AWA StarCage 1985
April 21, 1985
INT – Verne Gagne
Alaskans vs. Tom Zenk & Steve Olsonowski
INT – Tom Zenk & Steve Olsonowski
Baron Von Raschke & Buck Zumhoffe vs. Jimmy Garvin & Steve Regal
INT – Baron Von raschke & Buck Zunhoffe
Butch Reed & Larry Zbyszko vs. Brad Rheighans & Bob Backlund
INT – Butch Reed & Larry Zbyszko
INT – Brad Rheighans & Bob Backlund
INT – Sgt Slaughter
Bobby Duncum & Billy Robinson vs. Jim Brunzell & Tonga Kid
INT – Road Warriors
video on Road Warriors
video on AWA action
Nick Bockwinkel & Mr Saito vs. Verne & Greg Gagne
Road Warriors vs. Curt & Larry Henning
video on AWA action
Jerry Blackwell & Sgt Slaughter vs. King Tonga, Masked Superstar, & Sheik Adnan
INT – Sgt Slaughter & Jerry Blackwell
AWA TV 6/27/85 (24/7)
Verne int.,
Garvin vs. Winters,
Garvin int.,
Gagne, Zbyszko int.,
Gagne int.,
Bockwinkel/Stevens Int.,
Martel in Zbyszko’s corner,
LOD vs. Long Riders (St. Paul, JIP),
Freebirds vs. Hennig/Zenk/Zumhofe,
Freebirds int.,
Slaughter vs. Zurkov,
Slaughter int.,
Verne int.
Kamala vs. Steve O.
9-03-1985 AWA Championship Wrestling on ESPN:
Buck Zumhofe vs. Jim Londos
Larry Zbyszko Interview
Buck Zumhofe comments
Jimmy Garvin vs. Blue Max
Jimmy Garvin Interview
In This Corner: Road Warriors
Mat Classic: Verne Gagne vs. Nick Bockwinkel (5-10-81)
The Long Riders vs. Kevin Kelly, Larry Winters
The Long Riders Interview
AWA World Champ Rick Martel vs. Terry Gordy
(TV cut-out)
Rick Martel Interview
9-10-1985 AWA Championship Wrestling on ESPN:
Boris Zhukov vs. Jim Londos
Larry Zbyszko Interview
Curt Hennig vs. Kahlua
Curt Hennig, Tom Zenk Interview
AWA Lt. Heavyweight Champ Steve Regal vs. Buck Zumhofe
Steve Regal Interview
In This Corner: Sgt. Slaughter
Mat Clasic: Rick Martel vs. Jumbo Tsuruta (5-13-84)
Fabulous Freebirds vs. Baron Von Raschke, Blue Max, Brad Rheingans
Fabulous Freebirds Interview
Greg Gagne vs. Nick Bockwinkel
Sgt. Slaughter, Greg Gagne Interview
9-17-1985 AWA Championship Wrestling on ESPN:
Billy Robinson vs. Randy Barber
Buddy Roberts vs. Buck Zumhofe
Boris Zhukov, Chris Markov Interview
In This Corner: Nick Bockwinkel
Ric Flair vs. Sgt. Slaughter
Sgt. Slaughter Interview
Mat Classic: Road Warriors vs. Boom Boom Bundy, Blackwell (11-22-84)
Jimmy Garvin, Steve Regal Interview
Larry Zbyszko, Ray Stevens, Nick Bockwinkel vs. Curt Hennig, Greg Gagne, Scott Hall
Stan Hanson Interview
9-24-1985 AWA Championship Wrestling on ESPN:
Larry Hennig vs. Scott Irwin
Stan Hanson Interview
Sgt. Slaughter Interview
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Boris Zhukov
Jerry Blackwell Interview
In This Corner: Greg Gagne
Mat Classic: Nick Bockwinkel vs. Rick Martel (1-16-83)
Jimmy Garvin, Steve Regal Interview
Jimmy Garvin, Steve Regal vs. Greg Gagne, Curt Hennig
AWA SuperClash – September 28, 1985
Steve Regal vs. Brad Rheingans
Sherri Martel vs. Candi Devine
Genichiro Tenryu, Giant Baba & Jumbo Tsuruta vs. The Long Riders & Harley Race
Little Tokyo vs. Little Mr. T
Mil Mascaras vs. Buddy Roberts
Kerry Von Erich vs. Jimmy Garvin
Curt Hennig, Greg Gagne & Scott Hall vs. Larry Zbyszko, Nick Bockwinkel & Ray Stevens
The Road Warriors vs. The Fabulous Freebirds
Ivan Koloff, Krusher Kruschev & Nikita Koloff vs. Baron von Raschke, Dick The Bruiser & The Crusher
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Boris Zhukov
Jerry Blackwell vs. Kamala (Bodyslam Match)
Rick Martel vs. Stan Hansen
Ric Flair vs. Magnum TA
10-01-1985 AWA Championship Wrestling on ESPN:
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Kevin Kelly
Ray Stevens, Nick Bockwinkel Interview
Stan Hansen vs. Paul Gardner
Sgt. Slaughter Interview
The Long Riders vs. Brad Rheingans, Jerry Orowski
AWA World Champ Rick Martel Interview
In This Corner: Jimmy Garvin, Precious
Mat Classic: Verne Gagne, Mad Dog Vachon vs. Jerry Blackwell, Shiek Adnan-Al Kassie (4-24-83)
Verne Gagne Interview
AWA World Champ Rick Martel vs. Kamala
Nick Bockwinkel Interview
10-08-1985 AWA Championship Wrestling on ESPN:
Greg Gagne, Scott Hall vs. Kahlua, Blue Max
Interview with Greg Gagne, Scott Hall
Stan Hansen vs. Tom Rice
Stan Hansen Interview
Jimmy Garvin vs. Jim Londos
Jimmy Gaarvin Interview
In This Corner: Curt Hennig
Mat Classic: Rick Martel vs. Jimmy Garvin (12-25-84)
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Nick Bockwinkel
Sgt. Slaughter Interview
10-22-1985 AWA Championship Wrestling on ESPN:
Stan Hansen vs. Larry Winters
Michael Hayes, Buddy Roberts vs. Jim Londos, Tom Rice
Fabulous Freebirds Interview
In This Corner: Baron Von Raschke
Mat Classic: Ray Stevens vs. Jerry Blackwell
AWA Tag Team Champ Jimmy Garvin vs. Curt Hennig
Greg Gagne, Curt Hennig Interview
10-29-1985 AWA Championship Wrestling on ESPN:
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Mike Gola
Nick Bockwinkel Interview
Skandor Akbar Interview
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Tom Rice
Sgt. Slaughter Interview
Road Warriors vs. Fabulous Freebirds
Fabulous Freebirds Interview
11-05-1985 AWA Championship Wrestling on ESPN:
Greg Gagne vs. Tom Rice
Greg Gagne Interview
Stan Hansen vs. Mike Gola
Stan Hansen Interview
Boris Zhukov vs. Brad Rheingans
Sgt. Slaughter Interview
In This Corner: Jimmy Garvin, Steve Regal
Mat Classic: Nick Bockwinkel, Blackjack Lanza vs. Rick Martel,Wahoo McDaniel (5-22-83)
Road Warriors vs. Jimmy Garvin, Steve Regal
Road Warriors Interview
11-12-1985 AWA Championship Wrestling on ESPN:
Greg Gagne vs. Larry Winters
Skandar Akbar Interview
Stan Hansen vs. Jim Londos
Stan Hansen Interview
In This Corner: Sheik Adnan-Al Kaissie
Mat Classic: Nick Bockwinkel vs. Wahoo McDaniel (6-26-83)
Sgt. Slaughter, Scott Hall, Curt Hennig vs. Michael Hayes, Buddy Roberts, Boris Zhukov (cuts off)
11-19-1985 AWA Championship Wrestling on ESPN:
Mongolian Stomper vs. Jim Londos
Sheik Adnan-Al Kaissie, Mongolian Stomper Interview
In This Corner: Larry Zbyszko himself
Mat Classic: Rick Martel vs. Jumbo Tsuruta (9-29-85)
Rick Martel Interview
Michael Hayes vs. Scott Hall
Michael Hayes, Buddy Roberts Interview
11-26-1985 AWA Championship Wrestling on ESPN:
Sheik Adnan-Al Kaissie, Mongolian Stomper Interview
AWA World Champ Rick Martel vs. Kahlua
Fabulous Freebirds Interview
Stan Hansen vs. Tom Brandi
AWA World Champ Rick Martel Interview
In This Corner: Greg Gagne
Donna’s Rumors
Road Warriors vs. Larry, Curt Hennig
AWA Tag Team Champs Jimmy Garvin, Steve Regal vs. Scott Hall, Curt Hennig
Jimmy Garvin Interview
12-03-1985 AWA Championship Wrestling on ESPN:
Curt Hennig vs. Mike Moore
Sheik Adnan-Al Kassie, Mongolian Stomper Interview
AWA World Champ Rick Martel vs. The Undertaker (not Mark Calaway)
Rick Martel Interview
Fabulous Freebirds vs. Jim Londos,Larry Winters
Michael Hayes, Buddy Roberts Interview
In This Corner: The Long Riders
Donna’s Rumors
Mat Classic: Cowboy Lang, Little Coco vs. Lord Littlebrook, Little Tokyo (7-15-85)
Larry Zbyszko vs. Greg Gagne
Curt Hennig, Scott Hall Interview
12-10-1985 AWA Championship Wrestling on ESPN:
Buck Zumhofe vs. Jim Londos
The Mongolian Stomper vs. Tom Brandi
Sheik Adnan-Al Kassie, Mongolian Stomper Interview
AWA Tag Team Champs Jimmy Garvin, Steve Regal vs. Kahlua, Larry Winters
Jimmy Garvin, Steve Regal Interview
In This Corner: Nick Bockwinkel
Larry Zbyszko vs. Greg Gagne (replay)
Curt Hennig, Scott Hall Interview
AWA World Champ Rick Martel vs. Stan Hansen
Stan Hansen Interview
12-24-1985 AWA Championship Wrestling on ESPN:
The Long Riders vs. Larry Winters, Jim Londos
Long Riders Interview
Larry Zbyszko vs. Mike Gola
Larry Zbyszko Interview
Road Warriors vs. Kahlua, Mike Moore
Road Warriors Interview
In This Corner: Scott Hall
Mat Classic: Nick Bockwinkel vs. Sheik Adnan-Al Kassie (8-09-81)
AWA Ladies Champ Candi Devine vs. Sherri Martel (9-26-85)
Sherri Martel Interview
12-31-1985 AWA Championship Wrestling on ESPN:
Boris Zhukov vs. Tom Rice
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Mike Moore
Long Riders vs. Tom Brandi, Mike Gola
Donna’s Rumors
In This Corner with guest Ray Stevens
Mat Classic: Mike Graham vs. Buck Zumhoff
Mat Classic: 22-Man Battle Royal Thanksgiving 1985
1/5/85 – Middleton, WI
Fabulous Ones vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors
The Crusher vs. Mr. Saito
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Curt Hennig
Billy Robinson vs. Steve Regal
Jim Garvin vs. Tom Zenk
1/6/85 – Minneapolis TV
Baron Von Raschke vs. Bob Owens
Road Warriors vs. Rocky King & Terry Ellis
King Kong Brody vs. Randy Barber
Fabulous Ones vs. Rick Renslow & Jason Walker
1/6/85 – Greensboro, NC @ the Coliseum
Magnum T.A. in the 20-man battle royal
NWA Champion Ric Flair vs. Harley Race
Lights Out Match:
Don Kernodle vs. Ivan Koloff
NWA Tag Team Champions Dusty Rhodes & Manny Fernandez vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors
Non-Title Match:
Magnum TA vs. US Champion Wahoo McDaniel
Tully Blanchard vs. Dick Slater
Charlie Brown & Assassin I & Buzz Tyler vs. Superstar Billy Graham & Ron Bass & JJ Dillon
Cowboy Lang vs. Lord Littlebrook
Steve Casey vs. Black Bart
1/6/85 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Jim Garvin or Garvin vs. Martel by .
Masked Superstar vs. Curt Hennig or Hennig vs. Superstar by .
Fabulous Ones vs. Billy Robinson & Steve Regal
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Larry Hennig
Mr. Saito vs. Tom Zenk
1/8/85 – Salt Lake City, UT @ the Salt Palace
Jim Garvin vs. AWA Champion Rick Martel .
Curt Hennig & Larry Hennig vs. King Kong Brody & Sheik Adnan
Fabulous Ones & Baron Von Raschke vs. Road Warriors & Paul Ellering
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Curt Hennig
Brad Rheingans vs. Sheik Adnan COR
Att 8987
1/10/85 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
TV Taping
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell & Jerry Blackwell vs. Road Warriors & Paul Ellering
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Mr. Saito .
Jimmy Garvin vs. John Nord .
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Brian Jewel & Rob Rechsteiner
Reported Attendance: 5,628
1/12/85 – Milwaukee, WI
Fabulous Ones & The Crusher vs. Road Warriors & Paul Ellering
Lights Out Match:
King Kong Brody vs. Jerry Blackwell
Jimmy Garvin vs. Jim Brunzell .
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Curt Hennig
Masked Superstar vs. Tom Stone .
Brad Rheingans vs. Jake Milliman (sub Mr. Saito)
Reported Attendance: 5,741
Note: Milwaukee Sentinel says Blackwell vs. Brody
1/13/85 – Minneapolis TV
Curt Hennig vs. Ricky Lee Jones
Jim Garvin vs. Brian Jewell
Fabulous Ones vs. Jimmy Doo & Chris Martin
Rick Martel vs. Rick Renslow
1/13/85 – Rosemont, IL @ the Rosemont Horizon afternoon
Jerry Blackwell & Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Sheik Adnan & King Kong Brody & Masked Superstar
Jim Garvin vs. AWA Champion Rick Martel .
Paul Ellering banned from ringside
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors vs. Fabulous Ones
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Baron Von Raschke
Mr. Saito vs. Curt Hennig
Brad Rheingans vs. Steve Regal
1/13/85 – St Paul, MN @ the Civic Center evening
Jim Garvin vs. AWA Champion Rick Martel .
No DQ match, Sheik Adnan handcuffed to Sgt. Slaughter
Jerry Blackwell vs. King Kong Brody COR
The Crusher & Fabulous Ones vs. the Road Warriors & Paul Ellering
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Masked Superstar & Sheik Adnan
Nick Bockwinkel & Mr Saito vs. Larry Hennig & Curt Hennig .
Baron Von Raschke vs. Billy Robinson
John Nord vs. Jimmy Doo
Brad Rheingans vs. Steve Regal
Reported Attendance: 11,000
1/15/85 – Wausau, WI
The Crusher vs. Jimmy Garvin (sub Sheik Adnan) .
Larry Hennig & Curt Hennig (sub Fabulous Ones) vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Steve Regal
Baron Von Raschke vs. Jimmy Garvin
Brad Rheingans vs. Jim Brunzell
John Nord vs. vs. Tossel
Rob Ricksteiner vs. Jimmy Doo
1/16/85 – Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Jim Garvin
Masked Superstar vs. Jerry Blackwell
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors vs. Curt Hennig & Jim Brunzell
Jim Brunzell vs. Moose Morowski
Baron Von Raschke vs. Steve Regal
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Jerry Morrow
1/17/85 – Las Vegas, NV @ the Showboat Sports Pavilion
Lights Out Match:
Jerry Blackwell vs. Masked Superstar (sub King Kong Brody)
Jimmy Garvin vs. AWA Champion Rick Martel .
Larry Hennig & Curt Hennig (subs for Fabulous Ones) vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Brad Rheingans
Jim Brunzell vs. Steve Regal
Reported Attendance: 3,000
1/18/85 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
Lights Out Match:
Jerry Blackwell vs. Masked Superstar (sub King Kong Brody)
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Jim Garvin .
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors vs. Larry Hennig & Curt Hennig (subs for Fabulous Ones)
Baron Von Raschke vs. Billy Robinson
Jim Brunzell vs. Nick Bockwinkel
Brad Rheingans vs. Steve Regal
1/19/85 – Minneapolis TV
Steve Olsonoski vs. Mr. Saito
1/20/85 – Minneapolis TV
Fabulous Ones vs. Brian Jewell & Scott Doring
Bob Backlund vs. Rick Renslow
Masked Superstar & Mr. Saito vs. Curt Hennig & Steve Olsonoski
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Tom Zenk
1/22/85 – Baltimore, MD
Bob Backlund & Sgt Slaughter in a 12 team battle royal
Tommy Rich & Sgt Slaughter vs. Scott Irwin & Bill Irwin
Bob Backlund vs. Masked Superstar .
Ole Anderson & Thunderbolt Patterson vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors .
Ronnie Garvin vs. Bob Roop
Ron Ritchie vs. Rip Rogers
Brian Adidas vs. Jim Brunzell
Ron Starr vs. Italian Stallion
Chick Donovan vs. Larry Sharpe
Curt Hennig vs. Doug Somers
Reported Attendance: 5,600
1/23/85 – Queens, NY @ the Ridgewood Grove Arena
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors vs. Sgt. Slaughter & Jim Brunzell
Baron Von Raschke vs. Sheik Adnan COR
Bob Backlund vs. Masked Superstar .
Curt Hennig vs. Larry Zbyszko
Reported Attendance: 2,000
1/24/85 – Totowa, NJ @ the Ice World
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors vs. Fabulous Ones Steve Keirn & Stan Lane
Sgt Slaughter vs. Masked Superstar
Jim Brunzell vs. Sheik Adnan
Bob Backlund vs. Larry Sharpe
Midgets, Ron Bass, Larry Zbyszko and more
1/25/85 – Reedsburg, WI
Non-Title Match:
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Jimmy Garvin
The Crusher & Blackjack Lanza (sub Curt Hennig) vs. Chris Markoff (sub Billy Robinson) & Steve Regal
Jimmy Garvin vs. Tom Zenk
Brad Rheingans vs. Rick Renslow (sub Chris Markoff)
Tom Zenk vs. Scott Doring (sub Rick Renslow)
John Nord vs. Rob Ricksteiner
1/26/85 – Sheboygan, WI
Rick Martel & The Crusher vs. Masked Superstar (sub Nick Bockwinkel) & Jimmy Garvin
Baron Von Raschke vs. Chris Markoff
Curt Hennig vs. Steve Regal
Brad Rheingans vs. Rick Renslow (sub Billy Robinson)
Tom Zenk vs. “Scott” (sub Tom Stone)
John Nord vs. Rob Rechsteiner
1/27/85 – Minneapolis TV
Dino Bravo vs. Brian Jewell
Road Warriors vs. Brad Rheingans & Rich Peavey
Curt Hennig vs. Rob Rechsteiner
Jerry Blackwell & Baron Von Raschke vs. The Alaskans Rick Renslow & Dave Wagner
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Mr. Saito .
1/27/85 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors vs. Larry Hennig & Curt Hennig (sub Fabulous Ones)
Jimmy Garvin vs. Baron Von Raschke
Masked Superstar (sub Nick Bockwinkel) vs. Jim Brunzell
Steve Regal vs. Tom Zenk
Brad Rheingans vs. Rick Renslow (sub Curt Hennig)
1/27/85 – Somonauk, IL @ the. High School
Road Warriors vs. Jim Brunzell & Baron Von Raschke
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Steve Keirn
Jimmy Garvin vs. Stan Lane
Masked Superstar vs. ?
1/30/85 – San Francisco, CA @ the Cow Palace
No DQ Match:
Jerry Blackwell vs. Masked Superstar (sub King Kong Brody)
Larry Hennig & Curt Hennig (Subs for Fabulous Ones) & Baron Von Raschke vs. Road Warriors & Paul Ellering
Jim Garvin vs. AWA Champion Rick Martel .
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Nick Bockwinkel
Pat Barrett vs. Guy Lambert
Att 4900
2/1/85 – St. Paul, MN
Pro Wrestling USA TV Taping
1st Hour
Rick Martel vs. Tom Stone
Road Warriors vs. Mike Richards & Rich Stoansky
Jim Brunzell vs. Masked Superstar
King Tonga vs. Jake Milliman
Kendo Nagasaki vs. Jimmy Doo
2nd Hour
Terry Funk vs. Jake Milliman
Jay & Mark Youngblood vs. Tony Leone & Rob Ricksteiner
King Tonga vs. Rick Peavey
Sgt. Slaughter & Jerry Blackwell vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Tom Stone
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors vs. Larry Hennig & Curt Hennig
3rd Hour
Road Warriors vs. Rick Gantner & Rob Ricksteiner
Bob Backlund vs. vs. Tossell
Masked Superstar vs. Mike Richards
Larry Zbyszko vs. Jimmy Doo
Curt Hennig & Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Terry Funk & Steve Regal
4th Hour
Jay & Mark Youngblood vs. Rick Renslow & Dave Wagner
Terry Funk vs. Steve Olsonoski
Sgt. Slaughter & Jerry Blackwell vs. Jimmy Doo & Iron Duke
Kendo Nagasaki vs. Tom Zenk
Bob Backlund vs. Larry Zbyszko .
5th Hour
Kendo Nagasaki vs. Mike Richards
Rick Martel vs. Tony Leone
Masked Superstar & King Tonga vs. Rick Gantner & Brad Rheingans
John Nord vs. Jake Milliman
Jimmy Garvin vs. Baron Von Raschke
Greg Gagne vs. Nick Bockwinkel .
Sgt. Slaughter & Jerry Blackwell vs. Masked Superstar & King Tonga
2/2/85 – Milwaukee, WI
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors vs. Larry Hennig & Curt Hennig
Jim Garvin vs. AWA Champion Rick Martel .
John Nord vs. Tom Stone
Jim Brunzell vs. Steve Regal
Greg Gagne & Jerry Blackwell NC King Tonga & Masked Superstar
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Baron Von Raschke
2/3/85 – Minneapolis TV
Jim Garvin vs. Jerry Monte
Rick Martel vs. Dennis Stamp
Road Warriors vs. Ken Lucas & Magnicent Zulu
Kamala vs. Steve Olsonoski
2/3/85 – Rosemont, IL @ the Rosemont Horizon
Jerry Blackwell vs. Masked Superstar
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors vs. Sgt. Slaughter & Nick Bockwinkel .
Jim Garvin vs. Baron Von Raschke
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. King Tonga & Sheik Adnan
Larry Hennig vs. John Nord
Curt Hennig vs. vs. Tossell
Tom Zenk vs. Steve Regal
2/5/85 – Houston, TX
Cage Match:
Rock & Roll Express vs. Hector Guerrero & Chavo Guerrero
Taped Fist Match:
Hacksaw Duggan vs. Ted Dibiase
Kerry Von Erich vs. Gino Hernandez
Iceman Parsons vs. Hercules Hernandez
Butch Reed vs. Steve Williams
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors vs. Terry Taylor & Brad Armstrong
Jake Roberts vs. Tim Horner
Edgar Thomas vs. Shawn Michaels
Tom Prichard vs. Jack Victory
2/7/85 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors .
Blackjack Lanza (sub Jerry Blackwell) & Sgt. Slaughter vs. Masked Superstar & King Tonga (sub King Kong Brody) .
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Curt Hennig
Jim Garvin vs. Baron Von Raschke
Tom Zenk vs. AWA Light Heavyweight Champion Steve Regal
Buddy Lane vs. Rick Renslow
Reported Attendance: 4,108
2/8/85 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Norberry Auditorium
TV taping scheduled
2/10/85 – Minneapolis TV
Jerry Blackwell & Baron Von Raschke vs. Mighty Zulu & Eddie Sullivan
Jim Garvin vs. Tom Zenk
Road Warriors vs. Steve Olsonoski & Jerry Monti
Jim Brunzell vs. Luke Graham
Jim Brunzell vs. Sheik Adnan .
2/10/85 – Denver, CO
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Jim Garvin
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Mr. Saito
Greg Gagne & Jerry Blackwell vs. Masked Superstar & King Tonga
Steve Regal vs. Mike Graham
Jim Brunzell vs. John Nord
2/11/85 – Montreal, Quebec, Canada @ the Forum
Special Referee: Verne Gagne
Dino Bravo vs. King Tonga for the International Title
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors vs. Jos Leduc & Gino Brito Sr
2/12/85 – Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
NWA Champion Ric Flair vs. Dino Bravo
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. King Tonga
2/15/85 – Middleton, WI
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Jimmy Garvin
The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Mr. Saito .
Curt Hennig vs. Steve Regal
Tom Zenk vs. Steve Regal
Billy Robinson vs. John Nord
2/16/85 – Waukegan, IL
Nick Bockwinkel vs. AWA Champion Rick Martel
The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors .
Jerry Blackwell vs. Mr. Saito
Jim Garvin vs. Curt Hennig
Billy Robinson vs. Tom Zenk
John Nord vs. Steve Regal
2/17/85 – Minneapolis TV
Masked Superstar vs. Tom Zenk
Masked Superstar & Mr. Saito vs. Curt Hennig & Steve Olsonoski
Jerry Blackwell & Baron Von Raschke vs. Billy Robinson & Dennis Stamp
Bob Backlund vs. Larry Zbyszko .
2/17/85 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
Nick Bockwinkel & Mr Saito vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors
Jerry Blackwell vs. Masked Superstar
Steve Regal vs. Tom Zenk
Jimmy Garvin vs. Curt Hennig
Billy Robinson vs. John Nord
2/17/85 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
Billy Robinson (sub Mr. Saito) vs. Curt Hennig
Steve Regal vs. Tom Zenk (sub for Brad Rheingans)
Nick Bockwinkel vs. John Nord (sub for Jim Brunzell)
AWA title: Jimmy Garvin vs. AWA Heavyweight Champion Rick Martel by DQ
Jerry Blackwell & Greg Gagne vs. Masked Superstar & “Mystery Partner” Mr. Saito (Sheik Adnan Al Kaissie strapped to Sgt. Slaughter in the corner)
2/20/85 – San Francisco, CA @ the Cow Palace
King Tonga & Masked Superstar vs. Sgt. Slaughter & Jerry Blackwell
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Jim Garvin
Larry Hennig & Curt Hennig vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Mr. Saito
Steve Regal vs. Tom Zenk
John Nord vs. Sheik Adnan COR
Samoan Samula vs. Guy Lambert .
Reported Attendance: 1,981
2/21/85 – Salt Lake City, UT @ the Salt Palace
Lights Out Match:
Jerry Blackwell vs. Masked Superstar
Jim Garvin vs. AWA Champion Rick Martel .
Nick Bockwinkel & Mr. Saito vs. Larry Hennig & Curt Hennig
King Tonga vs. Tom Zenk
John Nord vs. Steve Regal
Reported Attendance: 7754.
2/22/85 – St. Paul, MN @ the Civic Center
Sgt. Slaughter & Jerry Blackwell vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors .
AWA Champion Rick Martel dcor Bob Backlund
Greg Gagne vs. Nick Bockwinkel
Jim Garvin vs. Baron Von Raschke
Mr. Saito & Masked Superstar & King Tonga vs. Steve O & Larry Hennig & Curt Hennig
Buck Zumhofe vs. Steve Regal
John Nord vs. Tom Zenk
Att 10,000+
2/23/85 – Milwaukee, WI
Larry Hennig & Curt Hennig & The Crusher vs. Paul Ellering & Road Warriors
King Tonga vs. Jerry Blackwell
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Masked Superstar COR
Baron Von Raschke vs. vs. Tossel (sub Jimmy Garvin)
Jim Brunzell vs. Nick Bockwinkel
Tom Zenk vs. Jake Milliman (sub Steve Regal)
2/24/85 – Minneapolis TV
Rick Martel vs. Tom Stone
Road Warriors vs. Mike Richards & Rich Stoansky
Jim Brunzell vs. Masked Superstar
Kendo Nadasaki vs. Jimmy Doo
NWA/AWA Star Wars, February 24, 1985 in East Rutherford, NJ
The Meadowlands drawing 18,600 ($180,000)
Jimmy Valiant, Jay & Mark Youngblood vs. Larry Zbysko, Nick Bockwinkel, & Dory Funk Jr.
Kamala vs. Mark Pole & Lou Fabiano in a “handicap” match
Bob Backlund vs. Billy Robinson
Jim Brunzell & Greg Gagne vs. Mr. Saito & Masked Superstar
Ivan & Nikita Koloff vs. Steve Keirn & Jimmy Valiant
Jimmy Garvin vs. AWA World Champion Rick Martel
AWA World Tag Champs The Road Warriors vs. Jerry Lawler & Baron Von Raschke
NWA World Champ Ric Flair vs. Harley Race
“tag team battle royal”
2/24/85 – East Rutherford, NJ @ the Meadowlands
tag team battle royal
NWA Champion Ric Flair vs. Harley Race
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors vs. Jerry Lawler & Baron Von Raschke
Jim Garvin vs. AWA Champion Rick Martel .
Ivan Koloff & Nikita Koloff vs. Steve Keirn & Jimmy Valiant
Bob Backlund vs. Billy Robinson
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Mr. Saito & Masked Superstar
Handicap Match:
Kamala vs. Mark Pole & Lou Fabiano
Mark Youngblood & Jay Youngblood & Jimmy ValiantLarry Zbyszko & Nick Bockwinkel & Dory Funk Jr
3/1/85 – Hammond, IN @ the Civic Center
Wrestlers scheduled to appear were Rick Martel, Road Warriors, Bob Backlund, Greg Gagne, Jim Brunzell, Wild Samoans, Larry Zbyszko, Rocky Johnson, Jerry Blackwell and Jimmy Garvin
3/2/85 – Las Vegas, NV @ the Showboat Sports Pavilion
Larry Hennig & Curt Hennig & Sgt Slaughter vs. Paul Ellering & Road Warriors
3/3/85 – Minneapolis TV
Terry Funk vs. Jake Milliman
King Tonga vs. Rich Peavey
Sgt. Slaughter & Jerry Blackwell vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Tom Stone
Jimmy Valiant promo
3/3/85 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
Larry Hennig & Curt Hennig & Sgt. Slaughter vs. Road Warriors & Paul Ellering
Buck Zumhofe vs. Jim Garvin
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Mr. Saito & Nick Bockwinkel
Jerry Blackwell vs. King Tonga
Jerry Blackwell vs. Sheik Adnan
3/4/85 – Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada @ the PNE Coliseum
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Jim Brunzell
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors vs. Mr. Saito & Moose Morowski
Lights Out Match:
Jerry Blackwell vs. Masked Superstar
Jim Brunzell vs. Sheik Adnan
Buck Zumhofe vs. Moondog Moretti
Steve Austin vs. John Baker
Reported Attendance: 1,500
3/4/85 – Memphis, TN @ the Mid South Coliseum
Jerry Lawler dcor Nick Bockwinkel
Lanny Poffo & Randy Savage & Jimmy Valiant vs. Adrian Street & Mr Wrestling & Eddie Gilbert
Fabulous Ones vs. Rock & Roll Express
Interns vs. Steve Constant & Tim Ashley
Phantom of the Opera vs. Tracy Smothers
Ron Starr vs. David Haskins
Plowboy Frazier & Nightmares vs. Tojo Yamamoto & Battens
Note: Bockwinkel was billed as AWA Champion in the main event.
3/7/85 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Jim Garvin with help from Big Bertha Von Raschke
Winners to meet AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors on 3/28
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Mr. Saito
Jerry Blackwell vs. Masked Superstar . to earn five minutes in the ring with Sheik Adnan
Blackwell’s fight with Adnan ended with Superstar, King Tonga and Sgt Slaughter all interfering
King Tonga vs. Sgt. Slaughter .
Buck Zumhofe vs. AWA Light Heavyweight Champion Steve Regal but did not win the title because Regal came in five pounds over the weight limit.
Billy Robinson vs. Buddy Lane
Reported Attendance: 5,208
3/8/85 – St Louis, MO
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Nick Bockwinkel
Missouri State Champion Jerry Blackwell vs. Bulldog Bob Brown
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Masked Superstar & Mr Saito
Sgt Slaughter dcor Wahoo McDaniel
Mike Von Erich vs. Jimmy Garvin
American Starship vs. Marty Jannetty & Steve Olsonoski
Dick the Bruiser vs. Mr Pogo .
Rufus R Jones vs. Ken Timbs
Reported Attendance: 2,610
3/9/85 – Rosemont, IL @ the Rosemont Horizon
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Jim Garvin
Special Referee: Verne Gagne
Sgt. Slaughter & Jerry Blackwell vs. King Tonga & Masked Superstar & Sheik Adnan .
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Mr. Saito
Curt Hennig vs. Billy Robinson
Buck Zumhofe vs. Steve Regal
Candi Devine vs. Diane Von Hoffman
John Nord vs. Tom Zenk
3/10/85 – Minneapolis TV
Road Warriors vs. Rick Gantner & Rob Ricksteiner
Bob Backlund vs. vs. Tossell
Masked Superstar vs. Mike Richards
Larry Zbyszko vs. Jimmy Doo
Curt Hennig & Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Terry Funk & Steve Regal
3/10/85 – Janesville, WI
Sgt. Slaughter & Jerry Blackwell vs. Masked Superstar & King Tonga .
Greg Gagne vs. Nick Bockwinkel
Candi Devine vs. Diane Von Hoffman
Mr. Saito vs. Jim Brunzell
Buck Zumhofe vs. Steve Regal
3/10/85 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
Strap Match:
Jerry Blackwell vs. Masked Superstar
King Tonga vs. Sgt. Slaughter .
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Mr. Saito when Brunzell vs. Bockwinkel
Candi Devine vs. Diane Von Hoffman .
Buck Zumhofe vs. AWA Light Heavyweight Champion Steve Regal .
3/13/85 – Freehold, NJ
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Mr. Saito .
Larry Zbyszko vs. Baron Von Raschke
Jim Brunzell vs. Jim Garvin
Mark Youngblood & Jay Youngblood vs. The Alaskans
Kendo Nagasaki vs. Tom Zenk
Rocky Jones vs. Larry Sharpe
3/14/85 – Baltimore, MD
Ole Anderson & Dusty Rhodes & Sgt. Slaughter vs. Ivan Koloff & Nikita Koloff & Krusher Khrushchev .
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Mr. Saito
Bob Backlund vs. Barbarian .
Tommy Rich vs. Tully Blanchard
The Freebirds vs. RPM’s
Manny Fernandez vs. Superstar Billy Graham
Tom Zenk vs. Alaskan I
3/15/85 – Passaic, NJ
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Jim Garvin
Sgt. Slaughter & Jim Brunzell vs. Kendo Nagasaki & Mr. Saito
Larry Zbyszko vs. Baron Von Raschke
Mark Youngblood & Jay Youngblood vs. The Alaskans
Larry Sharpe vs. Tom Zenk
Rocky Jones vs. David G
3/16/85 – Ridgewood, NJ
Bob Backlund in battle royal
Bob Backlund vs. Larry Zbyszko
Jay Youngblood & Mark Youngblood vs. Mr. Saito & Kendo Nagasaki
The Alaskans vs. Golden Boy & Iron Duke
Tom Zenk vs. Alaskan I
Captain America vs. The Arabian
Mike Colon vs. Assassin .
3/16/85 – Oakland, CA
If Blackwell wins, Jerry gets 5 minutes with Sheik Adnan
Jerry Blackwell vs. King Tonga . when Adnan & Masked Superstar interfered
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Nick Bockwinkel (sub Jim Garvin)
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Masked Superstar
Buck Zumhofe vs. Steve Regal
Jerry Monti vs. Don Stevenson
Reported Attendance: 3,400
3/17/85 – Minneapolis TV
Terry Funk vs. Steve Olsonoski
Sgt. Slaughter & Jerry Blackwell vs. Iron Duke & Jimmy Doo
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors vs. Larry Hennig & Curt Hennig .
Bob Backlund vs. Larry Zbyszko .
3/17/85 – Milwaukee, WI
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Jim Garvin
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell & The Crusher vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Mr. Saito & Billy Robinson
Misty Blue vs. Dynamite Linda Dallas
Buck Zumhofe vs. Steve Regal
Curt Hennig vs. Rick Gantner
vs. Tossell vs. Jake Milliman
3/18/85 – Prior Lake
Larry Hennig & Curt Hennig vs. Billy Robinson & Steve Regal
3/19/85 – Brooklyn, NY
Baron Von Raschke & Bob Backlund vs. Kendo Nagasaki & Mr. Saito
Mr. Saito vs. Jay Youngblood
Little Mr. T & Little Coco vs. Haiti Kid & Butch Cassidy
Tom Zenk vs. Larry Sharpe
Rocky Jones & Tom Zenk vs. Alaskans
3/19/85 – Salt Lake City, UT @ the Salt Palace
Jerry Blackwell & Sgt. Slaughter vs. Masked Superstar & King Tonga .
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Jim Brunzell
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Greg Gagne .
Misty Blue vs. Linda Dallas
Buck Zumhofe vs. Steve Regal
Att 4502
3/20/85 – Setauket, NJ
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Kendo Nagasaki
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Mr. Saito
Larry Zbyszko vs. Baron Von Raschke
Bob Backlund vs. Assassin I
Rocky Jones vs. Larry Sharpe
Haiti Kid vs. Butch Cassidy
Mark Youngblood & Jay Youngblood vs. The Alaskans
3/21/85 – Staten Island, NY
Sgt. Slaugther & Rick Martel vs. Kendo Nagasaki & Mr. Saito
Bob Backlund vs. Larry Zbyszko
Baron Von Raschke vs. Alaskan II
Little Coco & Little Mr. T vs. Butch Cassidy & Haiti Kid
Mark Youngblood & Jay Youngblood vs. The Alaskans
Rocky Jones vs. Larry Sharpe
3/22/85 – New York
Bob Backlund in battle royal
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Kendo Nagasaki
Larry Zbyszko vs. Baron Von Raschke
Bob Backlund vs. Billy Robinson
Jay Youngblood & Mark Youngblood vs. Alaskans
Little Coco & Little Mr. T vs. Haiti Kid & Butch Cassidy
Rocky Jones vs. Larry Sharpe
3/22/85 – Wausau, WI
Jerry Blackwell vs. Masked Superstar
King Tonga vs. Buck Zumhofe
Larry Hennig & Curt Hennig (subs for Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell) vs. Mr. Saito & Nick Bockwinkel
Greg Gagne (sub for Curt Hennig) vs. Steve Regal
Tom Zenk vs. Rick Stosky (sub for Billy Robinson)
3/23/85 – New Haven, CT @ the Veteran’s Memorial Coliseum
Tonga Kid in a $50,000.00 battle royal
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Jim Garvin
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Kamala .
Tonga Kid vs. Larry Zbyszko .
Bob Backlund vs. Kendo Nagasaki
Mark Youngblood & Jay Youngblood vs. The Samoans
Reported Attendance: 7000
3/23/85 – Middleton, WI
The Crusher & Larry Hennig & Jerry Blackwell vs. Masked Superstar & Mr. Saito & King Tonga .
Greg Gagne vs. Nick Bockwinkel
Mr. Saito vs. Curt Hennig
Buck Zumhofe vs. Steve Regal
Tom Zenk vs. Rick Stoansky
3/24/85 – Minneapolis TV
Kendo Nagasaki vs. Mike Richards
Rick Martel vs. Tony Leone
Masked Superstar & King Tonga vs. Brad Rheingans & Paul Gantner
Jimmy Garvin vs. Baron Von Raschke
3/24/85 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena afternoon
Larry Hennig & Curt Hennig vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors .
Jerry Blackwell & Sgt. Slaughter vs. Mr. Saito & King Tonga & Masked Superstar
Baron Von Raschke vs. Jim Garvin
Buck Zumhofe vs. Steve Regal
Att 4719.
3/24/85 – St Paul, MN @ the Civic Center
Handicap Match:
Jerry Blackwell & Sgt Slaughter vs. King Tonga & Masked Superstar & Mr Saito
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Jim Garvin
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Greg Gagne
Larry Hennig & Curt Hennig & The Crusher vs. Paul Ellering & the Road Warriors
Jim Brunzell vs. Billy Robinson
Steve Regal vs. Buck Zumhofe
Tom Zenk vs. Rick Stoansky
Reported Attendance: 5,500
3/26/85 – Eau Claire, WI
The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Jimmy Garvin
3/27/85 – Quebec City, Quebec, Canada @ the Colisee de Quebec
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors vs. Dino Bravo & AWA Champion Rick Martel
The Samoans vs. Tony Parisi & Jacques Rougeau Jr
Sailor White & Mad Dog Lefebvre vs. Gino Brito Jr & Denis Goulet
Jacques Rougeau Jr & Armand Rougeau vs. Scott Duran & Rick Steiner
3/27/85 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Norberry Auditorium
TV Taping
Mr. Saito vs. Rick Seavey
Jimmy Garvin vs. Brian Jewel
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Curt Hennig
Butch Reed vs. Bob Adams
Nick Bockwinkel & Ray Stevens vs. Chris Pepper & Bill White
3/28/85 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors vs. Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Nick Bockwinkel .
Jim Garvin vs. Baron Von Raschke .
Larry Hennig (sub The Crusher) vs. King Tonga
Mr. Saito vs. Curt Hennig
AWA Light Heavyweight Champion Steve Regal vs. Buck Zumhofe
Tom Zenk vs. Brian Jewell
Reported Attendance: 5,628
03/29/85 Manitowoc, WI @ Roncalli High School
Light Heavyweight Non-title match: Buck Zumhofe vs. Steve Regal (C)
Curt Hennig vs. King Tonga by DQ
Mr. Saito vs. Baron Von Raschke (feet on ropes)
Rick Martel & The Crusher vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Jimmy Garvin (Crusher vs. Bockwinkel)
3/30/85 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Jim Garvin
The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke vs. Mr. Saito & King Tonga
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Greg Gagne
Billy Robinson vs. Curt Hennig
Buck Zumhofe vs. Steve Regal
3/31/85 – Minneapolis TV
Jim Garvin vs. Sonny Rogers
Jim Brunzell vs. Iron Duke
King Tonga vs. Nacho Berrera
3/31/85 – Rosemont, IL @ the Rosemont Horizon
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Nick Bockwinkel
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors vs. Larry Hennig & Curt Hennig
Jim Garvin vs. Baron Von Raschke
The Crusher vs. King Tonga
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Kendo Nagasaki & Mr. Saito
Bob Backlund vs. Larry Zbyszko .
AWA Light Heavyweight Champion Steve Regal vs. Buck Zumhofe
Billy Robinson vs. Tom Zenk
Reported Attendance: 9,600
4/5/85 – Salt Lake City, UT @ the Salt Palace
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Jim Garvin
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors vs. Larry Hennig & Curt Hennig
Jerry Blackwell vs. Mr. Saito
Butch Reed vs. Tom Zenk
Steve Regal vs. Buck Zumhofe
Reported Attendance: 2,054
4/7/85 – Minneapolis TV
Jim Garvin vs. Jerry Monti
Baron Von Raschke vs. Alaskan I
King Tonga vs. Tom Stone
Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy & Buddy Roberts vs. Buck Zumhofe & Jake Milliman & Nacho Berrera
4/8/85 – Montreal, Quebec, Canada @ the Forum
Dino Bravo & Rick Martel vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors .
Jos Leduc vs. Leo Burke
Gino Brito Sr. & Tony Parisi vs. King Tonga & Richard Charland .
Raymond & Armand & Jacques Rougeau Jr. vs. Sailor White & The Samoans
Tonga Kid vs. Mad Dog Lefebvre
Rick Steiner & Scott Duran defeat Gino Brito Jr & Sunny War Cloud
Mr. Samu vs. Reggie Rapone
Cuban Assassin vs. Antonio Ricco
4/10/85 – Las Vegas, NV @ the Showboat Sports Pavilion
Handicap Match:
Sgt. Slaughter & Jerry Blackwell vs. Sheik Adnan & King Tonga & Masked Superstar
Jim Garvin vs. Baron Von Raschke .
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Greg Gagne .
Mr. Saito vs. Jim Brunzell
Steve Regal vs. Buck Zumhofe
4/11/85 – Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada @ the PNE Coliseum
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Mr. Saito
Jerry Blackwell vs. King Tonga .
Jim Garvin vs. Baron Von Raschke .
Masked Superstar vs. Moose Morowski
Buck Zumhofe vs. Steve Regal
Butch Reed vs. Ricky Lee Jones
Att 1,000
4/13/85 – Milwaukee, WI
Sgt. Slaughter & Jerry Blackwell vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors .
Jim Garvin vs. Baron Von Raschke
The Crusher vs. Masked Superstar COR
King Tonga vs. Jim Brunzell
Steve Regal vs. Buck Zumhofe
Butch Reed vs. Tom Zenk
4/14/85 – Minneapolis TV
Larry Zbyszko vs. Jake Milliman
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Steve Regal & Tom Stone
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Kamala .
Mr Saito & King Tonga & Boris Zhukov vs. Buck Zumhofe & Tom Zenk & Sonny Rogers
4/14/85 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
Cage Match: The Crusher & Sgt. Slaughter & Jerry Blackwell vs. Masked Superstar & King Tonga & Sheik Adnan (Crusher vs. Tonga)
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors vs. Larry Hennig & Curt Hennig
Jimmy Garvin vs. Baron Von Raschke .
Steve Regal vs. Buck Zumhofe
Tom Zenk vs. with vs. Tossel (sub for Butch Reed)
4/15/85 – Salt Lake City, UT @ the Salt Palace
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Jim Garvin
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors vs. Larry Hennig & Curt Hennig
Jerry Blackwell vs. Mr. Saito
Butch Reed vs. Tom Zenk
Steve Regal vs. Buck Zumhofe
Reported Attendance: 2,054
4/18/85 – Washington DC
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Bob Backlund COR
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors vs. Ivan Koloff & Nikita Koloff .
Tonga Kid vs. Larry Zbyszko .
The Samoans vs. Superstar & King Tonga
Handicap Match:
Kamala vs. Tom Zenk & Steve O
Larry Sharpe vs. Sean O’Reilly
4/19/85 – East Rutherford, NJ @ the Meadowlands
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors vs. Larry Hennig & Curt Hennig
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. King Tonga
Jim Garvin vs. Baron Von Raschke
Bob Backlund vs. Larry Zbyszko
Ugandan Death Match:
Kamala vs. Sgt. Slaughter
Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy & Buddy Roberts vs. Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell & Tonga Kid
Jim Duggan vs. Kendo Nagasaki
The Samoans vs. Tom Zenk & Steve O
Buck Zumhofe vs. Steve Regal
Bobby Duncum vs. Larry Sharpe
Att 10,000
4/20/85 – LaCrosse, WI
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. King Tonga
4/20/85 – Cleveland, OH
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors vs. Brett Sawyer & Buzz Sawyer
Loser Leaves town
Pez Whatley vs. Rip Rogers
Ronnie Garvin vs. Bob Roop
Lumberjack Match:
Thunderbolt Patterson vs. Kareem Muhammad
Italian Stallion vs. Ron Starr
Joel Deaton vs. Paul Diamond
Bill Irwin vs. Ben Alexander
4/21/85 – Minneapolis TV
Bobby Duncum vs. Sonny Rogers
Handicap Match:
Kamala vs. Tom Zenk & Eddie Sullivan
King Tonga vs. Rick Stoansky
Arena Tape 3/24 AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Jim Garvin
Arena Tape 3/24 Nick Bockwinkel vs. Greg Gagne
AWA Starrcage 1985
April 21, 1985 in St. Paul, MN
Tom Zenk & Steve Olsonoski vs The Alaskans
Baron Von Raschke & Buck Zumhoffe vs Jimmy Garvin & Steve Regal
Bob Backlund & Brad Rheingans vs Butch Reed & Larry Zbysko
Jim Brunzell & Tonga Kid vs Bobby Duncum & Billy Robinson
Verne & Greg Gagne vs Nick Bockwinkle & Masahiro Saito
AWA World Tag Team Champions The Road Warriors vs Larry & Curt Hennig
Sgt. Slaughter & Jerry Blackwell vs The Masked Superstar, Haku & Sheik Adnan Al-Kassie in a “Steel Cage Handicap Match
4/21/85 – Starrcage – St. Paul, MN @ the Civic Center
Cage Match:
Sgt. Slaughter & Jerry Blackwell vs. Sheik Adnan & King Tonga & Masked Superstar
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors vs. Larry Hennig & Curt Hennig .
Verne Gagne & Greg Gagne vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Mr. Saito
Bob Backlund & Brad Rheingans vs. Larry Zbyszko & Butch Reed
Baron Von Raschke & Buck Zumhofe vs. Jim Garvin & Steve Regal
Jim Brunzell & Tonga Kid vs. Billy Robinson & Bobby Duncum
Steve Olsonoski & Tom Zenk vs. The Alaskans
Reported Attendance: 12,000
4/23/85 – Mound, MN
Jerry Blackwell & Greg Gagne vs. Sheik Adnan & Nick Bockwinkel
Butch Reed vs. Steve O
Jim Brunzell vs. Alaskan II
Rick Stotsky vs. Alaskan I
Att 1800
4/24/85 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Cage Match:
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell & Jerry Blackwell vs. Road Warriors & Paul Ellering when Blackwell vs. Ellering
Nick Bockwinkel & Ray Stevens vs. Larry Hennig & Curt Hennig
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Mr. Saito (sub Masked Superstar)
Jimmy Garvin vs. Baron Von Raschke
Sheik Adnan vs. Sgt. Slaughter with help from Butch Reed
Butch Reed vs. Tom Zenk
Reported Attendance: 6,636
4/25/85 – Gayville, NY
Larry Zbyszko vs. Bob Backlund COR
Samula & Tonga Kid vs. Billy Robinson & Bobby Duncum
Tonga Kid vs. Kendo Nagasaki
Larry Sharpe vs. Jim ?
Reported Attendance: 800
4/25/85 – Brandon, Manitoba, Canada @ the Keystone Centre
Baron Von Raschke & Jerry Blackwell vs. Sheik Adnan & Mr. Saito
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Larry Hennig
Ray Stevens vs. Ron Ritchie
Tom Zenk & Curt Hennig vs. The Alaskans
Butch Reed vs. Rick Stoansky
4/26/85 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
Cage Match: Sgt. Slaughter & Jerry Blackwell & The Crusher vs. Masked Superstar & King Tonga & Sheik Adnan
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors vs. Larry Hennig & Curt Hennig
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Jim Garvin
Mr. Saito vs. Jim Brunzell
Steve Regal vs. Buck Zumhofe
Butch Reed vs. Tom Zenk
4/27/85 – Madison, WI @ Edgewood High School
Jerry Blackwell & Larry Hennig vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. King Tonga
The Crusher & Brad Rheingans vs. Masked Superstar & Sheik Adnan
Nick Bockwinkel & Mr. Saito vs. Jim Brunzell & Curt Hennig
Baron Von Raschke & Buck Zumhofe vs. Jim Garvin & Steve Regal
4/28/85 – Minneapolis TV
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Larry Winters
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Concrete Cowboy
Kamala vs. Mike Burzac
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Mark Pole & King Kaluha
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors vs. Baron Von Raschke & Curt Hennig
4/28/85 – Rosemont, IL @ the Rosemont Horizon
Cage Match: Sgt. Slaughter & Jerry Blackwell & Verne Gagne vs. Masked Superstar & King Tonga & Sheik Adnan (Slaughter vs. Tonga)
Larry Hennig & Curt Hennig vs. with AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors
Fabulous Freebirds – Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy & Buddy Roberts vs. Jim Brunzell & Greg Gagne & Tonga Kid (Gordy vs. Tonga)
Dick The Bruiser & The Crusher vs. Butch Reed & Larry Zbyszko (Crusher vs. Zbyszko)
Nick Bockwinkel & Mr. Saito vs. Brad Rheingans & Tom Zenk (Zenk sub for Bob Backlund, Saito vs. Rheingans)
Baron Von Raschke & Buck Zumhofe vs. Jim Garvin & Steve Regal (Zumhofe vs. Regal)
5/3/85 – Denver, CO
Cage Match: Jerry Blackwell & The Crusher & Sgt. Slaughter vs. Masked Superstar & King Tonga & Sheik Adnan
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Jim Garvin
Greg Gagne vs. Nick Bockwinkel
Fabulous Freebirds vs. Jim Brunzell & Steve O
Butch Reed vs. Tom Zenk
5/5/85 – Minneapolis TV
Road Warriors vs. Sweet Daddy White & Davey G
Rick Martel vs. Mike Kaluha
Larry Zbyszko vs. Brian O’Reilly
Jim Garvin vs. Steve Noland
Arena Tape 4/21 Verne & Greg Gagne vs. Mr. Saito & Nick Bockwinkel
5/5/85 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors vs. Jerry Blackwell & Sgt. Slaughter
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Nick Bockwinkel .
Butch Reed vs. Jim Brunzell .
King Tonga vs. Brad Rheingans
Baron Von Raschke & Buck Zumhofe vs. Jim Garvin & Steve Regal
Reported Attendance: 3,203
5/8/85 – San Francisco, CA @ the Cow Palace
Cage Match: Sgt. Slaughter & Larry Hennig & Curt Hennig vs. Road Warriors & Paul Ellering
Cage Match: Jerry Blackwell vs. Sheik Adnan
Baron Von Raschke vs. Jim Garvin
Steve Regal vs. Buck Zumhofe
Brad Rheingans vs. Butch Reed .
Samula vs. vs. Tossell
Reported Attendance: 5,000
5/9/85 – Las Vegas, NV @ the Showboat Sports Pavilion
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors vs. Sgt Slaughter & Jerry Blackwell
World Light Heavyweight Title Match:
Buck Zumhofe vs. Steve Regal
Baron Von Raschke vs. Jimmy Garvin
Larry Hennig vs. Butch Reed
Curt Hennig vs. Sheik Adnan
5/10/85 – Salt Lake City, UT @ the Salt Palace
Sgt. Slaughter & Larry Hennig & Curt Hennig vs. Road Warriors & Paul Ellering
Cage Match: Jerry Blackwell vs. Sheik Adnan
Baron Von Raschke vs. Jim Garvin
Butch Reed vs. Buck Zumhofe
Brad Rheingans vs. Steve Regal
Reported Attendance: 10,455
5/12/85 – Minneapolis, MN
Pro Wrestling USA TV Taping
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Nick Bockwinkel
Larry Hennig & Jerry Blackwell vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors
Jim Garvin vs. the Crusher .
Jerry Blackwell vs. Terry Gordy .
Steve Regal vs. Buck Zumhofe
Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy & Buddy Roberts vs. Steve O & Buck Zumhofe & Kenny Jay
Jim Brunzell vs. Nacho Berrera
Ray Stevens vs. Ted Jones
Terry Gordy & Michael Hayes vs. Kenny Jay & Mike Richards
Butch Reed vs. Jake Milliman
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Rick Renslow & Dave Wagner
Butch Reed vs. Mike Richards
Baron Von Raschke vs. Ken Jenks
Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes & Buddy Roberts vs. Jake Milliman & Jimmy Doo
Bobby Duncum vs. Mike Richards
Brad Rheingans vs. Alaskan I
Butch Reed vs. Jimmy Doo
Rick Martel vs. Jake Milliman
Bobby Duncum vs. Jake Milliman
5/12/85 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
Buddy Roberts & Michael Hayes vs. Steve Olsonoski & Brad Rheingans (sub Tom Zenk)
Light Heavyweight title: Steve Regal (C) vs. Buck Zumhofe
Greg Gagne DCOR Nick Bockwinkel
Jimmy Garvin vs. Buck Zumhofe (sub for Baron Von Raschke)
AWA Tag title: The Road Warriors (C) vs. Larry Hennig & Jerry Blackwell by DQ
05/18/85 – Wausau, WI @ D.C. Everest High School
(This card was heavily modified from the original lineup)
Brad Rheingans vs. Rick Gantner
Curt Hennig vs. Ray Stevens by DQ
Butch Reed vs. Baron Von Raschke
Non title: Buck Zumhofe vs. Steve Regal (C)
The Crusher in a 9-man battle royal; 1-Gantner 2-Rheingans 3-C. Hennig 4-Von Raschke 5-Reed 6-Zumhofe 7-Stevens 8-Regal WINNER-Crusher.
5/19/85 – Minneapolis TV
King Tonga vs. Mike Kaluha
Bobby Duncum vs. Davey G
Rick Martel vs. Mike Moore
Kendo Nagasaki vs. Larry Winters
Arena Tape 4/21 Jim Brunzell & Tonga Kid vs. Bobby Duncum & Billy Robinson
5/21/85 – Portland, OR
Don Owen 60th Anniversary Show
NWA Champion Ric Flair vs. Billy Jack Haynes
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Mike Miller
Curt Hennig & Larry Hennig vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors .
Roddy Piper vs. Buddy Rose
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Kendo Nagasaki
Bobby Jaggers & Ricky Vaughn vs. Tim Flowers & Chris Colt
Karl Steiner vs. Steve Simpson
Jerry Grey vs. Rocky Ventura
Ed Wiskowski vs. Billy Two Eagles
Cowboy Lang vs. Little Tokyo
5/23/85 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Larry Zbyszko (sub King Tonga) .
Nick Bockwinkel & Ray Stevens vs. Larry Hennig & Curt Hennig .
Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes & Buddy Roberts vs. Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell
Butch Reed vs. Baron Von Raschke (sub Jerry Blackwell) COR
The Crusher vs. Rick Renslow
AWA Light Heavyweight Champion Steve Regal vs. Buck Zumhofe with help from Larry Zbyszko
Larry Zbyszko vs. Ron Ritchie
Reported Attendance: 1,900
5/24/85 – Denver, CO
Jim Brunzell & Baron Von Raschke & Larry Hennig vs. Road Warriors & Paul Ellering
Butch Reed vs. Baron Von Raschke
Greg Gagne vs. Nick Bockwinkel
Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes & Buddy Roberts vs. Brad Rheingans & Jim Brunzell
Ray Stevens vs. Buck Zumhofe
5/25/85 – Chicago, IL
Jerry Blackwell & Sgt. Slaughter vs. Road Warrior Animal & Paul Ellering (sub RW Hawk)
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Buddy Roberts (sub King Tonga)
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes & Buddy Roberts .
Butch Reed vs. The Crusher
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Brad Rheingans
Larry Zbyszko (sub Jim Garvin) vs. Baron Von Raschke
Ray Stevens vs. Buck Zumhofe
Steve Regal vs. Steve O
Reported Attendance: 5,000
Note: Terry Gordy also no showed.
5/26/85 – Minneapolis TV
Butch Reed vs. Lou Fabiano
Curt Hennig vs. Mike Moore
Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes & Buddy Roberts vs. Larry Winters & Apollo Athens
Buck Zumhofe & Steve Olsonoski vs. Mark Pole & Mike Kaluha
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Larry Zbyszko .
5/26/85 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Ray Stevens .
Baron Von Raschke vs. Butch Reed .
Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes & Buddy Roberts vs. The Crusher & Steve O
Butch Reed vs. Buck Zumhofe
Brad Rheingans vs. Steve Regal
5/27/85 – Montreal, Quebec, Canada @ the Forum
Jos Leduc & Rick Martel vs. Road Warrior Animal & Paul Ellering .
Abdullah the Butcher vs. King Tonga
Dino Bravo vs. Richard Charland
Jacques Rougeau, Jr. vs. Jim Garvin .
Gino Brito Sr. vs. Mad Dog Lefebvre (Brito’s farewell match)
Armand Rougeau & Raymond Rougeau vs. Rick Steiner & Rudy Burke
Destruction, Inc. vs. Sunny War Cloud & Gino Brito Jr
Tom Zenk vs. Scott Duran
6/2/85 – Minneapolis TV
Larry Zbyszko vs. Larry Winters
Sgt Slaughter vs. Mike Moore
Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes & Buddy Roberts vs. Little Bear & Steve ?
Butch Reed vs. Apollo Athens?
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Mike Kaluha & Lou Fabiano
6/7/85 – Salt Lake City, UT @ the Salt Palace
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Billy Robinson
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Larry Zbyszko .
Greg Gagne vs. Nick Bockwinkel
No DQ Match:
Butch Reed vs. Baron Von Raschke
Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes & Buddy Roberts vs. Brad Rheingans & Steve O
Ray Stevens vs. Buck Zumhofe
Reported Attendance: 4043
6/8/85 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
Michael Hayes & Buddy Roberts & Butch Reed vs. Dick The Bruiser & The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke when Reed vs. Von Raschke
Nick Bockwinkel vs. AWA Champion Rick Martel . when Martel tossed Bockwinkel over the top rope
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Larry Zbyszko . when Zbyszko punched the referee
Brad Rheingans vs. Steve Regal
Ray Stevens vs. Steve O .
Reported Attendance: 2,848
6/9/85 – Minneapolis TV
Butch Reed vs. Little Bear
Sgt Slaughter vs. Davey G
Buddy Roberts vs. Larry Winters
Steve Olsonoski & Buck Zumhofe & Curt Hennig vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Ray Stevens & Bobby Duncum
6/9/85 – St. Paul, MN @ the Civic Center
Michael Hayes vs. AWA Champion Rick Martel
No title change. Decision later reversed.
Nick Bockwinkel & Ray Stevens vs. Greg Gagne & Steve Olsonoski (sub Jim Brunzell)
Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes & Buddy Roberts vs. Larry Hennig & Curt Hennig
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Larry Zbyszko .
Baron Von Raschke & Brad Rheingans & Buck Zumhofe vs. Bobby Duncum & Billy Robinson & Steve Regal
Butch Reed vs. Dave Wagner
Reported Attendance: 1,500
6/12/85 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Norberry Auditorium
TV Taping
Nick Bockwinkel & Ray Stevens vs. Chris Pepper & Bob Adams
Butch Reed vs. Bill White
6/13/85 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes & Buddy Roberts vs. The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke
Referee: Joe Florino
Greg Gagne & Curt Hennig vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Ray Stevens .
Brad Rheingans vs. Steve Regal
Handicap Match:
Butch Reed vs. Rick Renslow & Brian Jewel
Larry Zbyszko vs. Steve O
Buck Zumhofe vs. Dave Wagner
Reported Attendance: 1,864
6/13/85 – Koga Civic Gym, Koga City, Ibaraki, Japan
Giant Baba & Jumbo Tsuruta & Genichiro Tenryu vs. Terry Gordy & Tiger Jeet Singh & Mario Milano when Tsuruta vs. Milano in 10:19
Riki Choshu & Yoshiaki Yatsu vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors . in 6:19
International Junior Heavyweight title Match:
Kuniaki Kobayashi vs. Dynamite Kid . in 9:56
Rusher Kimura & Goro Tsurumi & Ryuma Go vs. Animal Hamaguchi & Isamu Teranishi & Masanobu Kurisu when Kimura vs. Kurisu in 8:51
Tiger Mask& Takashi Ishikawa vs. Davey Boy Smith & Canadian Louis when Ishikawa vs. Louis in 10:44
Mighty Inoue & Gran Hamada vs. Masanobu Fuchi & Toshiaki Kawada when Inoue vs. Kawada in 9:16
Great Kojika & Motoshi Okuma dcor Akio Sato & Haru Sonoda 11:47
Rocky Hata vs. Apollo Sugawara in 8:02
Fumihiro Niikura & Norio Honaga vs. Yoshihiro & Mitsuo Momota when Niikura vs. Yoshihiro in 10:10
Tarzan Goto vs. Shin-ichi Nakano in 7:52
Ultra Seven vs. Shinji Sasazaki in 7:26
Reported Attendance: 3,400
6/15/85 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Billy Robinson
The Crusher double DQ against Butch Reed
Greg Gagne & Blackjack Lanza (sub Jim Brunzell) vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Ray Stevens
Bobby Duncum vs. Randy Morse
Blackjack Lanza vs. Rick Renslow
6/16/85 – Minneapolis TV
Ray Stevens vs. Ted Jones
Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy vs. Kenny Jay & Mike Richards
Butch Reed vs. Jake Milliman
Arena Tape 6/9 Nick Bockwinkel & Ray Stevens vs. Greg Gagne & Steve Olsonoski
Arena Tape 6/9 Michael Hayes vs. AWA Champion Rick Martel
6/17/85 – Asbury Park, NJ @ the Park Center
Larry Zbyszko vs. Baron Von Raschke
Steve Regal vs. Buck Zumhofe in 20:45
Billy Robinson & Mr Saito vs. Steve O & Curt Hennig
Crystal Monroe vs. Nature Girl
Brad Rheingans vs. Larry Sharpe
6/21/85 – Rosemont, IL @ the Rosemont Horizon
Michael Hayes vs. AWA Champion Rick Martel
Terry Gordy & Buddy Roberts & Butch Reed vs. Dick The Bruiser & The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Larry Zbyszko for Americas title
Greg Gagne vs. Nick Bockwinkel
Ray Stevens vs. Steve O
Brad Rheingans vs. Billy Robinson
Reported Attendance: 4,000
6/21/85 – St Louis, MO
Kerry Von Erich vs. NWA Champion Ric Flair .
Harley Race vs. Bobby Duncum
Blackjack Lanza (sub Dick the Bruiser) & Bulldog Bob Brown & Iceman Parsons vs. Mr Pogo & Starship Coyote & Gary Royal
Larry Hennig & Curt Hennig vs. Super Destroyer & Sheik Abdullah
Handicap Match:
Gustav the Giant vs. Monster Murdoch & Gil Guerrero
Marty Jannetty vs. Mike Vachon
Dave Peterson vs. Jim Waka
6/22/85 – East Rutherford, NJ @ the Meadowlands
Boot Camp Cage Match:
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Kamala
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Nick Bockwinkel
Wahoo McDaniel vs. Larry Zbyszko .
Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy & Buddy Roberts vs. Curt Hennig & Greg Gagne & Jim Duggan
Butch Reed vs. Baron Von Raschke
Bobby Duncum vs. Steve O
Ray Stevens vs. Buck Zumhofe
Little Coco & Little Mr. T vs. Johnny Rebel & Lord Littlebrook
6/23/85 – Minneapolis TV
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. The Alaskans Rick Renslow & Dave Wagner
Butch Reed vs. Mike Richards
Baron Von Raschke vs. Ken Jones
Michael Hayes & Buddy Roberts vs. Jake Milliman & Jimmy Doo
Buck Zumhofe vs. Steve Regal
6/23/85 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy & Buddy Roberts vs. Curt Hennig & Steve Olsonoski & Larry Hennig (subs for Tonga Kid & Jim Brunzell)
Brad Rheingans vs. Billy Robinson 20:00
Butch Reed vs. Baron Von Raschke (sub for Buck Zumhofe)
No DQ Match: Greg Gagne vs. Nick Bockwinkel in 18:52
Larry Zbyszko vs. Sgt. Slaughter (C) via forfeit (billed as America’s title defense)
Larry Hennig vs. Larry Zbyszko in 2:07
6/24/85 – Montreal, Quebec, Canada @ the Forum
Dino Bravo & King Tonga vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors
Raymond Rougeau & Jacques Rougeau Jr vs. Jimmy Garvin & Ronnie Garvin (famous
Saint-Jean-Baptiste Massacre, as the Rougeaus get vs. up as well as their father)
Tony Parisi vs. Abdullah the Butcher via forfeit, Abby no showed
Tonga Kid vs. Richard Charland
Little Beaver & Little Mr. T vs. Sonny Boy Hayes & Frenchie Lamont
Armand Rougeau vs. Mr. Samu .
Gino Brito Jr vs. Leo Burke
AWA TV 6/27/85 (24/7)
Verne int.,
Garvin vs. Winters,
Garvin int.,
Gagne, Zbyszko int.,
Gagne int.,
Bockwinkel/Stevens Int.,
Martel in Zbyszko’s corner,
LOD vs. Long Riders (St. Paul, JIP),
Freebirds vs. Hennig/Zenk/Zumhofe,
Freebirds int.,
Slaughter vs. Zurkov,
Slaughter int.,
Verne int.
Kamala vs. Steve O.
AWA TV (27/6/85)
1) Jimmy Garvin vs Larry Winters
2) Greg Gagne vs Kaluha
3) Interview : Zbyszko & Gagne
4) Interview : Bockwinkle & Stevens
5) Interview : Larry Zbyszko & Rick Martel
6) Road Warriors vs Long Riders (Minneapolis, MN)
7) Curt Henning, Tom Zenk & Buck Zumhoff vs Fabulous Freebirds
8) Sgt Slaughter vs Borris Zhukov
6/28/85 – East Greenwich, RI
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors vs. Masked Superstar & Bobby Duncum
Bob Backlund vs. Larry Zbyszko
Plus Baron Von Raschke, Butch Reed & others
6/29/85 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
Dick The Bruiser & The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke vs. Billy Robinson & Larry Zbyszko & Butch Reed
Larry Zbyszko vs. Bob Backlund
Butch Reed vs. Steve O
Ray Stevens vs. Buck Zumhofe
Brad Rheingans vs. Billy Robinson
6/30/85 – Minneapolis TV
Bobby Duncum vs. Mike Richards
Brad Rheingans vs. Alaskan I
Butch Reed vs. Jimmy Doo
Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy & Buddy Roberts vs. Steve Olsonoski & Buck Zumhofe & Kenny Jay
Arena Tape 6/9 Michael Hayes vs. Rick Martel
6/30/85 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
Dick The Bruiser & The Crusher vs. Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy
Butch Reed vs. Baron Von Raschke .
Bob Backlund dcor Larry Zbyszko
Ray Stevens vs. Buck Zumhofe .
Billy Robinson vs. Steve O .
Brad Rheingans vs. Rick Gantner .
Reported Attendance: 2,230
7/6/85 – Charlotte, NC @ the Memorial Stadium
NWA Champion Ric Flair vs. Nikita Koloff .
Dusty Rhodes vs. NWA TV champ Tully Blanchard in a cage match for the title and the valet services of Baby Doll.
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors vs. Ivan Koloff & Krusher Khrushchev
Magnum TA vs. Kamala .
Ole Anderson & Arn Anderson vs. Buzz Sawyer & Dick Slater
Dog Collar Match:
Jimmy Valiant vs. Paul Jones
Buzz Tyler & Manny Fernandez & Sam Houston vs. Abdullah the Butcher & Barbarian & Billy Graham
Ron Bass vs. Buddy Landell
7/7/85 – Minneapolis TV
Nick Bockwinkel & Ray Stevens vs. Little Bear & Larry Winters
Rick Martel vs. Concrete Cowboy
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors vs. Fabulous Ones
Jerry Blackwell vs. Terry Gordy .
7/8/85 – Atlantic City, NJ @ the Royal Swan ballroom, Tropicana Hotel & Casino
Pro Wrestling USA TV tapings
Two separate shows. One at 5 PM. and another separate one at 9:30 PM
Including: Nick Bockwinkel, Fabulous Freebirds, Baron Von Raschke, Buck Zumhofe, Masked Superstar, Ray Stevens and many others
7/10/85 – Las Vegas, NV @ the Showboat Sports Pavilion
Sgt. Slaughter in battle royal
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Larry Zbyszko .
Fabulous Freebirds vs. Curt Hennig & Greg Gagne
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Baron Von Raschke
Billy Robinson vs. Bob Backlund
Brad Rheingans vs. Ray Stevens
Reported Attendance: 1500
7/11/85 – Salt Lake City, UT @ the Salt Palace
Sgt. Slaughter & Greg Gagne vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Ray Stevens
Fabulous Freebirds Terry Gordy & Buddy Roberts vs. Larry Hennig & Curt Hennig
Bob Backlund vs. Larry Zbyszko
Brad Rheingans vs. Buddy Roberts
Boris Zhukov vs. Baron Von Raschke
Reported Attendance: 1400
7/12/85 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
Sgt. Slaughter & Greg Gagne vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Ray Stevens
Bob Backlund vs. Larry Zbyszko
Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy vs. Larry Hennig & Curt Hennig
Boris Zhukov vs. Baron Von Raschke
Brad Rheingans vs. Buddy Roberts
7/14/85 – Minneapolis TV
Bill Irwin vs. Ryan O’Reilly
Bob Backlund vs. Mike Kaluha
Terry Gordy vs. Jim Londos?
Sgt Slaughter & Greg Gagne vs. Apollo Athens & The Blue Max
Boris Zhukov vs. Larry Winters
7/14/85 – St. Paul, MN @ the Civic Center
Sgt. Slaughter & Greg Gagne vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Ray Stevens .
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Michael Hayes .
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors vs. Bill Irwin & Scott Irwin
Bob Backlund vs. Larry Zbyszko
Terry Gordy & Buddy Roberts vs. Steve O & Buck Zumhofe
Boris Zhukov vs. Baron Von Raschke
Cowboy Lang & Little Coco vs. Little Tokyo & Lord Littlebrook
Att 2500
7/15/85 – Verdun, Quebec, Canada @ the Auditorium
Jimmy Garvin & Ronnie Garvin vs. Raymond Rougeau & Jacques Rougeau Jr
Tonga Kid & Tony Parisi vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors
King Tonga vs. Butch Reed
Armand Rougeau vs. Leo Burke
Great Samu vs. Tom Zenk
Gino Brito Jr vs. Rocky De La Serra
7/17/85 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Norberry Auditorium TV Taping
Boris Zhukov vs. Brian Jewel
Larry Hennig vs. Buddy Roberts .
Larry Zbyszko vs. Ken Lucas
Ray Stevens vs. Brian Jewel
Boris Zhukov vs. Ken Lucas
Larry Hennig vs. Bill Beacher
Terry Gordy vs. Man Mountain Mike (not the original)
Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes & Buddy Roberts & Terry Gordy vs. vs. Tossel & Ken Lucas & Man Mountain Mike
7/18/85 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Larry Zbyszko .
Boris Zhukov attacked Martel after the match
Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy & Buddy Roberts vs. The Crusher & Larry Hennig & Baron Von Raschke
Sleeper vs. Sleeper Match, Referee: Wayne Bremner
Greg Gagne vs. Nick Bockwinkel when Wally Karbo reversed the decision
Boris Zhukov vs. Buck Zumhofe
Ray Stevens vs. Brian Jewell (sub Curt Hennig)
Cowboy Lang & Little Coco vs. Lord Littlebrook & Little Tokyo
Reported Attendance: 3,224
7/19/85 – East Rutherford, NJ @ the Meadowlands
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors vs. Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Nick Bockwinkel
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Larry Zbyszko
Joyce Grable in a women’s battle royal
Baron Von Raschke vs. Billy Robinson
Ray Stevens vs. Greg Gagne .
Buck Zumhofe vs. Buddy Roberts
Bob Backlund vs. Larry Sharpe
Boris Zhukov vs. Sean O’Reilly
Reported Attendance: 4500
7/20/85 – Chicago, IL
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Michael Hayes
Nick Bockwinkel & Ray Stevens vs. Sgt. Slaughter & Greg Gagne .
Fabulous Freebirds Terry Gordy & Buddy Roberts vs. The Crusher & Buck Zumhofe
Billy Robinson vs. Baron Von Raschke
Boris Zhukov vs. Steve O
Cowboy Lang & Little Coco vs. Lord Littlebrook & Little Tokyo
Bill Irwin vs. vs. Tossell
Reported Attendance: 3000
7/21/85 – Minneapolis TV
Nick Bockwinkel & Larry Zbyszko vs. Ryan O’Reilly & Shawn O’Reilly
Boris Zhukov vs. Little Bear
Baron Von Raschke vs. Mark Pole
Fabulous Freebirds Terry Gordy & Buddy Roberts vs. Ken Radd & Lou Fabiano
Arena Tape 7/14 AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Michael Hayes
7/21/85 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
Sgt Slaughter in a 14 Man Battle Royal
Order of elimination: 1-Stevens 2-Drew Tossel 3-Robinson 4-Roberts 5-Bill Irwin 6-Zumhofe 7-Hayes 8-Cholak 9-Bockwinkel 10-Raschke 11-Gagne 12-Gordy 13-Zhukov
Michael Hayes vs. Sgt Slaughter
Terry Gordy vs. Baron Von Raschke
Cowboy Lang & Little Coco vs. Lord Littlebrook & Little Tokyo
Greg Gagne vs. Nick Bockwinkel
Boris Zhukov vs. Buck Zumhofe
7/22/85 – Merrillville, IL
Dick The Bruiser & The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke vs. Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy & Buddy Roberts
also scheduled: AWA Champion Rick Martel
7/24/85 – Fairbault
Larry Hennig & Curt Hennig vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Ray Stevens
7/26/85 – East Greenwich, RI @ the Rocky Point Amusement Park
Wild Samoans vs. Bill Irwin & Scott Irwin
Larry Zbyszko vs. Steve O
Bob Backlund vs. Boris Zhukov
Crystal Monroe vs. Nature Girl
7/27/85 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Larry Zbyszko
The Crusher vs. Michael Hayes
Fabulous Freebirds Terry Gordy & Buddy Roberts vs. Larry Hennig & Steve O
Cowboy Lang & Little Coco vs. Lord Littlebrook & Little Tokyo
Boris Zhukov vs. Rick Gantner
7/27/85 – Atlantic City, NJ
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Michael Hayes .
7/28/85 – Minneapolis TV
Curt Hennig vs. Apollo Athens
Bill Irwin vs. Mark Pole
Nick Bockwinkel & Larry Zbyszko vs. Larry Winters & ? Londos
Terry Gordy vs. Concrete Cowboy
Arena Tape 7/14 Sgt Slaughter & Greg Gagne vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Ray Stevens
7/28/85 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes & Buddy Roberts vs. Dick the Bruiser & The Crusher
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Terry Gordy .
Bill Irwin vs. Steve Olsonoski (sub Baron Von Raschke)
Little Coco & Cowboy Lang vs. Lord Littlebrook & Little Tokyo
Rick Gantner vs. Boris Zhukov
Larry Zbyszko (sub Boris Zhukov) vs. Steve Olsonoski
7/29/85 – Montreal, Quebec, Canada @ the Forum
Ronnie Garvin & Jimmy Garvin vs. Raymond Rougeau & Jacques Rougeau .
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors vs. Tonga Kid & King Tonga
Jos Leduc vs. Great Samu
Dino Bravo vs. The Superstar
Richard Charland & Mad Dog Lefebvre & Sailor White vs. Gino Brito Jr & Armand Rougeau & Tom Zenk
Domenic DeNucci vs. Destruction I
8/2/85 – Denver, CO
Boot Camp Match:
Sgt Slaughter & Greg Gagne vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Larry Zbyszko
Terry Gordy & Michael Hayes & Ray Stevens vs. Blackjack Lanza & Dick The Bruiser & The Crusher
Brad Rheingans vs. Boris Zhukov
Bill Irwin vs. Steve O
8/4/85 – Minneapolis TV
Sgt Slaughter & Greg Gagne vs. Lou Fabiano & Mike Kaluha
Larry Zbyszko vs. Little Bear
Boris Zhukov vs. Ken Radd
Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy & Buddy Roberts vs. Larry Winters & Shawn O’Reilly & Brian O’Reilly
Arena Tape 7/14 AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors vs. Bill Irwin & Scott Irwin
8/8/85 – Las Vegas, NV @ the Riviera Hotel
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Michael Hayes .
Sgt. Slaughter & Greg Gagne vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Ray Stevens
Boris Zhukov vs. Steve O
Terry Gordy vs. Baron Von Raschke
Larry Zbyszko vs. Buck Zumhofe
Steve O vs. Billy Robinson
Att 3000
8/9/85 – Salt Lake City, UT @ the Salt Palace
Boot Camp Match:
Sgt. Slaughter & Greg Gagne vs. Larry Zbyszko & Nick Bockwinkel
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Michael Hayes
Terry Gordy vs. Baron Von Raschke
Boris Zhukov vs. Steve O
Buck Zumhofe vs. Ray Stevens .
Steve O vs. Billy Robinson
Reported Attendance: 7753
8/11/85 – Minneapolis TV
Road Warriors vs. Sweet Daddy White & Davey G
Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy vs. Mike Richards & Kenny Jay
Sgt Slaughter vs. Mike Moore
Jim Garvin vs. Steve Noland
Arena Tape 7/14 Rick Martel vs. Michael Hayes
8/11/85 – St. Paul, MN @ the Civic Center
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors vs. Bill Irwin & Scott Irwin
Curt Hennig & Rick Martel vs. Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Greg Gagne
Sgt Slaughter vs. Larry Zbyszko
Kabuki vs. Chris Adams .
Brad Rheingans vs. Boris Zhukov .
Buck Zumhofe vs. Iron Duke
Jim Garvin vs. Kevin Kelly
Tom Zenk vs. Rick Renslow
NWA/AWA Star Wars, August 16, 1985 in East Rutherford, NJ
The Meadowlands drawing 7,000
Baron Von Raschke vs. Davey Gee
Brad Rheingans vs. Boris Zukhov
AWA Light Heavyweight Champ Steve Regal vs. Buck Zumhoffe
Greg Gagne & Curt Hennig vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Ray Stevens
AWA World Champ Rick Martel vs. Larry Zbysko
Sgt. Slaughter vs. NWA World Champ Ric Flair
The Road Warriors & Paul Ellering vs. The Freebirds
8/16/85 – East Rutherford, NJ @ the Meadowlands
Sgt. Slaughter vs. NWA Champion Ric Flair .
Paul Ellering & Road Warriors vs. Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy & Buddy Roberts .
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Larry Zbyszko
Greg Gagne & Curt Hennig vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Ray Stevens
Steve Regal vs. Buck Zumhofe
Brad Rheingans vs. Boris Zhukov .
Baron Von Raschke vs. Davey G
Reported Attendance: 7,000
8/17/85 – Landover, MD
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Larry Zbyszko
8/17/85 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
Jerry Blackwell & Larry Hennig vs. Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy
Sleeper vs. Claw, Texas Death Match:
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Baron Von Raschke
Curt Hennig vs. Boris Zhukov .
Brad Rheingans vs. Steve Regal
Buddy Roberts vs. Buck Zumhofe .
Billy Robinson vs. Rob Rechsteiner
8/18/85 – Minneapolis TV
Greg Gagne vs. Paul Gardner
Bill Irwin & Scott Irwin vs. Jason Walker & Josh Stroud
Jerry Blackwell vs. Terry Gordy .
Boris Zhukov vs. Kent Glover
Arena Tape 8/11 Rick Martel & Curt Hennig vs. Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy
8/18/85 – Rosemont, IL @ the Rosemont Horizon
Boot Camp Match:
Sgt. Slaughter & Greg Gagne vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Ray Stevens
NWA Champion Ric Flair vs. Billy Robinson
Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy & Buddy Roberts vs. Rick Martel & Jerry Blackwell & Larry Hennig .
Brad Rheingans vs. Boris Zhukov .
Bill Irwin vs. Baron Von Raschke
Steve Regal vs. Buck Zumhofe
Curt Hennig vs. Larry Zbyszko
Scott Irwin vs. Rob Rechsteiner
Reported Attendance: 6,000
8/19/85 – Fairbanks, AK
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Nick Bockwinkel
Jerry Blackwell & Greg Gagne vs. Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes & Buddy Roberts
Larry Zbyzsko vs. Baron Von Raschke
Curt Hennig vs. Billy Robinson
Steve Regal vs. Buck Zumhofe
Reported Attendance: 375
8/20/85 – Anchorage, AK
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Larry Zbyszko .
Greg Gagne & Curt Hennig vs. Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes & Buddy Roberts
Jerry Blackwell vs. Terry Gordy
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Baron Von Raschke
Buck Zumhofe vs. Steve Regal .
Reported Attendance: 2250.
8/21/85 – Kenai, AK
Jerry Blackwell & Buck Zumhofe vs. Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes & Buddy Roberts
Terry Gordy vs. Baron Von Raschke
Greg Gagne vs. Larry Zbyszko .
Steve Regal vs. Curt Hennig
Billy Robinson vs. vs. Tossell
Reported Attendance: 325
8/21/85 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Holy Cross School
TV Taping
Bill Irwin & Scott Irwin vs. Rob Rechsteiner & Monty Black
Tom Zenk vs. Nick Bockwinkel
Scott Hall vs. Man Mountain Mike Moore
Boris Zhukov vs. Chris Basset
Bill Irwin & Scott Irwin vs. Brian Jewel & Randy Rose
Tom Zenk vs. Rob Rechsteiner
Rick Martel vs. Man Mountain Mike
Scott Hall vs. Bob Adams
Boris Zhukov vs. Monty Black
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Tom Lucas
Bill Irwin & Scott Irwin vs. T-Bone Brown & Chris Basset
Tom Zenk vs. Brian Jewel
Scott Hall vs. Rob Rechsteiner
Boris Zhukov vs. Brian Jewel
8/22/85 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Boris Zhukov vs. AWA Champion Rick Martel . when Martel used brass knuckles on Zhukov and manager Chris Markoff
Tom Zenk (sub Curt Hennig) & Larry Hennig & Jerry Blackwell vs. Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy & Buddy Roberts when Zenk vs. Roberts
Referee: Joe Florino
Baron Von Raschke vs. Nick Bockwinkel COR
Tom Zenk vs. Steve Regal
Scott Hall vs. Larry Zbyszko
Bill Irwin & Scott Irwin vs. Rob Rechsteiner & Buck Zumhofe
Bulldog Bob Brown vs. Man Mountain Mike Moore
Reported Attendance: 4,208
8/23/85 – Denver, CO
Jerry Blackwell in battle royal
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Larry Hennig
Bill Irwin vs. Larry Zbyszko
Baron Von Raschke vs. Steve Regal .
Scott Hall vs. Scott Irwin
Brad Rheingans vs. Buddy Roberts
Tom Zenk vs. Boris Zhukov .
Terry Gordy vs. Buck Zumhofe
8/24/85 – Monroe, WI
The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke & Jerry Blackwell vs. Terry Gordy & Buddy Roberts & Scott Irwin
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Michael Hayes
Brad Rheingans vs. Boris Zhukov .
Steve Regal vs. Buck Zumhofe
Sherri Martel vs. Candi Devine
Bill Irwin vs. vs. Tossell
8/25/85 – Minneapolis TV
Brad Rheingans & Rob Rechsteiner vs. The Alaskans
Rick Martel vs. Randy Barber
Steve Regal vs. Buck Zumhofe
Nick Bockwinkel & Larry Zbyszko vs. Curt Hennig & Tom Zenk COR
Handicap Match:
Kamala vs. Tom Zenk & Eddie Sullivan
8/25/85 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Michael Hayes .
Jerry Blackwell & Baron Von Raschke (sub Larry Hennig) vs. Fabulous Freebirds Terry Gordy & Buddy Roberts when Blackwell vs. Roberts
Candi Divine (sub Sherri Lynn) vs. Carol Christentello (Donna?)
Brad Rheingans vs. Boris Zhukov .
AWA Light Heavyweight Champion Steve Regal vs. Buck Zumhofe .
Baron Von Raschke vs. Wild Bill Irwin
8/26/85 – Boston, MA
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors vs. Bill Irwin & Scott Irwin
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Nick Bockwinkel
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Boris Zhukov
Bob Backlund vs. Larry Zbyszko .
Greg Gagne vs. Steve Regal
Brad Rheingans vs. Billy Robinson
9/1/85 – Minneapolis TV
Bill Irwin & Scott Irwin vs. Kenny & Timmy Yates
Rick Martel vs. Paul Gardner
Nick Bockwinkel & Larry Zbyszko vs. Kevin Kelly & Joshua Stroud
Kamala vs. Jerry Monti
Arena Tape from NJ Meadowlands 8/16: Sgt Slaughter vs. NWA Champion Ric Flair .
9/1/85 – Orlando, FL
Wahoo McDaniel & Billy Jack Haynes vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors .
Rick Rude vs. Frank Lane
Rip Oliver & Grappler vs. Coco Samoa & Kendall Windham
Hector Guerrero vs. Jack Hart
9/2/85 – Tampa, FL
Battle of the Belts
NWA Champion Ric Flair vs. Wahoo McDaniel
Nick Bockwinkel (sub Rick Martel) vs. Frank Lang
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors dcor Stan Hansen & Harley Race
Rick Rude vs. Billy Jack Haynes
Kendall Windham vs. Jack Hart for Florida Title
Coco Samoa vs. Rip Rogers
Hector Guerrero & Chavo Guerrero vs. Rip Oliver & The Grappler
9/7/85 – Las Vegas, NV
Jerry Blackwell & Rick Martel vs. Fabulous Freebirds Buddy Roberts & Terry Gordy
Sleeper vs. Sleeper
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Greg Gagne
Larry Zbyszko vs. Sgt. Slaughter .
Boris Zhukov vs. Brad Rheingans
Curt Hennig vs. Jim Garvin
9/7/85 – Philadelphia, PA
NWA Champion Ric Flair vs. Dusty Rhodes
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors vs. Ivan Koloff & Nikita Koloff
Tully Blanchard vs. Magnum TA
Ole Anderson vs. Sam Houston
Arn Anderson vs. Starship Eagle
Rocky King vs. Mike Davis
Little Coco vs. Cowboy Lang
9/8/85 – Minneapolis TV
Jerry Blackwell & Baron Von Raschke vs. Zulu & Eddie Sullivan
Jim Garvin vs. Sonny Rogers
Road Warriors vs. Steve Olsonoski & Jerry Monti
9/8/85 – Asheville, NC
NWA Champion Ric Flair vs. Ivan Koloff
Bunkhouse Match:
Ron Bass & Manny Fernandez & Magnum TA vs. Ole Anderson & Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors vs. Ivan Koloff & Krusher Khruschev .
Starship Eagle vs. Rising Sun II
Little Coco vs. Cowboy Lang
Sam Houston vs. Joel Deaton
9/8/85 – St. Paul, MN
ESPN TV Taping
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Kamala .
Terry Gordy vs. Jerry Blackwell .
Greg Gagne & Curt Hennig & Scott Hall vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Ray Stevens & Larry Zbyszko
Buck Zumhofe vs. Sgt. Slaughter .
Baron Von Raschke vs. Bill Irwin
Larry Hennig vs. Scott Irwin
Larry Clark vs. Stan Hansen .
Jerry Oski & Brad Rheingans vs. Wild Bill & Scott Hog Irwin
Curt Hennig & Greg Gagne vs. Jim Garvin & Steve Regal .
Buck Zumhofe vs. Buddy Roberts
Stan Hansen vs. Paul Garner
Billy Robinson vs. Randy Barber
Reported Attendance: 4,000
9/13/85 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
Sgt. Slaughter & Greg Gagne vs. Larry Zbyszko & Nick Bockwinkel .
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Michael Hayes
Terry Gordy vs. Jerry Blackwell .
Bill Irwin & Scott Irwin vs. Baron Von Raschke & Curt Hennig
9/14/85 – Charleston, SC
Magnum TA vs. Tully Blanchard
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors vs. Ivan Koloff & Krusher Khrushchev .
Texas Death Match: Manny Fernandez vs. The Barbarian
Black Bart vs. Ron Bass
Billy Graham vs. Stoney Burke
Mike Davis vs. Ricky Reeves
Rocky King vs. Tommy Lane
9/14/85 – Milwaukee, WI
Sgt. Slaughter & Greg Gagne vs. Larry Zbyszko & Nick Bockwinkel .
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Michael Hayes in 24:29
Terry Gordy vs. Jerry Blackwell . in 8:59
Bill Irwin & Scott Irwin vs. Baron Von Raschke (sub for Zenk) & Curt Hennig in 15:00
Candi Divine (sub for Carol Christantello) vs. Sherri Martel in 10:25
Boris Zhukov vs. Brad Rheingans in 13:57
Jimmy Garvin vs. Buck Zumhofe in 11:22
Reported Attendance: 3,672
9/15/85 – Minneapolis TV
Jerry Blackwell vs. Paul Gardner
Tom Zenk vs. Larry Clark
Lynn Hawkins vs. Stan Hansen .
Larry Zbyszko vs. Sgt Slaughter
Greg Gagne & Curt Hennig vs. Jim Garvin & Steve Regal .
9/15/85 – Norfolk, VA
Bunkhouse Match:
Dusty Rhodes & Magnum TA & Sam Houston vs. Ole Anderson & Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors vs. Krusher Khrushchev & Ivan Koloff
Manny Fernandez vs. Abdullah The Butcher
Jimmy Valiant vs. Buddy Landel
Ron Bass vs. Barbarian
Starship Eagle & Stoney Burke vs. Joel Deaton & Golden Terror
Billy Graham vs. Mark Fleming
9/17/85 – Anchorage, AK @ Sullivan Arena
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Michael Hayes .
Boris Zhukov vs. Brad Rheingans
Sgt. Slaughter & Greg Gagne vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Larry Zbyszko
Curt Hennig vs. Bill Irwin
Scott Irwin vs. vs. Tossel
Reported Attendance: 1,800
9/18/85 – Salt Lake City, UT @ the Salt Palace
Brad Rheingans & Baron Von Raschke vs. Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy .
Magnum TA vs. Ivan Koloff
Baron Von Raschke vs. Jim Garvin .
Steve Regal vs. Buck Zumhofe
Brad Rheingans vs. Buddy Roberts COR
Jerry Oski vs. Billy Robinson .
9/18/85 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Holy Cross School
TV Taping
Larry Hennig vs. Man Mountain Mike
Tom Zenk vs. Bob Adams
Buddy Lane vs. Iron Duke
Jimmy Garvin vs. Monty Black
Buddy Lane vs. Bob Adams
9/19/85 – Baltimore, MD
NWA Champion Ric Flair vs. Magnum TA
Rock & Roll Express vs. Ivan Koloff & Krusher Khrushchev .
Dusty Rhodes vs. Nikita Koloff
Larry Zbyszko & Nick Bockwinkel vs. Sgt. Slaughter & Greg Gagne .
Ronnie Garvin vs. Black Bart
Brad Rheingans vs. Kevin Kelly
Billy Robinson vs. Jerry Oski
9/19/85 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Wally Karbo Tribute Card
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Boris Zhukov
After the match, Zhukov’s manager Chris Markoff tossed salt in Martel’s eyes.
Jerry Blackwell vs. Michael Hayes (sub Terry Gordy)
Tom Zenk & Curt Hennig vs. Bill Irwin & Scott Irwin
AWA Light Heavyweight Champion Steve Regal vs. Buddy Lane . when Lane tossed Regal over the top rope
Jim Garvin vs. Buck Zumhofe in 13:00
Baron Von Raschke vs. Buddy Roberts
Reported Attendance: 3,600
9/20/85 – Fort Wayne, IN
Dusty Rhodes vs. Ivan Koloff
Magnum TA vs. Tully Blanchard
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Boris Zhukov .
Larry Zbyszko vs. Buck Zumhofe
Superstar Billy Graham vs. Pez Whatley
Bill Irwin & Scott Irwin vs. Calypso Jim & Bobo Brazil
Brad Rheingans vs. Steve Regal
Att 5000
9/20/85 – St Louis, MO
NWA Champion Ric Flair vs. Harley Race
King Kong Brody vs. One Man Gang
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Jimmy Garvin
Crusher Blackwell vs. Kamala
NWA Junior Champion Denny Brown vs. Gary Royal
Larry Hennig & Curt Hennig vs. Mr Pogo & Boo Thomas
Bulldog Bob Brown vs. Dave Peterson
Art Crews vs. Sheik Abdullah
plus a midget tag bout
9/21/85 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
Jerry Blackwell & Rick Martel vs. Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes & Buddy Roberts
Sleeper vs. Sleeper
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Greg Gagne
Jim Garvin vs. Kevin Kelly
Jerry Oski vs. vs. Tossell
Ray Stevens vs. Tom Zenk
9/22/85 – Minneapolis TV
Jim Garvin vs. Alan Martin
Curt Hennig & Tom Zenk vs. vs. Tossell & Jim Starr
Stan Hansen vs. Jerry O .
Road Warriors vs. Paul Gardner & Lynn Hawkins
Jerry Blackwell vs. Rick Renslow
9/22/85 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
Baron Von Raschke (sub Larry Hennig) & Jerry Blackwell & Rick Martel vs. Michael Hayes & Buddy Roberts & Jimmy Garvin (sub Terry Gordy)
Sleeper Hold Match:
Greg Gagne vs. Nick Bockwinkel
Bill Irwin & Scott Irwin vs. Curt Hennig & Tom Zenk
Jerry “A” vs. Kevin Kelly (sub Ray Stevens)
Steve Olsonoski vs. Jimmy Garvin was cancelled
9/24/85 – Portland, OR
NWA Champion Ric Flair vs. Magnum TA
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors vs. Sgt. Slaughter & Billy Jack Haynes .
Steve Simpson & Joe Savoldi vs. Mike Miller & Karl Stiener
Ivan Koloff & Krusher Khruschev vs. Bobby Jaggers & Steve Pardee
Ricky Vaughn vs. Moondog Moretti
Liz Chase vs. Debbie Combs
Bruiser Brody vs. Jesse Barr
Alexi Smirnoff vs. Scott Doring
Rip Oliver vs. Chris Colt
att 8,000
9/25/85 – Seattle, WA
NWA Champion Ric Flair vs. Billy Jack Haynes
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Karl Steiner
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors vs. Ivan Koloff & Khrusher Khrushev
Jesse Barr vs. Bruiser Brody
Bobby Jaggers vs. Rip Oliver
Liz Chase vs. Debbie Combs
Alexis Smirnoff vs. Steve Pardee
Ricky Vaughn vs. Chris Colt
Steve Simpson & Joe Savoldi vs. Mike Miller & Tim Flowers
Magnum TA vs. Moondog Moretti
Reported Attendance: 4,975
9/26/85 – Boise, ID
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors dcor Jesse Barr & Sandy Barr
Bruiser Brody dcor Bobby Jaggers
Billy Jack Haynes vs. Rip Oliver
Alexis Smirnoff vs. Steve Pardee
Joe Savoldi & Steve Simpson vs. Mike Miller & Karl Steiner
Reported Attendance: 3,000
1985/09/28: AWA SuperClash
Comiskey Park in Chicago, Illinois (United States of America)
1. Brad Rheingans vs. Steve Regal
2. AWA Women’s World Title Match: Candy Devine (c) vs. Sherri Martel
3. Buddy Roberts vs. Mil Máscaras
4. Bodyslam Match: Jerry Blackwell vs. Kamala
5. Bill Irwin, Scott Irwin and Harley Race vs. Jumbo Tsuruta, Giant Baba and Gen’ichiro Tenryu
6. Boris Zhukov vs. Sgt. Slaughter
7. Greg Gagne, Curt Hennig and Scott Hall vs. Nick Bockwinkel, Ray Stevens and Larry Zbyszko
8. Dick the Bruiser, The Crusher and Baron Von Raschke vs. Ivan Koloff, Nikita Koloff and Krusher Khrushchev
9. Jimmy Garvin vs. Kerry Von Erich
10. AWA World Heavyweight Title Match: Rick Martel (c) vs. Stan Hansen
11. AWA World Tag Team Titles Match: Michael Hayes and Terry Gordy vs. Road Warrior Hawk and Road Warrior Animal (c)
12. NWA World Heavyweight Title Match: Magnum TA vs. Ric Flair (c)
AWA – 1985/09/28 – Chicago, ILL – “SuperClash 1985”
01. AWA World Light Heavyweight Title: Brad Rheingans vs. Steve Regal
02. AWA World Women’s Title: Sherri Martel vs. Candy Divine
03. Harley Race & Bill Irwin & Scott Irwin vs. Giant Baba & Jumbo Tsuruta & Genichiro Tenryu
04. NWA World Midget Title: Little Tokyo vs. Little Mr. T
05. IWA Heavyweight Title: Mil Mascaras vs. Buddy Roberts
06. World Class Texas Heavyweight Title: Kerry von Erich vs. Jimmy Garvin
07. Ray Stevens & Nick Bockwinkel & Larry Zbyszko vs. Greg Gagne & Scott Hall & Curt Hennig
08. AWA World Tag Team Titles: Road Warriots vs. Fabulous Freebirds
09. Ivan Koloff & Nikita Koloff & Krusher Krushev vs. Crusher & Dick The Bruiser & Baron von Raschke
10. AWA America’s Heavyweight Title: Boris Zhukov vs. Sgt. Slaughter
11. Bodyslam Match: Jerry Blackwell vs. Kamala
12. AWA World Heavyweight Title: Stan Hansen vs. Rick Martel
13. NWA World Heavyweight Title: Ric Flair vs. Magnum T.A.
Running Time: 120 minutes – Source: SAT TV
9/28/85 – Chicago, IL @ the Comiskey Park
NWA Champion Ric Flair vs. Magnum TA
Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors for title
(Decision quickly reversed by video replay)
Stan Hansen vs. AWA Champion Rick Martel
Kerry Von Erich vs. Jimmy Garvin
Ivan Koloff & Nikita Koloff & Khrusher Khrushchev vs. Dick The Bruiser & The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke
Greg Gagne & Curt Hennig & Scott Hall vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Ray Stevens & Larry Zbyszko
Sgt Slaughter vs. Boris Zhukov .
Jumbo Tsuruta & Giant Baba & Genichiro Tenyru vs. Bill Irwin & Scott Irwin & Harley Race
Bodyslam Match:
Jerry Blackwell vs. Kamala
Mil Mascaras vs. Buddy Roberts
Sherri Martel vs. Candi Divine for the AWA Women’s title
Steve Regal vs. Brad Rheingans
Reported Attendance: 20,347
9/29/85 – St. Paul, MN @ the Civic Center
Jim Garvin & Steve Regal vs. Road Warriors for AWA tag title
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Jumbo Tsuruta
Handicap Match:
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Boris Zhukov & Chris Markoff
Jerry Blackwell & Little Mr. T vs. Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes & Buddy Roberts
Shohei Giant Baba & Genichiro Tenyru vs. Stan Hansen & Larry Zbyszko
Scott Hall vs. vs. Tossel
Buck Zumhofe vs. Rick Renslow
Reported Attendance: 2,000
10/2/85 – Denver, CO
Jerry Blackwell & Rick Martel & Little Mr. T vs. Jim Garvin & Michael Hayes & Buddy Roberts
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Boris Zhukov .
Nick Bockwinkel & Ray Stevens vs. Curt Hennig & Scott Hall .
Larry Zbyszko vs. Buck Zumhofe
10/4/85 – Los Angeles, CA
Stan Hansen in battle royal
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Boris Zhukov
Nick Bockwinkel & Ray Stevens vs. Baron Von Raschke & Jerry Blackwell
Greg Gagne vs. Jim Garvin
Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes & Buddy Roberts vs. Curt Hennig & Scott Hall
Larry Zbyszko vs. Buck Zumhofe
Reported Attendance: 2300
10/5/85 – Milwaukee, WI
Road Warriors vs. Bill Irwin & Scott Irwin . in 13:52
Jerry Blackwell & Rick Martel & Little Mr. T vs. Michael Hayes & Buddy Roberts & Jim Garvin in 23:18. (Match was originally billed as a handicap with Blackwell & Little T vs. The Birds)
Handicap Match: Stan Hansen vs. Buck Zumhofe & Kevin Kelly in 2:04 (Hansen vs. Zumhofe)
Larry Zbyszko (sub for Jim Garvin) vs. Baron Von Raschke in 12:30
Jerry Oski vs. Kamala . in 2:07
Scott Hall vs. Kevin Kelly in 10:54
Reported Attendance: 2,432
10/6/85 – Minneapolis TV
Boris Zhukov vs. Jake Milliman
Scott Hall vs. Chris Curtis
Jim Garvin & Steve Regal vs. Kevin Kelly & Jerry O
Stan Hansen vs. Mike Richards
Road Warriors vs. vs. Tossell & Nacho Berrera
10/6/85 – Janesville, WI
Jerry Blackwell in a 13 Man Battle Royal
Order of elimination: 1-O 2-Rechsteiner 3-Gantner 4-Zhukov 5-Garvin 6-Roberts 7-Zumhofe 8-Kelly 9-Raschke 10-Kamala 11-Bill Irwin 12-Scott Irwin
Jerry Blackwell & Little Mr. T vs. Jimmy Garvin & Buddy Roberts
Rob Rechsteiner vs. Boris Zhukov .
Scott Irwin vs. Buck Zumhofe
Baron Von Raschke vs. Kevin Kelly
Jerry O vs. Rick Gantner
10/8/85 – Fergus Falls, MN
Larry Hennig & Curt Hennig vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Ray Stevens
Larry Hennig & Curt Hennig in a battle royal
10/12/85 – Indianapolis, IN
Scott Hall in battle royal
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Boris Zhukov
Michael Hayes vs. Baron Von Raschke
Curt Hennig vs. Monster Murdoch
Buddy Roberts vs. Jose Elizia
Scott & Bill Irwin vs. Jose Martinez & Disco Dog
Scott Hall vs. Larry Zbyszko .
10/12/85 – Nashville, TN
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Jerry Lawler .
Rock & Roll Express vs. Ivan Koloff & Nikita Koloff
Hospital Elimination Match:
Fabulous Ones vs. Sheepherders
Jackie Fargo vs. Buddy Wayne
Jimmy Valiant & Manny Fernandez vs. Midnight Express
Bill Dundee vs. Mongolian Stomper
Ron Garvin vs. Black Bart
Rocky Johnson vs. Ron Sexton
Superstar Graham vs. Starship Eagle
Masked Superstar vs. Phil Hickerson
Koko Ware vs. Tom Prichard .
Pat Rose & Bota The Witch Doctor & Tom Branch & Taras Bulba vs. Tojo Yamamoto & Billy Travis & The O’Reillys
Reported Attendance: 6,000
10/13/85 – Minneapolis TV
Jerry Blackwell vs. Spike Jones
Larry Zbyszko vs. Jake Milliman
Curt Hennig & Scott Hall vs. Frankie DeFalco & ?
Michael Hayes vs. Mike Richards
Stan Hansen vs. Nacho Berrera
10/15/85 – Anchorage, AK
Michael Hayes vs. AWA Champion Rick Martel .
Curt Hennig & Scott Hall vs. Bill Irwin & Scott Irwin
Candi Devine vs. Sherri Martel
Scott Hall vs. Larry Zbyszko
Baron Von Raschke vs. Scott Irwin
Reported Attendance: 1400
10/15/85 – Salt Lake City, UT @ the Salt Palace
Stan Hansen in battle royal
Greg Gagne vs. Nick Bockwinkel 20:00
Brad Rheingans vs. Boris Zhukov
Stan Hansen vs. Kevin Kelly
Steve Regal vs. Jerry Oski
Jim Garvin vs. Buck Zumhofe
Reported Attendance: 3,520
10/16/85 – Atlantic City, NJ
AWA Tag Team Champions Steve Regal & Jim Garvin vs. Road Warriors
10/16/85 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Holy Cross School
TV Taping
Boris Zhukov vs. Bob Adams
Larry Zbyszko vs. Brian Jewel
Jimmy Garvin vs. Buddy Lane
Boris Zhukov vs. Ed Wilson
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Man Mountain Mike
Kelly Kiniski vs. Ed Wilson
Jimmy Garvin vs. Brian Jewel
Scott Hall vs. Iron Duke
Boris Zhukov vs. Jim Steele
Boris Zhukov vs. Chris Pepper
Larry Zbyszko vs. Jim Steele
10/17/85 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Mad Dog Vachon & Nick Bockwinkel vs. Boris Zhukov & Chris Markoff
Larry Zbyszko vs. Baron Von Raschke
Handicap Match:
Stan Hansen vs. Brian Jewell & Ed Wilson
Jim Garvin vs. Buddy Lane
Scott Hall vs. Steve Regal
Sherri Martel vs. Candi Devine for AWA Women’s Title
Kelly Kiniski vs. Iron Duke
Reported Attendance: 4,700
10/18/85 – Schofield, WI
Baron Von Raschke in a 12 Man Battle Royal
Order of elimination: 1-Kevin Kelly 2-Jerry America 3-Leon White 4-Rechsteiner 5-Boyd 6-Zumhofe 7-Roberts 8-Hayes 9-Arotsky 10-Hansen 11-Regal
Buck Zumhofe vs. Steve Regal
Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes & Buddy Roberts vs. Baron Von Raschke & Greg Boyd
Jerry Arotsky vs. Stan Hansen .
Rob Rechsteiner vs. Jerry Arotsky
10/19/85 – Aurora, IL
Jerry Blackwell in a 14 Man Battle Royal
Order of elimination: 1-Tossel 2-Jerry America 3-Rob Rechsteiner 4-Leon White 5-Greg Boyd 6-Kevin Kelly 7-Zumhofe 8-Jerry O 9-Hansen 10-Raschke 11-Hayes 12-Regal 13-Roberts
Greg Boyd & Baron Von Raschke vs. Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes & Buddy Roberts
Kevin Kelly vs. Leon White
Buck Zumhofe vs. Steve Regal (no title change)
Jerry O vs. Stan Hansen .
Jerry America vs. Rob Rechsteiner
10/20/85 – Minneapolis TV
Michael Hayes vs. T-Bone Brown
Curt Hennig & Scott Hall vs. Bill Irwin & Scott Irwin .
Chris Curtis vs. Rick Martel COR
10/20/85 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
Stan Hansen in an 18 man battle royal
Order of elimination: Jerry America, Sheik Adnan Al-Kaissie, Buck Zumhofe, Jerry Arotsky, Rob Ricksteiner, Leon White, Kevin Kelly, Greg Boyd, Boris Zhukov, Curt Hennig, Scott Hall, Nick Bockwinkel, Baron Von Raschke, Larry Zbyszko, Steve Regal, Buddy Roberts, Michael Hayes.
Curt Hennig & Scott Hall vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Larry Zbyszko
Jerry Blackwell vs. Sheik Adnan .
Stan Hansen vs. Jerry Arotsky (sub Kevin Kelly)
Boris Zhukov vs. Baron Von Raschke COR
Buck Zumhofe vs. Buddy Roberts (sub Jimmy Garvin)
Leon White vs. Rob Rechsteiner
10/22/85 – Brooklyn, NY
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Kamala
10/26/85 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Stan Hansen .
Lumberjack Match:
Michael Hayes vs. Jerry Blackwell
Jim Garvin vs. Baron Von Raschke
Scott Hall & Curt Hennig & Greg Gagne vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Ray Stevens & Larry Zbyszko
Sgt Slaughter vs. Boris Zhukov
Larry Zbyszko vs. vs. Tossel
10/27/85 – Minneapolis TV
Larry Zbyszko vs. Mike Richards
Curt Hennig & Scott Hall vs. Dr Death & Blackie Guzman
Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes & Buddy Roberts vs. Kevin Kelly & Rick Gantner
Stan Hansen vs. Jake Milliman
10/27/85 – St. Paul, MN @ the Civic Center
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Stan Hansen
Wahoo McDaniel & Curt Hennig & Scott Hall vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Ray Stevens & Larry Zbyszko
Michael Hayes vs. Jerry Blackwell
Greg Gagne vs. Jim Garvin
Bill Irwin vs. Kevin Kelly
Greg Boyd vs. Boris Zhukov
Leon White vs. Scott Irwin
Reported Attendance: 3,000
11/2/85 – Milwaukee, WI
21 person battle royal opened card to determine order
Scott Hall vs. Jim Garvin for battle royal
Jerry Blackwell vs. Michael Hayes .
Stan Hansen vs. Curt Hennig forfeit
Greg Gagne vs. Larry Zbyszko
Larry Hennig vs. Boris Zhukov
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Bill Irwin
Leon White vs. Scott Irwin .
Greg Boyd vs. Steve Regal
Jerry America vs. Rob Rechsteiner
Kelly Kiniksi vs. Jerry Oski
Att 4268
11/3/85 – Minneapolis TV
Scott Hall vs. Frankie DeFalco
Bill Irwin & Scott Irwin vs. Jerry O & Mike Richards
Kelly Kiniski vs. Jake Milliman
Jim Garvin & Steve Regal vs. Julio Rodriguez & Kevin Kelly
11/3/85 – Rosemont, IL @ the Rosemont Horizon
Road Warrior Animal in battle royal
Road Warriors vs. Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes & Buddy Roberts
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Bill Irwin
Curt Hennig & Greg Gagne & Scott Hall vs. Jim Garvin & Steve Regal & Larry Zbyszko
Handicap Match:
Stan Hansen vs. Jerry O & Rob Rechsteiner
Leon White vs. Scott Irwin .
Reported Attendance: 9,500
11/4/85 – Atlantic City, NJ @ the Royal Swan ballroom, Tropicana Hotel & Casino
Pro Wrestling USA TV tapings
6:00 PM is $7.50 and 10:00 PN show is $10.00
Including: Nick Bockwinkel, Ray Stevens, Jimmy Garvin, Butch Reed, Kendo Nagasaki, Boris Zhukov, Sgt. Slaughter, Rick Martel and many others
11/5/85 – Utica, NY
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Nick Bockwinkel
Curt Hennig & Scott Hall vs. Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes & Buddy Roberts
Haiti Kid vs. Butch Cassidy
Nature Girl vs. Crystal Monroe
Davey Gee vs. Larry Sharpe .
Att 1000
11/6/85 – Setauket, NJ
Rock & Roll Express vs. Ivan Koloff & Krusher Khruschev
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Nick Bockwinkel .
Superstar Billy Graham vs. The Barbarian
Curt Hennig vs. Buddy Roberts
Johnny Rodz vs. Gypsy Joe Rodrigues
11/10/85 – Wautoma, WI @ the Wautoma High School
Jerry Blackwell in a 10 man Battle Royal
Order of elimination 1-Zbyszko 2-Scott Irwin 3-America 4-Hall 5-Kiniski 6-Greg Boyd 7-Steve Regal 8-Jimmy Garvin 9-Buck Zumhofe
Scott Hall & Jerry Blackwell vs. Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes & Buddy Roberts
Larry Zbyszko double DQ against Wild Bill Irwin (sub Jerry Arotsky)
Leon White vs. Scott Irwin .
Kelly Kiniski vs. Jerry America
11/10/85 – Minneapolis TV
Kelly Kiniski vs. Rick Renslow
Curt Hennig vs. Jerry O
Jim Garvin & Steve Regal vs. Mike Richards & Frankie DeFalco
Jerry Blackwell vs. Dr Death
Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes & Buddy Roberts vs. Blackie Guzman & Julio Rodriguez
11/12/85 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Holy Cross school
TV Taping
Steve Regal & Jimmy Garvin vs. Chris Pepper & Buddy Lane
The Alaskans I & II vs. Iron Duke & Randy Rose
Kelly Kiniski vs. Brian Jewel
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Rick Renslow
Kelly Kiniski vs. Bob Adams
Larry Zbyszko & Ray Stevens vs. Brian Jewel & Bob Adams
Scott Hall vs. Alaskan II
Larry Zbyszko vs. Chris Pepper
Steve Regal & Jimmy Garvin vs. Brian Jewel & Kevin Kelly
Ray Stevens vs. Randy Rose
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Alaskan II
Kelly Kiniski vs. Chris Pepper
Chris Markoff vs. Randy Rose
11/13/85 – Brandon, Manitoba, Canada @ the Keystone Centre
Jerry Blackwell in a 25 man battle royal
Jerry Blackwell vs. Boris Zhukov .
Scott Hall vs. Larry Zbyszko .
Kelly Kiniski vs. Bob Adams
Curt Hennig vs. Rick Renslow
Jim Garvin & Steve Regal vs. Kevin Kelly & Buddy Lane
11/14/85 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Cage Match:
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Boris Zhukov
Curt Hennig & Scott Hall vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Jim Garvin & Steve Regal
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Larry Zbyszko .
Jerry Blackwell & Kelly Kiniski vs. Buddy Roberts & Ray Stevens .
Stan Hansen vs. Kevin Kelly
Ray Stevens vs. Buddy Lane
Att 6,012
11/15/85 – Denver, CO
Road Warriors vs. Fabulous Freebirds
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Stan Hansen
AWA Tag Team Champions Jim Garvin & Steve Regal vs. Fabulous Ones
Att 7500
11/17/85 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
Strap Match:
Jerry Blackwell vs. Michael Hayes
Fabulous Freebirds vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Larry Zbyszko in 16:09 when Larry walked out on Nick
Jimmy Garvin vs. Kevin Kelly (sub Greg Gagne) 10:11
Terry Gordy (sub Steve Regal) vs. Curt Hennig 20:00
Scott Hall vs. Boris Zhukov . 13:29
11/17/85 – Minneapolis TV
Buck Zumhofe vs. Larry Zbyszko .
Road Warriors vs. The Alaskans
Scott Hall vs. Iron Duke
Mongolian Stomper vs. Kenny Yates
11/18/85 – Salt Lake City, UT @ the Salt Palace
Road Warriors vs. Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy
Buddy Roberts vs. Paul Ellering
AWA Tag Team Champions Jim Garvin & Steve Regal vs. Greg Gagne & Curt Hennig
Scott Hall vs. Larry Zbyszko .
Leon White vs. Scott Irwin
Reported Attendance: 9849.
11/19/85 – Neillsville, WI
Michael Hayes in an 8 man battle royal
Elimination order- America, Alaskan, Kelly, Kiniski, Zhukov, Regal, Garvin
Michael Hayes double DQ against Boris Zhukov
Alaskan I vs. Jerry America
Kevin Kelly vs. Kelly Kiniski
11/22/85 – Brooklyn, NY
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Kamala .
Mighty Igor vs. Black Death (Dom Denucci)
Pete Sanchez & Manny Soto vs. Gypsy Rodriguez & Davey O’Hannon
Haiti Kid vs. Butch Cassidy
Johnny Rodz vs. Gypsy Joe Rodriguez
11/22/85 – Hammond, IN @ the Civic Center
TV Taping
Mongolian Stomper vs. Jim Blackstar
Big Scott Hall vs. Kent Glover
Long Riders Bill Irwin & Scott Irwin vs. Bobby Wayne & Chuck Blake
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Larry Huff
Sherri Martel vs. Debbie Combs
Kelly Kiniski vs. Greg Boyd
Jerry Blackwell vs. Kent Glover
Boris Zhukov vs. Nacho Berrera
Buck Zumhofe vs. Larry Clark
AWA Tag Team Champions Steve Regal & Jimmy Garvin vs. Paul Brown & Kevin Kelly
Long Riders Bill & Scott Irwin vs. Armando Rodriguez & Raul Torpedo Guzman
Big Scott Hall vs. Paul Brown
Mongolian Stomper vs. Bobby White
Larry Zbyszko vs. Jim Blackstar
Leon White & Buck Zumhofe vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Steve Regal & Jimmy Garvin .
Cowboy Lang & Little Mister T vs. Little Tokyo & Lord Littlebrook
Jerry Blackwell in battle royal
11/23/85 – Waukegan, IL @Waukegan East High School
TV Taping
Boris Zhukov vs. Keith Eric
Scott Hall vs. Larry Clarke
Jim Garvin & Steve Regal vs. Jim Blackstar & Bobby Wayne
Jerry Blackwell vs. Chuck Greenlee
Bill Irwin & Scott Irwin vs. Leon White & Buck Zumhofe
Debbie Combs vs. Sherri Martel
Larry Zbyszko vs. Kevin Kelly .
Sgt Slaughter vs. Kent Glover
Mongolian Stomper vs. Keith Eric
Bill Irwin & Scott Irwin vs. Earthquake Ferris & Paul Brown
Kelly Kiniski vs. Raoul Guzman
Cowboy Lang & Little Mr. T vs. Lord Littlebrook & Little Tokyo
Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy vs. Paul Brown & Larry Clarke
Buck Zumhofe vs. Nacho Berrera
Scott Hall vs. Jim Blackstar
Jerry Blackwell vs. Earthquake Ferris
Boris Zhukov vs. Jerry Blackwell
Mongolian Stomper vs. Kent Glover
Sgt Slaughter in a 17 Man Battle Royal
Order of elimination: 1-Bill Irwin 2-Kiniski 3-Kelly 4-Zumhofe 5-Garvin 6-Gordy 7-Blackwell 8-Zbyszko 9-White 10-Gagne 11-Regal 12-Stomper 13-Zhukov 14-Hall 15-Hayes 16-Scott Irwin)
11/24/85 – Minneapolis TV
Kelly Kiniski vs. Chad Williams
Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes & Buddy Roberts vs. The Alaskans
Sgt Slaughter vs. Iron Duke
Jim Garvin & Steve Regal vs. Kenny Yates & Kevin Kelly
11/24/85 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
Strap Match: Jerry Blackwell vs. Michael Hayes
AWA Tag Team Champions Jim Garvin & Steve Regal vs. Scott Hall & Buck Zumhofe
Kelly Kiniski vs. Kevin Kelly (Hall subbed for Larry Hennig)
Leon White vs. Scott Irwin .
Sherri Martel vs. Debbie Combs (sub for Candi Divine)
Cowboy Lang & Little Mr. T vs. Lord Littlebrook & Little Tokyo (LIttle T vs. Tokyo)
11/24/85 – Baltimore, MD
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Kamala .
11/28/85 – St. Paul, MN @ the Civic Center
Scott Hall in a battle royal
Jerry Blackwell vs. Michael Hayes
Road Warriors vs. Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes & Buddy Roberts
Buck Zumhofe vs. Steve Regal for light heavyweight title
Scott Hall vs. Boris Zhukov .
Mongolian Stomper vs. Kevin Kelly
Leon White vs. Bill Irwin
11/29/85 – Anchorage, AK
Larry Zbyszko vs. Larry Hennig
11/30/85 – Montecello
Larry Hennig & Scott Hall vs. the Alaskans
12/1/85 – Minneapolis TV
Mongolian Stomper vs. Chad Williams
Sgt Slaughter vs. AlaskanI
Bill Irwin & Scott Irwin vs. Kevin Kelly & Kenny Yates
Kelly Kiniski vs. Iron Duke
tape 11/28 Scott Hall wins battle Royal
Re-air of ESPN Match Greg Gagne vs. Larry Zbyszko .
12/1/85 – Chicago, IL
Road Warriors vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Jim Garvin & Steve Regal .
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Terry Gordy
Strap Match:
Jerry Blackwell vs. Michael Hayes
Paul Ellering vs. Buddy Roberts
Handicap Match:
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Boris Zhukov & Chris Markoff
Larry Zbyszko vs. Kevin Kelly
Scott Hall vs. Bill Irwin
Leon White vs. Scott Irwin .
Reported Attendance: 8,000
12/4/85 – Wausau, WI
Jerry Blackwell & Leon White vs. Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes & Buddy Roberts
AWA Tag Team Champions Steve Regal & Jimmy Garvin vs. Larry Hennig & Buck Zumhofe
Scott Hall vs. Larry Zbyszko
Kelly Kiniski vs. Boris Zhukov
Jerry America vs. Earthquake Ferris
12/7/85 – Milwaukee, WI
Strap Match:
Jerry Blackwell vs. Michael Hayes
AWA Tag Team Champions Jim Garvin & Steve Regal vs. Fabulous Freebirds Terry Gordy & Buddy Roberts
Larry Hennig vs. Boris Zhukov .
Buck Zumhofe vs. Mongolian Stomper .
Scott Hall vs. Scott Irwin
Kelly Kiniski vs. Kevin Kelly
Att 2648
12/8/85 – Minneapolis TV
Mongolian Stomper vs. Jimmy Blackstar
Scott Hall vs. Ken Glover
Bill Irwin & Scott Irwin vs. Chuck Greenlee & Bob Wayne
Sgt Slaughter vs. Larry Clark
Sherri Martel vs. Debbie Combs
12/8/85 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy & Buddy Roberts vs. Larry Hennig & Jerry Blackwell & Jerry America
AWA Tag Team Champions Jim Garvin & Steve Regal vs. Scott Hall & Buck Zumhofe (sub Curt Hennig) .
Mongolian Stomper vs. Kevin Kelly (sub Rick Renslow) 5:26
Boris Zukhov vs. Scott Irwin COR
12/10/85 – St Cloud, MN
Road Warriors in a battle royal
12/11/85 – Atlantic City, NJ @ the Royal Swan ballroom, Tropicana Hotel & Casino
Pro Wrestling USA TV tapings
6:00 PM is $7.50 and 10:00 PM show is $10.00
Including: Nick Bockwinkel, Ray Stevens, Jimmy Garvin, Boris Zhukov, Sgt. Slaughter, Rick Martel, Baron Von Raschke, Buck Zumhofe and many others
12/12/85 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Road Warriors in a $100,000 Tag Team Battle royal by eliminating Jimmy Garvin & Steve Regal
Road Warriors vs. Boris Zhukov & Chris Markoff
Scott Hall vs. vs. Man Mountain Mike & Dennis Turner
Mongolian Stomper vs. Kevin Kelly
Jerry Blackwell vs. Big Thunder Kiniski .
Bill Irwin & Scott Irwin vs. The Alaskans
Larry Zbyszko vs. Buck Zumhofe in 17:00
Ray Stevens vs. Brian Jewel
Reported Attendance: “6,900 fans”
12/13/85 – San Francisco, CA
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Jimmy Garvin .
12/16/85 – Salt Lake City, UT @ the Salt Palace
Taped Fist Match:
Road Warriors & Paul Ellering vs. Buddy Roberts & Bill Irwin & Scott Irwin
AWA Tag Team Champions Jim Garvin & Steve Regal vs. Buck Zumhofe & Scott Hall
Leon White vs. Bill Irwin .
Larry Zbyszko vs. Kevin Kelly
Mongolian Stomper vs. Kelly Kiniski
Att 1496
12/21/85 – Montreal, Quebec, Canada
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Jim Garvin
12/25/85 – St. Paul, MN @ the Civic Center
AWA Champion Rick Martel vs. Stan Hansen .
Road Warriors vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Jim Garvin & Steve Regal
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Larry Zbyszko
Mongolian Stomper & Nord The Barbarian & Boris Zhukov vs. Scott Hall & Curt Hennig & Jerry Blackwell
Baron Von Raschke vs. Scott Irwin .
Marty Jannetty vs. Kelly Kiniski
Cowboy Lang & Little Mr. T vs. Little Tokyo & Lord Littlebrook
Bill Irwin vs. Kevin Kelly
Sherri Martel vs. Debbie Combs
Reported Attendance: 7000+
12/27/85 – Denver, CO
Road Warriors vs. Fabulous Freebirds
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Kamala .
Mongolian Stomper vs. Buck Zumhofe
Leon White vs. Bill Irwin
Little Mr. T & Cowboy Lang vs. Lord Littlebrook & Little Tokyo
Marty Jannetty vs. Kelly Kiniski
12/28/85 – Sheboygan, WI @ Armory-Auditorium
Curt Hennig & Scott Hall vs. Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes & Buddy Roberts .
Jerry Blackwell vs. Boris Zukhov .
Marty Jannetty vs. Sheik Adnan . (This match replaced Bill Irwin vs. Leon White
Mongolian Stomper vs. Earthquake Ferris
Little Tokyo & Lord Littlebrook vs. Cowboy Lang & Little Mr T
12/29/85 – Milwaukee, WI @ The Auditorium
Cage Match: Jerry Blackwell vs. Michael Hayes in 10:24
AWA Tag Team Champions Jimmy Garvin & Steve Regal vs. Scott Hall & Curt Hennig . (Garvin threw Hennig over the top rope in 20:24)
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Larry Zbyszko . fall in 8:39
Kamala (sub for Terry Gordy) vs. Baron Von Raschke . fall in 8:02
Little Mr. T vs. Lord Littlebrook in 4:58 (this match was originally scheduled as a tag match with T & Cowboy Lang vs. Brook & Little Tokyo)
Mongolian Stomper vs. Earthquake Ferris (sub for Buck Zumhofe) in 5:18
Leon White vs. Marty Jannetty in 15:00 (one result has Leon White going over Jannetty but a draw seems more likely)
Reported Attendance: 3,940
12/29/85 – AWA Star Wars – East Rutherford, NJ @ the Meadowlands
Stan Hansen vs. Rick Martel for AWA title
Road Warriors vs. Ivan Koloff & Krusher Khrushchev .
NWA Champion Ric Flair vs. Dusty Rhodes .
Magnum TA vs. Tully Blanchard
Handicap Match: Sgt. Slaughter vs. Boris Zhukov & Chris Markoff
Rock & Roll Express vs. Bill Irwin & Scott Irwin
Buddy Roberts vs. Paul Ellering .
Carlos Colon vs. Konga The Barbarian
Sherri Martel vs. Debbie Combs
Little Tokyo vs. Cowboy Lang
Ron Bass vs. JJ Dillon
Reported Attendance: 12,000
NWA/AWA Star Wars, December 29, 1985 in East Rutherford, NJ
The Meadowlands drawing 12,000 ($205,000)
Ron Bass vs. J.J. Dillon
Little Tokyo vs. Cowboy Lang
Sherri Martel vs. Debbie Combs
Carlos Colon vs. Konga the Barbarian
Jake Roberts vs. Paul Ellering
The Rock-n-Roll Express vs. Bill & Scott Irwin
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Chris Markoff & Boris Zuhkov in a “handicap” match
Magnum T.A. vs. Tully Blanchard
NWA World Champ Ric Flair vs. Dusty Rhodes
The Road Warriors vs. Ivan Koloff & Krusher Khruschev
Stan Hansen vs. Rick Martel
1985/12/29: AWA Star Wars
Brendan Byrne Arena in East Rutherford, New Jersey (United States of America)
1. JJ Dillon vs. Ron Bass
2. Cowboy Lang vs. Little Tokyo
3. Debbie Combs vs. Sherri Martel
4. Carlos Colón vs. Konga the Barbarian
5. Jake Roberts vs. Paul Ellering
6. NWA World Tag Team Titles (Mid-Atlantic-Version) Match: Bill Irwin and Scott Irwin vs. Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson (c)
7. 2 on 1 Handicap Match: Chris Markoff and Boris Zhukov vs. Sgt. Slaughter
8. NWA United States Heavyweight Title (Mid-Atlantic-Version) Match: Magnum TA (c) vs. Tully Blanchard
9. NWA World Heavyweight Title Match: Dusty Rhodes vs. Ric Flair (c)
10. Ivan Koloff and Krusher Khrushchev vs. Road Warrior Hawk and Road Warrior Animal
11. AWA World Heavyweight Title Match: Rick Martel (c) vs. Stan Hansen
AWA January-February 1985 – 2 Discs
Disc 1
Jerry Blackwell vs. Bob Owen
INT – Jerry Blackwell
King Kong Brody vs. Terry Ellis
Road Warriors vs. Rocky King & Terry Ellis
INT – Paul Ellering w/ Road Warriors
King Kong Brody vs. Randy Barker
INT – Sheik Adnan
Fabulous Ones vs. Jason Walker & Rick Renslow
INT – Nick Bockwinkel
INT – Sheik Adnan & Masked Superstar
INT – Paul Ellering w/ Road Warriors
Mr Saito vs. Steve Olsonowski
INT – Nick Bockwinkel & Mr Saito
Rick Martel vs. Rick Renslow – Start and End only
INT – Sgt Slaughter
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Tom Zenk
INT – Wally Karbo, announces Brody is suspended
Fabulous Ones vs. Brian Jewel & Scott Doring
Bob Backlund vs. Rick Renslow
Disc 2
INT – Paul Ellering w/ Road Warriors
Masked Superstar & Mr Saito vs. Steve Olsonowski & Curt Hennig
INT – Sgt Slaughter
Dino Bravo vs. Brian Jewel
INT – Sheik Adnan
Road Warriors vs. Rick Peavey & Brad Rheighans
INT – Paul Ellering w/ Road Warriors
Curt Hennig vs. Rob Ricksteiner
INT – Curt Hennig
Jerry Blackwell & Baron Von Raschke vs. Rick Renslow & Dave Wagner
INT – Baron Von Raschke
Sgt Slaughter vs. Mr Saito
INT – Sgt Slaughter
Jimmy Garvin vs. Jerry Monte
INT – Jimmy Garvin w/ Precious
Bonus – Abdullah the Butcher demonstrating the camel clutch from Bob Luce show
AWA February-March 1985 – 3 discs
Disc 1
Rick Martel vs. Tom Stone – 2/1/85, St Paul
INT – Jerry Blackwell & Sgt Slaughter
Road Warriors vs. Mike Richards & Rick Stawski – 2/1/85, St Paul
INT – Road Warriors & Bill Apter – PWI awards
Jim Brunzell vs. Masked Superstar – 2/1/85, St Paul
INT – High Flyers
INT – Jimmy Garvin
King Tonga vs. Tom Zenk – 2/1/85, St Paul
Ric Flair video
Kendo Nagasaki vs. Jimmy Doo – 2/1/85, St Paul
INT – Sheik Adnan, Masked Superstar, & King Tonga
Terry Funk vs. Jake Milliman – 2/1/85, St Paul
INT – Terry Funk
Terry Funk video promo
Ric Flair video (same as above)
INT – Jimmy Garvin
Youngbloods vs. Tony Leone & Scott Doring – 2/1/85, St Paul
INT – Rick Martel
King Tonga vs. Joe Peevey – 2/1/85, St Paul
INT – Sheik Adnan, Masked Superstar, & King Tonga
Jerry Blackwell & Sgt Slaughter vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Tom Stone – 2/1/85, St Paul
INT – Jerry Blackwell & Sgt Slaughter
Road Warriors vs. Rick Gantner & Rob Ricksteiner – 2/1/85, St Paul
INT – Ric Flair
Bob Backland vs. Drew Tossel – 2/1/85, St Paul
INT – Sgt Slaughter & Jerry Blackwell
Masked Superstar vs. Mike Richards – 2/1/85, St Paul
INT – Sheik Adnan, Masked Superstar, & King Tonga – St Paul
Larry Zbyszko vs. Jimmy Doo – 2/1/85, St Paul
INT – Jimmy Garvin
Disc 2
Jerry Blackwell, Greg Gange, & Curt Henning vs. Nick Bockwinkel, Terry Funk, & Steve Regal
INT – Funk, Bockwinkel, & Zbyszko – 2/1/85, St Paul
Mark & Jay Youngblood vs. Alaskans (Rick Renslow & Dave Wagner) – 2/1/85, St Paul
INT – Zbyszko
INT – Robinson w/ Kamala
Kamala vs. Lou Fabiano & Mark Pole – “Star Wars 1985″ – 2/24/85
INT – Jerry Blackwell & Sgt Slaughter
Jerry Blackwell & Sgt Slaughter vs. Iron Duke & Jimmy Doo – 2/1/85, St Paul
INT – Sheik Adnan, Masked Superstar, & Mr Saito
INT – Rick Martel
Kendo Nagasaki vs. Tom Zenk – 2/1/85, St Paul
INT – Road Warriors
Bob Backland vs. Larry Zbyszko – 2/1/85, St Paul
INT – Baron Von Raschke
INT – High Flyers
Kendo Nagasaki vs. Mike Richards – 2/1/85, St Paul
INT – Jimmy Garvin
INT – “Bertha” Von Raschke
Rick Martel vs. Tony Leone – 2/1/85, St Paul
INT – Larry Zbyszko
Masked Superstar & King Tonga vs. Brad Rheighans & Rob Ricksteiner – 2/1/85, St Paul
INT – Sgt Slaughter
INT – Billy Robinson w/ Kamala
John Nord vs. Jake Milliman – 2/1/85, St Paul
INT – Tonga Kid
INT – Sheik Adnan, King Tonga, & Mr Saito
Jimmy Garvin vs. Baron Von Rashcke – 2/1/85, St Paul
Jimmy Garvin vs. Sonny Rogers
INT – Sir Oliver Humperdink w/ Samoans
Jim Brunzell vs. Iron Duke
INT – Jimmy Garvin
INT – “Bertha” Von Raschke
Disc 3
Power Uti vs. Drew Tossel
INT – Sgt Slaughter
Tonga Kid vs. Nacho Berrera
INT – Tonga Kid
Samoans (Afa & Sika) vs. Rick Stawski & Rick Peevey
INT – Rick Martel
Samoans (Afa & Sika) vs. Jose & Martin Escavitos
INT – Sir Oliver Humperdink w/ Samoans
Baron Von Rashcke vs. Rick Renslow
INT – Billy Robinson w/ Kamala
Tonga Kid vs. Tom Stone
INT – Road Warriors
Sgt Slaughter winning at Star Wars – 2/24/85
INT – Sgt Slaughter
Freebirds vs. Nacho Berrera, Jake Milliman, & Buck Zumhofe
INT – Freebirds
Larry Zbyszko vs. Jake Milliman
INT – Sgt Slaughter
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Steve Regal & Tom Stone
INT – Billy Robinson w/ Kamala
Kendo Nagasaki vs. Rick Gantner
INT – Dusty Rhodes
Sgt Slaughter vs. Kamala – 3/23/85 – New Haven
INT – Sgt Slaughter
Boris Zhukov, King Tonga, & Mr Saito vs. Buck Zumhofe, Tom Zenk, & Sonny Rogers
INT – Jimmy Garvin
INT – Baron Von Raschke
AWA March-April 1985 – 3 discs
Disc 1
Bobby Duncum vs. Tom Stone
INT – Sgt Slaughter
King Tonga vs. Iron Duke
INT – Billy Robinson w/ Kamala
Curt Henning & Baron Von Raschke vs. Road Warriors
INT – Larry Henning
INT – Dusty Rhodes
INT – Road Warriors
Rick Martel vs. Jimmy Garvin – New Haven
INT – Jimmy Garvin; Baron Von Raschke interupts
Bobby Duncum vs. Sonny Rogers
INT – Larry Henning & Jerry Blackwell
INT – Billy Robinson w/ Kamala
Curt Henning & Baron Von Raschke vs. Road Warriors – same as above
INT – Road Warriors
Tonga Kid vs. Rick Stawski
INT – Sgt Slaughter
Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy vs. Peevey & Rick Gantner – High Flyers run in
INT – High Flyers
INT – Jerry Blackwell & Larry Henning
Jimmy Garvin vs. Rick Gantner
INT – Nick Bockwinkel
INT – Baron Von Raschke
Road Warriors vs. Jose & Martin Escavitos
Road Warriors music video
INT – Road Warriors
Buck Zumhofe vs. Alaskan #1
INT – Billy Robinson
INT – Jimmy Garvin
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Larry Winters
Disc 2
INT – Nick Bockwinkel
Sgt Slaughter vs. Concrete Cowboy
INT – Tonga Kid
INT – Masked Superstar & King Tonga
Kamala vs. Mike Borzac
INT – Billy Robinson
INT – Bobby Duncum
High Flyers vs. Mark Pole & Kahlua
INT – Sgt Slaughter
Kendo Nagasaki vs. Sean O’Reilly
INT – Paul Ellering w/ Road Warriors
Road Warriors vs. Davey Gee & Sweet Daddy White
INT – Paul Ellering w/ Road Warriors
Rick Martel vs. Kahlua
INT – Rick Martel
Larry Zbyszko vs. Brian O’Reilly
INT – Michael Hayes & Buddy Roberts
Baron Von Raschke vs. Mike Moore
INT – Sgt Slaughter
Jimmy Garvin vs. Steve Nolan
INT – Nick Bockwinkel
INT – Sheik Adnan
High Flyers vs. Concrete Cowboy & Apollo Athens
INT – Sheik Adnan
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Steve Nolan
INT – Nick Bockwinkel
Curt Henning vs. Kahlua
INT – Paul Ellering w/ Road Warriors
Jimmy Garvin & Larry Zbyszko vs. Sean & Bill O’Reilly
INT – Sgt Slaughter
Disc 3
Steve Olsonowski vs. Sweet Daddy White
INT – Butch Reed
Tonga Kid vs. Kahlua
INT – Greg Gagne
INT – Sheik Adnan
Bobby Duncum vs. Davey Gee
INT – Nick Bockwinkel & Ray Stevens
Rick Martel vs. Mike Moore
Freebirds music video
The Samoans vs. Apollo Athens, Sean & Brian O’Reilly
INT – Jimmy Garvin & Butch Reed
Kendo Nagasaki vs. Larry Winters
INT – Baron Von Raschke
INT – Buck Zumhofe
Jim Brunzell vs. Nacho Berrera
INT – High Flyers
Ray Stevens vs. Ken Jones
INT – Sgt Slaughter
Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy vs. Mike Richards & Kenny Jay
INT – Freebirds
Butch Reed vs. Jake Milliman
INT – Nick Bockwinkel & Ray Stevens
Verne & Greg Gagne vs. Mr Saito & Nick Bockwinkel – St Paul
AWA TV—April to June 1985
Matches and interviews from the likes of
Jim Garvin
Rick Martel
The Road Warriors
The Freebirds
Larry Zbyszko
Kendo Nagasaki
Baron von Raschke
Sgt Slaughter
Butch Reed
lots more
plus 6-man elimination tag featuring High Flyers/Hennig vs. Luke Graham/Steve Regal/Mr. Saito
AWA May-August 1985 – 3 discs
Disc 1
High Flyers vs. Alaskans
INT – High Flyers
Butch Reed vs. Mike Richards
INT – Sgt Slaughter
Clips – Nick Bockwinkel vs. Rick Martel – Winnipeg
INT – Nick Bockwinkel & Ray Stevens
Freebirds Michael Hayes & Buddy Roberts vs. Jake Milliman & Jimmy Doo
INT – Freebirds
Buck Zumhofe vs. Steve Regal
INT – Larry Zbyszko
INT – Buck Zumhofe
Bobby Duncum vs. Mike Richards
INT – Nick Bockwinkel & Ray Stevens
Clips Sgt Slaughter vs. Kamala – Meadowlands
INT – Sgt Slaughter
Butch Reed vs. Jimmy Doo
INT – High Flyers & Curt Henning
Rick Martel vs. Jake Milliman
INT – Rick Martel
Freebirds vs. Steve Olsonowski, Buck Zumhofe, & Kenny Jay
INT – Freebirds
Nick Bockwinkel & Ray Stevens vs. Little Bear & Larry Winters
INT – Skandar Akbar
Rick Martel vs. Concrete Cowboy
INT – Nick Bockwinkel & Ray Stevens
Bobby Duncum vs. Mike Jones
INT – Sgt Slaughter
High Flyers vs. Ken Reed & Davey Gee
INT – Billy Robinson
Disc 3
INT – Billy Robinson
INT – Larry Zbyszko
INT – Michael Hayes
Jerry Blackwell vs. Terry Gordy
INT – Freebirds
Butch Reed vs. Lou Fabiano
INT – Sgt Slaughter
Curt Henning vs. Mike Moore
INT – Freebirds
Michael Hayes & Buddy Roberts vs. Larry Winters & Apollo Athens
INT – Larry Zbyszko
Buck Zumhofe & Steve Olsonowski vs. Mark Pole & Kahlua
INT – Nick Bockwinkel & Ray Stevens
INT – Larry Zbyszko
Larry Zbyszko vs. Sgt Slaughter
INT – Sgt Slaughter
INT – Baron Von Raschke & Buck Zumhofe
Butch Reed vs. Little Bear
INT – Paul Ellering w/ Road Warriors
Sgt Slaughter vs. Davey Gee
INT – Sgt Slaughter
Buddy Roberts vs. Larry Winters
INT – Freebirds
Larry Zbyszko vs. Mike Jones
Nick Bockwinkel, Ray Stevens, Bobby Duncum vs. Curt Henning, Steve Olsonowski, & Buck Zumhoffe
INT – Larry Zbyszko
INT – Nick Bockwinkel
INT – Nick Bockwinkel
Bill Irwin vs. Brian O’Reilly
INT – Ric Flair
Greg Gagne traing with Sgt Slaughter
INT – Sgt Slaughter
Disc 3
Rick Martel given award – Michael Hayes comes out
Terry Gordy vs. Jim Londos
INT – Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy
Sgt Slaughter & Greg Gagne vs. Apollo Athens & Blue Max
INT – Nick Bockwinkel & Ray Stevens
Boris Zhukov vs. Larry Winters
INT – Larry Sharpe w/ Boris Zhukov
Nick Bockwinkel & Larry Zbyszko vs. Brian & Sean O’Reilly
INT – Larry Zbyszko
INT – Nick Bockwinkel & Ray Stevens
Rick Martel vs. Michael Hayes
INT – Freebirds
Boris Zhukov vs. Little Bear
INT – Ric Flair
Baron Von Raschke vs. Mark Pole
INT – Sgt Slaughter
Buddy Roberts & Terry Gordy vs. Lou Fabiano & Ken Radd
INT – Freebirds
Ric Flair vs. Chic Donovan
INT – Sgt Slaughter
Bill Irwin vs. Mark Pole
INT – Chris Markoff w/ Boris Zhukov
Larry Zbyszko & Nick Bockwinkel vs. Jim Londos & Larry Winters
AWA May-August 1985 – 3 discs
Disc 1
High Flyers vs. Alaskans
INT – High Flyers
Butch Reed vs. Mike Richards
INT – Sgt Slaughter
Clips – Nick Bockwinkel vs. Rick Martel – Winnipeg
INT – Nick Bockwinkel & Ray Stevens
Freebirds Michael Hayes & Buddy Roberts vs. Jake Milliman & Jimmy Doo
INT – Freebirds
Buck Zumhofe vs. Steve Regal
INT – Larry Zbyszko
INT – Buck Zumhofe
Bobby Duncum vs. Mike Richards
INT – Nick Bockwinkel & Ray Stevens
Clips Sgt Slaughter vs. Kamala – Meadowlands
INT – Sgt Slaughter
Butch Reed vs. Jimmy Doo
INT – High Flyers & Curt Henning
Rick Martel vs. Jake Milliman
INT – Rick Martel
Freebirds vs. Steve Olsonowski, Buck Zumhofe, & Kenny Jay
INT – Freebirds
Nick Bockwinkel & Ray Stevens vs. Little Bear & Larry Winters
INT – Skandar Akbar
Rick Martel vs. Concrete Cowboy
INT – Nick Bockwinkel & Ray Stevens
Bobby Duncum vs. Mike Jones
INT – Sgt Slaughter
High Flyers vs. Ken Reed & Davey Gee
INT – Billy Robinson
Disc 2
INT – Billy Robinson
INT – Larry Zbyszko
INT – Michael Hayes
Jerry Blackwell vs. Terry Gordy
INT – Freebirds
Butch Reed vs. Lou Fabiano
INT – Sgt Slaughter
Curt Henning vs. Mike Moore
INT – Freebirds
Michael Hayes & Buddy Roberts vs. Larry Winters & Apollo Athens
INT – Larry Zbyszko
Buck Zumhofe & Steve Olsonowski vs. Mark Pole & Kahlua
INT – Nick Bockwinkel & Ray Stevens
INT – Larry Zbyszko
Larry Zbyszko vs. Sgt Slaughter
INT – Sgt Slaughter
INT – Baron Von Raschke & Buck Zumhofe
Butch Reed vs. Little Bear
INT – Paul Ellering w/ Road Warriors
Sgt Slaughter vs. Davey Gee
INT – Sgt Slaughter
Buddy Roberts vs. Larry Winters
INT – Freebirds
Larry Zbyszko vs. Mike Jones
Nick Bockwinkel, Ray Stevens, Bobby Duncum vs. Curt Henning, Steve Olsonowski, & Buck Zumhoffe
INT – Larry Zbyszko
INT – Nick Bockwinkel
INT – Nick Bockwinkel
Bill Irwin vs. Brian O’Reilly
INT – Ric Flair
Greg Gagne traing with Sgt Slaughter
INT – Sgt Slaughter
Disc 3
Rick Martel given award – Michael Hayes comes out
Terry Gordy vs. Jim Londos
INT – Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy
Sgt Slaughter & Greg Gagne vs. Apollo Athens & Blue Max
INT – Nick Bockwinkel & Ray Stevens
Boris Zhukov vs. Larry Winters
INT – Larry Sharpe w/ Boris Zhukov
Nick Bockwinkel & Larry Zbyszko vs. Brian & Sean O’Reilly
INT – Larry Zbyszko
INT – Nick Bockwinkel & Ray Stevens
Rick Martel vs. Michael Hayes
INT – Freebirds
Boris Zhukov vs. Little Bear
INT – Ric Flair
Baron Von Raschke vs. Mark Pole
INT – Sgt Slaughter
Buddy Roberts & Terry Gordy vs. Lou Fabiano & Ken Radd
INT – Freebirds
Ric Flair vs. Chic Donovan
INT – Sgt Slaughter
Bill Irwin vs. Mark Pole
INT – Chris Markoff w/ Boris Zhukov
Larry Zbyszko & Nick Bockwinkel vs. Jim Londos & Larry Winters
AWA TV—June and July 1985
Matches and Interviews from the likes of
Butch Reed
Rick Martel
The Freebirds
Curt Hennig
Blackjack Lanza
Jerry Blackwell
Bobby Duncum
Billy Robinson
and more
featuring Sgt. Slaughter vs. Kamala (Ugandan Death Match from The Meadowlands)
Sgt Slaughter vs. Larry Zbyszko for the America’s title.
AWA TV—July and August 1985
Matches and interviews with such stars as
Rick Martel
Jim Garvin
Road Warriors
Larry Zbyszko
Greg Gagne
Long Riders
Curt Hennig
Boris Zurkov and more.
Main bouts include –
Road Warriors vs. Fabulous Ones (AWA Tag titles)
Freebirds vs. Tom Zenk/Curt Hennig/Buck Zumhofe,
Rick Martel confro. vs. The Freebirds
Jerry Blackwell vs. Terry Gordy
Sgt Slaughter vs. Boris Zurkov
and more.
AWA August-September 1985 – 4 discs
Disc 1
Sgt Slaughter & Grag Gagne vs. Lou Fabiano & Kahlua
INT – Brad Rheighans
INT – Larry Zbyszko
Larry Zbyszko vs. Little Bear
INT – Ray Stevens & Nick Bockwinkel
Ric Flair vs. Chuck Donovan
INT – Sgt Slaughter
Boris Zhukov vs. Ken Radd
INT – Ric Flair
Freebirds vs. Larry Winters, Brian, & Sean O’Reilly
INT – Michael Hayes
Tom Zenk & Curt Henning vs. Randy Barber & Larry Clark
INT – Tom Zenk & Curt Henning
Greg Gagne vs. Paul Garner
Long Riders vs. Jason Walker & Joshua Stroud
INT – Long Riders – Wally Karbo questions gear
INT – Baron Von Raschke
Boris Zhukov vs. Kent Glover
INT – Chris Markoff w/ Boris Zhukov
Rob Ricksteiner & Brad Rheighans vs. Alaskans
INT – Chris Markoff w/ Boris Zhukov
Rick Martel vs. Randy Barber
INT – Steve Regal
Steve Regal vs. Buck Zumhofe – St Paul
INT – Ray Stevens & Nick Bockwinkel
Nick Bockwinkel & Larry Zbyszko vs. Curt Henning & Tom Zenk
Disc 2
Baron Von Raschke vs. Larry Clark
INT – Scott Irwin
Long Riders vs. Kenny & Kim Yates
INT – Steve Regal
Rick Martel vs. Paul Garner
INT – Curt Henning & Tom Zenk
Nick Bockwinkel & Larry Zbyszko vs. Joshua Stroud & Kevin Kelly
INT – Nick Bockwinkel & Ray Stevens
Baron Von Raschke & Buck Zumhofe vs. Jimmy Garvin & Steve Regal – St Paul
Boris Zhukov vs. Jason Walker
INT – Chris Markoff w/ Boris Zhukov
INT – Long Riders
INT – Baron Von Raschke
INT – Curt Henning & Tom Zenk
INT – Greg Boyd & Leon White
Clips – Ric Flair vs. Sgt Slaughter – Meadowlands – 8/16/85
INT – Chris Markoff w/ Boris Zhukov
INT – Steve Regal
INT – Larry Zbyszko
Jimmy Garvin vs. Steve Olsonowski – St Paul
INT – Larry Zbyszko
Jerry Blackwell vs. Paul Garner
INT – Long Riders
INT – Baron Von Raschke
Sgt Slaughter vs. Larry Zbyszko – Casino
INT – Sgt Slaughter
Tom Zenk vs. Larry Clark
INT – Chris Markoff w/ Boris Zhukov
Stan Hansen vs. Len Hawkins (Hansen debut)
INT – Stan Hansen
Jimmy Garvin vs. Alan Martin
INT – Nick Bockwinkel & Larry Zbyszko
Disc 3
Tom Zenk & Curt Henning vs. Drew Tossel & Jim Starr
INT – Tom Zenk & Curt Henning
Stan Hansen vs. Jerry Oraski
INT – Stan Hansen
INT – Greg Gagne
Road Warriors vs. Len Hawkins & Paul Gardner
INT – Chris Markoff w/ Boris Zhukov
Jerry Blackwell vs. Rick Renslow
Greg Gagne training with Sgt Slaughter
Boris Zhukov vs. Len Hawkins
INT – Chris Markoff w/ Boris Zhukov
Rick Martel vs. Larry Clark
INT – Verne Gagne
Road Warriors vs. Drew Tossel & Alan Martin
INT – Jimmy Garvin & Steve Regal
Billy Robinson vs. T-Bone Brown
INT – Sheik Adnan
Nick Bockwinkel & Larry Zbyszko vs. Buck Zumhofe & Jerry Oraski
INT – Nick Bockwinkel & Larry Zbyszko
Boris Zhukov vs. Jake Milliman
INT – Chris Markoff w/ Boris Zhukov
Scott Hall vs. Chris Curtis
INT – Curt Henning & Scott Hall
Jimmy Garvin & Steve Regal vs. Kevin Kelly & Jerry Oraski
Baron Von Raschke vs. Jimmy Garvin
INT – Baron Von Raschke
INT – Jimmy Garvin & Steve Regal
Stan Hansen vs. Mike Richards
INT – Stan Hansen
Road Warriors vs. Drew Tossel & Nacho Berrera
INT – Nick Bockwinkel & Larry Zbyszko
Disc 4
Jimmy Garvin vs. Steve Olsonowski
Sgt Slaughter vs. Larry Zbyszko
INT – Chris Markoff & Boris Zhukov
Stan Hansen vs. Len Hawkins
INT – Stan Hansen
Bonus WWA –
Great Wojo vs. Leon Kwaz
INT – Leon Kwaz
Great Wojo vs. Danny White
Great Wojo vs. Tylor – No match
INT – Tylor
Madd Max & Super Max vs. Chris Carter & Stormy Granzig
Great Wojo vs. Bobby Colt
INT – Dr Jerry Graham w/ Great Wojo
Stomper vs. Bruiser Brody
AWA TV: Aug-Sept 85 TV
Curt Hennig/Tom Zenk vs. Larry Zbysko/Nick Bockwinkel
Brad Rheingans
Rick Steiner
Larry Zbysko’s Corner with The Road Warriors,
The Long Riders
Rick Martel vs. Terry Gordy (AWA title),
Billy Robinson,
Buck Zumhofe vs. Buddy Roberts (St. Paul),
Nick Bockwinkel special look,
Ric Flair vs. Sgt Slaughter (NWA title New Jersey),
Road Warriors vs. King Kong Bundy/Jerry Blackwell (AWA tag titles 11/84),
Larry Hennig vs. Scott Irwin and more.
AWA TV September-October 1985
The Freebirds vs. Road Warriors (Super Clash I)
FreeBirds int
Sgt Slaughter vs. Iron Duke
Boris Zurkov/Chris Markoff interview
Road Warriors Chase Garvin/Regal off of TV,
LOD int.,
Mongolian Stomper,
Slaughter vs. Bockwinkel,
Raschke/Winters vs. Irwins,
Hansen on Zbyszko’s Corner,
Fabulous Ones vs. Bockwinkel/Saito (St. Paul 1984 complete),
Gagne vs. Regal,
Zbyszko’s Corner with Raschke.
AWA TV October-December 1985
Ray Stevens vs. Jerry Blackwell (St. Paul Classic)
Curt Hennig vs. Jimmy Garvin
Ray Stevens
Mike Graham vs. Buck Zumhofe (St. Paul Classic)
1985 St. Paul Battleroyal highlights
Road Warriors int
David Sammartino
Stan Hansen vs. Rick Martel (12/25/85 St. Paul and 12/29/85 New Jersey switch)
Mil Mascaras vs. Buddy Roberts (Super Clash I),
Little Tokyo vs. Little Mr. T (Super Clash I)
Giant Baba/Tenryu/Jumbo Tsuruta vs. Long Riders/Harley Race (Super Clash I).
AWA October – December 1985 – 3 discs
Disc 1
Jerry Blackwell vs. Spike Jones – Michael Hayes run in
INT – Paul Ellering w/ Road Warriors
Larry Zbyszko vs. Jake Milliman
INT – Jimmy Garvin & Steve Regal w/ Precious
Curt Hennig & Scott Hall vs. Frankie DeFalco & Rob Ricksteiner – 2/3 falls
INT – Nick Bockwinkel & Larry Zbyszko
Michael Hayes vs. Mike Richards
INT – Chris Markoff & Boris Zhukov
Stan Hansen vs. Nacho Berrera
INT – Stan Hansen
Michael Hayes vs. T Bone Brown
INT – Jerry Blackwell
Curt Hennig & Scott Hall vs. Alaskans
INT – Nick Bockwinkel
INT – Curt Hennig & Scott Hall
Road Warriors vs. Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy – from Superclash
INT – Michael Hayes & Buddy Roberts
Long Riders vs. Brad Rheighans & Baron Von Raschke
INT – Long Riders
Rick Martel vs. Chris Curtis
INT – Rick Martel
Larry Zbyszko vs. Mike Richards
INT – Larry Zbyszko & Nick Bockwinkel
Curt Hennig & Scott Hall vs. Blacky Guzman & Dr Death
INT – Jerry Blackwell
INT – Curt Hennig & Scott Hall
Road Warriors vs. Steve Regal & Jimmy Garvin – St Paul
INT – Paul Ellering w/ Road Warriors – St Paul
Disc 2
Michael Hayes & Buddy Roberts vs. Kevin Kelly & Rick Gantner
INT – Michael Hayes & Buddy Roberts
Stan Hansen vs. Jake Milliman
INT – Stan Hansen
Larry Zbyszko vs. Buck Zumhoffe
INT – Chris Markoff & Boris Zhukov
Brad Rheinghans vs. Boris Zhukov
INT – Sgt Slaughter
Road Warriors vs. Alaskans
INT – Road Warriors
Scott Hall vs. Iron Duke – 2/3 falls
INT – Long Riders
Mongolian Stomper vs. Kim Yates
INT – Jimmy Garvin & Steve Regal w/ Precious
Big Thunder Kiniski vs. Chad Williams
INT – Stan Hansen
Michael Hayes & Buddy Roberts vs. Alaskans
INT – Michael Hayes & Buddy Roberts
Sgt Slaughter vs. Iron Duke
INT – Chris Markoff & Boris Zhukov
Jimmy Garvin & Steve Regal vs. Kim Yates & Kevin Kelly – 2/3 falls
INT – Road Warriors
INT – Nick Bockwinkel
Mongolian Stomper vs. Jim Londos
INT – Long Riders
Mongolian Stomper vs. Chad Williams
INT – Krusher Kruschev, Ivan, & Nikita Koloff
INT – Verne Gagne
Ric Flair vs. Sgt Slaughter – from Meadowlands
INT – Chris Markoff & Boris Zhukov
Disc 3
Long Riders vs. Kim Yates & Kevin Kelly – 2/3 falls
INT – Long Riders
Big Thunder Kiniski vs. Iron Duke
INT – Road warriors
Greg Gagne vs. Larry Zbyszko – Zbyszko attacks Nick Bockwinkel
INT – Curt Hennig & Scott Hall
Mongolian Stomper vs. Jim Blackstar
INT – Larry Zbyszko
Scott Hall vs. Ken Glover
INT – Chris Markoff & Boris Zhukov
Long Riders vs. Bobby Wayne & Chuck Greenlee
INT – Paul Ellering w/ Road Warriors
Clips – Road Warriors & Krusher Kruschev, Ivan, & Nikita Koloff brawl – Russians hang Hawk
Sgt Slaughter vs. Larry Clark
INT – Sgt Slaughter
Sherri Martel vs. Debbie Combs
INT – Stan Hansen – St Paul
Big Thunder Kiniski vs. Keith Eric
INT – Larry Zbyszko
Jerry Blackwell vs. Ken Glover
INT – Paul Ellering w/ Road Warriors
Boris Zhukov vs. Nacho Berrera
INT – Tully Blanchard w/ Baby Doll
Larry Zbyszko music video
Buck Zumhoffe vs. Larry Clark
INT – Chris Markoff & Boris Zhukov
Jimmy Garvin & Steve Regal vs. Kevin Kelly & Paul Brown
INT – Rock N Roll Express