1/6 Smackdown in Wilkes-Barre, PA
•Falls Count Anywhere: JBL vs. Matt Hardy- Hardy jobs to JBL again while The Boogeyman continues to stalk JBL and puts worms down Jillian Hall’s skirt.
•Mark Henry vs. 3 Scrubs
•Melina Interview
•Randy Orton/Booker T/Sharmell Int
•Ken Kennedy Segment- Kennedy returns and will take on some sort of non-wrestling role until he heels from his injury.
•Cruiserweight Title Match: Juventud Guerrera vs. Kid Kash
•Orlando Jordan/Booker T/Sharmell Int
•Batista/Mark Henry Interview- Batista “faces the medie” about Melina’s Sexual herassment lawsuit.
•US Title Match, 6 of 7: Chris Benoit vs. Randy Orton
•Raw Rebound, Fit Finley Promo
•Brian Kendrick and Paul London vs. Gymini- Simon Dean brings out his new tag team that he is sponsering, Gymini.
•Bobby Lashley Int/Highlights
•Steel Cage, Tag Team Title Match: Rey Mysterio and Batista vs. MNM
1/13 Smackdown in Philadelphia, PA, Truly one of the biggest Smackdowns in History.
•Batista Interview- Michael Cole said that tonight’s show would be historic and finally he’s right. Batista has to step down as Champion because of a recent injury and he is visibly shaken up, as he should be. It’s too bad that his near 10 month title reign has to end from a silly injury from a scrub like Mark Henry as it would have been nice to see him hold the title until Wrestlemania as it would have made the title change mean much more, rather than him stepping down from injuries. Well, shit happens huh?
•Batista/Rey Mysterio Segment- Batista leaves and shakes hand with everyone. I haven’t been a big Batista fan but it was still emotional to see him have to end his first title run, a nice lengthy title reign from an injury.
•Booker T/Chris Benoit/Orlando Jordan Int, Teddy Long/Randy Orton Int
•US Title Match (7 of 7): Chris Benoit vs. Randy Orton- Quite the match which sees Orton pull it off and win the US title for Booker T.
•Rowdy Roddy Piper/JBL Int
•Guerrero Family Segment
•Piper’s Pit with JBL/Jillian Hall/Boogeyman- Boogeyman comes out and eats Jillian’s mole!! Now we all know it’s a fake mole but still, it’s the thought that still grosses us out.
•Fit Finlay Promo
•World Heavyweight Title, Battle Royal Match- in by Kurt Angle who shocks everyone by coming over from Raw and winning the match. I would have liked to see Rey Mysterio win but Angle as Champion is alright too. On Raw, they will explain what’s going on with Kurt Angle and if he is now a Smackdown guy.
1/20 Smackdown! in Florence, SC John Bradshaw Layfield w/Jillian Hall vs Bobby Lashley
•BACKSTAGE: Kurt Angle + Rey Mysterio + Mark Henry- Stars Congradulating Angle on World Title win.
•BACKSTAGE: Booker T & Sharmell, Theodore Long & Jillian Hall + John Bradshaw Layfield
•IN THE RING: Booker T & Sharmell + Orlando Jordan + Theodore Long
•Fit Finlay (debut!) vs Matt Hardy
•BACKSTAGE: Daivari/Theodore Long
•#1 CONTENDERS MATCH: Mark Henry vs Rey Mysterio
•IN THE RING: Mr. Ken Kennedy
•The Gymini w/Simon Dean vs Paul London & Brian Kendrick
•Randy Orton (Sub for Booker T w/Sharmell) vs Orlando Jordan
•INTERVIEW: Kristal Marshall & Daivari
•Kurt Angle vs Daivari.
1/27 Smackdown! from Greenville, SC Mark Henry w/Daivari vs. Rey Mysterio
•Royal Rumble PROMO: Matt Hardy.
•BACKSTAGE: Randy Orton & Booker T w/Sharmell
•3-WAY ROYAL RUMBLE QUALIFYER: The Mexicools vs The Dicks vs Nunzio & Big Vito
•NO HOLDS BARRED MATCH: Chris Benoit vs. Randy Orton
•Royal Rumble PROMO: Road Warrior Animal
•Fit Finlay vs Sho Funaki
•BACKSTAGE: John Bradshaw Layfield & Jillian Hall
•Royal Rumble PROMO: Bobby Lashley
•John Bradshaw Layfield w/Jillian Hall vs Scotty Too Hotty
•BACKSTAGE: Theodore Long & Melina Perez, Kristal Marshall & Mark Henry & Daivari interview
•Kurt Angle vs MNM.
2/3 Smackdown! from Orlando, FL, show after Royal Rumble
•Theodore Long/Rey Mysterio/Randy Orton Interview- Rey talks about winning RR for Eddie, but Orton comes out saying Eddie is in hell and all this crap to make the fans hate him and get more heat!
•Tag Title Match- MNM vs The Mexicools
•Theodore Long/Booker T/Sharmell int.
•John Bradshaw Layfield Interview
•Bobby Lashley vs Chad Dick.
•A couple guys from Junior Division helped eachother drink from a fountain
•Undertaker/Kurt Angle Interview
•JUNIORS MATCH: Tzuki vs Octagoncito
•Chris Benoit/Mr. Ken Kennedy int.
•U.S. Title- Fit Finlay (sub for Booker T) vs Chris Benoit
•Kristal Marshall/Mark Henry/Daivari int., Booker T/Sharmell/The Boogeyman, Josh Mathews & Gregory Helms + Nunzio int. Theodore Long & Palmer Cannon & William Regal & Paul Birchall int.
•Rey Mysterio & Kurt Angle vs Mark Henry & Randy Orton.
2/10 Smackdown! from Columbus, GA
•# #1 CONTENDERS (US TITLE) 4-WAY: John Layfield vs Matt Hardy vs Orlando Jordan vs Chris Benoit.
•Kristal Marshall/John Bradshaw Layfield/Jillian Hall/Bobby Lashley int. MNM & Melina Perez + Matt Hardy int. Josh Mathews & Mark Henry with Daivari int.
•MNM vs Paul London & Brian Kendrick.
•Randy Orton/Rey Mysterio interview/brawl
•CW Title- Gregory Helms vs Nunzio.
•Kristal Marshall & Palmer Cannon + The Juniors + Mr. Kennedy + Paul Birchall int.
•JUNIORS TAG TEAM MATCH: Mascara Sagrada & Tzuki vs Octagoncito & Pequeno Violencia.
•PARKING LOT: Booker T & Sharmell left the building and found the trunk of their rental car full of WORMS!
•The Undertaker vs Mark Henry.
2/17 Smackdown! from Norfolk, VA
•Rey Mystery vs Sylvan.
•Rey Mysterio/Kurt Angle int.
•The Boogeyman vs Orlando Jordan.
•BACKSTAGE: Gregory Helms walked past all the Cruiserweights and said “Watch And Learn, Boys!”
•CW Title- Gregory Helms vs Scotty Too Hotty.- After the match all the CW’s attacked Helms
•Gregory Helms + Theodore Long int. Kristal Marshall & Paul Birchall + Mr. Ken Kennedy int.
•Fit Finlay & John Bradshaw Layfield vs Chris Benoit & Bobby Lashley..
•Matt Hardy vs Simon Dean
•Mark Henry & MNM vs The Undertaker & Kurt Angle.- After the match the undertaker TOMBSTONED mark henry, damn!
2/24 Smackdown!! from Richmond, VA
•IN THE RING: Randy Orton + Chavo Guerrero.
•TAG TITLE MATCH: MNM vs Matt Hardy & Tatanka
•William Regal & Paul Birchall int.
•ANNOUNCEMENT: Eddie Guerrero will be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame on April 1, 2006 in Chicago.
•The Boogeyman vs The Dicks.
•IN THE RING: Rey Mysterio + Theodore Long- It will now be, Angle vs Orton vs… Mysterio @ WM 22!
•IN THE RING: Kristal Marshall & Jillian Hall.
•CW Title: Gregory Helms vs Super Crazy.
•ON STAGE: Theodore Long announced The Undertaker vs Kurt Angle for Smackdown! next week! .
•Orton/Long Int.
•Chris Benoit & Rey Mysterio & Bobby Lashley vs Randy Orton & John Layfield & Fit Fitlay
3/3 Smackdown!! from Washington DC
•Tatanka vs Booker T
•Randy Orton vs Super Crazy
•Footage was shown of John Bradshaw Layfield getting reconstruction surgery on his hand..
•MNM vs. Matt Hardy & Mystery (Road Warrior Animal)-After the match, Road Warrior Animal confronted Matt Hardy and attacked his already injured leg!
•HALL OF FAME ANNOUNCEMENT: “Mean” Gene Okerland will be inducted into the HOF on April 1 in Chicago.
•Fit Finlay vs Bobby Lashley- Double DQ, as a big brawl breaks out between these two
•William Regal + Paul Birchall Int.
•WORLD TITLE MATCH: The Undertaker vs. Kurt Angle– PPV Quality match, it was a great match here almost ag good as there NWO match if not better, but Angle Wins cause of… HENRY attacking taker when he was going for the pin.
3/10 Smackdown in Mobile, AL
•Mark Henry/Daivari Interview- Turns into a huge brawl with Rey Mysterio, Randy Orton, and Kurt Angle.
•Finlay vs. Bobby Lashley
•JBL Interview- JBL talks some trash about Steve Austin.
•Teddy Long/Gregory Helms Int
•Paul Burchill vs. William Regal- Burchill wins his inring debut as a “Bloody Pirate” with an impressive innovative DDT like move.
•Booker T/Sharmell/Boogeyman Segment
•Sensational Sherri Highlights
•Kristal vs. Jillian Hall
•Chris Benoit vs. Gregory Helms
•Animal Int
•Mark Henry and Randy Orton vs. Rey Mysterio and Kurt Angle
3/17 Smackdown in Bossier City, LA
•Lumberjack Match: Finlay vs. Bobby Lashley
•MNM/Kristal Int
•William Regal and Jillian Hall vs. Paul Burchill and Kristal- I just don’t understand but for some reason, I’m liking this pirate gimmick of Burchill’s.
•Verne Gagne Video
•Booker T vs. Jeremy Young
•Rey Mysterio/Randy Orton/Kurt Angle Interview
•Road Warrior Animal vs. Matt Hardy
•Chris Benoit vs. Orlando Jordan
•Mark Henry Int
•MNM and Mark Henry vs. Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio, and Kurt Angle
3/24 Smackdown in Memphis, TN
•Randy Orton Interview
•MONEY IN THE BANK QUALIFIER: Participants: Johnny Nitro, Joey Mercury, Bobby Lashley, Paul Birchall, Tatanka, Nunzio, Road Warrior Animal, Orlando Jodan, Sylvan, Simon Dean, Gymini #1 & Gymini #2, Scotty Too Hotty, Psicosis, Super Crazy, Jamie Noble, Kid Kash, Brian Kendrick, Paul London–Bobby Lashley in the match last eliminating Mercury & Nitro
• John Bradshaw Layfield & Jillian Hall int. Mark Henry int.
•Fit Finlay vs Rey Mysterio- Good Match, Orton came down to cost Rey the win though.
•Theodore Long/Booker T/Sharmell Interview- Booker Signs the contract for WM 22, but now its going to be Booker/Sharmell vs Boogeyman
•Chris Benoit vs Willaim Regal- Not as good as other matches in the pas, but still a good match
•NON (WORLD) TITLE MATCH: Mark Henry vs Kurt Angle
3/31 Smackdown in Kansas City, MO
•Rey Mysterio + Kurt Angle + Randy Orton + Theodore Long Interview- IT will be Angle vs Rey tonight, Orton gets kicked out of Arena!
•Chris Benoit vs Road Warrior Animal
•Chris Benoit & John Bradshaw Layfield int.
•John Bradshaw Layfield w/Jillian Hall vs Daniel Cross.
•Paul Birchall vs Booker T- Paul wins by countout, Boogeyman leaves the ring with sharmell
•Matt Hardy & Bobby Lashley & Tatanka vs Joey Mercury & Johnny Nitro & Fit Finlay
•Mark Henry Interview
•The Mexicools (Psicosis & Super Crazy) vs. Kid Kash & Jamie Noble- Good Match
•Booker T was found following a trail of worms looking for his screaming wife
•Kurt Angle vs Rey Mysterio- Good Match
4/7 Smackdown in Peoria, IL, Show After Wrestlemania 22
•MNM vs. Paul London and Brian Kendrick
•Booker T/Sharmell/Teddy Long Int- Booker T has a restraining order on Boogeyman.
•Booker T vs. Gunner Scott- Gunner Scott defeats a distracted Booker T on his debut.
•Simon Dean vs. Chris Benoit
•Kurt Angle/Randy Orton Int
•World Heavyweight Title Match: Randy Orton vs. Rey Mysterio- Mysterio wins his first title defense.
•Miz Segment, Rey Mysterio Int, Paul Burchill/William Regal Int
•William Regal vs. Paul Burchill
•Teddy Long Int- Long brings back the King of the Ring Tournament, which will start next week.
•Mark Henry Interview
•Undertaker vs. Mark Henry- Daivari brings out a new, giant guy who beats up the Undertaker. I know it’s the guy from Adam Sandler’s Longest Yard, but all I can think of is… Giant Gonzalez.
4/14 Smackdown in Green Bay, WI
•Booker T/Sharmell Interview
•Johnny Nitro vs. Brian Kendrick
•Paul Burchill/William Regal Int
•Paul Burchill vs. Rasheed Brown- William Regal is dressed up as a “Boxxum wench” (or however you spell it).
•Kurt Angle Int
•Matt Hardy vs. Animal
•Rey Mysterio Highlights, The Miz Promo
•US Title, Steel Cage Match: Chris Benoit vs. JBL
•Daivari/Great Khali Gonzalez Segment- The monster who attacked Undertaker last week is using the name Great Khali. He speaks here but I have no clue what he is saying so he earned the name, Great Khali Gonzalez ‘cuz he reminds me so much of Giant Gonzalez with an just an ounce more coordination.
•Kane Movie Highlights
•Psychosis and Super Crazy vs. Gymini
•KOTR Match: Kurt Angle vs. Randy Orton
4/21 Smackdown in St. Louis, MO
•Booker T Int, Matt Hardy Int
•KOTR Match: Booker T vs. Matt Hardy
•Paul Burchill/William Regal Int
•Joey Mercury vs. Paul London
•Chris Benoit and Bobby Lashley vs. Finlay and Orlando Jordan
•Teddy Long Int, Paul Burchill/William Regal Int, Funaki Int
•Funaki vs. Great Khali
•Paul Burchill/William Regal Int
•See No Evil Trailer
•Gymini vs. Paul Burchill and William Regal- Burchill walks out on his partner.
•The Miz/Palmer Cannon Segment
•Raw Rebound
•JBL/Kurt Angle/Rey Mysterio Interview
4/28 Smackdown in London, England
•JBL Interview
•US Title Match: William Regal vs. JBL
•Booker T/Gunner Scott Int
•MNM and Gregory Helms vs. Super Crazy, Paul London, and Brian Kendrick
•Melina/Lillian Hall Segment, Bobby lashly Int
•KOTR Match: Mark Henry vs. Bobby Lashley
•Rey Mysterio Int
•Finlay vs. Gunner Scott
•See No Evil Trailor
•Daivari/Great Khali Interview- You see one of these interviews, you’ve seen them all.
•World Heavyweight Title Match: Kurt Angle vs. Rey Mysterio
5/5 Smackdown in Cincinnati, OH
•JBL/Mysterio Interview
•Booker T w/Sharmell vs Gunner Scott (aka Brent Albright).
•Tag Titles:MNM vs Brian Kendrick & Paul London.
•Video Package: The “Rebirth of Tatanka” — Tatanka and friends spend time in the sweat lodge
•Theodore Long & Daivari + The Great Khali Int.
•KOTR Match: Fit Finlay vs Chris Benoit
•The Gymini vs Sho Funaki & Scotty Too Hotty
•Bobby Lashley & Booker T w/Sharmell Int.
•#1 Contenders match: Nunzio vs Super Crazy vs Kid Kash- The Great Khali w/Daivari showed up and destroyed all three Cruiserweights to send a message to Undertaker.
•Rey Mysterio vs Mark Henry.
5/12 Smackdown in San Diego, CA
•JBL/Mysterio Interview
•#1 Contenders match: Nunzio vs Super Crazy vs Kid Kash.
•Kurt Angle & Theodore Long Int.
•The Gymini vs Joey Ryan & Mike Wellington
•Booker T & Sharmell Interview.
•KOTR SEMI-FINAL MATCH: Bobby Lashley vs Fit Finlay
•MNM + Jillian Hall Interview.
•Mark Henry vs Paul Birchall.
•FEATURE VIDEO: Tanaka “A New Lakota Member”..
•Nunzio & Big Vito + Orlando Jordan Int.
•The Great Khali vs Rey Mysterio.
5/19 Smackdown in Albuquerque, NM
•JBL Interview
•MNM vs. Jillian Hall, Paul London, and Brian Kendrick
•Judgment Day Press Conference Higlights, See No Evil Premier Video
•Kurt Angle Int
•Bobby Lashley vs. Scrub
•Chris Benoit and Gunner Scott vs. Finlay and Booker T
•Tatanka Video, Daivari/Great Khali Segment
•Mark Henry vs. Matt Hardy- Henry goes over again? And now I hear that they are going to resign him? He is so useless, I can’t understand why they push scrubs so hard on Smackdown.
•Nunzio/Big Vito/Paul Burchill Int, Judgment Day Card Video
•JBL Int
•Rey Mysterio vs. Kane- It’s been painful to watch Smackdown everyweek for the last month or so. Nothing exciting is going on and they are making the Smackdown champ look like a scrub.
5/26 Smackdown in Bakersfield, Ca, Night After Judgment Day
•JBL/Rey Mysterio Interview- Leads to…
•US Title Match: Bobby Lashley vs. JBL- I don’t have a problem with Lashley winning the US title, I do have a problem with him winning the title in a 3 minute match.
•JBL/Teddy Long Int
•Tatanka vs. Simon Dean
•Matt Hardy/Teddy Long/Paul Heyman Int, See No Evil Highlights
•Mark Henry vs. Chris Benoit- Three 6 Mafia perform Henry’s entrance song. Not bad either as Henry would “destroy” Benoit here and allow Benoit to have some time off.
•Booker T/Queen Sharmell Coronation- Good segment here as I bet they make Booker Smackdown’s Champion by the end of the year.
•Nunzio/Big Vito Int
•Paul London and Brian Kendrick vs. Big Vito and Nunzio
•Chavo Guerrero/Rey Mysterio Int
•Finlay vs. Paul Burchill- Once again, they are throwing away Burchill, someone who has a chance by making him job in a quick match again. I just dont get it. Burchill is probably 15 years younger and has more potential.
•WWE Title Match: JBL vs. Rey Mysterio- JBL loses and has to leave Smackdown. Where will he end up? A smart move would be ECW. I hear they will be very short on heels.
6/2 Smackdown in Portland, OR
•Kurt Angle vs. Rey Mysterio- Angle’s last match on Smackdown before he heads off to ECW.
•Bobby Lashley Int, Nunzio Int
•Matt Hardy vs. Nunzio
•Piper’s Pit with Great Khali- Khali mumbles then attacks Piper. From the way Khali speaks, it sounds like he took mic lessons from Ahmed Johnson.
•Kristal vs. Jillian Hall
•Mark Henry vs. Paul Burchill- Burchill jobs again so I’m hoping he will get a fresh start in ECW or something because they killed him off, FAST.
•Mr. Kennedy Promo
•Finlay vs. Scrub
•Sabu Highlights- Sabu vs. Rey Mysterio at One Night Stand! Cool.
•Tazz Interview- Tazz challenges Jerry Lawler. “Beat me if you can, old man. Survive if I let you!
•King Booker vs. Bobby Lashley
6/9 Smackdown in Wheeling, PA
•The “host of Smackdown!” Mike Mizanin introduced the scheduled matches for tonight.
•William Regal & Bobby Lashley Interview/Brawl
• Super Crazy w/Psicosis vs Brian Kendrick w/Paul London
•INTERVIEW: Kristal Marshall & Fit Finlay
•Nunzio & (Group of Heels) + Big Vito Int.
•Big Vito (wearing a dress) vs Nunzio
•Non Title- Bobby Lashley vs William Regal
•BIKINI CONTEST: Mike Mizanin + Ashley Massaro + Kristal Marshall + Jillian Hall + Michelle McCool
•Mark Henry vs Raymond Rowe..
•Mr. Ken Kennedy (return to SD!) vs Scotty Too Hotty!
•Rey Mysterio/Chavo Guerrero Int.
•Michael Cole + Tazz + Paul Heyman + Rey Mysterio Interview!
•Non Title- Fit Finlay vs Rey Mysterio.
6/16 Smackdown in Trenton, NJ
•Gregory Helms vs. Rey Mysterio
•Booker T/Finlay/William Regal/Bobby Lashley Segment
•Mr. Kennedy vs. Nick Brooke
•Raw Rebound, Super Crazy/Psychosis Int, Sylvan Int
•Mexicools vs. Great Khali
•Matt Hardy and Gunner Scott vs. William Regal and Finlay- JBL is on commentary and is just blabbing away and getting annoying.
•Booker T/Teddy Long Int
•Chavo Guerrero/Mark Henry Interview- Henry actually got a reaction from the crowd as he came out. Of course he attacks Chavo.
•Michelle McCool/Ashley Int
•Vito vs. Scott Wright
•Booker T vs. Bobby Lashley
6/23 Smackdown in Albany, NY
•Tag Team Title Match: Mexicools vs. Paul London and Brian Kendrick
•Tatanka vs. Simon Dean
•Finlay vs. Gunner Scott
•Vito/Ashley Int, Sylvain Promo
•Chavo Guerrero Int, Mark Henry Int
•Booker T vs. Bobby Lashley
•Mr. Kennedy vs. Funaki
•Mark Henry vs. Rey Mysterio
6/30 Smackdown in Roanoke, VA
•Mark Henry/Chavo Guerrero Interview/Brawl
•Gregory Helms vs. Super Crazy
•Teddy Long/Booker T Int, Batista Promo
•Pitbulls vs. Scrubs
•Diva Search Video, Krystal/Ashley Int, Bobby Lashley Int
•Matt Hardy vs. Finlay
•Miz on Fear Factor
•Mr. Kennedy vs. Gunner Scott- Great Khali and Daviari come out to challenge Undertaker to a match at the next ppv.
•Raw Rebound
•Simon Dean vs. Vito- Simon Dean tries to cover Vito up several times during the match. Push Simon Dean!! He is one of my favorites on either brands right now.
•Steel Cage Match: King Booker vs. Bobby Lashley
7/7 Smackdown in Philadelphia, PA
•Battle Royal- in by King Booker who will face Mysterio for the title.
•Rey Mysterio Int, Sylvan Int
•Ken Kennedy vs. Super Crazy
•Krystal/Tatanka Int
•Great Khali vs. Tatanka
•Diva Search Segment
•Vito vs. Psycosis
•Pit Bulls vs. Scotty Too Hotty and Funaki
•Bobby Lashley vs. Gregory Helms
•Batista/Mark Henry Brawl- Batista returns to vs. up Henry.
7/14 Smackdown in Minneapolis, MN
•Booker T/William Regal/Rey Mysterio Interview/Segment- Boy, has Booker T moved up. Like Edge, it feels like the right time too, not rushed and they both deserve it.
•Matt Hardy vs. Mr. Kennedy- Took Hardy almost a year to get a win that meant something and he, he finally does. Does that mean a well-deserved push for him? Or is the powers-to-be just giving up on Kennedy? Kennedy.
•Kristal/Michelle McCool/Ashley/Jillian Hall Segment
•Great Khali/Daivari/Undertaker Interview/Segment- Undertaker shows up on TV after having some nice time off. Him rarely on TV fits well into his character by making his appearance much more meaningful.
•Jamey Noble vs. Paul London
•Batista/Mark Henry Contract Signing
•US Title Match: Finlay vs. Bobby Lashley- Finlay wins the US title. Smackdown continues to push guys who aren’t worth pushing.
•Diva Search Segment- If I watch these segments too much, I will have wrinkles around my eyes sooner than I should for wincing too much. These are too painful too watch.
•Rey Mysterio vs. William Regal
7/21 Smackdown in Corpus Christi, TX
•Teddy Long/Mr. Kennedy/Batista Interview
•Kid Kash vs. Brian Kendrick- Some nice moves in this one.
•Booker T/Teddy Long/Chavo Guerrero/Rey Mysterio Int
•Krystal and Michelle McCool vs. Ashley and Jillian Hall
•Undertaker/Great Khali Highlights
•US Title Match: Bobby Lashley vs. Finlay
•Super Crazy vs. Psychosis
•Great American Bash Video Card
•Rey Mysterio vs. King Booker
7/28 Smackdown in Detroit, MI, Show After Great American Bash
•Mr. Kennedy vs. Batista
•Wrestlemania 23 Press Conference
•Vito vs. Simon Dean
•Tatanka vs. Sylvan
•Krystal and Michelle McCool vs. Jillian Hall and Ashley
•Chavo Guerrero Int
•King Booker/Sharmell/Rey Mysterio Segment- Booker T continues to be over the top on his acting but that’s what makes it funny to me.
•William Regal/Finlay Int
•US Title Match: William Regal vs. Finlay
•Diva Search Segment
•Teddy Long/Paul Heyman Int
•Sylvester Terkay vs. Matt Hardy- Sylvester makes his debut with Elijah Burke and makes Hardy sumbit.
•World Heavyweight Title Match: Rey Mysterio vs. King Booker
8/4 Smackdown from the Continental Airlines in New Jersey
•US Title Match: William Regal vs. Finlay
•Elijah Burke vs. Scrub- Elijah makes his debut and doesn’t look to bad. Him and/or Sylvester Terkay may become something.
•Ashley vs. Kristal
•Tatanka vs. Sylvan
•Mr. Kennedy vs. Batista
•Brooklyn Brawler vs. Vito
•Teddy Long Int
•KC James and Idol Stevens vs. Scotty Too Hotty and Funaki
•Teddy Long/MVP Int, King Booker/Sharmell Int
•Chavo Guerrero Interview- After Chavo explains his actions from the ppv, Rey Mysterio comes out to attack him and then Vicky (Eddie’s widow) comes down to break it up.
•King Booker vs. Undertaker
8/11 Smackdown in Nashville, TN
•Great Khali/Undertaker Segment
•Chavo Guerrero/Vicky Int
•Gregory Helms vs. Tatanka
•KC James and Idol Stevens vs. Paul London and Brian Kendrick
•Luke Perry/Krystal/Ashley Int
•Diva Search/Luke Perry Segment- OUCH!! May this truly be the last Diva search contest as the crowd boos them big time.
•Rey Mysterio/Vicky Int
•Mr. Kennedy vs. Rey Mysterio
•King Booker/Sharmell Int- “Because I am, Kiiiing Bookahhhhhhhhhh!”
•Sylvan vs. Vito
•Sylvester Terkay vs. Scrub
•Teddy Long/MVP Int, Finlay/William Regal Int, Summerslam Card Video
•William Regal and Finlay vs. Bobby Lashley and Batista
8/18 Smackdown in Washington, DC
•Batista vs. Sylvan
•Diva Search Highlights
•Scotty Too Hotty vs. Sylvester Terkay
•Paul London/Brian Kendrick/KC James/Idol Stevens Segment
•Mr. Kennedy vs. Tatanka
•Last Man Standing Match: Great Khali vs. Undertaker- Undertaker wins pretty easily.
•Summerslam Card Video
•Vito vs. Scrub
•Bobby Lashley vs. Finlay
•King Booker/Batista Interview
8/25 Smackdown in, Show After Summerslam
•King Booker Interview- Brawl breaks out after as Teddy Long comes out to make the main event match.
•Mr. Kennedy vs. Matt Hardy- Gregory Helms helps Kennedy win.
•The Miz/Ashley Int, The Miz/Leyla Int
•Tatanka vs. Sylvester Terkay
•The Marine Movie Trailor
•Vicky/Chavo Guerrero/Rey Mysterio Segment- Vicky turns on Mysterio and hits him with a chair.
•Paul London vs. KC James
•Boogeyman Promo
•Kristal and Jillian Hall
•Jimmy Wayne Yang Promo
•Vito vs. Sylvan- After the match, Vito calls out MVP to get in the ring, who is sitting in the front row. Montel Vonsomethingous Porter gets to the steps, answers his phone, then says that he can’t brawl because he doesn’t have a contract yet. I like where this MVP character is going so far.
•King Booker, Finlay, and William Regal vs. Bobby Lashley and Batista
9/1 Smackdown in Reading, PA
•Rey Mysterio/Vicky Interview
•Teddy Long/Mr. Kennedy/Finlay Int
•Matt Hardy vs. Gregory Helms- Matt Hardy finally wins another match.
•Tatanka vs. The Miz- The Miz makes his inring debut.
•The Marine Trailor
•US Title Match: Mr. Kennedy vs. Bobby Lashley vs. Finlay- Kennedy wins the US title after pinning Lashley.
•Vito vs. William Regal
•Pitbulls vs. Brian Kendrick and Paul London
•COntract Signing with King Booker/Batista
9/8 Smackdown in Columbus, GA
•Finlay vs. Rey Mysterio
•Mr. Kennedy vs. Danny Giamondo- After the match, Teddy Long comes out to tell Kennedy (Kennedy) that at the next Smackdown ppv, Mr. Kennedy (Kennedy) will face the Undertaker.
•The Marine Trailor
•Paul London, Brian Kendrick, and Ashley vs. Michelle McCool, Kacy James, and Idol Stevens
•William Regal vs. Bobby Lashley
•Mike Mizanin vs. Matt Hardy
•Jimmy Wayne Yang Promo
•Chavo Guerrero vs. Tatanka
•MVP/Teddy Long Segment
•World Heavyweight Title Match: Batista vs. King Booker
9/15 Smackdown in Worcester, MA
•Finlay/Bobby Lashley Interview
•Finlay/William Regal Int
•Gregore Helms vs. Matt Hardy
•Jimmy Wayne Yang Promo
•Mike Mizanin vs. Scotty Too Hotty
•Kid Kash vs. Idol Stevens vs. Brian Kendrick
•Booker T/Finlay Int
•Rey Mysterio vs. Mr. Kennedy
•MVP Promo
•Vito vs. William Regal
•Booker T/Teddy Long/Vito Int
•Sylvester Terkay vs. Scrub
•Finlay vs. Bobby Lashley
9/22 Smackdown in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Premier show on CW
•King Booker/Teddy Long Int
•Batista and Bobby Lashley vs. Finlay and William Regal
•Layla/Krystal/Jilliam Hall Segment
•Gregory Helms vs. Matt Hardy
•The Miz Int, Jimmy Wang Yang Promo
•The Miz vs. Funaki- Miz is going all out now.
•Rey Mysterio Int, Marine Trailor Int
•Rey Mysterio vs. Chavo Guerrero- Match ended quickly and turned into a brawl. Good brawl which was what this tired out feud needed to give it a little more run.
•Tag Team Title Match: PitBulls vs. Idol Stevens and KC James vs. Paul London and Brian Kendrick
•Elijah Burke/Sylvester Terkay Int- Elijah – “This is Sylvester Terkay!” Sylvester – “I am Sylvester Terkay!” Thanks Terkay but we need a little more than that.
•Sylvan vs. Tatanka
•John Cena/Teddy Long Int, No Mercy Card Video
•Undertaker vs. King Booker- Solid showing by these two and having Ken Kennedy at ringside was good too. Funny scene when Booker tries to escape (“Escape is not his plan!” … sorry couldn’t help it) but Bobby Lashley throws Booker back into the ring.. Booker slides right into the Undertaker who pops up and Booker has this look on his face. Good Show with Smackdown heading in the right direction.
9/29 Smackdown in Tulsa, OK
•John Cena Interview
•Rey Mysterio vs. Elijah Burke
•Pitbulls vs. KC James and Idol Stevens- Kid Kash gets fired the next day after this is taped.
•The Marine Trailor
•Chavo Guerrero vs. Matt Hardy
•Mr. Kennedy/Undertaker Interview
•King Booker/William Regal/Finlay Int
•Tatanka vs. Miz
•Jimmy Wang Yang Int
•Jimmy Wang Yang vs. Sylvan- Yang looks exciting in the ring and I was suprised that they would have him lose here in his first match in this gimmick (I guess he was Akio before). We’ll see what they ahve planned but to me, it’s a bit strange.
•MVP Segment- He Finally signs with Smackdown.
•No Mercy Card Video
•Bobby Lashley, Batista, and John Cena vs. King Booker, William Regal, and Finlay
10/6 Smackdown in Wichita, KS
•King Booker Int, Bobby Lashley Int
•Rey Mysterio and Matt Hardy vs. Gregory Helms and Chavo Guerrero
•Elijah Burke vs. Tatanka
•King Booker/William Regal/Finlay Int
•Finlay vs. King Booker- Finlay beats the champ here.
•Batista vs. Bobby Lashley
•Bobby Lashley/King Booker/Teddy Long/Finlay/Batista Int
•Sylvan vs. Jimmy Wang Yang- Wang loses again to the Jobber of Quebec.
•MVP Interview- Crowd chants what during the promo. If the WWE was smart, they should try to captialize on that and have Austin come out, cut a promo with MVP and you will have what chants everytime MVP tries to speak. Will make great television and will help get MVP over even more
•Mr. Kennedy Interview
•Michelle McCool vs. Ashley
•Batista and Bobby Lashley vs. Finlay and King Booker
10/13 Smackdown in Jacksonville, FL
•Mr. Kennedy interview- Says Long wont let him go to raw, and has to defend the US title tonight, and calls for anyone…
•US Title- Chris Benoit vs Mr. Kennedy- Good match, but Takers music played and he came down to the ring, then Benoit made Kenndey tap for the title!
•Vito vs William Regal
•MVP/Long Interview- MVP says there is no competition for him on Smackdown! until now…
•Kane vs MVP- Kane makes his Smackdown! Return!
•Rey Mysterio vs Jamie Noble
•Paul London & Brian Kendrick & Jimmy Wang Yang vs Idol Stevens & K.C. James & Sylvan
•Michael Cole & JBL interview Finlay. Then Interview Batista.
•#1 Conttenders match- Batista vs Bobby Lashley vs Finlay.
10/20 Smackdown in Los Angeles, California
•Kane vs MVP
•Elijah Burke vs Vito- Vito lose, his first match, wearing a dress that is…
•Helms/Hardy Int, Regal/David Taylor Int., Booker/Sharmell int.
•William Regal & Dave Taylor vs Scotty Too Hotty & Funaki- Taylor makes his Smackdown! Debut. But, When was the last time either Scotty or Funaki had a serious, non- Squash match?
•I Quit Match- Chavo Guerrero vs Rey Mysterio.- Good match, Rey loses tho, still good.
•The Undertaker vs Gregory Helms
•Diva Dance Off- Mike Mizanin & Ashley / Kristal / Layla / Jillian / Michelle- Specail Judges- Aaron and Nick Carter.
•World Title- Batista vs King Booker
10/27 Smackdown in St. Louis, MO
•Batista/Paul Heyman Interview- Batista turns down Heymans offer to join ECW. Did Heyman not watch the ECW show 3 months ago when a real ECW crowd booed him out of the building?
•Bobby Lashley and Tatanka vs. William Regal and David Taylor- Taylor gets injured and is gone just as quickly as he returned.
•Chris Benoit/Vicky Int, MVP/Teddy Long/Mr. Kennedy Int, Chavo/Vicky Int
•Matt Hardy vs. Gregory Helms
•Kane vs. Mr. Kennedy
•John Cena/Batista Int
•Diva Battle Royal
•Miz/Krystal/Boogeyman Segment
•King Booker and Big Show vs. Batista and John Cena
11/3 Smackdown in Milwaukee, WI
•Rey Mysterio/Chavo Guerrero Interview- This segment was good but it didnt make sense for Mysterio to stay in the ring as he sees Chavo coming to the ring. It makes Rey look stupid for staying in there. Secondly, when Chris Benoit comes out, he should have chased Chavo around the building like he wants to kill him, not just chase him out of the ring and that’s it.
•KC James and Idol Stevens vs. Paul London and Brian Kendrick
•King Booker/Teddy Long Int, Marine Trailor
•Batista/King Booker Int
•MVP/Mr. Kennedy Int- Doubt this was E’s objective, but this segment helped Kennedy but helped bury MVP. Kennedy looked into it and focused while MVP looked like he was brushing off their match. In the E world, you don’t brush off Undertaker or Kane, let alone together.
•MVP and Mr. Kennedy vs. Undertaker and Kane
•King Booker/Batista Int
•Gregory Helms vs. Jimmy Wang Yang- Yang loses again. Unless they have a good storyline for all this losing such as a love-able loser that finally wins angle, this is retarted. For the last several months, they have hyped guys yet when they show up, the end up losing; Like Yang, Shannon Moor, Renee Dupree, Highlanders, etc. It makes no sense at all and adds to my frustrations of trying to figure out what the hell they are doing.
•Miz and Krystal vs. Vito and Laylah- Boogeyman makes his presence felt after. I don’t mind the Boogeyman character as long as he doesn’t wrestle (because he sucks in the ring) and just makes occasional appearance.
•Bobby Lashley vs. Jamie Noble- 30 second job. The firing of Kid Kash pretty much sealed up the fate for Jamie Noble as well. Tananka comes out to call out spirits of his people to wake him up, or something like that. Crowd does the What chant near the end. Exactly. Once of those interviews where it’s english but I still need a translation.
•Cyber Sunday Card Video, Batista/King Booker Int
•Batista/Finley Int/Brawl
11/10 Smackdown in Columbus, Oh
•King Booker (Champion of Champions) & Queen Sharmell Interview
•World Title- King Booker vs Bobby Lashley
•Theodore Long/MVP int, Chavo Guerrero/Vickie Guerrero/ Benoit
•Matt Hardy & Jimmy Wang Yang w/Amy Zidian vs Gregory Helms & Sylvan
•Mr.Kennedy + The Undertaker Interview
•Chris Benoit vs K.C. James
•The Boogeyman vs T.J. Dalton- Squash
•Kristal/Miz Int.- Miz challenges Boogeyman to a match next week.
•Batista vs Fit Finlay
11/17 Smackdown in Manchester, ENG
•The Boogeyman vs Mike “The Miz” Mizanin & Kristal
•King Booker/Queen Sharmell/Finlay int., Mysterio Surgery Video.
•Chris Benoit vs Tatanka
•Theodore Long/Kane int, Kennedy Promo Int.
•William Regal vs Paul London
•Video of Lashley from ECW, Long/Lashley Int.
•MVP vs Kane.
•Matt Hardy vs Gregory Helms.
•Long/MVP Int., Booker/Sharmell/Batista Int.
•Batista & Bobby Lashley vs. Fit Finlay & King Booker.
11/24 Smackdown in Uniondale, NY
•Cage Match- Montel Vontavious Porter vs Kane
•Gregory Helms vs Jimmy Wang Yang .
•Benoit/Vickie int. ; Kennedy/MVP int. ; Long/Booker/Sharmell int.
•William Regal vs Brian Kendrick.
•Ken Kennedy interview- Undertakr comes out and Kennedy runs out of the ring, at the top of the stage Blood starts coming from the top of the arena on his head.
•Finlay vs Chris Benoit- Good match.
•The Boogeyman vs Mike “The Miz” Mizanin.
•King Booker & Queen Sharmell + Theodore Long + Batista Interview- The Royal Contract Signing.
12/1 Smackdown in Buffalo, NY
•Teddy Long/Batista/King Booker/Finlay Interview
•MNM vs. Paul London and Brian Kenrick
•MVP/Mr. Kennedy Int
•World Heavyweight Title Match: King Booker vs. Finlay vs. Batista
•King Booker/Teddy Long/Finlay Int, Chavo/Vickie Guerrero Int
•Chris Benoit vs. Chavo Guerrero
•Layla vs. Krystal
•Batista/Teddy Long Int
•MVP vs. Undertaker
12/08 Smackdown in Florence, SC
•Kennedy/Undertaker Interview
•William Regal & Dave Taylor vs Brian Kendrick & Paul London w/Ashley Massaro .
•Cena int, Batista int, Booker T/Finlay int.
•Batista vs Fit Finlay.
•#1 Contenders Match: Jimmy Wang Yang w/Amy Zidian vs Jamie Noble.
•Benoit int, MVP/Long int.
•Chris Benoit vs Sylvan.
•The Miz vs Scotty Too Hotty.
•Kane vs Mr. Kennedy.
12/15 Smackdown in Boston, MA
•Cena/Teddy Long/Batista/King Booker/Finlay Interview
•Paul London & Brian Kendrick & Jimmy Wang Yang vs William Regal & David Taylor & Gregory Helms
•Matt Hardy vs Joey Mercury
•MVP/Kennedy Int.
•The Undertaker & Kane vs Mr. Ken Kennedy & MVP
•Chavo Guerrero w/Vickie Guerrero vs Funaki
•Big Vito vs Sylvan
•The Miz & Kristal Marshall/The Boogeyman Segment
•John Cena vs Fit Finlay
12/22 Smackdown in Hampton, VA
•Long & King Booker w/Queen Sharmell & Fit Finlay Int
•Batista + Santa Clause Interview .
•Batista vs Santa Clause- Pulls off the beard to reveal it’s Sylvan!
•US Title- Chris Benoit vs Chavo Guerrero w/Vickie Guerrero.
•Booker/Finaly Int.
•Gregory Helms Interview- Complains that there is no competition left on SmackDown! so he was going to move up to the Heavyweight Division, then The Boogeyman comes out.
•Joey Mercury (with all his facial injuries)/Matt Hardy Interview- Joey blames his injuries on the Hardy’s.
•Johnny Nitro vs Matt Hardy.
•John Bradshaw Layfield/Theodore Long Interview- This is why I love when JBL has a mic, a very good speech/promo here about Long and MVP being set on fire.
•Ashley Massaro & Layla El vs Kristal Marshall & Jillian Hall- Is there a WWE Diva that is not Drop Dead Gorgeous?
•Michael Cole & Vladimir Kozlov Interview.
•The Brothers of Destruction vs Fit Finlay & King Booker w/Queen Sharmell.
12/29 Smackdown “The Best of SmackDown! 2006”
•Rey Mysterio wins the Royal Rumble match plus a video of Mysterio winning the World title
•They showed a Diva Search 2006 Contest video and also replayed a Divas Bikini Contest
•They showed a cool video package featuring JBL and the events leading up to his retirement
•Michael Cole & JBL talked about the “Christmas from Bagdad” special and showed a video package.
•They showed a video featuring Vickie Guerrero’s storyline with Rey Mysterio and Chavo Guerrero
•I QUIT MATCH: Chavo Guerrero w/Vickie Guerrero defeating Rey Mysterio at No Mercy
•Theodore Long announced the first ever “SmackDown! Sprint” for a title shot at Royal Rumble!
•TAG MATCH: The Undertaker & Kane vs Mr. Kennedy & The MVP from only a few weeks ago
•They showed a video package of Fit Finlay and the crazy antics of the Little Bastard.
•Chris Benoit vs Fit Finlay.
•They showed a video package featuring Batista’s departure from the WWE and then his return.
•Batista defeating King Booker at Survivor Series for the World Heavyweight title.
January 6, 2006: John Bradshaw Leyfield vs. Matt Hardy in a Falls Count Anywhere Match…Mark Henry vs. Rob Eckos, John Troske and Gus Harlacher in a Handicap Match…Cruiserweight Champion, Kid Kash, vs. Juventud Guerrera…Randy Orton vs. Chris Benoit in a Best Out of 7 Series Match…The Gymanizers (Mike and Todd Shane) vs. Paul London and Brian Kendrick…World Tag Team Champions, Joey Mercury and Johnny Nitro, vs. Batista and Rey Misterio in a Steel Cage Match.
January 13, 2006: Randy Orton (subsituting for Booker T.) vs. Chris Benoit in a Best of 7 Final Series Match. Booker T. is announced as the new United States Heavyweight Champion…Kurt Angle in the World Heavyweight Title in a 20-Man Battle Royal. Other participants were: Road Warrior Animal, Simon Dean, Nunzio, Big Vito. Paul London, Brian Kendrick, Orlando Jordan, William Regal, Paul Burchill, Joey Mercury, Johnny Nitro, Mark Henry, Super Crazy, Psichosis, John Bradshaw Leyfield, Matt Hardy, Rey Mysterio, Sylvan Grenier, and Bobby Lashley.
January 20, 2006: Bobby Lashley vs. John Bradshaw Leyfield…Matt Hardy vs. Dave Finlay …Mark Henry vs. Rey Misterio Jr….The Gymini (Mike and Todd Shane) vs. Brian Kenderick and Paul London…Randy Orton vs. Orlando Jordan…World Champion, Kurt Angle, vs. Khasrow Daiviri.
January 27, 2006: Mark Henry vs. Rey Misterio…Super Crazy vs. Nunzio…Chris Benoit vs. Randy Orton in a No Holds Barred, Falls Count Anywhere match…Sho Funaki vs. Fit Finlay…John Bradshaw Leyfield and Scotty Too Hotty …World Champion, Kurt Angle, vs. World Tag Team Champions, Johnny Nitro and Joey Mercury, in a handicap match.
February 3, 2006: World Tag Team Champions, Joey Mercury and Johnny Nitro, vs. Psichosis and Super Crazy…Bobby Lashley vs. Chad Dick…Tzuki vs. Octagon Cito in a Junior Division Match…Chris Benoit vs. Fit Finlay (subsituting United States Champion, Booker T.) …Randy Orton and Mark Henry vs. Rey Misterio and Kurt Angle.
February 10, 2006: Chris Benoit vs. Matt Hardy, John Bradshaw Leyfield and Orlando Jordan in a Four-Way US Contender’s match…World Tag Team Champions, Joey Mercury and Johnny Nitro, vs. Paul London and Brian Kenderick…Cruiserweight Champion, Gregory Helms, vs. Nunzio…Pequeno Violencia and Octagoncito against Mascarita Sagrada and Tsuki…The Undertaker vs. Mark Henry .
February 17, 2006: Rey Mysterio vs. Sylvan Grenier…Cruiserweight Champion, Gregory Helms, vs. Scotty Too Hotty…John Bradshaw Leyfield and Fit Finlay vs. Chris Benoit and Bobby Lashley…Matt Hardy vs. Simon Dean…Kurt Angle and The Undertaker vs. Joey Mercury, Johnny Nitro, and Mark Henry in a Handicap match.
February 24, 2006: World Tag Team Champions, Joey Mercury and Johnny Nitro, vs. Matt Hardy and Tatanka…The Boogeyman vs. Chad and James Dick in a Handicap match…Cruiserweight Champion, Gregory Helms, vs. Psichosis…Chris Benoit, Bobby Lashley, and Rey Misterio vs. John Bradshaw Leyfield, Randy Orton, and Fit Finlay.
March 3, 2006: Tatanka vs. Booker T….Randy Orton vs. Super Crazy…World Tag Team Champions, Joey Mercury and Johnny Nitro, vs. Matt Hardy and Road Warrior Animal…Bobby Lashley and Fit Finlay …The Undertaker vs. World Champion, Kurt Angle, .
March 10, 2006: Bobby Lashley and Fit Finlay …Paul Burchill vs. William Regal…Kristal Marshall vs. Jillian Hall in a Divas Uncovered Match…United States Champion, Chris Benoit, vs. Crusierweight Champion, Gregory Helms…Rey Misterio and Kurt Angle against Mark Henry and Randy Orton.
March 17, 2006: Fit Finlay vs. Bobby Lashley in a Lumberjack Money in the Bank Qualifying Match…Matt Hardy vs. Animal in a Money In the Bank Qualifying Match…United States Champion, Chris Benoit, vs. Orlando Jordan…Booker T. vs. Jeremy Young…Randy Orton, Rey Misterio, and Kurt Angle vs. Joey Mercury, Johnny Nitro, and Mark Henry.
March 24, 2006: Bobby Lashley in a Battle Royal for the last spot in the Money in the Bank match. Other Participants were: Joey Mercury, Johnny Nitro, Paul London, Brian Kendrick, Orlando Jordan, Sho Funaki, Scotty 2 Hotty, Kid Kash, Jamie Noble, Sylvan Grenier, Nunzio, Smion Dean, Gymini, Super Crazy, Psichosis, Tatanka, Paul Burchill, and Road Warrior Animal…Fit Finlay vs. Rey Misterio…United States Champion, Chris Benoit, vs. William Regal…Mark Henry vs. World Champion, Kurt Angle, in a non-title match.
March 31, 2006: United States Champion, Chris Benoit, vs. Road Warrior Animal…John Bradshaw Leyfield vs. David Cross…Paul Birchill vs. Booker T. …Bobby Lashley, Matt Hardy, and Tatanka vs. Joey Mercury, Johnny Nitro, and Fit Finlay…Super Crazy and Psicosis vs. Jamie Noble and Kid Kash…World Champion, Kurt Angle, vs. Rey Misterio.
April 7, 2006: Brian Kenderick and Paul London vs. World Tag Team Champions, Joey Mercury and Johnny Nitro, in a non-title match…Chris Benoit vs. Simon Dean…Paul Burchill vs. William Regal…World Heavyweight Champion, Rey Misterio, vs. Randy Orton…The Undertaker and Mark Henry …United States Champion, John Bradshaw Leyfield, vs. Chris Benoit in a Steel Cage match.
April 14, 2006: Brian Kendrik vs. Johnny Nitro…Paul Birchill vs. Rashard Brown…Matt Hardy vs. Road Warrior Animal…United States Champion, John Bradshaw Leyfield, vs. Chris Benoit in Steel Cage match…The Gymini vs. Super Crazy and Psichosis…Kurt Angle vs. Randy Orton.
April 21, 2006: Booker T. vs. Matt Hardy…Paul London vs. Johnny Nitro…Bobby Lashley and Chris Benoit vs. Fit Finlay and Orlando Jordan…The Great Khali vs. Sho Funaki…The Gymini vs. William Regal and Paul Burchill.
April 28, 2006: United States Champion, John Bradshaw Leyfield, vs. William Regal…Super Crazy, Paul London and Brian Kendrick vs. Joey Mercury, Johnny Nitro, and Gregory Helms…Bobby Lashley vs. Mark Henry to advance in the King of the Ring Tournament…Fit Finlay vs. Gunner Scott…World Champion, Rey Misterio, against Kurt Angle.
May 5, 2006: Booker T. vs. Gunner Scott…World Tag Team Champions, Joey Mercury and Johnny Nitro, against Paul London and Brian Kenderick…Fit Finlay vs. Chris Benoit in a King of the Ring Match…The Gymini vs. Scotty Too Hotty and Sho Funaki…Nunzio, Kid Kash, and Super Crazy in a Triple Threat match…Mark Henry vs. World Champion, Rey Misterio, in a non-title match.
May 12, 2006: Super Crazy vs. Nunzio and Kid Kash in a Number One Contender Triple Threat match…The Gymini vs. Tom Wellington and Joey Ryan…Bobby Lashley vs. Fit Finlay in a Semi-Final King of the Ring match…Mark Henry vs. Paul Burchill…The Great Khali vs. World Champion, Rey Misterio, in a non-title match.
May 19, 2006: Jillian Hall, Paul London, and Brian Kendrick vs. Joey Mercury, Johnny Nitro, and Melina…Bobby Lashley vs. Jared Steele…Chris Benoit and Gunner Scott vs. Booker T. and Fit Finlay…Mark Henry vs. Matt Hardy…World Champion, Rey Misterio, and Kane .
May 26, 2006: Bobby Lashley vs. John Bradshaw Leyfield for the United States Title…Tatanka vs. Simon Dean…Fit Finlay vs. Paul Burchill…Chris Benoit vs. Mark Henry …World Tag Team Champions, Paul London and Brian Kenderick, vs. Nunzio and Big Vito…World Champion, Rey Misteirio, vs. John Bradshaw Leyfield.
June 2, 2006: Kurt Angle vs. World Champion, Rey Mysterio, …Matt Hardy vs. Nunzio…Jillian Hall vs. Kristal Marshall…Mark Henry vs. Paul Burchill…Fit Finlay vs. Caden Matthews…United States Champion, Bobby Lashley, vs. Booker T.
June 9, 2006: Psicosis vs. Brian Kendrick…Big Vito vs. Nunzio…United States Champion, Bobby Lashley, vs. William Regal …Mark Henry vs. Raymond Rowe…Ken Kennedy vs. Scotty Too Hotty…Ashley Massaro vs. Jillian Hall, Kristal Marshall and Michelle McCool in a Bikini Contest…Fit Finlay vs. World Champion, Rey Misterio, in a non-title match.
June 16, 2006: World Champion, Rey Misterio, vs. Cruiserweight Champion, Gregory Helms…Ken Kennedy vs. Nick Berk…The Great Khali vs. Super Crazy and Psichosis in a Handicap match…Fit Finlay and William Regal vs. Matt Hardy and Gunner Scott…Big Vito vs. Scott Wright (ECWA’s Scotty Charisma)…United States Champion, Bobby Lashley, vs. King Booker T.
June 23, 2006: World Tag Team Champions, Paul London and Brian Kendrick, vs. Psichosis and Super Crazy…Tatanka and Simon Dean …Fit Finlay vs. Gunner Scott…King Booker T. vs. United States Champion, Bobby Lashley, …Ken Kennedy vs. Sho Funaki…World Champion, Rey Misterio, vs. Mark Henry .
June 30, 2006: Super Crazy vs. Cruiserweight Champion, Gregory Helms, …Kid Kash and Jamie Noble vs. Marty Garner and Prince Malik…Fit Finlay vs. Matt Hardy…Ken Kennedy vs. Gunner Scott…Big Vito vs. Simon Dean…United States Champion, Bobby Lashley, vs. King Booker T. in a Steel Cage match.
July 7, 2006: King Booker T. in a Battle Royal. Other participants were: Super Crazy, Psichosis, William Regal, Fit Finlay, Matt Hardy, Ken Kennedy, Scotty Too Hotty, ?…Ken Kennedy vs. Super Crazy…The Great Kahli vs. Tatanka…Big Vito vs. Psicosis…Jamie Noble and Kid Kash vs. Sho Funaki and Scotty Too Hotty…United States Champion, Bobby Lashley, vs. Cruiserweight Champion, Gregory Helms in a “Champion vs. Champion” match.
July 14, 2006: Matt Hardy vs. Ken Kennedy…Jamie Noble vs. Paul London…Fit Finlay vs. Bobby Lashley for the United States Title…World Champion, Rey Misterio, vs. William Regal.
July 21, 2006: Bobby Lashley vs. United States Champion, Fit Finlay, …Kid Kash vs. Brian Kendrick…Psicosis vs. Super Crazy…World Champion, Rey Mysterio, vs. King Booker T.
July 28, 2006: Ken Kennedy vs. Batista …Big Vito vs. Simon Dean…Slyvan Grenier vs. Tatanka…Michelle McCool vs. Jillian Hall…United States Champion, Fit Finlay, vs. William Regal…Slyvester Turkey vs. Matt Hardy…World Champion, Booker T., vs. Rey Misterio.
August 4, 2006: William Regal vs. United States Champion, Fit Finlay, …Elijah Burke vs. Scott Wright…Kristal Marshall vs. Ashley Massaro…Tatanka vs. Sylvan Grenier…Batista vs. Ken Kennedy…Big Vito vs. Brooklyn Brawler…K.C. James and Idol Stevens vs. Sho Funaki and Scotty Too Hotty…The Undertaker vs. World Champion, King Booker T., .
August 11, 2006: Cruiserweight Champion, Gregory Helms, vs. Tatanka…Aaron Idol and KC James vs. World Tag Team Champions, Paul London and Brian Kendrick, in a non-title match…Ken Kennedy vs. Rey Misterio Jr….Big Vito vs. Sylvan Grenier…Sylvan Terkay vs. Dustin Starr…Batista and Bobby Lashley vs. Fit Finlay and William Regal.
August 18, 2006: Batista vs. Sylvan Grenier…Sylvester Terkay vs. Scotty Too Hotty…Ken Kennedy vs. Tatanka…The Undertaker vs. The Great Khali in a Last Man Standing Match…Big Vito vs. Scott Fowler…Bobby Lashley vs. United States Champion, Fit Finlay, .
August 25, 2006: Ken Kennedy vs. Matt Hardy…Sylvester Terkay vs. Tatanka…World Tag Team Champions, Paul London and Brian Kendrick, against KC James and Idol Stevens…Kristal Marshall vs. Jillian Hall…Big Vito vs. Sylvan Grenier…Batista and Bobby Lashley vs. King Booker T., Dave Finlay, and William Regal.
September 1, 2006: Matt Hardy vs. Cruiserweight Champion, Gregory Helms, in a non-title match…Mike Mizanin vs. Tatanka…Ken Kennedy vs. Fit Finlay and Bobby Lashley in a Three-Way match for the United States title…Big Vito vs. William Regal …World Tag Team Champions, Paul London and Brian Kenderick, vs. Jamie Noble and Kid Kash.
September 8, 2006: Fit Finlay vs. Rey Misterio…United States Champion, Ken Kennedy, vs. Lawrence Tyler…Brian Kenderick, Paul London, and Ashley Massaro vs. Michelle McCool, KC James, and Aaron Stevens…Bobby Lashley vs. William Regal…Mike Mizanin vs. Matt Hardy…World Champion, King Booker T., vs. Batista.
September 15, 2006: Cruiserweight Champion, Gregory Helms, vs. Matt Hardy…Mike Mizanin vs. Scotty Too Hotty…United States Champion, Ken Kennedy, vs. Rey Misterio…Big Vito vs. William Regal…Sylvester Terkay vs. Handsome Johnny…Bobby Lashley vs. Fit Finlay .
September 22, 2006: Batista and Bobby Lashley vs. William Regal and Fit Finlay…Matt Hardy vs. Cruiserweight Champion, Gregory Helms, in a non-title match…Mike Mizanin vs. Sho Funaki…Rey Mysterio and Chavo Guerrero …World Tag Team Champions, Paul London and Brian Kenderick, vs. Kid Kash and Jamie Noble, and KC James and Aaron Stevens in a Three-Way Match…Sylvan Grenier vs. Tatanka…The Undertaker vs. World Champion, King Booker T., .
September 29, 2006: Rey Mysterio vs. Elijah Burke…Aaron Stevens and K.C. James vs. Kid Kash and Jamie Noble…Mike Mizanin vs. Tatanka…Chavo Guerrero vs. Matt Hardy…Sylvan Grenier vs. Jimmy Wang Yang…John Cena, Batista, and Bobby Lashley vs. William Regal, Fit Finlay, and King Booker T.
October 6, 2006: Rey Misterio and Matt Hardy vs. Chavo Guerrero and Gregory Helms…Elijah Burke vs. Tatanka…Fit Finlay vs. World Champion, King Booker T., in a non-title match… Batista and Bobby Lashley …Sylvan Grenier vs. Jimmy Wayne Yang…Michelle McCool vs. Ashley Massaro…Batista and Bobby Lashley Fit Finlay and King Booker T.
October 13, 2006: Chris Benoit vs. Ken Kennedy for the United States Title…Big Vito vs. William Regal…Kane and Montel Vortimus Porter …Rey Misterio vs. Jamie Noble…Paul London, Brian Kendrick and Jimmy Wang Yang vs. KC James, Aaron Stevens and Sylvan Grenier…Batista vs. Bobby Lashley and Fit Finlay in a Three-Way Number One Contender’s match.
October 20, 2006: Kane vs. Montell Vortimus Porter …Elijah Burke vs. Big Vito…William Regal and Dave Taylor vs. Scotty Too Hotty and Sho Funaki…Chavo Guerrero vs. Rey Misterio in an “I Quit Loser Leaves Smackdown” match…The Undertaker vs. Cruiserweight Champion, Gregory Helms, in a non-title match…Batista vs. World Champion, King Booker T., .
October 27, 2006: William Regal and Dave Taylor vs. Bobby Lashley and Tatanka…Cruiserweight Champion, Gregory Helms, vs. Matt Hardy…Ken Kennedy vs. Kane in a No Disqualification match…Kristal Marshall vs. Jillian Hall, Michelle McCool, Ashley Massaro, and Layla in a Trick or Treat Diva’s Battle Royal. Mike Mizanin was the special guest referee…John Cena and Batista vs. King Booker T. and The Big Show.
November 3, 2006: World Tag Team Champions, Brian Kendrick and Paul London, vs. Aaron Idol Stevens and K.C. James…Kane and The Undertaker vs. Ken Kennedy and Montell Vortimus Porter …Kane and The Undertaker vs. Ken Kennedy and Montell Vortimus Porter …Kane and The Undertaker vs. Ken Kennedy and Montell Vortimus Porter in a No Disqualification match…Mike Mizanin and Kristal vs. Big Vito and Layla…Cruiserweight Champion, Gregory Helms, vs. Jimmy Wang Yang…Bobby Lashley vs. Jamie Noble…Batista vs. Fit Finlay in a No Disqualification match.
November 10, 2006: World Champion, King Booker T., vs. Bobby Lashley…Matt Hardy and Jimmy Wang Yang vs. Gregory Helms and Sylvan Grenier…United States Champion, Chris Benoit, vs. K.C. James…The Boogeyman vs. PJ Dalton…Batista vs. Fit Finlay.
November 17, 2006: The Boogeyman against Mike Mizanin Krystal Marshall in a Handicap match…United States Champion, Chris Benoit, vs. Tatanka…William Regal vs. Paul London…Montel Vortimus Porter vs. Kane in a Street Fight match…Matt Hardy vs. Cruiserweight Champion, Gregory Helms, in a non-title match…Batista and Bobby Lashley vs. King Booker T. and Fit Finlay.
November 24, 2006: Montel Vortimus Porter vs. Kane in a Steel Cage match…Cruiserweight Champion, Gregory Helms, vs. Jimmy Wang Yang…William Regal vs. Brian Kenderick…Fit Finlay vs. United States Champion, Chris Benoit, in a non-title match…The Boogeyman vs. Mike Mizanin .
December 1, 2006: Johnny Nitro and Joey Mercury vs. World Tag Team Champions, Paul London and Brian Kenderick, in a non-title match…World Champion, Batista, vs. Fit Finlay and King Booker T. in a Triple Threat Match…Krystal Marshall vs. Layla…Chavo Guerrero vs. United States Champion, Chris Benoit, in a non-title match…The Undertaker vs. Ken Kennedy .
December 8, 2006: William Regal and David Taylor vs. World Tag Team Champions, Paul London and Brian Kendrick, in a non-title match…World Champion, Batista, vs. Fit Finlay …Jimmy Wang Yang vs. Jamie Noble in a Number One Contender Cruiserweight match…United States Champion, Chris Benoit, vs. Sylvan Grenier…Mike Mizanin vs. Scotty Too Hotty…Ken Kennedy and Kane .
December 15, 2006: Paul London, Brian Kendrick, and Jimmy Wang Yang vs. William Regal, David Taylor, and Gregory Helms…Matt Hardy vs. Joey Mercury…The Undertaker and Kane fought to a Double Count Out against Ken Kennedy and Montel Vortimus Porter…Chavo Guerrero vs. Sho Funaki…Big Vito vs. Sylvan Grenier…RAW World Champion, John Cena, vs. Fit Finlay.
December 22, 2006: World Champion, Batista, vs. Sylvan Grenier…Johnny Nitro vs. Matt Hardy…The Undertaker and Kane vs. King Booker T. and Fit Finlay…Ashley Massaro and Layla vs. Jillian Hall and Kristal Marshall…The Boogeyman vs. Cruiserweight Champion, Gregory Helms…Jimmy Wang Yang vs. Jamie Noble…United States Champion, Chris Benoit, vs. Chavo Guerrero
WWE – 2006/01/06 – SMACKDOWN # 334
Falls Count Anywhere Match: JBL vs. Matt Hardy
Mark Henry vs. Rob Eckos & John Troske & Gus Harlacher
WWE Cruiserweight Title: Kid Kash vs. Juventud Guerrera
US Title – Best Of 7 Series – Match 6: Chris Benoit vs. Randy Orton
The Gymini vs. Paul London & Brian Kendrick
WWE Tag Team Titles – Cage Match: MNM vs. Batista & Rey Misterio jr.
WWE – 2006/01/13 – SMACKDOWN # 335
US Title – Best Of 7 Series – Match 7: Chris Benoit vs. Randy Orton
20 Man Battle Royal for the World Heavyweight Title
WWE – 2006/01/20 – SMACKDOWN # 336
Bobby Lashley vs. JBL
Matt Hardy vs. Dave Finlay
Mark Henry vs. Rey Misterio jr.
The Gymini vs. Brian Kendrick & Paul London
Randy Orton vs. Orlando Jordan
Kurt Angle vs. Khasrow Daivari
WWE – 2006/01/27 – SMACKDOWN # 337
Mark Henry vs. Rey Misterio jr.
Super Crazy vs. Nunzio
No Holds Barred – Falls Count Anywhere: Chris Benoit vs. Randy Orton
Funaki vs. Finlay
JBL vs. Scotty Too Hotty
Handicap Match: Kurt Angle vs. MNM
WWE – 2006/02/03 – SMACKDOWN # 338
MNM vs. Psicosis & Super Crazy
Bobby Lashley vs. Chad Dick
Tzuki vs. Octagoncito
Chris Benoit vs. Fit Finlay
Randy Orton & Mark Henry vs. Rey Misterio jr. & Kurt Angle
WWE – 2006/02/10 – SMACKDOWN # 339
US Title – No. 1 Contender Match: Chris Benoit vs. Mat Hardy vs. JBL vs. Orlando Jordan
MNM vs. Brian Kendrick & Paul London
WWE Cruiserweight Title: Gregory Helms vs. Nunzio
Pequeno Violencia & Octagoncito vs. Mascarita Sagrada & Tzuki
Undertaker vs. Mark Henry
WWE – 2006/02/17 – SMACKDOWN # 340
Rey Misterio jr. vs. Sylvan Grenier
Gregory Helms vs. Scotty Too Hotty
JBL & Fit Finlay vs. Chris Benoit & Bobby Lashley
Matt Hardy vs. Simon Dean
Handicap Match: Kurt Angle & The Undertaker vs. MNM & Mark Henry
WWE – 2006/02/24 – SMACKDOWN # 341
MNM vs. Matt Hardy & Tatanka
Handicap Match: Boogeyman vs. The Dicks
Gregory Helms vs. Psicosis
Chris Benoit & Bobby Lashley & Rey Misterio jr. vs.
JBL & Randy Orton & Fit Finlay
WWE – 2006/03/03 – SMACKDOWN # 342
Tatanka vs. Booker T
Randy Orton vs. Super Crazy
MNM vs. Matt Hardy & Road Warrior Animal
Fit Finlay vs. Bobby Lashley
World Heavyweight Title: The Undertaker vs. Kurt Angle
WWE – 2006/03/10 – SMACKDOWN # 343
Paul Burchill vs. William Regal
Kristal Marshall vs. Jillian Hall
Chris Benoit vs. Gregory Helms
Kurt Angle & Rey Misterio jr. vs. Mark Henry & Randy Orton
WWE – 2006/03/17 – SMACKDOWN # 344
“Money In The Bank” Qualifier: Fit Finlay vs. Bobby Lashley
Paul Burchill & Kristal Marshall vs. William Regal & Jillian Hall
Booker T vs. Jeremy Young
“Money In The Bank” Qualifier: Matt Hardy vs. Animal
Chris Benoit vs. Orlando Jordan
Randy Orton & Rey Misterio jr. & Kurt Angle vs. MNM & Mark Henry
WWE – 2006/03/24 – SMACKDOWN # 345
“Money In The Bank” Qualifying Battle Royal
Fit Finlay vs. Rey Misterio jr.
Chris Benoit vs. William Regal
Mark Henry vs. Kurt Angle
WWE – 2006/03/31 – SMACKDOWN # 346
Chris Benoit vs. Road Warrior Animal
JBL vs. David Cross
Paul Burchill vs. Booker T
Bobby Lashley & Matt Hardy & Tatanka vs. MNM & Fit Finlay
Super Crazy & Psicosis vs. Jamie Noble & Kid Kash
Kurt Angle vs. Rey Misterio jr.
WWE – 2006/04/07 – SMACKDOWN # 347
Brian Kendrick & Paul London vs. MNM
Chris Benoit vs. Simon Dean
Paul Burchill vs. William Regal
Rey Misterio jr. vs. Randy Orton
The Undertaker vs. Mark Henry
WWE – 2006/04/14 – SMACKDOWN # 348
Brian Kendrick vs. Johnny Nitro
Paul Burchill vs. Rashard Brown
Matt Hardy vs. Road Warrior Animal
Steel Cage Match: JBL vs. Chris Benoit
The Gymini vs. Super Crazy & Psicosis
“King Of The Ring” – Round 1: Kurt Angle vs. Randy Orton
WWE – 2006/04/21 – SMACKDOWN # 349
“King Of The Ring” – Round 1: Booker T vs. Matt Hardy
Paul London vs. Mercury
Bobby Lashley & Chris Benoit vs. Orlando Jordan & Fit Finlay
The Great Khali vs. Funaki
The Gymini vs. William Regal & Paul Burchill
WWE – 2006/04/28 – SMACKDOWN # 350
US Title: JBL vs. William Regal
Paul London & Brian Kendrick & Super Crazy vs. MNM & Gregory Helms
“King Of The Ring” – Round 1: Lashley vs. Mark Henry
Finlay vs. Gunner Scott
World Heavyweight Title: Rey Misterio jr. vs. Kurt Angle
WWE – 2006/05/05 – SMACKDOWN # 351
Booker T vs. Gunner Scott
MNM vs. Paul London & Brian Kendrick
“King Of The Ring” – Round 1: Chris Benoit vs. Fit Finlay
The Gymini vs. Scotty 2 Hotty & Funaki
Cruiserweight Title – No. 1 Contender Match:
Nunzio vs. Kid Kash vs. Super Crazy
Rey Misterio jr. vs. Mark Henry
WWE – 2006/05/12 – SMACKDOWN # 352
Cruiserweight Title – No. 1 Contender Match:
Nunzio vs. Kid Kash vs. Super Crazy
The Gymini vs. 2 Jobbers
“King Of The Ring” – Semi-Final: Fit Finlay vs. Bobby Lashley
Mark Henry vs. Paul Burchill
Rey Misterio jr. vs. The Great Khali
WWE – 2006/05/19 – SMACKDOWN # 353
MNM & Melina vs. Paul London & Brian Kendrick & Jillian Hall
Bobby Lashley vs. Jared Steele
Booker T & Fit Finlay vs. Chris Benoit & Gunner Scott
Mark Henry vs. Matt Hardy
Rey Misterio jr. vs. Kane
WWE – 2006/05/26 – SMACKDOWN # 354
US Title: Bobby Lashley vs. JBL
Tatanka vs. Simon Dean
Chris Benoit vs. Mark Henry
Brian Kendrick & Paul London vs. Nunzio & Vito
Fit Finlay vs. Paul Burchill
World Heavyweight Title: Rey Misterio jr. vs. JBL
WWE – 2006/06/02 – SMACKDOWN # 355
Rey Misterio jr. vs. Kurt Angle
Matt Hardy vs. Nunzio
Jillian Hall vs. Kristal
Mark Henry vs. Paul Burchill
Fit Finlay vs. Caden Matthews
Lashley vs. Booker T
WWE – 2006/06/09 – SMACKDOWN # 356
Super Crazy vs. Brian Kendrick
Bobby Lashley vs. William Regal
Ken Kennedy vs. Scotty 2 Hotty
Rey Misterio jr. vs. Fit Finlay
WWE – 2006/06/16 – SMACKDOWN # 357
Rey Misterio jr. vs. Gregory Helms
Ken Kennedy vs. Nick Berk
Handicap Match: Great Khali vs. The Mexicools
Fit Finlay & William Regal vs. Gunner Scott & Matt Hardy
Big Vito vs. Scott Wright
Bobby Lashley vs. King Booker
WWE – 2006/06/23 – SMACKDOWN # 358
WWE Tag Titles: Brian Kendrick & Paul London vs. The Mexicools
Tatanka vs. Simon Dean
Fit Finlay vs. Gunner Scott
King Booker vs. Bobby Lashley
Ken Kennedy vs. Funaki
World Heavyweight Title: Rey Misterio jr. vs. Mark Henry
WWE – 2006/06/30 – SMACKDOWN # 359
WCW Cruiserweight Title: Gregory Helms vs. Super Crazy
The Pitbulls (Jamie Noble & Kid Kash) vs. Jobbers
Matt Hardy vs. Fit Finlay
Mr. Kennedy vs. Gunner Scott
Vito vs. Simon Dean
US Title – Cage Match: King Booker vs. Bobby Lashley
WWE – 2006/07/07 – SMACKDOWN # 360
Battle Royal
Ken Kennedy vs. Super Crazy
The Great Khali vs. Tatanka
Big Vito vs. Psicosis
Jamie Noble & Kid Kash vs. Sho Funaki & Scotty Too Hotty
Bobby Lashley vs. Gregory Helms
WWE – 2006/07/14 – SMACKDOWN # 361
Matt Hardy vs. Ken Kennedy
Jamie Noble vs. Paul London
US Title: Fit Finlay vs. Bobby Lashley
Rey Misterio jr. vs. William Regal
WWE – 2006/07/21 – SMACKDOWN # 362
Bobby Lashley vs. Fit Finlay
Kid Kash vs. Brian Kendrick
Psicosis vs. Super Crazy
Rey Mysterio jr. vs. King Booker T
WWE – 2006/07/28 – SMACKDOWN # 363
Ken Kennedy vs. Batista
Big Vito vs. Simon Dean
Syllvan Grenier vs. Tatanka
Michelle McCool vs. Jillian Hall
Fit Finlay vs. William Regal
Sylvester Turkey vs. Matt Hardy
Booker T. vs. Rey Misterio
WWE – 2006/08/04 – SMACKDOWN # 364
William Regal vs. Fit Finlay
Elijah Burke vs. Scott Wright
Kristal Marshall vs. Ashley Massaro
Tatanka vs. Sylvan Grenier
Batista vs. Ken Kennedy
Big Vito vs. Brooklyn Brawler
K.C. James & Idol Stevens vs. Sho Funaki & Scotty Too Hotty
The Undertaker vs. King Booker
WWE – 2006/08/11 – SMACKDOWN # 365
Gregory Helms vs. Tatanka
Aaron Stevens & KC James vs. Paul London & Brian Kendrick
Ken Kennedy vs. Rey Misterio Jr
Big Vito beat Sylvan Grenier
Sylvester Terkay vs. Dustin Starr
Batista & Bobby Lashley vs. Fit Finlay & William Regal.
WWE – 2006/08/18 – SMACKDOWN # 366
Batista vs. Sylvan Grenier
Sylvester Terkay vs. Scotty Too Hotty
Ken Kennedy vs. Tatanka
Last Man Standing: The Undertaker vs. The Great Khali
Big Vito vs. Scott Fowler
Bobby Lashley vs. Fit Finlay
WWE – 2006/08/25 – SMACKDOWN # 367
Ken Kennedy vs. Matt Hardy
Sylvester Terkay vs. Tatanka
Paul London & Brian Kendrick vs. KC James & Idol Stevens
Kristal Marshall vs. Jillian Hall
Big Vito vs. Sylvan Grenier
Batista & Bobby Lashley vs. King Booker & Fit Finlay & William Regal
WWE – 2006/09/01 – SMACKDOWN # 368
Matt Hardy vs. Gregory Helms
Mike Mizanin vs. Tatanka
US Title: Ken Kennedy vs. Fit Finlay vs. Bobby Lashley
Big Vito vs. William Regal
Paul London & Brian Kenderick vs. Jamie Noble & Kid Kash
WWE – 2006/09/08 – SMACKDOWN # 369
Fit Finlay vs. Rey Misterio
Ken Kennedy vs. Lawrence Tyler
Brian Kenderick & Paul London, & Ashley Massaro vs.
Michelle McCool & KC James & Aaron Stevens
Bobby Lashley vs. William Regal
Mike Mizanin vs. Matt Hardy
King Booker vs. Batista
WWE – 2006/09/15 – SMACKDOWN # 370
Gregory Helms vs. Matt Hardy
Mike Mizanin vs. Scotty Too Hotty
Ken Kennedy vs. Rey Misterio
Big Vito vs. William Regal
Sylvester Terkay vs. Handsome Johnny
Bobby Lashley vs. Fit Finlay
WWE – 2006/09/22 – SMACKDOWN # 371
Batista & Bobby Lashley vs. William Regal & Fit Finlay
Matt Hardy vs. Gregory Helms
Mike Mizanin vs. Sho Funaki
Rey Mysterio vs. Chavo Guerrero
Paul London & Brian Kenderick vs. Kid Kash & Jamie Noble vs. KC James & Aaron Stevens
Sylvan Grenier vs. Tatanka
The Undertaker vs. King Booker
WWE – 2006/09/29 – SMACKDOWN # 372
Rey Mysterio vs. Elijah Burke
Aaron Stevens & K.C. James vs. Kid Kash & Jamie Noble
Mike Mizanin vs. Tatanka
Chavo Guerrero vs. Matt Hardy
Sylvan Grenier vs. Jimmy Wang Yang
John Cena & Batista & Lashley vs. William Regal & Finlay & King Booker
WWE – 2006/10/06 – SMACKDOWN # 373
Rey Misterio & Matt Hardy vs. Chavo Guerrero & Gregory Helms
Elijah Burke vs. Tatanka
Fit Finlay vs. King Booker
Batista vs. Bobby Lashley
Sylvan Grenier vs. Jimmy Wang Yang
Michelle McCool vs. Ashley Massaro
Batista & Bobby Lashley vs. Fit Finlay & King Booker
WWE – 2006/10/13 – SMACKDOWN # 374
US Title: Chris Benoit vs. Ken Kennedy
Big Vito vs. William Regal
Kane vs. MVP
Rey Misterio vs. Jamie Noble
Paul London & Brian Kendrick & Jimmy Wang Yang vs.
KC James & Aaron Stevens & Sylvan Grenier
Batista vs. Bobby Lashley vs. Fit Finlay
WWE – 2006/10/20 – SMACKDOWN # 375
01. Kane vs. MVP
02. Elijah Burke vs. Vito
03. Dave Taylor & William Regal vs. Funaki & Scotty 2 Hotty
04. Loser Leaves Smackdown – I Quit Match: Chavo Guerrero vs. Rey Misterio jr.
05. The Undertaker vs. Gregory Helms
06. World Heavyweight Title: King Booker vs. Batista
WWE – 2006/10/27 – SMACKDOWN # 376
William Regal & Dave Taylor vs. Bobby Lashley & Tatanka
Gregory Helms vs. Matt Hardy
No DQ Match: Ken Kennedy vs. Kane
Trick Or Treat Diva’s Battle Royal
John Cena & Batista vs. King Booker & The Big Show
WWE – 2006/11/03 – SMACKDOWN # 377
Brian Kendrick & Paul London,vs. Aaron Idol Stevens & K.C. James
Kane & The Undertaker vs. Ken Kennedy & MVP
Mike Mizanin & Kristal vs. Big Vito & Layla
Gregory Helms vs. Jimmy Wang Yang
Bobby Lashley vs. Jamie Noble
No DQ Match: Batista vs. Fit Finlay
WWE – 2006/11/10 – SMACKDOWN # 378
King Booker vs. Bobby Lashley
Matt Hardy & Jimmy Wang Yang vs. Gregory Helms & Sylvan Grenier
Chris Benoit vs. K.C. James
The Boogeyman vs. PJ Dalton
Batista vs. Fit Finlay
WWE – 2006/11/17 – SMACKDOWN # 379
The Boogeyman vs. Mike Mizanin & Krystal Marshall
Chris Benoit vs. Tatanka
William Regal vs. Paul London
Street Fight: MVP vs. Kane
Matt Hardy vs. Gregory Helms
Batista & Bobby Lashley vs. King Booker & Fit Finlay
WWE – 2006/11/24 – SMACKDOWN # 380
Steel Cage Match: MVP vs. Kane
Gregory Helms vs. Jimmy Wang Yang
William Regal vs. Brian Kenderick
Fit Finlay vs. Chris Benoit
The Boogeyman vs. Mike Mizanin
WWE – 2006/12/01 – SMACKDOWN # 381
MNM vs. Paul London & Brian Kenderick
Batista vs. Fit Finlay vs. King Booker
Krystal Marshall vs. Layla
Chavo Guerrero vs. Chris Benoit
The Undertaker vs. Ken Kennedy
WWE – 2006/12/08 – SMACKDOWN # 382
William Regal & David Taylor vs. Paul London & Brian Kendrick
Batista vs. Fit Finlay
Jimmy Wang Yang vs. Jamie Noble
Chris Benoit vs. Sylvan Grenier
Mike Mizanin vs. Scotty Too Hotty
Ken Kennedy vs. Kane
WWE – 2006/12/15 – SMACKDOWN # 383
Paul London & Brian Kendrick & Jimmy Wang Yang vs.
William Regal & David Taylor & Gregory Helms
Matt Hardy vs. Joey Mercury
The Undertaker & Kane vs. Ken Kennedy & MVP
Chavo Guerrero vs. Sho Funaki
Big Vito vs. Sylvan Grenier
John Cena vs. Fit Finlay
WWE – 2006/12/22 – SMACKDOWN # 384
Batista vs. Sylvan Grenier
Johnny Nitro vs. Matt Hardy
The Undertaker & Kane vs. King Booker & Fit Finlay
Ashley Massaro & Layla vs. Jillian Hall & Kristal Marshall
The Boogeyman vs. Gregory Helms
Jimmy Wang Yang vs. Jamie Noble
Chris Benoit vs. Chavo Guerrero
WWE – 2006/12/29 – SMACKDOWN
Best Of 2006