2009/01/11 – Charlotte, NC – “GENESIS 2009″
01. Elimination Match: Eric YOung & LAX vs. Jimmy Rave & Sonjay Dutt & Kiyoshi
02. TNA X-Division Title: Alex Shelley vs. Chris Sabin
03. Shane Sewell vs. Sheik Abdul Bashir
04. TNA World Tag Titles: Beer Money vs. Jay Lethal & Consequences Creed vs. Matt Morgan & Abyss
05. ODB & Taylor Wilde & Roxxi vs. Rhaka Khan & Raisha Saeed & Sojourner Bolt
06. No DQ Match: Jeff Jarrett vs. Kurt Angle
07. TNA World Title: Sting vs. Rhino
08. Hardcore Match: Mick Foley & AJ Styles & Brother Devon vs. Cute Kip & Booker T & Scott Steiner
2009/02/08 – Orlando, FL – “AGAINST ALL ODDS 2009″
01. TNA X-Division Title: Alex Shelley vs. Eric Young
02. Scott Steiner vs. Petey Williams
03. Brutus Magnus vs. Chris Sabin
04. TNA Knockouts Title: Awesome Kong vs. ODB
05. TNA Legends Title: Booker T vs. Shane Sewell
06. Abyss vs. Matt Morgan
07. TNA World Tag Titles: Beer Money vs. Lethal Consequences
08. TNA World Title: Sting vs. Kurt Angle vs. Brother Ray vs. Brother Devon
2009/03/15 – Norfolk, VA – “DESTINATION X 2009″
01. Taylor Wilde & Roxxi & The Governor vs. Beautiful People
02. Brutus Magnus vs. Eric Young
03. Match Of 10.000 Tacks: Matt Morgan vs. Abyss
04. TNA Knockouts Title: Awesome Kong vs. Sojourner Bolt
05. Scott Steiner vs. Samoa Joe
06. TNA Legends Title: Booker T vs. AJ Styles
07. TNA World Tag Titles – No DQ – Off The Wagon Challenge: Team 3D vs. Beer Money
08. TNA X-Division Title – Ultimate X Match: Suicide vs. Alex Shelley vs. Chris Sabin vs. Consequences Creed vs. Jay Lethal
09. TNA World Title: Sting vs. Kurt Angle
2009/04/19 – Philadelphia, PA – “LOCKDOWN 2009″
01. Pre Show (incl. Eric Young vs. Danny Bonaduce)
02. TNA X-Division Title: Suicide vs. Jay Lethal vs. Consequences Creed vs. Sheik Abdul Bashir vs. Kiyoshi)
03. Queen Of The Cage: Madison Rayne vs. Sojo Bolt vs. ODB vs. Daffney
04. IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Titles: Motor City Machine Guns vs. LAX vs. Team No Limit
05. Doomsday Chamber Of Blood Match: Abyss vs. Matt Morgan
06. TNA Knockouts Title: Awesome Kong vs. Angelina Love vs. Taylor Wilde
07. TNA Tag Titles vs. IWGP Tag Titles: Beer Money vs. Team 3-D
08. Lethal Lockdown: Jeff Jarrett & Samoa Joe & AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels vs. Kurt Angle & Kevin Nash & Scott Steiner & Booker
09. TNA World Title: Sting vs. Mick Foley
2009/05/24 – Orlando, FL – “SACRIFICE 2009″
01. Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley & Sheik Abdul Bashir vs. Jay Lethal & Consequences Creed & Eric Young
02. Monsters Ball: Taylor Wilde vs. Daffney
03. X-Division Title: Suicide vs. Christopher Daniels
04. Knockouts Title: Angelina Love vs. Awesome Kong
05. Kevin Nash vs. Samoa Joe
06. Team 3D Invitational Tag Tounament – Final: Beer Money vs. British Invasion
07. TNA Legends Title – I Quit Match: Booker T vs. AJ Styles
08. TNA Title – Ultimate Sacrifice Match: Mick Foley vs. Kurt Angle vs. Sting vs. Jeff Jarrett
2009/06/21 – Auburn Hills, MI – “SLAMMIVERSARY 2009″
01. X-Division Title – King Of The Mountain Match (w/ Suicide, Jay Lethal, Consequences Creed, Chris Sabin, Alex Shelley)
02. Daniels vs. Shane Douglas
03. TNA Knockouts Title: Angelina Love vs. Tara
04. Monster’s Ball: Raven & Daffney vs. Abyss & Taylor Wilde
05. Sting vs. Matt Morgan
06. TNA Tag Titles: Team 3-D vs. Beer Money
07. TNA Heavyweight Title – King Of The Mountain Match (w/ Mick Foley, Jeff Jarrett, AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Kurt Angle)
2009/07/19 – Orlando, FL – “VICTORY ROAD 2009″
01. TNA Knockouts Title: Angelina Love vs. Tara
02. Matt Morgan vs. Daniels
03. No DQ Match: Abyss vs. Dr. Stevie
04. IWGP Tag Team Titles: Team 3D vs. British Invasion
05. Jenna Morasca vs. Sharmell
06. TNA Legends Title: Kevin Nash vs. AJ Styles
07. TNA World Tag Titles: Booker T & Scott Steiner vs. Beer Money
08. Samoa Joe vs. Sting
09. TNA Heavyweight Title: Kurt Angle vs. Mick Foley
2009/08/16 – Orlando, FL – “HARD JUSTICE 2009″
01. TNA X-Division Title – No. 1 Contender Steel Asylum Match (w/ Daniels, Suicide, Chris Sabin, Amazing Red, Alex Shelley, Jay Lethal,
Consequences Creed, D’Angelo Dinero)
02. 50.000 $ Bounty Challenge: Abyss vs. Jethro Holliday
03. Hernandez vs. Rob Terry
04. IWGP Tag Team Titles: British Invasion vs. Beer Money
05. TNA Knockouts Title: ODB & Cody Deaner vs. Angelina Love & Velvet Sky
06. TNA X-Division Title: Samoa Joe vs. Homicide
07. TNA World Tag Titles – Falls Count Anywhere: Booker T & Scott Steiner vs. Team 3D
08. TNA Legends Title: Kevin Nash vs. Mick Foley
09. TNA World Heavyweight Title: Kurt Angle vs. Sting vs. Matt Morgan
* Bonus: Photo Gallery … Music Video with F.I.L.T.H.E.E. … Mick Foley interview
2009/09/20 – Orlando, FL – “NO SURRENDER 2009″
01. Knockouts Tag Title Tournament – Final: Taylor Wilde & Sarita vs. Beautiful People
02. Eric Young vs. Hernandez
03. X-Division Title: Samoa Joe vs. Daniels
04. Falls Count Anywhere: D’Angelo Dinero vs. Suicide
05. Knockouts Title: ODB vs. Cody Deaner
06. TNA Legends Title: Kevin Nash vs. Abyss
07. Lethal Lockdown: Team 3D & Beer Money vs. Scott Steiner & Booker T & Doug Williams & Brutus Magnus
08. Bobby Lashley vs. Rhino
09. TNA World Title: Kurt Angle vs. AJ Styles vs. Sting vs. Matt Morgan vs. Hernandez
Bonus: Backstage Interviews … Music Video … Photo Gallery … In Ring Segment with AJ Styles
2009/10/18 – Irvine, CA – “BOUND FOR GLORY 2009″
01. TNA X-Division Title – Ultimate X Match: Amazing Red vs. Suicide vs. Homicide vs. Alex Shelley vs. Chris Sabin vs. Daniels
02. TNA Knockouts Tag Titles: Taylor Wilde & Sarita vs. Velvet Sky & Madison Rayne
03. TNA Legends Title: Kevin Nash vs. Eric Young vs. Hernandez
04. TNA Tag Team Titles & IWGP Tag Team Titles – Full Metal Mayhem: Team 3D vs. British Invasion vs. Beer Money vs. Scott Steiner &
Booker T
05. TNA Knockouts Title: ODB vs. Awesome Kong vs. Tara
06. Submission Match: Bobby Lashley vs. Samoe Joe
07. Monster’s Ball: Mick Foley vs. Abyss
08. Kurt Angle vs. Matt Morgan
09. TNA World Heavyweight Title: AJ Styles vs. Sting
* Bonus: Pre Match & Post Match press conference interviews … Fan Interaction Huighlights … Sting interview … “Before The Glory” 30-
minute special previews all matches … Music Video … Photo Gallery … Celebrity Interviews … Pre Show Match: Motor City Machine Guns
vs. Jay Lethal & Consequences Creed
2009/11/15 – Orlando, FL – “TURNING POINT 2009″
01. TNA X-Division Title: Amazing Red vs. Homicide
02. TNA Knockouts Title & TNA Knockouts Tag Titles: Beautiful People vs. ODB & Sarita & Taylor Wilde
03. TNA Tag Team Titles: British Invasion vs. Beer Money vs. Motor City Machine Guns
04. Six Sides Of Steel: Awesome Kong vs. Tara
05. Team 3D & Rhino vs. Matt Morgan & Hernandez & D’Angelo Dinero
06. No DQ Falls Count Anywhere: Scott Steiner vs. Bobby Lashley
07. Desmond Wolfe vs. Kurt Angle
08. TNA World Title: AJ Styles vs. Daniels vs. Samoe Joe
2009/12/20 – Orlando, FL – “FINAL RESOLUTION 2009″
01. TNA Tag Team Titles: British Invasion vs. Motor City Machine Guns
02. TNA Knockouts Title: ODB vs. Tara
03. Feast or Fired Battle Royal (w/ Jay Lethal, Consequences Creed, Cody Deaner, Robert Roode, James Storm, Sheik Abdul Bashir,
Kiyoshi, Rob Terry, Kevin Nash, Homicide, Eric Young & Samoa Joe)
04. Elimination Match: Team 3-D & Rhino & Jesse Neal vs.
The Pope & Suicide & Matt Morgan & Hernandez
05. Last Man Standing: Bobby Lashley vs. Scott Steiner
06. Foley’s House Of Fun: Raven & Dr. Stevie vs. Abyss & Mick Foley
07. Three Degrees Of Pain: Kurt Angle vs. Desmond Wolfe
08. TNA Heavyweight Title: AJ Styles vs. Daniels