WWE News

“No Guts, No Heart” – Triple H On Goldberg In A Deleted Scene

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A video clip has surfaced online, which shows a deleted scene from the first season of WWF Tough Enough, in which Triple H unleashes some harsh words about former WCW World Heavyweight Champion Bill Goldberg.

Apparently one of the competitors brought a Goldberg poster, after which The Game went on a rant.

Here’s what Triple H had to say:

“If your biggest idol in this business is a guy that’s been in the business for about a year, got everything handed to him, can’t have a match longer than 4 minutes, has not wrestled probably for more than 3 months straight, because every three months he got a hangnail, a toothache, a tummy ache, he needs to take time off – is it about telling a story or is it being a jacked up guy that stands in the ring, is fed a bunch of guys who really don’t know what they’re doing to mow over.

He abuses that. No heart for what we do – no guts, no heart. I had to be helped up the stairs because I couldn’t walk myself. And I’ve walked to that ring and I wrestled for 45 minutes with Vince McMahon.

But I question the fact that when somebody has a poster of a guy on his wall that can’t suck it up enough to continue when he’s on top of a business and they ask him to go and he’s like, ‘I’m sorry, I can’t. I got to sit home for three months. I can’t even make it to TV. I’m sorry I don’t like where this storyline’s going, so I cant come in’. I got to question that guy’s heart.”

After WCW was sold, Bill Goldberg decided to take some well-deserved time off from professional wrestling. Fans eagerly awaited his return, and in 2003, their wishes were granted when he made a triumphant comeback in WWE.

Goldberg’s resurgence culminated in a thrilling main event at Unforgiven 2003, where he defeated Triple H to capture the World Heavyweight Championship, solidifying his status as one of wrestling’s most dominant forces.

WATCH: Goldberg’s Infamous Superkick To Bret Hart (WCW Starrcade 1999):

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