WWE News

4. Former WWE Creative Team Member Comments On The Bad Booking Of Rusev & Baron Corbin

During a recent apperance on WZ Daily, former WWE Creative Team member Alex Greenfield discussed the booking of former two time United States Champion Rusev & former Mr. Money In The Bank Baron Corbin on SmackDown Live. Below is what he said:

On Rusev’s booking since his return this Summer: “I think the handling since returning from injury has not been great. Rusev is a guy that I have always been interested in. I did not buy into Rusev for a very long time. I was way behind on him. I felt like he was a villain built for Cena to dispatch at WrestleMania and that would be the end of him.

It turns out that he is a really smart, sharp performer who has made just about everything work. Despite bad booking his personality just gets him across. Boy, I hope they don’t go and have Randy beat him again because at this point what are they warming Randy up for? I think Rusev as a strong villain to setup for Styles is certainly what I would pitch if I was still in the room.”

On Baron Corbin’s booking:

“I’ve been talking about this for years about the guy: he keeps showing flashes of fire that I really like. There was a bit near the end of his NXT run where he was sort of doing what Batista was doing at the end of his last run of being the anti-indie guy, “this is the age of the superhero,” kind of guy.

I loved that but every time they start to bring him up, and I read the same sh*t that’s in the Observer and whatever, I have no inside knowledge about if he has heat or not. In a similar way to Bray Wyatt they start to light the fire and you start to see the potential and then it all just evaporates.”

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