CWA Memphis Wrestling 1/4/86
~ Rick Casey Music Video gIf Heaven ainft a lot like Dixieh
œ Rick Casey vs. The Invader
~ Interview w/Dutch Mantell/Bill Dundee
œ Dutch Mantell vs. Jim Jamison
~ Fantastics Music Video (ZZ Top- Gimme All yer Lovinf)
~ Pat Rose talks with Lance Russell mentioning he called his partner Tom Prichard in Houston but someone hanged up on him.
œ Fantastics vs. The Spoiler (Morrell) & Pat Rose
œ Tracy Smothers & Billy Travis vs. Lou Winston & Masked Jobber (The announcers openly admit they have no clue who Winstonfs masked partner is so they end up dubbing him gThe Invaderh)
~ Tony Falk Interview (Tony returns determined to win his match up today)
œ Jerry Lawler vs. Tony Falk (Lawler wins in a mere 24 seconds)
~ Jerry Lawler Music Video followed by an ad for his Jerry Lawler Commercial Tape release
~ Jerry Lawler Interview (Lawler offers to put his title & job on the line vs. Bill Dundee and his wifefs hair)
~ Interviews w/Fantastics/Rick Casey
œ Bill Dundee vs. David Johnson
~ Bill Dundee Music Video & Interview (Dundee responds to Lawlerfs Career vs. Hair challenge, Billfs wife Beverly also responds to the situation)
CWA Memphis Wrestling 1/11/86
œ Rick Casey vs. Benny Trailer
~ Interviews w/Rick Casey/Fantastics/Koko Ware
~ Jerry Lawler Music Video (Lawlerfs self performed gWorldfs Greatest Wrestlerh)
œ Buddy Landell vs. David Haskins (This is Landellfs return to Memphis after being fired by Dusty in JCP)
~ Buddy Landell Interview (after doing very little actual work in the ring, Buddy is blown up as he tries to cut a promo with Lance Russell)
œ The Bladerunners vs. David Johnson & Jim Jamison (The runners are billed by their real names, Steve Borden & Jim Hellwig here, I am sure by now you know them as Sting and the Ultimate Warrior)
~ Steve Keirn Interview (challenges Dundee to a Loser Leaves Town Match)
~ Tony Falk & Dutch Mantell Interview (Falk mentions his gresemblanceh to Ric Flair, Mantell promises Falk will have his first win today)
œ The Fantastics vs. Dutch Mantell & Tony Falk (Mantell tries to attack Rogers with a chair but Rick Casey makes the save by chasing Dutch to the back with a bull rope. The Fantastics then double team and defeat Falk)
~ Bill Dundee & Dutch Mantell Interview
~ Bill Dundee throws a party at ringside with all the heels, celebrating his victory over Jerry Lawler, which not only got Bill the title, but also ended the Kingfs career in Memphis for 6 months.
œ Southern Champ Bill Dundee vs. Jerry Garmen (Big Red Reese makes his surprise Memphis return, attacking Dundee and Dutch Mantell, Red tries a splash into the corner but trips and falls into both heels.)
~ Tony Falk makes another open challenge in hopes of finally winning a match. Rick Casey accepts.
œ Rick Casey vs. Tony Falk
CWA Memphis Wrestling 1/18/86
~ Bill Dundee is scheduled to wrestle Jim Jamison but declines in order to show his recent contest from the MSC.
œ Southern Champ Bill Dundee vs. Big Red Reese (MSC 1/13/86, commentary by Dundee, Mantell & Landell, basically ripping apart Red)
~ Steve Keirn Interview
œ Billy Travis vs. The Invader
œ Bladerunners (w/Buddy Wayne) vs. Phil Hickerson & Billy Travis (JIP, Wayne and the Runners bloody Hickerson after the match and Philfs old partner, The Spoiler makes the surprise save)
~ Austin Idol Music Video
œ Dirty Rhodes & Tojo Yamamoto vs. The Raiders
~ Fantastics Interview (Win a Date with the Fantastics Contest is announced)
~ Buddy Landell Interview (Landell announces his own gWin a date w/Buddyh Contest)
œ Dutch Mantell vs. Kevin McQueen
œ Buddy Landell vs. David Johnson
~ Interview w/Dundee, Landell & Mantell
œ Koko Ware, Rick Casey & The Fantastics vs. Pat Rose, Tony Falk & The Sheepherders (Morgan & Taurus Bulba) (w/Jonathan Boyd)
CWA Memphis Wrestling 1/25/86
œ Larry Hamilton vs. The Invader (this is Hamiltonfs Memphis Debut)
~ Interviews w/Landell/Dundee/Mantell/Boyd
~ Tony Falk again promises his first win today on TV
œ The Fantastics vs. Pat Rose & Tony Falk
~ The Fantastics Interview (they talk more about the gWin a Dateh contest, Buddy Landell interrupts to talk about his own Date contest, the Sheepherders attack and bloody the Fantastics)
~ Koko Ware Interview
œ Buddy Landell & Dutch Mantell vs. Billy Travis & David Haskins
œ Dirty Rhodes vs. Keith Eric
~ Interviews w/Rick Casey/Fantastics
~ Bill Dundee Music Video (Bad to the Bone)
œ Southern Champ Bill Dundee vs. Tracy Smothers
CWA Memphis Wrestling 2/1/86
~ Tony Falk Interview (Lance Russell displays Falkfs record of 0 wins and 37 losses, Falk again promises a win)
œ Fantastics vs. Tony Falk & Keith Eric
~ Dundee & Mantell Interview
~ Highlights from MSC 1/27/86: Koko Ware & Rick Casey vs. Sheepherders (Morgan & Boyd) (Dirty Rhodes, Dundee, Landell & Mantell interfere, the Fantastics & others make the save)
œ Rick Casey & Dirty Rhodes vs. The Invaders
~ In an interesting piece, it is announced that Bill Dundee gfiled a motionh to stop all sales of the Jerry Lawler video, we see footage from outside the courthouse where we hear from both the Jerry Lawler video gdistributorsh an well as Dennis Coraluzzo playing the roll of Bill Dundeefs glawyerh. It is announced that the Lawler video will indeed be able to be sold after all.
~ Jerry Lawler Video Ad (only $35 after tax!)
~ Highlights of the entire Bill Dundee/Koko Ware feud is shown. It includes a clip of Dundee aiding Landell in defeating Koko for his title.
œ Koko Ware vs. The Masked Patriot
~ Bill Dundee Music Video (Bad to the Bone)
œ Buddy Landell & Dutch Mantell vs. Billy Travis & Tracy Smothers
~ Dirty Rhodes & Rick Casey Interview
~ Austin Idol Interview (he announced gD-Dayh, the end of Dundee)
CWA Memphis Wrestling 2/8/86
œ Buddy Landell vs. Lionel Green
~ Buddy Landell Interview (discusses the gWin a Date w/Buddyh Contest & his recent attack on Dirty Rhodes)
~ Interviews w/Mantell/Dundee
œ Abdul Gaddafi (w/Bill Dundee) vs. Bobby Fuqua?
~ JD Costello & The MOD Squad Interview
œ The Fantastics vs. The Undertakers
~ Fantastics Interview (As they discuss the Fantastic Date they are attacked by Dundee & Gaddafi)
œ Bill Dundee & Dutch Mantell vs. Dirty Rhodes & Tracy Smothers (Dundee and Mantell lay out their opponents with a chair and Shubaby)
~ Rick Casey & Dirty Rhodes Interview
~ Returning from the prior match, they are attempting to stretcher out Tracy Smothers but Dundee and Mantell attempt to stop them, Dirty Rhodes and Rick Casey then chase the heels off)
~ Larry Hamilton Interview
œ Larry gThunderbolth Hamilton vs. David Haskins
~ Billy Travis & The Spoiler Interview (The Spoiler unmasks himself to announce he is now going by his real name, Frank Morrell. Tony Falk & Pat Rose interrupt and a brawl ensues)
CWA Memphis Wrestling 2/15/86
~ Highlights of Austin Idol in Action
œ Abdul Gaddafi vs. Jim Jamison
~ Interviews w/Austin Idol/Dundee/Landell & Mantell
~ Austin Idol Music Video
œ Larry gThunderbolth Hamilton vs. Keith Eric
~ JD Costello & The MOD Squad Interview
œ Buddy Landell & Dutch Mantell (w/Dundee) vs. Jerry Garmen & Benny Traylor
~ Fantastics Music Video (ZZ Top- Gimme All yer Lovinf)
~ Bill Dundee Interview
~ Rick Casey Music Video
œ Rick Casey & Dirty Rhodes vs. The Undertakers
~ Dirty Rhodes & Rick Casey Interview
~ Bill Dundee Music Video (Bad to the Bone)
CWA Memphis Wrestling 2/22/86
~ Buddy Landell Interview (Buddy isnft happy with the return of Austin Idol)
œ The Fantastics vs. The Undertakers
~ Several wrestlers talk about their thoughts on the upcoming Thunder Dome Matches they will be participating in, interviews include Rick Casey, Dirty Rhodes, Thunderbolt Hamilton, Tojo Yamamoto, Frank Morrell & Billy Travis
~ Local Promo Interview w/Dundee, Landell & Mantell
~ Austin Idol Interview (Dressed in street clothes, The Idol returns after a near 6 month absence. Idol apologizes for showing up late and says he is going to change into ring gear, unfortunately his opponent ,Tony Falk, doesnft want to wait. Austin agrees to wrestle in street clothes.)
œ Austin Idol vs. Tony Falk (Buddy Landell does commentary during this match)
œ Ken Prince vs. The Raider
œ Buddy Landell vs. Lionel Green (After the bout Landell refuses to release the Figure Four leglock. Austin Idol makes the save but is soon attacked by Bill Dundee and double teamed.)
~ JD Costello & MOD Squad Interview
œ Rick Casey vs. Pat Rose
~ Local Promo Interviews w/Fantastics/Rick Casey & Dirty Rhodes/Austin Idol
œ Bill Dundee & Dutch Mantell vs. Frank Morell & Billy Travis
CWA Memphis Wrestling 3/1/86
~ Buddy Landell Interview (Landell shows of pictures of him putting Ric Flair in the Figure Four leg lock, and a picture of Landell holding the NWA World Title in the air after the bout. Furthering the point that not only should he be World Champion, but his Figure Four is the best out there, that includes Ausin Idolfs gLas Vegas Leg Lockh)
~ Jerry Jarrett Interview (Jarrett announces his retirement)
~ Local Promo Interview w/Landell & Dundee (They talk about turning on Dutch Mantell, however this promo airs BEFORE the turn takes place on the actual episode. OOPS!)
~ JD Costello & MOD Squad Interview
œ Tag Champs Fantastics vs. Benny Traylor & Jerry Garmen
~ Several wrestlers talk about their thoughts on the upcoming Thunder Dome Matches they will be participating in, interviews include Tony Falk, Bill Dundee, Buddy Landell, Dutch Mantell, Tom Branch, Abdul Gaddafi (NOTE: Landell exclaims the biggest thing hefs going to bring to the ring is his EGO. At least hefs honest.)
~ Jos LeDuc Video Package (this is to hype the announcement that Jos LeDuc will participate in the Thunderdome matches)
œ International Champ Rick Casey vs. Dutch Mantell (JIP from MSC 2/24/86, Buddy Landellfs interference backfires and he costs Mantell the match. After the bout Dutch and Landell have a heated argument while Dundee enters to break it up.)
~ Bill Dundee & Buddy Landell Interview (Dundee promises things are fine inside their group, but Landell continues to bash Dutch. Mantell arrives and Buddy begins to kiss his hind end. Lance Russell gets disgusted and replays footage of Landell attempting to attack Dutch from behind at the MSC. This enrages Mantell who attacks Buddy. Dundee tries to break things up but Mantell takes a shot on Bill as well. At this point Landell & Dundee double team and lay out Dutch.)
~ Local Promo Interviews w/Fantastics/Dutch Mantell
œ Buddy Landell vs. Billy Travis (Dutch Mantell comes in but Landell escapes)
~ Dutch Mantell Interview (Dutch asks to make the match for the MSC- Dundee & Landell vs. Dutch & Billy Travis)
CWA Memphis Wrestling 3/8/86
œ Dirty Rhodes vs. Benny Traylor (The referee here is Jeff Jarrett)
~ Local Promo Interview w/JD Costello & The MOD Squad
~ Dutch Mantell Interview (Sit down Interview where Mantell explains his longtime friendship with Dundee, and how Landell came along and got in the Superstarfs ear. Mantell talks about Dundee ending their friendship and changing his personality. This is so good I would believe it as a shoot. Dutch then plays the guitar to end the interview.)
œ Dutch Mantell vs. Jerry Garmen
œ Bill Dundee & Buddy Landell vs. David Johnson & Jim Jamison (After the match Landell and Dundee attack referee Jeff Jarrett. Jerry Jarrett runs to his sonfs aid, but eventually gets laid out as well. As Dundee and Landell try to take out Jerryfs good eye, Jeff gets a second win and does a nice job fighting the heels off of his father but only momentarily. The heels again lay out Jeff until Dutch Mantell makes the save.)
~ Jerry Jarrett Interview (Jerry tries to speak but canft stop crying after his son was attacked, Lance Russell walks him off the set)
~ Eddie Marlin Interview (He announces he is bringing Jerry Lawler back to teach Landell & Dundee a lesson)
œ Fantastics vs. Tony Falk & Keith Eric
~ Local Promo Interview w/Dundee & Landell
~ Dutch Mantell Interview (During this Interview, Eddie Marlin calls Jerry Lawler over a speaker phone. Eddie asks him to return to gain revenge for the Jarrett family. The King accepts! And his 6-month gLoser Leaves Townh contract lasts 6 weeks.)
œ MOD Squad (w/JD Costello) vs. Thunderbolt Hamilton & David Haskins
CWA Memphis Wrestling 3/15/86
œ Paul Diamond & Michael Lee vs. Benny Traylor & The Masked Patriot
œ International Champ Rick Casey vs. Abdul Gaddafi (Highlights from MSC, the title changes hands)
~ Frank Morrell & Billy Travis Interview (Travis is basically challenging Gadaffi to a title match, but all he does is bumble his one line while Frank basically ruins his credibility. I canft believe they let this taped segment air.)
~ Local Promo Interview w/Fantastics/Dutch Mantell
œ Dutch Mantell vs. Keith Eric
~ Jerry Lawler Interview
œ Bill Dundee & Buddy Landell vs. Jim Jamison & David Haskins
œ Fantastics vs. Tony Falk & Pat Rose
~ Jerry Lawler advertises his self named Video Tape
~ Local Promo Interview w/Dundee & Landell (Dundee shows off pictures of a swollen eye he received at the hands of Jerry Lawler the week prior)
œ MOD Squad (w/JD Costello) vs. Thunderbolt Hamilton & David Johnson
~ Jos LeDuc Video Package
CWA Memphis Wrestling 3/22/86
œ Billy Travis vs. Keith Eric
~ VTR: Mintage of Frank Morrell training Billy Travis in preparation to work his way to the top.
~ Local Promo Interview w/Bill Dundee Interview
œ Bill Dundee & Buddy Landell vs. Benny Trailer & Jerry Garmen
~ VTR: Jeff Jarrett Interview (announces he is going to become a wrestler)
œ Jos LeDuc vs. David Haskins
~ Jerry Lawler advertises his self named Video Tape
~ JD Costello & MOD Squad Interview
œ Tag Champs Fantastics vs. The MOD Squad (Titles vs. $3,000)
~ Local Promo Interview w/Dutch Mantell Interview
œ Paul Diamond & Michael Lee vs. Tony Falk & Pat Rose
CWA Memphis Wrestling 3/29/86
œ Dutch Mantell vs. Keith Eric
œ Memphis Vice (Lou Winston & Jerry Bryant) vs. Benny Trailer & Jerry Garmen
~ Local Promo Interview w/Bill Dundee Interview
~ VTR: Dirty Rhodes Interview (plays the guitar)
~ Jos LeDuc Interview
œ Jos LeDuc vs. Henry Rutledge
~ VTR: Billy Travis & Frank Morrell Interview
œ Bill Dundee & Buddy Landell vs. David Haskins & Frank Morrell
~ Bill Dundee & Buddy Landell Interview (Dundee slaps Lance Russell for mentioning their team has lost to Lawler & Mantell in every tag match they have had. Lawler & Mantell make the save)
œ Billy Travis vs. The Invader
~ Tony Falk Interview (Falkfs still looking for his first win)
œ Tony Falk vs. Jim Jamison
~ Local Promo Interview w/Jerry Lawler & Dutch Mantell
~ VTR: Paul Diamond Interview (discusses his past drug problems)
œ The MOD Squad vs. Paul Diamond & Michael Lee
CWA Memphis Wrestling 4/5/86
~ Eddie Marlin Interview (Marlin apologizes to Lance Russell on behalf of the CWA for Bill Dundeefs actions the week before, we then see a clip of Dundee slapping Russell from 3/29)
~ Memphis Vice Interview
œ Memphis Vice (Lou Winston & Jerry Bryant) vs. Jim Jamison & Keith Eric
~ Billy Travis Interview (Travis talks about recently capturing the International Title from Sheik Abdul Gaddafi when he is attacked by Gaddafi in the interview area)
~ Local Promo Interview w/Bill Dundee & Buddy Landell Interview
~ In studio Interview w/Bill Dundee & Buddy Landell (The Duo debut the infamous gBILL & BUDDY SHOWh)
œ Jos LeDuc vs. Benny Trailer & Jerry Garmen (Handicap Match)
~ Bill & Buddy Interview Jos LeDuc
~ Jerry Lawler advertises his self named Video Tape (upon returning from this commercial Bill & Buddy pretend to be put to sleep by Lawlerfs video)
œ Jerry Lawler & Dutch Mantell vs. Pat Rose & Bill Rose (Lawler & Mantell leave the match and return with chairs and DESTROY the gBill & Buddy Showh set. This leads to a brawl between all four men.)
œ Tag Champs The MOD Squad vs. Henry Rutledge & David Johnson
~ JD Costello & MOD Squad Interview
~ Local Promo Interview w/Jerry Lawler & Dutch Mantell
~ Tony Falk Interview
œ Paul Diamond & Michael Lee vs. Tony Falk & The Masked Patriot
CWA Memphis Wrestling 4/12/86
¡ñ International Champ Billy Travis vs. The Masked Patriot
~ Billy Travis Interview
¡ñ Tag Champs The MOD Squad vs. Henry Rutledge & Tojo Yamamoto (Jeff Jarrett works as ¡°guest referee¡±)
~ Local Promo Interview w/Bill Dundee Interview
~ Tony Falk Interview (Falk continues to call out Jeff Jarrett, Jerry Lawler challenges Falk, Falk begins to back away when he is attacked by JEFF JARRETT!!! Jarrett pummels Falk)
¡ñ Paul Diamond & Michael Lee vs. Tony Falk & Keith Eric (Instead of working the match, Falk remains on the mic during the entire bout, causing his partner to fend for himself. Jerry Lawler announces a Jeff Jarrett vs. Falk match for the upcoming cards)
¡ñ Bill Dundee vs. Jim Jamison
¡ñ Jerry Lawler vs. Pat Rose
~ Local Promo Interview w/Jerry Lawler & Dutch Mantell
~ Jerry Lawler advertises his self named Video Tape
¡ñ Dutch Mantell vs. Sheik Abdul Gaddafi
CWA Memphis Wrestling 4/19/86
~ In studio Interview w/Bill Dundee & Buddy Landell
¡ñ Bill Dundee & Buddy Landell vs. Jim Jamison & David Johnson
~ Local Promo Interview w/Bill Dundee & Buddy Landell Interview
¡ñ International Champ Billy Travis vs. Keith Eric (Dundee & Landell attack Travis)
~ Tony Falk Interview (Falk announces he is now the advisor of Sheik Abdul Gaddafi)
¡ñ Dutch Mantell vs. The Masked Patriot
~ Interview w/Bill Dundee & Buddy Landell (during the interview Jos LeDuc comes out for his match against Bill Rose. Dundee attacks Bill Rose and LeDuc gets into a shoving match with Landell over them interfering with his upcoming contest. LeDuc then enters the ring and throws Dundee across the mat. Dundee & Landell then back off from the Canadian Lumberjack)
~ Tony Falk Interview (Landell & Dundee hint that they will be at ringside for the upcoming match, but are run off by Eddie Marlin, Dutch Mantell & Billy Travis)
¡ñ Jeff Jarrett vs. Tony Falk (Jarrett¡¯s TV Debut! After Jeff scores the win Dundee & Landell return and put a beating on him while Falk, Gaddafi & Pat Rose hold the door shut to keep Mantell and company from making the save. To everyone¡¯s surprise, long time Memphis heel JOS LEDUC makes the save!)
~ Jos LeDuc Interview
~ Local Promo Interview w/Jos LeDuc & Jeff Jarrett
~ Rip Rogers Interview
¡ñ Rip Rogers vs. David Haskins (Rip¡¯s return to the CWA)
¡ñ Sheik Abdul Gaddafi & Pat Rose (w/Tony Falk) vs. Pat Tanaka & Jeff Young
CWA Memphis Wrestling 4/26/86
¡ñ International Champ Billy Travis vs. The Masked Patriot
~ Rip Rogers Interview
¡ñ Rip Rogers vs. Jim Jamison
~ Local Promo Interview w/Bill Dundee & Buddy Landell Interview
~ VTR: Bill Dundee & Buddy Landell Interview (they air their edited version of the recent going on¡¯s at the Mid-South Coliseum, Dundee claims Lawler was a coward and wouldn¡¯t wrestle him)
~ Jerry Lawler Interview (Lawler¡¯s rebuttle to the previous Interview from Bill & Buddy. Lawler sets things straight and airs footage of himself vs. Tony Falk from the MSC. We then see Bill & Buddy attack Lawler at the end of the bout.)
~ Tony Falk Interview (announces he has taken over as manager of the MOD Squad while JD Costello is attending to his recently departed mothers estate.)
¡ñ Tag Champs MOD Squad vs. Frank Morrell & David Haskins (The Squad & Falk bloody Morrell)
~ Tony Falk Interview (After having his mentor Frank Morrell beaten to a pulp in the prior bout, Billy Travis attacks Falk to extract some revenge. Unfortunately, Abdul Gaddafi attacks Travis and he and Falk bloody Billy as well. Dutch Mantell eventually makes the save.)
¡ñ Dutch Mantell vs. The Undertaker
~ Local Promo Interview w/Jerry Lawler, Jos LeDuc & Jeff Jarrett
¡ñ Jeff Jarrett & Jos LeDuc vs. Sheik Abdul Gaddafi & Pat Rose (w/Tony Falk) (Falk interferes, Jerry Lawler makes the save)
CWA Memphis Wrestling 5/3/86
~ Paul Diamond Interview
~ Bill Dundee & Buddy Landell Interview
¡ñ Paul Diamond vs. The Undertaker
~ Local Promo Interview w/Jerry Lawler & Jos LeDuc
~ Rip Rogers Interview
¡ñ Rip Rogers vs. David Haskins
~ VTR: Jeff Jarrett Interview
~ Interview w/JD Costello & his MOD Squad (Costello announce his rich mother has passed away and left JD her entire estate worth over 20 million dollars. Costello then announces his brand new ¡°Dynasty¡± stable consisting of the MOD Squad, Tony Falk, Pat Rose & Abdul Gaddafi. Costello makes an offer to Dutch Mantell to ask for him to join his Dynasty. Dutch take the money JD has in his pocket, then declines the offer. Mantell leaves with Costello¡¯s money, leaving the Dynasty irate in the interview area.)
¡ñ Jeff Jarrett vs. The Patriot (Bill Dundee interrupts the commentary with his own promo)
¡ñ Tag Champs the MOD Squad vs. Jim Jamison & David Johnson
~ Local Promo Interview w/Bill Dundee & Buddy Landell
¡ñ Dutch Mantell & Pat Tanaka vs. Tony Falk & Keith Eric
~ After the prior bout, JD Costello challenges Dutch Mantell for taking his money. Costello rips his shirt off and attempts to fight the Dutchmen. Moments later Costello¡¯s entire Dynasty attack and work over Mantell.
CWA Memphis Wrestling 5/10/86
~ An announcement is made that Bill Dundee has regained the title from Jerry Lawler with the help from referee Jesse Allen. This particular referee would then become suspended from duty.
~ A recap of the entire Costello Dynasty/Dutch Mantell situation from last week is shown.
~ JD Costello Interview (Costello announces he asked Bill Dundee & Buddy Landell to join his Dynasty after he aided them in their matches against Lawler & LeDuc the entire week prior. According to JD, Dundee & Landell declined the offer and humiliated Costello. Costello now decides to offer Jerry Lawler a briefcase filled with $100,000 to join his Dynasty. Costello compares himself to Lawler¡¯s former managers Sam Bass & Jimmy Hart. Out comes Lawler who doesn¡¯t have much nice to say about Jimmy Hart but tells Costello never to mention Bass¡¯ name again. Lawler feels this is a setup and declines Costello¡¯s offer. JD then SLAPS the King and Lawler chases him into the ring and strips Costello¡¯s pants off to reveal women¡¯s lingerie! Costello leave the ring wearing panties, a garter belt and thigh high¡¯s.)
~ Local Promo Interviews w/Jos LeDuc, Billy Travis, Buddy Landell & Bill Dundee
¡ñ Jerry Lawler vs. Abdul Gadaffi (w/Tony Falk) (To exact some revenge for their manager, the entire Dynasty attacks Lawler and lays him out. Costello then shoots a fireball at Lawler)
¡ñ Tag Champs MOD Squad vs. Paul Diamond & Pat Tanaka
~ Dutch Mantell & Eddie Marlin Interview (Marlin says Lawler is hurt and can¡¯t wrestle in upcoming matches due to the fireball injury. Lawler comes out and insists he will not be taking time off and will continue all of his upcoming bouts.)
¡ñ International Champ Billy Travis vs. Rip Rogers
~ Local Promo Interview w/JD Costello & The MOD Squad
~ A backstage brawl ensues between Lawler & Mantell vs. The MOD Squad.
~ Bill Dundee & Buddy Landell Interview
CWA Memphis Wrestling 5/17/86
¡ñ Uncle Elmer, Jeff Jarrett & Billy Travis vs. Keith Eric, The Patriot & The Blue Demon
~ Rip Rogers Interview (Rogers debuts Baron Von Brauner as his new tag team partner)
¡ñ Rip Rogers & Baron Von Brauner vs. Frank Morrell & David Haskins
~ Local Promo Interview w/Bill Dundee & Buddy Landell
~ JD Costello & MOD Squad Interview (Costello shows the camera where Lawler burned the face of Basher with a fireball.
¡ñ Tag Champs MOD Squad vs. Jim Jamison & Don Donavan
¡ñ Jos LeDuc & Dutch Mantell vs. Tony Falk & Abdul Gaddafi
~ Eddie Marlin says that referee Jesse Allen has been suspended indefinitely. Marlin goes on to announce they are now looking for a replacement referee that can get the job done right. Frank Morrell comes out and offers to become a new referee since he feels he is getting up in age to be a wrestler. Marlin accepts and Morrell is made the newest referee of the CWA.
¡ñ The Hunters (The Eagle & The Raven) vs. Jerry Garmen & Benny Trailer (The Hunters are better known as Dale Veasey & Bob Brown)
~ Uncle Elmer Interview (Elmer announces he is back to stay)
¡ñ Paul Diamond & Pat Tanaka vs. The Memphis Vice (Jerry Bryant & Lou Winston) (Frank Morrell works his first match as a referee)
~ Frank Morrell Interview (In the prior bout Bryant had put his feet on the ropes to score the pin. Afterwards Morrell reversed the decision, declaring Tanaka & Diamond the winners via DQ)
~ Local Promo Interview w/Jerry Lawler, Dutch Mantell & VTR: Austin Idol
¡ñ Jerry Lawler vs. Buddy Landell (w/Bill Dundee)
CWA Memphis Wrestling 5/24/86
¡ñ Jerry Lawler & The Giant Hillbilly vs. EZ Ryder & Keith Eric (Someone in Connecticut must not have been happy with Uncle Elmer¡¯s name being used last week as Stan Frazier¡¯s name has been changed here)
~ Local Promo Interview w/Jerry Lawler & Giant Hillbilly
~ Bill Dundee Interview (Dundee talks about his split up with Buddy Landell during the recent Tag Team Tournament)
¡ñ JIP ¨C Bill Dundee & Buddy Landell vs. Jerry Lawler & Austin Idol (From MSC: Finals of Tag Team Tournament, Dundee & Landell split after their loss)
¡ñ Bill Dundee vs. David Haskins (Buddy Landell watches on)
~ Buddy Landell Interview (explains his side of the split up with Dundee)
¡ñ MOD Squad & Danny Fargo (w/JD Costello) vs. Jim Jamison, Benny Trailer & Mike Murphy
~ Dutch Mantell Interview (Mantell has won the Mid-America title but Rip Rogers interrupts to talk about his own credentials)
¡ñ The Hunters vs. David Johnson & Henry Rutledge
~ The Hunters Interview
~ Local Promo Interview w/JD Costello & The MOD Squad
¡ñ Jeff Jarrett, Billy Travis, Paul Diamond & Pat Tanaka vs. Tony Falk, Abdul Gaddafi, Pat Rose & Baron Von Brauner
5/31/86 ???
CWA Memphis Wrestling 6/7/86
¡ñ The Beach Boys (Johnnie Stuart & Van Van Horne) vs. Keith Eric & The Inferno
~ Interviews w/The Beach Boys / The Memphis Vice
¡ñ The Memphis Vice (Jerry Bryant & Lou Winston) vs. Benny Trailer & Jerry Garmen
~ Local Promo Interviews w/Jos LeDuc/JD Costello & MOD Squad/Bill Dundee
~ Bill Dundee Interview
¡ñ Bill Dundee vs. Tracy Smothers
¡ñ Jos LeDuc, Paul Diamond, Dutch Mantell & Jeff Jarrett vs. Danny Fargo, Baron Von Brauner, Pat Rose & The Hunter
~ Interview w/Jos LeDuc & Paul Diamond (LeDuc insists that he cuts Paul Diamond¡¯s hair so he no longer looks like a ¡°sissy¡±. Jos brings out a chair and clippers & offers to cut Paul¡¯s hair in order to make them a team. Paul declines the haircut & LeDuc attacks Diamond. After busting Diamond open, LeDuc then shaves the head of Diamond as JD Costello ushers him on. Meanwhile the MOD Squad & others have the door blocked to prevent anyone from helping poor Diamond.)
¡ñ Tag Champs The MOD Squad (w/JD Costello) vs. Billy Travis & David Haskins
~ Local Promo Interviews w/Paul Diamond (sans hair) / Jerry Lawler & Giant Hillbilly / Buddy Landell
¡ñ The Fabulous Ones (Stan Lane & Steve Keirn) vs. Abdul Gaddafi & The Strong Machine
~ Paul Diamond reemerges from the dressing room with a half a head of hair a bloody face. Diamond makes a challenge to Jos LeDuc for the MSC.
CWA Memphis Wrestling 6/14/86
¡ñ The Beach Boys (Johnnie Stuart & Van Van Horne) vs. Memphis Vice (Lou Winston & Jerry Bryant)
~ Paul Diamond Interview (Diamond is sporting a new haircut thanks to Jos LeDuc)
~ Local Promo Interviews w/Rip Rogers / JD Costello & MOD Squad / Bill Dundee
¡ñ The Giant Hillbilly & ¡°Diesel¡± Dan Styles vs. Abdul Gaddafi & Keith Eric
~ Jos LeDuc Interview (LeDuc talks about cutting Diamond¡¯s hair)
¡ñ Jos LeDuc vs. Jim Jamison & Mike Murphy (Handicap Match, after the match Paul Diamond attacks LeDuc with a garbage can. Moments later, JD Costello & The MOD Squad aid LeDuc in bloodying Diamond.)
¡ñ Rip Rogers & Bill Dundee vs. Tracy Smothers & David Haskins (After the match Dundee & Rip try to double team Smothers when Buddy Landell & Dutch Mantell make the save)
~ Buddy Landell & Dutch Mantell Interview
~ The Nightmares Interview (Danny Davis & Ken Wayne return to Memphis)
¡ñ The Nightmares vs. Benny Trailer & Jerry Garmen
~ Local Promo Interviews w/Dutch Mantell / Jerry Lawler & Giant Hillbilly
¡ñ The MOD Squad, Fire & Flame vs. Jeff Jarrett, Tojo Yamamoto, Pat Tanaka & Tracy Smothers (Tracy takes a fireball)
CWA Memphis Wrestling 6/21/86 (This Episode features all Commercials)
~ The announcement is made that the Southern Heavyweight Title has been held up.
~ The Nightmares Interview
¡ñ The Nightmares vs. The Beach Boys
~ Local Promo Interviews w/Bill Dundee / Rip Rogers
¡ñ Dutch Mantell & Buddy Landell vs. The Inferno & Keith Eric
¡ñ Jerry Lawler, Austin Idol & The Giant Hillbilly vs. The MOD Squad & JD Costello (Highlights from the MSC from 6/9/86. Costello ends up taking the Hilbilly¡¯s slam and legdrop, Lawler¡¯s piledriver and Idol Lad Vegas leglock)
~ JD Costello & MOD Squad Interview (Costello is sporting a neck brace)
¡ñ Fire & Flame & The MOD Squad vs. Benny Trailer, Jerry Garmen, David Haskins & Jim Jamison
~ VTR: Interview w/¡±Pretty Boy¡± Larry Sharpe (Sharpe unveils BAM BAM BIGELOW! The Bammer is coming for Jerry Lawler courtesy of a deal set up between Dennis Carraluzzo & Sharpe)
¡ñ Jerry Lawler & The Giant Hillbilly vs. Abdul Gaddafi & Strong Machine
~ Austin Idol Music Video (¡°I Need a Hero¡±)
~ Local Promo Interviews w/Buddy Landell / Dutch Mantell
¡ñ Jos LeDuc vs. Henry Rutledge and Mike Murphy (Handicap Match)
~ Jos LeDuc Interview (LeDuc discusses his upcoming strap match with Paul Diamond when Diamond, was dressed in army fatigues and camouflage paint, attacks Jos from behind with a super kick.)
¡ñ Paul Diamond & Mr. Liberty vs. The Dirty Black Boys (no that is NOT a typo, we have two black jobbers dressed like the Dirty White Boys, only wearing masks, managed by the unnamed Boss Winters at this time) (Jos LeDuc attacks Diamond and chokes him with a leather strap)
CWA Memphis Wrestling 6/28/86
~ Larry Sharpe Interview
¡ñ International Tag Champs Akio Sato & Tarzan Goto vs. Mr. Liberty & Pat Tanaka (Clips From MSC 6/16/86)
~ Akio Sato & Tarzan Goto Interview
¡ñ Akio Sato & Tarzan Goto vs. Tracy Smothers & David Haskins
~ Larry Sharpe with another interview
~ Local Promo Interviews w/Bill Dundee, Larry Sharpe & Bam Bam Bigelow / JD Costello
¡ñ Bam Bam Bigelow (w/Larry Sharpe) vs. Keith Eric & Mike Murphy (Handicap Match, Bigelow¡¯s Debut)
~ Jerry Lawler Interview (Larry Sharpe briefly confronts Lawler. The King then shows a video to show that Dennis Corraluzzo, the man who sent Sharpe & Bigelow to take him out, was the ¡°attorney¡± in Bill Dundee¡¯s case against getting Lawler banned from wrestling months prior.)
¡ñ Buddy Landell vs. Flame (JIP from MSC 6/16/86, Southern Heavyweight Title Tournament Finals, after the match JD Costello, Fire & Flame attack & fireball Landell, Austin Idol eventually makes the save)
~ JD Costello, Fire & Flame Interview
¡ñ MOD Squad, Fire & Flame vs. The Beach Boys, Benny Trailer & Jerry Garmen (Fire & Flame attempt to fireball Johnnie Stewart but Buddy Landell makes the save)
~ Buddy Landell Interview
¡ñ Dutch Mantell & Paul Diamond vs. Rough & Ready (w/Boss Winters, After only one week, the Dirty Black Boys have been renamed Rough & Ready)
~ Paul Diamond Interview (Jos LeDuc knocks over the interview wall and appears from behind the interview area. Jos then takes the mic from Lance Russell to challenge Diamond yet again)
~ Local Promo Interview w/Jerry Lawler & Giant Hillbilly
¡ñ The Nightmares vs. Pat Tanaka & Tracy Smothers
CWA Memphis Wrestling 7/5/86
¡ñ Jerry Lawler & The Giant Hillbilly vs. Rough & Ready (w/Boss Winters)
~ Lance Russell announces Lawler¡¯s match went 22 seconds, this brings out Bam Bam Bigelow who says he will beat that time.
¡ñ Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Mike Murphy (This match goes 13 seconds)
¡ñ Bam Bam Bigelow vs. David Haskins & Tracy Smothers (Handicap Match Highlights from MSC 6/23/86, Jerry Lawler intervenes)
VTR: Larry Sharpe Interview
~ Local Promo Interview w/JD Costello, The MOD Squad & Fire & Flame / Bill Dundee
¡ñ Akio Sato & Tarzan Goto vs. The Beach Boys
~ The Nightmares Interview
¡ñ The Nightmares vs. Pat Tanaka & David Haskins
~ Interviews w/Paul Diamond / Jos LeDuc
¡ñ Jos LeDuc vs. Jim Jamison (Chain Match, Paul Diamond intervenes)
~ Original Bruise Brothers Interview
¡ñ Bruise Brothers (Porkchop Cash & Mad Dog Boyd) vs. Keith Eric & Keith Roberson
¡ñ AWA Ladies Champ Debbie Combs vs. Despina Montages (Jos LeDuc attacks Debbie Combs and delivers a backbreaker to aid Despina in a win! After the match Paul Diamond talks with the referee to get him to reverse the decision)
~ Local Promo Interview w/Jerry Lawler & Giant Hillbilly / Dutch Mantell / Bill Dundee
¡ñ Mod Squad, Fire & Flame vs. Mr. Liberty, Tracy Smothers, Jerry Garmen & Benny Trailer
CWA Memphis Wrestling 7/12/86
~ Bill Dundee comes out for a brief interview and says he will be joining commentary for today¡¯s show.
¡ñ Jeff Jarrett & Pat Tanaka vs. Keith Eric & Keith Roberson
~ Interview w/Pat Tanaka & Jeff Jarrett (Jarrett discusses how Tojo Yamamoto recently walked out on him after a tag team bout, this would be Tojo¡¯s heel turn)
~ Local Promo Interviews w/Larry Sharpe & Bam Bam Bigelow / JD Costello & Fire & Flame
~ Tojo Yamamoto Interview (announces he is now the manager of Akio Sato & Tarzan Goto)
¡ñ Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Jim Jamison & Mike Murphy (Handicap Match)
¡ñ The Nightmares vs. Rough & Ready (w/Boss Winters)
~ JD Costello & MOD Squad Interview (Costello mocks the Nightmares who attack the MOD Squad and subsequently turn baby face)
¡ñ The Original Bruise Brothers (Porkchop Cash & Mad Dog Boyd), Mr. Liberty & David Haskins vs. The MOD Squad & Fire & Flame (Haskins gets fireballed)
~ Local Promo Interviews w/The Giant Hillbilly / JT Southern
~ Bill Dundee Interview (concerning his upcoming Loser Leaves Town match with Jerry Lawler)
~ Two separate Bill Dundee Music Videos (includes ¡°Bad to the Bone¡±)
~ Jerry Lawler Interview (concerning his upcoming Loser Leaves Town match with Bill Dundee)
~ Two separate Jerry Lawler Music Videos (includes ¡°Glory Days¡±)
CWA Memphis Wrestling 7/19/86 (This episode is JIP, approximately 2/3 of the show is intact)
~ The Nightmares Interview (JD Costello & The MOD Squad interrupt)
¡ñ Bam Bam Bigelow (w/Larry Sharpe) vs. Benny Trailer & Jerry Garmen
~ Tojo Yamamoto, Sato & Goto Interview
¡ñ Akio Sato & Tarzan Goto (w/Tojo Yamamoto) vs. Tracy Smothers & David Haskins
~ Jeff Jarrett Interview (Memphis Vice add their two cents)
¡ñ Jeff Jarrett & Paul Diamond vs. The Memphis Vice (Jerry Bryant & Lou Winston) (Sato & Goto attack Jarrett & Diamond)
~ Local Promo Interviews w/JT Southern / Jeff Jarrett & Pat Tanaka / The Nightmares
¡ñ The Nightmares vs. Fire & Flame (Lance Russell announces the match has ended as a spectator had become involved with the match in some fashion. Lawler & Randy Hales quickly run over to where the incident is occurring as they abruptly cut to commercial.)
~ JD Costello, Fire & Flame Interview
¡ñ The Nightmares vs. The MOD Squad (after the prior incident with the fan, Fire & Flame are removed and banned from wrestling in the studio. They are now replaced with the MOD Squad)
CWA Memphis Wrestling 7/26/86
~ Bam Bam Bigelow with a quick interview calling out Jerry Lawler
¡ñ Bam Bam Bigelow vs. David Haskins & Jim Jamison (Handicap Match)
~ Local Promo Interviews w/Bam Bam Bigelow / JD Costello & The MOD Squad
~ Jerry Jarrett Interview (Jerry discusses Tojo¡¯s turn on his son Jeff.)
¡ñ Jeff Jarrett & Pat Tanaka vs. Keith Roberson & Greg Gillis
~ Clip from Jackson, TN. Fire & Flame defeat Lawler & Giant Hillbilly for the Southern Tag Team Titles with help from their new manager Billy Spears.
~ Billy Spears makes his Studio Debut announcing he is the new manager of Fire & Flame and insists they wrestle on TV. Eddie Marlin refuses to let the champions wrestle on TV after attacking a female fan a week prior.
~ JD Costello & MOD Squad Interview (If Costello loses an upcoming 6-man tag, he has to undergo a makeover at a beauty parlor)
¡ñ The Nightmares vs. Akio Sato & Tarzan Goto (w/Tojo Yamamoto) (the match is ended when the studio doors bust open to find Fire & Flame attacking Jeff Jarrett in the parking lot. Jarrett takes a rather stiff beating and gets slammed into the trailer that hauls the ring. The Nightmares eventually stop the beating.)
~ Tojo Yamamoto, Sato & Goto Interview
¡ñ Jerry Lawler & JT Southern vs. Keith Eric & Don Donovan
~ Local Promo Interview w/Jos LeDuc (just weeks after his run against Paul Diamond, Jos has let his hair and bear grow in for a different look. Jos also appears to be a baby face again, challenging Bam Bam Bigelow)
¡ñ The MOD Squad, Memphis Vice (Bryant & Winston) & Ron Sexton vs. Benny Trailer, Jerry Garmen & The Demolition Express (Charles & James Atlas & Rock Steady, w/valet Starlight) (The Atlas ¡°Brothers¡± are said to be relates to Tony Atlas)
CWA Memphis Wrestling 8/2/86
¡ñ JT Southern vs, The Invader
¡ñ The Nightmares vs. Ron Sexton & Craig Carson
~ Nightmares & JT Southern Interview
~ Local Promo Interviews w/Tojo, Sato & Goto / Larry Sharpe & Bam Bam Bigelow
~ VTR: JD Costello goes to the beauty parlor after his loss to the Nightmares
~ Interview w/JD Costello & The MOD Squad (Costello is sporting a manicure complete with finger nail polish, a curled & dyed hairdo and makeup from the beauty parlor)
¡ñ Rock Steady Crew (King Cobra & Ira Reese) vs. Keith Eric & Keith Roberson (A portion of the Demolition Express is renamed after one week and the ¡°Tony Atlas¡¯ brothers¡± gimmick is quickly dropped)
~ Billy Spears Interview (Spears again asks for Fire & Flame to be reinstated to wrestling on TV. Eddie Marlin again declines)
¡ñ Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Jim Jamison (Bigelow wrestles most of the match on his knees)
¡ñ Giant Hillbilly & Jerry Lawler vs. The Memphis Vice (Jerry Bryant & Lou Winston) (Bam Bam Bigelow interferes and aids the Memphis Vice in a pin fall over the King!)
¡ñ Jeff Jarrett & Paul Diamond vs. Rough & Ready (w/Boss Winters) (Prior to the bout it is shown outside that Fire & Flame have spray painted Eddie Marlin¡¯s entire Lincoln Continental, Marlin is none to pleased)
~ Local Promo Interviews w/Jerry & Jeff Jarrett / Jerry Lawler
¡ñ Akio Sato & Tarzan Goto (w/Tojo Yamamoto) vs. David Haskins & Jerry Garmen
CWA Memphis Wrestling 8/9/86
¡ñ JT Southern vs, Mike Murphy
~ JD Costello & MOD Squad Interview (Costello offers a $5,000 Triple Chance Challenge. He challenges the Nightmares & JT Southern to three singles matches versus the MOD Squad & his newest find, Mr. Universe)
¡ñ MOD Squad & Mr. Universe (w/JD Costello) vs. David Haskins, Benny Trailer & Jerry Garmen
~ Local Promo Interview w/Larry Sharpe & Bam Bam Bigelow
¡ñ Akio Sato & Tarzan Goto (w/Tojo Yamamoto) vs. Tracy Smothers & David Baker
~ VTR: Jerry Jarrett Interview
~ Tojo Yamamoto, Sato & Goto Interview
¡ñ Jerry Lawler vs. Juicy Johnny
¡ñ Bam Bam Bigelow (w/Larry Sharpe) vs. Jim Jamison & David Johnson (Handicap Match, Jerry Lawler attempts to attack Bigelow with a chair)
¡ñ Jeff Jarrett, Pat Tanaka & Paul Diamond vs. Keith Roberson, Rough & Ready (w/Boss Winters)
~ Eddie Marlin Interview (Marlin calls out Fire & Flame. Billy Spears has already been ¡°suspended¡± from the company. Marlin agrees to allow Fire & Flame to wrestle on TV if they defend the titles the following week. Marlin will pick the mystery challengers.)
~ Local Promo Interview w/The Nightmares & JT Southern
¡ñ Rock Steady Crew (King Cobra & Ira Reese) vs. The Memphis Vice (Jerry Bryant & Lou Winston)
CWA Memphis Wrestling 8/16/86
~ Lance Russell announces an upcoming Mid-America Title Tournament. Interviews w/Tracy Smothers, Paul Diamond, JT Southern & David Haskins.
¡ñ Akio Sato & Tarzan Goto (w/Tojo Yamamoto) vs. David Haskins & Mike Murphy
~ Local Promo Interview w/Tojo Yamamoto, Sato & Goto (Tojo talks about the Great Kabuki coming in) / VTR: Larry Sharpe & Bam Bam Bigelow
~ JT Southern Music Video (¡°Jump¡±)
¡ñ JT Southern vs. Keith Eric
~ JD Costello, Mr. Universe & Spike Interview
¡ñ Mr. Universe (w/JD Costello) vs. Jim Jamison
¡ñ MOD Squad Spike (w/JD Costello) vs. David Baker
~ Eddie Marlin Interview (Marlin calls out Fire & Flame for their Tag Title defense vs. his mystery challengers)
¡ñ Southern Tag Champs Fire & Flame vs. Jos LeDuc & Phil Hickerson (a wild brawl ensues after)
~ Local Promo Interview w/Jeff & Jerry Jarrett & Tanaka / Kenny Dee & The Killer (Snowman)
~ Ron Sexton Interview
¡ñ Paul Diamond, Jeff Jarrett, Pat Tanaka & Tracy Smothers vs. Ron Sexton. Juicy Johnny, Rough & Ready
CWA Memphis Wrestling 8/23/86
~ Tracy Smothers Interview (Tracy has recently won the Mid-American Heavyweight Title Tournament)
~ Juicy Johnny Interview
¡ñ Mid-America Champ Tracy Smothers vs. Juicy Johnny
~ JD Costello & Mr. Universe Interview
¡ñ Mr. Universe (w/JD Costello) vs. David Johnson
~ Local Promo Interview w/Tojo, Sato & Goto
~ Kenny Dee Interview (Debuts the Killer)
¡ñ The Killer (¡°Snowman¡± Eddie Crawford) vs. The Red Demons (Handicap Match)
¡ñ Akio Sato & Tarzan Goto (w/Tojo Yamamoto) vs. Benny Trailer & Jerry Garmen
~ Larry Sharpe & Bam Bam Bigelow Interview
¡ñ Bam Bam Bigelow vs. David Haskins & Larry Santana (Handicap Match)
~ Eddie Marlin Interview (Marlin calls out Fire & Flame for this weeks Tag Title defense vs. his mystery challengers, Fire & Flame respond)
¡ñ Southern Tag Champs Fire & Flame vs. Phil Hickerson & The Giant Hillbilly (Hickerson gets bloodied early and a brawl ensues after the match. Hickerson unmasks one of the champs (Roger Smith), though we don¡¯t see his face well)
~ Local Promo Interview w/Jeff & Jerry Jarrett & Tanaka / Kenny Dee & The Killer (Snowman)
~ Fire & Flame Interview (they announce that they will unmask if they ever lose their titles, Hickerson & Giant Hillbilly attack Fire & Flame. Hickerson unmasks Roger Smith again thought it is not shown on tv.)
¡ñ Jeff Jarrett, Pat Tanaka & Paul Diamond vs. The MOD Squad & Ron Sexton (w/JD Costello)
CWA Memphis Wrestling 8/30/86
¡ñ Jeff Jarrett, Paul Diamond & JT Southern vs. Memphis Vice (Lou Winston & Jerry Bryant) & Ron Sexton
~ Local Promo Interviews w/Tojo, Sato & Goto / Fire & Flame / Larry Sharpe & Bam Bam Bigelow
~ Eddie Marlin Interview (Marlin calls out Fire & Flame for yet another weeks Tag Title defense vs. his mystery challengers, Fire & Flame respond yet again)
¡ñ Southern Tag Champs Fire & Flame vs. The MOD Squad (A Dusty finish in full effect here)
~ MOD Squad asks Eddie Marlin for a No DQ Rematch with Fire & Flame, Marlin obliges
~ Great Kabuki Video
¡ñ Jeff Jarrett & Pat Tanaka vs. The Renegades
¡ñ Akio Sato & Tarzan Goto (w/Tojo Yamamoto) vs. Jim Jamison & Mad Dog Boyd
~ Local Promo Interviews w/Jeff Jarrett & Pat Tanaka / Jerry Lawler, Kenny Dee & The Killer
~ Larry Sharpe & Bam Bam Bigelow Interview
¡ñ Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Benny Trailer & Jerry Garmen (Handicap Match)
¡ñ Jerry Lawler & The Giant Hillbilly vs. Mr. Universe & The Nighthawk
CWA Memphis Wrestling 9/6/86
¡ñ The Red Demon vs. JT Southern
¡ñ Jerry Lawler & The Killer (w/Kenny Dee) vs. The Scorpions
~ Great Kabuki Video
~ Local Promo Interviews w/Tojo, Sato & Goto / Larry Sharpe & Bam Bam Bigelow
~ Eddie Marlin Interview (Marlin calls out Fire & Flame for another Tag Title defense vs. his mystery challengers, Fire & Flame respond yet again)
¡ñ Southern Tag Champs Fire & Flame vs. The Giant Hillbilly & Cousin Junior (this match features a title change)
~ Fire & Flame Interview (they demand a title rematch for the MSC, Marlin agrees is the masks are up in return. Fire & Flame agree)
~ The Giant Hillbilly & Cousin Junior Interview
¡ñ The Miami New Breed (Fear & Power) vs. Jerry Garmen & Benny Trailer
¡ñ Akio Sato & Tarzan Goto (w/Tojo Yamamoto) vs. David Haskins & William ¡°The Bear¡± Thompson (A Documentary crew is at ringside filming during this match)
~ Local Promo Interviews w/Jeff Jarrett & Pat Tanaka / The Hillbillies / Jerry Lawler
¡ñ Jeff Jarrett & Pat Tanaka vs. Keith Roberson & Juice Johnny
CWA Memphis Wrestling 9/13/86
~ Jerry Lawler¡¯s Discount Furniture Commercial
~ Lance Russell Interrupts the TV Show to make a Special Report. We are shown the ending of a match from Evansville between Jerry Lawler vs. Bam Bam Bigelow where Larry Sharoe accidentally KO¡¯s Bigelow with a chain and Lawler scores the win. After the match Sharpe slaps Bigelow which leads to a split up between the two.
~ Tojo, Great Kabuki, Sato & Goto Interview
¡ñ The Great Kabuki vs. David Haskins (Kabuki¡¯s Memphis TV Debut, after the match a Kabuki/Lawler confrontation takes place after Kabuki started laid out Jim Jameson & Mike Murphy)
~ Local Promo Interviews w/The Hillbillies / Jeff Jarrett & Pat Tanaka (these two are joined by their masked mystery referee they will have in upcoming matches against Sato & Goto, the mystery ref is clearly Jerry Jarrett) / Jerry Lawler & the newly turned face Bam Bam Bigelow
~ Jerry Lawler Music Video (Tough Enough)
¡ñ Jerry Lawler vs. MOD Squad Basher (w/JD Costello) (Spike attacks Lawler for the DQ)
~ From the Jerry Lawler Show: Jerry interviews Jeff Jarrett & Pat Tanaka (we are also intermittently shown a Tanaka/Jarrett Music Video throughout the interview)
¡ñ Jeff Jarrett & Pat Tanaka vs. The Memphis Vice (Jerry Bryan & Lou Winston) (Tojo, Sato & Goto attack Jeff & Tanaka, Jerry Jarrett & Lawler make the save)
~ Jerry Lawler¡¯s Discount Furniture Commercial
~ Tracy Smothers Music Video (When Then Going Gets Tough)
~ Tracy Smothers Interview (Smothers is wearing special glasses to protect his injured eye. Smothers suffered the injury from Kabuki¡¯s mist. JD Costello & The MOD Squad come out accusing Smothers of dodging a Mid-American Title defense against Spike on today¡¯s show. The MOD Squad slaps the glasses off Tracy and Smothers attacks them. Smothers demands to return to action immediately & Eddie Marlin agrees to it.)
~ Local Promo Interviews w/Fire, Flame & Torch / Tojo, Sato & Goto / Larry Sharpe (Sharpe announces he is brining in the Man Mountain Link to work Lawler & Bigelow)
¡ñ Akio Sato & Tarzan Goto (w/Tojo Yamamoto) vs. Mike Jackson & William ¡°Bear¡± Thompson (Jarratt & Tanaka exact revenge on the Japanese team, attacking them and breaking boards over them and Tojo)
~ Jerry Lawler¡¯s Discount Furniture Commercial
CWA Memphis Wrestling 9/20/86
¡ñ Jerry Lawler vs. Keith Roberson (Lawler wins in no time flat but Roberson demands a rematch and gets a piledriver for his troubles)
~ Local Promo Interviews w/Fire, Flame & Torch
~ Clips of an old Lawler vs. Man Mountain Link match is shown
¡ñ The Killer (Eddie Crawford w/Kenny Dee) vs. Boss Winters
¡ñ The Giant Hillbilly & Cousin Junior vs. Red Demons
~ Tracy Smothers & Paul Diamond Music Video
¡ñ Tracy Smothers & Paul Diamond vs. Rough & Ready (w/Boss Winters)
¡ñ Akio Sato & Tarzan Goto (w/Tojo Yamamoto) vs. Van Van Horne & William ¡°Bear¡± Thompson
~ Local Promo Interviews w/Paul Diamond & Jerry Lawler
~ Jeff Jarrett & Pat Tanaka Music Video (Danger Zone)
¡ñ Southern Tag Champs Fire & Flame vs. Jeff Jarrett & Pat Tanaka (Fall one ends when Sato, Goto & Tojo attack, the Hillbillies make the save, the Second Fall runs about 10 minutes)
~ Jeff Jarrett Interview in between falls
CWA Memphis Wrestling 9/27/86
~ VTR: Tojo Yamamoto Interview
~ Tracy Smothers & Paul Diamond Music Video
¡ñ Mid-America Champ Tracy Smothers vs. The Ninja (w/Tojo Yamamoto) (Not really sure what happens here but Tojo bloodies Tracy and Ninja goes for a cover. Smothers clearly kicks out at 2 but the referee calls for the bell and awards Ninja the title belt. Not sure if this was supposed to be the actual finish or not.)
~ Local Promo Interviews w/Tracy Smothers / Jerry Lawler (Lawler talks about an upcoming hair vs. masks match between himself & Tommy Rich vs. Fire & Flame)
~ Jerry Lawler Interview
¡ñ Southern Champ Jerry Lawler vs. Torch (Lawler wins in under 30 seconds)
¡ñ Southern Champ Jerry Lawler vs. Flame (Lawler scores another pin in just over a minute)
¡ñ Southern Champ Jerry Lawler vs. Fire (If Fire loses he claims his entire team will unmask. Unfortunately Lawler was unable to win 3 in a row after Fire threw flour in the King¡¯s face)
~ Jerry Lawler¡¯s Discount Furniture Commercial
~ Tojo, Sato & Goto Interview (Tojo has a bucket of yellow paint and threatens to paint Jeff Jarrett with it)
¡ñ Akio Sato & Tarzan Goto (w/Tojo Yamamoto) vs. Jim Jamison & David Johnson (Pat Tanaka distracts Tojo while Jeff Jarrett appears and dumps the entire bucket of Yellow Paint on Yamamoto, a brawl breaks out and Jarrett is caned and whipped with a strap, Eddie Marlin is also attacked)
~ Eddie Marlin threatens to fire Tojo Yamamoto if he doesn¡¯t return to the ring to fight him. Moments later we get a Tojo/Marlin brawl. Lance Russell really gets into the angle threatening to sue Tojo for touching him and then calling Yamamoto TRASH & and ¡°Disgrace to your people¡±.)
~ Memphis Vice Interview
¡ñ Jim Jamison & David Haskins vs. The Memphis Vice (Lou Winston & Jerry Bryant) (Jamison is replacing Jerry Lawler)
~ Lance Russell (HOLDING A HAMMER) calls Tojo Yamamoto back out. Russell announces that Jerry Jarrett will meet Tojo at the upcoming MSC show.
~ Local Promo Interviews w/Fire / Tojo Yamamoto
¡ñ Southern Tag Champs Fire & Flame (w/Torch) vs. Mike Murphy & William ¡°Bear¡± Thompson (Lawler returns to the studio and throws flour in the face of all three masked men)
CWA Memphis Wrestling 10/4/86
~ Lance Russell announces that Lawler & Rich have defeated Fire & Flame earlier in the week in a hair vs. masks match. Fire was unmasked to be Dirty Rhodes, Flame was Don Bass and Torch was Larry Wright.
~ Lawler is scheduled to wrestle Keith Eric but is not in the dressing room. Randy Hales announces the match is postponed.
~ Dirty Rhodes, Don Bass & Larry Wright Interview (Rhodes claims they have taken out Lawler and shows the King¡¯s car keys are now in his possession)
~ Local Promo Interviews w/Dirty Rhodes, Don Bass & Larry Wright / Tojo & Sato
¡ñ Jerry Jarrett vs. Tojo Yamamoto (JIP from MSC 9/26/86, Jarrett breaks Tojo¡¯s arm)
~ Tojo (sporting a broken arm), Sato, Goto & the Ninja Interview
¡ñ Akio Sato, Tarzan Goto & The Ninja (w/Tojo Yamamoto) vs. David Haskins, Jim Jamison & Mike Murphy
~ Jerry & Jeff Jarrett & Pat Tanaka Interview
¡ñ Jeff Jarrett & Pat Tanaka vs. The Memphis Vice (Lou Winston & Jerry Bryant) (Sato, Goto, The Ninja, Jerry Jarrett & Paul Diamond all interfere. Jeff gets caned, Jerry gets whipped with a strap, Tanaka is hanged, Eddie Marlin is taken out with a trashcan and Paul Diamond suffers a broken leg)
¡ñ Tommy Rich vs. Keith Roberson
¡ñ Jerry Lawler vs. Keith Eric (Rhodes, Bass & Wright attack Rich. Tommy, as usual does an AWESOME blade job.)
¡ñ Southern Tag Champs Dirty Rhodes & Don Bass vs. Benny Trailer & Jerry Garmen
~ Dirty Rhodes, Don Bass & Larry Wright Interview (A bloody Tommy Rich and a bloody, beaten and torn up Jerry Lawler emerge from the locker room. The crowd explodes as a wild brawl takes place. Lawler even busts a bottle over Rhodes¡¯ head.)
~ Jerry Lawler & Tommy Rich Interview (Lawler exclaims he was run off the road by Rhodes & company. The King then threatens to KILL the heel trio. Lawler is suspended for a week due to the bottle breaking incident.)
~ Local Promo Interviews w/VTR: Tommy Rich
~ Ric McCord & John Paul Interview
¡ñ Ric McCord & John Paul vs. Rough & Ready (w/Boss Winters)
CWA Memphis Wrestling 10/11/86
~ Tojo, Sato & Goto Interview (Russell announces Paul Diamond is out with a broken leg)
¡ñ Akio Sato & Tarzan Goto (w/Tojo) vs. Randy & Robert Bryant
~ VTR: Paul Diamond Interview (Paul is out 6 weeks with a broken leg courtesy of Tojo & company)
~ Local Promo Interviews w/Dirty Rhodes, Don Bass & Larry Wright / Tojo, Sato & Goto
¡ñ Jeff Jarrett & Pat Tanaka vs. The Memphis Vice (Lou Winston & Jerry Bryant) (The Ninja, Sato & Goto attack AGAIN, Eddie Marlin tries to aid but is also attacked. Lawler finally breaks things up but not before Tojo¡¯s crew injure Marlin¡¯s leg.)
~ Jerry Lawler Interview
¡ñ Jerry Lawler vs. Nikita Mulkavich
~ Jerry Lawler Music Video
¡ñ Dirty Rhodes, Don Bass & Larry Wright vs. Jerry Garmen, Jim Jameson & David Johnson
~ Dirty Rhodes, Don Bass & Larry Wright Interview (Rhodes destroys a King¡¯s Crown that was meant for a contest for the fans, Lawler comes out and runs them off)
~ Jerry Lawler Interview
~ Big Bubba Interview (Bubba is Fred Ottman AKA Tugboat/Typhoon)
¡ñ Big Bubba vs. David Haskins
~ VTR: Boy Tony Interview (Tony Falk explains how he became Boy Tony. Falk begins his hygiene tip of the week teaching us how to brush our teeth. Karma Chameleon plays in the background)
~ Local Promo Interviews w/McCord & Paul / Jeff & Jerry Jarrett
¡ñ Excitement Inc. (Ric McCord & John Paul) vs. Keith Eric & The Invader
CWA Memphis Wrestling 10/18/86
~ Sputnik Monroe Interview (Sputnik debuts his son Bubba ¡°The Brawler¡± Monroe)
¡ñ Bubba Monroe (w/Sputnik Monroe) vs. Jim Jamison
~ Boy Tony Interview
¡ñ Mid-American Champ Boy Tony vs. Mike Murphy
~ VTR: Boy Tony Interview (Hygiene tip #2. Falk is in the shower teaching everyone how to use soap.)
~ Evansville Arena Giveaway Night Commercial
~ Local Promo Interviews w/Jeff & Jerry Jarrett / Jerry Lawler
~ Big Bubba Interview
¡ñ International Champ Big Bubba vs. Randy & Robert Bryant (Handicap Match)
~ Jeff Jarrett Music Video
¡ñ Akio Sato & Tarzan Goto (w/Tojo) vs. David Haskins, Pat Tanaka & Tracy Smothers
~ VTR: Paul Diamond Interview (Paul further discusses his injury and his anticipation to return and exact revenge)
¡ñ Dirty Rhodes & Don Bass (w/Larry Wright) vs. Excitement Inc. (Ric McCord & John Paul)
~ Local Promo Interviews w/Dirty Rhodes & Don Bass / Tojo, Sato & Goto
~ VTR: Dennis Hall & Dolly Parker Interview (Hall has been out of the area damn near 10 years and Parker is a horrible Dolly Parton rip off)
¡ñ Tracy Smothers & William ¡°The Freezer¡± Thompson vs. The Memphis Vice (Lou Winston & Jerry Bryant)
CWA Memphis Wrestling 10/25/86
¡ñ Pat Tanaka vs. Keith Eric
~ Audio Interview from Paul Diamond in regards to his healing process (During the interview we are shown a clip of Tojo, Sato & Goto breaking Diamond¡¯s leg)
~ Pat Tanaka Interview
~ Dennis Hall & Dolly Parker Interview (If Parker placed some of her midsection weight into her chest she¡¯d be a more believable Parton lookalike)
¡ñ Dennis Hall (w/Dolly Parker) vs. David Haskins
~ Local Promo Interviews w/Jerry Lawler, Jarrett & Tanaka (in regards to the Hospital Elimination match)
~ VTR: Boy Tony Interview (Hygiene tip #3: Falk teaches people how to use deodorant, perfume, etc¡)
~ Tracy Smothers Interview (Smothers talks about his upcoming match with Boy Tony in which the Mid-American Title can change hands via DQ)
¡ñ Tracy Smothers vs. The Ninja (This match doesn¡¯t take place as Boy Tony, dressed as a fan, attacks Smothers at ringside and piledriver Tracy on the floor twice. The Ninja then attacks Smothers in the ring, Pat Tanaka makes the save.)
~ Boy Tony Interview
~ Another Evansville Arena Giveaway Night is advertised
~ A series of mini-music videos are shown involving Jerry Jarrett, Jeff Jarrett, Austin Idol, Tommy Rich & Jerry Lawler
¡ñ Jeff Jarrett vs. Larry Wright
~ Tracy Smothers Interview
~ Jerry Lawler¡¯s Discount Furniture Commercial #2 (Lawler finally debuts a new commercial sans Stan Frazier)
¡ñ Dirty Rhodes, Don Badd, Akio Sato & Tarzan Goto (w/Tojo) vs. Jerry Garmen, Benny Trailer, Randy & Robert Bryant
~ Local Promo Interviews w/Dirty Rhodes / Tojo Yamamoto
~ Big Bubba Interview
¡ñ Big Bubba & Bubba Monroe vs. Excitement Inc. (Ric McCord & John Paul)
CWA Memphis Wrestling 11/1/86
¡ñ Excitement Inc. (Ric McCord & John Paul) vs. Akio Sato & Tarzan Goto (w/Tojo Yamamoto)
~ VTR: Paul Diamond Interview (Diamond is standing on his feet with the cast still on. Paul says the doctor has informed him it¡¯s time for the cast to come off)
~ Local Promo Interviews w/Tojo, Sato & Goto / Dirty Rhodes
¡ñ Tracy Smothers & Pat Tanaka vs. Don Bass & Larry Wright (The Ninja interferes, throwing salt in Tanaka¡¯s eyes to cost his team the match)
~ Pat Tanaka Interview
¡ñ Jeff Jarrett vs. The Ninja (w/Tojo) (Tanaka returns to ringside, exacting some revenge by throwing salt in the Ninja¡¯s face)
~ Tommy Rich Music Video (Wild Eyed Southern Boys)
~ Big Bubba Interview
¡ñ Big Bubba vs. Jim Jamison & Mike Murphy (Handicap Match)
~ The Animals Interview (The team debuts on TV. The duo consists of Duke Meyers & Mike McGuirk, Lance Russell calls McGuirk ¡°McGuire¡± during the interview)
¡ñ The Animals (Duke Meyers & Mike McGuirk) vs. Randy & Robert Bryant
~ Local Promo Interviews w/Jeff Jarrett / Jerry Lawler
¡ñ Jerry Lawler, The Giant Hillbilly & David Haskins vs. Bubba Monroe & The Memphis Vice (Jerry Bryant & Lou Winston) (Larry Wright & Don Bass interfere)
~ The Memphis Vice Interview (Bryant dares anyone to interfere in the Vice¡¯s matches anymore, claiming every time they have the match won someone always attacks their opponents, costing them the victory via DQ)
CWA Memphis Wrestling 11/8/86
~ Lance Russell is on vacation this week and is replaced by Rod Olson?
¡ñ Jerry Lawler vs. Bubba Monroe
¡ñ Big Bubba vs. Jerry Garmen & Benny Trailer (Handicap Match)
~ Eddie Marlin Interview (Marlin announces a Dream Match Card that is coming soon. BOY does this show get confusing from here¡)
~ Local Promo Interviews w/The Sheepherders
~ VTR: Jerry Jarrett Interview (Jarrett¡¯s Dream Match is himself vs. Tojo in a Boxing Match)
~ Tojo Yamamoto Interview (Tojo¡¯s Dream Match is himself vs. Jerry Jarrett in a Kendo Stick on a Pole Match with Tojo¡¯s henchmen acting as lumberjacks. His team of Sato & Goto get a dream match as well. Sato says they want themselves & Tojo vs. The Jarrett¡¯s in a handicap match, loser of the fall gets their head shaved.)
~ Jeff Jarrett Interview (Jeff¡¯s Dream Match is himself and Paul Diamond vs. Sato & Goto in a Tag Title Match, Tojo will be placed in a cage for the match with Eddie Marlin working as a second referee)
~ Dirty Rhodes Interview (Rhodes Dream Match is himself vs. Lawler for the Title in a bullrope match with Don Bass as the ref)
~ Jerry Lawler Interview (Lawler¡¯s Dream match is himself and Big Bubba vs. Don Bass & Dirty Rhodes in a NO DQ Match for the Southern Tag Titles. Big Bubba agrees as long as Lawler gives him a title shot within the next 30 days)
¡ñ Dirty Rhodes, Don Bas, Akio Sato & Tarzan Goto (w/Tojo) vs. Excitement Inc. (Ric McCord & John Paul), David Haskins & Jim Jamison
~ The Sheepherders Interview (Jonathan Boyd returns with a new partner in ¡°Big Foot¡±)
¡ñ The Sheepherders (Boyd & Big Foot) vs. Randy & Robert Bryant
~ Battle Royal Interviews w/Excitement Inc., Tracy Smothers, Lawler, Billy Travis, Dirty Rhodes & Jonathan Boyd
¡ñ ¡°$5,000, 20-Man Battle Royal¡±. The Participates include Jerry Lawler, Tract Smothers, Billy Travis, John Paul, Ric McCord, Dirty Rhodes, Don Bass, Akio Sato, Tarzan Goto, Pat Tanaka, Jonathan Boyd, Big Foot, The Ninja, Mike McGuirk, Duke Meyers, David Haskins, Jeff Jarrett, Big Bubba & Pat Rose (I only counted 19 opponents, Lawler gets the win after Billy Travis distracts his final two adversaries, The Sheepherders.)
~ The Sheepherders attack Lawler & Billy Travis after the bout, Dirty Rhodes steals Lawler¡¯s $5,000 prize.
~ Local Promo Interviews w/VTR: Paul Diamond / Billy Travis
¡ñ Jeff Jarrett, Pat Tanaka, Tracy Smothers & Billy Travis vs. The Animals (Duke Meyers & Mike McGuirk) & The Memphis Vice (Jerry Bryant & Lou Winston)
CWA Memphis Wrestling 11/15/86
~ Jeff Jarrett & Paul Diamond Interview (they discuss winning the International Tag Titles when they are distracted by Tojo Yamamoto & attacked by Goto, Ninja & Boy Tony)
¡ñ Tarzan Goto & The Ninja (w/Tojo) vs. Pat Tanaka & Tony Parks
~ Local Promo Interviews w/Tojo & Goto / The Sheepherders
~ A look at Big Bubba (interviews and match highlights are shown)
¡ñ Southern Tag Champs Dirty Rhodes & Don Bass vs. Jerry Lawler & Big Bubba(Highlights from the 11/10/86 MSC Dream Match Card, Lawler scores the win and the titles but Bubba walks off, causing the titles to be vacated)
~ Big Bubba Interview (Bubba debuts DOWNTOWN BRUNO as his new manager. Bruno then debuts another of his charges, The Mighty Goliath. Goliath is sporting a ¡°Super Heavyweight Title¡± that he Bruno claims he ¡°won¡± from Abdullah he Butcher in Puerto Rico)
¡ñ Big Bubba & Goliath vs. Robert & Randy Bryant
~ Jerry Lawler Interview (Lawler has words with Downtown Bruno until Goliath & Big Bubba return to ringside. The Giant Hillbilly cones out on the King¡¯s behalf to even the odds.)
¡ñ Tracy Smothers vs. Boy Tony (Downtown Bruno offers his services to Boy Tony as his potential new manager)
~ Sheepherders Interview (Eddie Marlin threatens to fire the Sheepherders if they don¡¯t pay Lawler back the $5,000 from the Battle Royal win. Boyd refuses and attacks Marlin, Jarrett & Travis make the save.)
¡ñ The Sheepherders (Boyd & Bog Foot) vs. Jerry Garmen & Benny Trailer
~ Local Promo Interviews w/Paul Diamond / Jeff Jarrett & Billy Travis
¡ñ Jeff Jarrett & Billy Travis vs. Rough & Ready (Boyd just bought off R&R to replace them in the upcoming tag match)
¡ñ Jeff Jarrett & Billy Travis vs. The Sheepherders (Boyd & Bog Foot) (This one breaks down to a wild & bloody melee immediately)
CWA Memphis Wrestling 11/22/86 (some jittering early on)
~ Jeff Jarrett, Billy Travis & Paul Diamond Interview (The Sheepherders interject their thoughts. Tojo, Sato & Goto also interrupt)
¡ñ International Tag Champs Jeff Jarrett & Paul Diamond (w/Billy Travis) vs. Akio Sato & Tarzan Goto (w/Tojo Yamamoto) (The Sheepherders attack Travis at ringside and Tojo throws salt in the eyes of Diamond to aid in a title change)
~ Paul Diamond Interview (an irate Paul Diamond threatens to get rid of Tojo permanantly)
~ Local Promo Interviews w/Tojo / Downtown Bruno, Big Bubba & Goliath
¡ñ The Rock ¡®n¡¯ Roll RPM¡¯s (Mike Davis & Tommy Lane) vs. Keith Eric & David Razor
~ The Rock ¡®n¡¯ Roll RPM¡¯s Interview (The RPM¡¯s claim Sato & Goto cost them a tournament in Japan, this leads to a brawl between the two teams)
~ Downtown Bruno, Big Bubba & Goliath Interview
¡ñ Big Bubba & Goliath (w/Downtown Bruno) vs. Benny Trailer, Jerry Garmen, Jim Jamison & David Johnson (2 vs. 4 Handicap Match)
~ Jerry lawler & Giant Hillbilly Elmer Interview
~ Sheepherders Interview
¡ñ The Sheepherders (Boyd & Bog Foot) vs. Tony Parks & David Haskins
~ Local Promo Interviews w/Paul Diamond / Jeff Jarrett / Jerry Lawler
¡ñ Jerry Lawler & Hillbilly Elmer vs. Dennis Hall & Boy Tony (w/Dolly Parker)
~ The Killer & Kenny Dee were supposed to show up and the Killer was to unmask, but Lance Russell announces the Killer as a no show.
CWA Memphis Wrestling 11/29/86 (episode has some jittering)
¡ñ The Sheepherders (Boyd & Bog Foot) vs. Jerry Garmen & Benny Trailer
~ Sheepherders Interview (Boyd demands a return match since his team lost the Southern Titles to Jarrett & Travis. Boyd asks for the stipulation that loser of the fall leaves for a year. Eddie Marlin will not agree to the match and Boyd accuses him of protecting his grandson Jarrett. This brings out Jarrett & Travis who agree to the bout.)
¡ñ Jeff Jarrett, Billy Travis, Tracy Smothers & Paul Diamond vs. Boy Tony, The Headhunters (Keith Roberson & Mike James) & Dennis Hall (w/Dolly Parker)
~ Local Promo Interviews w/Tojo Yamamoto / Downtown Bruno & Big Bubba (Bruno is taped up from a fireball to the face and Bubba is wearing a mask after losing his hair to Lawler)
¡ñ Big Bubba & Goliath (w/Downtown Bruno) vs. Keith Eric & Robert Bryant
~ Hillbilly Elmer Interview
~ The Rock ¡®n¡¯ Roll RPM¡¯s Interview (The RPM¡¯s already hint a heel turn, claiming they were around before the Rock ¡®n¡¯ Roll Express and the Fabulous Ones)
¡ñ The Rock ¡®n¡¯ Roll RPM¡¯s (Mike Davis & Tommy Lane) vs. Jim Jamison & Mike Murphy
~ Tojo Yamamoto Interview (Tojo has brought The Great Kabuki back to eliminate Paul Diamond)
¡ñ Pat Tanaka vs. The Great Kabuki (w/Tojo) ( Kabuki gets DQ¡¯d after spraying Tanaka in the face with mist)
~ Local Promo Interviews w/Pat Tanaka / VTR: Jerry Lawler
~ Paul Diamond Interview
¡ñ Akio Sato & Tarzan Goto (w/Tojo) vs. John Paul & Tony Parks
CWA Memphis Wrestling 12/6/86 (2nd half of show has some jiterry issues)
~ Big Bubba & Downtown Bruno Interview (Bubba is wearing a mask and Lance Russell shows why. We are shown a clip from the MSC from 11/24. Lawler shaves the head of Big Bubba after defeating him in a hair vs. hair match.)
¡ñ Big Bubba & Goliath (w/Downtown Bruno) vs. Jim Jamison, Robert Bryant, Mike Murphy & Ed Mattox (4 on 2 Handicap Match)
~ Local Promo Interviews w/Bruno, Bubba & Goliath
~ Jonathan Boyd Interview (Big Foot has lost a loser leaves town match, leaving Boyd to fend for himself. Boyd now challenges Jeff Jarrett to a 1 on 1 ¡°New Zealand Deathbox Match¡± which is basically a casket match. Jarrett accepts and signs the contract for the match. After Jarrett signs, Boyd pulls a giant PYTHON SNAKE out of the box and throws it on Jarrett as Lance Russell & Dave Brown go running. Boyd then announces that the python WILL BE IN THE CASSKET during the contest! Eddie Marlin comes out to get Boyd to remove the snake stipulation but Jonathan refuses to budge.
¡ñ Akio Sato & Tarzan Goto (w/Tojo Yamamoto) vs. Jerry Garmen & Benny Trailer
¡ñ Paul Diamond & Pat Tanaka vs. The Great Kabuki & Tony Burton (w/Tojo, Burton was the Ninja, who recently lost his mask in a match against Tanaka. Tojo Tar & feathers Paul Diamond after the match.)
~ Paul Diamond Interview
~ Fabulous Ones Music Video (The Boys are Back in Town)
~ The Rock ¡®n¡¯ Roll RPM¡¯s Interview (The RPM¡¯s have already turned heel after only two weeks, talking trash about the Fabs. Tracy Smothers confronts the RPM¡¯s after they talk trash about his mentors, the Fabulous Ones. The RPM¡¯s then attack Smothers.)
~ Local Promo Interview w/Jerry Lawler & Eddie Marlin
¡ñ Jerry Lawler, Jeff Jarrett & Billy Travis vs. Boy Tony & The Memphis Vice (Jerry Bryant & Lou Winston) (Big Bubba & Goliath attacks the faces as TV time ends. Just as the Memphis Vice stated a few weeks earlier on TV, the next man or men that interfere in one of their matches were going to pay, the Memphis Vice ATTACK Bubba & Goliath and aid Lawler and company in clearing the ring of the heels. Lawler removes the mask of Bubba to reveal his shaved head as they clear the ring.)
CWA Memphis Wrestling 12/13/86 (episode has some jittering)
¡ñ The Rock ¡®n¡¯ Roll RPM¡¯s (Mike Davis & Tommy Lane) vs. Robert & Randy Bryant
~ The Rock ¡®n¡¯ Roll RPM¡¯s Interview (Tracy Smothers comes out again but this time has a little backup in Steve Keirn. Keirn & Smothers then put a whipping on the RPM¡¯s.)
~ Fabulous Ones Music Video (If Looks Could Kill)
~ Local Promo Interviews w/Jonathan Boyd / The RnR RPM¡¯s / Downtown Bruno, Bubba & Goliath
¡ñ The Memphis Vice (Jerry Bryant & Lou Winston) vs. Boy Tony & Tony Burton (Big Bubba attacks the Vice as a sort of revenge from last week, but Jerry Lawler makes the save)
~ Jerry Lawler Music Video (Take My Breath Away)
~ Clips from the MSC 12/1/86 (Tojo Yamamoto & The Great Kabuki pound on Pat Tanaka & Paul Diamond. Jerry Lawler makes the save)
¡ñ (JIP from MSC 12/1/86) Jerry Lawler vs. Big Bubba (This is a ¡°Throw in the towel match¡±. Great Kabuki interferes and mists Lawler allowing Bubba to pummel the King. Eddie Marlin eventually throws in the towel for Lawler.)
~ Jerry Lawler Interview
~ Tojo Yamamoto & Great Kabuki Interview
¡ñ Great Kabuki, Akio Sato & Tarzan Goto (w/Tojo) vs. Ed Mattox, Jim Jamison & David Johnson
~ Downtown Bruno, Big Bubba & Goliath Interview
¡ñ Big Bubba & Goliath (w/Downtown Bruno) vs. William ¡°Freezer¡± Thompson & Mike Murphy
~ Jonathan Boyd Interview (Boyd is sporting a Pyhton around his neck!)
~ Tojo Yamamoto, Sato & Goto Interview
~ Local Promo Interviews w/Jeff Jarrett & Billy Travis / Jerry Lawler & Lou Winston
~ Jeff Jarrett, Billy Travis & Pat Tanaka Interview
¡ñ Jeff Jarrett, Billy Travis & Pat Tanaka vs. Keith Eric & The Headhunters (Keith Roberson & Mike James)
CWA Memphis Wrestling 12/20/86 (episode has some jittering)
~ Downtown Bruno & Boy Tony Interview
¡ñ Tracy Smothers vs. Boy Tony (w/Bruno, Tony uses a foreign object from his purse to gain a win)
~ Local Promo Interview w/Jerry Lawler (Lawler talks about his Discount Furniture Store in Evansville, IN.)
¡ñ Big Bubba & Goliath (w/Downtown Bruno) vs. Jim Jamison & Mike Murphy
~ Local Promo Interview w/Jerry Lawler (Lawler continues to talk about his Furniture store. Lawler offers FREE TICKETS to the wrestling show if they buy furniture!)
¡ñ The Great Kabuki (w/Tojo) vs. Ed Mattox
~ Tojo Yamamoto & Great Kabuki Interview
~ Tommy Rich Interview (Rich complains that he was promised a World Title shot upon returning to the company, but Lawler seems to get all the shots. Rich points out Lawler has never won any of his World Title matches, while Tommy is a former World Champion. This leads to the Lawler/Rich feud)
¡ñ Tommy Rich vs. Keith Eric
~ Local Promo Interview w/Jeff Jarrett & Billy Travis
~ Jeff Jarrett & Billy Travis Music Video
~ Jeff Jarrett & Billy Travis Interview (Jarrett feels the RPM¡¯s don¡¯t deserve a title shot, this angers the RPM¡¯s who come out and challenge the champions. Jarrett & Travis eventually accept and a title match ensues.)
¡ñ Tag Champs Jeff Jarrett & Billy Travis vs. The Rock ¡®n¡¯ Roll RPM¡¯s (Mike Davis & Tommy Lane) (This match features a title change)
CWA Memphis Wrestling 12/27/86 (episode has some jittering)
¡ñ Jerry Lawler vs. The Golden Terror
¡ñ (JIP from MSC 12/15/86) International Champ Big Bubba vs. Tommy Rich (Downtown Bruno nails Rich with a foreign object, Lawler comes in to make the save but ends up getting Rich DQ¡¯d in the process)
¡ñ (JIP from MSC 12/15/86) Jerry Lawler vs. The Great Kabuki (Tommy Rich jumps up on the apron to help the King but Lawler accidentally smashes heads with Wildfire which leads to the King¡¯s defeat.)
~ VTR: Tommy Rich Interview (Rich blames Lawler for his loss to Bubba & basically belittles the King. Rich is still demanding a World Title shot. Rich calls the King washed up.)
~ Local Promo Interview w/Jeff Jarrett & Billy Travis
~ Downtown Bruno, Big Bubba & Goliath Interview (These three have a match coming up against the Memphis Vice and a mystery partner really soon. Bruno demands to know who their mystery partner is)
¡ñ Big Bubba & Goliath (w/Downtown Bruno) vs. Ed Mattox & Dennis Upton
~ Memphis Vice Interview (The Vice admit they have no mystery partner so they handpick a FEAMALE FAN from the crowd named Emily Arthur to be their partner. Bruno returns to ringside and talks about slapping women around. Bruno is looking forward to manhandling Miss Arthur.)
~ Lance Russell shows pictures of wrestlers coming to Memphis shortly. These pictures include Soul Train Jones as well as Luna Vachon & Loch
~ Jeff Jarrett & Billy Travis Interview
¡ñ Jeff Jarrett & Billy Travis vs. Rough & Ready (w/Boss Winters)
¡ñ The Rock ¡®n¡¯ Roll RPM¡¯s (Mike Davis & Tommy Lane) vs. Tracy Smothers & John Paul (Boy Tony costs Smothers the match)
~ Boy Tony & Downtown Bruno Interview (Boy Tony mocks Smothers¡¯ recent losses and Tracy clears the area with a chair. Tracy promises to strip Falk during an upcoming Streetfight and calls Tony a FAG!)
~ Local Promo Interview w/Bruno, Bubba & Goliath
~ Don Bass, Buddy Wayne, Goto & Tojo Yamamoto Interview
¡ñ Don Bass, Buddy Wayne, Boy Tony & Tarzan Goto (w/Tojo) vs. Paul Diamond, Pat Tanaka & The Memphis Vice (Jerry Bryant & Lou Winston)
01. Rick Casey vs. The Invader
02. Dutch Mantell vs. Jim Jamison
03. Fantastics vs. The Spoiler (Frank Morrell) & Pat Rose
04. Tracy Smothers & Billy Travis vs. Lou Winston & Masked Jobber
05. Jerry Lawler vs. Tony Falk
06. Bill Dundee vs. David Johnson
60 minutes – Source: VHS
01. Rick Casey vs. Benny Trailer
02. Buddy Landell vs. David Haskins
03. The Bladerunners (Sting & Ultimate Warrior) vs. David Johnson & Jim Jamison
04. The Fantastics vs. Dutch Mantell & Tony Falk
05. Bill Dundee vs. Jerry Garmen
06. Rick Casey vs. Tony Falk
60 minutes – Source: VHS
01. Bill Dundee vs. Big Red Reese (1986/01/13 – Mid-South Coliseum)
02. Billy Travis vs. The Invader
03. The Bladerunners vs. Phil Hickerson & Billy Travis
04. Dirty Rhodes & Tojo Yamamoto vs. The Raiders
05. Dutch Mantell vs. Kevin McQueen
06. Buddy Landell vs. David Johnson
07. Koko Ware & Rick Casey & The Fantastics vs. Pat Rose & Tony Falk & The Sheepherders (Rip Morgan & Taurus Bulba)
60 minutes – Source: VHS
01. Larry Hamilton vs. The Invader
02. The Fantastics vs. Pat Rose & Tony Falk
03. Buddy Landell & Dutch Mantell vs. Billy Travis & David Haskins
04. Dirty Rhodes vs. Keith Eric
05. Bill Dundee vs. Tracy Smothers
60 minutes – Source: VHS
01. The Fantastics vs. Tony Falk & Keith Eric
02. Rick Casey & Dirty Rhodes vs. The Invaders
03. Koko Ware vs. The Masked Patriot
04. Buddy Landell & Dutch Mantell vs. Billy Travis & Tracy Smothers
60 minutes – Source: VHS
01. The Fantastics vs. The Undertakers
02. Superstar Bill Dundee & Dirty Dutch Mantel vs. Dirty Rhodes & Tracy Smothers
03. Larry “Thunderbolt” Hamilton vs. David Haskins
60 minutes – Source: VHS
01. Abdul Gaddafi vs. Jim Jamison
02. Keith Eric vs. Thunderbolt Hamilton
03. Jerry Garmen & Benny Traylor vs. Nature Boy Buddy Landel & Dirty Dutch Mantel
04. Rick Casey & Dirty Rhodes vs. The Undertakers
60 minutes – Source: VHS
01. The Fantastics vs. The Undertakers
02. Austin Idol vs. Tony Falk
03. Ken Prince vs. The Raider
04. Buddy Landell vs. Lionel Green
05. Rick Casey vs. Pat Rose
06. Bill Dundee & Dutch Mantell vs. Frank Morell & Billy Travis
60 minutes – Source: VHS
01. The Fantastics vs. Benny Traylor & Jerry Garmen
02. Rick Casey vs. Dutch Mantell (1986/02/24 – Mid-South Coliseum)
03. Buddy Landell vs. Billy Travis
60 minutes – Source: VHS
01. Dirty Rhodes vs. Benny Traylor
02. Dutch Mantell vs. Jerry Garmen
03. Bill Dundee & Buddy Landell vs. David Johnson & Jim Jamison
04. The Fantastics vs. Tony Falk & Keith Eric
05. MOD Squad (w/JD Costello) vs. Thunderbolt Hamilton & David Haskins
60 minutes – Source: VHS
01. Paul Diamond & Michael Lee vs. Benny Traylor & The Masked Patriot
02. Rick Casey vs. Abdul Gaddafi
03. Dutch Mantell vs. Keith Eric
04. Bill Dundee & Buddy Landell vs. Jim Jamison & David Haskins
05. The Fantastics vs. Tony Falk & Pat Rose
06. MOD Squad vs. Thunderbolt Hamilton & David Johnson
60 minutes – Source: VHS
01. Billy Travis vs. Keith Eric
02. Bill Dundee & Buddy Landell vs. Benny Trailer & Jerry Garmen
03. Jos LeDuc vs. David Haskins
04. Southern Tag Team Titles vs. $3,000: The Fantastics vs. The MOD Squad
05. Paul Diamond & Michael Lee vs. Tony Falk & Pat Rose
60 minutes – Source: VHS
01. Dutch Mantell vs. Keith Eric
02. Memphis Vice (Lou Winston & Jerry Bryant) vs. Benny Trailer & Jerry Garmen
03. Jos LeDuc vs. Henry Rutledge
04. Bill Dundee & Buddy Landell vs. David Haskins & Frank Morrell
05. Billy Travis vs. The Invader
06. Tony Falk vs. Jim Jamison
07. The MOD Squad vs. Paul Diamond & Michael Lee
60 minutes – Source: VHS
01. Memphis Vice (Lou Winston & Jerry Bryant) vs. Jim Jamison & Keith Eric
02. Handicap Match: Jos LeDuc vs. Benny Trailer & Jerry Garmen
03. Jerry Lawler & Dutch Mantell vs. Pat Rose & Bill Rose
04. The MOD Squad vs. Henry Rutledge & David Johnson
05. Paul Diamond & Michael Lee vs. Tony Falk & The Masked Patriot
60 minutes – Source: VHS
01. Billy Travis vs. The Masked Patriot
02. The MOD Squad vs. Henry Rutledge & Tojo Yamamoto
03. Paul Diamond & Michael Lee vs. Tony Falk & Keith Eric
04. Bill Dundee vs. Jim Jamison
05. Jerry Lawler vs. Pat Rose
06. Dutch Mantell vs. Sheik Abdul Gaddafi
60 minutes – Source: VHS
01. Bill Dundee & Buddy Landell vs. Jim Jamison & David Johnson
02. Billy Travis vs. Keith Eric
03. Dutch Mantell vs. The Masked Patriot
04. Jeff Jarrett vs. Tony Falk
05. Rip Rogers vs. David Haskins (Rip’s return to the CWA)
06. Sheik Abdul Gaddafi & Pat Rose vs. Pat Tanaka & Jeff Young
60 miinutes – Source: VHS
01. Billy Travis vs. The Masked Patriot
02. Rip Rogers vs. Jim Jamison
03. MOD Squad vs. Frank Morrell & David Haskins
04. Dutch Mantell vs. The Undertaker
05. Jeff Jarrett & Jos LeDuc vs. Sheik Abdul Gaddafi & Pat Rose
60 minutes – Source: VHS
01. Paul Diamond vs. The Undertaker
02. Rip Rogers vs. David Haskins
03. Jeff Jarrett vs. The Patriot
04. MOD Squad vs. Jim Jamison & David Johnson
05. Dutch Mantell & Pat Tanaka vs. Tony Falk & Keith Eric
60 minutes – Source: VHS
01. Jerry Lawler vs. Abdul Gadaffi
02. MOD Squad vs. Paul Diamond & Pat Tanaka
03. Billy Travis vs. Rip Rogers
60 minutes – Source: VHS
01. Billy Travis & Uncle Elmer & Jeff Jarrett vs. Blue Demon & Keith Eric & Masked Patriot
02. Rip Rogers & Baron von Brauner vs. Frank Morrell & David Haskins
03. MOD Squad vs. Jim Jamison & Don Donovan
04. Joe LeDuc & Dutch Mantell vs. Tony Falk & Abdul Gaddafi
05. The Hunters vs. Jerry Garmen & Benny Trailer
06. Memphis Vice (Jerry Bryant & Lou Winston) vs. Pat Tanaka & Paul Diamond
07. Jerry Lawler vs. Buddy Landel
60 minutes – Source: VHS
01. Jerry Lawler & Giant Hillbilly vs. Keith Eric & Easy Rider
02. Bill Dundee vs. David Haskins
03. Mod Squad & Danny Fargo vs. Mike Murphy & Benny Trailer & Jim Jamison
04. The Hunters vs. David Johnson & Henry Ruthledge
05. Tony Falk & Adbul Gaddafi & Baron von Brauner & Pat Rose vs. Jeff Jarrett & Billy Travis & Pat Panaka & Paul Diamond
60 minutes – Source: VHS
01. Beach Boys (Van Horn & John Stewart) vs. Keith Eric & Masked Inferno
02. Memphis Vice vs. Jerry Garmen & Benny Trailer
03. Bill Dundee vs. Tracy Smothers
04. Joe LeDuc & Paul Diamond & Dutch Mantel & Jeff Jarrett vs. Baron van Brauner & Pat Rose & Fabulous Danny Fargo & The Hunter
05. Mod Squad (Spike & Basher) vs. Billy Travis & David Haskins
06. The Fabulous Ones (Steve Keirn & Stan Lane) vs. Abdul Gaddafi & Strong Machine
60 minutes – Source: VHS
01. The Beach Boys (Johnnie Stuart & Van Van Horne) vs. Memphis Vice (Lou Winston & Jerry Bryant)
02. The Giant Hillbilly & “Diesel” Dan Styles vs. Abdul Gaddafi & Keith Eric
03. Handicap Match: Jos LeDuc vs. Jim Jamison & Mike Murphy
04. Rip Rogers & Bill Dundee vs. Tracy Smothers & David Haskins
05. The Nightmares vs. Benny Trailer & Jerry Garmen
06. The MOD Squad & Fire & Flame vs. Jeff Jarrett & Tojo Yamamoto & Pat Tanaka & Tracy Smothers
60 minutes – Source: VHS
01. The Nightmares vs. The Beach Boys
02. Dutch Mantell & Buddy Landell vs. The Inferno & Keith Eric
03. Jerry Lawler & Austin Idol & The Giant Hillbilly vs. The MOD Squad & JD Costello (1986/06/09 – Mid-South Coliseum)
04. Fire & Flame & The MOD Squad vs. Benny Trailer & Jerry Garmen & David Haskins & Jim Jamison
05. Jerry Lawler & The Giant Hillbilly vs. Abdul Gaddafi & Strong Machine
06. Handicap Match: Jos LeDuc vs. Henry Rutledge & Mike Murphy
07. Paul Diamond & Mr. Liberty vs. The Dirty Black Boys
60 minutes – Source: VHS
01. Akio Sato & Tarzan Goto vs. Mr. Liberty & Pat Tanaka (1986/06/16 – Mid-South Coliseum)
02. Akio Sato & Tarzan Goto vs. Tracy Smothers & David Haskins
03. Handicap Match: Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Keith Eric & Mike Murphy
04. Southern Heavyweight Title Tournament – Final: Buddy Landell vs. Flame (1986/06/16 – Mid-South Coliseum)
05. MOD Squad & Fire & Flame vs. The Beach Boys & Benny Trailer & Jerry Garmen
06. Dutch Mantell & Paul Diamond vs. Rough & Ready
07. The Nightmares vs. Pat Tanaka & Tracy Smothers
60 minutes – Source: VHS
01. Jerry Lawler & The Giant Hillbilly vs. Rough & Ready
02. Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Mike Murphy
03. Akio Sato & Tarzan Goto vs. The Beach Boys
04. The Nightmares vs. Pat Tanaka & David Haskins
05. Chain Match: Jos LeDuc vs. Jim Jamison
06. Bruise Brothers (Porkchop Cash & Mad Dog Boyd) vs. Keith Eric & Keith Roberson
07. Mod Squad & Fire & Flame vs. Mr. Liberty & Tracy Smothers & Jerry Garmen & Benny Trailer
60 minutes – Source: VHS
01. Jeff Jarrett & Pat Tanaka vs. Keith Eric & Keith Roberson
02. Handicap Match: Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Jim Jamison & Mike Murphy
03. The Nightmares vs. Rough & Ready
04. The Original Bruise Brothers (Porkchop Cash & Mad Dog Boyd) & Mr. Liberty & David Haskins vs. The MOD Squad & Fire & Flame
60 minutes – Source: VHS
01. Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Benny Trailer & Jerry Garmen
02. Akio Sato & Tarzan Goto vs. Tracy Smothers & David Haskins
03. Jeff Jarrett & Paul Diamond vs. The Memphis Vice (Jerry Bryant & Lou Winston)
04. The Nightmares vs. Fire & Flame
05. The Nightmares vs. The MOD Squad
60 minutes – Source: VHS
01. Handicap Match: Bam Bam Bigelow vs. David Haskins & Jim Jamison
02. Jeff Jarrett & Pat Tanaka vs. Keith Roberson & Greg Gillis
03. The Nightmares vs. Akio Sato & Tarzan Goto
04. Jerry Lawler & JT Southern vs. Keith Eric & Don Donovan
05. The MOD Squad & Memphis Vice (Bryant & Winston) & Ron Sexton vs. Benny Trailer & Jerry Garmen & The Demolition Express (Charles & James Atlas & Rock Steady)
60 minutes – Source: VHS
01. JT Southern vs. The Invader
02. The Nightmares vs. Ron Sexton & Craig Carson
03. Rock Steady Crew (King Cobra & Ira Reese) vs. Keith Eric & Keith Roberson
04. Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Jim Jamison
05. Giant Hillbilly & Jerry Lawler vs. The Memphis Vice (Jerry Bryant & Lou Winston)
06. Jeff Jarrett & Paul Diamond vs. Rough & Ready
07. Akio Sato & Tarzan Goto vs. David Haskins & Jerry Garmen
01. JT Southern vs. Mike Murphy
02. MOD Squad & Mr. Universe vs. David Haskins & Benny Trailer & Jerry Garmen
03. Akio Sato & Tarzan Goto vs. Tracy Smothers & David Baker
04. Jerry Lawler vs. Juicy Johnny
05. Handicap Match: Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Jim Jamison & David Johnson
06. Jeff Jarrett & Pat Tanaka & Paul Diamond vs. Keith Roberson & Rough and Ready
07. Rock Steady Crew (King Cobra & Ira Reese) vs. The Memphis Vice (Jerry Bryant & Lou Winston)
60 minutes – Source: VHS
01. Akio Sato & Tarzan Goto vs. David Haskins & Mike Murphy
02. JT Southern vs. Keith Eric
03. Mr. Universe vs. Jim Jamison
04. MOD Squad Spike vs. David Baker
05. Fire & Flame vs. Jos LeDuc & Phil Hickerson
06. Paul Diamond & Jeff Jarrett & Pat Tanaka & Tracy Smothers vs. Ron Sexton & Juicy Johnny & Rough & Ready
60 minutes – Source: VHS
01. Tracy Smothers vs. Juicy Johnny
02. Mr. Universe vs. David Johnson
03. Handicap Match: The Killer (aka. Snowman Eddie Crawford) vs. The Red Demons
04. Akio Sato & Tarzan Goto vs. Benny Trailer & Jerry Garmen
05. Handicap Match: Bam Bam Bigelow vs. David Haskins & Larry Santana
06. Fire & Flame vs. Phil Hickerson & The Giant Hillbilly
07. Jeff Jarrett & Pat Tanaka & Paul Diamond vs. The MOD Squad & Ron Sexton
60 minutes – Source: VHS
01. Jeff Jarrett & Paul Diamond & JT Southern vs. Memphis Vice (Lou Winston & Jerry Bryant) & Ron Sexton
02. Fire & Flame vs. The MOD Squad
03. Jeff Jarrett & Pat Tanaka vs. The Renegades
04. Akio Sato & Tarzan Goto vs. Jim Jamison & Mad Dog Boyd
05. Handicap Match: Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Benny Trailer & Jerry Garmen
06. Jerry Lawler & The Giant Hillbilly vs. Mr. Universe & The Nighthawk
60 minutes – Source: VHS
01. The Red Demon vs. JT Southern
02. Jerry Lawler & The Killer vs. The Scorpions
03. Southern Tag Team Titles: Fire & Flame vs. The Giant Hillbilly & Cousin Junior
04. The Miami New Breed (Fear & Power) vs. Jerry Garmen & Benny Trailer
05. Akio Sato & Tarzan Goto vs. David Haskins & William “The Bear” Thompson
06. Jeff Jarrett & Pat Tanaka vs. Keith Roberson & Juice Johnny
60 minutes – Source: VHS
01. The Great Kabuki vs. David Haskins
02. Jerry Lawler vs. MOD Squad Basher
03. Jeff Jarrett & Pat Tanaka vs. The Memphis Vice (Jerry Bryan & Lou Winston)
04. Akio Sato & Tarzan Goto vs. Mike Jackson & William “Bear” Thompson
60 minutes – Source: VHS
01. Jerry Lawler vs. Keith Roberson
02. The Killer (Eddie Crawford) vs. Boss Winters
03. The Giant Hillbilly & Cousin Junior vs. Red Demons
04. Tracy Smothers & Paul Diamond vs. Rough & Ready
05. Akio Sato & Tarzan Goto vs. Van Van Horne & William “Bear” Thompson
06. Fire & Flame vs. Jeff Jarrett & Pat Tanaka
60 minutes – Source: VHS
01. Jerry Jarrett vs. Tojo Yamamoto (1986/09/26 – Mid-South Coliseum)
02. Akio Sato & Tarzan Goto & The Ninja vs. David Haskins & Jim Jamison & Mike Murphy
03. Jeff Jarrett & Pat Tanaka vs. The Memphis Vice
04. Tommy Rich vs. Keith Roberson
05. Jerry Lawler vs. Keith Eric
06. Dirty Rhodes & Don Bass vs. Benny Trailer & Jerry Garmen
07. Ric McCord & John Paul vs. Rough & Ready
60 minutes – Source: VHS
01. Akio Sato & Tarzan Goto vs. Randy & Robert Bryant
02. Jeff Jarrett & Pat Tanaka vs. The Memphis Vice (Lou Winston & Jerry Bryant)
03. Jerry Lawler vs. Nikita Mulkavich
04. Dirty Rhodes & Don Bass & Larry Wright vs. Jerry Garmen & Jim Jameson & David Johnson
05. Big Bubba vs. David Haskins
06. Excitement Inc. (Ric McCord & John Paul) vs. Keith Eric & The Invader
60 minutes – Source: VHS
01. Bubba Monroe vs. Jim Jamison
02. Handicap Match: Big Bubba vs. Bryant Brothers
03. Akio Sato & Tarzan Goto & The Ninja vs. Tracy Smothers & Pat Tanaka & David Haskins
04. Dirty Rhodes & Don Bass vs. Excitement Inc.
05. Memphis Vice vs. Tracy Smothers & William Thompson
60 minutes – Source: VHS
01. Keith Eric vs. Pat Tanaka
02. Tracy Smothers vs. The Ninja
03. Jeff Jarrett vs. Larry Wright
04. Dirty Rhodes & Don Bass & Akito Sato & Tarzan Goto vs. Bryant Brothers & Jerry Garmen & Benny Trailer
05. Big Bubba & Bubba Monroe vs. Excitement Inc.
60 minutes – Source: VHS
01. Akio Sato & Tarzan Goto vs. Excitement Inc. (Ric McCord & John Paul)
02. Larry Wright & Ron Bass vs. Pat Tanaka & Tracy Smothers
03. Jeff Jarrett vs. The Ninja
04. Handicap Match: Big Bubba vs. Jim Jamison & Mike Murphy
05. Memphis Vice & Bubba Monroe vs. Jerry Lawler & Great Hillbilly
60 minutes – Source: VHS
01. Jerry Lawler vs. Bubba Monroe
02. Handicap Match: Big Bubba vs. Jerry Garmen & Benny Trailer
03. Dirty Rhodes & Don Bass & Akio Sato & Tarzan Goto vs. Excitement Inc. (Ric McCord & John Paul) & David Haskins & Jim Jamison
04. The Sheepherders (Boyd & Big Foot) vs. Randy & Robert Bryant
05. “$5,000, 20-Man Battle Royal” (w/ Jerry Lawler, Tracy Smothers, Billy Travis, John Paul, Ric McCord, Dirty Rhodes, Don Bass, Akio Sato, Tarzan Goto, Pat Tanaka, Jonathan Boyd, Big Foot, The Ninja, Mike McGuirk, Duke Meyers, David Haskins, Jeff Jarrett, Big Bubba & Pat Rose)
06. Jeff Jarrett & Pat Tanaka & Tracy Smothers & Billy Travis vs. The Animals (Duke Meyers & Mike McGuirk) & The Memphis Vice (Jerry Bryant & Lou Winston)
60 minutes – Source: VHS
01. Pat Tanaka & Tony Park vs. Tarzan Goto & The Ninja
02. Tracy Smothers vs. Boy Tony
03. The Sheepherders vs. Jerry Garmen & Benny Trailer
04. Billy Travis & Jeff Jarrett vs. Rough & Ready
60 minutes – Source: VHS
01. Southern Tag Team Titles: Akio Sato & Tarzan Goto vs. Jeff Jarrett & Paul Diamond
02. Rock’n Roll RPMs vs. David Razor & Keith Eric
03. Handicap Match: Big Bubba & Goliath vs. Jim Jamison & Benny Trailer & Jerry Garmen & David Johnson
04. The Sheepherders vs. Tony Parks & David Haskins
05. Dennis Hall & Boy Tony vs. Jerry Lawler & Hillbilly Elmer
60 minutes – Source: VHS
01. The Sheepherders (Jonathan Boyd & Bigfoot) vs. Jerry Garmen & Benny Trailer
02. Jeff Jarrett & Billy Travis & Tracy Smothers & Paul Diamond vs. Keith Roberson & Dennis Hall & Boy Tony & Mike James
03. Big Bubba & Goliath vs. Robert Bryant & Keith Eric
04. Rock’n Roll RPMs (Mike Davis & Tommy Lane) vs. Mike Murphy & Jim Jamison
05. Great Kabuki vs. Pat Tanaka
06. Akio Sato & Tarzan Goto vs. John Paul & Tony Parks
60 minutes – Source: VHS
01. Handicap Match: Big Bubba & Goliath vs. Mike Murphy & Jim Jamison & Robert Bryant & Ed Mattox
02. Akio Sato & Tarzan Goto vs. Benny Trailer & Jerry Garmen
03. Pat Tanaka & Paul Diamond vs. Tony Burton & Great Kabuki
04. Jerry Lawler & Jeff Jarrett & Billy Travis vs. Boy Tony & Memphis Vice (Lou Winston & Jerry Bryant)
60 minutes – Source: VHS
01. Rock’n Roll RPM’s vs. Bryan Brothers
02. Boy Tony & Tony Burton vs. Memphis Vice
03. Akito Sato & Tarzan Goto & Great Kabuki vs. Jim Jamison & Ed Mattox & David Johnson
04. Big Bubba & Goliath vs. William Freezer Thompson & Mike Murphy
05. Jeff Jarrett & Pat Tanaka & Billy Travis vs. The Headhunters & Keith Eric
60 minutes – Source: VHS
01. Tracy Smothers vs. Boy Tony
02. Big Bubba & Goliath vs. Jim Jamison & Mike Murphy
03. The Great Kabuki vs. Ed Mattox
04. Tommy Rich vs. Keith Eric
05. Southern Tag Team Titles: Jeff Jarrett & Billy Travis vs. The Rock “Ëœn’ Roll RPM’s (Mike David & Tommy Lane)
60 minutes – Source: VHS
01. Jerry Lawler vs. The Golden Terror
02. Big Bubba & Goliath vs. Ed Mattox & Dennis Upton
03. Jeff Jarrett & Billy Travis vs. Rough & Ready
04. The Rock “Ëœn’ Roll RPM’s (Mike David & Tommy Lane) vs. Tracy Smothers & John Paul
05. Don Bass & Buddy Wayne & Boy Tony & Tarzan Goto vs. Paul Diamond & Pat Tanaka & The Memphis Vice (Jerry Bryant & Lou Winston)
60 minutes – Source: VHS