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On This Day In Wrestling History: May 19th

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• On This Day In Pro Wrestling History (May 19, 1996) – WWF MSG House Show  “The Curtain Call”

On this day in Pro Wrestling history in 1996, the World Wrestling Federation held an untelevised house show at the Madison Square Garden in New York City, New York.

This live event was never taped and only fancam video footage exists of the show.

This event featured the infamous “Curtain Call” incident, where The Kliq members (Shawn Michaels, Diesel, Razor Ramon and Hunter Hearst Helmsley) broke kayfabe after the main event and did a group hug, as it was Kevin Nash & Scott Hall’s final night in the WWF (they were leaving for WCW).

Since Hall & Nash left and HBK was the top guy, Vince McMahon ended up punishing Hunter for this incident and cancelled the plan for him to win the 1996 King of the Ring tournament.

Without this untelevised House Show and what happened after the Main Event, Triple H would have won the King of the Ring tournament, and the famous “Austin 3:16” speech would not have happened.

Keep in mind that Austin’s popularity and his rise to the top – which started at the 1996 King of the Ring PPV – eventually led to the WWF winning the Monday Night Wars over WCW, so it’s safe to say that the Curtain Call changed the future of the company in more than just one way.

Below are the results:

The Bushwhackers defeated Marty Jannetty & Leif Cassidy

Savio Vega defeated Bob Backlund

Ahmed Johnson defeated Davey Boy Smith by DQ

Steve Austin defeated Jake Roberts

The Ultimate Warrior defeated Owen Hart

Vader defeated Yokozuna

WWF Tag Team Championship: Henry & Phinneas Godwinn defeated Skip & Zip (c)

Hunter Hearst Helmsley defeated Razor Ramon

WWF World Championship – Steel Cage Shawn Michaels defeated Diesel


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