World Pro Wrestling was a TV show in Japan that ran from 1984-87, usually, but not always, weekly. It was never a promotion but was a TV show featuring wrestling from North America. Thing is, a LOT of the footage they broadcast was exclusive to the World Pro show. They ran a Ric Flair vs Ricky Morton cage match never shown here in the US, a Rockers vs Rose/Somers match never shown in the US (from the night that Hansen forfeited the AWA title), and tons of other exclusives, like the only-known full Bunkhouse Stampede match (other than the one from PPV, of course).
World Pro Wrestling was a Japanese TV show of the 80’s featuring action from the US and Mexico, some of which never aired on US TV
(Debut show of this incredible show from Japan. Featured are matches from the US – many of which were never aired in the US. Rare footage abounds throughout the World Pro shows. These shows are absolutely must-haves. Quality is EX.)
Kamala vs Great Kabuki, WCCW, 5/6/84
Road Warriors vs Ken Draper & Craig Carson, PWUSA, 9/18/84
Road Warriors vs Tracy Smothers & Keith Eric, PWUSA, 9/18/84 (I may have the order on these two matches reversed)
Road Warriors vs Ken Draper & Mark Ragin, PWUSA, 9/18/84
Bruiser Brody vs Michael Hayes, WCCW, 9/2/84
Ric Flair vs Kerry Von Erich, WCCW, 5/11/84 (Excellent NWA title rematch)
WORLD PRO WRESTLING – 10/27/84 (More of the same as above; VQ is EX)
Super Destroyers, Great Kabuki & Missing Link vs Freebirds & Killer Khan, WCCW, 5/11/84 (One of the Super D’s gets unmasked)
Masa Saito vs Rick Carson, PWUSA, 9/18/84
Masa Saito vs Tracy Smothers, PWUSA, 9/18/84
Masa Saito vs Keith Eric, PWUSA, 9/18/84 (order on these three might be mixed-up)
Andre the Giant & Iceman Parsons vs Super Destroyers, WCCW, 4/6/84
Ric Flair vs Chris Adams, WCCW, 7/27/84 (Flair defends the NWA title and gets a clean win)
WORLD PRO WRESTLING – 11/3/84 (More from this awesome show. Quality is VG/EX with an occasional tracking flaw)
Scott & Bill Irwin vs Buck Zumhofe & Jules Strongbow, WCCW, 8/17/84
Rick Martel vs The Spoiler, PWUSA, 9/18/84
Rick Martel vs Eddie Gilber, PWUSA, 9/18/84
Fishman vs Perro Aguayo, WCCW, 2/3/84
Kevin & Mike Von Erich vs Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy, WCCW, 4/15/84 (After the match, the Freebirds attack Mike)
WORLD PRO WRESTLING – 11/10/84 (More of the awesome World Pro TV from Japan. VQ is EX.)
Kerry Von Erich vs Super Destroyer #1, WCCW, 3/30/84
Rock & Roll Express vs Lanny Poffo & Phil Hickerson, PWUSA, 9/18/84
Fabulous Ones music video “Sharp-Dressed Man”, PWUSA, 1984
Fabulous Ones vs ??? & ???, PWUSA, 1984
Missing Link vs Mike Gallagher, WCCW, 3/30/84 (could also be 9/7/84)
Terry Gordy & Killer Khan vs Chris Adams & Iceman Parsons, WCCW, 5/18/84
WORLD PRO WRESTLING – 11/17/84 (More of the same; quality is EX)
Fabulous Ones & Blackjack Lanza vs Billy Robinson, Larry Zbyszko & Masa Saito, AWA, 9/20/84 (picture has an occasional tracking flaw)
20-Man Battle Royal, AWA, 6/10/84 (Bruiser Brody attacks Jerry Blackwell after the match, turning him face with a HUGE beatdown)
Kamala vs Iceman Parsons, WCCW, 4/15/84
Rick Martel vs Nick Bockwinkel, AWA, 8/16/84 (they work the lame “double pin” finish that was so popular. The goofy result gets Bockwinkel, who was cleanly pinned, a rematch that’s shown on a later World Pro episode.)
WORLD PRO WRESTLING – 11/24/84 (Another great episode of this rare show. Quality on this one is VG)
Rock & Roll Express vs Nightmares, PWUSA, 1984 (possibly 9/18/84)
Dory Funk vs Dutch Mantell, PWUSA, 9/18/84
Harley Race vs Dutch Mantell, PWUSA, 9/18/84
Nick Bockwinkel vs Lanny Poffo, PWUSA, 9/18/84
Kevin Von Erich vs Killer Khan, WCCW, 7/20/84 (could also be 9/14/84)
Road Warriors vs Jerry Lawler & Tommy Rich, PWUSA, 1984 (This one actually takes place in Mid-Atlantic ring; Lawler gets injured so Bob Backlund comes out to take his place!)
WORLD PRO WRESTLING – 12/1/84 (Another complete episode of this rare show. Quality on this ranges from poor/unwatchable to decent until the last match, which is EX.)
Kevin & Mike Von Erich vs Kelly Kiniski & Buddy Roberts, WCCW, 3/30/84
Jerry Lawler video, PWUSA, 1984
Jerry Lawler vs Randy Barber, PWUSA, 11/3/84 (That’s a TV date)
Jerry Lawler & Tommy Rich vs Nightmares, PWUSA, 9/18/84
Tony Atlas vs Steve Regal, AWA, 8/16/84
Rick Martel vs Nick Bockwinkel, AWA, 9/20/84 (Bockwinkel has Masa Saito at ringside for this rematch of their controversial 8/16/84 match. Saito interferes, throwing salt into Martel’s eyes. Bockwinkel then pins Martel, apparently winning the AWA World title. The decision gets reversed and the title returned to Martel, however.)
WORLD PRO WRESTLING – 12/8/84 (More of this rare show; quality on this is EX)
Perro Aguayo, Fishman & El Canek vs Dos Caras, El Spirito & Enrique Vera, CMLL, 1984
Mike Von Erich vs Buddy Roberts, WCCW, 2/3/84 (not 100% sure on that date) (Watch for Mike to legit punch Buddy in the groin)
Bob Backlund vs Randy Barber, PWUSA, 1984 (Backlund sells way too much for Barber in front of a Mid-Atlantic crowd used to seeing him squashed in 30 seconds. He finishes that off with a horrible atomic kneedrop and awkward chicken wing. Not good.)
Road Warriors vs Jim Brunzell & Tony Atlas, AWA, 9/20/84 (Brunzell gets revenge for getting destroyed the previous month as he & Atlas score a super-rare 100% clean pinfall over the Roadies in this non-title match.)
WORLD PRO WRESTLING – 12/15/84 (More of this rare show; quality on this is EX)
Road Warriors vs Jim Brunzell & Brad Rheingans, AWA, 8/16/84 (Brunzell gets destroyed before the match leading to…)
Road Warriors vs Brad Rheingans & Steve Olsonoski, AWA, 8/16/84 (the Roadies do a ton of selling in this one)
MS-1 vs Sangre Chicana, CMLL, 1984 (Hair vs Hair)
Superstar Billy Graham vs Craig Carson, PWUSA, 9/18/84 (After the match, Graham confronts a “fan” and invites him into the ring, then destroys the guy and puts him in the full nelson; I remember reading about this in PWI back in the day…)
Ric Flair vs Chris Adams, WCCW, 11/9/84 (Adams is in the process of becoming a heel and has Gary Hart with him. Flair is over HUGE with the World Class fans here AS A FACE. Hart ends up running in and attacking Flair with a blackjack.)
WORLD PRO WRESTLING – 12/22/84 (More of this rare show; quality on this is VG)
Road Warriors vs Gene Ligon & Lee Ramsey, PWUSA, 11/17/84 (that’s an airdate)
Gino Hernandez vs Mike Von Erich, WCCW, 11/22/84 (Mike gets pinned by Gino but the decision gets reversed)
El Canek vs Cien Caras, CMLL, 1984
Bruiser Brody vs Jerry Blackwell, AWA, 10/21/84 (Lights Out – Blackwell comes into the ring with a 2×4 and ends up pinning Adnan El-Kaissey instead of Brody to win the match…)
Ric Flair vs Dusty Rhodes, NWA, 11/22/84 (The $1,000,000 Match from Starrcade ’84)
Road Warriors vs Fabulous Ones, AWA, 10/21/84
Los Fantasticos vs Brazos Brothers, CMLL, 1984
Kevin Von Erich vs Billy Robinson, St. Louis, 11/16/84
Tag Team Battle Royal, AWA, 10/21/84
WORLD PRO WRESTLING – 1/5/85 (More of this rare show; quality on this is EX)
Road Warriors vs Mark Fleming & ??? Miller, PWUSA, 1984
El Satanico vs Super Astro, CMLL, 1984
Fantastics vs El Diablo & Dale Veasey, WCCW, 11/9/84
Ric Flair vs Bruiser Brody, St. Louis, 11/16/84 (Crusher Blackwell – who is a face in his feud with Brody in the AWA – attacks Brody here to save Flair’s title.)
Kevin Von Erich vs Chris Adams, WCCW, 11/22/84
Lucha 6-Man Match, CMLL, 1984
Manny Fernandez vs Black Bart, NWA, 11/22/84 (from Starrcade ’84)
Terry Gordy vs Killer Khan, WCCW, 11/22/84 (Texas Death Match)
WORLD PRO WRESTLING – 1/19/85 (More of this rare show; quality on this is EX)
Dusty Rhodes & Manny Fernandez vs Doug Vines & Jeff Sword, NWA, 1984
TULLY BLANCHARD VS RICKY STEAMBOAT, NWA, 11/22/84 (TV title match from Starrcade ’84)
Gran Hamada vs Gran Cochise, CMLL, 11/18/84 (Hamada wins the NWA World Middleweight title)
Ric Flair vs Mike Davis, NWA, 1984
Road Warriors in Las Vegas, AWA, 1984 (WTF? Animal is wearing a 49ers t-shirt here)
Road Warriors vs Fabulous Ones, AWA, 12/25/84
WORLD PRO WRESTLING – 1/26/85 (More of this rare show; quality on this is EX)
Road Warriors vs Zulu & Ken Lucas, AWA, 1984 (Look for the little girl who gives the Road Warriors the middle finger!)
Mike Von Erich & Billy Jack Haynes vs Jake Roberts & Gino Hernandez, WCCW, 12/25/84
Gran Colon vs Mascara Ano Dos Mil, CMLL, 1984 (Mask vs Mask)
Jimmy Valiant picking up Big Mama, NWA, 1984
Jimmy Valiant vs Paul Jones, NWA, 11/22/84 (Tuxedo Street Fight from Starrcade ’84)
Ric Flair vs Kerry Von Erich, WCCW, 12/25/84
WORLD PRO WRESTLING – 2/2/85 (More of this rare show; quality on this is EX)
Greg Gagne vs Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey, AWA, 1984 (Cage – Masked Superar runs in and Jerry Blackwell makes the save. I hate cage matches that include interference – defeats the whole purpose. It’s one thing to do it like Memphis did with Tommy Rich under the ring but here, Superstar just opens the door and walks in.)
Kamala vs Steve O’Ray, AWA
Gran Cochise vs Mocho Cota, CMLL (Hair vs Hair)
Ivan & Nikita Koloff vs Ole Anderson & Keith Larson, NWA, 11/22/84 (From Starrcade ’84)
Ric Flair vs Bruiser Brody, St. Louis, 1/4/85
WORLD PRO WRESTLING – 2/9/85 (More of this rare show; quality on this is EX)
Road Warriors video
Road Warriors vs Pat Rose & Tommy Davis, Georgia, 1983
Road Warriors vs Mike Jackson & Randy Barber, Georgia, 1984
Road Warriors vs Martin Escobaro & The Iron Duke, AWA, 1984
Road Warriors singing, Memphis, 1984 (Hilariously bad)
Road Warriors vs The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke, AWA, 8/25/84 (The Warriors win the AWA World tag titles)
Road Warriors vs Jerry Blackwell & King Kong Bundy, AWA, 11/22/84 (Animal slams Blackwell)
Road Warriors vs Fabulous Ones, AWA, 12/13/84
WORLD PRO WRESTLING – 2/16/85 (More of this rare show; quality on this is EX)
Road Warriors vs Greg Brown & Mike Starbuck, Georgia, 1984
Terry Gordy, Buddy Roberts & Chick Donovan vs Skandor Akbar, Missing Link & Mr. X, WCCW, 12/25/84 (Elimination Match)
Perro Aguayo & El Pharoah vs Villano III & Cien Caras, CMLL, 1984/85
Harley Race vs Jerry Blackwell, St. Louis, 11/16/84 (Blackwell wins Missouri title – Amazing spot when Race picks up Blackwell, HOLDS HIM, then turns him over and slams him. WOW!)
Rick Martel vs Jimmy Garvin, AWA, 12/84 or 1/17/85 (Lame finish sees Garvin KO Martel with a foreign object to “win” the AWA title; Garvin sticks the foreign in his armpit and it falls out when his arm gets raised, thus DQ’ing him.)
WORLD PRO WRESTLING – 2/23/85 (More of this rare show; quality on this is EX)
RIC FLAIR VS KERRY VON ERICH, ST. LOUIS, 1/25/85 (Clipped – Outstanding match – quite possibly the best match I’ve ever seen between these two. They’re given a lot of time to work and do a wonderful job of it. The best part? Ric Flair goes over 100% clean by pinfall. No funny business at all.)
Kamala vs Tom Zenk & Ed Sullivan, AWA, 1984/85
Sgt. Slaughter vs Masa Saito, AWA, 1/10/85
Road Warriors vs Brad Rheingans & ???, AWA, 1984/85
WORLD PRO WRESTLING – 3/11/85 (More of this rare show; this one is 2 hours long unlike the others I’ve seen that have been 1 hour. Quality on this is EX with a touch of tracking problem at the bottom in the first part of the show.)
Road Warriors vs ??? & ???, AWA, 1985
Kerry Von Erich vs Chris Adams, WCCW, 1/11/85
Gran Hamada & Anibal vs Fishman & El Canek, CMLL, 1985 (Gran Hamada unmasks?)
Great Kabuki vs ???, AWA, 1985
Kamala vs Bruiser Brody, St. Louis, 1/25/85
Rick Martel vs Jimmy Garvin, AWA, 12/6/84
Road Warriors vs Sgt. Slaughter & Jerry Blackwell, AWA, 2/22/85
Profile of Sunshine, WCCW, 1985
Billy Jack Haynes vs Shawn Michaels, 1/11/85 (Michaels does some arrogant flippy-floppy stuff – and gets squashed in about 45 seconds.)
Ric Flair vs Terry Gordy, WCCW, 1/11/85
WORLD PRO WRESTLING – 3/19/85 (More from this great show. Lots of good stuff in this one. VQ is EX.)
Road Warriors vs ??? & ???, AWA, 1984/85
Mike Von Erich vs Buddy Roberts, WCCW, 2/3/84 (JIP)
Kerry Von Erich vs Super Destroyer, WCCW, 3/30/84 (JIP)
Video Feature: Managers
Ric Flair vs ???, Mid-Atlantic, 1984/85
Terry Gordy vs Killer Khan, WCCW, 12/25/84 (JIP – Texas Death)
Ric Flair vs Kerry Von Erich, WCCW, 5/6/84 (Kerry wins NWA World title)
WORLD PRO WRESTLING – 3/26/85 (More from this great show. Lots of good stuff in this one. VQ is EX.)
Kerry Von Erich vs Buzz Tyler, St. Louis, 1/4/85 (Kerry wins with the figure four!)
Fantastics vs PYT Express, WCCW, 11/22/84 (Don’t try counting the mistakes and blown spots in this one – you’ll run out of fingers and toes.)
Assassin #1 & Buzz Tyler vs Zambuie Express, NWA, 11/22/84 (from Starrcade)
Road Warriors & Paul Ellering vs Fabulous Ones & Crusher, AWA, 12/6/84 (Animal does a pinfall job here – incredibly rare for 1984)
WORLD PRO WRESTLING – 4/15/85 (Loaded 2-hr World Pro Special mostly featuring matches from PWUSA and 5 title matches. Unfortunately, it sounds better than it is with most of the matches misfiring to some degree. Still, there’s plenty of good stuff here and it’s definitely worth picking up. VQ on this is EX.)
Tag Team Battle Royal, PWUSA, 2/24/85
Von Erichs Music Video “I Need a Hero”, WCCW, 1985
Von Erichs at Home, WCCW, 1985
David Von Erich vs The Mongol (I think), WCCW, 1983
Kerry & Kevin Von Erich vs Chris Adams & Gino Hernandez, WCCW, 3/22/85 (Texas Tornado Match)
Profiles of One Man Gang and Hercules Hernandez, WCCW, 1985
One Man Gang vs Hercules Hernandez, WCCW, 3/85
Road Warriors vs Jerry Lawler & Baron Von Raschke, PWUSA, 2/24/85
Rick Martel vs Jimmy Garvin, PWUSA, 2/24/85
Ivan & Nikita Koloff vs Steve Keirn & Jimmy Valiant, PWUSA, 2/24/85
Ric Flair vs Harley Race, PWUSA, 2/24/85
Dusty Rhodes & Manny Fernandez vs Doug Vines & ???, NWA, 1985
TULLY BLANCHARD VS RICKY STEAMBOAT, NWA, 11/22/84 (Excellent match from Starrcade ’84)
Gran Hamada vs Grand Cochise, CMLL, 11/18/84 (Hamada wins NWA World Middleweight title)
Ric Flair vs Mike Davis, NWA, 1985
Road Warriors video, AWA, 1985
Road Warriors vs Fabulous Ones, AWA, 1984/85 (Clipped – Fabs have Da Crusher in their corner)
Satoru Sayama vs Yoshiaki Fujiwara, UWF, 5/31/85
Ric Flair arriving in St Louis, 5/85 (Helicopter, fine dining, the whole shot)
Ric Flair vs Kevin Von Erich, St Louis, 5/12/85
Fantastics vs Midnight Express, WCCW, 5/5/85
Sgt Slaughter & Crusher Blackwell vs Masked Superstar, King Tonga & Adnan Al Kaissey,
Kerry, Kevin & Mike Von Erich & Freebirds vs Chris Adams, Gino Hernandez, One Man Gang,
Steve Williams, Kamala & Rip Oliver, WCCW, 5/5/85
Road Warriors putting on their face paint, AWA, 1985
Road Warriors vs Curt & Larry Hennig, AWA, 4/21/85 (from StarCage ’85)
WORLD PRO WRESTLING – 7/29/85 (Loaded, double-length episode of this excellent show from Japan. Quality on this one is EX.)
Jerry Lawler & Bill Dundee vs Bruister Brody & Kareem Muhammed, Memphis, 1985
Randy Savage vs Jerry Oske, Memphis, 5/13/85 (Savage wins Southern title)
Rock & Roll Express vs Chavo & Hector Guerrero, Houston, 2/15/85 (Cage)
Rock & Roll Express Training Video, Mid-South, 1985 (interesting as this breaks kayfabe to some degree)
Rock & Roll Express vs Terry Gordy & Buddy Roberts, Mid-South, 6/24/85
Kerry Von Erich vs One Man Gang, WCCW, 5/5/85 (the stip is that if OMG loses, Gary Hart must be shaved bald FOR LIFE. OMG loses and Hart gets shaved – and Hart would live up to the stipulation for the rest of his life.)
20-Man Battle Royal, AWA, 1985
Adrian Stree Video, Memphis, 1985
Adrian Street vs David Haskins, Memphis, 1985
Ric Flair vs Butch Reed, Mid-South, 6/24/85
WORLD PRO WRESTLING – 8/27/85 (Another double-length episode of this great show from Japan. This episode is particularly loaded – lots of great stuff here. VQ is EX.)
Ric Flair vs Dusty Rhodes, Mid-South, 7/27/85 (Outdoor show at a fair – they run nearly the exact same finish as the Flair/Reed match from 6/24/85.)
Crusher Blackweel working out & eating, AWA, 1985
Crusher Blackwell & Baron Von Raschke vs The Alaskans, AWA, 6/12/85 (Not 100% sure on date)
Kevin Von Erich vs Chris Adams, WCCW, 7/12/85 (Excellent match)
Rick Martel vs Nick Bockwinkel, PWUSA, 7/19/85
One Man Gang vs Great Kabuki, WCCW, 7/12/85 (Lumberjack Match – Before the match, Kabuki shoots silly string?!? OMG uses a chain to score the victory)
Bill Watts, Dick Murdoch & Jim Duggan vs Kamala, Kareem Mohammed & Skandor Akbar, Mid-South, 7/27/85 (Same outdoor show as the Flair/Rhodes match above)
Road Warriors vs Terry Gordy & Michael Hayes, PWUSA, 7/19/85
WORLD PRO WRESTLING – 9/9/85 (Another episode of this great show from Japan. Don’t know the exact air date but it’s from sometime in 1985. Quality is EX.)
Women’s Battle Royal, PWUSA, 1985
Verne & Greg Gagne vs Nick Bockwinkel & Masa Saito, AWA, 4/21/85
Missing Link vs Buck Zumhoffe, WCCW, 11/22/84
Road Warriors Highlights, AWA, 1985
Road Warriors vs Long Riders, AWA, 1985
WORLD PRO WRESTLING – 10/7/85 (More of this great show from Japan. Here we’ve got one of their loaded double-length episodes. Quality is EX but with some tracking issues.)
Rick Rude vs Billy Jack Haynes, CWF, 9/2/85 (Battle of the Belts – Rude KOs Haynes with Percy Pringle’s cane)
Bruiser Brody & Iceman Parsons vs One Man Gang & Mark Lewin, WCCW, 8/23/85
Kerry & Kevin Von Erich vs Chris Adams & Gino Hernandez, WCCW, 7/4/85 (Good match – I never appreciated Adams & Hernandez as a team until I started watching World Pro. They were really good.)
Ric Flair vs Wahoo McDaniel, CWF, 9/2/85 (Battle of the Belts)
Rick Martel & Curt Hennig vs Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy, AWA, 8/11/85
Road Warriors vs Harley Race & Stan Hansen, CWF, 9/2/85 (Battle of the Belts)
WORLD PRO WRESTLING – 12/30/85 (Another episode, possibly incomplete, of this great show from Japan. Quality is EX.)
Kerry & Kevin Von Erich vs Chris Adams & Gino Hernandez, WCCW, 9/6/85 (The Von Erichs win by DQ and the tag belts get held up. Kerry & Kevin also cut part of Adams’ hair.)
Road Warriors vs Jerry Lawler & Baron Von Raschke, PWUSA, 2/24/85 (JIP)
Road Warriors attacking Curt Hennig w/a chair, AWA, 1985 (Larry Hennig makes the save)
Road Warriors vs Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy, PWUSA, 8/16/85 (JIP)
Road Warriors vs Harley Race & Stan Hansen, 9/2/85 (JIP from Battle of the Belts)
20-Man Battle Royal, AWA, 1985
Bruiser Brody vs John Tatum, WCCW, 1985
Bob Backlund vs Rick Renslo, AWA, 1985
Highlights of Rick Martel title matches
Rick Martel vs Jimmy Garvin, AWA, 1985 (JIP – Martel pins Garvin with help from Baron Von Raschke – who’s in drag!)
Highlights of Ric Flair title matches
Magnum TA video, “Born to be Wild”
WORLD PRO WRESTLING – 3/29/86 (Another extended episode of this great show. Lots of exclusive footage here. Quality is EX.)
Road Warriors & Blackjack Mulligan vs Kevin Sullivan, Purple Haze & Bob Roop, CWF, 2/14/86 (Battle of the Belts II)
Chris Adams & Gino Hernandez video, “Bad to the Bone”, WCCW, 1985/86
Kerry Von Erich & others commenting on Gino Hernandez’s Death, WCCW, 2/86
Clips of Adams/Hernandez Matches, WCCW, 1985
Kerry & Kevin Von Erich vs Chris Adams & Gino Hernandez, WCCW, 7/26/85 (Kevin takes a spike piledriver on the floor, leaves the ringside area, then comes back for a save)
17-Man Battle Royal, AWA, 11/23/85 (Won by Sgt. Slaughter)
Bruiser Brody vs Wahoo McDaniel, CWF, 2/14/86 (Battle of the Belts II)
Ric Flair vs Magnum TA, NWA, 2/23/86 (One of Flair’s very first title defenses with the Big Gold belt)
Dusty Rhodes vs Arn Anderson, NWA, 2/86 (Cage – Texas Death Match – Flair & Tully run in to try and break Dusty’s leg)
WORLD PRO WRESTLING – 4/12/86 (Edited episode of World Pro. Quality on this one is EX – master convert.)
Road Warriors vs Nord the Barbarian, Boris Zhukov & Doug Somers, AWA, 1986
Highlights of American wrestlers
RIC FLAIR VS BARRY WINDHAM, CWF, 2/14/86 (Clipped – from Battle of the Belts 2)
WM 2 special
1. Ricky Steamboat vs. Hercules Hernandez
2. Adrian Adonis vs. Hillbilly Elmer
3. Terry/Dory Funk vs. JYD/Tito Santana
4. Hulk Hogan vs. King Kong Bundy Steel Cage Match
WORLD PRO WRESTLING – 4/21/86 (More from this great show. Lots of good stuff in this one. VQ is EX.)
Ricky Steamboat vs Hercules Hernandez, WWF, 4/7/86 (from Wrestlemania 2)
Uncle Elmer vs Adrian Adonis, WWF, 4/7/86 (from Wrestlemania 2)
Dory & Terry Funk vs Tito Santana & Junkyard Dog, WWF, 4/7/86 (from Wrestlemania 2)
Hulk Hogan vs King Kong Bundy, WWF, 4/7/86 (Cage – from Wrestlemania 2)
WORLD PRO WRESTLING – 4/28/86 (More from this great show. Lots of good stuff in this one. VQ is EX.)
Terry Taylor vs Jake Roberts, UWF, 2/11/86
Bruiser Brody video
Brad Rheingans vs Sheik Adnan Al-Kaisey, AWA, 3/9/86 (Bruiser Brody runs in wearing a mask and we get a huge brawl with the Gagnes. Ends up with Brody getting unmasked.)
Rock & Roll Express vs Fabulous Ones, UWF, 2/11/86
Stan Hansen vs Sgt. Slaughter, AWA, 1/86 (Ending only)
Stan Hansen vs Sgt. Slaughter, AWA, 2/9/86
WORLD PRO WRESTLING – 5/5/86 (Another episode of this great show, this one covering Wrestlemania II. Quality is EX.)
Corporal Kirchner vs Nikolai Volkoff, WWF, 4/7/86
Ray Charles singing “America the Beautiful”, WWF, 4/7/86
Fabulous Moolah vs Velvet McIntyre, WWF, 4/7/86 (Ugh – bad match)
Battle Royal w/NFL players, WWF, 4/7/86
British Bulldogs vs Greg Valentine & Brutus Beefcake, WWF, 4/7/86 (Bulldogs win WWF tag title)
WORLD PRO WRESTLING – 5/12/86 (More of the same as above. Quality is EX.)
Paul Orndorff vs Don Muraco, WWF, 4/7/86
Jake Roberts vs George Wells, WWF, 4/7/86
Randy Savage vs George Steele, WWF, 4/7/86 (Steele kicks out of Savage’s elbow!)
Roddy Piper vs Mr. T, WWF, 4/7/86 (Boxing Match – this match has some video glitches)
1. Jake Roberts vs. Terry Taylor
2. Bruiser Brody video
3. Brody vs. Brad Rheingans
4. Rock and Roll Express vs. Fabulous Ones
5. Sgt. Slaughter vs. Stan Hansen
One Man Gang vs Mark Youngblood, WCCW, 4/4/86
Buddy Rogers vs Killer Kowalski, NWA, 1950s/60s (2/3 Falls – 1st fall only shown)
Midnight Rockers vs Buddy Rose & Doug Somers, AWA, 3/13/86
Magnum TA vs Bobby Eaton, NWA, 1986 (Good match – Eaton gets in lots of offense)
Ric Flair & Tully Blanchard vs Dusty Rhodes & Wahoo McDaniel, NWA, 1985/86 (Bullrope/Strap match – Awesome find! This is the pro shot version of one of the handhelds
WORLD PRO WRESTLING – 6/9/86 (More of this great show from Japan. VQ is EX.)
Jimmy Garvin vs Italian Stallion, NWA, 1986
Tully Blanchard vs Ronnie Garvin, NWA, 1986 (JJ Dillon runs in and Garvin puts the figure four on him – wtf? Why not a 1-punch KO?)
Magnum TA vs Nikita Koloff, NWA, 1986 (Nikita wins the US title but the decision gets reversed)
Road Warriors video, “Iron Man”, AWA, 1986
Road Warriors vs Midnight Express, NWA, 1986 (Roadies win the World tag titles but decision gets overturned; Bobby Eaton takes an INCREDIBLE racket shot)
WORLD PRO WRESTLING – 6/16/86 (More of this great show from Japan. VQ is EX.)
Ted Dibiase & Steve Williams vs Dick Murdoch & Masked Superstar II, UWF, 5/86 (Masked Superstar runs in & attacks with a loaded mask)
Video of the Women of Pro Wrestling
Missing Link vs John Tatum, WCCW, 1/24/86 (Missy Hyatt & Sunshine get into a catfight and you get a nice panty shot of Missy. Tatum then scores the upset!)
Missing Link vs Rick Rude, WCCW, 2/21/86
Arn Anderson vs Wahoo McDaniel, NWA, 1986
Ric Flair vs Robert Gibson, NWA, 1986
WORLD PRO WRESTLING – 6/23/86 (More of this great show from Japan. VQ is EX.)
Manny Fernandez vs Teijo Khan, NWA, 1986
Sheepherders vs Ricky Gibson & ???, UWF, 1986
Kamala vs Steve O, AWA, 2/3/85 (That’s an air date)
Masked Superstar I & II vs Dave Patterson & Steve Doll, UWF, 5/86
Koko B. Ware vs Gustavo Mendoza, UWF, 1986 (This is the match containing the famous HUGE dropkick by Ware that just about decapitates Mendoza. That dropkick would end up being used in the opening for the UWF TV show.)
Midnight Express vs Rock & Roll Express, NWA, 1986 (Cornette is in a cage above the ring as the R&R score a clean non-title win)
Kerry Von Erich & Bruiser Brody vs Terry Gordy & Michael Hayes, WCCW, 4/4/86
AWA Wrestlerock special
1. Fabulous Ones vs. Barry Windham/Mike Rotundo
2. Wrestlerock video
3. 10-woman Battle Royal
4. Sgt. Slaughter vs. Kamala
5. Road Warriors vs. Michael Hayes/Jimmy Garvin
WORLD PRO WRESTLING – 7/21/86 (Another episode of this great show from Japan, this one covering the AWA’s WrestleRock ’86 show. Quality is EX.)
Brad Rheingans vs Boris Zhukov, AWA, 4/20/86
WrestleRock ’86 Highlight Video “Burning Down the House”, AWA, 1986
Larry Zbyszko vs Scott LeDoux, AWA, 4/20/86 (Boxing match)
Rick Martel vs Harley Race, AWA, 4/20/86
Greg Gagne & Jimmy Snuka vs Bruiser Brody & Nord the Barbarian, AWA, 4/20/86 (Cage – Snuka/Gagne win so Verne Gagnet gets…)
Verne Gagne vs Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey, AWA, 4/20/86 (Cage)
WORLD PRO WRESTLING – 8/4/86 (More of the same as above. VQ is EX.)
Stan Hansen vs Mike Richards, AWA, 1986
Rock & Roll Express & Ricky Gibson vs Rick Steiner, Shawn Riley & Mike Sky, UWF, 1986
Lou Thesz vs Antonio Rocca, 1950s (Clipped)
Bruiser Brody Highlight Video
Bruiser vs Spike Jones, AWA, 1986
Bruiser Brody vs Leon White (Vader), AWA, 1986
Road Warriors vs Midnight Express, NWA, 1986
Interview w/John Tenta before he was a pro, Japan TV
Jimmy Snuka, Greg & Verne Gagne vs Boris Zhukov, Nord the Barbarian & Sheik Adnan Al-Kaissey,
Stan Hansen vs Paul Barnett, AWA, 5/17/86 (Bockwinkel comes out & attacks Hansen)
Kerry Von Erich video, WCCW, 1986
Kerry Von Erich Hospital Bed Interview, WCCW, 1986
Kerry & Lance Von Erich & Steve Simpson vs Freebirds, WCCW, 5/4/86
Hulk Hogan vs King Kong Bundy, WWF, 4/7/86 (Cage – from Wrestlemania 2)
Clip of Rock N Wrestling Cartoon, 1986
Adrian Adonis vs ???, WWF, 1986
British Bulldogs vs Brutus Beefcake & Greg Valentine, WWF, 4/7/86
Hulk Hogan “Real American” video, WWF, 1986
Hulk Hogan vs Randy Savage, WWF, 6/27/86
WORLD PRO WRESTLING – 9/1/86 (More of this great show from Japan. VQ is EX.)
Midnight Rockers vs Buddy Rose & Doug Somers, AWA, 6/29/86 (House show match shown only on World Pro that sees the Rockers jobbing cleanly! There’s some tracking problems in the middle of this match)
Sherri Martel video, “She Works Hard for the Money”, AWA, 1986
Sherri Martel vs Candy Devine, AWA, 6/29/86
Rick Rude vs Bruiser Brody, WCCW, 5/4/86
Ric Flair vs Ricky Morton, NWA, 7/11/86 (Cage – Little-seen cage match from the Bash ’86 tour. This was never shown on TV in the US and is not the same match as the one later released on the Four Horsemen DVD set. Cool!)
1. Chris Adams/Brian Adias vs. Buzz Sawyer/Matt Borne
2. Bobo Brazil vs. Sky High Lee
3. Colonel Debeers vs. Brad Rheingans
4. Jimmy Valiant/Manny Fernandez vs. Baron Von Rashke/Shashka Whatley
5. Bruiser Brody vs. Terry Gordy ***Barbed Wire match!!!! ***
WORLD PRO WRESTLING – 9/22/86 (More of this great show from Japan. VQ is EX)
Missing Link vs The Grappler, WCCW, 5/16/86
Bruiser Brody vs Marcel Pringle, WCCW, 7/11/86
Kevin Von Erich vs Matt Borne, WCCW, 6/27/86 (Buzz Sawyer runs in)
Rock & Roll Express & Magnum TA vs Ric Flair, Ole & Arn Anderson, NWA, 8/3/86 (Elimination Tag – AMAZING crowd heat for this one. Flair & Robert Gibson are the last two left and Flair works over Gibson’s already-injured ribs and beats him up so bad that Ricky Morton comes in and stops the match!)
WORLD PRO WRESTLING – 9/29/86 (More of the same as above. VQ is EX)
Dusty Rhodes & Magnum TA vs Midnight Express, NWA, 8/86
Steve Simpson vs John Tatum, WCCW, 5/16/86
Rick Rude Music Video “Addicted to Love”, WCCW, 1986
Bruiser Brody & Lance Von Erich vs Rick Rude & One Man Gang, WCCW, 5/16/86
Road Warriors & Paul Ellering vs Ivan Koloff, Khrusher Khruschev & Baron Von Raschke, NWA, 8/86 (Cage – After the match, Animal gets attacked with a chain)
Nikita Koloff & Khrusher Khruschev vs Sam Houston & Mark Fleming, NWA, 1986
Fantastics & Missing Link vs Sting, Eddie Gilbert & John Tatum,
Terry Taylor vs Jim Creek, UWF, 1986
Dingo Warrior vs Perry Jackson & Chico Cabello, WCCW, 7/25/86
Kevin Von Erich putting the claw on Abdullahs the Butcher, WCCW, 7/86
Kevin Von Erich vs Abdullah the Butcher, WCCW, 7/25/86
Midnight Rockers video “Living After Midnight”, AWA, 1986
Midnight Rockers vs Buddy Rose & Doug Somers, AWA, 7/13/86
WORLD PRO WRESTLING – 10/7/86 (Another episode of this great show from Japan. Sorry, don’thave an exact date for it. Quality is EX.)
Nikita Koloff & Khrusher Khruschev vs Sam Houston & Mark Fleming, NWA, 1986
Fantastics & Missing Link vs Sting, Eddie Gilbert & John Tatum, UWF, 8/9/86 (that’s an air date, not actual date)
Terry Taylor vs Jim Creek, UWF, 1986
Dingo Warrior vs Perry Jackson & Chico Cabello, WCCW, 7/25/86
Kevin Von Erich putting the claw on Abdullahs the Butcher, WCCW, 7/86
Kevin Von Erich vs Abdullah the Butcher, WCCW, 7/25/86 (Wild double countout match)
Midnight Rockers video “Living After Midnight”, AWA, 1986
Midnight Rockers vs Buddy Rose & Doug Somers, AWA, 7/13/86
Rick Rude vs Mark Youngblood, WCCW, 7/11/86 (Rude comes into the match sporting a black eye)
Jim Duggan vs Terry Gordy, UWF, 1986
Nick Bockwinkel vs Boris Zhukov, AWA, 7/86
Joe Pedicino Clips:
Brad Armstrong vs ???, Contintental (very bloody)
??? vs ???, WWC (featuring a blade job on the HAND)
Carlos Colon vs Abdullah the Butcher, WWC
Ric Flair vs Lex Luger, CWF, 9/1/86 (2/3 Falls – from Battle of the Belts 3)
Warlord vs Italian Stallion, NWA, 6/16/86 (Give or take a couple days on that date – they
wrestled several times in that period)
Fabulous Ones vs Sheepherders, CWF, 9/1/86 (JIP – From Battle of the Belts 3)
Kansas Jayhawks vs Ivan Koloff & Khrusher Khruschev, NWA, 1/21/86 (JIP)
Buzz Sawyer Press-Slamming ??? over the top rope, WCCW, 1986 (clips) (some tracking issues
in this one)
Buzz Sawyer & Matt Borne vs Chris Adams & Steve Simpson, WCCW, 7/25/86 (JIP)
Stan Hansen & Bruiser Brody vs Mark Youngblood & Tim Horner, NWA, 1984 (apparently Hansen &
Brody were going to be brought in long-term by JCP but it didn’t work out. This is a
rare match from that time.)
Black Bart vs Steve Doll, WCCW, 9/19/86 (from Bart’s short-lived World title reign)
Dingo Warriors vs Brian Adidas, WCCW, 9/5/86
Antonio Rocca 6-man, MSG, 1950s
Ric Flair vs Bruiser Brody, Kansas City, 5/29/86 (couple min shown
Buzz Sawyer video, “Great Balls of Fire”, WCCW, 1986
Bruiser Brody vs Buzz Sawyer, WCCW, 9/5/86
20-Man Battle Royal, AWA, 10/18/86 (Minor tracking issues here, too)
Marty Jannetty vs Buddy Rose, AWA, 10/18/86 (Shawn Michaels slaps Jannetty to fire him up)
Curt Hennig & Steve O vs Alexis Smirnoff & Yuri Gordienko, AWA, 10/18/86
Jimmy Snuka vs Larry Zbyszko, AWA, 8/30/86 (That date is a guess – this is the famous match where Colonel DeBeers comes out and pushes Snuka off the top rope onto the floor. Look for the fan at ringside who takes A CHAIN OFF THE DIVIDER AT RINGSIDE AND THREATENS TO GO AFTER DEBEERS!)
Mike Von Erich video, WCCW, 1986
Kevin, Mike & Lance Von Erich vs Buzz Sawyer, Matt Borne & Dingo Warrior, WCCW, 9/19/86 (Sawyer & Borne both refuse to tag Dingo, then Dingo attacks Percy Pringle and turns face)
WORLD PRO WRESTLING – 12/2/86 (More of this great show from Japan. Quality is VG/EX with an ever-so-slight bit of distortion at the top)
Nikita Koloff & Khrusher Khruschev vs ??? & ???, NWA, 1986 (JIP)
Black Bart vs Brian Adidas, WCCW, 9/86 (Rare match from Bart’s short-lived World title reign)
Bruiser Brody vs John Tatum, WCCW, 9/86
The Freebirds signing with the UWF, UWF, 5/86
Terry Gordy vs Hacksaw Duggan, UWF, 5/30/86 (Clips – UWF title Finals – One Man Gang attacks Duggan before the match; Gordy wins UWF World title)
Terry Gordy vs Steve Williams, UWF, 1986 (lots of run-ins and no actual match – the Freebirds attack Williams and break his arm)
Terry Gordy vs Steve Williams, UWF, 1986 (Gordy KOs Williams with brass knux)
WORLD PRO WRESTLING – 12/9/86 (More of the same as above; quality is VG/EX)
Rick Rude vs Lance Von Erich, WCCW, 1986 (JIP)
Fantastics vs Sting & Eddie Gilbert, UWF, 1986 (JIP)
??? vs ???, 1950s (JIP – early example of the Scorpion Deathlock)
Scott Armstrong vs Jerry Stubbs, Continental, 8/86
Bruiser Brody vs Terry Gordy, WCCW, 1986 (After the match, Gordy puts the Oriental Spike on Brody twice)
Ric Flair, Ole & Arn Anderson vs Dusty Rhodes & Rock & Roll Express, NWA, 1986 (Cage)
Midnight Rockers vs Dennis Stamp & ???, AWA, 10/18/86
Nikita Koloff & Khrusher Khruschev vs Mark Fleming & ???, NWA, 1986 (JIP)
Chris Adams vs Gustavo Mendoza, UWF, 1986 (JIP)
Colonel DeBeers vs Joe Page, AWA, 10/18/86 (JIP)
Earthquake Ferris vs Ken Timbs, AWA, 10/18/86
Lucha Tag Match
Wendell Cooley stuffed into a dress by Adrian Street, CCW, 1986
Mr. Wrestling II throwing water on Joe Pedicino
Jos Leduc attacked on TV, Memphis
Tim Horner attacked in a locker room while retrieving a title belt
Slow-Mo clips of Missy Hyatt’s cleavage (yes, you read that right)
Jack Victory & John Tatum vs Missing Link & Iceman Parsons, UWF, 1986
Kevin Von Erich vs Black Bart, WCCW, 10/12/86
Hulk, Super & Big Machine vs Big John Studd, King Kong Bundy & Bobby Heenan, MSG, 9/22/86
Tag-team Battle Royal, MSG, 10/20/86
Randy Savage vs George Steele, Boston, 9/6/86
Jake Roberts vs Don Driggers, WWF, 6/3/86
Hulk Hogan vs Paul Orndorff, WWF, 8/28/86 (The Big Event)
Nick Bockwinkel vs Larry Zbyszko, AWA, 11/27/86 (JIP – Earthquake Ferris is the guest ref)
Lucha 6-Man tag (2/3 Falls – Hair vs Hair)
Bunkhouse Stampede Battle Royal, NWA, 12/86 (Super-rare complete Bunkhouse Stampede match)
Crusher Blackwell vs Colonel DeBeers, AWA, 11/27/86 ($10,000 Ladder Match)
Ric Flair vs Ricky Lee Jones, NWA, 12/86
Lucha title match (2/3 Falls – Clipped)
Buzz Sawyer & Matt Borne vs Dingo Warrior & Steve Simpson, WCCW, 10/12/86
Dragon Buster Video Game Ad
Jerry Lawler vs ??? (3x), Memphis, 1986
Tommy Rich & Jerry Lawler Brawling w/Dirty Rhodes, Memphis, 9/86
Kevin Von Erich vs The Grappler, WCCW, 7/25/86
Rock & Roll Express vs Ole & Arn Anderson, NWA, 11/86 (Ole Attacks with title belts)
Midnight Rockers & Despina Montages vs Buddy Roser, Doug Somers & Sherri Martel, AWA, 11/27/86
Lucha Tag Title Match (2/3 Falls)
Curt Hennig vs Boris Zhukov, AWA, 11/27/86
Al Madril Attacking Kerry Von Erich w/Crutch, WCCW, 1986
Black Bart, Crusher Yurkov (Bam Bam Bigelow) & Brian Adidas vs Kevin, Mike & Lance Von Erich,WCCW, 12/5/86 (Not 100% sure on that date)
Rick Rude vs Robert Gibson, NWA, 12/86 (Manny Fernandez runs in)
Lucha 6-man (2/3 Falls)
Greg Gagne, Scott Hall & Leon White (Vader) vs Larry Zbyszko, Masa Saito & The Super Ninja, AWA, 12/25/86 (Future Nasty Boy Jerry Saggs is the ref here)
“Real American” video of gaijin wrestlers
Curt Hennig vs Nick Bockwinkel, AWA, 12/25/86 (Billy Robinson is the guest ref)
Dingo Warrior & Lance Von Erich vs Al Madril & Brian Adidas, WCCW, 12/1/86 (Madril & Adidas win WCCW tag title – this match shows just how far World Class fell from 1984-86…)
Lucha 6-Man tag (2/3 Falls)
Bruiser Brody vs The Grappler, WCCW, 12/5/86
Midnight Rockers vs Buddy Rose & Doug Somers, AWA, 12/25/86 (Cage – this sure looks like a title switch but I can find no record of a title change that fits this time frame)
WORLD PRO WRESTLING – 2/3/87 (More of this awesome show. Quality is EX on this one.)
Road Warriors, Dusty Rhodes & Nikita Koloff vs Ric Flair, Ole & Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard, NWA, 12/24 or 12/25/86 (3 min shown – no finish)
Kevin & Mike Von Erich vs Black Bart & The Grappler, WCCW, 10/27/86
Profile on super-heavyweights, Pro Wrestling This Week
Crusher Yurkov (Bam Bam Bigelow) vs Steve Simpson, WCCW, 11/27/86
Dusty Rhodes vs Tully Blanchard, NWA, 1/87
Midnight Express & Bubba Rogers vs Rock & Roll Express & Ronnie Garvin, 1/4/87
Abdullah the Butcher vs Mark Youngblood, WCCW, 10/27/86
Clips of Gimmick Matches, Pro Wrestling This Week
Kevin, Mike & Lance Von Erich vs Black Bart, Al Madril & Brian Adidas, 12/5/86
Ric Flair vs Nikita Koloff, NWA, 1/4/87 (Tully Blanchard runs in for the double-team, then Dusty comes out for the save. Nikita then steals the world title belt.)
Ricky Morton vs Manny Fernandez, NWA, 1/87 (Lots of run-ins from the tag partners as you might imagine)
1950s Clips (Shiek throwing a fireball, Antonio Rocca vs Johnny Valnetine, etc)
Arn Anderson vs Barry Windham, NWA, 1/4/87
Jimmy Snuka vs Colonel DeBeers, AWA, 1/87 (Coal Miner’s Glove Match – Snuka gets the glove but before he can use it, DeBeers pulls out a second glove and KOs Snuka with it.)
Road Warriors vs Midnight Express, NWA, 1/29/87 (Scaffold match – same as the one on Superstars on the Superstation II, I believe)
Rock & Roll Express vs Rick Rude & Manny Fernandez, NWA, 1/24/87 (Pretty sure this is the infamous non-title match that was shown twice on JCP TV – once as a non-title and then again months later as a title switch since the R&R win clean.)
Clips of Lots of Title Changes, Pro Wrestling This Week
Denny Brown vs Ricky Lee Jones, NWA, 1/87 (Good match for the NWA World Jr Title)
Ric Flair vs Nikita Koloff, NWA, 1/17/87 (Pretty sure this is the match from Superstars on the Superstation II)
WORLD PRO WRESTLING – 3/10/87 (Another full episode of WPW. Good stuff! Quality on this one is VG/EX with tracking and shake issues that mostly go away by the Brody clips.)
Rock & Roll Express & Dick Murdoch vs Midnight Express & Big Bubba Rogers, NWA, 1/27/87 (Elimination Tag)
Bruiser Brody clips, PWTW, 1987
Bruiser Brody vs Abdullah the Butcher, WCCW, 12/25/86 (JIP – Cage – Loser Leaves Texas – Gary Hart attaches Brody to the cage with a strap so he can’t escape, allowing Abdullah to pull off the upset.)
Midnight Rockers vs Buddy Rose & Doug Somers, AWA, 1/27/87 (JIP – Rockers win AWA World tag titles.)
Tully Blanchard vs Wahoo McDaniel, NWA, 1987
Lucha 6-Man Tag
Crusher Yurkov (Bam Bam Bigelow) vs Steve Simpson, WCCW, 12/5/86 (JIP – No Finish)
Road Warriors vs Midnight Express, NWA, 1986 (Last 2 minutes – the Roadies appear to win the NWA titles when Hawk KOs Eaton w/Cornette’s racket but it gets overturned)
Dusty Rhodes & Wahoo McDaniel vs Ric Flair & Tully Blanchard, NWA, 1986 (JIP – Bullrope/Strap)
Hulk Hogan vs Paul Orndorff, WWF, 8/28/86 (from The Big Event)
Ric Flair vs Lex Luger, NWA, 9/1/86 (Clip from Battle of the Belts III – no finish)
Bruiser Brody vs Abdullah the Butcher, WCCW, 10/12/86 (Cage – JIP – Special ref Fritz Von Erich
Road Warriors vs Rick Rude & Manny Fernandez, NWA, 1987
WORLD PRO WRESTLING – 4/26/87 (Another loaded episode of this great show from Japan featuringmatches from North America. The NWA matches here were never televised in the US to my knowledge. VQ is VG/EX.)
Road Warriors vs Rick Rude & Manny Fernandez, NWA, 3/87 (JIP – not sure on that date)
Dingo Warrior & Red River Jack (Bruiser Brody) vs The Grappler & Bob Bradley, WCCW, 3/6/87
Profile of Stan Hansen (includes childhood photos, football pics, etc)
Stan Hansen vs Carlos Colon, WWC, 1987 (Bullrope match – total BS finish – Colon wins after touching all four corners but his touches are broken up and shouldn’t count.)
Rock & Roll Express vs Tully Blanchard & Lex Luger, 3/87 (JIP – not sure on date)
Ric Flair vs Barry Windham, NWA, 2/1/87 (JIP – 20-min of 60-min draw)
Kevin, Mike & Fritz Von Erich vs The Freebirds 5/6/84 – WCCW
Jimmy Garvin & Precious vs Chris Adams & Sunshine 5/6/84 – WCCW
WWF Battle Royal 6/17/84 – WWF @ Met Center in MN
Mad Dog Vachon vs Bobby Colt 6/17/84 – WWF @ Met Center in MN
Mil Mascaras vs Tiger Chung Lee 6/17/84 – WWF @ Met Center in MN
Ivan Putski vs Alexis Smirnoff 6/17/84 – WWF @ Met Center in MN
Hulk Hogan vs Dr D David Schultz 6/17/84 – WWF @ Met Center in MN
Kamala vs The Great Kabuki 5/6/84 – WCCW
The Road Warriors vs Craig Carson & Ken Raper 9/18/84 – Pro Wrestling USA
The Road Warriors vs Keith Eric & Travy Smothers 9/18/84 – Pro Wrestling USA
The Road Warriors vs Ken Raper & Mark Ragin 9/18/84 – Pro Wrestling USA
Bruiser Brody vs Michael Hayes 9/23/83 – WCCW
Ric Flair vs Kerry Von Erich (c) NWA World Title 5/11/84 – WCCW
Super Destroyers, Great Kabuki & Missing Link vs Michael Hayes,Terry Gordy, Killer Khan & Bruiser Brody 5/11/84 – WCCW
Masa Saito special
Super Destroyers vs Andre the Giant & Iceman King Parson 1/6/84 – WCCW
Chris Adams vs Ric Flair (c) NWA World Title 2/3/84 – WCCW
Scott & Bill Irwin vs Buck Zumhoffe & Jules Strongbow 09/03/84 – WCCW
Rick Martel promo – Pro Wrestling USA
Rick Martel vs The Spoiler (Frank Morell) 09/18/84 – Pro Wrestling USA
Eddie Gilbert vs Rick Martel 09/18/84 – Pro Wrestling USA
Fishman vs Perro Aguayo 02/03/84 – WCCW
Mike & Kerry Von Erich vs Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy 04/15/84 – WCCW
Kerry Von Erich vs Super Destroyer #1 3/19/84 – WCCW
Rock N Roll Express music video (Jump)
Rock N Roll Express interview – Pro Wrestling USA
Rock N Roll Express vs Lanny Poffo & Phil Hickerson 9/18/94 – Pro Wrestling USA
Fabulous Ones interview – Pro Wrestling USA
Fabulous Ones music video (Sharp Dressed Man)
Fabulous Ones vs The Nightmares 9/18/84 – Pro Wrestling USA
Missing Link vs Mike Gallagher 9/7/84 – WCCW
Terry Gordy & Killer Khan vs Chris Adams & Iceman King Parsons 5/18/84 – WCCW
Fabulous Ones & Blackjack Lanza vs Larry Zbyszko,Billy Robinson & Masa Saito 9/20/84 – AWA
20 Man Battle Royal 6/10/84 – AWA
Kamala vs Iceman King Parson 4/15/84 – WCCW
Nick Bockwinkel vs Rick Martel 8/16/84 – AWA
Rock & Roll Express vs Nightmares 9/18/84 – Pro Wrestling USA
Dory Funk vs Dutch Mantell 9/18/84 – Pro Wrestling USA
Harley Race vs Dutch Mantell 9/18/84 – Pro Wrestling USA
Nick Bockwinkel vs Lanny Poffo 9/18/84 – Pro Wrestling USA
Kevin Von Erich vs Killer Khan 9/14/84 – WCCW
Road Warriors vs Jerry Lawler & Tommy Rich 10/23/84 – Pro Wrestling USA
El Canek, Fishman & Perro Aguayo vs Super Halcon, Dos Caras & Enrique Vera 1984 – UWA
Mike Von Erich vs Buddy Roberts 2/3/84 – WCCW
Bob Backlund interview – Pro Wrestling USA
Bob Backlund vs Randy Barber 10/23/84 – Pro Wrestling USA
Road Warriors vs Tony Atlas & Jim Brunzell 9/20/84 – AWA
Road Warriors vs Jim Brunzell & Brad Rheingans 8/16/84 – AWA (Brunzell gets destroyed before the match leading to…)
Road Warriors vs Brad Rheingans & Steve Olsonoski 8/16/84 – AWA
MS-1 vs Sangre Chicana – Hair vs Hair 9/21/84 – CMLL
Superstar Billy Graham vs Craig Carson 9/18/84 – Pro Wrestling USA
Ric Flair vs Chris Adams 11/9/84 – WCCW
Road Warriors vs Mark Fleming & Steve Miller 10/10/84 – Pro Wrestling USA
El Canek vs.Cien Caras 9/21/84 – UWA
Fantastics vs Dale Veasel & El Diablo 11/24/84 – WCCW
Ric Flair vs Bruiser Brody 11/16/84 – St. Louis
Road Warriors vs Fabulous Ones 10/21/84 – AWA,
Los Fantasticos vs Los Brazos 1984 – CMLL86
Kevin Von Erich vs Billy Robinson 11/16/84 – St. Louis
Tag Team Battle Royal 10/21/84 – AWA
Mike Von Erich vs Gino Hernandez 10/8/84 – WCCW
El Satanico vs Super Astro 11/2/84 – CMLL
Brusier Brody vs Jerry Blackwell 10/20/84 – AWA
Ric Flair vs Dusty Rhodes 12/22/84 – Starrcade
Dusty Rhodes & Manny Fernandez vs Doug Vines & Jeff Sword 1984 – JCP
TULLY BLANCHARD VS RICKY STEAMBOAT, NWA, 11/22/84 (TV title match from Starrcade ’84)
Gran Hamada vs Gran Cochise, CMLL, 11/18/84 (Hamada wins the NWA World Middleweight title)
Ric Flair vs Mike Davis, NWA, 1984
Road Warriors in Las Vegas, AWA, 1984
Road Warriors vs Fabulous Ones, AWA, 12/25/84
Road Warriors vs Zulu & Ken Lucas 12/22/1984 – AWA
Mike Von Erich & Billy Jack Haynes vs Jake Roberts & Gino Hernandez 12/25/84 – WCCW
Gran Coloso vs Mascara Ano Dos Mil, Mask vs Mask 12/7/84 – CMLL
Jimmy Valiant picking up Big Mama, NWA, 1984
Jimmy Valiant vs Paul Jones, NWA, 11/22/84 (Tuxedo Street Fight from Starrcade ’84)
Ric Flair vs Kerry Von Erich, WCCW, 12/25/84
Greg Gagne vs Sheik Adnan El Kaissey, Cage Match 11/22/84 – AWA
Kamala vs Jobber 1984 – AWA
Gran Cochise vs Mocho Cota – Hair vs Hair 12/7/84
Ivan & Nikita Koloff vs Ole Anderson & Keith Larson 11/22/84, Starrcade – JCP
Ric Flair vs Bruiser Brody 1/4/85 – St Louis
Road Warriors vs Tony Davis & Pat Rose 10/29/83 – Georgia
Road Warriors vs Mike Jackson & Randy Barber 6/23/84 – Georgia
Road Warriors vs The Iron Duke & Martine Escobella 7/29/84
Road Warriors music video
Road Warriors vs The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke 8/25/84 – AWA
Road Warriors vs Jerry Blackwell & King Kong Bundy 11/22/84 – AWA
Road Warriors vs Fabulous Ones 12/13/84 – AWA
Road Warriors vs Greg Brown & Mike Starbuck 3/10/1984 – Georgia
Terry Gordy, Buddy Roberts & Chick Donovan vs Skandor Akbar, Missing Link & Mr X 12/25/84 – WCCW
Perro Aguayo vs El Pharaon vs Villano III vs Cien Caras, Elimination Match 1984 – CMLL
Harley Race vs Jerry Blackwell 11/16/84 – St Louis
Rick Martel vs Jimmy Garvin 1/17/85 – AWA
Ric Flair vs Kerry Von Erich (Clipped) 1/25/85 – St Louis
Tom Zenk & Ed Sullivan vs Kamala 12/12/84 – AWA
Masa Saito vs Sgt Slaughter 1/10/85 – AWA
Road Warriors vs Brad Rheingans & Rick Peavy 1/10/85 – AWA
Road Warriors vs Jobbers – AWA
Kerry Von Erich vs Chris Adams 1/11/85 – WCCW
Gran Hamada & Anibal vs Fishman & El Canek 1985 – UWA
Video of monsters around wrestling including Voodoo Malumba in Mexico, Kendo Nagasaki in AWA, One Mang Gang and Missing Link in World Class
Kamala vs Bruiser Brody 1/25/85 – St Louis
Rick Martel vs Jimmy Garvin 12/6/84 – AWA
Road Warriors vs Sgt Slaughter & Jerry Blackwell 2/22/85 – AWA
Profile of Sunshine – WCCW
Billy Jack Haynes vs Shawn Michaels 1/11/85 – WCCW
Ric Flair vs Terry Gordy 1/11/85 – WCCW
Road Warriors vs Joaquin Escudero & Jimmy Joe
Mike Von Erich vs Buddy Roberts (JIP) 2/3/84 – WCCW
Kerry Von Erich vs Super Destroyer (JIP) 3/30/84 – WCCW
Video on managers
Ric Flair vs Tommy Rogers 4/21/84 – Georgia
Terry Gordy vs Killer Khan (JIP) Texas Death Match 12/25/84 – WCCW
Ric Flair vs Kerry Von Erich 5/6/84 – WCCW
Kerry Von Erich vs Buzz Tyler 1/4/85 – St Louis
Fantastics vs PYT Express 11/22/84 – WCCW
Assassin #1 & Buzz Tyler vs Zambuie Express 11/22/84 – Starrcade
Road Warriors & Paul Ellering vs Fabulous Ones & Crusher 12/6/84 – AWA
Tag Team Battle Royal 2/24/85 – Pro Wrestling USA
“I Need a Hero” video – WCCW
Von Erichs at Home – WCCW
El Mongol vs David Von Erich 1983 – WCCW
Kerry & Kevin Von Erich vs Chris Adams & Gino Hernandez, Texas Tornado Match 3/22/85 – WCCW
Profiles of One Man Gang & Hercules Hernandez – WCCW
One Man Gang vs Hercules Hernandez 3/29/85 – WCCW
Road Warriors vs Jerry Lawler & Baron Von Raschke 2/24/85 – Pro Wrestling USA
Rick Martel vs Jimmy Garvin 2/24/85 – Pro Wrestling USA
Ivan & Nikita Koloff vs Steve Keirn & Jimmy Valiant 2/24/85 – Pro Wrestling USA
Ric Flair vs Harley Race 2/24/85 – Pro Wrestling USA
Dusty Rhodes & Manny Fernandez vs Doug Vines & Jeff Sword 11/15/84 – JCP
Tully Blanchard vs Ricky Steamboat 11/22/84 – Starrcade
Gran Hamada vs Gran Cochise 11/18/84 – CMLL
Ric Flair vs Mike Davis 11/15/84 – JCP
Road Warriors video – AWA
Road Warriors vs Fabulous Ones (Clipped) 11/8/84 – AWA
Satoru Sayama vs Yoshiaki Fujiwara, UWF, 5/31/85
Ric Flair arriving in St Louis, 5/85 (Helicopter, fine dining, the whole shot)
Ric Flair vs Kevin Von Erich, St Louis, 5/12/85
Fantastics vs Midnight Express, WCCW, 5/5/85
Sgt Slaughter & Crusher Blackwell vs Masked Superstar, King Tonga & Adnan Al Kaissey,
Kerry, Kevin & Mike Von Erich & Freebirds vs Chris Adams, Gino Hernandez, One Man Gang,
Steve Williams, Kamala & Rip Oliver, WCCW, 5/5/85
Road Warriors putting on their face paint, AWA, 1985
Road Warriors vs Curt & Larry Hennig, AWA, 4/21/85 (from StarCage ’85)
Jerry Lawler & Bill Dundee vs Bruiser Brody & Kareem Muhammad 5/13/85 – Memphis
Jerry Oski vs Randy Savage 5/13/85 – Memphis
Rock & Roll Express vs Chavo & Hector Guerrero, Cage Match 2/15/85 – Houston
Rock & Roll Express Training Video – Mid-South
Rock & Roll Express vs Terry Gordy & Buddy Roberts 6/24/85 – Mid-South
One Man Gang vs Kerry Von Erich 5/5/85 – WCCW
20 Man Battle Royal – AWA
Adrian Street music video – Memphis
Adrian Street vs David Haskins – Memphis
Ric Flair vs Butch Reed 6/24/85 – Mid-South
Ric Flair vs Dusty Rhodes 7/27/85 – Mid-South
Crusher Blackwell working out & eating – AWA
Crusher Blackwell & Baron Von Raschke vs The Alaskans 6/12/85 – AWA
Kevin Von Erich vs Chris Adams 7/12/85 – WCCW
Rick Martel vs Nick Bockwinkel 7/19/85 – Pro Wrestling USA
One Man Gang vs Great Kabuki, Lumberjack Match 7/12/85 – WCCW
Bill Watts, Dick Murdoch & Jim Duggan vs Kamala, Kareem Mohammed & Skandor Akbar 7/27/85 – Mid-South
Road Warriors vs Terry Gordy & Michael Hayes 7/19/85 – Pro Wrestling USA
Women’s Battle Royal – Pro Wrestling USA
Verne & Greg Gagne vs Nick Bockwinkel & Masa Saito 4/21/85 – AWA
Missing Lunk vs Buck Zumhoffe 11/22/84 – WCCW
Road Warriors video – AWA
Road Warriors vs Long Riders – AWA
Rick Rude vs Billy Jack Haynes 9/2/85 Battle of the Belts – Florida
Bruiser Brody & Iceman King Parsons vs One Man Gang & Mark Lewin 8/23/85 – WCCW
Kerry & Kevin Von Erich vs Chris Adams & Gino Hernandez 7/4/85 – WCCW
Ric Flair vs Wahoo McDaniel 9/2/85 Battle of the Belts – Florida
Rick Martel & Curt Hennig vs Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy 8/11/85 – AWA
Road Warriors vs Harley Race & Stan Hansen 9/2/85 Battle of the Belts – Florida
Kevin & Kerry Von Erich vs Chris Adams & Gino Hernandez 9/6/85 – WCCW
Road Warriors highlights
20 Man Battle Royal – AWA
Bruiser Brody vs John Tatum 9/6/85 – WCCW
Bob Backlund vs Rick Renslo 1/19/85 – Pro Wrestling USA
Highlights of Rick Martel AWA World Title defenses
Rick Martel vs Jimmy Garvin (JIP) 3/7/85 – AWA
Highlights of Ric Flair NWA World Title defenses
Magnum TA video ‘Born to be Wild’
Magnum TA vs Tully Blanchard, I Quit 11/28/85 – Starrcade
Kevin & Kerry Von Erich vs Chris Adams & Gino Hernandez 12/25/85 – WCCW
Tatsumi Fujinami vs The Masked Demon 12/25/85 – WCCW
Antonio Inoki vs Dr Death 12/25/85 – WCCW
Road Warriors & Blackjack Mulligan vs Kevin Sullivan, Purple Haze & Bob Roop 2/14/86 Battle of the Belts II – Florida
Chris Adams & Gino Hernandez music video ‘Bad to the Bone’ – WCCW
Kerry Von Erich & others talk about Gino Hernandez’s death 2/86 – WCCW
Clips of Adams/Hernandez matches 1985 – WCCW
Kerry & Kevon Von Erich vs Chris Adams & Gino Hernandez 7/26/85 – WCCW
17 Man Battle Royal 11/23/85 – AWA
Bruiser Brody vs Wahoo McDaniel 2/14/86 Battle of the Belts II – Florida
Ric Flair vs Magnum TA 2/23/86 – JCP
Dusty Rhodes vs Arn Anderson 2/23/86, Texas Death match in a Cage – JCP
Handicap match: Road Warriors vs Doug Sommers, Boris Zhukov & John Nord 2/9/86 – AWA
Barry Windham vs Ric Flair (clipped) 2/14/86 – Battle of the Belts II, Florida
One Man Gang vs Mark Youngblood 4/4/86 – WCCW
Buddy Rogers vs Killer Kowalski (First fall of 2/3 fall match) 2/22/63 – Chicago
Midnight Rockers vs Buddy Rose & Doug Somers 3/13/86 – AWA
Magnum TA vs Bobby Eaton 3/23/86 – JCP
Dusty Rhodes & Wahoo McDaniel vs Ric Flair & Tully Blanchard, Double Bullrope/Strap match 4/12/86 – JCP
Jimmy Garvin vs Italian Stallion – JCP
Tully Blanchard vs Ronnie Garvin – JCP
Magnum TA vs Nikita Koloff
Road Warriors Iron Man music video
Road Warriors vs Midnight Express – JCP
Ted Dibiase & Steve Williams vs Dick Murdoch & Masked Superstar 2/23/86 – UWF
Women of pro wrestling video
Missing Link vs John Tatum 1/24/86 – WCCW
Missing Link vs Rick Rude 2/21/86 – WCCW
Arn Anderson vs Wahoo McDaniel – JCP
Ric Flair vs Robert Gibson – JCP
Manny Fernandez vs Teijo Khan – JCP
Sheepherders vs Ricky Gibson & Al Perez 2/22/86 – UWF
Kamala vs Steve O 2/3/85 – AWA
Masked Superstar I & II vs Dave Patterson & Steve Doll 3/1/86 – UWF
Koko B Ware vs Gustavo Mendoza 3/1/86 – UWF
Midnight Express vs Rock N Roll Express, Cornette in Cage above ring 3/29/86 – JCP
Kerry Von Erich & Bruiser Brody vs Terry Gordy & Michael Hayes 4/4/86 – WCCW
Brad Rheingans vs Boris Zhukov 4/20/86 – AWA
WrestleRock 86 Highlight Video
Larry Zbyszko vs Scott LeDoux 4/20/86 – AWA
Rick Martel vs Harley Race 4/20/86 – AWA
Greg Gagne & Jimmy Snuka vs Bruiser Brody & Nord the Barbarian, Cage match 4/20/86 – AWA
Verne Gagne vs Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey, Cage match 4/20/86 – AWA
Stan Hansen vs Mike Richards 1/11/86 – AWA
Rock & Roll Express & Ricky Gibson vs Rick Steiner, Shawn O’Reilly & Mike Scott 2/11/86 – UWF
Lou Thesz vs Antonino Rocca (Clips) 5/10/63 – Buffalo
Bruiser Brody video
Bruiser Brody vs Spike Jones 3/22/86 – AWA
Bruiser Brody vs Leon White 4/5/86 – AWA
Road Warriors vs Midnight Express – JCP
Midnight Rockers vs Buddy Rose & Doug Somers 6/29/86 – AWA
Sherri Martel video ‘She Works Hard For the Money’ – AWA
Sherri Martel vs Candi Davine 6/29/86 – AWA
Rick Rude vs Bruiser Brody 5/4/86 – WCCW
Ric Flair vs Ricky Morton, Cage 7/11/86 – JCP
Missing Link vs The Grappler 5/16/86 – WCCW
Bruiser Brody vs Marcel Pringel 7/11/86 – WCCW
Kevin Von Erich vs Matt Borne 6/27/86 – WCCW
Magnum TA & Rock & Roll Express vs Ric Flair, Ole & Arn Anderson 8/3/86 – JCP
Missing Link vs The Grappler 5/16/86 – WCCW
Bruiser Brody vs Marcel Pringle 7/11/86 – WCCW
Kevin Von Erich vs Matt Borne 6/27/86 – WCCW
Rock & Roll Express & Magnum TA vs Ric Flair, Ole & Arn Anderson 8/3/86 – JCP
Dusty Rhodes & Magnum TA vs Midnight Express 8/86 – JCP
Steve Simpson vs John Tatum 5/16/84 – WCCW
Rick Rude Music Video “Addicted to Love” – WCCW
Bruiser Brody & Lance Von Erich vs Rick Rude & One Man Gang 5/16/86 – WCCW
Cage Match: Road Warriors & Paul Ellering vs Ivan Koloff, Khrusher Khruschev & Baron Von Raschke 8/86 – NWA
Nikita Koloff & Khrusher Khrushev vs Sam Houston & Mark Fleming
Fantastics & Missing Link vs Eddie Gilbert, Sting & John Tatum 8/9/86 – UWF
Terry Taylor vs Jim Creek – UWF
Dinog Warrior vs Perry Jackson & Chico Cabello 7/25/86 – WCCW
Kevin Von Erich puts the claw on Abdullah the Butcher 7/86 – WCCW
Kevin Von Erich vs Abdullah the Butcher 7/25/86 – WCCW
Midnight Rockers video ‘Living after Midnight’ – AWA
Midnight Rockers vs Buddy Rose & Doug Somers 7/13/86 – AWA
Rick Rude vs Mark Youngblood 7/11/86 – WCCW
Jim Duggan vs Terry Gordy – UWF
Nick Bockwinkel vs Boris Zhukov 8/30/86 – AWA
Joe Pedicino video from Pro Wrestling This Week with clips of wild matches:
Brad Armstrong vs Jerry Stubbs – Continental
Invader vs Don Kent – WWC
Carlos Colon vs Abdullah the Butcher – WWC
Ric Flair vs Lex Luger 9/1/86 – Florida, Battle of the Belts 3
Italian Stallion vs Warlord 6/16/86 – JCP
Fabulous Ones vs Sheepherders 9/1/86 (JIP) – Florida, Battle of the Belts 3
Kansas Jayhawks vs Ivan Koloff & Khrusher Khrushev (JIP) 1/21/86 – JCP
Video of Steve Simpson saving a job guy from a Buzz Sawyer beating (Buzz throws the job guy over the top rope and it’s brutal) – WCCW
Buzz Sawyer & Matt Borne vs Chris Adams & Steve Simpson (JIP) 7/25/86 – WCCW
Stan Hansen & Bruiser Brody vs Mark Youngblood & Tim Horner 2/5/84 – JCP
Nikita Koloff & Khrusher Khruschev vs Jobbers (JIP) 1986 – JCP
Black Bart vs Brian Adidas 10/4/86 – WCCW
Bruiser Brody vs John Tatum 9/6/85 – WCCW
The Freebirds signing with the UWF 5/86 – UWF
Terry Gordy vs Hacksaw Duggan, 5/30/86 (Clips – UWF title Finals)
Terry Gordy vs Steve Williams 9/86 – UWF
Rick Rude vs Lance Von Erich 8/86 – WCCW
Fantastics vs Sting & Eddie Gilbert, UWF, 1986 (JIP)
Scott Armstrong vs Jerry Stubbs, Continental, 8/86
Bruiser Brody vs Terry Gordy, WCCW, 1986 (After the match, Gordy puts the Oriental Spike on Brody twice)
Ric Flair, Ole & Arn Anderson vs Dusty Rhodes & Rock & Roll Express, NWA, 1986 (Cage)
Nick Bockwinkel vs Larry Zbyszko (JIP) 11/27/86 – AWA
Americo Rocca, Ringo Mendoza & Tony Salazar vs Negro Navarro, El Signo & El Texano, Hair vs Hair 9/19/86 – CMLL
Bunkhouse Stampede Battle Royal 12/86 – JCP
Crusher Blackwell vs Colonel DeBeers, Ladder Match 11/27/86 – AWA
Ric Flair vs Ricky Lee Jones 12/13/86 – JCP
Rayo de Jalisco Jr vs Fishman 1986 – CMLL
Buzz Sawyer & Matt Borne vs Dingo Warrior & Steve Simpson 10/12/86 – WCCW
Video highlights of Jerry Lawler’s feud with Dirty Rhodes & Don Bass
Kevin Von Erich vs The Grappler 7/25/86 – WCCW
Rock & Roll Express vs Ole & Arn Anderson 11/86 – JCP
Midnight Rockeres & Despina Montagas vs Buddy Rose, Doug Somers & Sherri Martel 11/27/86 – AWA
Cien Caras & Mascara Ano 2000 vs MS-1 & Masakre – CMLL
Curt Hennig vs Boris Zhukov 11/27/86 – AWA
Al Madril attacks Kerry Von Erich with his crutch 1986 – WCCW
Black Bart, Crusher Yurkov (Bam Bam Bigelow) & Brian Adias vs Kevin, Mike & Lance Von Erich 12/5/86 – WCCW
Rick Rude vs Robert Gibson 12/86 – JCP
Atlantis, Villano III & Alfonso Dantes vs Sangre Chicana, Babyface & Pirata Morgan – CMLL
Greg Gagne, Scott Hall & Leon White vs Larry Zbyszko, Masa Saito & The Super Ninja 12/25/86 – AWA
Curt Hennig vs Nick Bockwinkel 12/25/86 – AWA
Dingo Warrior & Lance Von Erich vs Brian Adias & Al Madril 12/1/86 – WCCW
Los Brazos vs Ultraman, Super Halcon & Kung Fu 1986 – CMLL
Bruiser Brody vs The Grappler 12/5/86 – WCCW
Midnight Rockers vs Buddy Rose & Doug Somers, Cage Match 12/25/86 – AWA
Midnight Express & Bubba Rogers vs Rock & Roll Express & Ronnie Garvin 1/4/87 – JCP
Abdullah the Butcher vs Mark Youngblood 10/27/86 – WCCW
Video from Pro Wrestling this Week with clips of different gimmick matches
Kevin, Mike & Lance Von Erich vs Black Bart, Al Madril & Brian Adias 12/5/86 – WCCW
Ric Flair vs Nikita Koloff 1/4/87 – JCP
Ricky Morton vs Manny Fernandez 1/87 – JCP
1950s clips
Arn Anderson vs Barry Windham 1/4/87 – JCP
Jimmy Snuka vs Colonel DeBeers, Coal Miner’s Glove Match 1/27/87 – AWA
Road Warriors vs Midnight Express, Scaffold Match 1/29/87 – JCP
Rock & Roll Express vs Rick Rude & Manny Fernandez 1/24/87 – JCP
Video from Pro Wrestling This Week of various title changes
Denny Brown vs Ricky Lee Jones 1/11/87 – JCP
Ric Flair vs Nikita Koloff 1/17/87 – JCP
Rock & Roll Express & Dick Murdoch vs Midnight Express & Big Bubba Rogers, Elimination Tag 1/27/87 – JCP
Bruiser Brody clips from Pro Wrestling This Week
Bruiser Brody vs Abdullah the Butcher, Loser Leaves Town Cage Match 12/25/86 – WCCW
Midnight Express vs Buddy Rose & Doug Somers (JIP) 1/27/87 – AWA
Tully Blanchard vs Wahoo McDaniel 1987 – JCP
El Dandy, Talisman & Blue Panther vs Ringo Mendoza, Chamaco Valaguez & Stuka Jr 1987 – CMLL
Crusher Yurkov (Bam Bam Bigelow) vs Steve Simpson 12/5/86 – WCCW
Road Warriors vs Midnight Express (ending only, Dusty finish) – JCP
Ric Flair vs Lex Luger (Clip) 9/1/86 – Battle of the Belts III, Florida
Bruiser Brody vs Abdullah the Butcher, Cage (JIP) 10/12/86 – WCCW
Road Warriors vs Rick Rude & Manny Fernandez 1987 – JCP
Road Warriors vs Rick Rude & Manny Fernandez 3/87 – JCP
Dingo Warrior & Red River Jack vs The Grappler & Bob Bradley 3/6/87 – WCCW
Profile of Stan Hansen
Stan Hansen vs Carlos Colon, Bullrope match 1/6/87 – WWC
Rock & Roll Express vs Tully Blanchard & Lex Luger 3/87 – JCP
Ric Flair vs Barry Windham (JIP) 2/1/87 – JCP
World Pro Wrestling – Volume 1 (October 20th & 27th 1984)
1. Great Kabuki vs Kamala
2. Road Warriors vs 2 jobbers
3. Road Warriors vs 2 more jobbers
4. Road Warriors vs Mark Ragin & Ken Raper
5. Bruiser Brody vs Michael Hayes
6. Kerry Von Erich vs Ric Flair
7. Super Destroyers,Great Kabuki & Missing Link vs Michael Hayes,Terry Gordy,Killer Khan & Bruiser Brody
8. Masa Saito special
9. Super Destroyers vs Andre the Giant & Iceman King Parsons
10. Ric Flair vs Chris Adams
World Pro Wrestling – Volume 2 (November 10th & 17th 1984)
1. Kerry Von Erich vs Super Destroyer #1
2. Rock and Roll Express vs Lanny Poffo & Phil Hickerson
3. Fabulous Ones vs The Nightmares
4. Missing Link vs Mike Gallagher
5. Terry Gordy & Killer Khan vs Iceman King Parsons & Chris Adams
6. Fabulous Ones & Blackjack Lanza vs Larry Zbyszko,Billy Robinson & Masa Saito
7. AWA 20 Man Battle Royal
8. Kamala vs Iceman King Parsons
9. Rick Martel vs Nick Bockwinkel
World Pro Wrestling – Volume 3 (November 3rd & December 29th 1984)
1. Scott& Bill Irwin vs Buck Zumhoffe & Jules Strongbow
2. Rick Martel vs. ?
3. Rick Martel vs Eddie Gilbert
4. Perro Aguayo vs Fishman
5. Mike Von Erich & Kevin Von Erich vs Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy
6. Road Warriors vs Fabulous Ones
7. Los Fantasticos vs Brazo Brothers
8. Kevin Von Erich vs Billy Robinson
9. AWA 20 man Tag Team Battle Royal
World Pro Wrestling – Volume 4 (November 24th & December 29th 1984)
1. Rock and Roll Express vs The Nightmares
2. Dory Funk Jr. vs Dutch Mantell
3. Harley Race vs Dutch Mantell
4. Nick Bockwinkel vs Lanny Poffo
5. Kevin Von Erich vs Killer Khan
6. Road Warriors vs Jerry Lawler & Tommy Rich
7. Kelly Kiniski & Buddy Roberts vs Mike & Kevin Von Erich
8. Jerry Lawler vs Randy Barber
9. Jerry Lawler & Tommy Rich vs The Nightmares
10. Tony Atlas vs Steve Regal
11. Nick Bockwinkel vs Rick Martel
World Pro Wrestling – Volume 5 (December 8th & 15th 1984)
1. Doc Caras,El Spirito & Enrique Vera vs El Canek,Fishman & Perro Aguayo
2. Mike Von Erich vs Buddy Roberts
3. Bob Backlund vs Randy Barber
4. Road Warriors vs Tony Atlas & Jim Brunzell
5. Road Warriors vs. Steve O & Brad Rheingans
6. Sangre Chicana vs MS 1
7. Superstar Billy Graham vs Greg Carson
8. Ric Flair vs Chris Adams
World Pro Wrestling – Volume 6 (December 22nd 1984 & January 5th 1985)
1. Road Warriors vs Mark Fleming & Steve Miller
2. El Canek vs.Cien Caras
3. Fantastics vs Dale Veasel & El Diablo
4. Ric Flair vs Bruiser Brody
5. Road Warriors vs Jobbers
6. Mike Von Erich vs Gino Hernandez
7. El Satanico vs Super Astro
8. Brusier Brody vs Jerry Blackwell
9. Ric Flair vs Dusty Rhodes
World Pro Wrestling – Volume 7 (January 19th & 16th 1985)
1. Dusty Rhodes & Manny Fernandez vs Doug Vines& Jeff Sword
2. Ricky Steamboat vs Tully Blanchard
3. Gran Hamada vs Gran Cochise
4. Ric Flair vs Mike Davis
5. Road Warriors vs The Fabulous Ones
6. Road Warriors vs Zulu & ?
7. Mike Von Erich & Billy Jack vs Jake Roberts & Gino Hernandez
8. Gran Colon vs Mascara Ano Dos Mil
9. Jimmy Valiant vs Paul Jones
10. Ric Flair vs Kerry Von Erich
World Pro Wrestling – Volume 8 (February 2nd & 9th 1985)
1. Greg Gagne vs Sheik Adnan & Al Kaisse
2. Kamala vs Jobber
3. Nikita Koloff & ? vs Ole Anderson / ?
4. Ric Flair vs Bruiser Brody
5. Road Warriors vs Pat Rose/Tommy Davis
6. Road Warriors vs Randy Barber/Mike Jackson
7. Road Warriors vs Joaquin Escudero/The Iron Duke
8. Road Warriors vs Baron Von Rashke/Crusher 8/25/84 title change
9. Road Warriors vs Jerry Blackwell/King Kong Bundy 11/22/84
World Pro Wrestling – Volume 9 (Februray 1985)
1. Road Warriors vs. Greg Brown & Mike Starbuck
2. Terry Gordy,Buddy Roberts & Chic Donovan vs Missing Link,Mr. X & Skandar Akbar
3. Perro Aguayo & ? vs Villano III & Cien Caras
4. Jerry Blackwell vs Harley Race (16/11/1984)
5. Jimmy Garvin vs Rick Martel
6. Ric Flair vs Kerry Von Erich
7. Kamala vs Tom Bank & Eddie
8. Masa Saito vs Sgt. Slaughter
9. Road Warriors vs Brad Rheingans & ?
World Pro Wrestling – Volume 10 (March 11th 1985)
1. Road Warriors vs Mike Richards & ?
2. Chris Adams vs Kerry Von Erich
3. Fishman & El Canek vs Gran Hamada & Anibal
4. Bruiser Brody vs Kamala
5. Rick Martel vs Jimmy Garvin
6. Road Warriors vs Sgt. Slaughter & Jerry Blackwell
7. Ric Flair vs Terry Gordy
World Pro Wrestling – Volume 11 (March 19th & 26th 1985)
1. Road Warriors vs Joaquin Escudero & Jimmy Joe
2. Mike Von Erich vs Buddy Roberts
3. Kerry Von Erich vs Super Destroyer #1
4. Ric Flair vs Tommy Rogers
5. Terry Gordy vs Killer Khan
6. Ric Flair vs Kerry Von Erich
7. Kerry Von Erich vs Tug Taylor
8. Fantastics vs PYT Express
9. Zambuhie Express vs Assassin #1 & Buzz Tyler
10. Fabulous Ones & Crusher vs Road Warriors & Paul Ellering
World Pro Wrestling – Volume 12 (April 15th 1985)
1. AWA Tag Team Battle Royal
2. Kerry & Kevin Von Erich vs Chris Adams & Gino Hernandez
3. One Man Gang vs Hercules Hernandez
4. Road Warriors vs Jerry Lawler & Baron Von Rashke
5. Rick Martel vs Jimmy Garvin
6. Ivan & Nikita Koloff vs Steve Keirn & Jimmy Valiant
7. Ric Flair vs Harley Race
World Pro Wrestling – Volume 13 (July 29th 1985)
1. Bruiser Brody & Kareem Muhammed vs Jerry Lawler & Bill Dundee
2. Randy Savage vs Jerry Oski
3. The Rock n Roll Express against the Guerreros (Chavo and Hector)
3.1 Rock and Roll Express vs Buddy Roberts & Terry Gordy
4. Kerry Von Erich vs One Man Gang
5. AWA Battle Royal
6. Adrian Street vs David Haskins
7. Ric Flair vs Butch Reed