1/1 Raw Bowl in Newark, DE (taped)
Raw Bowl Match: Smoking Gunns vs. Yokozuna and Owen Hart vs. 1-2-3 Kid and Sycho Sid vs. Savio Vega and Razor Ramon- All wrestlers, err should I say “players” are wearing football jerseys. Total Gimmick Show here.
Raw Bowl Halftime Report
Slop Match: Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Henry Godwinn- Match took place at the last In Your House ppv.
King Mable vs. Diesel- Match is about 8 seconds long as Diesel wins and leaves with Jerry Lawler’s “girl”.
Royal Rumble Preview- They announce that Vader will be in the Royal Rumble! Vader, in the WWF!
Billionaire Ted’s Wrasslin’ War Room- The first of a mini series featuring The Hulkster and the Nacho Man.
1/8 Raw in Newark, DE (taped)
Hakushi vs. Double J
Royal Rumble Report
Ahmed Johnson vs. Scrub
Brother Love Show with Ted Dibiase- The Million Dollar Man introduces his new million dollar champion. Who is it? The Ringmaster!!! It’s the WWF debut of Stone Cold Steve Austin!!!
Aldo Montoya vs. Goldust
Shawn Michaels Interview- He will be in the 1996 Royal Rumble. Other wrestlers give their feelings about his return.
WWF Title Match: British Bulldog vs. Bret Hart- This match took place at the last In Your House which saw Bret Hart bleeding all over the ring.
Billionaire Ted’s Wrasslin’ War Room- They try to think of a cool slogan for their show.
1/15 Raw in Newark, DE (taped)
Marty Jannetty vs. Owen Hart
Royal Rumble Report
Ringmaster vs. Matt Hardy- Steve Austin’s WWF wrestling debut.
Shawn Michaels Interview/Highlights
Smoking Gunns vs. Two Scrubs
Billionaire Ted’s Wrasslin’ War Room
Goldust Interview
Isaac Yankem vs. Undertaker
Goldust/Razor Ramon Brawl- “Razor’s Lost It!”.
1/22 Raw in Stockton, Ca (live), Night After Royal Rumble
Savio Vega vs. Vader- Vader’s Raw debut (he appeared at the Rumble last night). Vader decides to get into it with Gorilla Mansoon after he match and then he attacks him.
Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Razor Ramon- 1-2-3 Kid comes in and causes Razor to lose on a count out.
Billionaire Ted’s Wrasslin’ War Room- They all try to think of their own original idea for once.
Shawn Michaels/Jim Cornette Interview- HBK wants Owen Hart in the ring and is going to put up his title shot on the line at WM 12 to get it.
WWF Title Match: Goldust vs. Bret Hart
Bret Hart Interview
1/29 Raw in Stockton, Ca (taped)
British Bulldog vs. Diesel
In Your House Report
Billionaire Ted’s Wrasslin’ War Room- Ted tries to answer questions about trying to put the WWF out of buisness.
Body Donnas vs. Godwinns
Rowdy Roddy Piper Interview- He is announced as the new President of the WWF.
Mankind’s First Promo- Mick Foley is coming to the WWF!
Yokozuna vs. Shawn Michaels
2/5 Raw in Stockton, Ca (taped)
Yokozuna and British Bulldog vs. Shawn Michaels and Diesel- Jim Cornette yells at Yokozuna after the match and British Bulldog and Owen Hart attack Yokozuna.
Mankind Promo
Hakushi vs. 1-2-3 Kid
Clearance Mason/Gorilla Monsoon Interview
WWF Title Match: Undertaker vs. Bret Hart- The match ends in a draw when Diesel comes in and powerbombs UT twice.
Billionaire Ted’s Wrasslin’ War Room- Part two of Ted’s press conference.
Shawn Michaels/Jeff Jarrett Highlights- From their match at In Your House 2.
Smoking Gunns/Yokozuna/Owen Hart Highlights- From their match at WrestleMania 11.
Razor Ramon/Dean Douglas Highlights- From their match at In Your House 4.
Hunter Hearst Helmsley/Henry Godwinn Highlights- From their match at In Your House 5.
Ahmed Johnson Highlights- From one of his matches on a previous Raw.
British Bulldog/Bob Holly Highlights- From their match on a previous Raw.
2/19 Raw in Cincinnati, OH (live), Night After In Your House 6
IC Title Match: Razor Ramon vs. Goldust- Goldust saves his title by getting counted out.
Razor Ramon Interview
Vader Attacks Aldo Montoya and Barry Horowitz
Ultimate Warrior Video- The video to hype up his return to the WWF.
Marty Jannetty vs. Ringmaster- “This man is Stone Cold” – Vince McMahon.
Mankind Promo
Tatanka vs. Undertaker- Where has Tatanka been? Diesel is shown in the back destroying UT’s casket.
Larry Fling Almost Live with Billionaire Ted!
2/26 Raw in Cincinnati, OH (taped)
Isaac Yankem vs. Jake The Snake Roberts
Ultimate Warrior Video
Bob Holly vs. Diesel- Undertaker plays mind games with Diesel after the match.
Ahmed Johnson vs. Shinobi- Shinobi is Al Snow.
Mankind Promo
Shawn Michaels/Bret Hart/Rowdy Roddy Piper Interview- Piper announces that at WrestleMania 12, their match for the WWF Title will be the first ever Iron Man match where they will wrestle for one hour. It’s weird to see them both kiss up to each other here, knowing how their relationship turned sour a year later. If you ever saw this interview, you’ll know what I mean.
Owen Hart and British Bulldog vs. Yokozuna- Vader, Jake Roberts, and Ahmed Johnson all hit the ring.
Larry Fling Almost Live with Huckster, Nacho Man, and Billionaire Ted
3/4 Raw in Cincinnati, OH (taped)
1-2-3 Kid vs. Shawn Michaels- Good match with Shawn defeating Sean with Shawn’s superkick when Sean stood up tongue.gif
Goldust Video- Talks about how he likes Roddy Piper and does it in the “Piper’s Pit”.
Ultimate Warrior Video
Hakushi vs. Justin Bradshaw- Bradshaw’s Raw debut but I believe he has been on other WWF programming before this. Roddy Piper calls in during this match.
Mankind Promo
Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Bret Hart- I think this is Hunter’s first lost.
TV Trivia with Billionaire Ted
3/11 Raw in San Antonio, TX (live)
Savio Vega vs. Steve Austin- Match ends in a double count out which would lead to their feud.
Goldust/Rowdy Roddy Piper Interview- Piper says Goldust will get a fight and that he will make a man out of him.
Godwinns vs. Scrubs
Shawn Michaels/Jose Lothario/Bret Hart Interview
Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Scrub- Hunter will be facing Ultimate Warrior at WrestleMania 12.
Scheme Gene Report
British Bulldog and Owen Hart vs. Yokozuna and Undertaker
3/18 Raw in San Antonio, TX (taped)
Jake Roberts vs. British Bulldog
Fatu vs. Goldust
Jim Cornette/Owen Hart/British Bulldog/Vader/Yokozuna/Jake Roberts Interview
Mankind Promo
Bushwhackers vs. Body Donnas
Barry Horowitz vs. Diesel- Paul Bearer brings a casket to the ring and after the match, Diesel opens it and inside is a face looking like Diesel himself.
WWF Title Match: Tatanka vs. Bret Hart
3/25 Raw in San Antonio, TX (taped)
Shawn Michaels vs. Leif Cassidy
Aldo Montoya vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley
Goldust Interview
Paul Bearer/Undertaker Interview
Shawn Michaels/Bret Hart Highlights
Owen Hart vs. Ahmed Johnson
Bret Hart Music Video
4/1 Raw in San Bernadino, CA (Live), Night After WrestleMania 12
Mankind vs. Bob Holly- Mankind’s WWF debut! Mick Foley is here to stay.
Isaac Yankem vs. Wildman Marc Mero- Marc Mero’s WWF debut too! Sable is in the crowd and it’s her WWF debut as well.
Aldo Montoya and Barry Horowitz vs. Body Donnas
Shawn Michaels Interview- “Diesel, we make good friends but we make even better enemies” – HBK
Justin Hawk Bradshaw vs. Undertaker- Mankind comes in to attack Undertaker. This started their what, 2 year feud?
4/8 Raw in San Bernadino, CA (taped), Mr. Perfect Commentates
Yokozuna vs. Vader- Yoko is hurt and is taken out by a forklift.
Ultimate Warrior/Goldust Interview- This is Warrior’s first time ever on Raw.
Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Duke Droese
Arm Wrestling Match: Ahmed Johnson vs. British Bulldog- Gee, what usually happens during these. Once again, the heel, and in this case British Bulldog attacks the face, Ahmed Johnson. At least we had a winner this time.
Jerry Lawler vs. Shawn Michaels- Diesel and Shawn brawl after the match.
4/15 Raw in San Bernadino, CA (taped)
Leif Cassidy vs. Wildman Marc Mero
Diesel Interview- Shows the video clip of Diesel turning on Shawn Michaels.
Bart Gunn vs. Steve Austin
Jim Cornette/Vader Interview
Sunny Music Video
IC Title Match: Savio Vega vs. Goldust
Bret Hart Interview- Shows highlights of him leaving WrestleMania 12 a loser
4/22 Raw in San Bernadino, CA (taped)
IC Title Match: Savio Vega vs. Goldust
Vader vs. Fatu
Jake Roberts vs. British Bulldog Highlights
Godwinns vs. Two Scrubs
Aldo Montoya vs. Mankind
Shawn Michaels/Diesel Highlights
4/29 Night After Good Friends, Better Enemies
Bart Gunn vs. Mankind
Steve Austin vs. Scott Taylor
Jim Cornette/British Bulldog/Shawn Michaels Interview- Leads to a brawl.
New Rockers vs. Godwinns
Mankind Interview
Isaac Yankem vs. Ultimate Warrior- Horrible match. One of the worst ones ever. Then again, you can say that for all of Warrior’s matches that he had in 1996.
1-2-3 Kid vs. Wildman Marc Mero
British Bulldog vs. Fatu
Techno Team 2000 vs. Body Donnas
Owen Hart vs. Undertaker
Zip vs. Ahmed Johnson
Duke Droese vs. Vader
Paul Bearer/Undertaker/Goldust Interview- This is gross. Mankind comes out and puts out UT with the Mandible Claw, allowing Goldust to lay on top of UT and ….well, it’s even too gross for Raw in 2000.
Aldo Montoya vs. Justin Hawk Bradshaw
Shawn Michael/British Bulldog Highlights- Highlights of them brawling in the ocean in Kuwait (sp?)
Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Shawn Michaels- Good match, thanks to HBK. I bet this is a match most of you don’t remember seeing! Hunter goes down to Sweet Chin Music.
British Bulldog Interview
Steve Austin vs. Wildman Marc Mero
Savio Vega vs. 1-2-3 Kid- The Kid’s last WWF appearance before you takes a 2 year trip down south.
Tag Team Title Match: Godwinns vs. Body Donnas Highlights- Godwinns became the new tag champs in MSG last night.
Paul Bearer/Undertaker Interview- Mankind comes out to attack Undertaker while he is in a casket.
British Bulldog vs. Jake The Snake Roberts- Slow match but luckily, Shawn Michaels comes down to do commentary and he and Jerry Lawler are exchanging words the entire time. Lawler lets the story out that Michaels posed for Playgirl which would come out later in the year.
5/27 Night After Beware Of Dog
Goldust vs. Ultimate Warrior
Beware of Dog Highlights- Highlights without lights as the PPV went out due to a storm. They will have 3 matches from the show tomorrow night though on PPV.
Ted Dibiase Interview- Says if Steve Austin doesn’t beat Savio Vega in the strap match on the replay ppv tomorrow, then he will leave the WWF forever. Good buy Million Dollar Man.
Smoking Gunns vs. Body Donnas- Sunny is now managing the Smoking Gunns.
Vader vs. Ahmed Johnson- With some help from Owen Hart, Vader wins and I believe this was Ahmed’s first loss. He is taken to the back and Goldust gives Ahmed CPR and Ahmed snaps.
Bob Holly vs. Steve Austin
Barry Horowitz vs. Mankind
Mankind Interview
Goldust Interview
Techno Team 2000 vs. Godwinns
Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Jake The Snake Roberts- Vince McMahon make reference to the fact that Diesel and Razor Ramon are no longer a part of the WWF. This is also the beginning of the long punishment to HHH for the “Curtain Call” Incident as he was scheduled to win this KOTR tournament.
Yokozuna vs. Owen Hart
Skip vs. Marc Mero
Jerry Lawler/Ultimate Warrior Interview
Shawn Michaels/Jim Cornette Interview- Cornette says that he will get to pick a referee for HBK’s match at KOTR.
British Bulldog vs. Undertaker
Steve Austin vs. Savio Vega
Marc Mero vs. Owen Hart
British Bulldog Interview- Shawn Michaels comes down and the two begin a huge brawl and have to be pulled apart.
Jerry Lawler Attacks Aldo Montoya
Brian Pillman Press Conference- Pillman signs with the WWF
Jake The Snake Roberts vs. Goldust
6/24 Night After King Of The Ring
Ahmed Johnson vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley
Ahmed Johnson Interview
Body Donnas vs. Two Scrubs
Savio Vega, Aldo Montoya, and Barry Horowitz vs. Owen Hart, British Bulldog, and Vader
Steve Austin vs. Undertaker
Marty Jannetty vs. Shawn Michaels- Good match with Shawn Michaels hitting Leif Cassidy with a superkick after the match.
Sunny/Phineas Highlights- Sunny makes Phineas say that he loves her, only to have the Smoking Gunns come in and attack him. Phineas then dumps slop on Sunny.
Duke Droese vs. Mankind- Jake Roberts and Jerry Lawler argue and Lawler slaps him twice. I like Lawler but even I would have wanted Jake to kick the s*** out of him here. Mankind comes and saves Lawler??? Why?
Goldust vs. Wildman Marc Mero- A few skips and at times, low sound during this match.
7/8 This show has some skips in it for the first 10 minutes or so. I apologize
Ultimate Warrior vs. Owen Hart- Interesting segment here. Both Gorilla Monsoon and Vince McMahon announce that the Warrior has been suspended due to not showing up at events as advertised. Here is where it gets tricky. During these times, about every 4th Raw was live and the next 3 were taped right after that. During the past couple of weeks, Warrior wasn’t showing up to events but this Raw was already taped, done, and set to be aired. What to do? Well, they just air it any ways and do voice over’s saying that he is suspended until he posts an appearance bond. Jerry Lawler was saying, this may be the last time you see him, and he was right. Funny thing is, British Bulldog and Vader hit the ring and both of them along with Owen attack Warrior and leave him laying out in the ring. Couldn’t have been planned out better. Do you really think that Warrior, the biggest asshole in the history of wrestling, would have come back after being suspended, only to be attacked and left in the ring? Interesting segment like I said.
Savio Vega vs. Justin Hawk Bradshaw
Godwinns vs. British Bulldog and Vader
Jim Cornette/Shawn Michaels/Ahmed Johnson Interview- With Warrior gone, who will be their partner at International Incident? HBK brings back for the second time, Sycho Sid! Jim Cornette goes crazy as the show goes off the air. I would call this a classic Raw due to what happened with the Warrior.
IC Title Match: Bart Gunn vs. Ahmed Johnson
Shawn Michaels Interview
Wildman Marc Mero vs. TJ Hopper- A Plummer??? Ok, now we have seen just about every occupation possible as some sort of gimmick to try to get someone over ie Plummer, Garbage Man, Dentist, Policeman, etc.
Undertaker Music Video
WWF Title Match: Billy Gunn vs. Shawn Michaels- Typical HBK match.
7/22 Night After International Incident
Tag Team Title Match: Shawn Michaels and Ahmed Johnson vs. Smoking Gunns- Sunny brings out a birthday cake for Shawn but ends up wearing it and HBK of course tries to clean it off her face with his mouth. Match never happens because HBK superkicked Billy Gunn but the match would take place later in the show.
Marc Mero vs. The Goon- Add a hockey player to the list of jobs used for gimmicks.
Mankind vs. Freddie Joe Floyd
Barry Horowitz vs. Goldust
Jim Cornette/Vader Interview- Vader gets his title shot against HBK at Summer Slam for pinning him last night at the ppv.
Tag Team Title Match: Shawn Michaels and Ahmed Johnson vs. Smoking Gunns- Faarooq makes his WWF debut and attacks Ahmed, causing a DQ.
Sycho Sid vs. Justin Hawk Bradshaw- Sid gets a huge ovation from the crowd but this match is quick and ends in a DQ. Sid gives the crowd what they want any ways and powerbombs Bradshaw.
Faarooq Interview- He gets an IC title shot at Summer Slam, just for attacking Ahmed?
Vader vs. Wildman Marc Mero Jim Cornette/Jose Lothario Interview- For the longest time, I was wondering how did the all-too-brief feud between Mankind and Michaels start but he it is. It’s only about 15 seconds long but Michaels is watching the monitor in the back when Mankind came up from behind and gave the mandible claw to Shawn. British Bulldog vs. Henry Godwinn- “He’s missing so many teeth that when he smiles, it looks like his tongue is in jail” – Jerry Lawler. Owen Hart is doing commentary and says that he is tired about hearing people ask him when Bret Hart is coming back.
Mark Henry Promo
Steve Austin vs. Undertaker
Jerry The King Lawler vs. Aldo Montoya- The King pours whiskey down the throat of Montoya after the match.
New Rockers vs. Body Donnas
Shawn Michaels Interview- So Shawn, what’s it like being WWF Champion? 20 Man Battle Royal- Winner gets a WWF Title Shot on Raw on August 13th. This includes the WWF’s best, Steve Austin, Undertaker, Mankind, Sycho Sid, Owen Hart, etc. Mankind and UT are out early but continue to fight the entire time in the back. The winner, Ahmed Johnson. Too bad he never got his title shot.
Faarooq vs. Skip
Savio Vega vs. Crush- Crush returns but looks nothing like he used to. He looks like an ex-convict. Oh wait, he is!
Ahmed Johnson Interview
Godwinns vs. TL Hopper & Who (Jim Neidhart)
Mr. Perfect/Bret Hart Interview
Owen Hart vs. Shawn Michaels- Good match with Owen Hart, once again, losing to HBK. Vader comes down after the match and “softens” up Shawn for Summer Slam.
8/19 Night After Summer Slam
British Bulldog vs. Owen Hart
Vader vs. Scrub
Paul Bearer/Mankind Interview- Paul Bearer left the UT last night and is now with Mankind as he will get his title shot at the next In Your House. Undertaker comes out but all he does is pose in the ring and the announcers keep saying, “the Undertaker is here!”
The Stalker’s First Promo
Battle Royal: Steve Austin vs. Savio Vega vs. Goldust vs. Sycho Sid- Goldust comes out the winner and receives a title shot.
Yokozuna vs. Shawn Michaels- Yokozuna is way too fat now. He can barely move in the ring.
Undertaker vs. British Bulldog
Savio Vega vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley
Undertaker Int, Shawn Michaels Int
Shawn Michaels vs. Marty Jannetty
Ahmed Johnson vs. Steve Austin
Ahmed Johnson vs. Owen Hart
Savio Vega Int
Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Undertaker
Ahmed Johnson vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley
Ahmed Johnson Interview- You can’t really tell what he is saying but he did win a tournament.
Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Sycho Sid
Steve Austin vs. Marc Mero
Mark Henry/Jerry Lawler Interview
Mankind vs. Scrub
WWF/Toronto Highlights
Bob Backlund/Iron Sheik Interview
WWF Title Match: Goldust vs. Shawn Michaels
Faarooq vs. Savio Vega
Shawn Michaels/Jose Lothario Interview
Stalker vs. TL Hopper- Barry Windham’s return to the WWF as the Stalker.
Jerry The King Lawler/Mark Henry Interview Highlights
Crush vs. Scrub
Undertaker vs. Salvatore Sincere- UT’s wrestling return since Summer Slam.
Jake The Snake Roberts vs. The Sultan- Sultan’s debut.
The Smoking Gunns vs. Bob Holly and Alex Porteau
Jim Cornette Interview- He is trying to wrestling Tony Williams but Vader gets involved.
Owen Hart vs. Marc Mero (IC Title Semi Finals)
Bret Hart Interview
Faarooq vs. Sycho Sid (IC Title Semi Finals)
9/23 Night After Mind Games
IC Title Match: Faarooq vs. Marc Mero (IC Title Finals)
Body Donnas vs. British Bulldog and Owen Hart
Double J Exposed- Vince McMahon lets everyone know that Jeff Jarrett never sang “With my Baby Tonight” a year ago.
Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. The Stalker
Paul Bearer/Mankind Interview
Jim Ross Interview- Supposed to be a shoot interview as he lets everyone know that Vince McMahon fired him twice in 1994 and he debuts the new (fake) Razor Ramon.
Steve Austin vs. Jake The Snake Roberts
Hunter Hearst Helmsley Interview- He challenges Mr. Perfect.
The Grimm Twins vs. The Godwinns
Double J Exposed- Shows who really sang “With my Baby Tonight”, Jesse Jammes.
New Razor Ramon vs. Savio Vega- We see the debut of the New Diesel as he comes out to pound on Savio.
Vader and Jim Cornette vs. Shawn Michaels and Jose Lothario
Marc Mero vs. New Diesel
Mr. Perfect Video Clips New Rockers vs. Smoking Gunns
Double J Exposed
Jim Cornette/Vader Interview Sultan vs. Aldo Montoya
Goldust vs. Sycho Sid- Shawn Michaels calls in
Phineas Godwinn vs. Vader
Mr. Perfect Interview
Jerry Lawler vs. Jake The Snake Roberts
Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Scrub
Alex Porteau vs. Faarooq
Steve Austin vs. Shawn Michaels-
10/21 Night After Buried Alive
Sycho Sid vs. Owen Hart- British Bulldog comes out to attack Sid but Shawn Michaels comes out to make the save.
Smoking Gunns vs. Godwinns
Bret Hart Interview- Bret Returns to the WWF after being out since WrestleMania. He is going to return at Survivor Series to face Steve Austin.
Mr. Perfect/Helmsley/Marc Mero/Monsoon Interview
IC Title Match: Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Marc Mero- Mr. Perfect surprisingly helps Hunter win the IC Title for his first time.
Jesse James vs. Salvatore Sincere- “Double J’s” return to the ring.
Crush vs. Aldo Montoya
Steve Austin Attacks Brian Pillman- Highlights of Austin attacking Pillman from Superstars.
Billy Gunn vs. Scrub- Billy Gunn has some words with Bart Gunn.
Steve Austin/Bret Hart Interview
British Bulldog vs. Shawn Michaels- Owen Hart challenges HBK and Psycho Sid to a tag match with the tag title on the line
Goldust vs. The Stalker- Both men bring their partners who will be with them at the Survivor Series and Barry Windham has with him, Rocky Maivia. This is his Raw debut! Of course, with all these wrestlers, a brawl begins.
Mankind/Undertaker Interview Highlights
Brian Pillman Interview- This was taken place in Pillman’s house but Brian shows that he has a gun with him!!! Crazy. Steve Austin is shown outside beating up Pillman’s friends, trying to get in.
The Sultan vs. Scrub
Steve Austin breaks into Brian Pillman’s house and Brian points that gun on him but the picture goes out!
Shawn Michaels/Sycho Sid Interview
Marc Mero vs. New Razor Ramon
Brill Pillman/Steve Austin Confrontation
Tag Team Title Match: Sycho Sid and Shawn Michaels vs. British Bulldog and Owen Hart
Rocky Maivia Highlights
Sycho Sid Interview
Mankind vs. Scrub
Steve Austin Interview
Shawn Michaels Highlights- Highlights of him on Regis and Kathy Lee.
Shawn Michaels Interview
Steve Austin vs. Bob Holly
11/18 Night After Survivor Series
Steve Austin vs. Mankind- Executioner and Undertaker come out and Austin gets a cheap shot on UT.
Faarooq vs. Savio Vega- The debut of the Nation of Domination on Raw. Much better gimmick for Faarooq, rather then him wearing that corny helmet. Ahmed Johnson comes in to attack Faarooq.
Doug Furnas and Philip Lafon vs. Leif Cassidy and Bob Holly
Sycho Sid Interview
Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart- Steve Austin runs in and attacks Bret, causing a DQ.
Executioner vs. Scrub
Shawn Michaels/Jose Lothario Interview
Rocky Maivia vs. Salvatore Sincere
Marc Mero vs. Billy Gunn
Flash Funk vs. Scrub
New Diesel vs. Phineas Godwinn
Shawn Michaels Interview
Jesse James vs. Justin Hawk Bradshaw
WWF In London Highlights
Marc Mero and Jake Roberts vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley and Billy Gunn
Sycho Sid vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley- Sid destroys Hunter here.
Goldust vs. Bart Gunn
Justin Hawk Bradshaw vs. Jesse James
Bret Hart Interview
No DQ: Mankind vs. Undertaker
12/16 Night After It’s Time
Bret Hart Interview
Vader vs. Steve Austin- Bret Hart runs in to put Austin in the Sharp-Shooter, twice.
Ahmed Johnson/Faarooq Highlights
Godwinns vs. New Diesel and New Razor Ramon
Sycho Sid Interview
Shawn Michaels Interview
Doug Furnas and Philip LaFon vs. Two Scrubs
Jerry The King Lawler vs. Sable- Karate Fighters Final match but a brawl breaks out between Marc Mero, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, and Goldust.
Billy Gunn vs. Bart Gunn
IC Title Match: Marc Mero vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley
Salvatore Sincere vs. Rocky Maivia
Psycho Sid Interview
New Rockers vs. Pierroth and Cibernetico
New Razor Ramon vs. Bret Hart
Shawn Michaels Interview
Faarooq and Steve Austin vs. Savio Vega and Jesse James
Flash Funk vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley
Shawn Michaels/Bret Hart/Sycho Sid Interview, Vader and Undertaker come out and a brawl breaks out.
Jerry Lawler vs. Goldust- Hunter Hearst Helmsley comes out and tries to take Marlena to the back.
WWE – 1996/01/01 – RAW # 140
01. RAW Bowl: Billy & Bart Gunn vs. Razor Ramon & Savio Vega vs. Sid Vicious & 1-2-3 Kid vs. Owen Hart & Yokozuna
02. Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Henry O. Godwinn
03. Diesel vs. King Mabel
WWE – 1996/01/08 – RAW # 141
01. Jeff Jarrett vs. Hakushi
02. Ahmed Johnson vs. Jeff Brettler
03. Goldust vs. Aldo Montoya
04. Bret Hart vs. The British Bulldog
WWE – 1996/01/15 – RAW # 142
01. Owen Hart vs. Marty Jannetty
02. The Ringmaster vs. Matt Hardy
03. Billy & Bart Gunn vs. The Spiders
04. The Undertaker vs. Isaac Yankem
WWE – 1996/01/22 – RAW # 143
01. Vader vs. Savio Vega
02. Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Razor Ramon
03. Bret Hart vs. Goldust
WWE – 1996/01/29 – RAW # 144
01. Diesel vs. Davey Boy Smith
02. The Godwinns vs. The BodyDonnas
03. Shawn Michaels vs. Yokozuna
WWE – 1996/02/05 – RAW # 145
01. Shawn Michaels & Diesel vs. Davey Boy Smith & Yokozuna
02. The 1-2-3 Kid vs. Hakushi
03. Bret Hart vs. The Undertaker
WWE – 1996/02/19 – RAW # 146
01. Razor Ramon vs. Goldust
02. The BodyDonnas vs. Barry Horowitz & Aldo Montoya
03. The Ringmaster vs. Marty Jannetty
04. The Undertaker vs. Tatanka
WWE – 1996/02/26 – RAW # 147
01. Jake Roberts vs. Isaac Yankem
02. Diesel vs. Bob Holly
03. Ahmed Johnson vs. Shinobi the Ninja
04. Yokozuna vs. Owen Hart & Davey Boy Smith
WWE – 1996/03/04 – RAW # 148
01. Shawn Michaels vs. The 1-2-3 Kid
02. Justin Bradshaw vs. Hakushi
03. Bret Hart vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley
WWE – 1996/03/11 – RAW # 149
01. Savio Vega vs. Steve Austin
02. The Godwinns vs. Jerry Meade & Alex Porteau
03. Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Vin Grier
04. Yokozuna & The Undertaker vs. Owen Hart & Davey Boy Smith
WWE – 1996/03/18 – RAW # 150
01. Davey Boy Smith vs. Jake Roberts
02. Goldust vs. Fatu
03. Diesel vs. Barry Horowitz
04. Bret Hart vs. Tatanka
WWE – 1996/03/25 – RAW # 151
01. Shawn Michaels vs. Leif Cassidy
02. Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Aldo Montoya
03. Ahmed Johnson vs. Owen Hart
WWE – 1996/04/01 – RAW # 152
01. Mankind vs. Bob Holly
02. Marc Mero vs. Isaac Yankem
03. The BodyDonnas, vs. Barry Horowitz & Aldo Montoya
04. The Undertaker vs. Justin Bradshaw
WWE – 1996/04/08 – RAW # 153
01. Vader vs. Yokozuna
02. Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Duke Droese
03. Shawn Michaels vs. Jerry Lawler
WWE – 1996/04/15 – RAW # 154
01. Marc Mero vs. Leif Cassidy
02. Steve Austin vs. Bart Gunn
03. IC Title: Goldust vs. Savio Vega
WWE – 1996/04/22 – RAW # 155
01. IC Title: Goldust vs. Savio Vega
02. Vader vs. Fatu
03. The Godwinns vs. Tajiri & Ken Patterson
04. Mankind vs. Aldo Montoya
WWE – 1996/04/29 – RAW # 156
01. Mankind vs. Bart Gunn
02. Steve Austin vs. Scott Taylor
03. The New Rockers vs. The Godwinns
04. The Ultimate Warrior vs. Isaac Yankem
WWE – 1996/05/06 – RAW # 157
01. Marc Mero vs. The 1-2-3 Kid
02. Davey Boy Smith vs. Fatu
03. The BodyDonnas vs. Techno Team 2000
04. The Undertaker vs. Owen Hart
WWE – 1996/05/13 – RAW # 158
01. Ahmed Johnson vs. BodyDonna Zip
02. Vader vs. Duke Droese
03. Justin Bradshaw vs. Aldo Montoya
04. Shawn Michaels vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley
WWE – 1996/05/20 – RAW # 159
01. Steve Austin vs. Marc Mero
02. Savio Vega vs. The 1-2-3 Kid
03. Davey Boy Smith vs. Jake Roberts
WWE – 1996/05/27 – RAW # 160
01. Goldust vs. The Ultimate Warrior
02. The Smoking Gunns vs. The BodyDonnas
03. Vader vs. Ahmed Johnson
WWE – 1996/06/03 – RAW # 161
01. Steve Austin vs. Bob Holly
02. Mankind vs. Barry Horowitz
03. The Godwinns vs. Techno Team 2000
04. Jake Roberts vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley
WWE – 1996/06/10 – RAW # 162
01. Owen Hart vs. Yokozuna
02. Marc Mero vs. BodyDonna Skip
03. Davey Boy Smith vs. The Undertaker
WWE – 1996/06/17 – RAW # 163
01. Steve Austin vs. Savio Vega
02. Owen Hart vs. Marc Mero
03. Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Aldo Montoya
04. Goldust vs. Jake Roberts
WWE – 1996/06/24 – RAW # 164
01. Ahmed Johnson vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley
02. The BodyDonnas vs. The Brooklyn Brawler & Jerry Fox
03. Vader & Owen Hart & Davey Boy Smith vs. Aldo Montoya & Savio Vega & Barry Horowitz
04. The Undertaker vs. Steve Austin
WWE – 1996/07/01 – RAW # 165
01. Shawn Michaels vs. Marty Jannetty
02. Mankind vs. Duke Droese
03. Goldust vs. Marc Mero
WWE – 1996/07/08 – RAW # 166
01. Ultimate Warrior vs. Owen Hart
02. Savio Vega vs. Justin Bradshaw
03. Davey Boy Smith & Vader vs. The Godwinns
WWE – 1996/07/15 – RAW # 167
01. Ahmed Johnson vs. Bart Gunn
02. Marc Mero vs. T.L. Hopper
03. Shawn Michaels vs. Billy Gunn
WWE – 1996/07/22 – RAW # 168
01. Shawn Michaels & Ahmed Johnson vs. The Smoking Gunns
02. Marc Mero vs. The Goon
03. Mankind vs. Freddie Joe Floyd
04. Goldust vs. Barry Horowitz
05. The Smoking Gunns vs. Shawn Michaels & Ahmed Johnson
WWE – 1996/07/29 – RAW # 169
01. Sycho Sid vs. Justin Bradshaw
02. Vader vs. Marc Mero
03. Davey Boy Smith vs. Henry O. Godwinn
04. Steve Austin vs. The Undertaker
WWE – 1996/08/05 – RAW # 170
01. Jerry Lawler vs. Aldo Montoya
02. The BodyDonnas vs. The New Rockers
03. 11-Man Battle Royal (w/ Ahmed Johnson, Goldust, The Undertaker, Mankind, Owen Hart, Davey Boy Smith, Steve Austin, Sid, Savio Vega, Justin Bradshaw, Marc Mero)
WWE – 1996/08/12 – RAW # 171
01. Faarooq vs. BodyDonna Skip
02. Crush vs. Savio Vega
03. The Godwinns vs. T.L. Hopper & Who
04. Shawn Michaels vs. Owen Hart
WWE – 1996/08/19 – RAW # 172
01. Owen Hart vs. Davey Boy Smith
02. Vader vs. Freddie Joe Floyd
03. Sudden Death Battle Royal (w/ Goldust, Sid, Steve Austin, Savio Vega)
04. Shawn Michaels vs. Yokozuna
WWE – 1996/09/06 – RAW # 173 – “FRIDAY NIGHT RAW”
01. Sycho Sid vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley
02. Marc Mero vs. Steve Austin
03. Mankind vs. Alex Porteau
04. Shawn Michaels vs. Goldust
WWE – 1996/09/09 – RAW # 174
01. Faarooq Asad vs. Savio Vega
02. The Stalker vs. T.L. Hopper
03. Crush vs. Freddie Joe Floyd
04. The Undertaker vs. Salvatore Sincere
WWE – 1996/09/16 – RAW # 175
01. The Sultan vs. Jake Roberts
02. Bob Holly & Alex Porteau vs. The Smoking Gunns
03. Marc Mero vs. Owen Hart
04. Faarooq Asad vs. Sid Vicious
WWE – 1996/09/23 – RAW # 176
01. Marc Mero vs. Faarooq Asad
02. Owen Hart & Davey Boy Smith vs. The BodyDonnas
03. The Stalker vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley
WWE – 1996/09/30 – RAW # 177
01. Steve Austin vs. Jake Roberts
02. The Godwinns vs. The Grimm Twins
03. Savio Vega vs. Fake Razor Ramon
04. Vader & Jim Cornette vs. Shawn Michaels & Jose Lothario
WWE – 1996/10/07 – RAW # 178
01. Marc Mero vs. Fake Diesel
02. The Smoking Gunns vs. The New Rockers
03. The Sultan vs. Aldo Montoya
04. Sycho Sid vs. Goldust
WWE – 1996/10/14 – RAW # 179
01. Vader vs. Phinneas I. Godwinn
02. Jake Roberts vs. Jerry Lawler
03. Freddie Joe Floyd vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley
04. Faarooq Asad vs. Alex Porteau
05. Shawn Michaels vs. Steve Austin
WWE – 1996/10/21 – RAW # 180
01. Sycho Sid vs. Owen Hart
02. The Godwinns vs. The Smoking Gunns
03. Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Marc Mero
WWE – 1996/10/28 – RAW # 181
01. Jesse James vs. Salvatore Sincere
02. Crush vs. Aldo Montoya
03. Billy Gunn vs. Freddie Joe Floyd
04. Shawn Michaels vs. Davey Boy Smith
WWE – 1996/11/04 – RAW # 182
01. Goldust vs. The Stalker
02. The Sultan vs. Alex Porteau
03. Fake Razor Ramon vs. Marc Mero
WWE – 1996/11/11 – RAW # 183
01. Owen Hart & Davey Boy Smith vs. Shawn Michaels & Sycho Sid
02. Mankind vs. Freddie Joe Floyd
03. Steve Austin vs. Bob Holly
WWE – 1996/11/18 – RAW # 184
01. Steve Austin vs. Mankind
02. Faarooq vs. Savio Vega
03. Doug Furnas & Phil LaFon vs. Leif Cassidy & Bob Holly
WWE – 1996/11/25 – RAW # 185
01. Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart
02. The Executioner vs. Freddie Joe Floyd
03. Rocky Maivia vs. Salvatore Sincere
04. Marc Mero vs. Billy Gunn
WWE – 1996/12/02 – RAW # 186
01. Flash Funk vs. The Goon
02. Fake Diesel vs. Phinneas I. Godwinn
03. Justin Bradshaw vs. Jesse James
04. Marc Mero & Jake Roberts vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley & Billy Gunn
WWE – 1996/12/09 – RAW # 187
01. Sycho Sid vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley
02. Goldust vs. Bart Gunn
03. Jesse James vs. Justin Bradshaw
04. The Undertaker vs. Mankind
WWE – 1996/12/16 – RAW # 188
01. Vader vs. Steve Austin
02. Fake Diesel & Fake Razor Ramon vs. The Godwinns
03. Doug Furnas & Phil LaFon vs. T.L. Hopper & Doctor X
04. Bart Gunn vs. Billy Gunn
WWE – 1996/12/23 – RAW # 189
01. Marc Mero vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley
02. Rocky Maivia vs. Salvatore Sincere
03. Pierroth & Cibernetico vs. The New Rockers
04. Bret Hart vs. Fake Razor Ramon
WWE – 1996/12/30 – RAW # 190
01. Jesse James & Savio Vega vs. Faarooq & Steve Austin
02. Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Flash Funk
03. Jerry Lawler vs. Goldust