01. Rhythm & Blues vs. Hart Foundation
02. Ron Garvin vs. Steve Lombardi
03. Akeem vs. Koko B. Ware
04. Ted DiBiase vs. Paul Roma
05. Rougeau Brothers vs. Tommy Angel & Rusty Riddle
06. Brain Busters vs. Tim Horner & George South
07. Tito Santana vs. Red Rooster
105 minutes – Source: TV
01. Ron Bass vs. Jim Powers
02. Barry Horowitz vs. Tim Horner
03. Jim Neidhardt vs. Mike Sharpe
04. Greg Valentine vs. Ronnie Garvin
05. Curt Hennig vs. Koko B. Ware
06. Brutus Beefcake vs. Jacques Rougeau
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: TV
01. Sam Houston vs. Danny Davis
02. Brooklyn Brawler vs. Reno Riggins
03. Akeem vs. Blue Blazer
04. Ron Garvin vs. John Zeigler
05. Tim Horner vs. Jose Estrada
06. Jim Neidhart vs. Jobber
07. Tito Santana vs. Ron Bass
105 minutes – Source: TV
01. Red Rooster vs. Danny Davis
02. Big Bossman vs. Rick Allen
03. Rick Martel vs. Mr. Perfect
04. Rick Rude vs. Brutus Beefcake
05. Sam Houston vs. Barry Horowitz
06. Ultimate Warrior vs. Haku
105 minutes – Source: TV
01. Bret Hart vs. Darryl Peterson
02. Bad News Brown vs. Koko B. Ware
03. The Rockers vs. Barry Horowitz & Jose Estrada
04. Rick Rude vs. Hillbilly Jim
05. The Bolsheviks vs. The Bushwhackers
06. John Studd vs. Black Knight & Jobber
07. King Haku vs. Louie Spicolli
08. Brutus Beefcake vs. Mr. Perfect
105 minutes – Source: TV
WWE – 1989/02/20 – Prime Time Wrestling – “Face To Face”
01. Twin Towers vs. Ricky Ataki & ???
02. Boris Zhukov vs. Koko B. Ware
03. Ron Bass vs. Paul Roma
04. Bad News Brown vs. Pete Doherty
05. Jim Powers vs. Iron Mike Sharpe
06. Honky Tonk Man vs. Jim Neidhart
07. The Rockers vs. Brain Busters
08. Brooklyn Brawler vs. Omar Atlas
09. WWE Tag Team Titles: Demolition vs. Powers Of Pain
Running Time: 150 minutes – Source: TV
WWE – 1989/02/27 – Prime Time Wrestling
01. Dino Bravo vs. Brutus Beefcake
02. Ron Bass vs. Ronnie Garvin
03. Brain Busters vs. Ricky Ataki & Louis Spicolli
04. Hillbilly Jim vs. Barry Horowitz
05. Andre The Giant vs. Tito Santana & Jim Powers
06. Red Rooster vs. Mr. Perfect
07. Powers Of Pain vs. Sam Houston & Tony DeLeone
08. Hercules vs. Lou Fabiano
09. Rick Martel vs. King Haku
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: TV
01. Red Rooster vs. Tim Patterson
02. King Haku vs. Omar Atlas
03. John Studd vs. Chris Duffy & Mitch Carey
04. Dino Bravo vs. Sam Houston
05. Rhythm & Blues vs. Paul Brown & Rex Farmer
06. Big Bossman & Akeem vs. Jobbers
07. Bad News Brown vs. Jobber
08. Rick Rude vs. Koko B. Ware
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: TV
01. Jim Duggan vs. Boris Zhukov
02. Bret Hart vs. Bad News Brown
03. Tito Santana vs. The Executioner
04. Big Bossman vs. Koko B. Ware
05. Brutus Beefcake vs. Jacques Rougeau
06. Bret Hart vs. Steve Lombardi
07. Ric Rude vs. Jake Roberts
105 minutes – Source: TV
01. The Barbarian vs. Chuck Williams
02. Brutus Beefcake vs. Steve Stone
03. Tito Santana vs. Iron Mike Sharpe
04. Young Stallions vs. The Conquistadors
05. Brooklyn Brawler vs. Terry Daniels
06. Hart Foundation vs. Black Knight & The Intruder
07. Mr. Perfect vs. Ronnie Garvin
105 minutes – Source: TV
01. Hillbilly Jim vs. Boris Zhukov
02. The Barbarian vs. Ricky Ataki
03. The Rockers vs. Barry Horowitz & Danny Davis
04. Jake Roberts vs. Dusty Wolfe
05. Rougeau Brothers vs. Tim Horner & Jobber
06. King Haku vs. Louie Spicolli
07. Red Rooster vs. Jobber
08. Twin Towers vs. Stephan DeLeon & Scott Casey
09. The Bushwhackers vs. Lou Fabiano & Tom Stone
10. Hercules vs. Bad News Brown
105 minutes – Source: TV
01. Brain Busters vs. Scott Casey & Sam Houston
02. Blue Blazer vs. Jose Estrada
03. Honky Tonk Man vs. Jobber
04. The Bushwhackers vs. Jobbers
05. Mr. Perfect vs. Tim Horner
06. Greg Valentine vs. Ronnie Garvin
07. Rick Martel vs. Terry Daniels
08. Hillbilly Jim vs. Haku
105 minutes – Source: TV
01. The Rockers vs. Boris Zhukov & George South
02. Mr. Perfect vs. Jose Luis Rivera
03. Jim Neidhart vs. Tony Suber
04. Rougeau Brothers vs. Koko B. Ware & Scott Casey
05. Jake Roberts vs. Chris Duffy
06. Demolition vs. Rick Mitchell & Jim Chappel
07. Rick Rude vs. Hercules
08. Brian Johnson vs. Dino Bravo
09. The Warlord vs. Mark Ming
10. Red Rooster vs. Mike Williams
11. Ronnie Garvin vs. Greg Valentine
105 minutes – Source: TV
01. Honky Tonk Man vs. Chuck Williams
02. Bad News Brown vs. Jobber
03. John Studd vs. Haku
04. Paul Roma vs. Boris Zhukov
05. Red Rooser vs. Iron Man Sharpe
06. Rougeau Brothers vs. Jobbers
07. Jake Roberts vs. Virgil
08. Blue Blazer vs. Gary Royal
09. Brain Busters vs. Jobbers
10. Hercules vs. The Warlord
105 minutes – Source: TV
01. Brutus Beefcake vs. Tony Leone
02. The Warlord vs. Tim Horner
03. Demolition vs. Honky Tonk Man & Greg Valentine
04. The Genius vs. Jim Powers
05. Bret Hart vs. Dave Wagner
06. Bad News Brown vs. Jobber
07. Twin Towers vs. Kevin Michaelson & Jim Merkel
08. Ultimate Warrior vs. Jobber
09. Brain Busters vs. Koko B. Ware
10. Jim Duggan vs. Haku
105 minutes – Source: TV
01. Boris Zhukov vs. Koko B. Ware
02. Rick Rude vs. Jim Evans
03. Barry Horowitz vs. Dusty Wolfe
04. Dino Bravo vs. Jobber
05. Brooklyn Brawler vs. Red Rooster
06. The Warlord vs. Paul Roma
07. Mr. Perfect vs. Jim Powers
105 minutes – Source: TV
01. The Warlord vs. Blue Blazer
02. The Bushwhackers vs. Jobbers
03. Ted DiBiase vs. Jobber
04. Mr. Perfect vs. Jobber
05. Jim Powers & Paul Roma vs. Boris Zhukov & Barry Horowitz
06. Rick Martel vs. Jobber
07. Ultimate Warrior vs. Greg Valentine
08. Rougeau Brothers vs. Tim Horner & Jobber
09. Hillbilly Jim vs. Jobber
10. Bad News Brown vs. Jobber
105 minutes – Source: TV
01. Brain Busters vs. Ed Slater & Tom Stark
02. Hart Foundation vs. Boris Zhukov & Jake Milliman
03. Ted DiBiase vs. J.T. Thomas
04. Bad News Brown vs. Larry Larson
05. Hercules vs. Butler Stevens
06. Akeem & Big Bossman vs. Jim Evans & Ron Fails
07. Koko B. Ware vs. Barry Horowitz
08. Ron Bass vs. Brutus Beefcake
09. Demolition vs. Chris Curtis & Tom Stone
10. Greg Valentine & Dino Bravo vs. The Rockers
90 minutes – Source: TV
01. Akeem vs. Chris Allen
02. Brutus Beefcake vs. Chris Evans
03. Dino Bravo vs. Brad Perry
04. The Bushwhackers vs. Barry Hardy & Sunny Austin
05. Honky Tonk Man vs. Jobber
06. Greg Valentine vs. Koko B. Ware
07. Jimmy Snuka vs. Tom Stone
08. Hart Foundation & Hacksaw Jim Duggan vs. Rougeau Brothers & Dino Bravo
09. Ultimate Warrior vs. Jobber
10. Ted DiBiase vs. Mario Mancini
11. Hillbilly Jim vs. Boris Zhukov
90 minutes – Source: TV
WWF Prime Time Wrestling 7/17/89
Footage is shown from last week’s show where Bobby Heenan announces that he’s getting his own TV show. He then gathers his things and walks off the set. Gorilla Monsoon lets us know that Bobby Heenan’s show will debut tonight, and then introduces us to his new broadcast partner, ROWDY RODDY PIPER!
1. The Widowmaker [Barry Windham] v. jobber
(Windham isn’t referred to by his real name. He’s only referred to as the Widowmaker)
2. Update – Referee Ronnie Garvin brawls with Dino Bravo after a recent match. WWF President Jack Tunney warns Garvin not to fight with any other wrestlers. Greg Valentine (who retired Garvin, leading to his role as a special referee) demands that Garvin be suspended immediately.
3. Mr. Perfect v. jobber
4. Int – Powers of Pain
5. Int – King Hacksaw Jim Duggan
6. Int – Bobby Heenan as he prepares for his debut show.
7. Paul Roma v. Sandy Beach
8. Int – Randy Savage & Zeus
9. Int – Hulk Hogan & Brutus Beefcake
10. Tito Santana v. Boris Zukoff
11. Brother Love – The Genius, Lanny Poffo
12. Int – Bobby Heenan is almost ready for his show.
13. Mr. Perfect v. Hercules
Bobby Heenan Show episode #1:
Lord Alfred Hayes is the MC, and Jamison and the Oinkettes are introduced
– Penny and Coco, a mother-daughter comedy act
1. Greg Valentine v. Jimmy Snuka (From SNME 7/29/89)
2. Update – Big Bossman & Dusty Rhodes
3. Dino Bravo v. Dale Wolfe
4. King Duggan v. The Gladiator
5. Iron Mike Sharpe v. Tim Horner (MSG 7/10/89)
6. Hillbilly Jim v. Sunny Beach
7. Rougeau Brothers v. Paul Roma & Todd Becker
8. Brother Love – Andre the Giant/Ultimate Warrior
9. Demolition v. Brain Busters (for the WWF Tag Team Titles)
1. Widow Maker (Barry Windham) v. Terry Daniels
2. Powers Of Pain v. Paul Roma & Jim Powers
3. Hercules v. Chris Duffy
4. Koko B. Ware v. Rick Martel
5. Brother Love – Brain Busters
6. Summerslam interviews
7. Brutus Beefcake v. Randy Savage (SNME 7/29/89)
1. Powers of Pain v. Hart Foundation
2. Jimmy Snuka v. Greg Valentine (SNME 7/29/89)
3. Koko B. Ware v. Iron Mike Sharpe
4. Rougeau Brothers v. Mark Young & Tim Horner
5. Greg Valentine v. Dave Paradise
6. Brother Love – Randy Savage & Zeus
7. Demolition v. The Brainbusters (SNME 7/29/89, for the WWF Tag Team Titles!)
8. Dino Bravo v. Jimmy Snuka
9. Randy Savage v. Brutus Beefcake (SNME 7/29/89)
10. Honkytonk Man in concert
11. Ultimate Warrior v. Haku
More great commentary from Bobby Heenan, GorillaMonsoon. For the past couple of weeks, Heenan has been in a separate
studio as they’ve had to keep Heenan and Piper away from each other. Heenan welcomes Rick Rude to sit by his side and help
Heenan insult Piper.
1. (8/8/89-Oakland, CA) Rick Rude (w/Heenan) vs. Tim Horner
(Clip Jack Tunney)
2. (8/8/89-Oakland, CA) Dino Bravo & Honkytonk Man (w/Hart) vs. Hart Foundation
(Clip Savage, Sherri & Zeus)
3. (8/9/89-Fresno, CA) The Genious vs. Stephon DeLeon
(Int Dibiase & Virgil/Hart Foundation)
4. (8/9/89-Fresno, CA) Koko B. Ware vs. Barry Horowitz
(Brother Love w/Twin Towers, Slick, Heenan & Andre)
(Summer Slam Report)
5. (8/9/89-Fresno, CA) Rougeau Brothers (w/Hart, Martel & Slick) vs. Bob Allen & Mark Meng
(Int Brain Busters & Heenan/Jimmy Snuka)
6. (8/8/89-Oakland, CA) Mr. Perfect vs. Tito Santana
Piper and Heenan are in separate studios again, with Rick Rude accompanying Heenan just like last week. Lots of insults and challenges fly back and forth between Rude & Piper.
1. Jimmy Snuka v. Mike Luccc
2. Rude & Piper have finally had enough of each other, and a pull-apart brawl erupts on the Primetime set.
3. Bushwhackers v. Pete Ketcham & Don Stevens
4. Widow Maker (Barrt Windham) v. Red Rooster
5. Rockers v. Brooklyn Brawler & Tom Stone
6. Ted DiBiase v. Hillbilly Jim
7. Greg Valentine v. Koko B. Ware
8. Big Bossman v. Bob Allen
9. Demolition v. The Bolsheviks
10. Hercules v. Darryl Nichols
11. Honkytonk Man v. Louie Spicolli
12. Brutus Beefcake v. Haku
WWF Prime Time Wrestling 9/4/89
Gorilla Monsoon hosts the show alone
Interviews w/Rude/Rockers/Bad News/Tito/Dusty/Martel/Valentine/Windham/Jake/Garvin
1. BushWhackers vs. Black Knight & Darryl Nichols
2. Rougeau Brothers vs. Jim Evans & Jobber
3. King Jim Duggan vs. Brooklyn Brawler
4. Dino Bravo vs. Louie Spicolli
5. Genius vs. Mark Young
6. Brutus Beefcake vs. Chuck Campbell
7. Powers of Pain vs. Tom Stone & Dale Wolfe
8. Paul Roma vs. Boris Zhukov
9. Rick Martel vs. Tim Horner
10. Big Boss Man vs. Hercules
WWF Prime Time Wrestling 9/11/89
Bobby Heenan returns to the PTW set as Co-Host & Roddy Piper takes over the Bobby Heenan show set
1. Interviews w/Honky/Bad News/Tito/Martel/Perfect/Rockers/Jake Roberts/Warrior/Andre
2. Widow Maker (Barry Windham) vs. Tim Horner
3. Warrior/Heenan Confrontation in the aisle way
4. Dusty Rhodes vs. Tom Stone
5. Koko B. Ware debuts his new song “Doing the Bird”
6. Powers of Pain vs. Jobbers
7. Jimmy Snuka vs. Jake Milliman
8. Rougeau Brothers vs. Terry Daniels & Jobber
9. King Jim Duggan vs. Tony Ulysses
10. Brutus Beefcake vs. Dale Wolfe
11. Honky Tonk Man vs. Mario Mancini
12. Brother Love Show w/Roddy Piper
13. Hart Foundation vs. Rockers
WWF Prime Time Wrestling 9/18/89
Interviews w/Andre/Rude/Piper/Jake/Honky/Koko/Valentine/Harts/Martel/Dusty/Rockers/Savage & Sherri/Powers of Pain
1. IC Champ Ultimate Warrior vs. Bob Bradley
2. Ted Dibiase vs. Gary Wolfe (Pitbull #1)
3. Koko B. Ware vs. Craig Riley
4. Greg Valentine vs. Bobby Munice
5. Rick Martel vs. Terry Daniels
6. Brother Love Show w/Jake Roberts
7. Dino Bravo vs. Ron Garvin
8. Akeem vs. Jobber
9. Tito Santana vs. Widow Maker
WWF Prime Time Wrestling 9/25/89
Interviews w/Garvin/Boss Man/Brain Busters/Honky/Hercules/Windham/Rougeau’s/Koko/ Akeem/BushWhackers/Demolition
1. Brutus Beefcake vs. Barry Horowitz
2. Update: Randy Savage vs. Jim Duggan for the King Title
3. Greg Valentine vs. Jim McPherson
4. Dusty Rhodes vs. Dale Wolfe
5. Haku vs. Tony Diamond
6. Rick Rude vs. Paul Roma
7. BushWhackers vs. Brooklyn Brawler & Jobber
8. Brother Love Show w/Bobby Heenan & Andre the Giant
(Andre is painted like the Warrior & calls himself the “Ultimate Giant”)
9. Rougeau Brothers vs. Gary Wolfe & Tony Durante (The PitBulls)
10. Akeem vs. Hercules
WWF Prime Time Wrestling 10/2/89
Interviews w/Akeem/Rockers/Windham/Garvin/Boss Man
1. Demolition vs. Jobbers
2. Honky Tonk Man vs. Red Tyler
3. Roddy Piper vs. Barry Horowitz
4. Widow Maker (Barry Windham) vs. Reno Riggins
5. Mr. Perfect vs. Hercules
6. Brother Love Show w/Ted Dibiase
7. Hillbilly Jim vs. Ray Oakley
8. “Macho KING” Randy Savage Coronation
9. Greg Valentine vs. Jim McPherson
10. Tag Champs Brain Busters vs. BushWhackers
WWF Prime Time Wrestling 10/9/89
Interviews w/Andre/Warrior/Snuka/Dusty/Hogan/Piper/Rude/Powers of Pain/Bad News/Windham/Honky/Dibiase/Bravo/Hercules
1. Akeem vs. Jobber
2. Jimmy Snuka vs. Alan Reynolds
3. Dino Bravo vs. Red Tyler
4. Rick Rude vs. Jim Evans
5. Brutus Beefcake vs. Boris Zhukov
6. Tito Santana vs. Tony Burton
7. Brother Love Show w/Genius
(Mr. Perfect comes out as Genius announces he is Hennig new manager, the original Perfect theme debuts also)
8. Jake Roberts vs. Brian Costello
9. Bad News Brown vs. Scott Colton & Casey (Handicapped Match)
10. Red Rooster vs. Jobber
11. Hart Foundation vs. Powers of Pain (MSG)
WWF Prime Time Wrestling 10/16/89
1. Interviews w/Dusty/Valentine/Anvil/Powers of Pain/Demolition
2. Big Boss Man vs. Jobbers
3. Ron Garvin vs. Jobber
4. Genius vs. Tim Horner
5. Haku vs. Jobber
6. Honky Tonk Man vs. Hercules
7. Brother Love Show w/Randy Savage & Sherri
8. Rockers vs. Tom Stone & Al Burke
9. Tag Champs Brain Busters vs. Butch Mayo & John Weiss
10. Short Mr. Perfect Video
11. Rick Martel vs. Bret Hart
WWF Prime Time Wrestling 10/23/89
1. Interviews w/Valentine/Windham/Hulkamaniacs/Million $ Team/King’s Court
2. Mr. Perfect vs. Reno Riggins
3. Ron Garvin vs. Tony Burton
4. Fred Blassie joins the set and argues with Bobby Heenan
5. Akeem vs. Paul Roma
6. Hercules vs. George South
7. Heavyweight Champ Hulk Hogan vs. Ted Dibiase (from SNME)
8. Widow Maker vs. Jobber
9. Brother Love Show w/Dusty Rhodes
10. Jimmy Snuka vs. Brooklyn Brawler
11. Brutus Beefcake vs. Greg Valentine
WWF Prime Time Wrestling 10/30/89
This is a Halloween Edition
1. Interviews w/Hulkamaniacs/Boss Man/Dream Team/Jake Roberts
2. Greg Valentine vs. Red Rooster
3. Tito Santana vs. Bob Emery
4. Colossal Connection vs. Mike Williams & Chuck Casey
5. Dusty Rhodes vs. Joe Cruz
6. Rick Martel vs. Mark Young
7. Brother Love Show w/”Roddy’s Rowdys”
8. Trent Knight & Reno Riggins vs. Bolsheviks (w/Slick, Nikolai’s return to the WWF)
9. Mr. Perfect Ping Pong Promo
10. Jake Roberts vs. Tony Burton
11. Hercules vs. Dino Bravo (MSG)
1. (11/1/89-Witchita, KS) Dusty Rhodes vs. Akeem (w/Alick)
(Special Report – Rick Martel)
2. (10/3/89-Toledo, OH) Powers of Pain vs. Bill Woods & Chuck Casey
(Promo – Mr. Perfect w/The Genious)
(Int Jimmy Hart, Dino Bravo & John Tenta w/Ultimate Warrior)
3. (11/1/89-Witchita, KS) Andre The Giant & Haku (w/Heenan) vs. Brian Johnson & Mike Powell
(Int Warrior, Neidhart & Rockers)
4. (9/30/89-MSG) The Genious vs. Koko B. Ware
(Clip Dibiase, Zeus & Powers of Pain)
(Survivor Series Report)
5. (11/1/89-Witchita, KS) Rick Rude (w/Heenan) vs. Mark Regan
(Brother Love w/Hogan, Robberts & Demolition)
6. (9/30/89-MSG) Honkytonk Man (w/Hart) vs. Jimmy Snuka
1/2/89 – the majority of the show was a 1988 Year in Review special:
– Danny Davis vs. Jim Powers at 6:53 with a reverse roll up and grabbing the tights for leverage (12/6/88; Daytona Beach, FL; Ocean Center)
– Shawn Michaels & Marty Jannetty vs. Jose Estrada & Iron Mike Sharpe at 3:20 when Jannetty vs. Estrada with a crossbody off the top as Michaels held Estrada up for a suplex (Wrestling Challenge – 12/7/88; Tampa, FL; SunDome)
– Bret Hart fought Bad News Brown to a time-limit draw at 16:40 (5/7/88; Boston Garden)
– Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart vs. Greg Valentine & the Honkytonk Man (w/ Jimmy Hart) via disqualification at 4:38 after Honky knocked Bret out with a guitar shot to the back of the head (WWF Superstars – 12/6/88; Daytona Beach, FL; Ocean Center)
– Ron Garvin vs. Steve Lombardi at 2:38 with a piledriver (Wrestling Challenge – 12/7/88; Tampa, FL; SunDome)
– Akeem (w/ Slick) vs. Koko B. Ware with the splash at 11:17 (12/17/88; Los Angeles, CA; Sports Arena)
– Ted Dibiase (w/ Virgil) vs. Paul Roma via submission with the Million $ Dream at 10:01 (1/4/89; Birmingham, AL; Jefferson Civic Center)
– Jacques & Raymond Rougeau (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. Tommy Angel & Rusty Riddle at 2:25 after a double team move off the top (Wrestling Challenge – 10/26/88; Salisbury, MD; Wicomico Youth & Civic Center)
– Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard (w/ Bobby Heenan) vs. Tim Horner & George South at 2:21 when Anderson vs. South following a spike piledriver (WWF Superstars – 12/6/88; Daytona Beach, FL; Ocean Center)
– Tito Santana vs. the Red Rooster (w/ Bobby Heenan) with a roll up as the Rooster was busy arguing with Heenan; after the match Heenan slapped Rooster in the face, resulting in Rooster then retaliating (More Saturday Night’s Main Event) (Saturday Night’s Main Event – 12/7/88; Tampa, FL; SunDome)
1/16/89 (3.3) – special 200th episode – featured the Red Rooster as an in-studio guest for the show in which Heenan and the Rooster were about to shake hands and go their separate ways before Steve Lombardi came on the set and hit both the Rooster and Gorilla Monsoon with a stool:
– Ron Bass vs. Jim Powers with the Pedigree (1/3/89; Huntsville, AL; Von Braun Civic Center)
– Tim Horner vs. Barry Horowitz at 8:20 with a reverse roll up (12/30/88; Madison Square Garden)
– Jim Neidhart vs. Iron Mike Sharpe with a powerslam (1/4/89; Birmingham, AL; Jefferson Civic Center)
– Greg Valentine vs. Ron Garvin at 17:09 with a roll up and grabbing the tights for leverage as Garvin argued with the referee after the referee took Valentine’s shinguard from him when Garvin attempted to use it as a weapon; after the bout, Garvin used the weapon to clear Valentine from the ring (Garvin’s MSG debut) (12/30/88; Madison Square Garden)
– Mr. Perfect vs. Koko B. Ware at 3:04 with the Perfect Plex (Saturday Night’s Main Event – 12/7/88; Tampa, FL; SunDome)
– Brutus Beefcake vs. Jacques Rougeau (w/ Jimmy Hart) via disqualification at 9:09 when Raymond ran to the ring and interfered as Jacques was caught in the sleeper, moments after Jacques collided with Hart on the ring apron; after the bout, Beefcake scared all three out of the ring with his cutting shears (Best of the WWF Vol. 18) (1/3/89; Huntsville, AL; Von Braun Civic Center)
WWF Prime Time Wrestling 1/23/89 (VG, 1hr 31mins)
œ Ron Garvin vs. Dino Bravo
~ Update: Red Rooster fires Heenan, Brooklyn Brawler attacks Gorilla Monsoon & Rooster on the Prime Time Set
œ The Bushwhackers vs. Jerry Price & Tom Stone
~ Rockin Robin Interview (Sensational Sherri interrupts & the two catfight on top of Gene Okerlund)
œ The Brain Busters (Arn & Tully) vs. The Young Stallions (Jim Powers & Paul Roma) (from MLG)
~ Interviews w/Bad News Brown/Jake Roberts/Ron Bass/Bret Hart/Hercules/Jimmy Hart & Rougeau Brothers
œ “Mr. Perfect” Curt Hennig vs. Jose Luis Rivera
œ Rick Martel vs. Barry Horowitz
œ Koko B. Ware & Blue Blazer vs. Jose Estrada & Danny Davis
~ Brother Love w/Bobby Heenan & Andre the Giant (Heenan claims Andre has been hypnotized and is no longer afraid of snakes)
œ WWF Heavyweight Champ Randy Savage vs. Akeem (Big Boss Man & Hulk Hogan come in, Savage hints heel turn)
– Sam Houston (sub. for Rick Martel) vs. Danny Davis at 9:39 with a bulldog (1/23/89; Madison Square Garden)
– The Brooklyn Brawler (w/ Bobby Heenan) vs. Reno Riggins at 2:24 with the superplex (Lombardi’s debut as the Brawler) (WWF Superstars – 1/3/89; Huntsville, AL; Von Braun Civic Center)
– Akeem (w/ Slick) vs. the Blue Blazer at 8:06 with the splash (1/13/89; Boston Garden)
– Ron Garvin vs. John Zeigler at 2:51 with a piledriver (1/4/89; Birmingham, AL; Jefferson Civic Center)
– Tim Horner vs. Jose Estrada at 8:15 with a reverse roll up into a bridge (1/23/89; Madison Square Garden)
– Jim Neidhart vs. Jerry Price at the 56-second mark with the powerslam (WWF Superstars – 1/3/89; Huntsville, AL; Von Braun Civic Center)
– Tito Santana vs. Ron Bass at 6:35 with a roll up after Bass became distracted by Brutus Beefcake at ringside and brawled with him on the floor before Beefcake pushed him back inside the ring (1/23/89; Madison Square Garden)
Prime Time Wrestling 2/6/89 (VG, 1hr 34mins)
œ Danny Davis vs. Red Rooster (Terry Taylor)
œ (JIP) Haku vs. Harley Race (from Royal Rumble e89)
œ The Big Boss Man vs. Rick Allen
~ Interviews w/Powers of Pain/Mr. Fuji/Jim Duggan/Big John Studd
œ “Mr. Perfect” Curt Hennig vs. Rick Martel
œ Rick Rude vs. Brutus Beefcake
~ The Brother Love Show w/Jake Roberts
œ (JIP) Barry Horowitz vs. Sam Houston
œ Intercontinental Champ The Ultimate Warrior vs. King Haku
WWF Prime Time Wrestling 2/13/89 (VG, 1hr 35mins)
œ Bret Hart vs. Darryl Peterson
œ (JIP) Hulk Hogan & Randy Savage vs. The Big Boss Man & Akeem (From the Main Event)
~ Randy Savage attacks Hulk Hogan & manhandles Elizabeth in the locker room (from the Main Event)
~ Interviews w/Hulk Hogan/Hercules/Ron Bass/Randy Savage
œ Bad News Brown vs. Koko B. Ware
œ The Rockers vs. Barry Horowitz & Jose Estrada
œ (JIP) Hillbilly Jim vs. Rick Rude (MSG)
~ Ted Dibiase Million Dollar Belt promo #1
œ The Bushwhackers vs. The Bolsheviks
œ Big John Studd vs. The Black Knight & Chip Atkinson (Handicapped Match)
œ King Haku vs. Louie Spicolli
~ The Brother Love Show w/Bobby Heenan & the Brooklyn Brawler
œ “Mr. Perfect” Curt Hennig vs. Brutus Beefcake (MSG)
WWF Prime Time Wrestling “WrestleMania 5 Face to Face USA Special” 2/20/89 (VG)
œ The Twin Towers (Boss Man & Akeem) vs. Ricky Ataki & Mark Ming
~ Demolition vs. Powers of Pain & Mr. Fuji Face to Face Debate
œ Koko B. Ware vs. Boris Zhukov
~ Haku & Bobby Heenan vs. Hercules Face to Face Debate
~ Andre the Giant & Bobby Heenan vs. Jake Roberts Face to Face Debate
œ Ron Bass vs. Pete Doherty
~ Ron Garvin vs. Dino Bravo & Frenchie Martin Face to Face Debate
~ Rockinf Robin vs. Sensational Sherri Face to Face Debate (Who will win Hogan or Savage?)
œ Jim Powers vs. “Iron” Mike Sharpe
~ Red Rooster vs. Bobby Heenan w/Brooklyn Brawler Face to Face Debate
œ Jim Neidhart vs. The Honky Tonk Man
~ Rougeau Brothers & Jimmy Hart vs. The Bushwhackers Face to Face Debate
œ The Rockers vs. The Brain Busters (Arn & Tully)
~ The Ultimate Warrior vs. Rick Rude & Bobby Heenan Face to Face Debate
œ Brooklyn Brawler vs. Omar Atlas
~ Randy Savage vs. Hulk Hogan Face to Face Debate
œ Tag Champs Demolition vs. The Powers of Pain
WWF Prime Time Wrestling 2/27/89 (VG, 1hr 21mins)
œ Brutus Beefcake vs. Dino Bravo (Beefcake cuts Frenchy Martin’s hair)
œ Ron Garvin vs. Ron Bass (from SNME taping)
~ Million $ Belt Skit (The final skit as Dibiase is presented his Million $ Title belt at the jewelry story)
œ The Brain Busters (Arn & Tully) vs. Ricky Atakki & Louie Spicolli
œ Hillbilly Jim vs. Barry Horowitz
~ Randy Savage Promo (Tells his side of the Mega Powers story)
~ Brother Love Show w/Demolition
~ Interviews w/Brain Busters
œ Mr. Perfect vs. Red Rooster
œ The Powers of Pain vs. Sam Houston & Stephen Deleon
~ Hulk Hogan Promo (Tells his side of the Mega Powers story)
œ Hercules vs. Lou Fabiano
œ Rick Martel vs. King Haku (from MSG)
WWF Prime Time Wrestling 3/6/89 (VG, 1hr 45mins)
~ Interviews w/Jake Roberts/Heenan & Andre/Demolition/Run DMC/Morton Downey Jr./Powers of Pain & Mr. Fuji
~ Randy Savage tells his side of the story of the Mega Powers feud PART 1
~ Hulk Hogan tells his side of the story of the Mega Powers feud PART 1
œ Red Rooster (Terry Taylor) vs. Tim Patterson
œ King Haku vs. Omar Atlas
œ Big John Studd vs. Chris Duffy & Mitch Carey (Handicapped)
œ Sam Houston vs. Dino Bravo
œ Honky Tonk Man & Greg Valentine vs. Paul Brown & Rex Farmer
~ Brother Love Show w/Ted Dibiase (Debuts the Million $ Belt)
œ Twin Towers (Akeem & Boss Man) vs. Jobbers
œ Bad News Brown vs. Scott Casey (Boston Gardens)
œ Rick Rude vs. Koko B. Ware (Boston Gardens)
~ Sherri Martel Video
WWF Prime Time Wrestling 3/13/89 (VG, 1hr 43mins)
~ Interviews w/Heenan & Andre/Demolition/Mr. Fuji & Powers of Pain
~ Randy Savage tells his side of the story of the Mega Powers feud PART 2
~ Hulk Hogan tells his side of the story of the Mega Powers feud PART 2
œ Blue Blazer vs. Barry Horowitz (Meadowlands)
œ Brain Busters (Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard) vs. Terry Daniels & Jobber
œ Sam Houston & Hillbilly Jim vs. George South & Gene Ligon
œ Twin Towers vs. Jobbers
œ Bret Hart vs. Danny Davis (MSG)
~ Brother Love Show w/Jim Duggan
œ Rougeau Brothers vs. Jobbers
~ Hercules runs Bobby Heenan off the Prime Time set
œ Rockers vs. Conquistadors (MSG)
WWF Prime Time Wrestling 3/20/89 (VG, 1hr 50mins)
~ Interviews w/Rougeau’s/Bushwhackers/Dibiase/Hogan/Savage/Heenan & Brain Busters
œ Jake Roberts vs. Boris Zhukov
~ Update: Elizabeth decides to be impartial at WrestleMania 5
œ Greg Valentine & Honky Tonk Man vs. Tim Horner & Jim Evans
~ Brother Love Show w/Red Rooster
œ King Haku vs. Tony Causey
œ Tito Santana vs. Dino Bravo
œ Brutus Beefcake vs. Rick Rude (from SNME, Jake, Andre & Studd come in)
œ Ted Dibiase vs. Bret Hart
WWF Prime Time Wrestling 3/27/89 (VG, 1hr 49mins)
~ Interviews w/Beefcake/Dibiase/Rougeau’s/Bushwhackers/Strike Force/Haku
~ Demolition/Powers of Pain feud Recap
~ Red Rooster/Bobby Heenan feud Recap
~ Harts/Honky & Valentine feud Recap
~ Jake/Andre/Studd feud Recap
~ Warrior/Rude feud Recap
~ Hogan/Savage feud Recap
œ Bushwhackers vs. Danny Davis & Jose Estrada
œ Hercules vs. Jobber
œ Paul Roma vs. Brooklyn Brawler (JIP)
œ Rockers vs. Brain Busters (Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard
WWF Prime Time Wrestling 4/3/89 (VG, 1hr 49mins)
~ Hosted by Tony Schiavone & Sean Mooney
œ Jim Duggan vs. Boris Zhukov (Flag Match) (Promoting the Best of Jim Duggan)
œ Bret Hart vs. Bad News Brown (Promoting WrestleFest ’88)
œ Tito Santana vs. Masked Executioner (Promoting WrestleMania 1)
œ Big Boss Man vs. Koko B. Ware (Promoting Summer Slam ’88)
œ Brutus Beefcake vs. Jacques Rougeau (Raymond comes in) (Promoting Best of the WWF Vol. 18)
œ Ultimate Warrior, Brutus Beefcake, Blue Blazer, Sam Houston & Jim Brunzell vs. Honky Tonk Man, Ron Bass, Greg Valentine, Danny Davis & Bad News Brown (Promoting Survivor Series ’88)
œ Bret Hart vs. Steve Lombardi (Jimmy Hart gets involved) (Promoting Brains Behind the Braun)
œ Hart Foundation vs. Conquistadors (Jimmy Hart gets involved) (Promoting Brains Behind the Braun)
œ Women’s Champ Rockin’ Robin vs. Judy Martin (Promoting Royal Rumble ’89)
œ Jake Roberts vs. Rick Rude (Promoting WrestleMania IV)
~ Hulk Hogan Real American Video (Promoting HulkaMania 3)
WWF Prime Time Wrestling 4/10/89 (VG, 1hr 50mins)
~ Post WrestleMania 5 Hogan & Liz/Savage & Sherri Confrontation
~ Interviews w/Hogan/John Studd
œ The Barbarian vs. Chuck Williams
œ Brutus Beefcake vs. Steve Stone
~ Genius Promo #1
œ Tito Santana vs. Mike Sharpe
~ The Rosatti Sisters join the studio
œ Young Stallions vs. Conquistadors (MSG)
œ Brooklyn Brawler vs. Terry Daniels
œ Hart Foundation vs. Intruder & Black Knight
~ Brother Love Show w/Twin Towers & Slick
œ Mr. Perfect vs. Ron Garvin
4/17/89 (3.0):
– Hillbilly Jim vs. Boris Zhukov at 5:01 with a boot to the face; prior to the bout, Jim danced with ring announcer Mike McGuirk at ringside (4/5/89; Syracuse, NY; War Memorial)
– The Warlord (w/ Mr. Fuji) vs. Ricky Ataki at the 2-minute mark with the running powerslam (3/8/89; Odessa, TX; County Coliseum)
– Jake Roberts vs. Dusty Wolfe at 2:53 with the DDT (WWF Superstars – 3/7/89; El Paso, TX; Convention Center)
– Jacques & Raymond Rougeau vs. Tim Horner & Jeff Gaylord (Wrestling Challenge – 3/8/89; Odessa, TX; County Coliseum)
– The Red Rooster vs. Steve Sharkey via submission with an elevated chickenwing at 2:09 (WWF Superstars – 3/7/89; El Paso, TX; Convention Center)
– The Big Bossman & Akeem vs. Stephen DeLeon & Scott Casey (Wrestling Challenge – 3/8/89; Odessa, TX; County Coliseum)
– The Bushwhackers vs. Lou Fabiano & Tom Stone at 2:45 when Butch vs. Fabiano following the double gutbuster (WWF Superstars – 3/7/89; El Paso, TX; Convention Center)
– Hercules fought Bad News Brown to a double count-out (3/18/89; Madison Square Garden)
WWF Prime Time Wrestling 4/24/89 (VG, 1hr 49mins)
~ Interviews w/Anvil/Rougeau’s/Andre/Blue Blazer/Hillbilly Jim/Brain Busters/Tito
œ Brain Busters (Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard) vs. Sam Houston & Scott Casey
~ Brother Love Show w/Randy Savage (announces Sherri as his new manager)
œ Blue Blazer vs. Jose Estrada
œ Honky Tonk Man vs. Jobber
~ “Superfly” Jimmy Snuka Promo
œ Bushwhackers vs. Mcgyver & Wise
œ Mr. Perfect vs. Tim Horner (Boston Gardens)
~ Brother Love Show w/Brutus Beefcake (Savage & Sherri cut Beefcake’s hair)
~ Genius Promo #3
œ Ron Garvin vs. Greg Valentine (Valentine demands a “Retirement” match after losing)
œ Rick Martel vs. Terry Daniels (Martel debuts Slick as his new manager)
œ King Haku vs. Hillbilly Jim (Boston Gardens)
WWF Prime Time Wrestling 5/1/89 (VG, 1hr 49mins)
~ Interviews w/Beefcake/Hillbilly/Busters/Studd/Valentine/Twin Towers/Rockin’ Robin
œ Rockers vs. Boris Zhukov & George South
œ Mr. Perfect vs. Jose Luis Rivera
œ Jim Neidhart vs. Tony Suber
~ Genius Promo #4
œ Rougeau Brothers vs. Koko B. Ware & Scott Casey
œ Jake Roberts vs. Chris Duffy
œ Tag Champs Demolition vs. Rick Mitchell & Jim Chappel
~ Brother Love Show w/Bushwhackers
œ IC Champ Rick Rude vs. Hercules
~ “Superfly” Jimmy Snuka Promo
œ Dino Bravo vs. Brian Johnson
œ Warlord vs. Mark Ming
œ Red Rooster (Terry Taylor) vs. Mike Williams (AKA Mike Lane)
œ Greg Valentine vs. Ron Garvin (Retirement Match)
5/8/89 (2.9) – included Tito Santana as a guest of the Brother Love Show (4/26/89; Omaha, NE; Civic Auditorium):
– The Honkytonk Man (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. Chuck Williams at 1:52 with the Shake, Rattle, & Roll (WWF Superstars – 4/4/89; Glens Falls, NY; Civic Center)
– Bad News Brown vs. Tony Roy at 1:21 with the Ghetto Blaster; after the bout, Brown further attacked his opponent and threw him from the ring (Wrestling Challenge – 4/5/89; Syracuse, NY; War Memorial)
– Big John Studd vs. King Haku (w/ Bobby Heenan) via disqualification at 2:19 when Andre the Giant interfered; after the bout, Jim Duggan made the save with his 2×4 (Wrestling Challenge – 4/5/89; Syracuse, NY; War Memorial)
– Paul Roma vs. Boris Zhukov at 12:21 with a powerslam (4/24/89; Madison Square Garden)
– The Red Rooster vs. Iron Mike Sharpe via submission with an elevated chicken wing at 1:54; Ron Garvin made his debut as a referee for the bout and, after the contest, punched Sharpe after Sharpe pushed him (WWF Superstars – 4/4/89; Glens Falls, NY; Civic Center)
– Jacques & Raymond Rougeau (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. George Skaaland & Paul Smith at 1:51 when Raymond vs. Skaaland with a superkick (Wrestling Challenge – 4/5/89; Syracuse, NY; War Memorial)
– Jake Roberts vs. Virgil (sub. for Ted Dibiase who was suffering from the flu) with the DDT at 1:39; after the bout, Roberts gave out a handful of cash to the fans at ringside after taking the money from Virgil’s tights; moments thereafter, Dibiase came ringside and attacked Roberts, applying the Million $ Dream; it was this incident which was credited with putting Roberts out of action with a fractured disc in his neck, however he was out of action due to legal issues dealing with charges of assault (WWF Superstars – 4/4/89; Glens Falls, NY; Civic Center)
– The Blue Blazer vs. Gary Royal at 2:13 with a crossbody off the top (Wrestling Challenge – 4/5/89; Syracuse, NY; War Memorial)
– Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard (w/ Bobby Heenan) vs. Gene Ligon & Mark Brown at 2:02 when Anderson vs. Ligon following a spike piledriver behind the referee’s back (WWF Superstars – 4/4/89; Glens Falls, NY; Civic Center)
– Hercules fought the Barbarian (w/ Mr. Fuji) to a double count-out at 7:25; after the bout, Hercules broke Fuji’s cane over the Barbarian’s back (4/26/89; Omaha, NE; Civic Auditorium)
WWF Prime Time Wrestling 5/15/89 (VG, 1hr 39mins)
~ Interviews w/Hillbilly/Andre/Liz/Barbarian/Koko/Anvil/Perfect/Demolition/Honky/Bushwhackers/Rude/Genius
œ Brutus Beefcake vs. Tony Leone (Ref. Ron Garvin)
~ Origin of Jake/Dibiase feud (Jake vs. Virgil and hands out Dibiase’s money, Ted then attacks)
œ Warlord vs. Tim Horner
œ Tag Champs Demolition vs. Honky Tonk man & Greg Valentine (Ref. Ron Garvin)
œ Genius vs. Jim Powers (Genius’ Debut, Boston Gardens)
œ Bret Hart vs. Dave Wagner
œ Bad News Brow vs. Jobber
~ Zeus makes an appearance in the ring
œ Twin Towers vs. Kevin Michelson & Jim Merkel
œ Ultimate Warrior vs. Al Burke
œ Brain Busters (Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard) vs. Koko B. Ware & Blue Blazer
œ King Haku vs. Jim Duggan (King Title Change)
WWF Prime Time Wrestling 5/22/89 (VG, 1hr 40mins)
~ Interviews w/Rude/Hillbilly/Valentine/Hercules/Demolition/Genius/Jimmy Hart & Rougeau’s
œ Koko B. Ware vs. Boris Zhukov
œ IC Champ Rick Rude vs. Jim Evans
œ Barry Horowitz vs. Dusty Wolfe (Boston Gardens)
~ Jim Duggan’s KING Coronation
œ Dino Bravo vs. Scott Colton
~ Brother Love Show w/Jake Roberts
œ Red Rooster (Terry Taylor) vs. Brooklyn Brawler (Ref. Ron Garvin)
œ Warlord vs. Paul Roma
œ Rockers vs. Rougeau Brothers (Rockers theme has Shawn & Marty singing “Oooh We’re the Rockers”!!!)
œ Mr. Perfect vs. Jim Powers
WWF Prime Time Wrestling 5/29/89 (VG, 1hr 49mins)
~ Interviews w/Dibiase/Duggan/Tito/Rude/Warrior/Perfect/Martel/Bushwhackers/Hercules
œ Ted Dibiase vs. Scott Colton
œ Haku vs. Jim Evans
œ Rick Martel vs. Tim Horner
œ Brutus Beefcake vs. Tom Stone
œ Honky Tonk Man vs. Jimmy Powers
~ Brother Love w/Zeus
œ Bret Hart vs. Randy Spear (Ron Garvin is ref.)
œ Red Rooster (Terry Taylor) vs. Charlon
œ Bad News Brown & Brooklyn Brawler vs. Blue Blazer & Hillbilly Jim
WWF Prime Time Wrestling 6/5/89 (VG, 1hr 47mins)
~ On the site of the “No Holds Barred” Movie premiere
~ Interviews w/Genius/Perfect/Rougeau’s/Rooster/Demolition/Bret/Barbarian/Bravo/Koko
œ King Jim Duggan vs. Dave Wagner (Heenan, Haku, Andre & John Studd come in)
œ Mr. Perfect vs. Jobber
œ Twin Towers (Boss Man & Akeem) vs. Jerry Lynn & Ray Brown
œ Bushwhackers vs. Bad News Brown & Brooklyn Brawler
œ Honky Tonk Man vs. Red Tyler
~ Jimmy Snuka Interview (Honky Tonk Man interjects and gets Superflied)
~ From 1988: Heenan attempts to sell Hercules, Dibiase attacks Herc
œ Mike Sharpe vs. Jim Powers
œ Tag Champs Demolition vs. Todd Becker & Fuller Stevens
~ Dusty Rhodes Promo #1 (Dusty’s a Pizza Delivery Man)
œ Tito Santana vs. Jake Milliman (Ron Garvin is Ref.)
œ Hillbilly Jim vs. Greg Valentine (MSG)
WWF Prime Time Wrestling 6/12/89 (VG, 1hr 56mins)
~ Interviews w/Honky/Anvil/Rougeau’s/Rude/Hillbilly/Valentine
œ Hercules vs. Harley Manson
œ Blue Blazer vs. Greg Valentine (MSG)
œ Genius vs. Brian Costello
œ IC Champ Rick Rude vs. Frank DeFalco
œ Tim Horner vs. Barry Horowitz (Boston Gardens)
~ Dusty Rhodes Promo #2 (Dusty’s working at a Mexican Restaurant)
œ Ultimate Warrior vs. Dusty Wolfe
œ Bad News Brown vs. Brutus Beefcake (Boston Gardens)
6/19/89 (3.4):
– The Warlord (w/ Mr. Fuji) vs. the Blue Blazer at 2:14 by catching Blazer coming off the top and hitting a powerslam (6/6/89; Madison, WI; Dane County Coliseum)
– The Bushwhackers vs. Dusty Wolfe & Jim Merkel at 3:14 when Luke vs. Merkel following the double gutbuster (Wrestling Challenge – 6/7/89; Rockford, IL; Metro Centre)
– Ted Dibiase (w/ Virgil) vs. Red Tyler via submission with the Million $ Dream at 2:19 (WWF Superstars – 5/17/89; Duluth, MN; Entertainment Convention Center)
– Mr. Perfect vs. JT Thomas with the Perfect Plex at 1:52 (WWF Superstars – 5/17/89; Duluth, MN; Entertainment Convention Center)
– Paul Roma & Jim Powers vs. Boris Zhukov & Barry Horowitz at 9:01 when Powers vs. Horowitz with a powerslam (6/6/89; Madison, WI; Dane County Coliseum)
– Rick Martel (w/ Slick) vs. Jerry Lynn at 2:49 with a kneedrop off the top (Wrestling Challenge – 5/16/89; LaCrosse, WI; LaCrosse Center)
– Coliseum Video Corner: WWF IC Champion the Ultimate Warrior vs. Greg Valentine (w/ Jimmy Hart) with a clothesline after hitting the challenger with his own shin guard (The Ultimate Warrior) (2/3/89; Milwaukee, WI; Bradley Center)
– Jacques & Raymond Rougeau (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. Tim Horner & Chris Zarna at 3:49 when Raymond vs. Zarna following a kneedrop by Jacques as Raymond had a Boston Crab applied (Wrestling Challenge – 6/7/89; Rockford, IL; Metro Centre)
– Hillbilly Jim vs. Butler Stevens at 1:33 with a boot to the face (WWF Superstars – 6/6/89; Madison, WI; Dane County Coliseum)
– Bad News Brown vs. the Brooklyn Brawler with the Ghetto Blaster at 4:36 (6/7/89; Rockford, IL; Metro Centre)
– Mr. Perfect vs. Scott Colton with the Perfect Plex at 1:44 (WWF Superstars – 6/6/89; Madison, WI; Dane County Coliseum)
– Brutus Beefcake vs. Tom Stock via submission with the sleeper at 2:40 (Wrestling Challenge – 5/16/89; LaCrosse, WI; LaCrosse Center)
– Jacques & Raymond Rougeau (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. Tim Horner & Chris Zarna at 3:49 when Raymond vs. Zarna following a kneedrop by Jacques as Raymond had a Boston Crab applied (Wrestling Challenge – 6/7/89; Rockford, IL; Metro Centre)
– Hillbilly Jim vs. Butler Stevens at 1:33 with a boot to the face (WWF Superstars – 6/6/89; Madison, WI; Dane County Coliseum)
– Barry Windham vs. Frankie DeFalco at 1:39 with the superplex (Windham’s return after 4 years; the debut of the Widowmaker gimmick) (WWF Superstars – 6/6/89; Madison, WI; Dane County Coliseum)
– King Jim Duggan vs. Jim Megan at 1:55 with the running clothesline (Wrestling Challenge – 6/7/89; Rockford, IL; Metro Centre)
– Coliseum Video Corner: WWF Tag Team Champions Demolition vs. the Powers of Pain (w/ Mr. Fuji) via disqualification at 8:16 when Mr. Fuji threw powder in Ax’ eyes after Ax attacked the challengers with Fuji’s cane behind the referee’s back; after the bout, the Powers of Pain further attacked the champions (Best of the WWF Vol. 19) (2/3/89; Milwaukee, WI; Bradley Center)
– Shawn Michaels & Marty Jannetty vs. Barry Horowitz & Tom Stone at 3:19 when Michaels vs. Stone following double flyiing fistdrops (Wrestling Challenge – 6/7/89; Rockford, IL; Metro Centre)
– WWF IC Champion Rick Rude (w/ Bobby Heenan) vs. Sonny Rogers at the 45-second mark with the Rude Awakening; after the bout, the Ultimate Warrior attacked Rude after the champion brought a young lady into the ring and closed his eyes in preparation for her to kiss him (WWF Superstars – 6/6/89; Madison, WI; Dane County Coliseum)
– Tito Santana vs. Dusty Wolfe at 3:04 with the flying forearm; Ron Garvin was the referee (Wrestling Challenge – 5/16/89; LaCrosse, WI; LaCrosse Center)
– The Barbarian (w/ Mr. Fuji) vs. Tom Stark at 1:46 with a clothesline off the top (WWF Superstars – 6/6/89; Madison, WI; Dane County Coliseum)
– Greg Valentine vs. Jim Neidhart (2/20/89; Madison Square Garden)
7/3/89 (2.7):
– Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard (w/ Bobby Heenan) vs. Tom Stock & Eddie Slater at 2:57 when Anderson vs. Slater following a spike piledriver behind the referee’s back (WWF Superstars – 5/17/89; Duluth, MN; Entertainment Convention Center)
– Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart vs. Jake Milliman & Boris Zhukov at 3:03 when Bret vs. Milliman following the Hart Attack; Ron Garvin was the referee for the bout and knocked Zhukov out following the match after Zhukov shoved him into the ropes (Wrestling Challenge – 6/7/89; Rockford, IL; Metro Centre)
– Ted Dibiase (w/ Virgil) vs. JT Thomas via submission with the Million $ Dream at 2:21 (Wrestling Challenge – 5/16/89; LaCrosse, WI; LaCrosse Center)
– Bad News Brown vs. Larry Larson at 2:02 with the Ghetto Blaster (Wrestling Challenge – 6/7/89; Rockford, IL; Metro Centre)
– Hercules vs. Butler Stevens via submission with the backbreaker at 1:56 (Wrestling Challenge – 6/7/89; Rockford, IL; Metro Centre)
– The Big Bossman & Akeem (w/ Slick) vs. Jim Evans & Ron Fails at 4:17 when Akeem vs. Evans with the splash after Bossman hit a reverse shoulderbreaker; after the bout, Akeem handcuffed Fails to the ring rope so Bossman could beat him with the nightstick (WWF Superstars – 6/6/89; Madison, WI; Dane County Coliseum)
– Koko B. Ware vs. Barry Horowitz at 2:59 with the Ghostbuster; Ron Garvin was the referee for the bout (Wrestling Challenge – 5/16/89; LaCrosse, WI; LaCrosse Center)
– Coliseum Video Corner: Brutus Beefcake vs. Ron Bass via submission with the sleeper at 7:40 in a hair vs. hair match after avoiding a clothesline (More Saturday Night’s Main Event) (Saturday Night’s Main Event – 12/7/88; Tampa, FL; SunDome)
– WWF Tag Team Champions Demolition vs. Tom Stone & Chris Curtis at 2:30 when Ax vs. Curtis following the Decapitation (WWF Superstars – 6/6/89; Madison, WI; Dane County Coliseum)
– Shawn Michaels & Marty Jannetty vs. Dino Bravo & Greg Valentine (w/ Jimmy Hart) via reverse decision; Bravo vs. Jannetty with a roll over following a clothesline from Valentine behind the referee’s back at 11:36 but referee Ron Garvin came ringside after the bout and informed the referee what had taken place – which led to the decision being reversed (SuperTape 2) (6/28/89; Rochester, NY; War Memorial)
7/10/89 (2.8) – featured Bobby Heenan walking off the set during the middle of the show, and then later returning to announce that he will have his own show starting next week:
– Akeem (w/ Slick) vs. Chris Allen at 2:04 with a splash (6/28/89; Rochester, NY; War Memorial)
– Brutus Beefcake vs. Greg Evans via submission with the sleeper at 1:26 (Wrestling Challenge – 6/27/89; Niagara Falls, NY; Convention Center)
– Brad Perry vs. Dino Bravo (w/ Jimmy Hart) via disqualification at 2:33 when referee Ron Garvin called for the bell after Bravo continuously picked his opponent up off the mat after gaining a 2-count and then hung Perry in the corner and kicked him in the ribs; after the bout, Garvin attacked Bravo before referees seperated the two (WWF Superstars – 6/6/89; Madison, WI; Dane County Coliseum)
– The Bushwhackers vs. Barry Hardy & Sonny Austin at 2:25 when Luke vs. Austin following a double gutbuster (WWF Superstars – 6/28/89; Rochester, NY; War Memorial)
– The Honkytonk Man (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. Al Bermice at 2:19 with the Shake, Rattle, & Roll (WWF Superstars – 6/28/89; Rochester, NY; War Memorial)
– Koko B. Ware vs. Greg Valentine (w/ Jimmy Hart) via reverse decision; Valentine originally won the match at 4:53 with his feet on the ropes but referee Ron Garvin came down after the match and ruled the pinfall as illegal (6/7/89; Rockford, IL; Metro Centre)
– Jimmy Snuka vs. Tom Stone with the splash off the top at 1:35 (WWF Superstars – 6/28/89; Rochester, NY; War Memorial)
– The Ultimate Warrior vs. Mike Williams at 1:56 with the gorilla press slam and splash; after the bout, Warrior carried his opponent backstage (WWF Superstars – 6/28/89; Rochester, NY; War Memorial)
– Ted Dibiase (w/ Virgil) vs. Mario Mancini via submission at 1:24 with Million $ Dream (WWF Superstars – 6/28/89; Rochester, NY; War Memorial)
– Hillbilly Jim vs. Boris Zhukov at 3:16 with a boot to the face (6/28/89; Rochester, NY; War Memorial)
WWF Prime Time Wrestling 7/17/89 (VG, 2hrs)
~ Interviews w/Windham/Valentine/Duggan/Martel/Powers of Pain
œ Widow Maker (Barry Windham) vs. Dennis Allen (Ron Garvin is ref.)
~ Update: Ron Garvin DQ’s Bravo (Bravo/Garvin feud) Jack Tunney issues Garvin a warning
œ Mr. Perfect vs. Jobber (Tony Schiavone replaces Heenan on Challenge)
œ Paul Roma vs. Sandy Beach (MSG)
~ Brother Love Show w/Randy Savage & Zeus (they challenge Hogan & Beefcake)
~ Hulk Hogan & Brutus Beefcake Interview (they accept Savage’s challenge)
œ Tito Santana vs. Boris Zhukov
~ Brother Love Show w/Genius (Lanny makes Brother, a Dr. of Love)
œ Mr. Perfect vs. Hercules (Draw)
~ The Bobby Heenan Show Debuts w/The Oinkettes, Coco & Penny, as well as the debut of the fun loving Jameson Winger
7/24/89 (3.9) – included the second edition of the Bobby Heenan Show (2.5):
– The Big Bossman (w/ Slick) vs. Jim McPherson at 1:26 with the sidewalk slam; after the bout, Dusty Rhodes came into the ring and stole the nightstick from Slick before the Bossman could attack his opponent with it and then attacked Bossman with nightstick as Slick attempted to hit Rhodes with the handcuffs (WWF Superstars – 6/28/89; Rochester, NY; War Memorial)
– Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart vs. Barry Horowitz & Dave Coleman at 2:48 when Bret vs. Coleman following the Hart Attack (WWF Superstars – 6/28/89; Rochester, NY; War Memorial)
– Rick Martel (w/ Slick) vs. Don Champ at 3:50 with a kneedrop off the top (6/27/89; Niagara Falls, NY; Convention Center)
– The Genius vs. Jose Luis Rivera with a somersault splash off the top (7/10/89; Long Island, NY; Nassau Coliseum)
– The Bushwhackers vs. the Gladiator & Sandy Beach at 3:09 when Luke vs. the Gladiator following the double gutbuster (Wrestling Challenge – 6/27/89; Niagara Falls, NY; Convention Center)
– The Red Rooster vs. Jim Chapel via submission at 1:44 with an elevated chickenwing (Wrestling Challenge – 6/27/89; Niagara Falls, NY; Convention Center)
– WWF IC Champion Rick Rude (w/ Bobby Heenan) vs. Tony Durante at 1:17 with the Rude Awakening (WWF Superstars – 6/28/89; Rochester, NY; War Memorial)
– Bad News Brown vs. Koko B. Ware at 7:35 with the Ghetto Blaster (1/24/89; Tucson, AZ; Convention Center)
7/31/89 (3.8) – included the third edition of the Bobby Heenan Show (3.7):
– Jimmy Snuka vs. Greg Valentine (w/ Jimmy Hart) at 3:14 with a flying crossbody after referee Ron Garvin punched Valentine (Wrestling Superheroes) (Saturday Night’s Main Event – 7/18/89; Worcester, MA; Centrum)
– Dino Bravo (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. Dale Wolfe at 2:24 with the side suplex; after the bout, Bravo taunted referee Ron Garvin to hit him but Garvin opted not to (Wrestling Challenge – 6/27/89; Niagara Falls, NY; Convention Center)
– King Jim Duggan vs. the Gladiator at 1:54 with the running clothesline (WWF Superstars – 6/28/89; Rochester, NY; War Memorial)
– Tim Horner vs. Iron Mike Sharpe with a modified sunset flip (7/10/89; Long Island, NY; Nassau Coliseum)
– Hillbilly Jim vs. Sandy Beach at 2:24 following a boot to the face (Wrestling Challenge – 6/27/89; Niagara Falls, NY; Convention Center)
– Jacques & Raymond Rougeau (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. Paul Roma & Todd Becker at 2:52 when Raymond vs. Becker, after a kneedrop from Jacques as Raymond has the Boston Crab applied (WWF Superstars – 6/6/89; Madison, WI; Dane County Coliseum)
– Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard (w/ Bobby Heenan) vs. WWF Tag Team Champions Demolition in a Best 2 out of 3 falls match to win the titles; fall #1: Smash vs. Anderson after dropping him throat first on the top rope at the 5-minute mark; fall #2: the champions were disqualified for continuous double teaming at 9:29; fall #3: Anderson vs. Smash at 12:33 after Blanchard hit Smash in the back of the head with a chair, which had been thrown into the ring by Andre the Giant (Saturday Night’s Main Event – 7/18/89; Worcester, MA; Centrum)
8/7/89 – included the final edition of the Bobby Heenan Show:
– Barry Windham vs. Terry Daniels with the superplex (7/19/89; Utica, NY; Memorial Auditorium)
– The Powers of Pain (w/ Mr. Fuji) vs. Jim Powers & Paul Roma when the Barbarian vs. Powers with a clothesline off the top as Warlord held Powers in the air (7/18/89; Worcester, MA; Centrum)
– Hercules vs. Chris Duffy via submission at 2:09 with the backbreaker (WWF Superstars – 7/18/89; Worcester, MA; Centrum)
– Rick Martel (w/ Slick) vs. Koko B. Ware with a kneedrop off the top (7/19/89; Utica, NY; Memorial Auditorium)
– Brutus Beefcake vs. Randy Savage (w/ Sensational Sherri) via disqualification when Zeus interfered at around the 12-minute mark; Hulk Hogan attempted to make the save after the bout but was unable to drop Zeus following two steel chair shots to the back (Saturday Night’s Main Event – 7/18/89; Worcester, MA; Centrum)
8/13/89 (3.3) – 3-hour special – featured a sing-a-song showdown between Dusty Rhodes and the Honkytonk Man; the show was hosted by Gorilla Monsoon & Roddy Piper in Studio A and co-hosted by Bobby Heenan in Studio B:
– Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart vs. the Powers of Pain (w/ Mr. Fuji) via count-out at 9:24 after Fuji accidentally hit Barbarian with his cane, allowing Hart to slide back inside the ring (6/27/89; Niagara Falls, NY; Convention Center)
– Koko B. Ware vs. Iron Mike Sharpe with the Ghostbuster at 1:38 (7/18/89; Worcester, MA; Centrum)
– Jacques & Raymond Rougeau (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. Tim Horner & Mark Young when Raymond vs. Young after Jacques hit a kneedrop off the top as Raymond had a Boston Crab applied (7/19/89; Utica, NY; Memorial Auditorium)
– Greg Valentine (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. Dave Paradise via submission with the shinguard assisted figure-4 at 3:26 (7/18/89; Worcester, MA; Centrum)
– Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard (w/ Bobby Heenan) vs. WWF Tag Team Champions Demolition in a Best 2 out of 3 falls match to win the titles; fall #1: Smash vs. Anderson after dropping him throat first on the top rope at the 5-minute mark; fall #2: the champions were disqualified for continuous double teaming at 9:29; fall #3: Anderson vs. Smash at 12:33 after Blanchard hit Smash in the back of the head with a chair, which had been thrown into the ring by Andre the Giant (Saturday Night’s Main Event – 7/18/89; Worcester, MA; Centrum)
– Jimmy Snuka vs. Dino Bravo (w/ Jimmy Hart) via disqualification at 8:10 after Hart attempted to interfere (7/19/89; Utica, NY; Memorial Auditorium)
– Brutus Beefcake vs. Randy Savage (w/ Sensational Sherri) via disqualification when Zeus interfered at around the 12-minute mark; Hulk Hogan attempted to make the save after the bout but was unable to drop Zeus following two steel chair shots to the back (Saturday Night’s Main Event – 7/18/89; Worcester, MA; Centrum)
– The Ultimate Warrior vs. Haku at 8:02 with a clothesline; after the bout, Warrior fought off Rick Rude and tossed him over the top rope onto Andre the Giant who had come ringside (Ultimate Warrior 1990) (6/27/89; Niagara Falls, NY; Convention Center)
8/21/89 – included WWF IC Champion Rick Rude as a guest of Bobby Heenan in Studio B, with Rude eventually going over to the main Prime Time set and getting into a pull-apart brawl with Roddy Piper:
– WWF IC Champion Rick Rude (w/ Bobby Heenan) vs. Tim Horner at 4:45 with the Rude Awakening; after the bout, Rude opted not to give his ‘Rude Awakening’ kiss, saying no woman in the audience was worthy (8/8/89; Oakland, CA; Coliseum)
– The Honky Tonk Man & Dino Bravo (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart via disqualification at 8:56 when Neidhart used Jimmy Hart’s megaphone as a weapon on the opposition after the manager tried to interfere (WrestleFest 90) (8/8/89; Oakland, CA; Coliseum)
– The Genius vs. Stephan DeLeon at 4:04 with a somersault splash off the top (8/9/89; Fresno, CA; Selland Arena)
– Koko B. Ware vs. Barry Horowitz at 3:44 with the Ghostbuster (8/9/89; Fresno, CA; Selland Arena)
– Jacques & Raymond Rougeau (w/ Jimmy Hart, Rick Martel, & Slick) vs. Bob Allen & Mark Ming at 3:15 when Jacques vs. Ming following a double kneedrop (Wrestling Challenge – 8/9/89; Fresno, CA; Selland Arena)
– Mr. Perfect fought Tito Santana to a 20-minute time-limit draw; after the bout, Santana cleared Perfect from the ring (8/8/89; Oakland, CA; Coliseum)
WWF Prime Time Wrestling 9/4/89 (VG, 1hr 37mins)
~ Gorilla Monsoon hosts the show alone
~ Interviews w/Rude/Rockers/Bad News/Tito/Dusty/Martel/Valentine/Windham/Jake/Garvin
œ Bushwhackers vs. Black Knight & Darryl Nichols
œ Rougeau Brothers vs. Jim Evans & Jobber
œ King Jim Duggan vs. Brooklyn Brawler
œ Dino Bravo vs. Louie Spicolli
œ Genius vs. Mark Young
œ Brutus Beefcake vs. Chuck Campbell
œ Powers of Pain vs. Tom Stone & Dale Wolfe
œ Paul Roma vs. Boris Zhukov
œ Rick Martel vs. Tim Horner
œ Big Boss Man vs. Hercules
WWF Prime Time Wrestling 9/11/89 (VG, 1hr 50mins)
~ Bobby Heenan returns to the PTW set as Co-Host & Roddy Piper takes over the Bobby Heenan show set
~ Interviews w/Honky/Bad News/Tito/Martel/Perfect/Rockers/Jake Roberts/Warrior/Andre
œ Widow Maker (Barry Windham) vs. Tim Horner
~ Warrior/Heenan Confrontation in the aisle way, Andre attacks the Warrior
œ Dusty Rhodes vs. Tom Stone
~ Koko B. Ware debuts his new song “Doing the Bird”
œ Powers of Pain vs. Jobbers
œ Jimmy Snuka vs. Jake Milliman
œ Rougeau Brothers vs. Terry Daniels & Jobber
œ King Jim Duggan vs. Tony Ulysses
œ Brutus Beefcake vs. Dale Wolfe
œ Honky Tonk Man vs. Mario Mancini
~ Brother Love Show w/Roddy Piper (Heenan comes in, Rude attacks Piper and throws mouthwash in Piper’s eyes)
œ Hart Foundation vs. Rockers (Rougeau’s come in)
WWF Prime Time Wrestling 9/18/89 (VG, 1hr 49mins)
~ Interviews w/Andre/Rude/Piper/Jake/Honky/Koko/Valentine/Harts/Martel/Dusty/Rockers/Savage & Sherri/Powers of Pain
œ IC Champ Ultimate Warrior vs. Bob Bradley
œ Ted Dibiase vs. Gary Wolfe (Pitbull #1)
œ Koko B. Ware vs. Craig Riley
œ Greg Valentine vs. Bobby Munice
œ Rick Martel vs. Terry Daniels
~ Brother Love Show w/Jake Roberts
œ Dino bravo vs. Ron Garvin (Valentine comes in)
œ Akeem vs. Jobber
œ Tito Santana vs. Widow Maker (Barry Windham) (Draw)
WWF Prime Time Wrestling 9/25/89 (VG, 1hr 46mins)
~ Interviews w/Garvin/Boss Man/Brain Busters/Honky/Hercules/Windham/Rougeau’s/Koko/ Akeem/Bushwhackers/Demolition
œ Brutus Beefcake vs. Barry Horowitz
~ Update: Randy Savage vs. Jim Duggan for the King Title (Title Change)
œ Greg Valentine vs. Jim McPherson
œ Dusty Rhodes vs. Dale Wolfe
œ Haku vs. Tony Diamond
œ Rick Rude vs. Paul Roma (A Girl no sells Rude’s Kiss)
œ Bushwhackers vs. Brooklyn Brawler & Jobber
~ Brother Love Show w/Bobby Heenan & Andre the Giant (Andre is painted like the Warrior & calls himself the “Ultimate Giant”)
œ Rougeau Brothers vs. Gary Wolfe & Tony Durante (The Pitbulls)
œ Akeem vs. Hercules
WWF Prime Time Wrestling 10/2/89 (VG, 1hr 48mins)
~ Interviews w/Akeem/Rockers/Windham/Garvin/Boss Man
œ Demolition vs. Jobbers
œ Honky Tonk Man vs. Red Tyler
œ Roddy Piper vs. Barry Horowitz (Same girl sells Piper’s kiss)
œ Widow Maker (Barry Windham) vs. Reno Riggins
œ Mr. Perfect vs. Hercules
~ Brother Love Show w/Ted Dibiase
œ Hillbilly Jim vs. Ray Oakley
~ “Macho KING” Randy Savage Coronation
œ Greg Valentine vs. Jim McPherson
œ Tag Champs Brain Busters vs. Bushwhackers
WWF Prime Time Wrestling 10/9/89 (VG, 1hr 49mins)
~ Interviews w/Andre/Warrior/Snuka/Dusty/Hogan/Piper/Rude/Powers of Pain/Bad News/Windham/Honky/Dibiase/Bravo/Hercules
œ Akeem vs. Jobber
œ Jimmy Snuka vs. Alan Reynolds
œ Dino Bravo vs. Red Tyler
œ Rick Rude vs. Jim Evans
œ Brutus Beefcake vs. Boris Zhukov
œ Tito Santana vs. Tony Burton
~ Brother Love Show w/Genius (Mr. Perfect comes out as Genius announces he is Hennig new manager, the original Perfect theme debuts also)
œ Jake Roberts vs. Brian Costello
œ Bad News Brown vs. Scott Colton & Casey (Handicapped Match)
œ Red Rooster vs. Jobber
œ Hart Foundation vs. Powers of Pain (MSG)
WWF Prime Time Wrestling 10/16/89 (VG, 1hr 44mins)
~ Interviews w/Dusty/Valentine/Anvil/Powers of Pain/Demolition
œ Big Boss Man vs. Jobbers
œ Ron Garvin vs. Jobber
œ Genius vs. Tim Horner
œ Haku vs. Jobber
œ Honky Tonk Man vs. Hercules
~ Brother Love Show w/Randy Savage & Sherri
œ Rockers vs. Tom Stone & Al Burke
œ Tag Champs Brain Busters (Arn & Tully) vs. Butch Mayo & John Weiss (Demolition come in)
~ Short Mr. Perfect Video
œ Rick Martel vs. Bret Hart (Draw)
WWF Prime Time Wrestling 10/23/89 (VG, 1hr 49mins)
~ Interviews w/Valentine/Windham/Hulkamaniacs/Million $ Team/King’s Court
œ Mr. Perfect vs. Reno Riggins (Hennig Sports his original Exodus Music)
œ Ron Garvin vs. Tony Burton
~ Fred Blassie joins the set and argues with Bobby Heenan
œ Akeem vs. Paul Roma
œ Hercules vs. George South
œ Heavyweight Champ Hulk Hogan vs. Ted Dibiase (from SNME, Zeus & Jake come in)
œ Widow Maker (Barry Windham) vs. Jobber
~ Brother Love Show w/Dusty Rhodes
œ Jimmy Snuka vs. Brooklyn Brawler
œ Brutus Beefcake vs. Greg Valentine
WWF Prime Time Wrestling 10/30/89 (VG, 1hr 42mins)
~ This is a Halloween Edition featuring Gorilla Monsoon dressed up as Brother Love, Bobby Heenan dressed up as The Genius, and Roddy Piper dressed up as Bobby Heenan.
~ Interviews w/Hulkamaniacs/Boss Man/Dream Team/Jake Roberts
œ Greg Valentine vs. Red Rooster (Terry Taylor)
œ Tito Santana vs. Bob Emery
œ Colossal Connection (Haku & Andre the Giant) vs. Mike Williams & Chuck Casey
œ Dusty Rhodes vs. Joe Cruz
œ Rick Martel vs. Mark Young
~ Brother Love Show w/”Roddy’s Rowdys” (Piper, Snuka & Bushwhackers)
œ Trent Knight & Reno Riggins vs. Bolsheviks (w/Slick, this is Nikolai’s return to the WWF)
~ Mr. Perfect Ping Pong Promo
œ Jake Roberts vs. Tony Burton
œ Hercules vs. Dino Bravo (MSG)
11/6/89 (3.1):
– The Genius vs. Jim McPherson at 2:49 with a somersault splash off the top (10/3/89; Toledo, OH; Sports Arena)
– Shawn Michaels & Marty Jannetty vs. Barry Hardy & Alan Reynolds at 2:06 when Michaels vs. Reynolds following double flying fistdrops (Wrestling Challenge – 10/3/89; Toledo, OH; Sports Arena)
– Bad News Brown vs. Chuck Casey at 4:07 with the Ghetto Blaster (10/2/89; Wheeling, WV; Civic Center)
– Jim Neidhart vs. the Brooklyn Brawler at 6:59 with a powerslam (10/3/89; Toledo, OH; Sports Arena)
– Dino Bravo (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. Dale Wolfe via submission with a bearhug at 1:58 (Wrestling Challenge – 10/3/89; Toledo, OH; Sports Arena)
– Demolition vs. WWF Tag Team Champions Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard (w/ Bobby Heenan) at 5:29 to win the titles when Ax vs. Blanchard, the illegal man, with the Decapitation (WWF Superstars – 10/2/89; Wheeling, WV; Civic Center)
– Jim Duggan (w/ Bret Hart, Ron Garvin, & Hercules) vs. Barry Horowitz at 2:16 with the running clothesline (WWF Superstars – 10/2/89; Wheeling, WV; Civic Center)
– Mr. Perfect (w/ the Genius) vs. Bret Hart at 17:20 with a roll over and grabbing the tights for leverage after Hart blocked a suplex into the ring (10/2/89; Wheeling, WV; Civic Center)
11/12/89 – Survivor Series Showdown (3.9) – featured Vince McMahon & Jesse Ventura on commentary; all matches took place 11/1/89 in Wichita, KS:
– Tito Santana (w/ Dusty Rhodes) vs. the Big Bossman (w/ Slick & Akeem) at 11:35 after Rhodes hit the Bossman with his own nightstick behind the referee’s back and placed Santana on top after the Bossman used the weapon on Santana
– Mr. Perfect (w/ the Genius) vs. Bushwhacker Butch (w/ Bushwhacker Luke) with the Perfect Plex at 6:55; after the bout, the Bushwhackers cleared the ring with a battering ram and double clothesline
– Randy Savage (w/ Sensational Sherri) vs. Hercules at 10:54 after hitting him with Sherri’s loaded purse as Sherri distracted the referee
– WWF IC Champion the Ultimate Warrior vs. Tully Blanchard (w/ Bobby Heenan) via disqualification at 6:00 when Arn Anderson interfered; after the bout, Jim Neidhart, Shawn Michaels, & Marty Jannetty made the save against Blanchard, Anderson, Haku, and Andre the Giant (Blanchard’s last match in the WWF)
– Ted Dibiase (w/ Virgil) vs. WWF Tag Team Champion Demolition Smash at 10:11 after Zeus interfered on the floor and threw Smash back inside the ring; after the bout, Dibiase put Smash in the Million $ Dream before Ax made the save – challenging Zeus to a fight; Zeus was held back by Dibiase and Virgil
11/20/89 (2.9):
– Dusty Rhodes vs. Akeem (w/ Slick) via count-out at 3:52 after Akeem and Slick began arguing with a fan in the front row (the woman later known as Sapphire) with Rhodes then coming out and knocking Akeem down on the floor just before the 10-count; after the bout, Rhodes cleared Akeem from the ring (Wrestling Challenge – 11/1/89; Wichita, KS; Kansas Coliseum)
– The Powers of Pain (w/ Mr. Fuji) vs. Bill Woods & Chuck Casey at 1:11 when the Barbarian vs. Casey with a clothesline off the top as Warlord held Casey in the air (Wrestling Challenge – 10/3/89; Toledo, OH; Sports Arena)
– Andre the Giant & Haku (w/ Bobby Heenan) vs. Brian Johnson & Mike Powell at 3:51 when Andre vs. Powell with an elbow drop following a side kick to the face from Haku (Wrestling Challenge – 11/1/89; Wichita, KS; Kansas Coliseum)
– The Genius vs. Koko B. Ware at 13:01 with a roll up (9/30/89; Madison Square Garden)
– Rick Rude (w/ Bobby Heenan) vs. Mark Regan at 1:58 with the Rude Awakening; after the bout, Rude opted not to give his ‘Rude Awakening’ kiss to the woman who had been selected, with Rude saying he was right when referring to everyone in Kansas as ‘sweat hogs’ (Wrestling Challenge – 11/1/89; Wichita, KS; Kansas Coliseum)
– Jimmy Snuka vs. the Honkytonk Man (w/ Jimmy Hart) at 10:27 with a bodyslam and diving headbutt off the top after Honky collided with Hart on the ring apron (Snuka’s return to MSG following the first WrestleMania) (World Tour 1990) (9/30/89; Madison Square Garden)
11/27/89 (3.0):
– Jake Roberts vs. Al Burke at 2:44 with the DDT (Wrestling Challenge – 11/1/89; Wichita, KS; Kansas Coliseum)
– Randy Savage (w/ Sensational Sherri) vs. Paul Roma at 3:10 with the flying elbowsmash after Sherri had pushed Roma off the top rope moments earlier (WWF Superstars – 10/31/89; Topeka, KS; Expocentre)
– Al Perez vs. Conquistador #1 (Jose Luis Rivera) with a spinning crucifix powerbomb (Perez’ MSG debut) (10/28/89; Madison Square Garden)
– Bad News Brown vs. Mike Justice at 2:01 with the Ghetto Blaster (Wrestling Challenge – 11/1/89; Wichita, KS; Kansas Coliseum)
– Tito Santana vs. Boris Zhukov (sub. for Barry Windham) at 9:43 with the flying forearm (10/28/89; Madison Square Garden)
– The Brooklyn Brawler vs. Jose Luis Rivera at 7:34 after sending Rivera face-first to the mat from the middle rope (10/28/89; Madison Square Garden)
– The Bushwhackers vs. Barry Horowitz & Dave Wagner at 2:48 when Luke vs. Wagner following the double gutbuster (Wrestling Challenge – 11/1/89; Wichita, KS; Kansas Coliseum)
– Hercules vs. Akeem via count-out at 10:32 after Akeem fell to the floor when Hercules ducked a clothesline (10/28/89; Madison Square Garden)
12/4/89 (2.9):
– The Canadian Earthquake (w/ Jimmy Hart & Dino Bravo) vs. Reno Riggins at 2:13 with the sit-down splash (11/20/89; Indianapolis, IN; Market Square Arena)
– Ron Garvin vs. Conquistador #1 via submission via submission with the Scorpion Deathlock at 5:44 (11/21/89; Ft. Wayne, IN; Allen County War Memorial)
– Paul Roma vs. Boris Zhukov at 14:14 with a powerslam (10/8/89; Maple Leaf Gardens)
– Brutus Beefcake vs. Alan Reynolds via submission at 1:59 with the sleeper (WWF Superstars – 11/20/89; Indianapolis, IN; Market Square Arena)
– Rick Rude (w/ Bobby Heenan) vs. the Red Rooster with the Rude Awakening at 7:24 (11/20/89; Indianapolis, IN; Market Square Arena)
– Andre the Giant & Haku (w/ Bobby Heenan) vs. Al Burke & Mike Shelton at 4:09 when Andre vs. Shelton with an elbow drop following a side kick to the face from Haku (Wrestling Challenge – 11/21/89; Ft. Wayne, IN; Allen County War Memorial)
– Mark Young vs. Barry Horowitz with a reverse sunset flip at 10:58 (Young’s MSG debut) (9/30/89; Madison Square Garden)
– Jimmy Snuka fought Greg Valentine (w/ Jimmy Hart) to a no contest at 8:09 when Ron Garvin came out and attacked Valentine as he attempted the shinguard-assisted figure-4; Hart then knocked down Garvin with his megaphone and hit Snuka with it as well, with Snuka then forcing Hart backstage (11/20/89; Indianapolis, IN; Market Square Arena)
12/11/89 (2.9):
– Dusty Rhodes vs. the Brooklyn Brawler at 6:02 with the Bionic elbow drop (11/21/89; Ft. Wayne, IN; Allen County War Memorial)
– Nikolai Volkoff vs. Jose Luis Rivera when the momentum of a crossbody by Rivera put Volkoff on top (10/29/89; Maple Leaf Gardens)
– The Genius vs. Hillbilly Jim via count-out after kicking Jim in the head as he was on the apron (10/8/89; Maple Leaf Gardens)
– The Big Bossman (w/ Slick) vs. Larry Lawson at 1:52 with the sidewalk slam; after the bout, Bossman attached his opponent’s foot to a ball and chain, where he dropped the ball on his chest and choked him with the chain; Slick then began verbally taunting the woman in the front row later known as Sapphire until she slapped him, with Dusty Rhodes then making the save when Bossman began taunting her; Rhodes then escorted her backstage (WWF Superstars – 11/20/89; Indianapolis, IN; Market Square Arena)
– Jim Duggan vs. Akeem at 5:49 with a roll up after Akeem missed a charge in the corner (10/8/89; Maple Leaf Gardens)
– The Bushwhackers vs. Barry Horowitz & Tom Stone at 5:09 when Luke vs. Stone following the double gutbuster (11/21/89; Ft. Wayne, IN; Allen County War Memorial)
– Ted Dibiase (w/ Virgil) vs. Reno Riggins via submission with the Million $ Dream at 2:47 (WWF Superstars – 11/20/89; Indianapolis, IN; Market Square Arena)
– WWF Tag Team Champions Demolition vs. Todd Becker & Tony Burton at 3:17 when Ax vs. Burton following the Decapitation (11/20/89; Indianapolis, IN; Market Square Arena)
– Tito Santana vs. the Honkytonk Man (w/ Jimmy Hart) via disqualification at around the 8-minute mark after Honky used Hart’s megaphone after Santana chased Hart around ringside and into the ring (11/20/89; Indianapolis, IN; Market Square Arena)
12/18/89 (3.0):
– Haku vs. Paul Roma at 10:08 with a side kick to the face after Roma ran into the corner when Haku moved out of the way (11/25/89; Madison Square Garden)
– Roddy Piper vs. Tom Stone at the 45-second mark with a back suplex (WWF Superstars – 11/20/89; Indianapolis, IN; Market Square Arena)
– Dino Bravo (w/ Jimmy Hart & the Canadian Earthquake) vs. Randy Fox at 2:31 with the side suplex; after the bout, Earthquake hit the sit-down splash on Fox (Wrestling Challenge – 11/21/89; Ft. Wayne, IN; Allen County War Memorial)
– Ron Garvin vs. Spike Jones via submission with the Scorpion Deathlock at 2:32 (WWF Superstars – 11/20/89; Indianapolis, IN; Market Square Arena)
– Shawn Michaels & Marty Jannetty vs. the Brooklyn Brawler & Dale Wolfe at 3:06 when Michaels vs. Wolfe following double flying fistdrops off the top; after the bout, Mr. Fuji came to the ring and challenged the Rockers to a match against the Powers of Pain but, instead of replying, Michaels & Jannetty hit a double dropkick, a double slam, and double flying fistdrops onto Fuji (WWF Superstars – 11/20/89; Indianapolis, IN; Market Square Arena)
– Mr. Perfect vs. Jimmy Snuka with the Perfect Plex at 10:36 (10/28/89; Madison Square Garden)
– Jake Roberts vs. Craig Green at 2:18 with the DDT (Wrestling Challenge – 11/21/89; Ft. Wayne, IN; Allen County War Memorial)
– Ted Dibiase (w/ Virgil) vs. Scott Colton via submission with the Million $ Dream at 3:51 (Wrestling Challenge – 11/21/89; Ft. Wayne, IN; Allen County War Memorial)
– Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart vs. Jacques & Raymond Rougeau (w/ Jimmy Hart) at around the 11-minute mark when Neidhart vs. Raymond with a roll up as Raymond snuck up behind Bret planning to hit him with Jimmy Hart’s megaphone (11/21/89; Ft. Wayne, IN; Allen County War Memorial)
12/25/89 (2.6) – featured Roddy Piper’s final appearance as a co-host for the show after he was kicked off for attacking Bobby Heenan for constantly making fun of Christmas and Santa Claus:
– WWF IC Champion the Ultimate Warrior vs. Brian Costello in a non-title match at 1:36 with the press slam / splash combo; after the bout, Warrior carried his opponent halfway up the aisle before dropping him (WWF Superstars – 11/20/89; Indianapolis, IN; Market Square Arena)
– Tito Santana fought Bad News Brown to a double count-out at 15:53 when both men began brawling on the floor, with both men trying to grab hold of a steel chair (11/25/89; Madison Square Garden)
– Nikolai Volkoff & Boris Zhukov vs. WT Jones & Todd Becker at 1:41 when Zhukov vs. Jones with a clothesline to the back of the head; after the bout, Zhukov hit the same move on Becker (Wrestling Challenge – 11/21/89; Ft. Wayne, IN; Allen County War Memorial)
– Richard Charland (sub. for Jim Powers) vs. Barry Horowitz following an airplane spin (10/8/89; Maple Leaf Gardens)
– Bret Hart fought Greg Valentine (w/ Jimmy Hart) to a 20-minute time limit draw at 19:34; late in the bout, Mr. Perfect came ringside briefly, distracting Hart from the match (5/8/89; Meadowlands Arena)
– Hercules vs. Craig Green via submission with the backbreaker at 2:10 (WWF Superstars – 11/20/89; Indianapolis, IN; Market Square Arena)
– The Genius vs. Mark Young with a crucifix (11/21/89; Ft. Wayne, IN; Allen County War Memorial)
– Randy Savage (w/ Sensational Sherri) vs. Jimmy Snuka after Sherri hit Snuka with her loaded purse; after the bout, Jim Duggan made the save as Savage attempted to hit the flying elbow drop (10/8/89; Maple Leaf Gardens)