On this day in 1993, we lost Old School WWF Veteran “Canada’s Strongest Man” Dino Bravo (Real name: Adolfo Bresciano) at the age of 44 due to a homicide / ballistic trauma.
Dino wrestled for the World Wrestling Federation during the 70s and then again from 1985 until 1992, but is most likely never going to be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame because of the circumstances of his death.
In 1978, he won the WWWF Tag Team Titles with his tag team partner Dominic DeNucci, when they defeated the team of Mr. Fuji & Professor Toru Tanaka.
Below is the real story behind the murder of Dino Bravo, as told by fellow wrestler Rick Martel:
“Dino tried to stay in the [WWF] but he just couldn’t…Vince didn’t wanna have him back. I remember I called Pat Patterson and I suggested that I team up with Dino – because I liked Dino.
I said, ‘I’ll take the bumps and [do] all the moving around and he can do the strong stuff…I’m sure we can make it work, you know?’ He said, ‘No, no…we just think that Dino doesn’t fit anymore in our plans…’
Dino had kind of painted himself in a corner. Dino liked the high lifestyle…he had a sports Mercedes, he had a big home, you know…and [suddenly] wrestling was over. Dino couldn’t be a 9 to 5 guy…he didn’t have any business experience of any kind.
Wrestling was his whole life. And back then, WWF was the only game in town. So if he couldn’t do it for the WWF, what could he do? His uncle [by marriage] was the head of the Mafia in Montreal. And he was always saying, ‘Dino, come work for me…’
I remember we were in Europe and he confided in me. ‘Rick…I know I could go into crime and do really good money…but I don’t wanna go that route…I know myself and I know what kind of guy I am…’
Dino was the kind of guy who [always wanted] more and more [but didn’t know when to stop]. He knew himself and he knew his demons. But then his [debts] and lifestyle got too much…and all of a sudden the revenue [wasn’t] coming in.
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