1/6 Smackdown in Orlando, FL
• Stephanie/DX Int
• Big Show vs. X-Pac
• Chris Jericho/Chyna Int
• Hollys vs. Chris Jericho and Chyna
• Fake Mick Foley Int, Stephanie/Road Dogg Int
• Acolytes vs. Billy Gunn
• Kane/Triple H Int, Road Dogg/Triple H/Stephanie Int
• Kane vs. Road Dogg
• Triple H/Fake Mick Foley Int
• The Rock vs. Kurt Angle
• Edge/Christian/Jeff Hardy vs. Al Snow and Dudley Boys
• Fake Mick Foley Int
• Test vs. Big Boss Man
• Fake Mick Foley Int
• Mean Street Posse vs. Kaientai
• Stephanie/Triple H Interview
• Fake Mick Foley/Mankind Brawl
• WWF Title Match: Rikishi vs. Triple H
1/13 Smackdown in Chicago, IL
• Triple H/Stephanie Interview- Triple H brings out the Fake Mick Foley, only to have the real Mankind come in to vs. him up. Mankind comes out saying that Mankind will not face HHH. Instead, Cactus Jack will face HHH. The return of Cactus Jack!
• New Age Outlaws vs. Bradshaw
• The Rock Int
• Too Cool and Rikishi vs. The Holly and Al Snow
• Cactus Jack Highlights
• Gangrel vs. Test
• Chris Jericho/Chyna Int
• Hardy Boys vs. Prince Albert and Big Boss Man
• Big Show Int
• Kurt Angle and Steve Blackman vs. Edge and Christian
• Chyna/Tori Int
• New Age Outlaws vs. Faarooq
• Godfather and D-Lo Brown vs. Headbangers
• Big Show/The Rock Int
• Kane vs. Chris Jericho
• Triple H and X-Pac vs. Big Show and The Rock
1/20 Smackdown in Providence, RI
• DX Int
• Big Show/The Rock/Tori/Triple H Interview- Big Show offcially turns heel here with his interview.
• Test vs. X-Pac- X-Pac wins, earning him the #30 position in the Royal Rumble.
• DX Int, Steve Blackman/Al Snow Int
• Kurt Angle and The British Bulldog vs. Steve Blackman and Al Snow
• Matt Hardy vs. D-Von Dudley- Jeff Hardy hits Buh-Buy on the head with a chair, causing the Dudley bro. to fall through a table from the top of the ramp. Matt then puts D-Von through a table with a leg drop. Awesome!
• New Age Outlaws Int, Hollys Int
• Too Cool and Rikishi vs. Chyna, Hardcore Holly, and Chris Jericho- Funny scene where Jericho comes to the ring saying that it looks like the famous Cantina Scene in the ring where all the other wrestlers are standing.
• New Age Outlaws Int, Acolytes Int
• Big Boss Man vs. Prince Albert
• The Rock Int
• Viscera vs. Crash Holly
• Edge vs. Gangrel
• Acolytes/New Age Outlaws Int/Brawl
• Kane vs. Big Show vs. The Rock
• Triple H/Cactus Jack Interview/Brawl
1/27 Smackdown in Baltimore, MD
# Al Snow vs. Bad Ass Billy Gunn
# Cactus Jack gives an interview and out comes Stephanie McMahon. Cactus says that HHH has no testicles and Stephanie slaps him. He then says to Steph to play a game with him. “Slap Me Again And See What Happens.”
# Edge and Christian vs. Dudley Boys- Good match.
# Kane vs. The Big Show- During the match, X-Pac comes down while Kane is tied up and tells Kane his “X-Pac Tori, Christman Story”. Tori and X-Pac kiss and leave.
# Godfather and D’Lo Brown vs. Too Cool
# Harcore Title: Gangrel vs Test
# Mean Street Posse vs. Tazz- Kurt Angle chokes out Tazz after the match.
# IC Title Match: Crash Holly vs. Chris Jericho
# The Rock vs. Rikishi Phatu- Good match as Rikishi is moving up the WWF ladder.
Halftime Heat (1/30)
# Stone Cold Steve Austin Interview- Austin talks about his surgery, his relationship with Deborah, and his return date. Good Austin interview which we haven’t heard for some time now.
2/3 Smackdown in Detroit, MI
# IC Title Match: Gangrel vs. Chris Jericho
# X-Pac vs. Dean Malenko- Malenko’s WWF wrestling debut.
# DX/Big Show- Big Show shows footage of the Rock’s feet hitting the floor at the Royal Rumble so HHH gives the Big Show his shot at the Rock at No Way Out.
# Women’s Title Match: Jacqueline vs. Harvey Wippleman- Don’t ask.
# Kurt Angle vs. Tazz vs. The Rock
– Good Match # New Age Outlaws vs. Eddie Guerrero and Perry Saturn- Eddie’s and Saturn’s WWF wrestling debut as it wasn’t a good one for Eddie Guerrero. He dislocated his elbow on an attempted frog splash which would cause him to miss 6 weeks of action.
# Holly’s vs. Al Snow and Steve Blackman- Blackman where’s a Packer’s Cheese hat on his head, coming down to the ring. Funny.
# Rikishi Phatu vs. The Big Show
# Chris Benoit vs. HHH- The WWF wrestling debut of Benoit. Good match too.
2/10 Smackdown in Dallas, TX
# Euro Title Match: Kurt Angle vs. Val Venis- Angle does a funny interview before the match as he captures his first WWF title, beating Val Venis. Angle does a funny celebration after.
# Grand Master Sexay vs. Perry Saturn- Good Match.
# Christian and Edge vs. Dudleys Boyz- Buh Buh Ray Dudley acts like he’s hurt to draw out BB, only to put her through a table just like they did with Terri a couple of weeks ago.
# Scotty Too Hotty vs. Dean Malenko
# New Age Outlaws vs. Cactus Jack and The Rock
# Luna and Gangrel vs Prince Albert and Jacqualine
# Rikishi vs. Chris Benoit- Great Match before the Radicals and Too Cool run in. After the match, Too Cool and Rikishi dance.
# Hardy Boys vs. Head Cheese (Blackman and Al Snow)
# Holly’s vs. Chris Jericho- Jericho had one hand tied behind his back and since it was no DQ, he hired the APA to vs. up the Holly’s for the win.
# X-Pac and HHH vs. Kane- After the match, Kane acts as if he is going to chokeslam Tori but doesn’t. Instead, he tombstones her.
2/17 Smackdown in Fresno, CA
# D-X Interview.
# Holly’s/Mark Henry Int/Brawl.
# WWF Title Match: Kane vs. HHH
# Euro Title Match: Chyna vs. Kurt Angle.
# APA/Mae/Henry Int.
# Tazz vs. Gangrel
# Cactus Int- says that at No Way Out, he will once again fly off the top of the cage but this time, the outcome will be different.
# APA/Mae Young Int.
# Hardcore Match: Cactus Jack vs. X-Pac- X-Pac stares right at Cactus Jack for about 4 seconds waiting for Jack to hit him with a chair.
# Too Cool vs. Saturn and Malenko
# Eddie Guerrero vs. Rikihi Phatu- Rikishi is on his way to the hospital, but Eddie demands that the ring announcer announce him as the winner by forfiet.
# APA/Mae Young Int., The Rock Int., Another APA/Mae Young Int.
# Big Boss Man and Prince Albert vs. Edge and Christian
# No DQ: Mark Henry vs. Holly’s
# Tag Team Title Match: The Rock and the Big Show vs. New Age Outlaws- The Rock is about for the tag titles by himself before the Big Show comes to the ring but pulls off the cover to go attack the Big Show. TBS takes The Rock to the DX bus but the Rock sneaks away and hits TBS from behind.
2/24 Smackdown in Nashville, TN
# Hardcore Title Match: Crash Holly vs. Test
# Radicals/D-X Int.
# The Big Show does a good job complaining about the crowd booing him and sounding like a baby. Kurt Angle comes out and agrees. Chris Jericho and The Rock and each say some funny things about their opponents.
# Kane vs. Chris Benoit- X-Pac comes out and shoots a flame of fire at Kane through some wierd, long, plastic gun.
# Edge, Christian, and the Hardy Boys vs. Head Cheese, Perry Saturn, and Dean Malenko
# Too Cool and Rikishi vs. HHH, X-Pac, and Road Dogg
# GodFather and D’lo Brown vs Boss Man and Prince Albert
# Mic Foley gives an awesome, emotion interview about his career and said just in case this was his last chance to say goodbye, Goodbye. Great interview as I believe that there can’t possibly be a wrestling fan in the world who doesn’t appreciate what he has done for us. Stephanie McMahon and HHH come out and have Foley arrested. Foley is such an awesome actor, really making you feel for him. Great segment.
# Billy Gunn vs. Buh Buh Ray Dudley- Billy Gunn puts Buh Buh Ray Dudley through a table via his Famouser.
# Kurt Angle and the Big Show vs. Chris Jericho and The Rock- At the end, The Big Show and The Rock fight to the back and The Big Show throws The Rock into a window! Very well done.
3/2 Smackdown
# Too Cool and Chris Jericho vs. Benoit, Saturn, and Malenko
# Lightwieght Title Match: Jeff Hardy vs. Essa Rios- As you would expect, a good, high flying match.
# The Rock/Big Show/Shane McMahon/Rikishi interview
# Kurt Angle/Slaughter Int.
# Hardcore Title Match: Tazz vs. Crash Holly
# Crash Holly Announces the Hardcore Title will be on the line 24-7, 365 days a year!
# Road Dogg and X-Pac vs. Edge and Christian
# Test vs. Viscera # IC Title- Sgt. Slaugter vs Kurt Angle
# Dudley Boyz vs. Kane
# The Rock and Rikishi vs. The Big Show and HHH
3/9 Smackdown! in Boston, MA
# Shane/Big Show/HHH/Stephanie interview
# Mean Street Posse Again try for the Hardcore title in a luandry meat this time, crash escapes again!
# The Rock vs. Chris Benoit and Perry Saturn
# Stephanie Interview
# Lightweight Title Match: Christian vs. Essa Rios
# IC Title Match: Tazz vs. Kurt Angle- Angle puts down Boston as he comes out. Very fuuny as Angle knows how to get the great heel heat.
# Kane vs. Road Dogg and X-Pac
# Jeff Hardy vs. Steve Blackman
# Table Match: The Rock vs. Dudley Boyz
# Womens Title: Ivory vs Jacqualine
# Hardcore Title- Prince Albert vs Crash- Not a bad match
# Rikishi vs. HHH and The Big Show
3/16 Smackdown in Long Island, NY
# Shane/Big Show/HHH/Stephanie/Vince Interview- They announced that the main event at WrestleMania would be a Triple Threat match involving The Big Show, The Rock, and HHH.
# Tag Team Title Match: Edge and Christian vs. The Dudley Boys
# Godfather vs. HHH
# Head Cheese vs. The Acolytes
# Rikishi vs. The Big Show- HHH screws the Big Show in return.
# Kurt Angle and Bob Backlund vs. Chris Jericho and Tazz.
# Hardcore Title Match: Head Bangers vs. Crash Holly- They fight in an arcade, pretty cool.
# Lightweight Title Match: Grand Master Sexay vs. Dean Malenko
# Hardy Boys vs. Chris Benoit and Perry Saturn- Had the makings of a really good match but was cut short because the referee called for a double count out.
# X-Pac vs. The Rock- The Rock, HHH, and The Big Show all brawl in the ring after as Kane goes for X-Pac for the hundreth time.
3/23 Smackdown in Milwaukee, WI
# HHH/Linda McMahon Interview-
# Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit- Y2J commentates at ringside and then interfers.
# Vince McMahon Interview
# GodFather vs Bull Bucannon
# Hollys vs. Head Cheese- T n A (Test and Albert) attack Head Cheese after the match.
# Buh Buh Ray Dudley vs. The Rock
# Mick Foley Interview
# Women’s Title Match: Lita vs. Jacqueline
# Mean Street Posse vs. The Big Show- The Posse come out dressed up like Foley, HHH, and The Rock, only to get pounded by TBS. Funny.
# Too Cool and Rikishi vs. Saturn/Malenko/Guerrero- Eddie’s WWF wrestling return match after being out many weeks with a seperated elbow. Road Dogg and X-Pac comes in and attack Too Cool as they dance.
# Stephanie/Linda Interview-
3/30 Smackdown in San Antonio, TX
# Kane and Rikishi vs. Dudley Boyz
# HHH/Vince Interview
# Hardcore Title Match: Tazz vs. Crash Holly
# Edge and Christian vs. X-Pac and Road Dogg
# Kurt Angle vs. The Rock- Big brawl breaks out between Rock/HHH/Big Show/Vince/Shane. “What’s it going to be like this Sunday on PPV?” How many times do we hear that line the week before a ppv?
# Chris Jericho vs. Eddie Guerrero- Eddie brags that Chyna wants him.
# Stephanie/Vince/Linda Interview
# Crash Holly Interview- His match from earlier in the show was still taking place. He decides to call off his 24 hours 7 days a week Hardcore defense for a battle Royal Match at Wrestlemania 2000
# Lightweight Title Match: Scotty Too Hotty vs. Dean Malenko
# The Rock “Know Your Role” Aggression Music Video
# T n A vs. Hardy Boys
# Women’s Title Match: Stephanie vs. Jacqueline
4/6 Smackdown! in San Jose, CA
# Rikishi vs. Chris Benoit
# Vince McMahon Interview
# T n A vs. Dudley Boyz
# Saturn vs. Tazz- Bad, short match.
# The Rock Interview
# Head Cheese vs. Big Boss Man and Bull Buchanan-
# Eddie Guerrero and Chyna Interview-
# Lightweight Title: Taka vs. Dean Malenko
# Godfather vs. The Big Show- Big Show dresses up like a pimp and leaves with a hoe.
# Tag Team Title Match: Kurt Angle and Hardcore Holly vs. Edge and Christian
# Road Dogg and X-Pac vs. The Rock
4/13 Smackdown in Tampa Bay, FL
# Euro Title Match: Rikishi vs. Eddie Guerrero
# HHH/Stephanie/Shane/Rock Interview
# Steve Blackman/Al Snow in Nursing Home threw out the show, sings
# Hardy Boys vs. Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko
# Hardcore Title Match: Perry Saturn vs. Crash Holly- Saturn wins the title, then Tazz pins Saturn, then Crash pins Tazz and keeps his title
# Tag Team Title Match: Kurt Angle and The Big Show vs. Edge and Christian- Big Show comes out dressed up like Fat Bastard from Austin Powers.
# Buh Buh Ray Dudley vs. Albert
# Moolah and The Kat vs. Mae Young and Terri- “Mae Young’s so old that when David killed Gallieth, she called the cops” – Jerry the King Lawler. I loved it.
# Road Dogg and X-Pac vs. Chris Jericho
# The Rock and Acolytes vs. HHH, Bull Buchanan, and Big Boss Man
4/20 Smackdown in Philadelphia, PA
• Road Dogg vs. Edge
• HHH/Tazz Interview
• Dudley Boys vs. Eddy Guerrero and Essa Rios- The Dudleys put Lita throw a table.
• Rikishi vs. The Big Show- It started as a dance contest, then it wasn’t, then it was again, but it didn’t end that way.
• Kurt Angle Interview
• Tazz vs. HHH
• Godfather and vs. T n A
• X-Pac vs. Christian
• IC Title Match: Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit
• Hardcore Title Match: Mean Street Posse vs. Crash Holly
• The Rock Interview
• Lumberjack Match: Chris Jericho vs. The Rock
4/27 Smackdown in Charlotte, NC
• Eddy Guerrero and Chyna vs. Essa Rios and Val Venis
• The Rock/Vince/HHH Interview- The Rock promises that we would see Stone Cold Steve Austin later on in this show. the crowd is going crazy.
• Lightweight Title Match: Scotty Too Hotty vs. Dean Malenko
• T n A vs. Hollys- A video is shown of Trish Tratus showing off a lot of cleavage. That’s always a good thing. After the match… well, let’s just say I was so damn jealous of Buh Buh Ray.
• Tazz and Chris Jericho vs. Perry Saturn and Chris Benoit
• Road Dogg vs. Christian
• Kurt Angle, Big Boss Man, and Bull Buchanan vs. Rikishi and The Big Show
• Hardcore Title Match: Jeff Hardy vs. Matt Hardy
• Steve Blackman vs. Godfather
• HHH/Vince/Rock Interview
5/4 Smackdown in Richmond, VA
# IC Title Match: Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit- Too many titles have been changing hands lately and making the titles less valuable.
# Vince Interview
# Eddie Guerrero and Chyna vs. Essa Rios and Lita
# Kurt Angle vs. Hardcore Holly
# Edge and Christian vs. Rikishi
# Hardy Boys vs. T n A
# Big Show vs. Bull Buchanan
# Hardcore Title Match: Dean Malenko vs. Crash Holly
# WWF Title Match: DX vs. The Rock and Earl Hebner- If The Rock or Hebner is vs. or submit, The Rock loses the title.
5/11 Smackdown in New Haven, CT
• Dudley Boyz vs. T n A- This match is becoming a little too repetative.
• Godfather vs. Chris Benoit
• Chris Benoit Interview
• HHH/Vince Interview- Vince rips on the crowd hard by saying that life is not fair and that the fans have to save money and don’t have a lot of it.
• Lightweight Title Match: Chyna vs. Dean Malenko
• Hardy Boys and Chris Jericho vs. Edge, Christian, and Kurt Angle
• Hardcore Title Match: Hardcore Holly vs. British Bulldog- The Bulldog returns after winning the title at the last WWF PPV in England, only to use it here. Pointless.
• Table Match: Dudley Boyz vs. Big Show
• Euro Title Match: Perry Saturn vs. Eddy Guerrero
• Acolytes/Bull Buchanan and Big Boss Man Brawl
• Elimination Match: Too Cool and Rikishi vs. DX
5/18 Smackdown in Detroit, MI
# Stephanie/Shane/HHH/Vince Interview
# Scotty Too Hotty vs. Kurt Angle
# Perry Saturn vs. Dean Malenko- Chyna comes out to introduce both men and tosses a couple of good lines at them, calling Malenko Mr. Charisma and to try to stay awake during his match. Pretty good segment with Eddie Guerrero as the guest referee.
# Christian vs. Grandmaster Sexay
# Val Venis/Chris Benoit/Chris Jericho/Hardcore Holly Interview
# Val Venis and Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit and Hardcore Holly
# Rikishi vs. Edge- This was a really good segment. Edge and Christian are really coming into their zone and throw in Kurt Angle and you have an awesome trio.
# T n A, Bull Buchanan, Big Boss Man, Road Dogg, X-Pac, and Shane McMahon vs. The Big Show
# Crash Holly/Pat Patterson/Brisco Segment/Brawl
# The Rock Interview
# Lumberjack, Table Match: Dudley Boys vs. The Rock
5/25 Smackdown
# Vince/Undertaker Interview- Vince says that UT has no contract but UT says that Vince’s wife gave him a contract, “lots of years, lots of zeros”. Crowd was pumped as this was an awesome way to begin Smackdown.
# Tag Team Title Match: Eddie Guerrero and Chyna vs. Edge and Christian
# Hardcore Match: Crash vs. Faarooq- Quick match. Faarooq hits Crash with the dominator in a trash can.
# Chris Jericho vs. Hardcore Holly vs. Val Venis
# Vince/Rock Segment- Vince gives the Rock the night off so the Rock just slaps him.
# Matt Hardy vs. Essa Rios- Essa attacks Lita after the match but the Hardy Boys come in to save her and carry her out.
# Too Cool and Dudley Boyz vs. T n A, X-Pac, and Road Dogg
# IC Title Match: Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit
# Al Snow vs. Bull Buchanan
# Shane McMahon vs. Undertaker- Not much of a match. DX and The Rock all come out and begin brawling.
6/1 Smackdown in Washington, DC
• Too Cool vs. Hardy Boys
• Kane/HHH Interview
• Undertaker/Vince Interview
• Kurt Angle vs. Bradshaw
• IC Title Match: D-Lo Brown vs. Chris Jericho
• Arm Wrestling Match: The Kat vs. Terri Runnels
• X-Pac and Road Dogg vs. Undertaker
• Hardcore Holly vs. Chris Jericho
• The Rock Interview
• Edge and Christian vs. The Rock
• Kane vs. HHH
6/8 Smackdown in Buffalo
# Chris Jericho vs. Test
# HHH/The Rock Interview- The Undertaker comes out
# Tag Team Title Match: Godfather and Dean Malenko vs. Too Cool
# IC Title Match: Jeff Hardy vs. Chris Benoit
# Kurt Angle, Edge, and Christian vs. The Dudley Boyz
# Stephanie McMahon Interview
# The Kat vs. Terri Runnels vs. Ivory vs. Jacqueline vs. Lita
# Eddie Guerrero vs. Matt Hardy
# Val Venis vs. Rikishi
# DX vs. Undertaker, Rock, and Kane
6/15 Smackdown in Chicago, IL
• Grandmaster Sexay vs. Edge
• Shane/Vince/HHH Interview
• T n A vs. Hardy Boys
• Vince/Buchanan/Undertaker Segment- Vince has UT arrested for stealing a car on Raw.
• D-Lo Brown vs. Scotty Too Hotty
• Kane vs. Chris Benoit
• Edge and Christian vs. Dudley Boyz- X-Pac and Road Dogg come out
• Chris Jericho vs. Bull Buchanan
• Val Venis/Rikishi Brawl
• Crash Holly/Samuel L. Jackson/Brisco/Patterson Segment
• The Rock Interview
• The Rock vs. Kurt Angle
6/22 Smackdown! in Memphis, TN
# HHH/Vince Interview
# T n A with Trish Stratus vs. Hardy Boys and Lita
# Christian vs. Grand Master Sexay- Christian and Edge come out with Elvis Presley outfits.
# Euro Title Match: Big Boss Man vs. Eddie Guererro
# Kurt Angle/Stephanie Interview- Kurt says something like “I hope I win KOTR on Sunday so I could vs. your husband for the title, bye!”
# IC Title Match: Rikishi vs. Chris Benoit
# Hardcore Holly vs. Chris Jericho
# The Kat and Taka Michinoku vs. Terri Runnels and Dean Malenko- Great Segment! Taka leaves early so it’s 2 on 1. Who comes to save the Kat? Jerry F’n Lawler!!! Amazing. He is in his home town and recieves a huge ovation. The greatest heel in history for tons of years it seems like, and he comes in to this and saves the Kat. He recieves a bronco buster from Terri Runnels and obviously, he didn’t mind and had a huge smile on his face.
# Road Dogg vs. D-Von Dudley Finally, Road Dogg and X-Pac get on the mic and speak.
# HHH, Vince, and Shane vs. Undertaker, Kane, and The Rock
6/29 Smackdown in Hartford, CT
# Eddie Guerrero and Rikishi vs. Val Venis and Chris Benoit
# Kurt Angle vs. Hardcore Holly- Kurt does a move from the top rope and breaks Holly’s arm. You can see one spot where Angle goes for the pin but Holly kicks out and they are taking their time, talking to each other, Holly obviously telling Angle that he broke his arm. Angle then takes it easy on Holly the rest of the match.
# Stephanie/Mick Foley Interview
# Stevie Richards Interview- I guess he is going to go around and try to keep Raw a clean program and have good morales.
# The Godfather vs. Bull Buchanan
# Christian vs. Kane
# The Rock and Wyclef Jean Music Video- Entitled, “It Doesn’t Matter”. Pretty cool music video.
# Undertaker vs. Edge
# Hardcore Title Match: Al Snow vs. Crash- Finally, normal hardcore title match instead of some run in kind of a match. Nevermind. Steve Blackman comes in and pins Crash.
# Vince/Linda Highlights
# DX vs. Chris Jericho and Dudley Boyz
7/6 Smackdown in Ft, Lauderdale, FL
• Kurt Angle vs. Chris Jericho- Angle ruins Undertaker’s bike and decides to leave the arena because of it.
• Mick Foley/Chris Benoit/Edge/Christian Interview- Foley is all buisness as he yells at Benoit for doing what he did to Chyna and The Rock on the last Raw is War. The WWF is doing an excellent job with Benoit’s heel role. Edge and Christian are “so like” the best tag team and the funniest right now as they come out and kiss up to Benoit, leading to a 3 on 3 match later on in the show.
• HHH/Stephanie Interview- She says she got involved with the Angle/Jericho match and HHH gets upset.
• Dudley Boyz vs. D-Lo Brown and Chaz- D-Lo and Chaz’s first appearance on Raw or Smackdown.
• Ivory and Jacqueline vs. Dean Malenko
• IC Title Match: Val Venis vs. Rikishi- Thanks to Tazz, Val wins the IC Title here.
• Hardcore Title Match: Big Boss Man vs. Steve Blackman- Normally I would leave this match out to save space on my tape but I didn’t this time. Al Snow helps Blackman keep the title. Hopefully they won’t be breaking too far apart.
• Kane and Undertaker vs. T n A- You face UT and Kane, you’re doing the J.O.B.
• HHH vs. Kaientai and Brooklyn Brawler- Thanks to Chris Jericho, HHH loses this handicapped match.
• Eddie Guerrero/Chyna/Rock Interview
• Chris Benoit, Edge, and Christian vs. Eddie Guerrero, Chyna, and The Rock – This Rock/Benoit feud is really taking off.
7/13 Smackdown in Oakland, CA
# Too Cool and Rikishi vs. T n A and Val Venis- Hardy Boys and Lita come out and dance with Too Cool after.
# Triple H Interview
# Road Dogg/Lita Int
# Road Dogg and X-Pac vs. Hardy Boys
# Chris Benoit/The Rock Highlights
# Dean Malenko vs. Al Snow
# Eddie Guerrero and Chyna vs. Chris Benoit-
# The Rock Interview- “If ya smeeeeeeeeell….” Then Chris Benoit attacks The Rock during this interview.
# Acolytes vs. Edge and Christian
# Vince/XFL Highlights, Kurt Angle/Stephanie/Triple H Segment
# Kane vs. Kurt Angle
# Hardcore Title Match: Crash vs. Steve Blackman
# Triple H vs. Undertaker
7/20 Smackdown in Long Island, NY
# Mick Foley/Chris Jericho/Chris Benoit/Shane Interview.
# European Title Match: Perry Saturn vs. Dean Malenko vs. Eddie Guerrero
# Edge and Christian Interview- They are at a local bar and talk about the Acolytes and want some drinks with those little umbrellas. “Barkeep, gimme one of them drinks with the little umbrellas in it!” “Yeah. Little umbrellas get the party started right!” Hilarious.
# Kurt Angle vs. Kane-
# XFL Dick Butkus Highlights
# Hardcore Title Match: Al Snow vs. Steve Blackman-
# Hardy Boys and Rikishi vs. T n A and Val Venis- T n A kick the s*** out of the Hardys and Lita after the match.
# Triple H/Rock/Chris Benoit Segment- Triple H signs an autograph for a security guard and says he will help him get one from the Rock but has Benoit attack him from behind.
# Steven Richards/Godfather Interview
# Godfather vs. Bull Buchanan-
# Undertaker vs. Big Boss Man-
# Edge/Christian/Acolytes Brawl
# Chris Benoit and Triple H vs. Chris Jericho and The Rock- The Rock has Benoit in the Crossface and Benoit is tapping out!
7/27 Smackdown in San Antonia, TX
• Hardcore Title Match: X-Pac vs. Steve Blackman- A weapons match like no other.
• Mick Foley/Shane McMahon/Big Show Interview
• Hardy Boys vs. Lo Down
• Grand Master Sexay vs. Tazz
• Triple H/Stephanie/Trish Segment- Trish wants Triple H to show here some holds because they have to team up later in the show, he is showing her some holds (and so would I), and then Stephanie walks in while it looks like HHH is…. well, I got two words…. Doggy Style.
• Table Match: Edge, Christian, and Big Show vs. Dudley Boyz and Kane
• Steven Richards Interview- He brags about no more hos in the WWF and debut’s the Goodfather. Godfather says that Richards was right about no more hos.
• European Title Match: Crash vs. Perry Saturn
• Trish Stratus and Chris Benoit vs. Lita and Chris Jericho
• Kurt Angle Interview
• Chris Jericho Interview
• WWF Title Match: Kurt Angle vs. The Rock- DQ Finish.
8/3 Smackdown in Birminghan, AL
# Scotty Too Hotty vs. X-Pac
# Shane/Chris Benoit/Big Show Interview
# Eddie Guerrero and Rikishi vs. Val Venis and Tazz- The return of Eddie Guerrero’s Frog Splash!
# Matt Hardy vs. Edge- Jeff Hardy comes out and is about to fly off the ladder but then he “faints” and falls down. Edge nails Matt Hardy with a brutal chair shot too.
# The Rock Interview- “Even you Kevin Kelly, can be Chris Benoit”. The Rock puts something on Kevin Kelly’s teeth to make him look like he is missing a tooth aKa Chris Benoit. Great Interview.
# Big Show and Chris Benoit vs. Kane and The Rock- Benoit pins the Rock.
# Hardcore Title Match: Perry Saturn vs. Steve Blackman
# Goodfather and Bull Buchanan vs. Acolytes
# Road Dogg vs. Grand Master Sexay
# No DQ: Triple H, Stephanie, and Kurt Angle vs. Lita and The Dudley Boyz
8/10 Smackdown in East Rutherford, NJ
# Mick Foley/Kurt Angle/Triple H/Shane Interview
# Chris Jericho and Eddie Guerrero vs. Val Venis and Chris Benoit
# X-Pac vs. Rikishi
# Al Snow and The Kat vs. Perry Saturn and Terri
# Tag Team Title Match: Dudley Boyz vs. Edge and Christian
# Tazz vs. Crash- Match never happens as Tazz and Jerry Lawler brawl.
# Goodfather and Bull Buchanan vs. Too Cool
# Hardcore Title Match: Albert vs. Steve Blackman
# The Rock Interview
# Kurt Angle and Triple H vs. Undertaker and The Rock
8/17 Smackdown in Worcester, MA
• Shane McMahon/Stephanie/Kurt Angle/Triple H/Mick Foley Interview
• Perry Saturn and Terri vs. Rikishi and The Kat
• IC Title Match: Eddy Guerrero vs. Val Venis
• Acolytes and Crash vs. Kaientai and Big Boss Man
• Hardcore Title Match: Chris Benoit vs. Steve Blackman
• Edge and Christian vs. D-Von Dudley and Jeff Hardy
• Right To Censor Interview
• DX vs. Too Cool
• Kane/Undertaker Brawl
• Triple H vs. The Rock
8/24 Smackdown in New Orleans, LA
• Stephanie/Kurt Angle/Triple H/Mick Foley Interview
• Goodfather vs. Rikishi
• T n A and Val Venis vs. Eddy Guerrero, Chyna, and Steve Blackman
• Tazz/Jerry Lawler/Jim Ross Segment
• Chris Jericho/Chris Benoit Interview
• Undertaker vs. X-Pac and Road Dogg
• European Title Match: Al Snow vs. Perry Saturn
• Chris Jericho and Hardy Boys vs. Chris Benoit, Edge, and Christian
• The Rock Interview
• The Rock and Lita vs. Kurt Angle and Stephanie- After the match, Angle gives Stephanie a huge kiss and Stephanie doesn’t realize it until the end.
8/31 Smackdown in Fayetteville, NC
# Stephanie/Kurt Angle Interview
# Kurt Angle/Triple H/Stephanie Int
# Road Dogg vs. Bull Buchanan
# Eddie Guerrero/Chyna/Mick Foley Int
# Jacqueline, Edge, and Christian vs. Lita and Hardy Boys
# Kurt Angle/Stephanie Int
# European Title Match: Al Snow vs. Perry Saturn- Al Snow is the new European Champion!
# Triple H/Stephanie Int, Al Snow Int
# Chris Benoit vs. The Undertaker
# Chris Jericho vs. Tazz- Tazz has some words for Jerry Lawler before the match.
# Kurt Angle/Just Joe Int, Kaientai/Dudley Boys Segment
# Kaientai vs. The Dudley Boys
# XFL Segment, Kurt Angle/Stephanie Int, WWF/Politics Segment, Val Venis/Trish Stratus Int
# Val Venis vs. Rikishi
# Eddie Guerrero/Chyna Int, Triple H Segment- Hunter gets arrested for spousel abuse.
# Eddie Guerrero vs. Kurt Angle
9/7 Smackdown in Louisville, KT
# Tazz Does Commentary- Tazz is pretty entertaining, threatning to slap Michael Cole around, or as he says, good ol’ MC, which is a pretty funny thing.
# Chris Jericho vs. X-Pac
# Edge/Christian/Rock Interview- Can you smell it? Can you? It’s Edge and Christian totally reeking of awesomeness. These two are the funniest duo since the original DX.
# Rikishi vs. Chris Benoit
# Chyna/Eddie Guerrero Interview-
# Bar Room Brawl: Acolytes vs. Dudley Boyz
# Jerry Lawler/Tazz Brawl
# HHH vs. T n A
# IC Title Match: Road Dogg vs. Eddie Guerrero- Eddie begins what looks to be like a heel turn here, attacking Road Dogg after the match.
# Too Cool vs. Bull Buchanan and Goodfather
# Undertaker vs. Kurt Angle
# Steve Austin Cameo- Challenges the person who tried to run him over to show up at Unforgiven.
# WWF Title Match: Christian vs. Kane vs. The Rock
9/14 Smackdown in Phoenix, AZ
# Mick Foley/Rock/Undertaker/Chris Benoit/Kane/Kurt Angle/HHH Interview-
# No DQ: The Acolytes vs. Chris Benoit and Kane
# Eddie Guerrero Interview- Eddie goes to the Playboy Mansion in an attempt to stop Mamacita’s pictures from coming out.
# RTC vs. Too Cool and Rikishi
# HHH and Kurt Angle vs. T n A
# Edge/Christian/Mick Foley Interview- E and C totally bring out the Hardy Boyz from the year 2050. Foley says that their match at Unforgiven will be in a Cage!!!
# Hardcore Title Match: Saturn vs. Steve Blackman
# Edge, Christian, and X-Pac vs. The Hardy Boyz and Chris Jericho
# Table Match: Dudley Boyz vs. Undertaker and The Rock
9/21 Smackdown in Milwaukee, WC
# WWF Roster Interview- Mick Foley sets off to try and find out who ran over Steve Austin last year.
# Scotty Too Hotty vs. Val Venis
# Matt Hardy/Edge/Christian Interview- Edge and Christian shows video clips of the Hardys when they were kids.
# Hardcore Title Match: Al Snow vs. Steve Blackman
# Stone Cold Interview From Texas
# Shane McMahon Interview
# Jerry Lawler and Chris Jericho vs. Tazz and X-Pac
-missing # Chyna/Eddie Guerrero/Rikishi Interview- Eddie proposes to Chyna
# Acolytes vs. RTC
# The Rock, Undertaker, and HHH vs. Kane, Chris Benoit, and Kurt Angle
9/28 Smackdown in Pittsburg, PA
• Mick Foley/Chris Benoit/Kurt Angle Interview
• Women’s WWF Title Match: Jacqueline vs. Lita
• Hardcore Title Match: Road Dogg vs. Steve Blackman
• Tazz/Raven/Jerry Lawler/Chris Jericho Interview
• HHH Int
• Too Cool and Rikishi vs. T n A and Kane
• Chyna Playboy Video
• Jerry Lawler and Chris Jericho vs. Tazz and Raven
• The Rock Int
• Chyna vs. Steven Richards
• European Title Match: X-Pac vs. Al Snow- Steve Austin is getting bored in the back and decides to come out and deliver stunners to everyone.
• Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit vs. The Rock and HHH
10/5 Smackdown in Baltimore, MD
• Hardy Boyz and Lita vs. Low Down and Jacqueline
• European Title Match: X-Pac vs. Al Snow
• RTC vs. The Acolytes and Eddie Guerrero
• Tazz and Raven vs. The Dudley Boyz
• Mick Foley/Steve Austin Interview- Foley decides to suspend Austin so Austin gives him a stunner.
• Kurt Angle, Edge, and Christian vs. Too Cool and Rikishi
• Hardcore Title Match: Albert vs. Steve Blackman
• Chris Benoit vs. Chris Jericho
• WWF Title Match: Kane vs. The Rock
10/12 Smackdown in Los Angeles, CA
#Table Match: Low Down vs. The Dudley Boyz
# Eddie Guerrero/Chyna Highlights
# “Who Dunnit” Highlights
# The Rock Interview
# IC Title Match: Chris Jericho vs. X-Pac vs. Eddie Guerrero
# European Title Match: Albert vs. Al Snow
# Chris Benoit and Perry Saturn vs. Road Dogg and HHH
# Mick Foley/Steve Austin Interview- The return date is set, Steve Austin vs. Rikishi in a No DQ match at No Mercy.
# Tag Team Title Match: Raven and Tazz vs. The Hardy Boyz
# Kane vs. Kurt Angle
# WWF Title Match: Val Venis vs. The Rock
10/19 Smackdown in Cleveland, OH
# Mick Foley Interview
# Tag Team Battle Royal- Los Conquistadores win the match and get a tag team title shot with the Hardyz.
# Hardcore Title Match: Tazz vs. Steve Blackman
# Eddie Guerrero/Chyna/RTC Interview
# European Title Match: Al Snow vs. Perry Saturn vs. Steven Regal
# Steve Austin Interview- Rikishi is shown in the back, tearing up Austin’s truck with a sludgehammer. He then nails Jim Ross. This feud is being played out really well.
# Road Dogg vs. Raven
# Kurt Angle/Stephanie Int, Edge/Christian/X-Pac Int
# Hardy Boyz and Chris Jericho vs. Edge, Christian, and X-Pac
# The Rock Interview
# WWF Women’s Title Match: Trish Stratus vs. Lita
# Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit vs. HHH vs. The Rock
10/26 Smackdown in Long Island, NY
• Steve Austin Interview
• Tag Team Title Match: Dudley Boyz vs. The Hardy Boyz
• RTC/The Rock/Chyna/Billy Gunn Interview
• Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko vs. Road Dogg and HHH
• Stephanie/Kurt Angle Int, TnA/Crash Int
• WWF Title Match: Chris Jericho vs. Kurt Angle
• Hardcore Match: Albert vs. Crash
• RTC vs. The Rock, Billy Gunn, and Chyna
• Raven vs. Al Snow
• Rikishi vs. Too Cool
11/2 Smackdown in Rochester, NY
# The Rock/Steve Austin/Rikishi/Kurt Angle Interview- The Rock says he didn’t help Rikishi run over Austin but Austin stuns The Rock any way.
# Hardcore Match: T n A vs. Crash- Crash wins with help from Steve Blackman.
# Steven Richards Interview- Undertaker comes in and shuts Richards up.
# Women’s Title Match: Jacqueline vs. Trish Stratus vs. Ivory vs. Lita- Ivory becomes the new women’s champion.
# Rikishi vs. Chris Jericho
# Eddie Guerrero and Val Venis vs. Chyna and Billy Gunn
# Tazz vs Al Snow
# HHH Interview
# Chris Benoit vs. HHH
# WWF Title Match: The Rock vs. Kurt Angle- Steve Austin comes down
11/9 Smackdown in Dallas, TX
• HHH/Rikishi/Mick Foley Interview
• IC Title Match: Billy Gunn vs. Eddie Guerrero- Match lasts like 20 seconds before a DQ.
• Chris Jericho Interview
• Edge and Christian vs. The Hardy Boyz
• Undertaker vs. Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit vs. Kane
• Tag Team Title Match: Dudley Boyz vs. RTC
• Kurt Angle/Undertaker Interview
• Hardcore Match: Steve Blackman and Crash vs. T n A- The blonde with Crash is named Molly Holly.
• The Rock Interview
• HHH and Rikishi vs. Steve Austin and The Rock
11/16 Smackdown in Indianapolis, ID
• Rikishi/Mick Foley Interview
• T n A vs. The Hollys
• HHH Interview
• Too Cool vs. Tazz and Raven- Raven turns on Tazz.
• Eddie Guerrero Interview
• Eddie Guerrero vs. Steve Austin
• Dudley Boyz and The Hardy Boyz vs. RTC
• No DQ: Chris Jericho/Undertaker vs. Kane and Kurt Angle- Suprisingly, a good match.
• K-Kwik and Road Dogg vs. Dean Malenko and Perry Saturn.
• The Rock Interview
• Chris Benoit vs. The Rock
11/23 Smackdown in Ft, Lauderdale, FL
• IC Title Match: Billy Gunn vs. Eddie Guerrero
• Mick Foley/Debra Interview- They are shown in the back, throughout the show, getting ready for a Thanksgiving feast.
• William Regal/The Rock Interview
• Hardcore Match: T n A vs. The Hollys
• RTC vs. K-Kwik and Road Dogg
• Kurt Angle Interview- Leads to a UT/Kurt Angle Brawl.
• William Regal vs. The Rock
• Chris Benoit Interview
• Trish Stratus vs. Molly Holly
• Chris Benoit and Kane vs. Chris Jericho and Steve Austin
11/30 Smackdown in Minneapolis, MN
• Hardy Boyz vs. Radicals
• Mick Foley/The Rock/Steve Austin/Kurt Angle/HHH Interview- There is going to be a 6 man, Hell in a Cell Match at Armageddon for the WWF Title.
• Tag Team Title Match: K-Kwik and Road Dogg vs. Bull Buchanan and Goodfather
• HHH/Stephanie Segments- Many clips are shown throughout the show of them celebrating their 1 year wedding anniversary.
• European Title Match: Scotty Too Hotty vs. William Regal
• Chris Jericho and Billy Gunn vs. Kane and Chris Benoit
• Steve Austin Interview
• Steve Blackman and The Dudley Boyz vs. Tiger Ali Singh and Lo Down
• Edge/Christian/Kurt Angle Interview
• Hardcore Match: Hardcore Holly vs. Raven
• The Rock and Undertaker vs. Kurt Angle, Edge, and Christian
12/7 Smackdown in New York, NY
# Chyna and Billy Gunn vs. Ivory and Val Venis
# Steve Austin/Kurt Angle Interview- Everytime Angle tried to speak, Austin threw a beer at him.
# Trish Stratus vs. Molly Holly
# William Regal and Kane vs. Chris Jericho and Hardcore Holly
# Vince/Mick Foley/Linda Interview- Vince gives one hell of an “evil” speech here as he asks Linda for a divorce!
# Edge and Christian vs. K-Kwik and Road Dogg
# Undertaker Interview
# RTC/Dudley Boyz Interview- Dudley Boyz reject RTC.
# Mick Foley Interview
# Dean Malenko/Lita Highlights- The two go out on a date.
# WWF Title Match: Undertaker vs. The Rock vs. Steve Austin vs. Kurt Angle
12/14 Smackdown in Little Rock, AK
# Edge and Christian vs. The Dudley Boyz
# Kurt Angle/Mick Foley/William Regal Interview
# Women’s Title Match: Lita vs. Ivory
# Billy Gunn vs. Val Venis
# Stephanie/Vince Interview- Vince tells his daughter about what his wife was like and that she and Stephanie are the same. Stephanie leaves the ring crying.
# Hardcore Title Match: Raven vs. The Undertaker
# The Hardy Boyz vs. Chris Benoit and Perry Saturn- Jeff Hardy gets the pinfall on Benoit.
# Dean Malenko vs. Chris Jericho-
# The Rock Interview
# Kurt Angle and William Regal vs. The Rock and Steve Austin- It appears that Kane is with Kurt Angle
12/21 Smackdown in Charlotte, NC
# Vince/Stephanie Interview
# Dudley Boyz vs. Lo-Down
# Women’s Title Match: Jacqueline vs. Ivory- The Acolytes save Jackie from the RTC.
# The Rock Interview
# Radicals vs. The Hardy Boyz and Chris Jericho
# European Title Match: Hardcore Holly vs. William Regal- Steve Austin referees the match and is drinking beer on the job but Kane comes in and attacks him for no reason.
# Crash and Molly vs. Kaientai
# Hardcore Title Match: Raven vs. Steve Blackman
# Billy Gunn vs. Steven Richards
# Tag Team Title Match: Edge and Christian vs. The Rock and Undertaker
12/28 Smackdown in Nashville, TN
# Chris Jericho vs. Edge and Christian
# IC Title Match: Matt Hardy vs. Chris Benoit
# WWF Title Match: Buh Buh Ray Dudley vs. Kurt Angle
# Stephanie/Steve Austin Interview- Austin asks for a title shot. She says no so he pours beer all over her.
# Acolytes and Jacqueline vs. RTC
# Hardcore Title Match: Jeff Hardy vs. Raven
# Too Cool vs. T n A- Albert beats up Test after the match and it looks like they are breaking up.
# The Rock and Undertaker vs. Rikishi, William Regal, and Kane
January 6, 2000: X-Pac vs. The Big Show …Hardcore Holly vs. Intercontinental Champion, Chris Jericho, in a non-title match…Billy Gunn and The Acolytes fought to a No Contest in a handicap match…Kane vs. Jesse James…Kurt Angle vs. Rocky Maivia …Edge, Christian, and Jeff Hardy vs. The Dudley Boyz and Al Snow…Test vs. Big Boss Man…Funaki and Taka Michinuko vs. Pete Gas and Rodney…Rakishi Phatu vs. World Heavyweight Champion, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, .
January 13, 2000: World Tag Team Champions, The New Age Outlaws, vs. The Acolytes…Rikishi Phatu and Too Cool vs. Hardcore Holly, Crash Holly, and Al Snow…Test vs. Gangrel…THeHardy Boyz vs. Big Boss Man and Prince Albert…Edge and Christian vs. Kurt Angle and Steve Blackman…World Tag Team Champions, The New Age Outlaws, vs. Faarooq…The Godfather and D’Lo Brown vs. The Headbangers…Kane vs. Intercontinental Champion, Chris Jericho, in a non-title match…Hunter Hearst Helmsley and X-Pac vs. Rocky Maivia in a handicap match.
January 20, 2000: X-Pac vs. Test…Al Snow and Steve Blackman vs. Kurt Angle and Davey Boy Smith…Mat Hardy vs. D-Von Dudley …Prince Albert and Big Boss Man fought to a No Contest…Too Cool and Rikishi Phatu vs. Chris Jericho, Chyna, and Hardcore Holly …Viscera vs. Crash Holly…Gangrel vs. Edge by Count Out…Kane vs. The Big Show and Rocky Maivia in a mini Royal Rumble.
January 27, 2000: Edge and Christian vs. The Dudley Boyz and The Hardy Boyz in a three way match…Viscera vs. Hardcore Holly…The Godfather and D’Lo Brown fought to a No Contest with Too Cool…Hardcore Champion, Test, vs. Gangrel…Tazz vs. Joey Abs, Pete Gas, and Rodney in a handicap match…Intercontinental Champion, Chris Jericho, vs. Crash Holly…Rocky Maivia and Rikishi Phatu fought to a No Contest.
February 3, 2000: Intercontinental Champion, Chris Jericho, vs. Gangrel…X-Pac vs. Dean Malenko…Miss Jacquline vs. Harvey Whippleman for the Women’s Title…Kurt Angle vs. Rocky Maivia and Tazz in a triple threat match…World Tag Team Champions, The New Age Outlaws, vs. Perry Saturn and Eddy Guerrero…Al Snow and Steve Blackman vs. Hardcore Holly and Crash Holly…Rikishi Phatu vs. The Big Show …World Heavyweight Champion, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, vs. Chris Benoit.
February 10, 2000: Perry Saturn vs. Brian Christopher…Edge and Christian vs. The Dudley Boyz…Dean Malenko vs. Scott Taylor…Rocky Maivia and Cactus Jack vs. World Tag Team Champions, The New Age Outlaws, in a non-title match…Luna Vachon and Gangrel vs. Miss Jacquline and Prince Albert…Rikishi Phatu vs. Chris Benoit …Al Snow and Steve Blackman vs. The Hardy Boyz…Intercontinental Champion, Chris Jericho, vs. Crash Holly in a No Disqualification match…Kane vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley and X-Pac in a handicap match…Kurt Angle vs. Val Venis for the European Title.
February 17, 2000: Kane vs. World Heavyweight Champion, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, …Chyna vs. European Champion, Kurt Angle, …Tazz vs. Gangrel…Cactus Jack vs. X-Pac …Perry Saturn and Dean Malenko vs. Too Cool…Eddy Guerrero vs. Rikishi Phatu by forfiet…Edge and Christian vs. Prince Albert and Big Boss Man…Mark Henry vs. Hardcore Holly and Crash Holly in a handicap match…Rocky Maivia vs. World Tag Team Champions, The New Age Outlaws, in a handicap match.
February 24, 2000: Crash Holly vs. Test for the Hardcore Title…Chris Benoit vs. Kane by Count Out…Dean Malenko, Perry Saturn, Al Snow and Steve Blackman vs. Edge, Christian, and The Hardy Boyz…Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Jesse James, and X-Pac vs. Too Cool and Rikishi Phatu…The Godfather and D’Lo Brown vs. Big Boss Man and Prince Albert…Billy Gunn vs. Buh-Buh Ray Dudley …Big Show and Kurt Angle vs. Chris Jericho and Rocky Maivia .
March 2, 2000: Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko, and Perry Saturn vs. Too Cool and Chris Jericho…Jeff Hardy vs. World Light-Heavyweight Champion, Essa Rios, …Hardcore Champion, Crash Holly, vs. Tazz…Jesse James and X-Pac vs. Edge and Christian…Test vs. Viscera…Intercontinental-European Champion, Kurt Angle, vs. Sgt. Slaughter…World Tag Team Champions, The Dudley Boyz, vs. Kane in a handicap match…Rocky Maivia vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley and The Big Show.
March 9, 2000: Rocky Maivia vs. Chris Benoit and Perry Saturn in a handicap match…World Light-Heavyweight Champion, Esse Rios, vs. Christian …Tazz vs. Intercontinental-European Champion, Kurt Angle, …Jesse James and X-Pac vs. Kane in a handicap match…Steve Blackman vs. Jeff Hardy…World Tag Team Champions, The Dudley Boyz, vs. Rocky Maivia in a handicap table match…Women’s Champion, Miss Jacqueline, vs. Ivory…Hardcore Champion, Crash Holly, and Prince Albert fought to a No Contest…The Big Show and Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Rikishi Phatu in a handicap match.
March 16, 2000: World Tag Team Champions, The Dudley Boyz, vs. Edge and Christian…The Godfather vs. World Heavyweight Champion, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, in a non-title match…The Acolytes vs. Al Snow and Steve Blackman…Rikishi Phatu vs. The Big Show…Tazz and Chris Jericho fought to a No Contest with Kurt Angle and Bob Backlund…Hardcore Champion, Crash Holly, vs. The Headbangers…World Light Heavyweight Champion, Dean Malenko, vs. Brian Christopher…The Hardy Boyz fought to a Double Count Out with Perry Saturn and Chris Benoit…Rocky Maivia vs. X-Pac .
March 23, 2000: European-Intercontinental Champion, Kurt Angle, and Chris Benoit fought to a No Contest…The Godfather vs. Bull Buchanan …Al Snow and Steve Blackman vs. Hardcore Holly and Crash Holly by Count Out…Rocky Maivia vs. Buh-Buh Ray Dudley…Women’s Champion, Jacquline, vs. Lita…The Big Show vs. The Mean Street Posse in a handicap match…Rikishi Phatu and Too Cool vs. Dean Malenko, Perry Saturn and Eddy Guerrero.
March 30, 2000: Kane and Rikishi Phatu vs. World Tag Team Champions, The Dudley Boyz, in a non-title match…World Hardcore Champion, Crash Holly, and Tazz fought to a No Contest…X-Pac and Jesse James vs. Edge and Christian…Rocky Maivia vs. European-Intercontinental Champion, Kurt Angle, in a non-title match…Chris Jericho vs. Eddy Guerrero …World Light Heavyweight Champion, Dean Malenko, vs. Scott Taylor…The Hardy Boyz vs. Test and Prince Albert…Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley vs. Miss Jacquline for the Women’s Title.
April 6, 2000: Intercontinental Champion, Chris Benoit, vs. Rikishi Phatu…The Dudley Boyz vs. Test and Prince Albert…Tazz and Perry Saturn fought to a No Contest….Big Boss Man and Bull Buchanan vs. Al Snow and Steve Blackman…World Light-Heavyweight Champion, Dean Malenko, vs. Taka Michinuko…The Big Show vs. The Godfather…World Tag Team Champions, Edge and Christian, vs. Kurt Angle and Hardcore Holly…Jesse James and X-Pac fought to a No Contest with Rocky Maivia.
April 13, 2000: Rikishi Phatu vs. European Champion, Eddy Guerrero, …The Hardy Boyz vs. Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko…Perry Saturn vs. Crash Holly for the Hardcore Title…Tazz vs. Perry Saturn for the Hardcore Title…Crash Holly vs. Tazz for the Hardcore Title…World Tag Team Champions, Edge and Christian, vs. Kurt Angle and The Big Show by Count Out…Buh-Buh Ray Dudley vs. Prince Albert…The Kat and Mae Young vs. The Fabulous Moolah and Terri Runnells…Jesse James and X-Pac vs. Chris Jericho in a handicap match…Rocky Maivia and The Acolytes fought to a No Contest with Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Big Boss Man, and Bull Buchanan.
April 20, 2000: Jesse James vs. Edge…The Dudley Boyz vs. Essa Rios and Eddy Guerrero…Rikishi Phatu and The Big Show fought to a Double Count Out…WWF World Champion, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, vs. ECW World Champion, Tazz…Test and Prince Albert vs. The Godfather and D’Lo Brown…X-Pac vs. Christian…Intercontinental Champion, Chris Benoit, vs. Kurt Angle …Chris Jericho vs. Rocky Maivia in a lumberjack match.
April 27, 2000: Essa Rios and Val Venis vs. Eddy Guerrero and Chyna…Dean Malenko vs. Scotty Too Hotty for the World Light Heavyweight Title…Prince Albert and Test vs. Hardcore and Crash Holly…Chris Jericho and Tazz vs. Perry Saturn and Chris Benoit…Christian vs. Jesse James …Rikishi Phatu and The Big Show vs. The Big Boss Man, Bull Buchanan and Kurt Angle…Crash Holly vs. Matt Hardy for the Hardcore Title…The Godfather vs. Steve Blackman .
May 4, 2000: Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit for the Intercontinental Title…Eddy Guerrero and Chyna vs. Esse Rios and Lita…Kurt Angle vs. Hardcore Holly…Rikishi Phatu vs. World Tag Team Champions, Edge and Christian, by Count Out in a handicap match…The Hardy Boyz vs. Test and Prince Albert…The Big Show and Bull Buchanan fought to a No Contest…Hardcore Champion, Crash Holly, vs. World Light Heavyweight Champion, Dean Malenko, in a Hardcore Title match…Earl Hebner and Rocky Maivia vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley, X-Pac, and Jesse James.
May 11, 2000: Prince Albert and Test vs. The Dudley Boyz…Intercontinental Champion, Chris Benoit, vs. The Godfather…Light Heavyweight Champion, Dean Malenko, vs. Chyna…World Tag Team Champions, Edge and Christian, and Kurt Angle vs. The Hardy Boyz and Chris Jericho…Crash Holly vs. The British Bulldog for the Hardcore Title…The Dudley Boyz vs. The Big Show in a handicap match…European Champion, Eddy Guerrero, vs. Perry Saturn…Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Jesse James, and X-Pac vs. Tool Cool and Rikishi Phatu in an elimination match. Jesse James vs. Scott Taylor. Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Brian Christopher. Rikishi Phatu vs. Jesse James and X-Pac. Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Rikishi Phatu.
May 18, 2000: Kurt Angle vs. Scotty 2 Hotty…Perry Saturn and Light-Heavyweight Champion, Dean Malenko, fought to a Draw…Grandmaster Sexay vs. Christian…Val Venis and Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit and Hardcore Holly …Rikishi Phatu vs. Edge …Shane McMahon vs. The Big Show in a gauntlet match. Other members were: Test, Prince Albert, Big Boss Man, Shane McMahon, Road Dogg, and X-Pac…Gerald Brisco vs. Crash Holly for the Hardcore Title…Hardcore Champion, Gerald Brico, and Crash Holly fought to a No Contest…World Champion, Rocky Maivia, and The Dudley Boyz fought to a No Contest in a lumberjack match.
May 25, 2000: Eddie Guerrero and Chyna vs. World Tag Team Champions, Edge and Christian, …Faarooq vs. Crash Holly in a hardcore match…Hardcore Holly vs. Val Venis and Chris Jericho in a three way match…Matt Hardy vs. Essa Rios…The Dudley Boyz and Too Cool vs. Test, Prince Albert, Road Dogg, and X-Pac…Kurt Angle vs. Intercontinental Champion, Chris Benoit, …Bull Buchanan vs. Al Snow…The Undertaker vs. Shane McMahon.
June 1, 2000: World Tag Team Champions, Too Cool, and The Hardy Boyz fought to a No Contest…Kurt Angle vs. Bradshaw in a KOTR Qualifying Match…Intercontinental Champion, Chris Benoit, vs. D’Lo Brown…Terri vs. The Kat in an arm wrestling match…The Undertaker vs. Road Dogg and X-Pac in a handicap match…Chris Jericho vs. Hardcore Holly…The Rock vs. Edge and Christian in a handicap match…Crash Holly vs. Prince Albert in a KOTR Qualifying Match…Kane vs. World Champion, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, in a non-title match.
June 8, 2000: Chris Jericho vs. Test in a KOTR Qualifying Match…World Tag Team Champions, Too Cool, vs. The Godfather and Dean Malenko…Intercontinental Champion, Chris Benoit, vs. Jeff Hardy…The Dudley Boyz vs. Kurt Angle, Edge, and Christian in a handicap match…Lita in a battle royal. Other participants were: Ivory, Terri, The Kat, and Jacquline. Tori was special guest referee…Women’s Champion, Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley, vs. Lita…Eddie Guerrero vs. Matt Hardy in a KOTR Qualifying Match…Rikishi Phatu vs. Val Venis …The Undertaker, The Rock, and Kane vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Road Dogg, and X-Pac.
June 15, 2000: Edge vs. Brian Christopher in a KOTR Qualifying Match…Test and Prince Albert vs. The Dudley Boyz…Scott Taylor vs. D’Lo Brown in a KOTR Qualifying Match…Kane vs. Intercontinental Champion, Chris Benoit, …Edge and Christian fought to a Double Count Out with the Dudley Boyz…Bull Buchanan vs. Chris Jericho…The Rock vs. Kurt Angle .
June 22, 2000: Test, Prince Albert, and Trish Stratus vs. The Hardy Boyz and Lita…Grandmaster Sexay vs. Christian…The Big Boss Man vs. European Champion, Eddie Guerrero, …Rikishi Phatu vs. Chris Benoit for the Intercontinental Title…Chris Jericho vs. Hardcore Holly…Jerry Lawler and The Kat vs. Dean Malenko and Terri…Road Dogg vs. D-Von Dudley…Vince McMahon, Shane McMahon, and Triple H vs. The Rock, the Undertaker and Kane.
June 29, 2000: Rikishi Phatu and EddieGuerrero fought to a No Contest with Val Venis and Chris Benoit…Kurt Angle vs. Hardcore Holly…Bull Buchanan vs. The Godfather…World Tag Team Champions, Edge and Christian, vs. Kane and The Undertaker…Steve Blackman vs. Crash Holly for the Hardcore Title…Road Dogg, X-Pac, and Triple H vs. The Dudley Boyz and Chris Jericho.
July 5, 2000: Kurt Angle vs. Chris Jericho…The Dudley Boyz vs. D’Lo Brown and Chaz…Jacquline and Ivory vs. Light-Heavyweight Champion, Dean Malenko, in a handicap match…Val Venis vs. Rikishi Phatu for the Intercontinental Title…Hardcore Champion, Steve Blackman, vs. Big Boss Man…Kane and The Undertaker vs. Test and Prince Albert…Kaientai and The Brooklyn Brawler vs. Triple H in a handicap elimination match…Chyna, Eddie Guerrero, and The Rock vs. Edge, Christian, and Chris Benoit.
July 12, 2000: Too Cool and Rikishi Phatu vs. Val Venis, Test, and Albert…Road Dogg and X-Pac vs. The Hardy Boyz…Light-Heavyweight Champion, Dean Malenko, vs. Al Snow…Chris Benoit vs. Eddie Guerrero and Chyna in a handicap match…Faarooq vs. Christian…Kane vs. Kurt Angle…Hardcore Champion, Steve Blackman, vs. Crash…Triple H vs. The Undertaker in a No Disqualification match.
July 19, 2000: European Champion, Eddie Guerrero, vs. Perry Saturn and Dean Malenko in a three way match…Kane vs. Kurt Angle …Hardcore Champion, Steve Blackman, vs. Al Snow…The Hardy Boys and Rikishi Phatu vs. Test, Albert, and Val Venis…Bull Buchanan vs. The Godfather…Chris Benoit and Triple H vs. The Rock and Chris Jericho .
July 27, 2000: Hardcore Champion, Steve Blackman, vs. X-Pac…The Hardy Boyz vs. D’Lo Brown and Chaz…Tazz vs. Grandmaster Sexay …The Dudley Boyz and Kane vs. Edge, Christian, and The Big Show in a table match…European Champion, Perry Saturn, vs. Crash…Chris Jericho and Lita vs. Trish Stratus and Chris Benoit…Kurt Angle vs. World Champion, The Rock, .
August 3, 2000: X-pac vs. Scotty 2 Hotty…Rikishi Phatu and Eddie Guerrero vs. Val Venis and Tazz…Matt Hardy vs. Edge …The Rock and Kane vs. Big Show and Chris Benoit…Hardcore Champion, Steve Blackman, vs. Perry Saturn…Bull Buchanan and The Goodfather vs. The Acolytes…Road Dogg vs. Grandmaster Sexay…Triple H, Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley, and Kurt Angle vs. The Dudley Boyz and Lita in a No Disqualification Match.
August 10, 2000: Val Venis and Chris Benoit vs. Eddie Guerrero and Chris Jericho…Rikishi Phatu vs. X-Pac…Perry Saturn and Terri vs. Al Snow and The Kat…The Dudley Boyz vs. World Tag Team Champions, Edge and Christian, …Tazz and Crash Holly fought to a No Contest…Bull Buchanan and The Goodfather vs. Too Cool…Hardcore Champion, Steve Blackman, vs. Prince Albert…The Undertaker and The Rock vs. Triple H and Kurt Angle.
August 17, 2000: Perry Saturn and Terri vs. The Kat and Rikishi Phatu…Intercontinental Champion, Val Venis, vs. Eddie Guerrero…Crash Holly and the Acolytes vs. Big Boss Man and Kaientai…Hardcore Champion, Steve Blackman, vs. Chris Benoit…World Tag Team Champions, Edge and Christian, vs. D-Von Dudley and Jeff Hardy…Too Cool fought to a No Contest against Road Dogg and X-Pac…Triple H vs. World Champion, The Rock, in a non-title match.
August 24, 2000: Rikishi Phatu vs. The Goodfather…Steve Blackman, Eddie Guerrero, and Chyna vs. Val Venis and T&A…The Undertaker vs. Road Dogg and X-Pac in a handicap match…European Champion, Perry Saturn, vs. Al Snow…Chris Jericho and The Hardy Boyz vs. Chris Benoit, Edge, and Christian…The Rock and Lita vs. Kurt Angle and Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley.
August 31, 2000: The Road Dogg vs. Bull Buchanan…The Hardy Boyz and Lita vs. Edge, Christian, and Jacquline…Al Snow vs. Perry Saturn for the European Title…The Undertaker vs. Chris Benoit …Chris Jericho vs. Tazz…Kaientai vs. The Dudley Boyz…Val Venis vs. Rikishi Phatu…Kurt Angle vs. Eddie Guerrero.
September 7, 2000: X-Pac vs. Chris Jericho…Chris Benoit vs. Rikishi Phatu…The Acolytes vs. The Dudley Boyz in a Barroom Brawl…Triple H vs. T&A in a handicap match…Intercontinental Champion, Eddie Guerrero, vs. Road Dogg…Too Cool vs. Bull Buchanan and The Goodfather…The Undertaker vs. Kurt Angle …World Champion, The Rock, vs. Christian and Kane in a handicap match.
September 14, 2000: The Acolytes vs. Kane and Chris Benoit in an “Acolytes Rules” match…Bull Buchanan, The Goodfather, and Val Venis vs. Too Cool and Rikishi Phatu…T&A vs. Kurt Angle and Triple H…Hardcore Champion, Steve Blackman, vs. Perry Saturn…World Tag Team Champions, Edge and Christian, and X-Pac vs. The Hardy Boyz and Chris Jericho…The Dudley Boyz vs. The Rock and The Undertaker in a tables match.
September 21, 2000: Val Venis vs. Scotty 2 Hotty…Hardcore Champion, Steve Blackman, vs. European Champion, Al Snow…Chris Jericho and Jerry Lawler vs. Tazz and X-Pac …The Acolytes vs. The Goodfather and Bull Buchanan…Triple H, The Undertaker, and The Rock vs. Chris Benoit, Kane, and Kurt Angle.
September 28, 2000: Women’s Champion, Lita, vs. Jacquline…Hardcore Champion, Steve Blackman, vs. Road Dogg…Too Cool and Rikishi Phatu vs. Kane and T&A…Tazz and Raven vs. Jerry Lawler and Chris Jericho…Chyna vs. Steven Richards…European Champion, Al Snow, and X-Pac fought to a No Contest…Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle vs. Triple H and The Rock.
October 5, 2000: Lo Down and Jacquline vs. Lita and The Hardy Boyz…European Champion, Al Snow, vs. X-Pac…Bull Buchanan, The Goodfather, and Val Venis vs. Eddie Guerrero and The Acolytes…Tazz and Raven vs. The Dudley Boyz …Edge, Christian, and Kurt Angle vs. Too Cool and Rikishi Phatu…Hardcore Champion, Steve Blackman, vs. Prince Albert…Chris Benoit vs. Chris Jericho …Kane vs. World Champion, The Rock, .
October 12, 2000: The Dudley Boyz vs. Lo Down in a tag team tables match…Intercontinental Champion, Eddie Guerrero, vs. X-Pac and Chris Jericho in a triple threat match…European Champion, Al Snow, vs. Prince Albert…The Road Dogg and Triple H vs. Perry Saturn and Chris Benoit…World Tag Team Champions, The Hardy Boyz, vs. Tazz and Raven…Kurt Angle vs. Kane…World Champion, The Rock, vs. Val Venis.
October 19, 2000: Battle Royal…Hardcore Champion, Steve Blackman, vs. Tazz…European Champion, Steven Regal, vs. Al Snow and Perry Saturn in a three way match…Road Dogg vs. Raven..The Hardy Boyz and Chris Jericho fought to a No Contest with Edge, Christian, and X-Pac…Women’s Champion, Lita, vs. Trish Stratus …Kurt Angle vs. The Rock, Triple H, and Chris Benoit in a Fatal Four Way Match.
October 26, 2000: The Dudley Boyz vs. World Tag Team Champions, The Hardy Boyz …Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko vs. Triple H and Road Dogg…Chris Jericho vs. World Champion, Kurt Angle, by Disqualuification…Prince Albert vs. Crash in a Hardcore match…The Rock, Billy Gunn, and Chyna vs. The Goodfather, Bull Buchanan, and Val Venis…Raven vs. Al Snow…Rikishi Phatu vs. Too Cool in a handicap match.
November 2, 2000: Crash vs. T&A in a hardcore match…Ivory vs. Lita, Trish, and Jackie for the Women’s Title…Chris Jericho defeats Rikishi …Billy Gunn and Chyna vs. Val Venis and Eddie Guerrero…Al Snow vs. Tazz…Chris Benoit vs. Tiple H…The Rock defeats World Champion, Kurt Angle, .
November 9, 2000: Billy Gunn vs. Intercontinental Champion, Eddie Guerrero, …The Hardy Boyz vs. Edge and Christian…The Undertaker vs. Chris Jericho, Kane, and Chris Benoit in a four-way match…World Tag Team Champions, Bull Buchanan and The Goodfather, vs. The Dudley Boyz…Crash Holly and Steve Blackman vs. T&A…Triple H and Rikishi Phatu fought to a No Contest against The Rock and Steve Austin
November 16, 2000: Hardcore Holly and Crash vs. T&A…Too Cool vs. Raven and Tazz…Steve Austin vs. Intercontinental Champion, Eddy Guerrero…Kane and Kurt Angle vs. The Undertaker and Chris Jericho…The Hardy Boyz and The Dudley Boyz fought to a No Contest against The Goodfather, Bull Buchanan, Val Venis, and Steven Richards…K-Kwick and Road Dog vs. Dean Malenko and Perry Saturn…The Rock vs. Chris Benoit .
November 23, 2000: Billy Gunn vs. Eddie Guerrero for the Intercontinental Title…T&A vs. Hardcore Holly and Crash Holly in a hardcore match…Val Venis vs. K-Kwik…The Rock vs. European Champion, William Regal….Raven vs. Tazz….Molly Holly vs. Trish Stratus…Chris Jericho and Steve Austin fought to a No Contest against Kane and Chris Benoit.
November 30, 2000: Perry Saturn, Eddie Guerrero, and Dean Malenko vs. The Hardy Boyz and Lita…World Tag Team Champions, Bull Buchanan and The Goodfather, vs. Road Dogg and K-Kwik…European Champion, William Regal, vs. Scotty 2 Hotty…Kane and Chris Benoit vs. Chris Jericho and Billy Gunn…Lo-Down and Tiger Ali vs. The Dudley Boyz and Steve Blackman…Hardcore Holly vs. Raven in a hardcore match…The Rock and The Undertaker vs. Kurt Angle, Edge, and Christian in a handicap match.
December 7, 2000: Billy Gunn and Chyna vs. Val Venis and Ivory …Molly Holly vs. Trish Stratus …Chris Jericho and Hardcore Holly vs. William Regal and Kane…K-Kwik and Road Dogg vs. Edge and Christian…The Undertaker, Kurt Angle, The Rock, and Steve Austin fought to a No Contest
December 14, 2000: Edge and Christian vs. The Dudley Boyz…Women’s Champion, Ivory, vs. Lita…Val Venis vs. Billy Gunn …The Undertaker vs. Raven in a hardcore match…The Hardy Boyz vs. Chris Benoit and Perry Saturn…Dean Malenko vs. Chris Jericho…The Rock and Steve Austin vs. Kurt Angle and William Regal
December 21, 2000: The Dudley Boyz vs. Lo-Down…Women’s Champion, Ivory, vs. Jacquline…Chris Jericho and The Hardy Boyz vs. Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko, and Perry Saturn…European Champion, William Regal, and Hardcore Holly fought to a No Contest…Crash Holly and Molly Holly vs. Taka Michinuko and Funaki…Hardcore Champion, Steve Blackman, vs. Raven…Billy Gunn vs. Steven Richards…Edge and Christian vs. The Rock and The Undertaker for the World Tag Team Titles.
December 28, 2000: World Tag Team Champions, Edge and Christian, vs. Chris Jericho in a handicap match…Intercontinental Champion, Chris Benoit vs. Matt Hardy…The Goodfather and Bull Buchanan vs. The Acolytes…Hardcore Champion, Raven, vs. Jeff Hardy…T&A vs. Too Cool…The Rock and The Undertaker vs. William Regal, Rikishi Phatu, and Kane in a handicap match
WWE – 2000/01/06 – SMACKDOWN # 21
01. X-Pac vs. The Big Show
02. Crash Holly & Hardcore Holly vs. Chris Jericho & Chyna
03. Handicap Match: The Acolytes vs. Mr. Ass
04. Kane vs. Road Dogg
05. Kurt Angle vs. The Rock
06. Christian & Edge & Jeff Hardy vs. Al Snow & The Dudley Boyz
07. Test vs. Big Bossman
08. Handicap Match: Kaientai vs. Mean Street Posse
09. WWF World Heavyweight Title: Rikishi Phatu vs. Triple H
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 2000/01/13 – SMACKDOWN # 22
01. No DQ Handicap Match: New Age Outlaws vs. Bradshaw
02. Rikishi Phatu & Too Cool vs. Al Snow & The Hollys
03. Test vs. Gangrel
04. Hardy Boyz vs. Prince Albert & The Big Bossman
05. Christian & Edge vs. Kurt Angle & Steve Blackman
06. No DQ Handicap Match: New Age Outlaws vs. Faarooq
07. D-Lo Brown & The Godfather vs. The Head Bangers
08. Kane vs. Chris Jericho
09. Triple H & X-Pac vs. The Big Show & The Rock
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 2000/01/20 – SMACKDOWN # 23
01. X-Pac vs. Test
02. Al Snow & Steve Blackman vs. Kurt Angle & The British Bulldog
03. Matt Hardy vs. D-Von Dudley
04. Rikishi Phatu & Too Cool vs. Chris Jericho & Chyna & Hardcore Holly
05. Prince Albert vs. The Big Bossman
06. Viscera vs. Crash Holly
07. Gangrel vs. Edge
08. Over The Top Rope – Lumberjack Match: Kane vs. Big Show & The Rock
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 2000/01/27 – SMACKDOWN # 24
01. Al Snow vs. Mr. Ass
02. Christian & Edge vs. The Dudley Boyz
03. Viscera vs. Hardcore Holly
04. Kane vs. Big Show
05. D-Lo Brown & The Godfather vs. Too Cool
06. WWF Hardcore Title: Test vs. Gangrel
07. Handicap Match: Tazz vs. Mean Street Posse
08. WWF Intercontinental Title: Chris Jericho vs. Crash Holly
09. Rikishi Phatu vs. The Rock
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 2000/02/03 – SMACKDOWN # 25
01. WWF Intercontinental Title: Chris Jericho vs. Gangrel
02. X-Pac vs. Dean Malenko
03. WWF World Women’s Title: Jacqueline vs. Harvey Wippleman
04. Kurt Angle vs. Tazz vs. The Rock
05. New Age Outlaws vs. Eddie Guerrero & Perry Saturn
06. Al Snow & Steve Blackman vs. The Hollys
07. Rikishi Phatu vs. Big Show
08. Triple H vs. Chris Benoit
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 2000/02/10 – SMACKDOWN # 26
01. Perry Saturn vs. Brian Christopher
02. Edge & Christian vs. The Dudley Boyz
03. Dean Malenko vs. Scott Taylor
04. The Rock & Cactus Jack vs. New Age Outlaws
05. Luna Vachon & Gangrel vs. Miss Jacquline & Prince Albert
06. Rikishi Phatu vs. Chris Benoit
07. Al Snow & Steve Blackman vs. Hardy Boyz
08. No DQ Match: Chris Jericho vs. Crash Holly
09. Handicap Match: Kane vs. Triple H & X-Pac
10. WWF European Title: Val Venis vs. Kurt Angle
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 2000/02/17 – SMACKDOWN # 27
01. Kane vs. Triple H
02. Chyna vs. Kurt Angle
03. Tazz vs. Gangrel
04. Cactus Jack vs. X-Pac
05. Perry Saturn & Dean Malenko vs. Too Cool
06. Eddy Guerrero vs. Rikishi Phatu
07. Edge & Christian vs. Prince Albert & Big Bossman
08. Handicap Match: Mark Henry vs. The Hollys
09. Handicap Match: The Rock vs. New Age Outlaws
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 2000/02/24 – SMACKDOWN # 28
01. WWF Hardcore Title: Crash Holly vs. Test
02. Chris Benoit vs. Kane
03. Dean Malenko & Perry Saturn & Al Snow & Steve Blackman vs. Edge & Christian & Hardy Boyz
04. Triple H & Road Dogg & X-Pac vs. Too Cool & Rikishi Phatu
05. The Godfather & D’Lo Brown vs. Big Bossman & Prince Albert
06. Mr. Ass vs. Bubba Ray Dudley
07. Big Show & Kurt Angle vs. Chris Jericho & The Rock
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 2000/03/02 – SMACKDOWN # 29
01. Chris Benoit & Dean Malenko & Perry Saturn vs. Too Cool & Chris Jericho
02. Jeff Hardy vs. Essa Rios
03. Crash Holly vs. Tazz
04. Road Dogg & X-Pac vs. Edge & Christian
05. Test vs. Viscera
06. Kurt Angle vs. Sgt. Slaughter
07. Handicap Match: Kane vs. The Dudley Boyz
08. The Rock vs. Triple H vs. Big Show
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 2000/03/09 – SMACKDOWN # 30
01. Handicap Match: The Rock vs. Chris Benoit & Perry Saturn
02. Essa Rios vs. Christian
03. Tazz vs. Kurt Angle
04. Handicap Match: Kane vs. Road Dogg & X-Pac
05. Steve Blackman vs. Jeff Hardy
06. Handicap Table Match: The Rock vs. The Dudley Boyz
07. Miss Jacqueline vs. Ivory
08. Crash Holly vs. Prince Albert
09. Handicap Match: Rikishi Phatu vs. The Big Show & Triple H
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 2000/03/16 – SMACKDOWN # 31
01. The Dudley Boyz vs. Edge & Christian
02. The Godfather vs. Triple H
03. The Acolytes vs. Al Snow & Steve Blackman
04. Rikishi Phatu vs. Big Show
05. Tazz & Chris Jericho vs. Kurt Angle & Bob Backlund
06. Crash Holly vs. The Headbangers
07. Dean Malenko vs. Brian Christopher
08. The Hardy Boyz vs. Perry Saturn & Chris Benoit
09. The Rock vs. X-Pac
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 2000/03/23 – SMACKDOWN # 32
01. Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit
02. The Godfather vs. Bull Buchanan
03. Al Snow & Steve Blackman vs. The Hollys
04. The Rock vs. Bubba Ray Dudley
05. Jacqueline vs. Lita
06. Handicap Match: The Big Show vs. Mean Street Posse
07. Rikishi Phatu & Too Cool vs. Dean Malenko & Perry Saturn & Eddy Guerrero
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 2000/03/30 – SMACKDOWN # 33
01. Kane & Rikishi Phatu vs. Dudley Boyz
02. Crash Holly vs. Tazz
03. X-Pac & Jesse James vs. Edge & Christian
04. The Rock vs. Kurt Angle
05. Chris Jericho vs. Eddy Guerrero
06. Dean Malenko vs. Scott Taylor
07. The Hardy Boyz vs. Test & Prince Albert
08. WWF Women’s Title: Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley vs. Miss Jacqueline
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 2000/04/06 – SMACKDOWN # 34
01. WWF IC Title: Chris Benoit vs. Rikishi Phatu
02. The Dudley Boyz vs. T & A
03. Tazz vs. Perry Saturn
04. .Big Bossman & Bull Buchanan vs. Al Snow & Steve Blackman
05. Dean Malenkovs. TAKA Michinoku
06. The Big Show vs. The Godfather
07. Edge & Christian vs. Kurt Angle & Hardcore Holly
08. Road Dogg & X-Pac vs. The Rock
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 2000/04/13 – SMACKDOWN # 35
01. Rikishi Phatu vs. Eddie Guerrero
02. The Hardy Boyz vs. Chris Benoit & Dean Malenko
03. WWF Hardcore Title: Perry Saturn vs. Crash Holly
04. WWF Hardcore Title: Perry Saturn vs. Tazz
05. WWF Hardcore Title: Tazz vs. Crash Holly
06. Edge & Christian vs. Kurt Angle & The Big Show
07. Bubba Ray Dudley vs. Albert
08. The Kat & Mae Young vs. The Fabulous Moolah & Terri Runnells
09. Handicap Match: Chris Jericho vs. Road Dogg & X-Pac
10. The Rock & The Acolytes vs. Triple H & Big Bossman & Bull Buchanan
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 2000/04/20 – SMACKDOWN # 36
01. Road Dogg vs. Edge
02. Dudley Boyz vs. Essa Rios & Eddie Guerrero
03. Rikishi Phatu vs. The Big Show
04. Triple H vs. Tazz
05. T & A vs. The Godfather & D’Lo Brown
06. X-Pac vs. Christian
07. Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle
08. Lumberjack Match: Chris Jericho vs. The Rock
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 2000/04/27 – SMACKDOWN # 37
01. Essa Rios & Val Venis vs. Eddy Guerrero & Chyna
02. WWF World Light Heavyweight Title: Dean Malenko vs. Scotty Too Hotty
03. T & A vs. The Hollys
04. Chris Jericho & Tazz vs. Perry Saturn & Chris Benoit
05. Christian vs. Road Dogg
06. Rikishi Phatu & The Big Show vs. Big Boss Man & Bull Buchanan & Kurt Angle
07. WWF Hardcore Title: Crash Holly vs. Matt Hardy
08. The Godfather vs. Steve Blackman
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 2000/05/04 – SMACKDOWN # 38
01. WWF Intercontinental Title: Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit
02. Eddy Guerrero & Chyna vs. Esse Rios & Lita
03. Kurt Angle vs. Hardcore Holly
04. Handicap Match: Rikishi Phatu vs. Edge & Christian
05. Hardy Boyz vs. T & A
06. Big Show vs. Bull Buchanan
07. WWF Hardcore Title: Crash Holly vs. Dean Malenko
08. Earl Hebner & The Rock vs. Triple H & X-Pac & Jesse James
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 2000/05/11 – SMACKDOWN # 39
01. T & A vs. Dudley Boyz
02. Chris Benoit vs. The Godfather
03. Dean Malenko vs. Chyna
04. Edge & Christian & Kurt Angle vs. The Hardy Boyz & Chris Jericho
05. WWF Hardcore Title: Crash Holly vs. British Bulldog
06. Handicap Match: Big SHow vs. Dudley Boyz
07. Eddy Guerrero vs. Perry Saturn
08. Elimination Match: Triple H & Road Dogg & X-Pac vs. Too Cool & Rikishi
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 2000/05/18 – SMACKDOWN # 40
01. Kurt Angle vs. Scotty 2 Hotty
02. Perry Saturn vs. Dean Malenko
03. Grandmaster Sexay vs. Christian
04. Val Venis & Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit & Hardcore Holly
05. Rikishi vs. Edge
06. Gauntlet Match (w/ Shane McMahon, The Big Show, Test, Prince Albert, Big Bossman, Road Dogg, X-Pac)
07. WWF Hardcore Title: Gerald Brisco vs. Crash Holly
08. Lumberjack Match: The Rock vs. Dudley Boyz
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 2000/05/25 – SMACKDOWN # 41
01. Eddie Guerrero & Chyna vs. Edge & Christian
02. Hardcore Match: Faarooq vs. Crash Holly
03. Hardcore Holly vs. Val Venis vs. Chris Jericho
04. Matt Hardy vs. Essa Rios
05. The Dudley Boyz & Too Cool vs. Test & Albert & Road Dogg & X-Pac
06. Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit
07. Bull Buchanan vs. Al Snow
08. The Undertaker vs. Shane McMahon
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 2000/06/01 – SMACKDOWN # 42
01. Too Cool vs. Hardy Boyz
02. King Of The Ring – Qualifying Match: Kurt Angle vs. Bradshaw
03. Chris Benoit vs. D’Lo Brown
04. Arm Wrestling: Terri vs. The Kat
05. The Undertaker vs. Road Dogg & X-Pac
06. Chris Jericho vs. Hardcore Holly
07. The Rock vs. Edge & Christian
08. King Of The Ring – Qualifying Match: Crash Holly vs. Albert
09. Kane vs. Triple H
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 2000/06/08 – SMACKDOWN # 43
01. King Of The Ring – Qualifying Match: Chris Jericho vs. Test
02. Too Cool vs. The Godfather & Dean Malenko
03. Chris Benoit vs. Jeff Hardy
04. The Dudley Boyz vs. Kurt Angle & Edge & Christian
05. Women’s Battle Royal
06. Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley vs. Lita
07. King Of The Ring – Qualifying Match: Eddie Guerrero vs. Matt Hardy
08. Rikishi Phatu vs. Val Venis
09. The Undertaker & The Rock & Kane vs. Triple H & Road Dogg & X-Pac
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 2000/06/15 – SMACKDOWN # 44
01. King Of The Ring – Qualifying Match: Edge vs. Brian Christopher
02. T & A vs. Dudley Boyz
03. King Of The Ring – Qualifying Match: Scott Taylor vs. D’Lo Brown
04. Kane vs. Chris Benoit
05. Edge & Christian vs. Dudley Boyz
06. Bull Buchanan vs. Chris Jericho
07. The Rock vs. Kurt Angle
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 2000/06/22 – SMACKDOWN # 45
01. Test & Albert & Trish Stratus vs. Hardy Boyz & Lita
02. Grandmaster Sexay vs. Christian
03. Big Bossman vs. Eddie Guerrero
04. WWF IC Title: Rikishi Phatu vs. Chris Benoit
05. Chris Jericho vs. Hardcore Holly
06. Jerry Lawler & The Kat vs. Dean Malenko & Terri
07. Road Dogg vs. D-Von Dudley
08. Vince McMahon & Shane McMahon & Triple H vs. The Rock & The Undertaker & Kane
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 2000/06/29 – SMACKDOWN # 46
01. Rikishi Phatu & Eddie Guerrero vs. Val Venis & Chris Benoit
02. Kurt Angle vs. Hardcore Holly
03. Bull Buchanan vs. The Godfather
04. Edge & Christian vs. Kane & The Undertaker
05. WWF Hardcore Title: Steve Blackman vs. Crash Holly
06. Road Dogg & X-Pac & Triple H vs. The Dudley Boyz & Chris Jericho
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 2000/07/06 – SMACKDOWN # 47
01. Kurt Angle vs. Chris Jericho
02. The Dudley Boyz vs. D’Lo Brown & Chaz
03. Jacqueline & Ivory vs. Dean Malenko
04. WWF IC Title: Val Venis vs. Rikishi Phatu
05. Steve Blackman vs. Big Bossman
06. The Undertaker & Kane vs. T & A
07. Elimination Match: Triple H vs. Kaientai & The Brooklyn Brawler
08. Chyna & Eddie Guerrero & The Rock vs. Edge & Christian & Chris Benoit
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 2000/07/13 – SMACKDOWN # 48
01. Too Cool & Rikishi Phatu vs. Val Venis & Test & Albert
02. Road Dogg & X-Pac vs. The Hardy Boyz
03. Dean Malenko vs. Al Snow
04. Chris Benoit vs. Eddie Guerrero & Chyna
05. Faarooq vs. Christian
06. Kane vs. Kurt Angle
07. Steve Blackman vs. Crash
08. No DQ Match: Triple H vs. The Undertaker
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 2000/07/20 – SMACKDOWN # 49
01. Eddie Guerrero vs. Perry Saturn vs. Dean Malenko
02. Kane vs. Kurt Angle
03. Steve Blackman vs. Al Snow
04. Hardy Boys & Rikishi Phatu vs. T&A & Val Venis
05. Bull Buchanan vs. The Godfather
06. Chris Benoit & Triple H vs. The Rock & Chris Jericho
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 2000/07/27 – SMACKDOWN # 50
01. Steve Blackman vs. X-Pac
02. The Hardy Boyz vs. D’Lo Brown & Chaz
03. Tazz vs. Grandmaster Sexay
04. Tables Match: The Dudley Boyz & Kane vs. Edge & Christian & The Big Show
05. Perry Saturn vs. Crash
06. Chris Jericho & Lita vs. Trish Stratus & Chris Benoit
07. Kurt Angle vs. The Rock
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 2000/08/03 – SMACKDOWN # 51
01. X-Pac vs. Scotty 2 Hotty
02. Rikishi Phatu & Eddie Guerrero vs. Val Venis & Tazz
03. Matt Hardy vs. Edge
04. The Rock & Kane vs. Big Show & Chris Benoit
05. Steve Blackman vs. Perry Saturn
06. Bull Buchanan & The Godfather vs. The Acolytes
07. Road Dogg vs. Grandmaster Sexay
08. No DQ: Triple H & Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley & Kurt Angle vs. Dudley Boyz & Lita
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 2000/08/10 – SMACKDOWN # 52
01. Val Venis & Chris Benoit vs. Eddie Guerrero & Chris Jericho
02. Rikishi Phatu vs. X-Pac
03. Perry Saturn & Terri vs. Al Snow & The Kat
04. Dudley Boyz vs. Edge & Christian
05. Tazz vs. Crash Holly
06. Bull Buchanan & The Goodfather vs. Too Cool
07. Steve Blackman vs. Albert
08. The Undertaker & The Rock vs. Triple H & Kurt Angle
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 2000/08/17 – SMACKDOWN # 53
01. Perry Saturn & Terri vs. The Kat & Rikishi Phatu
02. Val Venis vs. Eddie Guerrero
03. Crash Holly & Acolytes vs. Big Bossman & Kaientai
04. Steve Blackman vs. Chris Benoit
05. Edge & Christian vs. D-Von Dudley & Jeff Hardy
06. Too Cool vs. Road Dogg & X-Pac
07. The Rock vs. Triple H
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 2000/08/24 – SMACKDOWN # 54
01. Rikishi Phatu vs. The Goodfather
02. Steve Blackman & Eddie Guerrero & Chyna vs. Val Venis & T&A
03. The Undertaker vs. Road Dogg & X-Pac
04. Perry Saturn vs. Al Snow
05. Chris Jericho & The Hardy Boyz vs. Chris Benoit & Edge & Christian
06. The Rock & Lita vs. Kurt Angle & Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 2000/08/31 – SMACKDOWN # 55
01. Road Dogg vs. Bull Buchanan
02. Hardy Boyz & Lita vs. Edge & Christian & Jacqueline
03. WWF European Title: Al Snow vs. Perry Saturn
04. The Undertaker vs. Chris Benoit
05. Chris Jericho vs. Tazz
06. Kaientai vs. Dudley Boyz
07. Val Venis vs. Rikishi Phatu
08. Kurt Angle vs. Eddie Guerrero
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 2000/09/07 – SMACKDOWN # 56
01. X-Pac vs. Chris Jericho
02. Chris Benoit vs. Rikishi
03. Handicap Match: Triple H vs. T & A
04. WWF Intercontinental Title: Eddie Guerrero vs. Road Dogg
05. Too Cool vs. Right To Censor
06. The Undertaker vs. Kurt Angle
07. WWF World Heavyweight Title – Handicap Match: The Rock vs. Christian & Kane
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 2000/09/14 – SMACKDOWN # 57
01. Acolytes Rules: The APA vs. Chris Benoit & Kane
02. Right To Censor vs. Rikishi & Too Cool
03. T&A vs. Kurt Angle & Triple H
04. WWF Hardcore Title: Steve Blackman vs. Perry Saturn
05. Christian & Edge & X-Pac vs. Chris Jericho & The Hardy Boyz
06. Tables Match: Dudley Boyz vs. The Rock & The Undertaker
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 2000/09/21 – SMACKDOWN # 58
01. Val Venis vs. Scotty 2 Hotty
02. WWF Hardcore Title: Steve Blackman vs. Al Snow
03. Chris Jericho & Jerry Lawler vs. Tazz & X-Pac
04. The APA vs. Right To Censor
05. The Rock & The Undertaker & Triple H vs. Chris Benoit & Kane & Kurt Angle
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 2000/09/28 – SMACKDOWN # 59
01. WWF World Women’s Title: Lita vs. Jacqueline
02. WWF Hardcore Title: Steve Blackman vs. Road Dogg
03. Rikishi & Too Cool vs. Kane & T&A
04. Raven & Tazz vs. Chris Jericho & Jerry Lawler
05. Chyna vs. Stevie Richards
06. WWF European Title: Al Snow vs. X-Pac
07. Chris Benoit & Kurt Angle vs. The Rock & Triple H
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 2000/10/05 – SMACKDOWN # 60
01. Jacqueline & Lo Down vs. Lita & Hardy Boyz
02. WWF European Title: Al Snow vs. X-Pac
03. Right To Censor vs. Eddie Guerrero & The APA
04. Raven & Tazz vs. Dudley Boyz
05. Christian & Edge & Kurt Angle vs. Rikishi & Too Cool
06. WWF Hardcore Title: Steve Blackman vs. Albert
07. Chris Benoit vs. Chris Jericho
08. WWF World Heavyweight Title: Kane vs. The Rock
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 2000/10/12 – SMACKDOWN # 61
01. Table Match: The Dudley Boyz vs. Lo Down
02. WWF Intercontinental Title – Triple Threat Match: Eddie Guerrero vs. Chris Jericho vs. X-Pac
03. WWF European Title: Al Snow vs. Albert
04. Road Dogg & Triple H vs. Chris Benoit & Perry Saturn
05. WWF World Tag Titles: Hardy Boyz vs. Raven & Tazz
06. Kurt Angle vs. Kane
07. WWF World Heavyweight Title: The Rock vs. Val Venis
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 2000/10/19 – SMACKDOWN # 62
01. WWF World Tag Titles – No.1 Contenders Battle Royal (w/ The Conquistadores (aka. Edge & Christian), Lo Down, T&A. The APA, Dudley Boyz, Right To Censor, Too Cool)
02. WWF Hardcore Title: Steve Blackman vs. Tazz
03. WWF European Title – Triple Threat Match: William Regal vs. Al Snow vs. Perry Saturn
04. Road Dogg vs. Raven
05. Chris Jericho & Hardy Boyz vs. Christian & Edge & X-Pac
06. WWF World Women’s Title: Lita vs. Trish Stratus
07. Four Corners Match: Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit vs. The Rock vs. Triple H
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 2000/10/26 – SMACKDOWN # 63
01. WWF World Tag Titles: Hardy Boyz vs. Dudley Boyz
02. Chris Benoit & Dean Malenko vs. Road Dogg & Triple H
03. WWF World Heavyweight Title: Chris Jericho vs. Kurt Angle
04. Hardcore Match: Albert vs. Crash
05. Billy Gunn & Chyna & The Rock vs. Right To Censor
06. Raven vs. Al Snow
07. Handicap Match: Rikishi vs. Too Cool
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 2000/11/02 – SMACKDOWN # 64
01. Handicap Hardcore Match: Crash vs. T&A
02. WWF World Women’s Title – Four Corners Match: Ivory vs. Jacqueline vs. Lita vs. Trish Stratus
03. Chris Jericho vs. Rikishi
04. Billy G & Chyna vs. Eddie Guerrero & Val Venis
05. Al Snow vs. Tazz
06. Chris Benoit vs. Triple H
07. WWF World Heavyweight Title: The Rock vs. Kurt Angle
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 2000/11/09 – SMACKDOWN # 65
01. WWF Intercontinental Title: Billy Gunn vs. Eddie Guerrero
02. Hardy Boyz vs. Christian & Edge
03. WWF World Heavyweight Title – No.1 Contenders Four Corners Match: The Undertaker vs. Chris Benoit vs. Chris Jericho vs. Kane
04. WWF World Tag Titles: Right To Censor vs. Dudley Boyz
05. Hardcore Match: Crash & Steve Blackman vs. T&A
06. Rikishi & Triple H vs. Steve Austin & The Rock
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 2000/11/16 – SMACKDOWN # 66
01. Crash & Hardcore Holly vs. T&A
02. Too Cool vs. Raven & Tazz
03. Steve Austin vs. Eddie Guerrero
04. Dudley Boyz & Hardy Boyz vs. Right To Censor
05. No DQ Match: Kane & Kurt Angle vs. Chris Jericho & The Undertaker
06. K-Kwik & Road Dogg vs. Dean Malenko & Perry Saturn
07. The Rock vs. Chris Benoit
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 2000/11/23 – SMACKDOWN # 67
01. WWF Intercontinental Title: Billy Gunn vs. Eddie Guerrero
02. Hardcore Match: T&A vs. Crash & Hardcore Holly
03. Val Venis vs. K-Kwik
04. The Rock vs. William Regal
05. Raven vs. Tazz
06. Molly Holly vs. Trish Stratus
07. Chris Benoit & Kane vs. Chris Jericho & Steve Austin
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 2000/11/30 – SMACKDOWN # 68
01. The Radicalz vs. Lita & The Hardy Boyz
02. WWF World Tag Titles: Right To Censor vs. K-Kwik & The Road Dogg
03. WWF European Title: William Regal vs. Scotty 2 Hotty
04. Chris Benoit & Kane vs. Billy Gunn & Chris Jericho
05. Tables Match: Lo Down & Tiger Ali Singh vs. Steve Blackman & The Dudley Boyz
06. Hardcore Match: Hardcore Holly vs. Raven
07. Handicap Match: The Rock & The Undertaker vs. Christian & Edge & Kurt Angle
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 2000/12/07 – SMACKDOWN # 69
01. Billy Gunn & Chyna vs. Val Venis & Ivory
02. Molly Holly vs. Trish Stratus
03. Chris Jericho & Hardcore Holly vs. William Regal & Kane
04. K-Kwik & Road Dogg vs. Edge & Christian
05. The Undertaker vs. Kurt Angle vs. The Rock vs. Steve Austin
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 2000/12/14 – SMACKDOWN # 70
01. Edge & Christian vs. Dudley Boyz
02. Ivory vs. Lita
03. Val Venis vs. Billy Gunn
04. Hardcore Match: The Undertaker vs. Raven
05. Hardy Boyz vs. Chris Benoit & Perry Saturn
06. Dean Malenko vs. Chris Jericho
07. The Rock & Steve Austin vs. Kurt Angle & William Regal
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 2000/12/21 – SMACKDOWN # 71
01. The Dudley Boyz vs. Lo-Down
02. Ivory vs. Jacqueline
03. Chris Jericho & The Hardy Boyz vs. Chris Benoit & Dean Malenko & Perry Saturn
04. William Regal vs. Hardcore Holly
05. Crash Holly & Molly Holly vs. TAKA Michinoku & Funaki
06. Steve Blackman vs. Raven
07. Billy Gunn vs. Steven Richards
08. World Tag Team Titles: Edge & Christian vs. The Rock & The Undertaker
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: VHS
WWE – 2000/12/28 – SMACKDOWN # 72
01. Chris Jericho vs. Edge & Christian
02. Chris Benoit vs. Matt Hardy
03. The Goodfather & Bull Buchanan vs. The Acolytes
04. Raven vs. Jeff Hardy
05. T&A vs. Too Cool
06. The Rock & The Undertaker vs. William Regal & Kane & Rikishi
Running Time: 90 minutes – Source: VHS