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Stephanie McMahon Reveals Her Reaction When Her B**bs Popped Out On Live TV

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Stephanie: Well, I mean of course that would probably be a great ultimate plan but if he screws it up, I mean he’s screwed.

Howard: How does it work growing up? Your dad was always a very wealthy man from wrestling.

Stephanie: Actually he wasn’t always. For my childhood, mostly he was. But for my brother’s he wasn’t. Actually when my mother was pregnant with me, my dad had to take her to the courthouse and their car broke down and he was actually in a tow truck to go declare bankruptcy. He really is a self-made man. He really made his fortune.

Howard: How does it work though? Did your dad give you a salary?

Stephanie: I do get a salary. I’m not only on camera, I’m also behind the scenes.

Howard: Does it bother you when your father gives interviews and he says he cheated on your mom?

Stephanie: Not anymore. I mean it still is a little like: Dad everybody knows now. You don’t have to rub it in.

Howard: Were you angry with him?

Stephanie: At first, yes.

Howard: So he’s the kind of father you can yell at and he’ll take it and he’ll absorb your anger?

Stephanie: He would, but that’s not my style.

Howard: So you start working with him (Triple H) and then what? How did he put the moves on the boss’s daughter? He came to say: “Listen, I’m having feelings for you”? He said, “I’m attracted to you”?

Stephanie: No. He would drop hints and I sort of wondered like is he hitting on me and then I thought no he can’t be.

Howard: What would he say? We’d like to know how Triple H makes the move.

Stephanie: I don’t know. Well, our storyline was that we were married and we took over the business and drove my dad out. And so like I would be sitting on his lap and things like that and he’d just say things.

Howard: Would he pop a rod when you had sat?

Stephanie: (Laughing) I didn’t feel anything if he did. One time when I was standing around the ring, he sort of crawled around me, he was on the floor and he felt my leg. And I was like that’s definitely flirtation. That’s not (part of the script).

Howard: And you found yourself getting attracted to him?

Stephanie: Yes.

Howard: You didn’t mind that he touched your leg?

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