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Big Return Possible Next Week In WWE, Steve Austin Says Bringing Race Card In Titus O’ Neil Incident Is Stupid, WWE Star Rushed To Return From Injury, When Will Finn Balor & Samoa Joe Come To The Main Roster?

Let us take a look at the top 8 stories of the hour from the world of Professional Wrestling:

8. Steve Austin Thinks Titus O’ Neil’s Actions Were Inappropriate
During a recent edition of the Stone Cold Podcast, WWE Hall of Famer Steve Austin noted that Titus O’ Neil’s actions were inappropriate and he deserved to be suspended. Also, Austin noted that bringing the race card in this situation is stupid. Below is what Austin said:

The whole racist thing really irritated me because any time you hear about anything these days it’s racist, and, man, it’s 2016. I’m not saying racism doesn’t exist, but, I mean, to play that card in this situation was total B.S. from my perspective … racism and that? Absolutely not. It was a reprimand for something that didn’t need to happen at that time. End of story.

If you’re going to suspend somebody, I think 30 [days]. I think 60 is still a little overreacting. Did something need to happen, a come to Jesus meeting or a stern talking to backstage? Something needed to happen because I do believe it was inappropriate. It was the wrong person, at the wrong time.

Vince is 70 right now and that was a serious moment for him. He was totally in character. He cares about Daniel Bryan. He gets jerked pretty forcibly over there to Titus O’Neil and it was completely inappropriate … This may be pro wrestling, sports-entertainment, whatever you want to call it, but that was a serious moment. It’s not a time to be shucking and jiving out there, so lay some type of punishment down. Fine him, this, that, or whatever. I don’t know. Something was appropriate, but when I started hearing the racism things, I was like, ‘I’ve got to roll my eyes and I’ve got to call complete and utter bullsh*t in this one.’

7. Rey Mysterio Not Returning To WWE This Year

It was reported earlier that Rey Mysterio was done with AAA due to pay issues and he might be on his way to WWE this Summer, after completing his commitments with Lucha Underground.

However, his issues with AAA & Lucha Underground have been resolved and Rey won’t be returning to WWE this year.

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