2002/12/21: WWA X-Mas Party
Wien, Wien (Austria)
1. Battle Royal
2. Bernard Shaw vs. Tom Crazy
3. Elimination Match: Mark Wittmann, Fiver Rock and León Martínez vs. SigMasta Rappo, ??? and ???
4. Denison vs. Steven Keyn
5. Peter White vs. Slash Power
6. WWA Tag Team Titles Match: Ares and Double C vs. Dirty Harry and Iceman
2002/11/17: WWA 1st Vienna Catch Night
Wien, Wien (Austria)
1. Battle Royal
2. Steven Keyn vs. War Wolf
3. Mark Wittmann, Fiver Rock and Bernard Shaw vs. Payne, SigMasta Rappo and Tom Crazy
4. Lost Boy Rufeo vs. Romeo
5. Denison vs. Der Söldner
6. #1-Contenders Match (WWA Tag Team Titles): Ares and Double C vs. Peter White and Slash Power
7. WWA Heavyweight Title Match: Iceman vs. Michael Kovac
2002/09/22: WWA Flutopfer Benefizshow
Wien, Wien (Austria)
1. Battle Royal
2. The Scorpion vs. SigMasta Rappo
3. León Martínez vs. Tom Crazy
4. Denison vs. Maverick
5. Michael Kovac vs. Steven Keyn
6. Mark Wittmann and Fiver Rock vs. Peter White and Slash Power
2002/06/26: WWA @ Leithaprodersdorf
Leithaprodersdorf, Niederösterreich (Austria)
1. Dirty Harry vs. León Martínez
2. Big Stevie Keyn vs. Denison
3. Fredi Barne vs. Maverick
4. Fiver Rock vs. Maverick
5. 2 out of 3 Falls Match: Iceman and Franz Schlederer vs. León Martínez and Peter White
2002/06/22: WWA @ Gainfarn
Gainfarn, Niederösterreich (Austria)
1. Dirty Harry vs. Fredi Barne
2. Denison vs. Maverick
3. Big Stevie Keyn vs. León Martínez
4. Fiver Rock vs. Hubert Fritz
5. 2 out of 3 Falls Match: Iceman and Maverick vs. León Martínez and Peter White
2002/06/15: WWA Ronnie Grosskopf Benefizshow
Wien, Wien (Austria)
1. Battle Royal
2. Mark Wittmann and Fiver Rock vs. Michael Meyer and Pain
3. Dragonhearts Title Match: Chris Goliath (c) vs. Dirty Harry
4. Iceman and Franz Schlederer vs. Peter White and Slash Power
5. Fredi Barne vs. Hubert Fritz
6. Big Stevie Keyn and Maverick vs. Denison and León Martínez
2001/06/27: WWA @ Leithaprodersdorf
Leithaprodersdorf, Niederösterreich (Austria)
1. Dirty Harry vs. Fredi Barne
2. Chris Goliath vs. Fiver Rock
3. Franz Schlederer vs. Major Jens Himmler
4. Dirty Harry vs. León Martínez
5. The Scorpion vs. Wild Cheyenne
6. 2 out of 3 Falls Match: Dirty Harry and Alex the Iceman vs. Franz Schlederer and León Martínez
2001/06/23: WWA @ Korneuburg
Korneuburg, Niederösterreich (Austria)
1. Dirty Harry vs. León Martínez
2. Fredi Barne vs. Major Jens Himmler
3. Alex the Iceman vs. Maverick
4. Maverick vs. Mr. X
5. 2 out of 3 Falls Match: Dirty Harry and Alex the Iceman vs. Fredi Barne and León Martínez
2001/06/16: WWA @ Gainfarn
Gainfarn, Niederösterreich (Austria)
1. Alex the Iceman vs. Maverick
2. Franz Schlederer vs. Major Jens Himmler
3. Fredi Barne vs. Mr. Tattoo
4. The Scorpion vs. Wild Cheyenne
5. 2 out of 3 Falls Match: Dirty Harry and Alex the Iceman vs. Fredi Barne and León Martínez
2001/04/21: WWA Weinland Wrestling Cup 2001
Wilfersdorf, Steiermark (Austria)
1. Gary Mountain vs. Mr. X
2. Franz Schlederer vs. Major Jens Himmler
3. Fredi Barne vs. Mr. Tattoo
4. León Martínez vs. Pete Johnson
5. 2 out of 3 Falls Match: Dirty Harry and Alex the Iceman vs. León Martínez and Maverick
2001/04/20: WWA Weinland Wrestling Cup 2001
Wilfersdorf, Steiermark (Austria)
1. Dirty Harry vs. Gary Mountain
2. Fredi Barne vs. Major Jens Himmler
3. León Martínez vs. Mr. Tattoo
4. Alex the Iceman vs. Franz Schlederer
5. 2 out of 3 Falls Match: Dirty Harry and Mr. Tattoo vs. Fredi Barne and León Martínez
2000/12/16: WWA Weihnachtscatchen
Wien, Wien (Austria)
1. León Martínez vs. Mr. X
2. Fiver Rock vs. Mark Wittmann
3. Alex the Iceman vs. Chris Goliath
4. Dirty Harry vs. Fredi Barne
5. León Martínez vs. Maverick
6. Wesna vs. Wild Cheyenne
7. Fredi Barne and Alex the Iceman vs. Dirty Harry and Major Jens Himmler
2000/07/15: WWA Dirty Dynamite
Gainfarn, Niederösterreich (Austria)
1. Gary Mountain vs. Hubert Fritz
2. León Martínez vs. Pete Johnson
3. Dirty Harry vs. Fredi Barne
4. Maverick vs. Mr. X
5. Alex the Iceman vs. Chris Goliath
6. 2 out of 3 Falls Match: Dirty Harry and Hubert Fritz vs. Fredi Barne and Viktor Krüger
2000/06/24: WWA Sonderschau Spectacular
Sooß, Niederösterreich (Austria)
1. Hubert Fritz vs. León Martínez
2. Dirty Harry vs. Maverick
3. Franz Schlederer vs. Fredi Barne
4. León Martínez vs. Maverick
5. 2 out of 3 Falls Match: Franz Schlederer and Hubert Fritz vs. Fredi Barne and Viktor Krüger
2000/06/16: WWA Almost Like Kentucky
Altlichtenwarth, Niederösterreich (Austria)
1. Dirty Harry vs. León Martínez
2. Fredi Barne vs. Pete Johnson
3. Gary Mountain vs. Maverick
4. Hubert Fritz vs. León Martínez
5. Gary Mountain vs. Pete Johnson
6. 2 out of 3 Falls Match: Hubert Fritz and Dirty Harry vs. Viktor Krüger and Fredi Barne
2000/06/03: WWA Bash in the Backyard
Weikendorf, Niederösterreich (Austria)
1. León Martínez vs. Maverick
2. Chris Goliath vs. Gary Mountain
3. Fredi Barne vs. Hubert Fritz
4. Gary Mountain vs. Maverick
5. 2 out of 3 Falls Match: Hubert Fritz and Chris Goliath vs. Viktor Krüger and Fredi Barne
2000/05/24: WWA @ Sooß
Sooß, Niederösterreich (Austria)
1. León Martínez vs. Mr. Tattoo
2. Dirty Harry vs. Maverick
3. Fredi Barne vs. Der Söldner
4. León Martínez vs. Maverick
5. 2 out of 3 Falls Match: Fredi Barne and Viktor Krüger vs. Der Söldner and Mr. Tattoo
2000/04/08: VWC/WWA The War to settle the Score
Wien, Wien (Austria)
1. Battle Royal
2. Armwrestling Match: Chris Goliath vs. Gary Look
3. Phillip Holmberg vs. Raffael Holmberg
4. Fiver Rock vs. Maverick
5. EWF Heavyweight Title Match: Chief Hardcore (c) vs. Sunny Boy Tank Top
6. Gary Mountain and Sonja Schmöckel vs. Pete Johnson and The Scorpion
7. 3-Way Match: Fiver Rock vs. León Martínez vs. Maverick
2000/03/18: VWC/WWA Cold Day in Paradise
Wien, Wien (Austria)
1. Battle Royal
2. Pete Johnson vs. Sunny Boy Tank Top
3. Chris Goliath vs. Dirty Harry
4. 3-Way Tag Team Match: Mark Wittmann and Fiver Rock vs. Raffael Holmberg and Phillip Holmberg vs. ??? and ???
5. Chief Hardcore vs. Gary Mountain
6. León Martínez vs. Maverick
2000/02/19: VWC/WWA Winter Heat Spectacular
Wien, Wien (Austria)
1. Peter White vs. Sigi the Swisstank
2. Maverick vs. Sunny Boy Tank Top
3. Chris Goliath and Dirty Harry vs. Freddy Barne and Hubert Fritz
4. 3-Way Tag Team Match: Fiver Rock and Mark Wittmann vs. Phillip Holmberg and Raffael Holmberg vs. ??? and ???
5. Hardcore Match: Chris the Bambikiller vs. Michael Kovac
6. Pete Johnson and Chief Hardcore vs. Gary Mountain and León Martínez
2000/01/14: VWC/WWA Millennium Gight Night
Wien, Wien (Austria)
1. Raffael Holmberg and Phillip Holmberg vs. ??? and ???
2. Sonja Schmöckel vs. Wild Cheyenne
3. Chris the Bambikiller and Maverick vs. Fiver Rock and Mark Wittmann
4. Gary Mountain vs. Indian Warrior
5. Hubert Fritz vs. Michael Kovac
6. Chris Goliath vs. Freddy Barne
7. León Martínez vs. Pete Johnson
1999/11/05: VWC/WWA @ Wien
Wien, Wien (Austria)
1. Maverick vs. Sigi the Swisstank
2. Sonja Schmöckel vs. Wild Shyen
3. VWC Trophy Tournament, Semi Final: Chris the Bambikiller vs. León Martínez
4. VWC Trophy Tournament, Semi Final: Gary Mountain vs. Pete Johnson
5. Fiver Rock and Mark Wittmann vs. Phillip Holmberg and Raphael Holmberg
6. VWC Trophy Tournament, Final: León Martínez vs. Pete Johnson
7. 2 out of 3 Falls Match: Mr. Tattoo and Chris Goliath vs. Freddy Barne and Michael Kovac
1999/08/13: VWC/WWA @ Wien
Wien, Wien (Austria)
1. Battle Royal: Pete Johnson vs. ???
2. Fiver Rock and Mark Wittmann vs. Gary Look and Raphael Holmberg
3. Chris Goliath and León Martínez vs. Chris the Bambikiller and Maverick
4. Gary Mountain and Sonja Schmöckel vs. Pete Johnson and Rob the Steamhammer
5. Chris the Bambikiller vs. Michael Kovac
6. Chain Match: Dirty Harry vs. Freddy Barne
1999/05/14: WWA Spring in the Ring
Wien, Wien (Austria)
1. Battle Royal: Chris Goliath vs. Chris the Bambikiller vs. Fiver Rock vs. Gary Mountain vs. León Martínez vs. Mark Wittmann vs. Maverick
vs. Pete Johnson vs. Phillip Holmberg vs. Raffael Holmberg vs. Sergej Kapustin vs. Tiger Takahashi
2. León Martínez vs. Maverick
3. 2 on 1 Handicap Match: Chris Goliath vs. Fiver Rock and Mark Wittmann
4. Chris the Bambikiller and Pete Johnson vs. Gary Mountain and Michael Kovac
5. Fredi Barne vs. Hubert Fritz