•February 28, 2006 – IPWA (Israeli Pro Wrestling Association) – Holy Land Havoc 2006 in Tel-Aviv, Israel: Omri Ilan vs. “The Russian
Sickle” Evgeny Lyder via Backdrop Driver, “Tough” Assaf vs. Gilad Daliyot in a 2/3 Falls match with the sleeper, Gery Roif addressed the
crowd and teased a retirement but then said they are “Kakamaikas” (his trademark swear) and he was only joking, Rom Unger & Gluteus vs.
Gery Roif & Sharon Palty by Countout when Roif walked out after a slap by Palty, “Turbo Lover” Chris Korvinn vs New York Rosenfeld
ended in a Count Out, Joey “The Moalm” Tylec vs. Yossi “The Bull” Kalmanovitch in a Submissions match with the Cross Face Chicken Wing,
Hawaii Allen vs. Omry Balely to win the IPWA Heavyweight Championship in one of the greatest matches in IPWA history (Gery Roif attacked
the new Champion after the match).
•March 28, 2006 – IPWA Election Day Anarchy in Tel Aviv, Israel: Yossi the Bull vs. “Russian Sickle” Evgeny Lyder, Red Executioner vs.
Furious Ace, Tough Asag b. Gilad Daliyot, Sharon Palty vs. Joey “The Moalm” Tylec, Jumping Lee vs. Omry Balely, “Turbo Lover” Chris
Korvinn vs. New York Rozenfeld via DQ, IPWA champion Hawaii Allen retained his title against “Mr. Israeli Pro Wrestling” Gery Roif.
•April 17, 2006 – IPWA 3rd Annual Passover Bash in Petach Tikva, Israel: Tough Asaf vs. Furious Ace via Tough Lock, “Russian Sickle”
Evgeny Lyder vs. Gilad Daliyot via Moscow Calling, Gluteus /w Mircospots CEO, Rom Unger vs. Omri Ilan via School Boy roll-up, New
York Rozenfeld vs. “Turbo Lover” Chris Korvinn via Elbow Drop onto a chair, Red Executioner vs. “The Moalm” Joey Tylec via Judgement
Day Bomb, Oligarchs (Jumping Lee & Sharon Palty) vs. IPWA champion, Hawaii Allen & Yossi the Bull when Lee pinned Allen via his Jumping
DDT, Red Executioner won a #1 Contenders Battle Royal. Order of elimination: Chris Korvinn eliminated NYR ; Red Executioner eliminated
Gilad Daliyot ; Omri Ilan eliminated Gluteus ; Red Executioner eliminated the injured Tylec who could barely stand on his injured knee. Tylec
needed help to exit the arena ; Omry Balely eliminated Omri Ilan and his friend Tough Asaf when he aimed at Lyder ; Evgeny Lyder eliminated
Chris Korvinn ; Chris Korvinn eliminated Furious Ace ; Omry Balely eliminated Evgeny Lyder ; the end saw Balely attempt to Hangman the
Red Executioner on the apron, however the big monster picked Balely with ease and dropped him to the outside like yesterday`s newspaper
earning himself the #1 contenders spot to face Allen for the IPWA championship at the next event!
•June 9, 2007 – Israeli Pro Wrestling Association – Summer Splash VI in Tel Aviv, Isreal: “The Russian Sickle” Evgeny Lyder vs. The Black
Leopard with the Moscow Calling, Udi “The Dragon” (formerly known as “MC Nammer”) vs. Chief Inspector Rosenberg via TKO, Omry
Balely vs. “Mr. Israeli Pro Wrestling” Gery Roif with an Enzuigiri, Julie Hart came to support the IPWA and raised money for the needy in
Israel, Hawaii Allen vs. “Izzy” Rozenfeld with the Hawaiian Dream Superkick, Michal “The Princess” Gavrielov vs. Zohar Israel and Dror
Nobleman in a 3-WAY, Sharon Palty vs. Yossi “The Bull” by DQ in the Finals of the IPWA Championship Tournament to win the IPWA
•December 8, 2007 – IPWA – Israeli Catch Wrestling in South Tel Aviv, Iseal at the Maccabi Boxing Club before 130 fans: Izzy Rosenfeld vs.
Omri Ilan, Ben “Iceman” Rozin vs. The Stylist, Yarin “The Hammer” Buzaglo vs. Chris Korvinn, Idan Boulder vs. Yosi The Bull, The Black
Leopard vs. “The Russian Sickle” Evgeny Lyder (After the fight, Lyder danced to N-Sync [stipulation was loser dances to N-Sync]), Jezebel
vs. Michal Gavrielov in the first ever women’s match in IPWA history, Sharon Palty vs. Omry Balely for the IPWA Heavyweight title.
•December 29, 2007 – Independent Pro Wrestling Association – Silent Night, Deadly Night in Dayton, Ohi: Kamala Jr. vs. MDC’s Calypso,
Iceman vs. Black Dragon, The Future Draven Cross vs. Insane Jon Austin to obtain the IPWA TV title, The Monster Matt Dreez vs. Team
Excellence after Jason Lee turned on his partner Bear Jessie Sinclair. Dreez completes round one of the Boss’ Challenge. Dark Angel vs. “The
Rave” Eric Fallen (Rave turned on Draven Cross & the Fans), The Assassins vs. The Southern Express with help from a chain for the IPWA
Tag Team titles, Sheik Udy Muhammad vs. Kamala Jr. by DQ. [Reported by the Messiah, J.L. Thrush]
February 2008:
First and only pro-wrestling promotion in Israel announces shut down: IPWA Summer Splash VII this summer will mark our final show. After
WWE and TNA had to cancel their tours in Israel I could not find anyone willing to invest in pro-wrestling events in the country, not to mention
Israeli pro-wrestling events. Therefore, I have decided to close down the promotion and present our fans with a final and very special Summer
Splash show. (It should be noted that we do plan on running one or two more shows prior to Summer Splash). We hope that there will be
somebody in the future that will have enough guts to establish another promotion that will allow israeli wrestlers to showcase their talent on the
proper stage with appropriate reward. I thank all our great fans for their support throughout the years. With Regards,Gery Roif, IPWA