WWE News

Details Of Vince McMahon’s Threesome

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The following details were provided in the lawsuit filed against Vince McMahon by former WWE employee Janel Grant:

“On the day of the threesome on May 9, 2020, Ms. Grant showed up to the condo but reiterated that she did not want to go through with the act. She expressed fear of being thrown around like a ‘rag doll’ by McMahon and Physical Therapist. After Ms. Grant clearly stated she wanted to back out, McMahon responded by telling Ms. Grant for the first time that he loved her, stunning her into silence.

McMahon’s manipulative tactic resulted in the outcome he wanted, and he led her down the stairs to the bedroom where Physical Therapist was already waiting to begin the threesome.

Early in the encounter, McMahon immediately directed Ms. Grant to lay down on her back in a supplicating position. While straddling over her, McMahon defecated on Ms. Grant’s head. McMahon left to shower off, but he instructed Ms. Grant to remain in place, with excrement in her hair, and to continue performing for his friend.

While Ms. Grant requested protection, none was offered. McMahon and Physical Therapist actively continued with the threesome and directed Ms. Grant’s $exual performance for around an hour and a half while she was left covered in feces.

Following the threesome, on May 11, 2020, McMahon sent an explicit message to Ms. Grant that further detailed his fantasies of seeing her engaged in $exual relations:

Vince McMahon Text Message To Janel Grant 2

McMahon then pressured Ms. Grant into several additional threesomes, in large part because she felt she had no other choice – particularly after McMahon’s comments that he had personally ensured that she had not lost her job.

Her subsequent run-ins with Physical Therapist at Alternative Clinic also served as a reminder of how much was at stake if she did not obey; McMahon controlled Ms. Grant’s employment, income, paid for her medical care, circulated naked pictures of her, and ignored her lack of consent for the first threesome.

Indeed, when text conversations would begin to cross over from McMahon’s fantasies into reality, Ms. Grant often attempted to avoid physical encounters with Physical Therapist—as on September 23, 2020, when she told McMahon there was ‘no room for a 3rd body’.

On one occasion, he instructed Ms. Grant: ‘Do NOT knock on the door cause if I see U ::: I will r*pe U in the hallway’.”

Must Read: Vince McMahon Responds To Latest Allegations

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