Central States January 7, 1984
All Star intro
Sheik Roger Kirby vs. Ron Ritchie
Tommy Rogers vs. Grizzly Evans
Tiger Mask vs. Barry Orton
INT – Buzz Tyler
INT – Bulldog Bob Brown
(NWA Jr Champ) Les Thornton vs. Jason Walker (from GCW)
INT – Les Thornton (GCW)
INT – Col Buck Robley
INT – Luke Graham & Tully Blanchard
Scott Ferris vs. King Cobra
INT – Harley Race
Bruiser Brody vs. Kamala
Central States January 14, 1984
All Star intro
Tommy & Johnny Rogers vs. Scott Ferris & Bill Howard
Roger Kirby vs. Dusty Wolfe
INT – in ring – Tully Blanchard & Luke Graham
Bulldog Bob Brown vs. Paul Kelly
INT – in ring – Bulldog Bob Brown
INT – Tully Blanchard
INT – Col Buck Robley
INT – Luke Graham
(CS Tag Champ) Luke Graham & Tully Blanchard vs. Buzz Tyler & King Cobra (Bob Brown and Roger Kirby run ins)
INT – Harley Race
Tiger Mask vs. Grizzly Evans
Central States January 28, 1984
Tommy Rogers vs. TG Stone
Mark & Jay Youngblood vs. Bill Howard & Paul Kelly
Bruiser Brody vs. Kamala (from Kiel)
INT – Col Buck Robley & Ron Ritchie
Luke Graham vs. Dusty Wolfe
INT – Ric Flair
Rock n Roll Express music video
INT – Harley Race
Grappler 2 vs. Ron Ritchie
Central States February 4, 1984
All Star intro
Ron Ritchie vs. Scott Ferris
Tommy Rogers vs. Grizzly Evans
VTR – Mark & Jay Youngblood vs. Jerry Grey & Ben Alexander (from Mid Atl)
INT – Luke Graham
INT – Harley Race
Bruiser Brody & Col Buck Robley vs. The Grapplers
INT – Ric Flair
Battle Ro yal from Kiel, won by Barry Windham
Central States February 18, 1984
Bruiser Brody Decent Boys ad
Roger Kirby vs. Tiger Mask (Ken Wayne)
VTR – The Road Warriors vs. Wahoo MCDaniel & Buzz Sawyer
Bulldog Bob Brown vs. Scott Ferris
INT – The Grapplers & Luke Graham
INT – Harley Race
Junkyard Dog vs. Tonga (from Mid-South)
Col Buck Robley vs. Grappler 1 (Grappler 2 run in, Ron Ritchie save)
INT – Bulldog Bob Brown
(CS Champ) Tully Blanchard vs. Buzz Tyler (Non titleTexas Death Match) show ends
Central States March 10, 1984
Ted Oates vs. Bill Howard
Buzz Sawyer vs. Dave Austin (Luke Graham run in)
INT – TG Stone
INT – Luke Graham
Col Buck Robley vs. Paul Kelly
INT – The Grapplers
Tommy Rogers vs. Luke Graham
Central States March 17, 1984
All Star intro
Scott Ferris vs. Dusty Wolf
(CS Champ) Buzz Tyler vs. TG Stone
INT – Ted Oates
Ron Ritchie & Ted Oates vs. The Grapplers
INT – Wahoo McDaniel (from Mid-Atlantic)
Tiger Mask vs. Dave Austin (Roger Kirby run in)
VTR – Tommy Rich vs. Roger Bond (GCW)
INT – Harley Race
Bulldog Bob Brown vs. Luke Graham
Central States March 24, 1984
AS intro
Tommy Rogers vs. Scott Ferris
VTR – One man Gang vs. Frank Leopard (Florida)
INT – Jimmy Garvin
(JIP) Tiger Mask vs. TG Stone
Bruce Reed music video
INT – Chris Adams
INT – Wahoo McDaniel
The Grapplers vs. Ted Oates & Bulldog Bob Brown (Brown rep R Ritchie who no shows)
INT – in ring – Bulldog Bob Brown & Ted Oates
Central States April 7, 1984
(Tag Tournament) Ted & Jerry Oates vs Les Thornton & Roger “Nature Boy” Kirby
(Tag Tournament) Luke Graham & One Man Gang vs Dusty Wolfe & Tommy Rogers
(Tag Tournament) Buzz Tyler & Ron Ritchie vs The Grapplers
INT – Ric Flair
INT – In Ring – Wahoo McDaniel & Bruce Reed
INT – Harley Race
(Tag Tournament) Scott Ferris & Hacksaw Jim Duggan vs TG Stone & Roger Kirby (Kirby sub for ??????)
INT – Post Match – Hacksaw Jim Duggan
INT – Jimmy Garvin w/Precious
(Tag Tournament) Wahoo McDaniel & Bruce Reed vs The Mongo’s w/Brother Sledge
Central States April 14, 1984
All-Star intro
Ted & Jerry Oates vs. One Man Gang & Luke Graham (Tag tourn)
VTR – JIP – Ric Flair vs. Sonny King (from GCW)
Bruce Reed & Wahoo McDaniel vs. Hacksaw Jim Duggan & Scott Ferris (tag tourn)
Bruce Reed & Wahoo McDaniel vs. The Grapplers (tag tourn)
INT – The Grapplers
Ted & Jerry Oates vs. The Grapplers (Tag Tourn Final)
Central States April 21, 1984
All-Star intro
Tom Shaft vs. Paul Kelly & Dusty Wolf
VTR – JIP – Ric Flair vs. Pat Rose (from GCW)
INT – Luke Graham & The Grapplers
Tommy Rogers vs. TG Stone
VTR – Bruiser Brody vs. Kamala
INT – The Uptown Boys (Jannetty & Rogers) w/Bob Giegel talking about them
INT – Harley Race
INT – Marty Jannetty & Ted Oates
(CS Champ) Buzz tyler vs. Luke Graham
Central States April 28, 1984
Bruiser Brody Decent Boys store ad
All Star intro
Ron Ritchie vs. Tommy Sharp
Kamala vs. Bruiser Brody
INT – Uptown Boys (Jannetty & Rogers) & Ted & Jerry Oates
Marty Jannetty & Cowboy Lang vs. Roger Kirby & Little Tokyo
Stan Hansen vs. Mark Hill (from GCW)
INT – The Grapplers
INT – Luke Graham
INT – in ring – Tom Shaft
(JIP) (CS tag champs) The Grapplers vs. Ted & Jerry Oates
Central States May 6, 1984
All Star intro
INT – in rong – The Uptown Boys (Jannetty & Rogers)
INT – Luke Graham
INT – Harley Race
Tommy Rogers vs. Roger Kirby
INT – The Grapplers
Ric Flair video
(CS Champ) Luke Graham vs. Buzz Tyler (Cage match)
Central States June 3, 1984
Jimmy Valiant Music Video
INT – Ric Flair (from GCW)
Tom Shaft vs. TG Stone (Stone conf w/Terry Garvin)
INT – Harley Race
INT – in ring – Art Crews & Ted Oates
INT – Wahoo McDaniel (from GCW)
(CS Tag Champ) The Grapplers w/Jimmy Hart vs The Uptown Boys (Marty Jannetty & Tommy Rogers) w/Honey
(Grapplers try to dress Marty Jannetty as a chicken, Bob Giegel saves, breaks Harts jaw)
Central States June 24, 1984
Scott Farris vs Tom Ivey
Jimmy Valiant Video
Roger Kirby vs Ted Oates
Crusher Blackwell vs Buddy Diamond
Luke Graham vs Art Crews
Central States June 24, 1984
Scott Ferris vs. Tom Ivy
INT – Uptown Boys (Jannetty & Rogers), Bob Giegel makes match vs Grapplers who come out
Ted Oates vs. Roger Kirby
INT – Ted Oates
INT – TG Stone
VTR – Jerry Blackwell vs. Buddy Diamond
INT – The Grapplers
INT – Harley Race
(CS TV champ) Art Crews vs (CS Champ) Luke Graham (mass brawl erupts)
Central States July 21, 1984
Jerry Anderson vs TG Stone (Stone argues w/Terry Garvin, Art Crews saves)
Jimmy Valiant vs Magic Dragon (Mid-Atl) (Jones and Assassins attack Valiant)
Dave Petersen vs Gypsy Joe
INT – Harley Race
Bruiser Brody ad for Kribs Ford City
Harley Race vs Ric Flair (from Japan) (JIP)
INT – in ring – The Uptown Boys (Marty Jannetty and Tommy Rogers) interrupted by Ted Oates – brawl, Grapplers run in (TV Champ) Art
Crews vs MEB (No DQ)
Bruiser Brody ad for Kribs Ford City
INT – in ring – Sheik
Abdullah the Great w/MEB, Gypsy Joe & Luke Graham
INT – Kerry von Erich
INT – Ric Flair
The Grapplers vs Ox Baker & Tom Ivy
Central States August 4, 1984
All Star intro
MEB vs. Dave Petersen
INT – in ring – Sheik
Abdullah the Great, Skandor Akbar, Missing Link, Gypsy Joe, Luke Graham
Jimmy Valiant music video
INT – The Grapplers
INT – Ted Oates
Buzz Tyler vs. Jerry Blackwell
INT – Harley Race
Uptown Boys (Jannetty & Rogers) & Wahoo McDaniel vs. The Grapplers & Ted Oates
Central States August 11, 1984
All Star intro
INT – Sheik Abdullah the Great & Gypsy Joe
Buzz Tyler vs. Gypsy Joe
INT – post match – Buzz Tyler
Jimmy Valiant music video
INT – The Grapplers
Jerry Blackwell vs. Buddy Diamond (Mid-Atlantic)
INT – Iceman King Parsons
Ox Baker vs. MEB
(JIP) The Grapplers vs. The Uptwon Boys (Jannetty & Rogers)
INT – Harley Race
(JIP) (CS Title) Ted Oates vs. Harley Race
Central States August 26, 1984
AS intro
Ox Baker & Tug Taylor vs. TG Stone & Mongo No 2
(JIP) (NWA Champ) Kerry von Erich vs. Ric Flair (title change from Japan)
INT – in ring – The Grapplers
INT – Buzz Tyler
INT – Sheik Abdullah the Great w/TG Stone
Luke Graham vs. Marty Jannetty
VTR – Jerry Blackwell vs. Steve Brinson (GCW)
INT – Harley Race
Tommy Rogers vs Gypsy Joe
Central States September 4, 1984 – 30 mins
JIP The Grapplers vs. Mark & Jay Youngblood
Ox Baker vs. Luke Graham
INT – Chris Adams & Stella Mae (from WCCW)
INT – Ric Flair (from Mid Atl)
INT – Harley Race
(CS Tag Ch) The Uptown Boys (Jannetty & Rogers) vs. TG Stone and Grappler No 2
Central States September 28, 1984
Rock n Roll Express music video
INT – Marty Jannetty & Bulldog Bob Brown
Hacksaw Higgins vs Jim Gorman
INT – Sheik Abdullah the great w/ Gypsy Joe, Hacksaw Higgins & The Animal
INT – Buzz Tyler
Bulldog Bob Brown & Buzz Tyler vs. Gypsy Joe & TG Stone
Marty Jannetty vs. Ted Dibiase (JIP)
INT – post match – Ted Dibiase
Central States November 15, 1986
Clips of Sam Houston vs. Warlord in Central States
Jim Cornette & Big Bubba promo
Bill Dundee promo
Thunderfoots vs. Mitch Snow & Mark Flemming
Todd Champion & Dave Peterson promo
Dusty Rhodes vs. Teijo Khan
Mod Squad & JD Costello promo
Denny Brown & Italian Stallion promo
Mod Squad vs. Dave Peterson & Todd Champion
Bill Dundee promo
Central States January 17, 1987
Mod Squad promo
Barbarian vs. Mitch Snow
Barry Windham promo
Rock n Roll Express promo
Thunderfoot 1 vs. Italian Stallion
Batten Twins promo
Wahoo McDaniel vs. Thunderfoot 2
Ric Flair promo
Italian Stallion & Rufus R. Jones promo
Colt Steele & Teijo Khan vs. Brad & Bart Batten
Manny Fernandez promo
Sam Houston vs. The Gladiator
Dusty Rhodes & Nikita Koloff promo
Central States January 24, 1987
Teijo Khan & Warlord & Colt Steele vs. Brady Boone & Batten Twins
Ken Timbs vs. Italian Stallion
Batten Twins promo
Porkchop Cash promo, calls Rufus R. Jones an Uncle Tom
Bill Dundee & Porkchop Cash attack Rufus with a chair
Sam Houston & Brady Boone promo
Todd Champion & Dave Peterson vs. Mod Squad
Central States May 87 Vol.1
Russell Sapp & Karl Kovacs vs Vinnie Valentino & Rick McCord
Brenda’s Beauty Shop: Porkchop Cash & Stable
Rick McCord interview
Porkchop Cash interview
Rufus R. Jones interview
Dave Peterson vs Steve Seibert
Bob Brown vs Rip Rogers
Rip Rogers interview
Bruiser Brody hilites
Rip Rogers attacks Bob Brown
Rufus R. Jones vs Mr. Pogo – Cent. St. Title
Central States May 87 Vol.2
Rick McCord vs Joe Lightfoot
Brenda’s Beauty Shop: Porkchop Cash & Stable
Rick McCord interview
Rufus R. Jones interview
Earthquake Farris vs Steve Seibert
Rip Rogers – Bob Brown Footage
Karl Kovacs vs Vinnie Valentino
Porkchop Cash & Warlord vs Batten Twins – No DQ
1987/06/05: Show @ Hutchinson
Convention Hall in Hutchinson, Kansas (United States of America)
1. Krusher Karl Kovac vs. Ric McCord
2. Destroyer vs. Earthquake Ferris
3. Russell Sapp vs. Vinnie Valentino
4. NWA Central States Heavyweight Title Match: Mr. Pogo vs. Rufus R. Jones (c)
5. Bobby Jaggers and Bart Batten vs. Porkchop Cash and The Warlord
6. Dave Peterson vs. Rip Rogers
Central States June 87
The Warlord vs TC Carter
Brenda’s Beauty Shop – Ox Baker
Ox Baker vs Steve Estes
Bobby Jaggers vs Vinnie Valentino
Rip Rogers attacks Ox Baker
Best Dressed Man Contest Russell Sapp Esquire vs Ric McCord – Sapp Attacks McCord
Porkchop Cash vs Rufus R. Jones
Central States 8/87 Vol.1
Penny Mitchell & Bob Giegel interview
Mitchell & Geigel vs Rogers & Miss Brends
Dave Peterson vs Steve Estes
Stevie Ray interview
Assassin vs TC Carter
Brenda’s Beauty Shop:Earthquake Farris
Porkchop Cash vs Vinnie Valentino
Downtown Bruno & Farris interview
Earthquake Farris vs Rufus R. Jones – Lumberjack Match
Central States 8/87 Vol.2
Batten Twins vs Assassin & Steve Estes
Russell Sapp vs Chief Jay Strongbow Jr.
Rick McCord vs Jerry Anderson
Rip Rogers – Bob Geigel Footage
Abby & Rogers vs Geigel & Mike George
Curt Hennig vs Dave Peterson
Nakita Koloff vs Tully Blanchard
Central States 8/87 Vol.3
Porkchop Cash int. on Rip Rogers turning on Him
Prince Tapu vs TC Carter
Brenda Britton vs Penny Marshall – Rogers run in – Mike George Save
Brenda’s Beauty Shop – Rip Rogers
Batten Twins attack Ric McCord
Rip Rogers vs Bob Giegal – Street Fight – Geigal hurt – George subs
Downtown Bruno & Stable interviewed
Rock & Roll Rebel Express interview
Earthquake Farris vs Rufus R. Jones
All Star Wrestling from Kansas City 04-28-88
1. Steve Cox vs. Russell Sapp
2. Geigel announces alliance of WWA with World Class Championship Wrestling
3. Bulldog Brown & Masa Chono vs. Vinnie Valentino & Steve Ray
4. Steve and Shaun Simpson clip
5. Interview: Pat O’Connor and Steve Cox
6. Mike George vs. Chris Adams (O’Connor is special referee)