Bass vs. Ken Timbs
Jimmy Garvin vs. Rick Harris (Black Bart)
Kevin Sullivan vs. Rick Benefield
Tommy Rich vs. Rick Connors
February 20, 1982
Brad Armstrong vs. Rick Benefield
Kendo Stick Challenge: The Great Kabuki vs Tommy Rodgers
Tom Prichard vs. Chic Donovan
Gino Hernandez vs. Bobby Garrett
Jim Garvin. Rick Harris(Black Bart)
Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen vs. Jim Gallagher & Ed Timbs
Tommy Rich vs. Rick Harris(Black Bart)
Ron Bass vs. Jim Gallagher
Jimmy Garvin vs. Buzz Sawyer
Kelly Kiniski vs. Bobby Garrett
Kevin Sullivan vs. Allen Tupperello
Bob & Brad Armstrong vs. Rick Benefield & Chick Donovan
February 27, 1982
Tom Prichard vs. Mike Jackson
The French Angel vs. Ron Horn
Ron Fuller vs. Bobby Garrett
Rip Oliver & Buddy Rose vs. Ken Timbs & Tim Horner
Tape: The Giant Baba vs. King Curtis
Tape: Jack & Jerry Brisco vs. Hiro Matsuda & Mr. Pogo
Stan Hansen vs. Rick Thor
Jimmy Garvin vs. Bobby Garrett
Buzz Sawyer vs. Tim Horner
Les Thornton vs Brad Armstrong
Ricky Harris(Black Bart) vs. Ken Timbs
Kevin Sullivan & Ron Bass vs. Tom Prichard & Ron Horn
Rip Oliver & Buddy Rose vs. Mike Jackson & Rick Thor
March 13, 1982
From March 6th last week: Piper/Armstrong confrontation
Tommy Rogers vs. Rick Harris
Tom Prichard vs. Mike Miller
Jim Garvin vs. Tony Russo
Terry Funk, Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen vs. Ken Timbs, Jose Medina, & Cocoa Samoa
Brad Armstrong vs. Bobby Garrett
Tom Prichard vs. Tony Russo
The Great Kabuki vs. Ken Timbs
John Studd & The Super Destroyer vs. Mike Miller & Jose Medina
Les Thornton vs. Bobby Garrett
Tommy Rich vs. Rick Harris
Buzz Sawyer vs. Mani the Samoan
March 20, 1982
Tape: Kerry Von Erich vs. Larry Higgins
Tommy Rich vs. Mike Miller
Ron Bass vs. Mani the Samoan
Wahoo McDaniel vs. Rick Harris
Tape: Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen turn on Terry Funk
Tape: Sgt. Slaughter vs. Steve Muslin
Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen vs. Ken Timbs & Tim Horner
Dick Slater vs. Chick Donovan
Bob Armstrong vs. Rick Harris
Tape: The Great Kabuki vs. Ken Timbs
Wahoo McDaniel vs. Mike Miller
Ron Bass vs. Tai the Samoan
Dick Slater vs. Ed Timbs
Buzz Sawyer vs. Mani the Samoan
John Studd & the Super Destroyer vs. Tim Horner & Rick Thor
March 27, 1982
Tom Prichard vs. Mike Miller
Ron Bass vs. Bruce Gallagher
The Great Kabuki vs. Rick Thor
Buzz Sawyer vs. Rick Benefield
Tape: Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen vs. Terry Funk & Dusty Rhodes
Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen vs. The Samoans
Kevin Sullivan vs. Rick Thor
The Super Destroyer vs. Allen Tupperello
John Studd vs. Rick Benefield
The Great Kabuki vs. Bruce Gallagher
Bob & Brad Armstrong vs. Ed Timbs & Chick Donovan
May 22, 1982
Brad Armstrong vs. Pete Martin
Michael Hayes vs. Mike Fair
Buzz Sawyer vs. Tony Zane
Leroy Brown vs. Ken Timbs
Arm Wrestling Challenge –
Ric Flair vs Leroy Brown
Bob Armstrong & Kevin Sullivan vs. John Studd & Super Destroyer
Masked Superstar vs. David Jones
Tom Prichard vs. Pete Martin
John Studd & Super Destroyer vs. David Jones & El Mongol
Buzz Sawyer vs. Allen Tupperello
Chick Donovan vs. Tony Zane
Jerry Brisco vs. Tony Russo
Ray Stevens vs. Mike Jackson
The Wild Samoans vs. Mike Sharpe & Buddy Landell
July 3, 1982
The Wild Samoans vs. Mike Jackson & Randy Barber
Paul Orndorff vs. Carl Stiles
Don Muraco vs. Dale Veasey
Tommy Rich vs. Pete Martin
Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen vs. Tom Prichard & Jimmy Powell
Mr. Wrestling ll vs. Chick Donovan r
The Freebirds vs. Dale Veasey & Pete Martin
The Wild Samoans vs. Rick Thor & Tony Giancaro
Don Muraco vs. Randy Barber
Brad Armstrong vs. Chick Donovan
Tom Prichard vs. Mike Jackson
July 17, 1982
Masked Superstar vs. Terry Gibbs
Brad Armstrong is presented the”Rookie of the Year” Award
Don Muraco vs. Charlie White
Mr. Wrestling ll vs. Buzz Sawyer
The Freebirds vs. Rick Benefield & Chick Donovan
Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen vs. Tom James & Rick Thor
Paul Orndorff vs. Abdul Zataar
August 21, 1982
Tito Santana vs. Pete Martin
Don Muraco vs. Dale Veasey
Paul Orndorff vs. Super Destroyer
The Wild Samoans vs. Randy Barber & Charlie White
Matt Borne vs. Mike Jackson
Brad Armstrong vs. Abdul Zataar
Masked Superstar vs. Burrhead Jones
Buzz Sawyer vs. Charlie White
Ole Anderson vs. Bob Brown
The Freebirds vs. Ed Timbs & Chick Donovan
Strength Tests by The Iron Sheik
The Wild Samoans vs. Mike Jackson & Jimmy Powell
January 1, 1982 (Friday) – Columbus, GA – Columbus Municipal Auditorium (Fred Ward – Promoter / Georgia Championship
Wrestling) > Jimmy Garvin vs. the French Angel (02) > Terry Gordy and Mr. Wrestling #2 (01) . > National Tag Team Title
Match: Bob Armstrong & Brad Armstrong* vs. Ron Bass & Buzz Sawyer > Tommy Rich vs. the Great Kabuki (01) > No Disqualification
Match: the Masked Superstar & the Super Destroyer (01) vs. Leroy Brown & Big Red > Battle Royal: Jimmy Garvin (Winner) / Notes: It
was reported that the purse for the battle royal was $10,000. Gary Hart managed Kabuki.
January 1, 1982 (Friday) – Atlanta, GA – Omni Coliseum [P] (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) >
Jimmy Garvin vs. the French Angel (02) > Ron Bass vs. Jerry Oates > Kevin Sullivan vs. El Gran Apollo > Big Red vs. Austin Idol >
Stan Hansen versus Terry Gordy . > Texas Death Match: Buzz Sawyer vs. Mr. Wrestling #2 (01) > National Tag
Team Title Match: Bob Armstrong & Brad Armstrong* vs. Terry Funk & Dory Funk, Jr. > Dick Slater vs. the Great Kabuki (01) > Andre the
Giant vs. Ricky Harris > Texas Tornado Tag Team Match: Tommy Rich & Leroy Brown vs. the Masked Superstar & the Super Destroyer
(01) / Notes: Harris substituted for the Assassin (01) in the match against Andre. Gary Hart managed Kabuki.
GCW TV – January 2, 1982
Leroy Brown vs. Marvin Turner
Buzz Sawyer vs. Rick Thor
Paul Jones vs. Jim Vertaroso
Ron Bass vs. Vinnie Valentino
Jimmy Garvin vs. Ed Timbs
The Masked Superstar & the Super Destroyer vs. Mike Jackson & Randy Stroud
Dick Slater vs. Marvin Turner
Terry Funk & Dory Funk, Jr., vs. Tommy Rogers & El Gran Apollo
Buzz Sawyer vs. Mike Jackson
Leroy Brown & Big Red vs. Ed Timbs & Buck Brannigan
Also on Program: Tommy Rich, Bob & Brad Armstrong, and Ole Anderson
January 2, 1982
Host: Gordon Solie & Roddy Piper
Leroy Brown vs. Marvin Turner
Buzz Sawyer vs. Rick Thor
Paul Jones vs. Jim Vertaroso
Ron Bass vs. Vinnie Valentino
Jimmy Garvin vs. Ed Timbs
The Masked Superstar & the Super Destroyer vs. Mike Jackson & Josh Stroud
Dick Slater vs. Tony Valentino
Buzz Sawyer vs. Mike Jackson
Stan Hansen vs. Marvin Turner
Terry Funk & Dory Funk, Jr. vs. Tommy Rogers & El Gran Apollo
Ron Bass vs. Jim Vertaroso
Leroy Brown & Big Red vs. Ed Timbs & Rick Harris(Black Bart)
January 2, 1982 (Saturday) – Augusta, GA – William Bell Auditorium (Charlie Harben – Promoter / Georgia Championship
Wrestling) > Jimmy Garvin vs. Ricky Harris > Buzz Sawyer versus Mr. Wrestling #2 (01) > Bob Armstrong vs. the Great Kabuki (01) >
Brad Armstrong & Leroy Brown & Big Red vs. Kevin Sullivan & Austin Idol & the Super Destroyer (01) > Strap Match: Tommy Rich vs.
the Masked Superstar / Notes: Gary Hart managed Kabuki.
January 3, 1982 (Sunday) – Chattanooga, TN – Chattanooga Memorial Auditorium (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia
Championship Wrestling) > Jimmy Garvin vs. the French Angel (02) > Ron Bass vs. El Gran Apollo > National Tag Team Title Match:
Bob Armstrong & Brad Armstrong* vs. Kevin Sullivan & Buzz Sawyer . > Tommy Rich versus Austin Idol ended in a
double countout > the Masked Superstar & the Super Destroyer (01) vs. Leroy Brown & Big Red
GCW TV – January 9, 1982
Bob & Brad Armstrong vs. Ricky Harris & Buck Brannigan
Austin Idol vs. Archie Williams
Jimmy Garvin vs. Snake Brown
Video: the Great Kabuki
Kevin Sullivan vs. Tommy Rogers
Terry Taylor vs. Marvin Turner
The Masked Superstar & the Super Destroyer vs. Tony Anthony & El Gran Apollo
Tommy Rich vs. Marvin Turner
Jimmy Garvin vs. Buck Brannigan
The Masked Superstar vs. Vinnie Valentino
Mr. Wrestling #2 vs. Ed Timbs
Ron Bass vs. Tony Anthony
Ole Anderson & Buzz Sawyer vs. Archie Williams & El Gran Apollo
The Masked Superstar & the Super Destroyer vs. Tony Anthony & El Gran Apollo
Also on Program: Big Red and Leroy Brown
January 9, 1982 (Saturday) – Chattanooga, TN – Chattanooga Memorial Auditorium (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia
Championship Wrestling) > El Gran Apollo vs. Ricky Harris > Kevin Sullivan versus Jimmy Garvin . > Brad
Armstrong and Buzz Sawyer . > Bob Armstrong & Leroy Brown & Big Red vs. Ron Bass & the Masked Superstar & the
Super Destroyer (01) . > Indian Strap Match: Tommy Rich vs. Austin Idol
January 11, 1982 (Monday) – Augusta, GA – William Bell Auditorium (Charlie Harben – Promoter / Georgia Championship
Wrestling) > Ricky Harris vs. Tommy Rogers > Buzz Sawyer versus Big Red . > Ron Bass & Kevin Sullivan vs.
Brad Armstrong & El Gran Apollo > Jimmy Garvin vs. Austin Idol > Bob Armstrong & Dusty Rhodes vs. the Masked Superstar & the
Super Destroyer (01)
January 13, 1982 (Wednesday) – Columbus, GA – Columbus Municipal Auditorium (Fred Ward – Promoter / Georgia
Championship Wrestling) > Leroy Brown & Dusty Rhodes versus the Masked Superstar & the Super Destroyer (01)
January 16, 1982 (Saturday) – Chattanooga, TN – Chattanooga Memorial Auditorium (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia
Championship Wrestling) > Jimmy Garvin vs. the French Angel (02) > Ron Fuller vs. Ricky Harris > National Tag Team Title Match:
Bob Armstrong & Brad Armstrong* vs. Kevin Sullivan & Buzz Sawyer . > Tommy Rich and Ron Bass . >
Lumberjack Match: Leroy Brown & Big Red vs. the Masked Superstar & the Super Destroyer (01)
January 17, 1982 (Sunday) – Atlanta, GA – Omni Coliseum (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Jerry
Oates vs. Bill Dromo > El Gran Apollo vs. the French Angel (02) > Ron Fuller vs. Ricky Harris > Kevin Sullivan versus Jimmy Garvin
ended in a no contest > Leroy Brown & Big Red versus Ole Anderson & Buzz Sawyer . > Dusty Rhodes vs. the
Great Kabuki (01) > Bob Armstrong & Brad Armstrong vs. Ron Bass & the Super Destroyer (01) > National Heavyweight Title Cage
Match: Tommy Rich vs. the Masked Superstar* for the title / Notes: Roddy Piper managed Kabuki.
January 18, 1982 (Monday) – Augusta, GA – William Bell Auditorium (Charlie Harben – Promoter / Georgia Championship
Wrestling) > Ricky Harris and El Gran Apollo . > Jimmy Garvin vs. Mr. X (28) > Ron Bass & the Masked Superstar vs.
Tommy Rich & Big Red > Bob Armstrong & Brad Armstrong vs. Kevin Sullivan & Buzz Sawyer > NWA World Heavyweight Title Match: Ric
Flair* vs. Dusty Rhodes by disqualification
January 22, 1982 (Friday) – Columbus, OH – Ohio Center (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) >
National Tag Team Title Match: the Masked Superstar & the Super Destroyer (01) vs. Bob Armstrong & Brad Armstrong* for the title
January 23, 1982 (Saturday) – Chattanooga, TN – Chattanooga Memorial Auditorium (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia
Championship Wrestling) > Brad Armstrong vs. the French Angel (02) > Jimmy Garvin and Kevin Sullivan . > Bob
Armstrong vs. Ron Bass . > Ron Fuller & Leroy Brown & Big Red vs. Ricky Harris & the Masked Superstar & the
Super Destroyer (01) > NWA World Heavyweight Title Match: Ric Flair* vs. Tommy Rich / Notes: Harris substituted for Buzz Sawyer to
team with the Superstar and the Destroyer in the match against Fuller, Brown, and Red.
January 24, 1982 (Sunday) – Marietta, GA – Cobb County Civic Center (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia Championship
Wrestling) > Ron Fuller & Tommy Rich versus Ron Bass & Ole Anderson
January 25, 1982 (Monday) – Augusta, GA – William Bell Auditorium (Charlie Harben – Promoter / Georgia Championship
Wrestling) > El Gran Apollo versus the French Angel (02) > Jimmy Garvin versus Ricky Harris > No Disqualification Match: Bob Armstrong
& Brad Armstrong versus Kevin Sullivan & Buzz Sawyer > Tommy Rich versus Ron Bass > Dusty Rhodes & Big Red versus the Masked
Superstar & the Super Destroyer (01)
January 27, 1982 (Wednesday) – Columbus, GA – Columbus Municipal Auditorium (Fred Ward – Promoter / Georgia
Championship Wrestling) > Jerry Oates vs. the French Angel (02) > Jimmy Garvin vs. Ricky Harris > Brad Armstrong & El Gran Apollo
over Kevin Sullivan & Ken Timbs > Leroy Brown & Big Red vs. the Masked Superstar & the Super Destroyer (01) > Ron Bass vs.
Tommy Rich
GCW TV – January 30, 1982
Ron Fuller vs. Ricky Harris
Brad Armstrong & Jimmy Garvin versus Kevin Sullivan & the French Angel ruled a NC
(Roddy Piper-Bob Armstrong brawl spilled into ring)
The Masked Superstar & the Super Destroyer vs. Don Gilbert & Don Carlisle
Jimmy Garvin vs. Chick Donovan
Ron Bass vs. Rick Benefield
Les Thornton vs. Mike Jackson
Also on Program: Ric Flair, Ole Anderson, and Tommy Rich
January 30, 1982 (Saturday) – Chattanooga, TN – Chattanooga Memorial Auditorium (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia
Championship Wrestling) > Ricky Harris vs. El Gran Apollo > Bob Armstrong & Jimmy Garvin vs. Kevin Sullivan & the French Angel
(02) > NWA World Junior Heavyweight Title Match: Les Thornton* vs. Brad Armstrong . > National Heavyweight Title
Match: Tommy Rich* vs. Ron Bass > National Tag Team Title Match: the Masked Superstar & the Super Destroyer (01)* vs. Leroy
Brown & Big Red . / Notes: The Angel substituted for Buzz Sawyer to team with Sullivan in the match against Armstrong
and Garvin.
February 1, 1982 (Monday) – Augusta, GA – William Bell Auditorium (Charlie Harben – Promoter / Georgia Championship
Wrestling) > Ricky Harris vs. Tommy Rogers > Bob Armstrong & Jimmy Garvin and Kevin Sullivan & Buzz Sawyer . > NWA
World Junior Heavyweight Title Match: Les Thornton* versus Brad Armstrong ended in a double countout > National Heavyweight Title
Match: Tommy Rich* vs. Ron Bass > National Tag Team Title Match: the Masked Superstar & the Super Destroyer (01)* vs. Leroy
Brown & Big Red / Notes: Rogers substituted for El Gran Apollo in the match against Harris.
GCW TV – February 6, 1982
(Paul Jones – Promoter)
Tommy Rich vs. Buzz Sawyer by DQ
Tommy Rogers vs. Ricky Starr
Ron Bass vs. Ken Hall
Les Thornton vs. Don Gilbert
Ron Fuller & Leroy Brown vs. Ed Timbs & Buck Brannigan
The Masked Superstar & the Super Destroyer vs. Tommy Rogers & Don Gilbert
Brad Armstrong vs. Ken Timbs
Blackjack Mulligan vs. Ed Timbs
Jimmy Garvin vs. Bill White
Also on Program: Roddy Piper, Bob Armstrong, Ole Anderson, Ric Flair, Kevin Sullivan, and Steve O
February 6, 1982 (Saturday) – Chattanooga, TN – Chattanooga Memorial Auditorium (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia
Championship Wrestling) > Brad Armstrong versus the French Angel (02) > Bob Armstrong vs. Ricky Harris > Buzz Sawyer vs. Leroy
Brown > No Disqualification Match: Ron Bass vs. Jimmy Garvin > Ron Fuller & Tommy Rich vs. the Masked Superstar & the Super
Destroyer (01)
February 7, 1982 (Sunday) – Atlanta, GA – Omni Coliseum [P] (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) >
the French Angel (02) vs. Tommy Rogers > Jerry Oates and Ricky Harris . > Buzz Sawyer vs. Jimmy Garvin > Kevin
Sullivan vs. Ted Oates > NWA World Junior Heavyweight Title Match: Les Thornton* versus Jerry Brisco ended in a double countout >
Brad Armstrong vs. Ron Bass > Blackjack Mulligan vs. Big Red > Ron Fuller & Leroy Brown versus the Masked Superstar & the Super
Destroyer (01) . > Bob Armstrong versus Roddy Piper . > Tommy Rich vs. Harley Race by
February 8, 1982 (Monday) – Augusta, GA – William Bell Auditorium (Charlie Harben – Promoter / Georgia Championship
Wrestling) > Tommy Rogers versus the French Angel (02) > Kevin Sullivan versus Brad Armstrong > Bob Armstrong versus Buzz Sawyer
> No Disqualification Match: Ron Bass versus Jimmy Garvin > Ron Fuller & Leroy Brown versus the Masked Superstar & the Super
Destroyer (01)
GCW TV – February 13, 1982
Kevin Sullivan vs. Tommy Rogers
Tommy Rich vs. Buck Brannigan
Gino Hernandez vs. Brad Armstrong
Tape: Jack & Jerry Brisco vs. Len Denton & Butch Bronson
Jimmy Garvin vs. Deke Rivers
The Masked Superstar & the Super Destroyer vs. Gerald Finley & Bruce Gallagher
Buzz Sawyer vs. Rusty Roberts
Brad Armstrong vs. Chick Donovan
Ken Timbs vs. Ron Bass by DQ
Jimmy Garvin vs. Ricky Harris
Kevin Sullivan vs. Rick Benefield
Tommy Rich vs. Rick Connors
Also on Program: Ole Anderson, Bob Armstrong, Ric Flair, the Great Kabuki, Dusty Rhodes, Leroy Brown, and Tom Prichard
February 13, 1982 (Saturday) – Chattanooga, TN – Chattanooga Memorial Auditorium (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia
Championship Wrestling) > Ricky Harris vs. Tommy Rogers > Brad Armstrong vs. Buzz Sawyer > Bob Armstrong and Kevin Sullivan
went to a draw > Texas Death Match: Jimmy Garvin vs. Ron Bass > Lumberjack Match: Tommy Rich & Leroy Brown vs. the Masked
Superstar & the Super Destroyer (01) . / Notes: Harris substituted for Tom Prichard in the match against Rogers.
February 15, 1982 (Monday) – Augusta, GA (Charlie Harben – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Ricky Harris versus
Tom Prichard > Brad Armstrong versus the French Angel (02) > Kevin Sullivan versus Bob Armstrong > Texas Death Match: Ron Bass
versus Jimmy Garvin > Tommy Rich & Leroy Brown versus Buzz Sawyer & the Masked Superstar
GCW TV – February 20, 1982
Tommy Rich vs. Ricky Harris
Ron Bass vs. Jim Gallagher
Jimmy Garvin vs. Buzz Sawyer
Kelly Kiniski vs. Bobby Garrett
Kevin Sullivan vs. Allen Tupperello
Bob & Brad Armstrong vs. Rick Benefield & Chick Donovan
Gino Hernandez vs. Bobby Garrett
Jimmy Garvin vs. Ricky Harris
Also on Program: Ole Anderson, Stan Hansen, and the Great Kabuki
February 22, 1982 (Monday) – Augusta, GA – William Bell Auditorium (Charlie Harben – Promoter / Georgia Championship
Wrestling) > Tommy Rogers versus Buck Brannigan > Jerry Oates versus Ken Timbs > Kevin Sullivan versus Jimmy Garvin > NWA World
Junior Heavyweight Title Match: Les Thornton* versus Ted Oates > Ron Bass & Buzz Sawyer versus Leroy Brown & Big Red
GCW TV – February 27, 1982
Tom Prichard vs. Mike Jackson
The French Angel vs. Ron Horn
Ron Fuller vs. Bobby Garrett
Rip Oliver & Buddy Rose vs. Ken Timbs & Tim Horner
Tape: the Giant Baba versus King Curtis
Tape: Jack & Jerry Brisco vs. Hiro Matsuda & Mr. Pogo
Stan Hansen vs. Rick Thor
Jimmy Garvin vs. Bobby Garrett by DQ
Buzz Sawyer vs. Tim Horner by DQ
Les Thornton and Brad Armstrong went to a draw
Ricky Harris vs. Ken Timbs
Kevin Sullivan & Ron Bass vs. Tom Prichard & Ron Horn
Rip Oliver & Buddy Rose vs. Mike Jackson & Rick Thor
Also on Program: Tommy Rich, Bob Armstrong, the Masked Superstar, the Super Destroyer, Dusty Rhodes, Leroy Brown, Ole Anderson, the Great Kabuki, Ric Flair, and Steve O
February 27, 1982 (Saturday) – Augusta, GA – William Bell Auditorium (Charlie Harben – Promoter / Georgia Championship
Wrestling) > Brad Armstrong versus the French Angel (02) > Stan Hansen & Kevin Sullivan versus Ted Oates & Jerry Oates > Bullrope
Match: Ron Bass versus Jimmy Garvin > Bob Armstrong versus Roddy Piper > National Heavyweight Title Match: Tommy Rich* versus
Ole Anderson
February 28, 1982 (Sunday) – Chattanooga, TN – Chattanooga Memorial Auditorium (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia
Championship Wrestling) > Tom Prichard vs. the French Angel (02) > Leroy Brown vs. Ricky Harris > Buzz Sawyer vs. Brad
Armstrong > Texas Street Fight Match: Ron Bass vs. Jimmy Garvin > Ron Fuller & Tommy Rich vs. Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen
February 28, 1982 (Sunday) – Atlanta, GA – Omni Coliseum [P] (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) >
World Tag Team Title One-Night Tournament (Atlanta Round): Jack Brisco & Jerry Brisco vs. Kevin Sullivan & Ron Bass; Terry Funk &
Dory Funk, Jr., vs. Buddy Rose & Rip Oliver; Ron Fuller & Leroy Brown vs. the Masked Superstar & the Super Destroyer (01); Genichiro
Tenryu & Jumbo Tsuruta vs. Ricky Harris & the Mongolian Stomper; Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen vs. Brad Armstrong & Tommy
Rogers; Briscos vs. Funks; Tenryu & Tsuruta vs. Fuller & Brown; Anderson & Hansen vs. Tenryu & Tsuruta; Anderson & Hansen vs.
Briscos for advance in the overall tournament > PWF Heavyweight Title Match: the Giant Baba* vs. Terry Gordy > Dragon-Shi Match:
Dusty Rhodes versus the Great Kabuki (01) . > NWA World Heavyweight Title Match: Ric Flair* vs. Harley Race by
disqualification / Notes: Gary Hart managed Kabuki.
March 7, 1982 (Sunday) – Chattanooga, TN – Chattanooga Memorial Auditorium (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia
Championship Wrestling) > Tom Prichard vs. Chick Donovan > Big Red vs. Ricky Harris > Bob Armstrong & Brad Armstrong vs.
Kevin Sullivan & Buzz Sawyer > Bullrope Match: Ron Bass vs. Jimmy Garvin
March 11, 1982 (Thursday) – Toledo, OH – Sports Arena (Jerry Brisco – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Michael
Hayes versus Buzz Sawyer > Ron Bass versus Bob Armstrong > Tommy Rich & Mr. Wrestling #2 (01) versus Harley Race & the Super
Destroyer (01)
GCW TV – March 13, 1982
Tom Prichard vs. Tony Russo
The Great Kabuki vs. Ken Timbs
John Studd & the Super Destroyer vs. Mike Miller & Jose Medina
Les Thornton vs. Bobby Garrett
Tommy Rich vs. Ricky Harris
Buzz Sawyer vs. Mani
Brad Armstrong vs. Bobby Garrett
Ken Timbs, Jose Medina, & Cocoa Samoa vs. Terry Funk, Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen by DQ
Also on Program: Ric Flair, Harley Race, Dusty Rhodes, Ron Bass, Bob Armstrong, Kevin Sullivan, Big Red, and Roddy Piper
March 14, 1982 (Sunday) – Chattanooga, TN – Chattanooga Memorial Auditorium (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia
Championship Wrestling) > Ricky Harris versus Tom Prichard > Ron Bass versus Big Red > Ron Fuller versus the Super Destroyer (01)
> Brad Armstrong vs. Buzz Sawyer > Brad Armstrong vs. Kevin Sullivan > Bob Armstrong & Tommy Rich vs. Roddy Piper & the Great
Kabuki (01) / Notes: Gary Hart managed Kabuki.
March 14, 1982 (Sunday) – Atlanta, GA – Omni Coliseum [P] (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) >
Gino Hernandez vs. Tom Prichard > Brad Armstrong and Kevin Sullivan . > No Disqualification Match: Buzz Sawyer vs.
Jimmy Garvin > John Studd & the Super Destroyer (01) vs. Brad Armstrong & Leroy Brown > Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen vs. Dusty
Rhodes & Terry Funk > Bob Armstrong vs. the Great Kabuki (01) . > Roddy Piper vs. Tommy Rich > NWA World
Heavyweight Title Match: Ric Flair* vs. Harley Race / Notes: Armstrong substituted for Ron Fuller to team with Brown in the match
against Studd and the Destroyer. Funk was billed as a mystery partner to Rhodes for the match against Anderson and Hansen. Gary Hart
managed Kabuki.
March 15, 1982 (Monday) – Augusta, GA – William Bell Auditorium (Charlie Harben – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling)
> Tom Prichard versus Chick Donovan > Ricky Harris versus Big Red > Bob Armstrong & Jimmy Garvin versus Kevin Sullivan & Buzz
Sawyer > Ron Fuller versus the Super Destroyer (01) > National Heavyweight Title Match: Ron Bass vs. Tommy Rich* for the title
March 20, 1982 (Saturday) – Chattanooga, TN – Chattanooga Memorial Auditorium (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia
Championship Wrestling) > Jerry Oates vs. Chick Donovan > Tom Prichard vs. Ricky Harris > Brad Armstrong vs. Kevin Sullivan >
Buzz Sawyer vs. Jimmy Garvin > Bob Armstrong & Tommy Rich vs. Ron Bass & the Super Destroyer (01) / Notes: Oates substituted for
Big Red in the match against Donovan.
GCW TV – March 21, 1982
Tape: Kerry Von Erich versus Larry Higgins
Tommy Rich vs. Mike Miller
Ron Bass vs. Ti
Wahoo McDaniel vs. Ricky Harris
Tape: Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen turn on Terry Funk
Tape: Sgt. Slaughter vs. Steve Muslin
Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen vs. Ken Timbs & Tim Horner
Dick Slater vs. Chick Donovan
Bob Armstrong vs. Ricky Harris
Tape: Ken Timbs versus the Great Kabuki
Wahoo McDaniel vs. Mike Miller
Dick Slater vs. Ed Timbs
Buzz Sawyer vs. Mani
John Studd & the Super Destroyer vs. Tim Horner & Rick Thor
Also on Program: Gino Hernandez, Kevin Sullivan, Brad Armstrong, and Tom Prichard
March 22, 1982 (Monday) – Augusta, GA (Charlie Harben – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > NWA World Heavyweight
Title Match: Ric Flair* vs. Tommy Rich
March 24, 1982 (Wednesday) – Columbus, GA – Columbus Municipal Auditorium (Fred Ward – Promoter / Georgia Championship
Wrestling) > Women’s Match: Sabrina vs. Leilani Kai > Tom Prichard vs. Chick Donovan > Bob Armstrong & Brad Armstrong vs.
Kevin Sullivan & Buzz Sawyer > National Heavyweight Title Match: Ron Bass* vs. Leroy Brown . > NWA World
Heavyweight Title Match: Ric Flair* vs. Tommy Rich
March 27, 1982 (Saturday) – Chattanooga, TN – Chattanooga Memorial Auditorium (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia
Championship Wrestling) > Ted Oates vs. Ricky Harris > Tom Prichard vs. Chick Donovan > Kevin Sullivan vs. Jerry Oates > Brad
Armstrong versus Buzz Sawyer . > National Heavyweight Title Match: Ron Bass* vs. Leroy Brown > Dragon-Shi
Match: the Great Kabuki (01) vs. Bob Armstrong / Notes: Gary Hart managed Kabuki.
GCW TV – March 29, 1982
Tom Prichard vs. Mike Miller
Ron Bass vs. Bruce Gallagher
The Great Kabuki vs. Rick Thor
Buzz Sawyer vs. Rick Benefield
Tape: Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen versus Terry Funk & Dusty Rhodes
Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen vs. the Samoans
Kevin Sullivan vs. Rick Thor
The Super Destroyer vs. Allen Tupperello
John Studd vs. Rick Benefield
The Great Kabuki vs. Bruce Gallagher
Tape: Tommy Rich versus Mike Miller
Bob & Brad Armstrong vs. Ed Timbs & Chick Donovan
Tape: Dick Slater versus Chick Donovan
Also on Program: Dusty Rhodes, Leroy Brown, and Mr. Wrestling #2
March 29, 1982 (Monday) – Augusta, GA – William Bell Auditorium (Charlie Harben – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling)
> Ricky Harris versus Jerry Oates > Kevin Sullivan versus Ted Oates > Ron Bass versus Mr. Wrestling #2 (01)
April 4, 1982 (Sunday) – Atlanta, GA – Omni Coliseum [P] (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Brad
Armstrong vs. Ricky Harris > Kevin Sullivan and Tom Prichard . > Michael Hayes & Leroy Brown & Mr. Wrestling #2 (01)
over Ricky Harris & the Assassin (01) & the Super Destroyer (01) > National Heavyweight Title Match: Ron Bass* vs. Tommy Rich > Dick
Slater vs. Roddy Piper . > Bob Armstrong versus the Great Kabuki (01) . > Bunkhouse Match: Ole
Anderson & Stan Hansen vs. Dusty Rhodes & Terry Funk / Notes: Harris substituted for John Studd to team with the Assassin and the
Destroyer in the match against Hayes, Brown, and Wrestling #2. Gary Hart, who managed Kabuki, was barred from ringside during the
Armstrong-Kabuki match.
April 5, 1982 (Monday) – Augusta, GA – William Bell Auditorium (Charlie Harben – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) >
Ricky Harris and Tom Prichard . > Bob Armstrong vs. Chick Donovan > Brad Armstrong & Leroy Brown vs. the Assassin
(01) & the Super Destroyer (01) . > Kevin Sullivan versus Buzz Sawyer . > Tommy Rich vs. Ron
April 10, 1982 (Saturday) – Chattanooga, TN – UTC Maclellan Gymnasium (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia Championship
Wrestling) > Tom Prichard versus the Invader (08) > Brad Armstrong versus Chick Donovan > Ted Oates & Jerry Oates versus John
Studd & the Super Destroyer (01) > Kevin Sullivan versus Buzz Sawyer > Tommy Rich & Roughhouse Fargo versus Ron Bass & the Great
Kabuki (01) / Notes: Gary Hart managed Kabuki.
April 18, 1982 (Sunday) – Atlanta, GA – Omni Coliseum [P] (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Tom
Prichard and Eddy Mansfield . > Brad Armstrong vs. Ricky Harris > John Studd & the Super Destroyer (01) vs. Jerry
Brisco & Mr. Wrestling #2 (01) > Kevin Sullivan versus Buzz Sawyer . > National Heavyweight Title Match: Leroy
Brown vs. Ron Bass* . > Canadian Strap Match: Bob Armstrong & Tommy Rich & Dick Slater vs. Gary Hart & Roddy
Piper & the Great Kabuki (01) > Minnesota Loggers Match: Dusty Rhodes vs. Ole Anderson / Notes: Hart managed Kabuki.
April 19, 1982 (Monday) – Augusta, GA – William Bell Auditorium (Charlie Harben – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) >
Tom Prichard vs. Chick Donovan > Brad Armstrong vs. Ricky Harris > John Studd & the Super Destroyer (01) vs. Brad Armstrong &
Leroy Brown > Boston Street Fight Match: Kevin Sullivan vs. Buzz Sawyer > National Heavyweight Title Match: Tommy Rich vs. Ron
Bass* for the title
April 24, 1982 (Saturday) – Chattanooga, TN – UTC Maclellan Gymnasium (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia Championship
Wrestling) > Tom Prichard vs. Chick Donovan > Leroy Brown vs. Ricky Harris > National Tag Team Title Match: John Studd & the Super
Destroyer (01)* vs. Bob Armstrong & Brad Armstrong > Ron Bass vs. Tommy Rich . > Boston Street Fight Match:
Kevin Sullivan vs. Buzz Sawyer / Notes: Prichard substituted for Bobby Garrett in the match against Donovan.
April 25, 1982 (Sunday) – Columbus, OH – Ohio Center (Jerry Brisco – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > the Super
Destroyer (01) vs. Tom Prichard > Kevin Sullivan vs. Buzz Sawyer > Bob Armstrong vs. the Great Kabuki (01) > Ole Anderson & Stan
Hansen vs. Tommy Rich & Leroy Brown > Dick Slater vs. Roddy Piper . / Notes: Gary Hart managed Kabuki.
May 1, 1982 (Saturday) – Augusta, GA – Richmond County Civic Center (Charlie Harben – Promoter / Georgia Championship
Wrestling) > Brad Armstrong versus Tom Prichard > Michael Hayes versus the Super Destroyer (01) > Ron Bass versus Bob Armstrong >
Ray Stevens versus the Masked Superstar > John Studd versus Leroy Brown > Kevin Sullivan versus Buzz Sawyer > Roddy Piper versus
Tommy Rich > Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen versus Dusty Rhodes & Mr. Wrestling #2 (01)
May 2, 1982 (Sunday) – Columbus, GA (Fred Ward – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Buzz Sawyer vs. Brad
Armstrong > John Studd & the Super Destroyer (01) vs. Michael Hayes & Kevin Sullivan > Mr. Wrestling #2 (01) vs. Ron Bass > Tommy
Rich vs. the Masked Superstar . > Roddy Piper vs. Bob Armstrong
May 2, 1982 (Sunday) – Atlanta, GA – Omni Coliseum [P] (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Brad
Armstrong & Tom Prichard vs. Ricky Harris & Chick Donovan > Michael Hayes vs. Ron Bass > Kevin Sullivan & Mr. Wrestling #2 (01)
over John Studd & the Super Destroyer (01) > Leroy Brown vs. the Masked Superstar . > National Heavyweight Title
Match: Buzz Sawyer vs. Tommy Rich* for the title > Bob Armstrong vs. the Great Kabuki (01) > Bob Armstrong versus Gary Hart
ended in a no contest > Dusty Rhodes & George Steele versus Ole Anderson & Roddy Piper . / Notes: Donovan
substituted for Eddy Mansfield to team with Harris in the match against Armstrong and Prichard. Gary Hart, who managed Kabuki, was
locked in a cage at ringside during the Kabuki-Armstrong match.
May 7, 1982 (Friday) – Dayton, OH – Hara Arena (Jerry Brisco – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Kevin Sullivan vs.
Buzz Sawyer > the Masked Superstar vs. Ray Stevens > Bob Armstrong vs. Ron Bass > Michael Hayes & Dusty Rhodes vs. Ole
Anderson & Stan Hansen . > Tommy Rich vs. Roddy Piper
May 8, 1982 (Saturday) – Chattanooga, TN – Chattanooga Memorial Auditorium (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia
Championship Wrestling) > Bob Armstrong & Brad Armstrong versus Bobby Garrett & Chick Donovan > Ray Stevens versus Tom
Prichard > Ron Bass versus Kevin Sullivan > Leroy Brown versus the Masked Superstar > Tommy Rich versus Buzz Sawyer
May 16, 1982 (Sunday) – Atlanta, GA – Omni Coliseum [P] (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Ted
DiBiase vs. Bill White > Tom Prichard vs. Bobby Garrett > Brad Armstrong vs. Chick Donovan > Michael Hayes & Mr. Wrestling #2 (01)
& El Mongol vs. Ray Stevens & the Masked Superstar & the Super Destroyer (01) > Kevin Sullivan vs. Buzz Sawyer > Bob Armstrong
over Gary Hart > Tommy Rich & Dusty Rhodes vs. Ole Anderson & Roddy Piper > NWA World Heavyweight Title Match: Ric Flair* vs.
Leroy Brown . / Notes: The Great Kabuki (01) was barred from ringside during the Armstrong-Hart match.
GCW TV – May 22, 1982
Tom Prichard vs. Pete Martin
John Studd & the Super Destroyer vs. David Jones & El Mongol
Buzz Sawyer vs. Allen Tupperello
Chick Donovan vs. Tony Zane
Tape: Jerry Brisco versus Tony Russo
Ray Stevens vs. Mike Jackson
Tape: the Wild Samoans vs. Mike Sharpe & Buddy Landell
Brad Armstrong vs. Pete Martin
Michael Hayes vs. Mike Fair
Tape: Tommy Rich versus Buzz Sawyer
Buzz Sawyer vs. Tony Zane
Leroy Brown vs. Ken Timbs
Bob Armstrong & Kevin Sullivan vs. John Studd & the Super Destroyer
The Masked Superstar vs. David Jones
Also on Program: Tommy Rich, Roddy Piper, Ole Anderson, Dr. X, and Ric Flair
May 22, 1982 (Saturday) – Chattanooga, TN – Chattanooga Memorial Auditorium (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia
Championship Wrestling) > Tom Prichard vs. Chick Donovan > Ray Stevens and Kevin Sullivan . > Bob Armstrong & Brad
Armstrong vs. John Studd & the Super Destroyer (01) > Michael Hayes vs. the Masked Superstar > No Disqualification Match: Tommy
Rich versus Buzz Sawyer ended in a no contest
May 25, 1982 (Tuesday) – Adairsville, GA – Adairsville High School Gymnasium (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia
Championship Wrestling) > Ray Stevens versus Kevin Sullivan > Bob Armstrong versus the Masked Superstar > Michael Hayes & Leroy
Brown versus John Studd & the Super Destroyer (01) > Tommy Rich versus Buzz Sawyer
May 27, 1982 (Thursday) – Gadsden, AL (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Kevin Sullivan and Tom
Prichard . > Michael Hayes vs. Ray Stevens > the Masked Superstar & the Super Destroyer (01) vs. Brad Armstrong &
Leroy Brown > Tommy Rich vs. Buzz Sawyer by disqualification
May 28, 1982 (Friday) – Gainesville, FL (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Brad Armstrong and Tom
Prichard . > Leroy Brown versus John Studd . > Michael Hayes & Brad Armstrong vs. Ray Stevens &
the Super Destroyer (01) > Tommy Rich versus Buzz Sawyer ended in a no contest
GCW TV – May 29, 1982
Ted DiBiase vs. Chick Donovan
Kevin Sullivan vs. Bobby Garrett
Tape: Bob & Brad Armstrong versus John Studd & the Super Destroyer
Tape: Tommy Rich attacking Buzz Sawyer
Tape: Tommy Rich versus Buzz Sawyer
Leroy Brown vs. Ed Timbs
El Mongol vs. Mike Thompson
Rick Thor & Bob McKenzie versus John Studd & the Super Destroyer ruled a NC
Also on Program: Tom Prichard, Roddy Piper, Dr. X, Ole Anderson, Bob & Brad Armstrong, the Masked Superstar, Buzz Sawyer, Ric Flair, Tommy Rich, Michael Hayes, and Mr. Wrestling #2
May 29, 1982 (Saturday) – Huntington, WV (Jerry Brisco – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Ray Stevens and El Mongol
went to a draw > Michael Hayes vs. Ole Anderson > the Masked Superstar & the Super Destroyer (01) vs. Bob Armstrong & Kevin
Sullivan > John Studd versus Leroy Brown ended in a double countout > Tommy Rich vs. Buzz Sawyer by disqualification
June 5, 1982 (Saturday) – Chattanooga, TN – Chattanooga Memorial Auditorium (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia
Championship Wrestling) > El Mongol vs. Pete Martin > Kevin Sullivan vs. Tom Prichard > Michael Hayes vs. the Masked Superstar >
National Tag Team Title Match: Bob Armstrong & Brad Armstrong vs. John Studd & the Super Destroyer (01)* . > Cage
Match: Tommy Rich vs. Buzz Sawyer / Notes: Martin substituted for Bobby Garrett in the match against Mongol, and Prichard substituted
for Chick Donovan in the match against Sullivan.
June 6, 1982 (Sunday) – Columbus, GA (Fred Ward – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Chick Donovan vs. Tom
Prichard > Brad Armstrong vs. Pete Martin > Leroy Brown & Mr. Wrestling #2 (01) vs. Chick Donovan & the Super Destroyer (01) > Bob
Armstrong vs. the Masked Superstar > Tommy Rich vs. Buzz Sawyer by countout
June 6, 1982 (Sunday) – Marietta, GA – Cobb County Civic Center (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling)
> Brad Armstrong vs. Chick Donovan > Tom Prichard vs. Pete Martin > Michael Hayes vs. the Masked Superstar > Buzz Sawyer vs.
Kevin Sullivan > Tommy Rich & Dusty Rhodes vs. Ole Anderson & the Masked Superstar by disqualification
June 8, 1982 (Tuesday) – Canton, OH (Jerry Brisco – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Kevin Sullivan vs. Tom
Prichard > Mr. Wrestling #2 (01) vs. Buzz Sawyer . > Tommy Rich vs. the Masked Superstar . >
Michael Hayes & Leroy Brown vs. John Studd & the Super Destroyer (01) > Dusty Rhodes vs. the Great Kabuki (01) by countout /
Notes: Gary Hart managed Kabuki.
June 10, 1982 (Thursday) – Marion, OH (Jerry Brisco – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Mr. Wrestling #2 (01) vs.
Tom Prichard > Buzz Sawyer vs. Michael Hayes > John Studd vs. Leroy Brown by countout > Tommy Rich & Dusty Rhodes vs. the
Masked Superstar & the Super Destroyer (01)
June 11, 1982 (Friday) – Charleston, WV (Jerry Brisco – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Jerry Brisco vs. Tom
Prichard > Buzz Sawyer vs. Kevin Sullivan > John Studd versus Leroy Brown . > Dusty Rhodes & Mr. Wrestling #2
(01) vs. the Masked Superstar & the Super Destroyer (01) > Ric Flair vs. Tommy Rich
June 12, 1982 (Saturday) – Chattanooga, TN – Chattanooga Memorial Auditorium (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia
Championship Wrestling) > Kevin Sullivan vs. Pete Martin > Mr. Wrestling #2 (01) vs. Chick Donovan > Brad Armstrong vs. Tom
Prichard > Bob Armstrong vs. the Masked Superstar > Buzz Sawyer & the Super Destroyer (01) versus the Freebirds (02) (Michael
Hayes & Terry Gordy) ended in a no contest
June 13, 1982 (Sunday) – Anniston, AL – Saks High School Gymnasium (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia Championship
Wrestling) > El Mongol vs. Pete Martin > Mr. Wrestling #2 (01) vs. Chick Donovan > Kevin Sullivan and Brad Armstrong . >
Tommy Rich & Leroy Brown vs. Buzz Sawyer & the Super Destroyer (01) by disqualification
June 16, 1982 (Wednesday) – Macon, GA (Fred Ward – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Paul Orndorff vs. Tom
Prichard > Michael Hayes vs. Chick Donovan > John Studd versus Leroy Brown . > Tommy Rich & Mr. Wrestling #2
(01) vs. the Masked Superstar & the Super Destroyer (01) > Buzz Sawyer vs. Bob Armstrong
June 19, 1982 (Saturday) – Chattanooga, TN (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Paul Orndorff vs.
Chick Donovan > Sika vs. Tom Prichard > Afa vs. Kevin Sullivan > Tommy Rich vs. Ole Anderson > National Tag Team Title Match:
the Freebirds (02) (Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy) vs. John Studd & the Super Destroyer (01)* for the title / Notes: Sonny King
managed Afa and Sika.
June 20, 1982 (Sunday) – Columbus, GA (Fred Ward – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Brad Armstrong vs. Pete
Martin > John Studd versus Leroy Brown ended in a double countout > the Samoans (02) (Afa & Sika) vs. Paul Orndorff & Kevin Sullivan
> Michael Hayes vs. the Super Destroyer (01) > Ric Flair vs. Bob Armstrong / Notes: Sonny King managed the Samoans.
June 20, 1982 (Sunday) – Atlanta, GA – Omni Coliseum [P] (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) >
Kevin Sullivan vs. Chick Donovan > the Samoans (02) (Afa & Sika) vs. Bob Armstrong & Brad Armstrong > John Studd versus Leroy
Brown . > National Heavyweight Title Match: Paul Orndorff vs. Buzz Sawyer* for the title > Dr. X (05) & the Super
Destroyer (01) vs. the Freebirds (02) (Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy) > Mr. Wrestling #2 (01) vs. the Masked Superstar by
disqualification > Tommy Rich & Dusty Rhodes versus Ole Anderson & Roddy Piper . / Notes: Sonny King managed
the Samoans. Piper managed Dr. X, who interfered in the Rich/Rhodes-Anderson/Piper match, and was unmasked and identified as
Don Muraco.
June 23, 1982 (Wednesday) – Port Huron, MI (Jerry Brisco – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Mr. Wrestling #2 (01)
over the Masked Superstar > Tommy Rich vs. Buzz Sawyer > Don Muraco vs. Bob Armstrong > Michael Hayes & Leroy Brown vs. the
Samoans (02) (Afa & Sika) . / Notes: Sonny King managed the Samoans. Roddy Piper managed Muraco.
June 24, 1982 (Thursday) – Grand Rapids, MI (Jerry Brisco – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Don Muraco vs.
Michael Hayes > the Samoans (02) (Afa & Sika) vs. Bob Armstrong & Mr. Wrestling #2 (01) > Paul Orndorff vs. Buzz Sawyer > Tommy
Rich vs. the Masked Superstar > Ric Flair vs. Leroy Brown / Notes: Sonny King managed the Samoans. Roddy Piper managed Muraco.
June 25, 1982 (Friday) – Lansing, MI (Jerry Brisco – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Afa vs. Mr. Wrestling #2 (01) >
Sika vs. Bob Armstrong > Tommy Rich & Leroy Brown vs. Buzz Sawyer & the Masked Superstar > Paul Orndorff vs. Don Muraco by
disqualification > Ric Flair vs. Michael Hayes / Notes: Roddy Piper managed Muraco. Sonny King managed Sika.
June 27, 1982 (Sunday) – Columbus, OH – Ohio Center (Jerry Brisco – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Terry Gordy
and Sika . > Sika vs. Mr. Wrestling #2 (01) > Michael Hayes vs. Buzz Sawyer > Bob Armstrong vs. the Masked Superstar
> Leroy Brown vs. Don Muraco > Texas Tornado Tag Team Match: Tommy Rich & Dusty Rhodes vs. Ole Anderson & Roddy Piper /
Notes: Piper managed Muraco. Sonny King managed Sika.
June 28, 1982 (Monday) – Talladega, AL (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Tom Prichard and Chick
Donovan . > Michael Hayes vs. Buzz Sawyer . > Tommy Rich vs. the Masked Superstar > the Freebirds
(02) (Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy) vs. Ole Anderson & Buzz Sawyer
GCW TV – July 3, 1982
The Wild Samoans vs. Mike Jackson & Randy Barber
Paul Orndorff vs. Carl Stiles
Don Muraco vs. Dale Veasey
Tommy Rich vs. Pete Martin
Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen vs. Tom Prichard & Jimmy Powell
Mr. Wrestling #2 vs. Chick Donovan
The Freebirds vs. Dale Veasey & Pete Martin
The Wild Samoans vs. Rick Thor & Tony Giancaro
Don Muraco vs. Randy Barber
Brad Armstrong vs. Chick Donovan
Tom Prichard and Mike Jackson went to a draw
Also on Program: Ric Flair, Bob Backlund, Ivan Putski, and Dusty Rhodes
July 3, 1982 (Saturday) – Augusta, GA – Richmond County Civic Center (Charlie Harben – Promoter / Georgia Championship
Wrestling) > Paul Orndorff vs. Buzz Sawyer > Don Muraco vs. Brad Armstrong > Jimmy Snuka vs. Ivan Putski by countout > Tommy
Rich & Dusty Rhodes vs. Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen / Notes: Roddy Piper managed Muraco.
July 4, 1982 (Sunday) – Atlanta, GA – Omni Coliseum [P] (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > the
Super Destroyer (01) vs. Tom Prichard at 11:00 > Kevin Sullivan vs. Mr. Saito at 7:02 > Texas Death Match: Leroy Brown vs. John
Studd > National Tag Team Title Match: the Freebirds (02) (Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy)* vs. the Samoans (02) (Afa & Sika) > Don
Muraco vs. Dusty Rhodes at 0:49 > National Heavyweight Title Match: Paul Orndorff* vs. Jimmy Snuka . > World Tag
Team Title Match: Tom Prichard & Ivan Putski vs. Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen* . at 9:00 > the Masked Superstar vs.
Mr. Wrestling #2 (01) > Title versus Title Match: Ric Flair versus Bob Backlund ended in a double countout / Notes: Prichard substituted
for Tommy Rich to team with Putski in the match against Anderson and Hansen. Rich had been injured in a brawl earlier between
Muraco and Rhodes. Sonny King managed the Samoans. Roddy Piper managed Muraco. In the Flair-Backlund match, Flair retained the
NWA World Heavyweight Title and Backlund retained the WWF Heavyweight Title.
July 5, 1982 (Monday) – Gainesville, FL (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Kevin Sullivan vs. Tom
Prichard > Bob Armstrong vs. Ole Anderson > Mr. Wrestling #2 (01) vs. the Masked Superstar > the Freebirds (02) (Michael Hayes &
Terry Gordy) vs. Don Muraco & the Super Destroyer (01) > NWA World Heavyweight Title Match: Ric Flair* vs. Tommy Rich / Notes:
Roddy Piper managed Muraco.
July 6, 1982 (Tuesday) – Macon, GA (Fred Ward – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Brad Armstrong vs. Tom Prichard
> the Freebirds (02) (Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy) vs. Chick Donovan & the Super Destroyer (01) > Tommy Rich vs. the Masked
Superstar > Paul Orndorff vs. Buzz Sawyer > NWA World Heavyweight Title Match: Ric Flair* vs. Bob Armstrong
July 7, 1982 (Wednesday) – Columbus, GA (Fred Ward – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Roy Rogers (02) vs. the
Masked Superstar . > Paul Orndorff vs. Brad Armstrong > Don Muraco & the Super Destroyer (01) vs. the Freebirds
(02) (Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy) > Tommy Rich vs. Buzz Sawyer > NWA World Heavyweight Title Match: Ric Flair* vs. Mr. Wrestling
#2 (01) / Notes: Roddy Piper managed Muraco.
July 10, 1982 (Saturday) – Chattanooga, TN – Chattanooga Memorial Auditorium (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia
Championship Wrestling) > Tito Santana vs. Pete Martin > El Mongol vs. Luke Graham > the Samoans (02) (Afa & Sika) vs. Bob
Armstrong & Brad Armstrong > the Masked Superstar vs. Mr. Wrestling #2 (01) > Paul Orndorff vs. Ric Flair / Notes: Sonny King
managed the Samoans.
July 11, 1982 (Sunday) – Columbus, OH – Ohio Center (Jerry Brisco – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Tom
Prichard vs. Kevin Sullivan > the Freebirds (02) (Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy) vs. Buzz Sawyer & Chick Donovan > Stan Hansen vs.
Leroy Brown > Don Muraco versus Dusty Rhodes . > Ole Anderson vs. Tommy Rich / Notes: Roddy Piper
managed Muraco.
July 12, 1982 (Monday) – Augusta, GA – William Bell Auditorium (Charlie Harben – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) >
Terry Gibbs vs. Les Thornton > Tito Santana vs. Les Thornton > Mr. Wrestling #2 (01) vs. the Masked Superstar > Bob Armstrong &
Brad Armstrong vs. the Samoans (02) (Afa & Sika) . > Paul Orndorff vs. Buzz Sawyer / Notes: Sonny King managed
the Samoans.
July 12, 1982 (Monday) – Muskegon, MI (Jerry Brisco – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Kevin Sullivan vs. Tom
Prichard > Leroy Brown vs. Chick Donovan > Tommy Rich vs. Roddy Piper . > Dusty Rhodes & the Freebirds (02)
(Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy) vs. Don Muraco & Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen / Notes: Piper managed Muraco.
July 13, 1982 (Tuesday) – Saginaw, MI (Jerry Brisco – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Kevin Sullivan vs. Tom
Prichard > Leroy Brown vs. Chick Donovan > Dusty Rhodes vs. Don Muraco . > Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen vs.
the Freebirds (02) (Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy) > Tommy Rich vs. Roddy Piper / Notes: Piper managed Muraco.
July 14, 1982 (Wednesday) – Columbus, GA (Fred Ward – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Les Thornton and Terry
Gibbs . > Tito Santana vs. Luke Graham > Bob Armstrong & Brad Armstrong vs. the Samoans (02) (Afa & Sika) > the
Masked Superstar vs. Mr. Wrestling #2 (01) > Paul Orndorff vs. Buzz Sawyer / Notes: Sonny King managed the Samoans.
GCW TV – July 17, 1982
Terry Gibbs vs. the Masked Superstar by CO
Don Muraco vs. Charlie White
Mr. Wrestling #2 vs. Buzz Sawyer by CO
The Freebirds vs. Rick Benefield & Chick Donovan
Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen vs. Tom James & Rick Thor
Paul Orndorff vs. Abdul Zataar
Roy Rogers vs. Chick Donovan
The Wild Samoans vs. Dale Veasey & Ken Hall
Tito Santana vs. Deke Rivers
The Iron Sheik vs. Allen Tupperello
Brad Armstrong versus Rick Connors
July 17, 1982 (Saturday) – Chattanooga, TN – Chattanooga Memorial Auditorium (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia
Championship Wrestling) > Terry Gibbs vs. Chick Donovan > the Iron Sheik vs. Tom Prichard > No Disqualification Match: the
Samoans (02) (Afa & Sika) vs. Bob Armstrong & Brad Armstrong > Mr. Wrestling #2 (01) vs. the Masked Superstar > National
Heavyweight Title Match: Paul Orndorff* vs. Buzz Sawyer / Notes: Sonny King managed the Samoans.
July 18, 1982 (Sunday) – Atlanta, GA – Omni Coliseum [P] (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Brad
Armstrong vs. Chick Donovan > Roy Rogers (02) vs. Bobby Garrett > the Iron Sheik vs. Tom Prichard > the Samoans (02) (Afa & Sika)
over Bob Armstrong & Ron Fuller > Lumberjack Match: Mr. Wrestling #2 (01) vs. the Masked Superstar > the Freebirds (02) (Michael
Hayes & Terry Gordy) vs. Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen > Tommy Rich versus Don Muraco . / Notes: Sonny King
managed the Samoans. Roddy Piper managed Muraco.
July 19, 1982 (Monday) – Augusta, GA – William Bell Auditorium (Charlie Harben – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) >
Tito Santana vs. Chick Donovan > the Iron Sheik vs. Tom Prichard > Don Muraco vs. Bob Armstrong > the Freebirds (02) (Michael
Hayes & Terry Gordy) vs. the Samoans (02) (Afa & Sika) > Lumberjack Match: Paul Orndorff vs. Buzz Sawyer / Notes: Sonny King
managed the Samoans. Roddy Piper managed Muraco.
July 24, 1982 (Saturday) – Chattanooga, TN – Chattanooga Memorial Auditorium (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia
Championship Wrestling) > Roy Rogers (02) versus Pete Martin > Tito Santana versus Chick Donovan > Paul Orndorff versus Ole
Anderson > Tommy Rich versus Buzz Sawyer > the Samoans (02) (Afa & Sika) versus the Freebirds (02) (Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy) /
Notes: Sonny King managed the Samoans.
July 31, 1982 (Saturday) – Chattanooga, TN – Chattanooga Memorial Auditorium (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia
Championship Wrestling) > Roy Rogers (02) vs. Dale Veasey > the Super Destroyer (01) vs. Terry Gibbs > Tom Prichard vs. Luke
Graham > Battle Royal: Tito Santana (Winner) > the Samoans (02) (Afa & Sika) vs. Luke Graham & Tito Santana > Coal Miner’s
Glove Match: Tommy Rich vs. Buzz Sawyer . / Notes: Graham substituted for Leroy Brown to team with Santana in the
match against the Samoans. Sonny King managed the Samoans. It was reported that the purse for the battle royal was $2,500.
July 31, 1982 (Saturday) – Augusta, GA – Richmond County Civic Center (Charlie Harben – Promoter / Georgia Championship
Wrestling) > Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen versus the Freebirds (02) (Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy) > Don Muraco versus Mr. Wrestling
#2 (01) > Paul Orndorff versus the Masked Superstar / Notes: Roddy Piper managed Muraco.
August 1, 1982 (Sunday) – Atlanta, GA – Omni Coliseum (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Terry
Gibbs vs. Tom Prichard > Tito Santana vs. Buzz Sawyer > the Iron Sheik vs. Brad Armstrong > the Junkyard Dog vs. the Super
Destroyer (01) > Don Muraco vs. Roy Rogers (02) > the Masked Superstar vs. Ron Fuller > NWA World Heavyweight Title Match: Paul
Orndorff vs. Ric Flair* . > World Tag Team Title Match: the Freebirds (02) (Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy) vs. Ole
Anderson & Stan Hansen* . / Notes: Rogers substituted for Leroy Brown in the match against Muraco. Roddy Piper
managed Muraco.
August 1, 1982 (Sunday) – Savannah, GA – Savannah Civic Center (Aaron Newman – Promoter / Jim Crockett Promotions) > Mike
Rotundo vs. Juan Reynosa > Jim Nelson vs. Keith Larsen > Jay Youngblood vs. Matt Borne > King Parsons & Porkchop Cash vs.
Jim Nelson & Don Kernodle > Sergeant Slaughter vs. Wahoo McDaniel > New York Street Fight Match: Jimmy Valiant vs. Ivan Koloff >
Roddy Piper vs. Jack Brisco
GCW TV – August 4, 1982
Tommy Rich vs. the Super Destroyer by DQ
Terry Gibbs vs. David Jones
Tape: the Junkyard Dog vs. Ricky Harris
Paul Orndorff vs. Chick Donovan
Tape: Don Muraco attacking Roy Rogers
The Iron Sheik vs. Bob Brown
Brad Armstrong & Mr. Wrestling #2 vs. Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen by DQ
Also on Program: Buzz Sawyer, Andre the Giant, Tito Santana, the Junkyard Dog, the Masked Superstar, the Freebirds, the Wild Samoans, Don Muraco, and Johnny Rich
August 4, 1982 (Wednesday) – Columbus, GA (Fred Ward – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > the Iron Sheik vs. Kevin
Sullivan > the Freebirds (02) (Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy) vs. Buzz Sawyer & the Super Destroyer (01) > Paul Orndorff vs. Ole
Anderson > Tommy Rich vs. the Masked Superstar > Mr. Wrestling #2 (01) vs. Don Muraco . / Notes: Roddy Piper
managed Muraco.
August 6, 1982 (Friday) – Macon, GA (Fred Ward – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Luke Graham vs. Bobby Garrett >
the Iron Sheik vs. Tom Prichard > Ole Anderson vs. Roy Rogers (02) > the Freebirds (02) (Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy) vs. the
Samoans (02) (Afa & Sika) > Tommy Rich vs. Don Muraco . / Notes: Sonny King managed the Samoans. Roddy Piper
managed Muraco.
August 7, 1982 (Saturday) – Rome, GA (Charlie Harben – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > the Iron Sheik vs. Roy
Rogers (02) > Buzz Sawyer vs. Tom Prichard > the Super Destroyer (01) vs. Mr. Wrestling #2 (01) > the Samoans (02) (Afa & Sika) vs.
the Freebirds (02) (Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy) / Notes: Sonny King managed the Samoans.
August 9, 1982 (Monday) – Melvindale, MI (Les Thatcher – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Brad Armstrong vs. Chick
Donovan > the Masked Superstar vs. Tito Santana > Paul Orndorff vs. Don Muraco > Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen vs. Terry Gibbs &
Dusty Rhodes > Tommy Rich vs. Roddy Piper / Notes: Piper managed Muraco.
August 10, 1982 (Tuesday) – Grand Rapids, MI (Les Thatcher – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Terry Gibbs vs.
Chick Donovan > Brad Armstrong vs. the Masked Superstar . > Paul Orndorff vs. Don Muraco . >
Dusty Rhodes & Tito Santana vs. Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen > Tommy Rich vs. Roddy Piper / Notes: Piper managed Muraco.
August 11, 1982 (Wednesday) – Columbus, GA (Fred Ward – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Roy Rogers (02) vs.
Abdul Zataar > the Iron Sheik vs. Tom Prichard > the Samoans (02) (Afa & Sika) vs. the Freebirds (02) (Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy) >
Mr. Wrestling #2 (01) vs. Buzz Sawyer . > Andre the Giant vs. the Super Destroyer (01) > Battle Royal: Andre the Giant
(Winner) / Notes: It is unclear as to the reason for the battle royal. Sonny King managed the Samoans.
August 12, 1982 (Thursday) – Saginaw, MI (Les Thatcher – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Brad Armstrong vs.
Chick Donovan > Roddy Piper vs. Terry Gibbs > Paul Orndorff vs. the Masked Superstar > Dusty Rhodes & Tito Santana vs. Ole
Anderson & Stan Hansen . > Tommy Rich vs. Don Muraco . / Notes: Piper managed Muraco.
August 13, 1982 (Friday) – Dayton, OH (Les Thatcher – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Tito Santana vs. Terry Gibbs
> Roddy Piper vs. Brad Armstrong > Paul Orndorff vs. Don Muraco . > Tommy Rich & Dusty Rhodes vs. Ole
Anderson & Stan Hansen . > Andre the Giant vs. the Masked Superstar > Battle Royal: Andre the Giant (Winner) /
Notes: It is unclear as to the reason for the battle royal. Piper managed Muraco.
August 14, 1982 (Saturday) – Augusta, GA – William Bell Auditorium (Charlie Harben – Promoter / Georgia Championship
Wrestling) > Buzz Sawyer vs. Dale Veasey > the Samoans (02) (Afa & Sika) vs. Tito Santana & Terry Gibbs > Dusty Rhodes vs. Don
Muraco . > Tommy Rich vs. Buzz Sawyer > Andre the Giant & the Freebirds (02) (Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy) vs. Ole
Anderson & Stan Hansen & Mr. X (29) > Battle Royal: Andre the Giant (Winner) / Notes: It was reported that the purse for the battle royal
was $5,000. Sonny King managed the Samoans.
August 15, 1982 (Sunday) – Chattanooga, TN (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Brad Armstrong
over Chick Donovan > the Iron Sheik vs. Terry Gibbs > Kamala vs. Tom Prichard > the Junkyard Dog vs. the Super Destroyer (01) >
Don Muraco & Buzz Sawyer vs. Tommy Rich & Andre the Giant by disqualification
August 15, 1982 (Sunday) – Atlanta, GA – Omni Coliseum [P] (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) >
Buzz Sawyer vs. Terry Gibbs > the Iron Sheik vs. Johnny Rich > Kamala vs. Tom Prichard > the Samoans (02) (Afa & Sika) vs. Tito
Santana & Andre the Giant > Paul Orndorff vs. the Super Destroyer (01) > the Junkyard Dog vs. the Masked Superstar by
disqualification > Tommy Rich versus Don Muraco ended in a double countout > Battle Royal: Andre the Giant (Winner) > Cage Match: the
Freebirds (02) (Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy) vs. Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen / Notes: It was reported that the purse for the battle royal
was $5,000. Sonny King managed the Samoans.
August 16, 1982 (Monday) – Gainesville, FL (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Tito Santana vs.
Chick Donovan > Paul Orndorff vs. Buzz Sawyer > Don Muraco vs. Mr. Wrestling #2 (01) > the Freebirds (02) (Michael Hayes & Terry
Gordy) vs. the Samoans (02) (Afa & Sika) > Tommy Rich & Andre the Giant vs. Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen > Battle Royal: Andre the
Giant (Winner) / Notes: It is unclear as to the reason for the battle royal. Sonny King managed the Samoans.
August 18, 1982 (Wednesday) – Columbus, GA (Fred Ward – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > the Iron Sheik vs.
Terry Gibbs > Buzz Sawyer vs. Brad Armstrong > Paul Orndorff vs. the Masked Superstar > Mr. Wrestling #2 (01) vs. Don Muraco by
disqualification > the Freebirds (02) (Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy) vs. the Samoans (02) (Afa & Sika) . / Notes: Sonny
King managed the Sheik and the Samoans.
August 20, 1982 (Friday) – Macon, GA (Fred Ward – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Johnny Rich vs. Chick Donovan
> Brad Armstrong vs. Les Thornton . > Tito Santana vs. the Super Destroyer (01) > the Freebirds (02) (Michael Hayes
& Terry Gordy) vs. Matt Borne & Buzz Sawyer > Lumberjack Match: Paul Orndorff vs. Don Muraco
GCW TV – August 21, 1982
Tito Santana vs. Pete Martin
Don Muraco vs. Dale Veasey
Paul Orndorff and the Super Destroyer went to a draw
The Wild Samoans vs. Randy Barber & Charlie White
Matt Borne vs. Mike Jackson
Tape: Don Muraco & Buzz Sawyer attacking Tommy Rich
Strength Tests by the Iron Sheik
Brad Armstrong vs. Abdul Zataar
The Masked Superstar vs. Burrhead Jones
Buzz Sawyer vs. Charlie White
Ole Anderson vs. Bob Brown
The Freebirds vs. Ed Timbs & Chick Donovan
The Wild Samoans vs. Mike Jackson & Jimmy Powell
Also on Program: Tommy Rich, Roddy Piper, Ernie Ladd, and Johnny Rich
August 21, 1982 (Saturday) – Chattanooga, TN – Chattanooga Memorial Auditorium (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia
Championship Wrestling) > Brad Armstrong and the Iron Sheik . > the Freebirds (02) (Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy) vs.
the Samoans (02) (Afa & Sika) > Ernie Ladd vs. Don Muraco > Buzz Sawyer vs. Tommy Rich > Shackle Match: Mr. Wrestling #2 (01)
over the Masked Superstar / Notes: Sonny King managed the Sheik and the Samoans.
August 22, 1982 (Sunday) – Cincinnati, OH – Riverfront Coliseum (Les Thatcher – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) >
Brad Armstrong vs. Tom Prichard at 13:50 > Les Thornton vs. Terry Gibbs at 13:20 > Paul Orndorff vs. Buzz Sawyer at 15:38 > Don
Muraco vs. Mr. Wrestling #2 (01) at 12:12 > Dusty Rhodes vs. the Masked Superstar . at 8:59 > the Freebirds (02)
(Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy) vs. Ernie Ladd & Ole Anderson at 7:12 > NWA World Heavyweight Title Match: Ric Flair* vs. Tommy Rich
at 37:45
August 22, 1982 (Sunday) – Marietta, GA – Cobb County Civic Center (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia Championship
Wrestling) > Sika vs. Randy Barber > the Super Destroyer (01) vs. Mike Jackson > Mixed Tag Team Match: Leilani Kai & the Iron Sheik
over Mike Jackson & Vivian St. John > Matt Borne vs. Abdul Zataar > Johnny Rich vs. Afa / Notes: Sonny King managed the Afa, Sika,
and the Sheik.
August 23, 1982 (Monday) – Augusta, GA (Charlie Harben – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Matt Borne and Johnny
Rich . > Women’s Match: Leilani Kai vs. Vivian St. John > the Iron Sheik vs. Tom Prichard > the Samoans (02) (Afa &
Sika) vs. Terry Gordy & Tito Santana > Michael Hayes vs. Ole Anderson / Notes: Sonny King managed the Sheik and the Samoans.
August 26, 1982 (Thursday) – Anniston, AL (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > Luke Graham vs.
Dale Veasey > Matt Borne vs. Tom Prichard > Johnny Rich vs. the Iron Sheik > the Freebirds (02) (Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy) vs.
the Samoans (02) (Afa & Sika) / Notes: Sonny King managed the Sheik and the Samoans.
GCW TV – August 28, 1982
The Freebirds vs. Pete Martin & Chick Donovan
Brad Armstrong vs. Buzz Sawyer by DQ
Mike Jackson vs. Johnny Bradshaw
The Iron Sheik vs. Tony Giancaro
Johnny Rich vs. Abdul Zataar
Matt Borne vs. Dale Veasey
Also on Program: the Wild Samoans, Don Muraco, Tommy Rich, Roddy Piper, Paul Orndorff, Ivan Koloff, the Super Destroyer, Ole Anderson, the Masked Superstar, Ernie Ladd, and Tom Prichard
GCW TV – August 29, 1982
George Wells & Mr. Wrestling #2 vs. Tony Russo & David Sierra
The Masked Superstar vs. Bruce Gallagher
Tommy Rich vs. Rick Ferrara
Kevin Von Erich vs. Jim Nelson
Terry Gordy & Jimmy Snuka vs. Denny Brown & Keith Larsen
Steve O vs. Jose Medina
Chris Cannon & Bruno Sammartino, Jr., vs. David Sierra & Jeff Sword
Bruiser Brody vs. Mitch Barlow
George Wells & Steve O vs. Jim Nelson & Bob Brown
Terry Gordy & Jimmy Snuka vs. Don Gilbert & Rick Benefield
Kevin Von Erich & Mr. Wrestling #2 vs. Ed Timbs & Professor Sonoda
Mike Sharpe vs. Jerry Mahoney
Also on Program: Michael Hayes and Andre the Giant
August 29, 1982 (Sunday) – Atlanta, GA – Omni Coliseum [P] (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) >
National Heavyweight Title One-Night Tournament: Matt Borne vs. Johnny Rich to advance; Paul Orndorff vs. Ole Anderson to advance;
Buzz Sawyer vs. Tom Prichard to advance; Brad Armstrong vs. the Iron Sheik to advance; Ernie Ladd versus the Masked Superstar
ended in a double countout for both to be eliminated; the Super Destroyer (01) vs. Armstrong to advance; Orndorff vs. Borne to
advance; Orndorff vs. Sawyer to advance; and the Super Destroyer vs. Orndorff for the title > National Tag Team Title Match: the
Samoans (02) (Afa & Sika) vs. the Freebirds (02) (Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy)* for the title > Falls Count Anywhere Match (No
Disqualification): Tommy Rich vs. Don Muraco / Notes: Sonny King managed the Sheik and the Samoans.
August 29, 1982 (Sunday) – Chattanooga, TN – Chattanooga Memorial Auditorium (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia
Championship Wrestling) > Matt Borne versus Tom Prichard > Paul Orndorff versus the Super Destroyer (01) > No Time Limit Match:
Brad Armstrong versus the Iron Sheik > Tommy Rich versus Don Muraco > the Samoans (02) (Afa & Sika) versus the Freebirds (02)
(Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy) / Notes: Sonny King managed the Sheik and the Samoans.
August 30, 1982 (Monday) – Augusta, GA – William Bell Auditorium (Charlie Harben – Promoter / Georgia Championship
Wrestling) > Buzz Sawyer vs. Tommy Rich > the Iron Sheik vs. Johnny Rich > Matt Borne vs. Brad Armstrong > Paul Orndorff vs. the
Super Destroyer (01) > the Samoans (02) (Afa & Sika) vs. the Freebirds (02) (Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy) / Notes: Sonny King
managed the Sheik and the Samoans.
GCW TV – September 4, 1982
Matt Borne & Buzz Sawyer vs. Tom Prichard & Dale Veasey
Video: Roddy Piper
Tape: Tommy Rich versus Don Muraco
Paul Orndorff vs. Abdul Zataar
The Super Destroyer vs. Charles White
Brad Armstrong vs. Mike Jackson
Tito Santana vs. Chick Donovan
The Wild Samoans vs. Johnny Rich & James Daniels
Also on Program: the Iron Sheik, Terry Gordy, and Ole Anderson
September 4, 1982 (Saturday) – Chattanooga, TN – Chattanooga Memorial Auditorium (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia
Championship Wrestling) > Johnny Rich vs. Chick Donovan > George Gulas vs. Tony Giancaro > Luke Graham vs. Sam the Samoan
> Brad Armstrong vs. Mike Jackson > Elimination Match: Tojo Yamamoto (Winner) > Cage Match: Tommy Rich vs. Buzz Sawyer /
Notes: It is unclear as to the other participants in the elimination match with Yamamoto. It was reported that the purse for the match was
September 4, 1982 (Saturday) – Augusta, GA – William Bell Auditorium (Charlie Harben – Promoter / Georgia Championship
Wrestling) > Tom Prichard vs. Pete Martin > the Iron Sheik vs. Dale Veasey > Paul Orndorff vs. Matt Borne > Tito Santana vs. Ole
Anderson > the Samoans (02) (Afa & Sika) vs. the Freebirds (02) (Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy) / Notes: Sonny King managed the Sheik
and the Samoans.
GCW TV – Georgia, September 11, 1982
Buzz Sawyer vs. Ken Hall
Brad Armstrong vs. Chick Donovan
The Super Destroyer vs. Dale Veasey
Strength Test by the Iron Sheik
Tape: Mike Jackson & Burrhead Jones versus the Wild Samoans
Matt Borne vs. Lawrence Hamilton
Tom Prichard vs. Rick Connors
Ivan Koloff vs. Jimmy Powell
Paul Orndorff vs. Deke Rivers
Tape: Tommy Rich versus Don Muraco
The Road Warrior vs. Randy Barber
Also on Program: Roddy Piper, Tommy Rich, Harley Race, the Wild Samoans, Terry Gordy, Tito Santana, and Mr. Wrestling #2
September 12, 1982 (Sunday) – Atlanta, GA – Omni Coliseum [P] (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling)
> Johnny Rich vs. Brad Armstrong > the Road Warrior vs. Bobby Garrett > Matt Borne vs. Tom Prichard > Buzz Sawyer vs. Mr.
Wrestling #2 (01) > Terry Gordy & Tito Santana vs. the Samoans (02) (Afa & Sika) > Paul Orndorff vs. Harley Race > Tommy Rich vs.
the Super Destroyer (01) > Ole Anderson vs. Roddy Piper / Notes: Rich substituted for Pete Martin in the match against Armstrong, and
Anderson substituted for Don Muraco in the match against Piper. The Iron Sheik performed an exhibition with weighted clubs as a show
of strength. Sonny King managed the Sheik and the Samoans.
September 15, 1982 (Wednesday) – Columbus, GA – Columbus Municipal Auditorium (Fred Ward – Promoter / Georgia
Championship Wrestling) > Matt Borne versus Brad Armstrong > Terry Gordy & Tito Santana versus Ivan Koloff & the Iron Sheik > Paul
Orndorff versus Buzz Sawyer > Roddy Piper versus the Bounty Hunter (03) > National Heavyweight Title Match: the Super Destroyer (01)*
versus Tommy Rich / Notes: Sonny King managed the Sheik.
September 18, 1982 (Saturday) – Chattanooga, TN – Chattanooga Memorial Auditorium (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia
Championship Wrestling) > Ivan Koloff vs. Dale Veasey > the Iron Sheik vs. Tom Prichard > Terry Gordy & Tito Santana versus the
Samoans (02) (Afa & Sika) > Roddy Piper vs. Ole Anderson at 2:53 > Paul Orndorff and Buzz Sawyer . at 60:00 / Notes:
Sonny King managed the Sheik and the Samoans.
GCW TV – Georgia, September 25, 1982
October 2, 1982 (Saturday) – Chattanooga, TN – Chattanooga Memorial Auditorium (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia
Championship Wrestling) > Tito Santana vs. Chick Donovan > Terry Gordy vs. Matt Borne > Ivan Koloff & the Iron Sheik vs. Brad
Armstrong & Johnny Rich > Roddy Piper vs. the Super Destroyer (01) at 1:51 > Paul Orndorff vs. Buzz Sawyer . /
Notes: Sonny King managed the Sheik.
October 3, 1982 (Sunday) – Atlanta, GA – Omni Coliseum [P] (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) >
Brad Armstrong vs. Chick Donovan > Matt Borne vs. Johnny Rich > the Iron Sheik vs. Brad Armstrong > National Tag Team Title
Match: the Samoans (02) (Afa & Sika)* vs. Terry Gordy & Tito Santana > National Heavyweight Title Match: Paul Orndorff vs. the Super
Destroyer (01)* for the title > Roddy Piper versus Abdullah the Butcher . > NWA World Heavyweight Title Match:
Ric Flair* versus Stan Hansen ended in a double countout > Buzz Sawyer vs. Tommy Rich . / Notes: Sonny King
managed the Sheik and the Samoans.
GCW TV – Georgia, October 10, 1982
October 17, 1982 (Sunday) – Atlanta, GA – Omni Coliseum [P] (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) >
Johnny Rich vs. Tom Prichard > Matt Borne and Tito Santana . > the Iron Sheik vs. Brad Armstrong > the Super Destroyer
(01) vs. Big Red > National Heavyweight Title Match: the Masked Superstar vs. Paul Orndorff* for the title > Roddy Piper vs. the
Great Kabuki (02) > National Tag Team Title Match: Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen vs. the Samoans (02) (Afa & Sika)* .
> Falls Count Anywhere Match (No Disqualification): Tommy Rich vs. Buzz Sawyer / Notes: Sonny King managed the Sheik and the
GCW TV – Georgia, October 20, 1982
The Super Destroyer vs. Randy Barber
Tape: Paul Orndorff versus the Masked Superstar
Tape: Mike Thompson versus Butch Reed
Tape: Tommy Rich versus Buzz Sawyer
Johnny Rich vs. Fred McKenzie
Ivan Koloff vs. Dale Veasey
The Iron Sheik vs. Mike Thompson
Brad Armstrong & Tito Santana vs. Lawrence Hamilton & Chick Donovan
Also on Program: Buzz Sawyer, Tommy Rich, Paul Orndorff, the Masked Superstar, Roddy Piper, Tom Prichard, the Wild Samoans, Ole Anderson
October 25, 1982 (Monday) – Augusta, GA – William Bell Auditorium (Charlie Harben – Promoter / Georgia Championship
Wrestling) > Matt Borne versus Tito Santana > Tom Prichard versus the Iron Sheik > the Samoans (02) (Afa & Sika) versus the Masked
Superstar & the Super Destroyer (01) > Tommy Rich versus Ivan Koloff > Roddy Piper versus Buzz Sawyer / Notes: Sonny King managed
the Sheik and the Samoans.
October 30, 1982 (Saturday) – Chattanooga, TN – Chattanooga Memorial Auditorium (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia
Championship Wrestling) > Brad Armstrong vs. Tom Prichard > Tito Santana and the Iron Sheik . > Tommy Rich vs. Matt
Borne > Roddy Piper vs. Ivan Koloff > the Samoans (02) (Afa & Sika) vs. the Masked Superstar & the Super Destroyer (01) / Notes:
Sonny King managed the Sheik and the Samoans.
November 6, 1982 (Saturday) – Augusta, GA – Richmond County Civic Center (Charlie Harben – Promoter / Georgia
Championship Wrestling) > Matt Borne versus Brad Armstrong > Tommy Rich & Stan Hansen versus Ivan Koloff & the Iron Sheik > Butch
Reed versus the Super Destroyer (01) > Paul Orndorff versus the Masked Superstar > Roddy Piper versus Buzz Sawyer / Notes: Sonny
King managed the Sheik.
November 7, 1982 (Sunday) – Atlanta, GA – Omni Coliseum (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) >
Johnny Rich versus Buzz Sawyer > Brad Armstrong versus Ivan Koloff > Tommy Rich versus Jerry Lawler > Butch Reed versus the Super
Destroyer (01) > Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen & Ernie Ladd versus the Iron Sheik & the Samoans (02) (Afa & Sika) > National
Heavyweight Title Match: Paul Orndorff vs. the Masked Superstar* for the title / Notes: Sonny King managed the Sheik and the
November 13, 1982 (Saturday) – Chattanooga, TN – Chattanooga Memorial Auditorium (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia
Championship Wrestling) > Chick Donovan versus Billy Red Eagle > Brad Armstrong versus Ivan Koloff > Johnny Rich versus Buzz
Sawyer > Butch Reed versus the Super Destroyer (01) > Tommy Rich & Paul Orndorff versus the Samoans (02) (Afa & Sika) / Notes:
Sonny King managed the Samoans.
November 19, 1982 (Friday) – Dayton, OH – Hara Arena (Les Thatcher – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > the
Samoans (02) (Afa & Sika) vs. Tom Prichard & Brad Armstrong > Tito Santana vs. the Super Destroyer (01) > Paul Orndorff vs. the
Iron Sheik > Ole Anderson & Buzz Sawyer vs. Tommy Rich & Johnny Rich / Notes: Sonny King managed the Sheik and the Samoans.
November 21, 1982 (Sunday) – Columbus, OH – Ohio Center (Les Thatcher – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > the
Iron Sheik vs. Johnny Rich > the Samoans (02) (Afa & Sika) vs. Brad Armstrong and Billy Red Eagle > the Super Destroyer (01) vs.
Tom Prichard > Butch Reed vs. Ole Anderson > Paul Orndorff vs. Ivan Koloff > Cage Match: Tommy Rich vs. Buzz Sawyer by
disqualification / Notes: Sonny King managed the Sheik and the Samoans.
November 22, 1982 (Monday) – Augusta, GA – Richmond County Civic Center (Charlie Harben – Promoter / Georgia
Championship Wrestling) > Chick Donovan versus Billy Red Eagle > Pete Martin versus Johnny Rich > Tom Prichard & Tito Santana
versus the Moondogs (Rex (01) & Spot) > Tommy Rich versus the Iron Sheik > Paul Orndorff versus Ivan Koloff > Butch Reed versus Buzz
Sawyer / Notes: Sonny King managed the Sheik. J.J. Dillon managed the Moondogs.
November 25, 1982 (Thursday) – Atlanta, GA – Omni Coliseum (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) >
One-Night Tag Team Tournament: the Moondogs (Rex (01) & Spot) vs. Les Thornton & Billy Red Eagle to advance; Brad Armstrong &
Tito Santana vs. Hiro Matsuda & Yoshiaki Yatsu to advance; Tommy Rich & Johnny Rich vs. Korstia Korchenko & the Iron Sheik to
advance; the Samoans (02) (Afa & Sika) vs. the Great Kabuki (01) & the Magic Dragon to advance; the Moondogs vs. Armstrong &
Santana to advance; the Richs vs. the Samoans to advance; and the Moondogs vs. the Richs for the tournament > Ivan Koloff vs.
Paul Orndorff > Lights Out Match: Butch Reed vs. Buzz Sawyer / Notes: It was reported that the purse for the tournament was $30,000.
Sonny King managed Korchenko, the Sheik and the Samoans. J.J. Dillon managed the Moondogs.
November 26, 1982 (Friday) – Knoxville, TN – James White Civic Coliseum (Bob Polk – Promoter / Georgia Championship
Wrestling) > Chick Donovan versus Billy Red Eagle > Brad Armstrong & Johnny Rich versus the Moondogs (Rex (01) & Spot) > Butch
Reed versus the Iron Sheik > Paul Orndorff versus Ivan Koloff > Cage Match: Tommy Rich versus Buzz Sawyer / Notes: Sonny King
managed the Sheik. J.J. Dillon managed the Moondogs.
November 27, 1982 (Saturday) – Chattanooga, TN – Chattanooga Memorial Auditorium (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia
Championship Wrestling) > Chick Donovan versus Billy Red Eagle > Johnny Rich versus Pete Martin > Tom Prichard & Tito Santana
versus the Moondogs (Rex (01) & Spot) > Tommy Rich versus the Iron Sheik > Paul Orndorff versus Ivan Koloff > Butch Reed versus Buzz
Sawyer / Notes: Sonny King managed the Sheik. J.J. Dillon managed the Moondogs.
December 1, 1982 (Wednesday) – Saginaw, MI (Les Thatcher – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) > the Moondogs (Rex
(01) & Spot) vs. Brad Armstrong & Billy Red Eagle > the Iron Sheik vs. Tom Prichard > Butch Reed vs. Ole Anderson > Paul Orndorff
over Ivan Koloff by DQ > Tommy Rich vs. Buzz Sawyer / Notes: Sonny King managed the Sheik.
GCW TV – November 20, November 27, December 4, 1982
Buzz Sawyer vs. Mike Starbuck
Korista Korchenko vs. Butch Reed – Buzz Sawyer jumps Reed
Moondogs vs. Dale Veazy & Randy Barber
Ivan Koloff vs. Mike Jackson
Buzz Sawyer vs. Rick Benfield
Ivan Koloff vs. Hamilton
JJ Dillon sends in a promo on Sonny King & the Samoans
Moondogs vs. Gerald Finley & Dale Veazy
Iron Sheik vs. Dale Veazy
Ivan Koloff vs. Dale Veazy
Johnny Rich vs. jobber –Match is a back drop for a Flair promo
Buzz Sawyer vs. Tommy Rich from the Omni
Ivan Koloff vs. Paul Orndorff from the Omni –Orndorff & Tom Pritchard are doing commentary then Ivan Koloff interrupts
Iron Sheik vs. Unnamed Jobber – Match is a backdrop for Orndorff challenging Koloff
Paul Orndorff vs. Ivan Koloff
Buzz Sawyer vs. Randy Barber
Ric Flair vs. David Jones
Paul Orndorff vs. Chick Donovan
Buzz Sawyer vs. jobber
Flashback to old squash matches of the tag champ Samoans and #1 contender Moondogs
Tommy Rich vs. Pat Rose
Ivan Koloff vs. Mike Jackson
December 5, 1982 (Sunday) – Chattanooga, TN – Chattanooga Memorial Auditorium (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia
Championship Wrestling) > Chick Donovan versus Billy Red Eagle > Tom Prichard versus Ole Anderson > Brad Armstrong versus the
Iron Sheik > Tommy Rich & Johnny Rich versus Ivan Koloff & Buzz Sawyer > NWA World Heavyweight Title Match: Ric Flair* versus Paul
Orndorff / Notes: Sonny King managed the Sheik.
December 13, 1982 (Monday) – Augusta, GA – Richmond County Civic Center (Charlie Harben – Promoter / Georgia
Championship Wrestling) > Ole Anderson vs. Dale Veasey > the Iron Sheik vs. Johnny Rich > the Moondogs (Rex (01) & Spot) vs.
Brad Armstrong & Tito Santana > Russian Chain Match: Ivan Koloff vs. Paul Orndorff > Butch Reed vs. Ric Flair / Notes: Sonny King
managed the Sheik. J.J. Dillon managed the Moondogs.
December 18, 1982 (Saturday) – Chattanooga, TN – Chattanooga Memorial Auditorium (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia
Championship Wrestling) > Spot vs. Pat Rose > Rex (01) vs. Brad Armstrong > the Iron Sheik vs. Johnny Rich > Tommy Rich & Butch
Reed vs. Ole Anderson & Buzz Sawyer . > Ivan Koloff vs. Paul Orndorff / Notes: Rose substituted for Dale Veasey in
the match with Spot. J.J. Dillon managed Rex and Spot. Sonny King managed the Sheik.
GCW TV – December 11, December 18 & December 25, 1982
Ivan Koloff vs. Mike Jackson
Ric Flair promo
Clip of Kabuki
Buzz Sawyer vs. Zane Smith
JJ Dillon cuts a promo on Sonny King
Buzz Sawyer vs. Bill Smith
Iron Sheik & Ivan Koloff squash match
Buzz Sawyer vs. Randy Barber
Wild Samoans vs. jobbers
Ivan Koloff vs. Tom Pritchard
Buzz Sawyer squash
Masked Superstar vs. Mike Starbuck
Buzz Sawyer & Ivan Koloff vs. Johnny Rich & Randy Barber
Masked Superstar & Super Destroyer vs. McKenzie & Ford
Ivan Koloff vs. Mike Jackson
Brad Armstrong vs. Buzz Sawyer
Iron Sheik vs. Randy Barber
Moondogs vs. Mike Jackson & Johnny Rich
Ric Flair promo
December 25, 1982 (Saturday) – Atlanta, GA – Omni Coliseum (Paul Jones (01) – Promoter / Georgia Championship Wrestling) >
Terry Gibbs vs. Ken Timbs > Joe Lightfoot and Les Thornton . > Johnny Rich vs. Chick Donovan > Tommy Rich vs. the
Iron Sheik > Stan Hansen & Tito Santana & Andre the Giant vs. the Great Kabuki (01) & the Masked Superstar & the Super Destroyer
(01) > the Moondogs (Rex (01) & Spot) versus the Samoans (02) (Afa & Sika) . > Russian Chain Match: Ivan Koloff
over Paul Orndorff > Cage Hair Match: Butch Reed vs. Buzz Sawyer / Notes: It was reported that 13,000 were in attendance for this card.
Sonny King managed the Sheik and the Samoans. J.J. Dillon managed the Moondogs.
Georgia TV – December 26, 1982
Bob Armstrong promo
Kevin Sullivan vs. Tommy Rogers
Ric Flair promo
Tommy Rich vs. Buck Branigan
Brad Armstrong vs. Gino Hernandez –the build is all about Brad and they treat Gino as an afterthought jobber type but then Gino scores the win!
Gino Hernandez promo
Ole Anderson promo – he reveals his new partner will be Stan Hansen
Gary Hart promo –He explains a Dragon Shai match
Jack & Jerry Brisco vs. Len Denton & Butch Bronson
Gary Hart & Kabuki are out for a promo and when they hear that Dusty is in the building, they bail.
Dusty Rhodes promo
Jim Garvin vs. Deke Rivers
Dusty Rhodes promo
Masked Superstar & Super Destroyer vs. Gerald Finley & Gallagher
Tommy Rich & Jim Garvin promo
Buzz Sawyer vs. Roberts
Ole Anderson promo
Dusty Rhodes promo
Brad Armstrong vs. Chick Donovan
Ron Bass promo
Ron Bass vs. Ken Timbs
Jim Garvin vs. Rick Harris
Roddy Piper interviews Gino Hernandez
Kevin Sullivan vs. Ben Field
Dusty Rhodes promo
Ric Flair promo
Tommy Rich vs. Rick Connors
December 27, 1982 (Monday) – Cincinnati, OH – Riverfront Coliseum (Les Thatcher – Promoter / Georgia Championship
Wrestling) > the Iron Sheik vs. Joe Lightfoot at 12:22 > the Moondogs (Rex (01) & Spot) vs. Stan Hansen & Terry Gibbs at 8:58 > Ole
Anderson vs. Les Thornton at 18:00 > Butch Reed vs. the Masked Superstar at 10:26 > Texas Tornado Tag Team Death Match: Ivan
Koloff & Buzz Sawyer vs. Tommy Rich & Paul Orndorff . at 10:01 / Notes: Sonny King managed the Sheik.