1/2 Shawn Michaels Commentates
Bam Bam Bigelow and Tatanka vs. Lex Luger and British Bulldog
Royal Rumble Report
Duke Droese vs. Scrub
Kama Promo
King’s Court With Owen Hart- Owen talks about how proud he is that he caused his brother to lose the title a couple of months ago.
Double J vs. Scrub- Double J is supposed to sing after the match but doesn’t like how the microphone and lights are set up so he leaves.
Bam Bam Bigelow and Tatanka vs. Lex Luger and British Bulldog- Everyone wanted a rematch since the last one ended in a Double DQ.
1/9 2nd Anniversery Show with Shawn Michaels Commentating.
IC Title Match: Owen Hart vs. Razor Ramon- Match ends when Bret Hart comes out and attacks Owen.
Royal Rumble Report
Hakushi vs. Scrub- Hakushi’s WWF debut.
King’s Court With William Shatner- The King tries to get in a cheap shot but Captain Kurk is one step ahead of him.
King Kong Bundy vs. Scrub
Tuxedo Match: Harvey Whippleman vs. Howard Finkle- Yep, just like an evening gown match, only with these guys.
Double J Interview
1/16 Shawn Michaels Commentates
Heavenly Bodies vs. 1-2-3 Kid and Bob Holly
Bret Hart/William Shatner Interview
Mantaur vs. Scrub- Pretty much scrub vs. scrub because this guy didn’t last long.
Royal Rumble Report- Features an interview with Double J.
Double J vs. Bret Hart
King’s Court With The Million Dollar Corporation
Mable vs. Scrub
Mable/King Kong Bundy Interview
Diesel Music Video
1/23 Raw in Palmetto, FL, Night After Royal Rumble. Shawn Michaels Commentates.
Tag Team Title Match: Smoking Gunns vs. 1-2-3 Kid and Bob Spark Plug Holly- The new tag team champions from the Royal Rumble lose their titles here.
1-2-3 Kid Interview- He and his tag team partner want a rematch.
Royal Rumble Report
IRS vs. Scrub
Man Mountain Rock Promo
King’s Court With Double J- Interview with the man who won the IC title from Razor Ramon last night and now he challanges Diesel for the WWF Title.
British Bulldog vs. Scrub
1/30 Shawn Michaels Commentates
Royal Rumble Rules: Mable vs. King Kong Bundy
Bam Bam Bigelow Interview He “apologizes” to Lawrance Taylor for pushing him at the Royal Rumble. Instead of saying that he way sorry, he challanges LT to a match.
Hakushi vs. Scrub
Aldo Montoyo vs. Scrub
King’s Court With Bob Backlund
Tag Team Title Match: 1-2-3 Kid and Bob Spark Plug Holly vs. The Smoking Gunns- The match ends when the Kid injures his shoulder.
Kama vs. Scrub- The debut of The Godfather! (And the return of Papa Shango).
2/6 Shawn Michaels Commentates
Men On A Mission and Lex Luger vs. Tatanka, King Kong Bundy, and IRS
Man Mountain Rock vs. Scrub- His debut.
Diesel Interview
Mantaur vs. Scrub
Razor Ramon vs. Scrub
Henry Godwinn vs. Scrub
Double J Interview
Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Scrub
Adam Bomb vs. Scrub
Bret Hart Interview
King’s Court With Shawn Michaels- The Heartbreak Kid feels that he is a marked man so he decides to bring in a new body guard and the return of, Sycho Sid. He sure does spit a lot during his interviews.
Blu Brothers vs. Two Scrubs
Diesel Highlights- Highlights of Diesel at the NBA All Star Weekend.
WWF Title Match: Double J vs. Diesel- Diesel dominates almost the whole time, making Double J look weak. Diesel also gives the Roadie a jacknife powerbomb.
Shawn Michaels Interview
2/27 100th Show
Tatanka vs. Lex Luger
Owen Hart vs. Scrub
Lawrence Taylor/Bam Bam Bigelow Interview- LT talks about what happened at the Royal Rumble and the two argue at each other.
Doink vs. Scrub
Kama vs. Scrub
Shawn Michaels vs. British Bulldog- Who always wins when these two face each other? So who do you think won this one?
WrestleMania 11 Conference Highlights- Sets up the main event matches for WrestleMania with interviews from Diesel, Shawn Michaels, Bam Bam Bigelow, and Lawrence Taylor.
Bob Backlund vs. Scrub
Steven Dunn vs. Duke The Dumpster Droese- Jerry The King Lawler calls in and talks about his match that he will have with Bret Hart next week.
3/13 Raw in Stockton, Ca (My Home Town)!!!
Headshrinkers vs. Blu Brothers
Lawrence Taylor/Steve McMichael Interview
Million Dollar Corporation Interview
Ernie Ladd Interview
Jeff Jarrett vs. Barry Horowitz
WrestleMania Report
Jerry The King Lawler vs. Bret Hart
Double J Interview
Razor Ramon vs Henry Godwinn
King Kong Bundy vs. Two Scrubs
Steve McMichael/Kama Brawl- McMichael is commentating during the last match when Kama comes and taunts Steve and the two brawl.
WrestleMania Report
Tag team Title Match: Heavenly Bodies vs. Smoking Gunns
Tatanka/Lex Luger Interview
3/27 WrestleMania 11 Preview Show
Shawn Michaels/Diesel Highlights- Shows video clips of these two, leading up to their match next week at WrestleMania.
Bam Bam Bigelow/Lawrence Taylor Highlights- See the review from above.
Bob Backlund Interview
Double/Razor Ramon Highlights
Bret Hart Interview
NO DQ: Owen Hart vs. Bret Hart- Bret Hart gets Owen Hart to tap out in the sharp-shooter.
Million Dollar Corporation Interview
4/3 Night After WrestleMania 11
Bob Spark Plug Holly vs. Hakushi
Royal Rumble Report
Diesel Interview- Big Daddy Cool is giving Shawn a rematch in this show and tells HBK to come to the ring without Sid because he probably was the reason why Michaels didn’t win the title last night.
Allied Powers vs. Well Done
WWF Title Match: Bull Nakano vs. Alundra Blayze
Men On A Mission vs. Two Scrubs
First In Your House Promo- You could win a house!!! All you have to do is watch the First In Your House. What a lame idea.
Shawn Michaels/Sycho Sid Interview- Big Spot here in WWF History. Shawn Michaels tells Sid to go in the back during the title match but Sid doesn’t like that. Raw goes to commercial and when they come back, HBK is laying in the ring, not moving, and Diesel comes out to his aid. So what happened during the break?? Tune in next week to find out.
4/10 Finally Jerry Lawler Commentates Raw
Sid/HBK Highlights- Ok, you didn’t have to wait a week, just scroll down a little. It shows Sid powerbombing and attacking HBK and leaving him in the ring. Sid turns on Michaels.
Adam Bomb vs. Tatanka
Headshrinkers vs. Two Scrubs
Sid/HBK Highlights- Complete highlights of what happened last week where Sid powerbombed HBK 3 times, thus turning Michaels mega-face when he comes back in a couple of months.
Kama vs. Scrub
Yokozuna, Owen Hart, and Hakushi vs. 1-2-3 Kid, Bob Holly, and Bret Hart
WrestleMania Highlights- Highlights of all the football players that were involved.
Duke Droese vs. Jean-Pierre LaFitte- LaFitte’s debut.
Bob Backlund Interview- This guy is a nut.
Million Dollar Corporation Highlights.- Sycho Sid becomes the newest member.
Doink vs. Scrub
In Your House Report- The Main Event for the first In You House will be Sid vs. Diesel for the WWF Title.
Tag Team Title Match: 1-2-3 Kid and Bob Holly vs. Owen Hart and Yokozuna
Henry Godwinn vs. Scrub
Smoking Gunns vs. Barry Horowitz and Brooklyn Brawler
Bam Bam Bigelow Interview
Diesel Interview
Bertha Faye vs. “Scrubette”
In Your House Report
WWF Title Match: Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Diesel- The Million Dollar Corporation come out after the match and attack Bam Bam for not winning the title. Diesel runs back in for the save.
Aldo Montoya vs. Scrub
Hunter Hearst Helmsley Screen Shot- I thought this was HHH’s first promo but the camera was only on him for about 5 seconds and he didn’t say anything. He just sat in a chair, in his mansion. Weird.
Allied Powers vs. Two Scrubs
Bob Holly vs. Scrub
In Your House Report
Mantaur vs. Scrub
Man Mountain Rock Promo
Sycho Sid vs. Razor Ramon- Match never happens. Sid attacks Razor during his ring entrance and Diesel makes the save again.
Hunter Hearst Helmsley Promo- I guess this is his first promo. Too short though.
Men On A Mission vs. Two Scrubs
Bret Hart/Jerry The King Lawler Interview- Bret says he will wrestle Hakushi and then Lawler at In Your House.
Double J vs. Doink Skip and Sunny’s First Promo
Bam Bam Bigelow Interview- Tries to give a face interview.
Ted Dibiase/Sycho Sid Interview
Hakushi vs. Scrub
In Your House Report
Owen Hart vs. Bart Gunn
5/15 Night After The First In Your House
Owen Hart and Yokozuna vs. Two Scrubs
Jerry The King Lawler vs. Bret Hart Highlights- From Last night at IYH #1.
Man Mountain Rock vs. Scrub
In Your House Highlights- Highlights of the guy who won the house.
Savio Vega Interview
Mantaur vs. Bob Holly
Bob Backlund- He announces that he will run for president.
Sid vs. Diesel Highlights
Ted Dibiase Interview
Bam Bam Bigelow vs. IRS
Shawn Michael Music Video- HBK is returning next week!!!
5/22 Really Small Tracking Line, Way Up At The Top Of This Show
Razor Ramon vs. Scrub
Bret Hart Interview- Bret wants a rematch with Jerry Lawler. He wants it so bad that he begins to brawl with him while he sits at the announcers table.
Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Scrub- HHH makes his debut as he wins with a Diamond Cutter type move! He looks so small compared to how he looks now.
Bob Backlund Interview- Says what he would change and do if he was president.
Allied Powers vs. Two Scrubs
Kama vs. Barry Horowitz
King Kong Bundy vs. Shawn Michaels- Shawn Michaels returns since being out 6 weeks ago, thanks to Sid. HBK gets a great crowd reaction. You can tell Michaels is really pumped up for this match by all his antics as he picks up the win. Diesel and Bam Bam Bigelow come out and HBK and Diesel reunite their friendship with a high five.
Sycho Sid vs. Scrub
Diesel Interview
Adam Bomb vs. Scrub
King Of The Ring Report
Hakushi vs. Scrub- Hakushi bring a bag to the ring and pulls out a head look-a-like of Bret Hart. Reminded me of Sub_zero from Mortal Kombat when he ripped off his opponent’s head.
Alundra Blayze Interview
Men On A Mission vs. Two Scrubs
Double J vs. Undertaker
Savio Vega vs. Scrub- Savio’s Raw debut.
Diesel Highlights
Sunny/Skip Promo- This is a kind of promo where if Tammy and Chris where to look back and see, I think they would be very embarressed of.
Skip vs. Barry Horowitz- Skips and Sunny’s debut.
King Of The Ring Report
Owen Hart vs. British Bulldog
Jerry The King Lawler Interview- Says he hasn’t washed his feet in 2 weeks and doesn’t plan to until he faces Bret Hart in a “Kiss My Foot” Match at the King Of The Ring.
Bret Hart Interview
Jean-Pierre LaFette vs. Scrub
Yokozuna/Lex Luger History Highlights
Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Scrub- Diesel calls in.
Waylon Mercy’s First Promo- This guy was horrible, remember him?
Kama vs. Scrub
King Of The Ring Report
Man Mountain Rock vs. Scrub
Techno Team 2000 vs. Two Scrubs
Lex Luger vs. Yokozuna
Undertaker vs. Scrub
Adam Bomb vs. Scrub
King Of The Ring Report
Sycho Sid and Tatanka vs. Headshrinkers
Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Scrub- I bet it was really annoying for Hunter to walk out in a suit before he wrestled and then take it off every match.
Shawn Michaels vs. Scrub- Michaels wins with two superkicks as Kama, Undertaker, and Mable come to the ring. What’s going to happen this Sunday at King Of The Ring!!!??? Nothing happened really but oh well.
6/26 Night After King Of The Ring Shawn Michaels Commentates
Bret Hart vs. Jerry Lawler Highlights
Smoking Gunns vs. Two Scrubs
Jerry The King Lawler Interview- Gives the interview outside of his dentist’s office, Isaac Yankem D.D.S. I guess you could call this his first promo.
Skip vs. Scott Taylor
Man Mountain Rock vs. Scrub
King Mable vs. Scrub- Now that Mable won the KOTR last night, he names himself, King Mable.
Waylon Mercy Promo
WWF Hall Of Fame Highlights
IC Title Match: Savio Vega vs. Double J- The Roadie gets involved with Shawn Michaels so HBK comes in and cleans house on him and Double J. The end of this match has some bad tracking problems, only the last 2 minutes or so.
1-2-3 Kid vs. Scrub- The Kid’s return!
In Your House Report- Shows footage of Double J challenging Shawn Michaels to an IC Title Match from last week when Raw went off the air. The match will take place at In Your House (2).
Double J Music Video- The debut of the video, With My Baby Tonight which was really sung by his Roadie, Jesse Jammes.
Bob Holly vs. Brooklyn Brawler
Adam Bomb vs. Henry Godwinn Highlights
Henry Godwinn vs. Barry Horowitz
Sycho Sid vs. Bam Bam Bigelow
Waylon Mercy vs. Scrub- That scrub is Jeff Hardy sporting short, blonde hair. I guess Mercy’s gimmick is that he acts nice but he destroys his opponents and shows, “no mercy”.
Jerry The King Lawler Interview- This interview is in the office of his dentist, Isaac Yankem. We see his face for the first time for his second promo.
Roadie vs. Scrub
Double J Interview
Savio Vega vs. Scrub
Ted Dibiase/Sycho Sid Interview
Barry Horowitz Highlights- After many years of jobbing, he wins a match against Chris Candido, known at this time as Skip.
Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Matt Hardy- Hardy has short hair and is a jobber at this time.
In Your House Report
Tatanka and Henry Godwinn vs. Allied Powers
Jerry The King Lawler/Isaac Yankem D.D.S. Interview
Owen Hart and Yokozuna vs. Scrubs
Double J Music Video
Jean-Pierre Lafitte vs. Scrub
In Your House Report
IRS vs. Shawn Michaels
Kama vs. Scrub
Diesel Interview- Sycho Sid comes out but nothing happens as all the lumberjacks are standing outside of the ring.
7/24 Night After In Your House 2 and Debut of the Raw Set with the Letters, “R A W” in Front of the Entrance Way.
Shawn Michaels vs. Jimmy Del Ray
Smoking Gunns vs. Two Scrubs
Goldust’s First Promo- Promo was only 3 seconds.
Phatu Promo- Shows some clips of his hometown. I don’t know why but he is.
Waylon Mercy vs. Scrub
In Your House 2 Highlights
King Mable Interview- Challenges Diesel to a match at SummerSlam.
Hakushi vs. Bret Hart- Good match with Hakushi flying all over the place.
Dean Douglas First Promo- Pretty dumb, teacher gimmick that he is going to use.
Shawn Michaels Interview
King Mable vs. Scrub
Phatu Promo
Jerry The King Lawler/Shawn Michaels Interview- The two yell at eachother and say they want to beat each other up.
Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Scrub
Dean Douglas Promo- Reviews Bam Bam Bigelow and gives him an F.
Skip vs. Scrub
SummerSlam Report- Remember these days? When the WWF had their PPV cards planned out early so people knew who would face each other at ppvs? It’s not like that any more.
Tag Team Title Match: Razor Ramon and Savio Vega vs. Owen Hart and Yokozuna
Tag Team Title Match: Razor Ramon and Savio Vega vs. Owen Hart and Yokozuna- A rematch from last week.
Dean Douglas Promo
Phatu vs. Scrub
SummerSlam Report
Kama vs. Scrub
Sir Mo vs. Diesel- Mo was such a scrub. King Mable and Shawn Michaels come out to the ring and brawl after the match.
8/14 Ted Dibiase Commentates
Doink vs. Waylon Mercy
Goldust Promo- This is his first promo where you get to see and hear him talk as he stands out in front of Hollywood! I’m not sure what he says but it’s not really important.
Henry Godwinn vs. Scrub- Dumps his bucket of whatever it is on Ted Dibiase before the match.
Smoking Gunns vs. Two Scrubs
Dean Douglas Promo- Reviews Bret Hart and gives him an F.
Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Jeff Hardy- Jeff Hardy is growing out his short hair. If you haven’t seen Hunter’s matches during these days, you need to.
Jerry the King Lawler vs. Shawn Michaels- Psycho Sid comes in and causes a DQ. Razor Ramon then follows and attacks Sid. HBK and Razor exchange some heated words and then Diesel comes in to keep them apart. Most of the Clique are in the ring!
Men On A Mission vs. Two Scrubs
Dean Douglas Promo- Reviews King Mable and gives him an “N C” for new champion at SummerSlam.
1-2-3 Kid vs. Brooklyn Brawler
Tatanka vs. Undertaker
SummerSlam Report
Jean Pierre Lafitte vs. Scott Taylor
Goldust Promo
Diesel/British Bulldog Interview- Bulldog says that Lex Luger has an appointment down in Atlanta. I guess this was when Lex went to WCW.
Diesel and British Bulldog vs. King Mable and Sir Mo- Bulldog nails Diesel from behind and turns heel here. He then slaps him around and powerslams him, setting up their soon-to-be feud.
9/11 The Next Raw After SummerSlam (Raw was pre-empted for 2 weeks)
Razor Ramon vs. British Bulldog
1-2-3 Kid/Razor Ramon Interview- The two argue about each other costing them the match. The Kid challenges Razor to a match and begins his heel turn here.
Smoking Gunn vs. Two Jobbers
Goldust Promo
Isaac Yankem D.D.S. vs. Scrub
In Your House Report
IC Title Match: Psycho Sid vs. Shawn Michaels- HBK wins with 3 superkicks on Sid.
Shawn Michaels/Diesel Interview- “We’re not only Two Dudes With Attitudes, but we’re also The Chaps With All The Straps” – Diesel says this, even though they don’t have the tag titles but they will get a shot at the next In Your House.
1-2-3 Kid vs. Razor Ramon- Dean Douglas comes in and attack Razor, allowing the Kid to pick up another win over The Bad Guy.
Kama and Tatanka vs. Bob Holly and Savio Vega
Razor Ramon Interview
Jean Pierre Lafitte vs. Scrub
Men On A Mission vs. Owen Hart and Yokozuna
Jim Cornette Interview
9/25 Night After In Your House #3
Marty Jannetty vs. Skip- Marty returns as Skip has already become a jobber.
In Your House Highlights
Tag Team Title Match: Smoking Gunns vs. Owen Hart and Yokozuna- Smoking Gunns win the titles again here.
Gorilla Mansoon Interview
British Bulldog vs. Undertaker- King Mable causes a DQ and attacks the Undertaker. Several wrestlers come in to clear the ring.
Shawn Michaels and Diesel dance in the ring.
Razor Ramon vs. 1-2-3 Kid- Razor actually beats the Kid 3 times here as they had 3 matches. It looked like Ramon knocked some sence into the Kid and they leave the ring together.
Barry Horowitz vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley- Horowitz actually gets a crowd reaction and it looks like he may steal another win here but doesn’t.
PG-13 vs. Two Scrubs- Basically scrubs vs. scrubs but they were somewhat known for their time with the Nation a year later so he is their debut.
Bret Hart vs. Jean Pierre LaFitte- Good match with a lot of action. Jerry Lawler and Isaac Yankem come in and attack Bret after the match.
Owen Hart, Yokozuna, and British Bulldog vs. Undertaker, Diesel, and Shawn Michaels- The Bulldog pins Diesel to set up their match at the next In Your House. After this match, the heels destroy the babyfaces with the help of Kind Mable and Dean Douglas. Mable leg drops UT several times which would cause him to miss several weeks.
Bret Hart/Jerry The King Lawler/Isaac Yankem D.D.S. Highlights- Shows highlights from their brawl last week and the Bret Hart vs. Isaac Yankem match from SummerSlam.
Skip vs. Phatu
Doc Hendrix/Jim Cornette/British Bulldog/King Mable Interview
Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Doink
Tag team Title Match: PG-13 vs. Smoking Gunns
Jim Cornette/British Bulldog Interview
Ahmed Johnson’s First Promo
Dean Douglas vs. Scrub- Shawn Michaels calls in during the match.
Goldust Promo
Paul Bearer Interview
Steel Cage Match: Isaac Yankem D.D.S. vs. Bret Hart- Jerry Lawler said before the match he had the key to victory. He changed the lock on the cage so the referee had the wrong key. Lawler decides to gets involved and is put into a cage held above the ring.
10/23 Night After In Your House #4
20 Man Battle Royal- Includes many midcarders. Owen Hart wins and will face Razor Ramon next week on Raw for the IC Title.
Ahmed Johnson Promo
Shawn Michaels Highlights
Avatar vs. Scrub- His debut as he takes off his mask to reveal himself as… well, we know him now as Al Snow.
WWF Women’s Title: Alundra Blayze vs. Bertha Faye- Blayze wins and regains the title, as if anyone really cared.
Shawn Michaels Interview
10/30 Halloween Eve Edition
Savio Vega vs. Goldust- Goldust’s Raw “Premier” (debut)!
Marty Jannetty vs. Scrub
Jim Cornette/Clearance Mason/British Bulldog Interview
Smoking Gunns vs. Two Scrubs
IC Title Match: Owen Hart vs. Razor Ramon- Good match but I could have sworn that the ref does a 3 count but Razor didn’t kick out so he had to do a near 4th count. Yokozuna causes a DQ and 1-2-3 Kid and the new comer, Ahmed Johnson come in to make the save. Ahmed kind of slams Yokozuna like Lex Luger did years ago but this is a bit more impressive due to how much weight Yokozuna has put on since the summer of 1993.
Marty Jannetty vs. British Bulldog
Bam Bam Bigelow/Goldust Highlights
Henry Godwinn vs. Scrub- Hunter Hearst Helmsley comes in after the match and attacks The Godwinn.
Survivor Series Report
Kama vs. Scrub
Jerry The King Lawler and Isaac Yankem D.D.S. vs. Bret Hart and Hakushi- Weak finish.
Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Henry Godwinn- Not really a match. Henry dumps a bucket a slop on himself and Hunter runs away in disgust.
Survivor Series Report
Shawn Michaels Highlights
Ahmed Johnson vs. Scrub- Ahmed’s WWF debut! He had a decent career but if he could have just stayed healthy and knew how to execute wrestling moves properly and not injure everyone, he could have had a great career because he had the charisma.
Diesel/Bret Hart Interview
King Mable vs. Scrub
Psycho Sid vs. Razor Ramon- 1-2-3 Kid- is the referee and turns his back on Razor Ramon by helping Sid win the match and finally turns heel here after months of teasing.
11/20 Night After Survivor Series
Hakushi vs. 1-2-3 Kid
Ted Dibiase/1-2-3 Kid/Psycho Sid Interview- Marty Jannetty comes in to “settle the score” with the Kid but Sid powerbombs him on the outside instead.
In Your House Report
Skip vs. Savio Vega
Diesel Interview- He decides to interrupt the last match and do a “shoot interview” saying that he will no longer be a corporate puppet! Also says to the fans, if you have on a black glove, he will slap your hand. I guess that’s kind of a cool concept.
Owen Hart vs. Shawn Michaels- Remember this match? I’m sure you have heard about it from your friends. Owen Hart kicks Shawn in the head and he collapses during the match. Looked as real as they could make it look.
Brad Radford vs. Ahmed Johnson
Ahmed Johnson/Dean Douglas Interview
Shawn Michaels Highlights
Aja Kong and Tornoko vs. Alundra Blayze and Kika
Brother Love Show with Bret Hart- This Brother Love dude sounds like Paul Bearer. Bob Backlund comes in after the interview and puts on the crossface chicken wing.
Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Scrub
Undertaker vs. Sir Mo
Bob Holly vs. British Bulldog
Bob Backlund Interview
Phatu vs. Brooklyn Brawler
In Your House Report
IC Title Match: Dean Douglas vs. Razor Ramon
Brother Love Show with King Mable
Psycho Sid vs. Marty Jannetty- 1-2-3 Kid and Razor Ramon run in.
Shawn Michaels Injury Report
Owen Hart vs. Jeff Hardy- Owen and Yokozuna attack poor Jeff Hardy after the match and Diesel runs them off.
Chaparita Asari vs. Aja Kong
Shawn Michaels Interview- Shawn gets upset when Todd Pettengill (sp?) asks him about a possible early retirement.
Ahmed Johnson vs. Scrub
Ted Dibiase/1-2-3 Kid/Psycho Sid Interview
Bob Backlund vs. Bret Hart- British Bulldog comes in and attack Bret Hart.
12/18 Raw in Newark, DE (live), Night After In Your House 5
Jeff Jarrett vs. Phatu- He comes out saying that he’s in the house “4 life” while doing the little nWo hand signal thing? Hmmm….
Gorilla Mansoon Interview- Says that Undertaker will face Bret Hart at the Royal Rumble for the WWF Title.
Goldust Interview- Talks about Razor Ramon which started their feud.
Buddy Landell vs. Bob Holly
Brother Love Show with Ted Dibiase
IC Title Match: Yokozuna vs. Razor Ramon- Undertaker comes to the ring and Yokozuna runs away scared.
Razor Ramon Interview
Shawn Michaels Music Video- Video done in belief that his career may have been over entitled, “Tell Me A Lie”.
Featured a special edition of Raw, hosted by Vince McMahon & Mr. Perfect titled “The WWF Championship – the dream, the reign, the quest”
WWE – 1995/01/02 – RAW # 92
01. Bam Bam Bigelow & Tatanka vs. Lex Luger & Davey Boy Smith
02. Duke Droese vs. Mike Bell
03. Jeff Jarrett vs. Buck Quartermaine
04. Lex Luger & Davey Boy Smith vs. Bam Bam Bigelow & Tatanka
WWE – 1995/01/09 – RAW # 93
01. Owen Hart vs. Razor Ramon
02. Hakushi vs. Matt Hardy
03. King Kong Bundy vs. Gary Sabaugh
04. Tuxedo Match: Howard Finkel vs. Harvey Wippleman
WWE – 1995/01/16 – RAW # 94
01. 1-2-3 Kid & Bob Holly vs. The Heavenly Bodies
02. Mantaur vs. Jason Arndt
03. Bret Hart vs. Jeff Jarrett
04. Mabel vs. Lee Toblin
WWE – 1995/01/23 – RAW # 95
01. The Smoking Gunns vs. The 1-2-3 Kid & Bob Holly
02. Irwin R. Schyster vs. Buck Quartermaine
03. Davey Boy Smith vs. The Black Phantom
WWE – 1995/01/30 – RAW # 96
01. King Kong Bundy vs. Mabel
02. Hakushi vs. Ricky Santana
03. Aldo Montoya vs. David Sierra
04. The Smoking Gunns vs. The 1-2-3 Kid & Bob Holly
05. Kama vs. Jumbo Berretta
WWE – 1995/02/06 – RAW # 97
01. King Kong Bundy & Irwin R. Schyster & Tatanka vs. Men on a Mission & Lex Luger
02. Man Mountain Rock vs. Charlie Hunter
03. Mantaur vs. Leroy Howard
04. Razor Ramon vs. Frank Lancaster
05. Henry Godwinn vs. Bill Weaver
WWE – 1995/02/06 – RAW # 98
01. Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Gary Sabough
02. Adam Bomb vs. Rip Rogers
03. The Blu Brothers vs. Leroy Howard & Mark Starr
04. Diesel vs. Jeff Jarrett
WWE – 1995/02/27 – RAW # 99
01. Lex Luger vs. Tatanka
02. Owen Hart vs. Larry Santo
03. Kama vs. Ken Raper
WWE – 1995/03/06 – RAW # 100
01. Shawn Michaels vs. Davey Boy Smith
02. Bob Backlund vs. Buck Quartermaine
03. Duke Droese vs. Steven Dunn
WWE – 1995/03/13 – RAW # 101
01. The Blu Brothers vs. The Headshrinkers
02. Jeff Jarrett vs. Barry Horowitz
03. Jerry Lawler vs. Bret Hart
WWE – 1995/03/20 – RAW # 102
01. Razor Ramon vs. Henry Godwinn
02. King Kong Bundy vs. Adam Kroomes & Raven Clark
03. The Smoking Gunns vs. The Heavenly Bodies.
WWE – 1995/03/27 – RAW # 103
01. No Holds Barred: Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart
WWE – 1995/04/03 – RAW # 104
01. Hakushi vs. Bob Holly
02. The Allied Powers (Lex Luger & Davey Boy Smith) vs. Well Dunn
03. Alundra Blayze vs. Bull Nakano
04. Men On A Mission vs. Ben Jordan & Tony Roy
WWE – 1995/04/10 – RAW # 105
01. Adam Bomb vs. Tatanka
02. The Headshrinkers vs. Mike Bell & Tony DeVito
03. Kama vs. Scott Taylor
04. Bret Hart & The 1-2-3 Kid & Bob Holly vs. Hakushi & Owen Hart & Yokozuna
WWE – 1995/04/17 – RAW # 106
01. Jean Pierre Lafitte vs. Duke Droese
02. Doink The Clown vs. Raymond Roy
03. Owen Hart & Yokozuna vs. The 1-2-3 Kid & Bob Holly
04. Henry Godwinn vs. Rich Myers
WWE – 1995/04/24 – RAW # 107
01. The Smoking Gunns vs. Barry Horowitz & The Brooklyn Brawler
02. Bertha Faye vs. La Pantera Serena
03. Diesel vs. Bam Bam Bigelow
04. Aldo Montoya vs. The Black Phantom
WWE – 1995/05/01 – RAW # 108
01. The Allied Powers vs. Ron Hagan & George Anderson
02. Bob Holly vs. Butler Stevens
03. Mantaur vs. Sonny Rogers
04. Sid vs. Razor Ramon
05. Adam Bomb vs. Dave Sigfrid
06. Men on a Mission vs. Kevin Krueger & Bill Duke
WWE – 1995/05/08 – RAW # 109
01. Jeff Jarrett vs. Doink The Clown
02. Hakushi vs. Gary Scott
03. Bart Gunn vs. Owen Hart
WWE – 1995/05/15 – RAW # 110
01. Yokozuna vs. Nick Barberry & Bill Weaver
02. Man Mountain Rock vs. Iron Mike Sharpe
03. Bob Holly vs. Mantaur
04. Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Irwin R. Schyster
WWE – 1995/05/22 – RAW # 111
01. Razor Ramon vs. Mike Bell
02. Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. John Chrystal
03. The Allied Powers vs. Tony DeVito & Bill Payne
04. Kama vs. Barry Horowitz
05. Shawn Michaels vs. King Kong Bundy
WWE – 1995/05/29 – RAW # 112
01. Sid vs. Mike Khoury
02. Adam Bomb vs. Bob Cook
03. Hakushi vs. John Snakowski
04. Men on a Mission vs. Gary Scott & Aaron Ferguson
05. The Undertaker vs. Jeff Jarrett
WWE – 1995/06/05 – RAW # 113
01. Savio Vega vs. Kenny Kendall
02. Skip vs. Barry Horowitz
03. Owen Hart vs. Davey Boy Smith
04. Jean Pierre Lafitte vs. Jerry Flynn
WWE – 1995/06/12 – RAW # 114
01. Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Duane Gill
02. Kama vs. David Haskins
03. Man Mountain Rock vs. Bob Cook
04. Techno Team 2000 vs. John Chrystal & Mike Khoury
05. Yokozuna vs. Lex Luger
WWE – 1995/06/19 – RAW # 115
01. The Undertaker vs. Mike McReynolds
02. Adam Bomb vs. Bill Payne
03. Sid & Tatanka vs. The Headshrinkers
04. Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Buck Quartermaine
05. Shawn Michaels vs. Gus Kantarrakis
WWE – 1995/06/26 – RAW # 116
01. The Smoking Gunns vs. Jason Arndt & The Black Phantom
02. Skip vs. Scott Taylor
03. Man Mountain Rock vs. Phil Apollo
04. King Mabel vs. Kenny Kendall
05. Savio Vega vs. Jeff Jarrett
WWE – 1995/07/03 – RAW # 117
01. The 1-2-3 Kid vs. Mike Bell
02. Bob Holly vs. The Brooklyn Brawler
03. Henry Godwinn vs. Barry Horowitz
04. Sid vs. Bam Bam Bigelow
05. Waylon Mercy vs. Jeff Hardy
WWE – 1995/07/10 – RAW # 118
01. The Roadie vs. Jerry Flynn
02. Savio Vega vs. Mike Khoury
03. Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Matt Hardy
04. The Allied Powers vs. Tatanka & Henry Godwinn
WWE – 1995/07/17 – RAW # 119
01. Owen Hart & Yokozuna vs. Jim Dimitre & Gus Kantarrakis
02. Jean Pierre Lafitte vs. David Thornberg
03. Shawn Michaels vs. Irwin R. Schyster
04. Kama vs. Billy Mack
WWE – 1995/07/24 – RAW # 120
01. Shawn Michaels vs. Jimmy Del Ray
02. The Smoking Gunns vs. John Faulkner & Rick Stockhauser
03. Waylon Mercy vs. Gary Scot
04. Bret Hart vs. Hakushi
WWE – 1995/07/31 – RAW # 121
01. King Mabel vs. Nick Barberry
02. Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Bob Cook
03. Skip vs. Barry Horowitz
04. Owen Hart & Yokozuna vs. Savio Vega & Razor Ramon
WWE – 1995/08/07 – RAW # 122
01. Owen Hart & Yokozuna vs. Savio Vega & Razor Ramon
02. Fatu vs. Tony Devito
03. Kama vs. Troy Haste
04. Diesel vs. Mo
WWE – 1995/08/14 – RAW # 123
01. Waylon Mercy vs. Doink the Clown
02. The Smoking Gunns vs. Bill Garrett & Cody Wade
03. Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Jeff Hardy
04. Henry Godwinn vs. Russ Greenberg
05. Shawn Michaels vs. Jerry Lawler
WWE – 1995/08/21 – RAW # 124
01. Men On A Mission vs. Roy Raymond & Joe Hanlock
02. The 1-2-3 Kid vs. The Brooklyn Brawler
03. The Undertaker vs. Tatanka
04. Jean Pierre Lafitte vs. Scott Taylor
05. Diesel & Davey Boy Smith vs. Men On A Mission
WWE – 1995/09/11 – RAW # 125
01. Davey Boy Smith vs. Razor Ramon
02. Smoking Gunns vs. The Brooklyn Brawler & Rad Radford
03. Isaac Yankem vs. Scott Taylor
04. Shawn Michaels vs. Sid
WWE – 1995/09/18 – RAW # 126
01. The 1-2-3 Kid vs. Razor Ramon
02. Kama & Tatanka vs. Bob Holly & Savio Vega
03. Jean Pierre Lafitte vs. Brian Walsh
04. Yokozuna & Owen Hart vs. Men On A Mission
WWE – 1995/09/25 – RAW # 127
01. Marty Jannetty vs. Skip
02. The Smoking Gunns vs. Yokozuna & Owen Hart
03. The Undertaker vs. Davey Boy Smith
WWE – 1995/10/02 – RAW # 128
01. Razor Ramon vs. The 1-2-3 Kid
02, Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Barry Horowitz
03. PG-13 vs. Al Brown & Sonny Rogers
04. Bret Hart vs. Jean Pierre Lafitte
WWE – 1995/10/09 – RAW # 129
&Yokozuna & Owen Hart vs. Diesel & Shawn Michaels & The Undertaker
02. Fatu vs. Skip
WWE – 1995/10/16 – RAW # 130
01. Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Doink the Clown
02. The Smoking Gunns vs. PG-13
03. Dean Douglas vs. Jobber
04. Steel Cage Match: Bret Hart vs. Isaac Yankem
WWE – 1995/10/23 – RAW # 131
01. Battle Royal (w/ Owen Hart, King Kong Bundy, Marty Jannetty, Isaac Yankem, Kama, Sid, Henry Godwinn, Duke Droese, Jean Pierre Lafitte, Skip, Barry Horowitz, The 1-2-3 Kid, Aldo Montoya, Savio Vega, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Fatu, Hakushi, Bob Holly, Rad Radford, Bam Bam Bigelow)
02. Avatar vs. Brian Walsh
03. Alundra Blayze vs. Bertha Faye
WWE – 1995/10/30 – RAW # 132
01. Goldust vs. Savio Vega
02. Marty Jannetty vs. Joe Dorgon
03. The Smoking Gunns vs. Phil Apollo & John Rashner
04. Razor Ramon vs. Owen Hart
WWE – 1995/11/06 – RAW # 133
01. Davey Boy Smith vs. Marty Jannetty
02. Henry Godwinn vs. Terry Richards
03. Kama vs. Tony Roy
04. Bret Hart & Hakushi vs. Jerry Lawler & Isaac Yankem
WWE – 1995/11/13 – RAW # 134
01. Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Henry Godwinn
02. Ahmed Johnson vs. Jake Steele
03. King Mabel vs. Roy Raymond
04. Sid vs. Razor Ramon
WWE – 1995/11/20 – RAW # 135
01. The 1-2-3 Kid vs. Hakushi
02. Skip vs. Savio Vega
03. Owen Hart vs. Shawn Michaels
WWE – 1995/11/27 – RAW # 136
01. Ahmed Johnson vs. Rad Radford
02. Tomoko Wannabe & Aja Kong vs. Kyoko Inoue & Alundra Blayze
03. Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. John Chrystal
04. The Undertaker vs. Mo
WWE – 1995/12/04 – RAW # 137
01. Davey Boy Smith vs. Bob Holly
02. Fatu vs. The Brooklyn Brawler
03. Razor Ramon vs. Dean Douglas
04. Marty Jannetty vs. Sid
WWE – 1995/12/11 – RAW # 138
01. Owen Hart vs. Jeff Hardy
02. Aja Kong vs. Chapparita Asari
03. Ahmed Johnson vs. Rick Stockhauser
04. Bob Backlund vs. Bret Hart
WWE – 1995/12/18 – RAW # 139
01. Jeff Jarrett vs. Fatu
02. Buddy Landell vs. Bob Holly
03. Razor Ramon vs. Yokozuna