ECW Market Street Mayhem
February 25th, 1992
– Steve Richards vs. Jimmy Jannetty
– Glenn Osbourne vs. Crybaby Waldo
– The Super Destroyer #1 vs. Michael Bruno
– Tony Stetson vs. Ivan Koloff
– Jeff Royal vs. Max Thrasher
– Johnny Hotbody & Larry Winters vs. DC Drake & JT Smith
ECW Tag-Team Title Tournament
June 23rd, 1992
– Glenn Osbourne & Max Thrasher vs. the Flames
– The Super Destroyers vs. Jimmy Jannetty & JT Smith
– The Super Destroyers vs. Glenn Osbourne & Max Thrasher
ECW/WWA Battle of the Belts
January 23, 1993
Ray Odyssey vs. Chris Evans
The Super Destroyers vs. The Lords of Darkness (ECW & WWA Tag Title Match)
Kerry Von Erich vs. Sal Bellomo
Johnny Hotbody vs. Tony Stetson (Brass Knuckles Bullrope Cowbell Match)
Davey Boy Smith vs. The Masked Superstar
Mr. Sandman vs. The Spider (ECW & WWA Heavyweight Title Match)
Terry Funk vs. Eddie Gilbert (Texas Death I Quit Match)
ECW Television Title Tournament
March 12th, 1993
– Tommy Cairo vs. Sammy Bellomo
– Jimmy Snuka vs. Larry Winters
– Glenn Osbourne vs. Johnny Hotbody
– Eddie Gilbert vs. JT Smith
– Jimmy Snuka vs. Tommy Cairo
– Glenn Osbourne vs. Eddie Gilbert
– Jimmy Snuka vs. Glenn Osbourne
ECW Super Summer Sizzler
June 19th, 1993
– Herve Rinesto fought to a No-Contest with Don E. Allen
– Jimmy Snuka for the ECW Television Title, vs. JT Smith
– Tony Stetson in a “First Blood” Match vs. Larry Winters
– Peaces for a “Cat Fight” Match vs. Tigra
– Jimmy Snuka for the ECW Television Title, vs. Tommy Cairo
– Rockin’ Rebel in a “Philadelphia Street Fight” Match vs. the Sandman
– Dick Murdoch vs. Dark Patriot II
– Sal Bellomo, Stevie Wonderful, & Super Destroyer #1 vs. Chris Michaels, Johnny Hotbody, & Hunter Robbins III
– Eddie Gibert in a “Chain” Match vs. Terry Funk
ECW Tag-Team Title Tournament
August 7th-8th, 1993
– Ivan Koloff & Nikita Koloff vs. the Headhunters (Headhunter A & Headhunter B)
– Sal Bellomo & the Sandman vs. Tony Stetson & Richard Michaels
– Eddie Gilbert & the Dark Patriot vs. Tommy Cairo & JT Smith
– The Super Destroyers vs. Chris Candido & Johnny Hotbody
– Sal Bellomo & the Sandman vs. Ivan Koloff & Nikita Koloff
– Eddie Gilbert & the Dark Patriot vs. the Super Destroyers
– Eddie Gilbert & the Dark Patriot vs. Sal Bellomo & the Sandman
ECW Ultraclash
September 18th, 1993
– The Public Enemy The Public Enemy (Rocco Rock & Johnny Grunge) vs. Ian Rotten & Jason Knight
– Tony Stetson for the ECW Pennsylvania Heavyweight Title, vs. Tommy Cairo
– The Super Destroyer #1 for a “Mask vs. Mask” Match vs. Super Destroyer #2
– The Dark Patriot for a “Scaffold” Match vs. JT Smith
– Terry Funk & Stan Hansen for a “Bunkhouse” Match, , vs. Kevin Sullivan & Abdullah the Butcher
– Tigra for a “Battle Royal” vs. Don E. Allen, Angel, Hunter Robbins III, Sherri Martel, and Jay Sullie
– Sal Bellomo for a “Strap” Match vs. Richard Michaels
– Shane Douglas for the ECW Heavyweight Title, vs. the Sandman
– The Headhunters (Headhunter A & Headhunter cool.gif for a “Baseball Bat” Match vs. Miguelito Perez & Crash the Terminator
ECW NWA Bloodfest, Part 1
October 1st, 1993
– Axl Rotten & Ian Rotten vs. Chad Austin & Todd Shaw
– Rockin’ Rebel vs. Don E. Allen
– The Public Enemy (Rocco Rock & Johnny Grunge) vs. Gino Caruso & Silver Jet
– Malia Hosaka vs. Molly McShane
– Badd Company (Paul Diamond & Pat Tanaka) vs. Axl Rotten & Ian Rotten
– The Sandman vs. the Metal Maniac
– Terry Funk, JT Smith, & Abdullah the Butcher vs. Jimmy Snuka, Don Muraco, & Kevin Sullivan
– Sabu vs. the Tazmaniac
– Tony Stetson & Johnny Hotbody for the ECW Tag-Team Titles, vs. Badd Company (Paul Diamond & Pat Tanaka)
– Rockin’ Rebel vs. Richard Michaels
– Abdullah the Butcher vs. Kevin Sullivan
– Terry Funk for the ECW Television Title in a “Steel Cage” Match vs. Jimmy Snuka
ECW NWA Bloodfest, Part 2
October 2nd, 1993
– Tony Stetson & Johnny Hotbody for the ECW Tag-Team Titles, vs. JT Smith & the Sandman
– The Tazmaniac vs. Tommy Dreamer
– Kevin Sullivan vs. Gino Caruso
– Shane Douglas for the ECW Heavyweight Title vs. JT Smith
– Badd Company (Paul Diamond & Pat Tanaka) vs. The Public Enemy (Rocco Rock & Johnny Grunge)
– Richard Michaels vs. Rockin’ Rebel
– Axl Rotten & Ian Rotten vs. Chad Austin & Don E. Allen
– Jimmy Snuka & Don Muraco vs. The Public Enemy (Rocco Rock & Johnny Grunge)
– Sabu for the ECW Heavyweight Title, vs. Shane Douglas
– Jimmy Snuka vs. Chad Austin
– Kevin Sullivan in a “Steel Cage” Match vs. Abdullah the Butcher
– The Public Enemy (Rocco Rock & Johnny Grunge) for a “Three-Way Steel Cage” Match vs. Axl Rotten & Ian Rotten and Badd Company (Paul Diamond & Pat Tanaka)
ECW Terror At Tabor
November 12th, 1993
– “Battle Royal”
– Christopher Michaels vs. Keith Scherer
– Tony Stetson & Johnny Hotbody for the ECW Tag-Team Titles, vs. JT Smith & the Sandman
– Sabu for the ECW Heavyweight Title, vs. the Tazmaniac
– The Public Enemy (Rocco Rock & Johnny Grunge) vs. Axl Rotten & Ian Rotten
– JT Smith, Peaches, & the Sandman vs. Tony Stetson, Johnny Hotbody, & Hunter Robbins III
– Tommy Cairo vs. Christopher Michaels
– Mr. Hughes vs. Keith Scherer
– Badd Company (Paul Diamond & Pat Tanaka) vs. Don E. Allen & Mr. Hughes
– Paul Diamond vs. Rocco Rock
– Axl Rotten & Ian Rotten in a “Non-Title” Match vs. the ECW Tag-Team Champions, Tony Stetson & Johnny Hotbody
– Kevin Sullivan vs. Keith Scherer
– Tommy Dreamer vs. Johnny Grunge
ECW November To Remember ’93
November 13th, 1993
– Sal Bellomo in a “Chair” Match vs. the Rockin’ Rebel
– Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart vs. the Sandman
– The Public Enemy (Rocco Rock & Johnny Grunge) for a “South Philly Hood” Match vs. Badd Company (Paul Diamond & Pat Tanaka)
– Kevin Sullivan in a “Shoot” Match vs. Tommy Cairo
– Malia Hosaka vs. Sherri Martel
– Tony Stetson & Johnny Hotbody for the ECW Tag-Team Titles, vs. Axl Rotten & Ian Rotten
– Tommy Dreamer & Johnny Gunn for the ECW Tag-Team Titles, vs. Tony Stetson & Johnny Hotbody
– The Tazmaniac vs. Tommy Dreamer
– Mr. Hughes vs. Johnny Gunn
– Road Warrior Hawk & Sabu vs. Terry Funk & King Kong Bundy
ECW Holiday Hell ’93
December 26th, 1993
– Chad Austin vs. Pitbull #1
– Mike Awesome vs. Randy Starr
– Kevin Sullivan & the Tazmaniac for the ECW Tag-Team Titles, vs. Tommy Cairo & JT Smith
– Shane Douglas vs. Tommy Dreamer
– Mr. Hughes vs. the Sandman
– Rockin’ Rebel vs. Don E. Allen
– Terry Funk for the ECW Heavyweight Title in a “No Disqualification” Match vs. Sabu
– Pat Tanaka for a “Body Count” Match vs. Rocco Rock
– “Lights Out Battle Royal”
ECW The Night The Line Was Crossed
February 5th, 1994
– 911 vs. Chad Austin
– Mr. Hughes vs. Sal Bellomo
– Tommy Cairo & the Sandman in a “Double Dog Collar Chain” Match vs. Rockin’ Rebel & Pitbull #1
– The Public Enemy (Rocco Rock & Johnny Grunge) in a “No Rules” Match vs. the Bruise Brothers (Don Harris & Ron Harris)
Jimmy Snuka vs. Tommy Dreamer
– Pat Tanaka & the Sheik vs. Kevin Sullivan & the Tazmaniac
– JT Smith vs. Mike Awesome
– Terry Funk vs. Shane Douglas vs. Sabu, for the ECW Heavyweight Title
ECW Ultimate Jeopardy ’94
March 26th, 1994
– Crash the Terminator vs. Pitbull #1
– 911 for a “Handicap” Match vs. Don E. Allen, Hack Meyers, & Blue Max
– JT Smith for the ECW Television Title, vs. Rockin’ Rebel
– The Bruise Brothers (Don Harris & Ron Harris) vs. Badd Company (Paul Diamond & Pat Tanaka)
– Tommy Cairo vs. the Sandman
– Jimmy Snuka in a “Steel Cage” Match vs. Tommy Dreamer
– Shane Douglas, Mr. Hughes, & The Public Enemy (Rocco Rock & Johnny Grunge) in a “War Games” Match vs. Terry Funk, Road Warrior Hawk, Kevin Sullivan, & the Tazmaniac
ECW When Worlds Collide
May 14th, 1994
– Tommy Dreamer vs. Rockin’ Rebel
– Mikey Whipwreck for the ECW Television Title, , , vs. 911
– Jimmy Snuka vs. Kevin Sullivan
– Tommy Cairo & Peaches in a “Singapore Cane” Match vs. Woman & the Sandman
– Pitbull #1 vs. the Tazmaniac
– JT Smith & the Bruise Brothers (Don Harris & Ron Harris) in a “Handicap Elimination” Match vs. Shane Douglas, Mr. Hughes, & The Public Enemy (Rocco Rock & Johnny Grunge)
– Bobby Eaton & Sabu vs. Terry Funk & Arn Anderson
ECW Hostile City Showdown ’94
June 24th, 1994
– Tommy Dreamer vs. Hack Meyers
– Chad Austinvs. Don E. Allen (both were attacked by 911 before the bell)
– The Tazmaniac for a “Dog Collar” Match vs. Pitbull #1
– The Bruise Brothers (Don Harris & Ron Harris) vs. Shane Douglas & Mr. Hughes
– Tommy Cairo in a “Singapore Cane On a Pole” Match, , vs. the Sandman
– The Public Enemy (Rocco Rock & Johnny Grunge) for the ECW Tag-Team Titles, fighting to a No-Contest with Terry Funk & Dory Funk Jr
– Mikey Whipwreck for the ECW Television Title vs. Rockin’ Rebel
– Sabu vs. Cactus Jack
ECW Heat Wave ’94
July 16th, 1994
– Axl Rotten & Ian Rotten vs. Hack Meyers & Rockin’ Rebel
– Mikey Whipwreck for the ECW Television Title, , , vs. Chad Austin
– Tommy Dreamer vs. Stevie Richards
– Mr. Hughes vs. Tommy Dreamer
– Sabu & the Tazmaniac vs. the Pitbulls (Pitbull #1 & Pitbull #2)
– The Sandman in a “Dueling Canes” Match vs. Tommy Cairo
– Shane Douglas for the ECW Heavyweight Title vs. Sabu
– The Public Enemy (Rocco Rock & Johnny Grunge) for the ECW Tag-Team Titles in a “No Rope Barbed Wire” Match vs. Terry Funk & Dory Funk Jr
ECW Hardcore Heaven ’94
August 13th, 1994
– Hack Myers vs. Rockin’ Rebel
– Chad Austin vs. Tommy Cairo
– Jason Knight for the ECW Television Title, vs. Mikey Whipwreck
– Jimmy Snuka & the Tazmaniac vs. the Pitbulls (Pitbull #1 & Pitbull #2)
– 911 vs. Mr. Hughes
– The Sandman in a “Singapore Cane” Match, , vs. Tommy Dreamer
– The Public Enemy (Rocco Rock & Johnny Grunge) for the ECW Tag-Team Titles, a “Basebrawl” Match vs. Axl Rotten & Ian Rotten
– Sabu vs. Too Cold Scorpio
– Terry Funk vs. Cactus Jack
ECW NWA World Title Tournament
August 27th, 1994
– Too Cold Scorpio vs. Chris Benoit
– 911 vs. Matt Borne
– Dean Malenko vs. Osamu Nishimura
– Shane Douglas vs. the Tazmaniac
– Too Cold Scorpio , vs. 911
– Shane Douglas vs. Dean Malenko
– Shane Douglas vs. Too Cold Scorpio. Douglas then immediately threw down the NWA World Title and became the Extreme Championship Wrestling Heavyweight Champion
ECW November To Remember ’94
November 5th, 1994
– JT Smith vs. Hack Meyers
– The Pitbulls (Pitbull #1 & Pitbull #2) vs. Axl Rotten & Ian Rotten
– Too Cold Scorpio vs. Mr. Hughes
– Tommy Dreamer vs. Tommy Cairo
– Dean Malenko vs. the Tazmaniac
– Shane Douglas for the ECW Heavyweight Title, vs. Ron Simmons
– The Public Enemy (Rocco Rock & Johnny Grunge) for the ECW Tag-Team Titles, vs. Mikey Whipwreck & Cactus Jack
– Chris Benoit vs Sabu (Sabu’s neck injury)
– Chris Benoit vs. Too Cold Scorpio
ECW Holiday Hell ’94
December 17th, 1994
– Stevie Richards vs. JT Smith
– Dean Malenko for the ECW Television Title, vs. Ray Odyssey
– Chris Benoit vs. Hack Meyers
– 911 in a “Handicap” Match vs. The Pitbulls (Pitbull #1 & Pitbull #2)
– Mikey Whipwreck vs. Don E. Allen
– Tommy Cairo & the Sandman vs. Tommy Dreamer & Cactus Jack
– Shane Douglas for the ECW Heavyweight Title, vs. Ron Simmons
– The Public Enemy (Rocco Rock & Johnny Grunge) for the ECW Tag-Team Titles in a “No Disqualification” Match vs. Sabu & the Tazmaniac
ECW – 1993/06/19 – ECW Arena – “Summer Sizzler”
Candido & Suicide Blondes vs. Bellomo & Super Destroyers “¦ Snuka vs. Cairo “¦ Rebel vs. Sandman (Street Fight) “¦ Winters vs. Stetson (First Blood) “¦ Peaches vs. La Tigra (Strip Match) “¦ Murdoch vs. Dark Patriot 2 “¦ Snuka vs. JT Smith “¦ Funk vs. Gilbert (Chain Match)
Running Time: 120 minutes – Source: VHS
ECW – 1993/09/18 – ECW Arena – “Ultra Clash 1993″
Public Enemy vs. Jason Knight & Ian Rotten “¦ Tony Stetson vs. Tommy Cairo “¦ Super Destroyer 1 vs. Super Destroyer 2 “¦ JT Smith vs. Dark Patriot (Scaffold Match) “¦ Terry Funk & Stan Hansen vs. Abdullah the Butcher & Kevin Sullivan “¦ Battle Royal “¦ Sal Bellomo v.s Chris Michaels “¦ Shane Douglas vs. Sandman “¦ Head Hunters vs. Crash Terminator & Miguel Perez Jr. (Baseball Bat Match)
Running Time: 120 minutes – Source: VHS
ECW – 1994/02/04 – ECW Arena – “The Night The Line Was Crossed”
911 vs. Chad Austin “¦ Sal Bellemo vs. Mr. Hughes “¦ Sandman & Cairo vs. Pit Bull & Rebel (Dog Collar) “¦ Public Enemy vs. Bruise Brothers (Falls Count Anywhere) “¦ Snuka vs. Dreamer “¦ Original Sheik & Pat Tanaka vs. Sullivan & Tazmaniac “¦ JT Smith vs. Mike Awesome “¦ Sabu vs. Douglas vs. Funk (Three Way Dance)
Running Time: 120 minutes – Source: VHS
ECW – 1994/05/14 – ECW Arena – “When Worlds Collide”
Dreamer vs. Rebel “¦ 911 vs. Whipwreck “¦ Sullivan vs. Snuka “¦ Sandman & Woman vs. Cairo & Peaches “¦ Pitbull vs. Tazmaniac “¦ Douglas, Public Enemy & Hughes vs. Bruise Brothers, JT Smith (Elimination match) “¦ Sabu & Bobby Eaton vs. Terry Funk & Arn Anderson
Running Time: 120 minutes – Source: VHS
ECW – 1994/06/24 – ECW Arena – “Hostile City Showdown 1994″
The Bruise Brothers (Ron and Don Harris) vs. Mr. Hughes and Shane Douglas”¦.Chad Austin and Don E. Allen fought to a No Contest”¦.Tommy Dreamer pinned Hack Meyers”¦.ECW Television Title Match: Mikey Whipwreck vs. Rockin’ Rebel by Disqualification to retain the title”¦.Dog Collar Match: Tazmaniac pinned Pitbull #1 in a “dog collar” match”¦.Cane on a Pole Match: Tommy Cairo vs. Sandman by Disqualification in a “cane on a pole” match”¦.Terry and Dory Funk, Jr. vs. The Public Enemy (Rocco Rock and Johnny Grunge) by Disqualification”¦.Sabu pinned Cactus Jack.
Running Time: 120 minutes – Source: VHS
ECW – 1994/07/16 – ECW Arena – “Heatwave 1994″
Chad Austin v Mikey “¦ Mr. Hughes v Dreamer “¦ Bad Breed v Hack Myers & Rockin Rebel “¦ Pitbulls v Sabu & TAZ “¦ Sandman v Tommy Cairo “¦ Sabu v Douglas “¦ Barbed Wire Match: Public Enemy v Terry Funk & Dory Funk jr.
Running Time: 120 minutes – Source: VHS
ECW – 1994/08/13 – ECW Arena – “Hardcore Heaven 1994″
Chad Austin vs. Tommy Cairo”¦.Hack Meyers vs. Rockin’ Rebel”¦.ECW Television Title Match: Jason Knight pinned Mikey Whipwreck to win the title”¦.Tazmaniac and Jimmy Snuka vs. The Pitbulls (1 and 2)”¦.911 pinned Mr. Hughes”¦.Singapore Cane Match: Sandman vs. Tommy Dreamer by Disqualification in a “Singapore cane” match”¦.Sabu pinned Too Cold Scorpio”¦.Cactus Jack and Terry Funk fought to a No Contest.
Running Time: 120 minutes – Source: VHS