1/6/2011 Impact
Immortal & Fourtune (Eric Bischoff & Ric Flair & Jeff Jarrett & Abyss & A.J. Styles & Kazarian & Robert Roode & James Storm & Rob
Terry & Gunner & Murphy) + champion Jay Lethal + The Motor City Machine Guns + Doug Williams + Rob Van Dam Interview
Bully Ray int.
Jeff Jarrett & Jeremy Borash + Jonathan Cruise + Kurt Angle MMA Challenge Segment.
The Motor City Machine Guns vs A.J. Styles & Kazarian
POPE int, Eric Bischoff & Ric Flair & A.J. Styles int
Pope Interview
Devon Int.
Sarita & Madison Rayne w/Tara vs Velvet Sky & Mickie James
Rob Van Dam + Eric Bischoff Int.
Doug Williams vs Rob Terry w/A.J. Styles.
Bully Ray + Brother Devon Int, Jeff Jarrett & Eric Bischoff int.
Jay Lethal vs The Monster Abyss
Mike Tenay & Matt Morgan & Ken Anderson Sit Down Interview
Jeff Jarrett vs Rob Van Dam.
1/13/2011 Impact
Mr. Anderson & Matt Morgan + Eric Biscoff Interiview
Jeff Jarrett & Karen Jarrett int.
World Tag Titles- Beer Money vs The Motor City Machine Guns.
Jeff Jarrett int, RVD/Anderson int.
Pope/Joe int.
RVD/Anderson/Beer Money int, Eric Bischoff & Ric Flair & A.J. Styles + Beer Money int, Jeff/Karen Jarrett int.
Jeff Jarrett & his Entourage + Kurt Angle + Karen Jarrett Interview
Kurt Angle int, Angelina Love & Velvet Sky int.
World Tag Knockout Titles- Angelina Love & Winter vs Tara & Madison Rayne.
Matt/Jeff Hardy int..
Matt Morgan vs The Monster Abyss w/Ric Flair.
Abyss + Crimson int, Abyss & Eric Bischoff & Ric Flair int
Matt Hardy & Jeff Hardy vs Mr. Anderson & Rob Van Dam
1/20/2011 Impact
Kurt Angle Interview
Jeff Jarrett & Karen Jarrett int.
Mickie James vs Madison Rayne vs Sarita vs Velvet Sky.
Beer Money int, Angle int, Samoa Joe & Kazuchika Okada int
Matt Morgan vs Rob Terry w/ Ric Flair
A.J. Styles & Kazarian + Crimson int, Angle int.
X-Title- Kazarian vs Jay Lethal
RVD/Anderson/Dreamer int, Angle int.
Jeff Jarrett & Karen Jarrett + Kurt Angle Interview/Brawl
Angle int..
Jeff Jarrett vs Tommy Dreamer
Angle int, Pope int, Flair/Styles int.
Beer Money vs Ken Anderson & Rob Van Dam
Bully Ray + Brian Kendrick int, Jeff Jarrett & Ric Flair & Eric Bischoff int
Bully Ray/Devon Interview
Kurt Angle + Jeff Jarrett & Gunner & Murphey Interview- Ends with a bunch of guys coming down to Brawl.
1/27/2011 Impact
Kurt Angle + Immortal & Fourtune (Eric Bischoff & Ric Flair & Jeff Jarrett & Karen Angle & A.J. Styles & Kazarian & Robert Roode &
James Storm & Rob Terry & Gunner & Murphy) Interview
Eric Bischoff & Ric Flair int.
Velvet Sky & Angelina Love & Mickie James vs Madison Rayne & Tara & Sarita
Angle int, Matt Hardy int
HREE WAY #1 CONTENDERS SERIES FOR THE X-DIVISION TITLE- Max Buck w/ Jeremy Buck vs Chris Sabin vs Amazing Red Jeff
Hardy + Mr. Anderson Interview
Crimson int.
Velvet Sky + Winter + Angelina Love Interview
Pope D’Angelo Dinero Interview
Immortal (Ric Flair & Jeff Jarrett & Karen Angle & Abyss & A.J. Styles & Kazarian & Robert Roode & James Storm & Rob Terry & Gunner
& Murphy) + Eric Young Int.
Mike Tenay & Taz had Dixie on the phone
Eric Bischoff int.
Mr. Anderson vs Matt Hardy
Angle/Crimson int.
Immortal (Jeff Jarrett & Kazarian & Robert Roode & James Storm & Rob Terry & Gunner & Murphy w/Ric Flair & A.J. Styles & Karen
Jarrett) vs Kurt Angle & Crimson
2/3/2011 Impact
Immortal (Eric Bischoff & Jeff Hardy & Matt Hardy & Rob Terry & Gunner & Murphy) & Fourtune (A.J. Styles & Kazarian & Robert
Roode & James Storm) + Scott Steiner Interview
Eric Bischoff & Jeff Hardy int.
Ink Inc. (Jesse Neil & Shannon Moore) vs Immortal Security (Gunner & Murphy)
Kurt Angle & Scott Steiner & Crimson int, Taz & Mike Tenay + Eric Young int
Ken Anderson/Jeff Hardy int. Brother Devon & Samoa Joe vs. Bully Ray & Pope D’Angelo Dinero
THREE WAY #1 CONTENDERS SERIES FOR THE X-DIVISION TITLE- Jeremy Buck vs Douglas Williams vs Jay Lethal
Eric Bischoff & Fourtune int., Sarita int.
Mr. Anderson + Jeff Hardy Interview
Mickie James Int. Jeff Jarrett & Karen Jarrett & family Video
Taped Fist Match- Mickie James vs Sarita
Eric Bischoff & Jeff Hardy int.
TNA Title- Mr. Anderson vs Matt Hardy
Fourtune (A.J. Styles & Kazarian & Robert Roode & James Storm) & Mr. Anderson + Kurt Angle & Crimson & Scott Steiner Interview
2/10/2011 Impact
Immortal (Eric Bischoff & Jeff Jarrett & Karen Jarrett & Jeff Hardy & Matt Hardy & Rob Terry & Gunner & Murphy) + Fourtune (A.J. Styles
& Kazarian & Robert Roode & James Storm) Interview
Angelina Love & Velvet Sky + Winter int.
Eric Bischoff + Hernandez int
Table Match- Rob Van Dam & Brother Devon & Samoa Joe vs Bully Ray & Pope D’Angelo Dinero & Matt Hardy
CONTRACT SIGNING- Jeff Jarrett & Karen Jarrett w/a large amount of security and bodyguards + Kurt Angle
Madison Rayne & Tara & Sarita & Rosita vs Velvet Sky & Angelina Love & Winter & Mickie James
Mickie James + TNA Knockout’s vs Madison Rayne Interview
A.J. Styles & Robert Roode & Kurt Angle int.
TNA Title- Mr. Anderson vs Matt Morgan
Bully Ray int., Devon & sons
THREE WAY #1 CONTENDERS SERIES FOR THE X-DIVISION TITLE- Robbie E w/Cookie vs Brian Kendrick vs Suicide
Ink Inc. int., Devon & sons int.
Jeff Hardy & Jeff Jarrett w/Karen Jarrett vs Kurt Angle & A.J. Styles
2/17/2011 Impact
Immortal (Eric Bischoff & Matt Hardy & Big Rob Terry & Gunner & Murphy) + Jeff Hardy + “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair Interview
Jeff & Karen Jarrett int., Matt Hardy attacks AJ Styles, Hernandez/Sarita & Rosita int.
Hernandez (w/Sarita & Rosita) vs Doug Williams
Eric Bischoff int.
Pope D’Angelo Dinero + Samoa Joe & Okada Interview
Frankie Kazarian vs Robbie E w/Cookie
Ric Flair & Fourtune (A.J. Styles & Robert Roode & James Storm) int.
Matt Hardy vs A.J. Styles
Mr. Anderson int, Jeff & Karen Jarrett int.
Mr. Anderson + Eric Bischoff Interview
Velvet Sky/Winter/Love int., AJ Styles int.
Sarita & Rosita vs The Beautiful People
Jeff/Karen Jarrett, Kurt Angle int.
Madison Rayne/Tara int., Scott Steiner/Big Rob Terry int. Jeff/Karen Jarrett int, RVD int.
TNA Title, Anderson Ref- Jeff Hardy vs Rob Van Dam.
2/24/2011 Impact
Mr. Anderson + Rob Van Dam + Immortal (Eric Bischoff & Jeff Jarrett w/Karen & Matt Hardy & Gunner & Murphy) Interview
Scott Steiner/Eric Young int., Jeff Jarrett and Karen int, Kurt Angle int.
Immortal Security (Gunner & Murphy) vs Eric Young & Orlando Jordan
Angelina Love & Velvet Sky int.
Brother Devon + Bully Ray + Tommy Dreamer Interview
Madison Rayne & Tara int., AJ Styles int.
Crimson vs Magnus
RVD int.
“The Freak” Rob Terry + “Big Poppa Pump” Scott Steiner Interview/Segment
Velvet Sky & Winter int., Jeff Jarrett and Karen int.
Ric Flair + A.J. Styles + Hernandez + Beer Money (Robert Roode & James Storm) & Kazarian + Matt Morgan Interview.
Mr. Anderson int.
Knockouts Title- Madison Rayne vs ODB
Velvet Sky/Sarita & Rosita int., Matt Morgan int, Jeff Jarrett and Karen int, Cookie/Robbie int.
Mr. Anderson vs Kurt Angle vs Rob Van Dam
A 3-3-11 Video airs…- Mocking the 2-21-11 Video from the WWE, Really lame if you ask me, but again, this is TNA, where Lame is their
top word.
3/3/2011 Impact in Fayetteville, NC
Dixie Carter + Immortal + Hulk Hogan + Fourtune Interview
Immortal/Bart Scott from the New York Jets/Dixie Carter/A.J. Styles/Frankie Kazarian/Jeff Jarrett/Karen Jarrett int., Bischoff/Hogan int.
Tag Titles- Beer Money vs Immortal Security
Karen/Jeff Jarrett/Bischoff int., Angle int.
Velvet’s Career on the line- Velvet Sky w/Angelina Love vs Sarita w/Rosita
The Beautiful People/Robbie E & Cookie & Angelina (from the Jersey Shore)/Sarita Interview
Anderson int, Young/Jordan int, Flair/Jarrett int, Angle int, Hogan int.
Wedding- Eric Young & Orlando Jordan + Jeff Jarrett + Kurt Angle + Karen Jarrett
JArrett’s/Flair/Bischoff/Hogan int. Enough of the non wrestling shit already, atleast squeeze in a match, even if it last 1 min.
Scott Steiner vs Rob Terry
Flair/Bart Scott/Angle int.
Matt Morgan vs Hernandez
Wedding- Eric Young & Orlando Jordan + Jeff Jarrett + Karen Jarrett w/Kurt Angle + Eric Bischoff & Bart Scott
Jeff Hrdy int.
TNA Title- Jeff Hardy vs Sting.- Sting returns and wins the title.
3/10/2011 Impact Fayetteville, NC
Sting + Eric Bischoff & Hulk Hogan + Mr. Anderson + Jeff Hardy Interview
Angelina (Jersey Shore)/ Sarita & Cookie/Beautiful People int.
Pope D’Angelo Dinero vs Samoa Joe
Bully Ray int.
Knockout Title- Madison Rayne w/Tara vs Roxx
Bully Ray/Devon Parking lot brawl.
The Beautiful People & Winter vs Angelina & Cookie & Sarita w/Rosita
Anderson/Hogan/Bischoff/Jeff Hardy int.
Ric Flair & Matt Hardy + A.J. Styles Interview
Ric Flair & Matt Hardy vs A.J. Styles
Sting/RVD int.
Ink Inc. vs Generation Me.
Jeff Hardy/Anderson int, Pope int, Jarrett’s int., Sting int.
TNA champion Sting & Rob Van Dam vs Jeff Hardy & Mr. Anderson
3/17/2011 Impact
Sting + Hulk Hogan & Eric Bischoff + Bully Ray + Fortune + Mr. Anderson Interview
Styles/RVD int.
Knockout Title- Madison Rayne w/Tara vs Alyssa Flash
Pope int., Hogan/Anderson int
Pope/Joe Segment
Pope/Okada/Joe int, Anderson/RVD int., Winter & Angelina Love & Velvet Sky int
KAren/Jeff Jarrett/Kurt Angle Interview
Bischoff/Gunner/Murphy/Terry int, Karen/Jeff J int.
TV Title- Gunner vs Rob Terry vs Murphy
Flair/Styles int. Police/KAren/Jeff J. int.
Street Fight-Matt Morgan & Angelina Love & Winter vs Hernandez & Sarita & Rosita
TNA Title #1 Contenders Match- Bully-Ray vs A.J. Styles vs Rob Van Dam vs Mr. Anderson- Ray powerbombs AJ off the ramp threw the
table, and the match is stopped, AJ taken out on stretcher.
3/24/2011 Impact
Mr. Anderson & Professor Schwartz + Hulk Hogan & Eric Bischoff + Rob Van Dam + Sting Interview
Mickie James vs Tara.
Anderson/Sting int, Joe & Okada int.
Okada vs “The Pope” D Angelo Dinero
RVD/Hogan int.
Immortal (Ric Flair & Matt Hardy & Bully-Ray) + Fortune ( Robert Roode & James Storm & Kazarian) + Abyss Interview
Abyss int.
Mexicano-American Contingent (Hernandez & Esteban & Sarita & Rosita) + Matt Morgan & Brother Devon Interview.
Street Fight- Hernandez & Esteban (w/ Sarita & Rosita) vs Matt Morgan & Brother Devon
Scott Steiner & Crimson vs Ink.Inc
TNA Title #1 Contenders match, Sting Enforcer- Rob Van Dam vs Mr. Anderson
RVD int, Anderson int, Sting/Mr. Anderson/Al Snow/D Lo Brown/Simon Diamond int.
3/31/2011 Impact
Mr. Anderson & Earl Hebner + Brian Hebner + Sting + Rob Van Dam + Hulk Hogan & Eric Bischoff: Interview
Anderson int, RVD int, Sting int. Inc Inc int, Steiner/Crimson int, Karen/Jeff Jarrett/Hogan/Bischoff int.
Scott Steiner (w/ Crimson) vs Shannon Moore (w/ Jesse Neal).
Anderson int, Karem/Jeff Jarrett int.
Max Buck vs Jeremy Buck
Fortune int, Winter/Angelina Love int.
Winter vs Velvet Sky
Mr. Anderson + Sting +Immortal (Bully-Ray & Matt Hardy & Abyss) + Rob Van Dam Interview.
Karen/Jeff Jarret int, Immortal int, Velvet Sky int.
Kurt Angle + Jeff Jarrett & “The Freak” Rob Terry Interview
Rob Terry vs Kurt Angle
Angle/Karen/Jeff Jarrett int, Fortune int.
Steel Cage- Immortal ( Bully-Ray, Matt Hardy & Abyss (w/Ric Flair) defeated Sting & Rob Van Dam & Mr. Anderson- Christopher Daniels
Immortal int., Daniels/Fortune int, Sting int, Anderson/RVD int.
4/7/2011 Impact
Fortune ( Robert Roode & James Storm & Kazarian) & Christopher Daniels) + Ric Flair & Immortal ( Abyss & Matt Hardy & Bully-Ray) +
Hulk Hogan & Eric Bischoff Interview
Mr.Anderson int, Hogan/Bischoff int.
Mexican America (Hernandez & Anachia) w/ Rosita & Sarita) vs Brother Devon & Tommy Dreamer
Winter/Love int.
Samoa Joe vs Gunner
Anderson int.
Knockout Tag Titles- Sarita & Rosita vs The Beautiful People
Mr. Anderson + Eric Young & Orlando Jordan int, Mr. Anderson + Rob Van Dam.
Sting + Rob Van Dam + Hulk Hogan & Eric Bischoff Interview
Madison Rayne & Tar, Anderson int.
Brian Kendrick & Chris Sabin & Sucide vs Robbie E (w/ Cookie) & Generation Me
Hulk Hogan & Rob Terry & Gunner & Murphy + Mr. Anderson: Hulk Hogan int, Madison Rayne & Tara int, Mickie James int.
Lumberjack Match- Bully-Ray vs Christopher Daniels
Jeff Jarrett + Kurt Angle + Karen Angle Interview
Angle int.
Rob Van Dam vs Sting
4/14/2011 Impact
Immortal ( Hulk Hogan & Eric Bischoff & Ric Flair & Jeff & Karen Jarrett & Abyss & Brother-Ray & Matt Hardy & Rob Terry & Gunner &
Murphy) + Mr. Anderson Interview
Velvet Sky + Winter int, Immortal int.
Orlando Jordan (w/Eric Young) vs Doug Williams (w/ Magnus) vs Crimson ( w/ Scott Steiner) vs Jesse Neal ( w/ Shannon Moore)r
Ray/RVD int.
Matt Hardy vs Kazarian
Madison Rayne/Tara int.
Madison Rayne & Tara + Mickie James Interview
Jeff Jarrett ( w/ Karen Angle) & Hernandez (w/ Anarchia & Rosita & Sarita) & “Pope” D Angelo Dinero vs Kurt Angle & Matt Morgan &
Samoa Joe.
Jeff & Karen Jarrett + Kurt Angle int
Hulk Hogan & Eric Bischoff + Rob Van Dam + Sting Interview
Abyss vs James Storm
Velvet Sky + Angelina Love + Winter Interview.
Gauntlet- Mr. Anderson vs Murphy
Gauntlet- Mr. Anderson vs Rob Terry
Gauntlet- Mr. Anderson vs Gunner.
Gauntlet- Mr. Anderson vs Bully-Ray
Fortune int, RVD int, Anderson int, Sting int, Hogan int.
4/21/2011 Impact
A.J Styles + Bully Ray + Christopher Daniels + Gunner Interview
Immortal ( Rob Terry & Murphy) + Beer Money inc. Interview.
Tag Titles, steel Cage- Beer Money Inc vs Immortal ( “The Freak” Rob Terry & Murphy)
Jeff & Karen Jarrett int. Hogan int
Hulk Hogan + Rob Van Dam + Sting Interview
Madison Rayne & Tara int., Eric Young & Kurt Angle int.
Mexican America Interview
Knockout Tag Titles- Mexican America ( Sarita & Rosita w/ Hernandez & Anarchia) vs Madison Rayne & Tara.
Jeff & Karen Jarrett + Kurt Angle Interview
Hulk Hogan & Abyss + Mr. Anderson int.
Abyss (w/ Hulk Hogan) vs Rob Van Dam
Sing int, Matt Hardy int.
Miss Teesmocker int, Velvet Sky + Winter + Angelina Love int.
TNA Title- Sting vs Matt Hardy
Jeff & Karen Angle int, Hogan int, Anderson int, Sting int.
4/28/2011 Impact
TNA Knockouts + Jeff & Karen Jarrett + Angelina Love & Winter Interview
Angelina Love (w/ Winter) vs Velvet Sky .
Anderson int, Morgan int.
Christy Hemme + Mexican America Interview.
Anarchia ( w/Hernandez & Sarita & Rosita) vs Chris Sabin
Scott Steiner + Matt Morgan int, Sting int.
TV Title- Gunner vs Christopher Daniels
Sting + Mr. Anderson + Rob Van Dam + Hulk Hogan + Bully-Ray Interview
Joe int
Samoe Joe vs Crimson
Mickie James int, Anderson int, Angle int.
Mickie James Interview
Bully-Ray & Abyss int.
TNA Title- Sting vs Bully-Ray vs Mr. Anderson
Ray int, Styles int, Steiner int, Jeff & Karen Jarrett int, Velvet int, Jeff & Karen Jarrett int.
5/5/2011 Impact
Immortal/Sting & Rob Van Dam + Al Snow & Simon Diamond & D’Lo Brown + Fortune Interview
Jeff & Karen Jarrett + Velvet Sky int, Sangriento int, Matt Hardy int .
Sangriento vs Suicide.
Hulk Hogan & Eric Bischoff int.
Mexican America + Hector Guerrero & Willie Urbina + Ink. Inc Interview
Immortal ( Bully-Ray & Gunner) vs Fortune ( A.J. Styles & Christopher Daniels).
Dreamer int, Fortune int, Matt Hardy & Bully-Ray int, Jeff & Karen Jarret int, Velvet Sky int, Winter & Angelina Love int
Jeff & Karen Jarrett + Velvet Sky + Angelina Love & Winter + Kurt Angle Interview
Eric Bischoff + Rob Terry & Murphy int, Crimson int
Rob Terry vs Murphy
Hulk Hogan & Eric Bischoff int, Mickie James int, Crimson & Samoa Joe int.
Knockout Title- Mickie James vs Miss Teesmocker
Brian Kendrick/Generation Me/Amazing Red int., Eric Bischoff + Brian Kendrick & Amazing Red & Generation Me int, RVD int.
Kurt Angle & Velvet Sky vs Jeff Jarrett (w/ Karen Angle) & Winter & Angelina Love
Eric Bischoff & Hulk Hogan + Brian Kendrick & Amazing Red & Generation Me int.
5/12/2011 Impact
Hulk Hogan + Eric Bischoff int.
Jeff & Karen Jarrett + Kurt Angle Interview.
Mickie James & Ms. Teesmocker vs Madison Rayne & Tara.
Ric Flair + Hulk Hogan + Eric Bischoff int, Tara + Madison Rayneint, Dreamer/Styles int, Sting/RVD int.
Beer Money + Matt Hardy + Chris Harris Interview
Sangriento vs Suicide.
Immortal ( Hulk Hogan & Ric Flair & Eric Bischoff) + Jeff & Karen Jarrett + Mick Foley + Chyna Interview
Mick Foley & Chyna int, Mr. Anderson int.
Crimson vs Abyss vs Samoa Joe.
RVD int.
25 MAN #1 CONTENDERS BATTLE ROYAL FOR THE TNA WORLD TITLE– Participants: Kurt Angle, Mr. Anderson, Immortal ( Jeff
Jarrett (w/ Karen Angle), Matt Hardy, Bully-Ray & Gunner), Fortune ( A.J. Styles, Christopher Daniels,Kazarian,Robert Roode & James
Storm), Matt Morgan, Scott Steiner, Pope “D Angelo Dinero”, Mexican America ( Hernandez & Anarchia (w/ Rosita & Sarita), British
Invasion ( Magnus & Douglas Williams),Ink Inc ( Jesse Neal & Shannon Moore), Devon, Robbie E (w/Cookie), Tommy Dreamer, Orlando
Jordan and Eric Young
Sting + Rob Van Dam + Mr. Anderson int.
5/19/2011 Impact
Immortal/Brian Kendrick & Amazing Red & Max Buck & Jeremy Buck/Fortune Interview.
Sting int.
Mickie James & Tara & Miss, Teesmocker vs Madison Rayne & Sarita & Rosita.
Abyss vs Kazarian.
Gunner int.
SSamoa Joe vs Amazing Red.
A.J. Styles + Tommy Dreamer + Christopher Daniels + Bully-Ray Interview
Sting int.
Kurt Angle + Jeff Jarrett + Karen Jarrett + Velvet Sky Interview.
Generation Me int, Eric Bischoff int, Jeff & Karen Jarrett int, .
Matt Hardy & Eric Bischoff vs Generation Me
Winter & Angelina Love int.
Velvet Sky vs Winter & Angelina Love.
Eric Young & Mrs Teesmocker + Gunner int.
Ric Flair + Robert Roode + Immortal Interview.
Sting/Mr. Anderson Interview.
5/26/2011 Impact
A.J. Styles & Christopher Daniels vs Bully-Ray & Tommy Dreamer.
Hogan int.
Mr. Anderson + Disco Inferno + Sting Interview.
Velvet Sky int, Eric Young + Gunner int.
Velvet Sky/ODB/Security Interview.
Eric Bischoff & Beer Money int, Kurt Angle & Matt Morgan int.
Jeff Jarrett (w/Karen Angle) vs Matt Morgan
Hogan int.
Eric Bischoff + Hulk Hogan + Mick Foley + Brian Kendrick & Amazing Red & Max Buck & Jeremy Buck Interview.
Winter & Angelina Love int, .
Mickie James vs Winter (w/ Angelina Love)
Abyss + Kazarian int.
Abyss vs Brien Kendrick
Kurt Angle int.
Eric Young vs Gunner.
RVD vs Kurt Angle.
6/02/2011 Impact
Eric Bischoff int.
ODB/Velvet Sky Brawl.
Mr. Anderson Interview.
Eric Bischoff/Brian Kendrick int.
Bischoff/Beer Money/Alex Shelley Interview.
Matt Hardy vs Crimson.
Ken Anderson/Eric Young int, Winter/Angelina int, Eric Bischoff/Immortal int.
Miss Tessmacher vs Angelina Love
Mr. Anderson int.
Sting vs The Great Muta, .
Brian Kendrick vs Frankie Kazarian
AJ Styles/Bully Ray Interview
Jeff Jarrett & Scott Steiner vs Kurt Angle & Matt Morgan
Eric Bischoff/Hogan Interview.
6/09/2011 Impact
Eric Bischoff/Hogan/Sting/Mr. Anderson Interview.
Winter and Angelina Love vs. Mickie James and Tara.
Beer Money/Alex Shelley. int, Mexican American int.
James Storm and Alex Shelley vs. Hernandez and Anarkia.
Gunner/Mr. Anderson int, Angle int.
Hulk Hogan/Mexican-America int.
Jeff Jarrett/Kurt Angle Interview.
ODB int, Kazarian/Brian Kendrick int
Bully Ray Interview
Bully Ray vs. Rob Van Dam.
Velvet Sky int, Kendrick/Kazarian/Abyss int.
ODB vs. Velvet Sky
Sting/Eric Young int
Gunner and Mr. Anderson vs. Sting and Eric Young
Sting/Eric Young int
Sting/Young int, AJ/Bully int, Sting/Anderson int
6/16/2011 Impact
Mr. Anderson + Gunner Interview.
Devon vs Hernandez
Mr. Anderson & Eric Bischoff int
Kurt Angle + Jeff Jarrett Interview
Young/Morgan int.
Austin Aries vs Kid Kash vs Jimmy Rave
Velvet Sky & Miss Teesmocker int
Mexican America ( Sarita & Rosita) vs Velvet Sky & Miss Teesmocker
Hulk Hogan & Jeff Jarrett + Sting int, Jacqueline & ODB + Velvet Sky int, Austin Aries + Jason Hervey + Eric Young int.
Rob Van Dam vs Samoa Joe
Gunner int.
Gunner vs Mr. Anderson
Scott Steiner int, Bully Ray int
Parking Lot Brawl- Jeff Jarrett vs Kurt Angle
6/23/2011 Impact
Jeff Jarrett & Eric Bischoff int.
Eric Bischoff + Sting Interview
Bully-Ray vs Scott Steiner
Eric Bischoff & Medic & Abyss & Gunner + Mr. Anderson int.
No Holds Barred- ODB & Miss Jackie vs Velvet Sky & Miss. Tesmocker
Tara + Madison Rayne int, Beer Money int, Scott Steiner & Immortal int
Matt Morgan & Crimson vs Beer Money
Abyss int.
A.J. Styles + Samoa Joe + Christopher Daniels Interview
Christopher Daniels & Kazarian + Samoa Joe int.
Zema Ion vs Dakota Darsow vs Federico Palacios
Rob Van Dam + Jerry Lynn int
Winter vs Mickie James
Abyss vs Sting
6/30/2011 Impact
Hulk Hogan & Scott Steiner + Sting int.
Hulk Hogan + Mr. Anderson + Sting + Immortal Interview
Devon vs Samoa Joe
Immortal int, Kazarian + Samoa Joe int.
Low Ki vs Matt Bently vs Jimmy Yang
Madison Rayne + Winter & Angelina Love int, Hulk Hogan int
Elimination- Mickie James & Tara & Miss. Teesmocker vs Winter & Madison Rayne & Angelina Love
Gunner int.
Jeremy Borash + Christopher Daniels + A.J. Styles + Jerry Lynn + Rob Van Dam + Gunner Interview
Gunner vs A.J. Styles
Sting int
Mexican America ( Hernandez & Anarchia & Rosita & Sarita) + British Invasion ( Maguns & Douglas Williams) + Rob Terry Interview
Immortal int
Scott Steiner vs Sting
7/7/2011 Impact
Immortal ( Bully-Ray & Gunner & Scott Steiner) + Mr. Anderson + Sting + Kurt Angle Interview
Beer Money int
Crimson vs Bobby Roode
Abyss int, Brian Kendrick int.
Brian Kendrick + Abyss Interview
Jack Evans vs Anthony Nese vs Tony Sorenson
British Invasion int, Velvet int, Sting/Angle int
Velvet Sky vs ODB & Miss Jackie
Rob Van Dam vs A.J. Styles vs Christopher Daniels vs Jerry Lynn
Eric Young int
Devon & The Pope ‘D Angleo Dinero’ vs Matt Morgan & James Storm
Anderson int, Hogan/Sting int
Immortal ( Bully-Ray & Scott Steiner & Abyss & Gunner) vs Kurt Angle
7/14/2011 Impact
Immortal ( Hulk Hogan & Eric Bischoff & Bully-Ray & Scott Steiner & Abyss & Gunner) & 4 Blonde’s + Sting + 4 Clowns Interview
Robert Roode vs Samoa Joe vs The Pope
Immortal + Jeff & Karen Jarrett int, The Pope & Devon Son’s + Devon int
Austin Aries vs Shannon Moore
Abyss + Clown One int, Shannon Moore & Alex Shelley int, Austin Aries int, Madison Rayne int, Tara int, Scott Steiner & So Cal Val + Clown
Number 2 int,
Tara vs Madision Rayne
British Invasion int
Kurt Angle Interview
Jeff & Karen Jarrett + Clown Number 3 int
Mexican America vs British Invasion
Eric Bischoff & Gunner & Bully-Ray int, Gunner + 4 Clowns ( A.J. Styles & Christopher Daniels & Kazarian & James Storm) int
World Title- Sting vs Anderson
7/21/2011 Impact
Sting + Kurt Angle + Immortal Interview
Rob Van Dam vs Scott Steiner
Mickie James + Velvet Sky + Winter & Angelina Love Interview
Mexican America attacked Tara & Miss
Samoa Joe int,Matt Morgan int, Gunner int, AJ Styles/Christopher Daniels int
Knockout Tag Titles- Tara & Miss Tesmocker vs Mexican America (Sarita & Rosita)
Ladder- Matt Morgan vs A.J. Styles vs Samoa Joe vs Gunner
Eric Young/Dlo Brown int
X-Title- Brian Kendrick vs Alex Shelley
Brian Kendrick int.
Mexican America/Beer Money Interview
Mickie James vs Velvet Sky
Velvet Sky & Traci Brooks int.
Sting & Kurt Angle vs Immortal (Mr. Anderson & Bully-Ray)
7/28/2011 Impact
Kurt Angle + Hulk Hogan Interview
Eric Bischoff int.
Rob Van Dam vs Gunner
Immortal/Hogan/Sting int
Brian Kendrick & Alex Shelley + Austin Aries + Abyss + Sting Interview
Matt Morgan int, Bully Ray int.
Crimson vs Bully-Ray
Madison Rayne + Sting int
Tara vs Winter
Ultimate X- Brian Kendrick vs Abyss
Velvet Sky & Tracey Brooks int
Velvet Sky & Traci Brooks + Miss Jackie & ODB Interview
Fortune/Sting int, Bischoff/Sting int.
Cage- Kurt Angle vs Mr. Anderson
8/4/2011 Impact
Immortal/Fortune Interview
Miss. Tesmocker int.
Miss. Tesmocker vs Madison Rayne
Devon vs A.J. Styles
The Pope int
The Pope vs Samoa Joe
Joe int, Beer Money int, Bully Ray int.
Hernandez (w/ Anarchia & Sarita & Rosita) vs Bobby Roode (w/ James Storm)
Ray/Anderson int.
Austin Aires vs Alex Shelley
Borash/Angle int
Rob Van Dam & Crimson vs Immortal ( Gunner & Scott Steiner)
Jeremy Borash + Kurt Angle + Sting Interview- Contract Signing.
8/11/2011 Impact
Immortal (Bully-Ray & Mr. Anderson & Gunner & Scott Steiner & Abyss) + TNA Security + D’Lo Brown & Al Snow & Simon Diamond
Anderson int, Immortal int
#1 Contenders Match- Mickie James vs Madison Rayne
Brian Kendrick vs Robbie E (w/Cookie)
The Pope/Devon int, Robbie E & Cookie int
Beer Money vs A.J. Styles & Rob Van Dam vs Devon & Pope
Kurt Angle + Sting + Hulk Hogan Interview
Tara & Miss Tesmocker vs ODB & Miss Jackie
Eric Bischoff & Abyss & X-Division Stars int.
Jeff & Karen Jarrett + Los Ben Dejo’s + Hector Guerrero Interview
Mr. Anderson + Bully Ray + Gunner int
Crimson vs Bully Ray vs Gunner vs Scott Steiner
8/18/2011 Impact
Sting + Ric Flair Interview
Ric Flair + Hulk Hogan int
Scott Steiner vs Devon
Samoa Joe int.
Flair int, Sting int, ODB & Miss Jackie int, Eric Bischoff & Traci Brooks int.
Mickie James vs ODB
Winter & Angelina Love int
A.J. Styles vs Rob Van Dam
RVD/Lynn int, Flair/Sting/Gunner int, Crimson int.
Crimson + Kurt Angle Interview
Mexican America int
– Tag Titles- Mexican America vs Beer Money
8/25/2011 Impact
Kurt Angle/Crimson/Immortal Interview
ODB/Miss Jackie/Velvet Sky int, Hogan/Flair/Bischoff int.
ngelina Love, Sarita, and Rosita vs ODB, Velvet Sky, and Jackie Moore
Kid Kash vs Jesse Sorensen
Rob Van Dam vs D’Angelo Dinero
Robbie E/Rob Terry int, Immortal int, Rosita/Sarita/Angelina int.
Traci Brooks/Bischoff int
Flair/Hogan/Sting int.
Styles/Daniels Interview
Falls Count Anywhere- A.J. Styles, James Storm, and Bobby Roode vs Gunner, Scott Steiner, and Bully Ray
Mickie James/Winter int, Eric Young int.
Crimson vs Kurt Angle
9/1/2011 Impact
Hogan/Angle/Sting Interview
Bound for Glory Series: Gunner vs. Rob Van Dam
Bischoff/Knockouts/Karen Interview
Austin Aries & Kid Kash vs. Brian Kendrick & Jesse Sorensen
Angle/Hogan int.
Winter vs. Mickie James.
Morgan/Joe Interview
Christopher Daniels vs. AJ Styles
Kurt Angle vs. Sting
9/8/2011 Impact
Devon & The Pope vs The British Invasion
Angle/Alvarez int
Roode/Gunner/Ray/Storm Interview
TV Title- Eric Young vs Robbie E
RVD/Lynn int, Sky/Mickie int.
Mickie James & Velvet Sky vs Winter & Angelina Love
Aries/Kendrick Interview
Hogan/Bischoff int.
Bully Ray vs James Storm vs Robert Roode vs Gunner
Jeff Hardy Interview
9/15/2011 Impact
•Ric Flair + Sting + Security Interview
•Jeff Hardy int
•“The Pope” D Angelo Dinero & Devon & Tara & Miss Tesmocker vs Mexican America ( Hernandez & Anarchia & Sarita & Rosita)
•Karen Jarrett + Traci Brooks + TNA Knockouts int
•Fortune/Roode. Angle Interview
•Bischoff/Angle int.
•QUEENS QUALIFYING MATCH #1-Velvet Sky vs Angelina Love ( W/Winter)
•Jeff Hardy/Styles int, Hogan/Flair int.
•Crimson Interview Via Satellite.
•Samoa Joe vs Matt Morgan
•Angle/Kazarian int, Devon/Jeff Hardy int.
•Bobby Roode vs Kazarian
•Roode & Kazarian int, Aries int, Bully-Ray & Jerry Lynn int
•Sting vs Ric Flair
9/22/2011 Impact
•Sting + Hulk Hogan + Eric Bischoff Interview
•Karen Jarrett & Traci Brooks & Mickie James & Brooke Tesmocker int
•QUEENS QUALIFIER #2- Mickie James vs Brooke Tessmacher
•Mexican America int. Al Snow/Jeff Hardy int.
•X-Title- Austin Aries vs Jesse Sorenson
•Anderson/RVD int, Mexican America int, Jeff Hardy & Matt Morgan int, RVD int, Jeff Hardy/Angle int.
•Kurt Angle + Bobby Roode + James Storm Interview
•Bully-Ray & Jerry Lynn defeated Mr. Anderson
•James Storm int.
•Bobby Roode vs Christopher Daniels
•Kazarian & Christopher Daniels int, Kazarian & A.J. Styles int, Eric Bischoff & Hulk Hogan int
•Kurt Angle vs James Storm
9/29/2011 Impact
•Sting + Bobby Roode + A.J. Styles + Kurt Angle Interview
•#1 CONTENDER LADDER MATCH FOR THE X-DIVISION TITLE-Brian Kendrick vs Alex Shelley vs Zema Ion vs Jesse Sorenson vs
Kid Kash int
•Kazarian + Jeff & Karen Jarrett int, Hogan int, Flair int.
•Jeff & Karen Jarrett + Kazarian & Traci Brooks + Road Agents & Referees & Security + Gunner Interview
•Hernandez vs Jesse Neal
•Bully Ray int, Storm int, Flair/Hogan int.
•QUEENS QUALIFIER MATCH #3- Madison Rayne vs Tara
•Christopher Daniels int.
•Crimson/Joe/Morgan Interview
•AJ Styles int.
•“The Pope” D Angelo Dinero vs Mr. Anderson
•Roode int, Dvon/Sons/Pope int.
•Bobby Roode vs A.J. Styles
•Roode/Styles int
•Hogan/Sting Interview
10/6/2011 Impact
•Hogan/Bischoff int
•Beer Money Interview
•Sting int.
•Kazarian vs Gunner
•Mr. Anderson + Bully-Ray Interview
•Beer Money int, Bischoff int, Kendrick/Kash int.
•Jeff Hardy int, Angle/Biscohff int.
•Eric Bischoff + Jeff Hardy + Immortal Interview
•Jeff Hardy int.
•Crimson vs Samoa Joe
•Bully Ray int, James Storm int.
•Bobby Roode vs James Storm
•Hogan/Sting Interview
10/13/2011 Impact
•Kurt Angle + Bobby Roode Interview
•A.J. Styles & Rob Van Dam vs Christopher Daniels & Jerry Lynn- The Match Starts with the 2 Teams Brawling in the Back.
•Samoa Joe vs Matt Morgan
•Mexican America + Ink Inc + Christie Von Erie Interview
•Brian Kendrick & Jesse Sorenson vs Austin Aries & Kid Kash
•Velvet Sky + Mickie James + Winter & Angelina Love + Karen Jarrett & Madison Rayne & Traci Brooks Interview.
•Bully Ray int, A.J. Styles + Christopher Daniels int.
•Mr. Anderson vs Scott Steiner.
•James Storm int, Jeff Jarrett & Gunner int.
•Bobby Roode vs Jeff Jarrett & Gunner
•Jeff Hardy int.
•Jeremy Borash + Sting + Hulk Hogan + Eric Bischoff Contract Signing Interview
10/20/2011 Impact
•Sting + Hulk Hogan + Dixie Carter Interview
•Sting & Dixie Carter + Kurt Angle + Bobby Roode + James Storm Interview
•Hulk Hogan & Immortal int.
•Tara & Brooke Tesmocker vs Winter & Angelina Love- This is the First Match of the night, which comes at about the quarter till mark, and it
didnt even last long.
•Jeff & Karen Jarrett + Jeff Hardy + TNA Security & D’Lo Brown Interview
•Kurt Angle int, Eric Young + Robbie E & Rob Terry int.
•Gunner vs Abyss.
•Velvet Sky int, Immortal/Gunner int.
•Velvet Sky + Karen Jarrett & Traci Brooks + TNA Security + Madison Rayne + Gail Kim Interview.
•Immortal ( Eric Bischoff & Bully-Ray & Gunner & Scott Steiner) + Hulk Hogan + Sting + Garrett Bischoff Interview
•Beer Money int.
•TNA Title- James Storm vs Kurt Angle- Storms wins the title on FREE tv, in a match that lasts less then 5 min.
10/27/2011 Impact
•James Storm + Fortune ( Bobby Roode & A.J. Styles & Kazarian) + Samoa Joe + Sting Interview
•Christopher Daniels int.
•Rob Van Dam vs Christopher Daniels
•Karen Jarrett & Gail Kim & Madison Rayne & Traci Brooks + Tara Interview
•Gail Kim vs Tara
•Jeff Hardy int, Eric Bischoff & Ric Flair + Robbie E int.
•Robbie E vs Eric Young
•Christopher Daniels + Kazarian int, Bully Ray int, Garrett Bischoff int.
•Eric/Garrett Bischoff Interview.
•Flair int, Flair/Garrett Bischoff
•Jeff Jarrett + Jeff Hardy + TNA Security + Bully-Ray Interview
•Jeff Hardy vs Bully-Ray
•Bobby Roode int.
•#1 Contenders Match- Bobby Roode vs Samoa Joe
•Bischoff int.
•Eric Bischoff + Garrett Bischoff + Ric Flair Interview
11/3/2011 Impact
•James Storm + Bobby Roode Interview
•Knockout Tag Titles- Gail Kim & Madison Rayne (w/ Karen Jarrett & Traci Brooks) vs Tara & Brooke Tesmocker
•Garrett Bischoff int.
•Garrett Bischoff + Eric Bischoff + Ric Flair & Gunner Interview
•Samoa Joe + Sting + Ric Flair & Eric Bischoff int.
•Christopher Daniels + Rob Van Dam int.
•Jesse Sorenson vs Austin Aries
•James Storm int, Bobby Roode int.
•Robbie E & Robbie T + Eric Young & Ronnie Interview.
•Mr. Anderson & Jeff Hardy vs Immortal ( Jeff Jarrett & Bully-Ray w/ Karen Jarrett)
•Sting & Garrett Bischoff int.
•Matt Morgan + Crimson Interview
•TNA Title- Bobby Roode vs James Storm- Roode wins the title, Again on FREE tv, as he turns heel.
11/10/2011 Impact
•Bobby Roode + James Storm + TNA Security + Sting Interview
•Dixie Carter INT
•Crimson vs “The Pope” D Angelo Dinero.
•Gunner int
•Garrett Bischoff vs Gunner
•Robbie E & Robbie T + Security Guard + Eric Young & Ronny Int, James Storm int.
•Jesse Sorenson vs Zema Ion
•Karen Jarrett & Gail Kim & Madison Rayne & Traci Brooks int
•Gail Kim & Madison Rayne ( w/ Karen Jarrett & Traci Brooks) vs Velvet Sky & Mickie James.
•Ronnie & Eric Young vs Robbie E & Robbie
•Immortal int, Mexican America/ink ink int.
•Christopher Daniels vs AJ Styles
•Jeff Hardy & Mr. Anderson & Abyss vs Immortal ( Jeff Jarrett (w/ Karen Jarrett) & Bully Ray & Scott Steiner)
•TNA Title- Bobby Roode vs James Storm
11/17/2011 Impact
•Bobby Roode + James Storm + TNA Security + A.J. Styles + Sting + Dixie Carter + TNA Agents Interview
•James Storm + Samoa Joe + Kazarian & Devon & Eric Young INT, Roode/Sting int.
•TV Title- Robbie E ( w/ Robbie T) vs Devon (w/ “The Pope” D Angelo Dinero).
•Sting & Garrett Bischoff + Matt Morgan & Crimson int, Flair/Bischoff/Sting int.
•Brian Kendrick & Jesse Sorenson vs Austin Aries & Kid Kash
•Karen Jarrett & Gail Kim & Madison Rayne & Traci Brooks Int, Mr. Anderson/James Storm int.
Jame,Sarita,Tara,Winter,ODB,Madison Rayne
•Bully-Ray & Ginger Woman + James Storm int, Garrett Bischoff int.
•Jeff Hardy + Karen Jarrett + Jeff Jarrett Interview
•Mexican America int, Immortal int.
•TNA Tag Titles- Matt Morgan & Crimson vs Mexican America- New Tag Champs.
•James Storm int.
•Garrett Bischoff (w/ Sting) vs Gunner (w/ Eric Bischoff & Ric Flair)
•James Storm + A.J. Styles + Kazarian + Kurt Angle Interview
11/24/2011 Impact
•Kurt Angle + James Storm + Immortal ( Bully-Ray & Jeff Jarrett) &Christopher Daniels + A.J. Styles & Rob Van Dam & Mr. Anderson
•TNA Tag Titles- Matt Morgan & Crimson vs Mexican America.
•Robbie E & Robbie T + Eric Young & Rudy Charles int..
•Karen Jarrett & Gail Kim & Madison Rayne & Traci Brooks + VelvetSky & Tara & Brooke Tesmocker & Winter & Angelina Love
•Christy Hemme & Velvet Sky & Tara & Brooke Tesmocker int, Gail Kim & Madison Rayne + Mickie James int.
•THANKSGIVING THONG THUNDER MATCH- Velvet Sky & Tara & Brooke Tesmocker vs Madison Rayne &Winter & Angelina Love
•Karen Jarrett & Velvet Sky& Tara & Brooke Tesmocker & Winter & Angelina Love int.
•Jeff Jarrett + Jeff Hardy + Bully-Ray & Christopher Daniels + A.J. Styles& Rob Van Dam & Mr. Anderson + TNA Security + Bobby Roode
•LOSER WEARS THE TURKEY SUIT MATCH- Eric Young vs Robbie E (w/Robbie T)
•Eric Young & Rudy Charles int.
• Elimination Tag- Team James Storm( A.J. Styles & Jeff Hardy & Mr. Anderson & Rob VanDam w/ James Storm) vs Team Kurt Angle (
Bobby Roode & Bully-Ray& Jeff Jarrett & Christopher Daniels w/ Kurt Angle & Karen Jarrett)
12/1/2011 Impact
•Sting + Bobby Roode + A.J. Styles + Jeff Hardy Interview
•Karen Jarrett int, Jeff Hardy + Jeff Jarrett int, Bischoff/Ray int, Knockouts int.
•“The Pope” D Angelo Dinero & Devon vs Ink Inc ( Jesse Neal &Shannon Moore w/Toxin) and Mexican America
•Austin Aries + Kid Kash Interview.
•A.J. Styles int, Gunner int, Jarrett/Sting int, Knockouts int, Ray/Steiner int.
•StreetFight- Mickie James vs ODB
•Bobby Roode int.
•TV Title- Robbie E ( w/ Robbie T) vs Rob Van Dam
•Knockouts int.
•TNA Title- Jeff Hardy vs AJ Styles vs Bobby Roode.
12/8/2011 Impact
•Sting + Bobby Roode + Dixie Carter Interview
•A.J. Styles & Bobby Roode + Sting & D’Lo Brown & Al Snow + JeffHardy.
•Samoa Joe vs Abyss
•Karen Jarrett & Madison Rayne & Gail Kim int, Sting/Gunner int.
•Devon & “The Pope” D Angelo Dinero + Matt Morgan & Crimson + Terrence& Tyrell Interview
•Mickie James vs Madison Rayne
•Bully-Ray & Scott Steiner int.
•Gunner vs Garrett Bischoff
•Immortal int
•James Storm/Kurt Angle Interview
•Devon & Devon’s Son’s ( Terrance & Tyrell) + “The Pope int.
•Gail Kim vs Traci Brooks
•Jeff Jarrett & Bobby Roode int, Daniels int.
•A.J. Styles & Jeff Hardy vs Bobby Roode & Jeff Jarrett (w/ KarenJarrett)
12/15/2011 Impact
•TNA Title- Bobby Roode vs A.J. Styles
•Bobby Roode int, WILD CARD TAGTEAM TOURNAMENT MATCH #1- Abyss & Scott Steiner vs Hernandez (w/Sarita & Rosita) &
Robbie T.
•Kurt Angle int
•Kurt Angle/Sting Interview.
•Jeff/Karen int, Zema Ion int, Flair/Gunner int.
•Gunner (w/ RicFlair) vs Jesse Neal
•Sting & Karen Jarrett int.
•Jeff Hardy +Bully-Ray Interview
•Samoa Joe & Magnus int.
•WILD CARD TAGTEAM TOURNAMENT MATCH #2- Samoa Joe & Magnus vs RobbieE & Douglas Williams
•Sting & Jeff Jarrett int, Eric Young + ODB int
•Devon + “ThePope” D Angelo Dinero & Devon son’s Interview
•Jeff & Karen Jarrett int.
•Madison Rayne vs Traci Brooks
•Sting and Jeff & Karen Jarrett int.
•Jeff Hardy vs Bully-Ray
12/22/2011 Impact
•Bobby Roode &Bully-Ray + Jeff Hardy + Sting Interview
•WILD CARD TAGTEAM TOURNAMENT #3- Fortune ( A.J.Styles & Kazarian) vs Rob Van Dam & Christopher Daniels.
•Madison Rayne int, Pope/Devon/Son’s int.
•Tara vs Madison Rayne
•Sting/Jeff Hardy int.
•James Storm + Kurt Angle Interview
•Shannon Moore int, Roode/Ray int.
•WILD CARD TAG TEAM TOURNAMENT MATCH #4- Eric Young & ODB vs Shannon Moore & Anarchia
•Matt Morgan & Crimson int, Angle int.
•Street Fight- Jeff Hardy & Sting vs Bobby Roode & Bully-Ray
12/29/2011 Impact
•Gail Kim &Madison Rayne + Tara & Brooke Tesmocker +Sting + Mickie James Interview
•Scott Steiner& Abyss int.
•WILD CARD TAGTEAM TOURNAMENT SEMI FINAL #1- Fortune ( A.J.Styles & Kazarian) vs Abyss & Scott Steiner
•Abyss &Bully-Ray Interview
•Sting/Angle int, Flair/Gunner int.
•Gunner (w/ Ric Flair) vs Douglas Williams
•Bobby Roode + Tracey Coleski + Jeff Hardy Interview
•Eric Young & ODB int, Kurt Angle int.
•Mickie James int.
•Kurt Angle vs Rob Van Dam.
•RVD int, Angle int, Storm int.
•TNA Title- Gail Kim vs Mickie James
TNA – 2011/01/06 – IMPACT # 339
01. Double J MMA Challenge: Jeff Jarrett vs. Jonathan Cruise
02. Motor City Machine Guns vs. AJ Styles & Kazarian
03. Madison Rayne & Sarita vs. Velvet Sky & Mickie James
04. Douglas Williams vs. Rob Terry
05. Abyss vs. Jay Lethal
06. No DQ Match: Jeff Jarrett vs. RVD
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/01/13 – IMPACT # 340
01. TNA Tag Team Titles: Beer Money vs. Motor City Machine Guns
02. TNA Knockouts Tag Titles: Angelina Love & Winter vs. Tara & Madison Rayne
03. Matt Morgan vs. Abyss
04. Jeff Hardy & Matt Hardy vs. Mr. Anderson & Matt Morgan
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/01/20 – IMPACT # 341
01. Mickie James vs. Madison Rayne vs. Sarita vs. Velvet Sky
02. Matt Morgan vs. Rob Terry
03. TNA X-Division Title: Kazarian vs. Jay Lethal
04. Jeff Hardy vs. Tommy Dreamer
05. Beer Money vs. Mr. Anderson & RVD
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/01/27 – IMPACT # 342
01. Elimination Match: Angelina Love & Velvet Sky & Mickie James vs. Sarita & Madison Rayne & Tara
02. TNA X-Division Title – No. 1 Contenders Tournament: Max Buck vs. Amazing Red vs. Chris Sabin
03. Mr. Anderson vs. Matt Hardy
04. Handicap Match: Kurt Angle & Crimson vs. AJ Styles & Beer Money & Jeff Jarrett & Rob Terry & Kazarian & Gunner & Murphy
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/02/03 – IMPACT # 343
01. Ink Inc. vs. Gunner & Murphy
02. TNA X-Division Title – No. 1 Contenders Tournament: Jeremy Buck vs. Jay Lethal vs. Douglas Williams
03. Taped Fist Match: Mickie James vs. Sarita
04. TNA Heavyweight Title: Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Hardy
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/02/10 – IMPACT # 344
01. Tables Match: Bully Ray & Matt Hardy & Pope D’Angelo Dinero vs. Brother D-Von & RVD & Samoa Joe
02. Madison Rayne & Tara & Sarita & Rosita vs. Angelina Love & Velvet Sky & Winter & Mickie James
03. TNA Heavyweight Title: Mr. Anderson vs. Matt Morgan
04. TNA X-Division Title – No. 1 Contenders Tournament: Brian Kendrick vs. Robbie E. vs. Suicide
05. Jeff Hardy & Jeff Jarrett vs. Kurt Angle & AJ Styles
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/02/17 – IMPACT # 345
01. Hernandez vs. Douglas Williams
02. TNA X-Division Title: Kazarian vs. Robbie E.
03. Matt Hardy vs. AJ Styles
04. Sarita & Rosita vs. Angelina Love & Velvet Sky
05. TNA World Heavyweight Title: Jeff Hardy vs. RVD
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/02/24 – IMPACT # 346
01. Gunner & Murphy vs. Eric Young & Orlando Jordan
02. Crimson vs. Brutus Magnus
03. TNA Knockouts Title – Open Challenge Match: Madison Rayne vs. ODB
04. Mr. Anderson vs. Kurt Angle vs. RVD
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/03/03 – IMPACT # 347
01. TNA Tag Titles: Beer Money vs. Gunner & Murphy
02. Velvet Sky vs. Sarita
03. Scott Steiner vs. Rob Terry
04. Matt Morgan vs. Hernandez
05. TNA Heavyweight Title: Jeff Hardy vs. Sting
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/03/10 – IMPACT # 348
01. Pope D’Angelo vs. Samoa Joe
02. TNA Knockouts Title: Madison Rayne vs. Roxxi
03. Angelina Love & Velvet Sky & Winter vs. Sarita & Cookie & Angelina
04. Ric Flair vs. AJ Styles vs. Matt Hardy
05. Ink Inc. vs. Generation Me
06. Sting & RVD vs. Jeff Hardy & Mr. Anderson
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/03/17 – IMPACT # 349
01. TNA Knockouts Title: Madison Rayne vs. Alyssa Flash
02. TNA TV Title: Gunner vs. Murphy vs. Rob Terry
03. Matt Morgan & Angelina Love & Winter vs. Hernandez & Sarita & Rosita
04. RVD vs. Mr. Anderson vs. Bully Ray vs. AJ Styles
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/03/24 – IMPACT # 350
01. Mickie James vs. Tara
02. Pope D’Angelo Dinero vs. Okato
03. Hernandez & Anarchia vs. Brother D-Von & Matt Morgan
04. Ink Inc. vs. Scott Steiner & Crimson
05. TNA Heavyweight Title – No. 1 Contenders Match: RVD vs. Mr. Anderson
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/03/31 – IMPACT # 351
01. Scott Steiner vs. Shannon Moore
02. Max Buck vs. Jeremy Buck
03. Winter vs. Velvet Sky
04. Kurt Angle vs. Rob Terry
05. Cage Match: Bully Ray & Abyss & Matt Hardy vs. Sting & Mr. Anderson & RVD
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/04/07 – IMPACT # 352
01. Hernandez & Anarchia vs. Tommy Dreamer & Brother D-Von
02. Samoa Joe vs. Murphy
03. TNA Knockouts Tag Titles: Sarita & Rosita vs. Velvet Sky & Angelina Love
04. Brian Kendrick & Suicide & Chris Sabin vs. Generation Me & Robbie E.
05. Lumberjack Match: Bully Ray vs. Christopher Daniels
06. RVD vs. Sting
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/04/14 – IMPACT # 353
01. Orlando Jordan vs. Crimson vs. Jesse Neal vs. Douglas Williams
02. Immortal vs. Fortune – Best Of 3 Series – Match # 1: Matt Hardy vs. Kazarian
03. Kurt Angle & Matt Morgan & Samoe Joe vs. Jeff Jarrett & Hernandez & Pope D’Angelo Dinero
04. Immortal vs. Fortune – Best Of 3 Series – Match # 2: Abyss vs. James Storm
05. Gaunlet Match: Mr. Anderson vs. Murphy, Rob Terry, Gunner, Bully Ray
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/04/21 – IMPACT # 354
01. Cage Match: Beer Money vs. Rob Terry & Murphy
02. TNA Knockouts Tag Titles: Rosita & Sarita vs. Madison Rayne & Tara
03. Abyss vs. RVD
04. TNA Heavyweight Title: Sting vs. Matt Hardy
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/04/28 – IMPACT # 355
01. Angelina Love vs. Velvet Sky
02. Chris Sabin vs. Anarquia
03. TNA TV Title: Gunner vs. Christopher Daniels
04. Samoa Joe vs. Crimson
05. TNA Heavyweight Title: Sting vs. Bully Ray vs. Mr. Anderson
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/05/05 – IMPACT # 356
01. Sangriento vs. Suicide
02. AJ Styles & Daniels vs. Bully Ray & Gunner
03. Loser Leaves Immortal: Rob Terry vs. Murphy
04. TNA Knockouts Title: Mickie James vs. Miss Tessmacher
05. Kurt Angle & Velvet Sky vs. Jeff Jarrett & Angelina Love & Winter
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/05/12 – IMPACT # 357
01. Mickie James & Miss Tessmacher vs. Madison Rayne & Tara
02. Sangriento vs. Suicide
03. Samoa Joe vs. Abyss vs. Crimson
04. TNA Heavyweight Title – No. 1 Contenders Battle Royal (w/ Matt Morgan, Doug Williams, Brutus Magnus, Orlando Jordan, Anarquia,
Eric Young, Hernandez, Jesse Neal, Shannon Moore, Robbie E., Gunner, Matt Hardy, James Storm, Jeff Jarrett, Kazarian, Mr. Anderson,
Robert Roode, Bully Ray, Daniels, Scott Steiner, D-Von, Pope D’Angelo Dinero, Kurt Angle, AJ Styles, Tommy Dreamer)
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/05/19 – IMPACT WRESTLING # 358
01. Mickie James & Miss Tessmacher & Tara vs. Madison Rayne & Rosita & Sarita
02. TNA X-Division Title: Kazarian vs. Abyss
03. Samoa Joe vs. Amazing Red
04. Generation Me vs. Matt Hardy & Eric Bischoff
05. Handicap Match: Velvet Sky vs. Angelina Love & Winter
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/05/26 – IMPACT WRESTLING # 359
01. Street Fight: AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels vs. Bully Ray & Tommy Dreamer
02. Jeff Jarrett vs. Matt Morgan
03. TNA Knockouts Title: Mickie James vs. Winter
04. TNA X-Division Title: Abyss vs. Brian Kendrick
05. Kurt Angle vs. RVD
90 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/05/31 – XPLOSION
01. Xplosion Championship Challenge: Robbie E. vs. Crimson
02. TNA X-Division Title – King Of The Mountain Match: Jay Lethal vs. Alex Shelley vs. Consequences Creed vs. Chris Sabin vs. Suicide
(Slammiversary 2009)
45 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/06/02 – IMPACT WRESTLING # 360
01. Matt Hardy vs. Crimson
02. Miss Tessmacher vs. Angelina Love
03. Mr. Anderson vs. Not So Great Muta (aka. Eric Young)
04. TNA X-Division Title – No. 1 Contenders Match: Kazarian vs. Brian Kendrick
05. Kurt Angle & Matt Morgan vs. Jeff Jarrett & Scott Steiner
90 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/06/07 – XPLOSION
01. Xplosion Championship Challenge: Anarquia vs. Devon
02. TNA Tag Team Titles: Team 3D vs. Beer Money (Slammiversary 2009)
45 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/06/09 – IMPACT WRESTLING # 361
01. Mickie James & Tara vs. Angelina Love & Winter
02. Alex Shelley & James Storm vs. Hernandez & Anarquia
03. RVD vs. Bully Ray
04. ODB vs. Velvet Sky
05. Sting & Eric Young vs. Mr. Anderson & Gunner
90 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/06/14 – XPLOSION
01. Xplosion Championship Challenge: Doug Williams vs. Amazing Red
02. TNA Heavyweight Title – King Of The Mountain Match: AJ Styles vs. Jeff Jarrett vs. Samoa Joe vs. Kurt Angle vs. Mick Foley
(Slammiversary 2009)
45 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/06/16 – IMPACT WRESTLING # 362
01. D-Von vs. Hernandez
02. Austin Aries vs. Kid Kash vs. Jimmy Rave
03. TNA Knockouts Tag Team Titles: Sarita & Rosita vs. Velvet Sky & Miss Tessmacher
04. Bound For Glory Series: RVD vs. Samoa Joe
05. Mr. Anderson vs. Gunner
90 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/06/21 – XPLOSION
01. Xplosion Championship Challenge: Okada vs. Alex Shelley
02. TNA Tag Team Titles – No. 1 Contenders Ultimate X Match: Motor City Machine Guns vs. Generation Me (Destination X 2010)
45 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/06/23 – IMPACT WRESTLING # 363
01. Bound For Glory Series: Bully Ray vs. Scott Steiner
02. Miss Tessmacher & Velvet Sky vs. ODB & Miss Jackie
03. Bound For Glory Series: Beer Money vs. Matt Morgan & Crimson
04. Zima Ion vs. Frederico Palacios vs. Dakota Darsow
05. Street Fight: Winter vs. Mickie James
06. Sting vs. Abyss
90 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/06/28 – XPLOSION
01. Xplosion Championship Challenge: Brutus Magnus vs. Orlando Jordan
02. Kurt Angle vs. Mr. Anderson (Destination X 2010)
45 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/06/30 – IMPACT WRESTLING # 364
01. Bound For Glory Series: D-Von vs. Samoa Joe
02. Low Ki vs. Matt Bentley vs. Jimmy Yang
03. Mickie James & Miss Tessmacher & Tara vs. Madison Rayne & Angelina Love & Winter
04. Bound For Glory Series: Gunner vs. AJ Styles
05. Sting vs. Scott Steiner
90 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/07/05 – XPLOSION
01. Xplosion Championship Challenge: Jeremy Buck vs. Shannon Moore
02. TNA X-Division Title – No. 1 Contenders Ladder Match: Brian Kendrick vs. Kazarian vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Amazing Red
(Destination X 2010)
45 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/07/07 – IMPACT WRESTLING # 365
01. Bound For Glory Series: Crimson vs. Robert Roode
02. Destination X Qualifying Match: Jack Evans vs. Tony Nese vs. Jesse Sorensen
03. Handicap Match: Velvet Sky vs. Miss Jackie & ODB
04. RVD vs. Christopher Daniels vs. AJ Styles vs. Jerry Lynn
05. Bound For Glory Series: Pope D’Angelo Dinero & D-Von vs. Matt Morgan & James Storm
06. Handicap Match: Kurt Angle vs. Bully Ray & Gunner & Scott Steiner & Abyss
90 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/07/12 – XPLOSION
01. Xplosion Championship Challenge: Max Buck vs. Hernandez
02. TNA Heavyweight Title: Kurt Angle vs. Sting (Destination X 2009)
45 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/07/14 – IMPACT WRESTLING # 366
01. Bound For Glory Series: Robert Roode vs. Samoa Joe vs. Pope D’Angelo Dinero
02. Austin Aries vs. Shannon Moore
03. Tara vs. Madison Rayne
04. TNA Tag Team Titles – No. 1 Contenders Match: Mexican America vs. British Invasion
05. TNA Heavyweight Title: Mr. Anderson vs. Sting
90 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/07/20 – XPLOSION
01. Xplosion Championship Challenge: Alex Shelley vs. Pope D’Angelo Dinero
02. TNA Heavyweight Title: Kurt Angle vs. Sting vs. Matt Morgan (Hard Justice 2009)
45 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/07/21 – IMPACT WRESTLING # 367
01. Bound For Glory Series: RVD vs. Scott Steiner
02. TNA Knockouts Tag Team Titles: Tara & Miss Tessmacher vs. Sarita & Rosita
03. Bound For Glory Series – Ladder Match: Matt Morgan vs. Gunner vs. AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe
04. TNA X-Division Title: Brian Kendrick vs. Alex Shelley
05. Sting & Kurt Angle vs. Bully Ray & Mr. Anderson
90 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/07/27 – XPLOSION
01. Xplosion Championship Challenge: Shannon Moore vs. Brutus Magnus
02. IWGP Tag Team Titles: Beer Money vs. British Invasion (Hard Justice 2009)
45 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/07/28 – IMPACT WRESTLING # 368
01. Bound For Glory Series: RVD vs. Gunner
02. Bound For Glory Series: Crimson vs. Brother Ray
03. Winter vs. Tara
04. TNA X-Division Title – Ultimate X Match: Brian Kendrick vs. Abyss
05. Cage Match: Kurt Angle vs. Mr. Anderson
90 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/08/03 – XPLOSION
01. RVD vs. Sabu (Hardcore Justice 2010)
02. Xplosion Championship Challenge: Devon vs. Crimson
45 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/08/04 – IMPACT WRESTLING # 369
01. Madison Rayne vs. Miss Tessmacher
02. Bound For Glory Series: AJ Styles vs. Devon
03. Bound For Glory Series: Samoa Joe vs. Pope D’Angelo Dinero
04. Street Fight: Robert Roode vs. Hernandez
05. Austin Aries vs. Alex Shelley
06. Bound For Glory Series: Scott Steiner & Gunner vs. RVD & Crimson
90 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/08/10 – XPLOSION
01. TNA X-Division Title – No. 1 Contenders Steel Asylun Match: Daniels vs. Suicide vs. Chris Sabin vs. Amazing Red vs. Alex Shelley vs.
Jay Lethal vs. Consequences Creed vs. D’Angelo Dinero (Hardcore Justice 2009)
02. Xplosion Championship Challenge: Hernandez vs. Doug Williams
45 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/08/11 – IMPACT WRESTLING # 370
01. Madison Rayne vs. Mickie James
02. Kendrick vs. Robbie E
03. Bound For Glory Series: Beer Money vs. Devon & Pope D’ Angelo Dinero vs. AJ Styles & RVD
04. Knockouts Tag Team Titles: Miss Tessmacher & Tara vs. ODB & Miss Jackie
05. Bound For Glory Series: Crimson & Gunner vs. Bully Ray & Scott Steiner
90 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/08/17 – XPLOSION
01. Xplosion Championship Challenge: Alex Shelley vs. Doug Williams
02. NWA World Tag Titles: AJ Styles & Jerry Lynn vs. Jeff Jarrett & Ron Killings (2002/08/14)
45 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/08/18 – IMPACT WRESTLING # 371
01. Bound For Glory Series: Scott Steiner vs. Devon
02. TNA X-Division Title – No. 1 Contenders Gauntlet Match: Austin Aries vs. Jesse Sorenson vs. Alex Shelley vs. Alex Nese vs. Kid Kash
vs. Robbie E vs. Zema Ion vs. Mark Haskins
03. Mickie James vs. ODB
04. Bound For Glory Series: AJ Styles vs. RVD
05. TNA Tag Team Titles: Beer Money vs. Mexican America
90 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/08/24 – XPLOSION
01. Xplosion Championship Challenge: Alex Shelley vs. Brutus Magnus
02. Triple X & Vince Russo vs. Dusty Rhodes & Jeff Jarrett & Road Warriors (2003/01/15)
45 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/08/25 – IMPACT WRESTLING # 372
01. Velvet Sky & Miss Jackie & ODB vs. Sarita & Rosita & Angelina Love
02. Jesse Sorensen vs. Kid Kash
03. Bound For Glory Series: Pope D’Angelo Dinero vs. RVD
04. AJ Styles & Beer Money vs. Scott Steiner & Gunner & Bully Ray
05. Kurt Angle vs. Crimson
90 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/08/31 – XPLOSION
01. Xplosion Championship Challenge: Abyss vs. Kazarian
02. NWA World Heavyweight Title: Ken Shamrock vs. Ron Killings (2002/08/07)
45 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/09/01 – IMPACT WRESTLING # 373
01. Bound For Glory Series: RVD vs. Gunner
02. Jesse Sorensen & Brian Kendrick vs. Austin Aries & Kid Kash
03. TNA Knockouts Title: Mickie James vs. Winter
04. Christopher Daniels vs. AJ Styles
05. TNA Heavyweight Title: Kurt Angle vs. Sting
90 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/09/07 – XPLOSION
01. TNA World Heavyweight Title Tournament – Semi-Final: Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Hardy (No Surrender 2010)
02. Brian Kendrick vs. Mark Haskins
45 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/09/08 – IMPACT WRESTLING # 374
01. British Invasion vs. Brother Devon & Pope D’Angelo Dinero
02. TNA TV Title: Eric Young vs. Robbie E
03. TNA Heavyweight Title: Kurt Angle vs. Mr. Anderson
04. Angelina Love & Winter vs. Velvet Sky & Mickie James
05. Bully Ray vs. Gunner vs. Robert Roode vs. James Storm
90 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/09/14 – XPLOSION
01. TNA World Heavyweight Title: Kurt Angle vs. Sting vs. AJ Styles vs. Matt Morgan (No Surrender 2009)
02. Doug Williams vs. AJ Styles
45 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/09/15 – IMPACT WRESTLING # 375
01. Pope D’Angelo Dinero & Devon & Miss Tessmacher & Tara vs. Hernandez & Anarquia & Rosita & Sarita
02. Velvet Sky vs. Angelina Love
03. Samoa Joe vs. Matt Morgan
04. Bobby Roode vs. Kazarian
05. Sting vs. Ric Flair
90 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/09/21 – XPLOSION
01. Mickie James vs. Madison Rayne
02. TNA Heavyweight Title – No DQ Match: Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Mr. Anderson (Bound For Glory 2010)
45 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/09/22 – IMPACT WRESTLING # 376
01. Mickie James vs. Miss Tessmacher
02. TNA X-Division Title: Austin Aries vs. Jesse Sorensen
03. Handicap Match: Mr. Anderson vs. Bully Ray & Jerry Lynn
04. Kurt Angle vs. James Storm
90 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/09/28 – XPLOSION
01. Brutus Magnus vs. Jesse Sorensen
02. Monster’s Ball: Abyss vs. RVD (Bound For Glory 2010)
45 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/09/29 – IMPACT WRESTLING # 377
01. TNA X-Division Title – No. 1 Contenders Ladder Match: Brian Kendrick vs. Alex Shelley vs. Kid Kash vs. Jesse Sorensen vs. Zema Ion
02. Hernandez vs. Jesse Neal
03. Madison Rayne vs. Tara
04. Mr. Anderson vs. Pope D’Angelo Dinero
05. AJ Styles vs. Bobby Roode
90 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/10/05 – XPLOSION
01. Gunner vs. Alex Shelley
02. TNA X-Division Title – Ultimate X Match: Amazing Red vs. Suicide vs. Daniels vs. Homicide vs. Chris Sabin vs. Alex Shelley
45 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/10/06 – IMPACT WRESTLING # 378
01. Kazarian vs. Gunner
02. Madison Rayne & Winter vs. Velvet Sky & Mickie James
03. Crimson vs. Samoa Joe
04. Bobby Roode vs. James Storm
90 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/10/12 – XPLOSION
01. TNA TV Title: Eric Young vs. Doug Williams
02. Kurt Angle vs. Matt Morgan (Bound For Glory 2009)
45 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/10/13 – IMPACT WRESTLING # 379
01. AJ Styles & RVD vs. Jerry Lynn & Christopher Daniels
02. Matt Morgan vs. Samoe Joe
03. Jessie Sorensen & Brian Kendrick vs. Austin Aries & Kid Kash
04. Mr. Anderson vs. Scott Steiner
05. Bobby Roode vs. Jeff Jarrett & Gunner
90 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/10/19 – XPLOSION
01. Ink Inc. vs. British Invasion
02. TNA Heavyweight Title: AJ Styles vs. Sting (Bound For Glory 2009)
45 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/10/20 – IMPACT WRESTLING # 380
01. Knockouts Tag Team Titles: Tara & Brooke Tessmacher vs. Winter & Angelina Love
02. Gunner vs. Abyss
03. TNA Heavyweight Title: Kurt Angle vs. James Storm
90 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/10/26 – XPLOSION
01. Jesse Sorensen vs. Robbie E.
02. AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe vs. Christopher Daniels (Turning Point 2009)
45 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/10/27 – IMPACT WRESTLING # 381
01. Christopher Daniels vs. RVD
02. Tara vs. Gail Kim
03. TNA TV Title: Eric Young vs. Robbie E.
04. Bully Ray vs. Jeff Hardy
05. TNA Heavyweight Title – No. 1 Contenders Match: Bobby Roode vs. Samoe Joe
90 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/11/02 – XPLOSION
01. Madison Rayne vs. Brooke Tessmacher
02. TNA X-Division Title: Amazing Red vs. Chris Sabin vs. Jerry Lynn (2003/05/14)
03. TNA Heavyweight Title: Kurt Angle vs. James Storm (Impact – 2011/10/20)
45 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/11/03 – IMPACT WRESTLING # 382
01. TNA Knockouts Tag Titles: Brooke Tessmacher & Tara vs. Gail Kim & Madison Rayne
02. Austin Aries vs. Jesse Sorenson
03. Jeff Jarrett & Bully Ray vs. Mr. Anderson & Jeff Hardy
04. TNA Heavyweight Title: James Storm vs. Bobby Roode
90 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/11/09 – XPLOSION
01. TNA TV Title: Eric Young vs. Rob Terry
02. Kid Kash vs. James Storm (2004/05/12)
45 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/11/10 – IMPACT WRESTLING # 383
01. Crimson vs. Pope D’Angelo Dinero
02. Garrett Bischoff vs. Gunner
03. Jesse Sorensen vs. Zema Ion
04. TNA Knockouts Tag Titles: Madison Rayne & Gail Kim vs. Mickie James & Velvet Sky
05. Eric Young & Ronnie vs. Robbie E. & Robbie T.
06. AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels
07. Abyss & Jeff Hardy & Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Jarrett & Bully Ray & Scott Steiner
08. TNA Heavyweight Title: Bobby Roode vs. James Storm
90 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/11/16 – XPLOSION
01. Gunner vs. Kazarian
02. TNA Heavyweight Title: Jeff Hardy vs. Matt Morgan (Turning Point 2010)
45 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/11/17 – IMPACT WRESTLING # 384
01. TNA TV Title: Robbie E. vs. Devon
02. Kid Kash & Austin Aries vs. Brian Kendrick & Jesse Sorensen
03. TNA Knockouts Title – No. 1 Contender 10 Woman Gauntlet Match
04. TNA Tag Team Titles: Mexican America vs. Matt Morgan & Crimson
05. Garett Bischoff vs. Gunner
90 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/11/23 – XPLOSION
01. Eric Young vs. Christopher Daniels
02. TNA Tag Team Titles – Full Metal Mayhem: Motor City Machine Guns vs. Generation Me
45 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/11/24 – IMPACT WRESTLING # 385
01. Matt Morgan & Crimson vs. Mexican America
02. Thanksgiving Thong Thunder Match: Velvet Sky & Brooke Tessmacher & Tara vs. Madison Rayne & Angelina Love & Winter
03. Turkey Suit Match: Eric Young vs. Robbie E.
04. Elimination Match: AJ Styles & Jeff Hardy & RVD & Mr. Anderson vs. Bobby Roode & Bully Ray & Jeff Jarrett & Christopher Daniels
90 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/11/30 – XPLOSION
01. Maximum Impact Tournament – Round 1: Brutus Magnus vs. Kazarian
02. First Blood Match: RVD vs. Rhino (Final Resolution 2010)
45 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/12/01 – IMPACT WRESTLING # 386
01. TNA Tag Team Titles – No. 1 Contenders Match: Ink Inc. vs. Mexican America vs. Pope D’Angelo Dinero & Devon
02. TNA Knockouts Title – No. 1 Contenders Street Fight: Mickie James vs. ODB
03. TNA TV Title: Robbie E. vs. RVD
04. Bobby Roode vs. AJ Styles vs. Jeff Hardy
90 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/12/07 – XPLOSION
01. Maximum Impact Tournament – Round 1: Doug Williams vs. Samoa Joe
02. TNA X-Division Title: Kid Kash vs. Jerry Lynn (2003/04/02)
45 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/12/08 – IMPACT WRESTLING # 387
01. Abyss vs. Samoa Joe
02. Mickie James vs. Madison Rayne
03. Gunner vs. Garret Bischoff
04. Gail Kim vs. Traci Brooks
05. Bobby Roode & Jeff Jarrett vs. AJ Styles & Jeff Hardy
90 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/12/14 – XPLOSION
01. Maximum Impact Tournament – Round 1: Robbie T. vs. Devon
02. TNA Heavyweight Title: AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels (Final Resolution 2009)
45 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/12/15 – IMPACT WRESTLING # 388
01. TNA Heavyweight Title: Bobby Roode vs. AJ Styles
02. Wild Card Tag Tournament – Round 1: Abyss & Scott Steiner vs. Hernandez & Robbie T.
03. Best Of 3 Series – Match # 1: Zema Ion vs. Anthony Nese
04. Jesse Neal vs. Gunner
05. Wild Card Tag Tournament – Round 1: Samoa Joe & Magnus vs. Douglas Williams & Robbie E.
06. Madison Rayne vs. Traci Brooks
07. Jeff Hardy vs. Bully Ray
90 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/12/21 – XPLOSION
01. Maximum Impact Tournament – Semi-Final: Christopher Daniels vs. Devon
02. NWA Heavyweight Title – Cage Match: AJ Styles vs. Jeff Jarrett (2004/04/21)
45 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/12/22 – IMPACT WRESTLING # 389
01. Wild Card Tag Tournament – Round 1: AJ Styles & Kazarian vs. RVD & Christopher Daniels
02. Best Of 3 Series – Match # 2: Zema Ion vs. Anthony Nese
03. Tara vs. Brooke Tessmacher
04. Wild Card Tag Tournament – Round 1: Eric Young & ODB vs. Shannon Moore & Anarquia
05. Sting & Jeff Hardy vs. Bobby Roode & Bully Ray
90 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/12/28 – XPLOSION
01. Maximum Impact Tournament – Semi-Final: Samoa Joe vs. Kazarian
02. TNA Heavyweight Title – No. 1 Contenders Match: Matt Morgan vs. Mr. Anderson (Genesis 2011)
03. TNA Heavyweight Title: Jeff Hardy vs. Mr. Anderson (Genesis 2011)
45 minutes – Source: TV
TNA – 2011/12/29 – IMPACT WRESTLING # 390
01. Wild Card Tag Tournament – Semi-Final: Scott Steiner & Abyss vs. AJ Styles & Kazarian
02. Best Of 3 Series – Match # 3: Zema Ion vs. Anthony Nese
03. Gunner vs. Douglas Williams
04. Wild Card Tag Tournament – Semi-Final: Samoa Joe & Brutus Magnus vs. Eric Young & ODB
05. Kurt Angle vs. RVD
06. TNA Knockouts Title: Gail Kim vs. Mickie James
90 minutes – Source: TV