1/2/94 Wrestling Challenge in Locksheldreke, NY, (VG), Approx Time: 1 hr
• Tatanka vs. Tony Devito
• Royal Rumble Report/Undertaker/Paul Bearer Int
• Headshrinkers vs. Scrubs
• Diesel Int, Shawn Michaels Int
• Doink vs. Barry Hardy
• Jim Cornette/Yokozuna Interview
• Men on a Mission vs. Scrubs
• Thurman Sparky Plugg Promo
• IRS vs. Mike Khoury
• Royal Rumble Report
• Shawn Michaels vs. Scrub
• Crush Int, Yokozuna Int
1/9/94 Wrestling Challenge in Augusta, ME, (VG), Approx Time: 1 hr
• Ludvig Borga vs. JS Storm
• Lex Luger Int
• Marty Jannetty and 1-2-3 Kid vs. Duane Gill and Tommy Morrison
• Crush vs. Tim McNealey
• Headshrinkers vs. Phil Apollo and Dan Dubiel
• Royal Rumble Report, Quebecers Int, IRS Int
• Tatanka vs. Jim Messanger
• Double J Int, Razor Ramon Int
• Undertaker vs. Derek Domino
1/16/94 Wrestling Challenge in Augusta, ME, (VG), Approx Time: 1 hr
• Razor Ramon vs. Mike Bell
• Double J vs. Brian Walsh
• Quebecers/1-2-3 Kid/Marty Jannetty Int
• Doink vs. Rich Meyers
• Bastian Booger vs. Mike Khoury
• Randy Savage Interview
• Undertaker/Paul Bearer Int
• Yokozuna vs. Corey Student
• Royal Rumble Report
• Steiner Brothers vs. Jim Messanger and Steve Smith
1/23/94 Wrestling Challenge in Augusta, ME, (VG), Approx Time: 1 hr
• Shawn Michaels vs. Tony Roy
• Owen Hart vs. Scott Taylor
• Crush Int, Randy Savage Int
• Smoking Gunns vs. Barry Horowitz and Scrub
• Jim Cornette/Yokozuna Interview
• Undertaker/Paul Bearer Int
• Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Phil Apollo
• IRS vs. PJ Walker
• Johnny Polo/Quebecers Int
• Lex Luger vs. Chris Duffy
1/30/94 Wrestling Challenge in Florence, SC, (VG), Approx Time: 1 hr
• Sparky Plugg vs. Barry Horowitz- Bob Holly makes his debut.
• Jim Cornette/Yokozuna Int
• Adam Bomb vs. Scrub
• Quebecers/Johnny Polo Int
• Bushwhackers vs. Scrubs
• Ludvig Borga vs. Larry Croy
• Headshrinkers vs. Scrubs
• Paul Bearer/Undertaker Int
• Kwang vs. Ray Hudson
2/6/94 Wrestling Challenge in Florence, SC, (VG), Approx Time: 1 hr
• Owen Hart Int
• Doink vs. Bam Bam Bigelow
• Randy Savage Int
• Diesel vs. Brad Anderson
• Bret Hart Int
• Crush vs. Tyrone Knox
• Men on a Mission vs. Terry Thomas and Jim Messanger
• Jim Cornette/Yokozuna Int, Double J Int, Tatanka Int
2/13/94 Wrestling Challenge in Florence, SC, (VG), Approx Time: 1 hr
• Tatanka vs. Double J
• Lex Luger/Yokozuna Highlights
• Rick Martel vs. Tommy Angel
• Quebecers/Johnny Polo Int
• Bushwhackers vs. George South and Brooklyn Brawler
• Wrestlemania Report, Shawn Michaels Int, Razor Ramon Int
• Shawn Michaels vs. John Paul
• Sparky Plugg vs. Austin Steele
• Crush Int, Randy Savage Int
2/20/94 Wrestling Challenge in Springfield, MA, (VG), Approx Time: 1 hr
• Quebecers vs. Tim McNealey and Phil Apollo
• Owen Hart Int
• Razor Ramon vs. Brooklyn Brawler
• Crush Int, Randy Savage Int
• Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Dan Dubiel
• Bret Hart Interview
• IRS vs. John Paul
• Wrestlemania Report, Jim Cornette, Lex Luger Int
• Earthquake vs. Bastion Booger
• Razor Ramon Int
2/27/94 Wrestling Challenge in Springfield, MA, (G/VG), Approx Time: 1 hr
• Doink vs. Barry Horowitz
• Kwang vs. Brian Walsh
• Owen Hart Int, Bret Hart Int, Randy Savage Int
• Lex Luger/Yokozuna/Funeral Parlor/Last Week Highlights
• Owen Hart vs. Bart Gunn
• Crush Interview
• Men on a Mission vs. Iron Mike Sharpe and Chris Duffy
3/6/94 Wrestling Challenge in Springfield, MA, (G/VG), Approx Time: 1 hr
• Double J vs. Mike Moraldo
• Funeral Parlor with Owen Hart
• Earthquake vs. Iron Mike Sharpe
• Headshrinkers vs. Scott Taylor and Tony Roy
• Smoking Gunns vs. Mark Thomas and Black Phantom
• Sparky Plugg vs. Bert Centeno
• Shawn Michaels Int, Razor Ramon Int
3/13/94 Wrestling Challenge in Locksheldreke, NY, (VG), Approx Time: 1 hr
• Lex Luger/Bret Hart Interview- From Superstars.
• Owen Hart vs. Jason Headings
• Razor Ramon vs. Reno Riggins
• Quebecers Int
• Quebecers vs. Rich Myers and Steve Smith
• Wrestlemani Report
• Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Scrub
• Tatanka/Raw Interview
• Randy Savage vs. Ben Jordan
• Randy Savage Int
3/20/94 Wrestling Challenge, (VG), Approx Time: 1 hr
• Owen Hart/Bret Hart Highlights
• Randy Savage/Crush Highlights
• Randy Savage Interview
• Wrestlemania Report
• Shawn Michaels/Razor Ramon Highlights
• Lex Luger/Bret Hart/Yokozuna Highlights
3/27/94 Wrestling Challenge in Locksheldreke, NY, (VG), Approx Time: 1 hr
• Owen Hart vs. Mike Moraldo
• Mr. Perfect Int
• Double J vs. Scrub
• Sparky Plugg vs. Iron Mike Sharpe
• IRS Int
• Diesel vs. David Tornberg
• Men on a Mission vs. Mike Bell and Derrick Domino
• Wrestlemania Report, Yokozuna/Jim Cornette Int
• Adam Bomb vs. John Paul
• Earthquake vs. Brooklyn Brawler
4/3/94 Wrestling Challenge in White Plains, NY, (VG), Approx Time: 1 hr
• Lex Luger vs. Derek Domino
• Heavenly Bodies vs. PJ Walker and John Crystal
• Tatanka vs. Corey Student
• Crush vs. Mike Grey
• Smoking Gunns vs. Tony Devito and Duane Gill
• Kwang vs. Ben Jordon
• Doink vs. Jim Massenger
4/10/94 Wrestling Challenge in White Plains, NY, (VG), Approx Time: 1 hr
• Owen Hart vs. Scrub
• Razor Ramon vs. Scrub
• Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Ben Jordan
• Smoking Gunns vs. George South and Derek Domino
• Johnny Polo/Mr. Perfect Interview
• Earthquake vs. Barry Horowitz
• Kwang vs. Brian Williams
4/17/94 Wrestling Challenge in White Plains, NY, (VG), Approx Time: 1 hr
• Yokozuna vs. Joey Stallings
• Heartbreak Hotel with Bret Hart- From Superstars.
• Doink vs. Austin Steele
• Adam Bomb vs. Terry Thomas
• Duke The Dumpster Droese Promo
• 1-2-3 Kid vs. Ben Jordan
• Quebecers vs. Virgil and Scrub
• Sparky Plugg vs. Chris Hamrick
• Heavenly Bodies vs. Mike Moraldo and Derek Domino
4/24/94 Wrestling Challenge in White Plains, NY, (VG), Approx Time: 1 hr
• Men on a Misson vs. Iron Mike Sharpe and Scrub
• Crush vs. Mike Freeman
• Headshrinkers vs. Scrubs
• Johnny Polo/Double J Interview
• Earthquake vs. Scrub
• Diesel vs. Mike Bursy
• Duke The Dumpster Droese Promo
• Lex Luger vs. Black Phantom
5/1/94 Wrestling Challenge in White Plains, NY, (VG), Approx Time: 1 hr
• Steiner Brothers vs. Duane Gill and Tom Atlon
• Kwang vs. Major Yates
• 1-2-3 Kid vs. Rich Myers
• King of th Ring Report
• Tatanka vs. Mike Bell
• Owen Hart vs. Mo
• Bret Hart/Owen Hart Interview/Segment
• Quebecers vs. Scott Taylor and Scrub
5/8/94 Wrestling Challenge in White Plains, NY, (VG), Approx Time: 1 hr
• Earthquake vs. Corey Student
• Diesel/Razor Ramon Highlights
• Virgil vs. Barry Horowitz
• Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Mike Khoury
• King of the Ring Report, Rowdy Roddy Piper Int
• Heavenly Bodies vs. Headshrinkers
• Duke The Dumpster Droese Promo
• Doink vs. Barry Hardy
5/15/94 Wrestling Challenge in White Plains, NY, (VG), Approx Time: 1 hr
• Lex Luger vs. Tony Devito
• Double J vs. John Paul
• 1-2-3 Kid vs. Kwang
• King of the Ring Report, Rowdy Roddy Piper Int
• Sparky Plugg vs. PJ Walker
• IRS vs. Jason Headings
5/22/94 Wrestling Challenge in Springfield, MA, (VG), Approx Time: 1 hr
• Adam Bomb and Kwang vs. Sparky Plugg and 1-2-3 Kid
• Tatanka vs. Barry Horowitz
• Crush Interview
• Mable vs. Corey Student
• Duke The Dumpster Droese Promo
• Nikolai Volkoff vs. Phil Apollo
• King of the Ring Report, Bret Hart Int, Rowdy Roddy Piper Int, Jerry Lawler Int
• Owen Hart vs. Scott Taylor
5/29/94 Wrestling Challenge in Springfield, MA, (VG), Approx Time: 1 hr
• Duke The Dumpster Droese Promo
• Duke The Dumpster Droese vs. Tony Devito- The WWF’s garbage man makes his WWF debut.
• Diesel vs. Interview
• Smoking Gunns vs. Derek Domino and Jim Massenger
• Crush vs. Tim McNealy
• Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Tony Roy- Madusa comes out to brawl with Luna after the match.
• King of the Ring Report, Bret Hart Int, Jerry Lawler Int, Rowdy Roddy Piper Int
• Lex Luger vs. Reno Riggins
• Quebecers vs. Scrubs
6/12/94 Wrestling Challenge in Canton, OH, (VG), Approx Time: 1 hr
• Jerry Lawler/Skinny Piper/Raw Highlights
• Jerry Lawler vs. John Paul
• King of the Ring Report, Rowdy Roddy Piper Int, Shawn Michaels/Diesel Int, Bret Hart Int
• Tatanka vs. George Smith
• Nikolai Volkoff vs. Scrub
• Headshrinkers/Cpt Lou Albano Interview
• Owen Hart vs. Chris Hamrick
• Sparky Plugg vs. Tim McNealy
• Lex Luger vs. Dave Cryner
6/19/94 Wrestling Challenge in Canton, OH, (VG), Approx Time: 1 hr
• Bret Hart Interview
• Double J vs. Scrub
• Yokozuna and Crush vs. Scrubs
• Duke The Dumpster Droese vs. Joey Maggs
• Heartbreak Hotel with Ted Dibiase/Fake Undertaker- From Superstars.
• 1-2-3 Kid vs. Austin Steele
• King of the Ring Report, Jerry Lawler Int, Rowdy Roddy Piper Int, Shawn Michaels/Diesel Int
• IRS vs. Chris Duffy
6/26/94 Wrestling Challenge in Canton, OH, (VG), Approx Time: 1 hr
• Razor Ramon vs. Matt Hardy
• Virgil vs. Reno Riggins
• Well Done vs. Scrubs
• Doink vs. Scrub
• Alundra Blaze Interview
• Adam Bomb vs. Phil Apollo
• King of the Ring Report
• Mable vs. Curtis Harrison
• Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Ryan Scott
7/3/94 Wrestling Challenge in Poughkeepsie, NY, (VG), Approx Time: 1 hr
• Lex Luger vs. Duane Gill- Ted Dibiase on commentary says he has his eye on Luger and that Luger can be bought. Ironic that this is on the July 4th weekend because last year, thats when Luger turned face and slammed Yokozuna during the same weekend.
• Fake Undertaker vs. Tony Devito
• Tatanka vs. Black Phantom
• Kwang vs. Miguel
• Typhoon vs. Corey Student
• Diesel vs. PJ Walker
• Duke The Dumpster Droese Interview
• Owen Hart vs. Jim Powers
7/10/94 Wrestling Challenge in Poughkeepsie, NY, (G/VG), Approx Time: 1 hr
• Double J vs. Scrub
• Jim Neidhart vs. Sparky Plugg
• Smoking Gunns vs. Iron Mike Sharpe and Scrub
• Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Matt Baily
• Bret Hart Interview
• Yokozuna vs. Scrub
• 1-2-3 Kid vs. Mike Bell
7/17/94 Wrestling Challenge in Poughkeepsie, NY, (VG), Approx Time: 1 hr
• Mable vs. Tony Devito
• Summerslam Report, Owen Hart Int, Bret Hart Int
• Adam Bomb vs. Reno Riggins
• Headshrinkers vs. Well Done
• Crush vs. Mark Thomas
• Virgil/Ted Dibiase Interview- “There’s two things you don’t do. You don’t tug on Superman’s cape, you don’t spit in the wind, and you don’t doubt the Million Dollar Man’s wealth”. Good line from Dibiase, except the part where he says there’s TWO things you don’t do.
• Abe Knuckleball Shwartz Promo
• Duke The Dumpster Droese
• Summerslam Report, Ted Dibiase/Paul Bearer/Undertaker Highlights
• IRS vs. Duane Gill
7/24/94 Wrestling Challenge in Bethleham, PA, (VG), Approx Time: 1 hr
• Razor Ramon vs. Curtis Hairston
• Heartbreak Hotel with Tatanka- From Superstars.
• Nikolai Volkoff vs. Virgil
• Doink vs. JC Storm
• Summerslam Report, Bret Hart Int, Diesel Int
• Owen Hart vs. Matt Hardy
• Paul Bearer Int
• Yokozuna vs. Steve Smith
7/31/94 Wrestling Challenge in Bethleham, PA, (VG), Approx Time: 1 hr
• Yokozuna and Crush vs. Mable and Typhoon
• Duke The Dumpster Droese vs. Austin Steele
• Double J vs. Jim Powers
• Summerslam Report, Paul Bearer, Bret Hart Int, Razor Ramon Int
• Sparky Plugg vs. Barry Hardy
• Jim Neidhart vs. Ray Hudson
• Kwang vs. Chris Canyon
8/7/94 Wrestling Challenge in Bethleham, PA, (VG), Approx Time: 1 hr
• Headshrinkers vs. Iron Mike Sharpe and Corey Student
• Leslie Nelson Segment
• Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Scrub
• Tatanka vs. Duane Gill
• Diesel vs. Gary Sabaugh
• Summerslam Report, Paul Bearer Int, Bret Hart Int
• Leslie Nelson Segment
• Bushwhackers vs. Scrubs
• Owen Hart/Jim Neidhart/Bret Hart Interview
• IRS vs. John Paul
8/14/94 Wrestling Challenge in Cincinnati, OH, (VG), Approx Time: 1 hr
• Mable vs. Ryan Scott
• Double J vs. Ben Jordan
• Smoking Gunns vs. Butler Stevens and Tom Stone
• Owen Hart vs. Scrub
• Razor Ramon Interview
• Kwang vs. Scott Avery
• Summerslam Report, Bret Hart Int, Lex Luger Int, Tatanka Int
• Duke The Dumpster Droese vs. Sid Garrison
8/21/94 Wrestling Challenge in Cincinnati, OH, (VG), Approx Time: 1 hr
• Lex Luger vs. Scrub
• Bob Backlund vs. Scrub
• Headshrinkers vs. Mark Thomas and Scott Taylor
• Owen Hart Interview- From Superstars where Owen does the interview inside an empty arena, in the ring, inside a steel cage.
• Spark Plugg Holly vs. Barry Horowitz
• Leslie Nelson Segments
• Summerslam Report, Bret Hart Int, Razor Ramon Int
• Heavenly Bodies vs. Sonny Rogers and Butch Banks
• Paul Bearer Int
• Fake Undertaker vs. Dan Dubiel
8/28/94 Wrestling Challenge in Cincinnati, OH, (VG), Approx Time: 1 hr
• Tatanka vs. Reno Riggins
• Paul Bearer Int
• Diesel vs. Scrub
• Jim Neidhart vs. Scrub
• Leslie Nelson Segments
• Summerslam Report, Lex Luger Int
• Adam Bomb vs. Scrub
• Heartbreak Hotel with Ted Dibiase/Paul Bearer- From Superstars.
• IRS and Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Kevin Kruger and John Paul
9/4/94 Wrestling Challenge in Lowell, MA, (VG), Approx Time: 1 hr
• Yokozuna vs. Tom O’Sullivan
• Summerslam Highlights
• Duke The Dumpster Droese vs. Barry Hardy
• Well Done vs. Scrubs
• Owen Hart vs. Phil Apollo
• Headshrinkers vs. Scrubs
• Double J vs. Tony Roy
• Doink vs. Iron Mike Sharpe
9/11/94 Wrestling Challenge in Lowell, MA, (VG), Approx Time: 1 hr
• Owen Hart vs. Phil Apollo
• British Bulldog Int
• Mable vs. Bill Motta
• IRS vs. Scott Taylor
• Bushwhackers vs. Iron Mike Sharpe and Raymond Roy
• Bob Backlund vs. Tim McNealey
• 1-2-3 Kid vs. Scrub
• Heavenly Bodies vs. Scrubs
9/18/94 Wrestling Challenge in Lowell, MA, (VG), Approx Time: 1 hr
• Adam Bomb vs. Todd Mata
• Shawn Michaels and Diesel vs. Scrubs
• Sparky Plugg Holly vs. Tony Devito
• Jim Neidhart vs. Tom O’Sullivan
• Smoking Gunns vs. Barry Hardy and Duane Gill
• Razor Ramon Interview
• Kwang vs. Richy Rich
• Lex Luger vs. Nick Barberry
9/25/94 Wrestling Challenge in Milwaukee, WI, (VG), Approx Time: 1 hr
• Headshrinkers vs. Rock Warner and Tom Stong
• Bob Backlund/Raw Highlights
• Abe Knuckleball Schwartz vs. George Anderson
• Bret Hart Int
• Razor Ramon vs. Ike Anderson
• IRS vs. Billy Joe Eaton
• Duke The Dumpster Droese vs. Red Tyler
• Double J vs. Gary Scott
• Paul Bearer/Undertaker Int
• Heavenly Bodies vs. Scrubs
10/2/94 Wrestling Challenge in Milwaukee, WI, (VG), Approx Time: 1 hr
• 1-2-3 Kid vs. Gary Scott
• Jerry Lawler vs. Ben Jordan
• Paul Bearer/Undertaker Int
• Yokozuna vs. Scrub
• British Bulldog vs. Barry Horowitz
• Ted Dibiase/Tatanka Interview
• Bushwhackers vs. Tom O’Sullivan and Richy Rich
• Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Sonny Rogers
10/9/94 Wrestling Challenge in Mikwaukee, WI, (VG), Approx Time: 1 hr
• Tatanka vs. Scrub
• Doink vs. Reno Riggins
• Shawn Michaels/Diesel Int
• King Kong Bundy vs. Rod Bell
• Bob Holly vs. Red Tyler
• Undertaker/Paul Bearer Int
• Kwang vs. Kevin Kruger
• Owen Hart vs. Todd Webb
• Adam Bomb vs. Rock Warner
10/16/94 Wrestling Challenge in White Plains, NY, (VG), Approx Time: 1 hr
• British Bulldog vs. Barry Hardy
• King Kong Bundy vs. Miguel
• Smoking Gunns vs. Reno Riggins and Chris Canyon
• Mable vs. Scrub
• Bret Hart Interview- Bret says that Backlund had his chance and his run at the Title so he denies Backlund’s challenge.
• Well Dunn vs. John Crystal and Mike Khoury
• Duke The Dumpster Droese vs. Scrub
• Double J vs. Russ Greenburg
10/23/94 Wrestling Challenge in White Plains, NY, (VG), Approx Time: 1 hr
• Undertaker vs. Mike Bell
• IRS Int
• Heavenly Bodies vs. Gary Scott and Rich Myers
• Adam Bomb vs. Bob Starr
• Lex Luger Int
• Tatanka vs. Mike Moraldo
• Jim Neidhart vs. Barry Hardy
• 1-2-3 Kid vs. Chris Canyon
10/30/94 Wrestling Challenge in White Plains, NY, (VG), Approx Time: 1 hr
• Doink vs. Tony Devito
• British Bulldog Int
• King Kong Bundy vs. Aaron Ferguson
• Survivor Series Report, Undertaker/Paul Bearer Int
• Bob Backlund vs. Scrub
• Buchwhackers vs. Scrubs
• Jim Cornette/Yokozuna Interview
• Kwang vs. Scrub
• IRS Int
• Lex Luger vs. Black Phantom
• Bret Hart Int
11/6/94 Wrestling Challenge in Albany, NY, (VG), Approx Time: 1 hr
• Adam Bomb and Mable vs. Barry Horowitz and Reno Riggins
• Undertaker/Yokozuna Highlights/Int
• IRS Int
• Double J vs. Steve King
• Jarry Lawler vs. Gary Scott
• Bret Hart Interview
• Heavenly Bodies vs. Ben Jordan and Tony Roy
• Survivor Series Report
• 1-2-3 Kid vs. Todd Mata
11/13/94 Wrestling Challenge in Albany, NY, (VG), Approx Time: 1 hr
• Bam Bam Bigelow and King Kong Bundy vs. Todd Mata and Phil Apollo
• Bret Hart/British Bulldog Int
• Doink vs. Richy Rich
• IRS Int
• IRS vs. Mike Bell
• Razor Ramon Interview
• Jim Neidhart vs. Scott Taylor
• Smoking Gunns vs. Scrubs
• Survivor Series Report, Paul Bearer/Undertaker Int
• Lex Luger vs. HD Ryder
11/20/94 Wrestling Challenge in Albany, NY, (VG), Approx Time: 1 hr
• Bob Backlund vs. Tony Devito
• Jerry Lawler Int, Doink Int
• Sparky Plugg vs. Phil Apollo
• Diesel vs. Aaron Ferguson
• IRS Int
• Jim Neidhart vs. Undertaker- From Superstars.
• Paul Bearer/Undertaker Int
• Tatanka vs. Tim McNealey
• Survivor Series Report
• British Bulldog and 1-2-3 Kid vs. Executioner and Gary Scott
11/27/94 Wrestling Challenge in Bethleham, PA, (VG), Approx Time: 1 hr
• Owen Hart vs. Scrub
• Bob Backlund Int, Diesel Int
• Adam Bomb vs. The Black Phantom
• Well Dunn vs. Gary Sabaugh and Mike Khoury
• Razor Ramon vs. JS Storm
• Double vs. John Crystal
• IRS Int
• Bushwhackers vs. Ray Hudson and Brooklyn Brawler
12/4/94 Wrestling Challenge in Bethleham, PA, (VG), Approx Time: 1 hr
• Aldo Montoya vs. Duane Gill
• Bob Backlund Int, Diesel Int
• Jim Neidhart vs. Curtis Harrison
• Smoking Gunns vs. Scrubs
• Henry O Godwinn Promo
• Bem Bam Bigelow vs. Ben Jordan
• Doink vs. Scrub
• Lex Luger vs. Barry Hardy
12/11/94 Wrestling Challenge in Bethleham, PA, (VG), Approx Time: 1 hr
• British Bulldog vs. Brooklyn Brawler
• Diesel Interview- From Raw.
• IRS vs. Jason Hendricks
• Men on a Mission vs. Scrubs
• Henry O Godwinn Promo
• Tatanka vs. John Crystal
• 1-2-3 Kid vs. Reno Riggins
• Headshrinkers Segment- The Headshrinkers are shown eating “Left Guard” deodorant.
• King Kong Bundy vs. Jeff Hardy
• Double J Int
12/18/94 Wrestling Challenge in Lowell, MA, (VG, slightly shaky picture), Approx Time: 1 hr
• Razor Ramon vs. Scrub
• Royal Rumble Report, Diesel Int
• Hakushi vs. Gary Scott- Hakushi makes his debut.
• Double J vs. Corey Student
• Shawn Michaels Interview
• Mable vs. Mike Bell
• Heavenly Bodies vs. Ray Raymond and JW Storm
• Henry O Godwinn Promo
• Aldo Montoya vs. Chris Canyon
12/25/94 Wrestling Challenge in Lowell, MA, (VG), Approx Time: 1 hr
• Diesel Int
• Owen Hart vs. Scrub
• Royal Rumble Report, Razor Ramon Int, Paul Bearer/Undertaker Int, Bret Hart Int
• 1-2-3 Kid vs. Bert Centeno
• IRS vs. Nick Barbery
• Smoking Gunns vs. Duane Gill and Brooklyn Brawler
• Double J Int
• Adam Bomb vs. Barry Hardy
• Henry O Godwinn vs. Tony Roy
Taped 11/30/93; Springfield, MA; Civic Center
1/2/94 – featured Lord Alfred Hayes hosting a “Special Report” segment hyping the upcoming casket match at the Royal Rumble between the Undertaker and WWF World Champion Yokozuna, with comments from the Undertaker & Paul Bearer; included Stan Lane conducting an in-ring interview with Yokozuna, Mr. Fuji, & Jim Cornette regarding the Rumble match, during which Yoko became scared after hearing the word “casket;” featured a vignette promoting the debut of Thurman “Sparky” Plugg:
Tatanka vs. Tony Devito following a tomahawk chop off the top
The Headshrinkers (w/ Afa) vs. John Crystal & Russ Greenburg when Fatu vs. Crystal following the splash off the top
Doink the Clown (w/ Dink) vs. Duane Gill with the Whoopie Cushion
Men on a Mission (w/ Oscar) vs. Reno Riggins & Chris Duffy when Mabel vs. Riggins following a legdrop
IRS vs. Mike Khoury following a back suplex
Shawn Michaels vs. Bert Centeno with an elbow drop off the top
Taped 12/15/93; Augusta, ME; Civic Center
Ludvig Borga vs. JS Storm via submission with the backbreaker
The 1-2-3 Kid & Marty Jannetty vs. Duane Gill & Tommy Morrison
Crush vs. Tim McNeany
The Headshrinkers vs. Dan Dubiel & Phil Apollo
Tatanka vs. Jim Messanger with the Samoan Drop
The Undertaker vs. Derek Domino
Taped 12/15/93; Augusta, ME; Civic Center
WWF IC Champion Razor Ramon vs. Mike Bell with the Razor’s Edge
Jeff Jarrett vs. Brian Walsh
Doink the Clown vs. Rich Myers with the Whoopie Cushion
Bastion Booger vs. Mike Khoury with the sit-down splash
WWF World Champion Yokozuna vs. Corey Student with the Bonzai Drop
Rick & Scott Steiner vs. Jim Messanger & Steve Smith
Taped 12/15/93; Augusta, ME; Civic Center
1/23/94 – featured an interview with WWF World Champion Yokozuna, Jim Cornette, & Mr. Fuji from the WWF Superstars taping held 12/14; there were two versions of the broadcast, depending on what day the episode aired in the market; for the markets where Challenge was shown on 1/22, Jim Ross & Gorilla Monsoon hosted and hyped the Royal Rumble to take place later that night; for the markets where it was shown 1/23, the show was hosted by Todd Pettingill from his “house;” Pettingill eluded to the controversial ending of the Rumble match and Owen Hart’s betrayal of Bret Hart but made no specific results of what happened at the pay-per-view:
Shawn Michaels (w/ Diesel) vs. Tony Roy
Owen Hart (w/ Bret Hart) vs. Scott Taylor
The Smoking Gunns vs. Burt Centeno & Barry Horowitz following the Sidewinder
IRS vs. PJ Walker with the Write Off
Bam Bam Bigelow (w/ Luna Vachon) vs. Phil Apollo with the diving headbutt
Lex Luger vs. Chris Duffy
Taped 1/11/94; Florence, SC; Civic Center
Sparky Plugg vs. Barry Horowitz (Sparky’s debut)
Adam Bomb vs. Gary Sabaugh
The Bushwhackers vs. two unknowns
Ludvig Borga vs. Larry Croy
The Headshrinkers vs. two unknowns
Kwang vs. Ray Hudson
Taped 1/11/94; Florence, SC; Civic Center
Doink the Clown vs. Bam Bam Bigelow via count-out after Dink headbutted Bigelow in the groin
Diesel vs. Brad Anderson
Crush vs. Tyrone Knox
Men on a Mission vs. Jim Massenger & Terry Thomas
Taped 1/11/94; Florence, SC; Civic Center
Tatanka vs. Jeff Jarrett via disqualification after Ludvig Borga interfered
Rick Martel vs. Tommy Angel
The Bushwhackers vs. George South & the Brooklyn Brawler
Shawn Michaels vs. John Paul
Sparky Plugg vs. Austin Steele
Taped 2/2/94; Springfield, MA; Civic Center
2/20/94 – featured Raymond Rougeau conducting an in-ring interview with Bret Hart regarding his upcoming matches at WrestleMania X against Owen Hart and the WWF World Champion; featured a WrestleMania X Report in which Earthquake vs. Ludvig Borga and Doink & Dink the Clown vs. Bam Bam Bigelow & Luna Vachon were announced and that Jennie Garth and Showtime’s Bucky & Vinny would be appearing as well:
WWF Tag Team Champions the Quebecars (w/ Johnny Polo) vs. Tim McNeany & Phil Apollo at 3:15 when Pierre vs. Apollo following the Boston Crab / legdrop off the top combo
WWF IC Champion Razor Ramon vs. the Brooklyn Brawler at 1:48 with the Razor’s Edge
Bam Bam Bigelow (w/ Luna Vachon) vs. Dan Dubiel at 1:15 with the diving headbutt
IRS vs. John Paul at 1:35 with a double underhook suplex; during the bout, Nikolai Volkoff was shown sitting in the front row
Earthquake vs. Bastion Booger at 2:58 with the sit-down splash
Taped 2/2/94; Springfield, MA; Civic Center
2/27/94 – featured Raymond Rougeau conducting an in-ring interview with Crush & Mr. Fuji regarding Crush’s upcoming bout against Randy Savage at WrestleMania X; included the announcement that Tatanka, Sparky Plugg, the 1-2-3 Kid, & the Smoking Gunns would face Jeff Jarrett, Rick Martel, IRS, & the Headshrinkers at WrestleMania; featured footage from last week’s Funeral Parlor segment on WWF Superstars with Lex Luger and WWF World Champion Yokozuna:
Doink the Clown (w/ Dink) vs. Barry Horowitz at 2:24 with the Whoopie Cushion
Kwang (w/ Harvey Wippleman) vs. Brian Walsh at 1:29 with a spinning heel kick
Owen Hart vs. Bart Gunn via submission with the Sharpshooter at 4:50
Men on a Mission (w/ Oscar) vs. Iron Mike Sharpe & Chris Duffy at 1:47 when Mabel vs. Duffy after being pushed onto Duffy by Mo on the top rope; during the bout, Nikolai Volkoff was shown sitting in the front row
Taped 2/2/94; Springfield, MA; Civic Center
3/6/94 – included a Special Report segment showing the Bret Hart vs. Adam Bomb match from WWF Superstars and footage of Owen Hart appearing on the Funeral Parlor; featured a video package on WWF World Champion Yokozuna:
Jeff Jarrett vs. Mike Moraldo at the 2-minute mark with a DDT
Earthquake vs. Iron Mike Sharpe at 2:29 with the sit-down splash
The Headshrinkers (w/ Afa) vs. Scott Taylor & Tony Roy at 2:31 when Fatu vs. Roy with the top rope splash; during the bout, Nikolai Volkoff was shown sitting in the front row
The Smoking Gunns vs. Mark Thomas & the Black Phantom at 2:35 when Billy vs. Thomas following the Revolver
Sparky Plugg vs. Bert Centeno at 2:14 with a kneedrop off the top
Taped 2/23/94; Locksheldreke, NY
3/13/94 – included an interview with Bret Hart and Lex Luger:
Owen Hart vs. Jason Headings via submission with the Sharpshooter
WWF IC Champion Razor Ramon vs. Reno Riggins with the Razor’s Edge
WWF Tag Team Champions the Quebecars (w/ Johnny Polo) vs. Rich Myers & Steve Smith
Bam Bam Bigelow (w/ Luna Vachon) vs. an unknown following the diving headbutt
Randy Savage vs. Ben Jordan with the flying elbowsmash
Taped 2/23/94; Locksheldreke, NY
– featured Gorilla Monsoon & Stan Lane on the streets of New York City hyping WrestleMania X later that day
Taped 2/23/94; Locksheldreke, NY
Owen Hart vs. Mike Moraldo via submission with the Sharpshooter
Jeff Jarrett vs. Miguel Rosado with a DDT
Sparky Plugg vs. Iron Mike Sharpe
Diesel vs. David Thornberg with the powerbomb
Men on a Mission (w/ Oscar) vs. Mike Bell & Derek Domino
Adam Bomb (w/ Harvey Wippleman) vs. John Paul with the powerbomb
Earthquake vs. the Brooklyn Brawler with the sit-down splash
Taped 3/23/94; White Plains, NY; Westchester County Civic Center
Lex Luger vs. Derek Domino via submission with the torture rack
The Heavenly Bodies (w/ Jim Cornette) vs. PJ Walker & John Crystal
Tatanka vs. Corey Student
Crush (w/ Mr. Fuji) vs. Mike Grey
The Smoking Gunns vs. Tony Devito & Duane Gill
Kwang (w/ Harvey Wippleman) vs. Ben Jordan with a spin kick
Doink the Clown (w/ Dink) vs. Jim Massenger with the Whoopie Cushion
Taped 3/23/94; White Plains, NY; Westchester County Civic Center
Kwang vs. Corey Student
WWF IC Champion Razor Ramon vs. Ben Jordan
Earthquake vs. Duane Gill
Owen Hart vs. Tony Devito
Taped 3/23/94; White Plains, NY; Westchester County Civic Center
4/17/94 – included WWF World Champion Bret Hart as a guest of the Hearbreak Hotel, taken from WWF Superstars:
Yokozuna (w/ Mr. Fuji & Jim Cornette) vs. Joey Stallings with the Bonzai Drop
Doink the Clown (w/ Dink) vs. Austin Steele with the Whoopie Cushion
Adam Bomb (w/ Harvey Wippleman) vs. Terry Thomas with the powerbomb
The 1-2-3 Kid vs. Ben Jordan
WWF Tag Team Champions the Quebecers (w/ Johnny Polo) vs. Virgil & Trey Conveyer
Sparky Plugg vs. Chris Hamrick
The Heavenly Bodies (w/ Jim Cornette) vs. Mike Moraldo & Derek Domino
Taped 3/23/94; White Plains, NY; Westchester County Civic Center
4/24/94 – included an interview with Jeff Jarrett:
Men on a Mission (w/ Oscar) vs. Iron Mike Sharpe & Emilio Ulcia
Crush (w/ Mr. Fuji) vs. Mike Freeman
The Headshrinkers (w/ Afa & Capt. Lou Albano) dfeated Tyrone Knox & Derek Domino
Earthquake vs. Mike Mabuccia with the sit-down splash
Diesel vs. Mike Bursy with the powerbomb
Lex Luger vs. the Black Phantom via submission with the torture rack
Taped 4/12/94; Syracuse, NY; War Memorial
Rick & Scott Steiner vs. Duane Gill & Tom Alton
Kwang vs. Major Yates
The 1-2-3 Kid vs. Rich Myers
Tatanka vs. Mike Bell
Owen Hart vs. Mo (w/ Oscar) via count-out at 5:50 after Mo injured his leg; after the bout, Owen applied the Sharpshooter on his opponent inside the ring, forcing Mo out of action for several months
WWF Tag Team Champions the Quebecars vs. Scott Taylor & Gus Kantarakus
Taped 4/12/94; Syracuse, NY; War Memorial
Earthquake vs. Corey Student with the sit-down splash
Virgil vs. Barry Horowitz
Bam Bam Bigelow (w/ Luna Vachon) vs. Mike Khoury
The Heavenly Bodies (w/ Jim Cornette) vs. the Bushwhackers at 7:59 when Jimmy Del Ray vs. Butch with the moonsault
Doink the Clown (w/ Dink) vs. Barry Hardy with the Whoopie Cushion
Taped 4/12/94; Syracuse, NY; War Memorial
5/15/94 – included an interview with Ted Dibiase & Nikolai Volkoff:
Lex Luger vs. Tony Devito via submission with the torture rack
Jeff Jarrett vs. John Paul with the DDT
The 1-2-3 Kid vs. Kwang
Sparky Plugg vs. PJ Walker with a flying kneedrop
IRS vs. Jason Headings via submission with a STF
Taped 4/28/94; Springfield, MA; Civic Center
5/22/94 – featured Stan Lane & Ted Dibiase on commentary:
Sparky Plugg & the 1-2-3 Kid vs. Kwang & Adam Bomb when Kwang was vs. after he and Bomb began arguing
Tatanka vs. Barry Horowitz
Mabel vs. Corey Student
Nikolai Volkoff vs. Phil Apollo
Owen Hart vs. Scott Taylor
Taped 4/28/94; Springfield, MA; Civic Center
The Smoking Gunns vs. Derric Domino & Jim Massenger
Crush vs. Tim McNeany
Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Tony Roy
Lex Luger vs. Reno Riggins
WWF Tag Team Champions the Quebecars vs. Steve King & Paul Vandale
Taped 4/28/94; Springfield, MA; Civic Center
6/5/94 – included an interview with Owen Hart:
IRs vs. Tony Roy
Razor Ramon vs. Tim McNeany with the Razor’s Edge
Jeff Jarrett vs. Burt Centeno
Doink the Clown vs. Reno Riggins with the Whoopie Cushion
WWF Tag Team Champions the Headshrinkers (w/ Afa & Capt. Lou Albano) vs. Laverne McGill & Duane Gill
The Heavenly Bodies (w/ Jim Cornette) vs. Tony Devito & Mike Bell
Taped 5/24/94; Canton, OH
6/12/94 – featured highlights from the previous Monday’s King’s Court segment; included an interview with WWF Tag Team Champions the Headshrinkers:
Jerry Lawler vs. John Paul with the piledriver
Tatanka vs. George South
Nikolai Volkoff (w/ Ted Dibiase) vs. Tyrone Knox
Owen Hart vs. Chris Hamrick via submission with the Sharpshooter
Sparky Plugg vs. Tim McNeany with a kneedrop off the top
Lex Luger vs. Dave Cryner via submission with the torture rack
Taped 5/24/94; Canton, OH
6/19/94 – included an interview with WWF World Champion Bret Hart; featured Ted Dibiase & the Undertaker as guests of the Heartbreak Hotel, taken from WWF Superstars:
Jeff Jarrett vs. Gary Sabough
Yokozuna & Crush (w/ Mr. Fuji & Jim Cornette) vs. Matt Gardener & Kenny Hendrix
Duke Drose vs. Joey Maggs
The 1-2-3 Kid vs. Austin Steele with a swinging DDT
IRS vs. Chris Duffy
Taped 5/24/94; Canton, OH
6/26/94 – included an interview with WWF Women’s Champion Alundra Blayze:
Razor Ramon vs. Matt Hardy with the Razor’s Edge
Virgil vs. Reno Riggins
Well Dunn vs. Matt Gardener & Kenny Hendrix
Adam Bomb vs. Phil Apollo with the powerbomb
Mabel vs. Curtis Harrison
Bam Bam Bigelow (w/ Luna Vachon) vs. Ryan Scott
Taped 6/22/94; Poughkeepsie, NY; Mid-Hudson Civic Center
7/3/94 – included an interview with Duke Drose:
Lex Luger vs. Duane Gill via submission with the torture rack
The Undertaker (w/ Ted Dibiase) vs. Tony Devito with the tombstone
Tatanka vs. the Black Phantom
Kwang vs. Miguel Rosado with the side kick
Typhoon vs. Corey Student with the splash
WWF IC Champion Diesel vs. PJ Walker with the powerbomb
Owen Hart vs. Jim Powers via submission with the Sharpshooter
Taped 6/22/94; Poughkeepsie, NY; Mid-Hudson Civic Center
7/10/94 – included an interview with WWF World Champion Bret Hart:
Jeff Jarrett vs. an unknown
Jim Neidhart vs. Sparky Plugg by catching him coming off the top and hitting a powerslam at 5:57
The Smoking Gunns vs. Iron Mike Sharpe & an unknown
Bam Bam Bigelow vs. an unknown
Yokozuna vs. an unknown
The 1-2-3 Kid vs. an unknown
Taped 6/22/94; Poughkeepsie, NY; Mid-Hudson Civic Center
7/17/94 – included an interview with Virgil:
Mabel (w/ Oscar) vs. Tony Devito
Adam Bomb vs. Reno Riggins with the powerbomb
WWF Tag Team Champions the Headshrinkers vs. Well Dunn in a non-title match at 5:01 when Fatu vs. Dunn with the splash off the top
Crush vs. Mark Thomas with the heart punch
Duke Drose vs. Mike Bell
IRS vs. Duane Gill
Taped 7/2/94; Bethlehem, PA; Stabler Arena
Razor Ramon vs. Curtis Hairston with the Razor’s Edge
Nikolai Volkoff (w/ Ted Dibiase) vs. Virgil with a piledriver after Dibiase distracted Virgil
Doink the Clown vs. JC Storm with the Whoopie Cushion
Owen Hart vs. Matt Hardy with a spin kick
Yokozuna vs. Steve Smith with a belly to belly suplex; after the bout, Yoko continued to assault his opponent until Mabel and Typhoon came out to make the save
Taped 7/2/94; Bethlehem, PA; Stabler Arena
Yokozuna & Crush (w/ Mr. Fuji & Jim Cornette) vs. Mabel & Typhoon
Duke Drose vs. Austin Steele
Jeff Jarrett vs. Jim Powers
Sparky Plugg vs. Barry Hardy with a kneedrop off the top
Jim Neidhart vs. Ray Hudson
Kwang vs. Chris Kanyon with a side kick
Taped 7/2/94; Bethlehem, PA; Stabler Arena
8/7/94 – included an interview with Owen Hart & Jim Neidhart, with WWF World Champion Bret Hart eventually interrupting; featured highlights of the Bret / Backlund title match from the 7/30 episode of Superstars:
Bam Bam Bigelow vs. an unknown
Tatanka vs. Duane Gill
WWF IC Champion Diesel vs. an unknown
The Bushwhackers vs. George South & an unknown
IRS vs. an unknown
Taped 8/3/94; Cincinatti, OH; Riverfront Coliseum
The Smoking Gunns vs. Butler Stevens & Tom Stone
Jeff Jarrett vs. Ben Jordan
Kwang vs. Scott Avery
Doink the Clown vs. Sid Garrison
Taped 8/3/94; Cincinatti, OH; Riverfront Coliseum
Lex Luger vs. Mike Sallito
Bob Backlund vs. Ron Cumberledge via submission with the Crossface Chicken Wing
WWF Tag Team Champions the Headshrinkers vs. Scott Taylor & Mark Thomas
Bob Holly vs. Barry Horowitz
The Heavenly Bodies vs. Sonny Rogers & Butch Banks
Ted Dibiase’s Undertaker vs. Dan Dubiel
Taped 8/3/94; Cincinatti, OH; Riverfront Coliseum
WWF IC Champion Diesel vs. an unknown
Tatanka vs. Reno Riggins at 2:57 with a tomahawk chop off the top
IRS & Bam Bam Bigelow (w/ Ted Dibiase) vs. John Paul & Kevin Kruger at 2:48 when IRS vs. Kruger with the Write Off clothesline after an enzuiguri from Bigelow
Duke Drose vs. an unknown
Jim Neidhart vs. an unknown
Adam Bomb vs. an unknown
Taped 8/16/94; Lowell, MA; Auditorium
Yokozuna vs. Tom O’Sullivan
Duke Drose vs. Barry Hardy
Well Dunn vs. Steve King & Mark Marachio
The Headshrinkers vs. Bill Mata & Nick Barberry (taped before they lost the titles)
Jeff Jarrett vs. Tony Roy via submission with the figure-4
Doink the Clown vs. Iron Mike Sharpe
Taped 8/16/94; Lowell, MA; Auditorium
Owen Hart (w/ Jim Neidhart) vs. Phil Apollo
Mabel vs. Bill Motta
IRS vs. Scott Taylor
The Bushwhackers vs. Iron Mike Sharpe & Raymond Roy
Bob Backlund vs. Tim McNeeney
The 1-2-3 Kid vs. Burt Sentego
The Heavenly Bodies vs. Paul Vandale & Tony Roy
Taped 8/16/94; Lowell, MA; Auditorium
9/18/94 – featured an interview with WWF IC Champion Razor Ramon:
Adam Bomb vs. Todd Mata
WWF Tag Team Champions Shawn Michaels & Diesel vs. two unknowns
Sparky Plugg vs. Tony DeVito
Jim Neidhart (w/ Owen Hart) vs. Tom O’Sullivan
The Smoking Gunns vs. Barry Hardy & Duane Gill
Kwang vs. Ricky Rich
Lex Luger vs. Nick Barberry
Taped 8/30/94; Milwaukee, WI; Bradley Center
The Headshrinkers vs. Tom Stone & Rock Warner
Abe Knuckleball Schwartz vs. George Anderson
WWF IC Champion Razor Ramon vs. Ike Anderson
IRS vs. Billy Joe Eaton
Duke Drose vs. Red Tyler
Jeff Jarrett vs. Gary Scott
The Heavenly Bodies vs. Todd Baker & Butler Stevens
Taped 8/30/94; Milwaukee, WI; Bradley Center
10/2/94 – included an interview with Tatanka:
The 1-2-3 Kid vs. Gary Scott
Jerry Lawler vs. Ben Jordan with the piledriver
Yokozuna (w/ Jim Cornette) vs. Frank Stilleto
Davey Boy Smith vs. Barry Horowitz with the running powerslam
The Bushwhackers vs. Tom O’Sullivan & Richie Rich
Bam Bam Bigelow (w/ Ted Dibiase) vs. Sonny Rogers
Taped 8/30/94; Milwaukee, WI; Bradley Center
Tatanka vs. Ron Cumberledge with the Samoan Drop
Doink the Clown vs. Reno Riggins
King Kong Bundy vs. Rodd Bell
Bob Holly vs. Red Tyler
Kwang vs. Kevin Krueger
Owen Hart vs. Todd Webb
Adam Bomb vs. Rock Warner
Taped 9/28/94; White Plains, NY; Westchester COunty Civic Center
10/16/94 – included footage from WWF Superstars of Bob Backlund as a guest of the Heartbreak Hotel; featured an interview with WWF World Champion Bret Hart:
Davey Boy Smith vs. Barry Hardy with the running powerslam
King Kong Bundy vs. Miguel Rosado
The Smoking Gunns vs. Reno Riggins & Chris Kanyon
Well Dunn (w/ Harvey Wippleman) vs. John Crystal & Mike Khoury
Taped 9/28/94; White Plains, NY; Westchester COunty Civic Center
The Undertaker (w/ Paul Bearer) vs. Mike Bell with the tombstone at 2:36
Tatanka (w/ Ted Dibiase) vs. Mike Moraldo at 3:40 with the Samoan Drop after a tomahawk chop off the top; after the bout, Tatanka hit the move a second time
Jim Neidhart vs. Barry Hardy
The 1-2-3 Kid vs. Chris Kanyon
The Heavenly Bodies (w/ Jim Cornette) vs. Gary Scott & Rich Myers at 3:18 when Prichard vs. Scott with a kneedrop off the top after a front suplex and bodyslam from Del Ray
Adam Bomb vs. Bob Starr at 2:26 with a pumphandle slam
Taped 9/28/94; White Plains, NY; Westchester COunty Civic Center
10/30/94 – featured an interview with Yokozuna:
Kwang (w/ Harvey Wippleman) vs. Duane Gill
Lex Luger vs. the Executioner via submission with the torture rack
King Kong Bundy vs. Aaron Ferguson
Bob Backlund vs. Ross Greenberg via submission with the Crossface Chicken Wing
Taped 10/19/94; Albany, NY; Knickerbocker Arena
Adam Bomb & Mabel vs. Barry Horowitz & Reno Riggins
Jeff Jarrett vs. Steve King
Jerry Lawler (w/ Queasy, Sleezy, & Cheezy) vs. Gary Scott
The Heavenly Bodies vs. Ben Jordan & Tony Roy
The 1-2-3 Kid vs. Todd Mata
Taped 10/19/94; Albany, NY; Knickerbocker Arena
Bam Bam Bigelow & King Kong Bundy vs. Phil Apollo & Todd Mata
Doink the Clown (w/ Pink, Dink, & Wink) vs. Richie Rich
IRS vs. Mike Bell
Jim Neidhart vs. Scott Taylor
The Smoking Gunns vs. Nick Barberry & Jeremy Cutter
Lex Luger vs. HD Ryder
Taped 10/19/94; Albany, NY; Knickerbocker Arena
Bob Backlund (w/ Owen Hart) vs. Tony Devito
Sparky Plugg vs. Phil Apollo
WWF Tag Team Champion Diesel vs. Aaron Furguson
Tatanka vs. Tim McNeany
Davey Boy Smith & the 1-2-3 Kid vs. Gary Scott & the Executioner
Taped 11/9/94; Bethlehem, PA; Stabler Arena
11/27/94 – featured a vignette promoting the debut of Henry Godwinn; included a vignette of IRS appearing at a graveyard in which he said he was going to audit the Undertaker:
Owen Hart vs. Jason Ahrndt at 2:28 via submission with the Sharpshooter
Adam Bomb vs. the Black Phantom (Dave Heath) at 2:59 with the pumphandle slam
Well Dunn (w/ Harvey Wippleman) vs. Gary Sabaugh & Mike Khoury at 4:48 when Timothy Well vs. Khoury following a Hot Shot double team move
WWF IC Champion Razor Ramon vs. JS Storm at 2:00 with the Razor’s Edge; Lauren Thierrey of American Journal was the guest ring announcer for the match and incorrectly billed Razor during his intro as the International Champion
Jeff Jarrett vs. John Crystal via submission with the figure-4
The Bushwhackers vs. the Brooklyn Brawler & Ray Hudson when Luke vs. Hudson at 3:18 following the battering ram
Taped 11/9/94; Bethlehem, PA; Stabler Arena
Doink the Clown (w/ Dink) vs. Mike Khoury at 3:02 with the Whoopie Cushion
Aldo Montoya vs. Duane Gill
Jim Neidhart vs. Curtis Harrison at 2:31 via submission with the Camel Clutch
The Smoking Gunns vs. Chris Hammerick & Dave Dimagglio at 3:53 when Billy vs. Dimagglio following an elbow off the top as Bart held Dimagglio over his shoulder in a backbreaker
Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Ben Jordan at 2:57 with a delayed suplex and two dropping headbutts
Lex Luger vs. Barry Hardy via submission with the Torture Rack at 2:34; prior to the bout, a young fan by the name of John Rolf served as Luger’s guest flagbearer
Taped 11/9/94; Bethlehem, PA; Stabler Arena
Davey Boy Smith vs. the Brooklyn Brawler
IRS vs. Jason Hendricks
Men on a Mission vs. JW Storm & an unknown
Tatanka vs. John Crystal
The 1-2-3 Kid vs. Reno Riggins with a northern lights suplex
King Kong Bundy vs. Jeff Hardy
Taped 11/30/94; Lowell, MA; Auditorium
WWF IC Champion Razor Ramon vs. Sonny Pruitt with the Razor’s Edge at 2:40; prior to the bout, Jeff Jarrett & the Roadie were seen watching Razor backstage on the moniter
Hakushi (w/ Shinja) vs. Gary Scott via count-out at 1:52 after executing a flying bodypress over the top to the floor; moments later, Hakushi brought Scott back inside the ring and hit a diving headbutt; the version of the match that aired on the Action Zone featured guest commentary from Vinnie Pazienza, alongside Vince McMahon & Todd Pettingill, who was preparing for a boxing fight against Roberto Duran January 14 (Hakushi’s TV debut)
Jeff Jarrett (w/ the Roadie) vs. Cory Student via submission with the figure-4 at 2:00
Mabel vs. Mike Bell
The Heavenly Bodies vs. Ray Raymond and JW Storm
Aldo Montoya vs. Chris Canyon
Taped 11/30/94; Lowell, MA; Auditorium
Owen Hart vs. Buck Quartermaine via submission with the Sharpshooter
The 1-2-3 Kid vs. Bert Centenno
IRS vs. Nick Barbery
The Smoking Gunns vs. the Brooklyn Brawler & Duane Gill at 2:59 when Billy vs. Gill following a double team move in which Bart lifted Gill over his shoulder and Billy came off the top with an elbowdrop
Adam Bomb vs. Barry Hardy
Henry Godwinn vs. Tony Roy with the Slop Drop at 2:02
Taped 11/30/94; Lowell, MA; Auditorium
Hakushi vs. Scott Taylor
Davey Boy Smith vs. Chris Avery
King Kong Bundy vs. Steve King
Well Dunn vs. Phil Apollo & Tim McNeeny
Lex Luger vs. Reno Riggins
Duke Drose vs. Charlie Hunter