WWE News

Chris Jericho Accused Of Sexual Misconduct With Kylie Rae

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Chris Jericho might get canceled soon due to accusations of sexual misconduct with former AEW wrestler Kylie Rae.

On the Rumor and Innuendo podcast, wrestling journalist Nick Hausman noted that a lot of questionable stories about Jericho might come out one day:

“One of the things that is so disconcerting to me about the universal praise that Chris Jericho receives, and I’m not going to deny the points that MJF made about the impact Chris had in the early days of AEW, but when you have that kind of clout, and you have that kind of power, it’s very important to use that responsibly.

There are issues with Chris behind the scenes, where I know a lot of people who were hurt by Chris and his actions. You know, it’s very uncomfortable to me to see him lauded like he is and only having the focus on that, because I do think there are a lot of questionable stories about Chris that will find their way out over time when people are ready to tell those stories, that will cast him in a very different light.

I mean, Harvey Weinstein won a lot of Oscars, Harvey Weinstein produced a lot of very popular films. Harvey Weinstein is now in jail … I’m not saying that is happening to Chris, but the narrative can quickly turn if you’re hiding a lot of skeletons in your closet.”

X user ISOWrestling then shared an old post with a blurred out name, where it was claimed that Jericho made a pass at Kylie Rae (who was in AEW for a very short time in 2019 before she asked her release):

“So here’s the deal, you don’t quit the hottest fed going today (AEW) without reason. I have it from people in the know that Kylie was asked to go to Chris Jericho’s room. With the understanding that others would be there. When she got there it was just him. He made a pass at her (no other details are given) and she freaked out.”

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This X account also brought forward information that the original accuser of pro-wrestler David Starr noted that there’s a history of this behavior from Jericho:

“Sometimes I stop to wonder how many young women out there are wondering if it’s safe to post about Chris Jericho yet.”

Kylie actually reacted to this post with a heart emoji.

Chris Jericho Kylie Rae 2

We’ll keep you updated regarding this situation.

Jericho is scheduled to team up with Sting, Darby Allin & Sammy Guevara to take on The Don Callis Family at tonight’s AEW Worlds End PPV.

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