CM Punk fell short of his goal to win the 2024 Men’s Royal Rumble and headline WrestleMania for the first time. Cody Rhodes emerged victorious, eliminating Punk from the match in the end.
Ryback expressed frustration on Twitter, highlighting perceived double standards in fan reactions. He compared his own past experience of coming second in the Royal Rumble (in 2013) unfavorably to how Punk’s similar outcome was received.
Here’s what the former Intercontinental Champion tweeted:
“When CM Punk comes in 2nd in the Rumble he is being a team player and helping the business.
When I came in 2nd I was a failure and flopped according to the pathetic marks and dipsh*t dirt sheets.
It’s physical acting and there are NO winners and losers.”
The Big Guy also talked about Punk’s injury, where he claimed that Punk will blame Drew McIntyre for the injury in the future, just like he blamed him a decade ago:
“Prior to Cody Rhodes eliminating CM Punk from the Royal Rumble, Drew McIntyre hit a Future Shock DDT on CM Punk which saw him tear his right tricep.
From my professional point of view, and by all other backstage accounts, Drew McIntyre delivered the move flawlessly, but we can expect at some future date for CM Punk to come out and label Drew McIntyre dangerous on a podcast episode.
Doctors have estimated for CM Punk to be out for 4 to 6 months with this current tricep tear, but as you saw prior the year in AEW he was out for 9 months, a very lengthy recovery time for that injury.
On behalf of myself, my Feed Me More LLC Brand, and Feed Me More Nutrition, I just want to wish CM Punk, Phil, a very speedy recovery.”
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