– Jimmy Garvin vs. Jack Weathers
– The Midnight Express vs. Phil Brown & Henry Rutley
– The Rock ‘n Roll Express vs. Lee Peak & Ray Aaron
– Tully Blanchard & The Minnesota Wrecking Crew vs. Alan Martin, Randy Barber, & Charles Freeman
– NWA World Tag Titles: The Rock ‘n Roll Express (c) vs. The Midnight Express
9/14/86 (joined in progress):
– Tully Blanchard & Arn Anderson vs. Vernon Deaton & Tony Zane
* A long-running Braves-Giants game on TBS meant that this episode went on the air with about 10 minutes left in the show.
– The Rock ‘n Roll Express vs. The Golden Terror & Randy Barber
– Jimmy Garvin vs. Bill Mulkey
– Manny Fernandez vs. Randy Mulkey
– Dick Murdoch vs. Brodie Chase
– The Barbarian, Baron Von Raschke, & Shaska Whatley vs. Lee Peak, Art Pritts, & Paul Garner
– The Midnight Express vs. Kent Glover & Alan Martin
– The Kansas Jayhawks vs. Vernon Deaton & Charles Freeman
– Jimmy Valiant vs. Gary Royal
– Tully Blanchard vs. Rocky Kernodle
– Dick Murdoch vs. Mike Simani
– Bill Dundee & Buddy Landel vs. Randy & Bill Mulkey
– The Midnight Express vs. Lee Peak & Bill Tabb
– Manny Fernandez vs. Randy Barber
– Ricky Morton vs. Tony Zane
– Brad Armstrong vs. Randy Mulkey
– Rick Rude vs. Bill Mulkey
– Ron Garvin vs. Brodie Chase
– Manny Fernandez vs. Lee Peak
– The Midnight Express vs. Clement Fields & Alan Martin
– Bill Dundee vs. Mike Simani
– Manny Fernandez & Rick Rude vs. Randy & Bill Mulkey
– The Minnesota Wrecking Crew vs. Alan West & Eddie Roberts
– Ivan Koloff vs. John Savage
– Magnum T.A. vs. The Grim Reaper
– Jimmy Garvin vs. Keith Patterson
– Brad Armstrong vs. Gary Royal
– The Kansas Jayhawks vs. Vernon Deaton & Tony Zane
– The Minnesota Wrecking Crew vs. Bill Tabb & Alan Martin
– Ivan Koloff & Krusher Krushchev vs. Paul Garner & Kent Glover
– The Rock ‘n Roll Express vs. Eddie Roberts & Mike Simani
– Rick Rude vs. John Savage
– Brad Armstrong & Tim Horner vs. Randy & Bill Mulkey
– The Midnight Express vs. Brodie Chase & Lee Peak
– Dick Murdoch vs. Shaska Whatley
– Baron Von Raschke vs. Allen West
– U.S. Tag Titles: Ivan Koloff & Krusher Krushchev (c) vs. Brad Armstrong & Tim Horner
– Hector Guerrero vs. Manny Fernandez
– Brad Armstrong vs. Allen West
– Ivan Koloff & Krusher Krushchev vs. Brodie Chase & Vernon Deaton
– Tully Blanchard vs. Eddie Roberts
– Rick Rude & Manny Fernandez vs. Mike Simani & John Savage
– The Rock ‘n Roll Express vs. Tony Zane & The Grim Reaper
– The Midnight Express & Big Bubba Rogers vs. Pablo Crenshaw, Gary Royal, & Keith Patterson
– The Minnesota Wrecking Crew vs. Vernon Deaton & Art Pritts
– Road Warrior Animal vs. Lee Peak & Paul Garner
– Rick Rude & Manny Fernandez vs. Allen West & Eddie Roberts
– Brad Armstrong vs. Randy Barber
– The Midnight Express & Big Bubba Rogers vs. Bill Mulkey, Keith Patterson, & Allen West
– The Kansas Jayhawks vs. Randy & Bill Mulkey
– The Minnesota Wrecking Crew vs. Tony Zane & Keith Patterson
– The Rock ‘n Roll Express vs. Art Pritts & Bill Tabb
– Krusher Krushchev vs. Allen West
– The Barbarian & Shaska Whatley vs. Kent Glover & Paul Garner
– Tully Blanchard vs. Brodie Chase
– Rick Rude & Manny Fernandez vs. Vernon Deaton & Randy Barber
– The Rock ‘n Roll Express vs. Randy & Bill Mulkey
– Rick Rude & Manny Fernandez vs. Clement Fields & Paul Garner
– Jimmy Garvin vs. Randy Barber
– Nikita Koloff vs. Charles Freeman & Art Pritts
– Brad Armstrong vs. Bill Tabb
– Ivan Koloff & Krusher Krushchev vs. Phil Brown & Henry Rutley
– Ric Flair, Tully Blanchard, & Arn Anderson vs. Tim Horner, Ricky Lee Jones, & Alan Martin
– Jimmy Garvin vs. Clement Fields
– The Kansas Jayhawks vs. Bill Tabb & Phil Brown
– Bob & Brad Armstrong vs. Jimmy Garvin & Bill Dundee
– Nikita Koloff vs. Bill Tabb
– Ivan Koloff & Krusher Krushchev vs. Bill Mulkey & Zane Smith
– The Midnight Express vs. Larry Stevens & David Isley
– Ron Garvin & Barry Windham vs. Brodie Chase & Tony Zane
– Rick Rude & Manny Fernandez vs. Mike Simani & Ron Rossi
– Nikita Koloff vs. Zane Smith
– Tully Blanchard & The Minnesota Wrecking Crew vs. Alan Martin & Randy & Bill Mulkey
– Wahoo McDaniel vs. David Isley
– The Road Warriors vs. Clement Fields & Art Pritts
– Ivan Koloff vs. Pat O’Brian
– The Rock ‘n Roll Express vs. Brodie Chase & Zane Smith
– Nikita Koloff vs. Clement Fields
– The Midnight Express vs. Kent Glover & Alan Martin
– Barry Windham vs. Mike Jackson
– NWA World TV Title: Tully Blanchard (c) vs. Dave Spencer
– The Minnesota Wrecking Crew vs. Randy & Bill Mulkey
NWA World Champ Ric Flair Interview, joined later by Jimmy Garvin
US Tag Champ Barry Windham vs. William Tabb
US Champ Nikita Koloff, 6-Man Tag Champ Dusty Rhodes Interview
Central States Champ Superstar Bill Dundee Interview
Vladimir Petrov, Ivan Koloff vs. George South, Eddie Roberts
Ivan Koloff, Vladimir Petrov Interview
TV Champ Tully Blanchard Interview
Central States Champ Superstar Bill Dundee vs. David Isley
Dick Murdoch Interview
US Tag Champ Ron Garvin vs. Brody Chase
Jim Cornette, Big Bubba Interview
Big Bubba vs. Dave Spence
6-Man Tag Champs the Road Warriors Interview
Rock n Roll Express vs. Chance McQuade, Tommy Angel
Rock n Roll Express Interview
US Tag Champ Barry Windham Interview
Brad Armstrong vs. Allen West
Brad Armstrong Interview
Opening Clip of US Tag Champ Barry Windham vs. NWA World Champ Ric Flair
6-Man Tag Champs the Road Warriors Interview
US Tag Champ Barry Windham vs. Gary Royal
US Champ Nikita Koloff, 6-Man Tag Champ Dusty Rhodes Interview
J Dillon, Arn Anderson, TV Champ Tully Blanchard Interview
Jim Cornette, Big Bubba Interview
Midnight Express vs. Larry Stevens, Brodie Chase
Lex Luger Interview
Ivan Koloff vs. Alan Martin
Ivan Koloff Interview
Jr. Heavyweight Champ Denny Brown vs. Eddie Roberts
Jimmy Garvin Interview
Jimmy Garvin vs. Zane Smith
Jimmy Valiant Interview
Midnight Express, Jim Cornette, Big Bubba Interview
Tim Horner vs. George South
World Tag Champs Rick Rude, Manny Fernandez, Paul Jones Interview
World Tag Champs Rick Rude, Manny Fernandez vs. David Isley, Chance McQuade
NWA World Championship Sunday Edition January 1987 (Misc footage covering through 1/25/87)
Interview- Bob Armstrong (Bill Dundee and Jimmy Garvin attack)
Jimmy Garvin vs. Clement Fields
Interview- Bill Dundee & Jimmy Garvin
Kansas Jayhawks vs. Bill Tabb & Phil Brown
Interview- Bob & Brad Armstrong
Bob & Brad Armstrong vs. Bill Dundee & Jimmy Garvin
Interview- Bob & Brad Armstrong
Interview- Ron Garvin & Barry Windham
RnR Express vs. Keith Vincent & Henry Rutley
Interview- RnR Express
RnR Express vs. Tony Zane & Brodie Chase
Interview- RnR Express
Interview- Midnight Express w/ Jim Cornette
Tim Horner vs. George South
Interview- Rick Rude & Manny Fernandez w/Paul Jones
Interview- RnR Express
Rick Rude & Manny Fernandez vs. David Isley & Chance McQuade
NWA World Championship Sunday Edition 2/1/87
Interview- Dusty Rhodes
Nikita Koloff vs. Dave Spencer
Interview- Ron Garvin & Barry Windham
Interview- Rick Rude & Manny Fernandez w/Paul Jones
Ron Garvin & Barry Windham vs. Alan Martin & Bill Tabb
Interview- Midnight Express w/ Jim Cornette
Tim Horner vs. Tommy Angel
Interview- Arn Anderson
Tully Blanchard & Lex Luger vs. George South & Rocky King
Interview- Ric Flair
Vladimir Pietrov vs. Eddie Roberts
Interview- Vladimir Pietrov & Ivan Koloff
Arn Anderson vs. Chance McQuade
Interview- Nikita Koloff
Interview- Tully Blanchard & Lex Luger w/ J.J. Dillon
Jimmy Garvin vs. Randy Barber
Interview- Jimmy Garvin
NWA World Championship Sunday Edition 2/15/87
Interview- Ric Flair
Tully Blanchard & Lex Luger vs. Zane Smith & Tommy Angel
Interview- Arn Anderson
Kansas Jayhawks vs. Randy Barber & Jack Jackson
Interview- Rick Rude & Manny Fernandez w/Paul Jones
Interview- Jimmy Valiant
Bob Armstrong vs. Keith Vincent
Interview- Bob Armstrong
Interview- Tully Blanchard & Lex Luger w/ J.J. Dillon
Tim Horner vs. Randy Barber
Interview- Tim Horner vs. Kent Glover
Interview- Lex Luger w/ J.J. Dillon
Interview- Vladimir Pietrov & Ivan Koloff
Dick Murdoch vs. Zane Smith
Interview- Dick Murdoch
NWA World Championship Sunday Edition 2/22/87
Interview- RnR Express & Mike Rotunda
Jimmy Valliant vs. Brody Chase
Interview-Jimmy Valliant
Interview- The Andersons, Tully Blanchard, & Lex Luger w/ J.J. Dillon
The Andersons vs. David Isley & Tommy Angel
Interview- Bill Dundee (upcoming show in Memphis)
Ivan Koloff & Dick Murdoch vs. George South & Rocky King
Interview- The Russians & Dick Murdoch
Baron Von Raschke vs. Thunderfoot #2
Interview- Dusty Rhodes & Nikita Koloff
Interview- Rick Rude & Manny Fernandez w/ Paul Jones
The Armstrongs vs. Randy Mulkey & Thunderfoot #1
Interview- Lex Luger w/ J. J. Dillon
Interview- Midnight Express w/ Jim Cornette
Midnight Express & Big Bubba vs. Bill Tabb, Eric Long, & Jack Jackson
NWA World Championship Sunday Edition 3/1/87
Clip: Ole/Tully confrontation from WCW Saturday
Interview- Midnight Express w/ Jim Cornette
Barry Windham vs. Bill Tabb
Interview- Dusty Rhodes
Interview- J.J. Dillon (re: Ole )
Rick Rude & Manny Fernandez vs. Ray Aaron & Dave Spearman
Interview- Rick Rude & Manny Fernandez w/ Paul Jones
Interview- J.J. Dillon
Tim Horner vs. George South
Interview- Barry Windham
Bob & Brad Armstrong vs. Thunderfoots
Big Bubba vs. Pablo Crenshaw
Interview- Dusty Rhodes & Nikita Koloff
Nikita Koloff vs. Cougar Jay
Interview- Ron & Jimmy Garvin
Ron & Jimmy Garvin vs. Randy Barber & Larry Stevens
Interview- Lex Luger w/ J.J. Dillon
NWA World Championship Sunday Edition 3/8/87 (VG)
Interview- Barry Windham
Lazer Tron vs. Bill Mulkey
Interview- Midnight Express w/ Jim Cornette
Interview- Arn Anderson w/ J.J. Dillon
Tully Blanchard vs. Brad Armstrong (Really good match!)
Interview- Vladimir Pietrov/Ivan Koloff/Dick Murdoch
Dick Murdoch & Ivan Koloff vs. Rocky King & Bill Tabb
Interview- Lex Luger w/ J.J. Dillon
Interview- Tully Blanchard w/J.J. Dillon
Interview- Lex Luger w/ J.J. Dillon
Lex Luger vs. Bill Tabb
Interview- Arn Anderson w/ J.J. Dillon
Rick Rude & Manny Fernandez vs. Rocky King & Alan Martin
Interview- Rick Rude & Manny Fernandez w/ Paul Jones
Denny Brown vs. Mike Jackson (Very solid match- both good but underrated workers)
Interview- Mike Jackson
Barry Windham vs. Thunderfoot
Interview- Dusty Rhodes & Nikita Koloff
Mike Rotunda vs. Vernon Deaton
Interview- Vladimir Pietrov/Ivan Koloff/Dick Murdoch
3/22/87 (VG-/VG)-
Interview- Ric Flair
RnR Express vs. Paul Garner & Randy Barber
Interview- Nikita Koloff
Interview- RnR Express
Brad Armstrong vs. Brodie Chase
Interview- Brad Armstrong
Barry Windham vs. El Lobo
Interview- Barry Windham
Jimmy Garvin vs. Alan Martin
Interview- Ron & Jimmy Garvin
Arn Anderson vs. Tommy Angel
Interview- Tully Blanchard & Arn Anderson w/ J.J. Dillon
Tully Blanchard & Lex Luger vs. Mike Force & Darrel Dalton
Interview- Four Horsemen
Interview- Midnight Express w/ Jim Cornette
Tim Horner vs. Bill Tabb
Interview- Vladimir Pietrov & Ivan Koloff
Barbarian vs. Darrel Dalton
Interview- Lex Luger w/J.J. Dillon
Interview- Paul Ellering
RnR Express vs. Kent Glover & Larry Clarke
Interview- RnR Express
Interview- Rick Rude w/ Paul Jones
Bob & Brad Armstrong vs. Alan Martin & Randy Barber
The Mulkeys vs. The Gladiators (Replay of the Mulkeys win- Mulkeymania is setting the world on fire now)
Interview- The Mulkeys
Interview- Wahoo McDaniel & Baron Von Rashke
Mod Squad squash from CWF Florida
Interview- Tully Blanchard vs. J.J. Dillon
Barry Windham vs. Cougar jay
Interview- Barry Windham
Ron & Jimmy Garvin vs. Chance McQuade & Bill Tabb
Interview- Ole Anderson (brings out Tim Horner)
Interview- Ric Flair
Bobby eaton & Big Bubba vs. Larry Stevens & Dave Spearman(This is right after Condrey disappeared)
Interview- Four Horsemen
4/5/87 (VG-/VG)-
Clip of Precious slapping Ric Flair
Interview- RnR Express
Tully Blanchard & Lex Luger vs. Alan Martin & Larry Clarke
Interview- Ric Flair
Interview- Dusty Rhodes
Interview- Road Warriors w/Paul Ellering
RnR Express vs. Randy Barber & Brodie Chase
Interview- Nikita Koloff
Interview- Lex Luger w/J.J. Dillon
Barbarian vs. Tommy Angel
Interview- Vladimir Pietrov & Ivan Koloff
Rick Rude & Manny Fernandez vs. Chance McQuade & Cougar Jay
Interview- Ole Anderson & Tim Horner
Ole Anderson vs. Bill Tabb
Interview- Barry Windham
Ron Garvin vs. Mike Force
Interview- Tully Blanchard w/J.J. Dillon
Interview- Midnight Express w/Jim Cornette (Stan Lane now in MX)
Jimmy Garvin vs. Larry Stevens
Interview- Ric Flair
New Breed vs. Larry Stevens & Zane Smith
Interview- Jimmy Garvin
Interview- Ron Garvin
Tim Horner vs. Ray Aaron
Interview- Road Warriors w/Paul Ellering
Jimmy Garvin vs. Alan West
Interview- Tully Blanchard w/J.J. Dillon
Lex Luger vs. Tommy Angel
Interview- Vladimir Pietrov & Ivan Koloff
Arn Anderson vs. Cougar Jay
Interview- Lex Luger w/J.J. Dillon
Road Warriors vs. Larry Clarke & Mike Force
Interview- Ole Anderson & Tim Horner
Midnight Express vs. Brodie Chase & Chance McQuade
Interview- Midnight Express w/Jim Cornette
Clip of Ron Garvin & Barry Windham vs. Ivan Koloff & Vladimir Pietrov
Interview- Ron Garvin & Barry Windham
Jimmy Garvin vs. Tommy Angel
Interview- Jimmy Garvin
The New Breed vs. Lee Peek & Alan Martin
Interview- Paul Ellering
Tully Blanchard vs. Mike Force
Interview- Rick Rude & Manny Fernandez w/ Paul Jones
Lex Luger vs. Chance McQuade
Interview- Lex Luger w/J.J. Dillon
Midnight Express vs. Cougar Jay & Clement Fields
Interview- The New Breed
Barbarian vs. David Diamond
Interview- Midnight Express w/Jim Cornette
Road Warriors vs. Jay Cougar & Larry Stephens
Dusty Rhodes with Willie Nelson
Lex Luger vs. Jeff Sampson
Interview with JJ Dillon, Lex Luger
Interview with Ric Flair
The New Breed vs. Larry Clarke, Paul Garner
Interview with The New Breed
Vladimir Petrov, Ivan Koloff vs. David Isley, Clement Fields
Interview with Tully Blanchard, JJ Dillon
Interview with Lazortron, Jimmy Valiant
Brad Armstrong vs. Bill Tabb
Interview with Ric Flair, Tully Blanchard, Lex Luger, JJ Dillon
Interview- Road Warriors w/Paul Ellering
Tully Blanchard vs. Barry Windham (Really good TV Title match)
Interview- RnR Express
Interview- Lex Luger w/ J.J. Dillon
New Breed vs. Chance McQuade & Ric Sullivan
Interview- New Breed
Dick Murdoch vs. Randy Barber
Interview- J.J. Dillon
Barry Windham vs. Alan Martin
Interview- Barry Windham
Interview- Dick Murdoch
Ron Garvin vs. Larry Clarke
Interview- Arn Anderson w/ J.J. Dillon
Brad Armstrong vs. Brodie Chase
Freebirds video
Arn Anderson vs. David Isley
Interview- Brad Armstrong
Interview- Jim Cornette
Midnight Express vs. Bill Tabb & Art Pritts
Interview- Midnight Express w/Jim Cornette
(Jim Cornette co-host)
Ivan Koloff & Vladimir Pietrov vs. Mike Force & Terry Jones
Interview- Midnight Express w/ Jim Cornette
Interview- Road Warriors w/ Paul Ellering
Arn Anderson vs. Alan Martin
Interview- Ric Flair
Interview- Arn Anderson
RnR Express vs. Trent Knight & Barry Phelps
Interview- Barry Windham
Interview- Nikita Koloff
Ron & Jimmy Garvin vs. Randy Barber & Larry Stevens
Interview- New Breed
(Jim Cornette co-host)
Midnight Express vs. David Isley & ?
Interview- Ricky Morton
Kendall Windham vs. Thunderfoot #2
Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard vs. Mike Jackson & Alan Martin
Interview- Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard w/J.J. Dillon
Mod Squad vs. Dexter Wescott & Gary Phelps
Interview- Road Warriors w/ Paul Ellering
Barry Windham vs. Darell Dalton
Interview- Ric Flair
Interview- Lex Luger w/J.J. Dillon
Manny Fernandez & Ivan Koloff vs. Tim Hardy & El Negro
Interview- Ron & Jimmy Garvin
Interview with Tully Blanchard, Dark Journey
Dory Funk Jr. vs. Dexter Wescott
Interview with Ric Flair
Interview with Mike Rotunda
Tully Blanchard, Arn Anderson vs. Alan Martin, Cougar Jay
Fabulous Freebirds – Boys are Back in Town video
Interview with JJ Dillon, Lex Luger
Ivan Koloff vs. David Diamond
Rock n Roll Express vs. David Isley, Larry Stephens
Fabulous Freebirds – Boys are Back in Town video
Interview with Dusty Rhodes, Ron Simmons
Dr. Death workout video
Interview with Barry Windham
Interview with Paul Ellering
Lex Luger vs. Hal Moore
Interview with Paul Jones
Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard vs. Cougar Jay & Alan Martin
Freebirds video “Boys are back in town”
Interview- Lex Luger w/J.J. Dillon
Ivan Koloff vs. David Diamond
RnR Express vs. David Isley & Larry Stevens
Interview- Dusty Rhodes & Ron Simmons
Steve Williams workout video
Interview- Barry Windham
Interview- Paul Ellering
Lex Luger vs. Hal Moore
Interview- Paul Jones
Ron Simmons vs. Trent Knight
Interview- Barry Windham
Midnight Express vs. Alan Martin & Art Pritts
Interview- Midnight Express w/Jim Cornette
Interview- Freebirds
Bugsy McGraw vs. Dave Spearman
Interview- J.J. Dilon w/ War Machine(Big Bubba)
Barry Windham vs. Dale Laperouse
Interview- Bugsy McGraw
Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard vs. Cougar Jay & Rick Nelson
Freebirds vs. Terry Jones & Gary Phelps
Interview- Lex Luger w/J.J. Dillon
Jimmy Valiant vs. Terry Jones
Interview- Road Warriors w/ Paul Ellering
Mod Squad vs. Gary Phelps & Paul Damon
Interview- Mod Squad
Promo for 7/31 Orange Bowl Bash show
Ron Garvin vs. Clement Fields
Interview- Ron & Jimmy Garvin
Ron Simmons vs. Alan Martin
Todd Champion & Italian Stallion vs. Thunderfoot # 1 & Clarke Grump
Interview- Ric Flair
Anderson/Blanchard/Luger vs. Force/Isley/Long
Interview- Four Horsemen w/J.J. Dillon
Interview- Tully Blanchard w/J.J. Dillon
Ron Garvin vs. Larry Stevens
Interview- Ron Garvin
Sean Royal vs. Dexter Wescott
Lazer Tron vs. Cougar Jay
Interview- Ric Flair
Interview- Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard w/J.J. Dillon
Barry Windham vs. Tommy Angel
Jimmy Garvin vs. Alan Martin
Interview- Jimmy Garvin
Manny Fernandez & Ivan Koloff vs. Mike Jackson & Ed Franklin
Interview- Manny Fernandez & Ivan Koloff w/Paul Jones
Jimmy Garvin vs. Cougar Jay
Interview- Jimmy Garvin
Interview- Jim Cornette
Midnight Express vs. Alan Martin & Paul Damon
Interview- Dusty Rhodes
Sean Royal vs. Mike Jackson
Interview- Ric Flair
Lex Luger vs. George South
Interview- Lex Luger w/J.J. Dillon
Ron Garvin vs. The Menace
Interview- Nikita Koloff
Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard vs. David Isley & Dave Spearman
Interview- Ron Garvin
Interview- Dusty Rhodes
Barry & Kendall Windham vs. Cougar Jay & Ricky Nelson
Interview- Ric Flair
Jimmy Valiant vs. Mike Force
Interview- Jimmy Valiant
Interview- Midnight Express w/Jim Cornette
Manny Fernandez & Barbarian vs. Alan Martin & Terry Jones
Interview- Mod Squad
Mod Squad vs. Mike Jackson & Larry Stevens
Interview- Midnight Express w/Jim Cornette
Jimmy Garvin vs. Keith Steinborn
Interview- Jimmy Garvin
Ron Garvin vs. El Negro
Interview- Ron Garvin
Recap of Nikita Koloff defeating Tully Blanchard
Sean Royal vs. Ricky Nelson
Sean Royal Interview
Dusty Rhodes Interview
Barbarian, Manny Fernandez vs. Alan Martin, Ed Franks
Lex Luger vs. George South
JJ Dillon, Lex Luger Interview
Mod Squad vs. Brody Chase, Vernon Deaton
JJ Dillon Interview
Jimmy Garvin vs. Gary Royal
Four Horsemen Interview
Ron Garvin Interview
Kendall Windham, Jimmy Valiant, Italian Stallion vs. Cougar Jay, Colt Steele, Larry Stephens
Jimmy Garvin, Precious Interview
NWA World Championship Sunday Edition 8/23 + 9/6/87
NWA World Championship Sunday Edition 9/13 + 9/27/87
NWA World Championship Sunday Edition 10/18 + 10/25/87
NWA World Championship Sunday Edition 11/5 + 11/22/87
NWA World Championship Sunday Edition 11/29 + 12/13/87
NWA World Championship Sunday Edition 12/20 + 12/27/87
Tully Blanchard & Arn Anderson VS
Kendal Windham & Larry Stephens
Black Bart VS George South
Jive Tones VS Mike Force & Gene Ligon
Mike Rotunda VS Chance McQuade
Bobby Eaton VS Mark Fleming
Sheepherders VS
Tommy Angel & David Isley
Black Bart VS Ricky Nelson
Eddie Gilbert & Terry Taylor VS
Italian Stallion & Tommy Angel
Dick Murdoch VS David Isley
Powers Of Pain VS
Larry Stephens & Trent Knight
Sting VS Lee Peak
Midnight Express VS
Mike Jackson & Alan Martin
Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard VS
Tommy Angel & Cougar Jay
Powers Of Pain VS
Larry Stephens & Trent Knight
Black Bart VS Mark Cruz
Rock’n’ Roll Express VS
George South & Gene Ligon
Sting VS Mark Fleming
Mike Rotunda VS Bob Riddle
Mike Rotunda VS Ryan Wagner
Tim Horner VS John Savage
Joe Cruze VS Kevin Sullivan
Lex Luger & Barry Windham VS
David Isley & Tommy Angel
Powers Of Pain VS
Dave Spearman & Bob Riddle
Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard VS
Alan Martin & Larry Stephens
Mike Rotundo & Rick Steiner
VS John Savage & David Isley
Eddie Gilbert VS Joe Cruz
Sting,Lex Luger
& Barry Windham VS
George South,Gary Royal
& Tommy Angel
Black Bart VS Randy Hogan
Midnight Express VS
Bob Riddle & Curtis Thompson
Shane Douglas & Ricky Santana VS
Mike Jackson & Alan Martin
Lex Luger & Barry Windham VS
David Isley & Larry Stephens
Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard VS
Curtis Thompson & George South
Kevin Sullivan & Rick Steiner VS
Tony Suber & Ryan Wagner
Mike Rotunda VS Steve Adkinson
Larry Zbyszko VS Barry Collie
Tim Horner & Brad Armstrong VS
Curtis Thompson & Bob Emory
Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard VS
Trent Knight & Gary Phelps
Lex Luger VS Cruel Connection #1
Pez Whatley & Tiger Conway Jr. VS
Tony Suber & David Isley
Barry Windham VS Cruel Connection #2
Black Bart VS Gene Legion
Lex Luger & Barry Windham VS
Alan Martin & Randy Hogan
Shaska Whatley & Tiger Conway Jr.
VS Rocky King & Bob Riddle
Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard
VS Tony Suber & Gene Legion
Ricky Santana VS Curtis Thompson
Larry Zbyszko VS Cody Starr
Shaska Whatley & Tiger Conway Jr.
VS Tony Suber & Ryan Wagner
Lex Luger VS Alan Martin
Ricky Santana VS Gary Royal
Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard VS
Trent Knight & Gene Ligon
Midnight Express VS
Randy Hogan & Steve Atkinson
03/20/88 The Last Ever Episode
The Road Warriors VS
Keith Steinborn & Gene Miller
Fantastics VS
Max McGyver & Alan Martin
Ivan Koloff & the Powers of Pain VS
Joe Cruz,Trent Knight & David Isley
Lex Luger & Barry Windham VS
Bob Riddle & Big Bear Collie
Midnight Express VS
Ryan Wagner & Steve Atkinson
Al Perez VS Andrew Bellamy
01-25-87 – Incomplete
NWA World Championship Sunday Edition 2/1/87
Interview- Dusty Rhodes
Nikita Koloff vs. Dave Spencer
Interview- Ron Garvin & Barry Windham
Interview- Rick Rude & Manny Fernandez w/Paul Jones
Ron Garvin & Barry Windham vs. Alan Martin & Bill Tabb
Interview- Midnight Express w/ Jim Cornette
Tim Horner vs. Tommy Angel
Interview- Arn Anderson
Tully Blanchard & Lex Luger vs. George South & Rocky King
Interview- Ric Flair
Vladimir Pietrov vs. Eddie Roberts
Interview- Vladimir Pietrov & Ivan Koloff
Arn Anderson vs. Chance McQuade
Interview- Nikita Koloff
Interview- Tully Blanchard & Lex Luger w/ J.J. Dillon
Jimmy Garvin vs. Randy Barber
Interview- Jimmy Garvin
NWA World Championship Sunday Edition 2/15/87
Interview- Ric Flair
Tully Blanchard & Lex Luger vs. Zane Smith & Tommy Angel
Interview- Arn Anderson
Kansas Jayhawks vs. Randy Barber & Jack Jackson
Interview- Rick Rude & Manny Fernandez w/Paul Jones
Interview- Jimmy Valiant
Bob Armstrong vs. Keith Vincent
Interview- Bob Armstrong
Interview- Tully Blanchard & Lex Luger w/ J.J. Dillon
Tim Horner vs. Randy Barber
Interview- Tim Horner vs. Kent Glover
Interview- Lex Luger w/ J.J. Dillon
Interview- Vladimir Pietrov & Ivan Koloff
Dick Murdoch vs. Zane Smith
Interview- Dick Murdoch
NWA World Championship Sunday Edition 2/22/87
Interview- RnR Express & Mike Rotunda
Jimmy Valliant vs. Brody Chase
Interview-Jimmy Valliant
Interview- The Andersons, Tully Blanchard, & Lex Luger w/ J.J. Dillon
The Andersons vs. David Isley & Tommy Angel
Interview- Bill Dundee (upcoming show in Memphis)
Ivan Koloff & Dick Murdoch vs. George South & Rocky King
Interview- The Russians & Dick Murdoch
Baron Von Raschke vs. Thunderfoot #2
Interview- Dusty Rhodes & Nikita Koloff
Interview- Rick Rude & Manny Fernandez w/ Paul Jones
The Armstrongs vs. Randy Mulkey & Thunderfoot #1
Interview- Lex Luger w/ J. J. Dillon
Interview- Midnight Express w/ Jim Cornette
Midnight Express & Big Bubba vs. Bill Tabb, Eric Long, & Jack Jackson
NWA World Championship Sunday Edition 3/1/87
Clip: Ole/Tully confrontation from WCW Saturday
Interview- Midnight Express w/ Jim Cornette
Barry Windham vs. Bill Tabb
Interview- Dusty Rhodes
Interview- J.J. Dillon (re: Ole )
Rick Rude & Manny Fernandez vs. Ray Aaron & Dave Spearman
Interview- Rick Rude & Manny Fernandez w/ Paul Jones
Interview- J.J. Dillon
Tim Horner vs. George South
Interview- Barry Windham
Bob & Brad Armstrong vs. Thunderfoots
Big Bubba vs. Pablo Crenshaw
Interview- Dusty Rhodes & Nikita Koloff
Nikita Koloff vs. Cougar Jay
Interview- Ron & Jimmy Garvin
Ron & Jimmy Garvin vs. Randy Barber & Larry Stevens
Interview- Lex Luger w/ J.J. Dillon
NWA World Championship Sunday Edition 3/8/87 (VG)
Interview- Barry Windham
Lazer Tron vs. Bill Mulkey
Interview- Midnight Express w/ Jim Cornette
Interview- Arn Anderson w/ J.J. Dillon
Tully Blanchard vs. Brad Armstrong (Really good match!)
Interview- Vladimir Pietrov/Ivan Koloff/Dick Murdoch
Dick Murdoch & Ivan Koloff vs. Rocky King & Bill Tabb
Interview- Lex Luger w/ J.J. Dillon
Interview- Tully Blanchard w/J.J. Dillon
Interview- Lex Luger w/ J.J. Dillon
Lex Luger vs. Bill Tabb
Interview- Arn Anderson w/ J.J. Dillon
Rick Rude & Manny Fernandez vs. Rocky King & Alan Martin
Interview- Rick Rude & Manny Fernandez w/ Paul Jones
Denny Brown vs. Mike Jackson (Very solid match- both good but underrated workers)
Interview- Mike Jackson
Barry Windham vs. Thunderfoot
Interview- Dusty Rhodes & Nikita Koloff
Mike Rotunda vs. Vernon Deaton
Interview- Vladimir Pietrov/Ivan Koloff/Dick Murdoch
Interview- Ric Flair
RnR Express vs. Paul Garner & Randy Barber
Interview- Nikita Koloff
Interview- RnR Express
Brad Armstrong vs. Brodie Chase
Interview- Brad Armstrong
Barry Windham vs. El Lobo
Interview- Barry Windham
Jimmy Garvin vs. Alan Martin
Interview- Ron & Jimmy Garvin
Arn Anderson vs. Tommy Angel
Interview- Tully Blanchard & Arn Anderson w/ J.J. Dillon
Tully Blanchard & Lex Luger vs. Mike Force & Darrel Dalton
Interview- Four Horsemen
Interview- Midnight Express w/ Jim Cornette
Tim Horner vs. Bill Tabb
Interview- Vladimir Pietrov & Ivan Koloff
Barbarian vs. Darrel Dalton
Interview- Lex Luger w/J.J. Dillon
Interview- Paul Ellering
RnR Express vs. Kent Glover & Larry Clarke
Interview- RnR Express
Interview- Rick Rude w/ Paul Jones
Bob & Brad Armstrong vs. Alan Martin & Randy Barber
The Mulkeys vs. The Gladiators (Replay of the Mulkeys win- Mulkeymania is setting the world on fire now)
Interview- The Mulkeys
Interview- Wahoo McDaniel & Baron Von Rashke
Mod Squad squash from CWF Florida
Interview- Tully Blanchard vs. J.J. Dillon
Barry Windham vs. Cougar jay
Interview- Barry Windham
Ron & Jimmy Garvin vs. Chance McQuade & Bill Tabb
Interview- Ole Anderson (brings out Tim Horner)
Interview- Ric Flair
Bobby eaton & Big Bubba vs. Larry Stevens & Dave Spearman(This is right after Condrey disappeared)
Interview- Four Horsemen
Clip of Precious slapping Ric Flair
Interview- RnR Express
Tully Blanchard & Lex Luger vs. Alan Martin & Larry Clarke
Interview- Ric Flair
Interview- Dusty Rhodes
Interview- Road Warriors w/Paul Ellering
RnR Express vs. Randy Barber & Brodie Chase
Interview- Nikita Koloff
Interview- Lex Luger w/J.J. Dillon
Barbarian vs. Tommy Angel
Interview- Vladimir Pietrov & Ivan Koloff
Rick Rude & Manny Fernandez vs. Chance McQuade & Cougar Jay
Interview- Ole Anderson & Tim Horner
Ole Anderson vs. Bill Tabb
Interview- Barry Windham
Ron Garvin vs. Mike Force
Interview- Tully Blanchard w/J.J. Dillon
Interview- Midnight Express w/Jim Cornette (Stan Lane now in MX)
Jimmy Garvin vs. Larry Stevens
Interview- Ric Flair
New Breed vs. Larry Stevens & Zane Smith
Interview- Jimmy Garvin
Interview- Ron Garvin
Tim Horner vs. Ray Aaron
Interview- Road Warriors w/Paul Ellering
Jimmy Garvin vs. Alan West
Interview- Tully Blanchard w/J.J. Dillon
Lex Luger vs. Tommy Angel
Interview- Vladimir Pietrov & Ivan Koloff
Arn Anderson vs. Cougar Jay
Interview- Lex Luger w/J.J. Dillon
Road Warriors vs. Larry Clarke & Mike Force
Interview- Ole Anderson & Tim Horner
Midnight Express vs. Brodie Chase & Chance McQuade
Interview- Midnight Express w/Jim Cornette
Clip of Ron Garvin & Barry Windham vs. Ivan Koloff & Vladimir Pietrov
Interview- Ron Garvin & Barry Windham
Jimmy Garvin vs. Tommy Angel
Interview- Jimmy Garvin
The New Breed vs. Lee Peek & Alan Martin
Interview- Paul Ellering
Tully Blanchard vs. Mike Force
Interview- Rick Rude & Manny Fernandez w/ Paul Jones
Lex Luger vs. Chance McQuade
Interview- Lex Luger w/J.J. Dillon
Midnight Express vs. Cougar Jay & Clement Fields
Interview- The New Breed
Barbarian vs. David Diamond
Interview- Midnight Express w/Jim Cornette
Interview- Road Warriors w/Paul Ellering
Tully Blanchard vs. Barry Windham (Really good TV Title match)
Interview- RnR Express
Interview- Lex Luger w/ J.J. Dillon
New Breed vs. Chance McQuade & Ric Sullivan
Interview- New Breed
Dick Murdoch vs. Randy Barber
Interview- J.J. Dillon
Barry Windham vs. Alan Martin
Interview- Barry Windham
Interview- Dick Murdoch
Ron Garvin vs. Larry Clarke
Interview- Arn Anderson w/ J.J. Dillon
Brad Armstrong vs. Brodie Chase
Freebirds video
Arn Anderson vs. David Isley
Interview- Brad Armstrong
Interview- Jim Cornette
Midnight Express vs. Bill Tabb & Art Pritts
Interview- Midnight Express w/Jim Cornette
(Jim Cornette co-host)
Ivan Koloff & Vladimir Pietrov vs. Mike Force & Terry Jones
Interview- Midnight Express w/ Jim Cornette
Interview- Road Warriors w/ Paul Ellering
Arn Anderson vs. Alan Martin
Interview- Ric Flair
Interview- Arn Anderson
RnR Express vs. Trent Knight & Barry Phelps
Interview- Barry Windham
Interview- Nikita Koloff
Ron & Jimmy Garvin vs. Randy Barber & Larry Stevens
Interview- New Breed
(Jim Cornette co-host)
Midnight Express vs. David Isley & ?
Interview- Ricky Morton
Kendall Windham vs. Thunderfoot #2
Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard vs. Mike Jackson & Alan Martin
Interview- Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard w/J.J. Dillon
Mod Squad vs. Dexter Wescott & Gary Phelps
Interview- Road Warriors w/ Paul Ellering
Barry Windham vs. Darell Dalton
Interview- Ric Flair
Interview- Lex Luger w/J.J. Dillon
Manny Fernandez & Ivan Koloff vs. Tim Hardy & El Negro
Interview- Ron & Jimmy Garvin
Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard vs. Cougar Jay & Alan Martin
Freebirds video “Boys are back in town”
Interview- Lex Luger w/J.J. Dillon
Ivan Koloff vs. David Diamond
RnR Express vs. David Isley & Larry Stevens
Interview- Dusty Rhodes & Ron Simmons
Steve Williams workout video
Interview- Barry Windham
Interview- Paul Ellering
Lex Luger vs. Hal Moore
Interview- Paul Jones
Ron Simmons vs. Trent Knight
Interview- Barry Windham
Midnight Express vs. Alan Martin & Art Pritts
Interview- Midnight Express w/Jim Cornette
Interview- Freebirds
Bugsy McGraw vs. Dave Spearman
Interview- J.J. Dilon w/ War Machine(Big Bubba)
Barry Windham vs. Dale Laperouse
Interview- Bugsy McGraw
Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard vs. Cougar Jay & Rick Nelson
Freebirds vs. Terry Jones & Gary Phelps
Interview- Lex Luger w/J.J. Dillon
Jimmy Valiant vs. Terry Jones
Interview- Road Warriors w/ Paul Ellering
Mod Squad vs. Gary Phelps & Paul Damon
Interview- Mod Squad
Promo for 7/31 Orange Bowl Bash show
Ron Garvin vs. Clement Fields
Interview- Ron & Jimmy Garvin
Ron Simmons vs. Alan Martin
Todd Champion & Italian Stallion vs. Thunderfoot # 1 & Clarke Grump
Interview- Ric Flair
Anderson/Blanchard/Luger vs. Force/Isley/Long
Interview- Four Horsemen w/J.J. Dillon
Interview- Tully Blanchard w/J.J. Dillon
Ron Garvin vs. Larry Stevens
Interview- Ron Garvin
Sean Royal vs. Dexter Wescott
Lazer Tron vs. Cougar Jay
Interview- Ric Flair
Interview- Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard w/J.J. Dillon
Barry Windham vs. Tommy Angel
Jimmy Garvin vs. Alan Martin
Interview- Jimmy Garvin
Manny Fernandez & Ivan Koloff vs. Mike Jackson & Ed Franklin
Interview- Manny Fernandez & Ivan Koloff w/Paul Jones
Jimmy Garvin vs. Cougar Jay
Interview- Jimmy Garvin
Interview- Jim Cornette
Midnight Express vs. Alan Martin & Paul Damon
Interview- Dusty Rhodes
Sean Royal vs. Mike Jackson
Interview- Ric Flair
Lex Luger vs. George South
Interview- Lex Luger w/J.J. Dillon
Ron Garvin vs. The Menace
Interview- Nikita Koloff
Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard vs. David Isley & Dave Spearman
Interview- Ron Garvin
Interview- Dusty Rhodes
Barry & Kendall Windham vs. Cougar Jay & Ricky Nelson
Interview- Ric Flair
Jimmy Valiant vs. Mike Force
Interview- Jimmy Valiant
Interview- Midnight Express w/Jim Cornette
Manny Fernandez & Barbarian vs. Alan Martin & Terry Jones
Interview- Mod Squad
Mod Squad vs. Mike Jackson & Larry Stevens
Interview- Midnight Express w/Jim Cornette
Jimmy Garvin vs. Keith Steinborn
Interview- Jimmy Garvin
Ron Garvin vs. El Negro
Interview- Ron Garvin
1/10/88 – Atlanta, GA; WTBS Studios
featured Tony Schiavone & Magnum TA on commentary; included a pretaped promo by NWA World Champion Ric Flair in which he said Lex Luger didn’t have what it takes to be a Horseman and Michael Hayes was just another contender; included Schiavone conducting an interview with the Sheepherders, with Johnny Ace, regarding their recent attack on Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson; featured Magnum conducting an interview with Morton & Gibson regarding the Sheepherders, during which they said they were on their way back to get revenge and become 5-time NWA Tag Team Champions; included an ad for the Starrcade 87 home video; featured Schiavone conducting an interview with the Road Warriors & Paul Ellering regarding the challenge of the Powers of Pain, participating in the Bunkhouse Stampede Jan. 24, and the benchpress contest against the Powers of Pain Jan. 30 in Greensboro:
Black Bart (w/ Skandar Akbar) vs. Ricky Nelson with the legdrop from the middle turnbuckle at 3:42
Eddie Gilbert & Terry Taylor vs. the Italian Stallion & Tommy Angel at 4:24 when Gilbert vs. Angelo following a Hot Shot double team
Dick Murdoch (w/ NWA US Tag Team Champion Bobby Eaton) vs. David Isley with the brainbuster at 4:22; after the bout, Jim Cornette came out and gave a ringside interview with Schiavone; Cornette then said he had arranged for Murdoch to meet his mom and would soon be collecting a lot of money for putting NWA US Champion Dusty Rhodes out of the business; Murdoch then referred to Dusty as Virgil Runnels and said the whole world was ready to see him face Rhodes; Cornette then said Murdoch would collect on the bounty after facing Rhodes Jan. 23 in Lakeland, FL
The Warlord & the Barbarian (w/ Paul Jones) vs. Larry Stephens & Trent Knight at 4:48 when Barbarian vs. Knight following a modified Decapitation in which he came off the top with a headbutt; during the bout, Jones briefly joined the commentary team regarding his team being part of the Bunkhouse Stampede finals Jan. 24 in Long Island, NY
Sting vs. Lee Peak with the Scorpion Deathlock at the 27-second mark; following the bout, Schiavone conducted an interview with Sting regarding his team with Barry Windham and going after NWA World Champion Ric Flair, NWA Tag Team Champions Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard
NWA US Tag Team Champions Bobby Eaton & Stan Lane (w/ Jim Cornette) vs. Mike Jackson & Alan Martin at 1:28 when Lane vs. Martin following the flapjack; after the bout, Schiavone conducted an interview with Cornette, Dick Murdoch, Eaton & Lane in which he showed off Eaton & Lane’s Pro Wrestling Illustrated Tag Team of the Year award and their spread in the magazine; Cornette then said Eaton & Lane would be the next NWA TV and NWA US champions and would retire Rhodes
1/24/88 – Norfolk, VA; Scope
included an opening in-ring segment in which Sting challenged NWA World Champion Ric Flair to come out and face him while being interviewed by Jim Ross; featured Ross & Tony Schiavone on commentary; included Schiavone conducting an opening ringside interview with Larry Zbyzsko, with Baby Doll, regarding him facing NWA Western States Heritage Champion Barry Windham in Long Island, NY later that night; featured Schiavone conducting a ringside interview with Dick Murdoch regarding his association with Jim Cornette, feud with NWA US Champion Dusty Rhodes, and upcoming Texas barbed wire bunkhouse match against NWA TV Champion Nikita Koloff Feb. 6 in Charlotte; included Schiavone conducting a ringside interview with Flair & JJ Dillon regarding Flair facing Road Warrior Hawk later that night in Long Island, during which Flair said he would beat Hawk and NWA Tag Team Champions Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard would split the $50,000 after co-winning the Bunkhouse Stampede finals; featured an ad for the Starrcade 87 home video; included Schiavone conducting a ringside interview with Lex Luger regarding the Bunkhouse Stampede finals later that night and facing Blanchard & Anderson as part of the match; featured Schiavone conducting a ringside interview with the Road Warriors & Paul Ellering regarding Hawk facing Flair later that night and Road Warrior Animal being part of the Bunkhouse Stampede finals:
NWA Tag Team Champions Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard (w/ JJ Dillon) vs. Tommy Angel & Cougar Jay at 3:15 when Blanchard vs. Jay with the slingshot suplex; following the commercial break, Schiavone conducted a ringside interview with Anderson, Blanchard, & Dillon regarding the Bunkhouse Stampede finals later that night on pay-per-view
The Warlord & the Barbarian (w/ Paul Jones) vs. Larry Stephens & Trent Knight at 3:01 when Barbarian vs. Knight following a modified Decapitation where Barbarian came off the top with a headbutt; following the bout, Schiavone conducted a ringside interview with Jones, Warlord, & Barbarian regarding their participation in the $50,000 Bunkhouse Stampede finals and the $50,000 benchpress challenge against the Road Warriors Jan. 30 in Greensboro
Black Bart (w/ Skandar Akbar) vs. Mark Cruz with a legdrop at 3:20; during the bout, Akbar briefly joined the commentary team
Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson vs. George South & Gene Ligon at 2:32 when Morton vs. Ligon following the double dropkick
Sting vs. Mark Fleming with the Scorpion Deathlock at 2:56
Florida Heavyweight Champion Mike Rotunda (w/ Kevin Sullivan) vs. Bob Riddle with the butterfly suplex at 1:06; after the bout, Schiavone conducted a ringside interview with Rotunda & Sullivan regarding NWA TV Champion Nikita Koloff and the show later that night in Long Island
2/7/88 – Atlanta, GA; WTBS Studios
featured Tony Schiavone on commentary; included opening comments from Magnum TA in which he said he would be in Norfolk on Feb. 20 and Charlotte Feb. 21 with a surprise for the Horsemen; featured Schiavone conducting a ringside interview with NWA Western States Heritage Champion Larry Zbyzsko, with Baby Doll, in which Zbyzsko said he didn’t care to defend the title because he wanted to move up higher in the rankings by taking the NWA US Title from Dusty Rhodes and then the NWA World Title; included footage from the previous night’s World Championship Wrestling of David Crockett conducting an interview with Road Warrior Hawk & Paul Ellering regarding the injury sustained from Road Warrior Animal at the hands of the Warlord & the Barbarian Jan. 30 in Greensboro, during which Ellering said they would still defend the NWA Six Man Tag Team Titles Feb. 13 in Philadelphia against Paul Jones’ men; featured an ad for the Starrcade 87 home video; included Schiavone conducting an interview with Sting:
NWA TV Champion Mike Rotunda (w/ Florida Heavyweight Champion Rick Steiner & Kevin Sullivan) vs. Ryan Wagner with the butterfly suplex at 2:42; following the bout, Tony Schiavone conducting an interview with the Varsity Club in which Sullivan said the TV title was the second most prestigious title in the world and then responded to recent comments made by Jimmy Garvin
Tim Horner vs. John Savage with a roll up into a bridge at 2:55
Joe Cruze vs. Kevin Sullivan (w/ NWA TV Champion Mike Rotunda & Florida Heavyweight Champion Rick Steiner) via disqualification at 1:51 when Steiner and Rotunda helped in triple teaming Cruze and Sullivan shoved referee Teddy Long
Lex Luger & Barry Windham vs. David Isley & Tommy Angel at 2:38 when Angel submitted to Luger’s Torture Rack; after the bout, Schiavone conducted an interview with Luger & Windham regarding the Horsemen and Varsity Club
The Warlord & the Barbarian (w/ Paul Jones & Ivan Koloff) vs. Dave Spearman & Bob Riddle at 3:38 when Warlord vs. Spearman following a catapult / clothesline double team; during the bout, it was noted Jones has taken the $50,000 that was up for grabs in the benchpress challenge against the Road Warriors and put it aside for a future ladder match between the two teams; after the bout, Schiavone conducted an interview with Jones and his men about the injury to Road Warrior Animal, the ladder match for the money, and their NWA Six Man Tag Team Title shot Feb. 13 in Philadelphia (Warlord & Barbarian’s first appearance with theme music)
NWA Tag Team Champions Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard (w/ JJ Dillon) vs. Alan Martin & Larry Stephens at 1:42 when Blanchard vs. Martin following the slingshot suplex; after the bout, Schiavone conducted an interview regarding comments recently made by Ole Anderson and facing Ole at the Omni
2/14/88 – Atlanta, GA; WTBS Studios
featured Tony Schiavone on commentary with opening comments from Magnum TA on his upcoming return to the Norfolk Scope; included Schiavone conducting an interview with JJ Dillon & NWA Tag Team Champion Arn Anderson regarding the non-title steel cage match that night at the Omni between Anderson & Tully Blanchard and Lex Luger & Ole Anderson; featured Schiavone conducting an interview with Jimmy & Ron Garvin, with Precious, in which Jimmy targetted the Varsity Club; included Schiavone conducting an interview with NWA World Champion Ric Flair, Anderson, & Dillon in which Flair said Anderson might break Luger’s bones that night at the Omni and then cut a promo on facing Sting later that night; featured an ad for the Starrcade 87 home video; included Schiavone conducting an interview with Shaska Whatley & Tiger Conway Jr. in which they challenged such teams as NWA US Champion Dusty Rhodes & Nikita Koloff and Brad Armstrong & Tim Horner; featured Schiavone conducting an interview with Armstrong & Horner regarding the attack they sustained the night before from the Sheepherders, during which Armstrong said the US never bombed any sheep in New Zealand so he didn’t know what problem they had with America; Armstrong then noted his brother Brian was stationed at Camp Lejeune:
NWA TV Champion Mike Rotundo & Florida Heavyweight Champion Rick Steiner (w/ Kevin Sullivan) vs. John Savage & David Isley at 3:04 when Isley passed out while in a modified full nelson from Steiner; after the bout, Tony Schiavone conducted an interview with Sullivan, Rotundo, & Steiner regarding Jimmy Garvin’s comments the previous night in which he told Sullivan to never mention Precious’ name again; moments later, all three began chanting “Precious”
Eddie Gilbert vs. Joe Cruz with the Hot Shot at 2:57; Gilbert briefly left the ring to give his own commentary for the match
Sting, Lex Luger, & Barry Windham vs. George South, Gary Royal, & Tommy Angel at 3:22 when South submitted to Sting’s Scorpion Deathlock; following the bout, Schiavone conducted a ringside interview with Sting, Luger, & Windham regarding the Horsemen and the show later that night at the Omni
Black Bart (w/ Skandar Akbar) vs. Randy Hogan at 1:22 with a bodyslam and legdrop; following the match, Schiavone conducted an interview with Akbar & Bart in which they complained they weren’t getting the competition they wanted and Bart said he kicked NWA US Champion Dusty Rhodes out of Florida and would do the same in the Carolinas
NWA US Tag Team Champions Bobby Eaton & Stan Lane (w/ Jim Cornette) vs. Bob Riddle & Curtis Thompson at 1:44 when Lane vs. Riddle following the Flapjack; Cornette provided guest commentary for the match; after the match, Schiavone conducted an interview with Cornette, Eaton & Lane in which Cornette argued Eaton should be the NWA US Champion and not Rhodes; Cornette then said the Powers of Pain had his respect for taking out the Road Warriors and said Eaton & Lane didn’t have worthy opponents; he then said Dick Murdoch would be back the next week; Schiavone said the Rhodes vs. Eaton match would air the following Saturday morning Shane Douglas vs. Alan Martin with the sleeper at the 57-second mark
2/21/88 – Atlanta, GA; WTBS Studios
featured Tony Schiavone on commentary; included Schiavone conducting an opening interview with Paul Jones, NWA Six Man Tag Team Champions Ivan Koloff & the Powers of Pain regarding their win over NWA US Champion Dusty Rhodes & the Road Warriors and facing them the following week in Greensboro; featured a video promoting the Starrcade 87 home video; included Schiavone conducting an interview with NWA World Champion Ric Flair & JJ Dillon regarding the six man tag team match the following week at the Omni; featured Schiavone conducting an interview with Sting regarding Flair:
Shane Douglas & Ricky Santana vs. Mike Jackson & Alan Martin at 3:57 when Douglas vs. Martin with the belly to belly suplex; during the bout, it was noted NWA US Champion Dusty Rhodes, Ole Anderson, & Lex Luger would face NWA World Champion Ric Flair, NWA Tag Team Champions Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard the following week at the Omni and Magnum TA would be in the corner of Rhodes’ team while JJ Dillon would be in the corner of the Horsemen; following the bout, Jim Ross conducted an interview with Douglas & Santana regarding the youth movement, the upcoming Crockett Cup, and Douglas working with Magnum
Lex Luger & Barry Windham vs. David Isley & Larry Stephens at 3:16 when Windham vs. Isley with a lariat; during the match, it was noted Windham would challenge NWA Western States Heritage Champion Larry Zbyszko later that night at the Nassau Coliseum; it was also announced that the site of the 1988 Crockett Cup would be announced the following Saturday; after the contest, Schiavone conducted a ringside interview with Luger & Windham regarding NWA Tag Team Champions Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard and Luger teaming with Rhodes the following week at the Omni against the Horsemen
NWA Tag Team Champions Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard (w/ JJ Dillon) vs. Curtis Thompson & George South at 5:23 when Anderson vs. South following the gordbuster; following the commercial break, Schiavone conducted an interview with Dillon, Anderson & Blanchard regarding next week’s show at the Omni
Kevin Sullivan & NWA Florida Heavyweight Champion Rick Steiner (w/ NWA TV Champion Mike Rotunda) vs. Tony Suber & Ryan Wagner at 2:10 when Sullivan scored the pin following the double stomp; following the match, Schiavone conducted an interview with the Varsity Club regarding NWA US Champion Dusty Rhodes
NWA TV Champion Mike Rotunda (w/ Kevin Sullivan & NWA Florida Heavyweight Champion Rick Steiner) vs. Steve Adkinson with the butterfly suplex at 1:09
NWA Western States Heritage Champion Larry Zbyszko (w/ Baby Doll) vs. Barry Collie with a neckbreaker at the 41-second mark; following the match, Schiavone conducted an interview with Zbyszko & Baby Doll regarding the NWA US Champion Dusty Rhodes
2/28/88: Atlanta, GA; WTBS Sutiods
Tim Horner & Brad Armstrong vs. Curtis Thompson & Bob Emory
NWA Tag Team Champions Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard vs. Trent Knight & Gary Phelps
Lex Luger vs. Cruel Connection #1 with the Torture Rack
Pez Whatley & Tiger Conway Jr. vs. Tony Suber & David Isley
Barry Windham vs. Cruel Connection #2
Black Bart vs. Gene Legion
3/6/88: Atlanta, GA; WTBS Studios
Lex Luger & Barry Windham vs. Alan Martin & Randy Hogan
Shaska Whatley & Tiger Conway Jr. vs. Rocky King & Bob Riddle
NWA Tag Team Champions Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard vs. Tony Suber & Gene Legion
Rick Steiner vs. an unknown
Ricky Santana vs. Curtis Thompson
NWA Western States Heritage Champion Larry Zbyszko vs. Cody Starr
3/13/88 – Atlanta, GA; WTBS Sutiods
featured Tony Schiavone on commentary; included Schiavone conducting an interview with Jimmy Garvin, with Precious, regarding the attack he recently sustained at the hands of Kevin Sullivan, NWA TV Champion Mike Rotunda, & Rick Steiner, called out the Varsity Club, and said someone was going to get hurt; featured a graphic advertising the Clash of the Champions; included an ad promoting the Starrcade 87 home video; featured Schiavone conducting an interview with Paul Jones & NWA Six-Man Tag Team Champions the Powers of Pain regarding their & Ivan Koloff’s barbed wire match against NWA US Champion Dusty Rhodes & the Road Warriors as part of the Clash of the Champions, with Jones saying he didn’t have proper time to train his men against barbed wire but that the Powers of Pain had taken more from the Road Warriors than any other team; included Schiavone conducting an interview with Paul Ellering & the Road Warriors, Animal’s face covered in a mask, regarding the upcoming barbed wire match; featured a vignette promoting the debut of the Fantastics; included an ad promoting the Clash of the Champions hotline; included an ad promoting the Clash of the Champions, focusing around the Rhodes & Road Warriors vs. Koloff & Powers of Pain match; featured Schiavone conducting an interview with NWA World Champion Ric Flair regarding his match with Sting as part of the Clash, during which Flair noted Lex Luger & Barry Windham would face NWA Tag Team Champions Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard:
Shaska Whatley & Tiger Conway Jr. vs. Tony Suber & Ryan Wagner at 3:02 when Whatley vs. Wagner following a double Russian legsweep; during the bout, it was noted the Top 10 seeds for the Crockett Cup would be announced during the upcoming Clash of the Champions NWA TV Champion Mike Rotunda & Florida Heavyweight Champion Rick Steiner (w/ Kevin Sullivan) vs. Gary Phelps & Rocky King at 2:28 when Rotunda vs. Phelps following the butterfly suplex; moments later, Tony Schiavone conducted a ringside interview with the Varsity Club regarding Jimmy Garvin & Precious and dominating the NWA
Lex Luger vs. Alan Martin at 2:10 with the Torture Rack
Ricky Santana vs. Gary Royal at 3:59 with a splash off the top after Royal missed a reverse crossbody off the top
NWA Tag Team Champions Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard (w/ JJ Dillon) vs. Trent Knight & Gene Ligon at 3:19 when Anderson vs. Knight following the gordbuster; during the bout, Schiavone said Baby Doll would soon reveal the photos regarding NWA US Champion Dusty Rhodes that she has thus far kept to herself; Dillon was wired with a mic for the match so the fans could hear his encouragement and comments directed at the champions; after the match, Schiavone conducted a ringside interview with Dillon, Anderson, & Blanchard regarding their title defense at the Clash against Luger & Windham and the upcoming Crockett Cup
NWA US Tag Team Champions Bobby Eaton & Stan Lane (w/ Jim Cornette) vs. Randy Hogan & Steve Atkinson at 3:17 when Lane vs. Hogan following the flapjack; Cornette was wired with a mic for the match, giving the fans a chance to hear his comments at ringside; Cornette also briefly joined Schiavone on commentary for the bout; after the contest, Schiavone conducted an interview with Cornette, Eaton & Lane in which Cornette said no one wanted them as the #1 seed in the Crockett Cup because all the other teams were scared of them for their 10-month reign as US tag team champions
3/20/88 – the last episode; featured Tony Schiavone on commentary; included Schiavone conducting an interview with Sting regarding his upcoming match with NWA World Champion Ric Flair the following week during the Clash of the Champions, with JJ Dillon suspended above the ring in a cage; featured an ad for Starrcade 87 on home video; included an ad promoting the Clash; featured Schiavone conducting an interview with Kevin Sullivan, NWA TV Champion Mike Rotunda, & Florida Heavyweight Champion Rick Steiner in which Sullivan discussed Dusty Rhodes, Barry Windham, Jimmy Garvin, and Lex Luger:
The Road Warriors (w/ Paul Ellering) vs. Keith Steinborn & Gene Miller at the 17-second mark when Road Warrior Animal vs. Miller following a clothesline; Animal wore a protective face mask for the match; after the bout, Tony Schiavone conducted an interview with Ellering & the Road Warriors regarding their barbed wire match with NWA US Champion Dusty Rhodes against Ivan Koloff & the Powers of Pain as part of the Clash of the Champions
Tommy Rogers & Bobby Fulton vs. Max McGyver & Alan Martin at 5:28 when Rogers scored the pin following the Rocket Launcher; after the commercial break, Schiavone conducted a ringside interview with Rogers & Fulton regarding the attack they sustained the previous day at the hands of NWA US Tag Team Champions Bobby Eaton & Stan Lane and facing them as part of the Clash of the Champions
NWA Six-Man Tag Team Champions Ivan Koloff & the Powers of Pain (w/ Paul Jones) vs. Joe Cruz, Trent Knight, & David Isley at 6:42 when Koloff vs. Isley after coming off the top with a blow to Isley’s throat as Warlord held Isley above his head; following the commercial break, Schiavone conducted an interview with Jones, alongside his men, in which Jones said the Powers of Pain should be seeded #1 in the Crockett Cup and that the Road Warriors might not even make it to the tournament after the upcoming barbed wire match at the Clash of the Champions
Lex Luger & Barry Windham vs. Bob Riddle & Big Bear Collie at 3:19 when Windham vs. Riddle following the lariat; after the bout, Schiavone conducted a ringside interview with Luger & Windham regarding their upcoming match at the Clash against NWA Tag Team Champions Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard and being part of the Crockett Cup; during the segment, Luger responded to Kevin Sullivan’s comments made earlier in the show and said he also wanted a piece of NWA World Champion Ric Flair
NWA US Tag Team Champions Bobby Eaton & Stan Lane (w/ Jim Cornette) vs. Ryan Wagner & Steve Atkinson at 3:12 when Eaton scored the pin following the Rocket Launcher; Cornette was wired with a mic for the match, giving fans the opportunity to listen to his comments from ringside; Cornette joined Schiavone on commentary for the majority of the bout; after the match, Schiavone conducted an interview with Cornette, alongside Eaton & Lane, regarding the challenge of Tommy Rogers & Bobby Fulton
Al Perez (w/ Gary Hart) vs. Andrew Bellamy with the spinning toe hold at 2:35; after the bout, Schiavone conducted a ringside interview with Hart & Perez regarding Perez’s arrival to the NWA, during which Hart said he wanted Perez to have a title shot against NWA US Champion Dusty Rhodes and that Perez would team with Larry Zbyszko as part of the Crockett Cup
Tully Blanchard & Arn Anderson VS
Kendal Windham & Larry Stephens
Black Bart VS George South
Jive Tones VS Mike Force & Gene Ligon
Mike Rotunda VS Chance McQuade
Bobby Eaton VS Mark Fleming
Sheepherders VS
Tommy Angel & David Isley
Black Bart VS Ricky Nelson
Eddie Gilbert & Terry Taylor VS
Italian Stallion & Tommy Angel
Dick Murdoch VS David Isley
Powers Of Pain VS
Larry Stephens & Trent Knight
Sting VS Lee Peak
Midnight Express VS
Mike Jackson & Alan Martin
Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard VS
Tommy Angel & Cougar Jay
Powers Of Pain VS
Larry Stephens & Trent Knight
Black Bart VS Mark Cruz
Rock’n’ Roll Express VS
George South & Gene Ligon
Sting VS Mark Fleming
Mike Rotunda VS Bob Riddle
Mike Rotunda VS Ryan Wagner
Tim Horner VS John Savage
Joe Cruze VS Kevin Sullivan
Lex Luger & Barry Windham VS
David Isley & Tommy Angel
Powers Of Pain VS
Dave Spearman & Bob Riddle
Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard VS
Alan Martin & Larry Stephens
Mike Rotundo & Rick Steiner
VS John Savage & David Isley
Eddie Gilbert VS Joe Cruz
Sting,Lex Luger
& Barry Windham VS
George South,Gary Royal
& Tommy Angel
Black Bart VS Randy Hogan
Midnight Express VS
Bob Riddle & Curtis Thompson
Shane Douglas & Ricky Santana VS
Mike Jackson & Alan Martin
Lex Luger & Barry Windham VS
David Isley & Larry Stephens
Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard VS
Curtis Thompson & George South
Kevin Sullivan & Rick Steiner VS
Tony Suber & Ryan Wagner
Mike Rotunda VS Steve Adkinson
Larry Zbyszko VS Barry Collie
Tim Horner & Brad Armstrong VS
Curtis Thompson & Bob Emory
Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard VS
Trent Knight & Gary Phelps
Lex Luger VS Cruel Connection #1
Pez Whatley & Tiger Conway Jr. VS
Tony Suber & David Isley
Barry Windham VS Cruel Connection #2
Black Bart VS Gene Legion
Lex Luger & Barry Windham VS
Alan Martin & Randy Hogan
Shaska Whatley & Tiger Conway Jr.
VS Rocky King & Bob Riddle
Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard
VS Tony Suber & Gene Legion
Ricky Santana VS Curtis Thompson
Larry Zbyszko VS Cody Starr
Shaska Whatley & Tiger Conway Jr.
VS Tony Suber & Ryan Wagner
Lex Luger VS Alan Martin
Ricky Santana VS Gary Royal
Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard VS
Trent Knight & Gene Ligon
Midnight Express VS
Randy Hogan & Steve Atkinson
03/20/88 The Last Ever Episode
The Road Warriors VS
Keith Steinborn & Gene Miller
Fantastics VS
Max McGyver & Alan Martin
Ivan Koloff & the Powers of Pain VS
Joe Cruz,Trent Knight & David Isley
Lex Luger & Barry Windham VS
Bob Riddle & Big Bear Collie
Midnight Express VS
Ryan Wagner & Steve Atkinson
Al Perez VS Andrew Bellamy