WWE News

The Undertaker Talks About Andre The Giant Never Revealing His Idea For A Feud Between Them, Wrestling Not Being About Moves & More

The Undertaker Andre The Giant WWF

ED YOUNG: One time Mark, I was in Australia in a Leadership Conference and they were talking about how people that sometimes tried to be someone they’re not, they call them try-hards. So that’s kind of what you’re saying in other words? You learn for everybody and you have to somehow, and that’s the complexity of it, make it your own.

UNDERTAKER: Make it your own, that’s the key. You have to be able to take all this information in and figure out how this information works for me.

ED YOUNG: I grew up in the Carolinas before I moved to Texas and we had Mid Atlantic Championship. I remember Flair when he first came on the scene. There was a little arena called Township Auditorium in Columbia, South Carolina. Packed out! Taking what you said earlier, Flair was so believable. He owned the character so much.

UNDERTAKER: He’s another one that lived the character. Ric Flair was Ric Flair all the time. You saw what you saw on TV. That’s just investing in your brand and investing in your character.

ED YOUNG: Who’s the strongest guy you ever wrestled?

UNDERTAKER: There’s been a lot. Lesnar! Especially his first time when he was still in his 20s. He was just a freakish athlete. He still is. But when he was in his 20s and he first came up, he was a NCAA Champion and he defied what your mind would tell you.

Because you would see him, he’s like 6’4″, 285-90 (lbs) yeah and you think there’s no way that a human being that size can move as fast. His single leg or double leg shot would be the same as somebody that was 180 pounds.

Kane, my god, is this incredibly strong man.

Mark Henry, oh my gosh! Mark Henry is whole other level. Now this is a great story. So when we travel overseas, once we get to wherever we’re going, we traveled on bus. We were checking out of a hotel one morning.

We had like a four-hour drive to the next city wherever we were going. There was in front of the first bus was a car and the driver didn’t have enough room to pull out. No one can find who owns this car.

Everybody’s looking at their watch. Mark gets wind of it. He goes, “I’ll handle it.” Mark gets up, goes off the bus, grabs a towel. He goes to the back end of this car, puts the towel underneath the fender, he reaches under and he picks it up and he takes a couple steps and puts it down. He looks at his hands, refixes the towel, hooks it under there again, he picks it up, walks a couple more steps until we had enough angle that the bus could pull out.

I was like, “What do you do with that!!!”

We were in Japan once and I’ve seen him take a nice piece of silver, it was like a spoon you stir your coffee with, thick silver and he twisted it like a pretzel. I’ve seen him take frying pans and bend them in half. That was just a gift that he was given that not many people have.

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