•February 22, 2002–Stampede Wrestling in Calgary before 175 fans: Bonecrusher (Bobby Smith) vs. Orderly, Cleopatra vs. Bele Lovitz,
Harry Smith & T.J. Wilson D. Dave Swift & Apocalypse, Neil Faith vs. Highlander, Adam Windsor vs. Shane McLean, Rick Vain won three-
way over Rico Barzini and Jason Carter, Johnny Devine & Chris Steele vs. Kirk Melnyk & Eddie Mustang, Cleopatra vs. Stampede,
Bonecrusher vs. Juggernaut, Bruce & Ted Hart vs. Dory Funk & Windsor for BANG TV title.
•March 29, 2002–Stampede Wrestling in Calgary before 90 fans: Harry Smith & T.J. Wilson vs. Marky Starr & Rick Vain, Apocalypse &
Dave Swift vs. Meyers Brothers, Eddie Mustang & Kirk Melnyk vs. Chris Steele & Johnny Devine, Apocalypse & Swift vs. Mustang &
Melnyk, King Kong Juggernaut vs. Jason Carter, Teddy Hart vs. Rico Barzini, Apocalypse & Swift vs. Smith & Wilson. Most of this show was
a tag tourney with the winners facing Bruce & Teddy Hart on 4/5 to declare new tag champs
•May 31, 2002–Stampede Wrestling in Calgary before about 300 fans had a tribute to Davey Boy Smith show which included Harry Smith
over Rick Vane and Bruce Hart & T.J. Wilson over Randy & Patrick Meyers
•September 6, 2002–Stampede Wrestling in Calgary before 130 fans: Marky Starr vs. Randy Myers, Apocalypse vs. Rod Rage, Johnny
Devine vs. Kirk Melnyk, Chris Steele & Highlander d Jason Carter & Rico Barzini, Harry “Bulldog” Smith vs. Dave Swift, Bruce Hart & T.J.
Wilson vs. Juggernaut & Karange to keep the tag titles..
•November 1, 2002–Stampede Wrestling in Calgary before 75 fans: Seaman White (apparently somebody was watching Raw last week and
doing a rib) vs. Randy Myers, Karnage & Marky Starr vs. Jason Carter & Rico Barzini, Ted Hart vs. Pat Myers, Juggernaut vs. Highlander-.,
Johnny Devine vs. Apocalypse, Kwik Kick Kurt vs. Dave Swift, T.J. Wilson vs. harry Smith-. in 28:00..
•February 7, 2003–Stampede Wrestling in Calgary before 70 fans: Kwik Kick vs. Randy Myers, Jason Carter vs. Rico Barzini, Marky Starr
vs. Rod Rage, Juggernaut vs. Karnage-COR, Jack Evans vs. Phoenix Taylor, T.J. Wilson (Stampede Kid in New Japan) & Bruce Hart vs.
Highlander & Apocalypse, Harry Smith DCOR Ted Hart..
•April 5, 2003–Stampede Wrestling in Calgary before 80 fans: T.J. Wilson vs. Apocalypse, Harry Smith vs. Jason Carter, Juggernaut won
three-way over Jack Flash (Jack Evans) & Highlander, Dave Swift vs. Karnage, Duke Durango vs. Kwik Kick Kurt..
•April 12, 2003–Stampede Wrestling from Bow Island, Alberta before 120 fans: Rod Rage vs. Jack Flash, Juggernaut vs. Rory Hunter, Harry
Smith (Davey’s son) vs. Dave Swift, Belle Lovitz vs. Naddie Neidhart (Jim’s daughter), T.J. Wilson (New Japan) vs. Apocalypse..
•July 11, 2003–Stampede Wrestling in Calgary before 250 fans for the 1st round of a tournament for the famed North American title: Nattie
Neidhart vs. Belle Lovitz-COR, Duke Durango vs. Jason Carter, Eddie Mustang vs. Randy Myers, Karnage vs. Kirk Melnick, Harry Smith vs.
Marky Starr, Kid Nicholls vs. Juggernaut, Ted Hart vs. Apocalypse, Johnny Devine d T.J. Wilson (NJPW’s Stampede Kid)..
•July 18, 2003–Stampede Wrestling in Calgary before 80-100 fans: Marky Starr vs. Pete Wilson, Eddie Mustang vs. Jason Carter,
Apocalypse vs. Randy Myers, Karnage vs. Kid nicholls, Juggernaut vs. Johnny Devine, Duke Durango won three-way over T.J. Wilson and
Harry Smith-…
•July 25, 2003–Stampede Wrestling in Calgary: Apocalypse vs. Marky Starr, Kwik Kick Kirk vs. Randy Myers, Dean Durango vs. Jason
Carter, Nattie Neidhart vs. Belle Lovitz, North American title tournament matches: Karnage vs. Eddie Mustang, Durango vs. Kid Nicholls, Ted
Hart vs. T.J. Wilson (Stampede Kid in New Japan)-COR, Harry Smith vs. Johnny Devine..
•July 26, 2003–Stampede Wrestling from Rockyford, Alberta: Starr vs. Durango, Karnage vs. Nicholls, Smith vs. Swift (coming back from the
New Japan tour, as in, right off the plane to the building), Myers vs. Carter, Kirk vs. Durango, Wilson vs. Apocalypse-.. . . They also had a
show yesterday in Rockyford: Rory Hunter vs. Myers, Karnage vs. Starr, Carter vs. Nicholls, Durango vs. Kirk, Wilson & Smith vs. Swift &
•October 17, 2003–Stampede in Didsbury, AB: Apocalypse vs. Rod Rage … Greg Pawluk vs. Dean Durrango … T.J. Wilson vs. Randy
Myers … Nattie Neidhart vs. Belle Lovitz … Karnage vs. Kid Nicholls … Johnny Devine & Duke Durrango vs. Marky Starr & Jason Carter
… Harry Smith vs. Dave Swift
•October 18, 2003–Stampede in Calgary, AB; Randy Myers vs. Jason Carter … Dean Durrango vs. Kid Nicholls … Dave Swift d.w. Greg
Pawluk … Johnny Devine Dble CO vs. T.J. Wilson … Karnage vs. Apocalypse
•December 26, 2003–Stampede Wrestling in Calgary: Apocalypse vs. Kid Nichols, T.J. Wilson vs. Rod Rage, Meyers Brothers vs. Nattie
Neidhart & Belle Lovitz, Johnny Devine & Dave Swift vs. Funky Bunch, Duke Durrango vs. Kirk Melnick, Harry Smith vs. North American
champ Karnage in a non-title match..