NWA Main Event
œ The Road Warriors vs. Larry Zbyszko & the Super Destroyer
~ Interviews w/Ric Flair/Arn Anderson/Tully Blanchard/JJ Dillon/Kevin Sullivan
œ U.S. Champ Dusty Rhodes vs. Ivan Koloff
œ Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, & Tully Blanchard vs. Sting, Lex Luger, & Barry Windham
NWA Main Event 4/16/88 (1 hour)
œ Sheepherders vs. Ricky Santana & Kendall Windham
~ Dusty Rhodes Interview
œ Nikita Koloff vs. Tiger Conway Jr.
œ Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard vs. Barry Windham & Steve Williams
NWA Main Event 4/23/88 (1 hour)
œ Sting vs. Shaska (Pez) Whatley
~ JJ Dillon Interview
œ Sheepherders vs. Ricky Santana & Kendall Windham
~ Johnny Ace turns face & gets attacked by the Herders & Rip Morgan
œ Nikita Koloff vs. Al Perez
~ Al Perez/Sting Confrontation
~ Johnny Ace Interview
NWA Main Event 5/1/88
œ Steve Williams vs. Terminator
~ Barry Windham & JJ Dillon Interview
œ Sheepherders & Rip Morgan vs. Ricky Santana, Kendall Windham & Johnny Ace
œ Lex Luger vs. Arn Anderson (Windham comes in)
NWA Main Event 5/8/88
œ Sting & Steve Williams vs. Mike Rotunda & Rick Steiner
~ Lex Luger Interview
œ Kevin Sullivan vs. Ricky Santana
~ Magnum TA Interview
œ Lex Luger vs. Bobby Eaton
NWA Main Event 8/7/88
œ Lex Luger vs. Arn Anderson
œ FL heavyweight Champ Rick Steiner vs. Kendall Windham
œ Rock ‘n’ Roll Express & Fantastics vs. Mike Rotunda, Rick Steiner, Ivan Koloff & Russian Assassin
NWA Main Event 8/14/88
œ Western States Heritage Champ Larry Zbyszko vs. Kendall Windham (Outdoor Arena from Bash tour)
œ Bugsy McGraw, Tim Horner Brad Armstrong vs. Tiger Conway Jr., Chris Champion & Cruel Connection #1 (Outdoor Arena from Bash tour)
œ TV Champ Mike Rotunda vs. Steve Williams (repeat match from 8/13 World Wide)
NWA Main Event 8/28/88
œ U.S. Tag Champs Midnight Express vs. Kendall Windham & Italian Stallion
œ Jim Garvin vs. Kevin Sullivan (Prince of Darkness Blindfold Match from Bash tour)
œ Nikita Koloff vs. Al Perez
NWA Main Event 10/9/88
œ Kevin Sullivan vs. Big Bear Colley
œ Rick Steiner & Mike Rotunda vs. Sting & Steve Williams
œ Nikita Koloff vs. Al Perez
NWA Main Event Fall 1988
œ Steve Williams vs. The Terminator
œ The Fantastics vs. The Sheepherders
œ Dick Murdoch vs. Al Perez
NWA Main Event Fall 1988
œ Al Perez & Larry Zbyszko vs. Tommy Angel & the Italian Stallion
œ Rick Steiner vs. Kendall Windham
œ Lex Luger vs. Bobby Eaton
NWA Main Event 10/88
œ The Fantastics vs. Tommy Angel & Bob Riddle
œ Nikita Koloff vs. Tiger Conway Jr.
œ The Midnight Express (Eaton & Lane) vs. Steve Williams & Sting
NWA Main Event Fall 11/20/88
œ TV Champ Mike Rotunda vs. Kendall Windham
~ Interviews w/Magnum TA
œ Rick Steiner & the Midnight Express (Eaton & Lane) vs. George South, Gary Royal, & Bret Holiday
œ The Fantastics vs. Mike Rotunda & Steve Williams
NWA Main Event 12/11/88
œ Curtis Thompson vs. Trent Knight
œ Larry Zbyszko vs. Mike Justice
œ Mike Rotunda & Steve Williams vs. Ron Simmons & Rick Steiner
NWA Main Event 12/18/88
œ The Midnight Express (Eaton & Lane) vs. The Cruel Connection
œ The Russian Assassin II vs. Ivan Koloff
œ Barry Windham vs. Bobby Fulton
NWA Main Event 12/25/88
œ Rick Steiner vs. Mike Schiavani
œ The New Original Midnight Express, Al Perez, & Rip Morgan vs. The Fantastics, Eddie Gilbert, & the Italian Stallion
œ Sting & Lex Luger vs. The Road Warriors
NWA Main Event Late 1988
œ The Road Warriors & Paul Ellering vs. The Varsity Club
œ Dick Murdoch vs. Keith Steinborn
œ Sting & Michael Hayes vs. Ric Flair & Barry Windham
4/3/88 – debut episode – included Jim Ross as the guest ring announcer; featured Tony Schiavone on commentary; included a backstage promo by NWA World Champion Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, & JJ Dillon regarding their scheduled match later in the show against Sting, NWA Tag Team Champions Lex Luger & Barry Windham; featured a closing announcement that Windham would face Blanchard, Anderson would face Steve Williams, and the Warlord & the Barbarian would face Brad Armstrong & Tim Horner:
The Road Warriors (w/ Paul Ellering) vs. NWA Western States Heritage Champion Larry Zbyzsko (w/ Baby Doll) & the Super Destroyer at 3:23 when Road Warrior Hawk vs. Destroyer following the Doomsday Device
NWA US Champion Dusty Rhodes vs. Ivan Koloff (w/ Paul Jones) with a crossbody off the top at 6:38 after punching Jones on the floor; Kevin Sullivan cut an insert promo during the match regarding Rhodes (American Dream: The Dusty Rhodes Story)
NWA World Champion Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, & Tully Blanchard (w/ JJ Dillon) vs. Sting, NWA Tag Team Champions Lex Luger & Barry Windham at around the 13-minute mark when Blanchard vs. Windham after repeatedly punching Windham in the face with a foreign object thrown in the ring by Dillon; during the match, Dillon cut an insert promo on the match and the suspension of Dusty Rhodes; Jim Ross joined Tony Schiavone on commentary for the match (The Rise and Fall of WCW)
4/10/88 – featured Tony Schiavone on commentary; included Jim Ross as the ring announcer; featured a split screen backstage segment in which NWA Tag Team Champion Barry Windham and Tully Blanchard discussed their upcoming match later in the show; included a closing announcement that Windham & Steve Williams would face Blanchard & Arn Anderson, Nikita Koloff would face Tiger Conway Jr., and the Sheepherders would be in action the following week:
The Warlord & the Barbarian (w/ Paul Jones) vs. Tim Horner & the Italian Stallion (sub. for Brad Armstrong) at around the 5-minute mark when Barbarian vs. Stallion following a headbutt off the top
Steve Williams vs. Arn Anderson to a double count-out at 9:46 when both men began brawling on the floor and Anderson left ringside; NWA World Champion Ric Flair provided guest commentary for the match; after the contest, Flair and Williams had words, with Williams then challenging Flair to get in the ring and face him
NWA Tag Team Champion Barry Windham vs. Tully Blanchard (w/ JJ Dillon) with a sunset flip into the ring at 15:34 after Arn Anderson and Steve Williams appeared ringside and brawled with each other; Jim Ross joined Tony Schiavone on commentary for the bout; during the match, Sting cut an insert promo in which he said he was targetting NWA World Champion Ric Flair; after the match, NWA US Champion Dusty Rhodes came out to congratulate Windham on the win
4/14/88; Greenwood, SC
4/17/88 – featured Tony Schiavone & Peter Birkholz on commentary; included an opening announcement that Houston, TX would host the upcoming NWA US Title tournament; featured Jim Ross as the ring announcer; included footage of David Crockett conducting an interview with Dusty Rhodes in an empty arena regarding his 120-day suspension, during which Rhodes said he felt he did what he had to do and would be going home and training until he returned to action Aug. 14; Rhodes finished the interview by saying he was not the Midnight Rider but there was a little Midnight Rider in everyone; featured the announcement the Sheepherders would face Ricky Santana & Kendall Windham in a rematch the following week; included the announcement that Sting would be in action the following week and Nikita Koloff would face Al Perez:
Ricky Santana & Kendall Windham vs. the Sheepherders (w/ Johnny Ace) . at 9:04 when Ace accidentally struck Luke Williams with the flag pole while trying to break a cover after Santana hit a crossbody off the top; after the bout, Butch Williams yelled at Ace for the mistake
Nikita Koloff vs. Tiger Conway Jr. with the Russian Sickle immediately after Conway threw Koloff into the corner; during the bout, it was mentioned Dusty Rhodes would be in Houston, TX for the NWA US Title tournament, despite his suspension
Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard (w/ JJ Dillon) vs. Steve Williams & NWA Tag Team Champion Barry Windham to a time-limit draw at 14:23; both teams were fighting in and out of the ring when the match ended; after the bout, Williams & Windham vs. off their opponents and cleared them from the ring
4/14/88; Greenwood, SC
4/24/88 – featured Tony Schiavone & Peter Birkholz on commentary; included Jim Ross as the ring announcer; featured a backstage promo by JJ Dillon regarding the Midnight Rider in which he said he had been working behind the scenes with Jim Cornette, Gary Hart, and Kevin Sullivan to help rid the NWA of the Rider; Dillon then said if his men or the men of the other managers was to unmask the Rider as Dusty Rhodes then Rhodes’ 120-day suspension would be extended to a year; included a closing segment in which Johnny Ace came ringside and told Schiavone he had a challenge for he, Ricky Santana, & Kendall Windham to face the Sheepherders & Rip Morgan the following week; it was also announced NWA Tag Team Champion Lex Luger & Sting would face NWA World Champion Ric Flair & Arn Anderson the next week:
Sting vs. Shaska Whatley at 5:51 with a sunset flip into the ring
Ricky Santana & Kendall Windham vs. the Sheepherders (w/ Johnny Ace) at 9:21 when Santana vs. Butch with a roll up after Butch and Ace vs. over possession of the New Zealand flag; after the bout, Ace vs. the Sheepherders until another man came out and helped triple team Ace; Santana & Windham eventually cleared the ring and tended to Ace; following the commercial break, the man’s identity was revealed to be Rip Morgan, the Sheepherders’ nephew (the surprise debut of Rip Morgan)
Nikita Koloff vs. Al Perez (w/ Gary Hart) . at 14:08 when Hart assaulted Koloff with a foreign object after Koloff hit the Russian Sickle; after the bout, Perez repeatedly applied the spinning toe hold until Sting slid in the ring; moments later, Hart held Perez back as the referee tended to Koloff
4/28/88; Rock Hill, SC; Winthrop Coliseum
5/1/88 – featured Tony Schiavone on commentary and as ring announcer; included an opening announcement that the previously announced Lex Luger & Sting vs. NWA World Champion Ric Flair & Arn Anderson match would now simply be Luger vs. Anderson because Luger wanted to go on his own to gain revenge on the Horsemen; featured pretaped footage of an interview with JJ Dillon & Barry Windham regarding Windham being the newest member of the Four Horsemen and turning on Luger; included the announcement of the following matches for the next week’s program: Sting & Steve Williams vs. NWA TV Champion Mike Rotunda & Rick Steiner, Kevin Sullivan vs. Ricky Stanana, and Lex Luger vs. Bobby Eaton:
Steve Williams vs. the Terminator with the Oklahoma Stampede at 4:51
The Sheepherders & Rip Morgan vs. Ricky Santana, Kendall Windham, & Johnny Ace at 9:38 when Morgan vs. Ace with a running stomp to the head (Morgan’s in-ring debut)
Lex Luger vs. NWA Tag Team Champion Arn Anderson (w/ JJ Dillon) . at around the 10-minute mark when Barry Windham, who appeared ringside late in the match, began brawling with Luger on the floor; moments later, Anderson continued to attack Luger in the ring while Windham cut a promo at ringside; Sting and Steve Williams then ran out to make the save
4/28/88; Rock Hill, SC; Winthrop Coliseum
5/8/88 – featured Tony Schiavone on commentary; included pretaped footage of a ringside interview with Lex Luger in which Luger spoke about Barry Windham recently turning on Luger to join the Four Horsemen and said he would hand Windham his own head when they meet in the ring:
Sting & Steve Williams vs. NWA TV Champion Mike Rotunda & Rick Steiner (w/ Kevin Sullivan) to a 15-minute time-limit draw; the bell rang as Sting had Steiner in the Scorpion Deathlock
Kevin Sullivan vs. Ricky Santana with the double stomp to the chest at 1:16
Lex Luger vs. Bobby Eaton (w/ Jim Cornette) with a roll up at around the 9:30 mark after Eaton missed an elbow drop off the top; Magnum TA provided guest commentary for the match (the bout began during the commercial break)
5/9/88; Fayetteville, NC
5/15/88 – featured Tony Schiavone on commentary; included Schiavone conducting a ringside interview with NWA US Champion Barry Windham & JJ Dillon, with Windham claiming he was the reason Lex Luger finally obtained a title and he easily took it away from him:
NWA Six Man Tag Team Champion the Warlord (w/ Paul Jones & NWA Six Man Tag Team Champion Ivan Koloff) vs. Tim Horner at 6:29 with an elbow drop after Warlord avoided a monkey flip with an assist from Koloff
The Sheepherders (w/ Rip Morgan) vs. the Mighty Wilbur & Johnny Ace at 4:40 when Luke Williams vs. Ace after Morgan hit Ace with the New Zealand flag as he had Williams in a sleeper
Ron Garvin vs. NWA Tag Team Champion Arn Anderson (w/ JJ Dillon) . at 16:00 after NWA Tag Team Champion Tully Blanchard interfered as Garvin had Anderson covered following a punch; after the bout, Anderson, Blanchard, & NWA US Champion Barry Windham triple teamed Garvin, with Windham applying the claw until Sting and Dusty Rhodes made the save
5/9/88; Fayetteville, NC
5/22/88 – featured Tony Schiavone & Jim Cornette on commentary; included Schiavone conducting a ringside interview with NWA US Champion Barry Windham, along with NWA Tag Team Champions Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard and JJ Dillon, with Windham stating no one would take his title away and that Ron Garvin learned a lesson the previous week:
Tim Horner vs. Rip Morgan to a time-limit draw at 8:45 as Horner had a sleeper applied
Kevin Sullivan vs. the Italian Stallion at 4:03 with the double stomp; after the commercial break, Tony Schiavone conducted a ringside interview with Sullivan, who claimed claimed he was constructing a Tower of Doom for the summer, where two sides would enter and only one would leave
NWA US Tag Team Champions Bobby Fulton & Tommy Rogers vs. NWA Six Man Tag Team Champions Ivan Koloff & the Warlord (w/ Paul Jones) . at 12:32 after referee Tommy Young, who had been pulled to the floor by Warlord, saw commentator Jim Cornette enter the ring and count Koloff’s pinfall on Fulton; Fulton & Rogers then dropkicked Cornette, with Bobby Eaton & Stan Lane pulling him out of the ring
5/15/88; Asheville, NC; Civic Center
5/29/88 – featured Tony Schiavone & JJ Dillon on commentary; included Schiavone conducting a ringside interview with Lex Luger regarding the Four Horsemen in which Luger noted Sting, Dusty Rhodes, the Road Warriors, Nikita Koloff, and Steve Williams were all standing beside him; featured the announcement Kevin Sullivan would face Big Bear Collie, Rick Steiner would face Kendall Windham, and Ron Garvin & Mighty Wilbur would face NWA Tag Team Champions Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard the following week:
NWA Western States Heritage Champion Larry Zbyszko & Al Perez (w/ Gary Hart) vs. the Italian Stallion & Tommy Angel when Angel submitted to Perez’ spinning toe hold / claw combo
NWA US Champion Barry Windham (w/ JJ Dillon) vs. Mighty Wilbur via count-out in a non-title match at 9:22 after applying the claw on the floor after Dillon distracted Wilbur from ringside; after the bout, Windham kept the hold applied until Ron Garvin came out to clear the ring
Ron Garvin vs. NWA TV Champion Mike Rotundo (w/ Kevin Sullivan & Rick Steiner) . at around the 12:30 mark when both Sullivan & Steiner interfered after Garvin hit Rotundo with the right hand punch; after the contest, Garvin vs. off all three men until he was eventually triple teamed
5/31/88; Sumter, SC; Exhibition Center Arena
6/12/88 – featured Tony Schiavone conducting an opening ringside interview with Steve Williams regarding his participation in Wargames against the Four Horsemen during the Great American Bash tour; included Schiavone on commentary and as the ring announcer; featured Schiavone conducting a ringside interview with Kevin Sullivan regarding the Bash kicking off in Orlando, during which Sullivan said his men were creating a five story Tower of Doom so that Sullivan could destroy Jimmy Garvin and take back Precious:
Bobby Eaton (w/ Jim Cornette & Stan Lane) vs. NWA US Tag Team Champion Tommy Rogers (w/ NWA US Tag Team Champion Bobby Fulton) at 5:51 when Cornette hit Rogers with his tennis racquet behind the referee’s back as Lane and Fulton vs. on the floor; the match was not shown in full; just before the fall, it was noted that 3 minutes remained in the 15-minute time-limit
Sting vs. Stan Lane (w/ Jim Cornette) at 8:47 when Sting fell on Lane as Lane attempted to suplex Sting into the ring
Lex Luger vs. NWA Tag Team Champion Arn Anderson (w/ JJ Dillon) . at 8:07 when NWA US Champion Barry Windham attacked Luger, as Luger had an interfering Dillon in a full nelson, and applied the claw; moments later, Sting, Steve Williams, and Nikita Koloff ran out to make the save
5/31/88; Sumter, SC; Exhibition Center Arena
6/19/88 – featured Tony Schiavone & JJ Dillon on commentary; included Schiavone as the ring announcer; featured Dillon conducting a ringside interview with Kevin Sullivan regarding the Great American Bash and Sullivan’s Tower of Doom and the fact that Precious would be at the bottom:
NWA US Tag Team Champion Bobby Fulton vs. Al Perez (w/ Gary Hart) . at the 5:30 mark when Perez threw Fulton over the top rope; the match was not shown in full; Perez originally won the match when the momentum of a crossbody off the top by Fulton put Perez on top for the win but referee Teddy Long had the match continue after noticing Fulton’s foot was on the ropes during the pin; after the contest, Perez assaulted Fulton on the floor, applied the spinning toe hold on him inside the ring, and shoved Long to the mat
NWA US Champion Barry Windham & NWA Tag Team Champion Tully Blanchard (w/ JJ Dillon) vs. Ron Garvin & Mighty Wilbur at 10:11 when Windham vs. Wilbur with the claw; during the bout, Dillon spoke highly of Garvin while on commentary
Nikita Koloff & Steve Williams vs. Bobby Eaton & Stan Lane (w/ Jim Cornette) to a double count-out at 10:24 when both teams began brawling on the floor; after the bout, Williams attempted to gorilla press slam Cornette until Eaton hit him with Cornette’s tennis racquet
5/31/88; Sumter, SC; Exhibition Center Arena
6/26/88 – featured Tony Schiavone on commentary; included Schiavone as the ring announcer; featured Schiavone conducting a closing ringside interview with Kevin Sullivan in which he said Al Perez would be joining his team in the Tower of Doom match against Jimmy Garvin’s team in Baltimore for the Great American Bash:
NWA Tag Team Champion Arn Anderson (w/ JJ Dillon) vs. Tommy Angel with the gordbuster at around the 2-minute mark; the match was not shown in full; following the commercial break, Tony Schiavone conducted a ringside interview with Anderson & Dillon in which they discussed the Wargames and scaffold matches scheduled for the Great American Bash tour; Anderson then said the Horsemen had momentum on their side after several wins on The Main Event
Bobby Eaton & Stan Lane (w/ Jim Cornette) vs. Kendall Windham & the Italian Stallion at around the 5-minute mark when Eaton vs. Stallion following the Rocket Launcher; the match was not shown in full; Jim Cornette joined Schiavone on commentary
NWA US Tag Team Champions Tommy Rogers & Bobby Fulton vs. NWA Western States Heritage Champion Larry Zbyzsko & Al Perez (w/ Gary Hart) at 16:58 when Fulton vs. Zbyzsko after Zbyzsko tripped over Rogers while attempting a bodyslam
7/10/88 – hosted by Jim Ross & Tony Schiavone – hype show for the Great American Bash pay-per-view later that night
5/31/88; Sumter, SC; Exhibition Center Arena
7/17/88 – featured Jim Ross & Tony Schiavone as hosts from the studio; included Schiavone as the ring announcer; featured a replay of the NWA US Champion Barry Windham vs. Mighty Wilbur match from the 5/29/88 episode and the Al Perez vs. Bobby Fulton and Bobby Eaton & Stan Lane vs. Steve Williams & Nikita Koloff matches from the 6/19/88 episode
7/24/88 – featured Tony Schiavone on commentary:
Florida Heavyweight Champion Rick Steiner & Dick Murdoch vs. Tim Horner & Kendall Windham at around the 7-minute mark when Murdoch vs. Windham with an elbow to the face and elbow drop (7/10/88; Baltimore Arena)
8/7/88 – featured Jim Ross & Tony Schiavone on commentary; included a replay of the Lex Luger vs. NWA Tag Team Champion Arn Anderson match that aired on the 5/1/88 episode; included an ad for the Great American Bash 88 home video:
Florida Heavyweight Champion Rick Steiner (w/ Kevin Sullivan) vs. Kendall Windham with an elbow drop at around the 5:30 mark after blocking a monkey flip out of the corner
Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson, Tommy Rogers & Bobby Fulton vs. NWA TV Champion Mike Rotunda & Florida Heavyweight Champion Rick Steiner, Ivan Koloff & the Russian Assassin (w/ Paul Jones) when Morton vs. Koloff after Fulton came off the top with a double axe handle, knocking Koloff into the Assassin, who had Morton in a Cobra Clutch; after the bout, Jones yelled at Koloff for the loss
NWA Western States Heritage Champion Larry Zbyzsko vs. Kendall Windham at 5:32 when the momentum of a crossbody by Windham put Zbyzsko on top (7/2/88; Charlotte Memorial Stadium)
Brad Armstrong, Tim Horner, (sub. for Ron Simmons & Jimmy Valiant) & Bugsy McGraw vs. Tiger Conway Jr., Chris Champion, & Cruel Connection #1 (Gary Royal) at 7:49 when Horner vs. Conway following a double elbow to the face by Horner & Armstrong (7/2/88; Charlotte Memorial Stadium)
NWA TV Champion Mike Rotunda vs. Steve Williams
Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson vs. the Sheepherders (w/ Rip Morgan) at 13:10 when Morton vs. Luke Williams with a crossbody off the top (7/2/88; Charlotte Memorial Stadium)
Jimmy Garvin vs. Kevin Sullivan in a blindfold match (7/2/88; Charlotte Memorial Stadium)
Steve Williams vs. NWA TV Champion Mike Rotunda .; Williams originally won the match and title following the Oklahoma Stampede but the decision was changed because Rotunda knocked down the referee moments earlier (7/2/88; Charlotte Memorial Stadium)
Kevin Sullivan vs. Big Bear Colley
Sting & Steve Williams vs. NWA TV Champion Mike Rotunda & Rick Steiner
Nikita Koloff vs. Al Perez
10/19/88; Lansing, MI
11/6/88 – featured Jim Ross & Tony Schiavone on commentary; included Schiavone as the ring announcer:
Road Warrior Animal & Paul Ellering (sub. for Road Warrior Hawk) vs. NWA Tag Team Champions Bobby Eaton & Stan Lane (w/ Jim Cornette) . at 3:39 after Lane accidentally hit Eaton with Cornette’s tennis racquet after Animal moved out of the way
Brad Armstrong vs. Al Perez (w/ Gary Hart) . at 10:47 when Kevin Sullivan came ringside, with Sullivan and Perez then double teaming Armstrong
NWA TV Champion Mike Rotunda vs. Kendall Windham
Rick Steiner, Bobby Eaton & Stan Lane vs. George South, Gary Royal, & Brett Holiday
Bobby Fulton & Tommy Rogers vs. NWA TV Champion Mike Rotunda & Steve Williams
Curtis Thompson vs. Trent Knight
Larry Zbyszko vs. Mike Justice
Rick Steiner & Ron Simmons vs. NWA TV Champion Mike Rotunda & Steve Williams
12/18/88 – hosted by Jim Ross & Tony Schiavone at WTBS Studios in Atlanta, GA; included a closing announcement that NWA Tag Team Champions the Road Warriors would face Lex Luger & Sting the following week:
Bobby Eaton & Stan Lane (w/ Jim Cornette) vs. the Cruel Connection when Eaton scored the pin following the Veg-O-Matic at around the 5-minute mark; the match was not shown in full (11/25/88; Charlotte, NC)
Russian Assassin #2 (w/ Paul Jones) vs. Ivan Koloff in a death match at 10:44 when, as referee Teddy Long was giving both men the standing 10-count, Jones knocked Koloff to the mat behind the referee’s back, allowing the Assassin to reach his feet (11/25/88; Charlotte, NC)
NWA US Champion Barry Windham (w/ JJ Dillon) vs. NWA US Tag Team Champion Bobby Fulton (w/ NWA US Tag Team Champion Tommy Rogers) . in a non-title match at 13:40 when Bam Bam Bigelow attacked the champion as Windham had the claw applied; moments earlier, Dillon attacked Fulton behind the referee’s back, leading to Rogers attacking Dillon on the floor; after the contest, Bigelow hit a splash off the top onto Windham before he, Sir Oliver Humperdink, and Rogers checked on Fulton; Tony Schiavone was the ring announcer for the match; Fulton & Rogers did not come out with the title belts nor were they introduced as champions because they had yet to win the titles at the time the match was taped (11/22/88; Sumter, SC)
12/25/88 – hosted by Jim Ross & Tony Schiavone at WTBS Studios in Atlanta, GA; included a closing announcement that Dusty Rhodes & Bam Bam Bigelow would face NWA World Champion Ric Flair & NWA US Champion Barry Windham the following week:
Rick Steiner vs. Mike Samani with a belly to belly suplex at 2:36 (11/25/88; Charlotte, NC)
Al Perez, Rip Morgan, Dennis Condrey & Randy Rose (w/ Paul E. Dangerously) vs. Eddie Gilbert, the Italian Stallion, NWA US Tag Team Champions Bobby Fulton & Tommy Rogers at around the 17-minute mark when Condrey vs. Stallion following a double DDT behind the referee’s back; the match was not shown in full (11/25/88; Charlotte, NC)
NWA Tag Team Champions the Road Warriors (w/ Paul Ellering) vs. Lex Luger & Sting