Gulf Coast Championship Wrestling
Nov. 1970
Cowboy Bob Kelly vs The Intern
Interview Clem Courtney w/Cowboy Bob Kelly & Bobby Whitlock
Interview Clem Courtney w/Donnie Fargo
Cowboy Bob Kelly vs Rip Tyler
May 18,1976
Rip Tyler & Cowboy Bob Kelly vs Ron & Dutch Bass
May 25,1976
Cowboy Bob Kelly vs Frank Stanley
June 8,1976
Wrestling Pro #2 vs Oki Shikina
Lenny Hurst vs Challenger #2
Sweet Daddy Banks vs Burrhead Jones
Ken Lucas vs The Phantom
Chief Thundercloud vs Sonny Rogers
June 15,1976
Wrestling Pro #2 vs Sonny Rogers
Sweet Daddy Banks vs Mike McCoy
Sweet Daddy Banks vs Terry Thornton
Chief Thundercloud vs Challenger #2
Lumberjack Match-The Challengers vs Big Red & Gorgeous George Jr.
June 22,1976
Chief Thundercloud vs Dandy Jack Donovan
The Challengers vs Wrestling Pro 1 & 2
Eddie Sullivan vs Terry Thornton
Chief Thundercloud vs The Intern
June 26,1976
Dynamite Dick Dunn vs Greg Peterson
Rip Tyler vs Intern
Chief Thundercloud vs Eddie Sullivan
Interview Jack Bitterman W/Eddie Sullivan
Clip:Eddie Sullivan vs Ken Lucas From 5-2-76
The Challengers vs Wrestling Pro 1 & 2
July 6,1976
Cowboy Bob Kelly vs Donnie Stewart
Sweet Daddy Banks vs Bruce Langford
Gulf Coast Championship Wrestling #4
July 27,1976
Rip Tyler vs Challenger #2
Cowboy Bob Kelly vs Sweet Daddy Banks
Intern vs Mysterious Medic
Cowboy Bob Kelly vs Randy Oliver
Rick Gibson vs Ray Valdez
Eddie Sullivan vs Danny Little Bear
Greg Peterson vs Challenger #1
Aug. 31,1976
Big Luke Brown vs Greg Peterson
Sweet Daddy Banks & Intern vs Mysterious Medis & Danny Little Bear
Clip: Bruise & Crusher vs Ox Baker & Chuck O’Conner
Burrhead Jones vs Super Assassin
Interview: Leroy Morris W/Rip Tyler & Eddie Sullivan
Gene Lewis vs Jerry Usher
Sept. 7,1976
Burrhead Jones vs Lord John Raven
Big Luke Graham vs Tom Tate
Super Assassin vs Dan Burdick
Gene Lewis vs Eric Spearman
Texas Death Match-Eddie Sullivan vs Challenger #1
9 Man Battle Royal:Lord John Raven,Sweet Daddy Banks,Gene Lewis,
Dan Burdick,Eric Spearman ,Greg Peterson,Tom Tate,BurrheadJones,Super Assassin
Ricky Fields vs Lord John Raven
Greg Peterson vs Eric Spearman
Gene Lewis vs Super Assassin
Danny Little Bear vs Big Luke Brown
Eddie Sullivan vs Sweet Daddy Banks
Interview Jack Bitterman W/Eddie Sullivan
Dick Dunn vs Bad Boy Hines
Interview Al Roberts W/Eddie Sullivan
Eddie Sullivan vs Greg Peterson
Interview John Gause W/Rocky McGwire
Clip:NWA President Eddie Graham
Clip:Bobo Brazil vs Pete McKay
Interview Lynn Tony W/Don Carson
Don Carson vs Greg Peterson
Personality Profile:Charlie Platt W/Ric Drasin
Interview John Gause W/Lord John Raven & Raven’s Raiders
Ric Drasin vs Randy Als
Interview John Gause W/Wrestling Pro
Raven’s Raiders vs Dynamite Dick Dunn & Sweet Daddy Banks
Interview John Gause W/Bobby & Ricky Fields
Interview Lynn TonyW/Don Carson
Raven’s Raiders vs Bobby & Ricky Fields
Feb. 19,1977
Dynamite Dick Dunn vs Matt Rivera
Interview: John GauseW/Wrestling Pro
Diamond Lil vs Princess Little Dove
Interview: John GauseW/Islanders
The Islanders vs Ricky Fields & Georgia Sweets
Interview: John GauseW/Big Bad John
Wrestling Pro vs Rip Tyler
GULF COAST – February 1977 – TV
01. Matt Rivera vs. Dick Dunn
02. Diamond Lil’ vs. Princess Lula
03. The Islanders vs. Georgia Sweets & Ricky Fields
04. Wrestling Pro vs. Rip Tyler
Running Time: 60 minutes – Source: DVD
July 9,1977
Interview John Gause & Al Roberts W/Johnny Eagles
Ricky Gibson vs Ragun Cajun(Carl Fergie)
Interview: John GauseW/Ricky Gibson
Interview: John GauseW/Kurt Von Hess & Russian Stomper
Billy Spears & Ragun Gajun(Larry Booker) vs Ken Lucas & Johnny Eagles
Interview: John GauseW/Billy Spears
Interview: John GauseW/Ken Lucas & Johnny Eagles
Kurt Von Hess & Russian Stomper vs Wrestling Pro & Ricky Gibson
Southeastern Championship Wrestling
Southeastern was an Alabama promotion that used to be Gulf Coast, then later became Continential Wrestling Federation. Very cool old stuff here including early matches from Robert Gibson, Stan Lane, Brad Armstrong, Dennis Condry & Paul Orndorff to name a few.
Ron Slinker vs. Terry Taylor
Killer Karl Kox promo on Ole Anderson
The Manchurians (Tapu & Tio) vs. The Matador (Jerry Stubbs) & Jerry Roberts (Jacques Rougeau)
Stan “The Lariat” Hansen vs. The Seraph
Troy T. Tyler promo
Southeastern TV Title: Dirty Dutch Mantell © vs. Troy T. Tyler
Stan Hansen promo on Harley Race
Southeastern TV Title: Troy T. Tyler © vs. The Seraph
Promos from The Matador, Ron Slinker, Steve Travis & The Great Mephisto.
Clips from Georgia of Tommy Rich/Austin Idol/Harley Race
Les Thatcher talks about Tommy Rich’s return after being injured for 5 weeks
Tommy Rich promo about a match against Harley Race in Knoxville
Troy T. Tyler. promo
Ole Anderson vs. John Irving
The Manchurians (Tapu & Tio) vs. Mark Hill & Rex Stone
Southeastern Championship Wrestling Fall 1980 Vol. 1
Bob Armstrong vs Superstar / Tony Charles Profile / Eddie Mansfield vs Reggie Simpson / Mongolian Stomper Video / Personality Profile: Bob Armstrong / Big C’s &2 vs Charlie Cook & Ricky Gibson / Tn. Studd/Mansfield interviews / NWA Title Match (VTR): Terry Funk vs Harley Race / US Jr. Title Match: Jerry Stubbs vs Ricky Gibson / Mike Masters vs Charles Odem / Personality Profile: Ron & Robert Fuller / Stomper vs Charlie Cook / SE Tag Title Match: Big C’s &2 vs Jos Leduc & Stan Frazier < C #1 Unmasked / Ron Bass & Super Pro vs Roy Lee Welch & Ray Harris / Ron Bass & Super Pro beat down Armstrong < Leduc Save / Stomper vs Charlie Cook / Ron Bass & Super Pro vs Charlie Cook & Charles Odem
Southeastern Championship Wrestling Fall 1980 Vol. 2
Jerry Stubbs vs Norvel Austin / Personality Profile : Bob Armstrong & Jos Leduc / Dennis Condrey vs Ray Harris / Mr. Wrestling II vs Mike Masters / John Valiant Segment / John Valiant vs El Diablo / Armstrongs vs Bob Owen & Superstar / Jr. Title Match (VTR):Jerry Stubbs vs Norvel Austin / Randy Rose & Dennis Condrey vs Roy Lee Welch & Norvel Austin / SE Tag Title Match (VTR): Randy Rose & Dennis Condrey vs Jos Leduc & Bob Armstrong / Lumberjack Match (VTR): Ron Bass vs Mr. Wrestling II / Unscheduled Bullrope Match: Ron Bass vs Jos Leduc / Mr. Saito vs Charlie Cook / Brad Armstrong vs Oki Shikina / Death Match (VTR):Jerry Stubbs vs Norvel Austin / Jerry Stubbs vs Roy Lee Welch / Jerry Stubbs vs Ray Harris / VTR: Jerry Stubbs vs The Shadow
Late 1980 – Southeastern Championship Wrestling
Norvell Austin vs. Jerry Brown
Interview Jerry Stubbs / Norvell Austin / Don Carson & The Mongolian Stomper
Ron Bass & The Super Pro vs. Roy Lee Welch & Ray Harris – They get into it with Bob Armstrong after the match, bloody him up, Jos LeDuc makes save
Personality Profile: Announcers Les Thornton & Charlie Platt announce and discuss the upcoming one night tourney for the Alabama Title including the matches etc…
The Mongolian Stomper (Archie Gouldie) vs. Charlie Cook
Southeastern Championship Wrestling January 1981
Brad Armstrong vs Oki Shikina / VTR: Rose & Condry vs Armstrongs / Jimmy Golden int. on Double Crossing The Tn. Stud / Mr. Saito vs Roy Lee Welch / Dennis Condry & Randy Rose vs Robert Gibson & Frank Lavertt / VTR: Rose & Condry vs Orndorff & Austin-2 Ring BR Finals / Norvel Austin & Paul Orndorff vs Superstar & Jimmy Jones / Arm Wrestling:Dennis Condry vs Paul Orndorff / Dennis Condry & Randy Rose vs Norvel Austin & Robert Gibson / VTR:Rose & Condry vs Orndorff & Austin / Jerry Stubbs vs Roy Lee Welch / Mr. Saito- Shinomaki Demo / VTR: Mr. Saito vs Bob Armstrong / Jimmy Golden vs Jimmy Jones / VTR: Jimmy Golden & TN. Stud vs Ron & Don Bass Double Bullrope Match- Golden Heel Turn / Tn. Stud Vacates SE Title / Paul Orndorff vs Oki Shikina / VTR:Rose & Condry vs Orndorff & Austin / Ron Bass vs Robert Gibson
Southeastern Championship Wrestling Jan/Feb 1981 Vol.1 (B+ quality – SA menu – 2hrs)
Brad Armstrong vs Oki Shikina / VTR: Rose & Condry vs Armstrongs / Jimmy Golden int. on Double Crossing The Tn. Stud / Mr. Saito vs Roy Lee Welch / Dennis Condry & Randy Rose vs Robert Gibson & Frank Lavertt / VTR: Rose & Condry vs Orndorff & Austin-2 Ring BR Finals / Norvel Austin & Paul Orndorff vs Superstar & Jimmy Jones / Arm Wrestling:Dennis Condry vs Paul Orndorff / Dennis Condry & Randy Rose vs Norvel Austin & Robert Gibson / VTR:Rose & Condry vs Orndorff & Austin / Jerry Stubbs vs Roy Lee Welch / Mr. Saito- Shinomaki Demo / VTR: Mr. Saito vs Bob Armstrong / Jimmy Golden vs Jimmy Jones / VTR: Jimmy Golden & TN. Stud vs Ron & Don Bass Double Bullrope Match- Golden Heel Turn / Tn. Stud Vacates SE Title / Paul Orndorff vs Oki Shikina / VTR:Rose & Condry vs Orndorff & Austin / Ron Bass vs Robert Gibson
Southeastern Championship Wrestling Jan/Feb 1981 Vol.2 (B+ quality – SA menu – 2hrs)
Personality Profile: Women’s Lib. Matches / Mr. Saito vs Bob Armstrong Al. Title Match / Jimmy Golden vs Ray Harris / VTR: Jimmy Golden vs Mr. Wrestling II / Jimmy Golden & Ken Lucas Confrontation / Brad Armstrong vs Jerry Stubbs US Jr. Title Match < Stubbs Face Turn / Robert Gibson vs Oki Shikina / Personality Profile:Rose, Condrey & Saito / Paul Orndorff vs Chic Donavan / Ken Lucas vs Ron Bass / Stan Lane vs Roy Lee Welch / Randy Rose & Dennis Condrey vs Paul Orndorff & Norvel Austin SE Tag Title Match / Personality Profile: Stubbs,Orndorff & Bob Armstrong / Mr. Saito vs Robert Gibson / VTR: Jimmy Golden vs Ken Lucas / Jimmy Golden & Ron Slinker Confrontation
Southeastern Championship Wrestling February 1981
Personality Profile: Women’s Lib. Matches / Mr. Saito vs Bob Armstrong Al. Title Match / Jimmy Golden vs Ray Harris / VTR: Jimmy Golden vs Mr. Wrestling II / Jimmy Golden & Ken Lucas Confrontation / Brad Armstrong vs Jerry Stubbs US Jr. Title Match < Stubbs Face Turn /
Robert Gibson vs Oki Shikina / Personality Profile:Rose, Condrey & Saito / Paul Orndorff vs Chic Donavan / Ken Lucas vs Ron Bass / Stan Lane vs Roy Lee Welch / Randy Rose & Dennis Condrey vs Paul Orndorff & Norvel Austin SE Tag Title Match / Personality Profile: Stubbs,Orndorff & Bob Armstrong / Mr. Saito vs Robert Gibson / VTR: Jimmy Golden vs Ken Lucas / Jimmy Golden & Ron Slinker Confrontation
3.21.81 – Southeastern Championship Wrestling
Stan Lane vs. Robert Gibson
~ They have on the Chairman Ardel Neal of Int’l Sports Incorporated who just recently bought Southeastern Championship Wrestling.
Interviews with Robert Gibson, Bob & Brad Armstrong / Stan Lane & Mr. Saito / Dennis Condrey & Randy Rose / Paul Orndorff & Norvell Austin.
Paul Orndorff & Norvell Austin vs. Mr. Saito & The Shadow
Personality Profile: Ron Fuller & Ken Lucas
Randy Rose vs. Jerry Stubbs – Paul Orndorff and Dennis Condrey involved at the end of the match
Interviews with Ken Lucas / Ron Bass + Les Thornton & Harley Race
Jimmy Golden vs. Ray Harris
Interviews with Ron Fuller / Jimmy Golden
3.28.81 – Southeastern Championship Wrestling
Brad Armstrong vs. Stan Lane
Interviews with Bob & Brad Armstrong / Stan Lane & Mr. Saito
Robert Gibson vs. Ron Bass
Clip of Dennis Condrey & Randy Rose vs. Paul Orndorff & Norvell Austin (w/Condrey & Rose doing commentary on the clip)
Interview Tn. Studd Ron Fuller
Paul Orndorff & Jerry Stubbs vs. Joe Turner, The Supestar
Clip of Southern Street Fight: Jerry Stubbs, Paul Orndorff & Bob Armstrong vs. Dennis Condrey, Randy Rose & Mr. Saito (with Bob Armstrong doing commentary)
Interview Jerry Stubbs (he is bringing in his mystery partner only known now as the Georgia Jaw Jacker against Condrey & Rose) / Dennis Condrey & Randy Rose
Interview Jimmy Golden he does commentary of him beating Ron Fuller chained up in the ring and he is holding the mask Fuller was using as the Tn. Studd.
Jimmy Golden vs. The Deamon
Interviews of Ken Lucas & Ron Fuller / Ron Bass & Jimmy Golden
4.4.81 – Southeastern Championship Wrestling
Dennis Condrey & Randy Rose vs. Brad Armstrong, Charles Otum
Clip of Alabama State Title: Bob Armstrong vs. Mr. Saito (w/commentary from Bob Armstrong)
Interviews Bob & Brad Armstrong, Paul Orndorff / Mr. Saito, Dennis Condrey & Randy Rose / Jerry Stubbs
Clip of NWA Jr. Heavyweight Title: Les Thornton vs. Jerry Stubbs
Stan Lane vs. Jerry Stubbs
Clip of Ron Fuller vs. Jimmy Golden (a wild brawl and Fuller does commentary on the clip)
Interviews with Ron Fuller / Jimmy Golden / Paul Orndorff
Robert Gibson vs. Ted Allen
Clip of Southeastern Heavyweight Title: Ken Lucas vs. “Outlaw” Ron Bass
Arm Wrestling: Paul Orndorff vs. Mr. Saito
4.11.81 – Southeastern Championship Wrestling
Dennis Condrey & Randy Rose vs. Ken Lucas & Ray Harris
Clip of Southeastern Tag Titles: Dennis Condrey & Randy Rose vs. Bob & Brad Armstrong
Interviews Bob & Brad Armstrong / Randy Rose & Dennis Condrey / Paul Orndorff & Ron Fuller
Southeastern Heavyweight Title: “Outlaw” Ron Bass vs. Roy Lee Welch
4.18.81 – Southeastern Championship Wrestling
Dennis Condrey vs. Roy Lee Welch
Clip of Tornado Match: Dennis Condrey & Randy Rose vs. Bob & Brad Armstrong
Interviews of Ron Bass & Stan Lane / Ken Lucas & Jerry Stubbs
Jerry Stubbs vs. Sonny Driver
Clip of US Junior Heavyweight Title: Stan Lane vs. Robert Gibson
Interview Bob & Brad Armstrong / Dennis Condrey & Randy Rose
Paul Orndorff vs. Joe Turner
Jimmy Golden vs. Burrhead Jones
Interviews of Ron Bass & Jimmy Golden (Golden has a kids blow up bobble toy dressed up with Ron Fullers mask he took off and punches it at the end of the interview haha) / Ron Fuller all sweaty training and shadow boxing during the interview
Clip of Southern Street Fight: Jimmy Golden vs. “Tn. Studd” Ron Fuller
1982 Highlights – Southeastern Championship Wrestling
(Fall & Redemption of Bob Armstrong)
This starts with footage from Bob Armstrong’s heel turn in 1982 then shows a little bit of footage with him as a heel before getting into April 1984 when he starts to make his comeback after a real life weightlifting injury had him out of action for months. Bob talks about how coming close to death made him reflect on his life and he wants to right his wrongs with Ron Fuller by being his partner in his fight against Jerry Stubbs & Arn Anderson. This is some of the best wrestling storytelling ever imo.
July-October 1983 – Southeastern Championship Wrestling
Bob Armstrong Interview / Various clips
Midnight Express Interview
Jacques Rougeau Interview
1. The Midnight Express v. Tim Horner & Larry Hamilton
Midnight Express Promo
Armstrongs Interview
2. “Hustler” Rip Rogers v. Ken Lucas
Ken Lucas Interview
3. “Nature Boy” Ric Flair v. Bob Armstrong (clipped, commentary by Armstrong)
4. Brad & Scott Armstrong v. Ted Allen & Norman Fredrick Charles III
Armstrongs Interview (clips from the end of the Flair/Armstrong match – Midnight/Armstrongs brawl)
Armstrongs Promo
Midnight Express Interview
Jacques Rougeau Interview (Rougeau v. El Lobo clips)
5. “Bullet” Bob Armstrong v. “Honky Tonk” Wayne Ferris
Midnight Express Promo
Armstrongs Interview
“Bullet” Bob Armstrong Interview
“Nature Boy” Ric Flair Interview
6. Super Olympia (Arn Anderson) v. Ted Allen
Midnight Express Interview
Ken Lucas Interview
1. “Nature Boy” Ric Flair v. Bob Armstrong (news piece w/ interviews & clips)
2. Mr. Olympia v. Ken Lucas
Bob Armstrong Interview (clips v. Flair)
Bob Armstrong Interview
3. Brad Armstrong v. Norvell Austin
Michael Hayes Interview
Bob Armstrong Interview
Mr Olympia Interview (clips of Mr Olympia v. Paul Orndorff)
4. Super Olympia (Arn Anderson) v. Marty Jannetty
Armstrongs “Urgent” Video
Midnight Express Interview (Another One Bites the Dust Video)
Bob Armstrong & The Flame Interview (clips of Bob Armstrong v. Ron Fuller)
Bob Armstrong & The Flame Promo
Ron Fuller & Jimmy Golden Interview
5. Rick Gibson & Mike Jackson v. The Flame & “Bullet” Bob Armstrong
Ron Fuller & Jimmy Golden Interview
?? Interview
6. Ken Lucas & Eddie Hogan v. Chick Donovan & Randy Barber
May 1984 Highlights – Southeastern Championship Wrestling
Arn Anderson, Jerry Stubbs & Sonny King talk over clips of their match with Bob Armstrong & Ron Fuller
Bob Armstrong & Ron Fuller talking over clip of referee Ron West being injued by Anderson & Stubbs
Match for Vacant Southeastern Tag Team Titles: Arn Anderson & Jerry Stubbs. vs. Bob Armstrong & Ron Fuller
Ron Fuller interview
Bob & Scott Armstrong promo
6.9.84 – Southeastern Championship Wrestling
Replay of The Rat Patrol’s beginnings
The Rat Patrol (Scott Armstrong & Tonga Kid) vs. Greg Cosco & Rip Rogers
Rat Patrol promo
Arn Anderson, Jerry Stubbs, Sonny King & Boris Zuhkov promo
Paul Barnett vs. Rick McGraw
Tennessee Stud Ron Fuller promo
Sonny King/Billy Spears confrontation
Personality Profile: Jimmy Golden
Tommy Gilbert vs. Steve Miller
Promos: Vic Rain, Tommy Gilbert, Rick McGraw, Jacques Rougeau & Bob Armstrong
Arn Anderson, Jerry Stubbs & Boris Zuhkov vs. Greg Cooley, Sonny King & Jacques Rougeau
Promos: Rip Rogers, Ron Fuller, Jimmy Golden, Bob & Steve Armstrong
Sonny King promo on Billy Spears
6.16.84 – Southeastern Championship Wrestling
Arn Anderson & Jerry Stubbs w/Billy Spears vs. Ted Allen & Jacques Rougeau
Clip of The Rat Patrol winning the Southeastern Tag Team Titles
Promos: Arn Anderson, Jerry Stubbs, Rick McGraw & The Rat Patrol
Boris Zuhkov vs. David Jones
Promos: Arn Anderson, Jerry Stubbs, Billy Spears, Boris Zuhkov & Tommy Gilbert
Rip Rogers talks about upcoming loser leaves town match with Jacques Rougeau
Announcer Rick Stewart talks about the upcoming tournament for a “$20,000 van”
Vic Rain talks about his “special” boot that was sanctioned by the NWA
Jimmy Golden vs. Dick Diamond w/Ric Flair on commentary
Promos: Tommy Gilbert, Vic Rain, Jimmy Golden & Rick McGraw
The Rat Patrol vs. Rick Raybon & Rip Rogers
Ron Fuller promo
Clips of Bob Armstrong vs. Ron Fuller
Promos: Rip Rogers, Ron Fuller, Bob Armstrong & Jacques Rougeau
6.30.84 – Southeastern Championship Wrestling
The Rat Patrol (Scott Armstrong & Tonga Kid) vs. Black Diamond & Boris Zuhkov
Scott Armstrong video
Rat Patrol promo
Rick McGraw vs. Tim Riley
Clips of a Vic Rain vs. Jimmy Golden Texas Death Match
Clips of the Indian Strap Match between Tennessee Stud Ron Fuller vs. Bob Armstrong
Personality Profile: The Billy Spears Family
Tommy Gilbert vs. Les Freeman
Rip Rogers promo about Jacques Rougeau
Promos: Jimmy Golden, Vic Rain, Rip ROgers, Boris Zuhkov & Rick McGraw
Bullet Bob Armstrong vs. Steve Starr
7.14.84 – Southeastern Championship Wrestling
Charlie Platt & Rick Stewart talk about Austin Idol winning the Southeastern Title
Bob Armstrong vs. Shawn Cooper
Vic Rain talks over clips of his match with Austin Idol
Promos: Rip Rogers, Ron Fuller, Austin Idol & Bob Armstrong
Rick McGraw vs. Pete Martin
Promos: Ron Fuller & Bob Armstrong
Clips of Boris Zuhkov vs. Rick McGraw for the Alabama Title
Austin Idol video and promo
Jimmy Golden promo
Jimmy Golden vs. Josh Stroud
Arn Anderson & Jerry Stubbs vs. Mark Ragin & Steve Reed
Promos:Rat Patrol, Bob Armstrong, Austin Idol & Spears Family
7.21.84 – Southeastern Championship Wrestling
Vic Rain vs. Randy Cousins
Ron Fuller picks from a list of names for who he will defend the Continental Title against
Promos: Vic Rain, Ron Fuller, The Georgia Jawjacker & Jimmy Golden
Boris Zuhkov vs. Les Freeman
Rick Stewarts presents Jimmy Golden a trophy for being the most popular wrestler in the Southeastern area
Clips of a Bob Armstrong/Ron Fuller Texas Death Match
Personality Profile: Billy Spears Family about the injury to Tommy Gilbert
The Rat Patrol (Scott Armstrong, Johnny Rich & Tonga Kid) vs. Paul Brown, Ricky Gibson & Mark Ragin
Clips of Arn Anderson & Jerry Stubbs regaining the tag titles from The Rat Patrol with Arn, Stubbs & manager Billy Spears talking about it
Clips of Rip Rogers vs. Austin Idol
Austin Idol vs. The Superstar
Promos: Rip Rogers, Ron Fuller, The Georgia Jawjacker & Austin Idol
7.28.84 – Southeastern Championship Wrestling
Arn Anderson & Jerry Stubbs vs. Mark Ragin & Mike Thor w/Austin Idol on commentary
The Rat Patrol talk about the U.S. Jr. Title
Promos: Arn Anderson, Jerry Stubbs, Boris Zuhkov, Rick McGraw & The Rat Patrol
Jimmy Golden vs. Bruce Walkup
Promos: Vic Rain, Ron Fuller, Bob Armstrong & Jimmy Golden
Rick McGraw talks over clips of Boris Zuhkov vs. Ricky Gibson
Personality Profile on the Loser Must Dye His Hair Pink match between Austin Idol & Rip Rogers
Rip Rogers vs. Les Freeman
Clips of the 6 man tag between Rat Patrol & Arn Anderson/Jerry Stubbs/Billy Spears
Promos: Ron Fuller, Vic Rain, Bob Armstrong & Jimmy Golden
Austin Idol video
The Rat Patrol (Scott Armstrong & Tonga Kid) vs. The Superstar & Boris Zuhkov
Southeastern Championship Wrestling 8/84
? Mike Rotunda & Mike Davis vs. The Inferno’s (CWF)
Maple Leaf Wrestling (Video rolls during MLW)
~ Interviews w/Terry & Rudy Kay/Johnny Weaver
~ The Kay’s attack Johnny Weaver
? Brickhouse Brown vs. Gary Royal
~ Jimmy Valiant Video (Boy from NYC)
? Bob Orton vs. Terry Daniels? (JCP)
Southeastern Championship Wrestling 8/84
Episode #1 (48 minutes)
Interviews w/Billy Spears/Johnny Rich, Scott Armstrong & Tonga Kid/Porkchop Cash/Austin Idol/Arn Anderson/Zhurkov/Stubbs/Mr. Wrestling I & II/
? Jimmy Golden & Jim Backlund vs. Arn Anderson & Jerry Stubbs (w/Billy Spears) (There’s a hint of dissention in the Spears camp)
? (JIP) Arn Anderson, Jerry Stubbs & Billy Spears vs. Tonga Kid, Scott Armstrong & Johnny Rich
? Boris Zhurkov (w/Spears) vs. Kingfish Levinski
~ Clip Austin Idol vs. Boris Zhurkov (Billy Spears, Arn Anderson & Jerry Stubbs come in)
? Ontario Mauler vs. Al Scott
? Porkchop Cash vs. Mike Thor
? Bob Armstrong & Steve Armstrong vs. Tommy Gilbert & Paul Brown (Mr. Wrestling’s I & II attack the Armstrong’s)
Episode #2, 8/84 (51 minutes)
Interviews w/Mr. Wrestling I & II/Johnny Rich/Bob Armstrong/Randy Rose/Arn Anderson/Porkchop Cash/Stubbs/Austin Idol/Golden/Vic Rain & Ontario Mauler/Zhurkov/RAT Patrol/
? Tonga Kid & Johnny Rich vs. Steve Miller & Tommy Gilbert (Mr. Wrestling’s I & II attack Tonga & Rich)
? Randy Rose vs. Les Freeman
? Alabama Champ Porkchop Cash vs. Paul Brown
~ Clip of Scott Armstrong & Johnny Rich vs. Arn Anderson & Jerry Stubbs (Losing Team Splits, Arn turns on Stubbs by fire balling him)
~ Clip of Austin Idol eliminating Billy Spears from SECW
? Jimmy Golden vs. Richard Dunn (a masked character attempts to attack Golden)
? Southeastern Champ Austin Idol vs. Jim Backlund
9.8.84 – Southeastern Championship Wrestling
Jimmy Backlund & Jimmy Golden vs. Arn Anderson & Jerry Stubbs
Rat Patrol talk over clips of their match against Arn Anderson, Jerry Stubbs & Billy Spears
Boris Zuhkov vs. Wayne Lavinski
Clips of Austin Idol vs. Boris Zuhkov
Ontario Mauler vs. Al Scott
Personality Profile: Porkchop Cash
Promos: Arn Anderson & Jerry Stubbs
Porkchop Cash vs. Mike Thor
Mr. Wrestling & Mr. Wrestling II promo
Bob Armstrong & Steve Armstrong vs. Paul Brown & Tommy Gilbert
Promos: Bob Armstrong, Boris Zuhkov, Mr Wrestling I & II, Austin Idol
9.15.84 – Southeastern Championship Wrestling
Mr Wrestling and Mr. Wrestling II complain about working the 1st match at arenas
The Rat Patrol (Johnny Rich & Tonga Kid) vs. Tommy Gilbert & Steve Miller
Randy Rose vs. Les Freeman
Promos: Arn Anderson, Randy Rose, Bob Armstrong & Porkchop Cash
Porkchop Cash vs. Paul Brown
Clips of Arn throwing fire at Jerry Stubbs
Austin Idol talking over clip of Idol injuring Billy Spears
Jimmy Golden vs. Richard Dunn
Promos: Tommy Gilbert, Ontario Mauler & Jimmy Giolden
Austin Idol vs. Jimmy Backlund
Promos: Mr. Wrestling I & II, Boris Zuhkov, Austin Idol & Rat Patrol
October-November 1984 Highlights – Southeastern Championship Wrestling
Arn Anderson promo
Mr. Olympia & Arn Anderson confrontation
Austin Idol talks over clips of an Austin Idol/Ric Flair match
Personality Profile: Austin Idol & Bob Armstrong
Arn Anderson attacks Mr. Olympia
Personality Profile: Jimmy Golden
Mr. Olympia promo
Mr. Olympia vs. Ron Starr
Arn Anderson & Jimmy Golden promo
Video of Jimmy Golden & Ron Fuller in Los Angeles
Austin Idol/Jimmy Golden brawl
12.15.84 (clips) – Southeastern Championship Wrestling
Rat Patrol (Scott Armstrong & Johnny Rich) vs. Pat & Randy Rose
Clips of Mr. Olympia vs. Arn Anderson Stretcher Match
Personality Profile: Austin Idol (clips of Idol getting jumped at a gas station by the Stud Stable)
Bob Armstrong vs. Ed Siegel
Stud Stables promo at Ron Fuller’s house
12.22.84 – Southeastern Championship Wrestling
Jimmy Golden & Ron Fuller gloat about Golden being the new Southeastern champ then complain about Jimmy Golden having to defend on TV
Mr. Olympia vs. Jerry Barber
Robert Fuller returns to the area and talks about his disgust towards his cousin Jimmy Golden and brother Ron Fuller
Promos: Austin Idol, Mr. Olympia, Ron Fuller, Jimmy Golden & Arn Anderson
Jimmy Golden vs. Austin Idol
Ron Fuller w/Lord Humongous promo
Bob Armstrong promo
Bill Ash talking over clip of “World Junior Champion” Denny Brown
Personality Profile: The Stud Stable
Video of announcer Rick Stewart inside a Steel Cage talking about the dangers of a Cage match
Mr. Olympia promo
Pat Rose & Randy Rose vs. Porkchop Cash & Jason Walker
Promos: Pat & Randy Rose, The Rat Patrol
Bob Armstrong talking over clip of The Stud Stable jumping him
Robert Fuller says he is going to take Austin Idol’s place in his upcoming matches
Arn Anderson vs. Terry Ellis
Stud Stable promo / Robert Fuller confronts his brother Ron
12.29.84 – Southeastern Championship Wrestling
Stud Stable promo & video for Lord Humongous
Bob Armstrong talks over clips of his match against Ric Flair from Christmas Eve
Arn Anderson, The Assassin & Lord Humongous vs. Porkchop Cash, Mr. Olympia & Josh Stroud
Denny Brown vs. Mike Jackson w/Bill Ash on commentary
Bob Armstrong promo
Personality Profile: Stud Stable in Ron Fuller’s back yard
Southeastern Championship Wrestling 12/84
Episode #1 (58 minutes)
Interviews w/Ron Fuller & Jimmy Golden/Robert Fuller/Austin Idol/Olympia/Bob Armstrong/Bill Ash/Arn Anderson/Pat & Randy Rose/Johnny Rich & Scott Armstrong
? Mr. Olympia vs. Randy Barber
? Southeastern Heavyweight Champ Jimmy Golden vs. Austin Idol (Humongous, Arn Anderson, Assassin & Mr. Olympia come in, Golden gives Idol an “internal injury”)
? NWA World Jr. Heavyweight Champ Denny Brown vs. ??? (from JCP)
? Tag Champs Randy Rose & Pat Rose vs. Jason Walker & Porkchop Cash
~ Clip of Ron Fuller attacking Bob Armstrong during a match vs. Jimmy Golden
? Arn Anderson vs. Terry Ellis
Southeastern Championship Wrestling 12/84
Episode #2 (1 hour)
Interviews w/Ric Flair/Austin Idol/Olympia/Ron Fuller & Golden/Robert Fuller/Bill Ash/Pat & Randy Rose/Rat Patrol/Bob Armstrong/Porchop Cash
? Tag Champs Rat Patrol Inc. (Johnny Rich & Scott Armstrong) vs. The Executioners (match is replayed in slow motion replay)
~ Clip Austin Idol vs. Jimmy Golden in a Steel Cage (Arn Anderson, Mr. Olympia & Ron Fuller come in)
~ Clip Jimmy Golden vs. Robert Fuller in a Steel Cage
? Jimmy Golden, Arn Anderson & Bill Ash vs. Mr. Olympia, Porkchop Cash & Les Freeman
? Continental Champ Bob Armstrong vs. The Assassin
1.12.85 – Southeastern Championship Wrestling
Rat Patrol (Scott Armstrong & Tonga Kid) vs. The Executioners
Jimmy Golden, Arn Anderson & Bill Ash vs. Mr. Olympia, Porkchop Cash & Les Freeman
Bob Armstrong vs. The Assassin
1985.04.20 – Southeastern Championship Wrestling
King Louie Tillet interrupts Charlie Platt’s introduction of the show
The Superstar (just some scrub) vs Bob Armstrong
King Louie Tillet with Jimmy Golden, Lord Humongous & Boomer Lynch interview – confrontation with Austin Idol, Bob Armstrong & Porkchop Cash
Card rundown for May 2nd Montgomery Civic Center
Scott Armstrong & Johnny Rich promo
The Nightmares & Bill Ash interview
Les Freeman vs Bill Ash
Bob Armstrong interview
Jimmy Golden w/King Louie vs Porkchop Cash
Mr Olympia interview
King Louie with Mr Russia (Boris Zhukov) interview
The Nightmares interview
The Nightmares (Danny Davis & Ken Wayne) vs The Rat Patrol (Johnny Rich & Scott Armstrong)
King Louie with Mr Russia interview
Mr Olympia interview
Mr Olympia (Jerry Stubbs) vs Burrhead Jones
King Louie Tillet with Jimmy Golden, Lord Humongous & Boomer Lynch promo
1985.04.27 – Southeastern Championship Wrestling
Charlie Platt introduces guest commentator Randy Hales and NWA troubleshooter Ron West
Ron Fuller promo sent in from “Singapore” (outside the local Japanese steakhouse)
Dave Foxx vs Mr Olympia
King Louie Tillet interview – he introduces The Flame who is making his return after a long time away
Mr Olympia & Bob Armstrong interview
King Louie Tiller with The Flame interview
Bill Ash vs Scott McGhee (really good match)
Brawl between The Rat Patrol & Bill Ash + The Nightmares
Charlie Platt interviews NWA Troubleshooter Ron West
Bob Armstrong demonstrates the Sleeper hold on referee Larry Brock
Porkchop Cash, Bob Armstrong & Austin Idol interview
King Louie Tillet with Jimmy Golden, Lord Humongous & Boomer Lynch promo
Rat Patrol (Steve Armstrong, Johnny Rich & Scott Armstrong) interview
Bill Ash & The Nightmares promo
The Flame with King Louie interview
Tommy Crosby vs Lord Humongous w/King Louie
The Nightmares interview
Bill Ash interview
Nightmares promo
Rat Patrol interview
Austin Idol & Porkchop Cash vs The Bruise Brothers (The Bounty Hunters from 10/12/85)
Card rundown for May 2nd Montgomery Civic Center
King Louie Tillet with Jimmy Golden, Lord Humongous & Boomer Lynch promo
Porkchop Cash, Bob Armstrong & Austin Idol interview
Replay of Austin Idol & Porkchop Cash beating The Bruise Brothers
1985.05.04 – Southeastern Championship Wrestling
Charlie Platt & Ron West talk about recent events & the show’s lineup
Scott McGhee & Randy Penton vs The Nightmares (Ken Wayne & Danny Davis)
Rat Patrol (Johnny Rich, Scott Armstrong & Steve Armstrong) interview with footage of brawl after last week’s Scott McGhee vs Bill Ash match
The Nightmares & Bill Ash promo
Rat Patrol interview
Replay of The Flame’s re-introduction to Southeastern last week by King Louie Tillet
The Flame vs Dave Foxx
Mr Olympia interview
The Nightmares promo
Ron West and Charlie Platt talk about last week’s demonstration of the Sleeper
Austin Idol, Bob Armstrong & Porkchop Cash interview
King Louie Tillet with Jimmy Golden, Lord Humongous & Boomer Lynch promo
The Eliminator vs Bob Armstrong
The Flame with King Louie Tillet promo
Mr Olympia interview
Austin Idol & Porkchop Cash interview with replay of their win over The Bruise Brothers from last week
Austin Idol & Porkchop Cash vs The Bruise Brothers (The Bounty Hunters from 10/12/85)
King Louie Tillet with Jimmy Golden, Lord Humongous & Boomer Lynch promo
Austin Idol, Bob Armstrong & Porkchop Cash interview
Bruise Brothers demand a rematch
Austin Idol & Porkchop Cash vs The Bruise Brothers
Porkchop Cash & Austin Idol interview
1985.05.11 – Southeastern Championship Wrestling
Ron West is the host of this episode because Charlie Platt is sick
Bob Armstrong interview
The Executioner vs Scott Armstrong
The Flame interview
Card rundown for May 16th Montgomery Civic Center
The Flame promo
Austin Idol interview
Tommy Crosby vs Boomer H Lynch
Bob Armstrong interview
Ric Flair – Fire and Ice video
Bill Ash vs Les Freeman
Personality Profile with Bob Armstrong, Austin Idol & Porkchop Cash – includes footage of 6 man street fight from 5/9 Montgomery Civic Center
The Flame promo with Boomer H Lynch & Lord Humongous
The Nightmares (Danny Davis & Ken Wayne) vs Chris Jarvis & Steve Armstrong
Ron Fuller sent in video promo
King Louie Tiller promo with Boomer H Lynch & Lord Humongous
Porkchop Cash & Bob Armstrong interview
Austin Idol & Porkchop Cash interview with replay of them beating The Bruise Brothers multiple times
Bob Armstrong vs The Superstar (just a scrub)
Bob Armstrong interview
Bill Ash & The Nightmares promo
The Rat Patrol (Scott Armstrong, Johnny Rich & Steve Armstrong) interview
Porkchop Cash & Austin Idol interview
Southeastern 6/8/85 Final Episode of Southeastern Championship Wrestling
Ron Fuller & The Flame (Jody Hamilton) promo
Steve Strugs & Chris Jarvis v Steve Armstrong & Johnny Rich
VTR: The Nightmares v The Rat Patrol Inc. – this is the set up for a “Nightmare” cage match,
Local promos for the first night of Continental Championship Wrestling with Bill Ash, The Rat
Patrol Inc.
Boomer Lynch v Al Scott
Charlie Platt talks about the switchover to Continental next week with Gordon Solie
VTR: Boomer Lynch v Porkchop Cash
Local promos with Bob Armstrong, Humongous, Ron Fuller and Ric Flair
Scott Armstrong v Tommy Crosby
VTR: Humongous v Ron Fuller – Bob Armstrong pulls off the Flame’s mask.
Local promos with Boomer Lynch, Jimmy Golden, Austin Idol, and Porkchop Cash
Lynn Burt v Humongous
Ron Fuller is about to reveal the photo of Humongous but Bob Armstrong and Humongous steal the photo envelop which turns out to be empty.
Local promos from Ron Fuller & Bob Armstrong
6.8.85 last episode of Southeastern from the Dothan studio
(The next episode would be Continental Championship Wrestling taped at the Boutwell Auditorium in Birmingham)
Steve Stuggs & Chris Javis vs. Steve Armstrong & Johnny Rich
Al Scott vs. Boomer H. Lynch
Tommy Crosby vs. Scott Armstrong
Lynn Burt vs. Lord Humongous
Continental Championship Wrestling
The shift from Southeastern Championship Wrestling the taped studio show hosted by Charlie Platt to Continental Championship Wrestling a show that was taped every Monday in front of the live Birmingham, Alabama crowd at the Boutwell Auditorium
Continental Championship Wrestling 6/15/85 – First Episode of Continental Championship Wrestling
Gordon Solie debuts and opens the show with the rundown for today’s show, then interviews Ric Flair.
Joshua Stroud v Ric Flair
Video: “Bad to the Bone” on Bob Armstrong
Bob Armstrong & Humongous exchange promos with Ron Fuller and Flame on next week’s double title tag match.
Jason Walker v The Flame
Porkchop Cash and Scott Armstrong exchange promos with Bill Ash and Boomer Lynch
Ron Fuller v Larry Clark
VTR: Nightmares v Rat Patrol Inc. – Nightmare Cage Match
Local promos from Steve Armstrong, Tommy Rich and the Nightmares
Austin Idol v Jimmy Golden
The Nightmares v The Rat Patrol Inc. – cage match, only a short clip is shown as the show goes off the air
6.15.85 – first episode of Continental Championship Wrestling
taped at the Boutwell Auditorium in Birmingham
Josh Stroud vs. Ric Flair
Jason Walker vs. The Flame
Larry Clark vs. Ron Fuller
Southeastern Title: Austin Idol vs. Jimmy Golden (c)
Continental Championship Wrestling – 6/22/85
Bill Ash v Scott Armstrong
Video: “Do you wanna touch” – Austin Idol
Tommy Rich & Steve Armstrong v The Nightmares
Local promos from Bob Armstrong, Porkchop Cash, Boomer Lynch, the Kaiser and Johnny Peebles
Local promos from Scott & Steve Armstrong and the Nightmares
VTR: Ric Flair & Ron Fuller v Bob Armstrong & Humongous – cage match Bob pins the NWA Champion
VTR: The Flame’s Training Session – MUST SEE! The Flame is using Bob Armstrong’s picture as
target practice!
Paul Brown v Humongous
Ron Fuller & The Flame exchange promos with Bob Armstrong & Humongous
Southeastern US Jr. Title: Bill Ash vs. Scott Armstrong (c)
Southeastern Tag Team Titles: Tommy Rich & Steve Armstrong vs. The Nightmares (c)
Paul Brown vs. Lord Humongous
Continental Championship Wrestling 6/29/85
Ron Fuller opens the show introducing Mr. Class who is replacing an injured Boomer Lynch
Porkchop Cash v Mr. Class –
Video: “Chariots of Fire” – Ron Fuller
Local promos from the Stud Stable
Jason Walker v Bill Ash – the Nightmares join commentary
Local promos from the Armstrongs, the Nightmares and Bill Ash
Paul Barnett v Jimmy Golden
Local promos from Steve Armstrong, Tommy Rich and the Nightmares
VTR: Bob Armstrong v The Flame
The Flame v Bob Armstrong
Porchop Cash, Bob Armstrong, Austin Idol & Humongous promos
Ron Fuller v Humongous – the show closes just after the start of the match
Porkchop Cash vs. Mr. Class
Jason Walker vs. Bill Ash
Paul Barnett vs. Jimmy Golden
Bob Armstrong vs. The Flame
7.6.85 (Incomplete)
This episode cuts off at the end of the DVD and I don’t have the rest of it on any others. I assume it’s gotta be out there somewhere though.
Nightmare #1 vs. Tommy Rich
7.20.85 (Incomplete)
The only thing I have here is two (really good) promos one from Tommy Rich and one from Ron Fuller.
8.24.85 (Incomplete)
Ted Oates vs. Bill Ash
The Nightmares vs. Nick Patrick & Brickhouse Brown
Southeastern US Jr. Title: Roy Lee Welch vs. Bill Ash (C)
Ted Oates vs. Adrian Street
Mark Thorn, Mark Cooper & The Flame vs. Scott, Steve & Brad Armstrong
9.7.85 (Incomplete)
Ken Glover vs. Dick Slater
Wayne Levinski & Randy Barber vs. Norvell Austin & Brickhouse Brown
Josh Stroud & Jimmy Backlund vs. Robert Fuller & Jimmy Golden
Dave Foxx vs. Roberto Soto
Continental Title: The Flame vs. Tommy Rich
Ron Fuller, Robert Fuller & Jimmy Golden vs. Brad Armstrong, Steve Armstrong & Dick Slater
Nick Patrick vs. Bill Ash
Arvil Hutto vs. Ric Flair
Roberto Soto vs. The Flame
Continental TV Trophy Tournament: Brickhouse Brown vs. Adrian Street
The Stud’s Bounty Hunters vs. Brad Armstrong & The Bullet
Continental TV Trophy Tournament: Jimmy Valentine vs. Norvell Austin
The Nightmares vs. Tommy & Johnny Rich
Southeastern US Jr Title: Bill Ash vs. Roy Lee Welch – Loser Leaves
Bob Johnson vs. Roberto Soto
Continental TV Title Tournament: Jimmy Backlund vs. Adrian Street
Losers Gets 20 Lashes: The Nightmares vs. Tommy & Johnny Rich
11.2.85 (Incomplete)
Cage Match: Brad Armstrong & The Buller vs. Robert Fuller & Jimmy Golden
Southeastern Tag Team Titles: Tommy & Johnny Rich vs. The Nightmares (C)
Southeastern Title: Norvell Austin vs. Adrian Street
Larry Clark vs. Roberto Soto
No DQ, Loser Leaves Town: Jimmy Golden vs. The Bullet
Clips of Austin Idol vs. Adrian Street
Continental TV Title – Roy Lee Welch vs. Roberto Soto vs. Robert Fuller – Round Robin Rules, First man to win 2 straight falls wins the match
The Flame vs. The Bullet
11.23.85 (Incomplete)
The Bullet, Roberto Soto & Brad Armstrong vs. The Flame, Boomer H. Lynch & Robert Fuller
Episode 11/25/85
~ Interviews w/Robert Fuller, The Flame & Boomer Lynch/The Bullet/The Nightmares/Brad Armstrong/Mike Jackson/Roberto Soto/Norvell Austin/Boomer Lynch/Roy Lee Welch/Tommy & Johnny Rich
? The Bullet & Brad Armstrong vs. Amos Moses & The Executioner
? US Jr. Heavyweight Champ Roy Lee Welch vs. Ken Timbs (Title change)
? Norvell Austin & Candi Devine vs. Adrian Street & Miss Linda
? Tommy Rich & Johnny Rich vs. Pablo Crenshaw & Mike Nichols
Amos Moses & The Executioner vs. Brad Armstrong & The Bullet
Southeastern US Jr. Title: Ken Timbs vs. Roy Lee Welch (C)
Mixed Tag Match: Candi Devine & Norvell Austin vs. Miss Linda & Adrian Street
Pablo Crenshaw & Mike Nichols vs. Tommy & Johnny Rich
Continental TV Trophy: The Executioner vs. Robert Fuller (C)
Southern Street Fight: Boomer H. Lynch & Robert Fuller vs. Brad Armstrong & The Bullet
Mask vs Mask: The Flame vs. The Bullet
Dave German vs. Boomer H. Lynch
Continental Title: Robert Fuller vs. Roberto Soto (C)
This a Year in Review episode that shows a lot of highlights but also has a lot of new interviews
Continental Championship Wrestling 7/86
Episode #1 (Complete with Commercials, 1 hour)
Interviews w/Stubbs & Dutch Mantell/Tim Horner/Roy Lee Welch/Brad Armstrong/Tommy Rich/Intern/Steve Armstrong/Fuller & Golden & Prichard/Wendell Cooley/Bullet
? “Dirty White Boy” Tony Anthony vs. Larry Clarke
? Jerry Stubbs vs. Frankie Lancaster (Brad Armstrong comes in)
? Adrian Street (w/Miss Linda) vs. Wendell Cooley (w/Greg Cooley) (Linda is handcuffed to Greg)
~ VTR: Clip of Robert Fuller & Jimmy Golden vs. Brad Armstrong & Tommy Rich (Tom Prichard comes in)
? The Bullet vs. Dutch Mantell (Jerry Stubbs interferes and helps Dutch hang the Bullet with the bullwhip)
Episode 7/26/86 (57 minutes)
Interviews w/Horner/Stubbs/Scott Armstrong/Adrian Street/Cooley/Bullet/Kevin Sullivan/Tommy Rich & Intern/Fuller & Golden/Roy Lee Welch and “Ronald Reagan”
~ Tim Horner invades the heel locker room while trying to find his US Jr. Title that Roy Lee Welch stole. The entire heel locker room attacks Horner.
? Southeastern Champ Wendell Cooley vs. “Dirty White Boy” Tony Anthony
? Continental Champ Jerry Stubbs vs. Scott Armstrong (Superkick is barred)
? Robert Fuller, Jimmy Golden & Tom Prichard vs. Tommy Rich, Steve Armstrong & The Intern (Steel Cage Match)
? The Bullet vs. Larry Wright
Continental Championship Wrestling 8/2/86
Interviews w/Kevin Sullivan/Prichard, Fuller & Golden/Bullet/Tommy Rich & Intern/Roy Lee Welch/Horner & Scott Armstrong/Stubbs/Adrian Street/Cooley
? The Bullet vs. Dutch Mantell (Loser Leaves Town)
? Tommy Rich & Steve Armstrong (w/The Intern) vs. Larry Wright & Mike Headley
? Continental Champ Jerry Stubbs vs. Gene Williams
? Adrian Street vs. Tim Horner
Continental Championship Wrestling 8/9/86
Interviews w/Kevin Sullivan/Dutch Mantell/Robert Fuller & Golden/Bullet/Horner/Adrian Street/Brad Armstrong
? Continental Champ Jerry Stubbs vs. Scott Armstrong
~ Robert Fuller & Jimmy Golden Video (Smooth Operator)
? The Bullet vs. Kevin Sullivan
? “Dirty White Boy” Tony Anthony vs. Frankie Lancaster
? MSW TV Champ Terry Taylor vs. Adrian Street (Title Change from MSW TV)
? Tom Prichard vs. The Intern
Episode 8/16/86
Interviews w/Brad Armstrong/Welch & Stubbs/Cooley/Kevin Sullivan/Horner/Adrian Street/Armstrong’s/Intern/Fuller, Golden & Prichard/Bullet
? Kevin Sullivan vs. Tim Horner
? Brad Armstrong vs. Johnny Stamps
? Roy Lee Welch vs. “Dirty White Boy” Tony Anthony
? Adrian Street vs. Randy Savage (from Memphis)
? Robert Fuller & Jimmy Golden vs. Steve Armstrong & The Bullet
Continental Championship Wrestling 8/23/86
Interviews w/Fuller, Golden & Dr. Ben Casey (Tom Prichard)/Adrian Street/Kevin Sullivan/Debbie Combs/Tim Horner/Roy Lee Welch/Wendell Cooley/Intern, Bullet & ? Steve Armstrong/Jerry Stubbs/Brad Armstrong
? Kevin Sullivan vs. Frankie Lancaster
? NWA Women’s Champ Debbie Combs vs. Despina
? US Jr. Heavyweight Champ Tim Horner vs. Roy Lee Welch (Impromptu Non-title fight)
? The Bullet & Steve Armstrong vs. Mike Headley & Leory Martin
? Jerry Stubbs vs. Brad Armstrong
PARTIAL Continental Championship Wrestling 9/13/86
? Robert Fuller & Jimmy Golden vs. Adrian Street & The Bullet (Tom Prichard slaps Miss Linda)
~ Interviews w/Tom Prichard/Adrian Street/Bullet
Continental Championship Wrestling 9/20/86
Interviews w/Kevin Sullivan/Fuller & Golden/Cooley &Steve Armstrong/Adrian Street
? Steve Armstrong vs. The Raider
? Brad Armstrong vs. Jerry Stubbs (Alabama Heavyweight Title Tournament)
? The New Guinea Headhunters (w/Kevin Sullivan) vs. Al Scott & Jim Barnett
~ Sullivan turns on Robert Fuller & Jimmy Golden
? Tom Prichard vs. Roy Lee Welch (Alabama Heavyweight Title Tournament)
? Kevin Sullivan vs. Mike Headley (Alabama Heavyweight Title Tournament)
? Jerry Stubbs vs. Wendell Cooley (Alabama Heavyweight Title Tournament Finals)
Continental Championship Wrestling 9/27/86
Interviews w/Adrian Street/Rip Rogers/Kevin Sullivan/Brad Armstrong/Roy Lee Welch/Cooley/Stubbs/Fuller & Golden/Prichard
? Rip Rogers vs. Tony Falk
? New Guinea Headhunters vs. Burrhead Jones & Wayne Spratlin
? Continental Champ Brad Armstrong vs. Kevin Sullivan (Title Change)
? The Bullet & Steve Armstrong vs. The Mongol & Mike Fever?
? NWA World Heavyweight Champ Ric Flair vs. Wendell Cooley (JIP)
Continental Championship Wrestling 10/4/86
Interviews w/Kevin Sullivan/Ron Fuller/Adrian Street/Prichard/Cooley/DWB/Roy Lee Welch/Robert Fuller & Golden/Bullet
~ Gordon Solie announces any wrestler who starts a fight on the announcing stage will be suspended from action. Sullivan instigates Ron Fuller into attacking him and Ron is suspended.
? The New Guinea Headhunters vs. Dwayne Phillips & Leroy Martin
~ Kevin Sullivan, The Headhunters & Stubbs destroy Ron Fuller, breaking a chair over his head and more.
? Rip Rogers vs. Zane Smith
? Alabama Heavyweight Champ Wendell Cooley vs. Jerry Stubbs
? Tag Champs Robert Fuller & Jimmy Golden vs. The Bullet & Steve Armstrong (Title Change, Headhunters & Sullivan come in, Ron Fuller makes the save)
Continental Championship Wrestling 10/11/86
Interviews w/Cooley/DWB/Bullet/Sullivan & company/Prichard/Welch
? The New Guinea Headhunters vs. Tag Champs Robert Fuller & Jimmy Golden (1st leg of the Singapore Suicide Match)
? The New Guinea Headhunters vs. The Bullet & Steve Armstrong (2nd leg of the Singapore Suicide Match for the Tag Titles, The Headhunters, Kris Von Colt & Sheik Abdullah break Fuller’s hand, blind Golden & injure Steve Armstrong)
? Tom Prichard vs. Roy Lee Welch
? Adrian Street vs.
Continental Championship Wrestling 10/18/86
Interviews w/Ron Fuller/Cooley/Street/Bullet/Robert Fuller & Golden (from home)/Kevin Sullivan in Hawaii/Prichard/DWB/Rip Rogers/Nightmares
~ Clip of Jimmy Golden being carried to an ambulance
? The New Guinea Headhunters vs. Tag Champs Robert Fuller & Jimmy Golden (1st leg of the Singapore Suicide Match)
? The New Guinea Headhunters vs. The Bullet & Steve Armstrong (2nd leg of the Singapore Suicide Match for the Tag Titles, The Headhunters, Kris Von Colt & Sheik Abdullah break Fuller’s hand, blind Golden & injure Steve Armstrong)
? Alabama Heavyweight Champ Wendell Cooley vs. “Dirty White” Boy Tony Anthony
? The Bullet & Tennessee Stud (Ron Fuller) vs. Eddie Ward & The Mongol (Sullivan tells the Mongol & Ward to split and replaces them with the Headhunters)
? The Bullet & Tennessee Stud (Ron Fuller) vs. The New Guinea Headhunters, Kris Von Colt, Sheik Abdullah & Kevin Sullivan (The Nightmares aid Fuller & Bullet)
Continental Championship Wrestling 10/25/86
Interviews w/Rip Rogers/Adrian Street/Kevin Sullivan/Bullet/Ron Fuller/Nightmares
? The Nightmares vs. Eddie Ward & The Mongol
? Southeastern Champ Adrian Street (w/Miss Linda) vs. Rip Rogers (w/Brenda Britton)
? Roy Lee Welch vs. Tom Prichard
? Kris Von Colt & Sheik Abdullah vs. Gilbert Hall & Pat Myers
Kevin Sullivan and his army brawl with The Bullet & Ron Fuller
Episode #2 (59 minutes)
Interviews w/Stubbs/Cooley & Steve Armstrong/DWB/Steve Armstrong/Kevin Sullivan/Street & Prichard/Nightmares/Ron Fuller
? Southeastern Heavyweight Champ Adrian Street vs. Rip Rogers (No DQ, Title Change)
? Alabama Heavyweight Champ Wendell Cooley vs. “Dirty White” Boy Tony Anthony (Title Change)
? Sheik Abdullah, Kris Von Colt & The New Guinea Headhunters vs. The Nightmares, Ron Fuller (The Tennessee Stud) & Steve Armstrong
Continental Championship Wrestling 11/86
Episode #1 (50 minutes)
Interviews w/Adrian Street/Steve Armstrong/DWB & Rip Rogers/Kevin Sullivan & Kris Von Colt/Prichard/Roy Lee Welch/Ron Fuller/Nightmares
? “Dirty White Boy” Tony Anthony & Jerry Stubbs vs. Al Scott & Clement Fields
~ Armstrong Brothers Workout Video
? US Jr. Heavyweight Champ Tom Prichard vs. The Hawk
? Double Ring Battle Royal featuring Kevin Sullivan, The Nightmares, The Hawk, Tom Prichard, Steve Armstrong, Jerry Stubbs, Rip Rogers, Dirty White Boy, Kris Von Colt, New Guinea Headhunter, Roy Lee Welch, Al Scott, Clement Fields & more.
? New Guinea Headhunters vs. Kevin Sullivan & Steve Armstrong (Due to Battle Royal stips the final 2 men in each ring had to team and do battle, Sullivan refuses to help Armstrong)
Continental Championship Wrestling 11/86
Episode #2 (50 minutes)
Interviews w/Steve Armstrong/Kevin Sullivan/Fuller’s/Nightmares/Stubbs & DWB/Rip Rogers/Adrian Street/Tom Prichard/
? Robert Fuller and Tennessee Stud (Ron Fuller) vs. Roy Lee Welch & Pat Rose
? Continental Champ Kevin Sullivan vs. Mr. America
~ Clip Rip Rogers defeats Adrian Street for the Southeastern Heavyweight Title
? Kris Von Colt vs. Steve Armstrong (Kevin Sullivan & The Fuller’s come in)
Continental Championship Wrestling 11/86
Episode #3 (50 minutes)
Interviews w/Rip Rogers/Kevin Sullivan/Fuller’s/Steve Armstrong/The Flame/Bullet/Jimmy Golden/Wendell Cooley
? Tom Prichard vs. Roy Lee Welch (Texas Bullrope Match)
? Robert Fuller & Tennessee Stud (Ron Fuller) vs. New Guinea Headhunters
? Steve Armstrong vs. Mike Fever
~ After nearly a year it is announced the Flame is returning to Continental
~ Jimmy Golden announces his “retirement”, Kevin Sullivan comes out and slaps Golden
~ Kris Von Colt handcuffs Wendell Cooley to the ropes and beats on him
? Tag Champs “Dirty White Boy” Tony Anthony & Jerry Stubbs vs. The Nightmares
1.10.87 Full Episode
Southeastern Title: Adrian Street vs. Rip Rogers (C)
Dr. X vs. Larry Hamilton
Continental Tag Team Titles: Dirty White Boy & Jerry Stubbs vs. The Nightmares (C)
Cage Match: The New Guinea Headhunters vs. Robert Fuller & The Tennessee Stud
1.17.87 Full Episode
Unfortunately the audio goes out at the end of Snake Brown/Bullet match and doesn’t come back until close to the finish of the Colt/Cooley match.
Continental Tag Team Titles: Dirty White Boy & Jerry Stubbs vs. The Nightmares (C)
Larry Hamilton vs. Tom Prichard
Snake Brown vs. The Bullet
Wendell Cooley vs. Kris Von Colt
1.24.87 (Incomplete)
Footage of a Cage match in Knoxville between The Stud & Robert Fuller vs. The New Guinea Headhunters and things get really crazy.
Clip from from Pro Wrestling This Week. The end of a 6 man tag between The New Guinea Headhunters & Burrhead Jones, Al Scott & Les Freeman and then the Headhunters being confronted by The Stud, Robert Fuller & Jimmy Golden.
1.31.87 (Incomplete)
These clips came from different DVDs but I’m pretty sure they are all the same episode. Did I edit them together in the right order? Your guess is as good as mine. Video and audio quality varies throughout.
Adrian Street & Tom Prichard vs. Rip Rogers & Kris Von Colt
Clips of previous week’s brawl between New Guinea Headhunters & Kevin Sullivan vs. The Stud, The Bullet, Robert Fuller & Jimmy Golden
Clips of another Cage match from Knoxville and Doug Furnas ripping the door off the cage to help the babyfaces
Mike Fever & The Polynesian Warrior vs. Robert Fuller & Jimmy Golden
The Dirty White Boys vs. Wendell Cooley & Larry Hamilton
2.14.87 Full Episode
Tom Prichard vs. Larry Hamilton
The Starfighter vs. Buddy Landell
Continental Tag Team Titles: The Dirty White Boys vs. The Nightmares (C)
2.28.87 Full Episode
Continental Tag Team Titles: The Dirty White Boy & Jerry Stubbs vs. The Nightmares (C)
Al Scott vs. Buddy Landell
Alabama Title: Kris Von Colt vs. Wendell Cooley
Continental Title: Rip Rogers vs. The Tennessee Stud
3.7.87 Full Episode
Loser Leaves Town: Kris Von Colt vs. Wendell Cooley
Clips of Tom Prichard vs. Larry Hamilton from Knoxville
Clips of Doug Furnas vs. Kevin Sullivan from Knoxville
Jimmy Spear vs. Shogun
Clips of Buddy Landell vs. The Tennessee Stud from Chattanooga
3.14.87 Full Episode
Dos Lobos vs. Wendell Cooley
The Outlaws vs. The Nightmares
Benny Traylor & Jerry Garvin vs. The New Guinea Headhunters
Continental Tag Team Titles: Jimmy Golden & Robert Fuller vs. The Dirty White Boy & Jerry Stubbs (C)
3.21.87 Full Episode
Shogun vs. Wendell Cooley
The Executioner & Rip Rogers vs. Robert Fuller & Jimmy Golden
Continental Tag Team Titles: The Nightmares vs. Dirty White Boy & Jerry Stubbs – Cage Match
3.28.87 Full Episode
Jackie Reed & Keith Hart vs Yuri Gordyenko & Vladimir Gordyenko
Rick Conners vs. Adrian Street
The Terminal Man vs. Doug Furnas
Continental Title: Wendell Cooley vs. Buddy Landell (C)
4.4.87 PWTW
Rip Rogers vs. Mr. Wrestling II with one of the worst fake Russians ever doing color commentary alongside Gordon Solie
4.25.87 Incomplete
Wendell Cooley vs. Buddy Landell
5.2.87 PWTW
Alabama Title: Mr. Wrestling II vs. Mike Golden (C)
5.9.87 PWTW
Gene Hart vs. Scott Casey
5.16.87 PWTW
Gene Hart vs. Scott Casey
5.23.87 PWTW
Scott Armstrong vs. Tom Prichard
5.30.87 Incomplete
PWTW Hightlight: Finish of US Jr. Title match between Scott Armstrong & Tom Prichard
Continental Tag Team Titles: Jimmy Golden & Robert Fuller vs. The Dirty White Boy & Jerry Stubbs (C)
6.6.87 Incomplete
Jerry Stubbs taped promo about being attacked by Dirty White Boy
Dirty White Boy promo on Jerry Stubbs
6.13.87 Incomplete
Mr. Olypmia vs. Dirty White Boy
6.20.87 Full Episode
Clip of Doug Furnas vs. Buddy Landell from Knoxville
Clip of Mike Golden vs. Mr. Wrestling II from Cobb County Civic Center
Mike Golden & Tom Prichard vs. The Bullet & Scott Armstrong
Mr. Olympia vs. Dirty White Boy
Robert Fuller & Jimmy Golden vs. Danny Davis & Mr. Wrestling II
7.4.87 Incomplete
Bullwhip on a Pole: Wendell Cooley vs. Dutch Mantell
Feud recap for The Nightmares vs. Robert Fuller & Jimmy Golden
The Bikers vs. The Nightmares
7.11.87 Incomplete
Alabama Title: Jonathan Boyd vs. The Bullet
Burrhead Jones vs. Dutch Mantell
The Hardy Boys (Tim & John) vs. Robert Fuller & Jimmy Golden
Southern Street Fight: Mr. Olympia vs. Dirty White Boy
7.18.87 Incomplete
Akio Sato vs. Wendell Cooley (PWTW Highlight)
The Wild Bunch (Jonathan Boyd, Mike Golden & Tom Prichard) vs. Steve Armstrong, Scott Armstrong & The Bullet
7.25.87 PWTW
Replay of Jimmy Golden & Robert Fuller attacking Ken Wayne’s brother
Tim Reid & Joe Carr vs. Jimmy Golden & Robert Fuller
8.1.87 PWTW
Mr. Olympia vs. Dutch Mantell
8.8.87 Incompelte
Jonathan Boyd vs. The Bullet (PWTW)
Southern Street Fight: Robert Fuller & Jimmy Golden vs. The Nightmares
8.17.87 PWTW
Scott Armstrong vs. Tom Prichard
8.22.87 PWTW
Doug Furnas vs. Dirty White Boy
The Nightmares say goodbye to each other
Wendell Cooley & Danny Davis vs. Robert Fuller & Jimmy Golden
9.12.87 Full Episode
Shawn Michaels, Marty Jannetty & Danny Davis vs. The Wild Bunch (Jonathan Boyd, Mike Golden & Tom Prichard)
Chris Furtz vs. The Dirty White Boy
Gene Miller vs. Dutch Mantell
US Jr Title: Larry Hamilton vs. Scott Armstrong (C)
10.3.87 PWTW
Clips of Scott Armstrong & Tom Prichard vs. The Moondogs from Knoxville
Jonathan Boyd confronts Tom Prichard during an interview
10.10.87 PWTW
Erik Long vs. Dutch Mantell
10.24.87 Full Episode
The Avengers vs. Jimmy Golden & Robert Fuller
Mike Jackson & Dave Spencer vs. The Hunters (Raven & Eagle) w/Bambi
Alabama Title: The Bullet vs. The Dirty White Boy (C)
US Jr Title: Tom Prichard vs. Larry Hamilton (C)
Randy Barber vs. Ron Fuller
10.31.87 PWTW
Wendell Cooley & Danny Davis vs. Robert Fuller & Jimmy Golden
Tom Prichard vs. Dirty White Boy
11.7.87 PWTW
Lee Peak vs. Larry Hamilton
11.14.87 PWTW
Alabama Title: Dirty White Boy vs. Tom Prichard (C)
11.28.87 Incomplete
Southeastern Title: Danny Davis vs. Dutch Mantell (C)
12.5.87 PWTW
The Black Assassin vs. Tom Prichard
Clip of Tom Pritchard giving Dirty White Boy a Haircut with Dirty White Girl
Interviews with Dirty White Girl “Mystic”, Robert Fuller
Dutch Mantell vs. the Red Devil
Interviews with Danny Davis, Smothers and Armstrong, Bill Kazmire and Tom Owens, Mystic with Tom Pritchard and Dirty White Boy
The Grappler, Mark Young vs. Danny Davis, Wendall Cooley
Interviews with Eddie Gilbert, Dirty White Boy and Mystic
Continental Tag Champs Tracy Smothers, Steve Armstrong vs. Detroit Demolition, The DI
Interviews with Davis, Armstrong and Smothers, Downtown Bruno and Lord Humongous
4-30-88 Special edition
Clips featuring Mantell, Fuller, Golden and Detroit Demolition
Interviews with: Dutch Mantell, Jack Curtis, Davis, Armstrong and Smothers
Clips featuring Mystic, Pritchard and Dirty Whiteboy
Interview with Tom Pritchard
Video of Missy Hyatt
Clips featuring Fuller, Golden and Detroit Demolition
Video of Jerry Lawler
Interviews with: Downtown Bruno, Detroit Demolition and Humongous, Eddie Gilbert
Clips of Jerry Lawler, Eddie Gilbert from Memphis
Video of Missy Hyatt
Interviews with Jack Curtis, Dutch Mantell, Robert Fuller
DI Bob Carter vs. Mark Young
Austin Idol Video
Interviews with Carter, Young, Dutch Mantell, Downtown Bruno and Lord Humongous, Detroit Demolition, Martin
Interviews with Alan Martin, Ed Faulk
Lord Humongous vs. Wendall Cooley
Interviews with Edward Faulk, Downtown Bruno, Allen Martin, Tom Pritchard, Paul E. Dangerously
Eddie Gilbert vs. The Grappler
Interviews with Tom Pritchard, Dirty White Boy, Dirty White Girl Missy
Interview with The Nightmares
Interview with DI Bob Carter, Mark Young
Alan Martin vs. Dutch Mantell
Interview with Downtown Bruno, Detroit Demolition, Allen Martin, Lord Humongos
Video on Missy Hyatt
Continental Tag Team Champs The Southern Boys vs.The Nightmares
Dirty White Boy vs. Mark Young
Interview with Danny Davis, Tom Pritchard
Interview with Paul E Dangerously, Eddie Gilbert
Eddie Gilbert Hot Stuff Music Video
Danny Davis vs. Ricky Nelson
Various Interviews
Tom Prichard vs. The Destroyer
Various Interviews
Southern Boys vs. Mississippi Hoodo Man, The DI
Southern Boys vs. Hoodoo Man, The DI
Lord Humongous, Detroit Demolition vs. Shane Douglas, Ricky Nelson
Eddie Gilbert vs. John D
Austin Idol Interview
Danny Davis vs. Mark Pyle
Episode #1, 2/88 (1 hour)
Interviews w/Cooley/Robert Fuller/Tom Owens/Lancaster/Southern Boys/Jonathan Boyd/Prichard/Bullet/Ron Fuller/Furnas/DWB/Downtown Bruno
? Frankie Lancaster vs. Tim Reed
~ Robert Fuller & Jimmy Golden attack an injured Wendell Cooley
? Southern Boys (Steve Armstrong & Tracy Smothers) vs. Walt Sullivan & The Executioner
? Tom Prichard vs. Dave Spencer
? “Dirty White Boy” Tony Anthony vs. Steve Adkinson
~ Ron Fuller announces the opening of USA Championship Wrestling in Knoxville
? Doug Furnas vs. Detroit Demolition (w/Downtown Bruno) (Lord Humongous & The Bullet interfere)
Continental Wrestling Federation TV April & May ’88
Episode #1 (36 minutes)
Interviews w/Mystic (AKA DWG)/Prichard/Robert Fuller/Dutch Mantell/Danny Davis/Southern Boys/Bill Kazmair/Tom Owens/Eddie Gilbert/DWB/Downtown Bruno
~ Tom Prichard cuts the hair of the Dirty White Boy
~ An excellent angle begins as the Mystic (AKA DWG) comes out sporting a giant “black eye” claiming the DWB had beaten her out of anger from getting his hair cut. Mystic (AKA DWG) begs to talk to Tom Prichard.
? Dutch Mantell vs. Masked ???
~ Detroit Demolition & Lord Humongous (Sid Vicious) attack Dutch Mantell
~ The “battered” Mystic (AKA DWG) returns to the announcer’s area to finish playing out one of the greatest angle’s in the history of Continental. MYSTIC (AKA DWG) again begs Gordon Solie to let her speak with Tom Prichard, eventually Tom comes out and has a discussion with her, telling her to get her life together. It’s at this point we find out Prichard has been set up, Mystic (AKA DWG) lured Tom out there and the Dirty White Boy extracts all kinds of revenge, first bashing Prichard with a chair then destroying the announcer’s set and throwing Tom into the backdrop knocking it over. Tony Anthony then ties Prichard up, wraps a rope around his neck and drags him all the way to the ring by it. DWB then proceeds to HANG PRICHARD over the top rope. This is one of the greatest angles I have ever seen come out of any territory. Just really well done.
~ Eddie Gilbert debuts in Continental
? Tag Champs Wild Eyed Southern Boys (Steve Armstrong & Tracy Smothers) vs. Detroit Demolition & The D.I.
Continental Wrestling Federation TV April & May ’88
Episode #2 (16 minutes)
Interviews w/Prichard/Downtown Bruno
Jack Curtis announces they are now an AWA territory and recognize Curt Hennig as their World Champion. Curtis then vacates all Singles championships in CWF and announces a tournament to proclaim ONE champion in the Continental area.
~ Missy Hyatt Video (She’s Coming to soon to CWF!)
~ Jerry Lawler Promo (He too is coming soon to CWF!)
Continental Wrestling Federation TV April & May ’88
Episode #3 (30 minutes)
Interviews w/Jack Curtis/Dutch Mantell/Robert Fuller/The DI/Mark Young/Downtown Bruno/Ed Faulk/Prichard
~ Austin idol Video
? Lord Humongous (Sid Vicious) vs. Wendell Cooley (Alan Martin replaces an injured referee Ed Faulk and debuts as the referee for this contest, and screws Cooley out of a win, after the bout Cooley is cuffed in the corner while Downtown Bruno whips him)
~ Alan martin & Downtown Bruno attack referee Ed Faulk, Bill Kazmair makes the save
? Eddie Gilbert vs. The Grappler (not Len Denton)
Continental Wrestling Federation TV April & May ’88
Episode #4 (30 minutes) Show continues on next DVD
Interviews w/Nightmares/
~ Ken Wayne returns as the new US Jr. Heavyweight Champ,
? “Referee” Alan Martin vs. Dutch Mantell (Humongous & Detroit Demolition attack Dutch, Danny Davis & Bill Kazmair make the save)
~ Missy Hyatt Video
? Tag Champs Wild Eyed Southern Boys (Steve Armstrong & Tracy Smothers) vs. The Nightmares (Match continues on next disc)
Continental Wrestling Federation TV May ’88
Episode #1 (continues from previous disc) (13 minutes)
? Tag Champs Wild Eyed Southern Boys (Steve Armstrong & Tracy Smothers) vs. The Nightmares (Steve Armstrong receives an injury and can not continue. Ken Wayne proclaims the Nightmares are the new Tag Team Champions due to forfeiture on the Southern Boys side. Danny Davis argues with Wayne for a bit before Ken agrees to give the titles back to the Southern Boys. Ken begins his heel turn after just returning to Continental after a long hiatus.)
Interviews w/Paul E. Dangerously/Prichard/Danny Davis/Eddie Gilbert
~ Eddie Gilbert Video (Hot Stuff)
Continental Wrestling Federation TV May ’88
Episode #2 (40 minutes)
~ Hosts for this program are Charlie Platt & Missy Hyatt. Gordon Solie is said to be on “vacation” but is never heard from again.
Interviews w/Austin Idol/Paul E. Dangerously/Downtown Bruno/Southern Boys/Eddie Gilbert/Shane Douglas/The D.I./
~ Missy Hyatt interviews Jerry Lawler directly after he defeated Curt Hennig for the AWA World Heavyweight Championship
~ Missy Hyatt then interviews Curt Hennig shortly after he lost the AWA World Title.
? Danny Davis vs. Ricki Nelson (CWF Heavyweight Title Tournament)
~ Dirty White Boy/Tom Prichard parking lot brawl
~ The D.I. Bob Carter takes on Mark Young to become a member of his Army. He has Alan Martin shave his head and renames him Private PYLE.
? Tag Champs Wild Eyed Southern Boys (Steve Armstrong & Tracy Smothers) vs. The D.I. & Private Pyle
Continental Wrestling Federation TV May ’88
Episode #3 (25 minutes)
Interviews w/Jack Curtis/Danny Davis/Willie B. Hert/Shane Douglas/Tom Prichard/Paul E. Dangerously/Austin Idol/DWB
? Shane Douglas & Ricki Nelson vs. Lord Humongous & Detroit Demolition (Humongous has Douglas cornered on the floor but refuses to attack him, beginning the angle of his face turn wher eit is announced, he is Shane’s “cousin”)
? Eddie Gilbert vs. Doug Gillum ($10,000 Golden Challenge, Gillum is a “fan” from the audience)
? Danny Davis vs. Pvt. Mark Pyle
Continental Wrestling Federation TV May ’88
Episode #4 (35 minutes)
Interviews w/Joe Pedecino/Prichard/Olympia/Willie B./Paul E. Dangerously/Nightmares/Alan Martin/Downtown Bruno/
? Mr. Olympia vs. Lee Peak
? Willie B. Hert vs. Pvt. Mark Pyle
? Willie B. Hert vs. The D.I. Bob Carter
~ Tracy Smothers announces Steve Armstrong is injured and can not defend the tag titles, but he will defend them by himself against the Nightmares. Danny Davis declines the offer, but Ken Wayne accepts. The Nightmares argue but Ken Wayne insists Danny Davis wrestle Smothers for the titles.
? Tracy Smothers vs. Danny Davis (Tag Titles on the line, when Davis & the ref are down, Ken Wayne comes in and knocks Smothers out with a title belt. Davis, unaware of what transpired, makes the cover and wins the Tag Titles for the Nightmares. After the match Charlie Platt tells Davis what happened and the Nightmares argue again!)
~ Lord Humongous makes his face turn by turning on Downtown Bruno & Alan Martin. Detroit Demoltion throws powder in the face of Humongous to blind him as the show ends.
Episode, 6/88 (1 hour)
Interviews w/Buddy Wayne/Furnas/Prichard & Mike Golden/DWB/Mr. Olympia/Danny Davis/Scott Armstrong/Cooley/Dutch Mantell
~ Clip of Jimmy Golden injuring Ken Wayne
? (JIP) Doug Furnas vs. Buddy Landell
? Mr. Wrestling II vs. Mike Golden
? Scott Armstrong & The Bullet vs. Tom Prichard & Mike Golden
? Mr. Olympia vs. “Dirty White Boy” Tony Anthony
~ Wendell Cooley steals “Shoe baby” from Dutch Mantell
? Dutch Mantell vs. Johnny Meadows
? Robert Fuller & Jimmy Golden vs. Mr. Wrestling II & Danny Davis (Buddy Wayne comes in)
Willie B. Hertz (Pez Whatley) vs The Red Devil
Willie B. Hertz interview
Tom Owens interview about King’s Boys Ranch
Replay of The Nightmares losing the Continental Tag Team Titles and Ken Wayne turning on Danny Davis
Ken Wayne vs Ricky Nelson – Danny Davis attacks Ken Wayne after the match
Ken Wayne interview
Willie B. Hertz & Tom Prichard interview
Ken Wayne & Danny Davis confrontation
D.I. Bob Carter & Detroit Demolition (Randy Culley) vs Lee Peak & The Baron
D.I. Bob Carter & Detroit Demolition interview – run off by Lord Humongous
Replay of Eddie Gilbert attacking Austin Idol & cutting his hair
Austin Idol promo
Paul E Dangerously interview
Eddie Gilbert promo
Mr Olympia interview
Sika vs some masked scrub
Mark Pyle & Alan Martin vs The Southern Boys (Tracy Smothers & Steve Armstrong)
Continental Wrestling Federation TV June & July ’88
Episode #1 (25 minutes)
Interviews w/Austin Idol/Willie B. Hert
~ Clips of Humongous aiding Shane Douglas in a win over Detroit Demolition, and Demolition blinding Humongous. Lord stumbles into the face locker room in order to get some help.
~ Paul E. Dangerously once again offers Austin Idol a larger amount of money to join his stable, but Idol again rips up the check and shoves Paul E. to the mat. Eddie Gilbert attempts to attack Idol but fails.
? Austin Idol vs. ??? (Eddie Gilbert & Dangerously attack Idol and try to cut his hair, Mr. Olympia makes the save)
? Willie B. Hert vs. Pvt. Mark Pyle
? Willie B. Hert vs. The D.I. Bob Carter
? (Clips only) Tag Champs The Nightmates vs. D.Y. Bob Carter & Detroit Demolition (Ken Wayne refuses to let Danny Davis Tag out, Title Change, after the match Ken turns on Davis and attacks him with a chair)
Continental Wrestling Federation TV June & July ’88
Episode #2 (27 minutes)
Interviews w/Ken Wayne/Dan Davis/D.I. & Demolition/Paul E. Dangerously/Mr. Olympia/Eddie Gilbert/
? US Jr. Heavyweight Champ Ken Wayne vs. Ricki Nelson (Danny Davis attacks Wayne)
~ After the prior bout Wayne begs Davis to forgive him, stating he is sorry for what he has done lately. Davis eventually forgives him, but finds out it is a set up as Wayne attacks Davis again.
? Tag Champs Detroit Demolition & D.I. Bob Carter vs. Lee Peak & The Baron
~ “Blinded in one eye” Lord Humongous RETURNS and scares Detroit Demolition from ringside!
~ Brother Ernest Angel debuts and brings out Sika & Kokina, the Wild Samoans!
? Sika the Samoan vs. Masked ???
? Southern Boys (Steve Armstrong & Tracy Smothers) vs. Alan Martin & Pvt. Mark Pyle
Continental Wrestling Federation TV June & July ’88
Episode #3 (30 minutes)
Interviews w/Paul E. Dangerously/Eddie Gilbert/Olympia/Dan Davis/Ken Wayne/DI & Detroit Demolition/Brother Ernest Angel/
? Tag Champs Detroit Demolition & D.I. Bob Carter vs. Jeff Jarrett & Willie B. Hert *Lord Humongous comes in after Demolition)
~ Eddie Gilbert Video (Hot Stuff)
? Mr. Olympia vs. Eddie Gilbert (Gilbert comes out on crutches and claims he is injured and can’t wrestle, Dangerously gets the attention of Olympia and Gilbert attacks him from behind with a crutch)
? Sika the Samoan (w/Kokina) vs. ???
~ Austin Idol Video
Episode #4 (17 minutes)
Interviews w/Ken Wayne/Dangerously/Tom Prichard/Bambi
? Tom Prichard vs. Dirty White Boy” Tony Anthony (w/Mystic) (Mystic interferes, and BAMBI DEBUTS, making the save for Tom Prichard)
139Episode #5 (15 minutes)
Interviews w/Hert/Brother Ernest Angel
~ The DI & Private Pyle whip Willie B. Hert
? Tom Prichard (w/Bambi) vs. The Destroyer
? Sika (w/Kokina) vs. Les Freeman
Continental Wrestling Federation TV July ’88
Episode #1 (43 minutes)
Interviews w/Dan Davis/Olympia/DWB/Hert/Dangerously/Ken Wayne/Austin Idol/
? Lord Humongous vs. Alan Martin (Detroit Demolition attacks Humongous and hits him in the face with a baseball bat)
? Austin Idol vs. Private Mark Pyle
~ Eddie Gilbert & Ken Wayne attack Danny Davis
? Eddie Gilbert vs. Mr. Olympia
Continental Wrestling Federation TV July ’88
Episode #2 (27 minutes)
Interviews w/Joe Pedecino/Jerry Lawler/Danny Davis/Hert/Prichard/Eddie Gilbert
? Lord Humongous vs. The Intruder
? Danny Davis vs. Alan Martin
? (JIP) AWA World Heavyweight Champ Jerry Lawler vs. Austin Idol (Eddie Gilbert throws a fireball in the face of Idol)
Continental Wrestling Federation TV August ‘88
Episode #1 (51 minutes)
Interviews w/Dan Davis/Paul Dangerously/Alan Martin & the Samoans/Eddie Gilbert/
? Tom Prichard vs. Mike Starr (Bambi/DWG confrontation)
~ An announcement is made that Jack Curtis has been fired from the CWF after taking bribes from Dangerously & Gilbert. Eddie then attacks a PWTW “photographer” Sam Lowe. Eventually, Austin idol makes the save and a wild brawl ensues.
? Willie B. Hert vs. Turbo Ted Manson
~ Clip from last week of Eddie Gilbert assaulting a 14 year old boy who turns out to be Willie B. Hert’s son.
? Tag Champs Lord Humongous & Shane Douglas vs. The D.I. Bob Carter & Detroit Demolition (The Samoans interfere)
~ Missy Hyatt debuts Missy’s Manor w/Paul E. Dangerously
? Rick Hazzard vs. Lee Peak
~ Detroit Demolition & D.I. Carter brawl with the Samoans in an argument over who the next Tag Team Champions will be.
? US Jr. Heavyweight Champ Danny Davis vs. Ken Wayne (Title Change)
Continental Wrestling Federation TV August ‘88
Episode #2 (59 minutes)
Interviews w/Burrhead Jones/Alan Martin/Tom Owens/Dangerously & Eddie Gilbert/Willie B. Hert/Austin Idol/Shane Douglas/Ken Wayne/Stubbs
? The Samoan Warriors (Sika & Kokina) vs. Lee Peak & Mike Starr
~ Clips of Eddie Gilbert AWA World Heavyweight Champ Jerry Lawler vs. Ken Wayne (Eddie Gilbert fireballs the referee), Eddie Gilbert fireballing Austin Idol, attacking Willie B. Hert’s kid and attacking Sam Lowe.
~ This week Eddie Gilbert attacks Burrhead Jones
? Rick Hazzard vs. Pvt. Mark Pyle (The Samoans attack Pyle, Detroit Demolition & The D.I. come in to brawl with the Samoans)
~ Missy Hyatt’s Manor w/Alan Martin & The Samoans (Martin kisses Missy and upsets her)
? Tom Prichard (w/Bambi) vs. Bucky Seigler
? Austin Idol vs. Turbo Ted Manson
? Jerry Stubbs vs. Nightmare Freddie (Debut, Ken Wayne interferes, Danny Davis tries to make the save but falls victim to Nightmare Freddie’s claw)
Continental Wrestling Federation TV August ‘88
Episode #3 (6 minutes) Continues on next DVD
~ Ron West Interview
? Detroit Demolition vs. Turbo Ted Manson
CWF 20 August 1988
Detroit Demolition (Moondog Rex) (with “DI” Bob Carter & “Private” Mark Pyle) vs Turbo Ted
CWF Tag Team Champions: Shane Douglas & Lord Humongous (Sid Vicious) vs Samoan Warriors (Sika & Kokina – Yokozuna) (with Alan Martin)
Dirty White Boy (Tony Anthony) (with Dirty White Girl) vs Lee Peek
Nightmares (“Nightmare” Ken Wayne & Nightmare Freddy) (with Paul E.Dangerously) vs Rick Hazard & Mike Starr
“Nightmare” Danny Davis vs unknown
Replay of Lord Humongous attacking The Samoans
Charlie Platt announces that Continental has purchased USA Wrestling
Doug Furnas vs Bucky Seigler
Doug Furnas is confronted by The Honor Guard
Nelson Royal interview
Dirty White Boy w/Dirty White Girl vs Rick Hazard
Danny Davis & Willie B Hert interview
Willie B Hert interview
Johnny Rich & Davey Rich (David Haskins) vs The Samoans (Sika & Kokina) w/Alan Martin
Danny Davis interview
Danny Davis vs Tom Prichard
Ted Manson vs Dutch Mantell
Replay of Eddie Gilbert & Paul E attacking Burrhead Jones
Austin Idol interview
D.I. Bob Carter interview
Ken Wayne interview
Paul E Dangerously interview
Ron West announces the signing of Eddie Gilbert vs Willie B Hert
Lord Humongous & Shane Douglas vs The New Nightmares (Ken Wayne & Nightmare Freddy – masked Doug Gilbert)
Danny Davis interview
Willie B Hert interview
Lord Humongous & Shane Douglas vs The New Nightmares – continued
David Woods announces the signing of a Hair match between Danny Davis and Ken Wayne
The Honor Guard (D.I. Bob Carter, Private Mark Pyle & Detroit Demolition) vs Rick Hazard, Bobo Brazil Jr (definitely not legit) & Deuce Mason
Missy’s Manor with The Honor Guard
Danny Davis vs Nelson Royal
Alan Martin with The Samoans interview
Paul E Dangerously interview
Austin Idol interview
Continental Wrestling Federation TV September ’88
Episode #1 (52 minutes) continued from prior DVD
Interviews w/D.I. & Detroit Demolition/Eddie Gilbert & Missy Hyatt/Tom Owens/Willie B. Hert/Austin Idol/Shane Douglas/Dangerously/Ken Wayne
~ Missy Hyatt questions why her husband Eddie Gilbert wouldn’t help her in the situation where Alan Martin kissed her last week.
~ Lord Humongous hasn’t shown up for his tag title defense with Shane Douglas so Shane decides to wrestle the title match on his own.
? Tag Champ Shane Douglas vs. The Samoan Warriors (Sika & Kokina) (Detroit Demolition & The D.I. interfere, Lord Humongous eventually arrives and makes the save)
? “Dirty White Boy” Tony Anthony vs. Lee Peak
? Ken Wayne & Nightmare Freddie vs. Mike Starr & Rick Hazzard
? Danny Davis vs. Bucky Siegler (Nightmare Freddie & Ken Wayne attack Davis)
Charlie Platt and Eddie Gilbert talk about The Road to Birmingham
Missy Hyatt music video – Wish I Had a Girl That Walked Like That
Replay of finish of Eddie Gilbert vs Mr Olympia – Austin Idol saves Mr Olympia from 2 on 1
Danny Davis & Shane Douglas get interviewed by Missy Hyatt
Paul E Dangerously interview with The New Nightmares
Charlie Platt sit down interview with Jerry Stubbs & Austin Idol
Highlights of Danny Davis vs Nelson Royal from previous week
Replay of confrontation between Honor Guard and Alan Martin with The Samoans
Replay of pull apart brawl between Austin Idol and Eddie Gilbert
Austin Idol & Willie B Hert interview
Eddie Gilbert interview
Replays of Eddie Gilbert attacking Willie B Hert’s son and Dirty White Boy hanging Tom Prichard
Continental Wrestling Federation TV September ’88
Episodes #2 (1 hour)
Interviews w/Ron West/Bam Bam Bigelow/The Bullet/Alan Martin/
? Tag Champs Shane Douglas & Lord Humongous vs. Ken Wayne & Nightmare Freddie
~ Contract Signing between Danny Davis & Ken Wayne
? The D.I. Bob Carter, Pvt. Mark Pyle & Detroit Demolition vs. Rick Hazzard, Bobo Brazil Jr. & Deuce Mason
~ Missy Hyatt’s Manor w/The D.I. & Detroit Demolition
? World Jr. Heavyweight Champ Nelson Royal vs. Danny Davis
? Austin Idol vs. The Renegade
Replay of Jerry Stubbs attacking Austin Idol during sit down interview
Jerry Stubbs & Tom Prichard vs Turbo Ted & Larry Davis
Tom Prichard & Jerry Stubbs interview/confrontation
Rick Hazzard vs Nelson Royal
Shane Douglas & Tom Prichard interview
Alan Martin & Paul E Dangerously interview
Paul E Dangerously & Ken Wayne interview
Shane Douglas, Tim Horner & Lord Humongous (Sid) vs Dirty White Boy, Ken Wayne & Nightmare Freddy (Doug Gilbert)
Missy’s Manor with Dutch Mantell
Bucky Siegler vs Lee Peak
Detroit Demolition (Randy Culley) vs Lee Peak
Paul E Dangerously & Ken Wayne interview
Willie B. Hert (Pez Whatley) vs Alan Martin
Continental Wrestling Federation TV October ’88
? Tim Horner, Shane Douglas & Lord Humongous vs. “Dirty White Boy” Tony Anthony, Ken Wayne & Nightmare Freddie (7 minutes)
~ From WWF TV: Ted Dibiase tried to buy Hercules, but Herc declines and makes a face turn
~ Randy Savage Interview
Continental Wrestling Federation TV October ’88
CWF Episode #1 (50 minutes)
Interviews w/Dan Davis/Ken Wayne/Shane Douglas/Bam Bam Bigelow/Eddie Gilbert/Dangerously/Stubbs/Austin Idol/Dangerously/Johnny & Davey Rich
? Tag Champs Shane Douglas & Lord Humongous vs. Bucky Seigler & Deuce Mason
? US Jr. Heavyweight Champ Danny Davis vs. Ken Wayne (Title Change, Nelson Royal complains about the finish)
? Tom Prichard vs. Jerry Stubbs (Ken Wayne Freddie & DWB attack Prichard, Austin Idol makes the save)
~ Jerry Stubbs attacks Doug Furnas on his way to the ring with a solid wood coat rack, preventing him from competing
? Dutch Mantell vs. Pat Rose
? “Dirty White Boy” Tony Anthony vs. Randy Hogan?
Continental Wrestling Federation TV October ’88
Episode #2 (48 minutes)
Interviews w/Bullet/Ken Wayne/Hert/
? Davey Rich vs. Private Mark Pyle
? “Dirty White Boy” Tony Anthony vs. The Bullet (Jerry Stubbs interferes and helps DWB whip the Bullet)
? Party Patrol (Davey & Johnny Rich) vs. Pat Rose & Deuce Mason
? Tom Prichard vs. Grappler #2 (Len Denton)
? Tim Horner vs. Private Mark Pyle
? Willie B. Hert vs. The Count
Continental Wrestling Federation TV October ’88
Episode #3 (8 minutes) Show continues on next DVD
? Detroit Demolition vs. Keith Steinborn
Continental Wrestling Federation TV October ’88
Episode #1 (continued from previous DVD) (49 minutes)
Interviews w/Stubbs & DWB/
? Willie B. Hert vs. Ken Wayne
? Grappler #2 (Len Denton) vs. Lee Peak
? Austin Idol vs. Private Mark Pyle
? Party Patrol (Davey & Johnny Rich) vs. Jerry Stubbs & “Dirty White Boy” Tony Anthony (The Bullet comes in)
? Tim Horner vs. Alan Martin (w/Kokina)
Continental Wrestling Federation TV October ’88
Episode #2 (42 minutes)
Interviews w/Ron Fuller/Alan Martin/Ken Wayne/Bullet/
~ Jerry Stubbs & Dirty White Boy attack The Bullet
? CWF Heavyweight Champ Tom Prichard vs. The Invader
? Tom Prichard vs. “Dirty White Boy” Tony Anthony (JIP, Road to Birmingham, 10/3/88, CWF Heavyweight Title Tournament Finals)
? Party Patrol (Davey & Johnny Rich) vs. The Count & Grappler #2 (Len Denton)
? Willie B. Hert vs. Chuck Allen
? Masa Chono vs. The Equalizer
? (JIP) Danny Davis vs. Ken Wayne (Hair vs. Hair, 10/3/88)
~ Jerry Stubbs & DWB attack the Bullet again, Willie B. & Brad Armstrong make the save
Davey Rich vs Private Pyle (Mark Young)
The Bullet interview
The Bullet vs Dirty White Boy
Johnny Rich & Davey Rich vs Pat Rose & Deuce Mason
Tom Prichard vs The Grappler II (Rick Hazzard)
Tim Horner interview
Tim Horner vs Private Pyle
Willie B Hert (Pez Whatley) vs The Count
Pez Whatley interview – confrontation with Ken Wayne
Continental Wrestling Federation TV July & August ’89
Episode #1 (27 minutes)
Interviews w/Prichard/Terry Garvin/Adrian Street
? CWF Heavyweight Champ Tom Prichard vs. Todd Morton
? Adrian Street vs. Terry Garvin
~ Jerry Lawler Video (Glory Days)
Continental Wrestling Federation TV July & August ’89
Episode #2 (1 hour)
Interviews w/Prichard/Robert Fuller & Brian Lee/Southern Boys/Dennis Condrey/Adrian Street/Terry Garvin/Jimmy Golden
? Southern Boys (Steve Armstrong & Tracy Smothers) vs. Kevin Dillinger & Don Harris
? Danny Davis & Jackie Fulton vs. Robert Fuller & Brian Lee
? Dennis Condrey vs. Mike Davis
? Terry Garvin vs. Johnny Gilbert
? Jerry Stubbs & Jimmy Golden vs. Ricky Morton & Todd Morton (3rd Fall Only, Robert Fuller, Brian Lee & Golden turn on and attack Jerry Stubbs)
Continental Wrestling Federation TV July & August ’89
Episode #3 (33 minutes)
Interviews w/Cooley/Adrian Street/Terry Garvin/Jimmy Golden
? Wendell Cooley vs. Don Harris
? Dennis Condrey vs. Tom Lively
~ Terry Garvin & The Beast (female) attack Adrian Street & Miss Linda
? Terry Garvin vs. Danny Davis (The female Beast attacks Davis)
? Jimmy Golden vs. Don Sanders
Episode continues on next DVD
Continental Wrestling Federation TV August ’89
Episode #1 (27 minutes) Continues from previous DVD
Interviews w/Golden & Robert Fuller/Southern Boys & Stubbs/
? Southern Boys (Steve Armstrong & Tracy Smothers) vs. Robert Fuller & Brian Lee (Jimmy Golden interferes but Jerry Stubbs returns to make the save!)
~ Jerry Lawler Video (The Warrior)
Continental Wrestling Federation TV August ’89
Episode #2 (1 hour+)
Interviews w/Southern Boys & Stubbs/Dennis Condrey/Prichard/Cooley/Fuller & Golden/Adrian Street
? Tag Champs Southern Boys (Steve Armstrong & Tracy Smothers) vs. Lou Fabiano & Rock Heart
? Danny Davis vs. Mike Davis
? Wendell Cooley vs. Lou Fabiano
? CWF Heavyweight Champ Dennis Condrey vs. Todd Morton
? (JIP) CWF Heavyweight Champ Tom Prichard vs. Dennis Condrey (Title Change)
? Tom Prichard vs. Keith Hart (Condrey attacks Prichard and Tom does a stretcher job)
~ Jeff Jarrett Video (Simply Irresistible)
~ Clip Jerry Stubbs vs. Jimmy Golden
? Terry Garvin and the Beast vs. Adrian Street & Miss Linda
? Southern Boys (Steve Armstrong & Tracy Smothers) & Jerry Stubbs vs. Thor the Warrior, Mike Davis & Rock Heart
Continental Wrestling Federation TV August ’89
Episode #3 (15 minutes)
Interviews w/Condrey/Fuller & Golden
? Don Harris vs. Jerry Stubbs
? Terry Garvin vs. Todd Morton (match continued on next DVD)
Continental Wrestling Federation TV August ’89
Episode #1 (continues from previous DVD) (40 minutes)
Interviews w/Adrian Street/Todd Morton/Terry Garvin/Condrey/Cooley/Southern Boys & Stubbs
? Terry Garvin vs. Todd Morton (match continued from prior DVD)
? Dennis Condrey vs. Danny Davis
? Robert Fuller vs. Continental Cat
? Southern Boys (Steve Armstrong & Tracy Smothers) vs. Mike Davis & Lou Fabiano
Continental Wrestling Federation TV August ’89
Episode #2 (50 minutes)
Interviews w/Condrey/Terry Garvin & The Beast/Adrian Street & Todd Morton/Cooley/Southern Boys
? Dennis Condrey vs. Todd Morton
? Terry Garvin & The Beast vs. Adrian Street & Miss Linda (Steel Cage Match, The Man Beast debuts and attacks Todd Morton, Adrian Street & Linda and the female beast is renamed the Baroness)
? Jerry Stubbs vs. Mike Davis
? Southern Boys (Steve Armstrong & Tracy Smothers) vs. Brian Lee & Jimmy Golden
~ Jerry Lawler Video (Glory Days)
~ Jerry Lawler Video (The Warrior)
Continental Wrestling Federation TV October ‘89
Episode #1 (48 minutes)
Interviews w/Dixie Dynamite/Brad Armstrong/Condrey/Jimmy Golden/Downtown Bruno/Adrian Street/Terry Garvin/Johnny Rich
? Southern Boys (Steve Armstrong & Tracy Smothers) vs. The Panther & Scrap Iron
? Dennis Condrey vs. The Avenger
~ Cactus Jack Video
? Cactus Jack Manson vs. Curt Allen
~ Miss Sylvia Video (Super Freak)
? Jimmy Golden & Brian Lee vs. Jerry Stubbs & Johnny Gilbert
? The Beast (Mark Gulleen) vs. Todd Morton
Continental Wrestling Federation TV October ‘89
Episode #2 (52 minutes)
Interviews w/Johnny Rich/Dixie Dynamite/Southern Boys/Robert Fuller/Stubbs/Adrian Street/The Beast/Todd Morton/Condrey
? Southern Boys (Steve Armstrong & Tracy Smothers) vs. The Intruders
~ Clip Jerry Stubbs injures the leg of Robert Fuller with a Figure Four
? Cactus Jack Manson vs. The Panther
? “The Beast” Mark Gulleen vs. Chief Little End
? Adrian Street & Todd Morton vs. Lou Fabiano & African Assassin
~ Jeff Jarrett Video
~ Robert Fuller & Dennis Condrey attack and attempt to injure the leg of Jerry Stubbs (A wild brawl ensues and EVERYONE in the locker room hits the ring for a fight)
Continental Wrestling Federation TV October ‘89
Episode #3 (18 minutes)
Interviews w/Johnny Rich/Downtown Bruno & Golden/Stubbs
? Jimmy Golden, Cactus Jack Manson & Brian Lee vs. The Panther, Chief Little End & Darrel Hall
? Jerry Stubbs vs. Lou Fabiano
Episode continues on next DVD
Continental Wrestling Federation TV November ’89
Episode #1 (Continued from previous DVD) (32 minutes)
Interviews w/Southern Boys/Dixie Dynamite/Condrey/Adrian Street/The Beast/
? CWF Heavyweight Champ Dennis Condrey vs. Johnny Gilbert
? Dixie Dynamite & Southern Boys (Steve Armstrong & Tracy Smothers) vs. The Eliminators & The Mercenary
? Adrian Street vs. The Beast (Mark Gulleen)
Continental Wrestling Federation TV November ’89
Episode #2 (51 minutes)
Interviews w/Dixie Dynamite & Southern Boys/Robert Fuller/Brickhouse Brown/Downtown Bruno/Johnny Rich/Stubbs/Condrey/Brad Armstrong
? Southern Boys (Steve Armstrong & Tracy Smothers) vs. Mad Max & The Panther
? Brickhouse Brown vs. The Gladiator
~ Robert Fuller asks Brickhouse Brown to join his Stud Stable. Brown accepts the cash, and the offer.
~ The Southern Boys & Dixie Dynamite explain how the Mink Coat Tournament will work.
? Robert Fuller, Brian Lee & Cactus Jack Manson vs. Jerry Stubbs, Chief Little End & Dean Ho? (Not Higuchi)
~ The Stud Stable celebrates Downtown Bruno’s birthday. As a present, Fuller transfers Brickhouse Brown’s contract over to Downtown Bruno. Brickhouse Brown is not pleased.
? CWF Heavyweight Champ Dennis Condrey vs. Brad Armstrong
Continental Wrestling Federation TV November ’89
Episode #3 (11/25/89) (37 minutes)
Interviews w/Tom Owens/Southern Boys & Dixie Dynamite/Robert Fuller & Stud Stable/Adrian Street/
? Dixie Dynamite vs. The Superstar
? Tag Champs Robert Fuller & Brian Lee vs. Bob Steele & Chief Little End
? Adrian Street vs. Mad Max
? Dennis Condrey vs. “A Fan” in a 1 minute DDT, $1,000 challenge
? Dennis Condrey vs. Burrhead Jones in a 1 minute DDT, $1,000 challenge
Episode continues on next DVD
Continental Wrestling Federation TV November ’89
Episode #1, 11/25/88 (continued from previous DVD) (13 minutes)
Interviews w/Condrey/Ron Starr
? Ron Starr vs. Cactus Jack Manson
Continental Wrestling Federation TV November ’89
Episode #2 (Repeat August ’89 Episode) 1 hour
Interviews w/Condrey/Golden & Fuller/Adrian Street/Todd Morton/Terry Garvin/Cooley/Southern Boys & Stubbs
? Jerry Stubbs vs. Don Harris
? Todd Morton vs. Terry Garvin
? Dennis Condrey vs. Danny Davis
? Robert Fuller vs. Continental Cat
? Southern Boys (Steve Armstrong & Tracy Smothers) vs. Mike Davis & Lou Fabiano
~ Iceman King Parsons Video (Michael Jackson’s “Bad”)
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Episode #1 (50 minutes)
Interviews w/DWB/Cooley/Prichard/Kris Von Colt/Landell/Furnas/Rip Rogers/Fuller’s & Golden/Adrian Street/Stubbs/Nightmares
? US Jr. Heavyweight Champ Larry Hamilton vs. Tom Prichard
? The Starfighter vs. Buddy Landell
~ Adrian Street & Miss Linda at home forcing Brenda Britton to be their maid per a recent match stipulation against Rip Rogers.
? Tag Champs The Nightmares vs. The Dirty White Boys (Tony Anthony & Len Denton) (Denton replaces a late Jerry Stubbs, Stubbs eventually shows up and helps attack the Nightmares)
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Episode #2 (50 minutes)
Interviews w/DWB & Stubbs/Prichard/Robert Fuller & Golden/Landell/Larry Hamilton/Cooley/Ron Fuller
? Tag Champs The Nightmares vs. Jerry Stubbs & “Dirty White Boy” Tony Anthony (Title Change)
~ From Prior Week: “Best Dressed Contest” Tom Prichard attacks Larry Hamilton & piledrives him on the concrete. Also later in the show, a Prichard, Stubbs & DWB vs. Nightmares & Hamilton brawl ensues.
~ This week on TV Larry Hamilton slaps Tom Prichard and steals his $4,000 watch.
? Buddy Landell vs. Al Scott
~ Larry Hamilton smashes Tom Prichard’s watch
? Alabama Heavyweight Champ Wendell Cooley vs. Kris Von Colt
? Continental Heavyweight Champ Tennessee Stud (Ron Fuller) vs. Rip Rogers
~ Kris Von Colt challenges Wendell Cooley to a Loser Leaves Town match
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Episode #3 (20 minutes)
Interviews w/Landell/Golden & Robert Fuller/Prichard
? Wendell Cooley vs. Kris Von Colt (Loser Leaves Town Match)
~ Robert Fuller & Jimmy Golden Video
? (JIP) US Jr. Heavyweight Champ Larry Hamilton vs. Tom Prichard (Title Change)
Show continued on next DVD
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Episode #1 (Continued from prior DVD) (28 minutes)
Interviews w/Landell/Prichard/Adrian Street/Rip Rogers/Larry Hamilton/DWB & Stubbs/Nightmares & Cooley/Ron Fuller
? Doug Furnas vs. Kevin Sullivan (JIP)
? The Shogun vs. Jimmy Spear
? Continental Heavyweight Champ Tennessee Stud (Ron Fuller) vs. Buddy Landell (Title Change)
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Episode #2 (32 minutes)
Interviews w/Yuri Gordyenko/Nightmares/Landell/Fuller & Golden/Stubbs/DWB/Prichard/Larry Hamilton/Adrian Street/Wrestling II
? Yuri Gordyenko & Vladimir Gordyenko vs. Keith Hart & Jack Reed
~ The Shogun breaks a concrete block in preparation for a bout with Wendell Cooley
? Wendell Cooley vs. Buddy Landell (The Shogun and Mr. Wrestling II come in)