4/29 Smackdown – Pilot Episode
•Vince/Stephanie/Shane Interview
•Val Venis vs. Jeff Jarrett
•Paul Wight vs. Test
•The Rock/Steve Austin/Shane Interview
•Droz vs. D-Lo Brown
•Tag Team Title Match: New Age Outlaws vs. Kane and X-Pac
•Doc Hendrix/Brood Interview
•NO DQ: Ken SHamrock vs. Bradshaw
•Mankind vs. Big Boss Man- Paul Wight and Test come down to help Mankind which is slowly forming their Union.
•HHH and Undertaker vs. The Rock and Steve Austin
8/26/99 Smackdown in Kansas City, MO, Premier Show.
• HHH/Chyna/The Rock/Shawn Michaels/Mankind Interview
• Jeff Jarrett vs. Billy Gunn
• Al Snow Int
• Tag Team Title Match: Acolytes vs. X-Pac and Kane vs. Big Show and Undertaker
• Big Bossman/Al Snow Interview
• Hardcore Title Match: Big Bossman vs. Al Snow- Bossman is the new champ.
• Road Dogg vs. Chris Jericho
• Chris Jericho/Howard Finkel Int
• Chris Jericho/Ken Shamrock/Howard Finkel Segment
• Stephanie/Test Interview- Test proposes to her and she agrees.
• Shane McMahon vs. Mankind
• Steve Austin Interview
• Evening Gown Match: Ivory vs. Tori
• WWF Title Match: The Rock vs. HHH- Shawn Michaels is the guest referee
9/2 Smackdown in Worcester, MA
•Chyna vs. Billy Gunn
•Big Show/Paul Bearer/Undertaker Interview
•Mankind/The Rock/Shane/HHH Interview
•Howard Finkle vs. Tony Chimel
•Mankind Int, HHH/Chyna Int, Chris Jericho Int
•X-Pac vs. Chris Jericho
•WWF Title Match: Gillberg vs. HHH
•Big Boss Man/Al Snow Segment
•Mankind vs. The Rock
•Shane Int
•Val Venis vs. Ken Shamrock- Chris Jericho comes out to beat up Kenny.
•Shane/Test/Linda Interview
•Tag Team Elimination Match- The Dudley Boyz from ECW run in at the end. Their WWF Debut.
•Dudley Boyz Int
•Tag Team Title Match: HHH and Shane vs. The Rock and Mankind
9/9 Smackdown in Albany, NY
•Hardcore Title Match: British Bulldog vs. Big Boss Man
•HHH/Kane/Chyna Backstage Brawl
•Edge and Christian vs. Hardy Boyz
•HHH Int
•X-Pac/Kane Interview
•Hardcore Holly vs. Chyna
•The Rock/Mankind Int
•Bradshaw vs. Buh Buh Ray Dudley
•Stephanie/Test/Shane Interview
•The Rock/Mankind Int
•WWF Title Match: Kane vs. HHH
•Ken Shamrock/Chris Jericho Interview/Brawl
•Jeff Jarrett/Moolah Interview
•Val Venis Int
•Buried Alive, Tag Team Title Match: Undertaker and Big Show vs. Mankind and The Rock
•HHH/Steve Austin Segment- The two brawl after the last match.
9/16 Smackdown in Las Vegas, NV
•Steve AustinHHH Interview
•Joey Abs vs. Shane
•Ivory/Cindy Margolis/Jeff Jarrett Segment
•European Title Match: Steve Blackman vs. Mark Henry
•Curtis Hughes vs. Ken Shamrock
•Mankind Int, The Rock Int
•Battle Royal: Undertaker vs. The Rock vs. Mankind vs. Kane vs. Big Show
•The Hollys vs. Chyna and Billy Gunn
•Big Boss Man vs. Al Snow
•IC Title Match: Test vs. Jeff Jarrett
•HHH/Vince Interview
•WWF Title Match: Vince vs. HHH
9/23 Smackdown in Dallas, TX
• Vince McMahon/Triple H Interview- HHH will be in 5 matches tonight, he needs for 3/5 of them to be in the 6 pack Challenge.
• Chokeslam challenge- The Big Show vs Triple H
• Dudley Boyz attack Teddy Long.
• X-Pac vs Mark Henry.
• Jeff Jarrett Interview- Chyna comes down to attack him.
• Inferno Match- Triple H vs Kane
• Tag Team Titles- The New Age Outlaws vs The Rock & Mankind-
• Al Snow int, HHH int
• Casket Match- Mideon & Viscera vs Triple H
• Hardcore Holly w/Crash Holly vs Al Snow.
• Boiler Room Brawl- Triple H vs Mankind
• First Blood Match- Chris Jericho vs Ken Shamrock
• Brahma Bull Strap Match- Triple H vs The Rock
9/30 Smackdown in Richmond
• Chris Jericho vs Roaddog w/Billy Gunn
• Vince McMahon int.
• Mankind/Val Venis Interview.
• HHH/Vince int, The Rock int.
• 1st Match of the Terri Invitational Tournament-Edge & Christian vs The Hardy Boyz
• D’Lo Brown vs The Big Show
• Stephanie/Test int.
• Kane & X-Pac vs The Acolytes vs The Dudley Boyz
• Mankind/Bubba Dudley int
• Jeff Jarrett Interview/Chyna Brawl
• Jim Dobsen int., Mankind/Dudleys Brawl (in the ring)
• Triple H vs British Bulldog w/ The Rock as Ref
10/7 Smackdown
• Kane & X-Pac vs Mideon & Viscera
• The Rock int, Mankind int.
• ardcore Holly w/Crash Holly vs Roaddog w/Billy Gunn.
• Mark Henry int.
• Match #3 of the Terri Invitational Tournament- The Hardy Boyz vs Edge & Christian
• Mud Wrestling Match- Ivory vs Miss Kitty
• Shane McMahon int.
• The British Bulldog vs Mankind
• The Big Show vs Big Bossman
• HHH int.
• Triple H Interview
• Val Venis int
• NODQ- The Rock vs Val Venis
10/14 Smackdown in Birmingham
• New Age Outlaw Interview
• Triple H Interview.
• Kane/X-Pac int.
• The Acolytes vs Kane.
• Test int.
• Chris Jericho vs Curtis Hughes
• The Big Show int, Mark Henry int.
• Hardcore Title- The Big Bossman vs Al Snow vs The Big Show
• Val Venis vs Dude Love (Stevie Richards)
• The British Bulldog Interview.
• Jeff Jarrett Interview
• Terri Invitational Tournament – The Hardy Boyz vs Edge & Christian
• Stephanie/The Bulldog int.
• The Godfather vs Mideon w/Viscera
• Tag Team Titles- The Rock & Mankind vs The New Age Outlaws
• HHH/Austin Brawl.
10/21 Smackdown
• Test & Edge & Christian vs British Bulldog & Joey Abs & Rodney & Pete Gas
• WWF Title- Triple H vs Al Snow.
• he Fabulous Moolah vs Mae Young.
• Tag Titles- Hardcore Holly & Crash Holly vs The Hardy Boyz.
• The Godfather & Mark Henry vs Mideon & Viscera.
• Steve Austin vs Val Venis
10/28 Smackdown in Springfield, MA
• D-Generation-X Interview
• Too Cool vs Edge & Christian.
• The Big Show int.
• Stevie Richards (dressed as Chyna) vs Chris Jericho.
• European title-The British Bulldog vs D’Lo Brown.
• The Dudley Boyz vs X-Pac & Kane
• The Hardy Boyz w/Terri vs Mark Henry & Viscera.
• Al Snow vs The Big Bossman
• Mankind vs Val Venis
• DX Interview/Austin/Kane/Rock brawl.
11/4 Smackdown
• Tag Titles- Al Snow & Mankind vs Hardcore Holly & Crash Holly
• D’Lo Brown vs Test.
• The Hardy Boyz vs Too Cool.
• Edge vs British Bulldog.
• The Godfather vs Chris Jericho.
• The Big Show vs Big Bossman
• Degeneration X vs Shane McMahon & Kane & The Rock & Steve Austin.
• Al Snow vs The Big Bossman
• Mankind vs Val Venis
• DX Interview/Austin/Kane/Rock brawl.
11/11 Smackdown
• Hardcore Holly vs Edge
• The Dudley Boyz vs The Godfather & D’Lo Brown.
• The British Bulldog vs Val Venis.
• Hardcore Title- Big Bossman vs Farooq.
• Christopher vs Jeff Hardy.
• Ivory vs Tori
• Shane McMahon, Test, Kane, and The Rock vs Degeneration X.
11/18 Smackdown
• Too Cool vs Edge and Christian
• Kurt Angle vs Gangrel.
• European Title- British Bulldog vs The Godfather.
• The Big Show vs Hardcore Holly.
• Kane vs Viscera.
• HardCore, Womens Title- Ivory vs Luna
• Chris Jericho vs Mark Henry.
• Tag Titles- The New Age Outlaws vs The Hardy Boyz.
• The Rock vs Big Bossman.
11/25 Smackdown
• World Title- The Big Show vs Chris Jericho
• Kurt Angle vs D’Lo Brown.
• Val Venis vs British Bulldog.
• The Big Bossman vs Kane.
• The Rock & Mankind vs Hardcore Holly & Crash Holly.
• Rakishi Phatu vs Joey Abs
• Gravy Bowl Match- Ivory vs Miss Jacquline.
• The Godfather vs Al Snow.
• Tag Titles, Cage Match- The New Age Outlaws vs The Hardy Boyz.
• Triple H & X-Pac vs Test & Shane McMahon.
12/02 Smackdown
• Hardcore Holly and Crash Holly vs Kane
• Edge and Christian vs The Dudley Boyz.
• European Title- British Bulldog vs D’Lo Brown.
• Chris Jericho vs Mankind.
• Kurt Angle & Steve Blackman vs The Headbangers.
• Rakishi Phatu vs Crash Holly
• The Rock vs Al Snow.
• The Big Show and The Hardy Boyz vs The New Age Outlaws/X-Pac.
12/09 Smackdown
• Roaddog vs Chris Jericho
• The Dudley Bpyz vs Kurt Angle and Steve Blackman.
• Christian vs British Bulldog.
• Big Bossman and Prince Albert vs The Hardy Boyz.
• Mankind vs Al Snow.
• X-Pac vs Test
• The Rock vs Billy Gunn.
• Kane vs Triple H.
12/16 Smackdown!
• Chris Jericho vs Prince Albert
• Kurt Angle vs Test
• Matt Hardy vs Jeff Hardy
• X-Pac vs Tori
• No Holds Barred Match:Mankind vs Al Snow
• Edge vs Christian
• The Acolytes vs Joey Abs & Rodney & Pete Gas
• Too Cool & Rikishi vs Viscera & Hardcore Holly & Crash Holly
• The New Age Outlaws vs Gerald Brisco & Pat Patterson
• LumberJack Match, WWF Title- The Big Show(c) vs The Rock
12/23 Smackdown!
• IC Title: Chris Jericho vs Crash Holly
• Rikishi vs Viscera
• Test vs Roaddog
• Kurt Angle vs Edge
• The Rock vs Al Snow
• Womens Title: The Kat vs Ivory.
• Christian and Matt Hardy vs Rodney and Pete Gas
• Kane vs Billy Gunn.
• Mark Henry vs Buh-Buh Ray Dudley.
• Steel Cage: Mankind vs The Big Show
12/30 Smackdown
• Prince Albert and Big Bossman vs Test
• Kurt Angle vs Rikishi.
• Jeff Hardy vs Al Snow.
• Hardcore Holly & Crash Holly vs The Fabulous Moolah and Mae Young.
• The Rock vs Kane.
• Intercontinental Title- Chyna vs Chris Jericho- Both were named the IC Champ due to a double pinfall.
• Farooq vs Buh-Buh Ray Dudley.
• Viscera and Miss Jacqueline vs Gangrel and Luna Vachon.
• X-Pac vs The Big Show.
April 29, 1999: The Blue Blazer vs. Val Venis…The Big Show vs. Test…D’Lo Brown vs. Droz …World Tag Team Champions, X-Pac and Kane, vs. The New Age Outlaws…Ken Shamrock vs. Bradshaw in a no holds barred match…Mankind vs. The Big Boss Man…Steve Austin and Rocky Maivia vs. The Undertaker and Hunter Hearst Helmsley .
August 26, 1999: Billy Gunn vs. Jeff Jarrett…World Tag Team Champions, The Big Show and The Undertaker, vs. Kane and X-Pac and The Acolytes in a three way match…The Big Boss Man vs. Al Snow for the Hardcore title…Jesse James vs. Chris Jericho …Shane McMahon vs. Mankind…Tori vs. Ivory in an evening gown match…World Heavyweight Champion, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, vs. Rocky Maivia.
September 2, 1999: Chyna vs. Billy Gunn…World Heavyweight Champion, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, vs. World Light-Heavyweight Champion, Gillberg…Mankind and Rocky Maivia …Ken Shamrock vs. Val Venis…The Tag Team Turmoil-Number One Contenders Match went to a No Contest. The participants were: Hardcore and Crash Holly, Mideon and Viscera, Droz and Prince Albert, The Hardy Boyz, The Acolytes, Stevie Richards and The Blue Meanie, and Edge and Christian…World Tag Team Champions, Mankind and Rocky Maivia, vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley and Shane McMahon.
September 9, 1999: Davey Boy Smith vs. The Big Boss Man for the Hardcore Title…Edge and Christian vs. The Hardy Boyz…Hardcore Holly and Chyna …Bradshaw and Buh-Buh Ray Dudley …World Heavyweight Champion, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, vs. Kane…The Undertaker and The Big Show vs. Mankind and Rocky Maivia for the World Tag Team Titles in a buried alive match.
September 16, 1999: Shane McMahon vs. Joey Abs…European Champion, Mark Henry, vs. Steve Blackman…Curtis Hughes vs. Ken Shamrock …The Undertaker vs. Kane, Rocky Maivia , Mankind, and The Big Show in a five-man battle royal…Billy Gunn and Chyna vs. Hardcore Holly and Crash Holly…Al Snow vs. The Big Boss Man in a Pepper on a Pole Match…Intercontinental Champion, Jeff Jarrett, and Test …Vince McMahon vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley for the World Heavyweight Title.
September 23, 1999: The Big Show vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley…X-Pac vs. European Champion, Mark Henry, …The New Age Outlaws vs. Rocky Maivia and Mankind for the World Tag Team Titles…Mideon and Viscera vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley in a casket match…Hardcore Holly vs. Al Snow…Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Mankind in a boiler room brawl…Chris Jericho vs. Ken Shamrock in a First Blood Match…Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Rocky Maivia in a Brahma Bull Strap Match.
September 30, 1999: Chris Jericho vs. Jesse James …Edge and Christian vs. The Hardy Boyz…European Champion, D’Lo Brown, and The Big Show, …Kane and X-Pac vs. The Acolytes and The Dudley Boyz in a three way match…Davey Boy Smith and World Heavyweight Champion, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, .
October 7, 1999: Kane and X-Pac vs. Mideon and Viscera…Hardcore Holly vs. Jesse James…The Hardy Boyz vs. Edge and Christian…Women’s Champion, Ivory, vs. Miss Kitty in a mud wrestling match…Davey Boy Smith vs. Mankind …Big Show vs. Big Boss Man …Rocky Maivia vs. Val Venis in a No Disqualification match.
October 14, 1999: The Acolytes vs. Kane in a handicap match…Chris Jericho vs. Mr. Hughes…The Big Boss Man vs. Al Snow and The Big Show for the Hardcore Title in a three way match…Val Venis vs. Dude Love (Stevie Richards)…The Hardy Boyz vs. Edge and Christian…The Godfather vs. Mideon…Rocky Maivia and Mankind vs. The New Age Outlaws for the World Tag Team Titles.
October 21, 1999: Test, Edge, and Christian vs. Davey Boy Smith, Joey Abs, Rodney, and Pete Gas…World Heavyweight Champion, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, vs. Al Snow…The Fabulous Moolah and Mae Young …World Tag Team Champions, Hardcore Holly and Crash Holly, vs. The Hardy Boyz…The Godfather and Mark Henry vs. Mideon and Viscera…Steve Austin vs. Val Venis.
October 28, 1999: Too Cool vs. Edge and Christian…Stevie Richards vs. Chris Jericho…Davey Boy Smith vs. D’Lo Brown for the European Title…The Hardy Boyz vs. Mark Henry and Viscera…Al Snow vs. Hardcore Champion, Big Boss Man, …Mankind vs. Val Venis.
November 4, 1999: Al Snow and Mankind vs. Hardcore Holly and Crash Holly for the World Tag Team Titles…D’Lo Brown vs. Test…The Hardy Boyz vs. Too Cool…Edge vs. European Champion, Davey Boy Smith, …The Godfather vs. Chris Jericho…The Big Show and Hardcore Champion, Big Boss Man, …Degeneration X vs. Shane McMahon, Kane, Rocky Maivia, and Steve Austin in a Survivor Series Match. X-Pac vs. Kane. X-Pac vs. Shane McMahon. Rocky Maivia vs. Jesse James. Steve Austin vs. X-Pac. Rocky Maivia vs. Billy Gunn. Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Rocky Maivia. Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Steve Austin.
November 11, 1999: Hardcore Holly vs. Edge…The Dudley Boyz vs. The Godfather and D’Lo Brown…European Champion, Davey Boy Smith, and Val Venis …Hardcore Champion, Big Boss Man, vs. Faarooq…Brian Christopher vs. Jeff Hardy…Women’s Champion, Ivory, and Tori …Shane McMahon, Test, Kane, and Rocky Maivia vs. Degeneration X in a Survivor Series Match. Kane and X-Pac were Counted Out. Billy Gunn vs. Shane McMahon. Billy Gunn was Disqualified. Rocky Maivia vs. Jesse James. Test vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley.
November 18, 1999: Too Cool vs. Edge and Christian…Kurt Angle vs. Gangrel…European Champion, Davey Boy Smith, vs. The Godfather…World Heavyweight Champion, The Big Show, vs. Hardcore Holly…Kane vs. Viscera…Women’s Champion, Ivory, vs. Luna Vachon in a hardcore match…Chris Jericho vs. Mark Henry…World Tag Team Champions, The New Age Outlaws, vs. The Hardy Boyz…Rocky Maivia vs. Big Boss Man.
November 25, 1999: World Heavyweight Champion, The Big Show, vs. Chris Jericho…Kurt Angle vs. D’Lo Brown…Val Venis vs. European Champion, Davey Boy Smith, …Hardcore Champion, Big Boss Man, vs. Kane…Rocky Maivia and Mankind vs. Hardcore Holly and Crash Holly…Rakishi Phatu vs. Joey Abs…Ivory vs. Miss Jacquline in a gravy bowl match…The Godfather vs. Al Snow…World Tag Team Champions, The New Age Outlaws, vs. The Hardy Boyz in a steel cage match…Hunter Hearst Helmsley and X-Pac vs. Test and Shane McMahon.
December 2, 1999: Hardcore Holly and Crash Holly vs. Kane in a handicap match…Edge and Christian vs. The Dudley Boyz…European Champion, Davey Boy Smith, vs. D’Lo Brown …Chris Jericho vs. Mankind…Kurt Angle and Steve Blackman vs. The Headbangers…Rakishi Phatu vs. Crash Holly…Rocky Maivia vs. Al Snow …The Big Show and The Hardy Boyz vs. The New Age Outlaws vs. X-Pac.
December 9, 1999: Jesse James vs. Chris Jericho…The Dudley Bpyz vs. Kurt Angle and Steve Blackman…Christian vs. European Champion, Davey Boy Smith, …Big Boss Man and Prince Albert vs. The Hardy Boyz …Mankind vs. Al Snow …X-Pac vs. Test…Rocky Maivia vs. Billy Gunn…Kane vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley, .
December 16, 1999: Intercontinental Champion, Chris Jericho, vs. Prince Albert…Kurt Angle vs. Test …Matt Hardy vs. Jeff Hardy…X-Pac vs. Tori…Mankind vs. Al Snow in a no holds barred match…Edge vs. Christian…The Acolytes vs. Joey Abs, Rodney, and Pete Gas…Too Cool and Rikishi Phatu vs. Viscera, Hardcore Holly, and Crash Holly…World Tag Team Champions, The New Age Outlaws, vs. Gerald Brisco and Pat Patterson…World Heavyweight Champion, The Big Show, and Rocky Maivia in a lumberjack match.
December 23, 1999: Intercontinental Champion, Chris Jericho, vs. Crash Holly, …Rikishi Phatu vs. Viscera…Test vs. Jesse James…Kurt Angle vs. Edge…Rocky Maivia vs. Al Snow…Women’s Champion, The Kat, vs. Ivory in a No Disqualification match…Christian and Matt Hardy vs. Rodney and Pete Gas…Kane vs. Billy Gunn…Mark Henry vs. Buh-Buh Ray Dudley…Mankind vs. World Heavyweight Champion, The Big Show, in a steel cage match.
December 30, 1999: Prince Albert and Big Boss Man vs. Test in a handicap match…Kurt Angle vs. Rikishi Phatu…Jeff Hardy vs. Al Snow…Hardcore Holly and Crash Holly vs. The Fabulous Moolah and Mae Young…Rocky Maivia vs. Kane…Chyna and Intercontinental Champion, Chris Jericho, had a double pinfall. Both wrestlers were named co-Intercontinental Champions…Faarooq vs. Buh-Buh Ray Dudley …Viscera and Miss Jacqueline vs. Gangrel and Luna Vachon…X-Pac vs. World Heavyweight Champion, The Big Show, in a non-title match
WWE – 1999/04/29 – SMACKDOWN # 1
01. Blue Blazer vs. Val Venis
02. Big Show vs. Test
03. D-Lo Brown vs. Droz
04. WWF World Tag Team Titles: Kane & X-Pac vs. New Age Outlaws
05. No Holds Barred Street Fight: Ken Shamrock vs. Bradshaw
06. Mankind vs. Big Bossman
07. Steve Austin & The Rock vs. The Undertaker & Triple H
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: SAT TV
WWE – 1999/08/26 – SMACKDOWN # 2
01. Mr. Ass vs. Jeff Jarrett
02. WWF World Tag Titles – Triple Threat Match: Big Show & The Undertaker vs. Kane & X-Pac vs. The Acolytes
03. WWF Hardcore Title: Big Bossman vs. Al Snow
04. Road Dogg vs. Chris Jericho
05. Shane McMahon vs. Mankind
06. Evening Gown Match: Tori vs. Ivory
07. WWF World Heavyweight Title: Triple H vs. The Rock (Special Refs: Shane McMahon & Shawn Michaels)
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: SAT TV
WWE – 1999/09/02 – SMACKDOWN # 3
01. WWF IC Title – No. 1 Contenders Match: Chyna vs. Mr. Ass
02. Tuxedo Match: Tony Chimel vs. Howard Finkel
03. Chris Jericho vs. X-Pac
04. WWF World Heavyweight Title: Triple H vs. Gillberg
05. WWF World Heavyweight Title – No. 1 Contenders Match: Mankind vs. The Rock
06. Ken Shamrock vs. Val Venis
06. WWF World Tag Titles – No. 1 Contenders Elimination Tournament: Droz & Prince Albert vs. Christian & Edge vs. Mideon & Viscera vs. Stevie Richards & Blue Meanie vs. The Acolytes vs. Hardy Boyz vs. The Hollys
07. WWF World Tag Titles: Rock’n Sock Connection vs. Triple H & Shane McMahon
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: SAT TV
WWE – 1999/09/09 – SMACKDOWN # 4
01. WWF Hardcore Title: British Bulldog vs. Big Bossman
02. Christian & Edge vs. New Brood (Hardy Boyz)
03. Chyna vs. Hardcore Holly
04. Bradshaw vs. Bubba Ray Dudley
05. WWF World Heavyweight Title: Triple H vs. Kane
06. Chris Jericho vs. Ken Shamrock
07. WWF World Tag Titles – Buried Alive Match: Big Show & The Undertaker vs. Rock’n Sock Connection
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: SAT TV
WWE – 1999/09/16 – SMACKDOWN # 5
01. Shane McMahon vs. Joey Abs
02. WWF European Title: Mark Henry vs. Steve Blackman
03. Curtis Hughes vs. Ken Shamrock
04. Five Man Royal Rumble (w/ The Undertaker, Kane, Mankind, The Rock, Big Show)
05. Chyna & Mr. Ass vs. The Hollys
06. Pepper On A Pole Match: Al Snow vs. Big Bossman
07. WWF IC Title: Jeff Jarrett vs. Test
08. WWF World Title: Vince McMahon vs. Triple H (Special Ref: Shawn Michaels)
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: SAT TV
WWE – 1999/09/23 – SMACKDOWN # 6
01. Chokeslam Match: Big Show vs. Triple H
02. WWF European Title: X-Pac vs. Mark Henry
03. Inferno Match: Triple H vs. Kane
04. WWF World Tag Titles: New Age Outlaws vs. Rock’n Sock Connection
05. Casket Match: Triple H vs. Mideon & Viscera
06. Hardcore Holly vs. Al Snow
07. Boiler Room Brawl: Triple H vs. Mankind
08. First Blood Match: Chris Jericho vs. Ken Shamrock
09. Brahma Bullrope Strap Match: Triple H vs. The Rock (Special Ref: British Bulldog)
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: SAT TV
WWE – 1999/09/30 – SMACKDOWN # 7
01. Chris Jericho vs. Road Dogg
02. Terri Runnels Invitational: Christian & Edge vs. New Brood
03. WWF European Title: Big Show vs. D-Lo Brown
04. Elimination Match: Kane & X-Pac vs. The Acolytes vs. Dudley Boyz
05. WWF World Heavyweight Title: Triple H vs. British Bulldog (Special Ref: The Rock)
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: SAT TV
WWE – 1999/10/07 – SMACKDOWN # 8
01. Kane & X-Pac vs. Mideon & Viscera
02. Hardcore Holly vs. Road Dogg
03. Terri Runnels Invitational – Texas Tornado Match: Edge & Christian vs. New Brood
04. Mankind vs. British Bulldog
05. The Big Show vs. Big Bossman
06. No DQ Match: The Rock vs. Val Venis
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: SAT TV
WWE – 1999/10/14 – SMACKDOWN # 9
01. Handicap Match: Kane vs. The Acolytes
02. Chris Jericho vs. Curtis Hughes
03. WWF Hardcore Title: Big Bossman vs. Al Snow vs. Big Show
04. Val Venis vs. Stevie Richards
05. Terri Runnels Invitational: New Brood vs. Edge & Christian
06. The Godfather vs. Mideon
07. WWF World Tag Titles: Rock’n Sock Connection vs. New Age Outlaws
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: SAT TV
WWE – 1999/10/21 – SMACKDOWN # 10
01. Handicap Match: Christian & Edge & Test vs. British Bulldog & Mean Street Posse
02. WWF World Heavyweight Title: Triple H vs. Al Snow
03. Mankind vs. The Rock
04. WWF World Women’s Title: The Fabulous Moolah vs. Mae Young
05. WWF World Tag Titles: The Hollys vs. Hardy Boyz
06. WWF Hardcore Title: Big Bossman vs. Big Show
07. Mark Henry & The Godfather vs. Mideon & Viscera
08. Steve Austin vs. Val Venis
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: SAT TV
WWE – 1999/10/28 – SMACKDOWN # 11
01. Too Cool vs. Christian & Edge
02. Stevie Richards vs. Chris Jericho
03. WWF European Title: British Bulldog vs. D-Lo Brown
04. Dudley Boyz vs. Kane & X-Pac
05. Hardy Boyz vs. Mark Henry & Viscera
06. WWF Hardcore Title: Big Bossman vs. Al Snow
07. Mankind vs. Val Venis
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: SAT TV
WWE – 1999/11/04 – SMACKDOWN # 12
01. WWF World Tag Titles: The Hollys vs. Al Snow & Mankind
02. D-Lo Brown vs. Test
03. Hardy Boyz vs. Too Cool
04. WWF European Title: Edge vs. British Bulldog
05. The Godfather vs. Chris Jericho
06. Big Bossman vs. The Big Show
07. Survivor Series Style Match: Triple H & X-Pac & New Age Outlaws vs. The Rock & Steve Austin & Kane & Shane McMahon
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: SAT TV
WWE – 1999/11/11 – SMACKDOWN # 13
01. Hardcore Holly vs. Edge
02. Dudley Boyz vs. D-Lo Brown & The Godfather
03. WWF European Title: Val Venis vs. British Bulldog
04. WWF Hardcore Title: Big Bossman vs. Faarooq
05. Grandmaster Sexay vs. Jeff Hardy
06. WWF World Women’s Title: Ivory vs. Tori
07. Elimination Match: Kane & Shane McMahon & Test & The Rock vs. D-Generation X (Special Enforcer: Steve Austin)
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: SAT TV
WWE – 1999/11/18 – SMACKDOWN # 14
01. Too Cool vs. Edge & Christian
02. Kurt Angle vs. Gangrel
03. WWF European Title: British Bulldog vs. The Godfather
04. WWF World Heavyweight Title: The Big Show vs. Hardcore Holly
05. Kane vs. Viscera
06. WWF World Women’s Title – Triple Threat Hardcore Match: Ivory vs. Jacqueline vs. Luna
07. Chris Jericho vs. Mark Henry
08. WWF World Tag Titles: New Age Outlaws vs. Hardy Boyz
09. The Rock vs. The Big Bossman
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: SAT TV
WWE – 1999/11/25 – SMACKDOWN # 15
01. Kurt Angle vs. D-Lo Brown
02. WWF European Title: Val Venis vs. British Bulldogs
03. WWF Hardcore Title: Big Bossman vs. Kane
04. WWF World Tag Team Title #1 Contendership Match: Rock ‘n’ Sock Connection vs. The Hollys
05. Rikishi Phatu vs. Joey Abs
06. Turkey Bowl Match: Jacqueline vs. Ivory (Special Referee: Miss Kitty)
07. The Godfather vs. Al Snow
08. WWF World Tag Team Titles – Steel Cage Match: New Age Outlaws vs. Hardy Boyz
09. Triple H & X-Pac vs. Shane McMahon & Test
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: SAT TV
WWE – 1999/12/02 – SMACKDOWN # 16
01. Viscera vs. Kane
02. Dudley Boyz vs. Christian & Edge
03. WWF European Title: D-Lo Brown vs. British Bulldog
04. Chris Jericho vs. Mankind
05. Kurt Angle & Steve Blackman vs. Head Bangers
06. Special Challenge Match: Rikishi Phatu vs. Crash Holly
07. The Rock vs. Al Snow
08. Big Show & Hardy Boyz vs. New Age Outlaws & X-Pac
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: SAT TV
WWE – 1999/12/09 – SMACKDOWN # 17
01. The Road Dogg vs. Chris Jericho
02. Dudley Boyz vs. Kurt Angle & Steve Blackman
03. WWF European Title: Christian vs. British Bulldog
04. Prince Albert & The Big Bossman vs. The Hardy Boyz
05. Mankind vs. Al Snow
06. X-Pac vs. Test
07. The Rock vs. Mr. Ass
08. Kane vs. Triple H
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: SAT TV
WWE – 1999/12/16 – SMACKDOWN # 18
01. WWF Intercontinental Title: Chris Jericho vs. Prince Albert
02. Kurt Angle vs. Test
03. Matt Hardy vs. Jeff Hardy
04. X-Pac vs. Tori
05. Falls Count Anywhere: Mankind vs. Al Snow
06. Edge vs. Christian
07. Acolytes Rules – Handicap Match: The Acolytes vs. Mean Street Posse
08. Rikishi Phatu & Too Cool vs. The Hollys & Viscera
09. WWF World Tag Team Titles – No DQ Match: New Age Outlaws vs. Gerald Brisco & Pat Patterson
10. WWF World Heavyweight Title: Big Show vs. The Rock
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: SAT TV
WWE – 1999/12/23 – SMACKDOWN # 19
01. WWF Intercontinental Title: Chris Jericho vs. Hardcore Holly
02. Rikishi Phatu vs. Viscera
03. Test vs. The Road Dogg
04. Kurt Angle vs. Edge
05. Steel Cage Match: The Rock vs. Al Snow
06. WWF World Women’s Title – Anything Goes Match: The Kat vs. Ivory
07. Christian & Jeff Hardy vs. TAKA Michinoku & Funaki
08. Kane vs. Mr. Ass
09. Mark Henry vs. Bubba Ray Dudley
10. WWF World Heavyweight Title: Big Show vs. Mankind
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: SAT TV
WWE – 1999/12/30 – SMACKDOWN # 20
01. Handicap Match: Test vs. Prince Albert & The Big Bossman
02. Kurt Angle vs. Rikishi
03. Jeff Hardy vs. Al Snow
04. The Hollys vs. Mae Young & The Fabulous Moolah
05. No Holds Barred Match: The Rock vs. Kane
06. WWF Intercontinental Title: Chris Jericho vs. Chyna
07. Faarooq vs. Bubba Ray Dudley
08. Jacqueline & Viscera vs. Gangrel & Luna
09. Handicap Match: Big Show vs. New Age Outlaws & X-Pac
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: SAT TV