ECW @ Philadelphia, PA – Original Sports Bar – March 24, 1992
King Kaluha vs. Max Thrasher
CN Redd vs. Rick Perez
Crybaby Waldo vs. Mr. Anthony
DC Drake & JT Smith vs. Johnny Hot Body & Larry Winters when Smith vs. Winters
Glen Osbourne vs. Jimmy Jannetty
Stevie Richards & Derrick Domino vs. the Super Destroyers via forfeit
Ivan Koloff vs. Tony Stetson in a Russian Chain Match
ECW @ Philadelphia, PA – Taber Youth Association – April 25, 1992 (425)
Salvatore Bellomo in a battle royal; other participants included: Mr. Anthony, Jim Curry, Glen Osbourne, Mr. Perez, Pitbull Rex, Stevie Richards, JT Smith, Tony Stetson, and Max Thrasher
Jimmy Snuka in a battle royal; other participants included: Don E. Allen, Crybaby Waldo, Johnny Hot Body, Jimmy Jannetty, Pitbull Spike, CN Redd, John Rock, Jeff Royal, and Mr. Sandman
Jimmy Snuka vs. Salvatore Bellomo; due to pre-match stipulations, Snuka in the vacant ECW Championship
Crybaby Waldo vs. CN Redd
Mr. Anthony & Mr. Perez vs. Jim Curry & JT Smith when Anthony vs. Curry
Jimmy Jannetty vs. Glen Osbourne
Mr. Sandman vs. Tony Stetson
The Pitbulls vs. Jeff Royal & Johnny Hot Body
ECW @ Philadelphia, PA – Original Sports Bar – April 26, 1992 (320)
Mr. Anthony & Mr. Perez vs. King Kaluha & CN Redd when Perez vs. Redd
Crybaby Waldo vs. Glen Osbourne
The Metal Maniac vs. Stevie Richards
Johnny Hot Body vs. ECW Champion Jimmy Snuka for the title
Salvatore Bellomo vs. Jimmy Jannetty
Larry Winters vs. Derrick Domino
Tony Stetson vs. Mr. Sandman in a bunkhouse match
The Super Destroyers & HD Ryder vs. JT Smith & the Pitbulls
ECW @ Philadelphia, PA – Original Sports Bar – May 19, 1992
John Rock vs. the Anchor
Larry Winters vs. Max Thrasher
Tony Stetson vs. the Metal Maniac
ECW Champion Johnny Hot Body vs. Mr. Sandman
JT Smith vs. Jimmy Jannetty
Chris Michaels vs. Vladimir Markoff
The Super Destroyers vs. the Pitbulls
Salvatore Bellomo vs. Jim Neidhart
ECW @ Philadelphia, PA – Original Sports Bar – May 25, 1992
Salvatore Bellomo vs. Stevie Richards
The Super Destroyers vs. Chris Michaels & John Rock
Larry Winters vs. King Kaluha
ECW Champion Johnny Hot Body vs. Jimmy Jannetty
Tony Stetson vs. the Metal Maniac
Max Thrasher & Glen Osbourne vs. Mr. Anthony & Mr. Perez
JT Smith vs. Mr. Sandman
Tatsumi Fujinami vs. the Bouncer (Chris Duffy)
ECW @ Philadelphia, PA – Original Sports Bar – June 23, 1992
Hurricane Curry vs. Super Ninja
The Samoan Warrior vs. the Metal Maniac
ECW Champion Johnny Hot Body, Don E. Allen, Mr. Sandman, & Peaches vs. Tony Stetson, Larry Winters, & Vivacious Veronica in a handicap match when Hot Body vs. Veronica
Don Muraco vs. King Kaluha
Jim Neidhart vs. Salvatore Bellomo
Jim Neidhart vs. Stevie Wonderful
ECW Tag Team Championship Tournament Semi-Finals: The Super Destroyers vs. Jimmy Jannetty & JT Smith
ECW Tag Team Championship Tournament Semi-Finals: Max Thrasher & Glen Osbourne vs. Mr. Anthony & Mr. Perez
ECW Tag Team Championship Tournament Finals: The Super Destroyers vs. Max Thrasher & Glen Osbourne when Thrasher was vs.
ECW @ Philadelphia, PA – Original Sports Bar – July 14, 1992 (275)
Mr. Perez vs. Jimmy Jannetty
Scott Summers & King Kaluha vs. JT Smith & Hurricane Curry
The Samoan Warrior vs. Jack Hammer
Salvatore Bellomo vs. Tony Stetson
ECW Tag Team Champions the Super Destroyers vs. Max Thrasher & Glen Osbourne
Tonny Cairo vs. Damien Stone
Vladimir Markoff & the Super Ninja vs. Chris Michaels & Nikolai Volkoff
Mr. Sandman vs. Larry Winters
Jimmy Snuka vs. ECW Champion Johnny Hot Body for the title
ECW @ Philadelphia, PA – Chestnut Cabaret – July 15, 1992
Hurricane Curry vs. the Anchor
battle royal
Nikolai Volkoff vs. Vladimir Markoff
Tommy Cairo vs. Damien Knight
JT Smith vs. King Kaluha
The Super Ninja & Scott Summers vs. Max Thrasher & Glen Osbourne
Salvatore Bellomo vs. Tony Stetson in a falls count anywhere match
Johnny Hot Body vs. Larry Winters
ECW Champion Jimmy Snuka vs. Mr. Sandman
ECW @ Philadelphia, PA – Chestnut Cabaret – August 12, 1992 (200)
The Super Ninja vs. Jeff Royal at 5:19
Mr. Sandman vs. Tommy Cairo at 8:47
Jimmy Jannetty & Gino Caruso vs. Damien Stone & John Rock at 9:35 when Jannetty vs. Rock
The Hell Riders vs. Max Thrasher & Glen Osbourne at 9:24 when Osbourne was pinned
JT Smith & Soul Train Phillips vs. Mr. Anthony & Mr. Perez at 13:10
Johnny Hot Body vs. Larry Winters
ECW Champion Jimmy Snuka vs. Super Destroyer #1 at 13:36
Tony Stetson vs. Salvatore Bellomo to a no contest in a lumberjack match at 11:00
ECW @ Philadelphia, PA – Aztec Club – August 22, 1992
Damien Stone vs. Tommy Cairo
King Kaluha in a battle royal
ECW Tag Team Champions the Super Destroyers vs. EZ Ryder & the Super Ninja
JT Smith vs. Mr. Sandman
Larry Winters & Jimmy Jannetty vs. Mr. Perez & John Rock
ECW Champion Jimmy Snuka vs. King Kaluha
Glen Osbourne vs. Max Thrasher
Tony Stetson vs. Salvatore Bellomo in a loser leaves town match
ECW @ Philadelphia, PA – Aztec Club – September 12, 1992
ECW Champion Jimmy Snuka vs. Super Destroyer #1 (w/ Hunter Q. Robbins III) in a falls count anywhere match at around the 11-minute mark by pinning the challenger in a pool after a backbreaker; after the bout, Snuka threw the referee in the pool and chased Robbins backstage
Fatu vs. the Anchor & Mr. X in a handicap match
The Cream Team vs. the Hell Raisers
Rasta the Voodoo Mon vs. Super Destroyer #2
The Samoan Warrior vs. Tony Stetson
JT Smith vs. Mr. Sandman
Glen Osbourne vs. Max Thrasher
Larry Winters & Jimmy Jannetty vs. King Kaluha & Scott Sommers
Tommy Cairo vs. Damien Stone
ECW @ Philadelphia, PA – Chestnut Cabaret – September 30, 1992 (220)
Mr. Sandman and Glen Osbourne co-won a battle royal
Super Destroyer #1 vs. Super Destroyer #2
Max Thrasher vs. the Kodiak Bear
Tony Stetson vs. the Anchor
Tommy Cairo vs. JT Smith
EZ Ryder vs. HD Ryder
Mr. X (Rockin Rebel) vs. Jimmy Jannetty
Terry Taylor vs. Larry Winters
Glen Osbourne vs. Mr. Sandman; due to pre-match stipulations, Osbourne in the vacant ECW TV Title
Don Muraco vs. ECW Champion Jimmy Snuka for the title
ECW @ Philadelphia, PA – Kinsington Ramblers Youth Association – October 2, 1992 (550)
Tommy Cairo vs. Damien Stone
ECW Tag Team Champions the Super Destroyers vs. the Samoan Warrior & Super Ninja
Mr. Sandman vs. JT Smith
ECW Champion Don Muraco vs. Nikolai Volkoff
King Kaluha & Scott Summers vs. Jimmy Jannetty & Larry Winters when Kaluha vs. Jannetty
Johnny Hot Body in a battle royal
Max Thrasher vs. Glen Osbourne
Jimmy Snuka vs. Ivan Koloff
Tony Stetson vs. Terry Taylor
ECW @ Philadelphia, PA – Tabor Youth Association – October 3, 1992 (375)
Ivan Koloff in a battle royal
Nikolai Volkoff vs. Vladimir Markoff
Larry Winters & Jimmy Jannetty vs. Scott Summers & King Kaluha
Tony Stetson vs. Terry Taylor
Tommy Cairo vs. Ivan Koloff
Rip Sawyer, Dave Casanova, & ECW TV Champion Glen Osbourne vs. Max Thrasher, ECW Tag Team Champions the Super Destroyers
The Hell Riders vs. the Metal Maniac & the Rockin Rebel
JT Smith & Tigra vs. Mr. Sandman & Peaches
Jimmy Snuka vs. ECW Champion Don Muraco
ECW @ Philadelphia, PA – Chestnut Cabaret – October 24, 1992 (225)
The Rockin Rebel vs. Frank Cody at 3:48
ECW Tag Team Champions the Super Destroyers vs. Dave Casanova & Rip Sawyer at 17:52
Tommy Cairo vs. Ivan Koloff in a Russian chain match at 10:04
Chris Michaels & Damien Stone vs. Larry Winters & Jimmy Jannetty at 11:03
ECW Champion Don Muraco vs. Jimmy Snuka at 5:48 with his feet on the ropes for leverage; after the bout, Stately Wayne Manor left the broadcast area to join Snuka in the ring; Snuka then threw the referee out of the way, with Manor putting a chair into the ring and then praising Snuka after bad-mouthing him on commentary; Tod Gordon then came out to address the situation, with Gordon telling Manor to get back at the commentary area; Manor then grabbed the chair and went to hit Gordon with it only to be stopped by Snuka; moments later, Snuka began choking Gordon, then twice dropped him with a backbreaker before ripping up his jacket and shirt; with Manor looking on, Snuka went to hit the splash off the top before Jimmy Jannetty & Larry Winters came out, with Snuka attacking them as well; the Metal Maniac then came out, with Snuka attacking him before doing the same to the ring announcer and time keeper
Johnny Hot Body vs. Tony Stetson at 15:47
The Kodiak Bear & the Canadian Wolfman vs. the Hell Riders at 7:35
ECW TV Champion Glen Osbourne vs. Max Thrasher at 9:06
JT Smith & Tigra vs. Mr. Sandman & Peaches at 16:07 when Tigra vs. Sandman
ECW @ Philadelphia, PA – Chestnut Cabaret – November 16, 1992
The Kodiak Bear & the Canadian Wolfman vs. John Rock & the Anchor
The Rockin Rebel vs. the Metal Maniac
Johnny Hot Body vs. ECW TV Champion Glen Osbourne
Mr. Sandman vs. ECW Champion Don Muraco for the title
The Hell Riders vs. Renesto Benifica & Frank Cody
JT Smith vs. Max Thrasher
Tony Stetson vs. Jimmy Snuka (w/ Hunter Q. Robbins III) at 12:12 when Snuka came off the middle turnbuckle with Robbins’ cane; following the entrances, Tod Gordon came into the ring and told Snuka again that he wouldn’t wrestle until he paid the $5,000 fine against him; Snuka then took the mic and said he didn’t care what the fans thought of him; moments later, Robbins then came to the ring and gave Snuka a wad of cash, with Snuka giving the money to Gordon, then dropping Gordon with a headbutt and kicking him out to the floor; during the contest, the fans chanted “Piper” at Snuka; after the contest, Snuka choked Stetson with the cane before fighting off two men who tried to make the save; Snuka then did the same to JT Smith and John Rock who also tried to make the save
Salvatore Bellomo vs. Tommy Cairo
ECW @ Philadelphia, PA – Nov. 28, 1992
Jimmy Snuka (w/ Hunter Q. Robbins III) vs. JT Smith (w/ Tigra) at 7:26 with a piledriver, moments after dropping Tigra with a clothesline after both she and Robbins entered the ring; after the match, Tod Gordon appeared ringside and said he had fined Snuka a total of $15,000, then said on Dec. 19 he would be manage Davey Boy Smith to face Snuka in Morrisville, PA
ECW @ Morrisville, PA – High School – December 19, 1992 (610)
Max Thrasher vs. JT Smith after the Metal Maniac attacked Smith and dropped him with a piledriver
Chris Michaels & Damien Stone vs. Larry Winters & Tony Stetson when the Super Destroyers interfered
Tommy Cairo vs. the Samoan Warrior
ECW Champion Mr. Sandman (w/ Peaches) vs. the Rockin Rebel via reverse decision; Rebel originally in the match and title after hitting him with brass knuckles but Peaches pulled the weapon out of the challenger’s trunks and referee John Finnegan changed the call
ECW TV Champion Glen Osbourne vs. the Canadian Wolfman
The Hell Riders vs. ECW Tag Team Champions the Super Destroyers
battle royal
Davey Boy Smith & Tod Gordon vs. Jimmy Snuka & Hunter Q. Robbins III
ECW – 1993/01/23 – Philadelphia, PA – “ECW / WWA Battle Of The Belts”
01. Ray Odyssey vs. Chris Michaels
02. ECW Tag Team Titles & WWA Tag Team Titles: Super Destroyers vs. Lords Of Darkness (Barry Hardy & Duane Gill)
03. Kerry von Erich vs. Sal Bellomo
04. Brass Knux Bullrope Cowbell Match: Johnny Hotbody vs. Tony Stetson
05. Davey Boy Smith vs. Masked Superstar
06. ECW Heavyweight Title & WWA Heavyweight Title: The Sandman vs. The Spider
07. I Quit Texas Death Match: Terry Funk vs. Eddie Gilbert
Running Time: 120 minutes – Source: VHS
ECW Fancam 12/10/94 Fairless Hills, PA
œ Pitbulls vs. Steve Richards & JT Smith
œ 911 vs. Young Dragons
œ Al Snow vs. Taz (Snow’s ECW debut)
œ Shane Douglas vs. Hack Myers
œ Tommy Dreamer & Peaches vs. Tommy Cairo & Angel (Sandman faces male winner)
œ Sandman vs. Tommy Dreamer (Dueling Canning match, Sandman & Cairo jump Dreamer, Cactus makes the save and bleeds like a pig)
œ Cactus Jack & Mikey Whipwreck vs. Public Enemy (Falls Count Anywhere, Wild as they brawl in the stands and tear the building apart)
~ Plus backstage interviews
ECW Fancam 2/3/95 Flagstaff, PA
œ 911 Vs. Young Dragons
œ Stevie Richards vs. Dino Sendoff (Dreamer comes in and Sandman attacks him)
œ Sandman vs. Tommy Dreamer (great brawl with cane)
œ Public Enemy vs. Hack Myers & JT Smith (bar Room Brawl)
œ Chris Benoit vs. Taz
œ Shane Douglas vs. Mikey Whipwreck
œ Sabu vs. Al Snow
ECW – 1995/02/04 – RSPW Convention
Q&A with all the ECW Stars
Running Time: 180 minutes – Source: VHS
ECW Fancam 3/3/95
œ Tommy Dreamer vs. Stevie Richards
œ Taz vs. Don E. Allen & Joel Hartgood
œ Dean Malenko vs. Too Cold Scorpio
œ Sandman vs. JT Smith
œ Sabu vs. Osamu Nishimura
œ Public Enemy vs. Hack Myers & Mikey Whipwreck (wild brawl)
œ Shane Douglas vs. Tully Blanchard
ECW Fancam 3/17/95 Flagstaff, PA
œ Raven vs. Hack Myers
œ 911 vs. Tony Stetson & Johnny Hotbody
œ Dean Malenko vs. Taz
œ Public Enemy vs. Too Cold Scorpio & Ron Simmons (Street Fight, they brawl all over the bar, wild bloody match)
œ Cactus Jack vs. Sandman (Falls Count Anywhere)
œ Shane Douglas vs. Tommy Dreamer
ECW Fancam 4/14/95 Flagstaff, PA
œ Taz vs. Richards
œ Mikey vs. Malenko
œ Public Enemy vs. Pitbulls (bloody)
œ Ian vs. Axl (strap match, bloodbath)
œ Dreamer vs. Raven
œ Douglas & Cactus vs. Ron Simmons & Sandman
ECW Fancam 4/29/95 Dover, DE
œ Raven & Richards vs. Myers & Mikey
œ Public Enemy vs. Pitbulls (Bloody brawl all over)
œ Ian vs. Axl (barbed Wire Match, bloodbath and wild brawl in crowd)
œ Marty Jannetty vs. Douglas (Shane gets injured)
œ Simmons vs. Jim Neidhart
œ Funk vs. Cactus (wild brawl with Sandman coming in at the end)
ECW Fancam 1995 Neshaminy, PA
œ Taz vs. Richards
œ Simmons vs. Scorpio
œ Douglas vs. Mikey
œ Dreamer & Cactus vs. Raven & Sandman (ECW Death match, wild brawl in the crowd)
œ Public Enemy vs. Pitbulls (Double Dog Collar match, Bloodbath)
ECW Fancam 5/19/95 Hazelton, PA
œ Simmons vs. Scorpio
œ Jannetty vs. Raven (clips)
œ Sandman vs. Cactus
œ Malenko vs. Guerrero
œ Public Enemy vs. Pitbulls
ECW Fancam 5/20/95 Flagstaff, PA
œ Taz vs. Raven
œ Dreamer vs. Simmons
œ Douglas vs. Scorpio
œ Malenko vs. Guerrero
œ Sandman vs. Cactus
œ Public Enemy & Doug Flex vs. Richards & Pitbulls
ECW Fancam 6/9/95 Drexel, PA
œ Mikey Whipwreck vs. Don E. Allen
œ Shane Douglas vs. Hack Myers (Taz comes in)
œ Cactus Jack vs. Axl Rotten (Battle of the Hardcores)
œ Marty Jannetty vs. Too Cold Scorpio (winner faces Sandman)
œ Raven & Richards vs. Cactus & Tommy Dreamer
œ Sandman vs. Scorpio
œ Public Enemy vs. Pitbulls (Bat match, bloody)
ECW – 1995/06/30 – Jim Thorpe, PA
Dino & Done vs. Pitbulls “¦ Scorpio vs. Myers “¦ Taz vs. Mikey (Mikey is to injured so Chad Austin takes his place but Scorpio attacks Taz and there is an angle with Bill Alfonso) “¦ Axl vs. Ian (Barbed Wire Bat match, bloodbath) “¦ Cactus & Douglas debate, this was a great shoot interview, Shane talks about going to the WWF “¦ Public Enemy vs. Raven & Richards (title change, Gangstas interfere, great after match angle with 911 and tons of heat)) “¦ Dreamer vs. The Sandman
Running Time: 120 minutes – Source: VHS
ECW Fancam 8/4/95 Flagstaff, PA
œ Mikey vs. Allen (Rob Feinstein comes in and offers Allen a contract, Mikey attacks him)
œ Eddy Guerrero vs. Dean Malenko
œ Raven & Richards vs. Pitbulls (Dudley’s come in)
œ Sandman vs. Myers
œ Steiners vs. Scorpio & Dudley
~ 911 chokeslams R. Feinstein
œ Public Enemy vs. Gangstas (Falls Count Anywhere, they go on the mountain top, wild bloody brawl)
ECW Fancam 8/25/95 Jim Thorpe, PA
œ Ian Rotten vs. Bull Pain (Barbed Wire Bat match)
œ Raven & Richards vs. Pitbulls
œ Sandman vs. Chad Austin
œ Steiners (with Taz) vs. Dean Malenko & Scorpio
œ Dreamer vs. Dudley Dudley (No DQ)
œ Scorpio vs. Eddie Guerrero
œ Johnny Grunge vs. Gangstas Nu-Jack
œ Rocco Rock vs. Gangsta Mustafa
ECW Fancam 9/15/95 Jim Thorpe, PA
œ Smith vs. Myers
œ 911 vs. Chad Austin
œ Sandman vs. Bull Pain
œ Taz vs. Scorpio (Taz is told he can’t wrestle so Whipwreck takes his place)
œ Public Enemy vs. Dudleys
œ Dreamer & Whipwreck vs. Gangstas
œ Beulah, Raven & Richards vs. Francine & Pitbulls
~ Public Enemy and Gangstas brawl
ECW Fancam 9/23/95 Middletown, NY
œ Smith vs. Sendoff
œ Cactus vs. Myers
œ Scorpio vs. Dreamer
œ Steiners vs. Raven & Richards
~ 911 Chokeslams ring announcer
œ Pitbulls vs. Dudleys
œ Sandman vs. Whipwreck (This was the official debut of Austin, Austin’s debut and this match aired only in an edited format, this is the unedited version)
œ Public Enemy vs. Gangstas (911 & Bill Alfonso are special refs)
ECW Fancam 10/6/95 Jim Thorpe, PA
œ Pitbulls vs. Smith & Dino Sendoff
œ Smith vs. Myers
œ Dudleys vs. Gangstas (shoot match, Nu-Jack really tries to hand DW Dudley)
œ Sandman vs. Konnan
~ Cactus and Dreamer brawl
œ Dreamer vs. Scorpio
œ Public Enemy vs. Raven & Richards (Double Tables)
ECW Fancam 11/3/95 Reading, PA
œ Myers vs. Smith
œ Pitbulls vs. Dudleys
œ Knight vs. Whipwreck
œ Axl Rotten vs. Scorpio (Taz is told he cant wrestle and Rotten takes his place)
œ Dreamer vs. Cactus (No Punches Allowed, this turns into a brawl)
œ Public Enemy vs. Raven & Richards
ECW Fancam 11/3/95 ??? Reading, PA
œ Rotten vs. Buh Buh Dudley
œ Eliminators vs. Myers & Ricano
œ Smith vs. DW Dudley
œ Whipwreck vs. Richards
œ Dreamer vs. Raven (Falls Count Anywhere)
œ Public Enemy vs. Scorpio & Sandman (Austin comes out and does and excellent promo, very rare
ECW Fancam 11/4/95 Glenholden, PA
œ Smith vs. Myers
œ Rotten vs. Jason Knight
œ Scorpio vs. 911 (Taz is special ref)
œ Public Enemy vs. Dudleys
œ Sandman vs. Whipwreck
œ Cactus, Raven & Richards vs. Pitbulls & Dreamer (wild brawl)
ECW Fancam 12/28/95 Glenholden, PA
œ Taz vs. Don E. Allen
œ Ricano vs. Nakagawa (FMW)
œ Dudleys vs. Bad Crew
œ JT Smith vs. Myers
œ Pitbulls vs. Eliminators
œ Johnny Grunge vs. Scorpio
œ Sabu vs. Rocco Rock
œ 911 vs. Bruiser Mastino
œ Dreamer & Whipwreck vs. Raven & Richards
œ Cactus vs. Sandman
ECW Fancam 12/30/95 Reading, PA
œ Sabu vs. Ricano (highlights)
œ Bad Crew vs. Dudleys
œ Whipwreck vs. Nakagawa (FMW)
œ Public Enemy vs. Gangstas
œ Myers vs. Smith
~ 911, Tod Gordon, Alfonso & Taz brawl
œ Pitbulls vs. Eliminators (Dog Collar match)
œ Dreamer vs. Richards
œ Cactus & Raven vs. Sandman & Scorpio