WWE – 1998/08/09 – SUNDAY NIGHT HEAT
01. Vader vs. Mark Henry
02. Southern Justice (Dennis Knight & Mark Canterbury) vs. The Headbangers
03. X-Pac vs. TAKA Michinoku
04. Bradshaw vs. Dustin Runnels
05. Droz vs. Jeff Jarrett
06. Mankind vs. The Undertaker
WWE – 1998/08/16 – SUNDAY NIGHT HEAT
01. WWE Tag Team Titles: Kane & Mankind vs. LOD 2000
02. Edge vs. Brian Christopher
03. Bart Gunn vs. Vader
04. Gangrel vs. Scott Taylor
05. Triple H & X-Pac vs. Southern Justice
WWE – 1998/08/23 – SUNDAY NIGHT HEAT
01. European Title: D-Lo Brown vs. Road Warrior Animal
02. Dan Severn & Owen Hart vs. The Headbangers
03. WWE World Light Heavyweight Title: TAKA Michinoku vs. Too Cold Scorpio
04. Jeff Jarrett vs. Droz
WWE – 1998/08/30 – SUNDAY NIGHT HEAT
01. Too Much (Brian Christopher & Scott Taylor) vs. LOD 2000
02. Gangrel vs. Dustin Runnels
03. Desciples Of Apocalypse (Skull & 8-Ball) vs. Bradshaw & Vader
WWE – 1998/09/06 – SUNDAY NIGHT HEAT
01. Gangrel vs. Dick Togo
02. Bradshaw vs. Ken Shamrock
03. Road Dogg vs. Dennis Knight
04. The Undertaker & Kane vs. LOD 2000
05. Edge vs. TAKA Michinoku
06. European Title: D-Lo Brown vs. Val Venis
WWE – 1998/09/13 – SUNDAY NIGHT HEAT
01. Ken Shamrock vs. Vader
02. Val Venis vs. Marc Mero
03. Gangrel vs. TAKA Michinoku
04. European Title: D-Lo Brown vs. Kane
05. Lumberjack Match. Jeff Jarrett vs. X-Pac
WWE – 1998/09/20 – SUNDAY NIGHT HEAT
01. Jacqueline vs. Luna Vachon
02. D-Lo Brown & Jeff Jarrett & Owen Hart vs. DX (Triple H & X-Pac & Billy Gunn)
03. Mankind vs. Dustin Runnels
04. Edge vs. TAKA Michinoku
05. The Undertaker & Kane vs. D.O.A. (Skull & 8-Ball)
WWE – 1998/09/27 – SUNDAY NIGHT HEAT
01. Golga vs. Mosh
02. Hardy Boys vs. MEN’S Teioh & Sho Funaki
03. 8-Ball vs. Skull vs. Billy Gunn
WWE – 1998/10/04 – SUNDAY NIGHT HEAT
01. European Title: X-Pac vs. Owen Hart
02. Sho Funaki vs. Matt Hardy
03. The Oddities (Golga & Kurrgan) vs. The Headbangers
04. D.O.A. vs. Mankind & Ken Shamrock
05. Jeff Jarrett vs. The Rock
WWE – 1998/10/11 – SUNDAY NIGHT HEAT
01. Women’s Title: Jacqueline vs. Starla Sexton
02. TAKA Michinoku & MEN’S Teioh & Sho Funaki & Dick Togo vs. Brian Christopher & Scott Taylor & Jeff Hardy & Matt Hardy
03. Edge vs. Vader
04. Al Snow vs. Ken Shamrocj
05. Jeff Jarrett vs. Road Dogg
06. Steve Austin vs. D-Lo Brown
WWE – 1998/10/18 – SUNDAY NIGHT HEAT
01. Steve Blackman vs. Bradshaw
02. Giant Silva & Golga & Kurrgan vs. Jose Estrada jr. & Miguel Perez jr. & Jesus Castillo jr.
03. The Godfather vs. Faarooq
04. Too Cold Scorpio vs. Jeff Jarrett
WWE – 1998/10/25 – SUNDAY NIGHT HEAT
01. World Light Heavyweight Title: Christian vs. Brian Christopher
02. Jeff Jarrett vs. Golga
03. The Headbangers vs. D.O.A.
04. Ken Shamrock & D-Lo Brown vs. X-Pac & Mankind
WWE – 1998/12/06 – SUNDAY NIGHT HEAT
01. World Light Heavyweight Title: Duane Gill vs. TAKA Michinoku
02. LOD 2000 vs. Too Much
03. Ken Shamrock & Big Bossman & The Rock vs. The Brood (Gangrel & Edge & Christian)
04. Jeff Jarrett vs. Mark Henry
05. Babu & Tiger Ali Singh vs. Kurrgan & Luna Vachon
06. Mankind vs. The Undertaker
WWE – 1998/12/13 – SUNDAY NIGHT HEAT
01. World Light Heavyweight Title: Duane Gill vs. Matt Hardy
02. Brian Christopher vs. Kevin Quinn
03. Triple H vs. Droz
04. New Age Outlaws vs. Bradshaw & Faarooq
WWE – 1998/12/20 – SUNDAY NIGHT HEAT
01. European Title: X-Pac vs. Tiger Ali Singh
02. Brian Christopher & Kevin Quinn vs. Harby Boys
03. Al Snow vs. Droz
04. The Headbangers vs. Golga & Kurrgan
05. New Age Outlaws vs. D.O.A.
06. WWE Title – Four Way Match: The Rock vs. Big Bossman vs. Ken Shamrock vs. Mankind
WWE – 1998/12/27 – SUNDAY NIGHT HEAT
01. Mosh vs. Golga
02. Jeff Jarrett & Owen Hart vs. The Godfather & Val Venis
03. WWE Tag Team Titles: Ken Shamrock & Big Bossman vs. Hardy Boyz
04. Kane vs. X-Pac
August 2, 1998: Edge vs. Jeff Jarrett…Darren Drozdov and The Headbangers vs. Kaientai…European Champion, D’Lo Brown, vs. Ken Shamrock …The Rock and Owen Hart vs. Kane and Mankind by Count Out.
August 9, 1998: Vader vs. Mark Henry …The Headbangers and Southern Justice …X-Pac vs. Light-Heavyweight Champion, Taka Michinuko, in a non-title match…Bradshaw vs. Dustin Runnells…Darren Drozdov vs. Jeff Jarrett…The Undertaker and Mankind .
August 16, 1998: World Tag Team Champions, Kane and Mankind, vs. The Legion of Doom…Edge vs. Biran Christopher…Vader and Bart Gunn …Gangrel vs. Scott Taylor…X-Pac and Triple H vs. Southern Justice .
August 23, 1998: European Champion, D’Lo Brown, and LOD Animal …Owen Hart and Dan Severn vs. The Headbangers…Light-Heavyweight Champion, Taka Michinuko, vs. Scorpio…Jeff Jarrett vs. Darren Drozdov .
August 30, 1998: Scott Taylor and Brian Christopher vs. Legion of Doom…Gangrel vs. Dustin Runnells…Disciples of Apocalypse vs. Vader and Bradshaw.
September 6, 1998: Gangrel vs. Dick Togo…Bradshaw vs. Ken Shamrock …Road Dogg vs. Dennis Knight …Kane and The Undertaker vs. The Legion of Doom…Edge vs. Light-Heavyweight Champion, Taka Michinuko, in a non-title match…European Champion, D’Lo Brown, vs. Val Venis.
September 13, 1998: Ken Shamrock vs. Vader…Val Venis vs. Marc Mero …Gangrel vs. Light-Heavyweight Champion, Taka Michinuko, in a non-title match…Kane vs. European Champion, D’Lo Brown, …Jeff Jarrett vs. X-Pac in a Lumberjack match.
September 20, 1998: Mankind vs. Dustin Runnells…Jacquline vs. Luna…D’Lo Brown, Owen Hart, and Jeff Jarrett vs. Triple H, X-Pac, and Billy Gunn…Edge vs. Light-Heavyweight Champion, Taka Michinuko, in a non-title match…Kane and The Undertaker vs. The Diciples of Apocalypse.
September 27, 1998: Golga vs. Headbanger Mosh…The Hardy Boyz vs. Mens Teioh and Shoichi Funaki… Eight Ball vs. Billy Gunn and Skull triple threat match.
October 4, 1998: European Champion, X-Pac, vs. Owen Hart…Funaki vs. Mat Hardy…The Oddities vs. The Headbangers…Disciples of Apocalypse vs. Ken Shamrock and Mankind…The Rock and Jeff Jarrett .
October 11, 1998: Women’s Champion, Jacquline, vs. Starla Saxton…Kaientai vs. The Hardy Boyz and Too Much in an eight-man tag team match…Edge vs. Vader…Al Snow vs. Ken Shamrock …Jeff Jarrett vs. Road Dogg …World Champion, Steve Austin, vs. European Champion, D’Lo Brown.
October 18, 1998: Steve Blackman vs. Bradshaw…The Oddities vs. Los Boriquas in a six-man tag team match…The Godfather vs. Faarooq…Scorpio vs. Jeff Jarrett.
October 25, 1998: Light-Heavyweight Champion, Christian, vs. Brian Christopher…Jeff Jarrett vs. Golga…The Headbangers vs. The Disciples of Apocalypse…Ken Shamrock and D’Lo Brown vs. X-Pac and Mankind.
November 1, 1998: The Hardy Boyz vs. Legion of Doom…Steve Regal vs. Bradshaw…Edge, Gangrel, and Christian vs. The Oddities…Steve Blackman vs. D’Lo Brown…Jeff Jarrett vs. Val Venis…The Godfather and The Undertaker .
November 8, 1998: Bob Holly and Scorpio vs. Too Much…X-Pac and Steven Regal …The Godfather vs. Marc Mero…Darren Drozdov vs. Jeff Jarrett .
November 15, 1998: Too Much vs. The Hardy Boyz…Bob Holly and Scorpio vs. LOD Animal and Darren Drozdov…Val Venis vs. Tiger Ali Singh…Gangrel vs. Steve Blackman.
November 22, 1998: Too Much vs. The Hardy Boyz …Gangrel vs. Al Snow …Big Boss Man vs. Marc Mero…Jeff Jarrett vs. Kurrgan…Intercontinental Champion, Ken Shamrock, vs. Val Venis, .
November 29, 1998: Christian vs. Light-Heavyweight Champion, Duane Gill, …D’Lo Brown vs. Steve Blackman by Count Out…The Godfather and Val Venis vs. The Headbangers…European Champion, X-Pac, vs. Mark Henry…Kane vs. Jeff Jarrett …The Big Boss Man and Ken Shamrock vs. Al Snow and Mankind.
December 6, 1998: Light-Heavyweight Champion, Duane Gill, vs. Taka Michinuko…Legion of Doom vs. Too Much…The Rock, Ken Shamrock, and The Big Bossman vs. Edge, Christian, and Gangrel …Jeff Jarrett vs. Mark Henry …Kurrgan and Luna with Babu and Tiger Ali Singh…Mankind vs. The Undertaker .
December 13, 1998: Light-Heavyweight Champion, Duane Gill, vs. Matt Hardy…Kevin Quinn vs. Brian Christopher…Triple H vs. Darren Drozdov…The New Age Outlaws, vs. The Acolytes .
December 20, 1998: European Champion, X-Pac, vs. Tiger Ali Singh…Kevin Quinn and Brian Christopher vs. The Hardy Boyz…Al Snow vs. Darren Drozdov…The Headbangers vs. The Oddities …The New Age Outlaws vs. The Disciples of Apocalypse…World Champion, The Rock, vs. The Big Boss Man, Ken Shamrock, and Mankind in a fatal four-way match.
December 27, 1998: Headbanger Mosh vs. Golga …Jeff Jarrett and Owen Hart vs. The Godfather and Val Venis…World Tag Team Champions, Ken Shamrock and Big Boss Man, vs. The Hardy Boyz…Kane vs. European Champion, X-Pac, in a non-title match.