DISC #83
Global Wrestling Federation on ESPN January 1992
~ Bruce Pirchard joins Craig Johnson for commentary
Match: TV Champion Eddie Gilbert vs. Terry Garvin (2 out of 3 falls)
Match: Light Heavyweight Champ the Lightning Kid vs. Jerry Lynn (2 out of 3 falls, Title change)
~ Jerry Lynn Interview
DISC #40
GWF TV 2/17/92 (G )
~ Interviews w/Davis Bros/Tug Taylor/Travis/Gilbert/Lynn/Horowitz/Brute Forcz
Match: Terry Garvin vs. Barry Horowitz
Match: Sweet Daddy Falcone vs. Mike Stetson
Match: Brute Forcz vs. Larry Green and Rick Garren
Match: Jerry Lynn, Chaz and Tugboat Taylor vs. Billy Joe Travis, Tom and Mike Davis
GWF TV (February ’92)
~ Interviews w/Bart/Akbar/Gary Young (Young turns heel)
Match: Eddie Gilbert and Barry Horowitz vs. Bill Irwin and Ben Jordan
Match: Black Bart vs. Tony George
Match: Dark Patriot vs. Gary Young
Match: Tag Champs John Tatum and Rod Price vs. Chaz and Tugboat Taylor
DISC #41
GWF TV (February ’92)
~ Interviews w/Bart/Akbar/Young/Gilbert
Match: Tugboat Taylor and Chaz vs. Tom and Mike Davis
Match: Dark Patriot vs. Gary Young
Match: Billy Joe Travis vs. Scott Putski
Match: Brute Forcz vs. Brian Henning and Louie Spicolli
Match: Sam Houston vs. Black Bart
GWF TV (February ’92)
~ Interviews w/Patriot/Gilbert
Match: Bull Pain vs. Ben Jordan
Match: Sam Houston and Gary Young vs. Black Bart and Sweet Daddy Falcone
~ Eddie Gilbert replaces a regular scale with a fixed scale so that Barry Horowitz could pass the Light Heavyweight weigh in
Match: Light Heavyweight Champ Jerry Lynn vs. Barry Horowitz
Match: Samantha vs. Rockin’ Robin
DISC #42
GWF TV (February ’92)
~ Interview w/Eddie Gilbert
Match: Light Heavyweight Champ Jerry Lynn vs. Barry Horowitz (Title Change)
Match: Brute Forcz vs. Rattlesnake and Sam Houston
Match: Mike Davis vs. Chaz (Tom Davis has to leave the GWF)
Match: Gary Young and Scott Putski vs. Bull Pain and Billy Joe Travis
GWF TV 3/2/92
~ Interviews w/Bruce Prichard/Freddie Fargo
Match: Brute Forcz vs. Louie Spicolli and Brian Henning
Match: Dark Patriot vs. Terry Garvin
Match: Scott Putski vs. Billy Joe Travis
Match: Brass Knuckles Title Battle Royal w/Barry Horowitz, Bull Pain, Bill Irwin, Rattlesnake, Kendo Nagasaki, Scott Putski, Black Bart, Gary Young, John Tatum and Rod Price
DISC #43
GWF TV 3/9/92
~ Interviews w/Tatum/Gilbert/Anthony/Chaz/Tug Taylor/Akbar
Match: Bill Irwin vs. Black Bart (Bull rope match)
Match: Bull Pain vs. Terry Garvin
Match: Steve Dane vs. Rick Garren
Match: Tag Champs John Tatum and Rod Price vs. Chaz and Tugboat Taylor
GWF TV (March ’92)
~ Interviews w/Tatum/Price/Bruce Prichard/Rattlesnake/Terry Garvin
Match: Light Heavyweight Champ Barry Horowitz vs. Ben Jordan
Match: Tag Champs Rod Price and John Tatum vs. Gary Young and Scott Putski
Match: Rattlesnake and Bill Irwin vs. Bull Pain and Black Bart
Match: Eddie Gilbert and Terry Garvin vs. Dark Patriot and Big Bad John
DISC #44
GWF TV (March ’92)
~ Interview w/Bruce Prichard/Eddie Gilbert
Match: Dark Patriot vs. Rick Garren
Match: Bull Pain vs. Tony George
Match: Steve Dane vs. Todd Overbow
Match: Bull Pain vs. Tony George
Match: Giant Warrior vs. Big Bad John
Match: Eddie Gilbert vs. Barry Horowitz
GWF TV (Mid-1992)
~ Interviews w/Gary Young/Akbar/Porteau and Summers/Sam Houston
Match: Shaun Summers vs. Jimmy James
Match: Ebony Experience (Booker and Stevie) vs. JR Striker and Nick Hernandez
Match: Chaz vs. Brian Henning
Match: Alex Porteau vs. TV Champ Sam Houston (Mike Davis comes in)
DISC #71
GWF TV Block #23 #1 (3/92)
~ Interviews w/Gary Young/Terry Garvin
Match: Bull Pain vs. Sam Houston (JIP)
Match: Billy Joe Travis vs. Terry Garvin
Match: Tom Davis vs. Gary Young
Match: Barry Horowitz vs. Scott Putski
Match: Steve Dane vs. Ben Jordan
Match: Sam Houston and Candi Devine vs. Bull Pain and Samantha
GWF TV Block #23 #2 (3/92)
~ Interviews w/Patriot/Bruce Prichard and Big Bad John
Match: North American Champ Dark Patriot vs. Chaz
Match: Tag Champs Rod Price and John Tatum vs. Jeff Gaylord and Gary Young
Match: Patriot vs. Slammer
Match: Big Bad John vs. Eddie Gilbert ($25,000 Bounty Match, Gilbert kisses Bruce Prichard’s feet)
Match: Jerry Lynn vs. Barry Horowitz
DISC #72
GWF TV Block #23 #3 (3/92)
~ Interviews w/Black Bart/Houston/Gilbert/Akbar/Bull Pain
~ Highlights of Brass Knuckles title Battle Royal
Match: Bull Pain vs. Brian Henning
Match: North American Champ Dark Patriot vs. Gary Young
Match: Tag Champs Rod Price and John Tatum vs. Chaz and Tugboat Taylor
Match: Brass Knuckles Champ Black Bart vs. Sam Houston
Match: Steve Dane vs. Rick Garren
GWF TV Block #23 #4 (4/92)
~ Interviews w/Sam Houston/Bruce Prichard/Terry Garvin/Black Bart and Akbar
Match: Viper (Mike Davis) vs. Mike Ferrer
Match: Sam Houston vs. Steve Dane (JIP)
Match: Barry Horowitz vs. Terry Garvin
Match: North American Champ Dark Patriot vs. Terry Garvin (Bruce Prichard is in a shark cage, Special Referee Eddie Gilbert)
DISC #73
GWF TV Block #23 #5 (4/92)
~ Interviews w/Viper/Bruce Prichard/Brandon Baxter/Eddie Gilbert
~ Eddie Gilbert is stripped of TV Title
Match: John Tatum and Rod Price vs. Brian Henning and Tony George
Match: Giant Warriors vs. Bull Pain
Match: Black Bart and Skandor Akbar vs. Bill Irwin and Big Bertha
Match: Terry Simms, Eddie Gilbert and James Beard vs. Viper, Dark Patriot and Bruce Prichard
GWF TV Block #23 #6 (4/92)
~ Interviews w/The Viper/Brandon Baxter/Rod Price and John Tatum/Skandor Akbar/Terry Simms and Scott Putski
Match: Bill Irwin vs. Brian Henning
Match: Big Bad John vs. Tony George ($5,000 Slam Match)
Match: Light Heavyweight Champ Barry Horowitz vs. Todd Overbow
Match: Tag Champs Rod Price and John Tatum vs. Scott Putski and Terry Simms (Title Change) (Titles vs. Hair Match)
DISC #45
GWF TV (Mid-92)
~ Interview w/Ebony Experience
Match: Ebony Experience (Stevie Ray and Booker T) vs. Alex Porteau and Shaun Summers
Match: Mike Davis vs. Light Heavyweight Champ Terry Simms
Match: John Tatum vs. Tugboat Taylor (Dewey interferes)
Match: Thor vs. Khris Germany
Match: 15-Man Bunkhouse Battle Royal w/Chaz, Booker T, Stevie Ray, Dewey, Scott Putski, Terry Simms, Mike Davis, Black Bart, Gary Young, Tugboat Taylor, Alex Porteau, Shaun Summers, Steve Dane, Rod Price and John Mantell
GWF TV 4/20/92
~ Interviews w/Patriot/Gilbert/Brandon Baxter/Danny Davis
Match: John Tatum, Rod Price and Steve Dane vs. Gary Young, Scott Putski and Terry Simms
Match: Chaz and Sam Houston vs. Brute Forcz
Match: Light Heavyweight Champ Barry Horowitz vs. Danny Davis (Title Change)
Match: Eddie Gilbert vs. Dark Patriot (Doug Gilbert) (Eddie unmasks the D.P. who is wearing another mask underneath)
DISC #46
GWF TV (April ’92)
~ Interviews w/Viper/Angel of Death and Gilbert/Akbar and Tatum
Match: Light Heavyweight Champ Danny Davis vs. The Viper (Mike Davis)
Match: Tag Champs Terry Simms and Scott Putski vs. Brute Forcz
Match: Bruce Prichard vs. Referee James Beard (Boxing Match)
~ John Tatum and Rod Price turn face and brawl with Horowitz and Dane
Match: Bill Irwin vs. Big Bad John (Horse shoe on a Pole)
GWF TV Block #13 Episode #3
~ Interviews w/Tatum and Price/Akbar and Young/Viper/Houston
Match: John Tatum and Rod Price vs. Dex Deaton and Tom Power
Match: Light Heavyweight Champ Barry Horowitz vs. Chaz
Match: Gary Young and Steve Dane vs. Chaz and Brian Henning
Match: TV Champ Sam Houston vs. The Viper (Mike Davis)
DISC #47
GWF TV (May ’92)
~ Interviews w/Simms and Putski/Horowitz/Akbar, Young and Dane/Irwin
Match: Brute Forcz vs. Ebony Experience (Debut of Booker T and Stevie Ray)
Match: TV Champ Sam Houston vs. Barry Horowitz
Match: Brass Knuckles Champ Black Bart vs. Tugboat Taylor
Match: Tag Champs Terry Simms and Scott Putski vs. Gary Young and Steve Dane (Tatum and Price come in)
GWF TV (May ’92)(VG-)
~ Interviews w/Akbar and Young/Tatum/John Mantell
Match: John Mantell vs. Brian Henning
Match: Bill Irwin vs. Alex Porteau
Match: Rod Price and John Tatum vs. Ed Robinson and Khris Germany
Match: Giant Warriors vs. Big Bad John
Match: TV Champ Sam Houston vs. Viper (Rematch, Houston unmasks the Viper to be Mike Davis)
DISC #48
GWF TV (1992)
~ Interviews w/Young/Villalobos/Gary Hart/Fernandez
Match: Giant Warrior vs. Ed Robinson
Match: Manny Fernandez vs. Manuel Villalobos
Match: Chaz vs. Jimmy James
Match: Tag Champs Steve Dane and Gary Young vs. Ebony Experience
GWF TV (1992)
~ Interviews w/Ebony’s/Chaz/Giant Warrior/Putski
Match: Rod Price vs. Ed Robinson
Match: Giant Warrior vs. Tugboat Taylor
Match: Terry Simms vs. Mike Davis
Match: Ebony Experience and Scott Putski vs. Alex Porteau, Shaun Summers and John Mantell
DISC #49
GWF TV (1992)
~ Interviews w/Chaz/Akbar/Ebony’s/Gary hart
Match: Manny Fernandez vs. Khris Germany
Match: Manuel Villalobos vs. Gary Young
Match: Chaz vs. Steve Dane
Match: Ebony Experience (Booker T and Stevie Ray) vs. John Tatum and Rod Price
GWF TV (1992)
~ Chaz/Steve Dane feud Video
Match: John Mantell vs. Scott Putski
~ Akbar and John Mantell Interview
DISC #50
GWF TV (1992)
~ Interviews w/Black Bart/Scott and Ivan Putski
Match: Black Bart vs. Midnight Rider (Sam Houston)
Match: Terry Simms vs. Rod Price
Match: Chaz vs. John Mantell
Match: Black Bart vs. Buffalo Barnes
Match: Gary Young vs. Scott Putski (w/Ivan Putski)
GWF TV (1992)
~ Interviews w/Manny Fernandez/Chaz/Midnight Rider (Houston)
Match: Action Jackson vs. Calvin Knapp
Match: Iceman King Parsons vs. Nick Golden
Match: TV Champ Sam Houston vs. Viper (Viper is unmasked as Mike Davis, JIP)
~ Mike Davis gets shot into “outer space” via a bungee cord and returns with a “moon rock”
Match: Black Bart and John Mantell vs. Chaz and Midnight Rider (Sam Houston)
DISC #51
GWF TV 5/3/92
~ Interviews w/Dane/Young/Akbar
Match: Tag Champs Scott Putski and Terry Simms vs. Brute Forcz
Match: Steve Dane vs. Sam Houston
Match: Danny Davis vs. The Viper (Mike Davis)
Match: Brass Knuckles Champ Bill Irwin vs. Big Bad John
GWF TV 5/17/92
Match: Ebony Experience vs. Khris Germany and Brian Henning
Match: Eddie Gilbert vs. Barry Horowitz
Match: Brass Knuckles Champ Bill Irwin vs. Shaun Summers
Match: Tag Champs Scott Putski and Terry Simms vs. Gary Young and Steve Dane
DISC #52
GWF TV 5/24/92
~ Interviews w/Irwin/Baxter/Davis/Young/Akbar
Match: Ebony Experience (Booker and Stevie) vs. Alex Porteau and Shaun Summers
Match: Mike Davis vs. Khris Germany
Match: John Mantell vs. Ed Robinson
Match: Tag Champs Terry Simms and Scott Putski vs. Gary Young and Steve Dane (Title Change)
GWF TV (May ’92)
~ Interviews w/Akbar and Young/Summers and Porteau/Houston
Match: Shaun Summers vs. Jimmy James
Match: Ebony Experience vs. Nick Hernandez and JR Striker
Match: Chaz vs. Brian Henning
Match: TV Champ Sam Houston vs. Alex Porteau (Mike Davis comes in)
DISC #53
GWF TV (June ’92) (Last 40 minutes)
~ Interviews w/Tatum and Price/Tug Taylor
Match: Alex Porteau and Shaun Summers vs. Ed Robinson and Khris Germany
Match: Rod Price, John Tatum and Tugboat Taylor vs. Steve Dane, Gary Young and Skandor Akbar
GWF TV (June ’92) (first 35 minutes only)
~ Interviews w/Akbar and Young/Tatum and Tug Taylor
Match: Booker T vs. Shaun Summers
Match: Mike Davis vs. Chaz
DISC #54
GWF TV (June ’92) (40 minutes only)
~ Interview w/Ebony Experience
Match: Ebony Experience (Booker and Stevie) vs. Alex Porteau and Shaun Summers
Match: Terry Simms vs. Billy Joe Travis (light Heavyweight Title Tourney Playoffs)
Match: Chaz vs. Terry Simms (Light Heavyweight Title Tourney Finals)
GWF TV 6/25/92 (47 minutes only)
~ Interview w/Tribal Nation
Match: Iceman King Parsons vs. Khris Germany
Match: Shaun Summers vs. Terry Simms
Match: Tag Champs Steve Dane and Gary Young vs. Tribal Nation (Mark and Chris Youngblood)
DISC #55
GWF TV 6/29/92
~ Interview w/Terry Simms
Match: Steve Dane vs. Gary Young
Match: Iceman King Parsons vs. Dody Coyote
Match: Tribal nation (Mark and Chris Youngblood) vs. Mike Davis and Geekoid #1
Match: John Tatum vs. Gary Young
GWF TV 6/30/92
~ Interviews w/Akbar/Putski and Simms and Gary Hart
Match: Ebony Experience (Booker T and Stevie Ray) vs. John Mantell and Geekoid #2
Match: Mike Davis vs. Dody Coyote
Match: Tag Champs Steve Dane and Gary Young vs. Terry Simms and Scott Putski
DISC #56
GWF TV 7/1/92
~ Interviews w/John Mantell/Tribal Nation
Match: Billy Joe Travis and Mike Davis vs. John Tatum and Rod Price
Match: Terry Simms vs. Ed Robinson
Match: Scott Putski vs. Khris Germany
Match: Tribal Nation vs. John Mantell and JR Striker
Match: Mike Davis vs. Bill Irwin
GWF TV 7/2/92
~ Interview w/Mike Davis
Match: Tribal Nation vs. John Mantell and Dody Coyote
Match: Stevie Ray vs. Gary Young
Match: TV Champ Sam Houston vs. Mike Davis
DISC #57
GWF 7/6/92
~ Interviews w/John Mantell and Akbar
Match: Tugboat Taylor vs. Ed Robinson
Match: Thor vs. Geekoid #1
Match: Mike Davis vs. Dewey
Match: Gary Young, Steve Dane and John Mantell vs. Terry Simms, Scott Putski and Steve Cox
GWF TV 7/14/92
~ Interviews w/Price and Tatum/Davis and Porteau
Match: Mike Davis and Alex Porteau vs. Terry Simms and Sam Houston
Match: John Mantell vs. Brian Henning
Match: Chaz vs. El Diablo
Match: Tag Champs Steve Dane and Gary Young vs. Tribal Nation (Title Change)
DISC #58
GWF TV July ‘92
~ Interview w/Akbar
Match: Tribal Nation (Mark and Chris Youngblood) vs. John Tatum and Rod Price
Match: Mike Davis vs. Scott Putski
Match: John Mantell vs. Brian Henning
Match: North American Champ Scott Putski vs. John Mantell (A wild brawl ensues)
GWF TV July ‘92 (first 45 minutes)
~ Interviews w/Dane/Chaz
Match: Ebony Experience (Booker T and Stevie Ray) vs. John Tatum and Rod Price
Match: North American Champ Scott Putski vs. Black Bart
Match: Steve Dane vs. Chaz
Match: 15 Man Bunkhouse Battle Royal (No Ending but this match can be found in it’s completion on Disc #45)
DISC #59
GWF TV (August ’92) (Last 30 minutes)
~ Manny Fernandez destroys Manuel Villalobos’ brand new car with a sledge hammer
Match: Manuel Villalobos vs. Gary Young
Match: Light Heavyweight Champ Terry Simms vs. Alex Porteau (Title Change)
GWF TV (September ’92)
~ Interviews w/Fernandez and Davis/Chaz
Match: Tag Champs Ebony Experience (Booker T and Stevie Ray) vs. El Blanco and Dody Coyote
Match: Light Heavyweight Champ Alex Porteau vs. Midnight Rider (Sam Houston)
~ Mike Davis gets shot into “Outer Space” and returns with a “moon rock”
~ Chaz/Steve Dane feud Recap
Match: Chaz vs. Steve Dane (Infamous Bungee cord match)
GWF TV 9/15/92 (VG30mins)
~ Interview w/Manny Fernandez Interviews
Match: Manny Fernandez vs. Butch Reed
DISC #60
GWF TV 9/21/92
~ Interviews w/Fernandez/Ebony’s
Match: Mike Davis vs. Larry Green
Match: Kendo Nagasaki vs. Mike Doll
Match: Gary Young vs. Stevie Ray
Match: Booker T vs. John Mantell
GWF TV 9/22/92
~ Interview w/Ebony Experience
Match: North American Heavyweight Champ Rod Price vs. Bill Irwin
Match: John Tatum and Rod Price vs. Renegade Warriors (For Vacant Tag Titles)
Match: Alex Porteau vs. Steve Doll
Match: Iceman Parsons and Action Jackson vs. Ebony Experience (Booker T and Stevie Ray)
DISC #61
GWF TV 9/23/92 (first 50 minutes)
~ Interviews w/Stevie Ray/Renegade Warriors
Match: Stevie Ray vs. Black Bart
Match: Mike Lane vs. Larry Green
Match: Chaz vs. Dusty Wolfe
Match: John Tatum and Rod Price vs. Renegade Warriors (No Ending)
GWF TV 9/24/92
Quality for first couple of matches has some jittering issues at times
~ Hosted by Harvey Martin and Skandor Akbar (features matches from USWA Dallas)
Match: Bill Dundee vs. Tom Prichard
Match: Bill Dundee vs. TA-GAR “Lord of the Volcano)
Match: Jeff Jarrett vs. Tom Prichard
Match: Dirty White Boy vs. Tom Prichard
DISC #62
GWF TV 9/25/92
~ Interviews w/Young/Gaylord
Match: Chaz vs. Big Bully Busick
Match: Gary Young and Jeff Gaylord vs. Makhan Singh and Rip Rogers
Match: Lightning Kid vs. Dapper Dan
Match: Patriot vs. John Tatum
Match: Chaz vs. Rasta the Voodoo Mon
Match: Randy Rhodes vs. Jeff Gaylord
Match: Bill Irwin vs. Skip Young
Match: Terry Garvin vs. John Tatum
GWF TV 9/28/92 (G)
~ Interviews w/Ebony’s/Blackbirds and Baboose
Match: Mike Davis vs. Larry Green
Match: North American Champ Rod Price vs. Terry Simms
Match: Tag Champs Ebony Experience vs. Blackbirds (Parsons and Jackson)
January 3, 1992–Global Wrestling Federation in Dallas, Texas at the Sportatorium: Barry Horowitz vs. Larry Green, Scott Putski vs. Mike Stetson, Bull Pain vs. Sam Houston, Tug Taylor vs. Billy Travis, Scott Putski vs. Steven Dane, GWF Light Heavyweight Champion Jerry Lynn vs. Chaz, John Tatum & Rod Price vs. Tom & Mike Davis, GWF Tag Team Champions Black Bart & Bill Irwin vs. Barry Horowitz & Steven Dane, Billy Travis vs. Larry Green, Sam Houston vs. Bull Pain, Tug Taylor & Chaz Taylor vs. The Dirty Davis Brothers in a Strap on a Pole match
January 10, 1992–Global Wrestling Federation in Dallas, Texas at the Sportatorium: Terry Garvin vs. Barry Horowitz, Sweet Daddy Falcone vs. Mike Stetson, Brute Force vs. Rick Garren & Larry Green, Chaz & Tug Taylor vs. Tony George & Mike Stetson, Chaz & Tug Taylor & Jerry Lynn vs. The Dirty Davis Brothers & Billy Joe Travis, Scott Putski vs. Sweet Daddy Falcone, Gary Young vs. The Dark Patriot by DQ, GWF TV Champion Eddie Gilbert vs. Terry Garvin to a double countout, GWF Tag Team Champions Black Bart & Bill Irwin vs. Brute Force by DQ, Eddie Gilbert & Barry Horowitz vs. Rick Garren & Larry Green, The Dirty Davis Brothers vs. Scott Putski & Gary Young to a time-limit draw, Chaz vs. Billy Joe Travis, John Tatum & Rod Price vs. Black Bart & Bill Irwin to win the GWF Tag Team Title
January 17, 1992–Global Wrestling Federation in Dallas, Texas at the Sportatorium: Chaz vs. Steven Dane, Bull Pain vs. Tug Taylor by DQ, Scott Putski vs. Barry Horowitz, Ben Jordan & Wild Bill Irwin vs. Eddie Gilbert & Barry Horowitz by DQ, Black Bart vs. Tony George, The Dark Patriot vs. Gary Young, GWF Tag Team Champions John Tatum & Rod Price vs. Chaz & Tug Taylor, Terry Garvin & Scott Putski vs. John Tatum & Rod Price by DQ, Steven Dane vs. Ben Jordan, Black Bart fought Bill Irwin to a double countout, Bull Pain vs. Sam Houston in a Second Throws the Towel match, GWF TV Champion Eddie Gilbert and Terry Garvin were both counted out by different referees; following a heated argument, the title was held up.
January 24, 1992–Global Wrestling Federation in Dallas, Texas at the Sportatorium: Brute Force vs. Gary Young & Louie Spicolli, Bull Pain vs. Chaz, Black Bart vs. Bill Irwin in a 10-count knockout match, Eddie Gilbert vs. Terry Garvin to win the held-up GWF TV Title, The Dirty Davis Brothers wrestled Tug & Chaz Taylor to a time-limit draw, The Dark Patriot vs. Gary Young, Scott Putski vs. Billy Joe Travis, Brute Force vs. Louie Spicolli & Brian Henning, Black Bart vs. Sam Houston, Terry Garvin vs. Billy Joe Travis by DQ, Gary Young vs. Tom Davis, Scott Putski vs. Barry Horowitz in a $1,000 match, Bull Pain & Samantha vs. Sam Houston & Candi Devine (subbing for Baby Doll)
January 31, 1992–Global Wrestling Federation in Dallas, Texas at the Sportatorium: The Patriot vs. Billy Joe Travis, The Dark Patriot vs. Ben Jordan, Sam Houston vs. Bull Pain, Eddie Gilbert vs. Terry Garvin in a First Punch Thrown DQ match, Ben Jordan vs. Bull Pain by DQ, Sam Houston & Gary Young vs. Black Bart & Sweet Daddy Falcone, Barry Horowitz vs. Ben Jordan to a time-limit draw, Black Bart vs. Rattlesnake Raitz in a Texas Bullrope match, Mike Davis vs. Chaz, The Dark Patriot vs. The Patriot to win the GWF North American Heavyweight Title.
February 7, 1992–Global Wrestling Federation in Dallas, Texas at the Sportatorium: GWF Light Heavyweight Champion Jerry Lynn vs. Billy Joe Travis, Gary Young & Scott Putski vs. Billy Joe Travis & Bull Pain by DQ, Barry Horowitz vs. Jerry Lynn to win the GWF Light Heavyweight Title, Brute Force vs. Sam Houston & Rattlesnake Raitz, Chaz vs. Mike Davis, Tournament involving top 10 contenders, with the winner to receive a North American Title match against Dark Patriot: First Round: Eddie Gilbert vs. Barry Horowitz, Scott Putski vs. Sam Houston, Black Bart vs. Rattlesnake Raitz, Terry Garvin vs. Bull Pain, Scott Anthony vs. Gary Young, Second Round: Scott Putski vs. Black Bart by DQ, Scott Anthony vs. Terry Garvin to a time-limit draw, with Garvin advancing on a coin flip, Eddie Gilbert vs. Scott Putski, Final Round: Eddie Gilbert vs. Terry Garvin by countout, Eddie Gilbert vs. GWF North American Heavyweight Champion The Dark Patriot by DQ
February 14, 1992–Global Wrestling Federation in Dallas, Texas at the Sportatorium: Bill Irwin vs. Black Bart in a Texas Bullrope match, Terry Garvin vs. Bull Pain to a time-limit draw, Steven Dane vs. Rick Garren, GWF Tag Team Champions Rod Price & John Tatum vs. Chaz & Tug Taylor, GWF TV Champion Eddie Gilbert vs. Jeff Grettler, GWF North American Heavyweight Champion The Dark Patriot vs. Gary Young (subbing for Chaz), Steven Dane vs. Rattlesnake Raitz, Sam Houston vs. Bull Pain in a Texas Death match, Terry Garvin vs. Scott Putski to a no-contest, Black Bart & Sweet Daddy Falcone vs. Bill Irwin & Rattlesnake Raitz, Rockin Robin vs. Samantha in a Lumberjack match, GWF North American Heavyweight Champion The Dark Patriot vs. GWF TV Champion Eddie Gilbert to a Double DQ
February 21, 1992–Global Wrestling Federation in Dallas, Texas at the Sportatorium: The Dark Patriot vs. Chaz, Gary Young & Scott Putski vs. GWF Tag Team Champions Rod Price & John Tatum by DQ, The Patriot vs. Slammer, Big Bad John vs. Eddie Gilbert by submission, Bill Irwin, Gary Young, Scott Putski & Terry Garvin vs. Steven Dane, Black Bart, John Tatum & Rod Price in an elimination match, Ben Jordan vs. Barry Horowitz to win the GWF Light Heavyweight Title when Horowitz could not pin Jordan twice in the 10-minute time limit, Brute Force vs. Tug & Chaz Taylor, Terry Garvin vs. Barry Horowitz, The Patriot vs. GWF North American Heavyweight Champion The Dark Patriot by DQ
February 28, 1992–Global Wrestling Federation in Dallas, Texas at the Sportatorium: Barry Horowitz vs. Ben Jordan to win the GWF Light Heavyweight Title, Bull Pain & Black Bart vs. Bill Irwin & Rattlesnake Raitz in a Double Bullrope match, GWF Tag Team Champions Rod Price & John Tatum vs. Gary Young & Scott Putski, GWF North American Heavyweight Champion The Dark Patriot vs. Terry Garvin by countout, Black Bart knocked out Bill Irwin with his branding iron to win the GWF Brass Knuckles Title in a 10-man Taped First Battle Royal with elimination by pinfall, 10-count or countout. The Dark Patriot & Big Bad John vs. Brian Ferrar & Mike Reid, Bull Pain vs. Bill Irwin to a time-limit draw, Ben Jordan vs. GWF Light Heavyweight Champion Barry Horowitz by DQ, Black Bart vs. Gary Young, Eddie Gilbert & Terry Garvin vs. The Dark Patriot & Big Bad John
March 6, 1992–Global Wrestling Federation in Dallas, Texas at the Sportatorium: Bull Pain vs. Brian Ferrar, GWF North American Heavyweight Champion The Dark Patriot vs. Gary Young, GWF Tag Team Champions Rod Price & John Tatum vs. Chaz & Tug Taylor, Black Bart vs. Sam Houston to retain the GWF Brass Knuckles Title, Steven Dane vs. Brian Ferrar, GWF Light Heavyweight Champion Barry Horowitz vs. Chaz Taylor, Black Bart vs. Tug Taylor to retain the GWF Brass Knuckles Title, Bill Irwin vs. Bull Pain, The Viper vs. Brian Ferrar, Steven Dane vs. Sam Houston to a time-limit draw, Terry Garvin vs. GWF Light Heavyweight Champion Barry Horowitz in a non-title match, Terry Garvin vs. GWF North American Heavyweight Champion The Dark Patriot in a non-title match, Eddie Gilbert vs. Big Bad John
March 13, 1992–Global Wrestling Federation in Dallas, Texas at the Sportatorium: Sam Houston vs. Black Bart by DQ, GWF Tag Team Champions Rod Price & John Tatum vs. Gary Young & Scott Putski by DQ in a 2/3 Falls match, GWF North American Heavyweight Champion The Dark Patriot vs. Terry Simms (formerly Terry Garvin), The Dark Patriot vs. Rick Garren, Terry Simms won a 15-man battle royal, Black Bart vs. Bill Irwin to a double DQ, The Viper & Steven Dane vs. Scott Putski & Gary Young to a no-contest, GWF Tag Team Champions Rod Price & John Tatum vs. Jeff Grettler & Rick Garren, GWF TV Champion Eddie Gilbert vs. Big Bad John in a hair vs. hair match
March 20, 1992–Global Wrestling Federation in Dallas, Texas at the Sportatorium: Steven Dane vs. Todd vs.bow, GWF Tag Team Champions Rod Price & John Tatum vs. Brian Henning & Tony George, Bull Pain vs. Giant Warrior to a double DQ, Big Bertha Young (Gary Young in drag) & Wild Bill Irwin vs. Black Bart & General Skandar Akbar, Eddie Gilbert, Terry Simms & referee James Beard vs. The Dark Patriot, Bruce Prichard & The Viper, Bull Pain vs. Tony George, Giant Warrior vs. Big Bad John by DQ in a $5,000 Bodyslam Challenge match, GWF Light Heavyweight Champion Barry Horowitz vs. GWF TV Champion Eddie Gilbert by DQ, Wild Bill Irwin vs. Brian Henning, Big Bad John vs. Tony George, Terry Simms & Scott Putski vs. John Tatum & Rod Price to win the GWF Tag Team Title
March 27, 1992–Global Wrestling Federation in Dallas, Texas at the Sportatorium: Gary Young vs. Steven Dane to a time-limit draw, The Viper vs. New Kid Tony, Bruce Prichard vs. James Beard, Bill Irwin vs. Black Bart in a First Blood match to win the GWF Brass Knuckles Title, GWF Tag Team Champions Terry Simms & Scott Putski vs. John Tatum & Rod Price, Eddie Gilbert vs. The Dark Patriot by submission to win the GWF North American Heavyweight Title
April 3, 1992–Global Wrestling Federation in Dallas, Texas at the Sportatorium: Terry Simms, Gary Young, & Scott Putski vs. John Tatum, Rod Price & Steven Dane, Brute Force vs. Sam Houston & Chaz by DQ, Nightmare Dan Davis vs. Barry Horowitz to win the GWF Light Heavyweight Title, GWF North American Heavyweight Champion Eddie Gilbert vs. The Dark Patriot, In a 15-man pinfall battle royal, Sam Houston vs. Terry Simms to win the vacant GWF Television Title, GWF Light Heavyweight Champion Nightmare Dan Davis vs. The Viper, GWF Tag Team Champions Terry Simms & Scott Putski vs. Brute Force, James Beard vs. Bruce Prichard, Bill Irwin vs. Big Bad John in a Double Pole match
April 10, 1992–Global Wrestling Federation in Dallas, Texas at the Sportatorium: 04/10/92 Dallas Steven Dane vs. Todd vs.bow, Terry Simms vs. The Viper to a time-limit draw, Gary Young vs. Scott Putski, Bill Irwin vs. Bull Pain, James Beard vs. Bruce Prichard in a Get-Stripped-and-Lose match, Eddie Gilbert & Angel of Death vs. The Dark Patriot & Big Bad John
April 17, 1992 Dallas Rod Price & John Tatum vs. Dex Deaton & Tom Powers, Gary Young & Steven Dane vs. Chaz Taylor & Brian Henning, Sam Houston vs. The Viper, Terry Simms & Scott Putski vs. Brute Force, Bill Irwin vs. Big Bad John, The Ebony Experience vs. Brute Force, Sam Houston vs. Barry Horowitz, GWF Tag Team Champions Terry Simms & Scott Putski vs. Steven Dane & Gary Young to a no-contest. Referee James Beard ordered the title held up after the match. Eddie Gilbert & Angel of Death vs. Barry Horowitz & Big Bad John to a no-contest in a Steel Cage match
April 24, 1992 Dallas Johnny Mantell vs. Chaz Taylor, Bill Irwin vs. The Viper, Terry Simms & Scott Putski vs. Steven Dane & Gary Young by DQ, John Tatum, Rod Price, & Eddie Gilbert vs. Barry Horowitz, Johnny Mantell & Angel of Death
05/01/92 Dallas Johnny Mantell vs. Brian Henning, Bill Irwin vs. Stacy Porteau to a time-limit draw, John Tatum & Rod Price vs. Ed Robinson & Khris Germany, GWF TV Champion Sam Houston vs. The Viper in a title vs. mask match, The Viper was revealed to be Mike Davis. The Ebony Experience vs. Brian Henning & Khris Germany, Bill Irwin vs. Shawn Summers, The Ebony Experience vs. Shawn Summers & Alex Porteau, Mike Davis vs. Khris Germany, Johnny Mantell vs. Ed Robinson, Steven Dane & Gary Young vs. Terry Simms & Scott Putski to win the held-up GWF Tag Team Title
05/08/92 Dallas Brave Sky & Nikona vs. The Dogs of War, Iceman Parsons vs. Jeff Grettler, Johnny Mantell vs. Johnny Hodges, GWF Tag Team Champions Steven Dane & Gary Young vs. Chaz & Jimmy James, Terry Simms vs. Billy Joe Travis to a time-limit draw, Scott Putski vs. Mike Davis by DQ, Bill Irwin vs. Mike Blackheart, GWF Tag Team Champions Steven Dane & Gary Young vs. Big Sky & Nikona by DQ, Terry Simms vs. Buster Blackheart, John Tatum & Rod Price vs. Jeff Grettler & Johnny Hodges, Bill Irwin vs. Johnny Mantell by DQ
05/15/92 Dallas The Beach Boy vs. Jimmy James, The Ebony Experience vs. Vic Hernandez & J.R. Stryker, Chaz vs. Brian Henning, GWF TV Champion Sam Houston vs. The Beach Bully by DQ, The Beach Boy vs. Jimmy James, Bill Irwin vs. J.R. Stryker, The Ebony Experience vs. Brian Henning & Maniac Mike Davis, Terry Simms vs. Vic Hernandez, Johnny Mantell vs. Scott Putski to a no-contest, Mike Davis vs. Brian Henning, The Beach Bully vs. Jimmy James, John Tatum & Rod Price vs. Gary Young & Steven Dane
05/22/92 Dallas Billy Joe Travis vs. Chaz to a time-limit draw, Mike Davis vs. Ed Robinson, Bill Irwin & Scott Putski vs. Johnny Mantell & J.R. Stryker, John Tatum & Rod Price vs. Billy Joe Travis & Mike Davis, Steven Dane & Gary Young vs. Khris Germany & Scott Hodgeson, Terry Simms vs. Ed Robinson, Scott Putski vs. Khris Germany, Tribal Nation vs. Johnny Mantell & J.R. Stryker, Bill Irwin vs. Mike Davis by DQ, Tribal Nation vs. Steven Dane & Gary Young in a non-title match
05/29/92 Dallas Booker T. vs. Shawn Stevens by DQ, Chaz vs. Mike Davis, Steven Dane & Gary Young vs. Rod Price & John Tatum, The Ebony Experience vs. Shawn Summers & Alex Porteau. In the final matches of a round-robin tournament to crown a new GWF Light Heavyweight Champion, Terry Simms vs. Billy Joe Travis, then Simms vs. Chaz to capture the title. The referee stopped the match because Chaz injured his leg and couldnt continue. Bill Irwin vs. Gary Young by DQ, Terry Simms vs. Mike Davis by DQ, Tugboat Taylor & Dewey vs. Shawn Summers & Alex Porteau by countout, Scott Putski vs. Johnny Mantell to win the vacant GWF North American Heavyweight Title
06/05/92 Dallas Bill Irwin vs. Johnny Mantell to a double DQ, Shawn Summers & Alex Porteau vs. Ed Robinson & Khris Germany, Tugboat Taylor, Rod Price, & John Tatum vs. Gary Young, Steven Dane & Skandar Akbar by DQ in a 6-man elimination match, Iceman Parsons vs. Johnny Mantell to a no-contest, John Tatum & Rod Price vs. Ed Robinson & El Grande Colosso, GWF North American Heavyweight Champion Scott Putski vs. Steven Dane, Bill Irwin & Tribal Nation vs. Shawn Summers, Alex Porteau, & Mike Davis, Scott Putski vs. El Grande Colosso, Iceman Parsons vs. Khris Germany, Terry Simms vs. Shawn Summers, Steven Dane & Gary Young vs. Tribal Nation to a double countout
06/12/92 Dallas Rod Price vs. Steven Dane by DQ, Iceman Parsons vs. Doty Coyote, Tribal Nation vs. Mike Davis & Geekoid I, John Tatum vs. Gary Young by DQ, Booker T. & Stevie Ray vs. Johnny Mantell & Geekoid II, Mike Davis vs. Doty Coyote, Terry Simms & Scott Putski vs. Gary Young & Steven Dane by DQ, Stevie Ray vs. Gary Young by reverse decision, Tribal Nation vs. Johnny Mantell & Doty Coyote, Sam Houston vs. Mike Davis
06/19/92 Dallas Steve Cox vs. Ed Robinson, Thor vs. Khris Germany, Chaz & Terry Simms vs. The Beach Boys by DQ, Johnny Mantell vs. Bill Irwin in a Loser Leaves GWF match, Tugboat Taylor vs. Ed Robinson, Thor vs. Geekoid I, Dewey vs. Mike Davis by DQ, Terry Simms, Scott Putski, & Steve Cox vs. Steven Dane, Gary Young & Johnny Mantell
06/26/92 Dallas Terry Simms vs. Chaz, John Tatum & Rod Price vs. Tugboat Taylor & Brian Henning, GWF North American Heavyweight Champion Scott Putski vs. Mike Davis by countout, GWF TV Champion Sam Houston vs. Alex Porteau, Sam Houston & Terry Simms vs. Alex Porteau & Mike Davis, Johnny Mantell vs. Brian Henning, Chaz vs. El Diablo, Tribal Nation vs. Gary Young & Steven Dane to win the GWF Tag Team Title, but Commissioner Fred Ferris cited an infraction by Tribal Nation and returned the belts to Young & Dane. John Tatum & Rod Price vs. Tribal Nation to a time-limit draw. Scott Putski vs. Johnny Mantell
07/03/92 Dallas John Tatum & Rod Price vs. The Ebony Experience to a time-limit draw, Steven Dane vs. Chaz, Terry Simms vs. Alex Porteau by DQ, Scott Putski vs. Black Bart by DQ, Rod Price vs. Gary Young, Chaz vs. Shawn Summers, Tugboat Taylor vs. Dewey to a double DQ, Terry Simms & Scott Putski vs. Black Bart & Johnny Mantell by reverse decision, The Ebony Experience vs. Alex Porteau & Shawn Summers, Terry Simms vs. Mike Davis by countout, John Tatum vs. Tugboat Taylor, The Ebony Experience were the last two men remaining in a 15-man battle royal, they opted to share the victory
07/10/92 Dallas Giant Warrior vs. Butch Masters, Manny Fernandez vs. Manny Villalobos, Chaz vs. Jimmy James, Steven Dane & Gary Young vs. The Ebony Experience by DQ, Scott Putski & Terry Simms vs. Shawn Summers & Alex Porteau, Manny Fernandez vs. Jimmy James, Steven Dane vs. Booker T. to a no-contest, Mike Davis vs. Sam Houston by DQ, following the match, Houston was suspended by GWF Commissioner Joe Castallini, John Tatum & Rod Price vs. Gary Young & Steven Dane in a non-title double-strap Lumberjack match, Rod Price vs. Ed Robinson, Giant Warrior vs. Tugboat Taylor, Mike Davis vs. Terry Simms by DQ, The Ebony Experience & Scott Putski vs. Alex Porteau, Johnny Mantell, & Shawn Summers
07/17/92 Dallas Manny Fernandez vs. Khris Germany, Gary Young vs. Manny Villalobos, Steven Dane vs. Chaz, John Tatum & Rod Price vs. The Ebony Experience, Mike Davis vs. Jimmy James, Giant Warrior vs. Johnny Mantell, The Ebony Experience vs. Scott Braddock & Khris Germany, Alex Porteau vs. Terry Simms, Gary Young & Steven Dane vs. Rod Price & John Tatum. As a result of a pre-match stipulation, manager Gary Hart was ordered to get 10 lashes. Manny Fernandez vs. David Saboro, Terry Simms vs. Jimmy James, Johnny Mantell vs. Scott Putski by DQ
07/24/92 Dallas Alex Porteau vs. Terry Simms in an I Quit! match, Manny Villalobos vs. Mike Davis by countout, Shawn Summers vs. Brian King, Rod Price vs. Scott Putski by DQ, Gary Young & Manny Fernandez vs. The Ebony Experience, John Tatum vs. Skip Young, Rattlesnake Jeff Raitz vs. Brian King, Terry Simms vs. Jimmy James, Rod Price vs. Sam Houston by DQ, Manny Fernandez vs. Manny Villalobos, The Ebony Experience vs. Mike Davis & Jimmy James by countout, Scott Putski vs. Johnny Mantell by countout, Shawn Summers vs. Chaz by DQ
07/31/92 Dallas Manny Fernandez vs. Hurricane Mike, Tugboat Taylor vs. The Masked Avenger, Steve Cox & Jeff Gaylord vs. Black Bart & Johnny Mantell by DQ, Skip Young vs. Mike Davis by countout, Black Bart vs. Chaz, The Ebony Experience vs. Gary Young & Steven Dane to win the GWF Tag Team Title, John Tatum vs. Scott Putski in a non-title match, Kendo Nagasaki & Rod Price vs. Skip Young & Doty Coyote, Manny Villalobos vs. Gary Young, Manny Fernandez vs. Steve Cox, Scott Putski vs. Johnny Mantell
08/07/92 Dallas Alex Porteau vs. Hangman Bubba, Black Bart & Johnny Mantell vs. Manny Villalobos & Pretty Boy Gonzalez, Terry Simms vs. Steven Dane, Black Bart vs. The Midnight Rider to a time-limit draw, Steve Cox vs. Manny Fernandez by DQ, The Midnight Rider vs. Alex Porteau, Johnny Mantell vs. Chaz, The Ebony Experience vs. John Tatum & Rod Price, Big Buffalo vs. Black Bart, Rod Price vs. Terry Simms to a no-decision, Gary Young vs. Scott Putski by DQ, Steve Cox vs. John Tatum, Manny Villalobos vs. Manny Fernandez by countout
08/14/92 Dallas Alex Porteau vs. Brian Henning, The Ebony Experience vs. Doty Coyote & El Blanco, Mike Davis vs. Khris Germany, Black Bart & Johnny Mantell vs. The Ebony Experience to a double DQ, Mike Dahl wrestled Alex Porteau to a time-limit draw, John Tatum vs. Brian Henning, Manny Fernandez vs. El Blanco, Shawn Stevens & Steve Simpson vs. Black Bart & Johnny Mantell, The Blackbirds vs. The Ebony Experience, Chaz vs. Steven Dane in a Bungee Cord match
08/21/92 Dallas Tribal Nation vs. Khris Germany & Ed Robinson, Brody Powers vs. Robert Lane, The Blackbirds vs. Mike Dahl & Manny Villalobos, Booker T. vs. Khris Germany, Rod Price won the GWF North American Heavyweight Title by forfeit when Scott Putski failed to show up for his title defense. Rod Price vs. Brody Powers by DQ, Mike Davis vs. Midnight Rider, Rod Price & John Tatum vs. Tribal Nation, The Ebony Experience vs. Johnny Mantell & Black Bart by DQ, Manny Fernandez vs. Butch Reed to a double DQ
08/28/92 Dallas Butch Reed vs. Mike Lane, Jack Victory vs. Black Tiger, Black Bart & Johnny Mantell vs. Chaz & Midnight Rider, John Tatum vs. Jack Victory, The Ebony Experience vs. The Lazortrons, Alex Porteau vs. Manny Villalobos, Michael Worthington Davis III vs. Midnight Rider to win the vacant GWF TV Title, Chaz vs. Dapper Dan, Rod Price vs. Butch Reed by countout, Mike Dahl vs. Black Tiger, Johnny Mantell, Black Bart, & Manny Fernandez vs. The Ebony Experience & Butch Reed
09/04/92 Dallas Action Jackson vs. Calvin Knapp, Iceman Parsons vs. Nick Golden, Tribal Nation vs. Black Tiger & Doty Coyote, Jack Victory vs. John Tatum, Chaz vs. Alex Porteau by DQ, Michael Worthington Davis III vs. Larry Green to a no-contest, Kendo Nagasaki vs. Mike Dahl, Manny Fernandez vs. Butch Reed, Rod Price vs. Terry Simms, The Ebony Experience vs. The Blackbirds
09/11/92 Dallas Mike Lane vs. Larry Green by submission, Tribal Nation vs. Dusty Wolfe & Nick Golden, Stevie Ray vs. Black Bart, Chaz vs. Dusty Wolfe, Tribal Nation vs. Rod Price & John Tatum, Kendo Nagasaki vs. Buffalo Barnes, Manny Villalobos vs. Mike Lane by DQ, Mike Dahl vs. Manny Fernandez, Booker T. vs. Johnny Mantell by DQ, Nick Golden vs. Michael Worthington Davis III by DQ
09/18/92 Dallas Jack Victory vs. Jim Rider, Manny Villalobos & Steve Dahl vs. G.Q. Knight & Dusty Wolfe, Dusty Wolfe vs. Calvin Knapp, Booker T. vs. Action Jackson, Rod Price vs. Jack Victory, Mike Dahl vs. Alex Porteau, Michael Worthington Davis III vs. Chaz, The Ebony Experience vs. The Rough Riders, Manny Villalobos vs. Manny Fernandez by DQ, Steve Simpson vs. John Tatum
09/25/92 Dallas GWF TV Champion Michael Worthington Davis III vs. Nick Golden, Mike Lane vs. Calvin Knapp, GWF Tag Team Champions The Ebony Experience vs. Dusty Wolfe & Alex Porteau, Mike Lane vs. Larry Green by submission, Dusty Wolfe vs. Manny Villalobos, Stevie Ray vs. Michael Worthington Davis III by DQ, Killer Tim Brooks vs. Nick Golden, Francis Cry Baby Buxton vs. Larry Green, Rod Price vs. John Bishop, Alex Porteau vs. Mike Dahl to a double DQ, The Ebony Experience vs. The Rough Riders to a double DQ
10/02/92 Dallas Alex Porteau vs. Calvin Knapp, Al Perez vs. Mike Lane, Alex Porteau vs. Manny Villalobos, Killer Brooks vs. Stevie Ray, Rod Price vs. Mike Dahl, Booker T. vs. Michael Worthington Davis III by DQ, The Rough Riders vs. Tribal Nation, Al Perez vs. Manny Fernandez, Steve Simpson vs. John Tatum
10/09/92 Dallas Mike Dahl vs. Animal, Calvin Knapp vs. The Shaka Warrior, Johnny Mantell vs. Booker T. by DQ, Brody Powers vs. Manny Fernandez to a double countout, Brave Sky vs. John Tatum, Butch Reed vs. Rod Price by countout, The Ebony Experience vs. The Shaka Warrior & Action Jackson, Lady Di vs. Mad Madeline, John Hawk vs. Black Bart, Killer Brooks & Manny Fernandez vs. Tribal Nation, Steve Simpson wrestled Alex Porteau to a time-limit draw, Mike Davis vs. Mike Dahl, Killer Brooks vs. Stevie Ray in a Texas Death match
10/16/92 Dallas Chaz vs. Dusty Wolfe, Hurricane Mike Dahl vs. Alex Porteau by DQ, The Rude Dog vs. Calvin Knapp, Phantom X vs. Kit Carson, Mike Davis & Black Bart vs. The Ebony Experience by countout, Crybaby Francis Buxton vs. Manny Villalobos, John Hawk vs. John Tatum by DQ, Booker T. vs. Action Jackson, John Hawk & Rainbow Brown vs. Mike Davis & The Metal Maniac to a double DQ, The Rude Dog & Action Jackson vs. The Rough Riders, Stevie Ray vs. Tim Brooks
10/23/92 Dallas John Hawk vs. Dusty Wolfe, Chaz vs. The Animal, Francis Buxton vs. G.Q. Knight, Rainbow Brown vs. Kit Carson, Mike Dahl vs. Alex Porteau to win the GWF Light Heavyweight Title, Mike Lane vs. Manny Villalobos, Steve Doll wrestled The Rude Dog to a draw, Steve Simpson vs. Mike Davis by DQ, Rod Price vs. John Hawk, Chaz vs. Killer Brooks by DQ, Manny Fernandez vs. Calvin Knapp, Johnny Mantell & Black Bart vs. The Ebony Experience to win the GWF Tag Team Title
10/30/92 Dallas Brody Powers vs. Mike Davis, Chaz vs. Francis Buxton, Steve Simpson vs. Dusty Wolfe, The Metal Maniac vs. Rainbow Brown, Manny Villalobos vs. The Animal, The Texas Mustangs vs. The Rough Riders, Steve Doll vs. The Rude Dog by countout, Johnny Mantell won a $15,000 Bunkhouse Brawl. Brody Powers vs. Rod Price in a 2/3 Falls match, Al Perez vs. Killer Brooks to a no-contest in a Lumberjack match
11/06/92 Dallas Bobby Duncum, Jr. vs. Dusty Wolfe, Rainbow Brown vs. The Nuke, Nikona vs. Rude Dog by DQ, Steve Simpson vs. Mike Davis in a non-title match, Mike Lane vs. Animal by submission, GWF Tag Team Champions Black Bart & Johnny Mantell vs. Tribal Nation, John Tatum vs. Calvin Knapp, Chaz vs. Francis Buxton, GWF Light Heavyweight Champion Mike Dahl vs. Killer Brooks by DQ, Bobby Duncum, Jr. & John Hawk vs. Rude Dog & Mike Davis, GWF North American Heavyweight Champion Rod Price vs. Al Perez to a double countout
11/13/92 Dallas GWF Light Heavyweight Champion Mike Dahl vs. G.Q. Knight, Manny Villalobos vs. Kit Carson, Bobby Duncum, Jr. vs. Johnny Mantell by DQ, Booker T. vs. GWF TV Champion Mike Davis by countout, Killer Brooks vs. The Nuke, Bobby Monroe wrestled Calvin Knapp to a draw, Black Bart vs. John Hawk, The Ebony Experience vs. Alex Porteau & Shawn Summers, Mike Davis & Bobby Monroe vs. Tribal Nation by countout, Steve Simpson vs. John Tatum by DQ
11/20/92 Dallas Bubba Monroe vs. Rainbow Brown, Johnny Mantell wrestled Bobby Duncum, Jr. to a draw, Steve Simpson vs. GWF TV Champion Mike Davis in a non-title match, John Tatum vs. Mike Dahl, Rude Dog vs. Francis Buxton by countout, Mike Lane vs. Bobby Duncum, Jr., Manny Villalobos vs. Gaston B. Means to a no-contest, Alex Porteau vs. Calvin Knapp, Killer Brooks vs. John Hawk, Angel of Death vs. The Nuke by submission, The Texas Mustangs vs. Rod Price & John Tatum by DQ
November 27, 1992–Global Wrestling Federation in Dallas, Texas at the Sportatorium: Calvin Knapp vs. Mike Davis by countout, John Tatum vs. Steve Simpson, Manuel Villalobos vs. Alex Porteau by DQ, Tribal Nation vs. Bubba Monroe & The Metal Maniac, Kerry Von Erich vs. Black Bart to a double countout, Manuel Villalobos vs. Mike Davis to win the GWF TV Title, Calvin Knapp vs. Francis Buxton, Bobby Duncum, Jr. & John Hawk vs. Black Bart & Johnny Mantell to win the GWF Tag Team Title, Calvin Knapp vs. Angel of Death by DQ, Frogman LeBlanc vs. Black Bart by DQ, Al Perez vs. Rod Price by DQ
12/04/92 Dallas Manny Villalobos vs. Dusty Wolfe, Nikona vs. Mike Lane, Angel of Death vs. Kirk Kramer by submission, GWF Tag Team Champions Bobby Duncum, Jr. & John Hawk vs. Alex Porteau & Steven Dane by DQ, Brave Sky vs. GWF North American Heavyweight Champion Rod Price in a non-title match, Johnny Mantell vs. Calvin Knapp, The Ebony Experience vs. The Rottens, Mike Davis vs. Terry Simms by DQ, Mark Burns vs. Killer Brooks by a reverse decision, Steve Simpson vs. John Tatum, Black Bart vs. Kerry Von Erich to a double countout in a Lumberjack match
12/11/92 Dallas Rainbow Brown vs. Rude Dog by countout, Calvin Knapp vs. Alex Porteau, GWF TV Champion Manny Villalobos vs. Bubba Monroe by DQ, Booker T. vs. Francis Buxton, Jimmy James vs. Killer Brooks by a reverse decision, Steve Simpson & Terry Simms vs. Rod Price & Mike Davis by a reverse decision, Angel of Death vs. Stevie Ray to a double countout, John Hawk vs. Steven Dane by a reverse decision, Bobby Duncum, Jr. vs. Johnny Mantell, Axl & Ian Rotten vs. The Ebony Experience, Black Bart vs. Kerry Von Erich in a Steel Cage match
12/18/92 Dallas Crusher vs. Mad Dog Billy, Alex Porteau vs. Booker T., John Hawk vs. Johnny Mantell by DQ, John Tatum & Rod Price vs. Tribal Nation, Calvin Knapp vs. Steven Dane by DQ, G.Q. Knight vs. Killer Tim Brooks by a reverse decision, The Ebony Experience vs. Kit Carson & Billy Steele, Steve Simpson vs. Mike Davis, Angel of Death vs. Stevie Ray, John Hawk vs. Mike Lane by a reverse decision, Kerry Von Erich vs. Black Bart in a Steel Cage match
12/25/92 Dallas Booker T. vs. Axl Rotten, Steven Dane vs. Jimmy James, Alex Porteau vs. Calvin Knapp, Stevie Ray vs. Killer Brooks by DQ, GWF TV Champion Manny Villalobos vs. Ian Rotten by DQ, Steve Simpson & Mike Davis vs. John Tatum & Rod Price by countout, Kerry Von Erich, John Hawk & Bobby Duncum, Jr. vs. Skandar Akbar, Black Bart, & Johnny Mantell
1992/12/25: GWF @ Sportatorium
Sportatorium in Dallas, Texas (United States of America)
1. Axl Rotten vs. Booker T
2. Jimmy James vs. Steven Dane
3. Alex Porteau vs. Calvin Knapp
4. Killer Brooks vs. Stevie Ray
5. GWF Television Title Match: Ian Rotten vs. Manny Villalobos (c)
6. John Tatum and Rod Price vs. Steve Simpson and Mike Davis
7. Skandar Akbar, Black Bart and Johnny Mantell vs. Kerry Von Erich, John Hawk and Bobby Duncum Jr.
1992/12/18: GWF @ Sportatorium
Sportatorium in Dallas, Texas (United States of America)
1. Crusher vs. Mad Dog Billy
2. Alex Porteau vs. Booker T
3. John Hawk vs. Johnny Mantell
4. Brave Sky and Nocona vs. John Tatum and Rod Price
5. Calvin Knapp vs. Steven Dane
6. GQ Knight vs. Killer Brooks
7. Kit Carson and Billy Steele vs. Booker T and Stevie Ray
8. Mike Davis vs. Steve Simpson
9. Angel of Death vs. Stevie Ray
10. John Hawk vs. Mike Lane
11. Cage Match: Black Bart vs. Kerry Von Erich
1992/12/11: GWF @ Sportatorium
Sportatorium in Dallas, Texas (United States of America)
1. Rainbow Brown vs. Rude Dog
2. Alex Porteau vs. Calvin Knapp
3. GWF Television Title Match: Bubba Monroe vs. Manny Villalobos (c)
4. Booker T vs. Crybaby Buxton
5. Jimmy James vs. Killer Brooks
6. Rod Price and Mike Davis vs. Steve Simpson and Terry Simms
7. Angel of Death vs. Stevie Ray
8. John Hawk vs. Steven Dane
9. Bobby Duncum Jr. vs. Johnny Mantell
10. Axl Rotten and Ian Rotten vs. Booker T and Stevie Ray
11. Cage Match: Black Bart vs. Kerry Von Erich
1992/12/04: GWF @ Sportatorium
Sportatorium in Dallas, Texas (United States of America)
1. GWF Television Title Match: Dusty Wolfe vs. Manny Villalobos (c)
2. Mike Lane vs. Nocona
3. Angel of Death vs. Kirk Kramer
4. GWF North American Tag Team Titles Match: Alex Porteau and Steven Dane vs. Bobby Duncum Jr. and John Hawk (c)
5. Brave Sky vs. Rod Price
6. Calvin Knapp vs. Johnny Mantell
7. Axl Rotten and Ian Rotten vs. Booker T and Stevie Ray
8. Mike Davis vs. Terry Simms
9. Killer Brooks vs. Mark Burns
10. John Tatum vs. Steve Simpson
11. Lumberjack Match: Black Bart vs. Kerry Von Erich
1992/11/27: GWF @ Sportatorium
Sportatorium in Dallas, Texas (United States of America)
1. GWF Television Title Match: Calvin Knapp vs. Mike Davis (c)
2. John Tatum vs. Steve Simpson
3. Alex Porteau vs. Manny Villalobos
4. Brave Sky and Nocona vs. Bubba Monroe and Metal Maniac
5. Black Bart vs. Kerry Von Erich
6. GWF Television Title Match: Manny Villalobos vs. Mike Davis (c)
7. Calvin Knapp vs. Crybaby Buxton
8. GWF North American Tag Team Titles Match: Black Bart and Johnny Mantell (c) vs. Bobby Duncum Jr. and John Hawk
9. Angel of Death vs. Calvin Knapp
10. Black Bart vs. Frogman Leblanc
11. GWF North American Heavyweight Title Match: Al Pérez vs. Rod Price (c)
1992/11/20: GWF @ Sportatorium
Sportatorium in Dallas, Texas (United States of America)
1. Bubba Monroe vs. Rainbow Brown
2. Bobby Duncum Jr. vs. Johnny Mantell
3. Mike Davis vs. Steve Simpson
4. John Tatum vs. Mike Dahl
5. Crybaby Buxton vs. Rude Dog
6. Bobby Duncum Jr. vs. Mike Lane
7. Gaston B. Means vs. Manny Villalobos
8. Alex Porteau vs. Calvin Knapp
9. John Hawk vs. Killer Brooks
10. Angel of Death vs. The Nuke
11. Bobby Duncum Jr. and John Hawk vs. Rod Price and John Tatum
1992/11/13: GWF @ Sportatorium
Sportatorium in Dallas, Texas (United States of America)
1. GWF Junior Heavyweight Title Match: GQ Knight vs. Mike Dahl (c)
2. Kit Carson vs. Manny Villalobos
3. Bobby Duncum Jr. vs. Johnny Mantell
4. GWF Television Title Match: Booker T vs. Mike Davis (c)
5. Killer Brooks vs. The Nuke
6. Bubba Monroe vs. Calvin Knapp
7. Black Bart vs. John Hawk
8. Alex Porteau and Shawn Summers vs. Booker T and Stevie Ray
9. Brave Sky and Nocona vs. Mike Davis and Bubba Monroe
10. John Tatum vs. Steve Simpson
1992/11/06: GWF @ Sportatorium
Sportatorium in Dallas, Texas (United States of America)
1. Bobby Duncum Jr. vs. Dusty Wolfe
2. The Nuke vs. Rainbow Brown
3. Nocona vs. Rude Dog
4. Mike Davis vs. Steve Simpson
5. Animal vs. Mike Lane
6. GWF North American Tag Team Titles Match: Black Bart and Johnny Mantell (c) vs. Brave Sky and Nocona
7. Calvin Knapp vs. John Tatum
8. Chaz vs. Crybaby Buxton
9. Killer Brooks vs. Mike Dahl
10. Bobby Duncum Jr. and John Hawk vs. Rude Dog and Mike Davis
11. GWF North American Heavyweight Title Match: Al Pérez vs. Rod Price (c)
1992/10/30: GWF @ Sportatorium
Sportatorium in Dallas, Texas (United States of America)
1. Brody Powers vs. Mike Davis
2. Chaz vs. Crybaby Buxton
3. Dusty Wolfe vs. Steve Simpson
4. Metal Maniac vs. Rainbow Brown
5. Animal vs. Manny Villalobos
6. Black Bart and Johnny Mantell vs. Bobby Duncum Jr. and John Hawk
7. Rude Dog vs. Steve Doll
8. $15 000 Bunkhouse Brawl: Johnny Mantell vs. ???
9. Brody Powers vs. Rod Price
10. Lumberjack Match: Al Pérez vs. Killer Brooks
1992/10/23: GWF @ Sportatorium
Sportatorium in Dallas, Texas (United States of America)
1. Dusty Wolfe vs. John Hawk
2. Animal vs. Chaz
3. Crybaby Buxton vs. GQ Knight
4. Kit Carson vs. Rainbow Brown
5. GWF Junior Heavyweight Title Match: Alex Porteau (c) vs. Mike Dahl
6. Manny Villalobos vs. Mike Lane
7. Rude Dog vs. Steve Doll
8. GWF Television Title Match: Mike Davis (c) vs. Steve Simpson
9. GWF North American Heavyweight Title Match: John Hawk vs. Rod Price (c)
10. Chaz vs. Killer Brooks
11. Calvin Knapp vs. Manny Fernández
12. GWF North American Tag Team Titles Match: Johnny Mantell and Black Bart vs. Booker T and Stevie Ray (c)
1992/10/16: GWF @ Sportatorium
Sportatorium in Dallas, Texas (United States of America)
1. Chaz vs. Dusty Wolfe
2. GWF Junior Heavyweight Title Match: Alex Porteau (c) vs. Mike Dahl
3. Calvin Knapp vs. Rude Dog
4. Kit Carson vs. Phantom X
5. GWF North American Tag Team Titles Match: Mike Davis and Black Bart vs. Booker T and Stevie Ray (c)
6. Crybaby Buxton vs. Manny Villalobos
7. John Hawk vs. John Tatum
8. Action Jackson vs. Booker T
9. John Hawk and Rainbow Brown vs. Mike Davis and Metal Maniac
10. Rude Dog and Action Jackson vs. Black Bart and Johnny Mantell
11. Killer Brooks vs. Stevie Ray
1992/10/09: GWF @ Sportatorium
Sportatorium in Dallas, Texas (United States of America)
1. Animal vs. Mike Dahl
2. Calvin Knapp vs. Shaka Warrior
3. Booker T vs. Johnny Mantell
4. Brody Powers vs. Manny Fernández
5. Brave Sky vs. John Tatum
6. GWF North American Heavyweight Title Match: Butch Reed vs. Rod Price (c)
7. GWF North American Tag Team Titles Match: Shaka Warrior and Action Jackson vs. Booker T and Stevie Ray (c)
8. Lady Di vs. Mad Madeline
9. Black Bart vs. John Hawk
10. Brave Sky and Nocona vs. Killer Brooks and Manny Fernández
11. GWF Junior Heavyweight Title Match: Alex Porteau (c) vs. Steve Simpson
12. GWF Television Title Match: Mike Dahl vs. Mike Davis (c)
13. Texas Death Match: Killer Brooks vs. Stevie Ray
1992/10/02: GWF @ Sportatorium
Sportatorium in Dallas, Texas (United States of America)
1. GWF Junior Heavyweight Title Match: Alex Porteau (c) vs. Calvin Knapp
2. Al Pérez vs. Mike Lane
3. GWF Junior Heavyweight Title Match: Alex Porteau (c) vs. Manny Villalobos
4. Killer Brooks vs. Stevie Ray
5. GWF North American Heavyweight Title Match: Mike Dahl vs. Rod Price (c)
6. GWF Television Title Match: Booker T vs. Michael Worthington Davis III. (c)
7. Black Bart and Johnny Mantell vs. Brave Sky and Nocona
8. Al Pérez vs. Manny Fernández
9. John Tatum vs. Steve Simpson
1992/09/25: GWF @ Sportatorium
Sportatorium in Dallas, Texas (United States of America)
1. GWF Television Title Match: Michael Worthington Davis III. (c) vs. Nick Golden
2. Calvin Knapp vs. Mike Lane
3. GWF North American Tag Team Titles Match: Dusty Wolfe and Alex Porteau vs. Booker T and Stevie Ray (c)
4. Larry Green vs. Mike Lane
5. Dusty Wolfe vs. Manny Villalobos
6. GWF Television Title Match: Michael Worthington Davis III. (c) vs. Stevie Ray
7. Killer Brooks vs. Nick Golden
8. Crybaby Buxton vs. Larry Green
9. GWF North American Heavyweight Title Match: John Bishop vs. Rod Price (c)
10. GWF Junior Heavyweight Title Match: Alex Porteau (c) vs. Mike Dahl
11. GWF North American Tag Team Titles Match: Black Bart and Johnny Mantell vs. Booker T and Stevie Ray (c)
1992/09/18: GWF @ Sportatorium
Sportatorium in Dallas, Texas (United States of America)
1. Jack Victory vs. Jim Ryder
2. GQ Knight and Dusty Wolfe vs. Manny Villalobos and Mike Dahl
3. Calvin Knapp vs. Dusty Wolfe
4. Action Jackson vs. Booker T
5. GWF North American Heavyweight Title Match: Jack Victory vs. Rod Price (c)
6. Alex Porteau vs. Mike Dahl
7. GWF Television Title Match: Chaz vs. Michael Worthington Davis III. (c)
8. GWF North American Tag Team Titles Match: Black Bart and Johnny Mantell vs. Booker T and Stevie Ray (c)
9. Manny Fernández vs. Manny Villalobos
10. John Tatum vs. Steve Simpson
1992/09/11: GWF @ Sportatorium
Sportatorium in Dallas, Texas (United States of America)
1. Larry Green vs. Mike Lane
2. Brave Sky and Nocona vs. Dusty Wolfe and Nick Golden
3. Black Bart vs. Stevie Ray
4. Chaz vs. Dusty Wolfe
5. Brave Sky and Nocona vs. Rod Price and John Tatum
6. Buffalo Barnes vs. Kendo Nagasaki
7. Manny Villalobos vs. Mike Lane
8. Manny Fernández vs. Mike Dahl
9. Booker T vs. Johnny Mantell
10. GWF Television Title Match: Michael Worthington Davis III. (c) vs. Nick Golden
1992/09/04: GWF @ Sportatorium
Sportatorium in Dallas, Texas (United States of America)
1. Action Jackson vs. Calvin Knapp
2. Iceman Parsons vs. Nick Golden
3. Black Tiger and Doty Coyote vs. Brave Sky and Nocona
4. Jack Victory vs. John Tatum
5. GWF Junior Heavyweight Title Match: Alex Porteau (c) vs. Chaz
6. GWF Television Title Match: Larry Green vs. Michael Worthington Davis III. (c)
7. Kendo Nagasaki vs. Mike Dahl
8. Butch Reed vs. Manny Fernández
9. GWF North American Heavyweight Title Match: Rod Price (c) vs. Terry Simms
10. GWF North American Tag Team Titles Match: Iceman Parsons and Action Jackson vs. Booker T and Stevie Ray (c)
1992/08/28: GWF @ Sportatorium
Sportatorium in Dallas, Texas (United States of America)
1. Butch Reed vs. Mike Lane
2. Black Tiger vs. Jack Victory
3. Black Bart and Johnny Mantell vs. Chaz and Midnight Rider
4. Jack Victory vs. John Tatum
5. GWF North American Tag Team Titles Match: Booker T and Stevie Ray (c) vs. Lazertron #1 and Lazertron #2
6. GWF Junior Heavyweight Title Match: Alex Porteau (c) vs. Manny Villalobos
7. GWF Television Title Match: Michael Worthington Davis III. vs. Midnight Rider
8. Chaz vs. Dapper Dan
9. GWF North American Heavyweight Title Match: Butch Reed vs. Rod Price (c)
10. Black Tiger vs. Mike Dahl
11. Johnny Mantell, Black Bart and Manny Fernández vs. Booker T, Stevie Ray and Butch Reed
1992/08/21: GWF @ Sportatorium
Sportatorium in Dallas, Texas (United States of America)
1. Brave Sky and Nocona vs. Khris Germany and Ed Robinson
2. Brody Powers vs. Robert Lane
3. Iceman Parsons and Action Jackson vs. Mike Dahl and Manny Villalobos
4. Booker T vs. Khris Germany
5. GWF North American Heavyweight Title Match: Rod Price vs. Scott Putski (c)
6. GWF North American Heavyweight Title Match: Brody Powers vs. Rod Price (c)
7. Midnight Rider vs. Mike Davis
8. Brave Sky and Nocona vs. Rod Price and John Tatum
9. GWF North American Tag Team Titles Match: Johnny Mantell and Black Bart vs. Booker T and Stevie Ray (c)
10. Butch Reed vs. Manny Fernández
1992/08/14: GWF @ Sportatorium
Sportatorium in Dallas, Texas (United States of America)
1. GWF Junior Heavyweight Title Match: Alex Porteau (c) vs. Brian Henning
2. GWF North American Tag Team Titles Match: Doty Coyote and El Blanco vs. Booker T and Stevie Ray (c)
3. Khris Germany vs. Mike Davis
4. GWF North American Tag Team Titles Match: Black Bart and Johnny Mantell vs. Booker T and Stevie Ray (c)
5. GWF Junior Heavyweight Title Match: Alex Porteau (c) vs. Mike Dahl
6. Brian Henning vs. John Tatum
7. El Blanco vs. Manny Fernández
8. Black Bart and Johnny Mantell vs. Shawn Stevens and Steve Simpson
9. Iceman Parsons and Action Jackson vs. Booker T and Stevie Ray
10. Bungee Cord Match: Chaz vs. Steven Dane
1992/08/07: GWF @ Sportatorium
Sportatorium in Dallas, Texas (United States of America)
1. GWF Junior Heavyweight Title Match: Alex Porteau (c) vs. Hangman Bubba
2. Black Bart and Johnny Mantell vs. Manny Villalobos and Pretty Boy González
3. Steven Dane vs. Terry Simms
4. Black Bart vs. Midnight Rider
5. Manny Fernández vs. Steve Cox
6. Alex Porteau vs. Midnight Rider
7. Chaz vs. Johnny Mantell
8. GWF North American Tag Team Titles Match: Booker T and Stevie Ray (c) vs. John Tatum and Rod Price
9. Big Buffalo vs. Black Bart
10. Rod Price vs. Terry Simms
11. GWF North American Heavyweight Title Match: Gary Young vs. Scott Putski (c)
12. John Tatum vs. Steve Cox
13. Manny Fernández vs. Manny Villalobos
1992/07/31: GWF @ Sportatorium
Sportatorium in Dallas, Texas (United States of America)
1. Hurricane Mike vs. Manny Fernández
2. Avenger vs. Tug Taylor
3. Black Bart and Johnny Mantell vs. Steve Cox and Jeff Gaylord
4. Mike Davis vs. Skip Young
5. Black Bart vs. Chaz
6. GWF North American Tag Team Titles Match: Booker T and Stevie Ray vs. Gary Young and Steven Dane (c)
7. John Tatum vs. Scott Putski
8. Skip Young and Doty Coyote vs. Kendo Nagasaki and Rod Price
9. Gary Young vs. Manny Villalobos
10. Manny Fernández vs. Steve Cox
11. GWF North American Heavyweight Title Match: Johnny Mantell vs. Scott Putski (c)
12. GWF Junior Heavyweight Title Match: Alex Porteau vs. Terry Simms (c)
1992/07/24: GWF @ Sportatorium
Sportatorium in Dallas, Texas (United States of America)
1. I quit Match: Alex Porteau vs. Terry Simms
2. Manny Villalobos vs. Mike Davis
3. Brian King vs. Shawn Summers
4. GWF North American Heavyweight Title Match: Rod Price vs. Scott Putski (c)
5. Booker T and Stevie Ray vs. Gary Young and Manny Fernández
6. John Tatum vs. Skip Young
7. Brian King vs. Jeff Raitz
8. GWF Junior Heavyweight Title Match: Jimmy James vs. Terry Simms (c)
9. GWF Television Title Match: Rod Price vs. Sam Houston (c)
10. Manny Fernández vs. Manny Villalobos
11. Booker T and Stevie Ray vs. Mike Davis and Jimmy James
12. GWF North American Heavyweight Title Match: Johnny Mantell vs. Scott Putski (c)
13. Chaz vs. Shawn Summers
1992/07/17: GWF @ Sportatorium
Sportatorium in Dallas, Texas (United States of America)
1. Khris Germany vs. Manny Fernández
2. Gary Young vs. Manny Villalobos
3. Chaz vs. Steven Dane
4. Booker T and Stevie Ray vs. John Tatum and Rod Price
5. Jimmy James vs. Mike Davis
6. Giant Warrior vs. Johnny Mantell
7. Booker T and Stevie Ray vs. Scott Braddock and Khris Germany
8. Alex Porteau vs. Terry Simms
9. GWF North American Tag Team Titles Match: Gary Young and Steven Dane (c) vs. Rod Price and John Tatum
10. David Saboro vs. Manny Fernández
11. GWF Junior Heavyweight Title Match: Jimmy James vs. Terry Simms (c)
12. GWF North American Heavyweight Title Match: Johnny Mantell vs. Scott Putski (c)
1992/07/10: GWF @ Sportatorium
Sportatorium in Dallas, Texas (United States of America)
1. Ed Robinson vs. Giant Warrior
2. Manny Fernández vs. Manny Villalobos
3. Chaz vs. Jimmy James
4. GWF North American Tag Team Titles Match: Booker T and Stevie Ray vs. Steven Dane and Gary Young (c)
5. Shawn Summers and Alex Porteau vs. Scott Putski and Terry Simms
6. Jimmy James vs. Manny Fernández
7. Booker T vs. Steven Dane
8. GWF Television Title Match: Mike Davis vs. Sam Houston (c)
9. Double-Strap Lumberjack Match: Gary Young and Steven Dane vs. John Tatum and Rod Price
10. Ed Robinson vs. Rod Price
11. Giant Warrior vs. Tug Taylor
12. GWF Junior Heavyweight Title Match: Mike Davis vs. Terry Simms (c)
13. Alex Porteau, Johnny Mantell and Shawn Summers vs. Booker T, Stevie Ray and Scott Putski
1992/07/03: GWF @ Sportatorium
Sportatorium in Dallas, Texas (United States of America)
1. Booker T and Stevie Ray vs. John Tatum and Rod Price
2. Chaz vs. Steven Dane
3. GWF Junior Heavyweight Title Match: Alex Porteau vs. Terry Simms (c)
4. GWF North American Heavyweight Title Match: Black Bart vs. Scott Putski (c)
5. Gary Young vs. Rod Price
6. Chaz vs. Shawn Summers
7. Dewey vs. Tug Taylor
8. Black Bart and Johnny Mantell vs. Terry Simms and Scott Putski
9. Alex Porteau and Shawn Summers vs. Booker T and Stevie Ray
10. GWF Junior Heavyweight Title Match: Mike Davis vs. Terry Simms (c)
11. John Tatum vs. Tug Taylor
12. Battle Royale: Booker T vs. Stevie Ray vs. ???
1992/06/26: GWF @ Sportatorium
Sportatorium in Dallas, Texas (United States of America)
1. GWF Junior Heavyweight Title Match: Chaz vs. Terry Simms (c)
2. Tug Taylor and Brian Henning vs. John Tatum and Rod Price
3. GWF North American Heavyweight Title Match: Mike Davis vs. Scott Putski (c)
4. GWF Television Title Match: Alex Porteau vs. Sam Houston (c)
5. Alex Porteau and Mike Davis vs. Sam Houston and Terry Simms
6. Brian Henning vs. Johnny Mantell
7. Chaz vs. El Diablo
8. GWF North American Tag Team Titles Match: Brave Sky and Nocona vs. Gary Young and Steven Dane (c)
9. Brave Sky and Nocona vs. John Tatum and Rod Price
10. GWF North American Heavyweight Title Match: Johnny Mantell vs. Scott Putski (c)
1992/06/19: GWF @ Sportatorium
Sportatorium in Dallas, Texas (United States of America)
1. Ed Robinson vs. Steve Cox
2. Khris Germany vs. Thor
3. Alex Porteau and Shawn Summers vs. Chaz and Terry Simms
4. Loser leaves GWF Match: Bill Irwin vs. Johnny Mantell
5. Ed Robinson vs. Tug Taylor
6. Geekoid #1 vs. Thor
7. Dewey vs. Mike Davis
8. Steven Dane, Gary Young and Johnny Mantell vs. Terry Simms, Scott Putski and Steve Cox
1992/06/12: GWF @ Sportatorium
Sportatorium in Dallas, Texas (United States of America)
1. Rod Price vs. Steven Dane
2. Doty Coyote vs. Iceman Parsons
3. Brave Sky and Nocona vs. Mike Davis and Geekoid #1
4. Gary Young vs. John Tatum
5. Booker T and Stevie Ray vs. Johnny Mantell and Geekoid #2
6. Doty Coyote vs. Mike Davis
7. GWF North American Tag Team Titles Match: Gary Young and Steven Dane vs. Terry Simms and Scott Putski (c)
8. Gary Young vs. Stevie Ray
9. Brave Sky and Nocona vs. Johnny Mantell and Doty Coyote
10. GWF Television Title Match: Mike Davis vs. Sam Houston (c)
1992/06/05: GWF @ Sportatorium
Sportatorium in Dallas, Texas (United States of America)
1. GWF Brass Knuckles Title Match: Bill Irwin (c) vs. Johnny Mantell
2. Shawn Summers and Alex Porteau vs. Ed Robinson and Khris Germany
3. Elimination Match: Gary Young, Steven Dane and Skandar Akbar vs. Tug Taylor, Rod Price and John Tatum
4. Iceman Parsons vs. Johnny Mantell
5. Ed Robinson and Gran Coloso vs. John Tatum and Rod Price
6. GWF North American Heavyweight Title Match: Scott Putski (c) vs. Steven Dane
7. Shawn Summers, Alex Porteau and Mike Davis vs. Bill Irwin, Brave Sky and Nocona
8. GWF North American Heavyweight Title Match: Gran Coloso vs. Scott Putski (c)
9. Iceman Parsons vs. Khris Germany
10. GWF Junior Heavyweight Title Match: Shawn Summers vs. Terry Simms (c)
11. GWF North American Tag Team Titles Match: Brave Sky and Nocona vs. Steven Dane and Gary Young (c)
1992/05/29: GWF @ Sportatorium
Sportatorium in Dallas, Texas (United States of America)
1. Booker T vs. Shawn Summers
2. Chaz vs. Mike Davis
3. GWF North American Tag Team Titles Match: Steven Dane and Gary Young (c) vs. Rod Price and John Tatum
4. Shawn Summers and Alex Porteau vs. Booker T and Stevie Ray
5. Billy Travis vs. Terry Simms
6. GWF Junior Heavyweight Title Match: Chaz vs. Terry Simms
7. GWF Brass Knuckles Title Match: Bill Irwin (c) vs. Gary Young
8. GWF Junior Heavyweight Title Match: Mike Davis vs. Terry Simms (c)
9. Shawn Summers and Alex Porteau vs. Tug Taylor and Dewey
10. GWF North American Heavyweight Title Match: Johnny Mantell vs. Scott Putski
1992/05/22: GWF @ Sportatorium
Sportatorium in Dallas, Texas (United States of America)
1. Billy Travis vs. Chaz
2. Ed Robinson vs. Mike Davis
3. Bill Irwin and Scott Putski vs. Johnny Mantell and JR Stryker
4. Billy Travis and Mike Davis vs. John Tatum and Rod Price
5. GWF North American Tag Team Titles Match: Steven Dane and Gary Young (c) vs. Khris Germany and Scott Hodgson
6. Ed Robinson vs. Terry Simms
7. Khris Germany vs. Scott Putski
8. Brave Sky and Nocona vs. Johnny Mantell and JR Stryker
9. GWF Brass Knuckles Title Match: Bill Irwin (c) vs. Mike Davis
10. Brave Sky and Nocona vs. Steven Dane and Gary Young
1992/05/15: GWF @ Sportatorium
Sportatorium in Dallas, Texas (United States of America)
1. Alex Porteau vs. Jimmy James
2. Booker T and Stevie Ray vs. Vic Hernández and JR Stryker
3. Brian Henning vs. Chaz
4. GWF Television Title Match: Alex Porteau vs. Sam Houston (c)
5. Alex Porteau vs. Jimmy James
6. GWF Brass Knuckles Title Match: Bill Irwin (c) vs. JR Stryker
7. Booker T and Stevie Ray vs. Brian Henning and Mike Davis
8. Terry Simms vs. Vic Hernández
9. Johnny Mantell vs. Scott Putski
10. Brian Henning vs. Mike Davis
11. Gary Young and Steven Dane vs. John Tatum and Rod Price
1992/05/08: GWF @ Sportatorium
Sportatorium in Dallas, Texas (United States of America)
1. Brave Sky and Nocona vs. Buster Blackheart and Mike Blackheart
2. Iceman Parsons vs. Jeff Grettler
3. Johnny Hodges vs. Johnny Mantell
4. GWF North American Tag Team Titles Match: Chaz and Jimmy James vs. Steven Dane and Gary Young (c)
5. Billy Travis vs. Terry Simms
6. Mike Davis vs. Scott Putski
7. GWF Brass Knuckles Title Match: Bill Irwin (c) vs. Mike Blackheart
8. GWF North American Tag Team Titles Match: Brave Sky and Nocona vs. Steven Dane and Gary Young (c)
9. Buster Blackheart vs. Terry Simms
10. Jeff Grettler and Johnny Hodges vs. John Tatum and Rod Price
11. GWF Brass Knuckles Title Match: Bill Irwin (c) vs. Johnny Mantell
1992/05/01: GWF @ Sportatorium
Sportatorium in Dallas, Texas (United States of America)
1. Brian Henning vs. Johnny Mantell
2. GWF Brass Knuckles Title Match: Alex Porteau vs. Bill Irwin (c)
3. Ed Robinson and Khris Germany vs. John Tatum and Rod Price
4. TV Title vs. Mask Match – GWF Television Title Match: Sam Houston (c) vs. The Viper
5. Booker T and Stevie Ray vs. Brian Henning and Khris Germany
6. GWF Brass Knuckles Title Match: Bill Irwin (c) vs. Shawn Summers
7. Shawn Summers and Alex Porteau vs. Booker T and Stevie Ray
8. Khris Germany vs. Mike Davis
9. Ed Robinson vs. Johnny Mantell
10. GWF North American Tag Team Titles Match: Steven Dane and Gary Young vs. Terry Simms and Scott Putski
1992/04/24: GWF @ Sportatorium
Sportatorium in Dallas, Texas (United States of America)
1. Chaz vs. Johnny Mantell
2. GWF Brass Knuckles Title Match: Bill Irwin (c) vs. The Viper
3. Steven Dane and Gary Young vs. Terry Simms and Scott Putski
4. Barry Horowitz, Johnny Mantell and Angel of Death vs. John Tatum, Rod Price and Eddie Gilbert
1992/04/17: GWF @ Sportatorium
Sportatorium in Dallas, Texas (United States of America)
1. Dex Deaton and Tom Powers vs. Rod Price and John Tatum
2. Chaz and Brian Henning vs. Gary Young and Steven Dane
3. GWF Television Title Match: Sam Houston (c) vs. The Viper
4. GWF North American Tag Team Titles Match: Slammer and Jammer vs. Terry Simms and Scott Putski (c)
5. GWF Brass Knuckles Title Match: Big Bad John vs. Bill Irwin (c)
6. Booker T and Stevie Ray vs. Slammer and Jammer
7. GWF Television Title Match: Barry Horowitz vs. Sam Houston (c)
8. GWF North American Tag Team Titles Match: Steven Dane and Gary Young vs. Terry Simms and Scott Putski (c)
9. Cage Match: Eddie Gilbert and Angel of Death vs. Barry Horowitz and Big Bad John
1992/04/10: GWF @ Sportatorium
Sportatorium in Dallas, Texas (United States of America)
1. Steven Dane vs. Todd vs.bow
2. Terry Simms vs. The Viper
3. Gary Young vs. Scott Putski
4. GWF Brass Knuckles Title Match: Bill Irwin (c) vs. Bull Pain
5. Get Stripped And Lose Match: Bruce Prichard vs. James Beard
6. Eddie Gilbert and Angel of Death vs. The Dark Patriot and Big Bad John
1992/04/03: GWF @ Sportatorium
Sportatorium in Dallas, Texas (United States of America)
1. Terry Simms, Gary Young and Scott Putski vs. John Tatum, Rod Price and Steven Dane
2. Sam Houston and Chaz vs. Slammer and Jammer
3. GWF Junior Heavyweight Title Match: Barry Horowitz (c) vs. Danny Davis
4. GWF North American Heavyweight Title Match: The Dark Patriot vs. Eddie Gilbert (c)
5. Battle Royale – GWF Television Title Match: Sam Houston vs. ???
6. GWF Junior Heavyweight Title Match: Danny Davis (c) vs. The Viper
7. GWF North American Tag Team Titles Match: Slammer and Jammer vs. Terry Simms and Scott Putski (c)
8. Bruce Prichard vs. James Beard
9. Double Pole Match – GWF Brass Knuckles Title Match: Big Bad John vs. Bill Irwin (c)
1992/03/27: GWF @ Sportatorium
Sportatorium in Dallas, Texas (United States of America)
1. Gary Young vs. Steven Dane
2. New Kid Tony vs. The Viper
3. Bruce Prichard vs. James Beard
4. First Blood Match – GWF Brass Knuckles Title Match: Bill Irwin vs. Black Bart (c)
5. GWF North American Tag Team Titles Match: John Tatum and Rod Price vs. Terry Simms and Scott Putski (c)
6. GWF North American Heavyweight Title Match: The Dark Patriot (c) vs. Eddie Gilbert
1992/03/20: GWF @ Sportatorium
Sportatorium in Dallas, Texas (United States of America)
1. Steven Dane vs. Todd vs.bow
2. GWF North American Tag Team Titles Match: Brian Henning and Tony George vs. Rod Price and John Tatum (c)
3. Bull Pain vs. Giant Warrior
4. Big Bertha Young and Bill Irwin vs. Black Bart and Skandar Akbar
5. The Dark Patriot, Bruce Prichard and The Viper vs. Eddie Gilbert, Terry Simms and James Beard
6. Bull Pain vs. Tony George
7. $5000 Bodyslam Challenge Match: Big Bad John vs. Giant Warrior
8. GWF Television Title Match: Barry Horowitz vs. Eddie Gilbert (c)
9. Bill Irwin vs. Brian Henning
10. Big Bad John vs. Tony George
11. GWF North American Tag Team Titles Match: John Tatum and Rod Price (c) vs. Terry Simms and Scott Putski
1992/03/13: GWF @ Sportatorium
Sportatorium in Dallas, Texas (United States of America)
1. GWF Brass Knuckles Title Match: Black Bart (c) vs. Sam Houston
2. GWF North American Tag Team Titles Match: Gary Young and Scott Putski vs. Rod Price and John Tatum (c)
3. GWF North American Heavyweight Title Match: The Dark Patriot (c) vs. Terry Simms
4. GWF North American Heavyweight Title Match: The Dark Patriot (c) vs. Rick Garren
5. Battle Royale: Terry Simms vs. ???
6. GWF Brass Knuckles Title Match: Bill Irwin vs. Black Bart (c)
7. Scott Putski and Gary Young vs. The Viper and Steven Dane
8. GWF North American Tag Team Titles Match: Jeff Grettler and Rick Garren vs. Rod Price and John Tatum (c)
9. Hair vs. Hair Match – GWF Television Title Match: Big Bad John vs. Eddie Gilbert (c)
1992/03/06: GWF @ Sportatorium
Sportatorium in Dallas, Texas (United States of America)
1. Brian Ferrar vs. Bull Pain
2. GWF North American Heavyweight Title Match: The Dark Patriot (c) vs. Gary Young
3. GWF North American Tag Team Titles Match: Chaz and Tug Taylor vs. Rod Price and John Tatum (c)
4. GWF Brass Knuckles Title Match: Black Bart (c) vs. Sam Houston
5. Brian Ferrar vs. Steven Dane
6. GWF Junior Heavyweight Title Match: Barry Horowitz (c) vs. Chaz
7. GWF Brass Knuckles Title Match: Black Bart (c) vs. Tug Taylor
8. Bill Irwin vs. Bull Pain
9. Brian Ferrar vs. The Viper
10. Sam Houston vs. Steven Dane
11. Barry Horowitz vs. Terry Garvin
12. The Dark Patriot vs. Terry Garvin
13. GWF Television Title Match: Big Bad John vs. Eddie Gilbert (c)
1992/02/28: GWF @ Sportatorium
Sportatorium in Dallas, Texas (United States of America)
1. GWF Junior Heavyweight Title Match: Barry Horowitz vs. Ben Jordan (c)
2. Double Bullrope Match: Bill Irwin and Jeff Raitz vs. Bull Pain and Black Bart
3. GWF North American Tag Team Titles Match: Gary Young and Scott Putski vs. Rod Price and John Tatum (c)
4. GWF North American Heavyweight Title Match: The Dark Patriot (c) vs. Terry Garvin
5. Taped Fist Battle Royal – GWF Brass Knuckles Title Match: Black Bart vs. ???
6. The Dark Patriot and Big Bad John vs. Brian Ferrar and Mike Reid
7. Bill Irwin vs. Bull Pain
8. GWF Junior Heavyweight Title Match: Barry Horowitz (c) vs. Ben Jordan
9. GWF Brass Knuckles Title Match: Black Bart (c) vs. Gary Young
10. The Dark Patriot and Big Bad John vs. Eddie Gilbert and Terry Garvin
1992/02/21: GWF @ Sportatorium
Sportatorium in Dallas, Texas (United States of America)
1. GWF North American Heavyweight Title Match: Chaz vs. The Dark Patriot (c)
2. GWF North American Tag Team Titles Match: Gary Young and Scott Putski vs. Rod Price and John Tatum (c)
3. The Patriot vs. Slammer
4. Big Bad John vs. Eddie Gilbert
5. Elimination Match: Bill Irwin, Gary Young, Scott Putski and Terry Garvin vs. Steven Dane, Black Bart, John Tatum and Rod Price
6. GWF Junior Heavyweight Title Match: Barry Horowitz (c) vs. Ben Jordan
7. Tug Taylor and Chaz vs. Slammer and Jammer
8. Barry Horowitz vs. Terry Garvin
9. GWF North American Heavyweight Title Match: The Dark Patriot (c) vs. The Patriot
1992/02/14: GWF @ Sportatorium
Sportatorium in Dallas, Texas (United States of America)
1. Texas Bullrope Match: Bill Irwin vs. Black Bart
2. Bull Pain vs. Terry Garvin
3. Rick Garren vs. Steven Dane
4. GWF North American Tag Team Titles Match: Chaz and Tug Taylor vs. Rod Price and John Tatum (c)
5. GWF Television Title Match: Eddie Gilbert (c) vs. Jeff Grettler
6. GWF North American Heavyweight Title Match: The Dark Patriot (c) vs. Gary Young
7. Jeff Raitz vs. Steven Dane
8. Texas Death Match: Bull Pain vs. Sam Houston
9. Scott Putski vs. Terry Garvin
10. Bill Irwin and Jeff Raitz vs. Black Bart and Guido Falcone
11. Lumberjack Match: Rockin’ Robin vs. Samantha
12. GWF North American Heavyweight Title Match: The Dark Patriot (c) vs. Eddie Gilbert
1992/02/07: GWF @ Sportatorium
Sportatorium in Dallas, Texas (United States of America)
1. GWF Junior Heavyweight Title Match: Billy Travis vs. Jerry Lynn (c)
2. Billy Travis and Bull Pain vs. Gary Young and Scott Putski
3. GWF Junior Heavyweight Title Match: Barry Horowitz vs. Jerry Lynn (c)
4. Slammer and Jammer vs. Sam Houston and Jeff Raitz
5. Chaz vs. Mike Davis
6. #1-Contender Tournament (GWF North American Heavyweight Title), Round #1: Barry Horowitz vs. Eddie Gilbert
7. #1-Contender Tournament (GWF North American Heavyweight Title), Round #1: Sam Houston vs. Scott Putski
8. #1-Contender Tournament (GWF North American Heavyweight Title), Round #1: Black Bart vs. Jeff Raitz
9. #1-Contender Tournament (GWF North American Heavyweight Title), Round #1: Bull Pain vs. Terry Garvin
10. #1-Contender Tournament (GWF North American Heavyweight Title), Round #1: Gary Young vs. Scott Anthony
11. #1-Contender Tournament (GWF North American Heavyweight Title), Round #2: Black Bart vs. Scott Putski
12. #1-Contender Tournament (GWF North American Heavyweight Title), Round #2: Scott Anthony vs. Terry Garvin
13. #1-Contender Tournament (GWF North American Heavyweight Title), Semi Final: Eddie Gilbert vs. Scott Putski
14. #1-Contender Tournament (GWF North American Heavyweight Title), Final: Eddie Gilbert vs. Terry Garvin
15. GWF North American Heavyweight Title Match: The Dark Patriot (c) vs. Eddie Gilbert
1992/01/31: GWF @ Sportatorium
Sportatorium in Dallas, Texas (United States of America)
1. GWF North American Heavyweight Title Match: Billy Travis vs. The Patriot (c)
2. Ben Jordan vs. The Dark Patriot
3. Bull Pain vs. Sam Houston
4. No Punches Match – GWF Television Title Match: Eddie Gilbert (c) vs. Terry Garvin
5. Ben Jordan vs. Bull Pain
6. Black Bart and Guido Falcone vs. Sam Houston and Gary Young
7. Texas Bullrope Match: Black Bart vs. Jeff Raitz
8. Chaz vs. Mike Davis
9. GWF North American Heavyweight Title Match: The Dark Patriot (c) vs. The Patriot
1992/01/24: GWF @ Sportatorium
Sportatorium in Dallas, Texas (United States of America)
1. Gary Young and Louie Spicolli vs. Slammer and Jammer
2. Bull Pain vs. Chaz
3. Texas Death Match: Bill Irwin vs. Black Bart
4. GWF Television Title Match: Eddie Gilbert vs. Terry Garvin
5. Tug Taylor and Chaz vs. Mike Davis and Tom Davis
6. The Dark Patriot vs. Gary Young
7. Billy Travis vs. Scott Putski
8. Louie Spicolli and Brian Henning vs. Slammer and Jammer
9. Black Bart vs. Sam Houston
10. Billy Travis vs. Terry Garvin
11. Gary Young vs. Tom Davis
12. Barry Horowitz vs. Scott Putski
13. Bull Pain and Samantha vs. Sam Houston and Candy Devine
1992/01/17: GWF @ Sportatorium
Sportatorium in Dallas, Texas (United States of America)
1. Chaz vs. Steven Dane
2. Bull Pain vs. Tug Taylor
3. Barry Horowitz vs. Scott Putski
4. Eddie Gilbert and Barry Horowitz vs. Ben Jordan and Bill Irwin
5. Black Bart vs. Tony George
6. The Dark Patriot vs. Gary Young
7. GWF North American Tag Team Titles Match: Chaz and Tug Taylor vs. John Tatum and Rod Price (c)
8. GWF North American Tag Team Titles Match: John Tatum and Rod Price (c) vs. Terry Garvin and Scott Putski
9. Ben Jordan vs. Steven Dane
10. Bill Irwin vs. Black Bart
11. Second throws the Towel Match: Bull Pain vs. Sam Houston
12. GWF Television Title Match: Eddie Gilbert (c) vs. Terry Garvin
1992/01/10: GWF @ Sportatorium
Sportatorium in Dallas, Texas (United States of America)
1. Barry Horowitz vs. Terry Garvin
2. Guido Falcone vs. Mike Stetson
3. Slammer and Jammer vs. Rick Garren and Larry Green
4. Chaz and Tug Taylor vs. Tony George and Mike Stetson
5. Mike Davis, Tom Davis and Billy Travis vs. Chaz, Tug Taylor and Jerry Lynn
6. Guido Falcone vs. Scott Putski
7. The Dark Patriot vs. Gary Young
8. GWF Television Title Match: Eddie Gilbert (c) vs. Terry Garvin
9. GWF North American Tag Team Titles Match: Black Bart and Bill Irwin (c) vs. Slammer and Jammer
10. Eddie Gilbert and Barry Horowitz vs. Rick Garren and Larry Green
11. Billy Travis vs. Chaz
12. GWF North American Tag Team Titles Match: Black Bart and Bill Irwin (c) vs. John Tatum and Rod Price
1992/01/03: GWF @ Sportatorium
Sportatorium in Dallas, Texas (United States of America)
1. Barry Horowitz vs. Larry Green
2. Mike Stetson vs. Scott Putski
3. Bull Pain vs. Sam Houston
4. Billy Travis vs. Tug Taylor
5. Scott Putski vs. Steven Dane
6. GWF Junior Heavyweight Title Match: Chaz vs. Jerry Lynn (c)
7. John Tatum and Rod Price vs. Tom Davis and Mike Davis
8. GWF North American Tag Team Titles Match: Barry Horowitz and Steven Dane vs. Black Bart and Bill Irwin (c)
9. Billy Travis vs. Larry Green
10. Bull Pain vs. Sam Houston
11. Strap on a Pole match: Chaz and Tug Taylor vs. Mike Davis and Tom Davis
GWF TV 5/3/92
~ Interviews w/Dane/Young/Akbar
Match: Tag Champs Scott Putski and Terry Simms vs. Brute Forcz
Match: Steve Dane vs. Sam Houston
Match: Danny Davis vs. The Viper (Mike Davis)
Match: Brass Knuckles Champ Bill Irwin vs. Big Bad John
GWF TV 5/17/92
Match: Ebony Experience vs. Khris Germany and Brian Henning
Match: Eddie Gilbert vs. Barry Horowitz
Match: Brass Knuckles Champ Bill Irwin vs. Shaun Summers
Match: Tag Champs Scott Putski and Terry Simms vs. Gary Young and Steve Dane
GWF TV 5/24/92
~ Interviews w/Irwin/Baxter/Davis/Young/Akbar
Match: Ebony Experience (Booker and Stevie) vs. Alex Porteau and Shaun Summers
Match: Mike Davis vs. Khris Germany
Match: John Mantell vs. Ed Robinson
Match: Tag Champs Terry Simms and Scott Putski vs. Gary Young and Steve Dane (Title Change)
GWF TV (May ’92)
~ Interviews w/Akbar and Young/Summers and Porteau/Houston
Match: Shaun Summers vs. Jimmy James
Match: Ebony Experience vs. Nick Hernandez and JR Striker
Match: Chaz vs. Brian Henning
Match: TV Champ Sam Houston vs. Alex Porteau (Mike Davis comes in)
GWF TV (June ’92) (Last 40 minutes)
~ Interviews w/Tatum and Price/Tug Taylor
Match: Alex Porteau and Shaun Summers vs. Ed Robinson and Khris Germany
Match: Rod Price, John Tatum and Tugboat Taylor vs. Steve Dane, Gary Young and Skandor Akbar
GWF TV (June ’92) (first 35 minutes only)
~ Interviews w/Akbar and Young/Tatum and Tug Taylor
Match: Booker T vs. Shaun Summers
Match: Mike Davis vs. Chaz
DISC #54
GWF TV (June ’92) (40 minutes only)
~ Interview w/Ebony Experience
Match: Ebony Experience (Booker and Stevie) vs. Alex Porteau and Shaun Summers
Match: Terry Simms vs. Billy Joe Travis (light Heavyweight Title Tourney Playoffs)
Match: Chaz vs. Terry Simms (Light Heavyweight Title Tourney Finals)
GWF TV 6/25/92 (47 minutes only)
~ Interview w/Tribal Nation
Match: Iceman King Parsons vs. Khris Germany
Match: Shaun Summers vs. Terry Simms
Match: Tag Champs Steve Dane and Gary Young vs. Tribal Nation (Mark and Chris Youngblood)
DISC #55
GWF TV 6/29/92
~ Interview w/Terry Simms
Match: Steve Dane vs. Gary Young
Match: Iceman King Parsons vs. Dody Coyote
Match: Tribal nation (Mark and Chris Youngblood) vs. Mike Davis and Geekoid #1
Match: John Tatum vs. Gary Young
GWF TV 6/30/92
~ Interviews w/Akbar/Putski and Simms and Gary Hart
Match: Ebony Experience (Booker T and Stevie Ray) vs. John Mantell and Geekoid #2
Match: Mike Davis vs. Dody Coyote
Match: Tag Champs Steve Dane and Gary Young vs. Terry Simms and Scott Putski
DISC #56
GWF TV 7/1/92
~ Interviews w/John Mantell/Tribal Nation
Match: Billy Joe Travis and Mike Davis vs. John Tatum and Rod Price
Match: Terry Simms vs. Ed Robinson
Match: Scott Putski vs. Khris Germany
Match: Tribal Nation vs. John Mantell and JR Striker
Match: Mike Davis vs. Bill Irwin
GWF TV 7/2/92
~ Interview w/Mike Davis
Match: Tribal Nation vs. John Mantell and Dody Coyote
Match: Stevie Ray vs. Gary Young
Match: TV Champ Sam Houston vs. Mike Davis
DISC #57
GWF 7/6/92
~ Interviews w/John Mantell and Akbar
Match: Tugboat Taylor vs. Ed Robinson
Match: Thor vs. Geekoid #1
Match: Mike Davis vs. Dewey
Match: Gary Young, Steve Dane and John Mantell vs. Terry Simms, Scott Putski and Steve Cox
GWF TV 7/14/92
~ Interviews w/Price and Tatum/Davis and Porteau
Match: Mike Davis and Alex Porteau vs. Terry Simms and Sam Houston
Match: John Mantell vs. Brian Henning
Match: Chaz vs. El Diablo
Match: Tag Champs Steve Dane and Gary Young vs. Tribal Nation (Title Change)
DISC #58
GWF TV July ‘92
~ Interview w/Akbar
Match: Tribal Nation (Mark and Chris Youngblood) vs. John Tatum and Rod Price
Match: Mike Davis vs. Scott Putski
Match: John Mantell vs. Brian Henning
Match: North American Champ Scott Putski vs. John Mantell (A wild brawl ensues)
GWF TV July ‘92 (first 45 minutes)
~ Interviews w/Dane/Chaz
Match: Ebony Experience (Booker T and Stevie Ray) vs. John Tatum and Rod Price
Match: North American Champ Scott Putski vs. Black Bart
Match: Steve Dane vs. Chaz
Match: 15 Man Bunkhouse Battle Royal (No Ending but this match can be found in it’s completion on Disc #45)
DISC #59
GWF TV (August ’92) (Last 30 minutes)
~ Manny Fernandez destroys Manuel Villalobos’ brand new car with a sledge hammer
Match: Manuel Villalobos vs. Gary Young
Match: Light Heavyweight Champ Terry Simms vs. Alex Porteau (Title Change)
GWF TV (September ’92)
~ Interviews w/Fernandez and Davis/Chaz
Match: Tag Champs Ebony Experience (Booker T and Stevie Ray) vs. El Blanco and Dody Coyote
Match: Light Heavyweight Champ Alex Porteau vs. Midnight Rider (Sam Houston)
~ Mike Davis gets shot into “Outer Space” and returns with a “moon rock”
~ Chaz/Steve Dane feud Recap
Match: Chaz vs. Steve Dane (Infamous Bungee cord match)
GWF TV 9/15/92 (VG30mins)
~ Interview w/Manny Fernandez Interviews
Match: Manny Fernandez vs. Butch Reed
DISC #60
GWF TV 9/21/92
~ Interviews w/Fernandez/Ebony’s
Match: Mike Davis vs. Larry Green
Match: Kendo Nagasaki vs. Mike Doll
Match: Gary Young vs. Stevie Ray
Match: Booker T vs. John Mantell
GWF TV 9/22/92
~ Interview w/Ebony Experience
Match: North American Heavyweight Champ Rod Price vs. Bill Irwin
Match: John Tatum and Rod Price vs. Renegade Warriors (For Vacant Tag Titles)
Match: Alex Porteau vs. Steve Doll
Match: Iceman Parsons and Action Jackson vs. Ebony Experience (Booker T and Stevie Ray)
DISC #61
GWF TV 9/23/92 (first 50 minutes)
~ Interviews w/Stevie Ray/Renegade Warriors
Match: Stevie Ray vs. Black Bart
Match: Mike Lane vs. Larry Green
Match: Chaz vs. Dusty Wolfe
Match: John Tatum and Rod Price vs. Renegade Warriors (No Ending)
GWF TV 9/24/92
Quality for first couple of matches has some jittering issues at times
~ Hosted by Harvey Martin and Skandor Akbar (features matches from USWA Dallas)
Match: Bill Dundee vs. Tom Prichard
Match: Bill Dundee vs. TA-GAR “Lord of the Volcano)
Match: Jeff Jarrett vs. Tom Prichard
Match: Dirty White Boy vs. Tom Prichard
DISC #62
GWF TV 9/25/92
~ Interviews w/Young/Gaylord
Match: Chaz vs. Big Bully Busick
Match: Gary Young and Jeff Gaylord vs. Makhan Singh and Rip Rogers
Match: Lightning Kid vs. Dapper Dan
Match: Patriot vs. John Tatum
Match: Chaz vs. Rasta the Voodoo Mon
Match: Randy Rhodes vs. Jeff Gaylord
Match: Bill Irwin vs. Skip Young
Match: Terry Garvin vs. John Tatum
GWF TV 9/28/92 (G)
~ Interviews w/Ebony’s/Blackbirds and Baboose
Match: Mike Davis vs. Larry Green
Match: North American Champ Rod Price vs. Terry Simms
Match: Tag Champs Ebony Experience vs. Blackbirds (Parsons and Jackson)