• WWF Diva Gives Birth To Her Second Child
Congratulations to Old School WWF Diva Stacy Keibler on giving birth to her second child, a baby boy named Bodhi Brooks Pobre.
Stacy (age 38) had her first child with husband Jared Pobre (age 43) on August 20, 2014 (daughter named Ava Grace) after the couple got married on March 8, 2014.
It looks like Stacy is very serious about her role as a mother as she stopped acting after giving birth to her daughter, closed her lifestyle website and isn’t active on Social Media.
Stacy posted the following about starting a family with Jared on her lifestyle website a few years back:
“Life can be unpredictable. You feel one way, and then … boom! You need to entirely change your perspective. That is certainly what happened to me this past year. Until I started dating Jared, the idea of being married and having a family was never on my radar. I was just hoping that the right love would find me.
But after a serendipitous reconnection with Jared, a friend who turned out to be my soulmate, we created a family together almost instantly. Talk about a serious change in my reality! This year and the holiday season especially has me feeling so nostalgic about family — my family, my new family, and of course, the newest addition to our family. Ava has graced us with such joy, such light and such love–we never saw it coming. She is our special little lady, and I couldn’t be more thankful for how she has opened my heart.”
Below is what Stacy posted about this on Instagram:
• Former Divas Champion Teases A WWE Return
During a recent interview with Chris Van Vliet, former WWE Divas Champion Kaitlyn (a.k.a Celeste Bonin) teased a WWE return. Below are the highlights from the interview:
She hints at returning to WWE:
Celeste Bonin: I’m a business woman and an entrepreneur and a sports entertainer.
Chris Van Vliet: Oh she’s using the ‘sports entertainment’ word. No, you’re a wrestler.
Celeste Bonin: Ok, is that what we’re doing? I’m a wrestler then.
Chris Van Vliet: Until you work for the other company, you’re a wrestler.
Celeste Bonin: No, yeah. I agree. I’m just trying to get into that mentality. Am I foreshadowing?
Now that CM Punk’s lawsuit has been settled, would AJ Lee return to WWE?
“(laughs) I don’t think so. But who am I to comment on that? I really don’t see that happening. She’s got so much other stuff that she’s got going on in her life. She’s an author now and I don’t see that happening.”
Would she have retired from wrestling in 2014 if she wasn’t getting married?
“Maybe, yeah. My life was in such a crazy place when I left WWE. I was getting married and I had this plan to start my company and I was just in a place where I felt like I had done a lot of really cool stuff with WWE and I was like alright next chapter. But looking back I feel like I could have done so much more but hindsight is always 20/20, right? I feel like I’ve grown tremendously in the last four and a half years as a person, as a wrestler and just in general.”
Does she read Internet comments about her?
“Anyone can sit at a keyboard and say anything and it can have no merit or it could be extremely accurate so you just kind of have to know that going into it. I know some people that will never read anything on the Internet about themselves and I know some people that read everything about themselves. I think you kind of have to find a healthy medium.
When you engage, some people who leave negative stuff or inappropriate stuff are just baiting you. You have to know when to say ‘Delete. Block. Not worth my time.’ But if somebody has a valid point or a serious question or whatever, I think it’s worthwhile to respond and to interact with people who follow you. I think you just have to use your best judgment and it comes from experience.”