BJW on Samurai Battle Station TV
Broadcast: January 2001
Duration: 2h
1. 12/24/00 Weapons Battle Royal Highlights
2. Prelim Matches
3. Zandig, Rockin Rebel & Jun Kasai vs. Ryuji Yamakawa & Shadow WX
4. Kintaro Kanemura, Ryuji Yamakawa & Shadow WX vs. Zandig, Rockin Rebel & Jun Kasai
BJW on Samurai Battle Station TV
Broadcast: February 2001
Taped: 01/28/2001
1. CZW Jr. Heavyweight Title, Barbed Wire Boards Death Match: Men’s Teioh vs. Winger
2. Jun Kasai vs. Kintaro Kanemura
3. Abdullah Kobayashi & Daikokubo Benkei vs. Kamikaze & Shunme Matsuzaki
4. Big Japan Tag Titles: Men’s Teioh & Daisuke Sekimoto vs. Kamikaze & Abdullah Kobayashi
5. Fluorescent Lighttube Boards Death Match: Ryuji Yamakawa vs. Shadow WX
BJW on Samurai Battle Station TV
Broadcast: March 2001
Taped: 02/24/2001
Duration 2h
1. Alvin Ken vs. Ryuji Ito
2. Jaki Numazawa vs. Chi-Nen Hokkai
3. Daisuke Sekimoto vs. Kazuya Yuasu
4. Kamikaze & Abdullah Kobayashi Jr. & Shunme Matsuzaki & Daikokubo Benkei vs. Mens Teioh & Winger & Fantastik & Jack Guist
5. BJW Tag Team Titles, Ladder Death Match: Kintaro Kanemura & Ryuji Yamakawa vs. Jun Kasai & Johnny Kashmere
6. Barbed Wire Spider Net and Barbed Wire Boards Death Match: Shadow WX vs. Zandig
BJW on Samurai Battle Station TV
Broadcast: April 2001
Taped: various dates
Duration: 2h
1. Masato Tanaka, Gedo and Jado vs. Kamikaze, Daisuke Sekimoto and Shunme Matsuzaki (3/26/2001)
2. The Winger vs. Jun Kasai (CZW Highlights 03/20/2001)
3. CZW Jr. Heavyweight Title, Barbed Wire Board and Baseball Bat Death Match: Mens Teioh vs. Jun Kasai (03/20/2001)
4. Barbed Wire Board and Baseball Bat, Stapler Gun, Ladder and Fluorescent Lighttubes Elimination Death Match: Shadow WX, The Winger,
Mens Teioh and Kintaro Kanemura vs. John Zandig, Jun Kasai, Wifebeater and Madman Pondo (03/26/2001)
5. Wifebeater turns on Zandig after the match and splits up CZW Japan
BJW on Samurai Battle Station TV
Broadcast: May 2001
Taped: various dates
Duration: 2h
1. Barbed Wire Boards Death Match: Jun Kasai vs. Kamikaze (04/28/2001)
2. Barbed Wire Boards Death Match: The Winger vs. Shadow WX (04/29/2001)
3. Barbed Wire Baseball Bat and Ladder Death Match: Jun Kasai vs. Kintaro Kanemura (01/28/2001)
4. Barbed Wire Board and Strap Death Match: Abdullah Jr. Kobayashi vs. Kintaro Kanemura (04/29/2001)
5. Big Japan Tag Titles, Ladder Death Match Kintaro Kanemura and Ryuji Yamakawa vs. Jun Kasai and Johnny Kashmere (02/24/2001)
6. 200 Fluorescent Lighttubes Death Match: Zandig vs. Madman Pondo (05/03/2001)
BJW on Samurai Battle Station TV
“Deathmatch Tournament 2001”
Taped: various dates
Duration: 2h
1. Free Weapons Death Match: John Zandig and Jun Kasai vs. Wifebeater and Madman Pondo (04/29/2001)
2. Barbed Wire Death Match Jun Kasai vs. Kamikaze (Highlights 04/28/2001)
3. Barbed Wire Board Death Match Shadow WX vs. The Winger (Highlights 04/29/2001)
4. Barbed Wire Board and Strap Death Match Abdullah Kobayashi vs. Kintaro Kanemura (Highlights 04/29/2001)
5. 200 Fluorescent Lighttubes Death Match: Madman: Pondo vs. John Zandig (Highlights 05/03/2001)
6. Barbed Wire Board Death Match: Kamikaze vs. Justice Pain (Highlights 05/03/2001)
7. Barbed Wire Board Death Match: The Winger vs. Wifebeater (Highlights 05/03/2001)
8. Semi Final, Barbed Wire Board Death Match: Kintaro Kanemura vs. The Winger (05/04/2001)
9. Semi Final, Barbed Wire Board Death Match: John Zandig vs. Justice Pain (05/04/2001)
10. Tournament Final, CZW Caribbean Style Death Match: John Zandig vs. Kintaro Kanemura (05/04/2001)
11. Fire Death Match: Shadow WX and The Winger vs. Mens Teioh and Abdullah Kobayashi (Highlights 06/03/2001)
BJW on Samurai Battle Station TV
Broadcast: June 2001
Taped: 05/27/2001
Duration: 2h
1. BJW Jr. Heavyweight Title: Men’s Teioh vs. Daisuke Sekimoto
2. BJW Heavyweight Title: Kamikaze vs. Hideki Hosaka
3. Barbed Wire Board Death Match: John Zandig & Kintaro Kanemura vs. Madman Pondo & John Dahmer
4. Barefoot Thumbtacks Death Match: Mitsuhiro Matsunaga vs. Jun Kasai
BJW on Samurai Battle Station TV
Broadcast: July 2001
Taped 06/03/2001
1. Kintaro Kanemura vs. Mad Man Pondo
2. Zandig vs. Jon Dahmer
3. Ryuji Yamakawa Promo
4. Jun Kasai vs. Hideki Hosaka
5. Death Match: Zandig vs. Jun Kasai
6. Fire Death Match: Shadow WX & Winger vs. Abdullah Kobashi & Men’s Teioh
BJW on Samurai Battle Station TV
Broadcast: August 2001
Taped: various dates
Duration: 2h
Guests: Men’s Teioh & Jun Kasai
1. Men’s Teioh & Jun Kasai vs. Shadow WX & The Winger (07/27/2001)
2. John Zandig, Kintaro Kanemura, & Abdullah Kobayashi vs. Wifebeater, Madman Pondo, & Trent Acid (07/27/2001)
3. BJW Heavyweight Title Match: Masato Tanaka vs. Kamikaze (07/27/2001)
4. Thumbtacks, Fluorescent Lighttubes & Glass Crush Death Match: Madman Pondo vs. Mitsuhiro Matsunaga (07/29/2001)
5. Fluorescent Lighttubes, Barbed Wire Boards & Fire Coffin Death Match: Shadow WX vs. Abdullah Kobayashi (Highlights 08/02/2001)
BJW on Samurai Battle Station TV
Broadcast: September 2001
Taped: 08/19/2001
Duration: 2h
1. Daisuke Sekimoto vs. Nate Hatred
2. Strap Death Match: Abdullah Kobayashi vs. Madman Pondo
3. Men’s Teioh & Jun Kasai vs. Trent Acid & Johnny Kashmere
4. Kamikaze & Hideki Hosaka vs. Wifebeater & Justice Pain
5. 200 Fluorescent Lighttubes, Thumbtacks & Glass Crush Death Match: John Zandig vs. Mr. X (Mitsuhiro Matsunaga)
BJW on Samurai Battle Station TV
Broadcast: October 2001
Taped: 08/25/2001
Duration: 2h
1. Bunkhouse Death Match: Mitsuhiro Matsunaga vs. Abdullah Jr. Kobayashi
2. Daisuke Sekimoto vs. Daikokubo Benkei Jun Kasai vs. Ryuji Ito
3. Ryuji Ito, Kamikaze, and Mens Teioh vs. Justice Pain, Johnny Kashmere, and Jun Kasai
4. Shadow WX vs. Naoki Numazawa (08/19/2001)
5. Barbed Wire Baseball Bat, Fluorescent Lighttubes Boards & Fluorescent Lighttubes Death Match: Shadow WX vs. Kintaro Kanemura
BJW on Samurai Battle Station TV
“Big Japan Battle Station Tag League 2001”
Broadcast: October 2001
Taped: various dates
1. Daikokubo Benkei and Abdullah Kobayashi vs. Fantastik and Ryuji Ito (09/12/2001)
2. Kamikaze and Hideki Hosaka vs. Mens Teioh and Daisuke Sekimoto (09/12/2001)
3. Kamikaze and Hideki Hosaka vs. Daikokubo Benkei and Abdullah Kobayashi (09/15/2001)
4. Masato Tanaka and Shunme Matsuzaki vs. Fantastik and Ryuji Ito (09/17/2001)
5. Mens Teioh and Daisuke Sekimoto vs. Daikokubo Benkei and Abdullah Kobayashi (09/19/2001)
6. Masato Tanaka and Shunme Matsuzaki vs. Kamikaze and Hideki Hosaka (09/20/2001)
7. Mens Teioh and Daisuke Sekimoto vs. Fantastik and Ryuji Ito (09/20/2001)
8. Daikokubo Benkei and Abdullah Kobayashi vs. Masato Tanaka and Shunme Matsuzaki (09/20/2001)
9. Kamikaze and Hideki Hosaka vs. Fantastik and Ryuji Ito (09/23/2001)
10. Mens Teioh and Daisuke Sekimoto vs. Masato Tanaka and Shunme Matsuzaki (09/23/2001)
11. Abdullah Kobayashi vs. Nick Berk (09/23/2001)
12. Barbed Wire Boards Death Match: John Zandig, Kintaro Kanemura, and Shadow WX vs. Mitsuhiro Matsunaga, Jun Kasai, and Nick
Gage (09/23/2001)
BJW on Samurai Battle Station TV
Broadcast: November 2001
Taped: 10/21/2001
Duration: 2h
1. Kintaro Kanemura & Shadow WX & Adbullah Kobayashi & vs. & Mitsuhiro Matsunaga & Hido & Mad Man Pondo
2. Hido vs. Shadow WX
3. Kamikaze & Hideki Hosaka & Shunme Matsuzaki vs. Daikokubo Benkei & Abdullah Kobayashi & Naoki Numazawa
4. Barbed Wire Boards Fluorescent Lighttubes Death Match: Zandig & Van Hammer vs. Jun Kasai & Wifebeater
5. Mens Teioh & Daisuke Sekimoto & Ryuji Ito vs. Jun Kasai & Mad Man Pondo & Ruckus
6. Tarantula Forest Death Match: Mitsuhiro Matsunaga vs. Zandig
7. Highlights of the Roses & Needles Death Match
8. Highlights of the Barbed Wire Boards, Flurorescent Lighttubes & Thumbtacks Deathmatch on the same show
9. Wifebeater apologizing to Yamakawa
Big Japan TV November 2001
“Bloodbath 2001”
Broadcast: 11/25/2001
Taped: 10/25/2001
Duration: 2h
1. Thumbtacks & Fluorescent Lighttube Boards Death Match: John Zandig & Van Hammer vs. Wifebeater & Madman Pondo
2. Hiromi Yagi vs. Marcella
3. Ryuji Ito vs. Fantastik
4. Justice Pain & Ruckus vs. “Hardcore” Nick Gage & Trent Acid
5. Kamikaze, Men’s Teioh, & Shunme Matsuzaki vs. Daikokubo Benkei, Abdullah Kobayashi, & Naoki Numazawa Daisuke Sekimoto vs.
6. Shadow WX & Madman Pondo vs. Jun Kasai & Bad Boy Hido
BJW on Samurai Battle Station TV
Broadcast: December 2001
Taped 12/02/2001
Duration: 4h
1. Ryuji Ito & Hiromi Yagi vs. Fantastik & Marcella
2. BJW/CZW Jr. Heavyweight Double Title Match: Trent Acid vs. Winger vs. Ruckus
3. Hideki Hosaka & Shunmei Matsuzaka & Kamikaze vs. Daikokubo Benkei & Abdullah Kobayashi & Naoki Numazawa
4. Barbed Wire Boards Death Match: Hido vs. Shadow WX
5. 200 Fluorescent Lighttubes Death Match: Wifebeater vs. Madman Pondo vs. Jun Kasai vs. Zandig
6. CZW Heavyweight Title Match: Justice Pain vs. Nick Gage
7. Mil Mascaras & Kung Fu Lee vs. Terry Funk & Terry Boy
8. Shinjiro Ohtani vs. Daisuke Sekimoto
9. BJW Death Match Heavyweight Title, Exploding Glass Death Match: Mitsuhiro Matsunaga vs. Zandig
10. BJW Tag Titles vs. WEW Hardcore Tag Titles: Ryuji Yamakawa & Kintaro Kanemura vs. Men’s Teioh & Daisuke Sekimoto