2010/12/19: Westside Dojo Season Finale 2010
Centre Ville in Oberhausen, Nordrhein-Westfalen (Germany)
1. Jason Hendrix vs. Jay Skillet
2. Lustknabe Paul vs. Sasa Keel
3. Karsten Beck vs. Toby Blunt
4. 2-Face vs. Michael Isotov
5. Emil Sitoci vs. Kim Ray
6. Andrew Patterson and Lloyd Patterson vs. Tommy End and Anthony Zeus
2010/12/04: wXw 10th Anniversary Show
Turbinenhalle in Oberhausen, Nordrhein-Westfalen (Germany)
1. 16 Carat Gold Tournament, Qualifying: Eddie Edwards vs. Zack Sabre Jr.
2. 4-Way Match: 2-Face vs. Axeman vs. Karsten Beck vs. X-Dream
3. Emil Sitoci vs. Jimmy Jacobs
4. 14 Man Battle Royal: Assassin A vs. Assassin B vs. Bernd Föhr vs. Chris Ramírez vs. Darksoul vs. Farmer Joe vs. HATE vs. Jörg Guth vs.
Louis Van Eden vs. Mark Hammer vs. Mot Van Kunder vs. Schock vs. SigMasta Rappo vs. Violent Tom
5. 16 Carat Gold Tournament, Qualifying: Drake Younger vs. El Generico
6. Mark Haskins vs. Paul London
7. wXw World Tag Team Titles Match: Absolute Andy and Steve Douglas vs. Bad Bones and Carnage (c)
8. wXw Unified World Wrestling Title Match: Ares vs. Big Van Walter (c)
2010/11/27: wXw Westside Dojo Old School’s Cool
Veranstaltungshalle Welheim in Bottrop, Nordrhein-Westfalen (Germany)
1. Jason Hendrix vs. Kidd Lux
2. Chris Rush vs. Maxwell McGlaister
3. Andrew Patterson and Lloyd Patterson vs. Tom Tremonia and Tornado Tim
4. Jay Skillet vs. Michael Isotov
5. Aaron Insane vs. Toby Blunt
6. Kim Ray vs. Tommy End
7. 2-Face vs. Anthony Zeus
2010/11/07: CZW/18+ Tournament of Death vs. Gorefest
Nightstyle in Mülheim an der Ruhr, Nordrhein-Westfalen (Germany)
1. Tournament of Death vs. Gorefest, Quarter Final – Thumbtack Stuff Death Match: Danny Havoc vs. Jon Ryan
2. Tournament of Death vs. Gorefest, Quarter Final – Barbed Wire Boards & Cinder Blocks Death Match: DJ Hyde vs. Drake Younger
3. Tournament of Death vs. Gorefest, Quarter Final – Ultraviolent Tables Death Match: Jimmy Havoc vs. MASADA
4. Tournament of Death vs. Gorefest, Quarter Final – Polish Punishment Death Match – Ultraviolent Underground Title Match: Adam Polak (c)
vs. Nick Gage
5. CZW World Heavyweight Title Match: Devon Moore vs. Jon Moxley (c)
6. Tournament of Death vs. Gorefest, Semi Final – 2 out of 3 Log Cabins Death Match: Drake Younger vs. MASADA
7. Tournament of Death vs. Gorefest, Semi Final – Unlucky 13 Death Match – Ultraviolent Underground Title Match: Jon Ryan vs. Nick Gage
8. wXw Unified World Wrestling Title Match: 2-Face vs. Big Van Walter (c)
9. Sabian, Adam Cole, Drew Gulak and Karsten Beck vs. Bernd Föhr, Rich Swann, Greg Excellent and Zack Sabre Jr.
10. Carnage vs. Sami Callihan
11. Tournament of Death vs. Gorefest, Final – No Ropes Barbed Wire Match – Ultraviolent Underground Title Match: MASADA vs. Nick
Gage (c)
2010/11/05: wXw Fight Club 2010
AA-See Freizeitanlage in Bocholt, Nordrhein-Westfalen (Germany)
1. Adam Cole vs. Emil Sitoci
2. Jason Hendrix vs. Michael Isotov
3. Ultraviolent Underground Title Match: Adam Polak (c) vs. Danny Havoc
4. Drake Younger vs. Karsten Beck
5. 2-Face vs. Sami Callihan
6. Bernd Föhr vs. DJ Hyde
7. Jon Moxley vs. Rico Bushido
8. MASADA vs. Zack Sabre Jr.
9. Tommy End, Anthony Zeus and Volker Leson vs. Nick Gage, Bad Bones and Carnage
2010/10/03: Westside Dojo Bigotte Erholung für Steve Venom
Centre Ville in Oberhausen, Nordrhein-Westfalen (Germany)
1. Toby Blunt vs. Tom Tremonia
2. Michael Isotov vs. Paul Steele
3. Jay Skillet vs. Karsten Beck
4. Big Van Walter and Michael Isotov vs. Carnage and Robert Dreissker
5. Farmer Joe vs. Tim Suxdorf
6. Jason Hendrix vs. Kim Ray
7. 2-Face vs. MASADA
2010/10/02: wXw HATEs fuckin Birthday Party
Saint in Oberhausen, Nordrhein-Westfalen (Germany)
1. 2-Face vs. Robert Dreissker
2. Emil Sitoci vs. Mark Haskins
3. Paul Tracey vs. Rico Bushido
4. MASADA vs. Thumbtack Jack
5. Jason Hendrix vs. Karsten Beck
6. wXw World Tag Team Titles Match: 2-Face and Mark Haskins vs. Carnage and Bad Bones (c)
7. wXw Unified World Wrestling Title Match: Big Van Walter vs. Zack Sabre Jr. (c)
8. Unsanctioned Match: HATE vs. Ulf Herman
2010/09/12: Dragon Gate/wXw Open the German Gate 2010
Turbinenhalle in Oberhausen, Nordrhein-Westfalen (Germany)
1. Anthony Zeus vs. Johnny Moss
2. 4-Way Match: 2-Face vs. Axeman vs. Carnage vs. Thumbtack Jack
3. Dragon Kid vs. Tommy End
4. Emil Sitoci vs. Masato Yoshino
5. Bad Bones vs. Brodie Lee
6. BxB Hulk vs. PAC
7. CIMA vs. Mark Haskins
8. Big Van Walter and Susumu Yokosuka vs. SHINGO and Cyber Kong
9. wXw Unified World Wrestling Title Match: Masaaki Mochizuki vs. Zack Sabre Jr. (c)
10. Naruki Doi vs. YAMATO
2010/09/11: wXw Super Saturday
Turbinenhalle in Oberhausen, Nordrhein-Westfalen (Germany)
1. Karsten Beck vs. Zack Sabre Jr.
2. Andy Wild vs. Axeman
3. Bad Bones vs. Emil Sitoci
2010/09/11: wXw True Colors 2010
Turbinenhalle in Oberhausen, Nordrhein-Westfalen (Germany)
1. Emil Sitoci vs. Rico Bushido
2. Bernd Föhr vs. Kim Ray
3. Ahmed Chaer vs. Axeman
4. Andy Wild vs. Paul Tracey
5. Brodie Lee vs. Johnny Moss
6. 3 on 2 Handicap Match: Tommy End, Anthony Zeus and Big Van Walter vs. Zack Sabre Jr. and Thumbtack Jack
7. Falls Count Anywhere Match: Adam Polak vs. Martin Stone
8. wXw World Tag Team Titles Match: Bad Bones and Carnage vs. Terry Frazier and Sha Samuels
2010/07/30: wXw Full Force XI
Hotel Nikko in Düsseldorf, Nordrhein-Westfalen (Germany)
1. Mark Haskins and 2-Face vs. Tommy End and Anthony Zeus
2. Bad Bones vs. Paul Tracey
3. Axeman vs. Yoshinobu Kanemaru
4. Carnage vs. Johnny Moss
5. Emil Sitoci vs. Zack Sabre Jr.
6. Go Shiozaki vs. Karsten Beck
2010/07/30: wXw Fan Appreciation Night 2010
Turbinenhalle in Oberhausen, Nordrhein-Westfalen (Germany)
1. Mark Haskins vs. Paul Tracey
2. Anthony Zeus vs. Axeman
3. GHC Junior Heavyweight Title Match: Emil Sitoci vs. Yoshinobu Kanemaru (c)
4. Karsten Beck vs. Thumbtack Jack
5. wXw Unified World Wrestling Title Match: Tommy End vs. Zack Sabre Jr. (c)
6. Bad Bones and Carnage vs. Go Shiozaki and Johnny Moss
2010/07/04: Ambition I
Saint in Oberhausen, Nordrhein-Westfalen (Germany)
1. Ambition Tournament, Quarter Final: TJ Perkins vs. Zack Sabre Jr.
2. Ambition Tournament, Quarter Final: Johnny Moss vs. Wade Fitzgerald
3. Ambition Tournament, Quarter Final: Jon Ryan vs. Rico Bushido
4. Ambition Tournament, Quarter Final: Bryan Danielson vs. Tommy End
5. Anthony Zeus vs. Thumbtack Jack
6. Ambition Tournament, Semi Final: Johnny Moss vs. Jon Ryan
7. Ambition Tournament, Semi Final: Bryan Danielson vs. TJ Perkins
8. Bad Bones and Carnage vs. Big Van Walter and Karsten Beck
9. Ambition Tournament, Final: Bryan Danielson vs. Johnny Moss
2010/07/03: wXw Broken Rulz X
Turbinenhalle in Oberhausen, Nordrhein-Westfalen (Germany)
1. 2-Face vs. Anthony Zeus
2. Round Robin Challenge, Match 1: Bryan Danielson vs. Wade Fitzgerald
3. Thumbtack Jack vs. Tommy End
4. Bernd Föhr vs. Karsten Beck
5. Bad Bones vs. Johnny Moss
6. Round Robin Challenge, Match 2: TJ Perkins vs. Wade Fitzgerald
7. Carnage vs. Jon Ryan
8. Doug Williams vs. Martin Stone
9. Round Robin Challenge, Match 3: Bryan Danielson vs. TJ Perkins
10. wXw Unified World Wrestling Title Match: Big Van Walter vs. Zack Sabre Jr. (c)
2010/06/05: wXw Dead End X
Steffy in Oberhausen, Nordrhein-Westfalen (Germany)
1. Anthony Zeus vs. Tommy End
2. Axeman vs. Carnage
3. Troisdorf Street Fight: Bad Bones vs. Thumbtack Jack
4. Big Van Walter vs. Dave Mastiff
5. 4-Way Match: Angelico vs. Emil Sitoci vs. Martin Stone vs. Paul Tracey
6. wXw World Heavyweight Title Match & wXw World Lightweight Title Match: Steve Douglas (c) vs. Zack Sabre Jr. (c)
2010/05/08: wXw The Challenge
Turbinenhalle in Oberhausen, Nordrhein-Westfalen (Germany)
1. Paul Tracey vs. Zack Sabre Jr.
2. Anthony Zeus vs. Carnage
3. Big Van Walter vs. Wade Fitzgerald
4. Emil Sitoci vs. Martin Stone
5. 2-Face vs. Karsten Beck
6. Adam Polak vs. Mark Haskins
7. Elimination Match: Absolute Andy, Bad Bones and Steve Douglas vs. Zack Sabre Jr., Thumbtack Jack and Tommy End
2010/04/18: 18+ Underground Chapter 3
Nightstyle in Mülheim an der Ruhr, Nordrhein-Westfalen (Germany)
1. Karsten Beck vs. Zack Sabre Jr.
2. Anthony Zeus vs. Carnage
3. 4-Way Match: 2-Face vs. Bad Bones vs. Frank Bouncer vs. Spalter
4. Tables & Chairs Match: Ahmed Chaer and Crazy Sexy Mike vs. Axeman and Bernd Föhr
5. Ares vs. Emil Sitoci
6. Claudio Castagnoli vs. Tommy End
7. Thumbtack Death Match – Ultraviolent Underground Title Match: Adam Polak (c) vs. Carnage
8. 200 Light Tubes Death Match: HATE vs. Thumbtack Jack
2010/04/17: wXw Fallout
Turbinenhalle in Oberhausen, Nordrhein-Westfalen (Germany)
1. Axeman vs. Thumbtack Jack
2. Absolute Andy vs. Claudio Castagnoli
3. Bad Bones vs. Carnage
4. 2-Face vs. Emil Sitoci
5. 60 Minute Iron Man Match – wXw World Heavyweight Title Match: Ares vs. Steve Douglas (c)
2010/04/03: wXw Bonus Navigation
Turbinenhalle in Oberhausen, Nordrhein-Westfalen (Germany)
1. Bernd Föhr vs. Paul Tracey
2. Carnage vs. Thumbtack Jack
3. Mark Haskins vs. Wade Fitzgerald
4. Michael Knight vs. Tommy End
5. Emil Sitoci vs. Taiji Ishimori
6. Bad Bones vs. Takeshi Morishima
2010/03/13: wXw The Vision
The Arena in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (United States of America)
1. wXw World Lightweight Title Match: TJ Perkins vs. Zack Sabre Jr. (c)
2. Big Van Walter vs. Eddie Kingston
3. Hardcore Match: Karsten Beck vs. Nick Gage
4. wXw World Tag Team Titles Match: Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards vs. Sami Callihan and Jon Moxley (c)
5. Claudio Castagnoli vs. Tommy End
6. wXw World Heavyweight Title Match: Bad Bones vs. Steve Douglas (c)
7. Alex Shelley vs. Chris Hero
8. Pain in the Glass Match: Drake Younger vs. Thumbtack Jack
2010/03/07: wXw 16 Carat Gold 2010 – Day 3
Turbinenhalle in Oberhausen, Nordrhein-Westfalen (Germany)
1. 16 Carat Gold Tournament, Semi Final: Big Van Walter vs. Erick Stevens
2. Bad Bones and Carnage vs. Cheech and Cloudy
3. 16 Carat Gold Tournament, Semi Final: Ares vs. Chris Hero
4. World of Sports Match: Johnny Kidd vs. Terry Frazier
5. 4-Way Match: Claudio Castagnoli vs. KAGETORA vs. Paul Tracey vs. Tommy End
6. wXw World Tag Team Titles Match: Daisuke Sekimoto and Yuji Okabayashi vs. Sami Callihan and Jon Moxley (c)
7. wXw World Lightweight Title Match: Munenori Sawa vs. Zack Sabre Jr. (c)
8. Max Buck vs. Nick Jackson
9. 16 Carat Gold Tournament, Final: Big Van Walter vs. Chris Hero
2010/03/06: wXw 16 Carat Gold 2010 – Day 2
Turbinenhalle in Oberhausen, Nordrhein-Westfalen (Germany)
1. 16 Carat Gold Tournament, Quarter Final: Big Van Walter vs. Munenori Sawa
2. 16 Carat Gold Tournament, Quarter Final: Erick Stevens vs. KAGETORA
3. #1-Contenders Match (wXw World Tag Team Titles) – 3-Way Match: Cheech and Cloudy vs. Nick Jackson and Matt Jackson vs. Tommy
End and Zack Sabre Jr.
4. wXw World Tag Team Titles Match: Sami Callihan and Jon Moxley (c) vs. Nick Jackson and Matt Jackson
5. Johnny Kidd vs. Paul Tracey
6. #1-Contenders Match (wXw World Tag Team Titles): Bad Bones and Carnage vs. Daisuke Sekimoto and Yuji Okabayashi
7. 16 Carat Gold Tournament, Quarter Final: Ares vs. Claudio Castagnoli
8. 16 Carat Gold Tournament, Quarter Final: Chris Hero vs. Martin Stone
9. Falls Count Anywhere Match – wXw World Heavyweight Title Match: Absolute Andy vs. Steve Douglas (c)
2010/03/05: wXw 16 Carat Gold 2010 – Day 1
Turbinenhalle in Oberhausen, Nordrhein-Westfalen (Germany)
1. 16 Carat Gold Tournament, Round #1: Ares vs. Matt Jackson
2. 16 Carat Gold Tournament, Round #1: Munenori Sawa vs. Paul Tracey
3. 16 Carat Gold Tournament, Round #1: Martin Stone vs. Yuji Okabayashi
4. 16 Carat Gold Tournament, Round #1: Claudio Castagnoli vs. Johnny Kidd
5. 16 Carat Gold Tournament, Round #1 – 3-Way Match: KAGETORA vs. Nick Jackson vs. Tommy End
6. 16 Carat Gold Tournament, Round #1: Adam Polak vs. Erick Stevens
7. 16 Carat Gold Tournament, Alternate Match – wXw World Tag Team Titles Match: Cheech and Cloudy vs. Sami Callihan and Jon Moxley
8. 16 Carat Gold Tournament, Round #1: Big Van Walter vs. Daisuke Sekimoto
9. 16 Carat Gold Tournament, Round #1: Bad Bones vs. Chris Hero
2010/02/13: wXw Payback 4
Steffy in Oberhausen, Nordrhein-Westfalen (Germany)
1. #1-Contenders Match (wXw World Tag Team Titles) – Gauntlet Match: Ivan Kiev and Axeman vs. Bad Bones and Carnage vs. Cloudy and
Cheech vs. Jordan Devlin and Sean South vs. Lazio Feé and Thumbtack Jack
2. wXw World Heavyweight Title Match: Steve Douglas (c) vs. Tommy End
3. Adam Polak vs. Bernd Föhr
4. 16 Carat Gold Tournament, Qualifying: Absolute Andy vs. Paul Tracey
5. 16 Carat Gold Tournament, Qualifying – World of Sport Rules: Johnny Kidd vs. Johnny Saint
2010/02/07: Wrestling Legends Tour 2010 – Day 2
Bürgersaal in Rotenburg (Wümme), Niedersachsen (Germany)
1. SWO Heavyweight Title Match: Al Snow vs. Eric Schwarz (c)
2. Martin Nolte vs. Virgil
3. Absolute Andy vs. Lanny Poffo
4. Kevin Thorn and Ariel vs. Bad Bones and Traci Brooks
5. EPW World Heavyweight Title Match: Eddie Steinblock (c) vs. One Warrior Nation
6. DWA World Heavyweight Title Match: Joe E. Legend (c) vs. Tatanka
2010/02/07: Wrestling Legends Tour 2010 – Day 2 – Meet & Greet
Bürgersaal in Rotenburg (Wümme), Niedersachsen (Germany)
1. Carnage vs. Masterpiece Marsellus
2. Karsten Beck vs. Rob Cage
2010/02/06: Wrestling Legends Tour 2010 – Day 1
Stadthalle in Uelzen, Niedersachsen (Germany)
1. DWA European Title Match: Bad Bones (c) vs. Martin Nolte
2. Ariel vs. Traci Brooks
3. Rob Cage vs. Ulf Herman
4. Eric Schwarz vs. One Warrior Nation
5. Darksoul vs. Lanny Poffo
6. Al Snow vs. Kevin Thorn
7. Absolute Andy and Virgil vs. Tatanka and Joe E. Legend
2010/02/06: Wrestling Legends Tour 2010 – Day 1 – Meet & Greet
Stadthalle in Uelzen, Niedersachsen (Germany)
1. Dr. Gangreen vs. Rob Cage
2. Eddie the Raptor vs. Stefan Weiss
3. PWA European Allstar Title Match: David Steel vs. Rob Raw (c)
4. Carnage vs. Karsten Beck
2010/01/17: 18+ Underground Chapter 2
Nightstyle in Mülheim an der Ruhr, Nordrhein-Westfalen (Germany)
1. Bernd Föhr vs. El Generico
2. Bad Bones vs. Karsten Beck
3. Tables & Chairs Warzone: Axeman vs. DJ Marcello
4. Steve Douglas and Emil Sitoci vs. Zack Sabre Jr. and Tommy End
5. 4 Corners of Pain Match: DJ Hyde vs. Danny Havoc
6. 16 Carat Gold Tournament, Qualifying – Ultraviolent Underground Title Match: Adam Polak vs. Thumbtack Jack (c)
7. No Ropes Barbed Wire Match: Drake Younger vs. Jon Moxley
2010/01/16: wXw Back 2 the Roots IX
Turbinenhalle in Oberhausen, Nordrhein-Westfalen (Germany)
1. Big Van Walter vs. El Generico
2. Axeman and Bernd Föhr vs. Terry Frazier and Sha Samuels
3. Absolute Andy vs. Jon Moxley
4. 4-Way Match – wXw World Lightweight Title Match: Emil Sitoci vs. Mark Haskins vs. Tommy End (c) vs. Zack Sabre Jr.
5. DJ Hyde vs. Jimmy Havoc
6. Relaxed Rules Match: Bad Bones and Carnage vs. Danny Havoc and Thumbtack Jack
7. wXw World Heavyweight Title Match: Drake Younger vs. Steve Douglas (c)