WWE News

Former WWE Wrestler Explains Why She Got A Face Tattoo (Photo)

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During an interview with Chris Van Vliet, former WWE wrestler Steph De Lander (Persia Pirotta in NXT) revealed why she got a face tattoo.

Here’s what she said:

“I knew I was never gonna have a corporate job anyway, but the mentality behind my face tattoo was, I didn’t have many other tattoos. I’ve got a couple of thin ones on my arms.

Initially, I wanted to get a full sleeve or two full sleeves, but I was just thinking about it and I was like, tattoos are so common now.

So many people have tattoos and it’s going to take a lot of time and a lot of money to get a full sleeve. Not that I really care about any of that kind of stuff, but it’s actually hard to take time off to heal a tattoo when you’re wrestling because you’ve got to have a couple of weeks without bumping it and stuff.

So I kind of thought, alright, what’s even more dramatic than getting a full sleeve? A face tattoo. I was like, not many people have face tattoos. A lot of girls now do like the little look where they draw on a little something with a bit of eyeliner or something, and I was like, why not just do it?

Just be dramatic as hell. Just get it. I didn’t tell anyone. I wasn’t even planning on doing it that day. I was going to get an ear piercing. She was like, ‘Do you want to do it today’ and I was like yeah, let’s do it.”

You can check out her face tattoo below:

Steph De Lander Persita Pirotta Face Tattoo SDL

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