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CM Punk Screws Drew McIntyre At WWE Clash At The Castle 2024 (Video)

Drew McIntyre Vs Damian Priest 1 Clash at the Castle 2024 Scotland Insurrextion WWE WrestleFeed App

Up next is the main event of WWE Clash At The Castle 2024 and it is for the World Heavyweight Championship. Drew McIntyre made his way out first and got a special entrance. World Heavyweight Champion Damian Priest came out to huge booes.

WWE showed the sound meter during Drew’s entrance and it was over 100 dBA. Judgment Day is barred from ringside during this match. Drew did not use his old Broken Dreams theme song, as many speculated, after he mentioned the lyrics of the song during this PLE’s Kickoff Show yesterday.

Priest went for a dive over the top rope, but his leg got caught up in the ropes. Priest was limping after that. McIntyre hit Priest with a Future Shock DDT and went for the cover, but Damian kicked out.

Damian is now on the top rope and Drew begins chopping him. Drew climbs on the second rope and picks up Damian, but Damian hops away and hits the Razor’s Edge on Drew! Damian goes for the cover, but Drew kicks out.

Drew and Damian are now exchanging punches. This meant on for a while, until Drew laid him out with a neckbreaker. Drew does a kip up and is hyping up the crowd for the Claymore Kick, but Damian rolled out of the ring.

McIntyre hits Priest with the Glasgow Kiss on the outside and then Claymore Kicked Damian through the barricade at ringside!

Drew took Priest back into the ring and went for the Claymore Kick, but Priest countered and hit the South of Heaven Chokeslam! Priest went for the cover, but Drew kicked out. Fans are chanting “this is awesome”.

Priest hits the Hurricanrana on McIntyre from the top rope, but McIntyre follows up with a Claymore Kick! Drew went for the cover, but Damian kicked out!

Drew threw Damian with a Belly to Belly Overhead Suplex. Referee accidentally gets taken out. Drew went for the Claymore Kick, but Damian countered with a powerbomb.

McIntyre finally hits another Claymore Kick and went for the cover, but there’s no referee. A referee finally comes in, but he stopped counting at 2 and it’s CM Punk! Drew went after Punk, but Punk low-blowed him!

Priest then hit McIntyre with his Chokeslam and the original referee counted the pinfall.

Damian Priest (c) def. Drew McIntyre to retain the World Heavyweight Championship

Punk celebrated with some fans after the match, while some showed him the middle finger.

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