Memphis Power Pro Wrestling TV 1/2/99 (47 minutes)
Match: Jerry Lawler vs. Brian Christopher
Match: Young Guns Champ Lance Jade vs. Baldo (Albert) (Title Change)
Match: Vic Grimes, Tony Falk & Kid Wicked vs. Bulldog Raines, Blade & Derrick Jake
Match: Randy Hales vs. Brandon Baxter (Street Fight)
Match: Streak vs. Mick Tierney
~ Interviews w/Jerry Lawler, Brian Christopher, Sean Stasiak, Streak, Brandon Baxter, Billy Joe Travis & Bill Dundee
Memphis Power Pro Wrestling TV 1/9/99 (45 minutes)
Match: Young Guns Champ Baldo vs. Blade
Match: Brian Christopher & Sean Stasiak vs. Jerry Lawler & Bill Dundee
~ Stasiak locks Lawler in a shark age and takes off to Lawler’s house to get Stacey
Match: Kid Wicked vs. Lance Jade vs. Derrick King
Match: Billy Joe Travis vs. Vic Grimes
~ Stasiak attempts to kidnap Stacey but the cops arrive and he takes off over a fence
Match: Brandon Baxter vs. Tony Falk
~ Interviews w/Jerry Lawler, Bill Dundee, Mick Tierney, Brian Christopher & Sean Stasiak, Randy Hales, Vic Grimes & Brandon Baxter
Memphis Power Pro Wrestling TV 1/16/99 (49 minutes)
Match: Venom (Paul Diamond) vs. Bulldog Raines
Match: Sean Stasiak vs. Bill Dundee
Match: Lance Jade vs. Derrick King
Match: Young Guns Champ Baldo vs. Kid Wicked
Match: Erin O’Grady vs. Vic Grimes
Match: Brandon Baxter vs. Tony Falk
~ Sean Stasiak & Brian Christopher attack Jerry Lawler in his own backyard and attempt to stick his face in fire, Bill Dundee makes the save
~ Interviews w/Jerry Lawler, Sean Stasiak, Brian Christopher, Brian Christopher, Streak, Baldo, Kid Wicked, Randy Hales & Bill Dundee & Brandon Baxter
Memphis Power Pro Wrestling TV 1/23/99 (45 minutes)
Match: Ricky Morton vs. Derrick King
~ Jerry Lawler attacks Sean Stasiak in the parking lot
Match: Venom (Diamond) vs. Bill Dundee (Christopher & Streak come in)
Match: Koko B. Ware vs. Lance Jade
Match: Erin O’Grady & Bulldog Raines vs. Vic Grimes & Baldo
Match: Streak vs. Brian Christopher
Match: Jerry Lawler vs. Sean Stasiak (Stasiak handcuff’s Lawler & kisses Stacey)
~ Interviews w/Ricky Morton, Randy Hales, Downtown Bruno, Boy Tony, Sean Stasiak, Jerry Lawler, Bill Dundee, Koko B. Ware & Kid Wicked
Memphis Power Pro Wrestling TV 1/30/99 (48 minutes)
Match: Highlights of Jerry Lawler vs. Sean Stasiak (1st Round Title Tourney)
Match: Highlights of Title Tourney Finals: Jerry Lawler vs. Baldo (Title Change)
Match: Vic Grimes vs. Erin O’Grady
Match: PPW Heavyweight Champ Baldo vs. Ricky Morton
Match: Mick Tierney, Koko B. Ware, Kid Wicked & Boy Tony vs. Bill Dundee, Derrick King, Bulldog Raines & Lance Jade
Match: Jerry Lawler vs. Sean Stasiak
~ Baldo shaves Lawler’s hair
~ Interviews w/Jerry Lawler, Sean Stasiak, Randy Hales, Bruce Prichard, Baldo & Brandon Baxter
Memphis Power Pro Wrestling TV 2/6/99 (47 minutes)
Match: Brian Christopher vs. Bulldog Raines
Match: Bill Dundee vs. Sean Stasiak
Match: Mick Tierney vs. Derrick King (w/Bill Dundee)
Match: 12 Man Battle Royal w/Koko B. Ware, Mick Tierney, Vic Grimes, Brian Christopher, Sean Stasiak, Boy Tony, Kid Wicked, Erin O’Grady, Lance Jade, Derrick King, Bill Dundee, Bulldog Raines
~ Interviews w/Bruce & Tom Prichard, Dr. Death & Silva, Sean Stasiak, Randy Hales, Jerry Lawler, Mick Tierney, Jim Cornette, Brandon Baxter, Michael Hayes
Memphis Power Pro Wrestling TV 2/13/99 (46 minutes)
Match: Too Much (Brian Christopher & Scott Taylor) vs. Erin O’Grady & Bulldog Raines
Match: PPW Heavyweight Champ Baldo vs. Bill Dundee
~ Baxter & Falk/Michael Hayes & Baxter brawl
Match: Venom (Paul Diamond) vs. Derrick King
Match: Tom Prichard & Dr. Death vs. Sean Stasiak & Vic Grimes
~ Interviews w/Randy Hales, Sean Stasiak (w/Stacey), Stasiak’s “sister”, Jerry Lawler, Kid Wicked, Baldo, Brandon Baxter, Jim Cornette, Tom Prichard
Memphis Power Pro Wrestling 2/20/99 (48 minutes)
Match: Brian Christopher vs. Derrick King
Match: Erin O’Grady vs. Vic Grimes (Lumberjack w/straps Match)
Match: PPW Heavyweight Champ Baldo (Albert) vs. Kid Wicked
Match: Jerry Lawler vs. Sean Stasiak
~ Interviews w/Brian Christopher, Jerry Lawler, Brandon Baxter, Michael Hayes, Randy Hales, Kid Wicked, Stacy
Memphis Power Pro Wrestling 2/27/99 (48 minutes)
Match: Mick Tierney vs. Erin O’Grady
~ Sean Stasiak brings out his “mother” (Mae Young) to introduce her to Stacy
~ Randy Hales takes Young Guns champ from Baldo & makes himself champ (Title Change)
Match: PPW Heavyweight Champ Baldo vs. Bulldog Raines
Match: Young Guns Champ Randy Hales vs. Kid Wicked (Title Change)
Match: Venom (Paul Diamond) vs. Derrick King
Match: Brandon Baxter vs. Downtown Bruno
Match: Jerry Lawler & Streak vs. Brian Christopher & Sean Stasiak
~ Interviews w/Randy Hales, Brian Christopher, Michael Hayes, Sean Stasiak, Mae Young, Stacy, Baldo & Jerry Lawler
Memphis Power Pro Wrestling 3/6/99 (48 minutes)
Match: PPW Heavyweight Champ Baldo vs. Lance Jade
Match: Koko B. Ware & Venom vs. Derrick King & Kid Wicked
Match: Too Much (Christopher & Taylor) vs. Streak & Erin O’Grady
Match: Stacy vs. Mae Young
Match: Michael Hayes vs. Vic Grimes (Baldo comes in)
~ Interviews w/Randy Hales, Baldo, Brandon Baxter, Michael Hayes, Bill Dundee, Jerry Lawler, Mae Young, Stacy, Too Much
Memphis Power Pro Wrestling 3/13/99 (56 minutes)
Match: Spellbinder vs. Sean Stasiak (Baldo, Grimes, Tierney, Dundee come in after)
~ Clips of Kurt Angle from WWF (announcement of Angle coming to PPW)
Match: Mick Tierney vs. Bill Dundee
~ Grimes attack O’Grady (Bulldog Raines comes in)
Match: Derrick King & Kid Wicked vs. Vic Grimes & Bulldog Raines
Match: Baldo vs. Jerry Lawler
~ Interviews w/Brandon Baxter, Michael Hayes, Sean Stasiak, Mick Tierney, Vic Grimes, Erin O’Grady, Bill Dundee, Kid Wicked, Jerry Lawler, Stacy, Streak, Randy Hales, Tony Falk (turns face)
Memphis Power Pro Wrestling 3/20/99 (46 minutes)
Match: Baldo vs. Michael Hayes (Glen Kulka Debuts & attacks Hayes)
~ Fabulous Ones Video (Fabs challenge Dundee & Lawler via telegram)
Match: Kurt Angle (Debut) vs. Yellow Jacket
Match: Young Guns Champ Steve Bradley vs. Bulldog Raines
Match: (for Vacant PPW Tag Titles) Derrick King & Kid Wicked vs. Erin O’Grady & Vic Grimes (Title Change)
Match: Corey Macklin vs. Randy Hales & Downtown Bruno (Handicapped)
~ Interviews w/Michael Hayes, Randy Hales, Jerry Lawler & Stacy, Kurt Angle, Steve Bradley & Kid Wicked
Memphis Power Pro Wrestling 3/27/99 (48 minutes)
Match: Glen Kulka vs. Yellow Jacket
Match: Kurt Angle vs. Tony Falk (Tierney/Angle brawl afterwards)
~ Another Fabulous Ones Video
Match: Baldo vs. Streak
Match: Young Guns Champ Steve Bradley vs. Derrick King
~ Yet Another Fabulous Ones Video
~ Baldo turns face & joins Brandon Baxter
~ Interviews w/Randy Hales, Downtown Bruno, Michael Hayes, Derrick King, Stacy, Kurt Angle, Jerry Lawler, Steve Bradley, Bill Dundee, Brandon Baxter & Baldo
Memphis Power Pro Wrestling 4/3/99 (47 minutes)
Match: PPW Heavyweight Champ Michael Hayes vs. Mick Tierney
Match: Young Guns Champ Steve Bradley vs. Erin O’Grady
Match: Derrick King vs. Allen Steele
Match: Kurt Angle vs. Bulldog Raines
~ Fabs/Lawler & Dundee brawl
Match: Baldo vs. Vic Grimes
~ Interviews w/Derrick King, Brandon Baxter, Baldo, Michael Hayes, Randy Hales, Bill Dundee, Jerry Lawler, Fabulous Ones & Stacy, Kurt Angle, Vic Grimes & Glen Kulka
Memphis Power Pro Wrestling 4/10/99 “1 Year Anniversary” (Quality Varies, 46 minutes)
Match: Young Guns Champ Steve Bradley vs. Kurt Angle
Match: Baldo vs. Mick Tierney (Grimes & Kulka come in)
Match: PPW Tag Champs Kid Wicked vs. Erin O’Grady & Bulldog Raines (Handicapped)
Match: PPW Heavyweight Champ Michael Hayes vs. Vic Grimes
~ Randy Hales, Glen Kulka, Vic Grimes, Steve Bradley, Michael Hayes, Derrick King, Bill Dundee, Brandon Baxter, Kid Wicked, Bulldog Raines
Memphis Power Pro Wrestling 4/17/99 (50 minutes)
Match: Baldo vs. Mick Tierney
~ Baldo/Vic Grimes brawl
Match: Young Guns Champ Steve Bradley vs. Erin O’Grady vs. Kurt Angle (Non Title)
Match: Glen Kulka vs. Allen Steele
Match: PPW Tag Champs Kid Wicked & Derrick King vs. Jerry Lawler (Handicapped, Title Change)
~ Interviews w/Randy Hales, Brandon Baxter, Michael Hayes, Stan Lane, Stacy, Jerry Lawler, Derrick King & Kid Wicked
Memphis Power Pro Wrestling 4/24/99 (50 minutes)
Match: Baldo vs. Glen Kulka (Kurt Angle comes in)
~ Highlights of Derrick King attacking Brandon Baxter
Match: PPW Tag Champs Jerry Lawler & Bill Dundee vs. Kid Wicked & Steve Bradley
Match: Battle Royal w/Mick Tierney, Glen Kulka, Bulldog Raines, Steve Bradley, Vic Grimes, Jerry Lawler, Baldo, Kid Wicked, Bill Dundee, Kurt Angle, Allen Steele & Erin O’Grady (Fabs come in after)
~ Interviews w/Brandon Baxter, Jerry Lawler, Bill Dundee, Kid Wicked, Steve Bradley & Fabulous Ones
Memphis Power Pro Wrestling TV 5/1/99 (46 minutes)
~ Interesting opening with 9 Young Gun Superstars complaining to Randy Hales about being held down for the older superstars (Dundee comes in and starts a war)
Match: Kurt Angle vs. Glen Kulka
Match: Young Guns Champ Steve Bradley vs. Bulldog Raines (Non Title)
Match: Kid Wicked vs. Derrick King
Match: Bill Dundee vs. Vic Grimes (big brawl afterwards)
~ Interviews w/Randy Hales, Bulldog Raines, Kid Wicked, Steve Bradley, Mick Tierney, Kurt Angle, Glen Kulka, Derrick King, Vic Grimes, Bill Dundee & Brandon Baxter
Memphis Power Pro Wrestling TV 5/8/99 (48 minutes)
Match: Alan Steel vs. Ken Raper (Fatu comes in)
Match: PPW Heavyweight Champ Michael Hayes vs. JR Smooth (Rikishi Phatu) (Title Change)
Match: Kurt Angle vs. Mick Tierney
~ Vic Grimes Video
Match: (8-Man Elimination Match for Vacant Young Guns Title) Kid Wicked vs. Derrick King vs. Glen Kulka vs. Bulldog Raines vs. Vic Grimes vs. Kurt Angle vs. Alan Steel vs. Mick Tierney (Title Change)
~ Interviews w/Vic Grimes, Kid Wicked, Derrick King, JR Smooth (Fatu), Michael Hayes, Kurt Angle, Mick Tierney & Buddy Wayne
Memphis Power Pro Wrestling TV 5/15/99 (47 minutes)
Match: Glen Kulka & JR Smooth (Rikishi) vs. Bulldog Raines & Ken Raper
Match: Kurt Angle vs. Derrick King
~ Kris “Dragon” Kanonball Promo (Carl Oullette)
Match: Young Guns Champ Kid Wicked vs. Mick Tierney
Match: Vic Grimes vs. Steve Bradley
~ Interviews w/Vic Grimes, Bulldog Raines, JR Smooth, Glen Kulka, Derrick King, Nicole Bass, Mick Tierney, Steve Bradley, Brandon Baxter & Kid Wicked
Memphis Power Pro Wrestling TV 5/22/99 (46 minutes)
Match: Battle Royal w/Glen Kulka, Derrick King, Kurt Angle, Mick Tierney, Kid Wicked, Vic Grimes, Steve Bradley & Alan Steel
Match: PPW Heavyweight Champ JR Smooth (Rikishi) vs. Kurt Angle
~ Kris “Dragon” Kanonball Promo (Carl Ouellette)
Match: Vic Grimes vs. Bulldog Raines vs. Steve Bradley (Pin falls Anywhere)
Match: Young Gun Champ Kid Wicked vs. Alan Steel
Match: PPW Heavyweight Champ JR Smooth (Rikishi) vs. Kurt Angle (Kulka runs in)
~ Interviews w/Bulldog Raines, JR Smooth, Vic Grimes, Michael Hayes, Steve Bradley, Nicole Bass, Derrick King, Downtown Bruno, Mick Tierney, Brandon Baxter & Jerry Lawler
Memphis Power Pro Wrestling TV 5/29/99 (47 minutes)
Match: Kurt Angle & Kid Wicked vs. Bulldog Raines & Mick Tierney
~ Kris “Dragon” Kanonball Promo (Carl Ouellette)
Match: Alan Steel vs. Ray Gordy (JR Smooth, Kulka, Hayes & Gordy run in)
Match: Steve Bradley vs. Derrick King (Nicole Bass comes in)
Match: Meat (Sean Stasiak) vs. Kris “Dragon” Kanonball
Match: Albert (Baldo) vs. Vic Grimes (Mark Henry comes in)
~ Interviews w/Owen Hart Tribute, Albert, Mark Henry, Vic Grimes, Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy, Derrick King, Brandon Baxter, Nicole Bass, Meat, Glen Kulka & JR Smooth
Memphis Power Pro Wrestling TV 6/5/99 (47 minutes)
~ Derrick King attacks Brandon Baxter and ties him up, then continues to beat him
Match: Kris “Dragon” Kanonball vs. Bulldog Raines
Match: Young Guns Champ Kid Wicked vs. Vic Grimes (Title Change)
Match: Robbie D. vs. Alan Steel
Match: PPW Heavyweight Champ JR Smooth (Rikishi) vs. Kurt Angle
~ Interviews w/Vic Grimes, Brandon Baxter, Jimmy Valiant, Bulldog Raines, Buddy Wayne, Kevin Christian, Mick Tierney, JR Smooth & Derrick King
Memphis Power Pro Wrestling TV 6/12/99 (47 minutes)
Match: Robbie D. vs. Bulldog Raines (Derrick King & CB Wyatt come in, followed by Corey Macklin, Baxter & Jimmy Valiant)
Match: Dirty White Boy vs. Glen Kulka (Doug Gilbert Debuts)
~ Randy Hales escorts Doug Gilbert out of the building but brings him back in to help the DWB in a brawl against Smooth, Kulka & Grimes
Match: Mick Tierney vs. Cash Flow
Match: Kid Wicked vs. Alan Steel
~ Interviews w/Derrick King, JR Smooth, Dirty White Boy, Doug Gilbert, Randy Hales, Mick Tierney, Kid Wicked, Downtown Bruno & Kevin Christian, Jimmy Valiant, Corey Macklin, Brandon Baxter & Kris Kanonball
Memphis Power Pro Wrestling 6/19/99 (46 minutes)
Match: Kris Kanonball vs. Vic Grimes
Match: Robbie D. & Kid Wicked vs. Bulldog Raines & Derrick King
Match: Mick Tierney vs. Prince Albert
~ Clips of JR Smooth & Kulka/Doug Gilbert & DWB Brawl
Match: Glen Kulka & JR Smooth vs. Alan Steel & Ken Raper
~ Clips of JR Smooth & Kulka/Doug Gilbert
~ Interviews w/JR Smooth, Kris Kanonball, Glen Kulka, Robbie D., Kid Wicked, Brandon Baxter, Mick Tierney, Prince Albert, Jerry Lawler, Randy Hales, Wolfie D.
Memphis Power Pro Wrestling TV 6/26/99 (54 minutes)
Match: Glen Kulka vs. Alan Steel
~ Tommy Rich Debuts & attacks JR Smooth & Glen Kulka
Match: Young Guns Champ Kid Wicked vs. Bulldog Raines
Match: Vic Grimes vs. Robbie D.
Match: Kurt Angle vs. Mick Tierney
Match: Ekmo vs. Kris “Dragon” Kanonball
~ Interviews w/JR Smooth, Randy Hales, Tommy Rich, Kid Wicked, Brandon Baxter, Vic Grimes, Kris Kanonball
Memphis Power Pro Wrestling TV 7/3/99 (1 hour)
Match: Robbie D. vs. Vic Grimes
Match: Kris Kanonball vs. OG Ekmo Highlights (Hair vs. Hair)
Match: Glen Kulka vs. Fire Cracker
Match: Derrick King vs. Brandon Baxter Highlights
Match: Kevin Christian vs. Randy Hales
Match: Young Guns Champ Kid Wicked vs. Vic Grimes vs. Robbie D. (Title Change)
~ Interviews w/Vic Grimes, Kid Wicked, Glen Kulka, CB Wyatt, Kevin Christian, Randy Hales
Memphis Power Pro Wrestling TV 7/10/99 (1 hour)
Match: Wolfie D vs. Black Sheep
Match: Mick Tierney vs. Steve Bradley
Match: Jerry Lawler vs. Bulldog Raines
Match: Dirty White Boy vs. Glen Kulka (BSK kidnaps Dirty White Girl)
~ Interviews w/ Wolfie D., Dirty White Boy, Tommy Rich, Randy Hales, JR Smooth, Brandon Baxter, Jerry Lawler & Stacy, Derrick King, CB Wyatt
Memphis Power Pro Wrestling TV 7/17/99 (60 minutes)
Match: Steve Bradley vs. Robbie D (Young Guns Title change)
~ Wolfie D / Tommy Rich Brawl
Match: Kurt Angle vs. Black Sheep
Match: Bulldog Raines vs. Reggie B Fine
Match: Mick Tierney, JR Smooth & Glen Kulka vs. Wolfie D, Doug Gilbert & Dirty White Boy
~ Interviews w/ Tommy Rich, DWB, Doug Gilbert, Kid Wicked, Wolfie D,, Kevin Christian, Mick Tierney, Black Sheep, Glen Kulka, JR Smooth, Reggie B Fine
Memphis Power Pro Wrestling 7/24/99 (1 hour)
Match: Young Guns Champ: Steve Bradley vs. Wolfie D
Match: Robbie D & Kid Wicked vs. Mick Tierney & Glen Kulka
Match: Doug Gilbert vs. Vic Grimes (street fight, Grimes sports a new look, complete with white hair, awaiting his upcoming debut as “Key” on Raw)
Match: Heavyweight Championship: JR Smooth vs. Kurt Angle (title change)
~ Interviews w/Bruce Pritchard, Kurt Angle, JR Smooth, Doug Gilbert, Steve Bradley, Wolfie D, Brandon Baxter, Mic Tierney, Glen Kulka
Memphis Power Pro Wrestling 7/31/99 (1 hour)
Match: Young Guns Champ Steve Bradley vs. Derrick King
Match: Robbie D vs. Mick Tierney
Match: Doug Gilbert vs. Glen Kulka
Match: Wolfie D vs. Kid Wicked
Match: Heavyweight Champ Kurt Angle vs. Vic Grimes
~ Interviews w/ Vic Grimes, Kurt Angle, Steve Bradley, Glen Kelka, Mick Tierney, Bulldog Raines, Brandon Baxter, Randy Hales, Doug Gilbert, Kid Wicked, Wolfie D
Memphis Power Pro Wrestling 8/7/99 (47 minutes)
Match: Derrick King vs. Brandon Baxter (Jim Cornette comes in)
Match: Young Guns Champ Steve Bradley vs. Vic Grimes
~ Kid Wicked & Tracy Smothers attack Doug Gilbert & Wolfie D.
Match: PPW Heavyweight Champ Kurt Angle vs. Bulldog Raines
Match: Kid Wicked vs. Alex Arion
Match: Glen Kulka & Mick Tierney vs. Wolfie D. & Doug Gilbert
~ Interviews w/Derrick King, Jim Cornette, Randy Hales, Doug Gilbert, Vic Grimes, Steve Bradley, Kevin Christian, Kurt Angle, Wolfie D., Stacy, Glen Kulka, Robbie D., Mick Tierney
Memphis Power Pro Wrestling 8/14/99 (47 minutes)
Match: Highlights of PPW Heavyweight Champ Kurt Angle vs. Steve Bradley (Title Change)
Match: Vic Grimes vs. Robbie D. (Pin falls Anywhere)
Match: Kid Wicked & Derrick King vs. Alan Steel & Alex Arion
Match: Mick Tierney & Glen Kulka vs. Kid Wicked, Derrick King, Alan Steel & Alex Arion
Match: Highlights of Survival in the Cage (w/Wolfie D., Tracy Smothers, Glen Kulka & Mick Tierney remaining)
Match: PPW Heavyweight Champ Steve Bradley vs. Kurt Angle (wild after brawl)
~ Interviews w/Steve Bradley, Jim Cornette, Randy Hales, Brandon Baxter, Kurt Angle, Glen Kulka
Memphis Power Pro Wrestling 8/21/99 (47 minutes)
~ Highlights of last weeks show after it went off the air of Cornette & company injuring Randy Hales neck
Match: Kris Kanonball vs. Bulldog Raines
Match: Mick Tierney & Glen Kulka vs. Alex Arion & Robbie D.
Match: Kurt Angle vs. Vic Grimes
Match: Doug Gilbert vs. Derrick King
Match: PPW Heavyweight Champ Steve Bradley vs. Wolfie D.
~ Interviews w/Kris Kanonball, Glen Kulka, Jim Cornette, Brandon Baxter, Wolfie D., Doug Gilbert
Memphis Power Pro Wrestling 8/28/99 (46 minutes)
Match: Kid Wicked vs. Alan Steel
Match: Vic Grimes vs. Kris Kanonball
Match: PPW Heavyweight Champ Steve Bradley vs. Robbie D. (Kurt Angle comes in)
Match: Mick Tierney vs. Wolfie D.
Match: Glen Kulka vs. Alan Steel
~ Interviews w/Kid Wicked, Jim Cornette, Brandon Baxter, Vic Grimes, Kris Kanonball, Mick Tierney, Wolfie D. & Kurt Angle
Memphis Power Pro Wrestling 9/4/99 (47 minutes)
Match: Kurt Angle, Vic Grimes & Wolfie D. vs. Mick Tierney, Steve Bradley & Glen Kulka
Match: Kris Kanonball vs. Bulldog Raines
Match: Young Guns Champ Derrick King vs. Kid Wicked
Match: Kurt Angle vs. Wolfie D. (#1 Contender’s Match, Tierney & Kulka come in)
~ Interviews w/Brandon Baxter, Kevin Christian, Jim Cornette, Steve Bradley, Mick Tierney, Glen Kulka, Lance Jade, Kurt Angle, Wolfie D., Derrick King, Robbie D. & Tony Falk
Memphis Power Pro Wrestling 9/11/99 (46 minutes)
Match: PPW Heavyweight Champ Steve Bradley vs. Vic Grimes
Match: Young Guns Champ Derrick King vs. Robbie D.
Match: Kris Kanonball vs. Bulldog Raines
~ Glen Kulka destroys Tony Falk
~ Steve Bradley & Syn attack Vic Grimes
Match: Mick Tierney vs. Kurt Angle (Ali Debuts and saves Angle from Kulka & Tierney)
~ Interviews w/Jim Cornette, Mick Tierney, Tony Falk, Brandon Baxter, Derrick King, Robbie D., Kid Wicked, Glen Kulka, Kris Kanonball, Kurt Angle, Lance Jade & Vic Grimes
Memphis Power Pro Wrestling 9/18/99 (55 minutes)
Match: PPW Heavyweight Champ Steve Bradley vs. Kurt Angle
~ Lance Jade is removed from the crowd for the 3rd week in a row
Match: Brandon Baxter vs. Kevin Christian (brawl ensues to the parking lot)
Match: Wolfie D. vs. Glen Kulka
~ Interviews w/Jim Cornette, Syn, Steve Bradley, Wolfie D., Brandon Baxter, Kevin Christian, Randy Hales, Kurt Angle, Brian Christopher (returns after injury) & Vic Grimes
Memphis Power Pro Wrestling 9/25/99 (45 minutes)
Match: Kurt Angle & Wolfie D. vs. Kris Kanonball & Derrick King
~ Lance Jade is removed from the crowd for the 4th week in a row
Match: Ali (Debut Match) vs. Masked Jobbers (Handicapped)
Match: Young Guns Champ Robbie D. vs. Tony Falk
~ Randy Hales presents Brian Christopher w/a present that’s a TV, Brian destroys it w/a baseball bat
Match: PPW Heavyweight Champ Vic Grimes vs. Steve Bradley (Steel Cage Match, Title Change)
~ Interviews w/Kurt Angle, Jim Cornette, Steve Bradley, Lance Jade, Brandon Baxter, Randy Hales & Brian Christopher
Memphis Power Pro Wrestling 10/2/99 (58 minutes)
Match: Kid Wicked & Derrick King vs. Robbie D. & Tony Falk
Match: Ali vs. Executioner
Match: Conclusion of PPW Heavyweight Champ Vic Grimes vs. Steve Bradley (Steel Cage Match, Title Change)
Match: Glen Kulka & Mick Tierney vs. Alan Steel & Johnny Morton
Match: Kurt Angle vs. Bulldog Raines
~ Randy Hales presents Brian Christopher w/a new present which turns out to be Doug Gilbert who steals Christopher’s car
~ Interviews w/Randy Hales, Jim Cornette, Syn, Kevin Christian, Brandon Baxter, Kurt Angle, Wolfie D. Doug Gilbert, Brian Christopher
Memphis Power Pro Wrestling 10/9/99 (57 minutes)
Match: Doug Gilbert vs. Glen Kulka
~ Lance Jade attacks Blade in the parking lot
Match: PPW Heavyweight Champ Steve Bradley vs. Kip Morris
~ Brian Christopher fakes an injury & attacks Doug Gilbert and they brawl into the parking lot
Match: Ali vs. Alan Steel
Match: Kurt Angle vs. Mick Tierney
Match: Wolfie D. vs. Derrick King
~ Interviews w/Doug Gilbert, Sputnik Monroe, Jim Cornette, Steve Bradley, Brandon Baxter, Brian Christopher, Kurt Angle & Wolfie D.
Memphis Power Pro Wrestling 10/16/99 (58 minutes)
Match: Wolfie D. vs. Jim Cornette & Kevin Christian (Seven makes his Debut & attacks Wolfie)
~ Brian Christopher brings in his own fans (Brian/Gilbert brawl)
~ Romeo Valentine Promo
Match: Young Guns Champ Derrick King vs. Robbie D.
Match: Kid Wicked vs. Tony Falk
~ Lance Jade attacks Blade Boudreaux
_ Steve Bradley, Mick Tierney & Glen Kulka vs. Bulldog Raines, Alan Steel & Ali
Match: Brian Christopher vs. Doug Gilbert (Spellbinder returns & attacks Gilbert, Tommy Rich makes the save)
~ Interviews w/Wolfie D., Brian Christopher, Doug Gilbert, CB Wyatt & Derrick King, Kid Wicked, Tony Falk, Steve Bradley, Jim Cornette, Mick Tierney, Brandon Baxter, Syn
Memphis Power Pro Wrestling 10/23/99 (58 minutes)
Match: PPW Heavyweight Champ Steve Bradley vs. Robbie D.
~ Brian Christopher & ??? Interview (dressed up as & mocking Doug Gilbert & Tommy Rich, funny as hell)…the real Tommy Rich & Doug Gilbert run in
Match: Ali vs. Jobber (the jobber quits in fear of Ali, horrible)
~ Glen Kulka/Ali brawl
~ Lance Jade & Alan Steel attack Tony Falk
Match: Young Guns Champ Derrick King vs. Kid Wicked
Match: Blade Boudreaux vs. Alan Steel (Jade & Raines come in)
Match: Brian Christopher vs. Tommy Rich (Spellbinder comes in)
~ Interviews w/Tommy Rich, Kevin Christian, Lance Jade, Alan Steel, CB Wyatt, Kid Wicked, Tony Falk, Jim Cornette, Syn, Steve Bradley, Mick Tierney, Glen Kulka & Brian Christopher
Memphis Power Pro Wrestling 10/30/99 (56 minutes)
~ Glen Kulka/Ali brawl
Match: Bulldog Raines vs. Alan Steel
~ Brian Christopher & Spellbinder dress up & mock Doug Gilbert & Tommy Rich (more funny stuff)
Match: Ken Raper & Loose Cannon vs. Brian Christopher & Spellbinder (dressed as Rich & Gilbert)
Match: Ken Raper & Loose Cannon vs. Brian Christopher & Spellbinder (as themselves)
Match: Mick Tierney vs. Robbie D.
Match: PPW Heavyweight Champ Steve Bradley vs. Young Guns Champ Derrick King
Match: Blade Boudreaux vs. Lance Jade
Match: Ali vs. Glen Kulka (Mick Tierney/Steve Bradley Confrontation)
~ Interviews w/Lance Jade, Jim Cornette, Tony Falk, Mick Tierney, Jim Cornette, CB Wyatt, Brian Christopher & Spellbinder
Memphis Power Pro Wrestling 11/6/99 (48 minutes)
~ Infamous shoot-type Interview by Doug Gilbert that got him & Tommy Rich fired from Power Pro. Where he states Jerry Lawler is Brian Christopher’s father, Randy Hales smokes crack & Jerry Lawler raped a 13 year old girl.
Match: Glen Kulka vs. Loose Cannon (Ali comes in after)
Match: Lance Jade & Alan Steel vs. Robbie D. & Tu-Falk For Sure (Tony Falk debuts his new gimmick)
~ Steve Bradley attacks Mick Tierney
Match: Young Guns Champ Derrick King vs. Blade Boudreaux
~ Ali & Tierney/Bradley & Kulka brawl
~ Interviews w/Kevin Christian, Spellbinder, Brian Christopher, Tommy Rich, Doug Gilbert, Kevin Christian, Tony Falk, Robbie D., Steve Bradley, Mick Tierney, CB Wyatt, Derrick King
Memphis Power Pro Wrestling 11/13/99 (1 hour)
Match: Mick Tierney vs. BJ Payne
Match: Ali vs. Alan Steel
Match: Trailer Park Trash vs. Seven (Ali comes in after)
Match: Lance Jade & Derrick King vs. Robbie D. & Scott Sabre (Debut of Sabre)
Match: PPW Heavyweight Champ vs. Nick Dinsmore
~ Interviews w/Mick Tierney, Brandon Baxter, Ali, Steve Bradley, Jim Cornette & Syn
Memphis Power Pro Wrestling 11/20/99 (58 minutes)
Match: Ali vs. Derrick King
Match: Flash (Flanagan) vs. Jebediah
~ Robbie D. & Bulldog/Jade & Alan Steel brawl
Match: Blade Boudreaux vs. BJ Payne
~ Clips of Rico Constantino on American Gladiators & breaking blocks of concrete!
Match: Glen Kulka vs. Nick Dinsmore
Match: Lance Jade vs. Robbie D.
Match: PPW Heavyweight Champ Steve Bradley vs. Mick Tierney (Cornette’s crew run in, Ali makes the save)
~ Interviews w/Mick Tierney, Brandon Baxter, Ali, Flash Flanagan, Robbie D., Bulldog Raines, Lance Jade, Jim Cornette, Syn, Steve Bradley, Glen Kulka, BJ Payne
Memphis Power Pro Wrestling 11/27/99 (58 minutes)
Match: Ali vs. Lance Jade
Match: Derrick King vs. Trailer Park Trash (Flash comes in after & brawls w/Trash)
Match: Glen Kulka vs. Blade Boudreaux
Match: Ali vs. Glen Kulka
Match: Lance Jade & Alan Steel vs. Bulldog Raines & Robbie D.
Match: Scott Sabre vs. Flash (Flanagan)
Match: (JIP) Rico Constantino vs. OVW Heavyweight Champ Rob Conway (Coal Minor’s Glove Match, Title Change)
Match: PPW Heavyweight Champ Steve Bradley vs. Mick Tierney (Loser Leaves)
~ Interviews w/Mick Tierney, Brandon Baxter, Ali, Flash, Kevin Christian, Steve Bradley, Lance Jade, Bulldog Raines, Robbie D.
Memphis Power Pro Wrestling 12/4/99 (58 minutes)
Match: Ali vs. BJ Payne
Match: Derrick King vs. Scott Sabre
~ Seven & BJ Payne attack Brandon Baxter
Match: Trailer Park Trash vs. Alan Steel
Match: (JIP) Nick Dinsmore vs. Chris Candido
Match: PPW Heavyweight Champ Steve Bradley vs. Rico Constantino (Title Change)
~ Interviews w/Brandon Baxter, Jim Cornette, Syn, BJ Payne, Steve Bradley, Bulldog Raines, Robbie D., Trailer Park Trash
Memphis Power Pro Wrestling 12/11/99 (49 minutes)
Match: Blade Boudreaux vs. BJ Payne
~ The Damaja Promo
Match: Robbie D. vs. Lance Jade
Match: Steve Bradley vs. Scott Sabre
Match: Alan Steel vs. Trailer Park Trash
Match: Flash Flanagan vs. Trailer Park Trash (Highlights)
~ Baxter & Hales/Syn & Cornette brawl
Match: PPW Heavyweight Champ Rico Constantino vs. Flash (Flanagan)
~ Interviews w/Jim Cornette, Steve Bradley, Syn, BJ Payne, Rico Constantino, Randy Hales, Brandon Baxter, Ali, Flash
Memphis Power Pro Wrestling 12/18/99 (57 minutes)
Match: PPW Heavyweight Champ Rico Constantino vs. BJ Payne
Match: Atomic Blondes (Derrick King & Jason Lee) vs. Robbie D. & Bulldog Raines
~ The Damaja Promo
Match: Scott Sabre vs. Blade Boudreaux
Match: Flash (Flanagan) vs. Trailer Park Trash
Match: Steve Bradley vs. Ali
~ Interviews w/Jim Cornette, Derrick King, CB Wyatt, Jason Lee, Rock, Steve Bradley, Syn, Brandon Baxter, Ali
Memphis Power Pro Wrestling 12/25/99 (1 hour)
Match: Robbie D. & Bulldog Raines vs. Lance Jade & Alan Steel (Elimination Match)
~ Flash/Jimmy Valiant brawl
~ The Damaja Promo
Match: Atomic Blondes (King & Lee) vs. Scott Sabre & Blade Boudreaux
Match: Ali vs. BJ Payne
Match: Rico Constantino & Trailer Park Trash vs. Flash & Steve Bradley
~ Cornette & crew attack Brandon Baxter & Randy Hales
~ Interviews w/Jim Cornette, Jimmy Valiant, Flash, Big Boss Man, Randy Hales, Brandon Baxter, Ali, BJ Payne, Edge