1/2/80; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse
1/5/80 – hosted by Vince McMahon & Bruno Sammartino:
WWF Tag Team Champion Tito Santana vs. Hussein Arab (w/ Freddie Blassie) via disqualification at 6:42 when Hussein attempted to bring a chair into the ring
Ken Patera (w/ the Grand Wizard) vs. Bill Berger . at 5:02 with the full nelson; after the match, Vince McMahon conducted a ringside interview with Patera & the Wizard in which the duo stated Patera would become a champion in 1980
Hulk Hogan (w/ Freddie Blassie) vs. Ben Ortez & Angelo Gomez in a handicap match at 4:57 when Ortez submitted to an overhead backbreaker; after the bout, Vince McMahon conducted a ringside interview with Hogan & Blassie in which Hogan said he was the new king of pro wrestling (Hulk Still Rules)
Larry Zbyszko vs. Johnny Rodz at 7:26 with a jumping headbutt
Bobby Duncum (w/ Capt. Lou Albano) vs. Ron Lee at 2:38 with the bulldog
1/2/80; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse
1/12/80 – hosted by Vince McMahon & Bruno Sammartino; included McMahon conducting a ringside interview with Rene Goulet who discussed his return to the WWF and wrestling internationally during his time away from the company; featured the Larry Zbyszko / JoJo Andrews match from the 1/12/80 Championship Wrestling:
The Wild Samoans (w/ Capt. Lou Albano) vs. Dominic DeNucci & Steve King at 6:22 when Afa vs. King with a Samoan drop
Rene Goulet vs. Johnny Rodz at 6:37 with a gutwrench suplex (Goulet’s return after nearly an 8-year absence)
WWF Tag Team Champion Tito Santana vs. Jose Estrada at 5:06 with a crossbody
Bobby Duncum (w/ Capt. Lou Albano) vs. Angelo Gomez at 3:05 with the bulldog
1/2/80; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse
1/19/80 – hosted by Vince McMahon & Bruno Sammartino; included McMahon conducting a ringside interview with Freddie Blassie & Hussein Arab who discussed Hussein’s mastery of the suplex, with Hussein then displaying his Persian club exercises and Blassie offering $5,000 to anyone who could match his reps; included McMahon asking Sammartino about Larry Zbyszko challenging him to a match, with Sammartino upset that Larry felt the way he did, and refusing to face his protege in the ring:
WWF IC Champion Pat Patterson vs. BB Coleman at 5:34 in a non-title match with a knee drop off the top; after the match, Bruno Sammartino conducted a ringside interview with Patterson, who claimed he’s never felt better now that he’s heard the cheers of the fans
Rene Goulet vs. Jose Estrada at 6:28 with a gutwrench suplex
Ken Patera (w/ the Grand Wizard) vs. Charlie Brown . at 5:32 with the full nelson
Dominic DeNucci vs. Johnny Rodz at 6:14 after a catapult into the corner
Hulk Hogan (w/ Freddie Blassie) vs. Steve King & Bill Berger in a handicap match at 2:47 when King submitted to an overhead backbreaker
1/23/80; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse
1/26/80 – hosted by Vince McMahon; included McMahon conducting a ringside interview with WWF Tag Team Champions Ivan Putski & Tito Santana on their strategy against the Wild Samoans in the future; featured the Larry Zbyszko vs. John Beauford match from 1/26/80 Championship Wrestling, as well as the post-match interview with Bruno Sammartino accepting Zbyszko’s challenge to a match:
Hussein Arab (w/ Freddie Blassie) vs. Steve King at 4:28 with a butterfly suplex; before and after the match, Arab performed his Persian Club exercises
Ken Patera (w/ the Grand Wizard) vs. Mike Masters . at 4:12 with the full nelson
WWF Tag Team Champions Ivan Putski & Tito Santana vs. Johnny Rodz & Baron Mikel Scicluna at 9:21 when Santana vs. Rodz with a flying bodypress
Larry Sharpe vs. Angelo Gomez with a piledriver
1/23/80; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse
2/2/80 – included the Bruno Sammartino / Larry Zbyszko match from the 2/2/80 Championship Wrestling:
Tony Atlas vs. John Beauford at 6:31
The Wild Samoans vs. Angelo Gomez & Joe Mascara at 6:17 when Gomez was vs. with a Samoan Drop
Baron Mikel Scicluna vs. Steve King at 3:04 after dropping him on his knee
Dominic DeNucci vs. Johnny Rodz at 7:32 with a sunset flip
Rene Goulet vs. Jose Estrada at 8:23
1/23/80; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse
2/9/80 – hosted by Vince McMahon; featured a pre-recorded interview of McMahon in the empty arena with Bruno Sammartino, taped the day after the attack by Larry Zbyszko:
Hulk Hogan (w/ Freddie Blassie) vs. Joe Mascara . at 5:59 with a bearhug
Tony Atlas vs. Jose Estrada at 7:44 with a jumping headbutt; after the match, Vince McMahon conducted a ringside interview with Atlas who thanked the fans and discussed the differences between wrestling and body building
The Wild Samoans (w/ Capt. Lou Albano) vs. Steve King & Dominic DeNucci at 10:49 when Afa vs. King with the Samoan Drop
Bobby Duncum (w/ Capt. Lou Albano) vs. Charlie Brown at 4:54 with the bulldog
2/12/80; Allentown, PA; Agricultural Hall
2/16/80 – hosted by Vince McMahon & Bruno Sammartino:
WWF IC Champion Pat Patterson vs. JoJo Andrews in a non-title match at 7:09 with the knee drop off the top
Larry Zbyszko vs. Steve King at 5:47 with a suplex; prior to the bout, Zbyszko had ring announcer Joe McHugh state he was the new “Living Legend” of wrestling; after the match, Vince McMahon conducted a ringside interview with Zbyszko about turning on the fans, with Zbyszko claiming Bruno Sammartino was always inferior to him and he could counter any move Sammartino used
The Wild Samoans (w/ Capt. Lou Albano) vs. Rene Goulet & WWF Tag Team Champion Tito Santana via disqualification at 8:18 when WWF Tag Team Champion Ivan Putski cleared the Samoans from the ring after they continued to repeatedly double-team Goulet and then Santana; after the match, Putski yelled into the microphone that they’d take on the Samoans at any time
Baron Mikel Scicluna vs. Mike Masters at 2:44 with a knee drop to the chest
Hulk Hogan vs. Paul Mauret & Paul Figueroa in a handicap match at 2:12 after hitting the legdrop on Figueroa, then pressing Mauret onto Figueroa and sitting on both men for the pin
2/12/80; Allentown, PA; Agricultural Hall
2/23/80 – hosted by Vince McMahon & Bruno Sammartino; included McMahon conducting a ringside interview with WWF Tag Team Champions Ivan Putski & Tito Santana who discussed their title reign:
Rene Goulet vs. Manny Seacca at 5:52 with the gutwrench suplex
Larry Sharpe vs. Billy Berger at 6:35 with the piledriver
Larry Zbyszko vs. John Beauford at 6:01 with a suplex; during introductions, Zbyszko stated that he no longer lived in Pittsbrugh, the home of Bruno Sammartino, and his hometown was no one’s business
WWF Tag Team Champions Ivan Putski & Tito Santana vs. BB Coleman & Frank Savage in a non-title match at 6:09 when Santana vs. Savage with a sunset flip from the ring apron; after the match, Bruno Sammartino conducted a ringside interview with Putski & Santana about competing in singles matches
Tony Atlas vs. Ron Lee at 2:54 after a military press into a gutbuster
2/12/80; Allentown, PA; Agricultural Hall
3/1/80 – hosted by Vince McMahon & Bruno Sammartino:
The Wild Samoans (w/ Capt. Lou Albano) vs. Steve King, Billy Berger, & John Beauford in a handicap match at 6:02 when Sika vs. Berger with a headbutt off the top
Rene Goulet vs. Baron Mikel Scicluna via disqualification at 7:48 when the referee retrieved a foreign object from Scicluna’s trunks as Goulet applied a full nelson; after the match, Goulet repeatedly hit Scicluna with the object and knocked him out of the ring; after the commercial, Vince McMahon conducted a ringside interview with Goulet who discussed the differences in American and European wrestling
Larry Sharpe vs. Charlie Brown at 7:05 with the piledriver
Tony Atlas vs. JoJo Andrews at 3:46 with a sunset flip; after the match, Vince McMahon conducted a ringside interview with Atlas who thanked the fans for their support as he improved
Hulk Hogan (w/ Freddie Blassie) vs. Fred Marzino at 1:49 with the legdrop; after the match, Hogan delivered two more leg drops, with Marzino then taken out on a stretcher
2/13/80; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse
3/8/80 – hosted by Vince McMahon & Bruno Sammartino:
WWF IC Champion Pat Patterson vs. Johnny Rodz in a non-title match at 6:57 with a sunset flip
Tony Atlas vs. Jose Estrada . at 8:49 with a Boston Crab; after the match, Bruno Sammartino conducted a ringside interview with Atlas, joined by two young fans, with Atlas discussing how he’d match-up against Ken Patera
Baron Mikel Scicluna vs. Angelo Gomez at 6:09 with a knee drop to the chest
WWF Tag Team Champion Tito Santana vs. JoJo Andrews at 2:03 with a crossbody; after the match, Bruno Sammartino conducted a ringside interview with Santana, who discussed his workout routine
Larry Sharpe vs. Mike Masters at 4:57 with a piledriver
3/5/80; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse
WWF IC Champion Pat Patterson & Rene Goulet vs. Johnny Rodz & Baron Mikel Scicluna at 9:51 when Patterson vs. Rodz following three dropkicks
Larry Sharpe vs. Frankie Williams at 7:11 with a powerslam
Davey O’Hannon vs. Angelo Gomez at 3:06 with a reverse neckbreaker
Larry Zbyszko vs. Steve King at 5:26 with a suplex
Dominic DeNucci vs. Jose Estrada at 5:02 with a sunset flip
Hulk Hogan vs. Mike Masters . with a bearhug at 2:40
3/26/80; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse
Dominic DeNucci & Rene Goulet vs. Jose Estrada & Davey O’Hannon at 5:15 when DeNucci vs. Estrada
Tor Kamata vs. Bimbo Larson at 5:17 with a kamikaze dive off the top
Andre the Giant vs. Baron Mikel Scicluna & Johnny Rodz in a handicap match at 5:12 when Rodz was vs. with a boot to the face and a sit-down splash
Ken Patera vs. Angelo Gomez . with the swinging full nelson at 5:24
Hulk Hogan vs. Steve King . with a bearhug at 2:55
3/26/80; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse
The Wild Samoans vs. Rene Goulet & Frank Williams at 8:27 when Williams was vs. with a Samoan Drop
WWF IC Champion Pat Patterson vs. Johnny Rodz at 6:23
Ken Patera (w/ the Grand Wizard) vs. WWF Tag Team Champion Tito Santana via count-out at 8:21 after Patera rammed Santana’s head into the ringpost when both men were on the floor and re-entered the ring just before the 10-count
Larry Sharpe vs. Paul Figeroa at 1:53
Larry Zbyszko vs. Mark Pole at 3:04 with a suplex
3/26/80; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse
Tor Kamata vs. Angelo Gomez at 3:26 with a Kamikaze dive off the top
The Wild Samoans (w/ Capt. Lou Albano) vs. Steve King & Frank Williams at 7:11 when Sika vs. Williams with the Samoan Drop
Bobby Duncum (w/ Capt. Lou Albano) vs. Jose Estrada with a bulldog at 7:19
Rene Goulet & Dominic DeNucci vs. Frank Savage & Baron Mikel Scicluna at 8:21 when Goulet vs. Savage with a small package
Hulk Hogan (w/ Freddie Blassie) vs. Mark Pole . with a bearhug; after the bout, Vince McMahon interviewed Blassie at ringside, with Vince saying that Tor Kamata’s top rope dive that he used earlier in the show may be banned
4/16/80; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse
Ken Patera (w/ the Grand Wizard) vs. Mike Masters at 3:07 with a suplex
Tor Kamata (w/ Freddie Blassie) vs. Manny Siaca at 3:31
Andre the Giant & WWF IC Champion Pat Patterson vs. Johnny Rodz & Jose Estrada at 10:28 when Andre vs. Estrada with a boot to the face and a sit-down splash; after the bout, Bruno Sammartino interviewed Andre & Patterson at ringside
Pedro Morales vs. Frank Williams . with a Boston Crab at 5:02
Tony Atlas vs. Mark Pole at 2:54 with a headbutt
4/16/80; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse
Pedro Morales vs. Johnny Rodz . with a Boston Crab at 6:39
WWF IC Champion Pat Patterson vs. Frank Williams . with a crucifix at 8:51
Rene Goulet vs. Jose Estrada with a cradle
El Olympico vs. Marc Pole at 3:02 with a dropkick
4/16/80; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse
Bobbby Duncum (w/ Capt. Lou Albano) vs. Dominic DeNucci via count-out at 7:10 after ramming DeNucci into the ringpost when both were brawling on the floor, and then re-entering the ring just before the 10-count
Larry Sharpe vs. Charlie Brown at 6:26 with a piledriver
WWF IC Champion Pat Patterson vs. Jose Estrada at 8:07 with a sunset flip
Tony Atlas vs. Johnny Rodz at 4:58 with a cradle
Tor Kamata (w/ Freddie Blassie) vs. Joe Mascara at 2:45
5/7/80; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse
Pedro Morales vs. Jose Estrada . with a Boston Crab at 6:49
WWF Tag Team Champions the Wild Samoans vs. Steve King & Dominic DeNucci at 6:18 when King was vs. with the Samoan Drop
Larry Sharpe vs. Frank Savage at 4:33 with a piledriver
Tony Atlas vs. Moose Monroe at 3:11
5/7/80; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse
WWF IC Champion Ken Patera (w/ the Grand Wizard) vs. Steve King . with the swinging full nelson at the 43-second mark; the time was announced as a new record for All Star Wrestling by ring announcer Gary Michael Cappetta; after the bout, King was taken out on a stretcher
WWF World Champion Bob Backlund vs. El Olympico; this was a 10-minute exhibition match where Backlund would be demonstrating holds and no decision would be made
Rene Goulet fought Tor Kamata to a 10-minute time-limit draw
Larry Zbyszko vs. Angelo Gomez with a suplex at 3:27
Hulk Hogan vs. Mike Masters . with a bearhug at 2:58
5/7/80; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse
Pat Patterson vs. Jose Estrada with a dropkick to the back at 5:59
Pedro Morales vs. Mark Pole . with a Boston Crab at 5:01
Rick McGraw (w/ Arnold Skaaland) vs. Moose Monroe with a headscissors; after the bout, Bruno Sammartino interviewed Skaaland at ringside
WWF Tag Team Champions the Wild Samoans (w/ Capt. Lou Albano) vs. Rene Goulet & Dominic Denucci via count-out at 12:02 when DeNucci was counted out after being thrown to the floor and being distracted by Albano; after the bout, Bruno Sammartino interviewed Goulet & DeNucci at ringside
Tony Atlas vs. Frank Savage with a suplex at 3:09
5/28/80; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse
Rick McGraw vs. Jose Estrada
Pedro Morales vs. Ron Shaw
Pat Patterson vs. Johnny Rodz
WWF Tag Team Champions the Wild Samoans vs. Jim Duggan & Frank Williams
WWF IC Champion Ken Patera vs. Steve King
5/28/80; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse
6/7/80 – included the Tony Atlas / Mike Masters match from the 11/24/79 Championship Wrestling:
Larry Zbyszko vs. Frank Savage at 5:12
Pedro Morales vs. Baron Mikel Scicluna with a backslide at 4:43; after the bout, Bruno Sammartino interviewed Morales at ringside
Larry Sharpe vs. Moose Monroe with a piledriver at 3:46
WWF IC Champion Ken Patera (w/ the Grand Wizard) vs. Angelo Gomez . with the swinging full nelson at 8:24; after the bout, Bruno Sammartino interviewed Patera & Wizard at ringside
5/28/80; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse
6/14/80 – included the Tony Atlas / Moose Monroe match from the 11/3/79 Championship Wrestling:
The Wild Samoans (w/ Capt. Lou Albano) vs. Rene Goulet & Steve King at 8:35 when Sika vs. King with a diving headbutt off the top
Tor Kamata vs. Frank Williams
Pedro Morales vs. Johnny Rodz
Pat Patterson & Rick McGraw vs. Jose Estrada & Davey O’Hannon
6/18/80; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse
Ivan Putski vs. Jose Estrada at 6:28 with the Polish Hammer
WWF IC Champion Ken Patera vs. Frank Williams
Pedro Morales vs. Moose Monroe
The Hangman (w/ Freddie Blassie) vs. Steve King . at 4:11 with the Hangman Hold; after the bout, Vince McMahon interviewed Blassie & Hangman at ringside (Hangman’s debut on All Star Wrestling)
Hulk Hogan (w/ Freddie Blassie) vs. Fred Marzino & Angelo Gomez in a handicap match at 3:02 by pinning Gomez with a lariat
6/18/80; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse
Rick McGraw vs. Moose Monroe
Larry Sharpe vs. Angelo Gomez
Rene Goulet vs. Jose Estrada
Pat Patterson vs. Johnny Rodz
Ivan Putski vs. Marc Pole
6/18/80; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse
Pat Patterson, Rene Goulet, & Dominic DeNucci vs. Moose Monroe, Sylvano Sousa, & Davey O’Hannon at 11:58 when Monroe submitted to Patterson’s Boston crab; after the bout, a dazed Monroe charged into ring announcer Gary Michael Cappetta
The Hangman (w/ Freddie Blassie) vs. Fred Marzino; after the bout, Bruno Sammartino interviewed Hangman & Blassie at ringside, where Blassie refused to reveal what country the Hangman was from, except he was from Europe
Pedro Morales vs. Marc Pole
Larry Sharpe fought Rick McGraw to a double count-out at 8:16 when both men were brawling on the floor
Hulk Hogan vs. Frank Williams
7/9/80; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse
Pedro Morales vs. Ron Shaw
The Hangman vs. Steve King
WWF World Champion Bob Backlund (w/ Arnold Skaaland) vs. Tor Kamata; this was a 10-minute exhibition match where both would be demonstrating scientific wrestling and holds, and not trying to win the match, and no decision would be made; after the match, Bruno Sammartino interviewed Backlund at ringside
Rick Martel vs. Frank Savage
WWF IC Champion Ken Patera vs. Frank Williams
7/9/80; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse
Pat Patterson vs. Johnny Rodz
Larry Zbyzsko vs. Frank Williams with a suplex at 5:49
Angel Marvilla vs. Mark Pole
Tor Kamata fought Rick McGraw to a 10-minute time-limit draw
Hulk Hogan vs. Fred Marzino
7/9/80; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse
WWF IC Champion Ken Patera vs. Angelo Gomez
Pedro Morales vs. Baron Mikel Scicluna
Rick Martel vs. Kid Sharkey
Hulk Hogan vs. Lyndsey Lyle & Steve King in a handicap match
The Hangman vs. Fred Marzino
7/30/80; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse
Pat Patterson & Rene Goulet vs. Jose Estrada & Matt Mahaso at 8:52 when Goulet vs. Mahaso with a dropkick and elbow drop
Pedro Morales vs. Johnny Rodz at 7:11
WWF IC Champion Ken Patera vs. Ron Lee at 4:22
Rick McGraw fought Baron Mikel Scicluna to a no contest at 7:28
Rick Martel vs. Marc Pole at 2:39
7/30/80; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse
The Hangman vs. Rick McGraw at 6:46
Tony Atlas vs. Billy Coleman at 7:16
Rick Martel vs. Johnny Rodz at 5:02
Pat Patterson & Rene Goulet vs. Baron Mikel Scicluna & Jose Estrada at 9:47
7/30/80; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse
Larry Zbyszko vs. Billy Berger at 3:35
Tony Atlas vs. Johnny Rodz at 6:48
WWF Tag Team Champion Afa (w/ Capt. Lou Albano) vs. Rick McGraw at 6:37 with a headbutt
Rick Martel vs. Jose Estrada at 9:02 with a hurricanrana after fighting off an interfering Capt. Lou Albano
Sgt. Slaughter (w/ the Grand Wizard) vs. Ricky Stallone (w/ the Grand Wizard) at 3:42 with the Cobra Clutch
8/20/80; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse
WWF IC Champion Ken Patera vs. Angelo Gomez
Pedro Morales vs. Baron Mikel Scicluna
Rick Martel vs. Kid Sharkey
Hulk Hogan vs. Steve King & Lyndsey Lyle in a handicap match
The Hangman vs. Fred Marzino
9/10/80; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse
9/13/80: Larry Zbyszko vs. Fred Marzino at 4:19 with a suplex
The Hangman vs. an unknown
9/10/80; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse
9/20/80 – included a reairing of the Blackjacks vs. Dominic DeNucci & Victor Rivera from All Star Wrestling 6/21/75:
Hulk Hogan (w/ Freddie Blassie) vs. Steve King & Angelo Gomez in a handicap match at 2:48 by pinning both men after dropping them with backbreakers; following the bout, Vince McMahon conducted a ringside interview with Hogan & Blassie, during which Blassie said the world’s leading magazine – which had a circulation of 49 million copies per month – offered Hogan & Blassie a contract to have Hogan as the centerfold; McMahon then clarified whether this would be a nude centerfold and Blassie said it would be; Hogan then cut a promo on the fact he laid out Andre the Giant and was a superhero (Hulk Hogan: The Unreleased Archives)
9/10/80; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse
9/27/80 – included the Wild Samoans vs. Tony Garea & Rene Goulet Tag Team Title Tournament Final from the previous weeks Championship Wrestling:
Tony Atlas vs. Sylvano Sousa at 6:02 with a gorilla press slam and a splash from the bottom rope; after the bout, Atlas continued to attack Sousa
The Hangman (w/ Freddie Blassie) vs. Angel Marvilla at 6:01 with a backbreaker over the knee
Rick Martel vs. the Black Demon at 4:23 with a reverse roll up
Hulk Hogan (w/ Freddie Blassie) vs. Paul Morrett & Bimbo Larson in a handicap match at 3:01 by pinning both men after hitting a backbreaker on Morrett and two lariats on Larson
10/1/80; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse
10/4/80 – featured Pat Patterson’s debut as commentator on the show, alongside Vince McMahon; featured McMahon interviewing Ernie Ladd & the Grand Wizard at ringside, which was interrupted by Tony Atlas, after Ladd was complaining about the lack of competition and he was waiting for someone to sign the dotted line to face him; Atlas challenged him to fight anytime, and even right now and went in the ring, but Wizard stopped Ladd as the show went to commercial:
Pedro Morales vs. Ron Shaw . with the Boston Crab at 5:56
Tony Garea vs. Sylvano Sousa . with the abdominal stretch at 5:22
Andre the Giant vs. Baron Mikel Scicluna at 6:01 with a boot to the face and a sit-down splash; after the bout, Pat Patterson interviewed Andre at ringside
Moondog Hawkins (Rex) (w/ Capt. Lou Albano) vs. Angel Marvilla at 3:42 with a shoulderbreaker
Larry Sharpe vs. Kid Sharkey at 2:58 with a piledriver
Ernie Ladd (w/ the Grand Wizard) vs. Frank Williams & Paul Mauret in a handicap match at 2:42 by pinning Mauret with a legdrop
10/1/80; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse
Rene Goulet & Dominic DeNucci vs. Sylvano Sousa & the Black Demon
Tony Atlas vs. Ron Shaw
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Steve King
WWF Tag Team Champions the Wild Samoans vs. Charlie Brown & Frank Williams
Ernie Ladd vs. Angel Marvilla
10/1/80; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse
Pedro Morales vs. Baron Mikel Scicluna via count-out
Tony Garea vs. Jose Estrada
The Hangman vs. Angelo Gomez
Rick McGraw fought Larry Sharpe to a draw
Ernie Ladd vs. Steve King & Charlie Brown in a handicap match
10/22/80; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse
Killer Khan vs. Frank Williams
Rick Martel & TOny Garea vs. Johnny Rodz & Jose Estrada
WWF Tag Team Champions the Wild Samoans vs. Dominic DeNucci & Angelo Gomez
Stan Hansen vs. Rene Goulet via count-out
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Steve King
10/22/80; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse
Pedro Morales vs. Jose Estrada at 7:21
WWF IC Champion Ken Patera vs. Frank Williams at 5:12
The Moondogs vs. Ron Shaw & Rick McGraw at 5:13
Larry Sharpe fought Rene Goulet to a 10-minute draw
Larry Zbyszko vs. Angelo Gomez at 3:12
10/22/80; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse
Rick Martel & Tony Garea vs. Baron Mikel Scicluna & the Black Demon at 7:56 when Martel vs. Demon with a sunset flip
Pedro Morales vs. Frank Savage . with the Boston Crab at 5:41; after the bout, Pat Patterson interviewed Morales at ringside
Stan Hansen vs. Ron Shaw with the lariat at 4:27; after the bout, Vince McMahon conducted a ringside interview with Hansen
The Moondogs (w/ Capt. Lou Albano) vs. Charlie Brown & Steve King at 7:08 when Moondog King vs. Brown with a splash
Killer Khan (w/ Capt. Lou Albano, sub. for Freddie Blassie) vs. Mark Pole at 2:54 with a kneedrop
11/12/80; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse
11/15/80 – featured highlights of the Wild Samoans vs. Martel & Garea Tag Title Match from the the 11/8/80 Philadelphia Spectrum show, with Vince McMahon & Pat Patterson taping new commentary for the match:
Killer Khan vs. Angel Marvilla
Rick McGraw vs. Johnny Rodz via referee’s decision after the 10-minute time-limit had expired and Rodz continued to attack McGraw after the bell had rung to end the match
The Moondogs (w/ Capt. Lou Albano) vs. Jim Duggan & Angelo Gomez at 4:01 when Moondog #2 vs. Gomez with a splash
Stan Hansen vs. Steve King
11/12/80; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Angelo Gomez
Rick McGraw vs. the Black Demon
Johnny Rodz & Jose Estrada vs. Steve King & Angel Marvilla
Dominic DeNucci vs. Sylvano Sousa
Stan Hansen vs. Marc Pole
11/12/80; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse
The Moondogs vs. Angel Marvilla & Ron Shaw
WWF Tag Team Champion Tony Garea vs. Jose Estrada
Killer Khan vs. Marc Pole
12/3/80; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Steve King
Pedro Morales vs. Jose Estrada
The Moondogs vs. Rick McGraw & Charlie Brown
Killer Khan vs. John Callahan
12/3/80; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse
Dominic DeNucci & Rick McGraw vs. Jose Estrada & Ron Shaw
Baron Mikel Scicluna vs. Steve King
WWF IC Champion Ken Patera fought WWF Tag Team Champion Ken Patera to a draw
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Manny Siaca & Paul Mauret in a handicap match
Killer Khan vs. George Rosello
12/3/80; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse
The Moondogs vs. Rick McGraw & Steve King
Killer Khan vs. John Schmidt
Pedro Morales vs. Sylvano Sousa
WWF Tag Team Champions Rick Martel & Tony Garea vs. Jose Estrada & Johnny Rodz
12/17/80; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse
SD Jones vs. the Black Demon at 7:31 with a swinging neckbreaker
Hulk Hogan (w/ Freddie Blassie) vs. Jim Duggan at 4:34 with the Hogan Hammer clothesline; prior to the bout, Gary Michael Cappetta introduced WWF World Champion Bob Backlund to the crowd, with Backlund shaking Duggan’s hand but Blassie and Hogan refusing to shake the champion’s hand; moments later, Patterson interviewed Backlund on the floor, with Hogan eventually interrupting and saying this was his time and if Backlund wanted to interrupt him then he should put on a pair of tights and wrestle him
Sgt. Slaughter (w/ the Grand Wizard) vs. Rick McGraw at 9:37 with an elbow drop off the top; after the bout, McGraw avoided the Cobra Clutch being applied
The Moondogs (w/ Capt. Lou Albano) vs. Steve King & Angelo Gomez at 2:45 when Rex vs. Gomez with a bodyslam and splash
Stan Hansen vs. Manny Siaca
All Star Wrestling 01/05/1980
The Great Hussein Arab battles Tito Santana. Plus, Larry Zbyszko faces Johnny Rodz. Hulk Hogan competes in a Handicap Match, and much more!
All Star Wrestling 01/12/1980
Rene Goulet returns to take on Johnny Rodz in singles competition. Plus, The Samoans, Bob Duncum, and many more in action!
All Star Wrestling 01/19/1980
Johnny Rodz takes to the ring to battle Dominic DeNucci. Plus, Hulk Hogan, Intercontinental Champion Pat Patterson, and many more in action!
All Star Wrestling 01/26/1980
The Great Hussein Arab takes on Steve King. WWE Tag Team Champions Ivan Putski and Tito Santana join Vince McMahon for an interview.
All Star Wrestling 02/09/1980
Tony Atlas goes one-on-one with Jose Estrada. The Samoans battle Steve King and Dominic DeNucci in a Tag Team Match. All this and more!
All Star Wrestling 02/16/1980
The Samoans take on Tito Santana and Rene Goulet in a featured Tag Team Match. Plus, Hulk Hogan, Pat Patterson, and many more in action!
All Star Wrestling 02/23/1980
WWE Tag Team Champions Tito Santana and Ivan Putski compete in a non-title Tag Team Match. Plus, Tony Atlas, Rene Goulet, and more!
All Star Wrestling 03/01/1980
The Samoans compete in a 3-On-2 Handicap Tag Team Match. Plus, Hulk Hogan, Rene Goulet, and many more in action!
All Star Wrestling 03/22/1980
Johnny Rodz faces Intercontinental Champion Pat Patterson in a non-title bout. Plus, Tito Santana, Tony Atlas, and many more in action!
All Star Wrestling 03/29/1980
Andre the Giant faces Johnny Rodz and Baron Mikel Scicluna in a Handicap Match. Plus, Ken Patera, Hulk Hogan, and many more in action!
All Star Wrestling 04/05/1980
Ken Patera and Tito Santana go head-to-head in singles competition. Plus, The Samoans, Pat Patterson, and many more in action!
All Star Wrestling 04/12/1980
Tor Kamata continues to make a name for himself in singles competition. Plus, The Samoans, Hulk Hogan, and more take to the ring for action!
All Star Wrestling 04/19/1980
Andre the Giant and Pat Patterson take on Jose Estrada and Johnny Rodz. Plus, Tony Atlas, Pedro Morales, and many more in action!
All Star Wrestling 04/26/1980
The Samoans challenge Ivan Putski and Tito Santana for the WWE Tag Team Titles. Plus, Pedro Morales, Pat Patterson, and many more in action!
All Star Wrestling 05/03/1980
Tony Atlas faces off against Johnny Rodz. Plus, Tor Kamata in action, Pat Patterson goes one-on-one with Jose Estrada, and much more!
All Star Wrestling 05/17/1980
WWE Champion Bob Backlund meets El Olympico in a special Exhibition Match. Plus, Hulk Hogan, Tor Kamata, and many more in action!
All Star Wrestling 05/24/1980
The Samoans take on Rene Goulet and Dominic DeNucci in a Tag Team Match. Plus, Tony Atlas, Pat Patterson, and many more in action!
All Star Wrestling 05/31/1980
WWE Tag Team Champions The Samoans compete in a non-title Tag Team Match. Pat Patterson goes one-on-one with Johnny Rodz.
All Star Wrestling 06/07/1980
Ken Patera shows his dominance as Intercontinental Champion. Plus, Tony Atlas, Baron Mikel Scicluna, and many more in action!
All Star Wrestling 06/14/1980
Tony Atlas looks to continue his undefeated streak. Pat Patterson partners with Rick McGraw. Johnny Rodz battles Pedro Morales.
All Star Wrestling 06/21/1980
Freddie Blassie leads Hulk Hogan to the ring for a Handicap Match. Plus, The Hangman arrives, Ken Patera battles Frank Williams, and more!
All Star Wrestling 06/28/1980
Pat Patterson battles Johnny Rodz in singles competition. Plus, Ivan Putski, Rene Goulet, and many more take to the ring for action!
All Star Wrestling 07/05/1980
Dominic DeNucci unites with Pat Patterson and Rene Goulet for a Six-Man Tag Team Match. Plus, Hulk Hogan, Pedro Morales, and more in action!
All Star Wrestling 07/19/1980
Hulk Hogan faces off with Frank Marzino in the featured bout. Plus, Larry Zbyszko, Pat Patterson, and many more take to the ring for action!
All Star Wrestling 07/26/1980
Andre the Giant competes in a Handicap Match. Tony Atlas goes one-on-one with Jose Estrada. Rick Martel faces off against Johnny Rodz.
All Star Wrestling 08/02/1980
Rick Martel continues to make a name for himself in singles competition. Plus, Johnny Rodz, Intercontinental Champion Ken Patera, and more!
All Star Wrestling 08/16/1980
Captain Lou Albano gets too close to the action when Rick Martel faces Jose Estrada. Plus, Tony Atlas, Sgt. Slaughter, and more in action!
All Star Wrestling 08/23/1980
The Hangman goes one-on-one with Fred Marzino in the featured bout. Plus, Pedro Morales, Hulk Hogan, and many more in action!
All Star Wrestling 08/30/1980
Pat Patterson and Rene Goulet face Johnny Rodz and Baron Mikel Scicluna. Vince McMahon conducts a special interview with Andre the Giant.
All Star Wrestling 09/13/1980
Sgt. Slaughter takes on Steve King. Bob Backlund sends a message to all the contenders looking to challenge him for the WWE Championship.
All Star Wrestling 09/20/1980
Tony Garea faces off against Johnny Rodz. Hulk Hogan looks to live up to his name in a Handicap Match. Tony Atlas takes on Jose Estrada.