SMW – TV 1/2/93 & 1/9/93
Year in Review show highlighting all the major stars, title changes, feuds & happenings from 1992
Chris Comet vs. Jeff Daniels
Reno Riggins vs. Paul Orndorff (Clips)
Ron Wright offers Reno Riggins his services as a manager
Int – Stud Stable. They confront Dutch Mantell because Dutch has been promising that he can get them a shot at the tag titles
Tag Champs Rock & Roll Express vs. Heavenly Bodies & Jim Cornette (IP, Fuller & Golden come in and for the second time, cost the
Heavenly Bodies the match! Both the Bodies and the Stud Stable brawl in the ring. This is a very intriguing angle for its time, as both teams are
heels, and heel vs. heel feuds were normally not done. The R&Rs run in and make the save, running the Bodies out of the ring. But don’t worry,
there was no face turn by the Studs, as they themselves attacked the Rock & Roll Express afterward)
Int – Cornette and the Heavenly Bodies
Tim Horner & Ron Garvin vs. Dirty White Boy & Paul Orndorff
SMW – TV 1/16/93 & 1/23/93
Paul Onrdorff berates a young Tim Horner fan, and Horner runs out and attacks Orndorff
Tracy Smothers vs. Dirty White Boy vs. Killer Kyle vs. Jimmy Golden (Smothers wins a 4 way match to become the first ever Beat the Champ
TV Champion)
Heavenly Bodies/Fuller & Golden Confrontation. Both teams argue with each other in the back and nearly come to blows!
Int – Heavenly Bodies
Kevin Sullivan vs. Mongolian Stomper
Interviews w/DWB & Wright, Riggins, Orndorff, Cornette, Smothers, Bodies, R’n’Rs, Stalker & Sullivan
Dixie Dy-no-mite vs. Paul Lee
Kevin Sullivan vs. Brian Lee (IP – Sullivan bloodies Lee again)
Heavenly Bodies/Fuller & Golden feud Recap. Lots of footage of their previous matches and run-ins are shown
Int – Heavenly Bodies and the Stud Stable brawl with each other, spilling ointo the ring. No match though, as they just brawl until the show goes
Interviews w/Lee, Smothers, R’n’Rs, DWB & Wright, Riggins, Orndorff, Horner, Fuller & Golden, Bodies & Armstrong
SMW – 1993/02/04 – Pikeville, KY – “Bluegrass Brawl”
01. Rob Morgan v Mongolian Stomper
02. Nightstalker v Tim Horner
03. Russian Roulette Death Match: Brian Lee v Kevin Sullivan
04. SMW Title – Tennessee Chain Match: Dirty White Boy v Tracy Smothers
05. Elimination Street Fight: Heavenly Bodies & Bobby Eaton v Rock’n Roll Express & Arn Anderson v Dutch Mantel & Jimmy Golden &
Robert Fuller
SMW – TV 1/30/93 & 2/6/93
Tim Horner vs. Dark Secret
Kevin Sullivan vs. Johnny Kid
Beat the Champ TV Champ Tracy Smothers vs. Brad Batten
Tag Champs Rock ‘n’ Roll Express vs. Heavenly Bodies (In the midst of the ref getting clobbered, and the Stud Stable and Dutch Mantell
Int – Cornette, the Heavenly Bodies & BOBBY EATON! Dutch Mantell and the Stud Stable come out to complain and it becomes a brawl.
The Rock & Roll Express runs out to join in as well!
Reno Riggins vs. Robbie Eagle
Riggins/DWB Confrontation
Killer Kyle vs. Johnny Kidd
Brian Lee vs. Dark Secret
Beat the Champ TV Champ Tracy Smothers vs. Sean Powers
Robert Fuller & Jimmy Golden vs. Brad & Bart Batten
Interviews w/Mantell, Eagle & Wright, Riggins, Armstrong, Lee & Horner, Smothers, DWB, Fuller & Golden
SMW – TV 2/13/93 & 2/20/93
Dirty White Boy vs. Reno Riggins – DWB destroys Riggins until Smothers breaks it up
Kevin Sullivan vs. Bart Batten – Sullivan bludgeons Bart with the spike, causing the match to be censored
THE INTERVIEW WTBS DIDN’T WANT YOU TO SEE! Jim Cornette threatens to sue WTBS and Ted Turner for showing Heavenly
Bodies vs. Rock & Roll Express footage. Corny confronts Bill Watts, telling him that he’ll be “cleaning toilets at CNN”! This interview was
edited to death on TBS, but it was aired in it’s entirety here
Heavenly Bodies vs. Rock & Roll Express (From WCW TV)
Dutch Mantell interviews an irate Stud Stable, who is promising to beat up the Heavenly Bodies and take their titles
Rock & Roll Express vs. Dark Secret vs. Robbie Eagle (And as expected, The R&Rs and The Heavenly Bodies eventually wind up in an
unscheduled brawl. The Bodies have a 4-on-2 advantage, so the Stud Stable runs them off – and beat on the R&R’s themselves!)
Paul Orndorff vs. Tracy Smothers: After Tracy scores the upset pinfall, Orndorff piledrives the ref, getting himself “indefinitely suspended” from
SMW (to join WCW)
Heavenly Bodies & Bobby Eaton vs. Dixie Dynamite, Reno Riggins & Lynn Fields (And there’s trouble brewin’ between Bobby Eaton and
Tom Prichard)
Int – Bob Armstrong. In addition to nearly being sued for trying to ban Kevin Sullivan from SMW, he’s now forced to foot the bill for Sullivan’s
therapy sessions. Armstrong vows to get rid of Sullivan one way or another
Int – Kevin Sullivan. Footage is shown of Sullivan’s “Therapy” sessions. It looks more like he’s at a luxury resort
Brian Lee vs. Larry Santo
Tracy Smothers vs. The Nightstalker: After Dirty White Boy costs Tracy the match and the TV title, he handcuffs Tracy to the ropes, puts his
confederate flag in a trash can, adds lighter fluid, and burns it right in the ring!
DWB vs. Ted Allen
Rock & Roll Express vs. Stud Stable (Fuller & Golden): The Bodies show up at ringside with popcorn & coke to watch the match. Golden
smacks the popcorn out of Eaton’s hand, so Eaton “blinds” him w/ his coke, costing him the match
SMW – TV 2/27/93 & 3/6/93
Killer Kyle vs. Ted Allen
Reno Riggins vs. Rip Rogers
Kevin Sullivan vs. Len Fields
Int – Tracy Smothers talks about what the confederate flag means to him. If Smothers cut that promo anywhere else besides Smoky Mountain
Wrestling, he’d be a monster heel
Night Stalker vs. Larry Santo
Bobby Eeaton vs. Ricky Morton. Turns into a wild fight, with the Bodies, R&R’s, and Stud Stable all duking it out
Tim Horner vs. The Nightstalker. Horner wins the TV title, and Kevin Sullivan and Brian Lee get into a post-match brawl
Kevin Sullivan vs. Brian Lee in an unscheduled brawl: Sullivan, Lee, Horner and Nightstalker wind up fighting in the parking lot!
Bob Armstrong signs a match between the Stud Stable/Dutch Mantel, The Heavenly Bodies & Bobby Eaton, and The Rock & Roll Express
and a mystery partner of their choice at the upcoming Bluegrass Brawl
Dirty White Boy vs. Tracy Smothers in a match that illustrates the magic of this promotion- this match, which features two decidedly minor
league wrestlers, has more heat than anything WCW has put together in years. 4 1/2***. match, with both men beaten bloody. An incredible
finish, as Ron Wright rises from his wheelchair to assist DWB
Int – Tracey Smothers
SMW – TV 3/13/93 & 3/20/93
Tim Horner vs. Dixie Dynamite (Beat the Champ TV Title match)
Rock & Roll Express vs. Jeff Daniels & Lynn Fields. The R&R’s produce their “mystery partner”, who is covered in a sheet. Morton dares
Cornette to pull the sheet off, and to everyone’s shock, IT’S ARN ANDERSON!!! This was a perfectly executed angle, and a shock to
everyone in the arena! Arn and the R&Rs beat up the Bodies and run them off
Int – Arn Anderson & The Rock & Roll Express
Dutch Mantell interviews Dirty White Boy and Ron Wright
Kevin Sullivan vs. Chris Adams, clips of Kevin “injuring ” Adams and “almost costing him his eye”
Miguel Perez vs. The Terminator (After the match, Sullivan and Nightstalker attack both Perez and The Terminator!)
DWB vs. Lynn Fields (DWB after burning Smothers’ confederate flag several weeks ago, is now billing himself from New York City, and
claiming to be from the North now. He’s even wearling a New York Yankees shirt. Hilarious!)
Heavenly Bodies vs. Dixie Dynamite & Reno Riggins
Down & Dirty with Dutch Mantell – Dutch interviews Brian Lee regarding his “Russian Roulette Death Match” with Kevin Sullivan
Kevin Sullivan vs. Wing Kanemura. INCREDIBLY GRUESOME MATCH! Sullivan absolutely butchers this guy, juicing not only his head, but
various body parts as well. The crowd just sits in horror as this goes on. Not for the squeamish…
Tim Horner vs. Killer Kyle
Int – Arn Anderson & The Rock & Roll Express
Event: Bluegrass Brawl I
Date: April 2, 1993
Location: Pikeville, Kentucky
Arena: College Gym
Attendence: 2,000
Robbie Eagle vs. Rip Rogers….
The Mongolian Stomper vs. Rob Morgan….
Tim Horner vs. The Nightstalker….
Singapore Spike Match: Brian Lee vs. Kevin Sullivan in a “Singapore spike” match….
Smoky Mountain Heavyweight Title Match (Chain Match): Tracey Smothers vs. The Dirty White Boy in a “chain” match for the title….
Triangular Street Fight Match: The Heavenly Bodies (Bobby Eaton, Stan Lane, and Tom Pritchard) vs. The Rock-n-Roll Express (Ricky
Morton and Robert Gibson) and Arn Anderson and Dutch Mantel, Jimmy Golden, and Robert Fuller in a “triangular street fight” match
SMW – TV 3/27/93 & 4/3/93
Stud Stable vs. Lynn Fields & Reno Riggins
Brian Lee vs. Larry Santo
Brian Lee vs. Kevin Sullivan (IP, from 3/21/93 in Knoxville, TN)
Tracy Smothers vs. Jeff Daniels
Dutch Mantell interviews Kevin Sullivan
Int – Arn Anderson & Rock & Roll Express
Bobby Eaton vs. Tim Horner (Beat the Champ TV Title match. Eaton wins the title!)
Int – Bobby Eaton & The Heavenly Bodies
Int – DWB and Ron Wright
Rock & Roll Express vs. The Avenger & Mike Sampson
Int – Rock & Roll Express
Dutch Mantell interviews Tracy Smothers
Int – Tim Horner
Bobby Eaton vs. Jimmy Golden. Turns into a six-man brawl with the Heavenly Bodies vs. Stud Stable
Int – Stud Stable
Jim Cornette shows an injunction forcing SMW to announce Eaton’s opponent with a week’s notice. They pull the name out of the hat, and it’s
Tom Prichard. Corny is frantic, trying to rip up the injunction. Hilarious!
Kevin Sullivan in therapy again, due to his “persecution” in SMW
Kevin Sullivan & The Nightstalker vs. Brian Lee & Tim Horner – The Tazmaniac comes off the top rope to hit Horner, but mistakenly nails
Nightstalker. Sullivan then chews out the WWF-bound Stalker
SMW – TV 4/10/93 & 4/17/93
Kevin Sullivan vs. Brian Lee in a “Singapore Spike Match”, JIP. Nightstalker, who is handcuffed to one of the corner posts, gets an accidental
shot with the spike from Sullivan. Stalker recovers the spike, but refuses to give it back to Sullivan, costing him the match and cementing
Stalker’s babyface turn. Sullivan cracks NS with a chair while he’s still cuffed to the corner. NS was Adam Bomb in the WWF (Bluegrass
Dirty White Boy vs. Tracy Smothers in a Chain Match, jip. A 4***, brutal, bloody Chain Match. Tracy wins the SMW title. As Tracy is being
interviewed in the dressing room, DWB smashes a board over his head (Bluegrass Brawl)
Rock & Roll Express & Arn Anderson vs. Heavenly Bodies vs. Robert Fuller, Jimmy Golden, & Dutch Mantell (NINE-MAN
STREETFIGHT, billed the “Smoky Mountain Showdown”, with three teams fighting each other. A great brawl, using very foreign object this
side of the Moondogs, including Arn emptying a fire extinguisher (Bluegrass Brawl)
Bobby Eaton vs. Tom Prichard for the SWM TV title in a battle of two Heavenly Bodies members
Bobby Eaton vs. Robbie Eagle
Music Video – Night Stalker
Kevin Sullivan vs. Roger Anderson (Sullivan and the Tazmaniac [now known as Taz] destroy Anderson)
Int – Sullivan and Tazmanic. Sullivan and Taz go back to the ring and beat the security guards who were trying to carry Roger Anderson out of
the ring.
Dutch Mantell interviews The Nightstalker
Dirty White Boy vs. Mike Sampson
Jim Cornette has a present for the Rock & Roll Express- a bag of powder, which he tosses in Morton’s eyes. He then dumps syrup and
feathers on Morton, making him look like a chicken
Int – The Heavenly Bodies and Cornette gloat over their attack on the R&R Express, but not for long, as the Stud Stable comes out, turning it
Heavenly Bodies vs. Robert Fuller & Jimmy Golden
Int – Rock & Roll Express. Ricky Morton is still covered in feathers and looks like a 6ft chicken!
SMW – TV 4/24/93 & 5/1/93
Tim Horner vs. The Avenger
Int – Bob Armstrong & The Rock & Roll Express. A match is signed between the R&Rs and the Heavenly Bodies with the loser of the fall
leaving Smoky Mountain FOREVER!
Bobby Eaton vs. Bobby Blaze
Int – Jim Cornette & Bobby Eaton
DWB vs. Scott Campione
Dutch Mantell interviews Tracy Smothers and Tim Horner
Night Stalker vs. Kevin Sullivan (Sullivan spits ink into NS’s eyes for the DQ. Kevin then does an insane interview, and NS attacks)
Tracy Smothers vs. The Avenger (Chris Candido)- DWB jumps Smothers and paints a yellow streak down his back!
Int – Brian Lee. Lee is interrupted by Tammy Lynn Fytch, who offers her services as a manager. Lee turns her down
Rock & Roll Express vs. Scott Campione & Buddy Landell
Int Stud Stable
Int Rock & Roll Express
Dutch Mantell interviews Sullivan. Very weird interview
Heavenly Bodies vs. Robbie Eagle & Bobby Blaze
Bobby Eaton vs. Brian Lee (Lee wins the TV Title! Eaton & Cornette attack Lee afterward, which draws out the Heavenly Bodies, Killer Kyle
and The Rock & Roll Express for the post match brawl)
SMOKY MOUNTAIN TV episodes 67 & 68
1. Dixie Dynamite v. The Avenger
2. Music Video – Rock & Roll Express
3. Dirty White Boy v. Bobby Blaze
4. Int – Tracy Smothers
5. Night Stalker v. Paul Lee
6. Promo – Kevin Sullivan
7. Int – Jimmy Golden & Ron Fuller
8. Stan Lane v. Jimmy Golden
9. Int – Jim Cornette
10. Killer Kyle v. Brian Lee (Beat the Champ TV Title match.)
11. Int – Dirty White Boy
12. Int – Jim Cornette
13. Int – Brian Lee, Rock & Roll Express & Bob Armstrong
14. Int – Jim Cornette
15. Jimmy Golden v. Tom Pritchard (Jim Cornette tries to interfere when the ref is knocked out, but it backfires and Bob Armstrong makes the
3 count)
16. HEAVENLY BODIES vs STUD STABLE- Fuller injures Lane.
MATCHES 18-22 ARE FROM “VOLUNTEER SLAM II” All matches are joined in progress.
17. Robert Gibson vs Tazmaniac
18. Robbert Fuller vs Killer Kyle
19. Stan Lane vs Brian Lee
20. Kevin Sullivan vs Jimmy Golden
21. Ricky Morton vs Dr. Tom Prichard,
22. THE RAGE IN THE CAGE from Vol Slam II- Heavenly Bodies, Kevin Sullivan, Killer Kyle & Tazmaniac vs Rock & Rolls, Stud Stable
& Brian
Lee, jip. After the match, Cornette and the heel team absolutely pulverize special referee Bob Armstrong- Cornette gets in dozens of racquet
and Bob Armstrong has to be hospitalized legit. Cornette does a great interview, crowing over it. This was one of the best angles I’ve ever seen,
incredibly dramatic.
SMOKY MOUNTAIN TV episodes 69 & 70
1. DIRTY WHITE BOY vs TRACY SMOTHERS, in a “coward waves the flag” match, winds up with the SMW title held up.
3. THE NEW HEAVENLY BODIES, Tom Prichard & Jimmy Del Ray, debut. Del Ray is Jimmy Backlund.
4. HEAVENLY BODIES (Lane/Prichard) vs ROCK & ROLL EXPRESS in a match where the loser of the fall leaves SMW forever, jip. We’ll
you Stan. THE NEW HEAVENLY BODIES vs BOBBY BLAZE & MIKE SAMPSON- The New HB’s debut, with Jimmy Del Ray (AKA
Backlund) replacing Stan Lane as Tom Prichard’s partner. As the storyline goes, Del Ray is Tom Prichard’s cousin, who has made his living thus
as a gigolo, “servicing” rich women in Florida.
5. Tracy Smothers v. Robbie Eagle
6. A BEDSIDE INTERVIEW WITH BOB ARMSTRONG, still laid up from the beating he took from Cornette. Bob resigns as SMW
and announces that Scott and Steve Armstrong are coming after Cornette.
7. DEBUT MATCH OF SCOTT & STEVE ARMSTRONG, followed by a tape of the recovering Bob Armstrong.
8. DOWN & DIRTY with Dutch Mantell- DM interviews the Rock & Roll Express, and Tammy Fytch offers to manage the Rock & Rolls- but
says that she would get them out of their tacky outfits, and turn them into a rap act. Morton mockingly turns her away, and Tammy has a
9. BRIAN LEE vs JIMMY GOLDEN (TV Title)- Golden is DQed for using a chain.
SMOKY MOUNTAIN TV episodes 71 &72
1. Bobby Blaze v. Paul Lee
2. Int – Rock & Roll Express
3. Chris Candido v. Gary Scott (Candido is pushing himself as the “WWA” World Heavyweight Champion, but nobody can prove that the
WWA even exists.)
4. Heavenly Bodies v. Mike Sampson & Robby Eagle
5. HEAVENLY BODIES SQUASH- The Bodies pummel their opponents until Scott & Steve Armstrong make the save.
6. Int- Bob Armstrong
7. DOWN & DIRTY with JIM CORNETTE & THE HEAVENLY BODIES. A clip of Bob Armstrong in training is shown, and after Cornette
laughs it off, Del Ray reads a love letter from “Steve Armstrong’s girlfriend”. The Armstrong’s object, and another brawl is underway.
8. TIM HORNER vs JIM CORNETTE (clips)- Dirty White Boy attacks Horner for the DQ, but Tracy Smothers makes the save, until
Cornette blinds
him with powder. Tracy swings wildly at everything, and Horner catches a shot, setting off a fight between the two friends.
9. BRIAN LEE vs DIRTY WHITE BOY (TV Title)- DWB wins using his feet on the ropes, Smothers rats him out, and the ref re- starts the
match, enabling Lee to get the win.
10. Chris Candido v. Bobby Blaze
11. Brian Lee v. jobber
12. JIM CORNETTE’S “MYSTERY TEAM” vs ROCK & ROLL EXPRESS- the mystery team turns out to be the Bruise Brothers, who
come out of the
audience and beat the stew out of Morton and Gibson.
SMW – 1993/06/14 – Johnson City, TN – “Fire On The Mountain 1993″
01. Jimmy Del Ray v Steve Armstrong
02. Dirty White Boy v Mongolian Stomper
03. Baby Bottle Match: Chris Candido v Tim Horner
04. Coal Miner’s Glove Match: Tracy Smothers v Brian Lee
05. Cage Match: Jim Cornette & Heavenly Bodies & Bruise Brothers v Bob Armstrong & Steve Armstrong & Scott Armstrong & Rock’n
Roll Express
06. Jim Cornette v Bob Armstrong (20.08. – Lumberjack Match)
Running Time: 120 minutes – Source: VHS
SMOKY MOUNTAIN TV episodes 73 &74
1. Scott & Steve Armstrong v. Jeff Daniels & Paul Lee
2. Bruise Brothers v. jobbers
3. Down & Dirty with Chris Candido
4. Brian Lee v. Robbie Eagle
5. Tracy Smothers v.
6. DOWN & DIRTY with Tim Horner, Tammy Fytch and Robbie Eagle- Horner turns down Fytch’s offer to manage him, and Fytch promptly
7. TRACY SMOTHERS vs ABDUL HASSAN, who Ron Wright has hired as a bounty hunter. Before the match, Tammy Fytch
offers to manage Smothers, and Tracy tells her off big time. Tammy throws a fit and vows revenge. DWB runs in during the match to collect the
bounty, and bloodies Smothers.
1. Rock & Roll Express v. Paul Lee & Jeff Daniels
2. Clips of Tracy Smothers getting double teamed by Dirty White Boy and Kevin Sullivan, as they try to collect on a $20,000 bounty on
Smothers’ head.
3. TRACY SMOTHERS vs KEVIN SULLIVAN (clips)- DWB runs in to attack Smothers, but Brian Lee cleans house- and then jumps on
Tracy himself!! A well planned, well executed heel turn for Lee.
4. DOWN & DIRTY with Tracy Smothers and Tim Horner- Dutch shows clips of some tense moments between the two.
5. DIRTY WHITE BOY vs BOBBY BLAZE, for the vacant TV Title- supposed to be a squash, but Blaze pulls off a major upset, pinning his
opponent. DWB goes nuts and gives Blaze a horrible beating, giving him a DDT on a chain.
SMOKY MOUNTAIN TV episodes 75 &76
1. Bruise Brothers v. Robbie Eagle & Jeff Daniels
2. POOLSIDE INTERVIEW WITH TAMMY FYTCH AND BRIAN LEE. Fytch announces Lee as her new protege.
3. TRACY SMOTHERS vs KILLER KYLE, w/ Jim Cornette. Kyle shoots for the bounty.
4. TIM HORNER vs CHRIS CANDIDO- during a Candido interview, Horner gets fed up with Candido’s whining and challenges him to an
immediate match. Candido wins with a chain, but the ref reverses the decision.
5. JIMMY DEL RAY vs STEVE ARMSTRONG- Scott Armstrong and Tom Prichard get involved for the DQ, but the Bruise Brothers
intervene, making it a 4-on-2 for Cornette’s men.
6. Bobby Blaze v. Mike Sampson
7. DOWN & DIRTY with Tracy Smothers- Lee and Fytch come out, and the fight starts after a brief exchange of words.
8. Rock & Roll Express v. Robbie Eagle & Jimmy Jannetty (But not for long, as the Bruise Brothers run in and toss out Eagle & Jannetty.
Cornette insults the R&R’s into accepting this unscheduled match for the Express’s Tag Team Titles. Bad move for Ricky and Robert, as the
Bruisers wind up winning the SMW Tag Team Titles. As Cornette brags during his post-match interview, the R&R’s jump the Bruisers, but the
Heavenly Bodies quickly make it a 4-on- 2. Bob Armstrong returns, brandishing a baseball bat
SMOKY MOUNTAIN TV episodes 77 & 78
1. Brian Lee v. Jimmy Jannetty
2. DIRTY WHITE BOY vs BOBBY BLAZE- Dutch Mantell is supposed to wrestle Blaze for the TV title, but feigns an injury, and gives the
match to the “Mighty Yankee”, who is obviously DWB under a hood. Blaze sneaks by with a time limit draw.
3. Down & Dirty with Dutch: The Bruise Brothers
4. TRACY SMOTHERS v BRIAN LEE, clips from Summerblast ’93- Lee wins the SMW title with help from Tammy Fytch.
5. JIM CORNETTE & HEAVENLY BODIES v BOB, STEVE & SCOTT ARMSTRONG, clips from SB ’93- Before the match starts,
Corny sprays Scott with an aerosol can, giving his team a 3-on-2 edge. Bob Armstrong finally gets some shots in on Cornette, but is pinned by
Corny in a fluke finish! Great post-match brawl with Bruise Bros and Rock & Roll Express involved.
6. Chris Candido v. Tim Horner
7. Rock & Roll Express v. Jimmy Jannetty & Jeff Daniels
8. TRACY SMOTHERS v BRIAN LEE, clips from Summerblast ’93- Lee wins the SMW title with help from Tammy Fytch.
9. Bruise Brothers v. Robbie Eagle & Mike Sampson
10. JIM CORNETTE & HEAVENLY BODIES v BOB, STEVE & SCOTT ARMSTRONG, clips from SB ’93- Before the match starts,
Corny sprays Scott with an aerosol can, giving his team a 3-on-2 edge. Bob Armstrong finally gets some shots in on Cornette, but is pinned by
Corny in a fluke finish! Great post-match brawl with Bruise Bros and Rock & Roll Express involved.
11. DIRTY WHITE BOY v UNDERDOG (TV Title)- Supposed to be DWB v Tim Horner, but Tim gives the match to Bobby Blaze who is
wearing a
12. CHRIS CANDIDO attacks Tim Horner during an interview, forcing a baby bottle into his mouth.
SMOKY MOUNTAIN TV episodes 79 & 80
1. Heavenly Bodies v. Larry Santo & Chris Carmen
2. BOB ARMSTRONG and SMW promoter Sandy Scott announce an upcoming Lumberjack Match, Bob Armstrong vs Jim Cornette, where
if Bob can’t send Cornette out in an ambulance, he’ll refund all of the fans’ money. The ultimate guaranteed result.
3. Tim Horner v. Joe Cazana
4. DOWN & DIRTY WITH DUTCH: Dutch Mantell interviews Dirty White Boy, who challenges Bobby Blaze to a match where if Blaze lasts
10 minutes with DWB, he gets $1,000- but if he loses, Blaze gets his head shaved. Is Blaze related to Bobby Eaton?
5. Tracy Smothers v. Juicy Johnny
6. Steve Armstrong v. DWB (From Last Tango in Tenessee)
7. Scott & Steve Armstrong v. Juicy Johnny & Joe Cazana
8. Promo – Big Bossman who is the guest referee for the big cage elimination match between the Rock & Roll Express & the Armstrongs v.
The Bruise Brothers, Heavenly Bodies and Jim Cornette.
9. DWB v. Chris Thomas (TV Title match)
10. Down & Dirty with Dutch: Bob Armstrong
11. Bruise Brothers v. Bobby Blaze & Larry Santo
12. Brian Lee v. Tim Horner
SMOKY MOUNTAIN TV episodes 81 & 82
1. The Bruise Brothers v. Larry Santo & Chris Comet (afterwards, the Bruise Brothers get beaten in an impromptu non-title match by the Rock
& Roll Express)
2. Brian Lee v. Tim Horner (Chris Candido interferes on behalf of Lee, but Tracy Smothers runs in to help Horner)
3. DWB v. Joe Cazana (Beat the Champ TV Title match)
4. Chris Candido v. Juicy Johnny (Candido tries to stick a baby bottle in Johnny’s mouth after the match, but Tim Horner runs in and attacks
5. BRIAN ARMSTRONG debuts with an interview- Cornette shows up and taunts Brian into accepting a match vs Killer Kyle. Brian
Armstrong would go on to To be known as the ROADDOG, JESSE JAMES ARMSTRONG
6. BRIAN ARMSTRONG v KILLER KYLE- Brian pulls off the upset, and the Heavenly Bodies attack, setting off another battle between
“Cornette’s Criminals” (Heavenly Bodies, Bruise Brothers & Killer Kyle) and “Armstrong’s Army” (Bob, Steve and Scott Armstrong & Rock &
Roll Express) The Cornette v Armstrong issue gets my “Feud of the Year” vote.
7. JIMMY DEL RAY v STEVE ARMSTRONG (from “Fire on the Mountain II” – The winner will get the advantage for their team for the
Rage in the Cage match later on in the night)
8. CHRIS CANDIDO v TIM HORNER, loser must drink from a baby bottle, form “Fire on the Mountain II”
9. BIG BOSSMAN v KEVIN SULLIVAN- Great Brawl from “Fire on the Mountain II”
10. DOWN & DIRTY with Jim Cornette, who discusses his WWF appearances and SummerSlam, while frantically pounding Big Bossman’s
dressing room door, as Bossman is the referee for Corny v Bob Armstrong. Bossman, who was Cornette’s bodyguard “Big Bubba Rogers” in
the NWA before McMahon gave him his Bossman character, won’t give Corny the time of day.
11. TRACY SMOTHERS v BRIAN LEE in a Coal Miner’s Glove match from Fire II- Dirty White Boy helps Lee injure Smothers.
12. Brian Lee & DWB argue about who will collect the money from their match earlier in the night.
SMW – 1993/08/18 – Jefferson County Fair
01. Dirty White Boy v Scott Armstrong
02. Brian Lee v Tim Horner
03. Loser Must Bungee Jump: Rock’n Roll Express v Heavenly Bodies
04. Battle Royal
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: VHS
SMOKY MOUNTAIN TV episodes 83 & 84
1. Rock & Roll Express v. Robby Eagle & The Dark Secret
2. THREE HILARIOUS JIM CORNETTE INTERVIEWS- Corny is bedridden from the injuries inflicted by Bob Armstrong.
3. TERRY FUNK interview- Cornette is bringing in the legendary Funker for a match v Bob Armstrong, where if Bob wins, he regains his
position as SMW Commissioner- but if Funk wins, Cornette gets the job! Great 70’s style interview.
4. DWB v. Mike Sampson
5. RON WRIGHT delivers the bounty money for injuring Tracy Smothers to Brian Lee. DWB is not pleased with this.
6. Chris Candido v. Jason West (Tim Horner challenges Candido to a country whippin’ match.)
7. KEVIN SULLIVAN v STEVE ARMSTRONG, for the vacant TV title. The match ends in a double-disqualification.
8. KEVIN SULLIVAN interview- Kevin discloses that he will now “guide” the Bruise Brothers, replacing Cornette.
9. Bruise Brothers v. Jason West & Robby Eagle
10. TRACY SMOTHERS announces that he’s not permanently injured, and will return to action in three weeks. Wright and DWB want their
$25,000 bounty money back, but Lee and Fytch stall for time.
11. WWA PROMOTER DENNIS CORRALUZZO sends in a hilarious interview chastising SMW for not recognizing the WWA title.
12. Tim Horner v. Mike Sampson (Chris Candido runs in and attacks Horner)
13. DOWN & DIRTY with Bob Armstrong, who discusses upcoming match with Cornette’s “mystery man.” If Cornette’s man loses, Cornette
must leave SMW forever, but if Armstrong loses, he must leave SMW.
14. Brian Lee v. Bobby Blaze
15. RICKY MORTON v JIMMY DEL RAY, for vacant TV title. Del Ray uses a chain to win the match and the title.
SMOKY MOUNTAIN TV episodes 85 & 86
1. Scott & Steve Armstrong v. Dark Secret & Mike Sampson
2. CHRIS CANDIDO v ROBBIE EAGLE (Horner bet that Candido wouldn’t win, and if heloses he’d have to wear a baby bonnet until he
wins again on TV. Candido accepts the challenge, seeing as how Eagle has NEVER won a TV match in his life. But in a HILARIOUS segment,
Tim Horner runs in and elbow dropps Eagle, CAUSING CANDIDO TO BE DISQUALIFIED!)
3. DOWN & DIRTY with Lee, Fytch, DWB and Ron Wright. DWB wants the bounty money returned, but Tammy schmoozes her way into
getting a one week extension. Tammy got my runner-up vote for “Manager of the Year” behind Cornette.
4. Jimmy Del Ray v. Jason West (Beat the Champ TV Title match)
5. ROCK & ROLL EXPRESS vs BRUISE BROTHERS- Kevin Sullivan helps the Bruisers demolish the R&R’s.
6. JIM CORNETTE is introduced as the new SMW Commish, after successfully running Bob Armstrong out of the area. Corny taunts the
Steiner Brothers who will be wrestling the Heavenly Bodies at the upcoming Parade of Champions
7. TERRY FUNK vs BOB ARMSTRONG- clips from “K-Town Showdown”- wild match with every wrestler on the card getting involved.
Funk KO’s Bob with his branding iron for the win, and Jim Cornette is installed as SMW Commissioner.
8. RICK & SCOTT STEINER vs THE HEADSHRINKERS (clips from a WWF taping)- Cornette throws powder in Scott’s eyes, and The
Heavenly Bodies clean house on the Steiners.
9. ROCK & ROLL EXPRESS vs BRUISE BROTHERS (Clips from K-Town)- The R&R’s win the SMW Tag Titles, and Corny puts the
Bruisers on “Double Secret Probation”.
10. CHRIS CANDIDO vs ROBBIE EAGLE- a rematch, and if Candido wins, he no longer has to wear his baby bonnet. Tim Horner comes
to ringside wearing Candido’s WWA belt. Candido goes after him- and gets counted out!
11. Tracy Smothers v. Gator McCallister
12. SENSATIONAL SHERRI MARTEL INTERVIEW- Sherri comes in to help Tracy Smothers with Tammy Fytch and Brian Lee.
13. JIMMY DEL RAYvs ROBERT GIBSON- Gibson wins the SMW TV Title- Cornette does commentary, and he’s too much.
SMOKY MOUNTAIN TV episodes 87 & 88
1. Bobby Blaze v. Robbie Eagle
2. Bob Armstrong v. Black Ninja (Armstrong attacks SMW Commissioner Jim Cornette, allowing a second Black Ninja to attack and pin
Armstrong. Because of the pre-match stipulation, Armstrong has to leave SMW.)
3. Heavenly Bodies v. Steiner Brothers (From Summerslam 93. Very Good Match.)
4. The Heavenly Bodies attack the Steiners on WWF TV.
5. Chris Candido v. Dark Secret (Baby Bonnet Challenge match. Candido finally wins his match, and can remove the baby bonnet that he’d
been forced to use. Thanks to Cornette though, he didn’t have to wrestle Tim Horner like he should have, but a much easier opponent
in Dark Secret.)
6. The SMW board of directors have decided that due to all the trouble that Cornette has been causing as commissioner of SMW, they have
to impeach Cornette! Cornette is no longer the SMW commissioner.
7. Bruse Brothers v. Jason West & Gator McCallister
8. Robert Gibson v. DWB (DWB wins the TV Title. Afterward, the Heavenly Bodies attack Ricky Morton, Scott Armstrong runs the bodies
off, but Gibson apparently thinks it was Armstrong who attacked Morton)
9. Tracey Smothers v. Robbie Eagle
10. A rundown of the feud between Bob Armstrong and Jim Cornette which saw Cornette become the SMW Commissioner and all of the
that occurred afterward, leading to Cornette being impeached as commissioner last week, and Armstrong’s quest to be reinstated to SMW
11. The debut of “The Bullet!” – Cornette is irate, as it’s obviously Bob Armstrong under a mask.
12. Killer Kyle v. Gator McCallister
13. Down & Dirty with Dutch: Dutch Mantell asks the R&R Express if there’s any heat between them and the Armstrongs, but the Express,
will be wrestling the Armstrongs at the upcoming Parade of Champions promise that there’s no problem between them. And the Armstrongs.
14. Heavenly Bodies v. Jason West & Chris Kanyon
15. Int – With the Heavenly Bodies at his side, Cornette calls out the Bruise Brothers to show them footage of the Bodies attacking the Steiners
so the Bruisers can see what a real tag team is all about.
16. DWB v. Dark Secret (Tracy Smothers runs in and attacks DWB. Brian Lee comes in, but instead of double teaming Smothers, DWB
the ring, allowing Smothers to take out Lee! Looks like DWB is still a little upset about that $25,000 he lost to Lee.)
SMOKY MOUNTAIN TV episodes 89 & 90
1. Les Thatcher and Dutch Mantel open up the show.
2. Rock ‘N Roll Express vs Robbie Eagle & Dark Secret.
3. Les interviews Darryl Van Horn. (A nice gesture on behalf of Van Horn to the fans’ negative response : “Suttup crackers!”)
4. Tim Horner vs Jason West.
5. The Bullet promo.
6. Les interviews Jim Cornette; Tracy Smothers.
7. Dirty White Boy vs Chris Kanyon; Beat The Champ.
8. Clip of DWB vs Dark Secret from last week.
9. Les interviews DWB.
10. Tammy’s Tips. (Tammy teaches a lady to use deodorant and perfume. Pretty funny)
11. Heavenly Bodies – Steiners video. (All of the footage is from the WWF, and what’s funny is, the music sounds like it’s straight out of 1976.)
12. Les interviews Jim Cornette and The Heavenly Bodies; Bobby Blaze.
13. Tracy Smothers vs Brian Lee; Coal Miner’s Glove match. (Dirty White Boy comes in and gets the glove, and ends up hitting Brian Lee by
mistake! )
14. Les interviews Brian Lee, DWB, Tammy Fytch, and Ron Wright. (They all argue after the above incident. This was the beginning of the
15. SMW closing video, recapping today’s show.
14. Bob Caudle and Dutch Mantel open up the show.
15. Darryl Von Horn comes out, and sits in on commentary at the desk.
16. Clip of Chris Candido vs Bobby Blaze (Candido wins the U,S. Junior title, Knoxville Coliseum.)
17. Dirty White Boy vs Tim Horner; Parade Of Champions – Barbourville, Kentucky
18. Tracy Smothers vs Brian Lee; Freedom Hall. (Sensational Sherri and Tammy Fytch are at ringside. )
19. Bob interviews Brian Lee, Tammy Sytch, and Ron Wright.
20. The Bullet vs Killer Kyle; Freedom Hall. (If Bullet loses, he must unmask)
21. Rock ‘N Roll Express vs Steve & Scott Armstrong; Freedom Hall.
22. The Steiners vs The Heavenly Bodies; Parade Of Champions – Barbourville, Kentucky. (The fans are big into Rick and Scott Steiner.)
23. Bob interviews Jim Cornette and The Heavenly Bodies, then closes out the show.
24. SMW closing video, recapping today’s show
SMOKY MOUNTAIN TV episodes 91 & 92
1. SMW opening montage video.
2. Bob Caudle and Dutch Mantel open up the show.
3. The Rock ‘N Roll Express vs Chris Kanyon & Juicy Johnny.(How’s that for a couple of tag team names?)
4. Bob interviews Jim Cornette and The Heavenly Bodies. (Cornette announces The Moondogs are coming in. The storyline this week was that
the Bodies had to face a mystery team, so they’re going crazy as to who it is. The Bruise Brothers interrupt, and Cornette yells at them.
Bad move, as the Bruise Brothers attack Cornette and immediately challenge them to a match, leading directly to…..)
5. The Heavenly Bodies vs The Bruise Brothers. (Awesome angle, and it gets over huge with the crowd. Not really a match though, as
there was no referee. Both teams brawled all over the arena and even out into the parking lot!)
6. The Bruise Brothers come back inside, and cut a promo at the desk.
7. Dirty White Boy vs Larry Santo.
8. Bob interviews Brian Lee, Tammy Fytch, and Ron Wright. (Wright is visually upset about the heat between DWB and Brian Lee. Tony
Anthony comes out and tries to “take Ron Wright home”. Great, great stuff, as the crowd seems to be getting behind the DWB. )
9. Tracy Smothers vs Chris Comet.
10. Bob interviews Tracy Smothers.
11. Tammy’s Tips. (Dining Etiquette)
12. Chris Candido vs Bobby Blaze (Candido wins back the United States Junior Heavyweight title,)
13. Bob interviews Chris Candido; The Bullet, then closes out the show.
14. SMW closing video, recapping today’s show.
15. SMW opening montage video.
16. Scott & Steve Armstrong v. Larry Santos & Juicy Johnny
17. DWB v. Brian Lee (Great Brawl! White Boy is beaten Bloody and when Ron Wright gets out of his wheel chair and comes in to help him,
Brian Lee attacks him! DWB is in tears as he tries to help the unconscious Wright afterward. DWB Tony Anthony’s face turn is
18. Tammy’s Tips (Diet & Exercise)\
19. Promo – Chris Candido goes to throw the US Jr. Heavyweight title into the river. Bobby Blaze runs out to stop Candido and
Candido throws Blaze in the river instead!
20. Promo – Bobby Blaze promises to embarrass Candido as much as Candido embarrassed Blaze.
21. Int – Jim Cornette & The Heavenly Bodies
22. The Bullet vs Killer Kyle.
23. Int – Dirty White Boy
24. Int – Brian Lee and Tammy Fytch. A still bloody Dirty White Boy runs them off with a chair and announces that he’s no longer from New
City but is once again from Bucksnort, Tennessee.
SMOKY MOUNTAIN TV episodes 93 & 94
1. Heavenly Bodies v. Chris Comet & Chris Kanyon (The match never gets started though, as the Bruise Brothers run in and attack the
2. Tracy Smothers v. Larry Santo
3. The Moondogs destroy some helpless opponents.
4. Tammy’s Tips (makeup)
5. Tim Horner v. Juicy Johnny (Beat the Champ, TV Title match.)
6. Int – Tim Horner and Mike Furnas, who Horner will be training.
7. Int – Heavenly Bodies & Jim Cornette talk about the “Gang Fight” match that has been signed with the Bruise Brothers for Thanksgiving
8. Heavenly Bodies v. Chris Comet & Chris Kanyon (They finally get to have the match from the beginning of the show.)
9. Int – Bruise Brothers
10. Int – The Bullet
11. Promo – Kevin Sullivan out on the beach in Daytona, Florida
12. Brian Lee v. Bobby Blaze (DWB runs in to attack Brian Lee and protect Blaze)
13. Bobby Blaze vs Jason West.
14. Int – Chris Candido, who has signed for a Tar & Feather match with Bobby Blaze.
15. Bob interviews Tracy Smothers.
16. Dirty Whiteboy vs Brian Lee; Smoky Mountain title. (Tracy Smothers sits in on commentary. Brian Lee, in street clothes, comes out
wearing his arm in a sling, but DWB could care less, so the match is on. After Tammy attempts to spray DWB in the eyes, ref Mark Curtis
gets bumped; DWB begins spanking her, and Brian Lee jumps him from behind, putting the boots to him; Dirty White Girl, Kimberly,
then runs in, and begins clobbering everyone. Another wild one!
17. Bob interviews Dirty White Boy and Kimberly. (Well, Tony Anthony is officially a face now. Kim calls Fytch a bitch! )
18. The Rock ‘N Roll Express vs John Hitchcock & Robbie Eagle.
19. Bruise Brothers “Get A Haircut, And Get A Real Job” video.
20. Down ‘N Dirty with The Bruise Brothers.
21. Bob interviews Jim Cornette with The Moondogs.
22. The Moondogs vs Wild & Patterson. (The infamous debut in SMW. They kill their foes using a chair, vacuum cleaner, trashcan etc.)
23. The Moondogs drag their downed opponents to the announce area, and lay in some more brutal shots.
24. The Bullet promo from his house.
25. Kevin Sullivan promo on Daytona Beach
26. Clip of Tim Horner training Mike Furnas how to wrestle.
27. Tim Horner v. Killer Kyle (BTC, TV Title Match)
28. Bob interviews Brian Lee and Tammy Fytch. (Dirty White Girl comes running out, and Brian Lee catches her on his shoulder, and due to
momentum, he about drops her on her head at the announce table! )
SMOKY MOUNTAIN TV episodes 95 & 96
1. Chris Candido v. Jason West (After the match, Candido puts feathers all over West , but Bobby Blaze runs in to make the save. Candido
Blaze will be in a “loser gets tarred and feathered” match at Thanksgiving Thunder.)
2. Brian Lee v. Dirty White Boy (replay of the match from last week.)
3. DWB [with Dirty White Girl Kimberly] v. John Hitchcock (Brian Lee & Tammy Fytch attack the DWG after the match.)
4. Promo – Kevin Sullivan
5. Promo – The Bullet
6. Int – DWB and DWG who is still holding her head from her beating earlier in the evening.
7. Int – Jim Cornette & The Moondogs
8. The Moondogs are in the ring and refuse to leave. They then proceed to destroy everyone comes down to the ring to try and make them
The Dogs
9. Footage of Mike Furnas training with Tim Horner
10. Tim Horner v. Robbie Eagle (BTC TV Champ match.)
11. Heavenly Bodies v. Bruise Brothers
12. Bobby Blaze v. Killer Kyle
13. Promo – Kevin Sullivan
14. Tim Horner v. Chris Kanyon (BTC TV Champ match)
15. DWB v. John Hitchcock (Hitchcock doesn’t do any better than he did last week.)
attack the
Rock & Rolls- the Bruise Brothers come out to even the sides, and all four tag teams brawl all over the arena! Smothers puts Lee in the figure-
four, but Fytch KO’s him with her loaded purse. Lee is about to jump off the top rope onto Smothers’ knee when DWB makes the save.
still wants nothing to do with DWB though, and walks off without shaking his hand.
17. Int – Mike Furnas. Cornette comes out to insult him and Furnas grabs Cornette, but is attacked and beaten down by the Heavenly Bodies.
SMOKY MOUNTAIN TV episodes 97 & 98
Matches 1,3,5 & 6 are From Thanksgiving Thunder.
1. Chris Candido v. Bobby Blaze (Tar & Feather match. Candido wins the match, but the decision is reversed by Commissioner Sandy Scott.
Candido then Kos Blaze and tars and feathers him anyway.)
2. HEAVENLY BODIES & BRIAN LEE vs TRACY SMOTHERS & ROCK & ROLL EXPRESS- Good Match (repeat from last week.
run in and attack the Rock & Rolls- the Bruise Brothers come out to even the sides, and all four tag teams brawl all over the arena! Smothers
Lee in the figure-four, but Fytch KO’s him with her loaded purse. Lee is about to jump off the top rope onto Smothers’ knee when DWB
makes the
save. Smothers still wants nothing to do with DWB though.
3. PRINCE KHARIS vs TIM HORNER (Clips from TT Tour)- Kharis finally debuts, and it’s a disaster. He’s a stiff, overblown clown in a
4. Mike Furnas gets into it with Jim Cornette on the interview set, and the Heavenly Bodies run in and rough him up. (replay from last week.)
5. THE BULLET vs KEVIN SULLIVAN in a Singapore Spike Match (clips from TT tour)- Killer Kyle interference backfires.
6. HEAVENLY BODIES vs BRUISE BROTHERS- clips of a “Gangfight Match” from TT Tour- a match that received ratings as high as 5
There are broken pieces of tables and chairs all over the ring!
7. Rock & Roll Express v. Larry Santo & Paul Lee
8. HILARIOUS DICK MURDOCH interview, who Jim Cornette is bringing in to face Bob Armstrong.
9. Brian Lee v. Chris Kanyon
10. Cornette and the Heavenly Bodies badmouth Mike Furnas until Furnas runs him off. Mike promises to bring his brother DOUG Furnas
with him to the Upcoming Christmas Chaos show.
11. THE MOONDOGS vs ROCK REGAL & MIKE COLLINS- the Dogs mangle their opponents with a stop sign!
12. Clips are shown of the ending of match #6 where the Moondogs ran in and attacked the Bruise Brothers
13. TRACY SMOTHERS vs JIMMY DEL RAY for the vacant TV title- good match between SMW’s two best workers
SMOKY MOUNTAIN TV episodes 99 & 100
1. Dirty White Boy v. Paul Lee (During the match, Brian Lee and Tammy Fytch attack DWG and smear lipstick all over her face.)
2. The Heavenly Bodies v. Michael Collins & Chris Kanyon (Mike Furnas runs in afterward, but Cornette & the Bodies take him apart)
3. DICK MURDOCH SENDS IN ANOTHER INTERVIEW, drinking beer and saying how happy he is to be coming to ROCKY Mountain
Wrestling because they’re not under federal indictment! Funny, as Murdoch was a WWF tag team champ in 1984.
4. Larry Santo v. Tracy Smothers (Beat the Champ TV Title)
5. HEAVENLY BODIES vs ROCK & ROLL EXPRESS- jip from the Survivor Series in Boston- the Bods regain the tag titles in a great
match- it’s a
real embarrassment to be a “Boston Wrestling Fan” after seeing the crowd reaction for this terrific contest- everyone chanting “boring”, like they
can’t wait to see the four Doinks.
6. ROCK & ROLL EXPRESS vs MOONDOGS- The Bruise Brothers interfere, causing the Dogs to lose. Cornette then challenges the
Bruisers to
fight the Dogs. Bad move for the Bruisers, as Cornette blinds them with powder, and the Dogs deliver a beating to the twin giants.
7. Bobby Blaze v. Paul Lee
8. Tracy Smothers video
9. Bruise Brothers v. Larry Santo & Rock Regal
10. Footage from last week when the Bruise Brothers and the Moondogs were brawling with each other.
11. Int – Bruise Brothers
12. Down & Dirty with Dutch Mantell – Brian Lee & Tammy Fytch
13. Dick Murdoch sends in another great promo
14. Int – Heavenly Bodies
15. Int – Tim Horner, who is out of action after his match with Prince Kharis at Thanksgiving Thunder.
16. TRACY SMOTHERS vs CHRIS CANDIDO- A very good match
DISC # 1
1993/01/02 – TV SHOW # 49
Year 1992 in Review
1993/01/09 – TV SHOW # 50
01. Brian Lee & The Mongolian Stomper vs. Kevin Sullivan & The Nightstalker
02. Chris Comet vs. Jeff Daniels
03. Handicap Match: Rock’n Roll Express vs. The Heavenly Bodies & Jim Cornette
04. Dirty White Boy & Paul Orndorff vs. Tim Horner & Ronnie Garvin
DISC # 2
1993/01/16 – TV SHOW # 51
01.SMW Beat The Champ TV Title – Elimination Match: Tracy Smothers vs. Dirty White Boy vs. Killer Kyle vs. Jimmy Golden
02. Mongolian Stomper vs. Kevin Sullivan
1993/01/23 – TV SHOW # 52
01. Dixie Dynamite vs. Paul Lee
02. Brian Lee vs. Kevin Sullivan
03. SMW Beat The Champ TV Title: Tracy Smothers vs. Reno Riggins
04. Heavenly Bodies vs. Robert Fuller & Jimmy Golden
DISC # 3 a
1993/01/30 – TV SHOW # 53
01. Tim Horner vs. The Dark Secret
02. Johnny Kidd vs. Kevin Sullivan
03. SMW Beat the Champ TV Title: Tracy Smothers vs. Brad Batten
04. SMW Tag Team Titles: Heavenly Bodies vs. Rock’n Roll Express
SMW – 1993/02/04 – Pikeville, KY – “Bluegrass Brawl”
01. Rob Morgan v Mongolian Stomper
02. Nightstalker v Tim Horner
03. Russian Roulette Death Match: Brian Lee v Kevin Sullivan
04. SMW Title – Tennessee Chain Match: Dirty White Boy v Tracy Smothers
05. Elimination Street Fight: Heavenly Bodies & Bobby Eaton v Rock’n Roll Express & Arn Anderson v Dutch Mantel & Jimmy Golden &
Robert Fuller
DISC # 3 b
1993/02/06 – TV SHOW # 54
01. Reno Riggins vs. Robbie Eagle
02. Killer Kyle vs. Johnny Kidd
03. Brian Lee vs. Dark Secret
04. SMW Beat the Champ TV Title: Tracy Smothers vs. Shawn Powers
05. Robert Fuller & Jimmy Golden vs. Bart & Brad Batten
DISC # 4
1993/02/13 – TV SHOW # 55
01. Reno Riggins vs. Dirty White Boy
02. Bart Batten vs. Kevin Sullivan
03. Rock’n Roll Express vs. Heavenly Bodies
04. Rock’n Roll Express vs. Dark Secret & Robbie Eagle
05. SMW Beat the Champ TV Title: Tracy Smothers vs. Paul Orndorff
1993/02/20 – TV SHOW # 56
01. Heavenly Bodies & Bobby Eaton vs. Reno Riggins & Dixie Dynamite & Len Fields
02. Brian Lee vs. Larry Santo
03. SMW Beat The Champ TV Title: Tracy Smothers vs. The Nightstalker
04. Dirty White Boy vs. Ted Allen
05. Rock’n Roll Express vs. Robert Fuller & Jimmy Golden
DISC # 5
1993/02/27 – TV SHOW # 57
01. Killer Kyle vs. Ted Allen
02. Reno Riggins vs. Rip Rogers
03. Len Fields vs. Kevin Sullivan
04. SMW Beat the Champ TV Title: The Nightstalker vs. Larry Santo
05. Bobby Eaton vs. Ricky Morton
1993/03/06 – TV SHOW # 58
01. SMW Beat The Champ TV Title: Nightstalker vs. Tim Horner
02. Brian Lee vs. Kevin Sullivan
03. Robert Fuller & Jimmy Golden & Dutch Mantel vs. Larry Santo & Len Fields & Reno Riggins
04. Dirty White Boy vs. Tracy Smothers
DISC # 6
1993/03/13 – TV SHOW # 59
01. SMW Beat the Champ TV Title: Tim Horner vs. Dixie Dynamite
02. Rock’n Roll Express vs. Jeff Daniels & Len Fields
03. Tracy Smothers vs. Larry Santo
04. Kevin Sullivan vs. Chris Adams
05. Crash the Terminator vs. Miguelito Perez
1993/03/20 – TV SHOW # 60
01. Dirty White Boy vs. Len Fields
02. Bobby Eaton & Stan Lane vs. Reno Riggins & Dixie Dynamite
03. Yukihiro Kanemura vs. Kevin Sullivan
04. SMW Beat the Champ TV Title: Tim Horner vs. Killer Kyle
DISC # 7
1993/03/27 – TV SHOW # 61
01. Robert Fuller & Jimmy Golden vs. Reno Riggins & Len Fields
02. Brian Lee vs. Larry Santo
03. Singapore Spike Match: Brian Lee vs. Kevin Sullivan
04. Tracy Smothers vs. Jeff Daniels
05. SMW Beat The Champ TV Title: Tim Horner vs. Bobby Eaton
1993/04/03 – TV SHOW # 62
01. Rock’n Roll Express vs. The Avenger & Mike Sampson
02. SMW Beat the Champ TV Title: Bobby Eaton vs. Jimmy Golden
03. Brian Lee & Tim Horner vs. The Nightstalker & Kevin Sullivan
DISC # 8
1993/04/10 – TV SHOW # 63
01. Singapore Spike Match: Brian Lee vs. Kevin Sullivan
02. SMW Title – Chain Match: Tracy Smothers vs. Dirty White Boy
03. Street Fight: Heavenly Bodies (Babby Eaton & Stan Lane & Tom Pritchard) vs. Rock’n Roll Express & Arn Anderson vs. Dutch Mantel
& Jimmy Golden & Robert Fuller
04. SMW Beat the Champ TV Title: Bobby Eaton vs. Tom Pritchard
1993/04/17 – TV SHOW # 64
01. SMW Beat the Champ TV Title: Bobby Eaton vs. Robbie Eagle
02. Roger Anderson vs. Kevin Sullivan
03. Dirty White Boy vs. Mike Sampson
04. Heavenly Bodies vs. Robert Fuller & Jimmy Golden
DISC # 9
1993/04/24 – TV SHOW # 65
01. Tim Horner vs. The Avenger
02. Elimination Street Fight: Rock’n Roll Express vs. Heavenly Bodies vs. Robert Fuller & Jimmy Golden
03. SMW Beat the Champ TV Title: Bobby Eaton vs. Bobby Blaze
04. Dirty White Boy vs. Scott Campione
05. The Nightstalker vs. Kevin Sullivan
1993/05/01 – TV SHOW # 66
01. Tracy Smothers vs. The Avenger
02. Rock’n Roll Express vs. Paul Lee & Scott Campione
03. Heavenly Bodies vs. Bobby Blaze & Robbie Eagle
04. SMW Beat The Champ TV Title: Bobby Eaton vs. Brian Lee
DISC # 10
1993/05/08 – TV SHOW # 67
01. Dixie Dynamite vs. The Avenger
02. Dirty White Boy vs. Bobby Blaze
03. Nightstalker vs. Paul Lee
04. Jimmy Golden vs. Stan Lane
05. SMW Beat the Champ TV Title: Brian Lee vs. Killer Kyle
1993/05/15 – TV SHOW # 68
01. Heavenly Bodies vs. Robert Fuller & Jimmy Golden
02. Robert Gibson vs. The Tazmaniac
03. Killer Kyle vs. Robert Fuller
04. Brian Lee vs. Stan Lane
05. Kevin Sullivan vs. Jimmy Golden
06. Tom Pritchard vs. Ricky Morton
07. Rage In A Cage: Rock’n Roll Express & Robert Fuller & Jimmy Golden & Brian Lee vs. Heavenly Bodies & Killer Kyle & Kevin Sullivan
& Tazmaniac
DISC # 11
1993/05/22 – TV SHOW # 69
01. SMW Heavyweight Title – Coward Waves The Flag: Dirty White Boy vs. Tracy Smothers
02. SMW Tag Team Titles – Loser Of The Fall Leaves SMW: Heavenly Bodies vs. Rock’n Roll Express
03. Heavenly Bodies vs. Bobby Blaze & Mike Sampson
1993/05/29 – TV SHOW # 70
01. Tracy Smothers vs. Robbie Eagle
02. Steve & Scott Armstrong vs. Paul Lee & Mike Sampson
03. Tim Horner vs. Gary Scott
04. SMW Beat the Champ TV Title: Brian Lee vs. Jimmy Golden
DISC # 12
1993/06/05 – TV SHOW # 71
01. Bobby Blaze vs. Paul Lee
02. Chris Candido vs. Gary Scott
03. Heavenly Bodies vs. Robbie Eagle & Mike Sampson
04. Tim Horner vs. Jim Cornette
05. SMW Beat the Champ TV Title: Brian Lee vs. Dirty White Boy
1993/06/12 – TV SHOW # 72
01. Chris Candido vs. Bobby Blaze
02. SMW Beat the Champ TV Title: Brian Lee vs. Paul Lee
03. Rock’n Roll Express vs. Ron & Don Harris
04. Heavenly Bodies vs. Steve & Scott Armstrong
DISC # 13
1993/06/19 – TV SHOW # 73
01. Scott & Steve Armstrong vs. Paul Lee & Jeff Daniels
02. Chris Comet & Larry Santo vs. Ron & Don Harris
03. SMW Beat the Champ TV Title: Brian Lee vs. Robbie Eagle
04. Tracy Smothers vs. Abdul Hassan
1993/06/26 – TV SHOW # 74
01. Rock’n Roll Express vs. Paul Lee & Jeff Daniels
02. Chris Candido vs. Chris Comet
03. Heavenly Bodies vs. Larry Santo & Robbie Eagle
04. SMW Beat the Champ TV Title: Bobby Blaze vs. Dirty White Boy
DISC # 14
1993/07/03 – TV SHOW # 75
01. Robbie Eagle & Jeff Daniels vs. Ron & Don Harris
02. Tracy Smothers vs. Killer Kyle
03. Tim Horner vs. Chris Candido
04. Steve Armstrong vs. Jimmy Del Rey
1993/07/10 – TV SHOW # 76
01. SMW Beat the Champ TV Title: Bobby Blaze vs. Mike Sampson
02. SMW Tag Team Titles: Ron & Don Harris vs. The Rock’n Roll Express
DISC # 15
1993/07/17 – TV SHOW # 77
01. Brian Lee vs. Jimmy Jannetty
02. SMW Beat the Champ TV Title: Bobby Blaze vs. Mighty Yankee (aka. Dirty White Boy)
03. Bob Armstrong & Scott Armstrong & Steve Armstrong vs. Robbie Eagle & Mike Sampson & Jeff Daniels
04. Tim Horner vs. Chris Candido
1993/07/24 – TV SHOW # 78
01. Rock’n Roll Express vs. Jeff Daniels & Jimmy Jannetty
02. SMW Heavyweight Title: Brian Lee vs. Tracy Smothers
03. Robbie Eagle & Mike Sampson vs. Ron & Don Harris
04. Heavenly Bodies & Jim Cornette vs. Bob Armstrong & Scott Armstrong & Steve Armstrong
05. SMW Beat the Champ TV Title: Dirty White Boy vs. Underdog (Bobby Blaze)
DISC # 16
1993/07/31 – TV SHOW # 79
01. Heavenly Bodies vs. Chris Comet & Larry Santo
02. Tim Horner vs. Joe Cazana
03. Tracy Smothers vs. Juicy Johnny
04. SMW Beat the Champ TV Title: Dirty White Boy vs. Steve Armstrong
05. No DQ Match: Ron & Don Harris vs. The Rock’n Roll Express
1993/08/07 – TV SHOW # 80
01. Steve & Scott Armstrong vs. Juicy Johnny & Joe Cazana
02. SMW Beat the Champ TV Title: Dirty White Boy vs. Chris Comet
03. Rock’n Roll Express vs. Ron & Don Harris
04. Tim Horner vs. Brian Lee
DISC # 17
1993/08/14 – TV SHOW # 81
01. Larry Santo & Chris Comet vs. Ron & Don Harris
02. SMW Beat the Champ TV Title: Dirty White Boy vs. Joe Cazana
03. Chris Candido vs. Juicy Johnny
04. Brian Armstrong vs. Killer Kyle
1993/08/21 – TV SHOW # 82
01. Jimmy Del Rey vs. Steve Armstrong
02. Baby Bottle Match: Chris Candido vs. Tim Horner
03. Big Boss Man vs. Kevin Sullivan
04. Coal Miner’s Glove Match: Brian Lee vs. Tracy Smothers
DISC # 18
1993/08/28 – TV SHOW # 83
01. Rock’n Roll Express vs. Robbie Eagle & The Dark Secret
02. SMW Beat the Champ TV Title: Dirty White Boy vs. Mike Sampson
03. Chris Candido vs. Jason West
04. Steve Armstrong vs. Kevin Sullivan
1993/09/04 – TV SHOW # 84
01. Robbie Eagle & Jason West vs. Ron & Don Harris
02. Tim Horner vs. Mike Sampson
03. Brian Lee vs. Bobby Blaze
04. SMW Beat the Champ TV Title: Jimmy Del Ray vs. Ricky Morton
DISC # 19
1993/09/11 – TV SHOW # 85
01. Steve & Scott Armstrong vs. Mike Sampson & The Dark Secret
02. Robbie Eagle vs. Chris Candido
03. SMW Beat the Champ TV Title: Jimmy Del Ray vs. Jason West
04. Rock’n Roll Express vs. Ron & Don Harris
1993/09/18 – TV SHOW # 86
01. Terry Funk vs. Bob Armstrong
02. SMW Tag Team Titles: Rock’n Roll Express vs. Ron & Don Harris
03. Robbie Eagle vs. Chris Candido
04. Tracy Smothers vs. Gator McAllister
05. SMW Beat the Champ TV Title: Jimmy Del Rey vs. Robert Gibson
DISC # 20
1993/09/25 – TV SHOW # 87
01. Bobby Blaze vs. Robbie Eagle
02. Black Ninja (Larry Santo) vs. Bob Armstrong
03. Rick & Scott Steiner vs. The Heavenly Bodies
04. Chris Candido vs. The Dark Secret
05. Ron & Don Harris vs. Jason West & Gator McAllister
05. SMW Beat the Champ TV Title: Robert Gibson vs. Dirty White Boy
1993/10/02 – TV SHOW # 88
01. Tracy Smothers vs. Robbie Eagle
02. Killer Kyle vs. Gator McAllister
03. Heavenly Bodies vs. Chris Canyon & Jason West
04. SMW Beat The Champ TV Title: Dirty White Boy vs. The Dark Secret
DISC # 21
1993/10/09 – TV SHOW # 89
01. Rock’n Roll Express vs. Robbie Eagle & The Dark Secret
02. Tim Horner vs. Jason West
03. SMW Beat The Champ TV Title: Dirty White Boy vs. Chris Canyon
04. Coal Miner’s Glove Match: Tracy Smothers vs. Brian Lee
1993/10/16 – TV SHOW # 90
01. US Junior Heavyweight Title: Bobby Blaze vs. Chris Candido
02. Dirty White Boy vs. Tim Horner
03. Brian Lee vs. Tracy Smothers
04. The Rock’n Roll Express vs. Scott & Steve Armstrong
05. Heavenly Bodies vs. Rick & Scott Steiner
DISC # 22
1993/10/23 – TV SHOW # 91
01. Rock’n Roll Express vs. Chris Canyon & Juicy Johnny
02. SMW Beat The Champ TV Title: Dirty White Boy vs. Larry Santo
03. Tracy Smothers vs. Chris Comet
04. US Junior Heavyweight Title: Chris Candido vs. Bobby Blaze
1993/10/30 – TV SHOW # 92
01. Scott & Steve Armstrong vs. Larry Santo & Juicy Johnny
02. SMW Beat The Champ TV Title: Dirty White Boy vs. Brian Lee
03. The Bullet vs. Killer Kyle
DISC # 23
1993/11/06 – TV SHOW # 93
01. Tracy Smothers vs. Larry Santo
02. SMW Beat The Champ TV Title: Tim Horner vs. Juicy Johnny
03. Heavenly Bodies vs. Chris Canyon & Chris Comet
04. Brian Lee vs. Bobby Blaze
1993/11/13 – TV SHOW # 94
01. Bobby Blaze vs. Jason West
02. Rock’n Roll Express vs. John Hitchcock & Robbie Eagle
03. SMW Beat The Champ TV Title: Tim Horner vs. Killer Kyle
DISC # 24
1993/11/20 – TV SHOW # 95
01. US Junior Heavyweight Title: Chris Candido vs. Jason West
02. Dirty White Boy vs. John Hitchcock
03. SMW Beat The Champ TV Title: Tim Horner vs. Robbie Eagle
04. Heavenly Bodies vs. Ron & Don Harris
1993/11/27 – TV SHOW # 96
01. Killer Kyle vs. Bobby Blaze
02. SMW Beat The Champ TV Title: Tim Horner vs. Chris Canyon
03. Rock’n Roll Express & Tracy Smothers vs. The Heavenly Bodies & Brian Lee
DISC # 25
1993/12/04 – TV SHOW # 97
01. Loser Gets Tarred & Feathered: Bobby Blaze vs. Chris Candido
02. Prince Kharis vs. Tim Horner
03. Falls Count Anywhere: The Bullet vs. Kevin Sullivan
04. Gang Fight Match: Ron & Don Harris vs. Heavenly Bodies
1993/12/11 – TV SHOW # 98
01. Rock’n Roll Express vs. Larry Santo & Paul Lee
02. Brian Lee vs. Chris Canyon
03. Michael Collins & Rock Regal vs. Moondogs Rex & Spot
04. SMW Beat The Champ TV Title: Tracy Smothers vs. Jimmy Del Rey
DISC # 26
1993/12/18 – TV SHOW # 99
01. Dirty White Boy vs. Paul Lee
02. Heavenly Bodies vs. Chris Canyon & Michael Collins
03. SMW Beat The Champ TV Title: Tracy Smothers vs. Larry Santo
04. SMW Tag Team Titles: Heavenly Bodies vs. The Rock’n Roll Express
05. Rock’n Roll Express vs. Moondogs Rex & Spot
1993/12/25 – TV SHOW # 100
01. Bobby Blaze vs. Paul Lee
02. Ron & Don Harris vs. Larry Santo & Rock Regal
03. Beat The Champ TV Title: Tracy Smothers vs. Chris Candido