• “Christian just didn’t quite have that connectable charisma that Edge had” – Jim Ross
On a recent episode of his weekly ‘Grilling JR’ podcast, WWE Hall Of Famer Jim Ross talked about Edge always being the star of the ‘Edge & Christian’ Tag Team back in the day.
Edge & Christian teamed up as a (very successful) regular Tag Team from their early Brood days in late 1998 until the team broke up in 2001.
Here’s what J.R. had to say:
“I always thought Edge was going to be a breakout star because he connected with the audience. [Christian] was always the clear number two on that team. I was glad they both got their opportunity to grow on their own, but I always thought that Edge had a little bit of a leg up in that scenario.
That does not mean by any stretch of the imagination that Christian wasn’t a great hand. The match that he had with Kenny Omega in AEW was outstanding. He still is a hell of a worker, he’s always been a hell of a worker, but he just didn’t quite have that connectable charisma that Edge had.
It’s not a knock on Christian whatsoever, just [Edge] had a specialness about him and I’m happy he’s back in the game at a schedule he can manage and take care of his health.”
• ON THIS DAY IN WCW HISTORY (September 28, 1991) – WCW Power Hour
On this day in 1991, Ted Turner’s World Championship Wrestling aired an episode of their weekly TV show ‘WCW Power Hour’.
This episode featured pre-taped matches & storyline segments on the road to the ‘WCW Halloween Havoc 1991’ PPV.
The card can be found below:
The Patriots vs. Snake Watson & Sam Cody
Diamond Studd vs. Chris Wilson
Bill Kazmaier vs. Joe Cazana
Dustin Rhodes, Tom Zenk & Big Josh vs. York Foundation
Mr. Hughes vs. Jimmy Hodge
Skull Van Kruss vs. Bobby Eaton
Steve Austin vs. Joey Maggs