1. Hillbilly Jim & Cousin Luke v. Moondog Spot & Al Navarro (Yes, there’s a new hillbilly in town. Cousin Luke is here.)
2. Update – Lord Alfred Hayes spotlights the new “Hulk Hogan’s Rockin’ Wrestling” cartoon
3. Hercules Hernandez v. Jeff Cripley
4. Int – Randy Savage
5. Killer Bees v. Barry O & Rick Jacobs
6. Promo – Piper & Orton
7. Randy Savage v. Don Driggers
8. Piper’s Pit – Fabulous Moolah
9. Cpl Kirchner v. Gino Carabello
10. Valentine & Beefcake v. Tony Stetson & Paul Dose
11. Int – JYD
12. Int – Fred Blassie & The Iron Sheik
13. John Rizzo & Moondog Spot v. JYD & George “The Animal” Steele
14. Update – Ricky Steamboat
15. Mike Sexton v. Terry Funk
16. Int – Tito Santana
17. Tito Santana & Pedro Morales v. Al Navarro & Steve Lombardi
18. Int – Bruno Sammartino & Paul Orndorff
19. King Kong Bundy v. Jack Cripley & Paul Dose
20. Piper’s Pit – Jimmy Hart & “Adorable” Adrian Adonis. Adonis now has several bows in his head. He says that he “jumped out of the closet”, and officially retires his leather jacket!
21. Magnificent Muraco v. Joe Williams
22. King Tonga & Ricky Steamboat v. Ron Shaw & AJ Petruzzi
23. Int – Orton & Piper
Championship Wrestling 1/20/86
1. JYD, King Tonga & Ricky Steamboat v. Barry O, Joe Mirto & Mr. X
2. Update – George “The Animal” Steele, and his obsession with Elizabeth .
3. Video footage of Ted Arcidi attempting and successfully completing a 705 lb bench press
4. Ted Arcidi v. Joe Williams
5. Int – Roddy Piper
6. Cpl. Kirchner v. Nikolai Volkoff (The match was billed as a “peace match” and aired on SNME. Both men wrestled a decent scientific match with Volkoff finally breaking the rules and winning the match.)
7. Int – Randy Savage
8. Adorable Adrian Adonis v. Jim Powers (Apparently on a low budget as far as costumes go, Adonis is wearing gift bows in his hair and colorful streamers over his shoulders. Interesting enough, Adonis’ finishing move, is actually the DDT! Jake Roberts hadn’t yet debuted in the WWF yet though.)
9. Piper’s Pit – Hercules Hernandez
10. Bret Hart v. Don Driggers
11. Cpl Kirchner & Danny Spivey v. Ricky Hunter & Ron Shaw
12. Int – Bruno Sammartino
Championship Wrestling 1/27/86
13. Mr. X & Rick Hunter v. JYD & Paul Orndorff
14. Update – Andre the Giant
15. Terry Funk v. ???
16. Int – Roddy Piper
17. Magnificent Muraco v. Paul Rose
18. Int – Tito Santana
19. British Bulldogs v. Gino Carabello & Terry Gibbs
20. Pipers Pit – Valentine & Beefcake. They taunt the British Bulldogs, who come out and challenge Valentine & Beefcake for the tag team titles. Johnny Valiant (Valentine & Beefcake’s manager) keeps mouthing off and Albano slugs him!
21. Randy Savage v. George “The Animal” Steele (From SNME)
22. Hillbilly Jim, Cousin Luke & Uncle Elmer v. Dr. Midnight , Tiger Chung Lee & Steve Lombardi
23. Int – Ricky Steamboat
24. Int – Bruno Sammartino
Championship Wrestling 2/1/86
1. Hillbilly Jim & Uncle Elmer v. Bob Bradley & Terry Gibbs
2. Update – The upcoming Wrestlemania 2. No matches announced as of yet though.
3. King Kong Bundy & Big John Studd v. Darryl Bowlin & Ivan McDonald
4. Int – Roddy Piper
5. Tito Santana v. Mr. X
6. Int – Bruno Sammartino
7. British Bulldogs v. AJ Petruzzi & The Gladiator
8. Piper’s Pit – Piper offers up an open contract for anyone to fight Bob Orton in a boxing match.
9. Randy Savage v. Paul Dose
10. Nikolai Volkoff & Iron Sheik v. Cpl Kirchner & George “The Animal” Steele
11. Int – Magnificent Muraco
Championship Wrestling 2/8/86
12. King Tonga v. Sivi Afi
13. Update – The British Bulldogs get a non-title victory over the Tag Champs, Valentine & Beefcake.
14. King Tonga & Ricky Steamboat v. Steve Lombardi & Rusty Brooks
15. Int – Tito Santana
16. Hart Foundation v. Tony Stetson & Leaping Lanny Poffo
17. Int – JYD
18. Killer Bees v. Joe Mirto & Iron Mike Sharpe
19. Piper’s Pit – Jose Luis Rivera, who comes out with some boxing gloves and offers to sign Orton’s boxing contract.
20. “Boxing” Bob Orton v. Jose Luis Rivera (Boxing match. Orton wins by KO)
21. Terry Funk v. JYD (Just when JYD has Funk where he wants him, DORY FUNK JR RUNS IN! Terry’s Brother makes his debut and destroy the Dog.)
22. Int – Terry & “Hoss” Funk. Dory is now known as “Hoss”
Championship Wrestling 2/15/86
1. Cpl Kirchner, Pedro Morales & Danny Spivey v. Rusty Brooks, Dave Barby & Les Thornton
2. Int – “Boxing” Bob Orton
3. Magnificent Muraco v. Jeff Londos
4. Int – Tito Santana
5. Paul Orndorff v. The Mohawk Kid
6. Int – JYD
7. Adorable Adrian Adonis v. Paul Roma (Adonis is now wearing makeup and pink tights, leg warmers and light blue boots. The transformation into the completely effeminate “Adorable” gimmick is complete.
8. Piper’s Pit – Hulk Hogan shocks Piper & Orton by saying that none other than MR. T will be Orton’s next boxing opponent.
9. Tito Santana v. Randy Savage (JIP, as Savage wins the IC title in Boston .)
10. Beefcake & Valentine v. Jim Powers & Scott Mcghee
11. Int – Jimmy Hart and the Funk Brothers
12. Championship Wrestling 2/22/86
Championship Wrestling 3/1//86
1. King Tonga & Ricky Steamboat v. Terry Gibbs & AJ Petruzzi
2. Update – Mr. T and his upcoming boxing match with Bob Orton
3. Tito Santana v. Joe Mirto
4. Int – Hulk Hogan
5. British Bulldogs v. Barry O & The Gladiator
6. Int – Randy Savage
7. King Kong Bundy & Big John Studd v. Gatorwolf & Mike Saxton
8. Piper’s Pit – Bobby Heenan & King Kong Bundy
9. Terry & Hoss Funk v. Nelson Villeaux & SD Jones
10. Int – Jimmy Hart & The Funk Brothers
Championship Wrestling 3/8//86
11. Cpl Kirchner & Danny Spivey v. Barry 0 & Johnny K-9
12. Update – The 1986 Slammy Award ceremony
13. Paul Orndorff v. Les Thornton
14. Int – Hulk Hogan
15. Hart Foundation v. SD Jones & Andre Malo
16. Haiti Kid v. Butch Cassidy (Midget Match – After the match, Piper and Orton come to the ring and drag Haiti Kid off leading directly to….)
17. Piper’s Pit – Piper and Orton antagonize the Kid and shave his head into a Mohawk like Mr. T.
18. Int – Mr. T and Hulk Hogan in training for Wrestlemania 2.
19. Beefcake & Valentine v. Leaping Lanny Poffo & Nelson Veileaux
20. Int – The Funk Brothers
Championship Wrestling 3/15//86
1. Adorable Adrian Adonis v. Jeff Gripley
2. Update – Wrestlemania 2 news, featuring the WWF/NFL Battle Royal
3. Killer Bees v. Bob Bradley & Mr. X
4. Int – British Bulldogs
5. Uncle Elmer & George “The Animal” Steele v. Joe Mirto & Les Thornton
6. Int – Hulk Hogan
7. Randy Savage v. Tony Stetson (During the match, George “The Animal” Steele brings flowers to Elizabeth and Savage viciously attacks him.)
8. Piper’s Pit – Piper brings a couple of fans out of the audience and introduces them to Johnny Valiant and Valentine & Beefcake. Surprisingly enough, nothing out of the ordinary happens!
9. Jesse Ventura with a Wrestlemania 2 report, as several wrestlers do promos for their upcoming matches.
10. Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff v. Jim Powers & Leaping Lanny Poffo
11. Int – Randy Savage 12.
Championship Wrestling 3/29/86
12. Update – Wrestlemania 2 news
13. Randy “Macho man” Savage v. Andre Malo
14. Paul Orndorff v. Bob Bradley
15. Terry & Hoss Funk v. SD Jones & Ivan Macdonald
16. Int – King Kong Bundy
17. British Bulldogs v. Mr. X & Tiger Chung Lee
18. Footage of Roddy Piper training for his boxing match with Mr. T.
19. Hulk Hogan v. Moondog Spot
Championship Wrestling 4/5//86
1. Hillbilly Jim & Uncle Elmer v. Al Navarro & Chuck Simpson
2. Int – William “Refrigerator” Perry
3. Magnificent Muraco v. Ivan MacDonald
4. Int – Terry and Hoss Funk
5. Int – Randy Savage
6. Cpl Kirchner & Danny Spivey v. Steve Lombardi & AJ Petruzzi
7. Int – Paul Orndorff
8. Int – Valentine & Beefcake
9. Adorable Adrian Adonis v. Nelson Villeux
10. Roddy Piper harasses “Smokin” Joe Frazier at the gym where Mr. T. trains.
11. Int – Various wrestlers and football players answer questions about the WWF/NFL battle royal at Wrestlemania 2
12. Don Driggers & Leaping Lanny Poffo v. Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff
13. Int – Gene Okerlund interviews Hulk Hogan’s doctor about Hogan’s condition prior to the upcoming Wrestlemania 2. Hogan
had been injured by Bundy at the previous Saturday Night’s Main Event, and will be wrestling Bundy in a Steel Cage at WM2.
Championship Wrestling 4/12/86
14. Ricky Steamboat & JYD v. Moondog Spot & Mr. X
15. Update – The spotlight is on Jacques and Raymon Rougeau, who will be soon arriving in the WWF.
16. Hart Foundation v. SD Jones & Mario Mancini
17. Int – Valentine & Beefcake
18. George “The Animal” Steele v. John Rizzo
19. Int – Ricky Steamboat, JYD & Haiti Kid
20. Magnificent Muraco v. Terry Morgan
21. Piper’s Pit – Piper & Orton aren’t here tonight, as Jimmy Hart and Hoss Funk fill in to interview Jake “The Snake” Roberts
22. Paul Ordndorff v. Steve Lombardi
23. Cpl Kirchner & Danny Spivey v. Dave Barbie & The Gladiator
24. Int – Big John Studd
25. Int – Terry & Hoss Funk
Championship Wrestling 4/19/86
13. Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff v. Terry Morgan & Ivan MacDonald
14. Update – footage the various celebrities at of Wrestlemania 2
15. Adorable Adrian Adonis v. Mario Mancini (with Jake Roberts in the WWF now, Adonis is no longer using the DDT as his finisher, but is now using a sleeper hold. The sleeper hold he’s using is the Cobra Clutch/Million $$$ Dream version.)
16. Int – The new WWF Tag Team Champions, the British Bulldogs
17. Killer Bees v. Tiger Chung Lee & Joe Mirto
18. Int – Ted Arcidi
19. Hoss Funk v. Nelson Veilleux
20. Piper’s Pit – Studd & Bundy, who challenge any 2 wrestlers to get in the ring with them.
21. British Bulldogs v. Valentine & Beefcake (From Wrestlemania 2. The Bulldogs win the WWF Tag Team Titles!)
22. Randy Savage v. Sal Gee
23. Int – Valentine & Beefcake
Championship Wrestling 4/26/86
24. King Tonga & Ricky Steamboat v. Steve Lombardi & The Gladiator
25. Update – Footage of the Wrestlemania 2 WWF/NFL battle royal
26. Hercules Hernandez v. Mario Mancini
27. Int – British Bulldogs
28. Tito Santana & Pedro Morales v. Mr. X & AJ Petruzzi
29. Int – Hoss Funk
30. Studd & Bundy v. Hillbilly Jim & Ted Arcidi (Not sure when Ted Arcidi turned babyface, but here he is, on the good side now.)
31. Piper’s Pit – The Killer Bees
32. Jake “The Snake” Roberts v. Andre Malo
33. JYD & George “The Animal” Steele v. Dave Barbie & Iron Mike Sharpe
34. Int – Valentine & Beefcake
Championship Wrestling 5/3/86
1. Valentine & Beefcake v. Tony Garea & Don Driggers
2. Update – The feud between JYD and the Funks.
3. Ricky Steamboat v. Al Navarro
4. Int – Sheik & Volkoff
5. Sheik & Volkoff v. Scott Mcghee & John Centeno
6. Int – Ricky Steamboat
7. British Bulldogs v. Paul Christy & Cycle Capone
8. The Flowershop – Adorable Adrian debuts with his flower shop interview segment! His first guest is Hillbilly Jim.
9. Jake Roberts v. ???
10. Tito Santana & Paul Orndorff v. Randy Savage & Bob Orton (Santana scores a clean pin on Savage!)
11. Int – Bobby Heenan, King Kong Bundy & Big John Studd
Championship Wrestling 5/10/86
12. JYD & George “The Animal” Steele v. Tiger Chung Lee & Mike Angelo
13. Update – Jake “The Snake” Roberts
14. Terry & Hoss Funk v. Andre Malo & ???
15. Int – Hulk Hogan
16. Killer Bees v. Iron Mike Sharpe & Joe Mirto
17. Int – Cpl. Kirchner
18. Randy Savage v. Serge Jodoin
19. The Flower Shop – Johnny Valiant with Valentine & Beefcake
20. Update – Ricky Steamboat and his feud with Jake Roberts
21. Cpl. Kirchner v. Iron Sheik (Volkoff of course, runs in and attacks Kirchner)
22. Int – Nikolai Volkoff
Championship Wrestling 5/17//86
1. Ted Arcidi & King Tonga v. The Gladiator & Dave Barbie
2. Update – More on the Steamboat/Roberts feud
3. Hart Foundation v. Don Driggers & Leaping Lanny Poffo
4. Int – Hulk Hogan
5. Hillbilly Jim & Pedro Morales v. Moondog Spot & Cyclone Capone
6. Int – Cpl Kirchner
7. Hercules Hernandez v. Michael Saxton
8. Flower Shop – Randy Savage & Elizabeth
9. Danny Spivey & Tito Santana v. Paul Christy & Steve Lombardi
10. British Bulldogs v. King Kong Bundy & Big John Studd (The Bulldogs win by DQ, and Bundy gets mad at Studd!)
11. Int – Randy Savage
Championship Wrestling 5/24/86
12. Mike Rotundo & Danny Spivey v. Paul Christy & Steve Lombardi (Rotundo returns to action, but Barry Windham isn’t with him. Spivey became Rotundo’s partner as a result.)
13. Update – King Kong Bundy v. Hulk Hogan at Wrestlemania 2
14. Harley Race v. ???
15. Int – Nikolai Volkoff
16. Ricky Steamboat v. Ron Shaw
17. Int – Hulk Hogan
18. Beefcake & Valentine v. George Wells & Mike Saxton
19. The Flowershop – Magnificent Muraco
20. Hulk Hogan is interviewed by Gene Okerlund in an empty arena, as they show footage of the events leading up to his cage match with King Kong Bundy at Wrestlemania 2
21. Killer Bees v. Shiek & Volkoff (during the match, Brunzell & Blair put on their masks and do the ol’ switcheroo, confounding their opponents, as they switch back and forth several times during the match. Eventually, Volkoff and the Sheik run off and take the intentional countout!)
22. Int – Cpl. Kirchner
23. Int – Randy Savage
Championship Wrestling 5/31/86
1. Cpl. Kirchner v. Bob Bradley
2. Update – George “The Animal” Steele
3. Hoss & Jimmy Jack Funk v. Leaping Lanny Poffo & Duffy (The masked Jimmy Jack joins the Funk family, though in reality he’s no actual relation to either Terry or Dory “Hoss” Funk Jr. )
4. Int – Hulk Hogan
5. Paul Orndorff v. Dave Barbie
6. Int – Bobby Heenan & King Kong Bundy
7. Cowboy Bob Orton & Magnificent Muraco v. Scott Mcghee & Don Driggers
8. The Flowershop – The British Bulldogs & Capt. Lou Albano
9. Tito Santana & Pedro Morales v. Mad Richard & Primo Manzello
10. Public Service Announcement – Ricky Steamboat tells us to just say no to drugs
11. Jake Roberts v. Ricky Hunter (Steamboat is doing guest commentary, and runs in to attack Jake!)
12. Int – Randy Savage
Championship Wrestling 6/7//86
13. Mike Rotundo & Danny Spivey & Joe Mirto & Terry Gibbs
14. Update – Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff rt Foundation v. Don Driggers & Jose Luis Rivera
15. Int – Jake “The Snake” Roberts
16. Ted Arcidi & King Tonga v. Moondog Spot & The Gladiator
17. Int – Magnificent Muraco
18. Hercules Hernandez & Big John Studd v. Jim Powers & Robert VanWinkel
19. Flowershop – Jake Roberts
20. Randy Savage v. Bob McNeil
21. Public Service Announcement – Hulk Hogan
22. British Bulldogs v. Bob Bradley & AJ Petruzzi
23. Int – Hulk Hogan
Championship Wrestling 6/14/86
1. Cpl Kirchner & George “The Animal” Steele v. Les Thornton & Max Blue
2. Update – Andre The Giant, who had been recently “suspended” from the WWF
3. Randy Savage v. Jerry Monti
4. Int – Magnificent Muraco
5. Ricky Steamboat v. Jack Kruger
6. Int – Hulk Hogan
7. Beefcake & Valentine v. Mike Lucca & Ricky Thompson
8. Flowershop – “Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff. Adonis asks Orndorff if he’s playing second fiddle to Hulk Hogan, and Orndorff gets upset. Do I smell a heel turn coming?
9. Jake Roberts v. Don Driggers (Steamboat runs in afterward, and in response to Jake’s snake, STEAMBOAT BRINGS OUT A KOMODO DRAGON!)
10. Public Service Announcement – Leaping Lanny Poffo
11. Big John Studd v. Jim Powers & Ricky Hunter (Studd & Heenan offer $15,000 to either of the men if they can slam Studd. King Tonga comes to the ring though, and challenges Studd as well. The ref doesn’t allow it, and Studd beats his two opponents. Afterward, Tonga runs in and DECISIVELY SLAMS STUDD!)
12. Int – Randy Savage
Championship Wrestling 6/21/86
13. Killer Bees v. Steve Lombardi & Terry Gibbs
14. Update – JYD and his mini-feud with Jimmy Hart
15. Orton & Hercules v. Tony Park & Jerry Monti
16. Int – Hulk Hogan
17. Billy Jack Haynes v. Jimmy Kent (Billy Jack Haynes makes his WWF TV debut)
18. Int – Magnificent Muraco
19. Terry & Jimmy Jack Funk v. George Wells & Rudy Diamond
20. Flowershop – Bobby Heenan, who gloats about Andre The Giant having been suspended from the WWF. Hulk Hogan interrupts though, and yells at Adonis for trying to cause trouble between Hogan and Orndorff.
21. Hart Foundation v. Mario Mancini & Bob Boyer
22. Public Service Announcement – The Killer Bees
23. David Sammartino, King Tonga & Leaping Lanny Poffo v. The Moondogs (Rex & Spot) & Les Thorton
24. Int – Jake Roberts
25. Int – Randy Savage
Championship Wrestling 6/28/86
1. Rotundo & Spivey v. The Gladiator & Tiger Chung Lee
2. Update – Randy Savage
3. Magnificent Muraco v. Bob Boyer
4. Int – Valentine & Beefcake
5. Tito Santana & Pedro Morales v. Lane Anderson & Al Navarro
6. Int – British Bulldogs
7. Paul Orndorff v. Max Blue (Orndorff seems to be a lot more aggressive here, as he poses for the crowd to prove that he’s just as popular and muscular as Hulk Hogan.)
8. Flowershop – Heenan is being interviewed, but Orndorff comes back to the set to yell at Adonis. Heenan interrupts Orndorff, repeatedly calling him “Hulk Junior” and challenges him and Hogan to a match against Studd & Bundy. Orndorff promises to call Hulk Hogan right then and there.
9. WWF President Jack Tunney chooses names for the 1986 King of the Ring Tournament. Harley Race would go on to win the =Tournament, but don’t look for it on PPV. The KOTR tournament was an annual one night tournament held at either the Providence , Rhode Island or Foxboro , Massachusetts house show during the 1980s.
10. British Bulldogs v. The Menace & Jack Kruger (During the match, we see Orndorff on the phone trying to catch up with Hulk Hogan to relay Heenan’s challenge, but apparently Hogan is refusing to come to the phone. Orndorff is extremely upset.
11. Int – JYD
12. Int – George “The Animal” Steele
13. Orndorff is still mad about Hogan not wanting to come to the phone because Hogan was working out. Orndorff says that there won’t be a match next week, as he couldn’t reach his partner.
Championship Wrestling 7/5/86
15. George “The Animal” Steele & JYD v. Gino Carabello & Steve Lombardi
16. Int – Randy Savage
17. Bob Orton, Hoss Funk & Jimmy Jack Funk v. SD Jones, Don Driggers & Mario Mancini
18. Int – Bruno Sammartino
19. Billy Jack Haynes v. Rusty Brooks
20. Int – Magnificent Muraco, who will face Roddy Piper in the first round of the 1986 King of the Ring Tournament.
21. Jake Roberts v. Eric Cooper
22. Flowershop – Hogan & Orndorff show up Hogan tells Adonis that they’re ready for Studd & Bundy. But Orndorff interrupts Hogan and says that that match will take place in 2 weeks, because he’s signed a contract to face the Moondogs. Orndorff makes sure everyone knows that he’s intent on showing the world world what MR. WONDERFUL is all about. All the while Orndorff seems to be a lot more aggressive.
23. Int – Bobby Heenan, who is still bragging about getting Andre the Giant suspended from the WWF. Vince McMahon then cuts to footage from “ Japan ”, where Gene Okerlund is on location with an interview with the “Japanese” tag team, the Super Machine, and the “Giant” Machine. The Super Machine is actually Bill (Masked Superstar, Demolition Ax) Eadie, and speaks English with a terrible imitation of a Japanese accent. The Giant Machine doesn’t speak much at all, but what little he says, makes it obvious as to who he really is. Heenan of course, is FURIOUS! He easily sees that the Giant Machine is of course Andre the Giant and vows to get to the bottom of the story.
24. Killer Bees v. Jack Kruger & Roger Kirby (The Bees get in a little trouble and put on the masks for the Ol’ Switcheroo to get the win.)
25. Int – Johnny Valiant with Valentine & Beefcake
Championship Wrestling 7/12//86
1. Int – Paul Orndorff
2. Harley Race v. Steve Johnson
3. Flowershop – British Bulldogs
4. Int – Studd & Bundy with Heenan, who complain that the Giant Machine is really Andre the Giant. Vince actually claims that the Giant Machine could actually be BABA THE GIANT. We then cut to more footage of Gene Okerlund on location in “ Japan ” with the Super and Giant Machines. The Machines look forward to fighting Studd & Bundy. Needless to say, Heenan, Studd & Bundy are extremely upset.
5. Hulk Hogan & Paul Orndorff v. The Moondogs (Orndorff still thinks he has something to prove here, as he refuses to tag Hogan into the match. Orndorff pretty much wins the match without ever letting Hogan get in the ring, and ignores Hogan during the post match pose down as he courts the fans’ cheers. Hogan, ever the good friend, doesn’t show any signs of being offended. Does this mean that everything is ok again between the two? We’ll see…)
6. Int – Harley Race, on his matches in the King of the Ring tournament. Race would go on to actually win the tournament.
7. Int – Valentine & Beefcake
8. Heenan complains some more about the Machines, and Hogan & Orndorff, who’ll be wrestling Studd & Bundy next week.
Championship Wrestling 7/19/86
10. Randy Savage v. Eric Cooper
11. Update – Gene Okerlund focuses on the Machines. Footage is shown of the Super and Giant Machines wrestling in Japan
12. Rotundo & Spivey v. Al Navarro & Gino Carabello (Spivey and Rotundo are now known as the US Express.)
13. Int – “Adorable” Adrian & “Macho Man” Randy Savage (some duo huh?)
14. Shiek & Volkoff v. Jimmy Jackson & Don Driggers
15. Int – Fred Blassie & Jimmy Hart
16. King Tonga & Sivi Afi v. Lane Anderson & Jerry Semones
17. Flowershop – Hercules Hernandez
18. Hogan & Orndorff are backstage prior to their big match. Orndorff is still a little upset about the phone call that Hogan didn’t
19. take (see match #10), but assures Hogan that he’s ready for the match.
20. Hulk Hogan & Paul Orndorff v. King Kong Bundy & Big John Studd (In the biggest shocker of the year, ORNDORFF TURNS ON HOGAN AND REJOINS BOBBY HEENAN! Orndorff obviously was upset about the missed phone call, but was even more upset and JEALOUS that Hogan was more popular with the crowd. That phone call was just the last straw, and the opening that Heenan needed to encourage Orndorff to turn heel again and rejoin “The Brain’s” Family. Afterward, Orndorff celebrates with Heenan, Studd, Bundy and Adrian Adonis.)
21. Int – Tito Santana
22. Int – Ricky Steamboat
Championship Wrestling 7/26/86
1. British Bulldogs v. Tiger Chung Lee & AJ Petruzzi
2. Update – WWF President Jack Tunney is interviewed regarding Andre the Giant’s suspension. Apparently, Andre was suspended” for failing to appear for several matches, and a hearing regarding the no-shows (This was obviously storyline stuff, and not real). Bobby Heenan comes in and complains about the Giant Machine, that is so obviously Andre the Giant, but Tunney proclaims that he has a Japanese passport, and could very well be “Giant” Baba (from All Japan), so no further investigation is necessary. Tunney tells that if Heenan can unmask the Giant Machine, then the Machine will be suspended for life.
3. Magnificent Muraco v. Mario Mancini
4. Int – Jake Roberts
5. “The Rebel” Dick Slater v. The Gladiator (Dick Slater, carrying a confederate flag to the ring with him, debuts as the WWF’s newest babyface.)
6. Int – Sheik & Volkoff
7. Jacques & Raymond Rougeau v. The Moondogs (The Rougeau Brothers’ WWF Debut)
8. Flowershop – The newly heel turned “Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff re-introduces Bobby Heenan as his new manager.
9. Jake Roberts v. Tom Tatri
10. Int – Capt. Lou Albano and the Super & Giant Machines
11. Ricky Steamboat, King Tonga & Sivi Afi v. Rusty Brooks, Steve Lombardi & Mr. X (Afi comes to the ring with a
12. torch and twirls it around in an impressive demonstration for the fans, passing it over and under his body, and even
13. putting it in his mouth!)
14. Int – Hulk Hogan & George “The Animal” Steele, who’ll be teaming up against Randy Savage & Adrian Adonis
Championship Wrestling 8/2/86
16. The American Express v. Roger Kirby & Steve Lombardi
17. Update – Jake “The Snake” Roberts
18. Hart Foundation v. Tony Garea & Jose Luis Rivera
19. Int – Hulk Hogan
20. Billy Jack Haynes v. Jim Haley
21. Int – Ricky Steamboat
22. “The King of Wrestling” Harley Race v. Chris Duffy (After winning the 1986 King of the Ring tournament, Race is now being referred to as the King. He would soon officially be corronated, with a crown and cape. This was the beginning of the King gimmick that would go on through 1991, seeing wrestlers such as Haku, Jim Duggan and Randy Savage all hold the “Title” of King.)
23. Flowershop – JYD
24. Int – Hulk Hogan, regarding Paul Orndorff turning on him last week. Footage is shown of the events leading up to the breakup, as well as the breakup itself. This began one of Hogan’s greatest feuds
26. Bundy & Studd v. Brown & Ryder
27. Int – Randy Savage & Adrian Adonis
28. Fred Blassie claims that he’s found someone that has bought out half of the contracts of the Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff.
Championship Wrestling 8/9//86
1. Paul Orndorff v. Mario Mancini (Orndorff is coming out to Hulk Hogan’s “Real American” Theme song!)
2. Update – Ricky Steamboat
3. Santana & Morales v. Terry Gibbs & Dave Barbie
4. Int – Randy Savage & Adrian Adonis
5. Randy Savage v. Mark Fabian
6. Int – Jake Roberts
7. Valentine & Beefcake v. Rick Hunter & Paul Roma
8. Flowershop – Cowboy Bob Orton offers his services as Adonis’ bodyguard. I wonder what Roddy Piper is thinking?
9. JYD & George “The Animal” Steele v. Iron Mike Sharpe & Jim Haley
10. Fred Blassie announces the man that has bought out half of Volkoff & The Iron Shiek’s contract. SLICK!
11. Sheik & Volkoff v. Tony Garea & Cpl. Kirchner (Slick makes his debut, in full blaxploitation pimp gear)
12. Int – Hulk Hogan & George “The Animal” Steele
13. Int – Slick
Championship Wrestling 8/16//86
14. Killer Bees v. Steve Lombardi & Rusty Brooks
15. Update – Hulk Hogan cuts a promo on Paul Orndorff turning on him.
16. Hart Foundation v. Terry Morgan & Jim Powers
17. Int – Capt. Lou Albano
18. The Super Machine v. Ivan MacDonald (Super Machine finishes MacDonald off with the swinging neckbreaker. The same move that the Masked Superstar used to use. Hmmmmm….)
19. Int – Sheik & Volkoff
20. Valentine & Beefcake v. Jose Luis Rivera & Mario Mancini
21. Flowershop – Adonis is about to introduce the Magnificent Muraco, BUT RODDY PIPER COMES ON THE SET! Piper thanks Adonis for taking the show over and voices his intention of taking his show back. Adonis objects, and claims that the Flowershop will not be going anywhere. Orton comes on the set and needless to say, Piper isn’t too happy to see his old buddy on Adonis’ side. Piper vows that he’s taking his show back, and the biggest babyface turn of the year begins.
22. Sivi Afi, King Tonga & The Tonga Kid v. Terry Gibbs, George Leech & Joe Mirto (King Tonga and The Tonga Kid would soon become known as Haku & Toma and begin teaming together as THE ISLANDERS) Cut off
23. Hercules Hernandez v. Tony Atlas (Hercules is now being managed by Slick. This match is also notable for the fact that it was the first appearance of the soon to be debuting HONKYTONK MAN, who says that he’s coming in at the request of none other than Hulk Hogan! HTM would indeed debut as a babyface.)
24. Int – Bobby Heenan with Studd & Bundy, who promise to unmask the Giant Machine.
Championship Wrestling 8/23/86
1. British Bulldogs v. The Gladiator & Iron Mike Sharpe
2. Update – Gene Okerlund and his continuing discussion on the mysterious Machines. Bobby Heenan and King Kong Bundy aren’t too happy about it.
3. Big John Studd & King Kong Bundy v. Jimmy Jackson & Tony Garea
4. Int – Lou Albano
5. The Rougeau Brothers v. Mr. X & Les Thornton
6. Int – Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff
7. Roddy Piper v. AJ Petruzzi (Piper returns to action to a TREMENDOUS babyface reaction! Piper proceeds to beat Petruzzi with one hand behind his back!)
8. Flowershop – Adonis attempts to interview Slick, Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff, but Piper walks on the set and insults slick.
9. Pedro Morales & Tito Santana v. The Moondogs
10. Magnificent Muraco v. Bob Bradley
11. Int – Randy Savage
Championship Wrestling 8/30/86
12. Randy Savage v. Mario Mancini
13. Update – Billy Jack Haynes
14. JYD & George “The Animal” Steele v. Mr. X & The Gladiator (After doing his customary post match dance, JYD introduces THE HONKYTONK MAN! Vince McMahon announces him as “Wayne Farris, THE HONKYTONK MAN” and the WWF’s newest babyface (YES YOU READ THAT RIGHT – HTM was originally a BABYFACE!) makes his debut.
15. Int – Randy Savage
16. Paul Orndorff v. Tommy Sharpe (Orndorff is coming down to the ring, using HULK HOGAN’S MUSIC!)
17. Int – Bobby Heenan
18. “The Rebel” Dick Slater v. Jimmy Jack Funk
19. Flowershop – Lou Albano and the Machines. Bobby Heenan comes out and attempts to reveal who they are. The Super Machine comes out, but Heenan can’t tell who he is (He was Bill Eadie, best known as the Masked Superstar and Demolition Axe). Heenan then calls out the Giant Machine (who was obviously Andre the Giant), but the Giant Machine that comes out isn’t Andre! A confused Heenan turns around to confer with Adonis and Jimmy Hart and when he turns around, THE REAL GIANT MACHINE IS THERE! Heenan throws a fit and while he’s ranting with Hart and Adonis, the FAKE Giant Machine returns. Heenan goes nuts!
20. Harley Race is officially coronated as the KING of the WWF. Race had recently won the 1986 King of the Ring Tournament, and for the remainder of his time in the WWF, he was known as King Harley Race.
21. The US Express (Mike Rotundo & Danny Spivey) v. Gino Carabello & Steve Lombardi
22. Int – The Machines
23. Adorable Adrian Adonis interrupts Vince McMahon and Bruno Sammartino’s closing comments and rants about Roddy Piper and his repeated interruptions on his Flowershop segment, and the fact that he’s being forced to have Piper as an official guest on the Flowershop next week.
WWF – 1986/01/04 – Championship Wrestling (TV)
01. Al Navarro & Moondog Spot vs. Hillbilly Jim & Cousin Luke
02. Hercules vs. Jeff Cripley
03. Killer Bees vs. Barry O & Rick Jacobs
04. Randy Savage vs. Don Driggers
05. Piper’s Pit with Fabulous Moolah
06. Corporal Kirchner vs. Gino Carabello
07. Brutus Beefcake & Greg Valentine vs. Paul Dose & Tony Stetson
Running Time: 45 minutes – Source: VHS
WWF – 1986/01/11 – Championship Wrestling (TV)
01. Junkyard Dog & George Steele vs. John Rizzo & Moondog Spot
02. Mike Sexton vs. Terry Funk
03. Pedro Morales & Tito Santana vs. Steve Lombardi & Al Navarro
04. King Kong Bundy vs. Jeff Cripley & Paul Rose
05. Piper’s Pit with Adrian Adonis
06. Don Muraco vs. Joe Williams
07. Ricky Steamboat & King Tonga vs. Ron Shaw & A.J. Petruzzi
Running Time: 45 minutes – Source: VHS
WWF – 1986/01/18 – Championship Wrestling (TV)
01. Barry O & Joe Mirto & Mr. X vs. Junkyard Dog & King Tonga & Ricky Steamboat
02. Joe Williams vs. Ted Arcidi
03. Nicolai Volkoff vs. Corporal Kirchner
04. Adrian Adonis vs. Jim Powers
05. Piper’s Pit with Hercules
06. Bret Hart vs. Don Driggers
07. Corporal Kirchner & Dan Spivey vs. Rick Hunter & Ron Shaw
Running Time: 45 minutes – Source: VHS
WWF – 1986/01/25 – Championship Wrestling (TV)
01. Joe Mirto & Mr. X vs. Junkyard Dog & Paul Orndorff
02. Terry Funk vs. Sal Gee
03. Paul Rose vs. Don Muraco
04. British Bulldogs vs. Terry Gibbs & Gino Carabello
05. Hillbilly Jim & Cousin Luke & Uncle Elmar vs. Steve Lombardi & Tiger Chung Lee & Dr. Midnight
Running Time: 45 minutes – Source: VHS
WWF – 1986/02/01 – Championship Wrestling
01. Ricky Steamboat & King Tonga vs. Monndog Spot & Rusty Brooks
02. Adrian Adonis vs. Jeff Gripley
03. Nicoli Volkoff & Iron Shiek vs. Jim Powers & SD Jones
04. Hercules vs. Paul Drose
05. Killer Bees vs. AJ Petruzzi & Dave Barbie
06. British Bulldogs vs. Greg Valentine & Brutus Beefcake
Running Time: 45 minutes – Source: VHS
WWF – 1986/02/08 – Championship Wrestling
01. Hillbilly Jim & Uncle Elmer vs. Bob Bradley & Terry Gibbs
02. King Kong Bundy & Big John Studd vs, Darryl Bowlin & Ivan Macdonald
03. Tito Santana vs. Mr X
04. British Bulldogs vs. AJ Petruzzi & The Gladiator
05. Randy Savage vs. Paul Drose
06. Iron Shiek & Nicolai Volkoff vs. George Steele & Cpl. Kirshner
Running Time: 45 minutes – Source: VHS
WWF – 1986/02/15 – Championship Wrestling
01. Sivi Afi vs. The Gladiator
02. Ricky Steamboat & King Tonga vs. Steve Lombardi & Rusty Brooks
03. Hart Foundation vs. Tony Stetson & Lanny Poffo
04. Killer Bees vs. Joe Mirto & Mike Sharpe
05. Boxing Match: Bob Orton vs. Jose Luis Rivera
06. Junkyard Dog vs. Terry Funk
Running Time: 45 minutes – Source: VHS
WWF – 1986/02/22 – Championship Wrestling
01. Cpl. Kirshner & Dan Spivey & Pedro Morales vs. Les Thornton & Dave Barbie & Rusty Brooks
02. Magnifficent Muraco vs. Jim Londos
03. Paul Orndorff vs. Jobber
04. Adrian Adonis vs. Paul Roma
05. WWF Intercontinental Title: Tito Santana vs. Randy Savage
06. Greg Valentine & Brutus Beefcake vs. Scott McGee & Jim Powers
Running Time: 45 minutes – Source: VHS
WWF – 1986/03/01 – Championship Wrestling
01. Ricky Steamboat & King Tonga vs. Terry Gibbs & AJ Petruzzi
02. Tito Santana vs. Joe Mirto
03. British Bulldogs vs. Barry O & The Gladiator
04. John Studd & King Kong Bundy vs. Steve Gatorwolfe & Mike Saxon
05. Terry Funk & Dory Funk jr. vs. SD Jones & Nelson Veilluex
Running Time: 45 minutes – Source: VHS
WWF – 1986/03/08 – Championship Wrestling
01. Cpl Kirshner & Danny Spivey vs. Barry O & Johnny K-9
02. Paul Orndorff vs. Les Thornton
03. Hart Foundation vs. SD Jones & Aldo Marino
04. Haiti Kid vs. Butch Cassidey
05. Greg Valentine & Brutis Beefcake vs. Lanny Poffo & Nellson Veilleux
Running Time: 45 minutes – Source: VHS
WWF – 1986/03/15 – Championship Wrestling
01. Adrian Adonis vs. Jeff Grippley
02. Killer Bees vs. Bob Bradley & Mr. X
03. George Steele & Uncle Elmar vs. Joe Mirto & Les Thornton
04. Randy Savage vs. Tony Stetson
05. Nikolai Volkoff & Iron Sheik vs. Jim Powers & Lanny Poffo
Running Time: 45 minutes – Source: VHS
WWF – 1986/03/29 – Championship Wrestling
01. WWF Intercontinental Title: Randy Savage vs. Andre Malo
02. Paul Orndorff vs. Bob Bradley
03. Terry Funk & Dory Funk jr. vs. Ivan MacDonald & SD Jones
04. British Bulldogs vs. Mr. X & Tiger Chung Lee
05. WWF World Heavyweight Title: Hulk Hogan vs. Moondog Spot
Running Time: 45 minutes – Source: VHS
12/17/85; Poughkeepsie, NY; Mid-Hudson Civic Center
1/4/86 – included WWF Women’s Champion the Fabulous Moolah as a guest of Piper’s Pit in which Piper kissed her to congratulate her on becoming champion again after calling her the best female wrestler and prettiest looking female wrestler; included an ‘Update’ segment focusing on Hulk Hogan’s Rock N Wrestling cartoon series:
Hillbilly Jim & Cousin Luke vs. Moondog Spot & Al Navarro when Navarro submitted to Jim’s bearhug at 3:04 (Luke’s debut)
Hercules (w/ Freddie Blassie) vs. Jeff Crippley via submission at 2:58 with the backbreaker
B. Brian Blair & Jim Brunzell vs. Barry O & Rick Jacobs at 2:02 when Brunzell vs. Jacobs with a dropkick as Blair held Jacobs in the air
Randy Savage (w/ Miss Elizabeth) vs. Don Driggers at 1:51 with the flying elbowsmash
Cpl. Kirchner vs. Gino Carabello at 1:33 with the Samoan Drop
WWF Tag Team Champions Greg Valentine & Brutus Beefcake (w/ Johnny V) vs. Tony Stetson & Paul Dose at 3:07 when Stetson submitted to Valentine’s figure-4
12/17/85; Poughkeepsie, NY; Mid-Hudson Civic Center
1/11/86 – included an ‘Update’ segment focusing on Ricky Steamboat; included Adrian Adonis & Jimmy Hart as guests of Piper’s Pit in which Adonis unveiled the ‘Adorable’ gimmick and then gave his leather jacket to Piper, saying he was retiring it:
George Steele (w/ Capt. Lou Albano) & the Junkyard Dog vs. AJ Rizzo & Moondog Spot at 3:22 when JYD vs. Rizzo with a headbutt
Terry Funk (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. Mike Saxon via submission at 2:57 with the sleeper; after the bout, Funk branded his opponent
WWF IC Champion Tito Santana & Pedro Morales vs. Al Navarro & Steve Lombardi at 2:58 when Navarro submitted to Santana’s figure-4
King Kong Bundy (w/ Bobby Heenan & Big John Studd) vs. Paul Dose & Jeff Crippley in a handicap match at 1:57 by pinning both men with a splash after slamming Grippley onto Dose
Don Muraco (w/ Mr. Fuji) vs. Joe Williams with the tombstone at 2:37
Ricky Steamboat & King Tonga vs. Ron Shaw & AJ Petruzzi at 4:02 when Steamboat vs. Petruzzi with the flying bodypress
12/17/85; Poughkeepsie, NY; Mid-Hudson Civic Center
1/18/86 – included an ‘Update’ segment focusing on George Steele; featured Hercules & Freddie Blassie as guests of Piper’s Pit; included the Volkoff / Kirchner match from SNME, shown in full; featured footage of Ted Arcidi setting a 705lb bench press mark at a weighlifting contest before he came to the WWF, which gave him the name of the strongest man in the world:
Ricky Steamboat, King Tonga & the Junkyard Dog vs. Barry O, Mr. X & Joe Mirto at 3:19 when JYD vs. Mirto with a headbutt
Ted Arcidi vs. Joe Williams with a powerslam at 2:27
Adrian Adonis (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. Jim Powers with the DDT at 2:03
Bret Hart (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. Don Driggers at 2:29 with an elbow drop from the middle turnbuckle
Danny Spivey & Cpl. Kirchner vs. Ron Shaw & Rick Hunter at 2:31 when Spivey vs. Hunter with a bulldog
1/7/86; Poughkeepsie, NY; Mid-Hudson Civic Center
1/25/86 – included the Randy Savage vs. George Steele match from Saturday Night’s Main Event, shown in full:
The Junkyard Dog & Paul Orndorff vs. Mr. X & Joe Mirto when Orndorff vs. Mr. X with the piledriver at 3:24
Terry Funk (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. Sal Gee via submission with a sleeper at 2:25; after the match, Funk branded his opponent
Don Muraco (w/ Mr. Fuji) vs. Paul Dose at 3:15 with the tombstone
Davey Boy Smith & the Dynamite Kid (w/ Capt. Lou Albano) vs. Gino Carabello & Terry Gibbs at 3:00 when Dynamite vs. Carabello with a superplex; after the match Carabello was taken backstage on a stretcher; in a post match Piper’s Pit a challenge was made for the following week for a tag match with the British Bulldogs against WWF Tag Team Champions Greg Valentine & Brutus Beefcake
Hillbilly Jim, Uncle Elmer & Cousin Luke vs. Tiger Chung Lee, Steve Lombardi & Dr. Midnight at 2:23 when Hillbilly vs. Midnight with an elbow drop following an Avalanche by Elmer
1/7/86; Poughkeepsie, NY; Mid-Hudson Civic Center
2/1/86 – included George Steele & Capt. Lou Albano as guests of Piper’s Pit in which Albano said Miss Elizabeth was a nice woman but was under the influence of Randy Savage; the segment ended with Steele chasing Bob Orton Jr. off the set after he motioned that Elizabeth stunk:
Ricky Steamboat & King Tonga vs. Moondog Spot & Rusty Brooks at 3:37 when Tonga vs. Brooks with a diving headbutt
Adrian Adonis (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. Jeff Grippley at 1:22 with the DDT
The Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff (w/ Freddie Blassie) vs. Jim Powers & SD Jones at 2:43 when Powers submitted to Sheik’s Camel Clutch; during the bout, Cpl. Kirchner briefly walked around ringside with the American flag, then after the bout cleared both Sheik & Volkoff from the ring
Hercules (w/ Freddie Blassie) vs. Paul Dose via submission with the backbreaker at 3:16; during the bout, Blassie joined Vince McMahon & Bruno Sammartino on commentary and challenged Cpl. Kirchner to a match for the following week against Sheik & Volkoff, with Kirchner being able to choose any partner of his choice
B. Brian Blair & Jim Brunzell vs. AJ Petruzzi & Dave Barbie when Blair vs. Petruzzi with a powerslam; the bout began during the commercial break
Davey Boy Smith & the Dynamite Kid (w/ Capt. Lou Albano) vs. WWF Tag Team Champions Brutus Beefcake & Greg Valentine (w/ Johnny V) in a non-title match at 4:18 when Dynamite vs. Beefcake following a diving headbutt off the top of Valentine, who was caught in a fireman’s carry by Smith
1/28/86; Poughkeepsie, NY; Mid-Hudson Civic Center
2/8/86 – included Bob Orton Jr. as a guest of Piper’s Pit in which Piper referred to him as ‘Boxing Bob Orton’ and challenged any wrestler to a boxing match after stating that Orton had been forced to remove his arm cast for good:
Hillbilly Jim & Uncle Elmer vs. Bob Bradley & Terry Gibbs at 2:30 when Elmer vs. Bradley with a legdrop
King Kong Bundy & Big John Studd (w/ Bobby Heenan) vs. Darryl Bowlin & Ivan MacDonald at 2:38 when Bundy vs. Bowlin with the Avalanche and a splash
WWF IC Champion Tito Santana vs. Mr. X via submission with the figure-4 at 3:14
Davey Boy Smith & the Dynamite Kid (w/ Capt. Lou Albano) vs. A.J. Petruzzi & the Gladiator at 2:55 when Smith vs. the Gladiator with a powerslam from the middle turnbuckle
Randy Savage (w/ Miss Elizabeth) vs. Paul Dose at the 23-second mark with the flying elbowsmash; prior to the bout, George Steele came out and gave Elizabeth a bouquet of flowers; when Savage noticed the flowers, he stole them from her and destroyed them
Nikolai Volkoff & the Iron Sheik (w/ Freddie Blassie) vs. Cpl. Kirchner & George Steele (w/ Capt. Lou Albano) via disqualification at 2:33 when Steele brought a chair into the ring and hit Sheik over the head with it (1/7/86; Poughkeespie, NY; Mid-Hudson Civic Center)
1/28/86; Poughkeepsie, NY; Mid-Hudson Civic Center
2/15/86 – included Jose Luis Rivera as a guest of Piper’s Pit where he accepted Piper and Orton’s open challenge for a boxing match:
Sivi Afi vs. the Gladiator at 3:49 with a splash off the top (Afi’s TV debut; he was billed as ‘Superfly’ Afi for the bout)
Ricky Steamboat & King Tonga vs. Steve Lombardi & Rusty Brooks at 2:25 when Tonga vs. Lombardi with a diving headbutt; prior to the bout, Steamboat & Tonga came to the ring to “Also Sprach Zarathustra”
Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. Tony Stetson & Lanny Poffo at 1:53 when Bret vs. Stetson following the Hart Attack; after the bout, the Hart Foundation continued to attack their opponents
B. Brian Blair & Jim Brunzell vs. Joe Mirto & Iron Mike Sharpe at 2:59 when Brunzell vs. Mirto with a dropkick
Bob Orton Jr. (w/ Roddy Piper) vs. Jose Luis Rivera in a boxing match at 1:35 via KO
The Junkyard Dog vs. Terry Funk (w/ Jimmy Hart) via disqualification at 3:12 when Dory Funk Jr. appeared, wearing a business suit, and attacked JYD from behind with his cowboy boot as Terry was tied up in the ring ropes and JYD prepared to use his own branding iron against him; after the bout, the Funks and Hart triple teamed JYD until several babyfaces scared them from the ring (Dory Funk Jr.’s TV debut) (Grudge Matches)
1/28/86; Poughkeepsie, NY; Mid-Hudson Civic Center
2/22/86 – included WWF World Champion Hulk Hogan as a guest of Piper’s Pit in which Hogan signed an open contract on behalf of Mr. T to have him box Bob Orton Jr. at the following week’s Saturday Night’s Main Event; included the announcement that Randy Savage had won the IC title from Tito Santana in Boston, with footage showing the finish; featured Jesse Ventura subbing for Bruno Sammartino on commentary:
Cpl. Kirchner, Danny Spivey & Pedro Morales vs. Les Thornton, Dave Barbie & Rusty Brooks when Spivey vs. Barbie at 3:07 with a bulldog
Don Muraco (w/ Mr. Fuji) vs. Jim Londos at 1:50 with the tombstone; prior to the bout, Muraco cut a promo in the ring, dedicating the piledriver to Ventura
Paul Orndorff vs. an unknown with the piledriver at 2:13
Adrian Adonis (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. Paul Roma with the DDT at 2:50
WWF Tag Team Champions Brutus Beefcake & Greg Valentine (w/ Johnny V) vs. Scott McGhee & Jim Powers at 3:06 in a non-title match when Powers submitted to Valentine’s figure-4
2/18/86; Poughkeepsie, NY; Mid-Hudson Civic Center
3/1/86 – included King Kong Bundy & Bobby Heenan as guests of Piper’s Pit:
Ricky Steamboat & King Tonga vs. Terry Gibbs & AJ Petruzzi at 3:01 when Steamboat vs. Petruzzi with a high crossbody from the top rope
Tito Santana vs. Joe Mirto at 3:16 via submission with the figure-4 leglock
Davey Boy Smith & the Dynamite Kid (w/ Capt. Lou Albano) vs. Barry O & the Gladiator at 2:41 when Dynamite vs. the Gladiator with a diving headbutt after being launched by Smith
Big John Studd & King Kong Bundy (w/ Bobby Heenan) vs. Steve Gatorwolf & Mike Saxon at 2:36 when Bundy vs. Saxon with the Avalanche and a splash
Terry Funk & Dory Funk Jr. (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. SD Jones & Nelson Veilleux at 5:38 when Veilleux submitted to Dory’s Boston Crab
2/18/86; Poughkeepsie, NY; Mid-Hudson Civic Center
Cpl. Kirchner & Danny Spivey vs. Barry O & Johnny K-9 at 4:07 when Kirchner vs. K-9 with a fallaway slam
Paul Orndorff vs. Les Thornton with the piledriver at 3:12
Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. SD Jones & Andre Malo at 2:54 when Bret vs. Malo with the Hart Attack
The Haiti Kid vs. Butch Cassidy with a reverse roll up; after the match, Roddy Piper and Bob Orton Jr. took the Haiti Kid to the Piper’s Pit set where they taped his mouth shut and cut his hair to make him look like Mr. T; the incident came as a result of Haiti saying he hoped Mr. T would beat Piper at WrestleMania II
WWF Tag Team Champions Brutus Beefcake & Greg Valentine (w/ Johnny V) vs. Lanny Poffo & Nelson Veilleux in a non-title match when Veilleux submitted to Valentine’s figure-4
2/18/86; Poughkeepsie, NY; Mid-Hudson Civic Center
3/15/86 – included Johnny V, WWF Tag Team Champions Brutus Beefcake & Greg Valentine as guests of Piper’s Pit:
Adrian Adonis (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. Jeff Grippley at 3:19 with the DDT
B. Brian Blair & Jim Brunzell vs. Mr. X & Bob Bradley at 3:10 when Blair vs. Bradley with a roll up from an abdominal stretch
Uncle Elmer (w/ Cousin Luke on crutches) & George Steele (w/ Capt. Lou Albano) vs. Joe Mirto & Les Thornton at 2:10 when Mirto submitted to Steele’s flying hammerlock
WWF IC Champion Randy Savage (w/ Miss Elizabeth) vs. Tony Stetson in a non-title match with the flying elbow drop at the 19-second mark; after the match, George Steele came ringside and gave Miss Elizabeth a bouquet of flowers before he was attacked by Savage, tied in the ring ropes, and repeatedly hit with the bouquet; moments after, Capt. Lou Albano untied Steele and he cleared the ring of Savage
The Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff (w/ Freddie Blassie) vs. Lanny Poffo & Jim Powers at 2:56 when Powers submitted to the Camel Clutch; prior to the contest, Cpl. Kirchner appeared at ringside with the American flag; after the contest, Sheik and Volkoff continued to attack their opponents
3/11/86; Poughkeepsie, NY; Mid-Hudson Civic Center
Tito Santana & the Junkyard Dog vs. Joe Mirto & Johnny K-9 at 2:57 when Santana vs. K-9 with a victory roll
Jake Roberts vs. Jim Young at 1:19; after the match, Roberts wrapped his snake around the opponent (Robert’s TV debut)
Ricky Steamboat & King Tonga vs. Ron Shaw & Rusty Brooks when Steamboat vs. Brooks with the flying bodypress
King Kong Bundy (w/ Bobby Heenan) vs. Yvon Laverdue at 2:42 with the Avalanche and splash
WWF Tag Team Champions Greg Valentine & Brutus Beefcake (w/ Johnny V) vs. Ricky Hunter & Jose Luis Rivera in a non-title match at 2:46 when Beefake vs. Hunter with a running kneelift
3/11/86; Poughkeepsie, NY; Mid-Hudson Civic Center
WWF IC Champion Randy Savage (w/ Miss Elizabeth) vs. Andre Malo at 1:58 with the flying elbow drop
Paul Orndorff vs. Bob Bradley at 3:28 with the piledriver
Terry & Dory Funk Jr. (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. SD Jones & Ivan MacDonald at 2:43 when MacDonald submitted to Dory’s Boston Crab; after the match, Hart branded MacDonald
Davey Boy Smith & the Dynamite Kid (w/ Capt. Lou Albano) vs. Tiger Chung Lee & Mr. X at 2:38 when Dynamite vs. Mr. X with the superplex
WWF World Champion Hulk Hogan vs. Moondog Spot at 1:56 with the legdrop
3/11/86; Poughkeepsie, NY; Mid-Hudson Civic Center
4/5/86 – included a Piper’s Pit with Joe Frazier, held at Frazier’s gym:
Uncle Elmer & Hillbilly Jim vs. Al Navaroo & Chuck Simpson at 2:06 when Elmer vs. Navarro with a leg drop
Don Muraco (w/ Mr. Fuji) vs. Ivan Mac Donald with the tombstone at 2:59
Cpl. Kirchner & Dan Spivey vs. Steve Lombardi & AJ Petruzzi at 3:03 when Kirchner vs. Petruzzi with a Samoan Drop
Adrian Adonis (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. Nelson Veilleux via submission with the sleeper at 2:18
The Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff (w/ Freddie Blassie) vs. Lanny Poffo & Don Driggers at 1:22 when Driggers submitted to Sheik’s Camel Clutch
3/31/86; Poughkeepsie, NY; Mid-Hudson Civic Center
4/12/86 – included Jake Roberts as a guest of Piper’s Pit, hosted by Jimmy Hart:
Ricky Steamboat & the Junkyard Dog vs. Mr. X & Moondog Spot when JYD vs. Mr. X with the powerslam at 2:43
Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. SD Jones & Mario Mancini at 3:01 when Bret vs. Mancini following the Hart Attack
George Steele (w/ Capt. Lou Albano) vs. John Rizzo with a backslide
Don Muraco (w/ Mr. Fuji) vs. Terry Morgan at 2:55 with the tombstone
Paul Orndorff vs. Steve Lombardi with the piledriver at 3:26
Cpl. Kirchner & Danny Spivey vs. the Gladiator & Dave Barbie at 4:29 when Spivey vs. Barbie with a bulldog
3/31/86; Poughkeepsie, NY; Mid-Hudson Civic Center
4/19/86 – included Big John Studd & King Kong Bundy as guests of Piper’s Pit in which they challenged Andre the Giant and a partner of his choice to face them the following week; Studd & Bundy them demonstrated on Orton as to how they would bodyslam Andre:
Nikolai Volkoff & the Iron Sheik (w/ Freddie Blassie) vs. Terry Morgan & Ivan MacDonald at 3:01 when Morgan submitted to Sheik’s Camel Clutch; after the bout, Sheik & Volkoff threw their opponents to the floor
Adrian Adonis (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. Mario Mancini via submission with the sleeper at 1:53
B. Brian Blair & Jim Brunzell vs. Joe Mirto & Tiger Chung Lee at 2:38 when Blair vs. Mirto with a sunset flip off the top
Dory Funk Jr. (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. Nelson Veilleux with a piledriver at 1:54; after the bout, Dory whipped his opponent with a bullrope
WWF IC Champion Randy Savage (w/ Miss Elizabeth) vs. Sal Gee with the flying elbow drop at 3:46
3/31/86; Poughkeepsie, NY; Mid-Hudson Civic Center
4/26/86 – included B. Brian Blair & Jim Brunzell as guests of Piper’s Pit (the final Pit for 5 months):
Ricky Steamboat & King Tonga vs. the Gladiator & Steve Lombardi at 3:25 when Steamboat vs. Gladiator with the flying bodypress
Hercules (w/ Freddie Blassie) vs. Mario Mancini via submission with a backbreaker at 2:50
Tito Santana & Pedro Morales vs. Mr. X & AJ Petruzzi at 3:13 when Santana vs. Petruzzi with the flying forearm
Hillbilly Jim & Ted Arcidi (sub. for Andre the Giant) vs. Big John Studd & King Kong Bundy via disqualification at 2:33 when Studd & Bundy illegally double teamed their opponents and attacked referee Gilberto Roman
Jake Roberts vs. Andre Malo with the DDT at 2:34
George Steele & the Junkyard Dog (w/ the Haiti Kid) vs. Iron Mike Sharpe & Dave Barbie at 4:30 when JYD vs. Barbie with the powerslam
4/21/86; Poughkeepsie, NY; Mid-Hudson Civic Center
5/3/86 – included the debut of the Flower Shop with guest Hillbilly Jim:
Greg Valentine & Brutus Beefcake (w/ Johnny V) vs. Tony Garea & Don Driggers at 4:22 when Driggers submitted to Valentine’s figure-4
Ricky Steamboat vs. Al Navarro at 2:56 with a flying bodpress
Nikolai Volkoff & the Iron Sheik (w/ Freddie Blassie) vs. Scott McGhee & John Centeno at 2:08 when Centeno submitted to Sheik’s Camel Clutch; during the bout, Blassie joined the commentary team and challenged Cpl. Kirchner to face the Iron Sheik the following week
WWF Tag Team Champions Davey Boy Smith & the Dynamite Kid vs. Psycho Capone & Paul Christy at 3:04 when Dynamite vs. Capone with a powerslam from the middle turnbuckle
Jake Roberts vs. Serge Jodoin with the DDT at 2:55; during the bout, Bobby Heenan did guest commentary and mentioned he was meeting with WWF President Jack Tunney in an attempt to have Andre the Giant suspended
Paul Orndorff & Tito Santana vs. WWF IC Champion Randy Savage (w/ Miss Elizabeth) & Bob Orton Jr. (sub. for Don Muraco) at 4:08 when Santana vs. Savage with the flying forearm; after the bout, all four men continued to brawl
4/21/86; Poughkeepsie, NY; Mid-Hudson Civic Center
5/10/86 – included Johnny V, Brutus Beefcake, & Greg Valentine as guests of the Flower Shop; featured highlights from the Roberts / Steamboat SNME bout:
George Steele (w/ Capt. Lou Albano) & the Junkyard Dog (w/ the Haiti Kid) vs. Tiger Chung Lee & Mike Angelo at 1:38 when JYD vs. Angelo with the powerslam
Jimmy Jack & Dory Funk Jr. (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. Dan King & Andre Malo at 3:02 when Jimmy Jack vs. King with a powerslam
B. Brian Blair & Jim Brunzell vs. Iron Mike Sharpe & Joe Mirto at 2:40 when Blair vs. Mirto with a powerslam; during the bout, Bobby Heenan joined Vince McMahon & Bruno Sammartino on commentary to talk about Andre the Giant
WWF IC Champion Randy Savage vs. Serge Jodoin at 2:13 with the flying elbowsmash
Cpl. Kirchner vs. the Iron Sheik (w/ Freddie Blassie & Nikolai Volkoff) via disqualification at 4:20 when Volkoff interfered; after the bout, the Killer Bees made the save for Kirchner
4/21/86; Poughkeepsie, NY; Mid-Hudson Civic Center
5/17/86 – Ernie Ladd did guest commentary for the show beginning with Hercules’ match; included WWF IC Champion Randy Savage & Miss Elizabeth as guests of the Flower Shop:
Ted Arcidi & King Tonga vs. Dave Barbie & the Gladiator at 4:24 when Barbie submitted to Arcidi’s bearhug
Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. Lanny Poffo & Don Driggers at 2:09 when Bret vs. Driggers following the Hart Attack
Pedro Morales & Hillbilly Jim vs. Moondog Spot & Cyclone Capone at 2:13 when Hillbilly vs. Capone with a boot to the face
Hercules (w/ Freddie Blassie) vs. Mike Saxton via submission with the backbreaker at 3:07
Tito Santana & Danny Spivey vs. Steve Lombardi & Paul Christy at 3:20 when Spivey vs. Christy with a bulldog
WWF Tag Team Champions Davey Boy Smith & the Dynamite Kid vs. Big John Studd & King Kong Bundy (w/ Bobby Heenan) via disqualification in a non-title match at 4:55 when Studd shoved the referee; the champions put up little offense during the match and, afterwards, Studd and Bundy got into an arguement over the loss (The British Bulldogs)
5/13/86; Poughkeepsie, NY; Mid-Hudson Civic Center
5/24/86 – included Don Muraco & Mr. Fuji as guests of the Flower Shop:
Dan Spivey & Mike Rotundo vs. Steve Lombardi & Paul Christy at when Spivey vs. Lombardi with a slingshot splash after an airplane spin from Rotundo at 3:56 (Rotundo’s return match)
Harley Race (w/ Bobby Heenan) vs. John Centeno at 3:09 with a slingshot suplex
Ricky Steamboat vs. Ron Shaw with the flying bodypress at 2:48
Greg Valentine & Brutus Beefcake (w/ Johnny V) vs. George Wells & Mike Saxton at 2:59 when Saxton submitted to Valentine’s figure-4; during the bout, Bobby Heenan joined the commentary team and announced that Andre the Giant had been suspended for failing to appear several weeks ago
B. Brian Blair & Jim Brunzell vs. the Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff (w/ Freddie Blassie) via count-out at 4:38 when Sheik & Volkoff became confused by the Killer Bees using their masks to switch places in the ring
5/13/86; Poughkeepsie, NY; Mid-Hudson Civic Center
5/31/86 – included Capt. Lou Albano, WWF Tag Team Champions Davey Boy Smith & the Dynamite Kid as guests of the Flower Shop:
Cpl. Kirchner vs. Bob Bradley with a fallaway slam at 4:15
Jimmy Jack & Dory Funk Jr. (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. Lanny Poffo & Chris Duffy
when Duffy submitted to Dory’s Boston Crab at 2:36; after the bout, the Funks hogtied Duffy
Paul Orndorff vs. Dave Barbie after two piledrivers at 3:33
Don Muraco (w/ Mr. Fuji) & Bob Orton Jr. vs. Scott McGhee & Don Driggers when Orton vs. Driggers after the superplex at 3:06
Tito Santana & Pedro Morales vs. Primo Manzello & Mad Richard when Morales vs. Richard after a backbreaker at 3:16
Jake Roberts vs. Rick Hunter with the DDT at 4:18; during the bout, Ricky Steamboat joined Vince McMahon & Bruno Sammartino for commentary and after the bout, Steamboat attacked Roberts and had to be held back by the referee
5/13/86; Poughkeepsie, NY; Mid-Hudson Civic Center
6/7/86 – included Jake Roberts as a guest of the Flower Shop:
Dan Spivey & Mike Rotundo vs. Terry Gibbs & Joe Mirto when Spivey vs. Mirto with a bulldog after the airplane spin from Rotundo at 3:27
Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. Jose Luis Rivera & Don Driggers when Bret vs. Driggers after the Hart Attack at 3:10
Ted Arcidi & King Tonga vs. Moondog Spot & the Gladiator at when Tonga vs. the Gladiator with a splash at 3:19
Big John Studd (w/ Bobby Heenan) & Hercules (w/ Freddie Blassie) vs. Rob Van Winkel & Jim Powers when Van Winkel submitted to Herc’s backbreaker at 2:41
WWF IC Champion Randy Savage (w/ Miss Elizabeth) vs. Bob McNeil with the flying elbowsmash at 1:22; after the match, Savage hit the move a second time
WWF Tag Team Champions Davey Boy Smith & the Dynamite Kid (w/ Capt. Lou Albano) vs. Bob Bradley & AJ Petruzzi when Dynamite vs. Petruzzi with a diving headbutt from Bradley’s back, who was in a fireman’s carry position by Smith at 4:40
6/3/86; Poughkeepsie, NY; Mid-Hudson Civic Center
6/14/86 – included Paul Orndorff as a guest of the Flower Shop where Adrian Adonis made allegations that Hulk Hogan was stealing Orndorff’s spotlight and that Hogan was the more popular of the two:
George Steele & Cpl. Kirchner vs. Max Blue & Les Thornton when Kirchner vs. Blue with a fallaway slam at 3:47
WWF IC Champion Randy Savage (w/ Miss Elizabeth) vs. Jerry Monti with the flying elbowsmash at 1:23
Ricky Steamboat vs. Jack Kruger with a flying bodypress at 2:36
Greg Valentine & Brutus Beefcake (w/ Johnny V) vs. Ricky Thompson & Mike Lucca when Beefcake vs. Thompson with a running kneelift at 2:51
Big John Studd (w/ Bobby Heenan) vs. Jim Powers & Rick Hunter in a handicap bodyslam match at 2:17 by pinning Hunter with a powerslam; had either Powers or Hunter slammed Studd they would have received $15,000; after the bout, King Tonga returned ringside and easily slammed Studd (Best of the WWF Vol. 8)
Jake Roberts vs. Don Driggers with the DDT at 2:16; after the bout, Ricky Steamboat scared Jake away from to the ring with a large monitor/komodo dragon, which Steamboat had brought to the ring in his earlier match inside a bag
6/3/86; Poughkeepsie, NY; Mid-Hudson Civic Center
6/21/86 – included Bobby Heenan as a guest of the Flower Shop in which WWF World Champion Hulk Hogan interrupted and told off Adrian Adonis for the allegations he made the previous week:
B. Brian Blair & Jim Brunzell vs. Steve Lombardi & Terry Gibbs at 3:24 when Blair vs. Lombardi with a clothesline from the middle turnbuckle
Hercules & Bob Orton Jr. vs. Tony Park & Jerry Monti at 2:54 when Park submitted to Hercules’ backbreaker; after the bout, Bobby Heenan joined Vince McMahon to discuss the recent suspension of Andre the Giant
Billy Jack Haynes vs. Jimmy Kent via submission with the full nelson at 3:01
Jimmy Jack & Dory Funk Jr. (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. George Wells & Rudy Diamond at 3:29 when Diamond submitted to Dory’s Boston Crab; after the bout, the Funks hogtied Diamond until Wells made the save
Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. Mario Mancini & Bob Boyer at 2:21 when Bret vs. Mancini following the Hart Attack
David Sammartino, Lanny Poffo, & King Tonga vs. the Moondogs & Les Thornton at 3:49 when Tonga vs. Thornton with a side kick to the face
6/3/86; Poughkeepsie, NY; Mid-Hudson Civic Center
6/28/86 – included Bobby Heenan as a guest of the Flower Shop in which Paul Orndorff interrupted, following his match, where Heenan challenged Orndorff & Hulk Hogan to face Big John Studd & King Kong Bundy the following week; Orndorff accepted and said all he had to do was make a phone call to Hogan; during the closing moments of the show, Orndorff joined Vince McMahon & Bruno Sammartino, saying he was unable to reach Hogan because the champion was busy:
Mike Rotundo & Danny Spivey vs. the Gladiator & Tiger Chung Lee at 3:26 when Spivey vs. the Gladiator following a bulldog
Don Muraco (w/ Mr. Fuji) vs. Bob Boyer at 3:27 with the tombstone
Tito Santana & Pedro Morales vs. Al Navarro & Lane Anderson at 3:11 when Santana vs. Anderson with the flying forearm
Paul Orndorff vs. Max Blue at 1:36 with the piledriver
Nikolai Volkoff & the Iron Sheik vs. Mike Lucca & Ricky Thompson at 3:11 when Sheik vs. Lucca with a belly to belly suplex after botching an attempt at the Camel Clutch
WWF Tag Team Champions Davey Boy Smith & the Dynamite Kid vs. the Menace & Jack Kruger
6/24/86; Poughkeepsie, NY; Mid-Hudson Civic Center
7/5/86 – included WWF World Champion Hulk Hogan & Paul Orndorff as guests of the Flower Shop in which Orndorff announced he and Hogan would face the Moondogs the next week and the team of King Kong Bundy & Big John Studd the following week; featured Vince McMahon interviewing Bobby Heenan in which he showed Heenan footage of Gene Okerlund finding the Machines in Japan, with the Machines saying they were coming to the WWF and would have Capt. Lou Albano as their manager; Heenan was irate after seeing the footage and claimed that Giant Machine was Andre the Giant; during the closing moments of the show, McMahon & Bruno Sammartino speculated that Giant Machine was Giant Baba:
The Junkyard Dog & George Steele (w/ Capt. Lou Albano) vs. Steve Lombardi & Gino Carabello at 3:33 when JYD vs. Carabello with the powerslam
Bob Orton Jr., Jimmy Jack & Dory Funk Jr. (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. SD Jones, Mario Mancini, & Don Driggers at 2:30 when Jimmy Jack vs. Driggers with a powerslam; after the bout, the Funks hogtied Driggers
Billy Jack Haynes vs. Rusty Brooks via submission with the full nelson at 3:12
Jake Roberts vs. Eric Cooper with the DDT at 3:06
B. Brian Blair & Jim Brunzell vs. Jack Kruger & Roger Kirby at 5:14 when Blair vs. Kirby following a dropkick from Brunzell after the Bees put their masks on underneath the ring
6/24/86; Poughkeepsie, NY; Mid-Hudson Civic Center
7/12/86 – included Capt. Lou Albano, WWF Tag Team Champions Davey Boy Smith & the Dynamite Kid as guests of the Flower Shop; featured Vince McMahon interviewing Bobby Heenan, Big John Studd, & King Kong Bundy where he showed them more footage of the Machines in Japan, with Gene Okerlund saying he thought the Machines were reminiscent of the Masked Supersar and Andre the Giant; after seeing the footage, Heenan, Studd, & Bundy claimed that Giant Machine was Andre the Giant:
Ricky Steamboat vs. Les Thornton at the 3-minute mark with the flying bodypress
Greg Valentine & Brutus Beefcake (w/ Johnny V) vs. Rick Hunter & Serge Jodoin when Jodoin submitted to Valentine’s figure-4 at 3:04
Tito Santana & Pedro Morales vs. Terry Gibbs & Roger Kirby at 3:15 when Morales vs. Kirby with a backbreaker
Harley Race (w/ Bobby Heenan) vs. Steve Johnson at 3:33 with the cradle suplex
WWF World Champion Hulk Hogan & Paul Orndorff vs. the Moondogs when Orndorff vs. Rex with the piledriver at 3:48; Orndorff worked the entire match by himself and didn’t tag Hogan in, despite Hogan asking to be tagged in several times
6/24/86; Poughkeepsie, NY; Mid-Hudson Civic Center
7/19/86 – included Hercules as a guest of the Flower Shop; featured footage of Giant & Super Machine wrestling in Japan during the ‘Update’ segment:
WWF IC Champion Randy Savage (w/ Miss Elizabeth) vs. Eric Cooper with the flying elbowsmash at 2:35
Mike Rotundo & Danny Spivey vs. Al Navarro & Gino Carabello when Rotundo vs. Navarro following an airplane spin at 2:47
The Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff vs. Jimmy Jackson & Don Driggers at 3:02 when Jackson submitted to Sheik’s Camel Clutch
Sivi Afi & King Tonga vs. Gary Semones & Lane Anderson when Tonga vs. Anderson at 2:50 with a splash
WWF World Champion Hulk Hogan & Paul Orndorff vs. King Kong Bundy & Big John Studd (w/ Bobby Heenan) via disqualification at 6:04 when Bundy and Studd refused to stop double-teaming Hogan and referee Dave Hebner was knocked to the floor; prior to the match, Hogan and Orndorff were seen talking backstage about the missed phone call that started friction between the two, with Hogan telling Orndorff to let it go; after the bout, Orndorff made the save for the champion and raised his hand in victory before dropping him with a clothesline and following with the piledriver; moments later, Orndorff, Bundy, Heenan, and Studd left the ring together as Mike Rotundo, Danny Spivey, King Tonga, and Sivi Afi checked on Hogan; Adrian Adonis then congratulated Orndorff backstage with the rest of the Heenan Family (Hulkamania 2)
7/15/86; Poughkeepsie, NY; Mid-Hudson Civic Center
7/26/86 – included Paul Orndorff as guest of the Flower Shop in which Orndorff brought out his new manager, Bobby Heenan; included Ken Resnick interviewing WWF President Jack Tunney in which Tunney announced he had suspended Andre the Giant due to missing a number of shows and said Andre failed to appear at his hearing; Bobby Heenan then came in and said that Andre was obviously one of the Machines, with Tunney responding that if Andre was proven to be one of the Machines he would be suspended for life:
WWF Tag Team Champions Davey Boy Smith & the Dynamite Kid (w/ Capt. Lou Albano) vs. Tiger Chung Lee & AJ Petruzzi at 2:38 when Dynamite vs. Petruzzi with a diving headbutt from Lee’s back, who was held in a fireman’s carry by Smith
Don Muraco (w/ Mr. Fuji) vs. Mario Mancini with the tombstone at 3:02
Dick Slater vs. the Gladiator with a side Russian legsweep at 2:13 (Slater’s debut)
Jacques & Raymond Rougeau vs. the Moondogs when Jacques vs. Spot witha crossbody (the match began during the commercial break)
Jake Roberts vs. Tom Tatri with the DDT at 1:52
Ricky Steamboat, Sivi Afi, & King Tonga vs. Mr. X, Steve Lombardi, & Rusty Brooks at 3:30 when Steamboat vs. Brooks with a flying bodypress; prior to the bout, Steamboat brought a komodo dragon to ringside in a cage, while Afi performed a fire display in the ring; during the bout, Freddie Blassie joined Vince McMahon & Bruno Sammartino on commentary and announced he would be selling the contracts of Nikolai Volkoff & the Iron Sheik for a tremendous amount of money
7/15/86; Poughkeepsie, NY; Mid-Hudson Civic Center
8/2/86 – included the Junkyard Dog as a guest of the Flower Shop, where JYD attacked Adrian Adonis with a flowerpot after Jimmy Hart attempted a sneak attack on JYD but was taken out by JYD instead; included Freddie Blassie announcing at the end of the show that he had found someone to buy half of the contracts of the Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff:
Mike Rotundo & Danny Spivey vs. Steve Lombardi & Roger Kirby when Rotundo vs. Kirby after an airplane spin at 3:26
Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. Tony Garea & Jose Luis Rivera when Bret vs. Rivera with the Hart Attack at 2:33
Billy Jack Haynes vs. Jim Haley via submission with the full nelson at 3:29
Harley Race (w/ Bobby Heenan) vs. Chris Duffy with a cradle suplex at 2:53
King Kong Bundy & Big John Studd (w/ Bobby Heenan) vs. Brickhouse Brown & Buddy Ryder when Bundy vs. Ryder after the Avalanche in the corner; the bout began during the commercial break
7/15/86; Poughkeepsie, NY; Mid-Hudson Civic Center
8/9/86 – included Bob Orton Jr. as a guest of the Flower Shop, with Adrian Adonis announcing him as the new bodyguard of the segment:
Paul Orndorff (w/ Bobby Heenan) vs. Mario Mancini via count-out at 3:30 after piledriving his opponent on the floor
Tito Santana & Pedro Morales vs. Terry Gibbs & Dave Barbie when Morales vs. Barbie with a roll up at 2:42
WWF IC Champion Randy Savage (w/ Miss Elizabeth) vs. Mark Faban with the flying elbowsmash at 2:04; after the match, Savage hit the move again on Faban
Greg Valentine & Brutus Beefcake (w/ Johnny V) vs. Paul Roma & Rick Hunter when Hunter submitted to Valentine’s figure-4 at 3:03
George Steele (w/ Capt. Lou Albano) & the Junkyard Dog vs. Iron Mike Sharpe & Jim Haley when JYD vs. Haley with a powerslam at 1:20
Nikolai Volkoff & the Iron Sheik (w/ Freddie Blassie & Slick) vs. Cpl. Kirchner & Tony Garea at 2:52 when Sheik vs. Garea with a small package, which had been reversed by Volkoff from Garea’s original small package attempt; before the bout Blassie introduced Slick who had bought half of the contracts of Volkoff & Sheik and was to be their co-manager along with Blassie (Slick’s TV debut)
8/5/86; Poughkeepsie, NY; Mid-Hudson Civic Center
8/16/86 – included Roddy Piper, making his return, as a guest of the Flower Shop instead of the scheduled guest Don Muraco:
B. Brian Blair & Jim Brunzell vs. Steve Lombardi & Rusty Brooks when Brunzell vs. Brooks with a dropkick at 3:04
Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. Terry Morgan & Jim Powers when Bret vs. Morgan following the Hart Attack at 3:05
Super Machine (w/ Capt. Lou Albano & Giant Machine) vs. Ivan McDonald with a swinging neckbreaker at 2:42; during the bout, Bobby Heenan was shown at ringside taking photographs of the Giant Machine, in hope of trying to prove that it was actually Andre the Giant
Greg Valentine & Brutus Beefcake (w/ Johnny V) vs. Mario Mancini & Jose Luis Rivera when Mancini submitted to Valentine’s figure-4 at 2:51
Sivi Afi, King Tonga, & the Tonga Kid vs. Joe Mirto, Terry Gibbs, & George Leech when the Tonga Kid vs. Leech with a splash off the top at 2:32
Hercules (w/ Slick) vs. Tony Atlas, when as Atlas attempted a suplex from the apron into the ring, Slick hit Atlas in the knee with his cane, with Herc falling on top for the pin at 3:36
8/5/86; Poughkeepsie, NY; Mid-Hudson Civic Center
8/23/86 – included Slick, Freddie Blassie, Nikolai Volkoff, the Iron Sheik, & Hercules as guests of the Flower Shop which was interrupted by Roddy Piper:
WWF Tag Team Champions Davey Boy Smith & the Dynamite Kid (w/ Capt. Lou Albano) vs. Iron Mike Sharpe & the Gladiator when Davey Boy vs. the Gladiator with the running powerslam at 3:26
King Kong Bundy & Big John Studd (w/ Bobby Heenan) vs. Tony Garea & Jimmy Jackson when Bundy vs. Jackson with a splash, following the Avalanche, at 2:44
Jacques & Raymond Rougeau vs. Mr. X & Les Thornton when Jacques vs. Mr. X following a double team move from the top rope at 3:34
Roddy Piper vs. AJ Petruzzi at 2:25 with a double axe handle and placing one foot on his opponent’s chest during the cover; Piper wrestled the bout with one arm tied behind his back until the ending (Piper’s return match) (Best of the WWF Vol. 10)
Pedro Morales & Tito Santana vs. the Moondogs when Santana vs. Rex with the flying forearm at 3:06
Don Muraco (w/ Mr. Fuji) vs. Bob Bradley wit the tombstone at 4:52
8/5/86; Poughkeepsie, NY; Mid-Hudson Civic Center
8/30/86 – final episode – featured the coronation of King Harley Race by Bobby Heenan after winning a tournament on 7/14/86; included Capt. Lou Albano as a guest of the Flower Shop in which he introduced the Super & Giant Machine and also introduced for the first time the Big Machine, confusing the other guest Bobby Heenan who didn’t know there was a Big Machine; featured an “Update” segment focusing on Billy Jack Haynes:
WWF IC Champion Randy Savage (w/ Miss Elizabeth) vs. Mario Mancini at 2:38 with the flying elbowsmash
The Junkyard Dog & George Steele vs. Mr. X & the Gladiator at 2:18 when JYD vs. the Gladiator with a powerslam; after the bout, JYD introduced the Honkytonk Man who made his way out to the ring
Paul Orndorff (w/ Bobby Heenan) vs. Tom Sharpe with the piledriver at 2:41
Dick Slater vs. Jimmy Jack Funk (w/ Jimmy Hart & Dory Funk Jr.) via disqualification at 2:17 after Dory tripped Slater from the outside; after the bout, Dory attempted to hogtie Slater but Slater grabbed the rope away and cleared both Funks from the ring
Mike Rotundo & Danny Spivey vs. Steve Lombardi & Gino Carabello at 4:35 when Spivey vs. Carabello with a bulldog; during the bout, comments from Roddy Piper were shown where he said he had been granted permission to appear on the Flower Shop the following week; as the show was coming to a close, Adrian Adonis protested to Vince McMahon & Bruno Sammartino about Piper appearing on his show